
exobuzzget some famous names in there too, like 4-mat etc00:00
exobuzzand ziphoid (he was the radio guy on the video stream)00:00
exobuzz(famous on the demoscene ;-) )00:01
popeywell, I'm glad I compiled that demo :)00:02
exobuzzi guess ill have to wait until i have better working 3d heh00:03
popeylooks a lot smoother in real life00:04
exobuzzwow. trippy!00:04
exobuzzgord, are you related to jeff minter? :)00:05
gordits the hair ;)00:06
exobuzzheh, aah so you look like him too ? ;-) nice demo effect - i can see you made sure you used all possible colours in the visible spectrum00:10
gordits actually grayscale, then i use a shader to map it to a randomly chosen row from data/images/grad.png00:12
gordall the gl shaders are in data/shader_src if anyone has any interested in how those work00:12
* exobuzz never looked at shader code. scared to ;-)00:12
Azelphurwent to paintball today for my birthday, got shot in the chest and stained my shirt, went to get KFC later and the cashier thought I was drunk and had vomited on myself \o/00:14
exobuzzhappy birthday too!00:15
Azelphurty :P00:15
exobuzzdid they still serve you their filthy yet tasty chicken ?00:15
Azelphuryea, I said I got shot00:15
Azelphurshe gave me even more strange looks :(00:15
exobuzznormally people are sick on themselves after visiting kfc not before ;-)00:16
AzelphurIt was pretty funny at paint ball too, they all made me wear a fluorescent vest to ensure I got shot at a lot :D00:17
Azelphuronly I think it backfired because I only got shot once, I reckon everyone thought I was a marshal or something.00:17
exobuzzAzelphur, bruised ?00:17
exobuzzaah ok. single shot to the chest eh00:17
gordmaybe you are just that good?00:17
Azelphurgord that's what I said :D00:17
AzelphurI did get quite a few headshots, It's good fun getting people right in the visor so they can't see >:300:18
* gord is visualising mike from spaced good00:18
Azelphurexobuzz: haha yea, the chest shot didn't even leave a mark, I got a small mark on my shoulder, and I probably have a big bruise on my back from where my cousin shot me (in the back, while he was on my team xD), lol00:19
exobuzzAzelphur, hehe00:19
popeyoops, still had gords demo running on another desktop :)00:19
popeyonly 10% cpu tho00:19
Azelphurexobuzz: someone in our party got paint in the eyes though00:19
exobuzzpopey, im sure you got a few copies of minecraft going too ;-)00:19
popeyheh, not on this box00:20
Azelphurgot shot in the air holes for the mask and the paint went through and all over his eyes/mouth00:20
popeyoh, yes I do :)00:20
gordits damn efficient :) low powered hardware keeps you honest00:20
Azelphurexobuzz: and my cousin is bruised to hell, he ran out in the open and started doing the chicken dance. xD00:20
* exobuzz swaps gord's pc for a spectrum00:20
exobuzzthere you go00:20
exobuzzAzelphur, sounds like a fun day!00:20
Azelphurindeed \o/00:20
gordunity - 128k edition00:21
exobuzz<3 8 bit00:23
exobuzzold pic with my babies http://www.exotica.org.uk/wiki/File:BIT_2002_027_25.jpg00:23
Azelphurexobuzz: reminds me of when I was about 8, my mum said "Most kids your age have a teddy bear, you have a gameboy and a pack of cookies"00:25
exobuzzsounds like you got things right ;-)00:26
exobuzzgameboy > teddy bear00:26
* hamitron grumbles00:47
hamitronbored with all the music I queue up00:49
hamitrontbh, just bored00:51
Seeker`anyone know someone by the name of "James Harrison"?02:10
ali1234i figured out how to reproduce the firefox focus bug04:40
ali1234i also found that minecraft runs about 50% slower on natty04:50
ali1234oops i mean 50% faster04:50
ali1234oops i mean 100% faster :/04:51
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jibadeehai sometimes wonder if having the hard drive power down when idle puts wear and tear and it is perhaps best to leave it switched on all the time09:02
popeyjibadeeha: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Minimizing_Hard_Disk_Drive_Failure_and_Data_Loss is probably worth reading09:04
jibadeehathanks popey  ... will check that out09:04
dwatkinshi folks, and happy bank holiday09:30
dwatkinshiya Pendulum et al10:54
peejay1977Hey morning all, anyone know of a bug in Ubuntu 11.04 Beta 2 that causes Vuze to crash when searching? I've done a preliminary Google and found nothing...11:10
* dwatkins discovers a webcam on Abbey Road and watches tourists being silly on the pedestrian crossing11:11
tugrikURL dwatkins ?11:15
dwatkinshttp://www.abbeyroad.com/visit/ tugrik11:15
tugrikyeah, sorry, took me google and five seconds....11:16
dwatkinsno worries, I might possibly have been referring to a different webcam on Abbey Road ;)11:16
dwatkinsis anyone near by who can confirm it's live?11:16
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jonsainthi all. can anyone help me with firestarter11:53
* AlanBell waits for jonsaint to ask a question12:05
brobostigongood afternoon everyone.12:05
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon12:06
brobostigongood afternoon MartijnVdS :)12:06
jonsaintsorry alan. didnt see your message then12:06
jonsaintwhat it is it keeps going red and when i check what it is, the protocol is a tcp (what ever that is12:07
jonsaintonly been having the problem since i moved house a week ago12:07
popeyany of you lot do bitcoin mining?12:09
MartijnVdSis that something in minecraft?12:12
brobostigonhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin ?12:14
jonsaintAlanBell, sent you a message alan on here12:14
fujisanoHello, i am having sound issues in 10.10 when i play a video there is no sound12:15
fujisanoany idea what the issue might be?12:15
MartijnVdSyour speakers could be off12:15
fujisanoi have no idea where to even start troubleshooting12:15
MartijnVdSor not plugged in12:15
fujisanoi hear system sounds12:15
MartijnVdSor the volume could be muted12:15
MartijnVdSor set to 012:15
MartijnVdSwhich player are you using12:15
fujisanonow it works again12:16
fujisanoi dont get it12:16
fujisanothe default one and vlc12:16
ali1234popey: i ran the generator for about 3 months, got no result12:17
fujisanoand the sound has gone again12:21
fujisanoi dont get it :(12:21
MartijnVdSfujisano: is it only specific videos or programs?12:22
fujisanovideos  i think12:22
fujisanoavi videos12:23
MartijnVdSwith what kind of audio? which player are you using?12:23
fujisanovlc and the default player in ubuntu12:23
MartijnVdSvlc should work12:24
AlanBelljonsaint: is it stopping you from doing something?12:24
AlanBelljonsaint: tcp is the standard internet protocol really, the port number would be interesting perhaps12:24
fujisanomartijnVdS ye should but vlc and the default player both stop playing audio after a few minutes so i am guessing it's an ubuntu specific issue12:25
jonsaintports start at 38299 and go up12:25
MartijnVdSfujisano: ah, you didn't say that symptom before12:25
shaunofujisano: is this on a mac by chance?12:26
