
MTecknologylifeless: but i don't like reporting bugs :(01:52
lifelessMTecknology: we don't like having them either01:52
MTecknologylifeless: alrighty... bug 771568 filed and waiting for smart people :D02:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 771568 in Bazaar "nest-part unable to nest files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77156802:00
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MTecknologylifeless: ya know.... the easy option would be to just let users use shell commands in lp recipes.... I made this work with that02:18
lifelessMTecknology: runs in a trusted context; not at all easy to change02:18
spivMTecknology: thanks, I've posted some analysis on the bug02:18
StevenKMTecknology: That's *DANGEROUS*, which is exactly why we forbid it.02:18
MTecknologyStevenK: i know... :(    maybe lock down the environments :D02:22
spivMTecknology: Or, alternatively, we could fix the nest-part feature :)02:23
MTecknologyspiv: so I'll be able to start doing recipe builds this way tomorrow? :D02:23
StevenKMTecknology: As lifeless says, the recipe is evaluated in a trusted context. The environment the recipe is built in is an untrusted sandbox.02:23
StevenKMTecknology: Possibly not tomorrow, but 'soon'?02:23
MTecknologywell... I was hoping by the end of the night... but...02:23
StevenKWe can't quite rollout that fast. Yet.02:24
MTecknologyi suppose I can wait- if i have to- for someone else to fix it- instead of me02:24
MTecknologyI'm just delighted it's not a horribly hard fix.02:24
MTecknologynightly builds for nginx were just tossed into my head today so the urgency is pretty low02:25
MTecknologyah crap... I'm going to need a CHANGES file....02:26
* MTecknology wonders what the longest recipe currently in use is..02:31
MTecknologybet mine is pretty far up the latter02:31
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aviksilI'm having problem in uploading *source.changes file to my ppa using dput. it's stalling during uploading. Any idea? Other files are uploaded successfully.06:51
rglis there a way to get statistics about PPS usage?07:23
rglerr PPA usage!07:23
wgrantrgl: You can get basic stuff through the API, but it's a bit raw at the moment.07:24
wgrantSee the getDailyDownloadTotals/getDownloadCount/getDownloadCounts methods on https://api.launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#binary_package_publishing_history . Suggestions for improvement welcome.07:25
rglhumm didn't known there was an ap :-)07:25
rglthx, will check :)07:25
microcaijcsackett:  thanks , my package now appears on PPA07:28
rglwgrant, for example, how one would get the stats for https://launchpad.net/~rgl/+archive/elasticsearch/+files/elasticsearch_0.16.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ? I can see the url https://api.launchpad.net/devel/<distribution.name>/+archive/<binary_package.name>/+binarypub/<id> on the docs, but what value should I use in the <id> and other <param>?07:31
wgrantrgl: You'd get the PPA using something like lp.people['rgl'].getPPAByName(name='elasticsearch'), then use something like ppa.getPublishedBinaries(binary_name='elasticsearch', version='0.16.0-0ubuntu1')07:34
wgrantThat will give you a list of binary_package_publishing_history objects.07:34
wgrantOn which you can call the methods I referenced.07:34
rglhumm lp is the python launchpadlib?07:34
wgrantThat's the normal way to use it, yes. See https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib07:35
wgrantThat page calls the object 'launchpad' where I've used 'lp', but same thing.07:35
rglI see . thx!07:37
wgrantHopefully one day we will have pretty graphs.07:37
wgrantBut not yet.07:37
rglhope the lib that ships with ubuntu 10.04 will work =)07:37
* rgl brb quick reboot..07:38
xdatapmorning everybody08:19
xdatapguys, we've some problem on the project ubuntu-it on launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-it we get Timeout error.08:21
wgrantxdatap: Let me have a look.08:25
xdatapwgrant, please note that https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-it is working good08:26
xdatapwgrant, but in top of subpages there's the link without ~08:27
xdatapwgrant, IE: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-it/+spec/ubuntu-party on the "Overview" link you will find the first link, without ~08:27
rglwhen we upload an PPA can it be built for several distributions?08:39
rglor we have to upload the source for all of the dist?08:39
rgl(the source package)08:39
wgrantrgl: You can copy the source and binaries to another series if it doesn't need rebuilding.08:39
wgrantrgl: Or you can use a source package recipe to automatically build from a branch for multiple series.08:40
wgrantOtherwise, yes, you have to upload to each series separately.08:40
rglwgrant, how do you do the recipe? is there an example PPA that shows how to do it?08:41
wgrantrgl: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes08:43
