
rich542Each time after usb-creator finished it ends up with 4.00:00
rich542Before it has 100:00
reedysethHey guys !, does anybody now how to configure properly the display setting when booting?00:00
ruserI'll try youtube-dl, but it might not work00:00
chelzrich542: use unetbootin00:00
ruserI switched to yaydl but that was discontinued too00:00
chelzruser: try jdownloader00:00
chelzruser: after youtub-edl00:00
ActionParsniprich542: then try the other apps I named00:01
rich542chelz: why is changing the program used to install a boot loader going to fix the partition structure of the usb disk? I don't see the connection.00:01
html_inprogressSoothsayer,  windows is a pain to in stall,  and i think the Dr_Willis caN ANSWER YOUR QUESTION , which it has to do with the grub , and im limtied on that supject, ,,,, he will be around in a few hours to800:01
chelzrich542: oh. right. you should format that usb thing to just fat32.00:01
Soothsayerzvacet: where should my swap area go?00:01
Cody3290Its harder to install windows after ubuntu, since oyu have to fix the GRUB loader00:01
chelzrich542: i forgot unetbootin doesn't do partitioning00:01
Cody3290its easier to install ubuntu after you install windows00:01
Soothsayerhtml_inprogress: windows is really easy to install.. what's a pain about it ?00:02
rich542chelz: It is fat32 now00:02
chelzCody3290: eh after a bit of practice is pretty easy00:02
chelzrich542: but just one or a few?00:02
SoothsayerCody3290: I see.. luckily I have windows already installed.00:02
reedysethHey guys !, does anybody now how to configure properly the display setting when booting?00:02
Cody3290So whats hte problem with burning an ubuntu disc and loading it at startup, Soothsayer?00:02
tecnovirtuaBoa noite00:02
escottSoothsayer as long as you dont move or resize your windows boot partition things should be ok00:02
Igor_Elezruser Or Try MiniTube program, it has a nice GUI and besides that it plays youtube videos in Java insted of Flash it also has a nice option of Downloading videos! :)00:02
SoothsayerCody3290: basically, I'm not sure how I should do the setup.. whether to put both the OS's on one hard drive and all data on another or one hard drive for windows and one for ubuntu ?00:03
chelzreedyseth: depends on your graphics card, but if you mean like having the proper resolution, one way is to put a "vga=" line in your grub config00:04
gartralSoothsayer: i've done both, it's faster if you split OS/Data.00:04
escottSoothsayer either will work. The advantage of putting ubuntu on disk 2 is you can put grub on the mbr of disk2 and set disk2 as the boot disk chain loading disk 100:04
Cody3290Soothsayer: That's a matter of preference, I think. If you're gonna have all the data on another drive, the partition that the OSes are on doesn't have to be too big, just big enough to carry the OSes and maybe some space to spare00:04
Cody3290What escott says00:04
Soothsayerthat's three different opinions.. :)00:04
rich542chelz, I get from testdisk: bad relative sector, bad starting sector, bad ending sector (chs and lba don't match) only one partition must be bootable.00:04
ChronicSyncopei have a bunch of things running in sysmon that i can't close with killall (rtorrent)00:04
ChronicSyncopehow do i kill them?00:05
chelzrich542: do you have anything you want to keep on that usb drive?00:05
Soothsayergartral: makes sense..00:05
chelzSoothsayer: you might think about your discs possibly dying. if you have ubuntu and windows on separate drives, then if one drive dies you still have an os00:05
rich542chelz: no.00:05
escottSoothsayer, do you want what is easy, what is faster, or what is better backed up00:05
SoothsayerCody3290: ye, I could just allocate around 150 gb for bot the OS's00:05
chelzrich542: are you currently in windows?00:05
ruserhow does jdownloader download stuff00:05
rich542chelz, yes00:05
aromanhi, I really need to edit my grub.cfg file on Maverick, but I can see that it's read-only, even for root. I guess this is because grub2 doesn't want anyone messing with that file, but I really need to. How can I do what I want to do, or what is the grub2 equivalent? thanks00:05
Cody3290Soothsayer: 150gb for JUST the OSES? o.O That's... Overkill00:05
Soothsayerchelz: oh ye... and if I have all my data on one hard drive.. I can afford to lose a lot in the data disc dieing00:05
chelzruser: you add links, then they download00:05
SoothsayerCody3290: lot of Adobe, Video Editing, IDE's, etc shit on the Windows one :-P00:06
ruserI see00:06
Soothsayeralready at 98 GB00:06
chelzaroman: you shouldn't edit grub.cfg, you edit other files then run an update command that creates a grub.cfg00:06
ruserI like youtube-dl also, only I don't have python for windows00:06
escotteasier ubuntu on disk 2, faster system on disk 1 data on disk 2 or raid stripping, backed up raid1 mirroring00:06
swebhow can i logout daemon user ?00:06
Cody3290Soothsayer: Then that's not only the OS. That's the OS + Installed Programs.00:06
aromanchelz: right, I understand that, but I don't know how to do what I want to do without manually editing the menu entry.00:06
SoothsayerHow about on the smaller Disk I use some space for the OS and the rest of the space for data.. (which is like backups of important stuff from disk 2)00:07
QaDeSmy box gets really slow sometimes, causing even the mouse and keyboard leds to hang. running on 2.6.32-31-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 18:25:51 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:07
chelzaroman: so learn! :D00:07
SoothsayerCody3290: well, on windows.. we're so used to installing programs in the partition of the OS :-P so don't blame me!00:07
aromanchelz: I don't think it's possible is what I mean00:07
chelzaroman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:07
chelzaroman: what do you want to do?00:07
aromanadd a rootdelay to the kernel command in a menuentry00:08
SoothsayerHow about on the SMALLER Disk I use some space for the OS and the REST for data too so I can minimize the risks of all data being on one drive incase the data drive crashes.00:08
chelzaroman: oh totally possible. you add that to either defaultopts or another place, depending on whether or not you want it part of recovery options also00:08
Cody3290Soothsayer: If you're really worried abotu data loss, you can back up your stuff online00:09
Cody3290Mediafire is a good free service00:09
QaDeStop doesn't show any cpu hog, but the system monitor has the dark blue layer right up to the top. any ideas what's causing the lag, or how i can fix it?00:09
ChronicSyncopei can't seem to kill a process with sudo killall or sudo kill -900:09
ChronicSyncopeit's using all of my CPU00:09
SoothsayerCody3290: online backups are difficult.. i'm on a slow internet :@00:09
ChronicSyncopeit says it's killed but it's still showing up in sysmon, and it's still using all of my cpu00:09
aromanchelz: What file do I need to edit, then? grub.cfg doesn't seem like its relevant at all00:09
Igor_ElezIs there a way to install BURG insted of GRUB 2 on Ubuntu 11.04 ? I can't manage to do that the way i did it on Ubuntu 10.10 :/00:09
escottChronicSyncope, send it kill -HUP00:09
chelzaroman: one of those files in /etc/grub.d/00:09
Cody3290Soothsayer: Oh.00:09
Cody3290BURG is GRUB backwards, lol.00:10
escottChronicSyncope, rather kill -s HUP00:10
Cody3290JUst making an obvious observation, :300:10
escottChronicSyncope, that will cause data loss for that program00:10
chelzaroman: there's a list of the default files in /etc/grub.d/ on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:10
ChronicSyncopeescott, ~$ bash: kill: -HUP: invalid signal specification00:11
rich542chelz: Is there something i can do in testdisk to fix the drive?00:11
Nzaw4quick question when i update using syntpic package manager, when it updates a enw kernel, and i reboot, it wont load up the gui, and just loads the termial when i load the newst kernel00:11
hoodstar901cant seem to find this bigmem???????/ doesnt seem to have a directory for these download fro these sourcves?00:11
chelzrich542: the drive is fine, just have to repartition it.00:11
Nzaw4ive tried startx, and i think its gnome start,i cant get back into the Gui.. please hellp , im the super noob00:11
* Nzaw4 Super noob girl needs help :(00:12
chelzrich542: xp, vista or 7?00:12
reedysethchelz:  after trying to change my display settings with some program it turned to display nothing but a blank window when loading00:12
rich542chelz, 700:12
Soothsayergartral, Cody3290, escott : So if keep the OS's in one partition and data in another... in Ubuntu, I'll have to mount the User's directory to the new hard drive?00:12
ChronicSyncopeescott, it didn't stop the process00:12
escottSoothsayer, you add it to the fstab and it will be mounted automatically (specify it in the install and ubuntu will create the fstab for you)00:12
aromanchelz: oooooh, I see how this works now00:12
chelzrich542: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Can-I-repartition-my-hard-disk00:13
escottChronicSyncope, kill -s HUP shouldn't be trapable, it is zombied?00:13
AngryBlackGuyhey quick question, is 7zip not compatible with Linux's zip ?00:13
chelzrich542: do that but select the usb drive and just make it so there's one big fat32 partition00:13
Nzaw4quick question when i update using synaptic package manager, when it updates a new kernel, and i reboot, it wont load up the gui, and just loads the terminal when i load the newest kernel. Ive tried typing startx, and gnome, i cant get back into the GUI ? can anyone help me please?00:13
hoodstar901cghelz what exactly areu tryinhto do?00:13
ChronicSyncopeescott, it's rtorrent00:13
AngryBlackGuybecause i couldnt unzip in ubuntu a zip archive i created in windows 700:13
reedysethchelz: and even when i press crtl+alt+f1 to switch to tty i can't see nothing00:13
Soothsayerescott: hmm.. so where do packages I install through aptitude, etc go? In the OS partition or the other?00:14
ChronicSyncopeescott, it's opened about 5 times, and one of the processes says uninterruptable. I'm not sure that I know what zombied means00:14
rich542chelz, I already did that it appears in windows as 1 fat32 primary partition. in testdisk however it shows 4 different type partitions.00:14
swebplease help me to run 'uniconv' via php00:14
tjiggi_foNzaw4, reboot and choose your old kernel from the grub menu00:14
escottSoothsayer, most in /usr (which you could put on its own partition, but its seldom necessary disks are so big now)00:14
escottChronicSyncope, uninterruptable means it is running something in the kernel, perhaps it is waiting on a socket operation that could take a few minutes00:15
Nzaw4tjiggi_fo: i just did... so i cant use the new kernels from the package manager?00:15
chelzrich542: testdisk is designed to look for deleted stuff, so that might be fine. in windows does it have a free space amount that is about the same as the size of the usb drive?00:15
Zburatoruli'm having some major IO issues on 10.10 with Gnome. where should i start figuring it out?00:15
Soothsayerescott: Putting something like /usr in its own partition is something that is done during install time or later?00:15
ChronicSyncopeescott, there are 4 other processes called rtorrent that dont say that, which i cant stop00:15
escottSoothsayer, yes determine your partitions prior to the install00:15
Igor_ElezIs there a way to install BURG insted of GRUB 2 on Ubuntu 11.04 ? I can't manage to do that the way it was done in all older versions of Ubuntu :/ ANYONE KNOW HOW TO DO IT?00:15
tjiggi_foNzaw4, to use the new kernel you'll have to sort out your graphics problem00:15
Nzaw4ahh its a graphics problem00:16
ChronicSyncopeescott, collectively they're running my fast cpu up to 100% :p00:16
Cube``hey, i have lost my /etc/init.d/mysql. how can i get it back?00:16
rich542chelz: it shows 14.8 gb for a 16gb device.00:16
Soothsayerescott: ok. And what file system to pick for the Ubuntu OS + data partitions? Ext4 or NTFS ?00:16
Nzaw4tjiggi_fo: thanks00:16
ZburatorulCube: try  dpkg-reconfigure mysql00:17
matt444When I do a Ctrl+Alt+F1 the screen only flickers and I never get a login.  Does this mean my display only works with X?00:17
reedysethrich542: it is correcto it never shows it size as we define it00:17
tjiggi_foNzaw4, np00:17
escottSoothsayer, if you want to access the data from both systems use NTFS, do not use NTFS / or /usr or other core unix folders00:17
Cube``Zburatorul: thanks!00:17
reedysethmatt444: I have the same problem00:17
escottChronicSyncope, hmmm googling for what to do00:17
zvacetSoothsayer: will windows read data00:18
brewsterhey im having this here problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1394214 but i don't want to rename /usr/local because there are important files in that directory. can anyone help?00:18
ChronicSyncopeescott, i've been doing some googling too. it looks like it might be a kernel bug?00:18
chelzrich542: close enough. unetbootin will work with that fine00:18
Soothsayerzvacet: ye, I want just 'one' of the partitions shared between ubuntu and windows 7... and the rest will be exclusive to each of the OS.00:18
zvacetSoothsayer: ntfs then00:18
Nzaw4hrmm with my ubuntu setup, can i do like a nand backup with all my setting and programs backuped, then move that nand backup to an external and reinstall windows 7? and when i want to go back to my ubuntu, restore the nand backup?00:19
Cube``hey, i have lost my /etc/init.d/mysql. how can i get it back?00:19
escottChronicSyncope, doubtful people would notice a bug like that :) most likely these rtorrents are doing something like creating a big file or waiting on a socket that is taking the kernel a long time to return00:19
Soothsayerescott: ok. Is the mounting of /usr done during the installation or after it? Cause I don't recall a screen during setup that helps u configure all this.. or is the advanced options option where you can pick the drive in the beginning itself?00:19
Soothsayerzvacet: probably, I will have to mix between the two00:19
escottCube``, recommend you install etckeeper for the future. try forcing a reinstall of mysql00:20
=== rich542_ is now known as rich542
Soothsayeror how about this -> I create two ext3 partitions - one for the Ubuntu OS + one for the /usr directory. Everything else NTFS ?00:21
escottSoothsayer, click on the manage my partitions during the install and you cna create and specify the mount points00:21
happyfacewhy are VNC connections to ubuntu not encrypted by default?00:21
Cube``escott: whats the package name though? there is no "mysql"00:21
escottCube``, mysql-server? use synaptic00:22
phil426.2 quake in indonesia00:22
Soothsayerescott: I see. I believe the /home mount point should be on a data partition?00:23
jorderUSUL:  Fixed it. I read somewhere that newer network cards have a "digital tuner" (whatever that means) and if you turn the computer off completely and leave for 10 mins it will reset. I did that and now it's working!00:23
KijutsuOkay... so I installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS on PPC.. what the heck is this virbr0 ethernet interface I see under ifconfig?00:23
escottSoothsayer, yes /home on your data drive is normal00:23
hyndraany one here00:24
hyndrakubuntu is off00:24
Soothsayerescott: where do stuff like MySQL database files get stored?00:24
Soothsayer/var/lib/mysql right?00:24
=== ChronicSyncope_ is now known as ChronicSyncope
escottSoothsayer, yes /var00:24
hyndrai install vmware  qemu or virtualbox  but they dont start00:24
Soothsayerescott: so then this should also be on another partition?00:25
ChronicSyncopeescott, i think it's a kernel bug, i just restarted.00:25
hyndrarun but cant create vm  why ____???00:25
Soothsayercause it's data00:25
erUSUL!yay | jord00:25
ubottujord: Glad you made it! :-)00:25
escottKijutsu, he virtual network (virbr0) used for Network address translation (NAT) which allows guests to access to network services. However, NAT slows down things and only recommended for desktop installations. google00:25
Kijutsuescott: I did... however, I can't find how to make it go away.  I have several servers installed on this and it's just mucking things up.00:26
escottSoothsayer, the having lots of partitions approach is becoming less traditional but feel free to split partitions basically as much as you want, you have to have a /bin and /etc on /00:26
jordubottu: :)00:26
Soothsayerescott: ye, I don't want to have lots of partitions..00:26
escottKijutsu, disable your KVM guests and it should go away00:26
SoothsayerI want to avoid that.00:26
Kijutsuescott: i have no virtual machines setup or running on this box00:27
Soothsayerescott: but say I put the Ubuntu OS one drive (Drive A) and the data on another (Drive B) which actually implies two partitions00:27
josheee12hey guys.  i use libpam-usb for authing my login, etc.  how would i go about enabling the same thing for my keyring?00:27
brewstercan someone please help00:27
Soothsayerso Drive B = /user  + /var00:27
SoothsayerDrive A = everything else00:27
escottSoothsayer, why don't you step back and prioritize between a) an easy way to fall back to plain windows, b) backups, c) performance00:27
escottKijutsu, is your machine a VM on the server00:28
Kijutsuescott: nope.. it's a standalone Mac tower.00:28
edbianbrewster: What is your problem?00:28
brewsteri need to know what files are safe to move back to /usr/local00:28
escottKijutsu, weird and this is a standard ubuntu install?00:29
Kijutsuescott: 10.04 lts PPC server00:29
escottKijutsu, did you want the server or desktop00:29
Soothsayerescott: well... tough call. I'd say a balance of each :-P But ye, I'd compromise on performance if I had to pick.. I got a quadcore with 4 gb anyway, so it's fast enough.00:29
Kijutsuescott: server -- O00:29
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Kijutsuescott: I'm using it to serve a drupal website.00:29
edbianbrewster: ?  This thread has nothing to do with that.  What files did you move out of /usr/local/  What is in there right now?00:29
escottKijutsu, and how is this device messing things up00:30
escottKijutsu, see if there is a libvirtd service and disable uninstall is00:30
Kijutsuescott: everything is trying to get mapped automatically to the virbr0 interface IP instead of the static IP i set on eth000:30
brewsteri renamed it to fix the problem that was preventing me from going into computer or removable media or trash00:31
mister2hey, all the shortcuts under 'Places' are broken and the folders are missing from ~/, is this a known bug?00:31
brewstersdl is in there00:31
Soothsayerescott: so Drive B = /user  + /var   and  Drive A = everything else  ?00:31
brewstera couple of games are in there00:31
escottSoothsayer, and how full are your disks?00:31
doncamshi. i have a dir where i want all dir to be chmod to 755 and all files to be chmod to 64400:31
doncamswhat's the easiest way to do this?00:32
brewsteras well as some important looking libraries00:32
escottSoothsayer, do you have 1+ TB of data or 500G of data00:32
Soothsayerescott: I've got like 150 GB / 500 GB remaining in my old disk.. the 1 tb one is empty cause it will reach my door step tomorrow.00:32
Kijutsuescott: there is a service udner /etc/init.d -- but when i issue service libvirtd stop -- it returns unrecognized service00:32
Soothsayerescott:  Assume I have a total of 350 GB data so far00:33
escottSoothsayer, if I were you then I would have something like this: sda1 Windows c: sda2, sdb1 ubuntu raid1 / (50gb is plenty), sda3,sdb2 raid1 ext4 (to fill sda); sdb3 NTFS win d: for the rest of the disk00:35
escottKijutsu, there must be a kernel module, you could try removing it/removing the service from boot time and then rebooting00:37
Soothsayerescott: ok, makes sense... so you've RAIDED all the Ubuntu data drives + the Ubuntu OS drive using remaining space from the SDA ?00:38
escottSoothsayer, yes but I've never trusted drives since a pair of DeathStars went down within 2 months of each other00:39
escottSoothsayer, and I don't know how to do windows raid00:39
Soothsayerescott: no, windows raid not important..00:39
escottSoothsayer, in fact you dont even have to split the linux partition if you dont want to00:40
Soothsayerescott: I understood this. But just one thing, so where does the mysql database file go? sdb2 (with mirror in sda3) ?00:40
andrilhello all00:40
andrilanyone know how to install the latest Vuze?00:40
KabukiOriginCan anyone on channel suggest a web admin package for a home server?  I used to use Webmin, but it's getting older and still not in the repos (which helps with updates).00:40
escottSoothsayer, where to put /var is back into the whole performance thing00:40
thienwhat's the difference between install a software via .deb fiile and via ubuntu software center?00:40
Soothsayerescott: well it's about space more, ain't it? What if my MySQL database was more than 100 gb ?00:41
KabukiOriginI'm looking for web admin of samba shares, primarily, plus basic status & package management.00:41
KabukiOriginescott: a .deb can come from anywhere (via download).00:41
KabukiOriginwhups: thien: a .deb can come from anywhere (via download).00:41
KabukiOriginthien: the software center is more automatic, and you can often find repos for non-mainstream packages (like tor, for example).00:42
thienif i install via a .deb, is it autoupdatable?00:42
escottSoothsayer, so you are concerned about a possible future where your mysql database is really big and you need to migrate it to another drive00:42
KabukiOriginthien: Depends on what's installed.  For example Sun's virtualbox is, but it adds its own repos to your sources.list.  Other apps may have their own update path internal to the program.00:43
Soothsayerescott: well it's not a possible future.. its quite immediate cause I'm setting this up to act as a testing / simulation server of an actual production database of a web app..00:43
Soothsayerso yes, i'll be filling the database with 100 gb of space00:44
KabukiOriginthien: Many times it's not going to autoupdate, which is a big advantage for the repos.00:44
ruserHow can I convert old Windows innotek virtualbox vbox/vdk files for use with Sun/s Virtualbox for linux00:44
ruserthey both have different keys00:44
ruserWould I have to write my own converter00:44
KabukiOriginruser: Is there an export function or a way to get it into an .OVF format?  That might help.00:45
escottSoothsayer, then having a partition for /var would be nice because you could manage it by itself, I would definitely recommend using linux md even if you only have a single disk, it would help migration because you can configure raid1 degraded and then add a disk to the array, and then remove the old device00:45
ruserWaht is OVF format for VirtualBox00:46
thienKabukiOrigin: thanks00:46
ruserI could probably fool around and write one in C but I wondered if there was an easier way00:46
Soothsayerescott: ok, ill read up on that.. I have no clue about how to setup RAID or use linux md.. but I get the basic picture.00:47
Soothsayerescott: only one mount point can be selected for one directory right?00:48
escottSoothsayer, its fairly easy i think there is a wiki page somewhere00:48
Soothsayercool, i'll find it :)00:48
KabukiOriginthien: You're welcome.  In general I prefer to find a repo to keep my package management simpler, but sometimes you just have to grab the .deb (grin)00:48
SoothsayerI guess I'll need at least 5 hours to do all of this with setting up apache, php, mysql, etc.. got to make some free time I guess then00:49
MK``When 11.04 comes out, will I be able to upgrade to the newest kernel without updating Ubuntu?00:49
escottSoothsayer, yes one mount point per directory (except for some truly exotic stuff not relevant to you)00:49
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Soothsayerescott: ok thanks :)00:50
Soothsayera lot.00:50
thienwhen i install openoffice via U soft Center, it says: Package dependencies cannot be resolved. what do i have to do ?00:51
YoshimiAnyone have any suggestions for a UPnP/DLNA compliant media server that is easy enough for someone without any technical know how to use, but still has features that are tweakable to an advanced user?00:52
Yoshimithien: Could you use Libre Office instead?00:52
Soothsayerby the way, this desktop has a Wireless network card ( D-Link Wireless DWA-510 ). Any idea if this would work out-of-the box with ubuntu 10.10?00:52
thienYoshimi: which is better?00:52
Soothsayerthien: ye, just install libreoffice00:53
Soothsayerlibreoffice in my opinion.00:53
=== cell0 is now known as stelio
smwYoshimi, what are you using it for? PS3 media server was perfect for my ps300:53
SoothsayerJust moved to it 2 days ago.. and I believe Ubuntu 11 is going to replace openoffice with libreoffice.00:53
escottthien, Soothsayer the Oracle purchase of Sun has caused some name changes OpenOffice -> LibreOffice MySQL->MariaDB (although the mysql one is less decided Oracle is still hot and cold on mysql)00:53
MK``Yes, it is00:53
Yoshimi360 and original Xbox with XBMC00:53
smwYoshimi, I have also used mediatomb (which I dropped because ps3 media server had automatic transcoding)00:54
YoshimiBut I tried PMS and it was so... meh...00:54
Soothsayerescott: MariaDB? :-| never heard of that.00:54
YoshimiRight now I'm using TVersity on an M$ box00:54
YoshimiBut I hate it00:54
smwSoothsayer, MariaDB is a fork of MySQL that is made by the original author00:54
mfilipeis there any sensor applet to unity?00:54
sparrWI seem to be stuck with Gnash as my flash player in Firefox on Ubuntu 10.10, even though I have adobe-flashplugin installed. Help?00:54
MK``Oracle stopped commercial development of OpenOffice.org because of so many developers jumping ship to LibreOffice00:54
escottSoothsayer, yeah just be aware that the future of mysql is up in the air, oracle is being weird00:54
Soothsayersmw: ye, I'm reading it now.. hmm..00:54
thienok. i'll use libre. but when i install a software via U soft center, if it says "Package dependencies cannot be resolved", what do i have to do?00:55
Soothsayerescott: ye, I've read some articles about that online.. why did oracle buy mysql !00:55
YoshimiInstall the dependencies :p00:55
smwSoothsayer, the developer sold mysql for $1 Billion and then forked it when Oracle got it.00:55
aeMaethI reinstalled ubuntu 10.10, did not delete my /home/ , but now i'm having trouble with my gpg keys, i get "gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session"00:55
SoothsayerSUN rather00:55
smwSoothsayer, no, he forked it when Oracle obtained it from Sun00:56
thienbut don't know what to install. it doesn't say.00:56
Soothsayersmw: Wow.00:56
escottthien, that shouldn't happen to you, if it does it usually because you have an older package that is not supported anymore (like openoffice)00:56
smwSoothsayer, just like the OO.o people forked when sun was sold00:56
SoothsayerWhat could be the worse possible thing that could happen to MySQL ?00:56
ActionParsnipaeMaeth: try chowning your home folder to your user in a root recovery mode00:56
escottSoothsayer, I don't think you will have problems if you install mysql, you just may have to go through a name change in the future if Oracle jumps ship and takes the name with it00:57
spiralsany ffmpeg wizards handy?00:57
smwSoothsayer, MySQL could go unmaintained for years or Oracle could make proprietary plugins or stop accepting new features from outsiders.00:58
mfilipeis there any sensor applet to unity? is project hamster support unity?00:58
xtr3m3hi, is it true you cannot change the default port for vino?00:58
Soothsayersmw: ye, true. Especially MySQL is something that needs a lot of catching up and features to do.00:58
smwSoothsayer, Jenkins (formerly hudson) also changed names with Oracle obtained it.00:59
SoothsayerMariaDB is such a gay name!00:59
smwSoothsayer, all these projects fear Oracle for a reason ;-)00:59
MK``haha I was just going to post that smw. Perhaps this belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic however00:59
ActionParsnipmfilipe: for which release?00:59
jpastorehow do you get your second video card to work?00:59
smwSoothsayer, it is the name of the developers other daughter...00:59
ryanHello everyone00:59
jpastorehello ryan01:00
smwSoothsayer, I would not say that to Monty's face ;-)01:00
xtr3m3hi ryan01:00
mfilipeActionParsnip: 11beta201:00
ActionParsnipmfilipe: then your release is offtopic here01:00
mfilipeActionParsnip: my distro is up-to-date01:00
Soothsayersmw: hehe01:00
SoothsayerAnyone predicts driver issues with D-Link Wireless Network card in Ubuntu 10.10?01:00
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ActionParsnipmfilipe: your OS is supported in #ubuntu+1 until release day01:00
ryanIs this a good place to ask a couple of general questions?01:01
escottspirals whats the question01:01
thienthanks everyone. bb.01:01
Soothsayerok I'm off now.01:01
aeon-ltdryan: ubuntu related, yes if not go to #ubuntu-offtopic01:01
jpastoreSoothsayer, why not try a live cd?01:01
Soothsayerjpastore: ye just thought of that actually01:02
SoothsayerI'll try it tomorrow01:02
tanzhey dose any one here run BackTrack?01:02
SoothsayerThanks escott :)01:02
escottryan, yes01:02
jpastoreSoothsayer, night then01:02
tanzdose any one run blacktrack here?01:02
ryanI have a couple of questions about general application installation. I have downloaded a couple programs which all work fine (eclipse, firefox) but they don't show up in the "Applications". Its like I just unzipped them and ran the app but it never got registered with Ubuntu01:02
rwwtanz: Backtrack is offtopic here, try #backtrack-linux01:02
ActionParsniptanz: backtrack is offtopic and unsupported here01:03
escottryan, if you install through the standard mechanisms apt-get software center synaptic you will get menu items, otherwise use the menu editor to manually create entries01:04
ActionParsnipryan: eclipse and firefox are in the repos01:04
botcityMK``, did you fix your disk problem?01:04
MK``botcity: no, gave up for now01:05
ActionParsnipryan: if you want to keep what you have you can run:  alacarte   and add launcher to the menu as you wish,01:05
ryan@ActionParsnip well I installed a mod of eclipse called Aptana01:05
Cube``why do i always get 403-Forbidden errors for every php file inside of /var/www?01:05
ActionParsnipryan: however, the apps will not get updated with the rest of your OS as you have sidestepped the packaging system01:06
spiralsescott: I want to combine a jpeg and an mp3. I have done a bunch of searching and checked the intimidating help for ffmpeg and still don't have a working 1 liner for that task.01:06
spiralsescott, goal is YT uploads01:06
ryan@ActionParsnip Ahhh, how can I register it with the packaging system?01:06
escottspirals, ive done the jpeg before do you have a sequence of jpegs or a single one?01:06
spiralsescott, just a single one (cover ;) )01:06
SomelauwOkay, I am using ubuntu 10.10 on 64 bit with awesome as windows manager and I am looking with vlc to a mkv file and for some reason it is using my cpu for about 80%.01:06
escottspirals, the first step then is to create an input file for the frames. calculate fps*length and do "for f in `seq 1 prod`; do echo "filename">>frames.txt"; done01:07
ActionParsnipryan: you can't you need to install it with debs01:07
SomelauwSo I have excellent hardware, very lightweight software and vlc wastes it by using cpu for a gpu task.01:08
spiralsescott, ok I follow you so far, I had a equivalent function worked out01:08
jpastoreso does anyone know how to enable s econd video card?01:09
escottspirals, and then it is something like ffmpeg -i @frames.txt -r fps -i audio.mp3 output.mp401:10
SomelauwWhat is the best player to open .mkv files with? (So it actually uses my gpu?)01:11
spiralsescott, thanks, i'll play with that01:11
spiralsescott, appreciate it01:11
SomelauwOr what package do I need so my vlc will open it smarter.01:11
escottspirals, mencoder (apt-get install mplayer) is a bit less finiky than ffmpeg01:11
spiralsI'm not attached to ffmpeg, just need a scriptable solution.01:12
Internatsomelauw.. theres an option in vlc the advanced section of output01:12
ryan@ActionParsnip I hate to ask... what are debs (sniffle)01:12
Internatdebs are .deb files.. there archives that have all the package info, config files, metafiles, man pages and so on.01:13
Internatwhen you run apt-get install <x> it gets the deb file for x01:13
SomelauwInternat: So is it dangerous to use gpu with vlc media player or why isn't it enabled by default?01:14
ryanso when I D/L something from the net ... like a .tar should I unzip it and then run that command on it?01:14
Internatnot at all. just not everyone has hardware rendering available01:14
SomelauwIt almost locks up my system when running it on cpu. I can't even move my move anymore.01:14
Internatryan: no you should be using apt-get install <package> to install what you want.01:14
arandryan: .deb is a binary .tar.gz is source, as a general rule..01:15
spiralsescott, so your frames.txt is a file with 1 line for each frame where each line is the filename of the frame, correct01:15
SomelauwInternat: So why doesn't vlc check if hardware rendering is available?01:15
Internatyou can ask the vlc developers that :)01:15
synackfinwhen I log in, I see "Welcome to Ubuntu" multiple times (3x)01:15
ryanwell how do I know the names of the packages I want to install? So it looks like I have the source code versions of the programmings I downloaded01:15
arandryan: Or rather .deb is a collection of binaries and other final-product items01:15
synackfinanyone know how to fix it? (or which file is read when I log in?)01:16
escottspirals, i believe so (never done it that way but I saw someone suggest that)01:16
synackfinI did "grep -r Welcome /etc" but didn't find any file01:16
apnsynackfin, /etc/motd maybe?01:16
smwryan, what are you trying to do?01:16
rolandixorMatr|x what exactly is happening when you try to connect?01:16
spiralsescott, ahh, just trying to work out the input file you're using in the ffmpeg command01:17
escottspirals, unless I am confusing with mencoder (which is entirely possible) you could try just doing ffmpeg -i image.jpeg -i audio.mp301:17
spiralsescott, when I do that I get a 1 frame video that's very short.01:17
escottspirals, i know that ffmpeg -i image%04d.jpeg will work01:17
smwso, ryan, what specifically are you trying to install?01:18
synackfinapn: ah, thanks.  I ran grep on the wrong host!01:18
spiralsescott, it defaults to a duration of .04 seconds though. this is where the documentation starts to fail hard. :/01:19
escottspirals, you could make a bunch of symlinks in a script01:19
ryanI'm just trying to install some general software I need01:19
ryanlike an eclipse mod called aptana01:19
lainyhow do i change the maverick login screen?01:19
ryanI got it running, but it doesn't register in the app's section since I didn't use the package manager01:19
SomelauwThanks internat, it actually runs much smoother now. Unfortunately, I already watched it, so it will need to wait until my next mkv file.01:19
smwryan, for eclipse mods, doesn't eclipse have its own package manager01:20
thienoops... when i install libreoffice via u soft center, it says Package dependencies cannot be resolved too01:21
ryanwell smw, can you give a term or something I can search on to learn more about installing software and linux package management01:21
ryanI see the apt-install script commands, but I have no idea how to apply that to the software I need since I don't know the official names of it01:22
smwryan, this is why we have the software center01:22
ActionParsnipthien: what is the output of: lsb_release -d01:22
smwryan, it is a gui to using apt get which is easier to search.01:22
thienActionParsnip: Description:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS01:23
ActionParsnipthien: ok can you use: http://pastebin.com and give the output of:  lsb_release -a; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libreoffice01:23
ryanthanks smw, but it doesn't have all the software I need01:24
ryanthat is why I tried to download it from the net01:24
smwryan, what you downloaded. Did it have a README or INSTALL file?01:24
SubCoolthat was quick01:25
thienActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/Vi79izpg01:25
SubCoolAFKB - But- while im here. Can i Command prompt a downgrade from 10.10 to 10.04?01:25
ActionParsnip!downgrade | SubCool01:25
ubottuSubCool: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.01:25
SubCoolThanks ActionParsnip - i was hoping you would respond.01:26
ryanswm, nope sure didn't01:26
ActionParsnipthien: does: sudo apt-get -f install       help?01:26
SubCoolso my best option would be a fresh install?01:26
ActionParsnipSubCool: its the only way01:26
SubCoolk- thanks.01:27
smwryan, can you give me a link to what you are installing?01:27
SubCoolOk- so then. Can anyone assist in Vmware WOrkstation for 10.10?01:27
SubCoolactually- scratch that.. This computer is a single core- its not really worth it.01:28
jessicaBRhey, I just tried to install ubuntu maverick on my new laptop, and a msg shows up while booting: "thermal reporting for required devices..."01:28
smwryan, btw, I meant the INSTALL/README file should be found in the compressed archive (tar file)01:28
ActionParsnipSubCool: it'll run, just use a light DE :D01:28
SubCoolActionParsnip: Is there a backup action that ubottu can link me to?01:28
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:29
SubCoolActionParsnip: well, i having an issue  with it, and vmware wont help because 10.10 isnt LTE01:29
smw!who > ryan01:29
ubotturyan, please see my private message01:29
jessicaBRjessicaBR, does anyone know if I should fix anything?01:29
SubCoolawesome- thanks..01:29
ActionParsnipSubCool: try virtualbox01:29
smwryan, did you take a look at their site? http://docs.aptana.com/docs/index.php/Installing_Aptana_on_Linux01:30
SubCoolawesome- thanks a lot. Enjoy ur holiday guys.01:30
SubCoolwhats with the garbage?01:30
