
panfriedsidhheita all02:27
dyllanhi all08:48
dyllanThe only main difference between the thin client hardware that works and the one copied above that does not work is that non-working one had 2x DVI ports, do you think ltsp is getting confused about the dual DVI ports and therefore not able to bring up the ldm?08:49
dyllanThe thin client hardware that IS working: http://www.devonit.com/_wp//wp-content/uploads/2010/07/DIT_TC5Xc_SSheet-email.pdf08:49
Kilosmorning all09:35
nlsthznHi Uncle Kilos 09:46
Kiloshiya nl you at work09:46
Kilosgrrr nlsthzn 09:46
nlsthznnot yet... night shift again09:47
Kilosmissed the tab key09:47
Kilosoh yes me be doff. shoulda seen there no -work at the end09:49
nlsthzn:) but sleep for me now...10:14
Kiloslol lo superfly 10:26
Kilossleep tight nlsthzn 10:27
queeryhamub1, are you ok11:42
hamub1queery:i am alright and u?11:44
queeryim good11:45
queeryI see you keep loosing your connection11:45
hamub1ja i got a bad connection11:46
hamub1queery:  you still around?11:49
queeryI am11:49
queerywhat connection are you using hamub1 11:49
hamub13g modem on mobile network11:51
queeryoh ok11:51
hamub1and you?11:52
queeryon the varsity network11:53
hamub1free Mandela for you. wat are you studying?11:55
queerydoing my Masters in Biochem11:57
hamub1oh lovely, i thought you were in I.T. Which varsity?11:59
queeryim at Stellenbosch12:00
hamub1you not far from me then12:01
queerywhy where are you?12:02
Kilosthats a bad remote12:47
Kiloshiya drubin  you well?12:52
Kiloslo deegee12:53
drubinKilos: I can't really complain12:54
plustwo_hey Kilos12:56
Kiloseish that remote goodie filling up my window with hamubs13:50
nlsthznKilos: there is a way to ignore the user... haven't done it but I know it is possible13:58
Kilosshame and i dunno even who he is13:59
Kilosfound a site that says the got the nct/nuk for that usb modem but it first wants to download a download manager and its for windows14:00
Kilosoh maybe it was nuc14:01
Kilosnetwork unlocking key14:01
Kilostimes i think the internet made for another generation than mine14:11
KilosMaaz, tell hanub1 to connect from some othe network14:14
MaazKilos: I don't know who hanub1 is. Say 'hanub1 on freenode' and I'll take your word that hanub1 exists14:14
KilosMaaz, tell hamub1 to try connect another way14:14
MaazKilos: Sure, I'll tell hamub1 on freenode14:14
Kiloshey guys. where do i request the unlocking code here please14:37
Kilosi cant find the place to request it14:38
Kiloslike post new request or something14:38
jubei-zaHi all, im trying to install the package "dhcp3-server" on a ubuntu server 10.04 LTS fresh install but apt-get says that the package is not in any of the repositores? any advice?15:38
jubei-zaive setup my ubuntu server with a pppoe connection and i am able to ping out to google.co.za so im sure the internet is working15:39
tumbleweedMaaz: rmadison dhcp3-server15:39
Maaztumbleweed: Sorry...15:39
tumbleweedit should be there15:39
jubei-zai know its most frustrating!15:40
tumbleweedhave you "apt-get update"d?15:40
jubei-zayeah itried that15:40
tumbleweedwhat's in your /etc/apt/sources.list?15:40
jubei-zaim very new to linux but it seems like all the usual stuff, a bunch of za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu and the security.* ones15:41
jubei-zawith varying lucid/main/resitricted/universe.multiverse options on different lines15:41
jubei-zaive been to the #ubuntu channel and they said i should come here and ask ... ? im very confused and not really sure why it wouldn't be in there....15:42
tumbleweedcan you pastebin the contents? http://paste.ubuntu.com/ also the output of apt-get install dhcp3-server15:43
jubei-zasure it'll take me a minute15:43
jubei-zaif you know how i would happily set up a remote root thingey..openssh i believe is one?15:43
