cjwatson | I assume somebody is going to do a rebuild pass at some point today? | 09:45 |
* cjwatson eyes up bug 770041 | 09:45 | |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770041 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "natty server installation hang (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770041 | 09:45 |
skaet | cjwatson, do you know if all the langpacks have landed? As soon as I know that figured it was worth starting off the rebuilding. | 09:52 |
cjwatson | they have | 09:55 |
cjwatson | -en apparently didn't get uploaded, and micahg was asking about that; but everything else was done over the weekend | 09:56 |
skaet | cjwatson, can you upload -en? or do we need to wait for pitti? | 09:56 |
cjwatson | I can't | 09:57 |
cjwatson | let's just skip it? | 09:57 |
cjwatson | it had some effect on Firefox I think but not a showstopper one | 09:58 |
skaet | ok, if that's the scope, we can cope and post-release update it. | 09:59 |
skaet | any recommended order folks want to see them coming off the builders in? | 09:59 |
* skaet thinking ubuntu desktop, alternate, ubuntu server (because of last bug mentioned above... checking its still there), and then... | 10:00 | |
skaet | ? | 10:00 |
cjwatson | I was going to see if I could figure out a quick fix for that bug | 10:00 |
skaet | cjwatson, ok, will hold off on server until you give me the nod | 10:00 |
cjwatson | it'd affect alternates too | 10:00 |
cjwatson | maybe start with the desktops? | 10:01 |
skaet | didn't realize it would affect the alternates - thanks for pointing out. | 10:01 |
cjwatson | same installer | 10:01 |
skaet | will start the desktops now then, so they're on the tracker when north america comes online | 10:01 |
skaet | started off ubuntu desktop, kubuntu desktop, kubuntu-mobile (i386), mythbuntu desktop | 10:15 |
skaet | cjwatson, safe to start off all the arm ones? or is there possible interaction with the bug you're fixing? | 10:17 |
cjwatson | go ahead | 10:17 |
skaet | thanks | 10:17 |
cjwatson | hm, first attempt to reproduce it failed, must not be quite that simple | 10:18 |
cjwatson | skaet: can't reproduce bug 770041, although I do think that if it can be reproduced then it's (a) serious (b) not fixable post-release, and hence worth fixing; I've posted a detailed request for more information | 10:40 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770041 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "natty server installation hang (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770041 | 10:40 |
skaet | cjwatson, fair enough. Just chatted with pgraner, and he'll have some of the QA team see if they can reproduce it when they come online in the US. | 10:44 |
skaet | I'll start off the alternates and DVD's after desktops finish. | 10:48 |
skaet | is there a bug for tracking the fact that -en langpacks didn't get included? | 10:49 |
skaet | cjwatson, ^ | 10:50 |
cjwatson | bug 769759 | 10:54 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 769759 in language-pack-en-base (Ubuntu) "English and a few other Firefox langpacks won't work with 4.0.x (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/769759 | 10:54 |
cjwatson | not "didn't get included", by the way - "didn't get updated" | 10:54 |
cjwatson | they're still there, just two weeks old | 10:55 |
skaet | stgraner, do you want fresh images for edubuntu, or are you going to go out with the ones from 20110423? | 11:07 |
pgraner | stgraber, ^^^ | 11:10 |
skaet | ubuntu desktop just came off the builders and has been posted. (except for i386 - which is oversized) | 11:20 |
cjwatson | probably a matter of dropping a language pack, waiting for a publisher cycle, and then forcing a non-trivial publisher cycle (e.g. by accepting a universe package) | 11:21 |
skaet | stgraber, if you're around, could you have a look | 11:21 |
skaet | ?? | 11:21 |
cjwatson | dunno if stgraber wants to, looks like the next langpack on the block is French ;-) | 11:22 |
skaet | kubuntu desktop (i386, amd64, amd64+mac, powerpc) posted 20110425. | 11:51 |
skaet | hmm, looks like ubuntu desktop powerpc is oversized as well. disabling it too. | 12:11 |
cjwatson | language-pack-kde-sv : Depends: language-pack-sv-base (>= 1:11.04+20110421) but 1:11.04+20110407 is to be installed | 12:18 |
cjwatson | hmm | 12:18 |
cjwatson | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/natty_probs.html agrees | 12:18 |
cjwatson | pitti: ^- this needs your attention, I believe | 12:19 |
ScottK | cjwatson: It looks to me like the lirc upload in queue for -release should be rejected and reuploaded with -proposed as a target. I'm not up to speed with where we are re respins though, so I wanted to double check that with someone. | 13:30 |
stgraber | skaet: A rebuild of Edubuntu would be great, thanks | 13:57 |
skaet | stgraber, ok, will queue it up. | 13:57 |
Riddell | hmm, I'm still getting a btrfs crash when turning to the partitoiner page in ubiquity, but only on a usb install not with a CD | 14:12 |
stgraber | skaet: for bug 737324 it seems pretty unlikely that it'll get solved for Natty as there's no easy way to fix it (moving xfce4-notifyd to recommends in xubuntu-desktop would fix the conflict but might break the desktop). Is it fine moving it to Oneiric ? | 14:31 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 737324 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "xubuntu-desktop conflicted with ubuntu-desktop in natty (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 115)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/737324 | 14:31 |
