
=== rexbron_ is now known as rexbron
rexbronTheMuso: Hey Luke, are you familiar with dmraid?02:51
Kokitohello folks02:58
holsteinKokito: o/03:14
holsteinScottL: i see we have new builds?03:14
holsteinmaybe not...03:14
holsteinmaybe im just getting the notification from the test tracker03:14
holsteinhopefully i have time tomorrow to do a few 64bits03:15
Kokitohey holstein 03:15
ScottLholstein, i think they are rebuilding yet again03:25
ScottLi was going to ask in #ubuntu-release03:25
ScottLholstein, there seems to be some questions not answered yet, it may not be prudent to test right now03:35
holsteinScottL: i'll check in03:43
holsteinbefore i get crackin03:43
holsteinit would be tomorrow afternoon anyways03:43
ScottLi think this is the second rebuild already :/03:45
ScottLi hope it is sorted soon as we release in three days03:45
holsteini know right?03:46
holsteinScottL: nothing we/i can do though right?03:46
holsteinjust test?03:46
ScottLno, nothing for us to do but test03:47
ScottLi think it has to do with all the alternate images03:47
ScottLnot ubuntu studio specific03:47
ScottLholstein, it looks like the builds might not respin again12:50
ScottLholstein, if you wanted to test the amd64 ISO's that would be awesome12:51
ScottLholstein, i'm downloading the i386 currently and will do this this afternoon/evening when i get home12:51
astraljavaScottL: I plan to test the amd64 too, a test install about a week ago went fine, but will check now. Also will give Alessio's kernel a spin too, though cannot test for xruns in recording and the like, but at least for basic functionality.13:50
astraljava...and by planning to test it I meant tonight, like in a couple of hours.13:51
holsteinastraljava: that would be great :)14:45
holsteinscott-work: astraljava 15:24
holsteinlooks like we might have new iso?15:25
holsteinmaybe not...15:25
holsteinjust make sure you have 20110426.115:25
holsteinOR better yet15:25
holsteinconfirm with -release15:25
holsteinsux to do all that work on old ones :/15:25
scott-workholstein: yeah, this is very frustrating :|15:37
scott-workit looks like 13:26 UTC cjwatson said that all the alternatives are rebuilding because the -security repository wasn't enabled by default :(15:42
holsteina valid reason15:46
holsteini like it :)15:46
scott-workyeah, but we have very limited resources to do testing and i think there has been four or five images in the past three days?15:59
scott-workand it is tough to ask people to test and test and test when they all have other things to do15:59
holsteini unoffically swore to procrastinate15:59
scott-workbut people from #ubuntu-testing help quite a bit as well16:00
holsteini forget when it was i tested16:00
scott-worklol holstein, good plan!16:00
holsteinand we got all new images *while* i was testing the last case16:00
holsteinand i was sad :/16:00
holstein*not that im doing that now16:00
holsteinim actually busy16:00
holsteinstraightening out a website16:00
holsteinand getting some guy online16:00
holsteina friend of a friend16:01
scott-worki'm a little irritated because it's a bit of a process for me, i have to download (i use zsync though), then setup a machine, install ... do try to trhead this around watching kids, cooking dinner, cleaning up, taking dogs outside, helping with homework, keeping the kids from beating up each other, etc, etc, etc16:01
holsteini play tonite, but i should be home at a somewhat resonable hour16:01
holsteini could do some testing then16:01
holsteinscott-work: OH, i hear you16:02
scott-workholstein: what kind of website?  like a hosted webpage? or like a bandcamp thing?16:02
holsteini did 3 tests that day16:02
holsteinand it took 4ever16:02
scott-workholstein: is he a musician?16:02
holsteinscott-work: nah, its an auctioneer16:02
holsteinlocal guys16:02
scott-worki didn't know you knew how to do website :P16:02
holsteinim more of a technical consultant for them16:02
holsteinthey need to change info a lot16:03
holsteini moved them to a weebly site16:03
holsteinin hopes that it would be easy for them16:03
holsteina nice balance of functionality and ease16:03
scott-workweebly?  never heard of it, but then again, there's crap loads that i've never heard of either16:03
holsteinscott-work: i think its one of the better 'we make a site for you' sites16:04
scott-workah cool16:04
holsteinyou can make elements16:04
holsteinwith nice slide shows16:04
holsteinwhich they need16:04
holsteinand of course whatever text16:04
holsteinyou can bounce those elements between pages16:04
holsteinsomething that the old site didnt allow them to do easily16:05
holsteinwhen an auction happens16:05
holsteinthey need to move it to another page16:05
holsteinthey were doing things like leaving SD cards with pictures on them at the office16:07
holsteinpeople driving 30 minutes to make that happen16:07
holsteinand put pictures on the site16:07
holsteini got them on dropbox16:07
holsteinjust little simple time-saving tools like that16:08