shaunoif it is, check to see if it's just muted.  for some odd reason, the newer ones keep muting themselves12:27
AlanBelljonsaint: could be anything then12:27
AlanBelljonsaint: running skype?12:27
jonsaintno. dont use skype12:27
fujisanoshauno no the pc :<12:28
fujisanomy bedroom pc12:28
shaunoah ok12:28
fujisanoi have no sound issues with spotify it's only with avi's12:28
fujisanoany ideas how to tackle this issue?12:33
fujisanoim googling but getting nowhere...12:33
fujisanook i give up :<12:36
* brobostigon read back, to see if he canhelp.12:37
fujisanoi believe the gods are trying to prevent me from gorging myself with documentaries12:38
brobostigonfujisano: have a look in vlc, and see if its outputting to pulseaudio or alsa, ?12:38
fujisanook thanks12:39
fujisanoit's outputting on default12:39
brobostigonpulseaudio can kill it self, if it is using massive resources.12:39
brobostigondefault couldbe either, what other ooptions is it giving you?12:39
fujisanono clue what the default is :12:40
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: default is pulse if pulse is running12:40
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ok, hmm.12:40
MartijnVdS♥ pulse12:40
fujisanohow can i check this btw?12:40
brobostigonfujisano: is thepulseaudio server using alot of resources when you try and playsound through it,12:40
fujisanook in system monitor i am seeing a process for pulseaudio12:41
MartijnVdSooh, like the "burning CD" indicator12:41
MartijnVdSfujisano: but is it eating lots of CPU when playing sound (as in, 70-80% or more)12:41
fujisano2 %12:42
brobostigonfujisano: when you try and play sound via pulseaudio what kind of resources does that process use up?12:42
popeyali1234: yeah, I haven't found a single one yet. been using the gpu to do the mining12:42
fujisanopulseaudio is currently sleeping12:42
brobostigonfujisano: try and play some sound through it, and see whatresources it uses up.12:42
fujisanohow do i set the default output to pulse?12:43
MartijnVdSfujisano: the default IS pulse, as long as pulseaudio is running12:43
fujisanoit's running but apparently sleeping12:44
brobostigonfujisano: you can check in vlc's preferences,under audio, and output modules.12:44
fujisanobrobostigon:  i did and it said default12:44
brobostigonfujisano: pulseaudio it is then, as MartijnVdS said.12:45
fujisanook done12:45
brobostigonfujisano: play something with some sound in vlc, and see what resources the pulseaudio server uses up.12:45
fujisanoi think i need a new pc for ubuntu this one is so old12:46
popeyali1234: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FThX1cDg-tg  *boggle*12:46
brobostigonfujisano: that is with vlcplaying music or something, how much cpu? and ram?12:47
fujisanoi think it's working better now thanks brobostigon and martijn12:47
fujisanovlc 11%12:47
kingofswordshi can any1 recommend a good download manager for ubuntu...like jloader?12:47
brobostigonfujisano: keep an eye on the pulseaudio servers resouces, it can be a masisve hog sometimes.12:47
fujisanook ty i will keep that in mind :)12:48
brobostigonfujisano: because, when it cant get anymore resourcs to run. and canjust fail, all onits own.12:48
fujisanook i see12:49
brobostigonfujisano: you might want to try and change vlc'soutput module to alsa, and see what happens.12:50
popeykingofswords: gwget, kget, tucan manager, fatrat, uget...12:54
kingofswordshi popey...are they better than jloader...and are they java based?12:55
popeykingofswords: i have never used any of them (or jloader) I dont use download managers12:55
kingofswordsok ill take a look12:56
AlanBellI don't get why people on broadband use download managers12:56
AlanBelljust seem like something from the modem days to me12:56
popeyi do12:57
popeyif you want to download a gazillion files12:57
ali1234popey: last time i checked it costs about £20 to run a PC for a year, 1 bitcoin = 1 dollar12:57
popeyor download files from multiple hosts12:57
ali1234in other words mining bitcoins costs you money12:57
popeyali1234: yeah, and that guy must be running up quite a leccy bill12:57
popeyplus he bought a load of new kit to do it12:57
ali1234if you want them, just buy them on the exchange12:57
ali1234for that rig he could have bought several hundred12:58
kingofswordswhats a bitcoin?12:58
ali1234that's what they should have called it12:58
AlanBella cryptographic ecash scheme12:58
ali1234space bux12:58
ali1234except that space bux are probably worth more12:59
ali1234seriously you'd make more money by becoming a gold farmer13:11
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jibadeehawhoops wrong window13:19
gordcd secretplansforworlddomination13:36
gordoops, wrong window13:36
BigRedS/etc/init.d/robot-uprising start13:37
ali1234awesome, writing to a USB drive now freezes the whole computer for the duration of the write operation13:40
shaunoit's a shame skynet was using amazon.  really ruined the whole thing13:41
directhexali1234, linux IO sucks13:42
ali1234this is a regression13:42
ali1234i have never seen dd make the mouse pointer stop moving before13:43
ali1234well not recently anyway13:43
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ali1234bug 77025814:06
lubotu3Launchpad bug 770258 in linux (Ubuntu) "Extremely high latency when writing to USB drives." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77025814:06
dwatkinsI'm amazed my Macbook is still backing up ok via USB.14:08
dwatkinsi.e. the server's disk is attached via USB and I'm backing up to the server which runs Ubuntu 10.1014:09
exobuzzali1234, got SCHED_AUTOGROUP enabled in kernel ?14:10
ali1234i dunno14:10
ali1234i'm using natty14:10
exobuzzcheck in /boot/config*14:10
exobuzzworth building with that for better io/cpu sharing etc. can help when writing large amounts to slow usb devices etc14:11
ali1234it's the 200 line patch right?14:11
ali1234well it seems to me that it has made it significantly worse14:11
exobuzzi guess disabling it would be worth a try then14:11
ali1234i never had this problem on older kernels14:11
ali1234i had similar but no where near as bad problems14:12
exobuzzwould be interested if things are better without it - you might have found a specific problem14:12
ali1234but mainly due to swap being really slow14:12
ali1234i think there is something wrong with my motherboard actually14:12
ali1234eg i get page fault latency of 1.3 seconds14:12
exobuzzecho "0" >/proc/sys/vm/swappiness ?14:12
popeyjust seen someone in another channel say their mint system locks up when it writes to swap14:12
ali1234so any time i hit swap the computer locks for half an hour, even if i only used a few hundred mb14:13
ali1234oh good, it's not just me then14:13
ali1234ask em what motherboard they've got14:13
popeywill do14:13
ali1234anyway, i've not seen this problem on USB drives before, only swap14:13
exobuzzali1234, telling the machine to avoid swap might help as above14:13
ali1234i tried swappiness = 014:13
ali1234it doesn't make much difference14:14
ali1234i have 4GB14:14