stgraber | charlie-tca: ^ | 14:31 |
charlie-tca | agreed | 14:32 |
skaet | stgraber, agreed. | 14:32 |
ScottK | Is the armel rebuild serving any other purpose at this point than blocking access to buildds? | 14:33 |
stgraber | skaet: ok, nominated for Oneiric then. Can you approve both bug 737324 and bug 759545? | 14:34 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 737324 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "xubuntu-desktop conflicted with ubuntu-desktop in natty (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 107)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/737324 | 14:34 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/759545 | 14:34 |
ScottK | stgraber: Do you want them approved or declined for natty? | 14:35 |
ScottK | Nevermind | 14:36 |
ScottK | stgraber: Nominations approved. | 14:36 |
stgraber | ScottK: thanks | 14:37 |
ScottK | You couldn't approve that? | 14:37 |
ScottK | I thought if you could upload the package you could approve nominations? | 14:37 |
stgraber | not in Oneiric | 14:38 |
stgraber | I can do it without any issue for Natty or any other supported release | 14:38 |
ScottK | Ah. I see. Thanks. | 14:38 |
stgraber | might be interesting having that work for "Future" releases too, would save quite a bit of time to everyone | 14:40 |
stgraber | ScottK: did you approve bug 759545 too ? I still don't see the Oneiric task. | 14:40 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/759545 | 14:40 |
ScottK | No. Done now. | 14:41 |
stgraber | thanks | 14:41 |
ScottK | No problem. | 14:41 |
ScottK | iulian: Would you please consider Bug #770183? I'm inclined to say "Meh, whatever", but I thought a second opinion would be nice. | 14:51 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770183 in feel++ (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync feel++ 0.91.0~svn7013-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770183 | 14:51 |
skaet | stgraber, Riddell - would one of you be able to do some language pack pruning on desktop i386, we have some testing folk eager to chomp at it a bit, and cjwatson's off today. | 14:56 |
stgraber | skaet: is that only desktop i386 and powerpc being affected ? | 14:59 |
skaet | stgraber, yes that seems to be the case. amd64 and amd64+mac are fine. | 14:59 |
skaet | just to be clear - ubuntu desktop i386, ubuntu desktop powerpc. | 15:00 |
stgraber | skaet: any langpack in particular you'd like to see gone ? on i386 we have de, en, es, fr, pt, xh, zh-hans | 15:01 |
Riddell | can do, but stgraber seems to have volunteered first :) | 15:01 |
stgraber | on powerpc, we only have -en, so it's a bit harder to cleanup :) | 15:02 |
iulian | ScottK: Looking. | 15:02 |
Riddell | stgraber: drop the last one | 15:02 |
Riddell | zh has their own remix anyway | 15:03 |
Riddell | on powerpc kubuntu doesn't ship language-support- so you could do the same, although it's not ideal | 15:03 |
skaet | stgraber, what Riddell recommends seems reasonable to me as well. | 15:03 |
* skaet wonders if someone has a nice prioritized list that should be consulted about now... :P | 15:04 | |
Riddell | the seeds should already be in prioritised order | 15:04 |
Riddell | I don't know how ubuntu prioritises them now, it uesd to be by number of speakers, in kubuntu we do it by popcon count | 15:05 |
stgraber | zh-hans is on both amd64 and i386 (actually it's on != powerpc), should I drop it from all of them ? | 15:05 |
skaet | stgraber, just drop it from the i386 images. | 15:06 |
stgraber | ok | 15:06 |
skaet | thanks | 15:06 |
iulian | ScottK: I'd say go ahead. It appears that it's a new package and since it also fixes some bugs, why not. | 15:10 |
ScottK | Thanks. | 15:10 |
stgraber | skaet: for powerpc, should I try removing language-support as Riddell suggested ? That means we won't ship english dictionaries on the CD (myspell-en-au, myspell-en-gb, hunspell-en-us, hunspell-en-ca, wamerican, wbritish, myspell-en-za) | 15:11 |
ScottK | stgraber: If you're working on oversize .... For powerpc images to be ~usable they need to fit on a CD, so I'd do whatever you need to to make it fit. | 15:13 |
ScottK | Riddell: Actually I recently put language support back for Kubuntu on powerpc as we've got room now. | 15:14 |
stgraber | ScottK: do you happen to know approximately how much space removing language-support saved you ? | 15:14 |
ScottK | stgraber: I don't but if you go look at Kubuntu beta2 powerpc and the current one most of the difference was likely adding that back in. | 15:15 |
stgraber | ScottK: can't find your beta2 powerpc build on cdimage or releases. Anyway, pushed the seeds with language-support removed. | 15:19 |
stgraber | skaet: ^ powerpc and i386 should be fixed with that. i386 was just 1MB oversized, so next build will be fine, powerpc I'm not sure, we'll see ... | 15:20 |
ScottK | iulian: Would you please look at Bug 770298. | 15:43 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770298 in python-django-threadedcomments (Ubuntu) "FFe: Sync python-django-threadedcomments 0.5.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770298 | 15:43 |
