
=== varta is now known as varta_
=== varta_ is now known as varta
uofm49426how can i get my laptop to find my desktop in vnc01:51
uofm49426over a wireless network01:51
ArisVerGood morning. A question on memory. System monitor reports 340MB instead of 350MB. How come?04:32
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=== e is now known as m00se
ArisVerHi, i get SOME strange looking characters on my mozilla. I added a translator and i tried to translate some (chinese?) language and instead of english i get something like thailand lettering. I removed the translator but the characters are still there. I'm not even sure whether it was removed completely.06:08
ArisVerAnyone awake?06:16
forkballI haven't had this much fun on a computer in years!06:38
forkballI'm setting up my daughter's first desktop.06:39
forkballShe's going to like the QuietPurple theme06:39
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
jgrateroBest twitter client for xubuntu?13:09
Sysithe one you like the most13:10
Mark76Does anyone here know how to make the Pidgin text input window bigger? No one at pidgin irc is answering13:42
Mark76I can't type properly in this stupidly small space13:49
TheSheepMark76: did you try changing your gtk theme?13:53
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
MK``what do I use to view files on a network?15:12
TheSheepif you mean the 'windows network'15:15
TheSheepaka smb15:15
MK``yes, that is what I meant, thanks15:15
Mark76I did, but it hasn't made any difference15:15
TheSheepMark76: anything custom in your .gtkrc-2.0?15:16
Mark76It only seems to affect some tabs. Not all15:17
Mark76Like this one15:21
G-Karjust installed xubuntu 7.1 on a Mac G3 and I can't get out of busybox16:19
charlie-tcano such release16:19
TheSheepalso, you might check the #ubuntu-ppc channel16:20
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:20
charlie-tcaWe never had a 7.1, and anything older than 8.10 is unsupported now16:21
G-Karok. I'll try and find 8.1 and give it a go16:21
TheSheepthere is no 8.116:22
zenroxthis new xfce is really nice and more polished than 4.6 ver17:55
TheSheepis it?18:05
TheSheepwhat makes you think so?18:05
zenroxwell i have used xfce since 4.318:05
TheSheepyou mean you only used xfce4?18:06
zenroxthare were differances between even in the various 4.whatever lines18:07
TheSheepso what is really nice in it in particular?18:07
zenroxfaster cleaner and easyer configing18:07
=== Pici is now known as Guest67539
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
thecrazygmhey, need a little help19:58
thecrazygmi lost the volume control with the gmusicbrowser thing19:58
thecrazygmall i can add back is the mixer19:58
thecrazygmi'm gonna go have a smoke, so i'll be afk for a sec, if someone could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated20:02
Mark76First left. then take a right20:08
Mark76Past the wheelie bins and it's the third door on your left20:11
Sysitry indicator-plugin20:14
thecrazygmyup that did it20:15
thecrazygmi didn't bother to think that was what did it20:16
thecrazygmi was trying to remove the email/pidgin icon20:16
thecrazygmi guess i removed the whole indicator20:16
Sysithat would be done by removing indicator-messages with package manager20:17
thecrazygmagain thanks20:18
thecrazygmthank you, quick apt-get remove and a kill -HUP and i'm happy now20:20
thecrazygmnot used to debian/ubuntu20:20
thecrazygmnot knew to linux though20:20
thecrazygmbeen using since Slackware 320:20
thecrazygmI've been using Arch for the last few years20:20
thecrazygmgot tired of fidling with config files etc20:21
ArisVerXChat, skip network list on startup, not working, Xubuntu 10.04lts.20:21
thecrazygmjust wanted this desktop to work20:21
charlie-tcaArisVer: what do you mean, skip network list?20:22
charlie-tcaXchat starts with a screen asking which network to use, doesn't it?20:23
charlie-tcaThen you have to click connect to actually do a connection?20:23
ArisVerYes, there is a check box, but still comes with the screen.20:23
charlie-tcaif it doesn't connect to a network, what will it do?20:23
ArisVerNo, the programs i have loaded come back on restart.20:24
ArisVer(most of them)20:24
ArisVerI set up the connections manually.20:25
ArisVerAnd they connect automatically.20:25
charlie-tcaI think that is a feature of Xchat, if you leave it open when restarting20:26
ArisVerI'll close now and check.20:26
ArisVerThe screen did not come back now. It's gone.20:27
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
mikeatvillageAnyone there? I'm new to xchat and xubuntu21:03
ArisVermikeatvillage: Ask your question. If someone knows he will answer you.21:05
mikeatvillageI have plugged in a usb handset but skype does not see it and I can't figure out how to get it recognised21:06
ArisVerIs there a way to put irc on Pidgin?21:10
Unit193Pidgin does handle IRC21:11
Mark76I'm using Pidgin right now21:12
Mark76You just have to add an iRC account21:12
Mark76For whichever network you want to connect to21:13