smwryan, if you have problems following that guide, feel free to ask questions01:31
ryanthanks smw, I did read that but it was over my head. I have no idea what it was talking about when it said ... "make sure you $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME is pointing to your xulrunner 1.8 dir"01:31
rcconfIs there a way to make network-manager resetting spoofed mac address? i tried with macchanger. (and tried spoof option in NM too but it's not working with WPA)01:32
ryanalso also the other packages that need to be installed such as compat-libstdc++01:32
smwryan, damn, you are right, this is not very beginner friendly01:32
smwryan, maybe this is easier. http://docs.aptana.com/docs/index.php/Plugging_Aptana_into_an_existing_Eclipse_configuration01:33
rcconfI want to stop networkmanager from resetting maccaddress :\01:33
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ryanwell i got that working that way, but i really feel like I'm just way in over my head. I really don't mind do the research and reading. but I just have no idea where to start. I have lots of other software I want to install01:34
rick_salut ya tu quelqun qyyui peu maider avec ubuntu jai un probleme avec les mise a jour\01:34
rcconf!fr | rick_01:34
ubotturick_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:34
ryanso it does work, but I just went right around the package manager, so I would love to figure out hwo to do this stuff the right way01:34
smwryan, the reason you feel that way is because the instructions were made for developers and not people :-\01:34
smwryan, that is the right way.01:34
ryanhahaha funny, because I do web development so I could handle the jargon if it was on a windows enviro01:35
smwryan, installing as an eclipse plugin is probably the best way.01:35
ryangotcha, well I'll do that, thanks for the help. could you give me a link or something that might help me learn more on this stuff??01:35
smwryan, the way they explained was much more hackish than the eclipse plugin.01:35
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smwryan, depends on what stuff you are referring to. None of this had to do with the package manager01:36
smwryan, before you were asking a general question and getting a general response. the package manager was NOT the right way to handle this.01:36
ryanLOL so I'm just lucky, i was going to try and install some VMWare to run some windows programs next01:36
thienwhen i install libre office, at command: sudo dpkg -i *.deb, terminal says: javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment! what to do?01:37
smwthien, install java?01:37
smw!java | thien01:37
thienhow to?01:37
ubottuthien: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:37
jpastorewhat is a good channel to go to for some x11 help?01:37
breedenwas told i would be given money for joining01:37
Crazymonkey1123i want da money01:38
breedenGimme money plez!01:38
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:38
smwbreeden, saying stuff like that is allowed on #ubuntu-ot01:38
smwbreeden, saying stuff like that is allowed on #ubuntu-offtopic01:38
Blackadderneed help anyone got an idea on how I may mirror mysql to Amazon Ubuntu cloud server?01:39
darkvaderhi dudes01:40
Drekiwhats the most powerful torrent client to use with ubuntu?01:40
rcconfDreki: deluge maybe01:40
smwDreki, what do you look for in a torrent client?01:40
edbianDreki: I use transmission01:40
rcconfif u want something simple use transmission01:41
ryanthanks for the smw,  I really appreicate it. lata01:41
AtomhunterI use utorrent01:41
darkvaderi have a problem, i'm trying to rip a dvd, i've tried 4 or 5 different programs but the results are the same, corruption01:41
rcconfAtomhunter: on wine? lol01:41
smwBlackadder, what are you trying to do?01:41
ActionParsnipDreki: define 'powerful'01:41
Blackadderbackup mysql tables on the fly m801:41
AtomhunterOpps.... Forgot I don't have torrent client in My ubuntu...01:42
ZykoticK9Dreki, i like rtorrent+screen, but I like command line ;)01:42
Drekismw edbian rcconf i look for options, and something thats fast. doesnt have to be extreamly user friendly, but a gui is nice01:42
smwBlackadder, so, you want a read slave?01:42
tiagoscdthe intrepid repository has removed? I can't find it in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/01:42
edbianDreki: Then they're all equal01:42
BlackadderI built up a user management system from scratch + cron jobs I need to have it auto propagate01:42
edbianDreki: I guess don't use rtorrent it doesn't have a gui01:42
ActionParsnipDreki: try transmission, its spiffy. It also has a web UI so you can control torrents remotely if you desire01:42
rcconfmac address spoofing and wpa bug http://markmail.org/message/5ary4cvzlirvro7301:43
smwBlackadder, I am not going to try to explain how to make a read slave because it is too difficult. Instead I am just going to tell you to google it :-).01:43
smwBlackadder, also note that read slaves maybe a little bit behind the master.01:44
BlackadderI already did slave it what I am getting is a constant timeout01:44
aj91193i need some help with ubuntu01:45
Blackadderfrom the slave it keeps timing out01:45
smwBlackadder, not sure then. I use the amzn multi-az rds instance.01:45
rcconf!ask | aj9119301:45
ubottuaj91193: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:45
smwBlackadder, it is not exactly what you are looking for though.01:45
smwBlackadder, you may want to try #mysql to see if anyone can help with the timeout problem01:46
aj91193i deleted my configuration files in ubuntu linux, and i cant get back on it. I tried to download it again and reboot it, but it keeps saying that there are no configuration files. Any ideas?01:46
Blackadder#mysql is Ubuntu help channels?01:47
rcconfim giving up01:47
smwBlackadder, no, it is the mysql help channel. You are right now on the freenode irc network01:47
rcconfaj91193: what configuration files?01:47
Blackadderkk I am new I just pull everyting from the forum01:48
aj91193i was trying some things in the terminal, and i saw a directory titled 'TMP'. it was highlighted, but i did not think i needed it, so i deleted it.01:48
smwBlackadder, you are right now on a chat server with help channels for almost anything you can  think of ;-)01:49
Blackadderq anyone having problems with webmin 1.54 with the latest Ubuntu 28.35 pae01:49
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:49
MK``aj91193: /tmp ?01:49
rcconfaj91193: you deleted /tmp/ ?01:49
aj91193call me stupid, but i didnt think i needed it01:49
BlackadderI had to reboot server in safe mode then drop root shell to have it restarted01:49
rcconfaj91193: boot from livecd, go to the / partition and mkdir tmp01:49
MK``^ it's used as a general purpose temporary directory01:50
SlickT10anyone else having problems quiting programs using ctrl c in ubuntu 11.04?01:50
MK``it clears itself when you reboot, mostly01:50
rwwSlickT10: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks!01:50
MK``but it's needed by the OS01:50
smwaj91193, it looks to me like a reinstall is your best option01:50
rcconfaj91193: if you deleted /tmp/ just create it again lol01:50
ZykoticK9Blackadder, #debian's webmin factoid is even better << Webmin is a lame web-based interface for unsafe system administration for Unix.  Check it out at http://webmin.com/  Remember, dondelelcaro *hates* webmin.  "i'd rather sit on the floor shoving table knives into live electrical outlets than run webmin on an exposed server."  Removed from Debian post-Sarge, see http://bugs.debian.org/343897 .  The Debian package from webmin.com is of poor quality.01:50
ZykoticK9See <free whcp> for alternatives. >>01:50
ubottuDebian bug 343897 in ftp.debian.org "ftp.debian.org: Please remove all webmin related packages" [Wishlist,Open]01:50
SlickT10rww: thanks01:50
smwaj91193, if you were experienced, it would be possible to fix it. But seeing as you got yourself into this position in the first place, reinstall is easier.01:51
aj91193i tried a reinstall, and it comes up with 'no Default or UI configuration directive found01:51
smwaj91193, when you boot an install cd?01:51
aj91193i used a usb download from the ubuntu site01:51
smwaj91193, are you sure it was booting off the usb drive?01:51
InumediaWhy does my Touchpad move my cursor faster in relation to my screen resolution aspect ratio?01:51
aj91193snw, originally,  or now?01:52
BlackadderOoops its not as if I really need it but nice to have a graphic admin. Do u think I should remove webmin from my cluster01:52
smwaj91193, you are unable to do a complete reinstall of the system?01:52
BlackadderI had to rebuild one of my servers after I installed it just would NOT reboot01:53
aj91193as far as i can see, i am unable to do so. i downloaded the 64bit of 10.10 just now, and used the universal usb installer to set it up, but it doenst work01:53
Blackadderinstalled wembin worked nicely until I rebooted Ubuntu 10.10 32bit01:54
InumediaWhy do I not have /etc/X11/xorg.conf?01:54
Blackadderthen server never managed to even make it to safe mode01:55
smw!xorg.conf | Inumedia01:55
ubottuInumedia: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:55
ZykoticK9Inumedia, if you are using open source drivers, it's all done automajically now01:55
Blackadderrunning perfect thoug on other 3 server01:55
smwInumedia, it figures out the system at boot. It does not need xorg.conf01:55
ZykoticK9Inumedia, it is of course possible to create one if needed01:56
BlackadderX server takes a lot out of the resources purged it. Best to have everything done SSH01:56
rcconfis there a way to make network-manager to stop resetting spoofed mac address?01:57
rcconf(i know it has a built in spoof option which doesnt work with wpa)01:57
ZykoticK9rcconf, (i don't know anything about spoofed macs) but have you considered using WICD instead of nm-applet?  something to consider.  Or you could set up your networks the manual way.  Best of luck.01:58
aj91193does anyone have a site with a full ubuntu reinstall iso?01:59
Alsenwow, many people..01:59
ZykoticK9aj91193, "reinstall iso" is that different from a regular LiveCD?02:00
Darwonwhat do you guys set your swappiness to ?02:00
CheezAnyone have any idea why ports wouldnt open up?02:00
ActionParsnipaj91193: the install CD is the reinstall ISO02:00
ActionParsnipDarwon: usually about 502:00
edbianCheez: you have a router / firewall02:00
CheezI know02:01
aj91193i dont have a specific cd that came with it, i downloaded it off the internet, so i dont know02:01
CheezThey used to open fine... then they just stoped working02:01
Axlin|MBDarwon: 1 GB on my desktop with 4 GB of RAM, and 2 GB on my laptop with 2 GB of RAM. if you want to hibernate, you'll need swap to equal RAM02:01
CheezThe connection times out when i test them with canyouseeme.org02:01
ActionParsnipDarwon: i only chat and web browse and have 2Gb ram in the systems I do it in so I have enough ram. swappiness will need evaluating on use02:01
semitonesI'm trying to get two ubuntu computers on the same LAN to share files. Right now they both say they're sharing, but they both can't see the other's share. Any ideas?02:01
Darwonthank you ActionParsnip, I have mine at default on the 512 RAM, and 0 on the 4 Gig, and I will set it to 5 on the 2 Gig02:01
edbianCheez: What do you mean?  Are we talking about a router or a firewall?02:01
aj91193i just want something that will totally reboot or re-put ubuntu back on my desktop02:01
pehdenQUESTION: postfix , dovecot , spamassasin , with procmail, I had this all set up and I had an issue with something else so i had removed postfix , well before my email would come into folder /home/pehden/mail     now it keeps going to /var/mail/pehden what do i need to do to fix this back so i can use my webmail lite to check it02:02
rcconfZykoticK9: yes, I've used wicd before and it works but it doesnt have VPN support etc02:02
leapy0yoi can do an add user, but how do I do a delete user?02:02
smwleapy0yo, userdel or use the gui02:02
CheezI have ports opened for a server with a wired connection, and it works fine. But when i try to forward them with my laptop (wireless) they dont work,, and no one can connect to the server02:02
pehdenCheez is the server using a static IP02:03
edbianCheez: Are you forwarding the port to the correct IP address?  (the IP of the laptop)02:03
DarwonIm getting my boxes ready for the 28th02:03
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CheezYea its a dynamic ip. and i forwarded to the right internal IP. I know how to port forward and everything, but for some reason it just stopped working.02:03
KijutsuUsing ubuntu 10.04 -- do I need to do anything weird to partition a 4k sector hard drive?02:03
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semitonesthey can't ping each other either02:04
Blackadderwell I had some problems with ports. Check if u haven’t got anything taking over your ports. change your app boot sqsequence02:04
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ActionParsnipleapy0yo: sudo rmuser username02:04
aj91193soo, any  ideas?02:04
semitonesHow can I make it so two computers can ping each other02:04
edbianCheez: What service are you running on the laptop? Do you have a firewall running on it?02:04
smwActionParsnip, why rmuser vs userdel?02:04
Cheezyes i do have a firewall, but it is unblocking the port02:05
smwActionParsnip, command not found02:05
ActionParsnipsmw: not sure, should do the same thing afaik02:05
smwActionParsnip, I got a cmd not found02:05
DShepherdsemitones, how are the two computer connected?02:05
edbianCheez: For the sake of argument why don't you turn the firewall off on the laptop.02:05
ActionParsnipsmw: so it is, my bad02:05
semitonesDShepherd, they are on the same LAN, sharing a router02:05
CheezOk... but i think this is something wrong with my router :/02:05
ActionParsnipleapy0yo: if you add the -r switch, it will remove the users $HOME folder too :)02:05
CheezBecause the firewall has never caused me problems when port forwarding02:06
DShepherdsemitones, is the router offering ipaddresses to the machines?02:06
semitonesDShepherd, yes02:06
edbianCheez: Well can you connect to your server (on the laptop) from another machine on the LAN ?02:06
rcconfhow do i know if this network manager issue was fixed in naty?02:06
CheezYea i can02:06
BlackadderDHCP no good for server u must allocate a static IP on your lan m802:06
Cheezyea using a direct url02:06
DShepherdsemitones, do you know the ip address of each machine?02:06
Blackadderno wonder its blocking forwarded ports02:07
ActionParsniprcconf: ask in ~ubuntu+102:07
bob_ooooohow to use arpalert02:07
semitonesDShepherd, yes02:08
semitonesDShepherd, and they can ping the router02:08
phoenixsamprashow to use launcpad packages?02:08
Inumedia!xorg.conf | Inumedia02:09
ubottuInumedia, please see my private message02:09
Blackadderanyone know an Ubuntu developers advanced channl thanx02:09
DShepherdsemitones, hmm.. they are in the same subnet right? They should be if the router gave them the address02:09
semitonesDShepherd, yea i think they are02:09
InumediaZykoticK9: I need it to be able to configure my touchpad02:10
DShepherdhave you tried to do a trace route?02:10
semitonesDShepherd, no, what's that?02:10
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: do you mean like a ppa?02:10
ZykoticK9Inumedia, i've never had to config a touchpad.  sorry, no suggestions.02:11
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: yeh02:11
InumediaWhy does my cursor move faster left/right than up/down when I use my touchpad.  It seems to be in relation to my screen resolution and is not the same for a normal USB mouse.02:11
Cheezany ideas?02:11
DShepherdsemitones, you are using ubuntu right?02:12
semitonesDShepherd, yes, both have ubuntu02:12
Cheezedbian: do you think there might be something wrong with my router? i just reinstalled the firmware, and it didnt fix it02:12
DShepherdsemitones, tracepath [ip address] #that will give you an idea if its stuff is going past the router02:13
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: i want to upgrade my cacti install to the latest one02:13
DShepherdsemitones, do you mind sharing the ip address and subnet mask of your setup?02:13
semitonesDShepherd, well it reaches the other computer02:14
semitonessure,, and probably
semitonesor .25502:14
DShepherdsemitones, does it work from the other side also?02:14
aj91193if anyone is still willing to help such a noob as me, when i try to log on my ubuntu it says "There is a prolem with the configuration server.(/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"02:14
semitoneshold on02:14
semitonesNow I can ping the other computer, trying the other one02:15
CheezNoez D:02:16
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.02:16
InumediaWhy does my cursor move faster left/right than up/down when I use my touchpad?  It seems to be in relation to my screen resolution and is not the same for a normal USB mouse.02:16
semitonesDShepherd, cool they can ping each other now, i don't know what happened in the mean time02:17
DShepherdsemitones, glad i could help. I didn't do anything though :) enjoy!02:17
lucas_I would like to start my desktop computer remotely using my laptop. Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?02:17
CheezIs it for sure that my router is broken if ports dont forward even after i updated my router firmware?02:18
phoenixsamprasHow do I use software from a PPA o Ubuntu 10.10 ?02:18
KijutsuHow do I partition a WD ADvanced format drive without breaking everything?02:20
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synackfinif I have a large vector (length=20e6) of two numbers, 83 and 30 - how do I convert it to a vector where 83 maps to 1 and 30 maps to 2 ?02:21
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lucas_Kijutsu: I have such a drive on my laptop. Seemed to have problems at first, but after formatting it using maverick's gparted all seemed ok. There are always the boot cd's provided from WD02:22
Addalaidei am new to using linux and i am haveing a problum with the left side panel can anyone help me?02:22
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:22
tristheys guys im back02:23
lucas_I would like to start my desktop computer remotely using my laptop. Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?02:23
aj91193can any one help me?02:23
tristwas abel to install using nomodeset02:23
pehdenlucas_ http://teamviewer.com02:23
pehdenwait nvm that02:23
pehdeni thought you said connect02:24
tristand now have istalled nvidia driver but now im back to black screen again any ideas02:24
pehdenyou may be interested in wol02:24
lucas_pehden: I already connected successfully using vnc02:24
InumediaWhy does my cursor move faster left/right than up/down when I use my touchpad?  It seems to be in relation to my screen resolution and is not the same for a normal USB mouse.02:24
synackfinwhoops, wrong chan02:24
Kijutsulucas_: did gparted format it properly aligned?02:24
pehdenlucas_ i missread your question you may want WOL02:24
Addalaidethe icons on my left pannel dont show up correctly any ideas?02:25
tristcan anyone help me02:26
wizohi, i tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual%20Hosts however I still get redirected to my /var/www has anyone tried this and gotten it working? my host is on an external server02:27
lucas_Kijutsu: With Lucid it didn't, but with Maverick yes. When I create new partitions I always select "align to Mib and it works. Anyway if it is not correctly alligned you can feel the difference ;)02:27
Acid190trist: what's yur problem?02:28
Kijutsulucas_: where did you find the align to Mib option?02:28
tristblack screen at boot up so i used nomodeset now i have installed nvidia driver but still black screen at boot up02:29
lucas_in gparted, when you select to create a new partition... The Dialog box has it02:29
Acid190trist:so what were you doing just before you got a black screen, or have you never even had one?02:29
XP1how do i pad a file with "FF" using dd?02:30
tristno i always have black screen unless i set nomodeset in boot command02:30
=== dietnews is now known as pipboy
Acid190trist:see, maybe im not sure what advice you have already been given, but nomodeset isn't something ive used02:30
Acid190trist:maybe you can tell me what you are trying to accomplish?02:31
XP1"dd if=inputFile.bin ibs=100k of=paddedFile.bin conv=sync" pads with null zeros, but I want FFs02:31
zebastianortishi, i got a problem, my camera card wont let me erase files or delete them and i need to do that since the card is full, when i try to do this even after typing sudo nautilus on the terminal it says read only system, how do i change this? thx02:31
wizodoes the doc site only work for local hosts?02:31
Tempus_Fugitwhy is it that once you unmount the sdcard reader that it wont read another until you reboot....how do I make it manually look for another sdcard thats been inserted??02:31
tristi was using it to get ubuntu installed and so i could load tthe graphics driver but it still black screens02:31
Acid190zebastianortis: is there a force option?02:32
Kijutsulucas_: did you get a blank 32k partition at the beginning of your drive?02:32
ActionParsniptrist: what video chip?02:32
zebastianortishow do you mean Acid190?02:32
tristgforce g21002:32
ActionParsniptrist: add the bootoption: nouveau.blacklist=102:32
Tempus_Fugithow do you mount an sdcard manually02:33
wizoa less of sites-enabled/mysite shows that document root is at /home/user/public_html =/02:33
lucas_Kijitsu: nope... I just created a new partition table from scratch (under Device-Create partition table)02:33
tristthanks di i replace nouveau.blacklist=1 with the quite splash02:34
lucas_Kijitsu: But I don't know if this is a new way of WD of doing things. When did you get that drive?02:34
phoenixsamprasHow do I use software from a PPA on Ubuntu 10.10 ?02:34
Kijutsulucas_: yesterday02:34
ActionParsniptrist: yes02:34
zebastianortisi dont get why my camera card is locked02:34
zebastianortishow do i unlock it, when i try to delete stuff it says read only system, i dont remember this from before02:35
Kijutsulucas_: to be 100% honest, I bought two 2tbs.. I don't even know if my boot drive is properly partitioned or not.02:35
tristthanks ill try no02:35
InumediaWhy does my cursor move faster left/right than up/down when I use my touchpad?  It seems to be in relation to my screen resolution and is not the same for a normal USB mouse.02:35
XP1is it possible to pad a file with another file using dd?02:35
ActionParsnipInumedia: what make / model is the laptop?02:35
InumediaToshiba Satelite L305d-S592802:36
leapy0yoi installed sabnzbd but I cannot login to the website unless I use instead of the internet ip02:36
Addalaidethe icons on my left side panel arnt showing up correctly can anyone help?02:36
InumediaIt uses a synaptic touchpad which is recognized correctly.02:36
lucas_Kijitsu: I got it a year ago. Advanced Formatting was in his early stages. Anyway... Another thing you could do is to boot your comp using windows 7 DVD. At the setup you can ask to format the drives. WD says that win7 doesn't need any stuff like aligning utilities02:37
ActionParsnipInumedia: try turning off tap to click, may help02:37
InumediaBut what does that have to do with the cursor movement?02:38
ActionParsnipInumedia: also can you pastebin the output of:  lsmod02:38
Kijutsulucas_: Love to... 'cept its running on a PPC, and I don't have any PCs that will boot Windows 7 properly because of anceitny hardware02:38
yuskhanzabhello all, is there any winamp ver. for ubuntu?02:38
ActionParsnipInumedia: it may affect it, its a quick thing to test02:38
ActionParsnip!winamp | yuskhanzab02:38
ubottuyuskhanzab: winamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use audacious as alternative.02:38
Inumediak, one second02:38
InumediaDoesn't seem to effect it02:38
yuskhanzabyeah thanks02:38
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ActionParsnipInumedia: ok cool, can you run: lsmod    and give the output02:39
InumediaActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/uSRfatT702:39
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: how to add app on ubuntu 10.04 ?02:39
lucas_Kijutsu: oups... Then I would go with a live cd from Natty Beta2. Or just wait 'till 28th when the official release comes out. From the live cd you can use gparted02:39
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: how do you mean?02:40
yuskhanzabubottu, is there skin so that i can change looks like the winamp in windows?02:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:40
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: i want to use the lastest pack of cacti on my ubuntu, from launchpad02:40
ActionParsnipInumedia: try:   options psmouse proto=imps    or     options psmouse proto=bare       in /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf02:41
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: then add the ppa02:41
InumediaOne second.02:41
ActionParsnipInumedia: you can then run: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse02:41
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: how to ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cacti02:41
ActionParsnipInumedia: try them individually :)02:41
InumediaI'm not finding psmouse.conf02:42
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: which release are you using?02:42
ActionParsnipInumedia: you won't you make the file02:42
phoenixsamprasActionParsnip: 10.04 ubuntuserver02:42
InumediaOkay, one second.02:42
ActionParsnipInumedia: those files add extra options to the modules when you load them02:43
ActionParsnipInumedia: some weird hardware needs extra options to work nice02:43
InumediaHold on02:44
ActionParsnipphoenixsampras: the version listed there is the one in the lucid repos02:44
InumediaShould I restart anything upon creating+editing psmouse.conf?02:44
ActionParsnipInumedia: run: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse02:45
InumediaMy touchpad doesn't work anymore D;02:45
ActionParsnipInumedia: if it doesn't work, re-edit the file and retry the other option I gave (delete the old text first)02:46
InumediaTouchpad still not working02:47
InumediaOh wait02:47
InumediaIt works now02:47
Teekoanyone not busy wanna lend me a hand? :P02:47
InumediaAnd seems to be at the correct aspect ratio? =o02:47
InumediaSeems to be slow as shit too, but it's at the same aspect ratio now02:48
ActionParsnipInumedia: so the option you used was necessary for your hadware02:48
InumediaBut now touchpad is gone from Mouse Preferences and it's really slow02:48
Teekohm i keep getting an error when trying to install ubuntu alongside windows02:48
Teekothere a problem with it in win7 on AMD or something?02:48
ActionParsnipInumedia: look for other options you can add to the module, one may make it nice02:48
ActionParsnipInumedia: you may also be able to simply increase the mouse speed in the mouse settings to make up for the slowness02:49
ActionParsnipTeeko: how did you kick off the install?02:49
Teekothe wubi.exe file02:49
gaelfxI'm trying to buy a USB3.0 card, but I'm not sure if it needs to have a power connector to function fully or not. My options are a card that has a power connector and one that doesn't, which one should I get?02:49
Teekoit didnt autorun :/02:49
ActionParsnipTeeko: ok what issue are you having?02:50
Teekojust says it has an error and it wrote it to a .log file, i looked at the file, but tbh its all greek to me.02:50
Teekowhen installing, it just stops and doesnt install, says it has an error and wrote to the .log file02:50
ActionParsnipTeeko: if you use win7 to resize its own partition and install ubuntu to the free space you will have fewer issues02:50
Teekoi just wanna test it out tbh02:51
Teekoi havent used ubuntu in a looong time02:51
* KM0201 agrees w/ ActionParsnip if you've got WIn 7 or Vista, use it to partition the drive.02:51
Teekoprolly gonna install it on my other computer but wanted to test it02:51
ActionParsnipTeeko: then you could download the install ISO, MD5 test it and use a virtual system in virtualbox for example02:51
Dr_WillisI just backed up 896GB of files from a ext4 filesystem to a NTFS filesystem   and the  output of df -h, reports 1 GB differance. Is that due to rounding/blocksize/filesystem differances most likely?02:51
wizocan someone help me debug why my document root doesnt seem to work after following the docs here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Virtual%20Hosts02:51
InumediaActionParsnip: Do you have a list of options for psmouse?02:51
Teekoi have the instal ISO, and put it on a disc. thats what im running this from02:52
InumediaI need to increase the sensitivity substantially :P02:52
KM0201Teeko, so whatrs the problem?02:52
InumediaAnd get my scrolling back02:52
ActionParsnipInumedia: i just websearched and found those, the proto=imps one is good for sony viaos I have noticed02:52
Teekook one sec lemme make it do it again :P02:52
InumediaIt seems to work with both imps and bare02:52
Teekook ran the wubi.exe file from the install CD02:53
Teekocreate username/password02:53
Teekoit starts extracting02:53
ActionParsnipTeeko: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?02:54
TeekoMD5 test?02:54
ActionParsnip!md5 | Teeko02:54
ubottuTeeko: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:54
SpyvsSpyhi where do usb thumbdrives mount to in ubuntu?02:54
SpyvsSpyis it /media/usb?02:54
Teekoits on a DVD fresh iso created and burned to it02:54
ActionParsnipSpyvsSpy: run:  mount   it will tel you02:55
ActionParsnipTeeko: doesn't matter, did you test the ISO?02:55
SpyvsSpyim away from my ubuntu box02:55
Teekono i didnt test, lemme read that page and test it.02:55
SpyvsSpyand Im writing a script, and I cant remeber where it mounts02:55
manekineko_I've got an ext2 loop image file, and I want to use it to recreate a partition without any permissions or other strange problems, what's the easiest way I could do so?02:55
chr0n0been a while since I was in, but I have always liked the name ActionParsnip  lol02:55
ActionParsnipTeeko: then you have no way of knowing if the data you are using is complete or error free02:55
manekineko_if I just mount the file, and copy using nautilus are there any foreseeable problems?02:56
Aamircommon/packet.cc:44: error: conflicting declaration ‘char** p_info::name_’02:56
Dr_Willismanekineko_:  you want to copy all files from the loop image, to a real filesystem/drive. the cp command with proper arguments can do that.02:56
Aamiri am getting these errors while installing mac 802.16 in ns202:57
Aamircommon/packet.cc:44: error: conflicting declaration ‘char** p_info::name_’02:57
manekineko_Dr_Willis: so if I do a recursive cp as root, are there any foreseeable problems with permissions or anything?02:57
Dr_Willismanekineko_:  mount it via mount  with the loop option. (sounds like you did that) then use sudo cp  with the proper arguments. I cant recall what ones to use. or use tar and the proper arguments to copy the files.02:57
Dr_Willismanekineko_:  you need more then just 'cp' i recall.02:57
tristhey guys im back work perfectly02:58
Dr_Willismanekineko_:  theres a 'keep permissions/owner' option02:58
tristthanks now all i need to do is get y wifi working02:58
manekineko_oh interesting, I'll look at the man page for cp02:58
Teekook i did the md5 test02:58
Teekosays checksums are different02:58
tjiggi_foSpyvsSpy, I'm on 10.04 and mine mounts to /media/name_of_USB02:58
KM0201Teeko, also, stop messing w/ Wubi.. if you want to install Linux, partition your drive and do it right.02:58
Dr_Willismanekineko_:  i recall tar also being used for this.02:58
chr0n0i got a simple question here, or so I would imagine...I was the only user on my box til recently, and I went to add a user.  When I log in, all of my drives are mounted, or at least available to be mounted from the places menu.  When the new user logs in, only two of the 4 mounts are available to her.  The drive partition in question is ntfs.  Is this just super easy?  I don't know if I am wording it very well for google.  :)02:58
Teekoim not installing on this computer, just wanna get a feel for it before i install it on my other computer02:59
hiexponvidia did a spectacular job on the new driver  amazing02:59
KM0201Teeko, so boot the live CD.. thats what tis for.02:59
RandomUser128hiexpo, you must be joking!? their drivers are always awful...02:59
ActionParsnipTeeko: then the image you used is bad02:59
ActionParsnipTeeko: you need to redownload and re-test02:59
Dr_Willischr0n0:  the ntfs-config tool can set up ntfs filesystems where all users can access them fully.  but last i used the tool it was a little flakey. it would work.but crash on exit)02:59
Teekoi run a teamspeak server and a website from that computer and i wanted to just see how ubuntu is nowadays before i install it on there02:59
InumediaActionParsnip: Do you know where I can find some information on /etc/modprobe.d/psmouse.conf?03:00
Teekothanks action. lemme see how that works03:00
KM0201Teeko, but beyond that, if the md5's don't match, the ISO is bad, download again... but se.rious.. don't do wubi03:00
tristi have an 802.11 wirless lan card by railink anyone help me with drivers03:00
hiexpoRandomUser128, no i am not i was in shock also  and it is fast03:00
KM0201Teeko, ok.. u've been warned03:00
InumediaOr would that not be the correct area to fix my verticle/horizontal scroll + readding it to the mouse preferences03:00
ActionParsnipInumedia: it's not the filename you need to worry about. You can call it ANYTHING you want, as long as it ends in .conf03:00
Teekoi dont plan on using ubunto on this comp for long03:00
ActionParsnipInumedia: look for options on the psmouse module03:00
Teekojust for the other comp permanently03:00
* KM0201 sits on hands.. won't waste the energy..03:00
chr0n0Dr_Willis: I just got an application called  Storage Device Manager, is it anything like that?03:01
InumediaOkay thanks.03:01
ActionParsnipTeeko: you need to redownload the image, I suggest you use torrents03:01
Dr_Willischr0n0:  ntfs-config is not installed byt default i recall03:01
RandomUser128I made the switch to ubuntu a few months back, and I haven't looked back since Teeko03:01
Teekootherwise i would just install it in a new partition and get rid of windows03:01
RandomUser128you gotta give it a chance :)03:01
Teekoyeah but linux cant run the like only game i play online03:01
KM0201Teeko, thats a recipe for disaster..03:01
Teekoi play one game, and it cant run it.03:01
KM0201(nuking windows right fof the bat)03:01
tristi have an 802.11 wirless lan card by railink anyone help me with drivers03:02
ActionParsniptrist: what chip does it use?03:02
tristno idea how can i find out03:02
Ky|eis it usb?03:02
tristno its built into my desktop03:03
ActionParsniptrist: sudo lshw -C network03:03
chr0n0try lspce kyle03:03
tristi have a hp touchsmart 1060a03:03
chr0n0er lspci03:03
top_ramenquick question about 10.10 and 11.403:03
zebastianortisI have a laser card for my camera which all of a sudden ahs turned read only and i need to erase the files/format it, how can i do this?03:03
chr0n0... trist, try lspci in terminal03:03
ActionParsniptrist: the output will give a product line, use it to find guides03:03
zebastianortiswhen i try to do this as superuser it says read only system03:04
ActionParsniptrist: also run: rfkill list    to make sure its not blocked03:04
tristthanks guys03:04
Ky|ethanx ChronicSyncope03:04
top_ramenwould by ubuntu unleashed book that covers 10.4 have the same cmd and what not for 10.10 and 11.4??03:05
ActionParsniptop_ramen: pretty much03:06
escotttop_ramen, the main differences in 11.04 are the gui03:06
top_ramenjust a different gui03:06
top_ramenso the terminal cmd are the the same03:06
top_ramenits been since 10.4 since i played with ubuntu.... NEED to get back into it03:07
top_ramenI left beause there was no support for my digitizer pen software..... run it on a tablet PC03:07
ActionParsniptop_ramen: yeah the commands will be extremely similar if not identical03:08
top_ramendo you know if there is support for a tablet pc digitizer pen in the new 10.10 or 11.403:09
escotttop_ramen, google for your pen brand03:09
ActionParsniptop_ramen: or run livecd and test03:11
ActionParsniptop_ramen: if its usb based then run:  lsusb   and websearch for the usb ID (8 character hex id)03:11
InumediaOkay.  I'm going to make a 5$ bet that I'm going to have to remove what I just did from xorg.conf.  Now to reboot and test it out. =D03:11
yudidsf sa f03:14
MrSamySo, who else is looking forward to natty? :P03:15
wizodo I have to add a ServerName in my apache site-enabled file?03:15
rwwMrSamy: everyone in #ubuntu-release-party ;)03:16
kaattaais anyone familiar with lubuntu and composite managers?03:17
titizinhoDo you my love?03:20
titizinhoClient Quit03:20
Teekowhy would the iso file from ubuntu.com have the wrong checksum? was it just a fluke in the actual download of the file?03:21
rwwTeeko: Yup. Something went wrong between the Ubuntu download servers and you. Generally, it's on your end ;)03:21
rwwI use Bittorrent, since it automatically checks each bit of the ISO file.03:21
Teekolol my internets funny sometimes, so not really suprising03:21
Logan_!lubuntu | kaattaa03:21
ubottukaattaa: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.03:21
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Teekoyeah thats what i just did when they told me about it03:21
Teekothey should have more download options listed, you have to kinda search for the torrents and additional download places03:22
BullterdEvening All.03:22
=== Guest56459 is now known as Darwon
Teekosad thing is i didnt know about the md5check so i wasted a DVD lol. thats the worst part of the failed iso :(03:23
BullterdIf I have a log file for a vhost setup as /var/www/domain.name/stats/access_log03:23
Bullterdhow would I go about tail'ing all access_log files?03:23
leapy0yois there a log of everything in /var/log?03:23
