=== lucky711x is now known as roachmmflhyr | ||
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
rgl | I've deleted an PPA, but it still appears on launchpad (altough on the deleted state) ... is there a really nuke it? | 10:43 |
rgl | err is there a way to really nuke it? | 10:44 |
arand | rgl: I do not think so, no. | 10:44 |
rgl | so I cannot recreate it from scratch? | 10:44 |
rgl | this is the first time I'm touching a PPA, I've made several mistakes... I want to start over :| | 10:45 |
kklimonda | a] 16 | 10:45 |
tumbleweed | rgl: #launchpad https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/661 | 10:45 |
rgl | tumbleweed, oh bummer. so I cannot re-enable a deleted PPA nor nuke it :-( | 10:52 |
tumbleweed | rgl: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/392887/comments/42 you might still be able to rename it, then create a new one with the name yuo want | 10:54 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 392887 in Launchpad itself "Cannot delete a PPA" [Low,Fix released] | 10:54 |
arand | rgl: You can re-enable a deleted one, afaik | 10:54 |
rgl | tumbleweed, humm only the display name can be changed :| | 10:58 |
tumbleweed | I'd go for re-enabling then | 10:59 |
rgl | arand, if I manually add the /+edit I can reenable it ... but the links for "change details" et al do not appear now :( | 10:59 |
rgl | arand, I have to always fuzz with the url :| | 10:59 |
tumbleweed | seriously though, #launchpad (although it's pretty quiet on weekends and public holidays) | 11:00 |
arand | Yea, I remember it being a bit odd.. | 11:01 |
apparle | guys any idea as to how long it will take for netbeans7 to arrive in natty repos? | 16:56 |
tumbleweed | apparle: doesn't look like anyone touched netbeans during natty at all | 16:57 |
apparle | tumbleweed: any rough idea, I messed up my project using nb7 in windows and now I can't open it in linux | 16:58 |
tumbleweed | apparle: it's too late for it to get into natty now. Someone (you?) could build it in a PPA, or get it into oneric and backport to natty | 16:59 |
apparle | tumbleweed: never built a package in my whole life and I'm nearing the project submission, so cannot do it at least for a week | 17:00 |
tumbleweed | You can try contacting the previous person who was maintaing it https://launchpad.net/~yulia-novozhilova | 17:00 |
tumbleweed | but I'm guessing it's a big complex package, and not something one just produces a new version of quickly | 17:01 |
ScottK | I think the usual reaction unless you're experienced with Java packages is to run when confronted with one. | 17:10 |
maco | ScottK++ | 17:10 |
tumbleweed | I think a bit of experience makes you run faster | 17:11 |
ScottK | Right, but eventually you get your masochistic streak going and you're trapped. | 17:11 |
Laney | Debian GSOC stuff announced for those interested: http://www.milliways.fr/2011/04/25/welcome-to-our-2011-debian-google-summer-of-code-students/ | 19:56 |
astro73|derrial | is there a way to build my python extension for multiple versions of python, besides the default one? | 22:19 |
ia | Hello, everyone. I have a question about packaging python app with modules and will be very appreciate for any clues. | 22:25 |
ia | First case. Here example with source code of how it should be (as far as i understand) - https://code.launchpad.net/~iaz/+junk/python-module ; and it really works. I mean, if you build package based on provided debian/ package info (of course, replacing credentials to yours in changelog), then, just right after installation, you will be able to do something like (eg., in python console): from pythonmodule.module_functions import python_module_function; python | 22:25 |
ia | _module_function(); | 22:25 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: that should happen by default, if you let dh build it (assuming you use a setup.py) | 22:25 |
ia | Second case. And here - https://code.launchpad.net/~iaz/battery-status/0.1.2 - I have sources with exactly the same structure for python modules and for packaging stuff, and after creating deb package it really contains modules for `pyshared' global dir, but after installation python itself just can't see related module stuff, so on `import' I get "ImportError: No module named batterystatus". But another interesting thing - if installation has been via `sudo | 22:26 |
ia | python setup.py install --record files.txt', then related modules is importing as it should right after installation. | 22:26 |
ia | So, the question is - could anyone tell me, please, what am I doing wrong for python deb packaging in the second case? Thanks in advance. (Frankly saying, this issue just drive me crazy, because I can't see any errors) | 22:26 |
tumbleweed | and I thought I was about to go to a warm cosy bed... /me has a quick look | 22:27 |
astro73|derrial | tumbleweed: i do, and I have several versions of python installed, but when I run debuild, the produced .deb says it has to be python 2.6 in the metadata | 22:28 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: which release of ubuntu are you building iton? | 22:28 |
astro73|derrial | 10.10 | 22:28 |