rglwgrant, I have to put my "debian" directory on a bazar repo?08:46
rglwgrant, https://gist.github.com/943881 Its odd it only accounts for a single download count. but I could use the API. thx :)08:58
StevenKArgh, a Launchpad script on github08:59
wgrantrgl: For a recipe, yes, you have to be able to build from bazaar branches (these could be automatic imports from github, if you must use git)08:59
rglStevenK, oh is there a gist thingy on lauchpad?  github gist is easy to use for me hehe09:00
wgrantpaste.ubuntu.com is what we tend to use. It's not version-controlled, but that's rarely necessary.09:01
rglack :)09:01
rglwgrant, don't recall an example PPA and bazar repo that already does what I want? =)09:02
wgrantrgl: What do you want to do? did you read the wiki page I linked to?09:03
rglwgrant, use a single package source (a bazar branch I guess) to automatically build a PPA that works on several ubuntu dists09:05
rglautomatically build and upload to launchpad :)09:05
wgrantrgl: Recipes do the build and upload and several Ubuntu series bits. You just need a branch containing the tree you'd run 'debuild' in locally.09:06
rglwgrant, alright. I'll finish read the wiki, and talk to you later :)09:07
rglthx for the tips!09:07
wgrantYou can then tell it to automatically build whenever the branch changes, and other nice stuff like that.09:07
rglnice :)09:07
wgrantA typo.09:08
wgrantWell, SSH lag.09:08
rglah ok09:08
lagwgrant: I haven't said anything! ;)09:11
Sweetsharkhi all! how do I prevent team membership expiration? I am team admin, but just got a note that my membership is about to expire.09:12
wgrantSweetshark: On the team page you'll see an "All members" link. There you'll see a list of members and their expiry dates, and an edit link where you can extend the date or remove it entirely.09:13
Sweetsharkwgrant: got there, but the exp date is fixed there. I can only change admin status and fill a comment field.09:15
wgrantSweetshark: Ah, I guess it's possible you can't change your own expiry date.09:17
wgrantSweetshark: Which team?09:18
Sweetsharkwgrant: LibreOffice Packaging09:18
Sweetshark^^^ doko_09:18
Sweetsharkwgrant: doko_ is admin (and owner) there too, maybe he can change it?09:19
wgrantSweetshark: He should be able to, yes.09:19
wgrantSweetshark: Admins can't change their own expiry date unless they're also the owner.09:20
wgrantWhich I guess makes sense, or there wouldn't be much point.09:20
xdatapwgrant, sorry again. did you checked the problem on the ubuntu-it project? What do you reccommend?09:27
wgrantxdatap: It's bug #739051, no real workaround right now. What did you want from that page?09:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 739051 in Launchpad itself "Product:+index timeouts" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73905109:30
xdatapwgrant, well it's the prject that indetify our loco team. We use it for blueprints mainly09:32
xdatapwgrant, ok, i'll subscribe the bug. Thanks for your time09:33
wgrantxdatap: Right, but blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-it should still work fine.09:33
xdatapwgrant, yes09:33
wgrantJust launchpad.net/ubuntu-it won't for now.09:33
xdatapwgrant, yes, it's not critical09:34
xdatapwgrant, but somebody should have it on its bookmark, we've got this from users09:35
xdatapwgrant, no problem btw, we'll wait until it's fixed09:36
xdatapwgrant, thanks again09:36
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MTecknologyspiv: alrighty.. i'm trying it out...14:13
MTecknologyspiv: lovely! was able to build, but failed to upload14:18
MTecknologyand now past my natty quota :P14:19
MTecknologyIn the debian/rules file... if I add something to .PHONY, it should be run, right?14:35
MTecknology.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install -->  .PHONY: setup build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install14:35
MTecknologysetup should run before anything else ?14:35
MTecknologyam I understanding the .PHONY line wrong?14:36
james_wPHONY means that the target doesn't correspond to a file on disk14:36
james_wthe change you made just tells make that it should ignore any "setup" file that it finds on disk and always run the target when something has it as a pre-requisite14:36
james_wwhen do you want setup to run?14:36
james_wit it something like ./configure?14:37
MTecknologyit's before that14:37
james_wbut similar?14:37
james_wor something that has to run before clean?14:37
james_wthen make build have it as a prerequisite14:38
MTecknologywould 'clean: setup' make sense?14:38
MTecknologyor build:14:38
james_wyes, if it has to run before clean14:38
MTecknologythanks :)14:39
MTecknologyI understood that puppy horribly wrong14:39
spivMTecknology: glad to hear you're making progress :)14:44
MTecknologyspiv: shouldn't ~natty1 increment itself?14:53