iulian | ScottK: Sure. | 15:52 |
iulian | ScottK: We certainly want that in. | 15:53 |
skaet | pushed to the iso tracker the latest set of alternate images. ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu-server and ubuntustudio have just been posted. | 15:54 |
ScottK | iulian: Thanks. | 15:54 |
iulian | ScottK: Approved and subscribed -archive. | 15:54 |
iulian | No problem. | 15:55 |
skaet | ScottK, Riddell, charlie-tca, ScottL, ^^, alternates posted. | 15:56 |
charlie-tca | Thanks, skaet | 15:56 |
Riddell | whee | 15:57 |
stgraber | argh, edubuntu failed to build ... | 16:53 |
skaet | stgraber, edubuntu dvd just failed to build. | 16:53 |
* skaet sees that stgrabers on it.... ;) | 16:53 | |
stgraber | some langpack issues ... again | 16:54 |
stgraber | are all the langpacks built and published ? | 16:54 |
stgraber | language-pack-kde-sv : Depends: language-pack-sv-base (>= 1:11.04+20110421) but 1:11.04+20110407 is to be installed | 16:54 |
stgraber | seems to indicate it's not the case | 16:54 |
skaet | hmm, why does edubuntu pick this kde package up as a dependency? just for my info... | 16:56 |
stgraber | edubuntu ships a lot of kde apps, mostly kdeedu. We also ship all existing translations, so we end up having all of language-pack, language-pack-kde, language-pack-gnome and language-support on our dvd | 16:56 |
* skaet nods - yeah that makes sense, thanks! | 16:57 | |
stgraber | building Edubuntu is probably the best way to make sure all langpacks are properly built :) | 16:57 |
* skaet notes that in future. | 16:57 | |
ScottK | I thought we had all of them on the KDE dvd too. | 16:59 |
ScottK | (all the KDE ones) | 16:59 |
stgraber | hmm, seems like language-pack-sv-base wasn't even uploaded. We still have the old version in the archive | 16:59 |
stgraber | ScottK: did you get kubuntu's dvd rebuilt today ? it's quite likely it'll fail too | 17:00 |
ScottK | I didn't. | 17:00 |
ScottK | I've lost track of where we are on rebulds. | 17:00 |
stgraber | ok, the question now is who do we poke to get a langpack fixed ? | 17:01 |
skaet | stgraber, names I've gotten so far are pitti, dpm - neither of which are around right now. Busy asking to see if I can find some other experts - anyone know any other names. | 17:03 |
skaet | ScottK, stgraber, was doing edubuntu first.... kubuntu dvd was next up, but seems no point now. | 17:04 |
stgraber | good news is that apparently only -sv is broken (from playing a bit with apt), so as soon as this one is fixed, the image should build fine | 17:05 |
ScottK | skaet: I think that's the full list of experts. | 17:06 |
ScottK | We're going to have an omap4 kernel update in -release? | 17:16 |
ScottK | skaet: Were you expecting this omap4 kernel for -release? It looks to me like perhaps it was meant for -proposed since it's not a focuse update for critical fixes? | 17:18 |
stgraber | hmm, ubuntu alternate just failed to install for me ... | 17:18 |
skaet | ScottK, I believe it should be proposed. just asked around, and there's some CVE updates. | 17:19 |
skaet | (0-day) | 17:19 |
stgraber | segfault when installing python-argparse ... weird | 17:20 |
skaet | stgraber, hmm... can you see if anyone else on ubuntu-testing is seeing this? | 17:21 |
stgraber | I'm going to retry mine ... the package that's sefaulting as been uploaded 28 weeks ago, so it's not really likely to be the issue ... | 17:21 |
ara | stgraber, I am going to start testing alternate now | 17:23 |
ara | (well, as soon as disk creator finishes) | 17:24 |
stgraber | it looks like a possible kvm issue (memory or similar), retrying now, if I can't reproduce it, then it probably was some memory issue (still weird though, first time I see that this cycle) | 17:25 |
ara | I will try in a netbook | 17:26 |
ScottK | skaet: Should I reject it then? | 17:28 |
skaet | ScottK, who uploaded it? I'd like to double check I'm understanding first, but I expect that's the right thing. Please hold off for a minute though until I can check. | 17:30 |
ScottK | Changed-By: Bryan Wu <bryan.wu@canonical.com> | 17:31 |
ScottK | Didn't check the signature to see who actually did the upload. | 17:31 |
skaet | thanks! will follow up. | 17:31 |
ScottK | skaet: Signed by Tim Gardner <tim.gardner@canonical.com> so he did the actual upload. | 17:33 |
skaet | ScottK, Pete's followed up with Tim - go ahead and reject. They'll upload to proposed. | 17:35 |
ScottK | Done. | 17:36 |
ScottK | Someone should follow up on lirc too, but I'm out of time. | 17:36 |
skaet | lirc? | 17:36 |
ScottK | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/70365984/lirc_0.8.7-0ubuntu5_source.changes | 17:37 |
skaet | thanks. | 17:37 |
ScottK | It should almost certainly be rejected and reuploaded for SRU, but I didn't talk to anyone. | 17:37 |
skaet | ScottK, yeah it should be rejected and reuploaded to SRU at this stage. | 17:39 |
ScottK | skaet: Rejected. Would you please email the uploader. I really have to go. | 17:40 |
skaet | ScottK, will do. Its superm1 | 17:40 |
kenvandine | Recommends should get included on the CD, right? | 17:40 |
skaet | kenvandine, specific package? | 17:41 |
kenvandine | ubuntuone-client has a recommends for gir1.2-unity-3.0 | 17:41 |