tumbleweedlet's avoid that if possible15:44
jubei-zaim working off my laptop to talk to you, and the ubuntu server is on another machine with no gui installed so copying and pasting might be tricky!15:44
tumbleweedcan you not ssh into it?15:44
jubei-zaumm well you see, i want to setup the server as a home gate-way and have managed to use a pppoe connection to connect it to the internet via my telkom router15:45
jubei-zathe server has a keyboard/monitor attached15:45
jubei-zaso thats what i use to configure it15:46
jubei-zai havn't gotten as far as trying to remote console onto it15:46
tumbleweedok, let's try some questions and answers then15:46
jubei-zaim VERY new to all this less than a week15:46
jubei-zasure fire away15:46
tumbleweedin the /etc/apt/sources.list, do you have a line that starts without a "#" and contains deb http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu main lucid 15:46
jubei-zaive got one without the comment # infront of it saying: deb http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid main restricted and the accompanying deb-src line15:48
tumbleweedwhen you run apt-get update, are there errors?15:48
jubei-zanope it just updates15:48
jubei-zagives percentages and it seems to work, no errors reported15:48
tumbleweed"apt-cache search dhcp" do anything?15:48
jubei-zaFetched 286kb in 9s (30.0Kb/s)15:49
jubei-zaoh wow15:49
jubei-zaok sorry15:49
jubei-zathere are some errors15:49
tumbleweedwhich are?15:49
jubei-zaW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-security/realease15:49
jubei-zathere are quite a few like W: bla bla15:50
jubei-zaim typing it out here15:50
jubei-zais it easy to ssh onto the server?15:50
jubei-zai can ping the server from this machine15:50
jubei-zaand im running lubuntu on here15:50
tumbleweeddo you have an ssh server installed?15:50
jubei-zai havnt no, and i have no clue if it comes installed by default15:51
tumbleweedno, it doesn't come bf default15:51
tumbleweedsounds like your server isn't really connected to the internet15:51
jubei-zahmm it does ya15:51
jubei-zabut i type "ping mweb.co.za" and it gets a reply ?15:51
jubei-zait resolves to
jubei-zawhich i vaguely remember is mewbs ip15:52
tumbleweedyou aren't capped?15:52
jubei-zanope im dialling a 384 mweb uncapped15:52
jubei-zamaybe this may help: i use the telkom router to dial up my mweb account as usual, then i have the server dialling a pppoe connection over that15:53
jubei-zaim plugged into the router now on this laptop and so is the server15:53
tumbleweedare you allowed 2 concurrent sessions with mweb uncapped?15:53
jubei-zathe catch is its from the same line15:54
jubei-zaso yes, afaik its allowed, and its work15:54
tumbleweedI don't know if that makes any difference, but yes you appear to have some connectivity15:54
tumbleweedyou don't have a proxy set or something?15:54
jubei-zanope just straight through the router15:54
jubei-zamaybe it is my network setup15:55
jubei-zaits very complicated15:55
jubei-zato explain15:55
jubei-zawhere can i put a picture up?15:55
tumbleweedtry this: wget -O- http://google.com/15:55
jubei-zafor you to see?15:55
tumbleweedif you don't have wget, try curl http://google.com/15:55
jubei-zaclaims -0- is an invalid option15:56
tumbleweedOh not Zero15:56
jubei-zamising url ?15:57
tumbleweedno I meant that is an O, the letter15:57
jubei-zayeah i tried with a letter o and it says missing url ...15:57
jubei-zai tried to apt-get install curl15:57
jubei-zasays package curl is not available15:58
tumbleweedyou can't install things :)15:58
tumbleweedyou must have mystyped the URL15:58
tumbleweedalso O, not o15:58
jubei-zai type "wget -O http://google.com"15:59
jubei-zaand it says wget: missing URL15:59
jubei-zaLOL im such a retard15:59
jubei-zaok she works15:59
tumbleweeddid that spew out some HTML?15:59