popeyGigabyte P55-UD314:14
ali1234to only time i use swap is when i really need to use swap14:14
popey^ ali123414:14
exobuzzalso try mem compaction / page merging / transparent huge page support etc things that affect stuff like that and see if they make a difference14:14
ali1234popey: ok that's nothing like mine, not even same cpu14:15
ali1234so i conclude that linux has finally jumped the shark14:15
exobuzzworth building 2.6.39 in case it was a glitch they have fixed14:15
ali1234exobuzz: i shouldn't have to fiddle with that stuff, this is supposed to be linux for human beings14:16
exobuzzali1234, yeh but im speaking about locating the issue, as there is obviously a problem14:16
exobuzzif we can narrow it down or find something that stops it, then you have a point to start from14:16
ali1234it's been a problem since... well since intrepid basically14:16
ali1234nobody seems to have the problem but me14:17
popeyI'm finding Unity 2d very usable.14:17
ali1234or maybe nobody else ever even uses swap14:17
exobuzzi spent 6 months debugging a usb issue on a hosted machine. finally found a commit frmo 2.6.27 that broke the usb .. was a pain but now i know how to fix it, and hopefully can get it sorted in future kernels14:17
ali1234i suspect the latter14:18
dwatkinswhat's needed to fix it, exobuzz?14:18
exobuzzpopey, i still dont get the "big icons" - on 800x600 they actuall are too big and dont fit in the screen, it should surely use screensize to work out how it should do it14:18
AlanBellwhat hardware do people have that won't do openGL at all?14:18
exobuzzdwatkins, https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3243214:18
lubotu3bugzilla.kernel.org bug 32432 in USB "USB Disconnects / resets after commit b963801164618e25fbdc0cd452ce49c3628b46c8" [Normal,New]14:18
ali1234AlanBell: do you count opengl es?14:18
AlanBellcounting stuff that won't do Unity 3d14:19
ali1234plenty of stuff won't run unity14:19
popeymy desktop is well capable of unity 3d, but unity 3d is painfully slow14:19
dwatkinsthanks exobuzz14:19
popeyso i have been trying unity 2d14:19
popeyand it's quite skippy14:19
popeyas in fast14:19
exobuzzdwatkins, there is another alternative patch from usb dev i need to try on the kernel usb mailinglist but for now since it is a production machine, just having it work is good enough14:20
AlanBellI am surprised14:20
exobuzzpopey, here's one, how can i enable compiz + unity 2d14:20
popeysurprised at what?14:20
exobuzzpopey, if you choose unity 2d from natty, it disables compiz. do you have a fix ?14:20
AlanBellthat 2d is faster than 3d14:20
popeyi dont want compiz14:20
popeycompiz is slow14:20
BigRedSAlanBell: really?14:20
exobuzzpopey, i do ;-) hehe14:20
ali12342d is always faster than 3d14:20
popeyI hope you're happy together14:20
dwatkinsexobuzz: I suspect my problems are related to an external USB disk enclosure and the disk idling, but it's interesting to see that bug nonetheless14:20
ali1234don;t listen to anyone who tells you GPUs are all that14:21
ali1234i;ve done experiments with openCL and a entry level GPU is slower than the CPU even for massively parallel tasks that should be optimal for it14:21
popeyalt-tab in unity2d is near-instant, much like my crappy old xp machine at work14:21
popeyalt-tab in unity3d is painful14:21
exobuzzdwatkins, with this change/revert, my usb device is stable with no disconnects. without it, its flakey. i suspect the chipset might be out of spec, or the kernel was trying to be "too quick". of course. manufacturers often only test with windows im suer14:21
AlanBellI have always found 3d to be a lot quicker than 2d for doing things like moving windows about14:21
directhexopencl has some VERY specific issues14:22
directhextreating a GPU as a CPU is doomed to failure14:22
popeyI am using nvidia though, which makes me a) an idiot and b) evil and c) not worth considering14:22
popeyNote: There may be small amounts of sarcasm14:22
ali1234it's lucky then that opencl does not treat it as a cpu!14:22
exobuzzpopey, amd ?14:22
popeyintel c2d14:22
exobuzzi have intel gfx14:23
directhexthe killer is the time taken to move data to the GPU, and take data back from it.14:23
ali1234yes, agreed14:23
AlanBellhmm, alt+tab is instant for me14:23
directhexalthough clearly if you're using a GPU which has cores measures in dozens, not hundreds -> thousands, then it's not going to set the world on fire14:23
directhexplus those gpus have slow memory access14:23
exobuzzdirecthex, my gpu is on the same silicon as the cpu14:23
exobuzzsandy bridge14:23
directhexexobuzz, yeah, but intel graphics struggles to go beyond the dozen polygon mark14:23
ali1234well all i know is that for large array addition, 1 core of my phenom 2 beats my gt24014:23
directhexintel graphics more or less draws a desktop14:24
exobuzzdirecthex, sandy bridge isnt actually that bad, although the bleeding edge git stuff for it sometimes doesnt work :) glxgears didnt work yesterday heh14:24
directhexexobuzz, yes, yes it is that bad.14:24
ali1234it's a pity that nvidia can't write drivers that actually work14:24
directhexa 6-year-old low-end geforce will still outperform it14:24
exobuzzdirecthex, http://www.notebookcheck.net/typo3temp/pics/1166b97581.gif14:25
ali1234as it is, intel cards beat nvidia in some situations14:25
ali1234where some situations = anything but FPS games14:25
ali1234i want to see someone do a benchmark based on "time taken to render a launchpad bug page in firefox"14:25
directhexor sports or strategy or rpg14:25
exobuzzdirecthex, http://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Intel-HD-Graphics-3000-graphics-solution.43710.0.html14:26
exobuzzdirecthex, actually it's quicker than you think then14:26
ali1234time taken on nvidia gt240 = 10 seconds14:26
ali1234time taken on intel pineview = too short to measure14:26
Tommeh'Nvidia' is not the fairest term on many occasions, however.14:27
directhex"it competes at a level of entry-level graphics cards like the Geforce G 310M, the GT 220M or the ATI HD5470"14:27
TommehGiven that the 'free' drivers are buggy in certain cases (particularly in 3D)14:28
exobuzzyes, but you said a 6 year old low end card will outperform it, which isnt true14:28
ali12346 year old low end nvidia card is what, a 440 mx?14:28
directhexyour timescale is out slightly14:29
AlanBellso what won't run unity?14:29
directhex6600gt, or thereabouts14:29
ali1234directhex: 6600 is not low end14:29
exobuzzit wasnt low end back then14:29
ali1234directhex: 6600 is the point where spending any more money make you an idiot14:29
exobuzzand a x700 from around 6 yerrs ago is not as quick as it too14:29
directhexa gf4 mx is closer to 9 years old14:30
directhexand was rebadged gf2 silicon anyway14:30
exobuzzim not arguing my gpu is better than a £100 nvidia card, but its quite ok for built in graphics14:30
exobuzzand the video decoding acceleration is very decent14:30
directhexwake me when i can play minecraft on my laptop's i514:31