BullterdI tried tail -f /var/www/vhosts/*/stats/access_log but that didnt work :(03:23
escottBullterd, tail -f03:23
kaattaaLogan_, it would be helpful info u just gave me if anyone was awake at #lubuntu... cuz i asked there first about 45 min ago03:23
escottBullterd, there may be a multitail or try screen with multiple tails03:24
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Teekodamn autoplay sucks03:26
quiescensBullterd: tail -f (file) -f (file) probably works, otherwise apt-get install multitail like escott suggested03:29
Teekoyay worked that time03:31
ActionParsnipTeeko: funny how Md5 testing shows bad images eh03:32
tbruff13Hey does any one know how to get rid of the wine menu after uninstalling win03:32
hiexpohola ActionParsnip03:33
escottBullterd, vaguely remember an mtail as well03:34
ActionParsniphowdy hiexpo03:34
ActionParsniptbruff13: you can disable it in alacarte03:34
tbruff13ok figured it out ActionParsnip  I do have another question though I use ffmpeg to convert things to mp3 but ogg wont work i assume that is because ubuntu uses an outdated version of ffmpeg can you help install one that can covert to ogg03:35
geegeegeeok guys, i did chmod 555 /* and now it wont boot03:37
escotttbruff13, or just convert ogg to wav and use that03:37
tbruff13escott, ogg is the format I want to convert to03:37
escottgeegeegee, boot your install disk and fix03:38
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geegeegeeok, i presumei just do chmod 777 /* to /*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*/*03:38
ActionParsniptbruff13: so you want to convert from mp3 to ogg?03:38
escottgeegeegee, 777 is not the right permission 75503:39
escottgeegeegee, unless you did a chmod -R which would not be good03:39
tbruff13escott, my version of ffmpeg mp4 to ogg my version of ffmpeg has never heard of ogg I am using the frontend Winff03:39
orighostdose ogg is free?03:39
ActionParsniporighost: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogg03:41
ActionParsniptbruff13: what are you trying to achieve?03:41
tbruff13I am trying to use the program Winff to covert an mp4 file to an ogg file the program winff uses ffmpeg to do the converting03:42
Teekook wtf install wubi and restart, and no links to open it at all?03:42
escotttbruff13, do ffmpeg to extract to wav then use ogg123 to make the ogg03:43
ActionParsnip!info soundconverter03:43
ubottusoundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-2 (maverick), package size 107 kB, installed size 916 kB03:43
tbruff13escott, huh I am using winff to do this there is no ogg123 just ogg03:44
hiexpotbruff13, you using 10.04 ubuntu ?03:44
ActionParsniptbruff13: ffmpeg -i input.m4a -acodec vorbis -aq 60 -vn -ac 2 output.ogg03:44
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tbruff13no ubuntu 10.1003:44
escotttbruff13, ogg123 is the standard ogg encoder03:45
ActionParsnipescott: says who?03:45
tbruff13escott ok how would i set up winff to do this can you get the program and explain it i know its alot of work but please03:45
escotttbruff13, ActionParsnip don't know winff sorry, but I know there is an ogg123 that will encode wav to ogg03:46
hiexpotbruff13, he just gave you thecommand to do it in the termina l03:46
Teekodoes anyone know if theres a way to connect remotely to a linux computer from a windows computer? like RDP would from windows to windows03:46
smwTeeko, ssh, rdesktop, vnc03:47
smwTeeko, you have option03:47
Teekoneed something pretty basic, just gotta be able to control it without it being super laggy03:47
tbruff13hiexpo, ok nevermind ill just use mp3 any way do you guys know anything about rockbox the mp3 software03:47
hiexpotbruff13, no i don't know anything about rockbox myself03:48
jhjessupTeeko: Look at VNC.03:48
tbruff13ok im out sorry03:48
Teekothink VNC would be the best option?03:49
jhjessupTeeko: Probably. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ubuntu-remote-desktop-builtin-vnc-compatible-dead-easy/03:49
ActionParsnipTeeko: there is no best, depends on needs03:50
Teekoheh thats awesome, thanks alot.03:50
ActionParsnipTeeko: don't vnc over www without an ssh tunnel03:50
Teekook that made no sense03:51
Teekosorry. lol03:51
Teekowhats an SSH tunnel?03:51
RJ_F1Hey, I'm a registered user, but I was directed to the unregistered channel and requested to do a spambot-check?03:53
RJ_F1It also states I was not registered?03:53
RJ_F1What gives?03:53
smwRJ_F1, you may not have been registered at the time03:53
_jesse_RJ_F1: maybe you joined before it recognized you were registered03:54
smwRJ_F1, when you first login there is some delay03:54
bastidrazorActionParsnip: you use unbound and dnsmasq, if my memory serves me right.. on the box with the unbound server do you also use dsnmasq for caching? my unbound server is on an actual server03:54
jhjessupTeeko: VNC connections aren't protected with strong enctryption, so it's possible for a third party to intercept VNC communications. Consequently, if you're using VNC on a network with untrusted users (i.e., the internet instead of your home network) you should run it through an encrypted tunnel, like SSH.03:54
smwRJ_F1, put nick:pass as the irc server password and this would be unlikely to happen03:54
Teekojhjessup, i get that actually :P but i still have absolutely no idea what an SSH tunnel is or how to set one up03:55
ebiesterSo, I did an upgrade a few days ago, and I just tried to boot back into Windows 7, and the option is gone. os-loader doesn't seem to be picking up the partition now, instead picking up a weird vista psuedo-partition that just reboots. Could somebody /msg me their Win7 info from grub so I can make  a custom loader until I can figure out what's going on?03:55
RJ_F1ebiester:How many partitions do u have03:56
smwTeeko, ssh is the best way to remotely control a linux computer but I am not sure if you can do x forwarding over it.03:56
jhjessupTeeko: Got it. A good overview article is at http://www.engadget.com/2006/03/21/how-to-ssh-tunnels-for-secure-network-access/03:56
smwTeeko, what do you plan to do with this?03:56
smwTeeko, why do you need this as that may change what I suggest you do.03:56
ebiesterRj_F1: 6. 2 linux, 4 windows, and two of those are funky things Asus did.03:57
chaorainHey quick question. What partition type is best for videos? (Not Recordings) I'm using Mythtv03:57
Teekooh um03:58
Teekoi just need to be able to control that computer from anywhere03:58
Teekowhen im away from my house, i need to be able to access it03:58
smwTeeko, define control...03:58
Teekouse it as i was sitting right in front of it03:58
smwTeeko, do you want to access files? Run local programs? Take over the whole desktop?03:58
Teekonot just use the files03:58
Teekotake over the desktop03:58
Teekoi use remote desktop on windows now, but im trying to find things out before i set that computer up with linux, so i know what im doing atleast halfheartedly03:59
smwTeeko, in that case VNC and rdesktop are your only options03:59
Teekowhich would be faster?03:59
Teekoi dont need many features, but speed is important03:59
escottchaorain, something with extents ext4/btrfs/xfs/zfs04:00
smwTeeko, I don't know. I use ssh to do remote connections...04:00
Teekook well what does ssh do?04:00
jhjessupTeeko: I haven't used it, but a couple of my friends really like teamviewer. http://www.teamviewer.com/en/download/index.aspx04:00
MaRk-I!vnc | Teeko04:00
ubottuTeeko: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX04:00
Teekoer, whats the difference04:00
RJ_F1hey, what's it mean, connection reset by peer?04:01
smwTeeko, ssh gives you a command line prompt. If you use X forwarding. You can run remote programs very fast.04:01
leapy0yodoes the 64bit of ubuntu have more problems than the 32 bit one? does it take more resources or is it supposed to run faster? becasue my refresh rate is not great I get tears now I got this version04:01
smwTeeko, the remote program only shows up on the computer you are on and not the computer the program is actually running on04:01
escottTeeko, ssh and X would be the linux standard way, but would not allow you to take over an existing desktop04:01
smwTeeko, it also provides file access04:01
Sasquatch7Hi all04:02
escottTeeko, so if you turn the computer on, and log on, you cant use ssh with X forwarding to grab that session. VNC or remote desktop would allow you to take that session04:02
smwHi Sasquatch704:02
Sasquatch7I'm tempted to install the new 11.04 beta and then upgrade to the final on it's release day...or is it better to just wait for the final release to install?04:02
smwSasquatch7, truthfully, I would wait a couple of weeks after to install.04:03
Sasquatch7smw: Really, a couple weeks? Why so?04:03
RJ_F1There's only like 4 days left or something04:03
smwSasquatch7, the new one is probably a little buggy. They always rush.04:03
smwSasquatch7, they feel a need to adhere to the 6month timeline... always04:03
leapy0yodoes ubuntu 64 have more issues and problems whereas ubuntu 32 does not have those problems?04:04
smwSasquatch7, not to mention the fact that the mirrors get loaded down and you can't install packages04:04
Sasquatch7smw: Oh ok, thanks. What version are you using currently?04:04
escottleapy0yo, the main 64 bit issues are with stuff like flash where the vendor has not provided a 32 bit version. most issues are pretty well ironed out though04:04
smwSasquatch7, 10.1004:04
POOPHAMMERquestion about installing via wubi: i have rebooted out of windows and started the installer, but is has been hanging for about 40 minutes on configuring hardware, is this normal?04:04
POOPHAMMERamd X2 600+ 3 gb of ram if that helps04:05
smwSasquatch7, whatever the last release is04:05
Sasquatch7smw: Oh ok, and is it alright to do an upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 or is it better to do a fresh install?04:05
smwSasquatch7, depends on who you talk to. I don't trust upgrades and do a fresh install. Most people don't and seem to be fine.04:06
YankDownUnderWhat's wrong with doing an upgrade?04:06
Sasquatch7smw: that's what Ive heard too.04:06
_jesse_leapy0yo: not that I know of, 64bit runs fine for me04:06
Sasquatch7YankDownUnder: Yea that's what I'm questioning :)04:06
YankDownUnderMost of the time, an upgrade merely mucks up customisations - and/or programs you've compiled on your own...otherwise, it's not a bad means by which to move upwards...04:06
smwSasquatch7, the party line is that they are perfectly fine. I had issues (years ago) because I tried to update when the repos were overloaded.04:06
POOPHAMMERi am also kinda afraid to reboot out of this installer to prevent file system damage04:06
smwSasquatch7, since then I have used it as a perfect time to cleanse my system of all the mistakes I have made.04:07
tripelbanyone know how to do a bulletpoint with a simple solid circle (vanilla) in abiword (there's no abiword channel)04:07
YankDownUnderSasquatch7, If you're doing a minor upgrade (single version upwards) you should be right as rain. if you're trying to do something like upgrade from 9.10 or something like that, well, expect major issues...04:07
Sasquatch7smw: Ha good thinking.04:07
leapy0yoi686 is 32 bit or 64 bit?04:07
jhjessupleapy0yo: 32-bit.04:08
rwwleapy0yo: 32-bit04:08
Sasquatch7YankDownUnder: Oh ok, no it will probably be an upgrade from the beta to 11.04...I'm currently using Win7 :)04:08
YankDownUnderI'm waiting for 72-bit desktop edition. Cuz it's 8 more than 64!04:08
YankDownUnderSasquatch7, Windows 7? Sorry about that. :)04:08
RJ_F1Lol. how about 128-bit processors, anyone want one, I got a nice hookup04:08
smwYankDownUnder, actually they go by powers of two. I am waiting for 256bit personally04:08
RJ_F1Octa-core 128bit processor.04:08
POOPHAMMER:/ anyone?04:09
Sasquatch7YankDownUnder: haha, it's not too bad...but dying to get back into ubuntu04:09
YankDownUnderPOOPHAMMER, Obviously you're having an issue - having repeated yourself several times. What's the issue?04:09
smwPOOPHAMMER, many people here don't know wubi04:10
RJ_F1Oh, hey, I can help04:10
Teekoor like it, ive learned :p04:10
YankDownUnderWubi? Nah - not me.04:10
Teekomy wubi just didnt work04:10
Sasquatch7me no like wubi04:10
odst0016wubi gave me issues04:10
Teekoinstalled it, and it had no links to start, couldnt find an exe file, etc etc04:10
POOPHAMMERwell i am just wondering if it is typical for it to hang on the configuring hardware part for about an hour now04:10
YankDownUnderI prefer wasabi.04:10
smwPOOPHAMMER, wubi is most often used by people who are new to ubuntu or who are developing wubi.04:10
RJ_F1mine sort of worked.. Separate partiion is better04:10
Sasquatch7POOPHAMMER: No, that is probably not normal at all.04:11
RJ_F1and no. it is not typical.04:11
POOPHAMMERwell i had a disaster with GRUB when i tried to make a partition04:11
RJ_F1yeah, that happens too.04:11
POOPHAMMERso i didnt want to do that again04:11
YankDownUnderPOOPHAMMER, 1.) you're running under Windows; HAL is a confusing bit in the best of times, so why even bother?04:11
smwPOOPHAMMER, the people who are new to ubuntu are rarely able to help others so it is very hard to get support for wubi in irc.04:11
RJ_F1Yank: HAL 2000???04:11
YankDownUnderHard to get support for Wubi from folks that don't run Windows...(for a long long time)04:11
rwwYankDownUnder: Wubi doesn't run Ubuntu under Windows, it runs Ubuntu from a loopback partition on an NTFS filesystem using the Windows bootloader.04:11
rwwWindows is not running when Ubuntu is ;P04:12
rwwalso, HAL is deprecated in current versions of Ubuntu04:12
RJ_F1Hardware abstraction is lame.04:12
YankDownUnderrww, Thanks, learn something new every day. I don't do Windows here - and my clients I migrate to either Ubuntu or MacOSX...ergo, I don't do Windows.04:12
rwwI don't do Wubi, personally. I just know how it works ;)04:12
odst0016the only reason i have windows on my laptop is my intel integrated hd graphics card must be able to play games and thats the only way i know how04:13
POOPHAMMERidk about doing a partition again, GRUB really messed me up last time04:13
smwrww, I think wubi was a horrible mistake because it makes support impossible. Anyone who normally helps has never used it04:13
YankDownUnderI've my preferences for backing up the entire disk, repartitioning as per MY desires, THEN using a nice liveCD or liveUSB to do my installations...04:13
POOPHAMMERwiped out my windows boot and had to reinstall04:13
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escottPOOPHAMMER, i've never had that problem with grub, we can take you through a normal install04:14
POOPHAMMERi think i am just going to try to repartition04:14
POOPHAMMERand do a normal install and try my luck04:14
Sasquatch7Is software similar to Xming on Windows needed in Linux? Or what is it's equivalent?04:14
odst0016why not just shrink your drive through windows04:14
POOPHAMMERlast time was with Debian so maybe Ubuntu wont mess me up04:14
Sasquatch7POOPHAMMER: Good luck!04:14
POOPHAMMERi only did Debian because i am familiar with it through doing server stuffs via ssh so i thought i would like it for a desktop04:15
POOPHAMMERbut not after that GRUB disaster04:15
smwSasquatch7, Xming is a port of what is already on linux04:15
Sasquatch7smw: Ok, thanks.04:15
POOPHAMMERi might pop back in tomorrow when i do this, for now i am just going to shut down and go to bed04:15
smwSasquatch7, Xming is the windows version of what linux uses for graphics. It comes with ubuntu desktop04:15
POOPHAMMERthanks anyway guys04:16
Sasquatch7smw: Xserver?04:16
ahmedhelalhello, am trying to install a driver for my clickpad on hp envy 15: using the fix in here : http://linuxenvy.blogspot.com/2011/01/touchpad-fixed.html    however am getting an error when installing the deb file : http://pastebin.com/NYTuXzXP , any idea ?04:16
smwSasquatch7, correct. All linux DESKTOPS have X installed.04:16
Sasquatch7smw: Thanks :)04:17
Tremwarso do macs... but it's just not the same...04:17
TremwarI take that back, it's an optional install on macs...04:17
escottahmedhelal, why are you running a pae kernel for an envy?04:18
TremwarI thought the pae kernel was for more than 3Gigs of memory04:18
ahmedhelalescott: i just installed ubuntu from original iso04:18
ahmedhelali have 4gb of memory on that envy04:19
escottahmedhelal, was it your intention not to run 64bit or just accidental04:19
dr_Willisi thought it was for 4+GB of ram.04:19
escottahmedhelal, most people with core i-series are probably running 64bit04:20
odst0016i have i5 running 64bit04:20
Tremwaryeah, it's for goobers(like me) who installed the 32bit version on accident04:20
ahmedhelalescott: is this whats causing the problem anyway ?04:20
Teekoanyone know what the ubuntu remote desktop port is?04:21
ahmedhelalcause i just tried the natty 64bit version installation before this one and installion failed for same reason04:21
Teekowell what it defaults to atleast04:21
escottahmedhelal, probably. the guy who made this deb probably made it for a 64bit kernel and never tested on 32bit04:21
odst0016what was the reason04:21
Tremwaryeah, if the driver is 64-bit then that's the problem04:21
dr_Willisteeko if its normal vnc ports its like 5900 +1 for each new instance/desktop04:21
ahmedhelalescott: i just tested it on 64bit kernel of natty warwhale and it failed for same error04:21
escottahmedhelal, and really why buy a core i and not take advantage of the 64bit nature of it04:22
Teekothanks willis04:22
dr_Willisteeko i hink thats the default vbnc pors.04:22
dr_Willisvnc ports04:22
ahmedhelalescott: i thougth the deb didnt run because of the 64bit version, so i installed my 10.10 32 bit for that04:22
ahmedhelali can revert back to 64 but am more interested to get my clickpad working i really cant use the pc at all04:22
odst0016do you have a vaio04:23
ahmedhelalodst0016: its hp envy 1504:23
escotttry and figure out what these people are running, if they are using 10.10 64bit which would be most common use that until upstream synaptics gets the required patches04:23
fisixdoes anybody know why i can't receive emoticons on pidgin? it appears as the red cross out sign (kinda like the non-smoking symbol) on a black rectangle04:23
odst0016ok i had the clickpad issue on my vaio until the .28 kernel i think04:23
escottits either that or figure out how to deal with kernel interface changes04:24
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ahmedhelalescott: kernel interface changes .. i dont know even whats that lol04:24
Tremwarcan you download the tar? you could see if there are any options on the ./configure...04:25
escottexactly my point :)04:25
ahmedhelalTremwar: there is only a .deb file no tar there04:25
Tremwarhmmmm... that sucks04:25
TremwarI really hate driver issues...04:26
theholderHi i am having issues with my Compaq Presario CQ61 my microphone is not working at all04:26
escottahmedhelal, if i could only steal my girlfriends envy i would love to try this... but she won't let me touch it04:26
theholderbut my output sound is working04:26
ahmedhelalescott: i really regret buying the envy04:26
TremwarI think the whole world would have already switched to mac if it wasn't for drivers...04:26
ahmedhelal100% regret, u shud see the bios on it04:26
Tremwarerr switched to linux04:26
ahmedhelal0 control !, the most editing u can do is boot order and system clock04:27
Tremwareh, mac too04:27
ahmedhelali was trying to install mac on my envy actually but failed04:27
escottit sure is pretty though04:27
TremwarI'm running a dual boot MBP04:27
ahmedhelali did on my desktop though, its pretty cool , right from retail disk04:27
odst0016im going to try to install mac on my vaio tomorrow for the fun of it04:27
TremwarOS X and Ubuntu 10.1004:27
odst0016the only prob i should have is my graphics card04:27
ahmedhelalodst0016: ati ?04:28
TremwarUbuntu is pretty good with graphics cards...04:28
TremwarI would be worried about wireless04:28
hiexpoTremwar, what driver you trying to find >?04:28
Tremwarthat's always my problem04:28
TremwarI've given up for now, it's the same old broadcom mess...04:29
ahmedhelalTremwar: my wifi seems to be detected well, as i can see all wifi spots around me listed04:29
TremwarIt works, I just can't use it for Kismet... e.i no monitor mode04:29
ahmedhelalhowever i cant connect to any of them even unencrypted ones :S04:29
ahmedhelalTremwar: do u think its a driver issue too ?04:29
Tremwarit's a known issue for broadcom cards04:30
ahmedhelali think its a broadcom yes04:30
Tremwarlast computers I've had have had broadcom wifi...04:30
ahmedhelalany fixes ?04:30
hiexpoTremwar, didyacheck aircrack's site04:30
Tremwarthere are a few, but they very from site to site..04:31
Tremwarand it turned out to be such a iffy hack that I opted against it04:31
Tremwarit was a solution, followed by, and if that doesn't work.... and if that doesn't work... and if you are still having problems...04:32
fisixdoes anybody know why i can't receive emoticons on pidgin? it appears as the red cross out sign (kinda like the non-smoking symbol) on a black rectangle. from other users it just appears to me as plaintext04:32
hiexpoyep those are bad signs04:32
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hiexpofisix, cause the use a differant format04:33
Tremwarbut the aircrack site has just about the best docs for such problems04:33
escottfisix, that is the missing icon icon04:33
ahmedhelalTremwar: NDISWRAPPER ?04:33
escotttry to change the emoticon theme04:33
Teekoironic eh04:33
fisixhiexpo, escott i'm dealing with custom emoticons in wlm i mean. not default ones, those transfer fine and appear as the pidgin defaults04:33
aauthorWould anyone know why I can't see the google-gadgets packets in synaptic even though it a listed package for natty?  http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/packages/show/29477404:34
Tremwarthat was another option I rolled out of... performance problems and a proprietary driver... ugh... I was trying to use Linux to get away from proprietary, lol04:34
TremwarI still use Linux on here some times... although I'm running OS X right now...04:35
escottfisix, wlm? what is that04:36
Drekianyone tried to run starcraft1 with wine recently? im having issues with it running slow.04:36
TremwarMacBook Pro is cool and all... but it's probably gonna be my last...04:36
fisixescott, windows live messenger04:36
rwwaauthor: please don't crosspost natty questions in #ubuntu04:36
smwDreki, I have not tried recently04:36
smwDreki, but it worked fine. Are you using the wine ppa?04:36
aauthorrww: Sorry I just wasn't getting a bite in #ubuntu+1.04:37
TremwarOH God, what a terrible thing just happed to me...04:37
escottfisix, but icons are working for other chat protocols like google/jabber?04:37
Tremwarthe knob on my microwave just got stuck and I burned the hell out of my pizza....04:37
Drekismw just ubuntu repository.04:37
dr_WillisOh the Humanity.. burnt pizas04:38
smwDreki, I always use the wine ppa, it has the latest04:38
Tremwarit's not pizza anymore... it's coal...04:38
mknarror is it a just add water  to make the pizza04:39
Tremwarahhhh... sooo crunchy...04:39
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Guest41828Hy My Nautilus on Compress not is possible compress with password, Why04:40
Guest41828Hy My Nautilus on Compress not is possible compress with password, Why04:40
YankDownUnderDon't flood.04:41
Tremwar? Could you rephrase the question?04:41
escotthe wants to create a password protected zip file04:41
dr_Willisclarify what you mean guest4182804:41
escotti think04:41
dr_WillisI dont think that feautre is supported by the  archiver tools04:42
escotti would bet that password protection on zip is pretty week, but i dont know for sure04:42
Guest41828Stopped working by File Manager, this newly04:42
escottweak not week04:42
Guest41828Via command line I found the correct syntax, Thanks04:43
Tremwarthere you go...04:43
hiexpoi am getting these speeds but only getting 60kb's dont make since http://www.speedtest.net/result/1267283729.png04:43
Tremwarit's the -e option I thing04:43
Spaz_DynamicHey, can't get ubuntu to boot off of USB stick04:43
Spaz_Dynamicbios reports "missing operating system"04:43
Tremwarcheck your BIOS boot order04:43
dr_Willishow did you make the stick spaz?04:43
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: "dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/stick"04:44
dr_Willisspax thats the problem then.. thats not how you do it04:44
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: heard that would be fine.04:44
dr_Willisspaz not for ubuntu iso . some disrtos can do it that way.. but not ubuntu04:45
ahmedhelalescott, Tremwar dep worked on 10.10 64bit flawlessly  , but now am not sure about updates, should i run system updates or that might break what i installed ?04:45
dr_Willisuse  tool from pendrivelinux web site. or the usb-disk creator tool.04:45
TremwarIt shouldn't...04:45
dr_Willisor unetbootin, or any of  dozen other tools to do it :)04:46
escottahmedhelal, you are probably ok as long as the kernel version doesn't change too much04:46
ahmedhelalyou mean if i dont update from 10.10 to the kernel of 11.04 ?04:46
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: Ah, ok. Either way, my ultimate goal is to get slackware and win7 dual boot on my desktop, but neither want to boot off of CDs, and neither work on USB sticks either. Ubuntu LiveCD and Puppy Linux (cd or usb stick) work fine though04:46
Tremwarahmedhelal, and if it does... you can select the other kernel on startup right?04:46
escottahmedhelal, and you can always boot the old version. so stay on 2.6.36-whatever, and worry about natty04:47
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic - use  a tool from the pendrivelinux web site to make a bootable usb stick perhaps.04:47
odst0016so i played with natty for a day how is unity04:48
escottahmedhelal, that was a wicked fast system install... how did you do it that fast04:48
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: I'm also wanting to double check that my CPU is 64bit, as I am 90% sure that it is, but if its not, I suppose that might be why things aren't installing (though  tried 32 bit slackware too but that didn't work either)04:48
ahmedhelalusb ;)04:48
Maahes_hey, how can I transfer the keyring of one user to another user?04:48
hiexpoi just did a slack the other day on a usb and it worked fine04:48
Tremwarit was the live cd right?04:48
ahmedhelalTremwar: yea04:48
dr_Willis64 vs 32bit cpu shouldent matter04:48
ahmedhelalimaged to a fast usb 2  flash disk04:48
Tremwaryeah, live CD install are quick, but there are plenty of updates you need04:49
rwwodst0016: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks!04:49
Maahes_64bits totally matters, you get like twice as many bits! ;P04:49
ahmedhelalTremwar: yeah :(04:49
escottSpaz_Dynamic, cat /proc/cpuinfo once you boot04:49
dr_Willisbigger bits baby!04:49
Tremwarjust take note of your current kernel version if everything is going well right now... so you can switch back to it if need be04:49
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: that doesn't matter for booting the CD for installing said operating system /loading the kernel in the case of the slackware disk?04:50
dr_Willisa 64bit cd wont work on a 32bit cpu.. but a 32bit os should work on any/either cpu..04:50
escottSpaz_Dynamic, you should always be able to boot a 32bit install disk, but if you have a 64bit cd you probably want to install from a 64bit install disk04:50
Tremwar32bit won't work on an 8bit :-P04:51
escottTremwar, so I can't install ubuntu on my comodore 64? :-P04:51
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: yeah, thats what I thought. So that my 64 bit win7 disk starts up fine means that it is 64 bit, but then chokes means that something else is acting up?04:51
dr_Williscould be you are just not making the boot sticks properly04:52
escottSpaz_Dynamic, what kind of cpu do you have/how old is it04:52
Spaz_Dynamicalso, crap, why did I boot the ubuntu cd for running cat /proc/cpuinfo ... I so could have booted puppy and it would have been done faster xD04:52
dr_Willisthe bios settings should tell you the cpu :)04:53
Spaz_Dynamicescott: its a pentium 4 prescott something or other04:53
vahnxfor running a minecraft server would i loose much performance with 10.10 x64 vs 10.10 x64 server edition04:53
Tremwarpuppy is fast..04:53
escottpentium 4 is 32bit04:53
dr_Willispuppy is also annoying in ways. :)04:53
hiexpoi love puppy and also you can pull the cd or usb out and it runs in ram04:53
dr_WillisPent 4 32bit - i do agree04:54
Spaz_Dynamicpuppy is blazing, its what I use on my laptop. (part of why is cause I got tired of all the graphical errors in GNOME)04:54
trihopeKM0201: How are you today?04:54
vahnxpuppy has no x64 version though right?04:54
vahnxso stuck with low ram =(04:54
Spaz_Dynamichiexpo: assuming you have enough xD if you have like 128 Meg, you're SoL04:54
dr_Willisthe idea of 64bit puppy . is a little.. weird :)04:54
GalaxorHi.  I'm trying to install djbdns.  I did apt-get install djbdns, but there is no /etc/init.d/djbdns.04:54
Tremwaryeah, puppy does get get it old really quick... but I honestly would never have used Linux if not for puppy...04:54
hiexpoSpaz_Dynamic, true04:55
vahnxdoes puppy see multiple cores?04:55
vahnxby defaul;t?04:55
vahnxno config04:55
GalaxorIt also didn't install /etc/init.d/tinydns, etc.04:55
Tremwarcan't remeber... I thought it did hyperthreading...04:55
hiexpoi don't know if it will boot with low ram cause it loads to ram first than boots04:55
Galaxorthe debian package installs these files, but the ubuntu 10.04 version does not.04:55
rwwCan you take this to #puppylinux, please :)04:56
Spaz_Dynamicalright, so what do you want to hear from cat /proc/cpuinfo ?04:56
Spaz_Dynamicvahnx: yes, it does.04:56
Tremwaralright, enough about puppy, sorry rww04:56
=== py9371 is now known as chef4
escottSpaz_Dynamic, what is the model name04:57
Tremwarhere is a Ubuntu question I have...04:57
Spaz_Dynamicintel pentium 404:58
TremwarUbuntu uses alot of python 2.x scripts correct?04:58
escottSpaz_Dynamic, if thats all it says its 32bit04:58
Spaz_Dynamicand in the bios I have seen something about T64H something04:58
Tremwarwhat's the plan when a major movement towards Python 3.x is made, with the backwards comaptibility issues and all04:58
escottSpaz_Dynamic, intel started getting really fancy with naming after the pentium04:58
rwwTremwar: port the scripts to Python 304:59
Tremwarhmmm, ok, I was wondering if there were any consideration of porting to any other language or sticking with Python...05:00
InumediaWho was the person who helped me fix my touchpad issues?  I need those two shell commands again.05:00
escottSpaz_Dynamic, also you should not see an "lm" listed under flags for a 32bit processor05:00
rwwInumedia: ActionParsnip?05:00
Tremwarmac touchpad?05:01
InumediaActionParsnip: What were those two commands again?05:01
InumediaSynaptic Touchpad05:01
rww01:41:38 < ActionParsnip> Inumedia: you can then run: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse05:01
Spaz_Dynamicescott: how about I just look in the bios xD05:01
InumediaThank you rww.05:01
Tremwarrww(as for the Python question, I'm a die hard Ruby fan, I was just curious)05:01
Spaz_Dynamicin my bios, it says under processor info "64-bit technology = yes (Intel EM64T)"05:01
InumediaNow I need to still figure out how to increase the speed + get my touchpad option back in the mouse settings. :P05:01
Spaz_Dynamicescott: does that change your mind? =P05:02
escottSpaz_Dynamic, weird but it is a Pentium 4?05:02
Spaz_DynamicIt says it is, yes05:02
Spaz_Dynamicescott: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_4 says that some of the p4's were 64bit05:03
escottSpaz_Dynamic, learn something every day :)05:03
Spaz_Dynamicyeah, its a socket 775, has hyper threading, is 2.8 Ghz05:04
p1und3rdoes anyone know if gtkmm is fully compatible with the new unity interface?05:05
vahnxi wonder if i can ever get used to unity :(05:05
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, I've basically the same setup, but a 3.0ghz; after experimentation, I've found that 32bit just works more smoothly on older P4 systems05:05
p1und3ri love unity vahnx05:05
IanLiuI was transferring a big file from my Desktop to an external HD and I accidentally unplugged it. Now it does not mount anymore. It is formated as NTFS. Is there a way to recover it?05:05
vahnxi cant stand it but maybe it will grow on me05:05
vahnxjust seems like a step back05:05
Spaz_DynamicYankDownUnder: ah, under which OS's?05:05
YankDownUndervahnx, You can move to Gnome3, and then tweak it to be like 2.305:05
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, I don't do Windows, so it's been Fedora and Ubuntu05:06
vahnxif they want to compete with iOS/Mac being all icon like, they should at least make it look better =p05:06
dr_Willisianliu - you may want to have an actual windows macine scan/fix/repair the  filesystem05:06
escottIanLiu, you should boot windows and ask it to fix the disk errors05:06
IanLiuescott: I see. I will try that. Thanks!05:06
Spaz_DynamicYankDownUnder: hmm, i'm wanting to do slackware and windows705:08
dr_Willisyou should be able to make a usb stick with grub2 that can boot a slackware iso. or use the pendrivelinux tools to make such a stick.05:09
vahnxbe warned slackware default kernel does not support multiple cores05:11
vahnxinstall a diff kernel05:11
InumediaAnyone recommend a client for MSN/Windows live?05:11
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: ah, yeah. vahnx: which kernel? and does that count hyper-threading too?05:11
ubottuThe Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete05:11
InumediaOther than Pidgin :P05:11
vahnxi dont know all i know is default didnt see my 4 cores05:12
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, Good luck on the Windows7 - still can't put a different set of pearls on the same old pig.05:12
codex84how would disable internet access on a another pc05:12
codex84on ur lan?05:12
Spaz_Dynamicvahnx: which kernel was that? And was that 32bit or 64bit?05:12
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vahnx32 bit default kernel in 31.1 whatever that was05:12
Spaz_DynamicYankDownUnder: Yeah, well, there are some games that just don't play on linux, not even with wine.05:12
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, Virtualbox.05:13
Laibschhow do I find out if an initrd has support for lvm?  I've recently run into trouble to boot my lucid machine.05:13
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, ....or Crossover Games for Linux05:13
vahnxslackware officially only has 32 bit i believe, for 64 bit theres branch offs05:13
vahnxlike slamd6405:13
Spaz_DynamicYankDownUnder: I've had major preformance issues using virtualbox, particularly since I'm then running two OS at the same time05:13
hiexponope slack has 32 and 6405:14
telemarketerhi all05:14
ahmedhelalTristam: ok its not a broadcom card, its an intel one.. still cant connect to surrounding wifi spots though05:14
vahnxwhere is the 64 on their site?05:14
Spaz_DynamicYankDownUnder: Whats the crossover thing? And does it support the newest .net frameworks? One of the games I have requires .net 4 I think05:14
hiexpoone seclet me see05:14
surhello, how does the disk utility does "take ownership of the filesystem"? I do not see any related entry in /etc/fstab05:14
ahmedhelalescott:  my wifi turned out to be not a broadcom card, its an intel one.. still cant connect to surrounding wifi spots though05:14
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic what game?05:14
Spaz_Dynamicvahnx: go to get slack, and look under the 32 bit downloads05:14
YankDownUnderSpaz_Dynamic, http://www.codeweavers.com/05:15
vahnxdownload link only shows diff languages05:15
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: one I have in particular is Battlefield Badcompany 205:15
vahnxooh its down near the bottom05:15
vahnxmust be new they didnt have 64 for the longest time05:15
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic - ive seen some games work without the .net stuff.  with differnt loader front ends. such as LOTRO05:16
Spaz_Dynamicvahnx: yeah, its on the news page for '09 I think05:16
YankDownUnderI've cheated on WINE a tad bit...not that it's hard to do...just have to have a copy of XP installed and floating around...05:16
ugarichi am sorry, but what channel for rus ubuntu users?05:17
hiexpoactually i think 32 bit runs better on a 64bit system05:17
vahnxi wish ubuntu would give the choice for firefox/chrome during install :D05:17
judgex_how do i disable the firewall in ubuntu?05:18
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.05:18
izinucsvahnx: there's not enough room on the cd.. they fight for every meg when putting it together..05:18
cryptopsysomeone describe how i mount by the command line ntfs as read-write05:18
escottahmedhelal, no experience with intel wifi05:18
dr_Willistheres no default firewall rules.  so by defult firewall is off05:18
vahnxah i c.05:18
allordergufw isnt enabled ?05:18
izinucsand ports are closed05:19
judgex_but when i go 'iptables -L' i see a lot of rules05:19
dr_Williscryptopsy:  sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sdXXX /Mountpoint05:19
judgex_and i have no idea where they came from...05:19
cryptopsydr_Willis: doesn't work with mount?05:20
dr_Willismount uses the same ntfs-3g stuff.. differnt route.. same end.05:20
cryptopsyso mount /dev/sdxxx /mountpoint should work?05:20
dr_Willismount -t ntfs-3g  /dev/sdxxx /media/foo05:21
cryptopsy-t isn't necessary05:21
dr_Willisit pays to be exacting..05:21
cryptopsyno it doens't05:22
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: hey, uh, pendrivelinux is a windows exe >.>05:22
dr_Willisthen go for it..05:22
cryptopsy-t isn't free05:22
cryptopsystop recommeding these things to unsuspecting users05:22
dr_Willisspaz they have linux05:22
dr_Willis-t isent free? Huh?05:22