Unit193Mark76: Did you ever try Finch? (CLI interface to pidgin and looks just like it)21:13
Mark76I haven't21:13
charlie-tcamikeatvillage: try all the usb ports to see if one will recognize it21:13
ArisVerPut the 8001 number at port?21:13
mikeatvillagethanks charlie, I will try now...21:14
charlie-tcait might show up as a drive instead of phone, too21:15
ArisVerFrom Pidig i got a 'NickServ: (notice) ArisVer1 is not a registered nickname'.21:17
Unit193ArisVer: You can't have 2 clients running with the same nick21:18
ArisVerUnit193: What can i do?21:19
mikeatvillageno luck charlie :-( tried all usb ports.21:19
Unit193Log one out or use a different nick in one of the clients(and you're doing that in pidgin)21:20
Unit193ArisVer: ^^21:20
DoctorTruthdoes anyone know of a GOOD! video slideshow creator for Ubuntu as I am trying to create a vcd for mothers day coming up21:21
charlie-tcamikeatvillage: with the phone p21:22
Unit193See ArisVer121:22
charlie-tcaplugged into the computer, does it show anyting in lspci for it?21:22
drcJust noticed that in Additional Drivers (Nvidia - Current version) "This driver is activated but not currently in use". The -current driver works on this machine in Debian and LMDE. Is there something I have missed doing to "use" the proprietary driver in Xubuntu 11.04b[whatever] ?21:22
ArisVerDoes this mean that i can close xchat and use pidgin?21:23
charlie-tcadrc: have you restarted since installing it?21:23
Unit193ArisVer: If you want21:23
charlie-tcamikeatvillage: I could suggest trying in #ubuntu-beginners for more help with that21:24
Unit193ArisVer1: You can now change your nick in Pidgin to ArisVer21:24
ArisVer1Write test!21:24
mikeatvillageNothing that looks relevant charlie21:24
charlie-tcaSo it doesn't see it at all21:24
drccharlie-tca: Many times...this also happens in ubuntu 11.04/Unity...although Unity appeared to work there.21:24
mikeatvillagetvm, I'll head over there21:25
charlie-tcadrc: try clicking the activate button again, and let it reinstall it21:25
drcI forgot the command to see exactly which video driver <is> being used....21:25
ArisVer1Unit193: How?21:25
mikeatvillageactivate button?21:26
drccharlie-tca: Done that, several times.21:26
mikeatvillagesorry, not for me :-)21:26
charlie-tcacommand for which video driver? I use lspci or look in /var/log/xorg21:26
charlie-tcadrc: if unity worked, it is probably gallium21:27
ArisVerXChat seems better. It can remember some commands.21:29
drccharlie-tca: Sounds like something I saw ...somewhere.21:29
charlie-tcagallium is the latest non-proprietary driver for both ati and nvidia21:30
charlie-tcait works well for some cards21:30
Unit193ArisVer: Was AFK. You can do that with Accounts > {IRC Account} > Username21:33
drccharlie-tca: It worked well with Unity for me.21:33
ArisVerYes, but, XChat seems better. It can remember some commands.21:34
ArisVerLike msg nickserv identify21:35
Unit193Pidgin can auto ident with nickserv. But each person should use what they like best! (I use irssi)21:36
charlie-tcaweechat is very good too21:36
ArisVerHow about joining channels? I have not seen an option there.21:37
charlie-tcaI think it is harder to use21:37
ArisVerOn Pidgin.21:37
charlie-tcaI never found an easy way to join channels in pidgin21:37
Unit193File{ish} > Join chat21:40
ArisVerUsing Pidgin i can log in with my nick, but i have to manually enter channels.21:42
Sysii'm currently on irssi, but i like xchat quite much, it's simple21:44
Unit193irssi with some config to tell you what channels go with what numbers makes it easy21:50
Sysii wouldn't use irssi if i wanted autoconnects21:52
charlie-tcaWeechat; features of irrsi with autoconnect and channel names?21:53
Unit193charlie-tca: irssi can/does have that (I just don't like autojoin)21:54
Unit193charlie-tca: irssi autoconnects and idents with nickserv for me too21:55
Sysiafaik weechat doesn't differ that much about irssiabout features , it's just different21:55
drcInteresting...redux again.  It appears that the latest iteration of the Additional Drivers script(s) adds a xorg.conf that tells X not to show the nvidia logo on startup. Changed that and the nvidia logo turns up at the "normal" place in X startup. Looking at the Xorg.0.log it <appears> that X loads the nvidia drive and unloads all the other possible X video drivers (nouveau, etc.).22:02
drcPracticing my google-fu turns up some posts that suggest that the reason for "not currently in use" is because I am not doing anything that requires the 3D aspects of the driver.  Does this sound kosher?22:03
charlie-tcaI don't know, but I have always had it activate if I installed it with hardware/additional drivers.22:04
charlie-tcaI would be very skeptical about that suggestion22:04
charlie-tcaYou could install foobilliard and find out for sure. It uses 3d22:05
drccharlie-tca: Me also, but this has been consistent since doing fresh installs of X/Ubuntu 11.04b2+22:05
charlie-tcalooking at my nvidia machine, let's see.22:06
charlie-tcaI have Experimental 3D support NVIDIA cards - not activated22:06
