
=== doko_ is now known as doko
jamespagedoko: around to talk UDS-O/Java related stuff?14:52
dokojamespage: sure15:03
jamespagewell that's one of the things on my list :-)15:04
jamespageso I did think about raising a general housekeeping spec; but decided not to as I don't think thats really relevant for discussion at UDS this time15:05
jamespagehowever maven2/3 and where it currently sits in the Ubuntu archive probably is.15:05
jamespageI've started to see a bit of a trend for libraries that had been transferred to ant based builds now shifting back to maven based build15:06
jamespagethe maven-deb-helper package is now pretty good and I think its actually easier to package maven based projects than ant ones now :-)15:06
jamespageMaven3 looks like it is still a little way off in Debian; i.e. discussion and some ITP's but not much progress yet (as far a I can make out)15:07
dokomy other topics for java would be the java arm status (Xerces RAngby and Robert Lougher are at UDS), and openjdk-715:07
jamespagesounds good; OpenJDK 7 is due to lang mid year?15:08
jamespageshould bring some good features (aside from the fact that they dropped Jigsaw :-()15:10
jamespagedoko: so my other topic was around JOnAS and OpenJDK compatibility15:11
jamespagedoko: not sure whether you have had a change to sign-up with ow2 so we can actually see what the issues are?15:12
jamespage(my paperwork is in the post somewhere~)15:12
dokoright, but I'm not yet sure about a default change to openjdk-715:12
dokoI assume that would need a rebuild15:13
jamespageow2: http://www.ow2.org/15:13
jamespageagree on probably not switching default openjdk for 11.10 - might make sense in 12.04 once upstream project have had a chance to catchup15:14
jamespagedoko: the other consideration is that Java is not source backwards compatible; although binaries should continue to work15:18
jamespagethis just does not play nicely from a supportability perspective15:19
dokoright, so we should find out what ftbfs15:19
jamespagewell that would be a good start :-)15:19
dokootoh, even openjdk zero/shark currently is broken15:19
jamespagedoko: so are you intending to run sessions for the two topics you suggested?15:21
dokoarm, yes, 7? maybe that could be part of a general java planning session15:22
jamespagedoko: OK - I'll raise a general Java spec for housekeeping, maven and openjdk 7 as they look like the fit together nicely15:23
dokook, shouldn't take more time15:24
jamespageso with regards to the JOnAS session; OK if I subscribe you to it as essential as I think a good part of the conversation is going to be about JDK compatibility15:25
dokobut I can't promise to have information for compatibility until uds15:33

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