kenvandine | but gir1.2-unity-3.0 isn't on the CD | 17:42 |
pgraner | kenvandine, if its not installed what functionality does a user loose? | 17:45 |
kenvandine | the progress bar and urgency hint in the unity launcher | 17:45 |
kenvandine | it still functions | 17:45 |
kenvandine | but i think there are assumptions made that the user will see the urgency hint when needed | 17:46 |
skaet | kenvandine, if it still functions, its release notable. | 17:46 |
stgraber | kenvandine: gir1.2-unity-3.0 (>= 3.8.4-0ubuntu3) is the recommends | 17:46 |
stgraber | kenvandine: 3.8.4-0ubuntu1 is what we have in the archive | 17:46 |
skaet | kenvandine, if its essential, it should be a requires. | 17:46 |
kenvandine | oh my! | 17:46 |
stgraber | so as the recommends can't be met, gir1.2-unity-3.0 isn't included | 17:46 |
kenvandine | what a crappy goof up that is... | 17:47 |
kenvandine | they must have changed the upstream version without changing the ubuntu version | 17:47 |
skaet | yeah, that would explain it. | 17:48 |
kenvandine | skaet, i told the U1 folks to prepare an SRU and make sure it gets noted | 17:52 |
skaet | thanks kenvandine :) is there a bug I should keep on the radar? | 17:53 |
kenvandine | not yet... i can file one | 17:53 |
stgraber | kenvandine: users will have to do a dist-upgrade to get these installed as the change in recommends will bring new packages on the system (not really a problem, will be similar to what kernel updates do) | 17:53 |
kenvandine | i knew it worked in earlier images | 17:53 |
kenvandine | yeah | 17:54 |
skaet | kenvandine, thanks, let me know the number and I'll add it to the "board". | 17:54 |
kenvandine | man i wish we had caught this earlier... | 17:54 |
* skaet nods | 17:54 | |
stgraber | skaet: covering the walls of the conference room with bug numbers ? :) | 17:56 |
SpamapS | Is there a re-spin of any kind happening? I may have found a bug in mdadm/lsb init that causes mdadm to not be started on boot. | 17:56 |
SpamapS | /etc/rc2.d/S25mdadm: 76: LOG_DAEMON_MSG: parameter not set | 17:56 |
skaet | stgraber, yup, part of the rundown for the release notes at the end, as things cross through IRC discussions ;) | 17:56 |
stgraber | SpamapS: ouch (/me hopes he didn't introduce this one with the plymouth fix for lsb ...) | 17:57 |
rickspencer3 | SpamapS, is there a bug #? | 17:58 |
pgraner | SpamapS, bug? | 17:58 |
skaet | SpamapS, please see if you can get independent confirmation and a bug number. | 17:58 |
SpamapS | No I just right now found it at this second | 17:58 |
SpamapS | http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerRAID1 | 17:58 |
stgraber | SpamapS: was it working for beta2 ? my lsb change has been in the archive for a while now | 17:58 |
SpamapS | Found at step 16d | 17:58 |
pgraner | SpamapS, ok, keep me in the loop, either way atm this looks like a release note and SRU fix | 17:58 |
SpamapS | stgraber: I don't know, I didn't do the RAID tests at beta. | 17:59 |
SpamapS | I will file a bug now tho | 17:59 |
stgraber | SpamapS: LOG_DAEMON_MSG is something I introduced in /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh to have better loggin with plymouth | 17:59 |
SpamapS | stgraber: hm.. | 17:59 |
stgraber | SpamapS: though reading the code again, I'm not sure how it can be "not set" ... | 18:00 |
SpamapS | stgraber: mdadm is run with 'set -eu' | 18:01 |
SpamapS | stgraber: I believe when using -u, even [ -z "$LOG_DAEMON_MSG" ] will fail | 18:01 |
stgraber | SpamapS: can you try adding 'LOG_DAEMON_MSG=""' at the beginning of /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh see if that fixes it for you ? | 18:02 |
stgraber | SpamapS: that should workaround the -u | 18:02 |
SpamapS | stgraber: after the bug is reported yes | 18:02 |
stgraber | if that works, I'll prepare a lsb upload | 18:02 |
stgraber | skaet: If that's indeed the issue and my fix works, we'd need respinning of all non-desktop builds to get the fix | 18:03 |
SpamapS | stgraber: yes that fixes it | 18:04 |
pgraner | stgraber, we are trying to hold on the respin, what would the workaround be? | 18:04 |
kenvandine | skaet, bug 770379 | 18:05 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770379 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Recommends wrong version of gir1.2-unity-3.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770379 | 18:05 |
stgraber | pgraner: depends how broken RAID is without it ... I'd think it means any 11.04 system with RAID will boot in degraded mode | 18:06 |
robbiew | stgraber: pgraner: given this would primarily affect Server...could we just respon the Server ISOs? | 18:06 |
skaet | thanks kenvandine | 18:07 |
stgraber | pgraner: then whenever the user applies the update + reboot, the system will start syncing the disks again, making the system quite slow for a few hours | 18:07 |
SpamapS | bug 770381 | 18:07 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770381 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "mdadm does not start automatically at boot due to LOG_DAEMON_MSG being unset (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770381 | 18:07 |
pgraner | robbiew, we could, what I'm trying to assess is: can we workaround and fix in a SRU | 18:07 |
pgraner | robbiew, if we have to respin then we will do it I'm exploring all possibilities atm | 18:08 |