ali1234i would imagine that will happen some time after notch learns how to code14:31
mfraz74i'm using intel video and with 10.10 the startup splash screen was fine, but now with 11.04 it is plain ascii although the shutdown screen is fine14:31
AlanBellI thought the on motherboard intel graphics were supposed to be rubbish and anyone serious would have an nvidia or AMD graphics card14:33
popeythats the theory for 3d gaming, yes14:33
ali1234onboard intel is plenty to run unity14:33
ali1234in fact unity runs a lot better on intel than on nvidia14:33
exobuzzAlanBell, compiz etc is very quick here. much better than on my x700 ati from my last machine (6 year old card)14:33
ali1234due to it not being a FPS game14:33
directhexor rpg, or strategy, or sport, or peggle14:34
ali1234we all know that nvidia optimize only for the most popular game14:34
exobuzzbrb. restarting x14:34
ali1234interestingly the new nvidia driver is about twice as fast when running minecraft14:35
ali1234but everything else is slower14:35
AlanBellso how old does an nvidea/amd card have to be to not run unity?14:35
directhexintel's built-in graphics for pre-sandy-bridge i5 (4000-series? whatevs) chokes on civilization 5. or 4, for that matter.14:35
AlanBellI know S3 openchrome won't14:35
directhex2 is fine14:35
AlanBelland the intel from pre 2004ish might be a problem now14:35
AlanBellbut I am going to retest my Dell from 2002 later, see if that works again14:36
ali1234you won't have a problem with: nvidia, intel14:36
AlanBellit did compiz on Hardy, then the drivers changed and it stopped14:36
directhexnot looking forward to 11.04 :/14:36
ali1234you will have problems with everything else14:36
ali1234ati will claim tosupport 3d and then not work properly, because it never does14:37
ali1234powervr based tech would work, if you can find a driver14:37
directhexfglrx has improved rapidly over the years14:37
directhexit actually boots and is stable, which is a big change14:37
exobuzzati dropped support for my card benig too old before their drivers even worked properly heh14:37
ali1234everything else doesn't do 3d14:37
exobuzzo2 joggler can do "1080p h264" decoding in hardware with little cpu usage.. shame its res is only 800x480 :)14:38
exobuzzpowervr even14:38
AlanBelldoes that do compiz?14:38
AlanBelldirecthex: good one14:39
exobuzzdirecthex, same gfx chipset but i think it is us15w or whatever or called something different in the joggler14:40
ali1234not quite, it's EMGD14:40
ali1234same powervr core, yeah14:40
ali1234and so same issues with drivers14:40
exobuzzonly emgd supports a "modern" xorg so i use emgd 1.5.2 with xorg 1.914:41
exobuzzand an older libva14:41
exobuzzgpu is "Intel SCH US15W"14:41
exobuzznow that I have brought up the joggler, i can mention i updated all the linux distribution images i provide yesterday http://joggler.exotica.org.uk/14:43
popeyali1234: seen a third person mention lockup writing to swap now14:47
ali1234popey: where?14:47
ali1234and how come no one ever mentions it here?14:47
popeyin #twil, he's gone afk for now14:47
jibadeehacan't wait for this ... http://www.retrogamescollector.com/sinclair-zx-spectrum-to-be-re-released-in-2012/14:47
ali1234hey, do you wanna do a test?14:47
ali1234do a "big" screenshot in minecraft14:47
exobuzzjibadeeha, whats wrong with an old spectrum ? :)14:47
popeydefine big14:47
ali1234then try to convert it to a png in imagemagick14:47
ali1234oh, the one you get when you press shift-f2 or whatever14:48
jibadeehaexobuzz, mine is broken as i once pulled out the interface ii while switched on14:48
ali1234the one that is 20 gigapixels14:48
popeydidnt know you could do that14:48
exobuzzjibadeeha, woops.. they are still quite cheap though on ebay'14:48
ali1234anyway do one of those and then try to shrink it down with imagemagick14:48
directhexspectrum is too mainstream14:48
directhexget a dragon!14:48
ali1234this is guaranteed to use all your ram and a few gigs of swap14:49
exobuzzdirecthex, i have a dragon 32 ;-) got a dragon 64 ?14:49
popeyok, one mo14:49
jibadeehaexobuzz, tempting to buy an old one ... could i really go back to using a tape recorder14:49
ali1234now, on a decent OS, this process would be able to churn away in the background without impacting on foreground processes14:49
ali1234if you want, run it with ionice and nice14:49
exobuzzjibadeeha, compact flash / sd cart ?14:49
jibadeehai always wanted a dragon or bbc14:49
ali1234when i run it, it locks up the computer until it finishes running14:49
popeyalan@wopr:~/.minecraft/screenshots$ file 2011-04-25_14.49.56.png14:50
popey2011-04-25_14.49.56.png: PNG image data, 1680 x 1026, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced14:50
popeyis that big?14:50
exobuzzi made a "demo" on the dragon. loose use of the term, it was a spaceship and some circles in basic, and erm you played the music on the casette (it had casette audio passthrough which was cool). i was only young though14:50
popeyhow do you do it then?14:50
ali1234well apparently theyve removed it14:50
popeygimmie a big file?14:50
popeyor should i try and scale one up?14:51
ali1234i can't they are 6 GB14:51
ali1234you can write 6GB of /dev/urandom to a file i guess14:51
ali1234and then try to process it14:52
jibadeehaexobuzz, i remember learning Z80 assembly language but wasn't very good at it and it was hard without an assembler .. how times have changed14:52
exobuzzjibadeeha, 3e 02 ;-)14:52
exobuzzld a,02 i think.14:52
exobuzzthats all i remember.14:52
jibadeehaexobuzz, lol oh yeah those 8-bit registers14:52
exobuzzthem were the days14:52
exobuzz<3 spectrum14:53
exobuzzi love it when this channels gets all 8 bit14:53
exobuzzmuch more interesting than all this ubuntu nonsense ;-)14:53
jibadeehai had a SInclair QL before i finally bought a PC .. .loved that computer14:53
exobuzzi got 2 of them too. heh crappy microdrive tech14:53
exobuzznice basic though14:53
exobuzzand fast.. 68008 cpu14:54
jibadeehayeah excellent computer but let down by the twin microdrives14:54
exobuzzi lost all my code on microdrive cart. now i got a plus d but, im cross i never made tape backups14:54
jibadeehathey were rubbish but a god send when all you knew before was the tape recorder14:55
exobuzzhttp://malus.exotica.org.uk/~buzz/magazine/speccy/yspp2.jpg - second letter - last of my remaining speccy code14:56
exobuzzi was very chuffed when i got this in, was 15 then i think14:56
exobuzzthey missed the last line of data statements though. probably just needed a 22 DATA 999 or something. oh well14:57
jibadeehaexobuzz, respect dude that is really cool14:57
jibadeehaexobuzz, i got one of my program listings printed in program pitstop but they published it by accident as it didn't correspond to the letter14:58
exobuzzprogram pitstop! you should dig that out14:58
exobuzzaah nice memories14:58
exobuzzi rememebr typing out a long tim follin tune in your sinclair program pitstop. 3 channel audio routine. very cool. but took a long time heh14:59