jubei-zayep, loads15:59
tumbleweedok, wget -O- http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid-security/Release15:59
tumbleweedseeing as that was the error you mentioned16:00
jubei-zaya it spits more HTML16:00
tumbleweedactually it should be plain text16:01
jubei-zaok weird though, both outputs look identical at the bottom16:01
jubei-zalike both commands output the same html file?16:01
tumbleweedok, you'll have to try and read it :)16:01
superflysounds like you're hitting a page on a proxy16:02
jubei-zayeah im roughly familiar with HTML, and it is exactly the same16:02
tumbleweedsuperfly: yeah that's what I'm thinking16:02
jubei-zathat is weird, there is no proxy...?  the server in plugged into router, and the server dials a pppoe conn, i checked it in ifconfig16:02
tumbleweedjubei-za: what is it? Is it an error / login form?16:02
tumbleweedjubei-za: "route -n" does the route go to ppp0?16:03
jubei-zalook i dont know what it is the console tapers off the top section, its alot of lines of HTML! but the bottom sections are identical16:03
tumbleweedactually you told us the answer ages ago16:04
tumbleweedMaaz: get
Maaztumbleweed: 302 Redirect to http://landingpages.mweb.co.za/MWebHomeIncorrectUsernameorPasswordPage/tabid/817/Default.aspx, which gets a 200 OK "IMPORTANT NOTICE"16:04
tumbleweedjubei-za: tell mweb they are a bunch of gits16:04
jubei-zalol i would love to, but thats just because of the shaping they do on my account16:04
jubei-zawhy now?16:04
tumbleweedthe ip address you gave for mweb.co.za isn't the same IP address I see for mweb.co.za16:05
superflyjubei-za: ^^ that's your proxy16:05
tumbleweedand it's webserver redirects you to "MWebHomeIncorrectUsernameorPasswordPage" <- get the picture?16:05
jubei-zaaaah pppoe internet connection not setup right! ok 16:08
jubei-zalemme techeck16:08
jubei-zalol was probably a little goofed when i put in the user/pass :)16:13
tumbleweedI suppose this is rather user-friendly of them, but it's very sysadmin-unfriendly16:14
jubei-zaok the apt-get update is taking alot longer now, so i assume i will get the dhcp3-server package as well, thanks for all the help!16:16
tumbleweednp, I wish all debugging was this fun16:17
jubei-zaMaaz: get
Maazjubei-za: 302 Redirect to http://landingpages.mweb.co.za/MWebHomeIncorrectUsernameorPasswordPage/tabid/817/Default.aspx, which gets a 200 OK "IMPORTANT NOTICE"16:51
* nlsthzn waves16:59
Kilossuperfly,  modem working16:59
superflyKilos: excellent!17:00
Kilosbut i am a bit ashamed , i had to use a winsucks pc to get it installed to enter the unlock code17:00
Kiloswithout wvdial. nm went straight online without even setting anything17:00
superflyKilos: you should have tried to use WINE - but I guess then you would have had to download and install it, hey?17:00
Kilosi have wine but dont like it17:00
nlsthznCongrats Mr. Kilos ...17:01
Kilosty nlsthzn 17:01
Kilosi very happy17:01
Kilosmaverick rocks17:01
Kilosnm went straight online17:01
Kilosnow i can also download in the 100s of Ks instead of 36KB per sec17:02
Kilosyoo hoo17:02
nlsthznWhich means your cap just gets busted so much faster :p17:03
Kilosthere no cap17:03
nlsthznAh sweet!!17:03
Kilosbut very frustrating to wait17:03
Kilospay as you go17:03
Kilosno money no data17:03
Kilosnow to apply myself to getting sa broadband to get cheaper17:04
Kiloshere the site for all of ya17:06
KilosMaaz, unlock mobile17:06
Kilosnow those unhappy with cellc can change17:07
nlsthznNice... not sure how legal in SA but nice :p17:07
superflyyeah, not sure how legal in any country, but personally I think that locking your device is anti-competitive behaviour17:11
superflyI wonder what the competition commission would say17:11
superflyVodacom and MTN used to lock cellphones, back in the day17:11
superflyI don't think they've done it for years though17:12