robbiew | pgraner: right | 18:08 |
SpamapS | I can try installing everything from main that uses lsb and seeing which ones use 'set -u' | 18:08 |
stgraber | well, we're basically playing with the user's data there, because if a drive breaks between install and first updates + reboot, the data will be lost | 18:08 |
* pgraner +1 for respin | 18:09 | |
SpamapS | some people do depend on mdadm running to notify them of dead raid | 18:09 |
stgraber | SpamapS: yeah and we can get into situations where the RAID array won't re-assemble properly without it ... | 18:10 |
skaet | stgraber, please code up and upload the fix. | 18:10 |
skaet | I'll respin the alternate images not affected by the langpacks tonight (london time), after you tell me its in the archive. | 18:10 |
skaet | The rest of the images (alternates and dvds that have failed) will get rebuilt when pitti/dpm can get them sorted, and pick it up then. | 18:11 |
skaet | stgraber, how much time do you estimate it will be before tested and uploaded? | 18:13 |
* skaet is thinking she needs to eat | 18:13 | |
stgraber | skaet: 2-3 minutes | 18:14 |
skaet | :) | 18:14 |
stgraber | SpamapS tested my fix and I'm not going to change anything else, I just checked that there's no other variables affected | 18:14 |
stgraber | I just uploaded the new package now, will appear in the queue soonish | 18:15 |
skaet | coolio | 18:15 |
SpamapS | stgraber: awesome, I'll re-do my test with an updated package when it appears | 18:16 |
skaet | ok, its going to take a bit to build and publish SpamapS . | 18:17 |
stgraber | SpamapS: I can build one for you if you want. | 18:18 |
skaet | stgraber, can you upload the diff? | 18:19 |
SpamapS | No worries, its such a simple fix, this is more of something to do while I wait for the respin. | 18:19 |
skaet | diff from 4.0-0ubuntu10 to 4.0-0ubuntu11 (pending) | 18:19 |
stgraber | skaet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/598809/ | 18:19 |
stgraber | skaet: that's: debdiff lsb_4.0-0ubuntu10.dsc ../lsb_4.0-0ubuntu11.dsc | pastebinit | 18:20 |
joshuahoover | skaet: ping | 18:20 |
skaet | stgraber, thanks, looking | 18:20 |
skaet | stgraber, looks good. approved. | 18:21 |
skaet | joshuahoover, yup? | 18:21 |
joshuahoover | skaet: u1 has the following bug #770379 that we're fixing now...this was discovered by kenvandine just a bit ago... | 18:21 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 770379 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Recommends wrong version of gir1.2-unity-3.0 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/770379 | 18:21 |
joshuahoover | skaet: the problem is it leaves unity with no u1 integration and there's a concern that even after the update, most users won't get it because it'll likely require a dist-upgrade | 18:22 |
joshuahoover | skaet: anyway, i'm confirming whether this update will just work for everyone once it's released as an sru or would require dist-upgrade...i'm being told now that it will be a standard update and if that's the case, then i'm less concerned (not happy with it but less concerned) | 18:25 |
skaet | joshuahoover, explain why no u1 integration, I thought it was just some features not accessible, but it works. (per backsroll discussion) | 18:26 |
skaet | joshuahoover, expectation I had would be sru, not dist-upgrade. let me know if that changes. | 18:27 |
kenvandine | a new recommends won't get pulled in on upgrade, on dist-upgrade | 18:29 |
joshuahoover | skaet: ^^ | 18:29 |
kenvandine | unless update-manager defaults to dist-upgrade | 18:29 |
kenvandine | but i don't think it does, maybe someone here can confirm that | 18:29 |
SpamapS | hmm.. when doing 0-day SRU's, should a task be opened against Oneiric so that its fixed when dev opens for Oneiric as well? | 18:31 |
pgraner | SpamapS, yes | 18:32 |
skaet | SpamapS, yes | 18:32 |
skaet | lol | 18:32 |
* SpamapS looks for the bug status "Double Confirmed" | 18:32 | |
maco | kenvandine: i think UM will do dist-upgrade when it needs to. for example, when a new kernel comes out, dist-upgrade is needed to get all its accessory packages | 18:32 |
pgraner | maco, ah yes I think your correct | 18:33 |
maco | hiya pete | 18:33 |
* kenvandine wonders why there is a command line arg for checking for dist-upgrades | 18:33 | |
pgraner | maco, hey | 18:33 |
dobey | oh of course. -release. | 18:33 |
pgraner | skaet, we will have a kernel update very shortly after release so we should get it for free then | 18:34 |
skaet | pgraner, thanks! | 18:34 |
kenvandine | pgraner, ok, so you're saying U1 can just piggy back on your release upgrade? | 18:35 |
kenvandine | :) | 18:35 |
joshuahoover | :) | 18:35 |
pgraner | kenvandine, yep essentially | 18:38 |
kenvandine | joshuahoover, does that make you feel better? | 18:38 |
joshuahoover | kenvandine: yes, thanks :) | 18:38 |
kenvandine | great :) | 18:38 |
dobey | so there's a kernel update too? | 18:38 |
dobey | (sorry, i wasn't in here to see the discussion) | 18:38 |
joshuahoover | dobey: yes, so we should be ok with that happening | 18:39 |
joshuahoover | dobey: so we just do the sru as you originally talked about and i think we're good | 18:39 |
dobey | oh ok. and i was hoping to rush it on the CD :) | 18:40 |