jibadeehaexobuzz, the letter and instructions were for a disassembler but the listing was my crappy basic program that renumbered lines .. imagine how many people must have been annoyed to see my listing14:59
exobuzzhttp://craigsretrocomputingpage.eu5.org/startip2/tune_disassembly_hexdump.html that one14:59
exobuzzjibadeeha, ouch, they really messed up. but nice to have your code in!14:59
popeyali1234: just ran a script to eat all ram15:00
popeyas soon as it hit swap the mouse was very sluggish15:00
jibadeehaexobuzz, yeah i remember cycling home as fast as i could to tell my mum and dad that they'd published my code lol15:00
popeywent a bit nuts15:00
exobuzzjibadeeha, mplayer http://modstream.exotica.org.uk/modstream/?md5=ca095372ca71989fb3e12f829882eecc15:01
exobuzzclassic speccy tune heh15:01
ali1234popey: turns out you can do it by scaling up in imagemagick15:01
ali1234popey: try convert any.png -format png -resize 10000x10000 out.png15:01
ali1234this will instantly use about 6 GB of ram15:02
exobuzzjibadeeha, i miss the feeling of getting the latest copy of your sinclair in the post. the excitement. i get retro gamer these days, but i guess it will never be quite the same15:02
jibadeehaexobuzz, pmsl i remember that tune - that is so funny15:02
ali1234computer will lock up (mouse won't even move, screen won't redraw)15:02
jibadeehaexobuzz, is retro gamer good .. i nearly bought that once15:02
ali1234only option is ctrl-alt-f1 (takes 5 minutes), login (takes another 5 minutes) and killall convert15:02
ali1234then when you switch back to X11 all your ssh connections will have timed out and firefox will pop up a hundred "script not responding" warnings15:03
jibadeehaexobuzz, i've got 1000s of sinclair games now for the emulator .. bought this CD full of them15:03
exobuzzspeccy out run . wooot http://modstream.exotica.org.uk/modstream/?md5=eb76edd54a6aefb2730b0527911e8fd715:04
exobuzzjibadeeha, "chaos" by julian gollop. played that ?15:04
shaunothat convert command doesn't peg ram here.  pegs a core to itself, but settles out about 550Mb ram15:04
exobuzzold fave of mine.. great multiplayer15:04
popeyali1234: that finished without swapping :)15:04
ali1234shauno: add a few zeros until it does :)15:04
popeywill make it 10x bigger15:04
ali1234i might have miscalculated15:04
ali1234hmm yeah here 10000x10000 goes very fast15:05
ali1234try 36000x1770015:05
jibadeehaexobuzz, oh yes 3 channel music .. loved outrun and that blonde babe in the car15:05
exobuzzshe was hot and pixellated15:05
exobuzzsam fox strip poker, in the spectrum.. . heh15:06
jibadeehai knew sam fox was coming lol15:06
jibadeehai remember the your sinclair edition covering vixen - was sort of embarrassed to buy it15:06
popey 3455 alan      20   0 3999m 3.8g 2740 R   92 49.0   0:40.32 convert15:07
exobuzzoh yeh. vixen! and erm. game over, and barbarian i think were naughty. and psyscho pigs uxb15:07
ali1234popey: yeah15:08
ali1234is computer still usable while that's churning away?15:08
ali1234because mine totally locks up15:08
popeyi can kill it with perl though15:08
jibadeehaexobuzz, you remember them all .. though hard to forgetm, especially barbarian15:08
popeyget it to swap and it really locks up15:08
jibadeehaexobuzz, just tried chaos now .. asking how many wizards i want15:08
ali1234ok, next step is to run latencytop while doing this15:09
exobuzzplaying alone? 3 maybe. you and 2 computer15:09
ali1234preferably on a remote ssh because otherwise it will never update the display15:09
shaunowow.  1Mx1M took just over 6 minutes to scale15:11
ali1234how much ram you got?15:11
shaunosomeone needs to teach that thing to thread :(15:12
ali1234how big is your input file?15:12
shaunohah, no idea, I just nuked it because dropbox was trying to upload it15:12
ali1234it's not CPU bound at all15:12
ali1234it's slow because of the swapping15:13
ali12341Mx1M you say?15:13
shaunoit's sitting at 100% of one core on mine15:13
popeyyeah, same here15:13
ali1234mine too15:13
ali1234actually, here it is using 330% of my CPU, so over 3 cores15:13
ali1234and only 200MB of ram15:13
ali1234so the computer remains completely usable15:14
ali1234well, sort of15:14
ali1234it must look at how much ram+swap you have, and use a different algorithm if it can't fit the whole thing in ram+swap15:15
ali1234which is stupid, for this it should only consider ram size, not ram + swap15:15
shaunoodd, top shows it bouncing between 'running' and 'stuck'15:16
AzelphurDragonKeeper: btw I'm following portal 2 / wine stuff15:16
ali1234maybe it's not even doing anything15:16
shaunobut yeah, 1Mx1M is using about 600M15:17
AzelphurDragonKeeper: It's a bug in steams DRM that causes the crash on startup, there are many many windows users affected too. There's a 100+ page thread on the steam forums \o/15:17
ali1234it's probably using all that memory building the datastructure it will use to store the real image, which is 2.7 TB15:17
shaunohah, vsize is up to 11Gb15:18
DragonKeeperAzelphur im using a DVD version not steam15:18
ali1234oh yeah15:19
AzelphurDVD version works o.O15:19
Azelphurare you using -wavonly?15:19
ali1234don't do this experiment on the desktop, or nautilus will use several GB trying to read the resulting file15:19
DragonKeeperAzelphur mine crashes on splash screen with err:d3d:wined3d_wndproc Window 0x20082 is not registered with wined3d.15:19
shaunoyeah, I'm getting something similar with the mac.  the metadata service is going nuts15:20
directhexum... dvd version?15:23
exobuzzm machine is very responsive even though it is swapping now15:24
exobuzzdoing imagemagick scaling to 1Mx1M pixels15:24
ali1234scaling to 1Mx1M is a bad test15:24
ali1234try scaling to 50000x50000 instead15:25
exobuzzwhats a good test ?15:25
exobuzztis working.15:25
ali1234now try to open a new terminal window or something15:25
ali1234or even just minimize a window or anything like that15:26
exobuzzyeh was ok15:26
exobuzzstill ok15:26
exobuzznothing ground to a halt. but im on 2.6.39 btw not 2.6.3815:27
ali1234it's done already?15:27
exobuzznot yet.15:27
exobuzzi even loaded thunderbird and checked email15:28
MartijnVdS1Mx1M is going to be painful :)15:28
shaunopainful was what we were trying to replicate, but I can't seem to convince convert to use swap at all15:29
exobuzzit might start using temp files instead of swap15:30
ali1234hmm weird15:30
MartijnVdSshauno: do you have >4G RAM? :)15:30
ali1234try 36000x1770015:30
shauno'just' 415:30
ali1234i also see no swap usage at 50000x5000015:30
exobuzz3m10 seconds. done15:30
ali1234it might have a hardcoded limit or something15:30
shaunobut I haven't got it to go over 1Gb yet.  it gets about 600Mb and then just gets slower15:30
exobuzzor 4mins30 second. i shoudl read the man file for "time"15:31
shaunoI think maybe look for something that should flood swap, rather than something that appears to be 'clever' about it15:31
ali1234flooding swap is hard though15:31
