Irishmanluke | the main flavor in mountain dew is orange juice | 00:50 |
TheEvilPhoenix | is anyone able to help me test the SKS PGP KeyServer I just set up, by testing the main web interface page? | 01:05 |
jedijf | TheEvilPhoenix: yes | 01:07 |
TheEvilPhoenix | jedijf: | 01:07 |
PennBot | Title: SKS Search Page (at | 01:07 |
TheEvilPhoenix | use one of the examples listed on that page | 01:08 |
TheEvilPhoenix | jedijf: i was having issues getting it to show the results, i want to make sure its not just my system | 01:09 |
jedijf | no worky | 01:09 |
TheEvilPhoenix | bah | 01:09 |
jedijf | Error handling request | 01:10 |
jedijf | Error handling request: No keys found | 01:10 |
TheEvilPhoenix | OH WAIT | 01:10 |
TheEvilPhoenix | i found the issue | 01:10 |
TheEvilPhoenix | the gpg line I entered failed | 01:10 |
TheEvilPhoenix | sec | 01:10 |
TheEvilPhoenix | try now | 01:11 |
Irishmanluke | doesn't work for me either | 01:11 |
TheEvilPhoenix | Irishmanluke: i had to push the key up | 01:11 |
Irishmanluke | it works now | 01:11 |
TheEvilPhoenix | when i entered the gpg command it died | 01:11 |
TheEvilPhoenix | ah very good thanks | 01:11 |
Irishmanluke | yay! | 01:11 |
jedijf | TheEvilPhoenix: the example works | 01:15 |
jedijf | not me though | 01:15 |
TheEvilPhoenix | jedijf: true, its not an ubuntu keyserver | 01:15 |
TheEvilPhoenix | it runs off one of my VPSes | 01:15 |
TheEvilPhoenix | and I didnt build it with a keydump | 01:15 |
mikedep333 | it's interesting to watch what packages are getting updated on natty at the last minute | 02:30 |
mikedep333 | lsb to reflect the ubuntu version | 02:30 |
mikedep333 | tzdata (time zone) | 02:30 |
Irishmanluke | I had to do time zone conversion in C++ a week or so ago | 02:33 |
Irishmanluke | couldn't find a completely straightforward way | 02:35 |
mikedep333 | Irishmanluke: I'd think there would be an easy way | 02:40 |
mikedep333 | or a unix/linux CLI binary you could call | 02:40 |
mikedep333 | I thought GNU featured internationalized kitchen sinks | 02:40 |
Irishmanluke | well the way I ended up doing it with boost wasn't too bad, it just felt like too many classes to go through to do one conversion | 02:57 |
mikedep333 | Irishmanluke: gotcha | 03:01 |
mikedep333 | reuse, reuse, reuse! | 03:02 |
waltman | Irishmanluke: I think I'd use setenv(3) to change TZ, and then call localtime(3). | 03:38 |
waltman | there are other system calls to get an epoch time from the date/time | 03:39 |
JonathanD | Morning PA | 10:59 |
rmg51 | morning JonathanD | 11:21 |
JonathanD | howdy rmg51 | 11:21 |
rmg51 | o/ | 11:21 |
=== Pici` is now known as Pici | ||
InHisName | Howdy all of you morning folks! | 14:45 |
jedijf | andrew: what camera bag/sling did you get | 14:53 |
ChinnoDog | bts3685|vps: | 15:42 |
PennBot | Title: Google Reader (at | 15:42 |
ChinnoDog | oh | 15:42 |
ChinnoDog | bts3685|vps: | 15:42 |
PennBot | Title: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (at | 15:42 |
ChinnoDog | try that one instead | 15:42 |
* ChinnoDog ponders lunch | 16:55 | |
JonathanD | mm lunch. | 17:14 |
andrew | bts3685|vps: | 17:17 |
PennBot | Title: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (at | 17:17 |
andrew | jedijf: lowepro slingshot 302 aw | 17:18 |
andrew | darn | 17:18 |
andrew | ChinnoDog beat me to it | 17:18 |
ChinnoDog | yay I win | 17:24 |
andrew | hrm, to head into work today or keep working at home... | 17:29 |
andrew | I think I'm staying home | 17:29 |
