
jMCgsudo stop httpd-atkobe -- hangs, because I've started the httpd through start-stop-daemon.00:47
jMCgActually it hangs no matter what..02:02
ionI’m almost the forking behavior of that main process doesn’t match “expect fork”.02:06
ionalmost sure02:06
jMCgion: it's an apache server.02:08
ionBetter to remove the “expect” stanza and make the main process not fork if you’re not 100 % sure of how it behaves.02:09
ions/not fork/not daemonize/02:09
ionrather https://bugs.launchpad.net/upstart/+bug/40639702:11
jMCgion: unsure. It starts on boot, but cannot be stopped/restarted later on.02:14
ionYeah, that’s a symptom of using incorrect “expect”.02:15
hunterloftisNew upstart user, simple 1-line script, having trouble understanding permissions... trying (just for now) to run as root02:16
hunterloftisBut I get "-su: line 0: exec: /var/node/golf/server.js: cannot execute: Permission denied"02:16
hunterloftisoh - maybe I need to chmod +x the thing?02:17
hunterloftischeers =)02:18
jMCgion: removed expect, now it doesn't start :-/02:22
jMCgadded expect daemon, and now upstart *thinks* it starts.02:24
jMCghttpd-atkobe start/running, process 142102:24
jMCgi.galic@kobweb /etc/init % ps -cafe | grep 142[1]02:24
steffen_b2exec "$0" "$@"'02:25
steffen_b2doesnt look right actually02:25
steffen_b2hi 02:25
jMCgsteffen_b2: I think scott or ion showed me that02:29
steffen_b2what does that do ? 02:29
steffen_b2/opt/bw/bin/httpd-worker -f /etc/bw/apache/vhosts02:29
steffen_b2looks like this is what you want to execute 02:29
steffen_b2but i shut up 02:30
steffen_b2i dont know the problem 02:30
steffen_b2and need to get some sleep ;) 02:30
=== steffen_b2 is now known as steffen_b|afk
* jMCg too needs to sleep ~_~02:33
TJ_what can be the reason of getting "unable to execute: Permission denied" when i try to start something with upstart that has 777 as mode ?10:59
TJ_ah, never mind... damn.. need more coffee11:02
jMCgthe problem with this:         su -s /bin/sh -c 'exec "$0" "$@"' komunalbedarf.at -- /opt/bw/bin/httpd-worker -f /etc/bw/apache/vhosts/komunalbedarf.at/httpd.conf -k start14:39
jMCgIs that you cannot expect fork or expect daemon in upstart... Expect fork expects one, expect daemon two, but the above should result in three or four forks...14:39
ionSo make it not daemonize.14:40
jMCgYeah. And tell it to expect daemon or what?14:40
ionDrop the “expect”14:40
jMCgAnyway. One more important.. feature, or maybe I'm not aware of that.14:43
jMCgSMF has different modes a service can be in.14:43
jMCgOne of them is "maintenance" meaning the start or restart didn't work.14:44
jMCgSMF also comes with a log file for each service, so when a service is in maintenance you can see why that is.14:44
jMCgI would be enormously useful if something like /var/log/upstart/service[:instance].log was automatically created for every service.14:46
jMCgion: this: http://pastebin.com/QWrtZ4Ei is pretty ugly.14:53
ionexec su …14:54
jMCgBut at least I can start/stop it now. And scott said the next release will come with the feature I most need14:54
jMCgWhat I don't quite get is how upstart can follow here - since httpd has a different session ID... oh...14:56
jMCgIn this case it works because the processes hang on each other, if I kill the shell, the daemon is a goner too, because it didn't detach, so got nothing todo with the session ID.14:58
SpamapSjMCg: such a feature is planned for the near future15:08
SpamapSjMCg: if you want the output of the job logged,   | logger works.15:08
radixI have an /etc/init/munin-node.conf, but "start munin-node" is saying that it's an unknown job21:13
radixI'm not sure why this happened in the first place on my system, since I just installed the munin-node package, but I'm wondering if there's a way to get upstart to tell me what all known jobs are21:14
radixah, I found initctl list21:16
radixaha, and reload-configuration fixed it21:17
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
JanCradix: that shouldn't happen though23:35
JanCunless you disabled inotify in your kernels or something like that  ;)23:36
marruslor are running in a chroot on natty, but....  yeah.23:50

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