cryptopsy-t isn't free05:22
vahnxhow much does -t cost?05:22
cryptopsyhalf a second and a micro increase to RSI05:23
trihopeI'm a noob and need help with installing software of the internet. I am trying to download a usb indicator applet. I installed the .deb, but am not seeing it in the "Add to Panel" options.05:23
ugarich_люди, а кто-нить по-русски понимает?05:23
dr_Willisalmost as much time as youve wasted asking abou tit...05:23
cryptopsy-t times 1000 times used, times 1000 users being inconvenianced05:23
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judgex_dr_Willis, does moblock wipe out ubuntu's firewall configuration?05:24
dr_Willisjudex_ no idea. never tried it.05:24
judgex_dr_Willis, okay05:24
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: where? o.o05:24
cryptopsythat's like recommended to use the force flag  because 'it pays to be exacting'05:24
cryptopsyhow about learn what its for05:24
vahnxyay ubuntu finished installing with the updates.. time to setup minecraft server and go to bed!05:25
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic its there somewher. ive used it befor.05:25
vahnxstupid slackware05:25
cryptopsyubuntu fanatic gets offended, resorts to name calling05:25
* telemarketer is a slackware user :)05:25
trihope I am trying to download a usb indicator applet. I installed the .deb, but am not seeing it in the "Add to Panel" options.05:25
escotttrihope, use synaptic05:25
telemarketerif that's okay05:25
cryptopsyvahnx: hey did you know there's a free variant of minecraft written in C, its able to generate terrains much better05:25
vahnxoh noes slackwares still installed somehow =/ must format!05:25
vahnxcryptopsy: never heard of it. but all my freidns are on minecraft05:26
cryptopsyvahnx: its way better plus its free05:26
vahnxwhats it called05:26
cryptopsyvahnx: also theres another version that costs 3 dollars thats much better, its a copycat but better05:26
cryptopsyvahnx: i don't know, i think that game is stupid and played it only once05:26
vahnxah :D05:26
cryptopsyvahnx: i saw it on one guy's channel named 'godcraft'05:26
cryptopsyshould be the most recent video or something05:27
vahnxwell i know minecraft classic is free and way faster, but not as many features05:27
cryptopsyminecraft team is too busy trying to secure patents to care about updates05:27
trihopeescott: I believe i installed it already (according to ubuntu software center) but I can't find it.05:27
cryptopsyno this isn't like the classic, its like the 10 dollar version05:27
cryptopsyit has picks and weapons05:27
vahnxanyone here have a good netflix recommendation before bed?05:27
escotttrihope, what was it you installed?05:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:27
cryptopsywatch 'glengarry glen ross' on netflix05:27
vahnx:O cover looks boring05:28
trihopeescott: indicator-usb  an applet to safely remove usb05:28
escotttrihope, a panel applet? and you are not running natty narwhal. you should be able to get it with a right click on the panel05:28
trihopeyes, 10.1005:28
vahnxanyone play rs05:29
cryptopsywhy do my ftp transfers freeze on files greater than 20M?05:29
cryptopsythey freeze on 100%05:29
cryptopsyit never moves on to the next file05:29
judgex_n ##OpenGL05:29
trihopeescott: yeah, it's not showing up in the list. do I need to do some sort of restart for the program?05:29
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: Any suggestions for making w7 boot and install?05:29
Maahes_anyone know if there is a way to have another user use your keyring?05:29
escotttrihope, you could try logging out and back in just in case05:29
vahnxanyone here play runescape?05:29
ahmedhelalhello in 10.10 after installing kubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu, when kdm loads i end up with a console screen without a border or title bar, and nothing else loads.. any idea ? (clean installation)05:30
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic you mean make sa bootable usb from a win7 iso?05:30
trihopeescott: will do05:30
vahnxthey brought back the wilderness and PKing recently ima go pking instead of netflix05:30
escotttrihope, if you are running kde or kubuntu then gnome panel applets wont work05:30
Maahes_basically I want all users on the machine to be able to use the same wireless password keyring.05:30
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: that would work. I can't get it to boot from the DVD for some reason.05:30
trihopeescott: nope, gnome i'm pretty sure05:31
dr_Willisspaz_dynamic i would check in #windows. ive heard that you can dd the win7 iso to a flash and boot it.. but never tried.05:31
Spaz_Dynamicdr_Willis: correction, it boots, but it fails during the exact same part of installation05:31
ahmedhelalescott: any idea ?05:31
escottahmedhelal, idea about what? sorry05:31
ahmedhelalescott: in 10.10 after installing kubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu, when kdm loads i end up with a console screen without a border or title bar, and nothing else loads.. any idea ? (clean installation)05:31
_vader89is there a way to install ubuntu and then make it run the setup wizard on first boot? I would like to install ubuntu on a new computer, give it away and have the new owner choose locale and username on first boot.05:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:32
TelrothAnyone know how to force-stop a raid array?05:32
escottahmedhelal, do you mean console like kdm failed?05:32
dr_Willisi thought the OEM install optioon did that.05:32
_vader89perfect. thankyou05:32
vahnxwhy doesnt the default ubutnu come with gparted :(05:32
TelrothNamely, a mdadm array? `sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md127 --force` isn't working05:32
vahnxhas it on the live disc but not once installed05:33
ahmedhelalescott: no, its Konsole, just a terminal open with kde background05:33
hiexpothe oem does05:33
ahmedhelalescott: but seems like window decorator didnt load05:33
m-droidkill -905:33
escottahmedhelal, the window manager didn't start05:33
ahmedhelalescott: i tried kde-window-decorator --replace   but it seems like it wasnt install,  so am installing now compiz-kde05:33
ahmedhelalescott: seems like i missed alot, i only used sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kde05:33
ahmedhelalthought that should do it05:34
escottahmedhelal, sounds like a borked kde install :)05:34
Telrothm-droid: sudo kill -9 `pidof md127_raid5` silently does nothing.05:34
hasek79can osx and ubuntu be installed side by side on a mac without making a windows partition?05:34
dr_Willishasek79:  why would sa windows partition be needed at all?05:34
ahmedhelalescott: yeah , although i googled and found that its the same step to install kde :S05:35
hasek79i thought you had to05:35
izinucshasek79: maybe with parallels05:35
dr_Willisa normal Uninstall dosen tneed a windows parition. so why would installng on a mac matter?05:35
hasek79i was just wanting to choose between ubuntu and osx05:35
escotthasek79, since most linux05:35
hasek79when starting up05:35
dr_Williswindows dosent figure into it as far as i know hasek7905:36
escotthasek79, since most linux (including ubuntu) use bios to boot and osx uses its variant of efi you would tell parallels and other apps you are planning on installing windows and then install ubuntu (when ubuntu is not an option)05:36
trihopeescott: still not seeing it. both synaptic and ubuntu software center show it's installed but not showing up when I right click the panel.05:36
hasek79but can you install linux  as a dual boot?05:37
ahmedhelalescott: wow, seems like window decorator crashes, and its not a broken installation or so05:37
ahmedhelali get Seg Fault05:37
hasek79like if you would to do it a a pc you get a boot loader to choose between linux or windows05:38
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages05:38
vahnxhow do u make urself the owner of all files in ubuntu05:38
TelrothYou don't.05:38
dr_Willisvahnx why do you wan tto do that?05:38
hiexporoot is the owner05:39
vahnxi installed ubuntu ontop of slackware now i have /home/home05:39
TelrothThat'll screw up a number of programs, and cause the system not to work.05:39
html_inprogressHAPPY easter05:39
vahnxi want to remove folders in /home but it wont let me05:39
dr_Willisvahnx set proper ownership and perissions on the files05:39
dr_Willisas the root user;05:39
vahnxand how do i do that05:39
Telrothwith chmod and chown05:39
escotttrihope, not sure what the problem is/but its getting late here home someone can help05:39
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:39
vahnxlike chmod 777 / ?05:39
Telroththat'll break the system05:39
dr_Willisvahnx i would read and learn what permissions DO first...05:40
vahnxr w e05:40
TelrothMany programs require very specific permissions05:40
dr_Willisyou dont want to 777 everything.. thats just.. well.. going to break things05:40
Telrothand will refuse to run if they are not set properly05:40
Telrothyou should only change what you absolutely need to change05:40
vahnxima just wipe the drive and make sure slackwares gone for good this time05:40
vahnxas if it kept all old files05:40
trihopeUSB indicator applet for panel not showing up after install, can anybody help?05:41
vahnxand wont let me delete em from ubuntu05:41
Telrothvahnx: where are they in ubuntu?05:41
dr_Willisvahnx with root/sudo you can...05:41
vahnxin ubuntu all the files from the old /home appeared in / in ubuntu05:41
vahnxslackwares /home got scattered to / in ubuntu05:41
Telrothso just a few user folders?05:41
dr_Willisnow thsat could be an issue05:42
vahnxyeah ill just wipe it, easier than going through each file05:42
vahnxdetermining which is from my slackware05:42
Telrothif you know the usernames05:42
Telrothand they don't collide with ubuntu folders05:42
Telrothyou can probably delete them and move on.05:42
html_inprogressdr_Willis,  whats the command for ubuntu gui?05:43
dr_Willishtml_inprogess you mean 'startx' ?05:43
dr_Willisor sudo service gdm start05:43
Telrothfor example, if you absolutely know benj89 is a user from slack, then you can `sudo rm -rf /benj89`05:43
ahmedhelalhello, i tried to install kde using sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on 10.10 ubuntu, however after restart i ended up with konsole opened with no borders (no decorators) and kde didnt load, however typing startkde magically opens kde and everything loads normally.. any idea ?05:44
TelrothBut be absolutely sure that's not a folder that ubuntu needs05:44
html_inprogresswhats the difference?05:44
Telrothand be very, very careful.05:44
dr_Willisone starts the gdm service.. other just starts up X.05:44
vahnxtomorrows gonna be a rough day at work -__- its already like 1am05:44
html_inprogressi just want to reinstall the gui... it was a night mare when i changed it05:44
dr_Williswhat exactly did you change html_inprogress05:45
html_inprogressi got a mix of xp and ubuntu looks05:45
vahnxtry the System -> Appearance tab05:46
dr_Willishtml_inprogress:  and how did you do that?05:46
Telrothahmedhelal: Make sure that kdm is correctly set as your desktop manager instead of gdm.05:46
ahmedhelalTelroth: how should i ? i choosed kdm in the installation of kubuntu-desktop packages to be default05:47
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Telrothahmedhelal: and it shows the kde-themed login dialog when the system starts up?05:48
html_inprogressdr_Willis, http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/14  i didnt finish in time05:48
POOPHAMMERi hope this install of ubuntu goes better05:48
Telrothif you go to the login box, look for a session dropdown or an option somewhere that you can pick your window manager, and make sure it's set to KDE05:48
jiltdilif a group LG has three users A,B.C  and other user "V" from other group want to acess the members of LG group(A,B,C).how to set permission on LG group in one command so "V" can acess all the members of LG group.As i made secondary group of "V" to LG?05:49
dr_Willisi got no browser to look at thsat right now html_inprogress so cnt read it. :)05:49
vahnxno browser :O05:49
dr_Willisircing from my cell phone05:49
ahmedhelalTelroth: just check that, it wasnt set to kde, infact nothing was choose, and i choosed kde and it logs in perfectly now, so how to make it choose kde by default  #1? also when it logged it , it popped up a konsole window..  any idea why ? #205:49
vahnxcell phone without a browser! =p05:49
hiexpotrihope, you talking about thedisk mounter applet05:50
POOPHAMMERi love to use irssi from my cell phone05:50
POOPHAMMERits the best thing ever05:50
cryptopsyPOOPHAMMER: your name is offensive05:50
dr_Willisirc client cant just load urls :)05:50
html_inprogressdr_Willis,  but if it was fully work able  its like having the best of both worlds , when my friends want to use the computer they think its xp05:50
vahnxhaha true enough05:50
cryptopsyis POOPHAMMER an appropriate name for ubuntu?05:50
vahnxbest solution would be to install xp in a virtual machine if you have a copy of XP05:50
POOPHAMMERwow really05:50
html_inprogressand i get stuff done, but i can part/ use part of the screen05:50
cryptopsyPOOPHAMMER: no watch this05:50
tripelbanyone know how to do a bulletpoint with a simple solid circle (vanilla) in abiword (there's no abiword channel)05:50
dr_Willishtml_inprogress:  one of those  change the theme/look scripts eh? hard to tell what  it does.05:50
trihopehiexpo: no, usb indicator, to safely remove usb devices05:50
=== cryptopsy is now known as CHRISTHAMMER
tripelbI changed my desktop resolution. will it automatically show (looks the same, didnt flash or anything) or what do I do to make it actually happen. must I reboot?  (thanks)05:51
CHRISTHAMMERPOOPHAMMER: see? its alright05:51
POOPHAMMERcool nickname05:51
Telrothahmedhelal: It should default to be the last one that you used (KDE) or whatever you set it to (still KDE); The default behavior when X starts up is to open a terminal window.05:51
POOPHAMMERim trying an install from CD this time rather than wubi05:51
rwwI keep telling myself not to unban that dolt and I keep unbanning them. I wonder why.05:51
tripelbwhen I start a second user things get messed up.  (1) just now having rebooted, loging keyring did not start and give the password. What's this?? I do not understand. (2) If I switch user, I cant shut the second user down. Coputer goes to blank screen with no recovery I can figure out. (Hardbooted was only solution)05:51
vahnxisnt there a file you can edit to change the default gdm/kdm etc.05:51
hasek79is there a way to clean up my grub screen? every time i update it adds a new i guess you could call it link for ubuntu so now i have like 10 for ubuntu and 2 for windows and i only use the most current one05:52
hiexpotrihope, are the usb'snot mounted on the desktop when you mount them05:52
Telrothvahnx: yes, somewhere. I'm not sure off of the top of my head.05:52
dr_Willisvahnx sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:52
POOPHAMMERi really hope this doesnt mess up my MBR this time05:52
tripelbhasek79, I see that too.05:52
html_inprogress go to the first one in the list and thats it05:52
trihopeactually, I haven't tried mounting any05:52
html_inprogressdont INSTALL05:53
hasek79ya all i want to 2 for ubuntu and 2 for windows05:53
vahnxhey is it possible to configure an irc server to take text say over 255 chars, convert it to a pastebin link and paste it instead. just wondering05:53
trihopehiexpo: sorry, haven't tried using any usb's, I just thought it would be nice to have an applet for quick safe removal05:53
hasek79i dont need all the other ones05:53
hiexpoubuntu will auto mount devices and it will put an icon on the desktop to remove it just right click it and safely remove05:53
tripelbI put in a new (old) drive. I want to copy what's on it to my main drive. But I dont have permission. And if I boot to that user, then I cant even see my main drive. I can only see that user, and all the windows partitions on my drives. ARG05:53
POOPHAMMERi hope this install goes past configuring hardware this time05:53
Telrothvahnx: You'd have to download the source of one and build a module for it.05:53
vahnxah i see.05:54
TelrothBut  yes, you could if you're willing to write the code yourself.05:54
POOPHAMMERit locked up at generating /boot/initrd.im etc last time05:54
trihopeyeah, guess I was more wondering why it wasn't showing up after install though05:54
StarminnAny idea whether or not GNOME Shell will ever be stable for Ubuntu 10.10?05:54
vahnxdidnt they get rid of it for 11.0405:54
vahnxor is the new one an overlay on gnome05:54
Starminnvahnx: *sigh* What are you talking about?05:55
vahnxis it a window manager that sits ontop of gnome?05:55
Starminnvahnx: Unity is a Shell on top of GNOME 2. something05:55
tripelbPOOPHAMMER, I hope so too. are you putting it on the same physical drive?05:55
rwwStarminn: GNOME 3 isn't going to happen for 10.10.05:55
hiexpoit's not the gnome shell05:55
Starminnvahnx: And "Gnome 3" you've got Gnome Shell. http://gnome3.org/05:55
POOPHAMMERwell i made a partition, 30 GB05:55
POOPHAMMERits on a dif drive05:56
tripelbI had no problems POOPHAMMER when I installed ubntu05:56
POOPHAMMERwell when i popped debian on there GRUB messed up my MBR's world05:56
POOPHAMMERcould not load into win7 at all05:56
Starminnrww: So they're just abandoniing it in favor of 11.04? I thought that would be the case, I just wanted to see if there would be any glimmer of hope while I wait a few weeks before adopting something so potentially buggy. :)05:56
vahnxgnome 3 looks like a step in the right direction ;D05:56
tripelbpoophammer that sounds even easier. vanilla. -- dont even mention ubuntu. I dont know about debian.05:56
trihopesimple question - tried running "apt-get install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra" but it says I need root, what step did I miss?05:57
iRabbitrm -rf /05:57
rwwStarminn: If you want the latest and greatest shiny stuff, you need to upgrade every six months, yes.05:57
Starminntrihope: sudo apt-get .....05:57
rwwiRabbit: I don't recommend saying commands like that in here.05:57
tripelbirabbit, what's that?05:57
trihopeStarminn:  thanks05:57
POOPHAMMERseems like ubuntu is locking up at the same part as last :/05:57
tripelbyes rww I was trying to call attention to this potential problem. It seems like this kind of consciousness is a danger to someone.05:57
iRabbittripelb, something you don't want to type05:57
Starminnrww: Your suggested wait time between new releases? I know it's gone through alphas, betas, etc., but nonetheless, are they usually usable on a daily basis on release day?05:57
Starminntrihope: "Sudo" allows you to run as "Root" or the "superuser" (basically, the god on your machine)05:58
tripelbpersonally irabbit, I'd boot you with no explain for typing that.05:58
tripelblike a bot05:58
dr_WillisI often wait a week or 3 befor installing a new release. theres often bug fixs that come out real quick after release05:58
vahnxi love how people claim that sudo is bad and u should never use it05:58
rwwStarminn: I usually recommend upgrading a month or so after release. Gives the servers time to cool down and the bug-fixing people time to fix any bugs that get uncovered.05:58
vahnxalways run as "su"/root05:58
iRabbittripelb, oh c'mon have a sense of humor05:58
POOPHAMMERsudo is only bad when you use bad commands with it :P05:59
vahnxbut then again so is su05:59
rwwiRabbit: Allow me to rephrase. The next time you utter a dangerous command like that in here, you will be removed from the channel. It is not funny.05:59
tripelbirabbit off topic05:59
ActionParsnipvahnx: sudo is great05:59
tripelb<3 rww (offtopic)05:59
vahnxyeah i like sudo but so many hardcore linux fanatics are against it... well many i met05:59
ActionParsnipvahnx: su is great, its one of Linuxes great powers as it is a true multiuser OS05:59
* tripelb boots tripleb05:59
Starminnrww: That's what I was planning on. 3-4 weeks. Alright, thanks. Do you know if Gnome3 still breaks Unity? (I know this is a little OT but this is the only question I have about it.)06:00
jiltdilif a group LG has three users A,B.C  and other user "V" from other group want to acess the members of LG group(A,B,C).how to set permission on LG group in one command so "V" can acess all the members of LG group.As i made secondary group of "V" to LG?06:00
* POOPHAMMER sighs06:00
rwwStarminn: I haven't tried it. Someone in #ubuntu+1 might know.06:00
dr_Willisthers more to 'sudo' then just runnng suff as root :)06:00
POOPHAMMERlooks like i just wont be able to install ununtu06:00
Starminnrww: Alright, thanks. :)06:00
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: are you having install issues?06:01
vahnxubuntu is a pain to install06:01
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?06:01
vahnxi made 3 diff bottable usbs diff times, third time worked06:01
ActionParsnipvahnx: its one of the simplest distros to install, try installing Gentoo06:01
iRabbitvahx, how so?06:01
hiexpoubuntu is the easiest one to install06:01
vahnxi mean the install process to usb06:01
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: what does that mean?06:01
iRabbitvahnx, how so?06:01
POOPHAMMERit means yes06:01
dr_Willisrarely have issues installing ubuntu here. Ive had more issues with differnt age pcs and differnt usb flash drives  then ubuntu being at fault06:01
POOPHAMMERi checked the hash06:01
vahnxtried unetbootin in windows, tried dd06:01
vahnxneeds to be a persistant install or w/e06:02
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: can you please use ENGLISH in replys, it speeds things up06:02
dr_WillisYou can setup a grub2 usb - and boot iso files also :)06:02
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: did you test your RAM?06:02
vahnxgrub 2 boots hackintosh into verbose :(06:02
=== lilstevie|lagche is now known as lilstevie
POOPHAMMERi never have issues with any other linux distro06:02
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: are you using a CD to install, or USB?06:02
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: did you burn the CD as slowly as you were allowed and did you make the CD test itself when it started to boot?06:03
POOPHAMMER10.10 AMD 64 desktop06:03
POOPHAMMERthe cd is only a 4x and that is what it burned at, and i was given no option to test it that i saw, it verified at the end of burn and the MD5 matched up06:04
POOPHAMMERit always locks up on update-inimramfs generating /boot/initrd.im.6.35-22-generic06:04
clu3which java should i use for running eclipse guys? open jdk or java sun?06:04
POOPHAMMERtried 3 burns and wubi with no prevail06:05
POOPHAMMERalways stops there06:05
vahnxim not a fan of sun but they do their java good06:05
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: on the same screen as the ram test you can check the CD for consistency too06:05
ActionParsnipclu3: if you need the extra features in the sun java, use sun06:06
hasek79will i be able to run system update to upgrade to ubuntu 11?06:06
POOPHAMMERim thinking about just giving up on ubuntu and going with windows and staying there and sticking with debian on my server06:06
POOPHAMMERnever ever had any luck wih ubuntu06:06
ActionParsnipPOOPHAMMER: whatever you desire06:06
iRabbitHey when I click on start and right click on my computer it doesn't tell me my version number.. whats the deal?06:07
POOPHAMMERis the step i am on supposed to take forever or something?06:07
allorderPOOPHAMMER: why you dont use debian testing/sid on it or why you dont try another distro06:07
rwwiRabbit: I think you got lost on the way to ##windows06:07
StarminniRabbit: "My Computer"? Just System->Administration->System Monitor06:07
POOPHAMMERbecause i always hear wonderful things about ubuntu but never get to try it06:08
POOPHAMMERany time i do it just tars out on me06:08
dr_Willissounds like some weird hardware/issue/bug to me poophammer.06:08
danielitosjhello everbody06:08
danielitosjI had a problem installing 10.04 and 10.1006:08
danielitosjRelated to partitions not aligned to cylinders06:09
POOPHAMMERi might just go back to centos for linux idk06:09
InumediaAnyone know of any settings in X that changes how fast a touchpad will move the mouse?  Not the overall speed but horizontal vs vertical speed.06:09
POOPHAMMERkinda irritating to get this going06:09
danielitosjGparted-server dies06:09
allorderPOOPHAMMER: centos for a desktop ?!06:09
POOPHAMMERyeah i used to use it on my old PC06:09
POOPHAMMERold celeron rig06:09
allorderPOOPHAMMER: try archlinux maybe :P06:09
dr_Willispoophammer - you could move the HD to a differnt box. install , then move itback.06:09
POOPHAMMERlol arch06:10
POOPHAMMERi didnt really liek arch06:10
POOPHAMMERi think im just going to go back to centos06:10
allorderok, goodbye06:11
iRabbitso like... I'm trying to setup a static route in /etc/hostname.vlan344  ... netmask broadcast vlan 1028 em3... so like !route add -net right?06:11
danielitosjThe only solution I found is resizing the problematic partition06:11
POOPHAMMERlets just hope my MBR didnt get messed up this time06:11
danielitosjDoes anybody know if this issue is being solved in 11.04????06:11
ohziearchlinux is pretty fantastic in a lot of ways, but their community is pretty terribad imo. =(06:11
ohzieubuntu <306:11
allorderohzie: ?06:12
ActionParsnipdanielitosj: ask in #ubuntu+1 for natty stuff06:13
ActionParsnipohzie: check xpud. It's groovy :)06:14
ActionParsnipboots in seconds06:14
dr_Willistiny core linux :)06:14
hiexpoor puppy06:14
centHOGGUSB Stik Distros06:15
dr_Willisi tend to avoid puppy these days :)06:15
hiexpodr_Willis, how come06:15
iRabbitanyone ^06:15
dr_Willisspent more time figureing out puppys quirks then using it..06:16
hiexpodr_Willis, oh  hehe06:16
ohzieI just threw 10.10 on a HP G72. I'm kind of excited. It's screen is so pretty. On the forums, people were having sound issues in 10.04, but there was an easy fix. I haven't had to do it yet. Everything's so far out-of-the-box. Even the SD-card reader. :D06:16
centHOGGlike installation quirks?06:16
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY1xAiNnPTc&feature=related fast06:17
dr_WillisPuppy just seems layer upon layer of qick little hacks, and weirdness compared to other 'normal' distros06:17
dr_WillisIll stick to Lubuntu for my low end box's06:18
hiexpoxpud that was pretty fast06:18
ActionParsniphiexpo: lots06:18
hiexpothe only had time to say about 7 chineese words and it was booted06:19
hiexpo7 seconds06:20
joelcnzI'm trying to update my ubuntu to use 3rd party stuff for them to work in my programs.06:21
YankDownUnderjoelcnz, Um...can you elaborate? Cuz it's easy enough to install the "restricted" extras...06:23
joelcnzI've edited the sources.list. I've been trying to follow in this web page: http://wiki.allegro.cc/index.php?title=Install_Allegro5_From_SVN/Linux/Debian06:25
iRabbitis it possible to run Ubuntu with Cascade Linux on multiple VMs?06:25
InumediaAnyone know of any settings in X that changes how fast a touchpad will move the mouse?  Not the overall speed but horizontal vs vertical speed.06:25
hiexpoInumedia, you on ubuntu ?06:27
iRabbitpew pew06:27
InumediaI'm using a synaptic touchpad.06:27
hiexpodon't you have mouse in prefs06:27
InumediaI do.  But nothing pertaining to what I want to change,.06:28
shoelessHey! Does anyone have any experience compiling GNU Octave for Ubuntu?06:28
hiexpopointer speed acceleration06:28
Flannelshoeless: Why are you trying to compile it?06:28
Inumediahiexpo: That effects the overall acceleration.  Not vertical vs horizontal.06:28
hiexpoInumedia, oh yes06:29
shoelessFlannel: I need the latest version for the predator OpenTLD Project.  Latest is 3.4.0, latest deb in the repos is 3.2.x06:29
InumediaI need something that pertains to vertical vs horizontal.06:29
iRabbitCascade Linux + Ubuntu..... jury still out on if you can run multiple VMs with Ubuntu?06:29
hiexpoprobally in config file06:29
Inumediaxorg.conf has nothing pertaining to my touchpad settings.06:30
shoelessFlannel: My main question is that make fails because it can't find texi2dvi, even though it is installed on my system.  I'm wondering if adding the --disable-docs string to configure will fix me up.06:30
jtannenbaumok so I'd really like to know how to get rid of this: http://i.imgur.com/g7rFp.png I've tired booting to a previous kernel but nothing fixes these bugs06:31
InumediaIt gets fixed when I change it to get interpreted as a PS2 mouse instead of a touchpad.  But then I lose my scrolling ability.06:31
shoelessFlannel: I'm compiling now, so its not critical, but it takes upwards of a couple hours to compile on my machine, so I was just curious.06:31
hiexpothere is an x y config i have seen it before on early distro i think 9.1006:31
YankDownUnderNot sure with the mouse bit, but have you tried editing the xorg.conf?06:32
iRabbitmodprobe ftw06:33
InumediaI did modprobe06:33
InumediaBut then I lost my scrolling ability.06:33
InumediaAnd like I said06:34
Inumediaxorg.conf has nothing pertaining to my touchpad or any input devices.06:34
shoelesshiexpo: That provides it?06:34
shoelesshiexpo: Its already present on my system from a texinfo install, make just won't recognize it.06:34
InumediaWhen I used modprobe, it fixed the issue, but created another issue which was equally as bad.06:34
hiexposhoeless, you have texidvi-dev installed06:35
YankDownUnderHave you installed the "Synaptics Touchpad Utility" and mucked around with it, yet? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad)06:35
dr_Willisits posible you could add some lines to xorg to try to fix things. but its hard to tell. touchpad stuff in X has changed so much over the last few releases06:35
shoelesshiexpo: Er, no, but it doesn't show up in an aptitude search.06:36
YankDownUnder(Link above in last statement)06:36
InumediaYankDownUnder: One second and I'll try06:36
hiexposhoeless, open synaptic and look06:36
iRabbitwhat kernel are you using Inumedia? a synaptic touchpad is pretty common and should be in your kernel mods06:36
Inumediauname -a = Linux Inumedia-PC 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:37
shoelesshiexpo: No package with texidvi-dev as a name, either installed or uninstalled06:38
shoelesshiexpo: through synaptic and aptitude both06:38
hiexporun make again see what it complains shoeless06:38
InumediaYankDownUnder: I installed it and when I try to use it in the command line it says it could not open the PS/2 Port.06:38
iRabbitInumedia, I'd try updating your kernel, but I've been wrong before06:38
shoelesshiexpo: doing now, but it takes upwards of a couple hours, so I won't be getting results anytime soon.06:39
joelcnzI would be interested in updating my OS with non-free turned on. I'm not completely sure if that makes a lot of sence.06:39
InumediaI downloaded this and installed it earlier today.  I believe it's the most updated.06:39
Jordan_UInumedia: Can you reproduce this problem with a stock Ubuntu kernel?06:39
shoelesshiexpo: I ended up running configure with --disable-docs, as texi2dvi is really only used by the docs (as I understand it)06:39
iRabbitInumedia, here is what I'm running: 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux06:39
InumediaJordan_U: Possibly?  This is literally a fresh install of Maverick.06:40
YankDownUnderInumedia, it's most likely not seeing a port that requires a module to load....did you read through all the other bits on the dox site? Like the bit about "Enabling True Multi-touch" and all that jazz?06:40
hiexpoyou sure you spell that right texi2dvi06:40
Jordan_UInumedia: Sorry, I misread your uname output.06:40
InumediaThis laptop is two years old, to my knowledge it should not have multi-touch.06:40
shoelesshiexpo: Absolutely sure. texi2dvi.  on parallel with texi2html and texi2pdf06:41
mithranhi all, If i install sunvirtualbox, can i try to install a distribution using LVM? also what would you recommend i use virtualbox or vmware player?06:41
Jordan_UInumedia: "Multi touch" touchpads have been common for more than two years. It's just that most Windows users don't know about it.06:41
Thrawnwhere could i get new .ogg alert sounds for ubuntu06:41
dr_Willismithran - i perfer virtualbox these days06:42
InumediaJordan_U: From the documentation I've read, it's only recently been released from Synaptic since 2010.06:42
iRabbitJordan_U, true story06:42
InumediaAnd it's not my concern.06:42
InumediaYankDownUnder: My bad, I wasn't running it with sudo06:42
iRabbitInumedia, I highly recommend updating your kernel, modprobe, and see if you are still having an issue06:42
hiexposhoeless, trying to find it06:42
InumediaiRabbit: I'm updating everything currently.  It will take some time.06:43
mithrancan i use LVM to install on virtual box then? can i create 2 vdi files and use them?06:43
Thrawnwhere could i get new .ogg alert sounds for ubuntu?06:43
shoelesshiexpo: try install texinfo, it should drop it into /usr/bin06:43
mithrandr_Willis ^ that was to you..06:43
iRabbitInumedia, kk06:43
dr_Willismithran i dont see why you would want to use 2 vdi files.06:43
shoelesshiexpo: that is, installing the texinfo package should drop texi2dvi into /usr/bin06:43
YankDownUnderInumedia, Funny how that works like that :)06:43
Jordan_UInumedia: I have a 4 year old laptop from Dell whose touchpad recognises the difference between 1, 2, and 3, fingers allowing me to among other things scroll by using a three finger drag. Maybe "Multi touch" means something more than that, but what I have described has been available for a long time.06:43
mithrandr_Willis: so you mean 2 partitions on 1 vdi file?06:43
hiexposhoeless, what you trying to compile octave06:44
shoelesshiexpo: yeah, octave 3.4.006:44
mithrani want to emulate 2 disks, to sort of try a raid config06:44
TViYHwhat is the swedish channel06:44
InumediaJordan_U: Again, multi-touch currently isn't my concern.  I'm more concerned about fixing the cursor speed.06:44
dr_Willismithran you could partiton the virutal disks however you want.  but i dont see what you gain by emulateing a raid.06:44
shoelesshiexpo: the most current in the Ubuntu repos is 3.2.x06:44
rwwTViYH: #ubuntu-se06:44
dr_Willismithran if you just want toplay with things.. that could work06:45
hiexposhoeless, what version ubuntu you on06:45
YankDownUnderInumedia, Just for giggles and grins, have you checked out the settings in the Mouse control utility in your Preferences menu?06:45
InumediaMultiple times.06:45
mithrandr_Willis: Im sorry i think my concept is all wrong...i think i just realized...m intention is to try to install on software raid...i can use the distros LVM install option to do that right?06:45
shoelesshiexpo: 10.1006:46
hiexposhoeless, oki minute06:46
InumediaAlong with installing gpointing and checking the settings on that aswell.06:46
dr_Willismithran - I tend to keep vbox setups very simple. guess you can try06:46
mithrandr_Willis: i have only one machine to try it on.. :)06:47
Jordan_UInumedia: When you say "horizontal vs vertical" do you mean that it for instance goes faster left to right than up to down?06:48
ActionParsnipshoeless: what version of octave do you desire?06:48
InumediaThat is exactly what I mean.06:48
shoelessActionParsnip: 3.4.0, the most recent stable06:48
InumediaJordan_U: Infact, that is word-for-word the way I've been describing it since I tried Lucid for a week and has the same issue.06:49
Jordan_Umithran: Yes, two virtual hard drives in a virtual machine will work the same as two physical drives in a physical machine for all intents and purposes.06:49
dr_Willisvbox is fun to play with06:50
Inumediaargh.  Why does all of the links to Ubuntu.com with https keep timing out?06:50
dr_Willisinumedia ive heard the site has been down for some today.06:50
InumediaJordan_U: Have you got any idea as to what's causing this issue?06:51
ActionParsnipshoeless: I can't find a ppa06:51
Jordan_UInumedia: No.06:51
shoelessActionParsnip: for octave? yeah, I know.  I'm coming from source here06:52
ashmew2Hi , Hard disk temperature hitting 45 Degree Celsius , is that something i should be worried about ?06:52
shoelessActionParsnip: which is causing me all of this fun (of the Dwarf Fortress variety)06:52
InumediaI do believe I'm going to file this as a bug and hopefully get a fix sometime soon.06:52
ActionParsnipshoeless: even natty is using 3.2. Are there significant bug fixes in the newer versions or is it purely extra features?06:53
shoelessActionParsnip: it deals with the usage of the tilde as a dummy variable, apparently.06:54
ActionParsnipshoeless: could log a bug, it may get included sooner06:54
mithrandoes fedora have an option to install using lvm?06:54
mithranthe default fedora live cd?06:54
Jordan_UInumedia: There does appear to be options for this type of compensation though, looking in "man synaptics".06:54
ActionParsnipmithran: fedora isn;t supported here06:54
shoelessActionParsnip: I'm installing it as a dep for OpenTLD, an object tracking algo06:54
ActionParsnipmithran: this is ubuntu support ONLY06:54
mithranActionParsnip: ok..sorry..06:55
shoelessActionParsnip: Included sooner in Ubuntu? Or in Octave?06:55
ActionParsnipshoeless: ubuntu most likely06:55
fisixis it possible to shrink and install a windows partition besides a linux partition encrypted by ecryptfs?06:55
Jordan_UInumedia: Option "VertResolution" and Option "HorizResolution". These values will be used to create a ratio (read the man page for a better explanation).06:55
shoelessActionParsnip: Sounds good, will do, until then I'm compiling with configure --disable-docs and seeing where that goes.  It takes quite a time to compile though, so no instant results.06:56
dr_Willisfisix a partition wont matter. unless you are doing somting matter.06:56
Jordan_Ufisix: Yes. (as long as I parsed that sentence correctly and you don't expect the Windows partition to be encrypted with ecryptfs as well).06:56
shoelessActionParsnip: Thanks for your help.06:56