andrew | Only disadvantage is if I was at work, I could walk and get a free pretzel in town | 17:30 |
waltman | oh, I forgot about free pretzels! | 17:30 |
andrew | meh, cost me more to drive to work than the pretzel is worth | 17:30 |
waltman | that's something to get me out of the house this afternoon :) | 17:30 |
=== Pici is now known as Guest67539 | ||
=== Pici` is now known as Pici | ||
InHisName | Everyone left for free pretzels ? Sooooo quiet around here lately. | 19:43 |
ssweeny | free pretzels? | 19:44 |
* ssweeny would like some free pretzels | 19:44 | |
andrew | ssweeny: philly pretzel factory for nat'l pretzel day | 19:49 |
ssweeny | andrew, i may have some trouble getting there today. can you save me one? | 19:51 |
andrew | ssweeny: I wasn't feeling well this morning, so I stayed home, and won't be having one myself | 19:51 |
ssweeny | keep in mind i live 300 miles away so it could be a while before i collect | 19:51 |
waltman | they freeze well. but not forever. | 19:51 |
andrew | ssweeny: Where are you that the nearest location is 300 miles away? | 19:56 |
andrew | And don't say Erie, because there are locations in state college and pittsburg | 19:56 |
ssweeny | andrew, i'm in pittsburgh, but i don't believe we have a philly pretzel factory | 19:58 |
ChinnoDog | THere is one in Lititz O_O | 19:58 |
ssweeny | someone would have burned it down | 19:58 |
ChinnoDog | lol | 19:58 |
andrew | ssweeny: | 19:58 |
andrew | 1150 Washington Pike | 19:58 |
andrew | Bridgeville, PA 15017-2846 | 19:58 |
andrew | (412) 206-0425 | 19:58 |
andrew | This user wrote a very helpful review about that Philly Pretzel Factory: | 20:01 |
PennBot | Title: Google Maps (at | 20:01 |
andrew | I will assume by ssweeny 's lack of response that he's busy taking the 15 minute drive to get there. | 20:03 |
ChinnoDog | I might have to stop in Lititz on my way home for a pretzel | 20:04 |
waltman | dammit, now I want to run out for a pretzel | 20:10 |
ssweeny | mmm pretzel | 20:13 |
ssweeny | it's a bit more than a 15 minute drive from here | 20:13 |
ssweeny | but it may be worth it | 20:13 |
andrew | DO IT | 20:18 |
andrew | (You've already used up your excuses for this.) | 20:18 |
andrew | Also, I delt with the flashastraphy of a website to get you location info | 20:19 |
ssweeny | andrew, your sacrifice will not go unnoticed | 20:24 |
ssweeny | until i am too focused on a pretzel to care | 20:24 |
andrew | But at that point, my sacrifice will have been worth it | 20:25 |
waltman | mmm, fresh hot soft pretzel factory pretzels taste even better when they're free :) | 21:21 |
JonathanD | mmmm | 21:27 |
ChinnoDog | sudo get me a pretzel | 21:47 |
andrew | ditto | 21:48 |
waltman | I got half a dozen, so come on over. | 21:51 |
andrew | meh, that's even further | 21:51 |
ChinnoDog | A half dozen? They couldn't have all been free. | 21:59 |
waltman | I figured it wasn't worth driving over there for just one, so I bought 5 for $2 and came home with a half dozen. | 22:07 |
waltman | of course, that's what they *want* you to do! | 22:07 |
andrew | 5/$2 isn't bad | 22:12 |
andrew | hmm | 22:12 |
waltman | 6/$2 is even better! :) | 22:20 |
andrew | tre | 22:20 |
andrew | true* | 22:20 |
Irishmanluke | mmm pretzels | 23:11 |
Irishmanluke | it is a lot of flash on that website | 23:16 |
Irishmanluke | why is there no philly pretzel factory in philly | 23:16 |
Irishmanluke | nvm | 23:16 |
Irishmanluke | it looks like it's 69th street or center city, no time | 23:22 |
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