tumbleweed | ia: python-scentral is dephrecated, please don't use it. http://wiki.debian.org/Python/PyCentral2DhPython2 | 22:29 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: 2.6 is th eonly supported version on maverick | 22:29 |
astro73|derrial | so even if I have 2.7 installed, it won't build against 2.7? | 22:29 |
tumbleweed | ia: but aside from that, lp:~iaz/+junk/python-module builds fine for me | 22:30 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: it's not a supported python version on maverick. It is on natty | 22:30 |
astro73|derrial | so i have to manage the upgrade just to build my package | 22:31 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: if it's being used on maverick, it doesn't need to be built for 2.7. | 22:31 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: and you can build for other releases with pbuilder / PPA | 22:31 |
astro73|derrial | it's being used on natty, but I don't want to install a dev env on the target machine | 22:32 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: set up a pbuilder / chroot, or build it in a PPA | 22:32 |
ia | tumbleweed: ok, thanks for deprecation information, but that doesn't solve the issue - I use pycentral in both cases, but in first case it works, and in second (looks like) it doesn't. | 22:33 |
astro73|derrial | instructions? | 22:33 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: pbuilder-dist create natty; pbuilder-dist build $foo.dsc | 22:35 |
tumbleweed | err pbuilder-dist build natty $foo.dsc | 22:35 |
astro73|derrial | and what package provides pbuilder-dist? | 22:36 |
tumbleweed | ubuntu-dev-tools | 22:36 |
astro73|derrial | (the sad part is i'm trying to update a package I previously built. But now it's making me feel like a n00b) | 22:37 |
astro73|derrial | pbuilder-dist is going to be a while, isn't it? | 22:43 |
tumbleweed | astro73|derrial: yup. You could also just sign your usource package and upload it to a PPA | 22:44 |
astro73|derrial | well, it's already on github, and it's got a C extension to build | 22:44 |
tumbleweed | PPA is launchpad's personal build service | 22:45 |
astro73|derrial | oh, that would be useful | 22:45 |
astro73|derrial | i thought it just provided a deb repo | 22:46 |
astro73|derrial | is there a document that describes the differences in the control file through revisions? lintian keeps telling me i'm using an "ancient" version of the standard | 22:47 |
tumbleweed | /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz | 22:48 |
ia | tumbleweed: so, any comments about my issue? (don't get me wrong - i'm not insist, just maybe you have some clues) | 22:54 |
tumbleweed | ia: sorry, took me a while to work it out. You need to add a line containing only '#DEBHELPER#' to your postinst | 22:55 |
tumbleweed | that's where the python-central stuff will be added | 22:55 |
astro73|derrial | i feel like i just need to get a dev tutor or something, because i suspect i got a lot of stuff wrong, or at least incorporating creative solutions | 23:01 |
astro73|derrial | (i know, not your job) | 23:01 |
tumbleweed | yes, having a mentor is a good idea. Unfortunatly the MOTU mentoring program is dormant at the moment. | 23:02 |
tumbleweed | but you can almost always ask questions here or in #ubuntu-packaging | 23:03 |
astro73|derrial | ok | 23:03 |
ia | tumbleweed: wow, great! amazing! thank you, thank you, thanks a lot! :-) I've just rebuilded package, installed it, and it works as should! | 23:04 |
tumbleweed | ia: no problem. BTW, it spews out a few screernfulls of errors on instal,l you should probably fix that :) | 23:05 |
tumbleweed | wrt mentoring, you're welcome to ask me python questions / to review python packages. I'm happy to help (esp if you intend to maintin the package in debian/ubuntu in which case I'll happily sponsor it) | 23:07 |
astro73|derrial | tumbleweed: i'm currently trying to update github.com/astronouth7303/pyinput | 23:09 |
astro73|derrial | (i should also go through my code and figure out what I actually want to maintain and package) | 23:10 |
ia | tumbleweed: however, this is so unobviousness (i mean #debhelper# in postinst) - but now at least I can googling something related to this use case (eg., http://www.google.ru/search?q=ubuntu+python+packaging+postinst+debhelper - 5th link). So thanks again twice. | 23:19 |
tumbleweed | ia: it's mentioned in the debhelper manpage | 23:20 |
tumbleweed | ia: and those placeholders are there in the examples provided by dh-make | 23:20 |
ia | tumbleweed: oops :-) this is good lesson for me - I should more often and carefully read man pages of using tools | 23:24 |
tumbleweed | it's hard to know what to read, though | 23:28 |
astro73|derrial | even if someone wrote a big book on debian packaging, i'm not sure it would be enough, given that many languages have their own version | 23:30 |
astro73|derrial | (and python packages may or may not be using the debian infrastructure at all!0 | 23:31 |
tumbleweed | there's a new book in progress: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide (and Debian also has some: http://www.debian.org/doc/ ) | 23:32 |
tumbleweed | and I'm off to bed | 23:32 |
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