dr_Willisfisix -  you may want to clarify what you are trying to do.06:57
dr_Willis(windows) (linux encrypted partition) (swap) (others)06:57
hiexposhoeless, looks like there are a lot of issues with this version of octave06:57
fisixJordan_U, dr_Willis sorry, that was a bit ambiguous haha. i mean i have an encrypted ubuntu partition right now. i want to shrink it so that i have space to install windows 7. wat do?06:58
shoelesshiexpo: haha, I'm discovering.  seems that I need this version though.  Its a dependency thing.06:58
InumediaJordna_U: The problem is, nothing relating to my touchpad is in xorg.conf06:59
InumediaWhere would I look to edit the configuration?06:59
hiexposhoeless, octave is a dependency ?06:59
Jordan_Ufisix: ecryptfs works at the file level, so as long as the underlying filesystem can be resized (which it can) you can resize with ecryptfs as well.06:59
shoelesshiexpo: yeah, for the OpenTLD object trackin algorithm06:59
hiexposhoeless, oh ok06:59
fisixJordan_U, what do u suggest i use to resize? gparted? or must i go through ecryptfs to resize07:00
Jordan_Ufisix: GParted.07:00
Jordan_UInumedia: Create the section yourself.07:00
fisixJordan_U, kk, thanks!07:01
Jordan_Ufisix: You're welcome.07:01
* Inumedia has no idea how :P07:01
InumediaI have a vague idea I'll look into07:01
shoelessCan anyone guide me through submitting a bug report requesting the version of a package to be upgraded?07:02
Jordan_Ushoeless: Is there a specific bug / problem fixed by the newer version? Do you want this to be done in a release before 11.10 ?07:03
shoelessJordan_U: The newer version is required as a dependency.  It also implements newer features of the software (which is octave). Not necessary, but helpful.07:05
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:05
InumediaJordan_U: Upon adding the section to xorg.conf, how do I restart X?07:05
Jordan_UInumedia: Log out then back in again.07:05
Inumediak, brb :P07:05
dr_Willisindumeda  sudo service gdm restart07:05
dr_Willislogging out may or may not restart the X server07:06
shoelessActionParsnip: is that the same process for request of a newer version? Also, because I need the newest version, it isnt installed, and when it is, it won't be an ubuntu provided package.07:06
Jordan_U!sru | shoeless07:07
ubottushoeless: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates07:07
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shoelessActionParsnip: Thanks!07:09
shoelessJordan_U: Thanks!07:09
hiexpoInumedia, might want to look at this also http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_configure_the_TrackPoint07:09
Inumediabrb again07:11
Inumediarelogging again. ;_;07:15
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jeffizardhello, i have this pc that is hanging after the pci list. any know how to fix this??07:17
=== Guest86673 is now known as Alien-007
ActionParsniphiexpo: i have similar although upload is a bit slower07:21
spaceninjajeffizard, what do you mean? Explain some more.07:22
InumediaWell, that was unsuccessful.07:22
StupidOneHello, could anyone tell me how to reinstall grub from a live disc? My master hard drive got formatted and grub didn't get reinstalled.07:22
InumediaAlthough it did break X and made me have to use nano to edit it to work.07:22
InumediaJordan_U: Any other ideas? :P07:22
=== agoolge is now known as blueghost
Alien-007guys just install ubuntu 10.4 LTS on a Gateway and it has a bluetooth icon on F6 but when i go to bluetooth app it says i dont have any device07:23
Jordan_UStupidOne: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide07:23
StupidOneJordan_U: thanks, I'm looking into it right now07:23
Jordan_UInumedia: No.07:23
Alien-007does the 32 bit vertion has all that ?07:23
Alien-007im thinking the 64 bit vertion has limits07:24
Alien-007am i wrong ?07:24
InumediaJordan_U: Care to help me get MineCraft working? =D07:24
Jordan_UInumedia: I don't have much experience with wine.07:25
InumediaIt's java.07:25
InumediaNo need for alcohol :P07:25
Alien-007is not adobe air for 64bits also07:25
InumediaSince it uses coffee ;D07:25
Jordan_UInumedia: Interesting. Didn't know that. I guess a game that looks that terrible would have to be Java based ;)07:26
InumediaI tried that command line and it tells me it can't find the main module to load :P07:26
ejvwhat's the politically correct way to remove old kernels, my boot partition is nearly full...07:26
Jordan_UInumedia: Are you using the Sun JVM?07:27
InumediaJordan_U: Fresh install of Maverick.  I have no idea.07:27
Jordan_Uejv: Remove the old kernel packages with apt/ Software Center.07:27
Jordan_UInumedia: Then no.07:27
ilyekkakaihow do I fix pulseaudio so that it does not use 99% of CPU cycles and almost lock up my computer when playing audio?07:28
Jordan_UInumedia: Install Sun Java From Ubuntu Software Center.07:28
Jordan_UInumedia: Sorry but I need to get some sleep.07:29
ilyekkakailet me rephrase... How do I stop pulseaudio using up 99% of CPU cycles and almost lock up the computer while it fails to output any sound when playing audio?07:29
InumediaUnderstandable.  Have a good night :P07:29
InumediaAnd thanks for trying to help me.07:30
Jordan_UInumedia: You're welcome.07:30
Inumediaohai I got it to work finally.07:35
nellyhi have problem with Wireless on lenovo b560 b431307:40
rhizmoei need a better gwibber07:40
desgnight everyone /amsg07:42
nellywireles is disabled on ideapad b56007:45
EO_Doesn't Ubuntu have a non-Kickstart unattended install setup system?  I remember seeing this a while back, but can't find it now.07:47
ruani got a black screen.. do i have to restart gdm again?07:49
EO_ah, preseed!  that's the ticket.07:49
ruanblack screen with just a cursor07:51
ruancursor works fine, detects all interfaces, but black screen07:51
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mcurranruby is a strange tool07:55
pylixmcurran: the language?07:56
Teekoanyone use ts3 server on desktop edition?07:57
Teekoanyone know how to run teamspeak 3 server?07:59
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
Guest92739is there adobe air 64Bits ?08:03
Dominaterhow do i check what version of ubuntu im using on the terminal? i tried uname -a but does not show much info....08:07
Rehanis there any way to monitor system/cpu temperature in gnome-panel on ubuntu for a laptop?08:08
XceptNDominater: cat /etc/lsb-release08:09
TimRDominater: lsb_release08:09
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »08:09
TimRWell, actually, lsb_release -a, or what XceptN said08:09
DominaterNo LSB modules are available08:10
Teekodoes a firewall come with ubuntu? for the life of me i cant find it if so...08:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.08:11
ruanyou might want to install gufw in that case08:11
Teekothank you08:12
Teekoso anyone know anything about installing teamspeak3 server?08:13
alien-0o7guys adobe air is not available for 64 bits,,thats not good08:14
ruanwell you could try installing it with 32bit libs08:14
alien-0o7ruan:) what you mean,,,force it08:15
ruanalien-0o7: http://www.jamesward.com/2010/10/14/install-adobe-air-on-64-bit-ubuntu-10-10/08:16
daniel__hello trying to get my wifi to work i have no idea why it wont i looked at the additional drivers and it says its in use08:17
Rehanis there any way to monitor system/cpu temperature in gnome-panel on ubuntu for a laptop?08:17
varunhow to change the default splash screen08:17
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.08:18
varunhi all08:18
ashmew2Rehan : if you want to monitor Hard disk temperatures , use hddtemp08:18
ashmew2!splash | varun08:18
ubottuvarun: please see above08:18
varunubottu tried the gnome splash manager but no success08:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:20
ashmew2Rehan : have a look here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37567808:20
ashmew2Varun : Delhi ?08:20
varunashmew2:  nop ! kerala08:21
Rehanashmew2: thanks, i don't think that works with my laptop :/08:21
Rehanonly get acpi temps08:21
ashmew2varun : kk nice. ,08:21
ashmew2so what temps you want exactly ? Rehan08:21
varunashmew2:  where are you from ?08:22
ruan!info xsensors08:22
varunashmew2: any advice on the splash screen08:22
ubottuxsensors (source: xsensors): A hardware health information viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.70-1.1 (maverick), package size 18 kB, installed size 152 kB08:22
ashmew2ashmew2 : MP here08:22
varunwhat image type can be used as splash screen08:22
Rehanruan: i have xsensors and it works, sees acpitz temp, but i can't get it in the panel and hate having a big box on my screen all the time just to see temp08:22
Rehanashmew2: just trying to see cpu temp08:22
ruanjpg, png, tga?08:23
ashmew2varun : see this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1147808:23
ruanRehan: hmm. it's possible to make an applet..08:23
ashmew2Rehan : sudo apt-get install computertemp08:23
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ashmew2it can be added to the applets once installed08:23
varunand dimensions ,will pic of any size work08:23
ruanthough that's more of a last resort08:24
varunruan: and dimensions ,will pic of any size work08:25
ruanvarun: yes08:25
Dominaterwhen 11.04 comes out can i use gnome 2.3?08:26
ruanRehan: computertemp applet seems to work08:26
Rehanashmew2: cool that worked! it doesn't theme08:26
Rehanruan: yeah i just got it working08:26
varunruan: mine is not working08:27
ruanvarun: how large is it08:27
ashmew2Rehan :)08:27
Rehanwish it had a matching background but i guess ubuntu users can't be choosers :P08:27
ashmew2Rehan : if you know programming , you can always make it do that :P08:27
Rehanhaha yeah i don't know programming ashmew208:27
XceptNDominater: 2.30 seems to be available as a separate package and I guess you can install and use it ..08:27
XceptNand I actually can try that on my beta install ..08:28
ashmew2Rehan :)08:28
varunruan: 640 X 840 32.4 kb08:28
grechkI have a problem with acpi. I created two scripts, one for and a decrease brightness to increase, but I can not connect them with the hotkey buttons. The script from a terminal work.08:28
varunruan: usin gnome-splashscreen-manage but i'm not geting the result08:28
DominaterXceptN , i hope because i dont like the the new version08:28
* XceptN is curious too - so goes ahead and tries - though it takes time08:29
satyahow to restrict users from deleting files and directories?08:30
ashmew2satya : you have to set the proper permissions for each user.08:30
Rehanruan: ashmew2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151331808:30
grechkThen I created the events in the following way, but I do not understand why do not work08:30
grechkevent=sony/hotkey SNC 00000001 0000001008:30
ashmew2Rehan : hehe you found it :D08:30
grechkhelp me, please :)08:31
Rehanashmew2: that post is almost a year old, weird that it hasn't been incorporated into the normal version yet08:31
satyaashmew2: they can have read and write permissions. i want to restrict from deleting08:31
Asmodeus87Quick question: Would rfkill say anything after $rfkill list all if there was nothing?08:31
gartralsatya: ro delete requires write perms..08:32
ruansatya: if they can copy, they can replace a file with nothing08:32
ashmew2satya: u have to remove the write access08:32
satyaashmew2: instead removing write permissions, cant we do anything?08:33
ashmew2satya : well see if you have a file abc.txt...i cant delete it suppose , but i have write access , so i can open abc.txt , remove all the contents inside and save.08:34
=== ChrisBuc1holz is now known as ChrisBuchhozl
InumediaAnyone know of any settings in X that changes how fast a touchpad will move the mouse?  Not the overall speed but horizontal vs vertical speed.08:34
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ruanor make an abc.txt that is empty, and copy it to the same dir as abc.txt, replacing it with nothing08:34
Asmodeus87ashmew2: doing that by accident would be much harder though08:34
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moon__ /list08:34
ashmew2Asmodeus87: removing files *by mistake* is easy ?08:35
satyaashmew2: i know it. just i want to restrict the users from deleting08:35
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alien-0o7is there a command to make my bluetoth work ?08:35
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Asmodeus87ashmew2: Well, no. But it's still way more likely;)08:35
litropyHi, peeps. Help me partition correctly, please. I'm in the livecd install. I want to leave my main partition untouched and use the free space for my ubuntu partition. How do I do this, and where should I set the root file system?08:36
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ashmew2Asmodeus87 : yeah well i cant deny that :D08:36
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ashmew2ok satya : have a look : http://www.betamaster.us/blog/?p=27108:36
satyaashmew2: 0kay08:36
Captain_HaddockHi, I'm trying to set up a password less login for into my ubuntu server. I am able to login fine. However I get disconnected *immediately*. Any idea why this is happening or how to debug?08:37
ruanyou could also make all 'write' changes require approval08:37
ruanor backup beforehand.08:37
ruanCaptain_Haddock: auth.log? any place that logs connections08:38
deviliriumlitropy: You would do that in the advanced section of the partitioning, andd  you would give the mount point of '/' to your root. Also make sure to create a swap partition. For more details on this topic, please use the mighty Goggle =)08:38
ashmew2Captain_Haddock: how did u set it up for auto login ?08:38
alien-0o7my pc is telling me i dont have a bluetooth evice on it but there is build in08:39
ruanCaptain_Haddock: also, what type of connection08:39
Captain_Haddockashmew2: I copied the public key to the authorized_hosts file. SSH.08:39
XceptNDominater: It is indeed possible - Install Gnome 2.30 and use "Ubuntu Classic" at GDM logon08:39
Captain_Haddockashmew2: I can connect fine as root and stay logged in. When I log in without a password as user FOO, I log in fine and then get booted.08:40
deviliriumalien-0o7: I guess your system doesn't realize about its existence then. You should install the correct driver for it.08:40
DominaterXceptN , thanks for the info :)08:41
None0satya: put file in root-owned folder, chown it to user. then user can edit but not remove08:41
LaurencesmI installed AssaultCube game and I have only 35 fps. On windows i have 200. Do I need to install drivers or something? (I am new to Linux)08:43
lo0mLaurencesm:  do you have any proprietary drivers installed? nvidia/ati?08:44
Captain_Haddockashmew2: any ideas?08:44
LaurencesmNo, I didn't install anything. I have radeon x1600.08:45
LaurencesmYea, probably have to install08:45
c4rzdid you get the restriceted extras yet?08:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:45
ruani have no idea how that D got there08:46
ashmew2Captain_Haddock : dont really have experiences with servers...maybe you could install gnome or something and investigate it with the GUI using PutTy or TeamViewer ?08:46
Captain_Haddockashmew2: no worries, thanks08:46
ashmew2Captain_Haddock : wish i could help more  , hang in there , you'll find someone more skilled :)08:48
Captain_Haddockashmew2: thanks man :)08:48
alien-0o7what driver do i need to make my bluetooth work ?08:48
Laurencesmalso, I have another problem. When I switch to CLI, I can't switch back. I press ctrl+alt+f7 and ... i don't know what happens. Keyboard does not work, i press caps lock and no lights08:49
mysteriousdarrensorry to chime in late but that would work08:49
vivekhelp guys08:49
Captain_Haddockalien-0o7: if it doesn't work out of the box, you might need a non-free/proprietary/restricted driver.08:49
vivekhow can i configure network on ubuntu08:50
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:50
ruanwhat type of network08:50
alien-0o7no propietary drivers found08:50
vivekhow can i configure through cmd08:51
c4rzit should connect by it self08:51
Captain_Haddockalien-0o7: what laptop?08:51
ruanvivek: ifconfig08:51
alien-0o7is a M-series gateway Captain_Haddock08:52
vivekhey guys anybody of you run Gnacktrack08:52
ruanno idea waht that is08:52
DNDickserv identify passw0rd08:52
vivekITS new ubuntu o08:53
ruannatty is being released in 3 days08:53
jkr801Just have a quick question if anyone knows how to get a UI off of sshing into a 10.10 box.... usually the built in VNC starts but didnt this time08:53
ankguijoin #ubuntu-in08:53
viveksearch gnacktrack on google08:53
vivekits a good od08:53
vivekand wine is preinstalled in it08:54
visual1ceim using cups and splix with a samsung scx-4521f. when i do lp -o number-up=2 number-up-layout=lrtb "test.pdf" (test.pdf has 2 pages) i get weird result - the first page is printed on half of one side of the paper but the second page is printed perpendicular in the bottom half of this page08:54
ruanthis is an ubuntu support channel though08:54
jkr801or if anyone knows how to start the built in vnc daemon via ssh and unlock the keychain that would work too...08:55
visual1cethis only happens with some pdfs though08:55
visual1cevery weird...08:55
visual1cedriving me nuts08:55
Captain_Haddockalien-0o7: I would recommend that you try the natty livecd (when it comes out). Your bluetooth might be detected there. Else, you will need to manually identify the chipset being used and try to locate drivers for it. Not pleasant work, I'm afraid :|08:55
alien-0o7natty live cd,the new ubuntu08:56
Captain_Haddockalien-0o7: you're using it already?08:56
alien-0o7Captain_Haddock:) nop 10.4 LTS 64 Bits08:57
wjd86Hello, i recently tried to install fallout 3 using a tutorial from wineHQ... im still showing errors if anyone wouldnt mind checking it out for me; http://pastebin.com/qtq545Y708:57
alien-0o7im about to switch to 32 bits08:57
Captain_Haddockalien-0o7: roger that08:57
visual1ce32 bits flash works better08:57
Walex2wjd86: you need to install the Microsoft C runtime libraries08:57
Captain_Haddockok, time to go08:58
ruanwjd86: put the MSVCP90.dll in fallout 3's directory08:58
wjd86Walex2: sh winetricks directx9 vcrun2005  thought that included libs :/08:59
ruanwjd86: http://www.dll-files.com/msvcp90.zip?0WMfU0bFiS08:59
wjd86will i need to manually add that to wine's lib and make it native?09:00
deviliriumwjd86: i dont think that its a good idea to run winetricks as a super user09:00
Walex2wjd86: 'vcrun2005' is a bit old, follow <ruan>'s link09:00
vivekhey telll me yar how to install tar files09:00
ruanwjd86: just put the DLL in fallout3's directory09:00
wjd86no idea what im doing aside from following directions: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1432209:01
wjd86kk will do ruan09:01
viveki hate tar balls09:01
ruanvivek: extract the contents to a folder09:01
jkr801anyone know about using X over ssh?09:02
ruanjkr801: ssh -X?09:02
incidencejkr801: Yea?09:02
jkr801and why it wouldn't forward09:02
jkr801my vnc threw up on reboot so now i only have ssh into the box how do i get extract the screen with ssh somehow?09:03
wjd86ruan: thanks man, it worked09:03
jiltdilvivek: to extract tar -xvf foo.tar09:03
ruanwjd86: np, enjoy09:03
jkr801I have x11forwarding to yes in my sshd conf09:03
jkr801i donno what else to do :(09:03
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)09:04
jkr801when i do ssh -X i van even get the xclock to load is there something to get the whole screen up?09:06
Flecki have Driver "radeon" in my xorg.conf - when i go to minecraft.net and go to different portals - xorg/radeon driver crashes - badly, need to reset PC with button... anyone have the same problem?09:07
icerootjkr801: nx and vnc09:07
jkr801hmmm iceroot ?09:08
icerootjkr801: ssh -x cant get the whole screen, you have to use nx or vnc to get the full screen from the other pc09:08
iceroot!vnc | jkr80109:08
ubottujkr801: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:08
iceroot!freenx | jkr80109:08
ubottujkr801: FreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX09:08
jkr801can that be started via ssh?09:09
phonex01guys im trying to update my ubuntu but i have strange error09:09
phonex01said something about partial update09:09
phonex01i already updated broken dependency by apt-get update09:09
Walex2phonex01: probably you need to run 'dpkg' to complete existing installations.09:11
jiltdilphonex01:give this a try sudo dpkg --configure -a09:12
CloCkWeRXhi guys, I (stupidly) have killed my desktop experience. I  upgraded to natty, and then tried to enable desktop-cube under compiz-fusion settings. Sadly this disabled all of the unity /largedesktop/whatever it is; and the ability to run any kind of application that isn't already open. any suggestions on how I climb out of this hole? (ie: how I might swap back to 'classic')09:14
ylmfzhe  shi  shen  dongxi09:17
Flannelclaude2: Natty in #ubuntu+1 for the time being, thanks.09:18
Flanneler, claude2, ignore that.09:18
InumediaAnyone know of any settings in X that changes how fast a touchpad will move the mouse?  Not the overall speed but horizontal vs vertical speed.09:20
coolnesshey does anyone know how to  create node based guis?09:21
coolnessin c++09:21
icerootcoolness: #c++09:21
Fudgehi, how can i install a package but make sure it doesnt try and install a dependcy09:21
TimRFudge: You can't, that's why it's called a dependency09:24
pylixI thought apt was smart enough to only install dependancies when they were not already installed09:24
TimRIt is09:25
JockeoIs there an application that "creates" a hotspot? (Say I have only one computer connected to the internet, and I want to access internet from other computers using wireless)09:25
icerootFudge: sudo aptitude install --no-new-installs packagename    (dont know if it is working but the manpage says so)09:26
Rehananyone ever heard of a program that if you don't login to your machine for certain period of time, it will auto-erase everything?09:26
icerootFudge: but normally there is a reason for dependencies09:26
Enjolrashi, in the package libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental, i only find the dri driver for ati. How can i get the gallium3D DRI driver for intel i915 ?09:26
icerootRehan: why should there be something like that?09:27
larstoi want to install ubuntu on my pc. should i install 10.10  or11.0409:27
icerootlarsto: 10.1009:27
Rehaniceroot: i don't know, heard about something like that once, its a pretty cool idea09:27
FlannelRehan: You could write something to do that easily enough09:27
icerootlarsto: or if you want long term support (lts) use 11.0409:27
icerootlarsto: or if you want long term support (lts) use 10.0409:27
icerootRehan: not really09:27
nhoc_t39thu dam09:28
Rehaniceroot: kind of like how cell phones for companies will wipe the phone after certain # of attempts09:28
ruboвсем привет)09:28
larsto<iceroot> hm!09:28
icerootRehan: write a script for that and do evil thins with dd :)09:28
daniel__how would i install a tgz file09:29
icerootRehan: easiest way, get the output from "last" and if the difference between last and now is big enough kill the system09:29
nhoc_t39how to install FLV Player for Ubuntu?09:29
icerootdaniel__: normally you search first if the package is in the repos. what program is it?09:30
Rehaniceroot: cool idea09:30
Fudgeyep thank you, in this case it is because something has moved to a kernel but a package builder was there prior09:30
icerootRehan: but encrypt your hdd is maybe a better idea09:31
daniel__iceroot, tibia872.tgz ive done it from the terminal i jsut forgot  the line the person gave me last time i belive it was tar something09:31
icerootdaniel__: tar xfvz filename09:32
nhoc_t39how to install FLV Player for Ubuntu?09:33
icerootnhoc_t39: flash?09:33
daniel__iceroot, thx man that worked perfect exectly what i was looking for09:34
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ruannhoc_t39: totem works09:34
ruannhoc_t39: vlc might as well09:34
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ruannhoc_t39: (totem comes with Ubuntu so you dont have to install it)09:34
milen8204anyone knows a good program for phone contacts set up ?09:41
Samo502Hey everybody09:43
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Samo502Anyone else get an issue where certain areas of the screen simply don't seem to notice the mouse is there in any way?09:45
WaltherFIyou can't click or what?09:46
Samo502well it simply doesn't interact with the mouse at all09:46
Jaxxxproblem: I installed ubuntu netbook edition on my eeepc. Now it boots up to the point that you get ubuntu 10.10 and than it leaves a blank screen09:46
Samo502for instance the mouse doesn't change when hovering over something that should cause it to09:46
Jaxxxtried to change the resolution but nothing09:46
Jaxxxcan't go back to terminal either09:47
Samo502it's *probably* that i'm on 11.04 beta though, but still it's good to know if it's a regular issue09:47
Jaxxxanyone seen this before??09:47
Samo502so you boot into it and get a blank screen?09:47
WaltherFISamo502: oh. join #ubuntu+1 for natty09:47
WaltherFIJaxxx: try booting to recovery mode or previous kernels09:47
Jaxxxyep, boot up works until you see the graphical screen that say's ubuntu 10.1009:47
Samo502WaltherFI: i noticed that in the header/topic, but i suppose it is a beta issue after all. no worries then in that case09:48
acpi__I cant boot up furter then tty1 and the error is supposed to be: /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs: No such file or directory ...  need help fixingthat09:48
Samo502because as soon as the full release comes out on the 28th i'll just update-manager -d anyway09:48
Rehanhow could i decrease the sensitivity of my touchpad in ubuntu? anytime i'm typing and my palm accidentally hits the touchpad, my cursor jumps09:48
Jaxxxon startup I do get " ureadaheadprocess terminated with status 509:49
Tyrnisplop all09:49
WaltherFISamo502: no matter if it is a beta issue, you should talk to people/devs in there09:49
Samo502Rehan: i'm gonna guess you're on 10.10?09:49
WaltherFISamo502: to let them know at least09:49
RehanSamo502: yep09:49
Samo502Rehan: it'd definitely be in either administration or preferences, probably preferences someplace09:50
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Samo502never used netbook edition as of yet(though i plan on getting ubuntu on this netbook here soon) so i couldn't say what exactly you'd go to09:50
RehanSamo502: what would i be looking for? I found mouse and pointing device, neither has any option to control sensitivity of touchpad taps or turn it off09:50
Samo502hmm, what about changing the normal pointer sensitivity?09:51
acpi__I cant boot up furter then tty1 and the error is supposed to be: /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs: No such file or directory ...  need help09:51
RehanSamo502: that only controls speed of movement09:51
Samo502wouldn't that make your mouse not jump so bad?09:52
Samo502because when your hand touches the touchpad like that, the touchpad reads it odd because of how it's being touched09:52
Samo502so it interprets it as some weird movement09:52
Samo502for instance on most touchpads, if you place a finger on say, a corner. and try moving your mouse it'll go nutty sometimes09:53
RehanSamo502: hmm i suppose. i guess what i'm looking for is a way to turn tapping off or at least disable touchpad while typing09:53
vakhi all09:53
Samo502hello vak09:54
vakI have troubles trying to repair grub loader after installing windows on Dual boot machine09:54
vakI have followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:55
jkr801thanks :)09:55
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acpi__I cant boot up furter then tty1 and the error is supposed to be: /usr/share/acpi-support/power-funcs: No such file or directory ...  need help09:56
DiverdudeWhen i have a file, eg. just a normal text file which is located in a folder, i can use nautilus to browse there just fine. When i then mark the file and press enter to open it in gedit a box pops up with 4 choices: {"run in terminal","Display","Cancel","Run"}. This box is oky. It is however extremely annoying that the cancel option is selected by defeault so that i need to either use the mouse to select the "Display" option or ALT-TAB 4 t09:56
Diverdudeimes to select display. Is there any way to make the default selected option to be "Display" instead of "cancel"?09:56
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Samo502Diverdude: that prompt can be annoying at times09:56
vakgrub-install says: warn: Attempting to install Grub to a partition instead of MBR. This is a bad idea. [...] error: if you really want blocklists, use --force09:57
goofed37i installed kubuntu twice, and tried to erase one of them. now i get a black screen that reads, grup rescue. how do i get grub to boot to the kubuntu that is there.09:57
icerootjkr801: yes, nx is the best thing out there :)09:57
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DiverdudeSamo502, yes, VERY annoying09:57
jkr801iceroot the session only logs in as nx do you know if there is a way to modifiy that to be any certain user?09:58
DiverdudeSamo502, i can accept the prompt...but that default selection is just totally ridicolous...it makes me insane09:58
goofed37is there a grub room?09:58
icerootjkr801: normally you can say the nx-client which user you want to be09:59
icerootgoofed37: what about try it? #grub09:59
Samo502Diverdude: you're the type of user that likes to use shortcuts a lot like me i guess? ^_^09:59
brigadisWhen you use nautius to browse a samba share, and try to drag and drop a song into rhytmbox it doesn't recgonize it. The solution is to copy the song to the machine first, and then transfer it to the ipod in rhytmbox. Anyone know of a workaround ?09:59
goofed37thanx.  :)09:59
jkr801iceroot ya its odd because i login at the use with the nx client but when it kicks me in its actually the user nx....09:59
InumediaAnyone know of any settings in X that changes how fast a touchpad will move the mouse?  Not the overall speed but horizontal vs vertical speed.10:01
DiverdudeSamo502, hehe yes.....a kind of user that actually use the computer properly :)10:01
Samo502hmm, ubuntu has a good variety of wireless drivers out of the box right?10:02
DiverdudeSamo502, but did you ever fid a solution to the problem?10:02
icerootSamo502: all free ones10:02
Samo502i'll google and see what i dig up10:02
Samo502in the meantime, if anyone knows if broadcom 802.11b is one of them that'd be nice to know10:03
icerootSamo502: that is not a specific chip10:03
iceroot!broadcom | Samo50210:03
ubottuSamo502: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:03
Samo502Diverdude: In nautilus, go to edit ----> prefreances -----> Behaviour. Under Execuatable Text Files, select Run, instead of Ask10:04
Samo502that's the first thing i could find10:04
Samo502but i think it may take away the prompt entirely10:04
Samo502either way it's probably worth looking at10:04
Samo502for reference, that's the google search10:05
Samo502i would have given the PCI id of my card if i knew how to get it on windows10:07
Samo502but the only way i know how really is to use lsusb on linux10:07
selamhi all, i'll try to make a debian package but i have problem, i try to make multiple binary package from sone source but each binary must have own version when i set Version: field in control file dpkg-buildpackage says "duplicate field Version found"  how can i make multiple binary package with different version form one source?10:08
abhinav_singhhow to see the version of open office10:09
Samo502abhinav_singh: maybe open an open office application and see the "About" window?10:10
Samo502it usually tells a software version10:10
enavMy lovely Ubuntu workstation  http://imagebin.org/15001510:10
Samo502makes me miss 10,10 sorta10:11
ben_hey, can someone help me with a quick issue here...10:12
ben_I removed the network status / control from the status bar and can't find it to add back10:12
Samo502ben_: what's the issue?10:12
ben_Samo502,  mainly that I'm a n00b haha10:13
Samo502i could tell you but i'm not on my ubuntu PC at the moment10:13
Samo502and i wouldn't know without looking for myself10:13
Samo502however i do plan on putting it on this one with a liveUSB due to this computer lacking a CD drive10:14
milen8204Anyone knows any program for mobile phone-book  managing ?10:20
BlueLagunaIs there no way to move the Unity dock in Natty?10:24
Bisayahow can i add set gfxpayload=text? any ideas guys?10:24
Bisaya*to grub btw, i think this might solve my blank screen boot problem10:24
oCeanBlueLaguna: natty support (still beta) in #ubuntu+110:24
pawel__hello world :)10:25
BlueLagunaoCean: ok10:25
eprili cant update10:26
anonissimusanyone around to help me with this apache virtualhost problem, I added blog.ddomain.tld /var/www/blog to  the virtualhosts but nothing loads when I navigate to blog.domain.tld10:26
Enjolrashi, what is the version of openGL required for running unity ?10:27
Samo502anonissimus: can you load it directly by entering the IP?10:27
oCeanBisaya: edit /etc/default/grub, add: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="gfxpayload=true" and run 'sudo update-grub'10:27
anonissimusSamo502: it is on the same ip as the domain.tld10:27
pluto_anyone tried oz unity10:27
anonissimusSamo502: ip displays main page10:28
Samo502anonissimus: yeah, but if you can load it by using the IP but not the domain, then you know the problem isn't with the server itself somehow10:28
pluto_oz unity debut 110:28
Samo502anonissimus: then it sounds like the domain is somehow not set up properly most likely10:28
eprilMy system is up-to-date but the package information was said it was last updated 89 days ago. how can i solve the problem?10:28
anonissimusSamo502: you mean on dns level?10:29
anonissimusepril: sudo qptitude update10:29
eprili will try.. thanks10:30
Samo502anonissimus: most likely10:31
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pluto_Timic have u tried Oz Unity Debut10:31
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T-CoHello. Could someone please help me with a cryptswap issue when I just upgraded to 10.10 using the graphical upgrade tool and system won't boot anymore?10:33
geniuwszystkiego najlepszego w święta10:33
Samo502T-Co: are there any specific errors?10:33
T-Co"Could not stat the resume device file '/dev/mapper/cryptswap1'"10:34
T-CoSamo502, I have my /etc/crypttab pointing at /dev/sda610:35
rusty149T-Co: Can you access the terminal?10:35
T-CoSamo502, Yes10:35
T-Corusty149, yes10:35
Samo502that's a pretty obscure error, i can't find much on it10:35
raven_possible to delay automatic app start?10:36
rusty149T-Co: Try manually enabling swap10:36
eprilW:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/tobydox/lmms/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release  Unable to find expected entry  deb-src/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)10:36
epril, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/janoomph/openshot-edge/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found10:36
epril, W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/janoomph/openshot-edge/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found10:36
epril, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Is this still valid ppa? because it is always telling me "Failed to download repository information" "Check your Internet connection."10:36
FloodBot1epril: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
T-Corusty149, hmm, "No such file or directory"10:36
rusty149T-Co: Paste Command?10:37
T-Corusty149, I'll try to reboot, the device was mapped before...10:37
T-Corusty149, swapon -a10:37
BisayaoCean: Where do i place the gfxpayload10:37
raven_possible to delay automatic app start?10:37
Samo502epril: i can't access those URLs either, seem sto be a server issue10:38
T-Corusty149, froze, I'll reboot with recovery mode10:38
Samo502seems to*10:38
Samo502as for the release part, dunno10:39
sawdstarhi any indianz der/10:40
Bisayaanyone know where in grub.cfg i can enter GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="gfxpayload=text"10:40
arandsawdstar: Pleas don't spam here, thanks10:40
T-Corusty149, It mounted with recovery mode and then chose "Reboot normally" or whatever...10:40
sawdstary anand?10:40
sawdstardo any1 knw gud site 2dwnld ubuntu softwrs????????10:41
SomelauwWhat is the name of the widget that controls volume in gnome?10:41
SomelauwWhich makes the sound respond to my volume up/down key?10:42
sawdstaritz i think dock10:42
acnotsawdstar: getdeb.com10:43
eprilSam502: so don't need those..? i just need to delete those?10:43
Samo502epril: hmm10:44
Guest63234thank you ,byebye10:44
sawdstarits ubuntu software centre no other pvt site 4 open src app like 1001downloads.com for windows10:44
Bisayawhat if my grub.cfg does not contain GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=10:44
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Samo502epril: did that come from updating or what?10:45
sawdstarany IndianZ here??????????10:45
landingonwaterpeople from india or real indians ? :D10:45
sawdstarReal IndianZZ10:46
eprilSamo502: My problem is in update manager. it says "The package information was last updated 89 days ago."10:46
MaRk-Isawdstar: /join #ubuntu-in10:46
sawdstardnt wory only update if u need10:46
raven_possible to delay vlc autostart?10:47
Samo502epril: i'm not really advanced with ubuntu so if i think something isn't important it might actually be xD10:47
ruanwhat do you mean?10:47
ruanepril: sudo apt-get update ?10:48
Samo502ruan: i think he's probably referring to startup10:48
eprilruan: am always using dat command10:48
landingonwaterIm giving Evolution a chance. Why is It they wont fix a simple problem like deletion of google mails ? It seems strange.10:48
ruanraven_: add a script that starts it as "sleep (seconds); vlc?10:48
sawdstarbye frnZ10:49
BisayaHow do i add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= into grub10:49