MTecknologyfailing to upload because the upload already happened and that number doesn't increment14:54
MTecknologyI could add {time}, but that seems to defeat the point of having a number at the end of the series14:56
spivMTecknology: you set the version template in the recipe15:03
spivMTecknology: actually, I guess you understand that15:04
spivI'm not sure what your issue is, and it's bedtime here :)15:04
spivI'm sure someone that's awake can figure it out though :)15:04
MTecknologyspiv: {debupstream}-svn{revno}-ppa{revno:packaging}  ... will produce 1.0.0-svn3185-ppa199~maverick115:05
MTecknologyspiv: but if that was uploaded already, it's not smart enough to produce 1.0.0-svn3185-ppa199~maverick2 instead15:05
MTecknologythat makes it fail to upload...15:05
spivMTecknology: off the top of my head that doesn't sound right15:07
spivMTecknology: ~maverick1 doesn't occur in your template, why is it in the result?15:07
spivBut I could just be too sleepy15:08
* spiv -> zzz15:08
MTecknologyspiv: alrighty, probably worth a bug report - and this build just failed anyway15:08
wgrantspiv, MTecknology: We automatically append that to allow multi-series builds. The number is always 1.15:14
MTecknologywgrant: why the number if the number is always the same?15:15
MTecknologyI love the addition of ~series, just assumed the number added was intelligent15:16
wgrantIt's conventional to always have a number (like backports do).15:16
MTecknologymaybe a feature request to make it more useful?15:17
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aberI try create a new source package recipe. Is it as easy as pulling the debian section from a release merge it into the branch?16:09
Technovikingmrevell and lifeless: We need to get the Launchpad login plugin the LP team designed for the forums upgrade to work with the version of the forums software we are upgrading to.16:40
TechnovikingCan we get that on the LP team schedule and something in the next couple of months?16:41
jcsackettaber: not exactly sure i parse your question right, but there's help for recipes on the help wiki https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/Recipes16:42
mrevellHey Technoviking16:42
Technovikingmrevell: hiya16:44
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aberjcsackett: Looks like i did it :)17:34
jcsackettaber: as in, things are working for you?17:34
aberLike, it compiled successful. But my version string is not as expected.  debian version is: '1:16-1', i used {debupstream}-0~{revno} and i got 16-0~590017:54
aberIs this correct, so i have to use 1:{debupstream}-017:55
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aberI'm not able to rebuild the package, because the file already exits inside the ppa, how can i fix this?18:35
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jcsackettaber: i'm sorry, i missed your earlier comments. we're sadly veering out of my area of knowledge.18:41
jcsackettabentley: is there any chance you can help aber? you did a great deal of the recipe stuff, right?18:41
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aberjcsackett: Thank you. I just included the timestamp and now it works. It is a bit strange...18:57
jcsackettaber: when you say you included timestamp, do you mean in the version num? i do know that ppa's require the version number to be bumped anytime you make make changes.18:59
jcsackettsince otherwise, there is no way to signal to users of your ppa that they need to update.18:59
aberI changed the version from 16-0 to 1:16-0. And that did not work.19:01
trijntjeping fta19:07
kirklandhmm, having some mailing list issues with ecryptfs-devel20:03
kirklandsome messages aren't making it through20:03
kirklandi need to do two things ...20:04
kirkland1) figure out why these messages aren't making it through20:04
kirkland2) disable moderation20:04
sinzuikirkland: I pinged you last week about that20:05
kirklandsinzui: oh?20:06
kirklandsinzui: sorry, i was sprinting last week, must have missed it20:06
sinzuikirkland: that list has 100's of messages in its moderation queue. the next highest is 30. the average is 020:06
kirklandsinzui: https://launchpad.net/~ecryptfs-devel/+mailinglist-moderate says "There are no mailing list messages requiring your review."20:07
tyhickskirkland: FWIW, I see the same thing20:07
kirklandsinzui: this mailing list has always been problematic, for unexplained reasons...20:08
tyhickssame thing == "There are no mailing list messages requiring your review."20:08
kirklandsinzui: tyhicks is an admin of ~ecryptfs-devel too20:08
sinzuiOh, I may be thinking of ~ecryptfs. Can you make me a team admin so that that I want investigate the messages?  I will clear the queue for you :)20:08
kirklandsinzui: sure20:10
kirklandsinzui: LP id = irc nick?20:10
sinzuiokay, now I will think about ~ecryptfs-devel. Lp lists except emails from from team members. Lp users are moderated...but once their first message is approved, all subsequent messages will go directly to the list20:10