superm1 | hey folks, my lirc upload was just rejected an hour ago, i was wondering why | 18:41 |
slangasek | superm1: discussion in scrollback was that it should be diverted to the SRU queue at this point; the lib is seeded everywhere and we're past the deadline for non-critical fixes | 18:42 |
superm1 | the delta isn't in the lib though, it's in the package with the init script which is only seeded in mythbuntu? | 18:43 |
slangasek | it doesn't matter, the packages have to be up to date on the images and the images are already being spun | 18:44 |
smoser | skaet, is there a list of bugs that image-spins would be waiting on ? i'm wanting to see if the uec images from today would be considered suitable at the moment. | 18:44 |
superm1 | oh, man, that's really unfortunate - this affects the most common remote. i thought mvo had uploaded it and just checked and found he hadn't | 18:44 |
maco | superm1: sru? | 18:45 |
skaet | superm1, please get into proposed and it will be approved for zero day upload. | 18:46 |
superm1 | ok | 18:46 |
slangasek | superm1: sorry to hear that. maybe for oneiric we should figure out how to avoid liblircclient being included on the CDs? | 18:47 |
slangasek | (is the lib useful without lirc itself, anyway? if we could get that pulled in opportunistically, maybe that's a better model) | 18:48 |
superm1 | that does sound like something that would be a good goal either way, especially with CD's needing to learn how to fit Qt and stuff in | 18:48 |
* slangasek nods | 18:48 | |
superm1 | it's not useful at all without lirc installed, so indeed | 18:48 |
skaet | smoser, only bug we're waiting on right now is langpacks. | 18:50 |
smoser | so.. images built ~ 01:00 UTC. | 18:51 |
smoser | anything post that time frame that would require it ? | 18:51 |
skaet | pitti should be coming online soon, and we will be building tonight for the subset that are affected. No estimate on time at this point, soonest is the hope. | 18:52 |
skaet | slangasek, stgraber, pgraner and I are shifting to grab some dinner and set up at the hotel. Appreciate you keeping an eye open for pitti showing up. | 18:58 |
* skaet --> dinner | 18:58 | |
pitti | hello | 19:06 |
stgraber | hi pitti | 19:06 |
pitti | rickspencer3: helo | 19:06 |
stgraber | pitti: we have a small langpack issue for you :) | 19:06 |
stgraber | language-pack-kde-sv : Depends: language-pack-sv-base (>= 1:11.04+20110421) but 1:11.04+20110407 is to be installed | 19:06 |
pitti | stgraber: yes, that's what I got called for | 19:07 |
pitti | oh, so some packs are missing? | 19:07 |
pitti | I'll check what happened to them | 19:08 |
pitti | they should all have been rebuilt | 19:08 |
stgraber | yeah, seems like language-pack-sv-base never got uploaded | 19:08 |
pitti | grep-dctrl -P language-pack- archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-amd64_Packages | grep-dctrl --not -FVersion -sPackage 1:11.04+20110421 | 19:12 |
pitti | ugh, 106 packages | 19:12 |
pitti | it seems the build collided with the lucid cronjob, darn | 19:12 |
pitti | I'll get them uploaded | 19:12 |
rickspencer3 | hi pitti | 19:13 |
rickspencer3 | thanks for coming back | 19:13 |
pitti | rickspencer3: thanks for the call | 19:14 |
GrueMaster | Hmmm. natty-preinstalled-netbook-armel images don't seem to be playing the ubiquity slideshow anymore. Not a show stopper as it doesn't affect image first boot, but an odd issue. | 19:27 |
pitti | oh dear | 19:29 |
GrueMaster | I'll file a bug once I am done booting and can see the logs. | 19:31 |
pitti | rickspencer3, stgraber, skaet: all missing packages should be uploaded and building now | 19:40 |
slangasek | pitti: thanks :) | 19:40 |
pitti | https://launchpad.net/builders says ETA 40 minutes to build them all | 19:41 |
pitti | so archive should be good in about 3 hours | 19:41 |
stgraber | yeah! thanks pitti | 19:42 |
cjwatson | Riddell: whoa, re your comment about zh having its own remix | 19:59 |
cjwatson | Riddell: the Chinese remix uses the exact same livefs and package sets as the normal CDs - it just has a different /isolinux/lang | 19:59 |
cjwatson | I'm pretty worried about us having dropped the zh-hans language pack off the i386 CD - that should've been checked with OEM | 20:00 |
cjwatson | rickspencer3: ^- is my instinct correct that the above would be a problem? | 20:01 |
stgraber | I don't think we built anything with that change yet, so we can still remove something else if removing chinese is indeeed an issue (de or fr seem good candidate as they are only seeded for i386 at the moment) | 20:03 |
cjwatson | though it'll take two publisher runs | 20:03 |
cjwatson | but yeah, my instinct is that we should because there are these special arrangements at the moment that necessitate having Chinese support on the desktop CD | 20:04 |
cjwatson | and it's too late to attempt to redo the infrastructure for that | 20:04 |
stgraber | cjwatson: are you doing it or should I ? (I'd revert the seed, drop fr from i386 and re-apply the powerpc change) | 20:06 |
GrueMaster | I've just verified that the ubiquity slideshow not running is armel specific (ran fine in my x86 VM). Since oem-config still runs through the install fine, I'll file a bug as a low priority. I don't think it is respin necessary. | 20:07 |
cjwatson | stgraber: I'm not | 20:07 |
stgraber | ok, doing it then | 20:07 |