eprilSamo502: It is always telling me "Failed to download repository information"10:49
ruanBisaya: just guessing, but grub.cfg in /boot?10:49
Bisayaruan: yeah, its jsut i dont know where in that text file i can add the entry in10:49
Cube``where does ubuntu keep mysql stuff, i.e. the root password? i would like to purge and remove everything10:49
Bisayai dont wanna add it to the top or bottom if its meant to be in the middle etc10:50
arandBisaya: /etc/default/grub10:50
ruanCube``: sudo apt-get purge mysql-server10:50
Samo502arand: he's asking where in the file10:50
lars_i want to install ubuntu on my pc. should i install 10.10  or11.0410:51
Bisayaah ty arand10:51
Samo50210.10 for now, lars10:51
SixtyFoldlars 10.10 probably is better to start10:51
Samo50211.04 is a bit harder to navigate10:51
lars_and in 3 days you will say 11.04 .D10:51
eprilit is always " E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:51
lars_ah ok10:51
arandBisaya: Then run update-grub to propagate these into the grub.cfg file10:51
lars_KDE ill take ?10:51
Samo502they made some huge changes10:51
SixtyFoldgnome by default10:51
Samo502and applications aren't really organized as wel10:52
Cube``ruan: tried it, didnt work, still have problems when installing the package, tells me it cannot set the root password10:52
aydeehey, hi!!)))10:52
Samo502epril: if there's a third party repo causing this it would make sense10:52
WaltherFI!ask |aydee10:52
ubottuaydee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:52
Samo502epril: like for instance their file may not  be formatted right(as the error you pasted implies)10:52
eprilSamo502: what will i do10:53
arandBisaya: If you want to add the options manually, the "wrong way", you'd add them at the end of the "linux   ...." line in /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:53
Samo502epril: well unless it's causing trouble like having  you constantly update without needing to or thinking it's out of date when it isn't, then i wouldn't bother wtih anything drastic10:54
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BisayaI'd rather not since i couldnt find the line there, i jsut found it on /default folder tho10:54
Bisayaarand: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"10:54
Bisayawould changing that help me10:54
Samo502as long as you know when you update and the only thing effected is the text, then there's little need to change anything and it may fix itself eventually10:54
Bisayaim having problems when rebooting, it shows blank/colored screen with lines10:55
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Samo502Bisaya: as in no splash screen?10:56
Bisayai dont even know what splash screen is10:56
arandBisaya: Those options control whether or not the splash screen, and the linux kernel boot log will be shown.10:56
Bisayai just read somewhere that making gfxpayload=text will stop my blankscreen/color lines error10:56
Samo502Bisaya: the splash screen is the loading graphic when you boot10:56
Bisayasplash screen=login where i enter my pw screen?10:56
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Samo502that is somewhat a splash screen yes, but not exactly what i'm referring to10:57
Bisayaok so best leave that right10:57
BisayagRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="gfxpayload=text" <<  i think that should solve my problem10:57
Samo502it's probably referring to the graphic that shows the OS is loading10:57
Bisayayeah i don't get to see that screen!10:58
SixtyFolddoes anyone else use ClamAV and know about the antivirus engine being at 96.5 and the gui version being at 4.26, for the gui version it tells me for sure there is a newer version but sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade doesnt seem to get it for me?10:58
Bisayanormally u would see ubuntu and like 4dots under it colored white/orange10:58
Samo502me either i get a missing deb error10:58
Bisayabut i dont get to see it, coz it crashes10:58
Samo5022 of them10:58
swearosREGISTER lvjunchao616289 swearos91@gmail.com10:58
arandBisaya: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=41881&start=15#p27790810:58
Samo502but it boots fine other than that if i wait a minute10:58
Bisayaso the only way i get to login10:58
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Maceris there a way to get ubuntu server to scan for hardware changes?10:58
arandBisaya: That is probably not the corrrect way to add that option10:59
Bisayais close the lid, then press on button to wake up from hibernate10:59
Maceri just put a pci-x areca raid in it and it doesnt seem to see it10:59
Bisayaarand:  i dont know wat i can do yet,im just getting tips from ppl sorry10:59
freaky[t]with what program can i mount .isos in ubuntu? oO10:59
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atleffreaky[t], acetoneiso10:59
Samo502freaky[t]: and trick it into thinking it's a CD like you can with alcohol in windows?10:59
freaky[t]Samo502: like Daemon Tools for windows11:00
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Samo502daemon tools and alcohol both do the same thing, so yeah11:00
SixtyFoldsame thing11:00
SixtyFoldacetoneiso is what you want freaky[t]11:00
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Samo502i always thought that they had an alcohol for linux11:00
freaky[t]ok thank you11:00
MMBHi, anyone here have wireless N working well?11:01
oCeanfreaky[t]: you can use -o loop in mount command, e.g. 'sudo mount -o loop /path/to/image.iso /mnt'11:01
freaky[t]oCean: ok thanks ;D11:02
freaky[t]thank you all11:02
Samo502oCean: i was just reading you could do it via terminal11:02
Bisayaarand:  that just seems like a lot of confusing stuff11:03
Bisayatalking about grub 1.9711:03
Bisayai just want something that will make it so i dont have to close my laptop lid, then press the on button to wake up and see the login screen lol :(11:03
arandBisaya: ~grub2 the version number is just odd11:03
oCeanSamo502: sure, the linux cmdline is extremely powerful, no need for special programs/software/tools11:04
Samo502oCean: yeah that's a big way linux contrasts to windows11:04
arandBisaya: If you just remove "quiet splash" from the default options, you might at least get some information about the issue11:04
Samo502linux comes packaged to do all sorts of things right off the bat11:04
Samo502windows provides the basics and people add to it from there11:05
Bisayaarand:  so if i remove quiet splash, wil i still be able to boot11:05
Bisayai just have to pick options n al that11:05
SixtyFoldyah, you just have to be careful because it's a lot easier to break linux11:05
arandBisaya: You should be yes.11:05
Samo502yeah linux isn't really an idiot's OS :P11:05
Bisayai'll try that11:05
arandBisaya: What you can do termpoarily...11:05
Bisayaafter gfxpayload=text11:05
Samo502that's why my dad's account on ubuntu is desktop user status11:05
oCeanlet's get back on the (support) topic, ok? chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic11:06
Bisayaor should i try the spash thing before gfxpayload=text11:06
SixtyFoldmy parents can barely handle win7, theyd be screwed11:06
arandBisaya: Is at boot time go into the grub menu, press e to edit the entry, and remove those two options there, that will only boot with that once, not add it permanently11:06
tuhinmy kernel is 2.6.35 and according to http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature i don't need latest 2.6.38 for power savings to work on my Radeon x1700 based FireGL 5200 , so why my GPU is running hot when there is no gfx intensive work running?11:07
Bisayaoh ok yeah i've seen that earlier11:07
Bisayaok let me try that first11:07
Bisayaand i'll come back, cheers11:07
arandSixtyFold: Depending on presumptions, a well setup linux desktop is harder to break and easier to use than the windows counterpart.11:07
SixtyFoldarand, i think it depends on the user too of course, in general linux is easier for *me* to break, because i'm always trying new stuff xD11:08
nod3wopensuse always breaks, no matter what the user is doing11:09
SixtyFoldhehe nod3w11:09
peeqHi, I am installing natty on another partition, while installing if I a specify /home to an already existing one consisting of app settings, will  this natty overwrite that drive or use the already existing settings in /home?11:11
Cube``how can i make a program (znc) start automatically on boot as a specific user? i.e. not as root (which would happen in /etc/init.d, right?)11:12
Samo502Cube``: use the startup applications GUI maybe?11:12
p1n9v1nany tutorial kaffeine + sc plugin?11:12
Cube``Samo502: its a server11:12
arandpeeq: Afaik, if you don't specify it to be formatted, the data will remain.11:13
oCeanpeeq: still, a backup is always a good idea11:14
Samo502Cube``: hmm, if you added it that way with the proper parameters it could work maybe11:14
Samo502i don't think it would be much different from making a shortcut to start it11:15
Samo502dustin_: and hello11:15
p1n9v1nkaffeine + sc tutorial, please?11:15
Macerubuntu imported my zpool but it lost a drive in the process11:16
dustin_are you new here??11:16
Maceris there a way to rename the device?11:16
rooney_Macer: no11:16
rooney_Macer: it's named by kernel11:16
Samo502dustin_: me? new to this channel yes11:16
dd214I've been listening to streaming music with Movie Player.  the files are ".m3u", but am getting the following error when I attempt to stream: "could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file"11:16
Macerrooney_: can i remove it and readd it to the pool?11:16
Macerremove the misnamed one11:17
Macerit had an opensolaris dev name11:17
dustin_welcome to our humble channel11:17
Samo502dd214: i've gotten that error before, change the permissions and make sure everyone can read the file11:17
Macer"was /dev/dsk..."11:17
p1n9v1nyou can change label in disk utility11:17
Macerthe zpool wont mount until i correct that problem11:17
Samo502also if it's in a directory with limited permissions it may give you trouble11:17
dd214Samo502  already tried that.. no go11:18
Samo502though why music would be stored in such a place would be beyond me11:18
p1n9v1nhi zvonkorp11:19
razz1having trouble with gparted, does not open, looks like its starting, then just disappears11:20
Samo502dd214: i'm not sure how i would have fixed it in that case, when i get an error like that i chmod the file to full permissions an that normally works11:20
peeqarand, oCean, ok i do have backup of /home. basically i want to try natty and be able to revert back tomaverick, by doing a separate install.11:21
Guest64749dont waste your time. unity isnt ready yet11:21
arandpeeq: I think keeping /home separate might be a good idea still, just copy over the bits you need to the new one.11:22
arandpeeq: For natty support #ubuntu+111:22
Guest64749fuck shit piss cunt cock twat11:23
iceroot!ops | Guest6474911:23
ubottuGuest64749: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:23
Maceri have no idea how to fix this11:24
Macerthe other 3 drives detected fine11:24
Guest64749!ops | Guest6474911:24
ubottuGuest64749, please see my private message11:24
Guest64749!ops | ?11:25
ubottu?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!11:25
FlannelGuest64749: yes?11:25
FlannelGuest64749: What do you need help with?11:25
dd214Samo502  thanks for your help... there's no problem with the file, there is a problem with stream.  I can't play the m3u from my windows machine either.11:26
icerootwhat is the common way if i need a newer libc for some testing? a vm?11:26
patrunjelhi guys, my wlan0 channle (my wifi interface, I guess this is how it's called) is -1...why does this happens? I have read in some man pages that it should start from 1...11:26
Samo502dd214: anytime11:27
razz1is there a ppa for latest gparted stable release?11:27
Samo502patrunjel: wlan0 is indeed your wifi interface, as for the rest i don't know as i've always been wired on my linux box11:28
icerootrazz1: what problems exist with the current version in ubuntu?11:28
Macerthink i got it11:29
Macerjust had to replace it :)11:29
Macerhell yeah11:29
razz1iceroot: does not start, or when it starts just hangs scanning for drives11:29
arandrazz1: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gparted 0.7 might be installable in maverick, alternatively look at the end of the page for PPA versions.11:29
icerootrazz1: if you start it from the shell, are there any errors?11:30
razz1cd /dev11:30
razz1then ls11:30
gp5sti'm not sure if this is a php or ubuntu problem.  I have install php5-dev and php-pear.  When I go to install a pecl extention, i'm told phpize isn't found11:31
=== dios is now known as Guest70304
razz1iceroot: same issue, looks like starting, then just disappears11:33
icerootrazz1: you are using "gksudo gparted"?11:33
razz1iceroot: yes11:34
razz1arand: i am using lucid, how can I install ver .7.011:34
icerootrazz1: no output on the shell?11:34
razz1iceroot: no11:35
=== Guest70304 is now known as katai
SEV7ENsomeone here?11:35
icerootrazz1: there should be at least a line with "libparted"11:35
icerootSEV7EN: /n11:35
Macer18 hrs to scrub11:35
razz1iceroot: with every reboot sda and sdb keep swapping, I just installed  a second HD. this mess started just afterwards11:36
=== Jaxxx_ is now known as Jaxxx
ichigo2011hows everyone doing tonight?11:38
sveinseIs it possible to create profiles or similar with the nvidia x server settings?11:39
sveinseBecause I'm using ubuntu under three scenarios: On the laptop alone, at work and at home. All with different monitor setup and resolutions. And I'm getting tired of having to reconfigure the X server settings all the time11:40
brontosaurusrexichigo2011, the earth is round11:40
razz1anyone got this error before when trying to format a partition, daemon is being inhibited - getting this when trying to format an extended partition.11:41
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
judgex_hi, what is the safest way to tunnel out of a corporate network without being caught so i can browse, chat on irc and read mailing-lists from work? do i simply use port 443 and nat?11:41
carlitojudgex_: you should read up on ssh and socks proxy ;)11:42
psaldenhey folks, I'm doing some reading, is there anything planned yet with regards to ubuntu 11.10 and maybe involving gnome3?11:42
spacebug-judgex_: you should really work at work, otherwise vpn is a good way to get private11:42
Bisayaarand:  I fixed it! changed from "quiet splash" to "nomodeset quiet splash"11:43
webmakerjudgex_,  i guees a work to home pc proxies11:43
josvukRunnig lsb_release is printig No LSB modules are available. I have no manuals for lsb man lsb prints No manual entry for lsb.11:44
josvukSo what is behind lsb?11:44
Bisayaarand:  it now shows the ugly lines screen when i shutdown, but i dont care, im shutting the computer down neways at that stage lol11:44
brontosaurusrexif i have an intranet web/ftp server and i would like to do a partial mirror on the remote machine, is there a ftp flag i could use, so that users would specifically flag files that are to be synced?11:45
webmakerspacebug-, judgex_ ,  just combine whats i said to bug11:45
brontosaurusrexi plan to use rsync11:45
middleWhen my PC boots it stalls on 'Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.' Any ideas?11:46
webmakermiddle, does it even start?11:49
middleit boots up i can see it all working, (i turned off quiet and splash from the grub menu), but it jsut gets to11:51
middle'Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.' and stops11:51
webmakerhiow arre you tlk to us then??11:52
middleJust booted into safe mode, and it hangs at the same poitn for like 20 seconds then works... and im on my laptop ^^11:53
middleok now i do believe it is an issue with eh video drivers.11:54
webmakerhow long have you been usin linux?11:54
middleI booted in safe mode logged in everythign was fine, but when i startx i black screen... and i have been intensively using for about a year maybe, probably a bit less11:54
middlewhy do you ask?11:54
webmakerwell if your new to this then i got to start" way in the benning "11:56
middleah ok well consider me fairly new, i have spent more of my time learning about networking with Linux11:57
webmakerim  a  bit rusty thought , im tryin to get back at it.. lol im goin to be like 9.04ubunut  a still usable antinc11:58
webmaker(old item)11:58
webmakerthats wehen i started11:58
Macerreminds me i need to figure out how to use both onboard gbit nics11:59
Macerwonder if it will help with speed at all11:59
webmakerkeybroads a bit sticky keys11:59
oCeanwebmaker: chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please11:59
josvukI have a dualhead system but it happens the computer don't start up if I shutdown in hibernate mode.11:59
Macerforgot what it was even called.. i never did it before11:59
josvukAre this known problems?12:00
denebhello. how could i put my project under a license?12:00
denebfor ex. under gpl12:00
marsfligthI made a batch script to keep updated the OS and more. It works perfectly but it does not print at monitor the commands that the script has provided, I can see only the output of the commands given. What I am mistaking? Thank you for help me. Ps: my script is here http://pastebin.com/SKuDZjt412:00
webmakerok op12:00
oCeandeneb: this is ubuntu technical support, try #ubuntu-offtopic12:00
mickster04I have an interesting issue where ubuntu won't boot because of my blu-ray drive. it gets past grub but then comaplins it initrfms(?) isn't found. sometimes it can boot though...but then upon reboot my pc takes ages to get past post12:01
middlewebmaker: Do you think you can help me fix my issue? If so do you want to talk in PM?12:01
Macerdoes bonding just put each nic in half duplex?12:01
webmakerjosvuk,  thats cuz it takes a "snap shot " of whats running ,"SAves" it and " shuts down12:02
erUSULMacer: it shouldn't afaik12:03
MacererUSUL: so it doubles speed as a "single" interface?12:03
erUSULmarsfligth: that's the expeted behavior12:03
Macerthats awesome12:04
erUSULMacer: it depends on the bond mode you use. there are several.12:04
Macerah. ok. i will look into some docs12:04
Maceronce this box is done with its 15hrs of resilvering i will move it and try setting up the bonding12:05
mickster04is it possible to use 2 nics at the same time in ubuntu also?12:05
mickster04!pm | Macer12:05
ubottuMacer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:05
mickster04!pm | middle12:05
ubottumiddle: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:05
mickster04sorry Macer wrong nic12:05
Maceri should bond 2 and see how fast it goes :)12:05
josvukwebmaker: yes it shutsdown but next time I boot get black screens, so I have to switch off and boot again.12:05
middleurm well the system was working maybe an update that i did messed it up perhaps? I was trying to get Minecraft to work on it and i did an update that was all, i ended up un-installing minecraft so perhaps that uninstalled a  critical package? is eitehr that or the update messed it up12:06
mickster04josvuk: how much ram and swap have you got?12:06
middleNow when i boot it up via safe mode i get a black screen, and a regular boot hangs on a command12:06
marsfligtherUSUL: I would like to see for ie: ls -al (thecommand with options + all output)12:06
erUSULmarsfligth: set -x at the beggining of the script.12:07
Macerhm. i forget what the max throughput of pci-x is12:07
marsfligtherUSUL: at the moment i see only the output w/o commands)12:07
Macermy box is resilvering at 100MB/s but i suppose that is a bit different than raw reads at full speed12:07
josvukMem: 1547564k total Swap 4541096k total12:07
erUSULmarsfligth: as i said that's normal. what use have a script that outputs all the commands it executes ? that's nosense12:08
Cube``i just rented a vps. how can i set it up so that it forwards everything to xxx@googlemail.com?12:08
icerootCube``: #postfix12:08
josvukmickster04: That's what top reports me12:08
Cube``without postfix but with sendmail12:08
marsfligtherUSUL: for intance:   [-x ls -al] ?12:08
icerootCube``: #sendmail12:09
Cube``kk thx12:09
middleSo any help?12:09
icerootCube``: and think about using postfix instead of sendmail12:09
Cube``iceroot: why?12:09
erUSULmarsfligth: huh? « set -x » in its own line at the beggining of the script. that activates a "debug" mode12:09
icerootCube``: ever configured sendmail?12:09
Cube``iceroot: haha ok12:10
webmakerim still here, im just pullin goust right now12:10
Macerso glad ubuntu has zfs support12:13
cowgoesmoocan anyone help me install vmware tools on a vm running ubuntu 64-bit?12:13
mewtHi, what should I use on ubuntu 10.10 as desklets ? I installed gdesklets - which failed on install, i followed instructions to fix the errors but it's only got like 4 desklets in it only - am I doing somethign wrong ?12:14
middleOK now i removed the X11/xorg.conf file in the hope that it would not use the proprietry ati drivers and would atleast boot into grpahcial mode, however i kno wjus tget no signal coming form the card, no signall at all12:14
webmakerjosvuk,  the less you have open the fast it boot on hibernation12:14
syrinx_mewt: I find KDE to be better for widgets12:14
atlefcowgoesmoo, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Tools12:15
cowgoesmoothanks atlef12:15
josvukwebmaker: So whats the average boot time if I have 1MB mem used and 0 swap ? I think it shouldn't take minutes ...12:17
alabdGood day  all , I(humble) want to use buddy pounces  in pidgin to log when a buddy signs on and signs off , buddy pounce can run a command while a buddy signs off/on , but how to use this ability for creating logs12:17
mewtsyrinx_, mmmm maybe ill install kubuntu-desktop once more and give it a try12:18
marsfligtherUSUL: Thanks it works :-), at the beginning of each command it prints a plus symbol '+' , but this apart it does exactly what I was looking for. Thank you again erUSUL12:18
ro0m0zgot a question? what can i do with a ssh server12:19
syrinx_mewt: installing KDE on an existing install my be a bit easier12:19
syrinx_mewt: then you can just pick which one to use at the login screen12:19
erUSUL!ssh | ro0m0z12:19
ubotturo0m0z: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:19
webmakeri have almost always had swap, it serves many purposes12:19
mewtsyrinx_, that's what im doing :)12:20
josvukCould a dialin internetconnection be a problem if I hibernate?12:20
ro0m0zi need just a simple answer?12:20
syrinx_ro0m0z: to what question12:21
ro0m0zwhat can i do with a SSH Server?12:21
webmakerray_, hi12:21
Dr_Willisro0m0z: ssh in and do stuff :)12:21
syrinx_ro0m0z: remote login/management12:21
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:21
jribro0m0z: secure remote shell12:21
Dr_Willisssh is a multi-tool sort of software. it can do some nifty tricks12:22
capunk_hi.. iam a new on ubuntu. would you like to guide me on installing squid, i was crazy on it12:22
ro0m0zjrib: Dr_Willis syrinx_ so why people run a SSH server?12:22
Dr_Willis!info squid12:22
ubottusquid (source: squid): Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.7.STABLE9-2ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 745 kB, installed size 1900 kB12:22
Dr_Williscapunk_:  sudo apt-get install squid12:23
jribro0m0z: mostly so they can control a computer remotely12:23
Dr_Willisro0m0z:  so i can ssh to my machines and do 'things' on them as if i was sitting there locally. een if the box is 100000 miles away12:23
Dr_Willissshfs is also very handy. mounts remote ssh server as a local directory.12:23
capunk_@ Dr_Willis how about the configuration, please..12:24
Dominateri have a tv tunner on ubuntu but which program i should use to use it?12:24
FloodBot1Bekti: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
Dr_Williscapunk_:  edit its config as needed. Squid has guides and docs all over the internetz.12:24
ro0m0zDr_Willis: jibun ...on a "ssh server" can i also host a website?12:24
Dr_Willis!info tvtime12:24
ubottutvtime (source: tvtime): television display application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-6.1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 687 kB, installed size 1972 kB12:24
middlewhere is the grub menu in ubuntu 10.1012:24
Dr_Willisro0m0z:  you insrtall a web server to host web sites.. the 2 are not exclusive. one box can do both. and often does12:25
Dr_Willis!grub2 | middle12:25
ubottumiddle: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:25
middleah yeah forgot that12:25
hosaiasalguem para falar sobre ubuntu12:25
ro0m0zDr_Willis: and how can i run a ssh server on my computer?12:25
Dr_Willisro0m0z:  install a ssh service.12:26
g0thNot allowed to print.12:26
chammuai can't login ubuntu system...it's only display screen with logo Ubuntu...how to fix this error...pls!12:26
MaRk-I!pt | hosaias12:26
ubottuhosaias: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.12:26
g0thWhen I try to print a test page I get the following message: Unable to send command to printer driver!12:26
Dr_Willisro0m0z:  time to read that SSH guide url given earlier.12:26
Dr_Willis!ssh | ro0m0z12:26
ubotturo0m0z: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)12:26
g0thI use latest kubuntu with cups and a network laserjet printer12:26
Dominaterwhy my internet is so slow when i run ubuntu?12:26
middleAh i will have to give up for now, i will return and work on it later probably, im stuck with Windows 7 from now on :'(12:26
middleciao and thanks!12:27
g0thIt says: Not allowed to print.12:27
g0thIf I am not allowed to print, how do I allow myself?12:27
Dr_Willisg0th:  depenmds on how the network printer is shareing the printer. Mine uses several differnt methods.12:27
g0thI should note that I can print stuff I just cannot print a testpage or clean the printer12:27
g0thI dont think it depends Dr-Willis12:27
g0thbecause it is a cups issue not a printer issue12:27
marsfligtherUSUL: I tried to launch the script name > myoutput.txt and again I can't see the commands, what can I do?12:27
Dr_Willisg0th:  thats interesting.. so normal uysers work. but not the special features?>12:27
g0theverything works12:28
g0thbut the "interface" doesnt seem to work so nice12:28
g0ththe printout is very bad quality12:28
g0thso I wanted to clean the printer using cups12:28
syrinx_hey larsto12:28
g0thbut it always tells me "Not allowed to print"12:28
Dominaterwhy my internet is so slow when i run ubuntu?12:28
ro0m0zby the way, what is the command line here if i wanna to join another channel?12:28
Macerg0th: some printers are windows specific12:28
Dr_Willisg0th:  ive noticed that cup some times defaults to using the lowest res on my laser printers..12:28
larstoi wanted to ask, if i can use 11.04 already or better 10.10 (PRODUCTIVE MACHINE !!)12:28
Macercups only allows it to print12:28
Dr_Willisg0th:  i aslweays have to set them higher using the cups web interface.12:29
g0ththis one is definitely not windows specific, also I use it since 2 years12:29
g0thit is not that12:29
g0thit prints the page but kind of "doubled"12:29
g0thIe. I get the whole picture12:29
syrinx_larsto: it's pretty much stable now, release date is 3 days :312:29
Dr_WillisNo idea on the clean mode. Not even sure how a laser printer has a 'clean head' mode..12:29
g0thand then a much weaker version of it again a bit lower12:29
brontosaurusrexro0m0z, /join #channel12:29
capunk_@Dr_Willis did  the squid is automatically run when we turn on the computer12:29
Dr_Willisg0th:  that sounds like the toner/drum issues ive seen over the years.12:29
Dr_Williscapunk_:  it should be.12:30
Macermost printers have a way to do it locally12:30
g0thhow to solve it?12:30
larstosynrix_ have i to re install after release ?12:30
chammuai can't login ubuntu system...it's only display screen with logo Ubuntu...how to fix this error...pls!12:30
Macerby holding a button on the printer12:30
Dr_Williscapunk_:  sudo service SERVICENAME status   to see whats running.12:30
Dominatercan someone help me please?12:30
syrinx_larsto: no12:30
g0thMacer: hmm nice12:30
g0thok I gotta do some reasearch then12:30
g0thI mean which buttons to press12:30
larstosyrinx_ should i download beta 2 or daily12:30
Dr_Willisg0th:  whens the last time you changed the toner/cart?12:30
Macerand most do it automatically after a certain amount of time12:30
Maceri havent used an inkjet printer in years tho12:31
g0thDr_Willis: a while12:31
marsfligtherUSUL: the script start with 'set -x'12:31
Dr_Willismy laser printer only has 1 button. :)12:31
Dominaterwhy my internet is so slow when i run ubuntu?12:31
g0thI guess one has to press a certain sequence to initiate the cleaning12:31
v3nd3tta``I wanted to upgrade from Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, used the tutorial MaverickUpgradeKubuntu but it wants to update to "Ubuntu 10.10"12:31
ImpollinatorHello guys I have a newbie question12:31
Dr_Willisg0th:  this is a laser? not an inkjet?12:31
syrinx_larsto: daily MIGHT break12:31
brontosaurusrexg0th, the instructions are usually on the back or if you lift the cover, depending on how to printer is build12:32
ImpollinatorWhen I start ubuntu from usb. what is the name of my pc?12:32
g0thlaserjet p2055dn12:32
larsto<v3nd3tta``> why do you want to update ??12:32
Dr_WillisImpollinator:  if you use the live cd on a usb. its 'ubuntu' i think. check with the hostname command, or the bash prompt shows it.12:32
smmsadrnezhI have Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit desktop. I can't login with X becuz my hard disk is full. when I enter df I saw 100% of / is full12:32
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  try logging in at the consoel. and remove some stuff.12:33
v3nd3tta``larsto: should i wait the 3 days to 11.04 release and then jump to that?12:33
larstov3nd3tta`` why do you want to update ??12:33
g0thstupid me12:33
larstoeither stay with 10.04 or upgrade to 11.04 ;)12:33
g0ththere is a menu on the printer12:33
g0thshould be somewhere in the menu12:33
larstog0th: what ????12:33
Dominaterwhy my internet is so slow when i run ubuntu?12:33
ImpollinatorDr_Willis thx: listen, can I change my pc adrees on each ubuntu access?12:34
ImpollinatorIn order to look like a total new user each time12:34
marsfligthHow to print a batch including all commands given?  for instance: 'sh mybatch > myoutpotlog.txt'12:35
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: I login but when I enter ls all of the directories is in kb12:35
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: sorry becuz of bad english12:35
snoemanI am new to ubuntu though not to linux. Where are all the configuration options which are available in other distro's such as yast?12:35
jribmarsfligth: set -x  as erUSUL suggested, does that12:35
Dominaterwhy my internet is so slow when i run ubuntu?12:36
g0thcleaning didnt help12:36
syrinx_snoeman: the System menu, and for software, Synaptic works well12:36
ImpollinatorI need to install an app that allaw you to increase free space when you invite friends. My friends already got that app, so I was thinking to create other accounts my own.12:36
Dr_Willis!hostname | Impollinator12:36
ubottuImpollinator: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.12:36
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: also it's not human readable to find out wich directory is full12:36
larsto!ubuntu | Impollinator12:37
ubottuImpollinator: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com12:37
jribmarsfligth: note "set -x" will print commands to stderr12:37
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  you may want to do a 'sudo apt-get autoremove' or 'sudo apt-get clean'12:37
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  directories dont get full.. fileysstems get full.12:37
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  theres system directories that can take up a lot of space also /tmp/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/12:37
snoemansyrinx_ There is nothing in my system menu to configure the system such as samba12:37
smmsadrnezhI entered ls in /12:38
syrinx_snoeman: AFAIK theres nothing really like that. That's one of the things that makes SUSE cool12:38
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: all of the / directories is in KB12:38
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  you dont want to be deleting stuff at random12:39
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: but df show / Use is 100%12:39
snoemanOK thanks12:39
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh: start with a  'sudo apt-get autoremove' or 'sudo apt-get clean'12:39
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  then remove stuff from your users dir - if its taking up all the space, /home/yourusername12:39
marsfligthjrib: It works only if I run the batch from 'inside it'. If the batch is named aaa.sh, ad I launch 'aaa.sh > mylog.txt', I can only see the command outputs, but not the commands invoked12:39
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: those command's don't work12:40
syrinx_snoeman: best bet for samba is to config it manually, not sure where the config file it though12:40
jribmarsfligth: you need to redirect stderr (add "2>&1" to your command)12:40
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: how i can see folders size in %12:41
marsfligthjrib: Thanks, I never user untill now. I'll go to study a bit. Thanks for help me12:41
hltmanhello all, i have a problem, any help would be great.12:42
jribhltman: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:42
hltmani need evolution alternative, because i couldnt configure my exchange account.12:42
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: how to see directory size in % ?12:43
hltmanit gives an error (you are using exchange 5.5 but connector only supports 2000 and 200312:43
hltmanany suggest?12:45
smmsadrnezhDr_Willis: home/<username> size is 405022012:45
p1n9v1ni installed kaffeine but there is no video only audio, anyone can help?12:46
hltmanNewbie Question: I need evolution alternative application, because when i configure my exchange mail account, i take an error says 'connector supports only exchange server 2003 and 2000'. Any suggest? And any suggest for alternative Dreamweaver and Photoshop?12:46
kingofswordshi can anyone recommend a good download manger for ubuntu....like jloader?12:46
p1n9v1nalternative for Photoshop is Gimp12:47
oxodesignneed someone to help me configure and secure a ubuntu server (lamp, postfix, denyhosts) asap. I will pay for it! Send me a pm if interested!12:47
syrinx_oxodesign: don't do that here12:47
bazhang!equivalents > hltman12:48
ubottuhltman, please see my private message12:48
Macerugh. bios update needs a floppy12:48
p1n9v1ni installed kaffeine but there is no video only audio, anyone can help?12:48
Maceri dont even know where to get a floppy12:49
syrinx_p1n9v1n: do you have the right codecs?12:49
Macermaybe i can make a bootable thumb drive12:49
p1n9v1ni didn't install anything12:49
syrinx_p1n9v1n: I usually have the same problem, which is why I just use Totem12:50
p1n9v1nyeah, but i want to watch satellite tv with my dvb card12:50
Dr_Willissmmsadrnezh:  try df -h or du -hs12:50
Cube``hey guys. i just rented a vps. how can i set it up so that it forwards all incoming mail to xxx@googlemail.com?12:51
aif123im back!12:51
larstoi will download kubuntu 11.04 now !12:52
p1n9v1nvlc works great because it comes with integrated codecs, but with kaffeine i'm sure i miss something12:52
aif123do u have emarld12:52
p1n9v1nwhat is emarld?12:53
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.12:53
aif123theme manger12:53
Dr_Willisemerals is a window decorator. not a theme manager. :)12:53
Dr_Willisand emerald is basically a dead project12:53
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p1n9v1ni need video output in kaffeine12:54
larstoi will download kubuntu 11.04 now !12:54
Dr_Willisp1n9v1n:  see if it works with other tvtuner apps like tvtime.12:54
p1n9v1nit is satellite dvb card, is it supported in tvtime?12:55
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:55
GarinandizhesnimHi all!12:56
GarinandizhesnimUbuntu 10.10 rullz! :)12:57
aif123no 11.0412:57
p1n9v1nwhich is good irc client?12:57
aif123this is best12:58
syrinx_p1n9v1n: irssi12:58
GarinandizhesnimIt's not supported yet...12:58
syrinx_will be in 3 days12:58
Dr_WillisI perfer weechat over irssi - for a text-based irc client.12:59
p1n9v1ni installed irssi but don't know how to use it12:59
aif123any video 1s?12:59
Dr_Willisp1n9v1n:  with irssi and weechat - youi will want to read their docs and beginner guides13:00
kassiusopen it... /server irc.freenode.net13:00
aif123                                                                                                       13:00
llutzp1n9v1n: http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup13:00
p1n9v1nkassius: that works13:01
josvuk where is some documentation how ubuntu-desktop boots up I have to find out something which I would automate? I want to do this tasks on booting automaticaly dvi=DVI-0 lvds=LVDS xrandr --output $dvi --auto --output $lvds --off13:01
kumari need to know the type of account i am logged in into...(administrator/desktop user)13:02
Macermy zfs doesnt seem to be mounting and i have no idea why13:02
Maceris mounting a degraded pool not permitted?13:03
AureiAnimusdo you guys think this laptop will play nice with ubuntu? http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/Document.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&objectID=c02732667&jumpid=reg_R1002_USEN13:03
Picikumar: If your user is in the 'admin' group, then it has the ability to run things with administrator rights.13:04
syrinx_AureiAnimus: I don't see why not13:04
AureiAnimusokay, thanks13:04
Picikumar: See the output of 'groups' or 'id' on a terminal to see what groups your are in13:04
erUSULMacer: linux support for zfs is poor ( it is via fuse; isn't it? ) use linux native filesystems ...13:05
bazhangaif123, did you have a support question?13:05
syrinx_yes, ubuntu13:05
atlef!ask | aif12313:05
ubottuaif123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:05