ali1234if yo ujust allocate a lot of ram and don't use it nothing will happen15:31
popeythat works15:32
popeykills my machine pretty quick15:32
MartijnVdSthere are easier ways to kill your machine using Perl :)15:33
shauno:)  <- may be one of them.  you never know.15:34
ali1234yes that instantly locked up the machine15:34
MartijnVdSperl -e '@a = 1..1_000_000_000_000' *boom*15:34
MartijnVdSNo need to use strings.. just fill an array :)15:35
shaunoyeah, popey's works.  4Gb into swap and counting15:35
MartijnVdSgah my entire machine is teh slowz15:35
MartijnVdSand I have 8G15:36
shaunohm, stopped at 4.16Gb in swap & 2 'real'15:36
exobuzzwell. that hosed my system15:49
exobuzzgood to know a simple recusive bash function is enough to bring everything to a halt so you cant even ctrl+alt+delete heh15:49
exobuzzmaybe ubuntu shiould have some sensible ulimits15:49
shaunothat eatram made your box fall over?15:51
exobuzzok. 600 process limit in place. much better16:01
Bulldoganother skype update o.O  wow  2 in a week   .. most work skype has ever done lol16:05
jacobwi HATE the scroll bars16:17
jacobwplural intended, because there's so many differnt ones16:18
jacobwnew scroll bars in unity that is16:18
penguin42jacobw: Yeh I'm not loving them either - they seem to have infected the gnome apps in my KDE world as well16:19
penguin42jacobw: I might get used to them though not sure yet16:19
penguin42I can see they take less horizontal space up which is an advantage16:19
jacobwit isn't advantage when you can't find them in the first place16:20
penguin42well yes16:20
DaraelAm I misunderstanding the uptime manpage, or am I right in thinking that a load-average of eleven or more, on a 4-core system, with CPU-usage below 25% as reported by htop ought not to be possible?16:25
MartijnVdSDarael: you misunderstand :)16:30
DaraelMartijnVdS: Phew.16:30
MartijnVdSDarael: things can be in a "runnable state" for shorter than the CPU measurement interval16:31
DaraelMartijnVdS: Makes sense, aye.  Cheers.16:31
penguin42Darael: They are processes that want to run - 100 processes all waiting for IO can give a LA of 10016:34
penguin42Darael: Or 100 processes all trying to run and getting scheduled in and out all trying to use CPU can do it16:34
* penguin42 has seen about 800 on his poor 2 core laptop when things really go wrong :-)16:35
=== ChrisB is now known as Guest32650
=== serial is now known as Guest28364
* brobostigon returns, beautiful sun, :)17:28
* MartijnVdS plays some more SpaceChem17:38
czajkowskiI am addicted to jonahan creak18:02
shaunosome things it's safer to just not admit aloud ;)18:03
czajkowskieveryone enjoy dr. who being back on saturday?18:03
bigcalmThe ep was drawn out, the acting was painful compaired to previous eps.18:04
bigcalmDidn't want a 2 parter as an introduction18:04
bigcalmOtherwise enjoyed it18:05
czajkowskiI'm still peeved that the dr has 2 companions18:05
czajkowskiamy ponds hubby drives me batty18:05
bigcalmHayley complained of tummy problems after watching the ep :S18:05
shaunoI'll give you that one18:06
shaunothere has to be a limit to how many companions he can have before it turns into scooby who18:06
popeyhaha shauno18:08
gordhehe, bear grylls has a range of clothing, its not what you might think, just shirts and stuff. not animal skins ;)18:16
MartijnVdSgord: you know the meme, right? :)18:18
gordsigh, i'm 25 now, maybe i should actually buy an iron18:18
=== serial is now known as Guest24163
MichealHA symlink to /var/www will not work D:18:33
MichealHIt gives me a 40318:33
Azelphurthat'll be permissions, not anything to do with a symlink18:34
MichealHWhat should the permissions be?18:34
Azelphurdo you understand the permissions system or are you just picking random numbers? :P18:34
Azelphur(picking random numbers is fine, I'll help you understand it properly XD)18:35
AlanBelloctal permissions should not be allowed!18:35
MichealHAzelphur: 755 is Owner = rwx Group = r-x Others = r-x18:35
Azelphurok :P18:36
Azelphurso you should know the answer to your own question then18:36
MichealHNot really,  :P18:36
AlanBellI have a client that goes on about 755 permissions, he has *no* clue what it means18:36
Azelphurwho is /var/www owned by?18:36
MichealHroot, I guess18:36
Azelphurdon't guess, check.18:36
AlanBelland who is apache running as18:37
MichealHdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-04-25 18:17 www18:37
AzelphurMichealH: and now for AlanBell's answer :p18:37
AlanBellso "user apache is running as" != "owner of /var/www" so apache has r-x18:37
MichealHHow would I check that? :P18:38
AlanBellps aux |grep apache18:38
AzelphurMichealH: ps aux | grep apache18:38
AlanBellit will be www-data18:38
Azelphurindeed :P18:38
AlanBellsudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www18:38
MichealHI have recently restarted he server using sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload18:41
MichealHis that correct? :P18:41
AlanBellyeah, that is ok18:42
AlanBellin the startup script for apache it switches to the www-data user18:42
AlanBelljust because root kicked off the startup script doesn't mean the service will run as root18:42
MichealHdrwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 2011-04-25 18:42 www18:43
MichealHBut it still will not stop the 40318:44
MichealHThe ps aux command shows:18:45
MichealHmichealh  4416  0.0  0.1   3324   792 pts/2    S+   18:45   0:00 grep --color=auto apache18:45
MichealHit seems to be running as me18:46
MichealHWell... Multiple entries, most are www-data18:46
popeythats the grep running as you18:47
popeynot apache18:47
MichealHStill throwing a 403 :/18:48
MichealHWould it make any difference if It was in a directory I specified in a file in /etc/apache2/sites-available ?18:50
MichealHpopey: ^^18:52
popeysorry I'm a but busy right now18:53
popeyneed to go and put the kids to bed18:53
popeyi would check your /var/log/apache/error.log though18:53
MichealH[Mon Apr 25 17:23:29 2011] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible:18:55
MichealHThen the dir name of the symlink#18:55
popeythat helps :)18:57
MichealHIn my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf I have "Options FollowSymLinks" on18:57
MichealHfor that dir18:57
popeypass then18:57
MichealHThis may help18:59
MichealH[Mon Apr 25 18:59:18 2011] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive18:59
Guest24163sounds like someone has been trying ../../../../18:59
Guest24163trying to propagate back through your top level dir, its a old hacking trick thats in loads of books19:01
Guest24163but you have disabled indexing hense why i thought of that19:02
MichealHI think I havent19:02
MichealHWould not defining the index in the httpd.conf be bad, as i have a conf in /etc/apache2/sites-availible19:03
MichealHWith Document toot and stuff19:03
Guest24163it would, yup19:03
MichealHHow would I do that in the httpd.conf?19:03
Guest24163it says directory index forbidden which says to me that you have disabled indexing of directories19:04