stgraber | done | 20:09 |
pitti | cjwatson: zh-hans> how so? | 20:20 |
pitti | * Languages: es xh pt zh-hans | 20:20 |
pitti | these are on all desktop images | 20:20 |
cjwatson | pitti: bzr up | 20:20 |
stgraber | pitti: I reverted to that a few minutes ago | 20:20 |
cjwatson | pitti: oh, yeah, see r1826 and r1828 | 20:20 |
pitti | good night everyone | 20:23 |
rickspencer3 | cjwatson, yes, that sounds like a problem | 21:10 |
cjwatson | stgraber has initiated the fix | 21:13 |
cjwatson | rickspencer3: (thanks for confirming) | 21:13 |
cjwatson | hm, drat, I should have forced the publisher to run this cycle | 21:13 |
rickspencer3 | cjwatson, yes, I saw, thanks | 21:13 |
cjwatson | though no convenient universe packages to accept | 21:14 |
rickspencer3 | cjwatson, it's nice to have you back from holiday :) | 21:14 |
cjwatson | well, only for a bit, need to go to sleep soon to get to London tomorrow morning | 21:14 |
pitti | skaet, slangasek: is either of you building CDs? if not, I'd like to smuggle in a tzdata sync, as there's again a high-urgency update | 21:17 |
slangasek | pitti: last I knew, we had final-ish Ubuntu desktop and server CD candidates that we weren't expecting to respin; I guess this is affected by the above discussion about zh langpacks, though? | 21:19 |
stgraber | slangasek: that and mdadm failing on alternate/server builds | 21:20 |
slangasek | ok | 21:20 |
rickspencer3 | stgraber, pitti couldn't tzdata and the mdadm fix be picked up in an SRU? | 21:21 |
pitti | slangasek: I'd guess so; they shouldn't be affected by the missing langpacks, though | 21:21 |
pitti | rickspencer3: tzdata yes; I don't know about mdadm | 21:21 |
slangasek | pitti: I'm not building any CDs yet, no; if there's a decision to respin everything, then that's fine | 21:21 |
stgraber | rickspencer3: the mdadm issue was actually a lsb issue. It's already in the archive, just waiting for a respin. | 21:21 |
slangasek | "lsb issue"? | 21:21 |
pitti | slangasek: ok, nevermind then | 21:21 |
stgraber | rickspencer3: the issue with it was that in raid setups mdadm wouldn't even start, so you could end up with broken raid setups post-install. | 21:22 |
stgraber | slangasek: yeah, mdadm is using "set -eu" and the lsb logging script was using [ -z "$SOME_VARIABLE" ] with $SOME_VARIALBE not being defined in some cases | 21:22 |
maxb | SOME_VARIABLE being LOG_DAEMON_MSG ? | 21:23 |
stgraber | slangasek: so the mdadm init script would exit before mdadm would start (possibly affects other init scripts). I uploaded a fix a few hours ago. | 21:23 |
stgraber | maxb: yep | 21:23 |
slangasek | stgraber: oh wtf, please tell me the fix in the upload is to drop the "-u" | 21:23 |
cjwatson | pitti: a tzdata sync would actually be convenient, because it would force the second publisher run to suck in the langpack seed fix | 21:23 |
stgraber | slangasek: nope, I "fixed" lsb by setting the variable. Someone should "fix" mdadm by removing the -u | 21:23 |
slangasek | stgraber: ah, so it's actually lsb that's been uploaded, not mdadm? | 21:24 |
stgraber | right | 21:24 |
cjwatson | (I could do that by hand, but my daughter has just taken over the keyboard of the relevant machine to play cbeebies games) | 21:24 |
slangasek | right, I guess I did see that from queuebot this morning | 21:24 |
cjwatson | and in any case I prefer not doing it by hand if I don't have to | 21:24 |
pitti | cjwatson: so want me to sync? | 21:24 |
slangasek | pitti: I think you should, yes | 21:25 |
cjwatson | yes please | 21:25 |
pitti | Egyptians will be happy :) | 21:25 |
pitti | (one should think that they'd have more important things to do than changing their DST rules right now..) | 21:25 |
slangasek | hah | 21:26 |
pitti | done; really sleep now, see you tomorrow! | 21:26 |
slangasek | 'night, pitti | 21:26 |
stgraber | good night | 21:26 |
ScottK | cjwatson: If you still need publisher runs there's a couple of sync requests in queue. | 21:43 |
cjwatson | didn't think of that, thanks. should be OK for now, I'll peer at them tomorrow morning at the latest | 21:44 |
skaet | slangasek, cjwatson, stgraber - back from dinner now. Don't see anything running on antimony now - what's ready from your perspective? | 22:14 |
slangasek | skaet: with tzdata just accepted, I don't think anything's ready at the moment, but once tzdata publishes we should be good to start building everything | 22:15 |
ScottK | That and a second publisher run for the Ubuntu seed changes stgraber did. | 22:16 |
skaet | so, basically queue up the full set of images (cd, alternate, dvds & armel), or are there some we can live with as is? | 22:17 |
* skaet read through backscroll | 22:19 | |
cjwatson | ScottK: tzdata should cover that | 22:20 |
ScottK | OK | 22:20 |
ScottK | tzdata hits them all. IIRC mdadm does as well. | 22:21 |
cjwatson | of the two publisher runs for a seed change, the first one only needs to involve running germinate, which isn't conditional on the relevant pocket being dirty | 22:21 |
cjwatson | the second one is the one that needs the pocket to be dirty | 22:21 |
cjwatson | mdadm predated the seed change, didn't it? | 22:21 |
cjwatson | oh, sorry, you didn't mean that by "hits them all". | 22:21 |
cjwatson | I think we need to do the lot in any case, yes. | 22:23 |