aif12311.04 how it is doing13:06
bazhangaif123, #ubuntu+1 for that13:06
kumar@Pici i was looking for a command... because i need to implement it in a java program13:06
Anubisis it possible to encrypt a user folder after the installation of os? is yes what do you recommend for encryption ?13:07
pingvini'm typing this from irssi13:07
pingvinthanks syrinx_13:08
erUSULAnubis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome13:08
capunk_Dr_Willis:  to start, i type sudo squid.  now how can i stop squid from running,13:08
syrinx_pingvin: no problem ;)13:08
syrinx_pingvin: it's not fancy, but its powerful13:09
=== nijabo_ is now known as nijabo
syrinx_function over form13:09
pingvinterminal app is alwals powerful :)13:09
kumarPici, is it necessary that if a user have right to execute sudo command he will have group id 1000 i.e. gid of root13:10
Picikumar: No. Any user can be put into the admin group, regardless of their uid.13:11
terrycapunk_: sudo pkill squid13:11
Anubiserusul: thank you13:13
kumarPici: that's why i was looking for a command which tells me weather a user can execute sudo command or no13:13
Picikumar: If its a default ubuntu install, check if that user is in the admin group.13:14
ro0m0zwhat is the diffrent betwen runlevel local with other run levels in ubuntu?13:14
terrycapunk_: sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop   Should stop it.  (Something wrong if it doesn't.)13:15
terryro0m0z: Not much difference in runlevels since the advent of upstart.13:17
pingvinis there any codec pack for ubuntu and how to install it?13:17
kumarPici: thanks i ran "groups <user_name>" and it gave me the list of groups it belongs to13:18
terrypingvin: mplayer-codecs?13:18
p1n9v1nwhich codecs are included, all?13:19
TjWallasquit Operation GeekNess13:20
p1n9v1nis there in synaptic codeck pack that i can check and install?13:21
capunk_terry : thanks.. ;)13:21
Maceri sure hope  these zfs will  mount when  the resilvering is done13:22
smmsadrnezhhow can I see the size of directory in %13:22
atlef!restricted | p1n9v1n13:22
ubottup1n9v1n: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:22
totemp1n9v1n, multimedia codec?13:23
bazhangp1n9v1n, ubuntu-restricted-extras13:23
p1n9v1nmpeg2, xvid, mkv ...13:23
Picismmsadrnezh: I'm unaware of a cli tool that can do just that, I usually use a combination of df -h and du -h (and maybe -s or --max-depth=1 depending on what I'm doing) to find out disk usage.13:24
bazhangp1n9v1n, see my comment13:24
myk_robinsonmorning. How do I suppress the startup sound? I disabled the login sound, but I would also like to disable the sound as the desktop is being rendered. Made the mistake of leaving the volume up loud, and wearing headphones when I started my laptop this morning13:25
p1n9v1ni installed ubuntu-restricted-extras but still no video in kaffeine13:25
bazhangp1n9v1n, what about mplayer, vlc and others13:25
p1n9v1nvlc is fine13:26
ray_Is Webmaker around?13:26
bazhangp1n9v1n, are you in Kubuntu ?13:26
Macermkv is restricted?13:26
bazhangp1n9v1n, and mplayer ?13:26
p1n9v1ndont use it13:26
Macermkv is  the best  container ever13:26
capunk_terry : capunk@capunk-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/squid stop13:27
capunk_Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)13:27
capunk_utility, e.g. service squid stop13:27
capunk_Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an13:27
capunk_Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop squid13:27
bazhangp1n9v1n, yes, what happens when you try13:27
FloodBot1capunk_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
p1n9v1nmplayer is not installed, do kaffein need it ?13:27
capunk_floodbot1 ; allright13:28
eprilhow to make an ubuntu installation image with everything on it.. ? for example you have installed ubuntu on your laptop then you update everything putting necessary codecs and programs. then you want to make an installation image out of it so that you don't have to connect to the internet to download those you have downloaded already.13:28
bazhangp1n9v1n, no, its an alternate player. trying it could help to pinpoint the issue13:28
p1n9v1nok i'll try13:28
Jackneillhi can you help me? i have vbox v4+ and ubuntu 10.10 in vbox, i use win7. i wanna to have different IP in ubuntu and win7, how to get that?13:28
devishquestion when I install a kernel-source-vanilla package should I change the sym links pointing at the kernel-source to the new kernel-source-vanilla13:28
meetawUse ubuntu startup disk creator13:29
meetawyou can add software to it13:29
Picip1n9v1n: Do you have the ibxine1-ffmpeg package installed?13:29
Jackneillwhen i use bridge mode in vbox, ubuntu cant connect to wireless network13:29
bazhangalso libxine13:29
atlefepril, remastersys http://geekconnection.org/remastersys/13:29
Picibazhang: yes, thanks, mispaste13:30
eprili will try.. thanks atlef13:30
eprilmeetaw: I will also try your suggestion13:30
p1n9v1nlet me see ...13:30
eprilmeetaw: I will also try your suggestion13:30
amin /msg NickServ REGISTER amin kraxadmin@gmail.com13:31
p1n9v1nPici: yes i have it installed13:31
meetawepril,Never mind remastersys is a better option13:31
patrunjelhi guys. Can someone please tell me how do a connect to an open wifi? I mean, from the command line13:31
Jackneillhi can you help me? i have vbox v4+ and ubuntu 10.10 in vbox, i use win7. i wanna to have different IP in ubuntu and win7, how to get that?13:31
Jackneillwhen i use bridge mode in vbox, ubuntu cant connect to wireless network13:32
p1n9v1ni installed mplyer, still no video in kaffeine13:32
totemamin, please don't used space before :)13:32
bazhangamin, time to change your password13:32
Piciamin: Try again, and use a better password please.13:32
amindoesn't work13:32
eprilmeetaw,  ok thanks :)13:32
smmsadrnezhPici: when I enter df -h home/ for example it shows me size of /13:33
Piciamin: Argh, sorry. 'amin' is already registered to someone else.13:33
aminsome one else is meeeee13:33
Picismmsadrnezh: Thats because 'df' is for device usage.  Use du -hs /home/13:33
patrunjelhi guys. Can someone please tell me how do a connect to an open wifi? I mean, from the command line13:33
aminit is messed up13:33
p1n9v1nwhy command line?13:34
Macerif i bond nics and one disconnects does the network connection keep going?13:34
terrysmmsadrnezh: df will show the usage of the partiton that /home is on.13:34
terrypatrunjel: iwconfig13:35
patrunjelterry, can you please be more explicit? :)13:35
terrypatrunjel: i.e. iwconfig wlan0 essid linksys ; dhclient wlan013:35
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, what kind of stream is it? DVB mpeg2 of some sort, avc or what ... ?13:35
greenguypatrunjel da n0ai ceva interfata grafica13:36
patrunjelterry, what is linksys? :)13:36
p1n9v1ndvb mpeg2 satellite broadcast13:36
terrypatrunjel: (where linksys is the essid of the router)13:36
patrunjelgreenguy, nu, nu-mi apare conexiunea in gui13:36
vanguardhow can i tell `gzip` that it should leave the original file where it is?13:36
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, from kafeine faq: "Live DVB playback only works with the xine engine. Go to Menu->Settings->Engine and choose "Kaffeine-Xine". Then restart Kaffeine."13:37
greenguy gnome?13:37
terrypatrunjel: Alternately you can do:  iwconfig wlan0 scanning  (Where wlan0 is your wifi device) (It could just as easily be eth1 or eth0)13:37
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, http://kaffeine.kde.org/?q=faq#question2113:37
terrypatrunjel: iwconfig   without arguemnts will identify your wifi device13:37
cowgoesmooi've just created a simple share on a windows machine on my network, 'everyone' has full access...when i choose "connect to a server" in ubuntu it asks for a user name and domain name...do i need to specify these?13:38
terryvanguard: It will do that by default.13:38
Phong_hi guys, i know it is off topic, but may i just ask once?  Is it required/proper to wear dress suite to Career Fair ?13:38
brontosaurusrexcowgoesmoo, windows 7?13:38
PiciPhong_: Try #ubuntu-offtopic13:38
cowgoesmoobronto: yeah13:38
vanguardterry: no, it replaces my test.txt with a test.txt.gz13:38
vanguardterry: but I would like to have both13:39
patrunjelterry, no, it's wlan0 :) . But what is dhclient? I mean, should I replace it with something, or just write it down?13:39
brontosaurusrexbrokendatapoint, i just remember reading something about samba and win7..., and that there is some sort of problem, but i cant recall where or what was the solution ...13:39
terrypatrunjel: You will need to preface those comands with sudo.  dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client13:40
cowgoesmoook. i specified everyone as the username and now it's asking for the "WORKGROUP" domain password...but i don't recall ever setting one :S13:40
smmsadrnezhPici: how to find size of file? that's work13:40
Prolacare there any limitations in ubuntu netbook remix compared to regular ubuntu?13:40
Picivanguard: gzip -c test.txt > test.txt.gz13:41
patrunjelterry, now i get SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.. what should I do? :)13:41
Picismmsadrnezh: ls -lh filename?13:41
brontosaurusrexi meant cowgoesmoo ..., sorry brokendatapoint13:42
terrypatrunjel: dhclient will query for a dhcp server.  If it finds one, it will ask for IP information, (IP address, gateway address, and nameserver addresses).  When the dhcp server responds, the IP information is used to configure your system to access the new network.13:42
Picivanguard: -c will send gzip's output to stdout, and you can do what you want with it from there.13:42
cowgoesmoothanks bronto...i'll go and see what google finds13:42
vanguardPici: thanks!13:42
terrypatrunjel: If an operation is not supported, that means you just can't do it.13:42
capunk_ /msg Nickserv help13:43
brontosaurusrexcowgoesmoo, this thread says 'solved' http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue13:43
terrypatrunjel: Was it scanning that was not supported?13:43
patrunjelterry, no, i can scan, i wrote in console iwconfig wlan0 essid <linksys> ; dhclient wlan013:44
patrunjelterry,  and I get that :)13:44
brontosaurusrexcowgoesmoo, maybe this http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue#t144413:44
terrypatrunjel: I didn't understand your question.13:44
Picipatrunjel: Are you using sudo with that?13:45
patrunjelPici yes, i have switched to root :)13:45
=== koff_syrup is now known as koffsyrup
patrunjelterry,  i wrote iwconfig wlan0 essid RG54SE ;  dhclient wlan013:46
terrypatrunjel: Did you get conected?13:46
patrunjelterry, and I get SET failed on device wlan0 ; operation not supported13:46
=== shavit is now known as Nick
patrunjelterry, no, and I also got wlan0 : unknown hardware adress type 803       two times :)13:47
=== Nick is now known as Guest31361
smmsadrnezhPici: when I enter "du -hs root" it shows me 280G13:47
terrypatrunjel: What does iwconfig say?  (With no arguments)13:47
smmsadrnezhPici: but there is nothing in this directory!!!13:48
devishdo i have to install any ide or s/w to run my programs in python13:48
patrunjelterry, please wait a second, so I put the ethernet cable in the netbook (on wich i am trying to make wifi work) so I can pastebin the output13:48
p1n9v1nwoul it help if i install codec pack from mplayer's website?13:48
[TK]D-Fenderdevish: Yes... you need python13:48
patrunjelterry, just a second :)13:48
=== Lemming is now known as Guest57683
terrypatrunjel: Yea ok.  iwconfig | pastebinit13:49
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, based on the faq no, since it uses xine engine only for DVB13:49
ben123Does anyone know how I can check which kind of memory I have, i.e. DDR1, DDR2 and how many slots the machine has, thx13:50
smmsadrnezhPici: when I enter "du -hs root" it shows me 280G but there is nothing in this directory!!!13:50
Wolframnben123: Laptop?13:50
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, also mplayer should play mpeg2 natively, no need for codec packs, so no again13:50
ben123Wolframn: actually server13:50
Besogonben123: Look at start up on the screen13:50
patrunjel_terry, i'm back :)13:50
Picismmsadrnezh: Where are you doing that?13:50
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, can you open that stream in mplayer directly?13:50
Besogonben123: boot up I wanted to say13:51
ben123Besogon: Do not really want to restart13:51
p1n9v1nhow to open it?13:51
smmsadrnezhPici: /13:51
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, let me google ...13:51
devishben there is something like meminfo google it13:51
ben123Tried hwinfo, but not very detailed13:51
patrunjel_terry, here is the output of iwconfig : http://pastebin.com/dijTAq5N13:51
smmsadrnezhPici: in tty1 and directory /13:52
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/MPlayer#Watching_DVB_Streams13:52
erUSULben123: sudo lshw -C memory13:52
p1n9v1nterminal>mplayer -vid x?13:52
ben123devish: you mean /proc/meminfo? Just tells something about amounts of memory13:52
terrypatrunjel_: is this a laptop or desktop?13:52
patrunjel_terry, it's a notebook13:52
brontosaurusrexp1n9v1n, try just "mplayer dvb://"13:52
patrunjel_terry, so yeah, it's a laptop :)13:53
devishben123: cat proc/meminfo13:53
p1n9v1nok i'll try13:53
devishben123: cat /proc/meminfo13:53
terrypatrunjel_: It appears to be off.  Do you know where the button or switch is to trun the wifi on?  (Or the keystroke combination...)13:53
ben123devish: yea, tells me about memory amounts, I want to know about DDR1, DDR2, slots13:53
devishben123: try uname -a13:53
vanguardif I post to a mailinglist for linux users, should I rather send attachments in plain, gzip'd or bzip2'd?13:54
patrunjel_terry, nope...but wait a second, I can try looking over it, and searching google13:54
ben123erUSUL: lshw is great, thank you very much!13:54
erUSULvanguard: what kind of attachment?13:54
LetsGo67Hello chat room! https://bell.ca/home/Home_L_Login.page does not work for me in Opera. Can someone help me please?13:54
ben123problem solved, I think :)13:54
vanguarderUSUL: logfile, plain ASCII13:54
brontosaurusrexLetsGo67, thats not an ubuntu related13:55
ben123thx to all others as well13:55
p1n9v1nFailed to open dvb:// :(13:55
vanguardLetsGo67: does it work in other browsers13:55
erUSULvanguard: if it is too big to go inline use bzip213:55
terryLetsGo67: Try firefox13:55
LetsGo67BrontosaurusRex: It's the Ubuntu browser.  The problem's not in Chromium vanguard & terryh.13:55
terryp1n9v1n: Try   dvd:13:55
vanguarderUSUL: can I somewhere read up the pro/cons for gzip/bzip2 somewhere?13:56
LetsGo67terry: Fx4 says "connection not certified".  It is begging me to "get me out of here!"13:56
thienmy Update Manager do not show the button to update ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10. how to?13:56
LetsGo67This is Bell the largest ISP/phone/TV in Canada LetsGo67.13:56
LetsGo67They even have a roaming agreement with TELUS13:57
terryp1n9v1n: sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 libdvdnav413:57
LetsGo67i.e: TELUS uses some Bell HSPA towers, vice-versa, TELUS uses Bell Sattelite TV...13:57
terryLetsGo67: accept the cert13:57
LetsGo67terry: Why does it say that?13:57
smmsadrnezhPici: / directory13:57
Picismmsadrnezh: so /root/ does exist13:58
LetsGo67terry: Typing www.Bell.ca fixes it.13:58
cowgoesmoobrontosaurusrex: got it working...i wanted to share direct between 2 VMs, rather than go via the windows 7 host...installing samba through the software center let's me create a share on the ubuntu VM that the other VM can access straight off with no problems13:58
terryLetsGo67: for your edification13:58
p1n9v1nPackage 'libdvdcss2' has no installation candidate13:58
jrib!dvd | p1n9v1n13:58
ubottup1n9v1n: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:58
terryjrib: Tnx13:58
LetsGo67terry: but not in Opera.  How is that supposed to edify me?13:58
p1n9v1ndvd playback is fine13:59
erUSULvanguard: bzip2 compress more but it is slower13:59
terryLetsGo67: By reading the information, understanding it etc.13:59
patrunjelterry, i couldn't find anything... but there is a little LED turned on, next to it there is a symbol that looks like two circles13:59
brontosaurusrexcowgoesmoo, cool13:59
LetsGo67terry: Does that mean Bell is not secure, Bell's certificate is expired, etc.?13:59
terryLetsGo67: Is the time correct on your PC?14:00
LetsGo67terry: It's NTP synced.14:00
cowgoesmoothere's definitely something weird with how windows 7 handles smb...typical, lol14:00
greenguy!ati unity14:00
bazhangp1n9v1n, medibuntu.org has the package14:00
terryLetsGo67: Time and date... are they correct?14:00
vanguarderUSUL: that is what I have gathered so far, both are practiacally ubiquitous, right? So using gzip for compatablility does not make too much sense? And even vim can open both directly.14:00
greenguy! ati radeon14:00
erUSULvanguard: well in linux it is ubiquitous yes14:00
brontosaurusrexcowgoesmoo, personally i totaly refuse to play with anything that even remotely smells like windows networking ...14:00
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:01
patrunjelterry, i mean, a circle looks like the on/off symbol, and the other one is just a cirle...and they look like you would watch them on a 45 degree angle or something14:01
LetsGo67terry: Yes, they are synced with Ubuntu.14:01
patrunjelterry, but there was a command that started wifi... wait a second, i will show it to you14:01
terrypatrunjel: Try using it and then do iwconfig and see if the output changes.14:01
LetsGo67terry: they should be, at least.14:01
p1n9v1ni timeshifted and it saved a file in my home diractory which i can play14:01
cowgoesmoobrontosaurusrex: yeah it's always hard work...i tend to lean towards using stuff like LogMeIn or vnc with copy/paste features...just less painful14:01
vanguarderUSUL: okay, in a 14K log file it does not really make any difference (both get it down to 2.4K). I'll just weigh off time/space for each task. Thx!14:02
terryLetsGo67: Then you are good to go.  If the cert is ok accept it.14:02
p1n9v1nbut video section in kaffeine is transparent14:02
patrunjelterry, it's airmon-ng start wlan0  *this is the command i was talking about*14:03
cyozalright, I feel I'm getting more confident with apt-get but how does it work exactly.. is there one central service that keeps track of all available apps?14:04
cyozI mean it goes beyond the software center right?14:04
LetsGo67terry: Why does www.Bell.ca work but not Bell.ca in Firefox?14:04
terrypatrunjel: I am not familiar with airmon-ng14:04
syrinx_cyoz: do some research on repositories14:04
patrunjelterry, here is the pastebin of the new output of iwconfig : http://pastebin.com/w2g4W8Pw14:04
syrinx_that should explain everything14:04
terryLetsGo67: Not sure, firefox usually will add www when needed.  Mine does.14:05
LetsGo67Terry: Yet i have Fx4.14:06
brontosaurusrexterry, LetsGo67 i think that www and nowww are basically two different domains, one could host two different sites on them...14:06
cyozsyrinx_, thanks14:07
terrypatrunjel: What chipset is it?  (use lspci to see)14:07
cyozit's amazing14:07
cyozwhy doesn't windows have that?14:07
* syrinx_ shrugs14:07
terrybrontosaurusrex: aaahhhh ok....14:07
LetsGo67brontosaurusrex: So maybe i ought to contact Bell regarding this.  TELUS and others do not have this issue.14:08
Dr_Williscyoz:  apple is moveing that way.. and ive seen similer things for windows.14:08
syrinx_I guess that would be considered !ot14:08
terryLetsGo67: What country are you in?14:08
brontosaurusrexLetsGo67, yes, but 1st check whats with the browser and its security behaviours and also whats up with adding www automagically...14:08
LetsGo67Terry: Canada.  Accessing the site via TELUS Mobility Internet.14:09
rishi_Hey guys14:10
patrunjelterry, there is a lot of info...i don't know where to look :) the best that i could find is the ethernet controller :(14:10
rishi_Need a bit of help14:10
syrinx_what's up rishi_14:10
rishi_Is there a way for me to downgrade from 11.04 to 10.10?14:10
bazhangrishi_, no14:10
Dr_Willis!downgrade | rishi_14:10
ubotturishi_: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.14:10
greygjhartI don't like getting connected  on a chan without asking for it just cause I'm using a live CD14:10
brontosaurusrexLetsGo67, for example mozilla has a weird unicode domain name policy, while chrome does try to figure out things automagically14:11
rishi_Ah ok, so if I want to get back to 10.10 I'd have to reinstall the entire system right?14:11
terryLetsGo67: So, you may see a different behavour than some of the rest of us, (as in me, from different isp and different country).14:11
bazhangrishi_, yes14:11
rishi_Alright, thanks guys :)14:11
terrypatrunjel: ethernet controller is NOT it.14:11
LetsGo67Terry: Does "mobile Internet key" have anything to do with it?14:11
patrunjelterry, yeah, sorry :) i found it : 01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)14:12
botcitypatrunjel, mon0 mon1 are normal devices that are set up through airmon-ng it explains all in the man pages etc14:12
LetsGo67brontosaurusrex: Why is there incompatability?14:13
brontosaurusrexLetsGo67, two different dev teams?14:13
patrunjelbotcity, so should i try to connect mon0 to the wifi source?14:13
terrypatrunjel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600097   maybe useful info.14:13
KM0201patrunjel, there's been a lot of people having problems w/ that device.. it doesnt hook up like the normal 4312 (lp-phy.. i think has somehting to do w/saving battery life)14:14
jarvis_hi all14:14
terrypatrunjel: Maybe not, it's too old.14:14
KM0201terry, its not to old... its a different device.. the normal 4312, those instructions would work fine.. its the lp-phy what causes the issue.14:15
terrypatrunjel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1266620  (This is much newer)14:15
terrypatrunjel: Or this:  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/broadcom-bcm4312-firmware-in-ubuntu-10-10-beta-834640/14:16
patrunjelterry, so should i try to install the kernel-thingy? :)14:16
RamadaSo I installed Ubuntu on this computer from a flash drive but now I can't get back onto WIndows :(14:17
KM0201patrunjel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1733538 (similar situatino exists under 10.10)14:17
syrinx_Ramada: no boot menu?14:18
patrunjelKM0201, i use 10.10 :)14:18
KM0201patrunjel, i'm aware of that, and the same problem exists under 10.1014:18
Ramadasyrinx_, nope. It goes straight to Ubuntu.14:18
syrinx_!grub | Ramada14:18
ubottuRamada: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:18
KM0201patrunjel, if you look in the repositories, there's a special b43 firmware for the lp-phy devices.. but i can never get it to work right14:19
Dr_WillisRamada:  tap shift like a tapdancer.. just as its booting and it should show a grubn menu. The auto hide feature is disableable in the grub configs14:19
RamadaI'm on 10.10 Maverick.14:19
RamadaDr_Willis, how would I set Windows as default?14:20
terrypatrunjel: Looks like they are pointing to this: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php14:20
Dr_WillisRamada:  then for some odd reason it may not be showing windows in the grub menu. thats fixable in some ways. but it should auto-add it. You could try reruning 'sudo update-grub' and see if it sees it14:20
RamadaIs there a grub.cfg that I can edit?14:20
terry!broadcom | patrunjel14:20
ubottupatrunjel: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:20
Dr_WillisRamada:  you edit the proper grub2 configs. not grub.cfg14:20
Dr_Willis!grub1 |14:20
ubottu: grub 1 is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub for Karmic onwards14:20
Dr_Willis!grub2 | Ramada14:20
ubottuRamada: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:20
KM0201terry, patrunjel keep trying to tell you guys, that !broadcom link, will not work w/ the lp-phy's..14:20
Dr_Willistheres also a forum thread on using grub.  with lots of info14:21
patrunjelKM0201, so  what do you recommend doing?14:21
p1n9v1ni'm back14:21
terrypatrunjel: Yea that is what  you need:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:21
KM0201terry, no thats not what he needs14:21
terryKM0201: Oh?14:21
KM0201terry, i've said it like 8x.. and you just keep repeating yourself..lol14:21
KM0201read his device agian.. and note the lp-phy   stop searchign for broadcom 4312, and search for broadcom 4312 lp-phy   then you'll be enlightened14:22
terryWell, I tell you what I do when I get a laptop with a broadcom wifi device.  I replace it.14:22
p1n9v1nis there any way to change refresh rate on old CRT monitor?14:22
patrunjelKM0201, terry  for example, i can see a crypted wifi connection, but airodump-ng showed me an uncrypted one, but it doens't show in the upper-right (where the network connections are showed) and that's why i was trying to make it work for the terminal14:23
KM0201terry, broadcomes work fine, its just those lp-phy devices are causing issues (something to do w/ power saving/battery life)14:23
Dr_Willisp1n9v1n:  used to be xorg.conf settings to do that.14:23
izinucs!resolution | p1n9v1n14:23
ubottup1n9v1n: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:23
terryKM0201: So basically, http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php  is what he needs.  Right?14:23
KM0201terry, no, read through the list of supported devices, lp-phy is not suppoted14:24
p1n9v1ni have a lot questions, sorry14:24
DNDhi guys, i wanted to create a script that will restart a service if the free memory is around 8mb14:24
InumediaDamn  I coulda sworn Notepad++ was cross-platform D:14:24
LetsGo67Bye room!14:24
KM0201patrunjel, just because a network is unencrypted, it can still choose not to broadcast the ESSID... you can try connecting to a "hidden network".. and see if you can connect to it.;14:24
RamadaDr_Willis, so I restarted and was able to access the grub menu but no Windows item.14:26
patrunjelKM0201, every button is inactive when i try to do that. I deeded to connect to the network just because i need some acces to the internet, and i thought that i can connect to an unencrypted network :*(14:26
terryKM0201: He has  BCM431214:26
KM0201terry, are you talking just to hear yourself talk?.. i have said multiple times, what the problem is with his device, and why your search is failing14:27
Dr_WillisRamada:  hhave you done a 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade'  'sudo update-grub' recently?14:27
KM0201terry, again... it is not a 4312, it is a 4312 lp-phy  there is a difference14:27
terryKM0201: I'm not talking at all, I'm typing.14:27
KM0201terry, ..14:27
RamadaDr_Willis, I just did a fdisk -l and found that there is nothing that says Windows. Did I accidentally overwrite it?14:28
Dr_WillisRamada:  sudo fdisk -l, and there should be some NTFS or fat/vfat partitons.14:28
KM0201patrunjel, terry anyway... there is a special firmware int he repositories for that device (firmware-b43-lpphy) for the lpphy devices.. but it doesn't seem to work for some reason14:28
RamadaDr_Willis: Linux, Extended and Linux Swap.14:29
=== lvjunqi is now known as swearos
Dr_WillisRamada:  perhaps you did delete it then14:29
Ramadasda1, sda2, and sda5 respectively.14:29
Dr_Willisfdisk -l | grep NTFS14:29
Dr_Willis/dev/sda1   *           1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS14:29
RamadaSad face.14:29
KM0201!info firmware-b43-lpphy-installer14:29
ubottufirmware-b43-lpphy-installer (source: b43-fwcutter (1:013-2)): Installer package for firmware for the b43 driver (LP-PHY version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB14:29
patrunjelKM0201, i have already installed it :)14:30
KM0201patrunjel, terry see that last ubottu output.. if it was the same as the 4312... the normal b43 driver would work14:30
KM0201patrunjel, the regular b43 driver, or the b43 lpphy?14:30
mongyah the old b43 vs wl :)14:30
KM0201mongy, b43 works fine, when you'r enot using the lp devices.. :)14:31
mongyKM0201, sadly, he and I are14:32
KM0201mongy, yup.. you had any luck w/ it?14:32
patrunjelKM0201, the lpphy one, why? is there any difference?14:32
mongyKM0201, b43?  not since last I tried, its junk.  I stick to whats always worked since 9.04 (bcmwl)14:32
mongywell, 8.04 actuall14:33
KM0201patrunjel, i have said multiple times wht the difference is... lpphy  is some sort of power saving function broadcom put into the chipsets to help w/ battery life...14:33
patrunjelKM0201, so should i install the other one? the one without lpphy?14:33
KM0201patrunjel, it makes it different than the normal 4312 (which works flawlessly w/ ubuntu, after you activate the STA driver)14:33
patrunjelKM0201, i don't really care about the battery life,as long as i can actually use the wifi :P14:34
mongyI dont know about any other model, but the 4312 LP does really need the STA , imo14:34
KM0201patrunjel, now if you have the lpphy device, why on earth would yo install a driver for a totally different device..14:34
KM0201patrunjel, the normal b43 driver will NOT WORK...14:34
KM0201mongy, unfortunately, i haven't had luck getting it working w/ STA either14:34
Dr_Willisive had to tell  my systems to use STA over b43 befor also i recall.14:34
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patrunjelKM0201, it was recommended when i installed the OS :)14:35
Dr_WillisI no longer have that laptop.14:35
patrunjelKM0201, so is there any way i can use my wifi? :))14:35
mongyKM0201, even tried the lpphy firmware in debian, no luck.  compiled bcmwl and good to go14:35
KM0201patrunjel, someone didn't know what they were talking about, or they thought you had a normal 4312 (which works fine w/ the b43)14:35
KM0201patrunjel, i've yet to get it working w/ 10.10  but honestly, i've not put a ton of effort into it...14:35
patrunjelKM0201, maybe with 11.04 it will work :))14:36
KM0201patrunjel, last i checked, the STA driver from broadcom, did not support that device.14:36
KM0201patrunjel, very unlikey (at this point) there's still complaints in +1 about it not working.14:36
patrunjelKM0201, i don't really know what a STA driver is, but i guess you're right :) (you sound right :P )14:37
KM0201patrunjel, although one person said he got his working after upgrading to 11.04, by resetting his router, and recreating his network...14:37
mongy Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) is what Im using, with STA..14:37
patrunjelKM0201, i don't have a router, it's the wifi card in my netbook :)14:37
KM0201mongy, and you got it working?... thats actually the firstive heard that.. perhaps you can help patrunjel14:37
KM0201patrunjel, i see..14:38
mongytried b43 as well in my dell mini 9, yet again since 8.04 ive had to use STA to have it work flawless14:38
minimecKM0201: Did not follow the entire story, but using WPA I would try to limit access to either TKIP or AES, but never both. I would first try AES...14:38
KM0201mongy, like i said, have had zero luck getting that device to work.. (but like i said, i've not really looked into it)14:38
minimecKM0201: ... on the router...14:38
mongyKM0201, i've directed a lot of people towards the STA driver in the past :)14:38
KM0201minimec, its not a security protocol issue.14:38
mongyhe should just activate the sta driver and be done with it.14:39
KM0201mongy, well, like i said, last i checked (month or so ago) it didn't list support for the lp-phy14:39
minimecKM0201: I had stability problrms with two of my wifi devices and using AES only solved my problem...14:39
terryKM0201: patrunjel has the BCM4312 chip14:39
KM0201mongy, if that worked for you, thats great, but i've tried "just activating the STA driver" w/o luck on that device14:39
KM0201terry, at this point, i'm don talking to you, cuz i don't think you grasp the conversation14:39
mongyKM0201, well as far as this laptop goes Ive had since just before 9.10 surfaced, sta worked fine14:39
patrunjelKM0201, so this means that i can't even connect to the wifi networks listed in the network connections tab (in the upper part of the screen)14:40
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terrypatrunjel: Maybe it is working and you are just unable to connect to the router.  You might try restartring the router (as KM0201 suggested), I don't know that will change anything but I suppose you could try.14:40
KM0201patrunjel, if your experience is similar to mine.. yes.. the lp-phy did not work w/ the STA driver... the normal 4312 (which I have also) works flawlessly14:40
KM0201terry, ..lol, your mouse has a scroll wheel on it... scroll back to the beginnning of this conversation, and read it.. then you won't repeat yourself w/ stuff thats been covered (at least 3x)14:41
terryKM0201: If you would stick to sharing information you'd be a lot better off.14:41
mongyI thought broadcom made it open source ages ago, if so, why is this still a problem :(14:41
KM0201terry, if you stick to stop repeating stuff multiple times, i'd be less frustrated14:42
alabdGood day  all , I(humble) want to use buddy pounces  in pidgin to log when a buddy signs on and signs off , buddy pounce can run a command while a buddy signs off/on , but how to use this ability for creating logs?14:42
patrunjelKM0201, is it possible to replace the wifi chip from a Acer Aspire One (tis is the one that i'm trying to convice to get wifi) with one that's working? (that can actually get some wifi? :P )14:42
KM0201mongy, again, i don't really know.. if you look on broadcom's site, at the STA driver, it says the lp-phy does not work.. so how you got it w/ STA, is a mystery in a riddle.. :)14:42
ikoniaalabd: you asked this earlier and where told where to go14:42
KM0201patrunjel, unlikely.14:42
syrinx_patrunjel: are you using the LiveCD/USB?14:42
terryKM0201: Maybe you should switch to decaf ?14:42
KM0201patrunjel, your best bet in that scenario, would be to find a USB device that works14:43
patrunjelsyrinx_, no, i have ubuntu installed14:43
mongyKM0201, Ive always had it work, with other models also.    I never knew it was not meant to......14:43
syrinx_i have that netbook14:43
syrinx_wifi works fine14:43
genii-aroundpatrunjel: which model of the Aspire One ?14:44
patrunjelKM0201, you mean a USB that is actually a wifi capture card, and use that instead of the onboard one? (sorry, i'm not good at all with this kind of things :) )14:44
KM0201i'm interested in hearing how you guys got this device working... cuz like i said, i've read multiple problem threads w/ that device...14:44
SixtyFoldjust buy a EEE PC and your problem's solved :P14:44
KM0201patrunjel, yes, a usb wireless adapter14:44
terrysyrinx_: Why don't you pastebin some info for us, lmsod lspci iwconfig14:44
alabdikonia: yes but was there any answer ?14:44
patrunjelKM0201, thank a lot for the tips :)14:44
ikoniaalabd: there was, you where told you had to script it, you where also told to ask in #pidgin14:45
KM0201patrunjel, follow some of the others who say they ahve that device working... i honestly have my doubts, but if they do.. see if they have any suggestions14:45
syrinx_terry: because it's at my house14:45
terrysyrinx_: O14:45
alabdikonia: asked in pidgin and also asked what kind script I(humble) am not programmer14:45
syrinx_yea :(14:45
KM0201syrinx_, are you sure its the 4312 lp-phy ?14:45
ikoniaalabd: that's not an ubuntu issue, so #pidgin is the correct place to ask14:45
JeffJasskyHey, guys. I'm trying to use wget to download some website content and I'd like to ignore certain file types (pdf, exe, dmg, jpg, gif, png, etc).. is there a way to ignore file types with wget?14:46
patrunjelKM0201, the best way to test it is to find a friend with a router, and test everything (and make it work) in a controlled environment, to say so... i'm now trying to acces some wifi that isn't mine...so maybe it has some sort of passwords and stuff...14:46
mongyKM0201, I dont know how you have not had it working myself.  Its always worked for me and its fixed a few peoples wifi problems Ive helped in here and elsewhere.14:46
botcityKM0201,  acer aspire one  different models different chips mine is a Atheros AR928514:46
CoreyJeffJassky: There's an exclude flag.14:46
syrinx_not sure, I see no reason why it shouldn't work though :(14:46
KM0201botcity, the atheros works fine.. thats not really part of the discussion14:46
patrunjelKM0201, butif my wireless card doesn't work, how come i can scan with aerodump-ng14:47
JeffJasskyCorey: Thanks! I'll look that up.14:47
KM0201mongy, like i said.. if you google broadcom 4312-lpphy   there's a lot of threads about it... its not just me.14:47
KM0201patrunjel, i don't use aerodump, have no ide.14:47
alabdikonia: my question is that how a script can create a log file and each time logs something in ubuntu/linux , it's not related to pidgin now  ,14:47
terrypatrunjel: That is possible. ( You should pastebin lspci )14:47
ikoniaalabd: that is already logged in the syslog14:48
mongyKM0201, the b43-lpphy or the wl14:48
patrunjelKM0201, it's like wireshark, but for wifi. The thing is that it actually captures packets and stuff, so the chip works.. .(i guess)14:48
KM0201patrunjel, i know what it is, i just don't use it.14:48
alabdikonia: want seprate log file14:48
ikoniaalabd: why ?14:48
mongyKM0201, b43/b43-fwcutter and all the like are junk to me.  STA (wl) driver always works14:48
SixtyFoldso he can stalk his girlfriend while he is sleeping, haha14:49
ikoniaSixtyFold: please don't be silly, it's worthless comments that don't help14:49
patrunjelterry, here is the lspci output : http://pastebin.com/TLn0HfK414:49
KM0201mongy, i've never had problems w/ the normal b43 driver... it has always worked fine (as has the STA).. but neither has worked w/ the lp-phy device.. for me14:49
mongyKM0201, idk then.  'just works' here.14:49
KM0201mongy, if you look in the repositories, there's a special firmware for the lp devices....14:49
mongyKM0201, I know, I tried it.  no good14:50
KM0201mongy, yup..14:50
alabdikonia: see pidgin can run a command when a buddy sign on/off , ok , so now , am not able to write a script that can log time of runing itself each time14:50