nlsthznNot sure... but it makes sense on a product they give away for free or or a reduced price, they need to make money via you spending on re-charge... but you can always buy the unlocked version for the full price... so I am sure they are in the clear on it...17:14
superflyI have to buy my way out of my contract - is that not enough?17:14
nlsthznwell... I don't know... you signed it in the first place :p17:15
nlsthznbut I have not heard of locked phones on contract though... only on pre-paid...17:15
Kilosmethinks all contract fones are locked to the sp17:17
superflynlsthzn: in most cases you buy your own phone?17:18
superflyKilos: no17:18
Kiloslearn something new everyday17:18
nlsthznsuperfly: I used to take the phone given on the contract... used too when I was still in SA... Now I have to buy my own...17:20
superflynlsthzn: well, my latest phone I bought myself, and gave my wife my contract phone17:21
nlsthznI still have my contract phone and contract... I have been in this country for more than two years... still not been able to cancel it :/ autopage ftl :(17:24
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kiloseven my evolution is quicker17:26
Kilosi very happy17:26
nuvolarig'evening mrs_fly 19:32
superflynuvolari: I just logged her back in19:33
nuvolarisuperfly: oh :P19:33
nuvolarig'evening to you then superfly :P19:34
superflyhehe, evening nuvolari19:34
nuvolariok, travelling home. G'night everyone19:35
superflyhi Chat602319:45
Kiloslo Chat6023 funny nick you got19:46
Chat6023hw u doin superfly19:46
superflysick thank you19:46
Chat6023this App chose it for me19:46
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za19:47
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: what's wrong?19:47
Chat6023whts wrong with u?19:47
superflynlsthzn-work: nasty cold19:47
Kiloswhat app you using?19:47
Chat6023thank u19:47
Kilosnever heard of it19:48
Kilosare you using windows19:49
Chat6023which one r u using?19:49
Kilosxchat in ubuntu19:49
Chat6023nope, my blackberry19:49
Chat6023do u have medication @superfly?19:50
nlsthzn-workChat6023: well, somplace in the settings you will be able to change that :)19:50
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: changing of season colds are the worst!19:50
Chat6023hope i'll find it soon19:51
superflynlsthzn-work: dunno, this is something the little monster picked up from one of the other kids at Sunday School19:51
superflyof course now the whole family has it, so we have had lots of fun this weekend19:52
Chat6023whr u guys from?19:52
superflythe land of whole words19:53
Chat6023lol...whrt is tht?19:55
superflythe land where we use whole words to talk19:55
nlsthzn-workto some people sarcasm is only a word starting with s19:56
Kilosnow now guys19:56
Kiloshard work texting onna fone19:56
=== Chat6023 is now known as Surge-Beats
Kilosblackberry got tiny keys19:56
Surge-Beatsyhep bt i like!19:57
Kilospc much easier19:57
Surge-Beatsmy mobile is my everthin. it does everthing yo pc can do19:59
Surge-Beatshw big r yo fingers?19:59
Kilosneed to use finger nails for a blackberry19:59
Surge-Beats...well almost everthing..lol20:00
nlsthzn-workA Blackberry do all a PC can do... call me when it can do what an Android can do;)20:00
Kilosand when it can write dvd's20:00
Kilosand charge cell phones20:00
Surge-Beatsi said almost everthing20:01
Kiloswe are in south africa and you?20:02
Surge-Beatsme 220:02
Surge-Beatswhr abt?20:03
Kilosgood. thats why the blackberry can reach us20:03
Kilospretoria and cape town 20:03
Kilosall over actually20:03
Surge-Beatsm in east london20:04
Kilosfancy toy you got there20:04
Surge-Beatsi think so too..lol20:05
Kilosbut the i doesnt work too well20:05
Surge-Beatswht do u mean?20:05
Kilosm in east london20:05
Kiloswhere you learned to chat like that20:06