tyhicksHmm... it seems that the link in the notifications from launchpad about pending messages is wrong20:10
sinzuikirkland: ~sinzui20:11
tyhickskirkland: https://launchpad.net/~ecryptfs/+mailinglist-moderate shows > 400 messages pending20:11
kirklandsinzui: done20:11
kirklandtyhicks: sweet;  knock yourself out on that one :-)20:11
sinzuiI have a high tolerance for data. I have read every project page in Lp20:12
sinzuiI have no social life20:12
tyhickskirkland: ecryptfs-devel seems to be moderated at the link with ~ecryptfs instead of ~ecryptfs-devel20:12
kirklandtyhicks: yeah, odd20:12
kirklandsinzui: i'll make you admin of ~ecryptfs too20:13
kirklandwow, russian ladies are ALL ABOUT ecryptfs20:14
sinzuiI am looking at -devel first since you think messages are missing. Do you know which user is missing email to start the hunt20:14
tyhickssinzui: For example, look at this thread: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.linux.kernel/113195620:15
tyhickssinzui: We never received a notification that Roberto's emails were pending and they never seemed to hit ecryptfs-devel, despite him cc'ing the list20:15
tyhickssinzui: But then Casey Schaufler replied and that hit ecryptfs-devel20:15
sinzuiroberto.sassu is not a launchpad user, or at least, he has not registered that email address: https://launchpad.net/people/?name=roberto.sassu%40polito.it&searchfor=peopleonly20:16
tyhickssinzui: So he can't send email to the list?20:16
tyhickssinzui: Is there a switch to flip to allow that?20:17
tyhicks(on a per-project basis)20:17
sinzuiNo. Lists are for team members with an exception for launchpad users20:17
kirklandsinzui: tyhicks: i'm manually clearing out the spam now20:18
sinzuiWithout an address matching an active lp user profile, the message is immediately discarded.20:18
tyhickssinzui: So the spammers are lp users? :)20:18
kirklandtyhicks: hmm, we might need to find a different mailing list solution :-(20:18
tyhickskirkland: Agreed20:18
sinzuikirkland: that can be true, a few have done that20:18
kirklandsinzui: any pointers?20:19
sinzuiWe have a script that can import the users from an mbox archive to setup a team or list. I do not think that helps you :(20:19
kirklandtyhicks: we can probably get one at kernel.org, right?20:19
tyhickskirkland: Probably - would you like me to look into that?20:19
kirklandtyhicks: yeah, please20:19
tyhickswill do20:20
tyhickssinzui: Thanks for your help20:20
kirklandsinzui: agreed, thanks20:20
sinzuityhicks: We can provide the mbox if you want to preserve history.20:20
tyhickssinzui: That would be helpful20:21
tyhickssinzui: Let me look into other options and if we can import an mbox first, before you do anything20:21
kirklandsinzui: is there any way we could forward messages to ecryptfs-devel@launchpad to the new list, at least for a short time?20:22
kirklandsinzui: set it as the contact address, or some other hack?20:22
tyhickssinzui: I was joking earlier, but I really am curious about how spam gets through to require list moderation in the first place? It seems like it would be dropped immediately, too.20:23
sinzuityhicks: that is why I was perplexed about this one list. I know know the answer20:24
sinzuiThere was a bug were you could send an email claiming to be from the list itself...the list knows it has a valid email address. That bug was closed, but ~ecryptfs spam is from ~ecryptfs-devel. Was the team/list renamed in the past?20:25
sinzuiI can see that no spam was queued after the fix was released?20:25
sinzuikirkland: we do not have a means to setup an alias for a launchpad list address.20:26
tyhickskirkland: I don't remember a rename, but could be mistaken20:27
kirklandtyhicks: sinzui: okay, 500+ clicks later, https://launchpad.net/~ecryptfs/+mailinglist-moderate is clean20:27
tyhicksoops, that was for sinzui20:27
kirklandsinzui: it's possible, i don't recall20:28
sinzuiah, that explain why by clicks seem to have done nothing20:28
lifelesswait what20:29
sinzuikirkland: okay. I will continue to investigate this.20:29
lifelesswe're losing a mailing list?20:29
tyhickslifeless: Probably so - an open source project's mailing list should accept mail from non-lp users20:30
sinzuilifeless: Lp requires all the list participants to be Lp users20:31
lifelesssinzui: was it always like that?20:31
sinzuiyes, be design in fact20:31
lifelessdo we tell the non-lp user that their mail is being non-delivered and not-queued-for-moderation ?20:31
sinzuithough as you can see, this makes it challenging to grow a community by casual acquaintance.20:32
lifelessIs this an easy to change policy?20:33
sinzuibarry wrote an importer that can setup users from an mbox, this helps lists migrate to Lp, but the central issue of growing contributors is not addresses.20:33
lifelessor is it complex and hard?20:33