scott-workwow, you really hooked them up then :)16:08
scott-worki was looking at the weebly site a bit16:08
holsteinits not bad16:08
holsteindecent prices too16:09
holsteinim just forwarding their URL16:09
holsteinso, they can bail on it if they want16:09
holsteinbut, so far, its working for them16:09
holsteinthe girl that was entering data just moved16:09
holsteinand they need someone else to do it16:09
holsteinSO, im kinda covering for that for a minute16:10
holsteinsince they have 6 auctions coming up in the next few weeks16:10
holsteintheir mailing list is a totally mess16:10
holsteinthats next*16:10
holsteinyou cant un-subscribe16:11
holsteinnothing is auto-mated16:11
scott-workheh, i watched the weebly video on their homepage and now i want to make a website :P16:17
holsteinive tried some of the others16:21
holsteineven the weebly ad on the totally free site is subtle16:21
holsteinand down at the bottom16:21
holsteinthese guys are paying, and i get to see some of the extra things you get when you pay16:22
scott-worki dont' really have a reason to build a website, i'd be doing it for fun...but seeing as i don't really have time i probably won't16:22
scott-workholstein: i asked cjwatson if they were planning any further respins to please let me know as we had people scheduled to test, he said that this was the last of which he was aware16:46
astraljavaholstein: I used the link on iso.qa.u.c18:01
astraljavaholstein: Shouldn't that be what needs to be tested?18:01
holsteinastraljava: hopefully18:05
holsteini got an email since you said you were testing18:06
holsteinthat said there were new ISO's18:06
holsteinso i wanted to let you know18:06
astraljavaOh crap, so did I.18:06
astraljavaOh well, zsync should get it fast.18:06
astraljavaGood call, thanks for the heads up!18:06
holstein^ thats *should* be the lastest18:06
holsteinastraljava: yeah, its a drag wasting time on old ones18:07
astraljavaIt would be. Fortunately started reading the channel backlog right before starting the installer. :)18:10
astraljavaEntire disk without encryption succeeded, and thusly reported.19:33
astraljavaAuto-resize similarily succeeded, and reported.20:07
holsteinastraljava: you are awesome20:08
holsteineveryone thanks you :)20:08
* astraljava bows humbly20:08
astraljavaWish I can do much, much more the next cycle, though.20:09
astraljavaPlanning to, and might succeed this time around.20:09
scott-workthanks astraljava , that is awesome :)20:11
holsteinastraljava: hey, this iso testing is SO helpful20:12
scott-workonly amd64 with encryption left20:13
scott-workholstein: are you being sarcastic or serious?20:13
holsteinim serious20:13
holsteinits time consuming20:13
holsteinid rather jab a fork in my eye ;)20:14
holsteinOK, its not that bad20:14
holsteinbut still, its time consuming20:14
holsteinand it seems like we have less and less time to get it done20:14
astraljavaWell, I do still understand the reasoning behind it.20:15
holsteinits necessayre20:16
holsteinits necessary20:16
astraljavascott-work: Doing the encrypted amd64 right as I type.20:17
astraljavascott-work: Also the manual partitioning needs to be done.20:17
astraljavaholstein: Oh okay, just realized what you meant there. :)20:18
holsteinastraljava: regardless, im not trying to be sarcastic20:19
holsteini appreciate your time :)20:19
astraljavaUnderstood. :)20:19
astraljavaIt's fine, I like to test on real hardware, the one I would be using it. Gives me more confidence.20:19
astraljavaWould be faster on virtual machine, but I hate those, and it wouldn't be for real anyway.20:20
astraljavaThat was weird, will have to see it again. Booting into the encrypted requires fiddling with virtual terminals so that you get to see the passphrase dialog on top of splash.20:52
astraljavaYeah, switching to VT[1-6] and then back to 7 is required to see the dialog.20:53
astraljavaI guess the install can be marked successful still?20:53
scott-worki would presume so if you think this is a problem with VM rather than the actual ISO image21:05
astraljavaActually I have no idea what the problem could be. On #ubuntu-testing people aren't seeing this, neither on real hardware (like mine) nor on virtual machines.21:07
astraljavaMarked as passed, but included a bug id lp #771460. Hope it's okay.21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771460 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "Need to switch to VT[1-6] and back to VT7 to see the "unlock with passphrase" dialog on encrypted entire disks installs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77146021:18
astraljavaContinuing for the final test case.21:19
astraljavaAlright, all test cases passed and reported as such.22:10
astraljavaLooking forward to start using the system again. Hopefully some recording during the summer?22:11
astraljavaOh well, time to head to bed now. Catch ya guys later.22:11

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