MichealHHow would I enable it?19:04
ali1234so everyone managed to crash their system with swapping?19:05
MichealHHmm... Now the symlink is playing up19:05
ali1234any ideas where to go from here?19:05
Guest24163Options -Indexes19:05
Guest24163theres loads of details on apache wiki, it would be a great place to start with :)19:06
MichealHI have the main dir up19:06
popeyali1234: swappiness?19:06
Guest24163can i ask what your trying to do?19:06
MichealHBut the symlink, apache will not find it in its list and it is a 40319:06
ali1234popey: i already tried that19:06
ali1234it made it slightly worse if anything19:06
shaunoali1234: mine didn't crash, just made minecraft a bit laggy.  but I was kinda playing devil's advocate ;)19:06
MichealHGuest24163: Im tryng to symlink ~/ubuntu-at to /var/www/ubuntu-at with /var/www empty19:07
MichealHI now cannot access the ubuntu-at directory19:07
ali1234what do the options for ulimit mean?19:07
Guest24163set the permissions level?19:07
MichealHGuest24163: Huh?19:08
Guest24163403 is forbidden right?19:08
Guest24163have you set the permissions level right?19:08
MichealHIts 75519:08
Guest24163are you testing on a live machine19:09
MichealHdrwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data    4096 2011-04-25 18:17 ubuntu-at19:09
shaunobeware that apache pays attention to where links are going19:09
MichealHIts on my server19:09
MichealHshauno: Hmm?19:09
MichealHIts in my homedir19:09
shaunoif you allow indexes in /var/www, but don't allow them in / (which is default in ubuntu's install), /var/www/ubuntu-at as a symlink to ~/ubuntu-at won't allow indexes because ~/ubuntu-at is under / but not /var/www19:09
MichealHHow would I allow indexes in /?19:10
Guest24163directory /19:10
Guest24163option indexes19:10
shaunoI'd just add a <Directory /your/home/ubuntu-at> in your vhost.  indexes are disabled under / for very sane reasons19:10
Guest24163ah, thanks shauno :)19:11
ali1234hmm RLIMIT_RSS does exactly what i need to do, unfortunately it only works on 2.4 kernels19:11
shaunootherwise people can just use .. to start wandering your entire machine19:11
MichealH<Directory /home/michealh/ubuntu-at>19:12
MichealHOptions Indexes19:12
shaunopretty much.  I'd just copy the entry for /var/www that's already there19:13
shaunobut that should work as-is19:13
MichealHHrmm, I still get a 40319:14
shaunoyou reloaded?19:14
MichealHLemme copy the /var/www one19:14
shaunodoes the last entry in error.log still say the index is forbidden?19:14
MichealH[Mon Apr 25 19:14:16 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/www/meetings.touchlay.com/www/favicon.ico19:15
MichealHOnly error19:16
gordonjcpMichealH: lern2pastebin19:16
MichealHits for multi line pastes :P19:16
shaunothat one's normal.  if you're getting a 403 forbidden, there should be something in either error.log or access.log to match tho19:16
MichealHNot single-line pastes19:16
MichealHwhere will i find that?19:17
shaunoaccess.log is in the same folder as the error.log you're already looking at.  but I think the 403 should be in error :/19:17
MichealHshauno: Im using a vhost with only errorlog enables19:17
shauno[Mon Apr 25 18:59:18 2011] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive  <= looking for a new version of this one19:18
MichealHIm not getting that anymore19:19
shaunoI'd suspect apache wants +rx on your both ~/ and ~/ubuntu-at/ then19:20
MichealHWhat command shall I run?19:20
MichealHsudo chmod +rx ~/ ?19:20
MichealHdrwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data    4096 2011-04-25 18:17 ubuntu-at19:21
MichealHand for home dir19:21
MichealHdrwxr-xr-x 23 michealh michealh 4096 2011-04-25 19:15 michealh19:21
shaunoit'd be really handy if it was logging errors :/19:22
MichealHMartijnVdS: Hmm?19:22
MartijnVdStry adding to the Options line19:23
MartijnVdSand +Symlinks19:23
MartijnVdSbe sure to read the apache documentation about it though - there are security implications19:23
popeywhy not host them properly with their own vhosts in /srv/<host>/www/ rather than smooshed up in /var/www ?19:24
shaunoI'd be really tempted to knock your loglevel up to info while you're doing this.  bring it back down after if you like, but troubleshooting blind is messy19:24
MichealHshauno: How could I do that?19:25
MichealHHrmm... still a 40319:25
MichealHI acctually do have this one in /srv/www/meetings.touchlay.com/www/19:26
MichealHIllegal option Symlinks19:27
MichealH   ...fail!19:27
MartijnVdSMichealH: please read the Apache documentation about the "Options" option19:27
MartijnVdSMichealH: it explains which ones are valid and what they do19:27
MichealHapache docs19:27
MichealHoops... tought this was chrome19:28
dwatkinsI noticed, MichealH ;)19:28
shaunoI've discovered a glaring design flaw with my macbook :((19:29
dwatkinsDo tell, shauno.19:29
shaunoI can left-click.  I can right-click.  but I can't do both at once.  this makes cannon fodder unplayable.19:29
MartijnVdSit runs macos?19:29
dwatkinsshauno: I can't middle-click on mine, unless I get a mouse ;)19:30
shaunoMartijnVdS: when everyone was filling their swaps and bringing their systems to a grinding halt, I got some mild lag in minecraft.  I'm happy with osx, ta :p19:30
jacobwbut.. you missed out on the fun :o19:31
dwatkinsI've been battling with USB on Ubuntu, OS X has no such issues.19:31
jacobwbecause when one operating systems has a problem, all others should have the same problem :)19:32
dwatkinsI meant storage problems in general.19:32
dwatkinsI've spent a lot of time installing Ubuntu over the years, whereas OS X just works. I accept that there's a commercial organisation behind OS X and Ubuntu is entirely volunteer-based, I'm just stating what I've observed.19:34
shaunoI still can't believe how long this thing gets on battery.  I still use linux for most tasks you throw a dedicated machine/vm at, but I do think osx is pretty unbeatable on laptops19:34
* brobostigon haz chinese curry, yummy, :)19:34
shaunoeven if it is soley because they're only supporting 2 and a half models of laptop19:35
jacobwdepends how computational your tasks are i guess19:36
shaunoeither way, I still need to find a new mouse for cannon fodder.  absolutely zero point in getting dosbox going otherwise19:38
popeyright, just upgraded an intel box to natty and I can confirm that even on a box that has no apps open whatsoever, with empty ram, dual core 2GHZ cpu, unity is still slow19:43
dwatkinsWhat kind of graphics card, popey?19:44
popey00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)19:45
popeyso the argument that it's my nvidia card at fault holds zero sway with me19:45
brobostigonpopey: with said gpu, could you check to see if you get the same gpu hang/lockup i get, i seems comon across several differnt intel gpu's. please.19:46
dwatkinsI'm just wondering if it's powerful enough.19:46