terrypatrunjel: If I were you, I'd find a well supported one on ebay, swap it out and then sell yours to someone else, (on ebay).  Some MS Windows user will do fine with it.14:52
KM0201terry, since he's obviously interested in injection (which is a whole other issues) some devices might wrk flawlessly in connecting or even monitoring, but there's several that will do both of those, and don't work well (or at all) at injection14:54
patrunjelterry, haha :)) i'm fixing it one way or another...after easter i will go in front of a computer support shop (with free wifi) and just play with it until it works :P14:54
mongyhas he even tried sta driver yet14:54
KM0201mongy, he said earlier he did..14:54
KM0201mongy, but granted, most of this conversation has been around the b43./14:54
mongyremoved/blacklisted b43 first?14:54
KM0201patrunjel, did you try the STA driver14:55
patrunjelKM0201, what's a STA driver, and how do I try it? :)14:55
zaytsevhi folks14:56
zaytsevanyone could recommend a service manager for maverick? should I use sysv-rc-conf?14:57
zaytsevI am under impression, that it does not cover upstart managed services14:57
erUSUL!upstart | zaytsev14:57
ubottuzaytsev: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:57
erUSULzaytsev: correct.14:57
zaytseverUSUL, so what do I use for upstart then?14:57
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terryzaytsev: service14:58
erUSULzaytsev: manual editting in /etc/init/*14:58
zaytseverUSUL, oh that really sucks. at least dpkg will not change my *.conf files on update? hopefully it will present this diff dialog, right, that's how it works?14:59
erUSULzaytsev: probably but i've not modified those startup scripts myself so ...15:00
zaytseverUSUL, RHEL now uses upstart afaik, is there like a port of chkconfig for Ubuntu or so? manual editing just does sound so thrilling... how in the world there is no management tool for that :-/15:00
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
zaytseverUSUL, ok, thanks anyway for the hint!15:00
Aikaranyone got an idea of why when i login my .bashrc isnt being ran, and source .bashrc says -sh: source: .bashrc: file not found  ... but the file exists O.o15:01
erUSULzaytsev: i do not think RHEL switched to upstart ... they are doing its own thing ( systemd )15:01
zaytseverUSUL, my impression was that they went for upstart in RHEL6 in sequential mode, but I might be wrong15:01
erUSULAikar: are you sure you are using bash ?15:01
jubei-zaHello all, just installed ubuntu server 10.04 and am trying to setup a DHCP server, when i try apt-get install dhcp3-server it does not find the package in the repository, how do i put it into the repository or how can i get a copy of dhcp3-server?15:02
AikarerUSUL: yeah its symlinked15:02
erUSULAikar: bash will complain like this « bash: foo: No such file or directory »15:02
zaytsevAikar, oh, that's also a recurring question of mine.. are we now supposed to use .profile and it should work?15:02
mdpatrickHow do I place files in a user's folder (user2) while still being able to access/modify/read them from user1?15:02
Aikarubuntu defaulted shell to /bin/sh which is symlinked to /bin/bash15:03
Aikarbtw im running ubuntu 10.04 lts server15:03
minimecjubei-za: check /etc/apt/sources.list. do you have universe/multiverse activated?15:03
erUSULAikar: no; /bin/sh is dash by default and user's login shell is /bin/bash by default15:03
Aikarwell ive changed the symlink to be bash15:04
Aikarlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2011-03-19 23:14 /bin/sh -> /bin/bash*15:04
jubei-zahi minimec, i checked sources.list and i seem to have all the default repository information in there ... i have no clue what universe/multiverse is?15:04
jubei-zaam i correct in saying that dhcp3-server should be in the repositories?15:04
minimecjubei-za: check packages.ubuntu.com for available packages15:05
mfilipewhy doesn't tomboy startup with ubuntu natty?15:05
yomeisterHey, is it possible to wake your pc up at a certain time. The pc has to wake up from standby or sutch...15:05
jubei-zaminimec: do you mean add packages.ubuntu.com into the sources.list file?15:05
gartralhello all, i have a configuration question: my internal bluetooth radio starts on when i boot/reboot my computer.. how to i change it so that ubuntu starts with the radio off?15:05
erUSULAikar: ok; that's fine. but what is your login shell ?15:06
Aikarediting /etc/passwd to just be /bin/bash fixed it...15:06
Aikareven tho /bin/sh is symlinked to /bin/bash O.o15:06
thebuntutweakergartral, use blueman bluetooth manager15:06
minimecjubei-za: no. That is a website that shows you available packages with a search tool. You will also see in what repo it is. Like irssi chat software is in universe repo..15:06
thebuntutweakergartral, apt-get install blueman15:06
erUSULAikar: bash does not behave the same when called as sh15:06
Aikarmy login shell was set to /bin/sh before15:06
Aikarthat makes sense then15:06
FloodBot1Aikar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:07
jubei-zaminimec: ok im gonna go find out what this universe/multiverse is all about, thanks for the help15:07
St0n3-C0lHello, I am facing an strange issue with my router here on Linux...not sure how to set this up. The problem is that when I am connected through my router on Linux, certain pages/sites do not load up and sometimes I just get the simple text layout of the site...for example youtube.com, i just get text only. Secondly...this problem is not present when I am running through my router on Windows so I don't think there's some issue with the con15:07
St0n3-C0lfiguration....but if I run through direct connection on Linux...everything works normally -- So no idea how do I fix this...15:07
erUSULAikar: don not edit passwd directly use "chsh"15:07
Aikarwhy, never had an issue with editing it before O.o15:08
superman097guys i have installed ubuntu 10.04 on my Dell Inspiron 4030 laptop15:08
Picisuperman097: contrats15:08
superman097but i got a problem15:08
syrinx_Pici: meanie15:08
minimecjubei-za: there is 'main' supported by canonical, 'universe/multiverse' supported by the community...15:08
superman097the system is not detected the ethernet LAN15:09
minimecjubei-za: also 'partners' for java, skype, ...15:09
superman097i typed the command ifconfig on the terminal15:09
jubei-zaminimec: aaah ok makes sense, i just dont understand why dchp3-server is not in any of the default repositories15:09
superman097but the result is just loopback interface showed on me15:10
kapipiHow do I get the daylight map from gnome clock in the unity clock?15:10
jubei-zaminimec: it seems like it should be based on this link https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/dhcp.html15:10
minimecjubei-za: I don't know that for dhcp3-server, but packages.ubuntu.com will tell you.15:11
jubei-zaminimec: ok ive located the package (http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/dhcp3-server) how do find out what the relevant repository is?15:14
Aikaris there a command i can run that simulates the "leave message" feature?15:15
jubei-zaminimec: or should i just download manually?15:15
jubei-zaminimec: im very new to ubuntu/linux so would prefer to use apt15:15
Rick__Im just about to install ubuntu just wondering peoples thoughts whether just go with 10.10 or wait for 11.04?15:15
minimecjubei-za: I cannot open links right now, but all information should be on that link you gave me.15:15
Aikarsshd in to my stepdads system and wanna just leave a message that says i did what he needed me to do lol. give him a lil shock when he sees it since hes not too comp literate lol...15:16
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kapipi Anyone know if the daylight map from gnome clock will be coming to the unity clock applet?15:16
jubei-zaRick_: Take the plunge its most fun15:16
minimecjubei-za: Packages available via packages.ubuntu.com are part of any ubuntu repository. Only thing is to activate the right 'sub'sources --> universe/multiverse...15:17
gartralhey, installing blueman still leaves me with a bluetooth radio that's on at boot15:17
ImperialXTHey, having an issue in 10.10 x64 with my headphone jack sense not working (I think that's what it's called)15:17
Rick__jubei-za: take the plunge as n wait for 11.04?15:17
jubei-zaRick__: haha no take the plunge and install anything linux, im on ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server 10.04 LTS, but any version would do15:18
Drekiis there an updated repository for wireshark and kismet?15:19
Rick__fair to say 10.04 the most stable?15:19
sacarlsonDreki: what new feature am I missing with the old wireshark?15:20
tjiggi_fojubei-za, I'm on 10.04 and it's in Lucid-Security/main in Synaptic15:20
buff27Rick__, well it's been around a yeah, it's stable and works, so does 10.10 and 11.04.....15:21
sacarlsonDreki: did you check ppa?15:21
Aikarso does anyone know how to invoke the "Leave note/message" feature on the lock screen by command?15:21
Drekisacarlson 802.11N support15:21
Drekii think15:21
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: im on 10.04 server, no gui installed15:21
DrekiN adapters anyway15:21
jubei-zaim really confused with the repositories and multiverse/universe story, ive got to go do some reading :)15:22
sacarlsonDreki: I have used to to monitor trafic on wifi but those packets I may have missed I'm not sure15:22
tjiggi_fojubei-za, what I'm saying is sudo apt-get will work for you15:22
jubei-zayeah thats what i thought, but it claims the packaged is not in the repository15:22
tjiggi_fojubei-za, sudo apt-get dhcp3-common15:23
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: i tried apt-cache search dhcp3 and all i got was 2 client packages listed15:23
Rick__buff27: although 11.04 is still beta once its properly released my system will update fine?15:23
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: ye i got that packaged dhcp3-common is that the same as dhcp3-server?15:23
tjiggi_fojubei-za, let me see, one sec15:24
foodjubei-za: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu15:24
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: its not the same it one of the dependencies for dhcp3-server15:24
jubei-zafood: will check it out quic15:24
buff27Rick__, yes it will and there is a chat room for it #ubuntu+115:25
jubei-zafood: tx15:25
=== Rossonero is now known as Genk1
tjiggi_fojubei-za, not the same, you'll need to : sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server15:25
Aikaris it possible when i ssh into a pc to use say zenity to popup message box on the current X instance?15:26
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: lol i tried that, it says the package cannot be found in any epository15:26
Aikar(zenity:10195): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:15:26
tjiggi_fojubei-za, heh15:26
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: which is really strange because from this link (https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/dhcp.html) its seems that it should be in there!15:27
CombatjuanHello.  How do I remove my selection for sun-java-jre dlj?  Where is that stored?15:27
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: i know very weird15:27
jubei-zatjiggi: im running off a fresh install of ubuntu 10.04 server and all ive configured is a pppoe connection and some ip adresses15:27
Rick__buff27: thanks15:28
CombatjuanThe more general question is regarding debconf-set-selections: Where does it store the selections?15:28
ImperialXTAnyone know of any fixes for my speakers not getting muted when my headphones are plugged in? I've gone through so much stuff, and really running out of ideas and resources. Running 10.10 x64 Desktop15:29
tjiggi_fojubei-za, I have it in Lucid-security/Main - your setup sounds lekker daft - maybe try adding repositories from some other mirror?15:29
CombatjuanImperialXT: Have you ruled out hardware/BIOS?15:29
ImperialXTworks fine in windows15:29
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM15:30
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: when you say "Lucid-security/Main" are you talking about /etc/sources.list ?15:30
tjiggi_fojubei-za, yep15:30
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: i have a line there "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted"15:31
foodCombatjuan: cant you uninstalll it through synpatic package manger?15:33
Combatjuanfood: Yes.  But if I reinstall it, it knows that I've already accepted the license agreement.  I want it to have forgotten that.15:33
Combatjuanfood: I'm testing a script that installs java and other packages.  I need to make sure that it correctly reads the settings from debconf-set-selections and doesn't ask the user for input.  The script /must/ run non-interactively.  And I can't test it again until Ubuntu forgets what I chose last time.15:34
foodCombatjuan: when it is install look a the bottom of the synpatic package manager and there should be a tab for installed filles15:35
foodCombatjuan: it is near the tab for description15:35
Combatjuanfood: This is a headless box without X.15:35
foodCOmbatjuan: oh15:36
gartralCombatjuan: sounds like a job for vbox15:36
CombatjuanBut I'll do the equivalent on one of my other machines and see what it looks like.15:36
tjiggi_fojubei-za, If I were you I'd try at #ubuntu-za. Those guys will know what to do if yours is a sources problem15:37
foodCombatjuan: I guess i have to look at the dpkg and apt-get man pages since i was always lazy to learn those option. I alreayd switched distros lol15:37
jubei-zatjiggi_fo: ok thanks for the help will ask there!15:37
Combatjuanfood: I was a little surprised that the debconf-set-selections man page didn't say.  I grepped through /var/lib/dpkg/* and found the only two instances of the setting string there are in the license itself.15:38
bibic682Hello,   Anyone running 11.04 ?......comments  ?15:38
allennewokI use 8.04 always15:38
XceptNbibic682: I do run the latest beta - it is neat and quite robust. Still I need to get used to Unity15:39
ChronotekThank you everyone for the help with the swap issue I had last night, it solved half the issue the helped me locate the other half15:39
Drekihow do i look for a PPA repository? im not sure what PPA is15:40
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.15:40
mrgreaperhi i have some major probs at mo , im installing ubuntu 10 10 on my mates pc over the phone lol i used teamviewer to download the 64bit iso then used the guide on the ubuntu site to create a usb drive, we rebooted the pc but it gave an error about no configuration loaded and just sat there at boot:15:40
Neo_Kiplinghi, fellows, my cron trigger each session twice, anybody know why15:40
bastidrazorDreki: the best way is to search for "PPA applicationname"15:40
mrgreaperany ideas how to fix?15:40
bibic682XceptN: I read a little about it....and I'm old school when it comes to desktop. A task bar on bottom and three icons on the screen in the top left  :)  I like to keep it simple15:40
mrgreaperif it helps im still on the phone to him, were back inot windows and im on teamviewer looking at the usb drive im guessing theres a step missing from the guide?15:42
ImperialXTmrgreaper:  I was having the same issue doing that install on this machine, I ended up just burning the iso15:42
ImperialXTI tried a few things15:42
ImperialXTincluding a different usb drive15:42
ImperialXTand yeah15:42
ImperialXTjust ended up burning it15:42
FloodBot1ImperialXT: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
XceptNbibic632: Gnome 2.30 and KDE is still there at your disposal15:42
mrgreaperimperial unfortunatly he dont have a spare disc :(15:42
ImperialXTno idea then sorry15:43
mrgreaperhe is hunting a disc at mo but he not sure the cd drive works lol15:43
mrgreapermust be a way to fix the usb stick method? any one15:43
Dr_Willistry differnt tools 5to make the usb stick.15:44
hiexpousb works fine15:44
bibic682Xceptn: Buty it won't be installed by default15:44
Dr_WillisIve had some usb drives not work on some machines. but work on other machines.15:44
mrgreaperwhat tool do you recommand15:44
geirhamrgreaper: I believe there may be some issues if you make it persistant (which I believe it becomes by default)15:44
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  what one did you use last time?15:44
mrgreaperi used the guide here http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download15:45
bibic682Will it handle Flash video more efficiently.... I hate maxin out the cpu with some stop and starts15:45
Dr_Willisthe ubuntu usb-disk creator tool can work. but ive had it fail. Unetbootin also works.. but ive had it fail also :)  then theres the pendrive linux site. it has tools to make a grub2 usb that boots iso files. or one that uses syslinux to make a bootable usb. I have better luck with those.15:46
foodcombatjuan: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/show-the-list-of-installed-packages-on-ubuntu-or-debian/  dpkg -L package name15:46
Dr_Willisthen theres alternatives to those like 'lili' (works ok, nasty interface, windows only)15:46
geirhamrgreaper: On "When starting up from this disk, documents and settings will be:", choose "Discarded on shutdown..."15:46
mrgreaperwere not getting that far gerirha15:46
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  the usb maker tool is having issues even making a flash drive?  thats what geirha  is refering to.15:47
mrgreaperilituraly just followed the guide but cant get the usb drive to work, he just tested his cd drive it is dead as he suspected15:47
mrgreaperah i see15:47
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  what does the flash drive do exactly?15:47
mrgreaperwell the flash drive apears to be made as im looking at it now15:47
Dr_Willisno menu? flashing _ ? fails in some other way?15:48
mrgreaperone sec he is rebooting the pc so i can give you the exact error15:48
Neo_Kiplinghi, guys, cron trigger each session twice, and maybe this happening since i restarted X-org without reboot once, anybody know why15:48
Dr_Willisif you are using a NVIDIA chipset - i have often had to hit space when you see the little man/logo at the bottom. then hit F6 and use the Nomodeset option15:49
Dr_WillisNeo_Kipling:  I wouldent think X would be affecting Cron Jobs.15:49
hoopy_/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-haze is eating up > 90% of CPU constantly.  pretty sure it's used by empathy... anybody know why it's pegging the CPU?15:49
Dr_Willis!find telepathy-haze15:49
ubottuFound: telepathy-haze15:49
Dr_Willis!info telepathy-haze15:49
ubottutelepathy-haze (source: telepathy-haze): A telepathy connection manager that use libpurple. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0-1ubuntu0.1 (maverick), package size 64 kB, installed size 224 kB15:49
Dr_Willislibpurple = used by a lot of IM clients.15:50
mrgreaperit says the sys linux 4.03 the error is no configuration file found (under that ) no default or ui configuration directive found15:50
Dr_WillisNo idea on the cpu issue however.15:50
mrgreaperthen it just has boot:15:50
hoopy_dang :\15:50
mrgreaperno little man15:51
hoopy_it definitely is empathy... just closed the process and now htop isn't showing telepathy-haze15:51
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  theres a bug i recall in the boot disk maker that makes an invalid syslinux.cfg file.15:51
hoopy_er... clsoed empathy15:51
mrgreaperif we go back to windows it shows the usb drive as install ubuntu15:51
mrgreapercan i make the file manualy?15:51
hoopy_i wonder if it has anything to do with it being a virtualbox15:51
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  plug the flash drive  in the other pc, and look for a syslinux.cfg file. you need to edit one line i recall (from memory)15:52
mrgreaperwere booting it back into windows now15:52
Dr_Williswhy not jus tplug it into the pc you are using now. :)15:52
Combatjuanfood: So you think that the selection is stored somewhere in the package's install files?  debconf-set-selection made it sound as though there were a database somewhere kept by apt.15:52
mrgreaperonce its up ill put the config file into paste bin15:52
dios_Hello, i just installed ubuntu and netbeans for php/mysql purpose, im not familiar with linux nor ubuntu. Is there a item in the ubuntu software center that includes both php and mysql for local testing15:53
dios_maybe also includeing phpmyadmin15:54
brontosaurusrexphpmyadmin will need a web server as well dios_15:54
brontosaurusrexdios_ check "sudo tasksel"15:55
Dr_Willismrgreaper:  i belive the fix is in  syslinux/syslinux.cfg  put a # at the start of the line that says 'default vesamenu.c32 '   You COULD try chanbging it to 'default live'15:55
Dr_Willisthat should skip the fancy grub menu interface and just boot the live system.15:55
Dr_Willisthis is an old bug that ive seen affect ubuntu for some time. Not sure what the deal is with iot15:56
Dr_Willisbbl. gotta help the wife move furinture15:56
C4KL1M-2hi all, is it true that canon is not going to run ubuntu project naymore?15:56
brontosaurusrexC4KL1M-2, true, canon will make DSLRs now15:57
C4KL1M-2whats DSLR?15:57
CombatjuanThe file /var/lib/dpkg/info/sun-java54-jre.config seems to use functions from /usr/share/debconf/confmodule called "db_get" and "db_fset", but they use shell script foo beyond my comprehension.  I can't figure out what they are actually doing.15:58
SnowmanX11How can I get a list of installed codecs?15:58
Neo_KiplingDr_Willis: thanks, and is this possible because i install the ecryptfs? I remember first i installed this pkg, then restarted X-org, when i reboot system, then cron session beginning repeat15:58
mrgreaperok i change it to http://pastebin.com/Aq06Dmj0 removed the # at the end and added a hash at the default vasamenu.c3215:59
mrgreapersame error15:59
brontosaurusrexSnowmanX11, sorry, was joking, you meant canonical probably? :)15:59
C4KL1M-2@bronto , yes i mean canonical16:01
SnowmanX11brontosaurusrex: ??? I am looking for a command which make a list of installed multimedia codecs on my system16:01
C4KL1M-2* meant16:01
mrgreapernow trying it changed to default live16:01
oCeanC4KL1M-2: offtopic chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please16:01
mrgreapersame error16:01
mrgreapercan it be installed from inside windows but told to boot directly into it?16:03
mrgreaperkinda stuck for ideas at mo16:03
MK``can I use GNOME Shell with Compiz Fusion?16:04
erUSULMK``: do not think so16:05
MK``Ok, thanks erUSUL16:05
Teekoanyone know what could cause this error: 20110425 15:05 ERROR [StartUp] Error in creating Database Object: could not find driver16:05
AnanD_is there any game engine that run in ubuntu ?16:05
Teekocant find anything that could cause it :/16:05
arandAnanD_: Cube2 is one.. pygame.. ioquake..16:06
erUSULAnanD_: id gmae engines do.16:06
PiciTeeko: It would help if you mentioned where you are getting that error.16:06
AnanD_untiy game engine for windows.  which can be installed in ubuntu?16:06
arandAnanD_: I think at least pygame is some form of engine, not perfectly sure16:07
Teekoin an ssh file16:07
erUSULAnanD_: ogre ( free software )16:07
Teekoits from something called budabot, its a chat automation for a game i play16:07
Teekoi know it uses php and sqlite, and ive installed bothof those, cant find out anything else it would be dependent on :/16:07
AnanD_arand, erUSUL thank you16:07
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DexterFis it possible that adobe flash in 9.10 is horribly broken after that latest update?16:08
dabbish_Why does this always return true? http://dpaste.com/535468/16:08
mrgreaperwere now extracting the cd and using the usb creator on that as per a guide on the forums lol16:08
brontosaurusrexSnowmanX11, if you mean gstreamer stuff then try "gst-inspect"16:09
voidrhi, I installed Ubuntu 11.4 under virtualbox, it complained about the display driver so it disabled unity, but after I installed the drivers it still gives no option to switch back to unity, what should i do?16:09
Picidabbish_: Thats probably a better question for #jquery or ##javascript16:09
Picivoidr : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:09
dabbish_Pici: oops, wrong channel16:10
SixtyFoldwhat program is responsible for running the panels and applications/places/system bar part of ubuntu?16:10
SixtyFoldit's currently frozen on me16:10
PiciSixtyFold: gnome-panel.16:10
SnowmanX11brontosaurusrex: maybe. I will look for it, thanks.16:10
PiciSixtyFold: If you killall gnome-panel, it should start up again automagically.16:11
SixtyFoldthanks pici, that was my plan, i just didnt know the name of it :D16:11
ImperialXTI'm gonna assume it's still not possible in gnome currently to have different wallpapers on each monitor without using gimp16:11
SixtyFoldim all good now, thanks guys :D16:11
patrunjelguys, i have found in a book something like this : (while root) /usr/sbin/useradd -D . And that's all. So, the path (/usr/sbin/useradd) is to some kind of shell script, and it gets interpreted as a command, or how does it actually work?16:11
dhabhey guys, i've noticed some .log files on my desktop, and just realised they related to the LibreOffice crashs i've been having, should I be sending them somewhere?16:12
erUSUL!bugs | dhab16:12
ubottudhab: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:12
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Picipatrunjel: useradd is a binary, its not a script.16:12
dhabyep, thanks, its on line 11...16:13
dhaberUSUL: i can just delete them though when i'm done right?16:14
erUSULdhab: probably; once you attached/uploaded them to launchpad...16:14
Neo_KiplingHi, fellows, my cron trigger each session twice, exactly, i find out a screen session triggered by upstart also repeat twice. Maybe this happening since i installed ecryptfs and restarted X-org without reboot, anybody know why?16:15
dhaboh, that was the other thing, do these .log files have sensitive information about me? passwords etc16:16
MC8Howdy, a friend of mine says that they accidentally clicked "remove from panel" and their whole topbar has disappeared. Does anyone know the command to get it back again/reset to default?16:17
erUSULdhab: i doubt it free software people are very concerned about privacy. but can not say for sure16:17
erUSUL!panels | MC816:18
ubottuMC8: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:18
a-sainthello guys i have a dvd sony cam any program recommended for importing the recorded dvd16:19
ZenGuyI need some help from some commandline gurus .. I want to move video files from a sub directory to 1 level up or to another directory at one time..like move file from sub, sub2, sub3, sub4 to directory 016:19
dhabyep, i'm not familiar with the content of these files. about all i can make sense of is the bit about the number of cpus down the bottom :-), thanks again16:19
ZenGuya-saint: dv-tape or actual dvd because i need help getting a dv tape imported16:20
PiciZenGuy: Perhaps... find ./subpath/ -iname "*.whatever" -exec mv {} .. \;16:21
ZenGuypici the sub directories are different names16:22
ZenGuyi don't mid if there is a command that will check all subdirectories16:23
a-saintZenGuy it's a dvd not a mini dv16:23
PiciZenGuy: Then just use . instead of ./subpath/16:24
oCeanZenGuy: if all the files are under /home/zenguy, then that is your starting found. Try with "cd /home/zenguy" then "find . -iname "*.mov" -exec ls -al {} \;16:24
ZenGuyPici: ok16:24
CombatjuanUpdate: It looks like the sun java license check is stored in /var/cache/debconf/config.dat16:24
ZenGuyoCean: will it move the files to the folder i'm searching from/one level up?16:25
oCeanZenGuy: the command in my example will just list files found16:25
ZenGuyocean oh ok16:25
oCeanZenGuy: Pici's command will actually move the files 1 dir up from where you are. You can replace that part of the command by mv {} /home/newdir \;16:26
ZenGuyocean ok16:27
mia158I cannot seem get maximum volume on my USB headphones.16:28
brontosaurusrexa-saint, and you can see your 'dvd' as list of mpeg2 files right? or is it actually dvd structure, vobs and stuff?16:28
erUSULPici: you want execdir for that to work ( if it even works ) afaics; don't you?16:29
DaraelAm I misunderstanding the uptime manpage, or am I right in thinking that a load-average of eleven or more, on a 4-core system, with CPU-usage below 25% as reported by htop ought not to be possible?16:30
ikoniaDarael: certainly possible,16:30
PicierUSUL: er, I hadn't tested it myself. I've rarely needed execdir ever though.16:30
ikoniaDarael: don't forget uptime is an average,16:30
a-saintbrontosaurusrex vobs and stuff16:30
Picia-saint: handbrake is very useful tool for backing up your DVDs.16:31
a-saintbrontosaurusrex Pici I need to import them for known media types like mpegs or something16:32
usuario3k eces16:32
Picia-saint: handbrake can create mpegs16:32
erUSUL!es | usuario316:32
ubottuusuario3: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:32
padhuanyone suggest me the good Home design software other than sweetHome3D?16:32
a-saintPici I see will download the package16:32
usuario3kieres sali con migo16:32
kesorhey i am getting  "Who has 192.***.1.2?  Tell 192.***.1.7" from another ip thats not mine, does it means they are sniffing me too?16:33
brontosaurusrexa-saint, what is your plan to do with this files?16:33
a-saintbrontosaurusrex import them for later editing or just archive them because i need the mini dvds for other video shots16:34
brontosaurusrexpadhu, the google sketch, if it is on linux allready, its a relatively simple 3d thingy16:34
Picikesor: no.16:34
brontosaurusrexa-saint, so just copy them to hd and see if you can open them directly into kdenlive for editing16:34
Picikesor: thats what normal traffic on a network with multiple computers looks like.16:35
padhubrontosaurusrex: I will try it, :-)16:35
brontosaurusrexa-saint, in any case just archive the originals, you can always make specilaized version for editing purposes16:35
Picikesor: Better details would probably be appropriate for ##networking16:35
mia158what can I do to troubleshoot volume on usb headphones?16:35
kesorPici, but what is it?16:35
kesorPici : thanks16:36
a-saintbrontosaurusrex i was able to see them straight from the dvds so i believe it's possible to do so after a copy16:36
brontosaurusrexa-saint, i think i did mpeg2 shoot -> convert to dv files for editing -> convert to mp4 (avc/aac) for web, then delete dv intermediates, archive original mpeg2s16:36
brontosaurusrexa-saint, mplayer, vlc, ect should be able to play vobs directly16:37
a-saintbrontosaurusrex but should I copy the entire VIDEO_TS dir or just the *.vob thing16:37
brontosaurusrexa-saint, depends on how the dvd is structured, if there is a new vob for everytime you press record, i would just store vobs16:38
brontosaurusrexa-saint, play some vobs directly with some player and see whats the case16:39
lucas_someone please help me... I want to set an alternative path to /etc/alternatives at bootup16:39
a-saintbrontosaurusrex yes I believe it's a new *.vob every time i start stop recording16:39
tuhlI sync 2600 contacts into desktop couchdb16:39
ikonialucas_: why ?16:39
KickHi guys, I saw a vidio of a guy who had a system monitor on his desktop that looked sharp. Anyone know the app or know of a good sharp app that could be used?16:39
tuhlevolution gets a timeout16:39
ikoniaKick: conky is popular16:40
macoKick: conky?16:40
tuhlin 11.0416:40
brontosaurusrexa-saint, thats it then, just make a folder(s), like "my voby vacations 2010" and copy vobs there16:40
Picituhl : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:40
a-saintbrontosaurusrex let me try and copy a .vob file to home dir and try and play it alone16:40
sacarlsonlucas_: only at boot?  how about a symbolic link  man ln16:40
japtolhas anyone here installed gazelle successfully16:40
brontosaurusrexa-saint, yes, do that16:40
Kickikonia, conky? :P I don't see it on the software center :)16:40
ikoniaKick: it's there16:40
tuhlPici: thanks16:40
Kickikonia, Ah! I see it16:41
wipmonkeyanyone using 11.04 with a palm pre as a wifi hotspot?16:41
Piciwipmonkey : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.16:41
lucas_ikonia: creating a live cd with nvidia drivers on it. Thought that in a configured system with nvidia I could just point alternatives to that directory16:41
wipmonkeyPici: thanks16:42
japtolhas anone here installed gazelle before16:42
=== ubuntu is now known as pankaj_sharma
a-saintbrontosaurusrex and am downloading kdenlive16:43
greenmang0guys i just installed xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu 10.10 ... now i want to completely remove gnome desktop .. which package should i uninstall?16:43
=== ChrisBuc1holz is now known as ChrisBuchholz
MrGuyAnyone have any luck getting a G35 headset working?16:45
html_inprogresswhats that?16:46
sauloI have problems with ubuntu in a netbook: All my keys are detected into xev, but qt does not support my "enable/disable touchpad key". I've tryed install kernel 2.6.38 from Natty (http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.38-natty/)  and this keycode changes, but another keys stop working. My version is 10.10 and I already tryed #debian irc channel, but the kernel and codes sounds...16:46
saulo...different there16:46
nyuszika7hNatty is released?16:46
MrGuyA logitech 7.1 headset with a microphone on it16:46
oneirosFadeTrying to set up a process (?) that shares the default desktop via VNC - can someone help?16:46
MrGuyShows up in the sound settings, but no soundcard symbol next to it unlike the other options16:47
a-saintbrontosaurusrex the .vob file plays normal from home folder16:47
sauloMy kernel is 2.6.35-29-generic and my netbook is EEE-PC 1005-HA. Somebody could help me?16:47
saulonyuszika7h: Natty isn't released yet, from my best knowledge16:48
brontosaurusrexa-saint, ok, and kdenlive should be in repos16:48
oCean!isitout | nyuszika7h16:48
ubottunyuszika7h: It's way too early for it to be out; check back on the 28th.16:48
a-saintyes am installing it from the ubuntu software center16:49
a-saintbrontosaurusrex am just wondering what are the other files used for "the bup and the ifo files16:50
=== talas_ is now known as talas
zaytsevdoes anyone know if there are any "fake" latex (texlive) packages to satisfy dependencies for those using textlive manual installs in /opt?16:51
zaytsevlyx etc. is pulling the whole texlive thing for me :-/16:51
brontosaurusrexa-saint, those are to do with dvd structure somehow, you dont need them, but it wont hurt to include them, they should be small16:52
brontosaurusrexa-saint, in a case you would want to just burn a dvd as it was, i mean16:52
gnychis_has anyone gotten pretty printing to work with glib and gdb in Ubuntu?16:53
a-saintbrontosaurusrex hm i see so it's better to copy the entire dir than the *.vob file16:53
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
a-saintbrontosaurusrex ok thanks a lot16:54
brontosaurusrexa-saint, like i said, just in case you would want to recreate the dvd as it was shot16:54
a-saintbrontosaurusrex yeah thanks a lot16:55
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
UbuntuHello can i get a Cd of the new version of Ubuntu sent when it is released16:55
PiciUbuntu: Only if you'd like to buy one.16:56
UbuntuOk i'll wait wait and put it on a flash drive16:56
PiciCanonical are no longer offering free CDs via shipit :/16:57
mknarrThat is because noone was donating $$16:57
Dr_Willisthen they wouldent be free. :)16:57
* Abhijit is one of those who got cds from last lot of shipit!!! :-p16:58
mknarru didnt have to pay but they asked for a small donation  but it wasnt manditior16:58
Dr_Willischeapbytes.com i recall has  most disrto cd'd for reasonable prices.16:58
a-saintDr_Willis i didn't thank you last time for your help in partitioning my external HD so thank you17:00
wipmonkeysome people are too cheap.17:01
rich_is anyone good with mod_rewrites?17:01
velcroshoozanyone running WOW under 10.10/wine and experiencing sound loss intermittently, requiring a restart of WOW to get it back?17:02
iceroot!appdb | velcroshooz17:06
ubottuvelcroshooz: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:06
rich542hi, if I want to build a custom kernel for ubuntu netbook ed., do I need to make certain targets, or are the standard instructions ok?17:10
Abhijit!kernel | rich54217:12
ubotturich542: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)17:12
=== dave is now known as Guest64737
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:13
JeffJassky!Mainline kernel | dhab17:13
rich542Abhijit, yeah that's what I'm following, how does that help.17:13
rich542I'm making all targets as per the instructions.17:14
Abhijitrich542, link for how to complie kernel is given in above message. see it17:14
Name141eh, is there a program like Prime95 ?17:14
icerootName141: cpuburn17:15
Name141iceroot: that'll let me see how the new machine is gonna do under stress ?17:15
icerootName141: correct17:16
Name141iceroot: is it via live? or do I need a repo to download it first17:16
icerootName141: repo17:16
icerootName141: also there is prime95 for ubuntu (check the website of prime)17:17
Name141iceroot: I'm running it off of a flash drive right now and haven't installed the hard drive/dvd burner17:17
icerootName141: sudo apt-get install cpuburn17:17
icerootName141: and why you need a hardisk or a burner?just install it from the repos17:18
Name141iceroot: which repo does it come off of so I can enable it17:18
iceroot!info cpuburn17:18
ubottucpuburn (source: cpuburn): a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-40 (maverick), package size 15 kB, installed size 112 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)17:18
mfilipeno update today :S17:18
mfilipeanyone knows any sensors applet to unity?17:18
icerootName141: the universe repo17:18
mimmostellaCiao a tutti!!!17:19