
jack_i installed 11.04 last night14:50
jack_its *amazing*14:50
akgranerjack_, I <3 it...14:58
jack_akgraner: there are a couple of things I would change due to personal preference, but unity has really blown me away. i wasn't expecting it to be so great15:00
Tracy_PWould Unity work on a netbook using the "Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 500", 2 GIG of ram, Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU Z520   @ 1.33GHz?15:08
holsteinTracy_P: work?15:26
holsteintheres supposed to be a 2D version as well15:26
holsteinso in theory15:26
holsteinunity runs on anything15:26
holsteinbut that should be plenty15:27
Tracy_PI've seen talk about this, I thought I might have a look at it.15:27
holsteini had it running live on my netbook of similar specs15:27
Tracy_PThat's what I was thinking about doing first.15:28
Tracy_PPut it on a 1gig SSD and bring it up.15:28
holsteinit is still beta15:29
holsteinalthough, its mostly stable now15:29
akgranerif you graphics card won't support it - then it will automatically install the classic desktop15:29
holsteinakgraner: classic? or the 2d unity?15:29
holsteinintel is usually very well supported15:30
akgranerFrom what I've seen it just falls back to the classic desktop - as people told me "he it looks the same"15:30
holsteinthats too bad15:30
akgranerI have intel graphics here and it works just fine15:30
holsteinmaybe the 2d unity is still on the way15:30
holsteinor scraped15:30
akgranerit's there15:31
holsteinyou would think it would fall back to that15:31
akgranerone sec I'll get the right answer for you15:32
akgranerclassic desktop15:33
holsteinand thats the proper functionality?15:34
akgranerthe 2d version has to be specifically installed15:34
holsteininteresting call15:34
akgraneryep that's the way it is for this cycle...not sure what's planned for 11.11 but for this release that's the plan for now15:34
holsteinwell, *if* gnome gets yanked like its supposed to15:35
akgranerwhat do you mean15:35
holsteinthey'll either have to have the 2d one in there too15:35
akgranerunity is a shell for GNOME it's just not GNOME shell15:35
holsteinbut, gnome is not going to be in 11.1015:36
holsteinor thats the plan at least*15:36
akgranerthere is a PPA available for GNOME 3 if people what to use it now...15:36
holsteinno classic desktop by then15:36
akgranerwasn't sure where you were going15:36
holsteinSO, unity will need to revert to the 2d unity15:36
holsteinOR just not support old and tricky hardware15:36
akgraneryep for 11.1115:36
holsteinwe are planning on moving ubuntustudio to XFCE15:37
holsteini think im going to look at going that route too15:38
holsteinor go back to fluxbox :)15:38
akgranerGNOME Isn't going awaay15:38
akgranerwe will still be using GNOME15:39
holsteinwell, i dont like gnome3 worse i think15:39
akgranerbut GNOME has moved to GNOME 3 so the support for the classic desktop won't be supported upstream iirc15:39
holsteini'll wail til natty is final15:40
holsteinand install it on something15:40
holsteingive unity a proper look15:40
akgranerholstein, I'll get the correct  answer on the classic desktop support in 11.10...15:41
akgranerbut GNOME is not going away...:-)15:41
holsteinit'll stay in the repos15:41
holsteinbut it *should* become gnome3 at some point15:42
akgranerI dunno if that will happen either...:-/15:42
holsteinmaybe someone in cannonical will maintain that older branch of gnome15:43
holsteinim sure some community support will be around for it15:43
holsteinat least for a while15:43
holsteinto be honest15:44
holsteini really just tolerate the current gnome15:44
akgranerI think they want to keep the look and feel of the desktops the same - and for theis release I don't think Unity 2d is completely ready15:44
akgranerso for this release we'll have the classic desktop available15:45
holsteinon some level, i appreciate the push for 3d15:45
holsteinthats really the only way we can get to that next level15:45
holsteinwith modern UI's15:45
holsteinbut, i can empathize with folks with older hardware15:46
holsteinor just that random via chip like i have15:46
Nivexand most of the 3D drivers are non-Free :/15:46
holsteinstill, i dont think that should necessarily be a view point of cannonical15:46
holsteinif they want to push things a bit15:46
holsteinand put out something modern15:46
holsteinthats a good way to do it15:47
holsteinjust require 3D15:47
akgranerI dunno I can't speak for what Canonical does or doesn't do...15:47
akgranerbut look at the the push from GNOME for an new UI - it's not just Ubuntu15:47
holsteinwell, im just talking down both sides...15:47
holsteinyeah, gnome3 has been a long time in the making15:47
Nivexany update on the power management regression? That's a showstopper for me upgrading my laptop and notebook15:48
akgranerNivex, I have't heard anything about that15:49
holsteinNivex: is there a bug# ?15:52
holsteinthat sounds bad :/15:52
lubotu1Launchpad bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:53
Nivexmmm bisecting :)15:54
holsteintoo bad16:01
holsteinthat was one argument for moving to natty16:01
holsteini just assumed i would get better power management16:01
akgranerdoesn't Fedora have the same issue though?  Don't know just asking?16:02
Nivexholstein: one does generally assume improvement.  pesky regressions16:02
holsteinakgraner: i guess if its kernel related16:03
holsteinthey should16:03
akgranerso it looks like it's an upstream kernel bug and they are looking into it - pgraner is going to comment in the bug about it as that is all I know about it...16:05
holsteinyeah, they'll sort it out16:05
holsteini installed lucid on this netbook16:06
holsteinwifi and sound were broken16:06
Nivexakgraner: sweet, will be good to hear it from the authority :)16:06
holsteinin plugged it in to the router16:06
holsteingot a kernel update and everything worked :)16:06
akgraneryeah as I am certainly not the authority on any of that (much less anything else) ;-P16:07
holsteini dont know, i think you should scrap the NT from your NTEU title :)16:08
* BugeyeD likes the natty b2 installer. being multi-threaded is nice, where i can answer required questions while the software is being installed.16:50
BugeyeDmay not be new for this release, but it's the first time i've noticed.16:50
BugeyeDof course, i usually go for the curses installer and did not this time - could be a very old feature i suppose16:50
holsteinthe installer is looking great16:51
holsteini dont like the way the GRUB set up is assumed these days16:52
holsteinbut it looks awesome16:52
Nivexwhat is the ATI equivalent to the nvidia-settings package?16:55
holsteini dont think there is one16:56
internalkernelIm still on the fence with the unity interface... but I do like it better than the classic gnome.17:21
internalkernelI considered for a small moment moving to Mint Debian...17:22
Tracy_PYou mention Unity is still in Beta? http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook19:07
Tracy_PInternet here isn't fast enough to be nice to the others that need it for work. So it will wait until I get home.19:11
bacTracy_P: the next release of ubuntu (11.04) is in beta until thursday.  unity did appear in the netbook version for 10.10.19:17
Tracy_PThanks for the clarification19:18
jack_im using an old ass laptop (like 4 years old heh) and it runs unity out of the box20:56
jack_with an intel graphics card20:56
holsteinyeah, intel is usually a pretty easy time20:57

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