popey10:44 < gord> 945's *should* work with unity fine, but i haven't booted up my 945 in a long time, the power adapter died - which i took as a strong hint that i should buy a new toy instead19:48
popeyI officially own zero machines capable of running unity19:48
popeyI have a dual core 8GB desktop, a dual core 4GB laptop, a dual core 8GB macbook pro.19:48
dwatkinsI wonder if my MBP would run it.19:48
popeyunity is bad on all of them19:48
popeythe ssd in the laptop makes it nice and quick to start up tho19:49
popeybrobostigon: what triggers it?19:51
brobostigonpopey: that is up for debate, let me link you up.19:52
popeyi mean, can you reproduce it easily?19:52
brobostigonpopey: me, yes, use flash, andkill it abruptly.19:53
popeyali1234: recall your bug about there being a delay clicking between windows on unity? I just tried on intel and it doesnt happen, so looks very much like an nvidia issue19:53
popeybug 71509619:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 715096 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i945gm] GPU lockup (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000011)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71509619:53
ali1234popey: of course :)19:53
popeybrobostigon: have you tried the ppa on that bug?19:55
brobostigonpopey: yes, no lockup/hang yet in two days, of normal use, with standerd natty kernel.19:56
popeyhttps://launchpad.net/~bryce/+archive/fig using that?19:56
popeyI'd leave a comment saying that then :)19:56
brobostigonpopey: i am not sure yet, i am going to do more testing, about things i think cause said issue.19:57
popeywell we're only a few days from release19:57
brobostigontrue, yes.19:57
brobostigoni want to be sure though.19:57
popeyworth saying at least that youve gone a couple of days with no crashes19:57
brobostigonpopey: i originally thought it was an issue with kms, and drm inside it.19:59
brobostigongood evening daubers20:15
* daubers may need a trip to maplin next weekend20:19
daubersneed moar aluminium cases20:19
gordpopey, brobostigon - if compiz is slow to switch windows and your using firefox. its a firefox bug20:22
gordbasically - the new acceleration it does kills opengl performance20:23
gordi disabled firefox 4 acceleration in about:config20:23
ali1234gord: it's not firefox, it's *any* program that uses 3d20:23
popeyfirefox 4 is not open20:23
ali1234gord: for example, glxgears with a 100x100 window and locked to vsync so it only does 60fps20:24
gordthere may be other bugs, all i am talking about is a specific case of firefox20:24
brobostigongord: and i dont use unity nor compiz,20:24
ali1234gord: does turning off acceleration make launchpad render faster?20:24
brobostigonidont use FF either.20:24
gordali1234, i have no ideaw20:25
ali1234i know that is related to acceleration and nvidia bugs20:25
ali1234whats the about:config option?20:25
gordi'm not sure20:26
ali1234lol how did you change it?20:26
gordi changed a setting? i don't memorise settings and it was months ago20:27
ali1234hmm seems much faster now20:29
ali1234it's funny20:29
ali1234that the only driver that they whitelisted actually is so buggy that firefox runs faster when you disable accel20:29
AlanBellwhat is this a screenshot of? http://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/bootsplash.png20:37
gordsomeone booting natty in a vm? i mean it says right there20:38
AlanBellyeah, I know that bit!20:38
AlanBellthat stage of the boot process20:38
AlanBellit isn't ubiquity, the plymouth people say it isn't them20:38
AlanBellit isn't grub20:38
AlanBellI am thinking isolinux is doing it, but not sure20:39
gordno idea, maybe ask -desktop20:39
AlanBellI did20:39
gordah dang, i spent £0.99 on a phone application, quick, trigger the anti-fraud devices and cancel all my amazon orders! ... stupid bank20:40
stgraberAlanBell: gfxboot20:40
stgraberAlanBell: gfxboot is the bit that's rendering the graphical menu on the CD/DVD, it's loaded by isolinux20:41
AlanBellthanks stgraber20:41
AlanBellit needs to go beep20:42
AlanBellbug 73232020:42
lubotu3Launchpad bug 732320 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "no audio clues on how to get into the accessible install with screen reader" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73232020:42
brobostigonbugjam daybug, :)20:43
AlanBellactually a bug I have been filing every release for the last three releases20:43
gordbugs are only useful if someone is maintaining20:44
AlanBelland if they are against the right package20:45
ali1234true dat20:45
AlanBellI had been reporting them against casper as someone told me that is where liveCD bugs go20:45
gordreally the kind of thing you need to grab a person about really, maybe a uds thing20:45
AlanBellgreat, not going.20:45
gordor maybe the accessibility team20:46
gordor of course the alternative, get in there and fix it yourself20:47
AlanBellthat I am happy to do20:47
AlanBelljust need someone to point me in the right direction20:47
gordtime to put your columbo hat on, and start asking questions ;) mailing lists are prolly the most useful20:48
ali1234columbo raincoat you mean?20:48
* AlanBell does apt-get source gfxboot20:49
AlanBellok, so on the cd the image I am interested in is in /isolinux/access.pcx20:54
ali1234pcx? seriously?20:55
ali1234i haven't seen a pcx file in years20:56
AlanBelland I did apt-get source syslinux and apt-get source gfxboot and it isn't in either of them20:56
ali1234well it could be generated still20:56
AlanBellgrep -rn access.pcx * returns nothing20:57
ali1234try the plymouth-theme-* packages?20:57
AlanBellfind |grep access returns nothing interesting20:58
AlanBellyup, that is certainly the file20:59
shaunowatching dr who confidential; they actually built a set for the oval office?  I kinda assumed that'd be 'stock' enough that the beeb would have one ... laying around21:04
AlanBellso if I boot from a live CD is there a command to find out what package owns /isolinux/access.pcx21:06
brobostigonshauno: they do have one of no'10 lieing around.21:08
shaunowell you'd think so, wouldn't you.  seems silly having every show build their own21:09
AlanBellbug 546922 is another one21:12
lubotu3Launchpad bug 546922 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "[lucid] Some suggestions with new gfxboot artwork" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54692221:12
hamitronwon't there be a poor turn-up to the meeting, with everyone calling in at the pub on the way back from voting?23:04
mgdmI knew I was missing a channel...23:21
hamitronthe important one too!!! :-o23:22
* bigcalm feels unloved23:24
* hamitron fluffles bigcalm23:25
hamitronbrb, phone23:30
brobostigongood night eveyone, sleep well.23:30
tugrikhi - does anyone have a /etc/logrotate.d/pacct file?23:39
hamitrontugrik: no23:55
BigRedShamitron: I'm sure *someone* does :)23:58
hamitronjust letting him know someone saw him I guess23:58
hamitronsuppose it was one of my usual unhelpful replies :/23:59

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