charlie-tcabut everything works22:06
charlie-tcahilighting the driver, it is activated and in use22:07
charlie-tcaIs that the answer? highlight the driver, and see if it says activated?22:07
Sysinouveau overrides propietary one, check lspci -k22:07
drcfoobilliard appears to work, at least the first screen comes up22:07
charlie-tcayeah, it always does, but is the action smooth or jerky?22:08
Sysiyou have wrong driver in xorg.conf or you need to additionally blackist nouveau22:08
drcSysi: Kernel driver in use: nvidia22:09
drcfrom lspci -k22:09
drc charlie-tca:  All I have been able to do is move the perspective around, but that is smooth22:10
Sysijust wish your system won't explode with updates.. i don't consider jockey trustworthy22:11
charlie-tcaand is the driver now activated?22:11
charlie-tca(system now requires 3d)22:11
drccharlie-tca: nope, activated but not in use22:12
drchow does one play this game?22:12
charlie-tcaPretty sure the ""not currently in use" is because I am not doing anything that requires the 3D aspects of the driver." is nonsense22:12
charlie-tcaroller on the mouse to hit hard or soft, enter to shoot, left/right arrows to move around the table, right control or right shift + left mouse to move the cue ball when allowed22:14
charlie-tcaESC to bring up the menu22:15
drccharlie-tca: smooth as silk22:16
drchttp://pastebin.com/KFF7D0W6   Xorg.0.log22:16
charlie-tcaI went and looked, right shift + left mouse to move the cue ball22:16
charlie-tcaThen it should be working, even if it doesn't know it22:16
charlie-tcaIf it is smooth, 3d is working22:17
drccharlie-tca: Ok, I'm officially confused now :)22:17
charlie-tcaNVIDIA dlloader X Driver  270.41.06  Mon Apr 18 14:55:51 PDT 201122:18
drcEverything <appears> to be working correctly.  It's not a big deal to me what the caption says, but it does confuse me.22:18
charlie-tcalooks like nvidia hardware driver22:18
charlie-tcaconfusing, yes. Working, yes22:19
drcWell, if I'm gonna play pool, I need some beer.....22:19
charlie-tcaI gave up confusion a while back, now I just go with what works22:19
drcYup...sounds like sage advice.22:22
thecrazygmwell, i'm out guys22:25
thecrazygmuntill next time22:25
drcGreat, now charlie-tca has turned my laptop into a pool hall :(22:43
charlie-tcajust click that little X in the top right corner, it will go away22:44
charlie-tcaneat little game, though, isn't it?22:45
drcyup...I <think> I remember a similiar (if not the same) from years (and years) ago...wasted too much time then too.22:45
Sysiumf, what game? didn't catch it from backlog22:46
drcI <think> it was on a mac though....22:46
charlie-tcaWhen I first installed it, it was not very much fun, and did not work good at all22:47
charlie-tcaNow, though, with the improvements made to it and to Xubuntu, it is pretty good22:47
pedzaon ubuntu and linux mint xfce i cant go past the gdm22:57
pedzahow can this be fixed? :P22:57
charlie-tcaDon't know how to fix Ubuntu or Mint22:58
zenroxpedza, try doing sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:59
pedzai just finished a fresh install22:59
pedzaxubuntu natty beta 222:59
zenroxi am using that right not22:59
pedzait has xubuntu-desktop as far as i know23:00
pedzai want to use it too but cant23:00
charlie-tcaDid you change themes?23:00
pedzai just installed it23:00
zenroxdo you have a 3d gfx card23:00
pedzacant even log in23:00
pedzaintegrated graphics card23:00
pedzathe laptop is23:00
pedzahp 53023:00
zenroxis it 3d capabile23:00
pedzathink so23:00
pedzai could run unity quite well23:00
zenroxwhat is it?23:00
charlie-tcaTry going to a tty using Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in and remove the .config files23:01
pedzaall of them?23:01
zenroxi would sugest that as well23:01
pedzathe command is23:01
charlie-tcathe files probably are not compatible with the current install23:01
charlie-tcarm ~/.config23:01
charlie-tcaand rm ~/.cache23:02
pedzacannot remove ... : is a directory23:02
charlie-tcathen Ctrl+Alt+del23:02
charlie-tcarm -r ~/.config23:02
charlie-tcaand rm -r ~/.cache23:02
Sysirm ~/.ICEauthority23:04
pedzathanks :)23:04
zenroxpedza, just a config file messed up some how23:04
pedzabut now i get a crappy default desktop :P23:05
Sysiyou can try something new then :P23:05
pedzai am23:06
pedzathanks guys ^^23:06
charlie-tcaIf you change the theme to wildbush, it will fret23:07
pedzagonna do another fresh install23:07
charlie-tcait will lock you out again23:07
KM0201how do i enable control alt backspace to restart X, under xfce?23:07
charlie-tcano idea23:07
pedzaand by trial and error find out which config files are troublesome23:08
Sysixorg thing23:08
Sysixorg.conf is propably easiest, but altGr printScr K is new binding for that23:09
pedzais xubuntu used by any governments etc?23:17
zenroxthat i dont just dont know23:28
zenroxif thay do thay ant talking about it23:28
charlie-tcaThat's because I can't remember no more23:28
pedzaok :)23:32

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