Surge-Beatsreally nw20:06
Surge-Beatshw do i chat?20:06
Kilosshorten words20:06
Kilossome of us are older and dont understand20:07
Surge-Beatsin chatrooms like this20:07
Surge-Beatsolder? hw older?20:08
Kilosthis is actually a help room for ubuntu help20:08
Kilosnear 6020:08
Surge-BeatsUbuntu the operating system?20:09
superflyblackberry can NOT do everything my PC can do... my phone can do *almost* anything my PC can do, and it can do way more than a blackberry20:09
Kilosand we come here for cyber coffee20:09
superflyor an Android (nlsthzn-work)20:09
Kilosgo superfly 20:10
KilosMaaz, coffee on]20:10
MaazKilos: Sorry...20:10
Surge-Beatsi see20:10
KilosMaaz, coffee on20:10
* Maaz starts grinding coffee20:10
* superfly has a Nokia N900 which runs Linux like you have on your PC20:10
Kiloswanna swop20:11
nlsthzn-worksuperfly is da 1337 sauce20:11
superflynlsthzn-work: the N900 is the phone that the marketing department never heard about - so it's a real geek phone20:12
nlsthzn-workif I had a n900 I would also have a proper OS on it... just because :)20:12
superflythough, if you're a quasselite, there is an Android Quassel client20:13
nlsthzn-workQuassel is an OK client20:14
superflyit's quite hectic, in developer terms, it reimplements a bunch of Qt C++ code in Java20:14
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!20:14
nlsthzn-workMaaz: coffee please20:14
Maaznlsthzn-work: There isn't a pot on20:14
nlsthzn-worknot again... why I always loose out :/20:14
superflynlsthzn-work: in terms of an IRC client, yes, Quassel doesn't do everything that all the other ones do, since it's quite young20:15
KilosMaaz, ty20:15
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure20:15
superflybut it's a GUI IRC bouncer, which is the awesomesauce part20:15
superflyMaaz: coffee on20:15
* Maaz washes some mugs20:15
superflynlsthzn-work: ^^ now's your chance!20:15
nlsthzn-workI won't know... not being a power user I won't know :)20:15
nlsthzn-workMaaz: coffee please20:15
Maaznlsthzn-work: Alrighty20:15
Kilosyay you made it20:16
nlsthzn-workthanks superfly, Kilo's always grabs a cup and leaves me high and dry :p20:16
nlsthzn-workbtw, ubuntu.ae ... at the moment re-directing to our wiki... I think it is looking ok for a start...20:17
superflynlsthzn-work: if you want our website setup and theme, just yell20:18
Kiloswhere is your irc channel nlsthzn-work 20:18
Kilosthere is no #ubuntu.ae20:19
Kilosonly me there20:19
MaazCoffee's ready for superfly and nlsthzn-work!20:19
nlsthzn-workMaaz: thanks20:19
Maaznlsthzn-work: No problem20:19
nlsthzn-workKilos: not an irc channel... it was a url :p20:19
nlsthzn-workthe irc channel is #ubuntu-ae :)20:20
Kilosyeah but without an irc channel you sukkel20:20
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: link to the site so I can see it20:20
Kilosfunny names there hey20:20
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: we will be changing to .org as well in the near future20:21
nlsthzn-workKilos: :)20:21
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: Looks good... I will definitly link the guys to it and I might come hassle you for the theme later :) thanks20:22
nlsthzn-workMaaz: kilos blog20:52
Maaznlsthzn-work: *blink*20:52
nlsthzn-workMaaz: kilos.blog20:52
Maaznlsthzn-work: kilos.blog is http://mileyssignificantblog.blogspot.com/20:52
nlsthzn-workKilos: So I guess I have to start reading your blog from the earliest date backwards then :)21:00
Kilosthats how i learned the little i know about pcs21:00
Kilosall thanks to ubuntu-za21:01
nlsthzn-workCool :)21:01
Kilosi go crash now. night all sleep tight21:04
superflynlsthzn-work: yeah, it's worth a read21:08
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: busy as I type :)21:08

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