cjwatson | should be good once this publisher run finishes | 22:24 |
skaet | slangasek , you ok with kicking the full set off? | 22:24 |
slangasek | skaet: I'm not sure I have a handle on what constitutes the "full set" at the moment - everything in cron? | 22:25 |
skaet | slangasek, cron has more than we're shipping, so subset. List can be found on iso tester. http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/ | 22:27 |
slangasek | ok | 22:28 |
skaet | slangasek, if I assemble the two sets of commands (one for armel, one for rest) would that help? | 22:30 |
skaet | or do you prefer to edit down the cron list? | 22:30 |
cjwatson | publisher's done now | 22:31 |
cjwatson | I'll just check the Task fields | 22:31 |
cjwatson | yep, all fine | 22:31 |
slangasek | skaet: if you have an example of how you usually launch the milestone builds, I can take it from there | 22:32 |
cjwatson | bed - see folks tomorrow | 22:32 |
slangasek | 'night | 22:33 |
skaet | cjwatson, sleep well - looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. | 22:33 |
skaet | slangasek, working on it for you. | 22:34 |
skaet | slangasek, any questions before i turn in, jetlag/long day is starting to catchup. | 23:05 |
slangasek | none :) | 23:05 |
skaet | thanks slangasek. please post the images here as the come off (or at least the order to check for them) when picking up the threads in the morning. | 23:06 |
skaet | good night | 23:06 |
slangasek | 'night! | 23:07 |
=== skaet is now known as skaet_ | ||
ScottK | slangasek: FYI, we have a multiverse package sitting in queue if you end up needing to stimulate a publisher run. | 23:07 |
slangasek | ScottK: ack, thanks | 23:07 |
ScottK | I'd left a Universe package there before, but someone had accepted it when cjwatson needed it. | 23:07 |
ScottL | skaet_, downloading and will test tonight | 23:13 |
slangasek | hrm, still not seeing tzdata 2011f-1 in the archive, not sure what's going on | 23:15 |
slangasek | hmm - buggy tools, it's in the Packages.gz. | 23:16 |
slangasek | ok, everything marked for respin on the tracker | 23:25 |
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk] | ||
slangasek | alternate CDs up again soon; order is ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu ubuntu-server ubuntustudio | 23:31 |
slangasek | liveCDs to follow, order kubuntu-mobile ubuntu kubuntu xubuntu mythbuntu | 23:31 |
ScottK | No mythbuntu alternates? | 23:35 |
ScottK | ScottL: You'll need to wait for the respin to have something to test. | 23:35 |
slangasek | ScottK: never have been, TTBOMK | 23:36 |
ScottK | OK. I lose track. | 23:36 |
superm1 | never been a need for them that was vocal enough to merit the effort | 23:38 |
ScottK | Nevermind, my mistake. | 23:40 |
superm1 | i am a bit curious though, these days what is the use case for having alternates of all these varieties? | 23:41 |
ScottK | I'm wondering the same thing. | 23:41 |
ScottK | I think for Kubuntu we should consider to drop it this next cycle, particularly since our primary ISO tester will be on rotation to Launchpad. | 23:42 |
charlie-tca | Alternates allow options during the installation that the desktop image does not | 23:44 |
charlie-tca | I can name the directories with it, but am forced to use the names in a list with the desktop image | 23:44 |
slangasek | Ubuntu alternate posted | 23:45 |
charlie-tca | guided resize on any hard disk with the alternate image, but not with the desktop image | 23:45 |
superm1 | well if these are important options, is maybe a better idea to find a way to get them in the desktop image so that testing efforts don't need to be misdirected though if they're not highly used? | 23:45 |
charlie-tca | They have been removed from the desktop image this cycle | 23:46 |
charlie-tca | I have a music partition on my computer. With the desktop image, I can not use it unless I add it after the installation. | 23:46 |
ScottK | Right, but the same users that generally care about such options can use the server ISO and then add their metapackage of choice after. | 23:46 |
charlie-tca | Sure, if you want to make them do it that way. | 23:47 |
ScottK | It's a question of if it's worth the extra effort involved. | 23:47 |
maco | charlie-tca: the desktop image should still have a manual partitioning option | 23:47 |
charlie-tca | It doesn't | 23:47 |
ScottK | The Kubuntu desktop one does. | 23:48 |
charlie-tca | when you select manual partitioning, you can not enter the partition names | 23:48 |
charlie-tca | bug 769043 | 23:48 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 769043 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Cannot manually specify a mount point in the manual partitoner (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 26)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/769043 | 23:48 |
ScottK | Right, you can't do that. | 23:49 |
charlie-tca | Makes the partitions I have used for 5 years unusable now? | 23:51 |
charlie-tca | but, those are just my reasons to keep the alternate install image | 23:52 |
superm1 | maybe it's worthwhile to put together a session to discuss all the other reasons people bring to the table for wanting to keep them around in the variants that have both live and alternate currently available at uds then | 23:57 |
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