lifelesssinzui: are we happy with this by-design thing, or is it something we'd consider changing?20:33
sinzuicomplex, though I do not believe it is a lot of code. I think there are nuances about trust20:34
sinzuilifeless: , sorry missed your other question. The non-lp user's message is quietly discarded.20:35
sinzuiMm has a name for that, umm...vette20:36
sinzuianything that hits that rule is silently dropped20:36
tyhickssinzui: Is this documented very well?20:37
lifelesssinzui: so, I think minimally that silently dropping casual mails is pretty poor form20:37
sinzuiNo. I learned about it when I wrote a replacement test and discovered the behaviour20:37
tyhickslifeless: I agree20:38
lifelesssinzui: who set that design rule, or can we reevaluate? It sounds like you're not completely in favour of it either?20:38
sinzuiI think I can speak confidently about how it does work and how to change it20:38
sinzuilifeless: sabdfl20:38
lifelessflacoste: ^ yo :)20:38
lifelesstyhicks: imagine some pepy hold music for a minute :)20:39
lifelesstyhicks: just finding how rock-solid this is20:39
tyhickslifeless: Thanks for digging in20:39
sinzuibut we can change it. I put thought to it when I discovered the behaviour. I pondered an implicit import user rule liek we do with po files and code. We need to have away to ensure spam does not get out of hand again20:40
tyhickssinzui: Can you explain what you're thinking about an implicit import user rule?20:41
lifelesssinzui: well, if it was like this from the start, then we've never tried without it ;>20:41
tyhickssinzui: Seems like manual moderation of non-lp users' mail would be feasible, but allowing the moderator to check a box to always allow this user to email the list from now on20:41
sinzuiJust accepting the email will not allow us to except the user from future posts, which is what the moderation queue does for approved users. The approve could setup the profile with the address and name. It will not be active, but could be considered usuable for lists20:42
sinzuityhicks: you are actually doing that each time you approve a message. the issue is that the queue required the email address to be associated with an existing user.20:43
tyhickssinzui: ok - now I understand, thanks20:43
lifelesssinzui: that sounds like a reasonable compromise; and if a spammer registers one of these we can zap it to banned20:44
sinzuiSuspend does the right thing. I have used it to stop users from sending.20:45
lifelesstyhicks: lets start with a bug report on this20:45
sinzuiI believe this is one, though it does not have this analysis20:45
* sinzui looks20:46
sinzuibtw, the ~ecryptfs was a victim of this bug 77032920:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 770329 in Launchpad itself "Mailing lists must reject emails that claim to be from teams." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77032920:47
sinzuiI am opening  new bug since I do not see a bug that really phrases the issue as we discussed. I think the one I have in mind was duped against another bug because this issue often includes several items in one bug20:50
lifelessgrabbing food, back in a bit20:56
kirkland"Jamie Strandboge (jdstrand) has assigned this bug to you for vsftpd in Ubuntu:" ...20:58
kirklandtechnically, he assigned it to a team that I'm a member of20:58
kirklandrather than me, personally20:58
kirklandit would be nice if LP's emailer made that distinction in this first line of the email20:59
beunobig +120:59
beunoI get confused by that all the time21:00
sinzuiI thought this was bug 599436, but I see it is different.21:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 599436 in Launchpad itself "email footer for assignee is technically incorrect" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59943621:00
flacostelifeless, sinzui: i think creating inactive profile for outside contributors is a good compromise21:02
flacosteit does mean that people will have to moderate more spam though21:03
flacostewhereas that's not the case now21:03
flacosteand by looking at the moderation for lists.canonical.com21:03
flacostethat would be a lot21:03
lifelessOTOH not getting cc'd peoples emails == very surprising21:03
flacosteis it21:04
flacostepeople are used to 'look into spam folder' dead hole21:04
lifelessnuances: private lists21:04
lifelessflacoste: they are, but we don't have that here :)21:04
flacosteno, but i mean, sending email and the recipient doesn't receive it is annoying, but is common place nowadays21:05
flacostespam is a prevalent problem with email21:05
flacosteand given barry credentials he took the 'minimize spam problems' approach to the design21:06
flacosteso discard instead of bounce to avoid bounce-back-spam issues21:06
flacostediscard unknown lp users to avoid infinite moderation list21:06
flacostein a way, i'm sure that if we changed behavior21:07
flacostewe'd get a lot of people stopping using lists because there is too much moderation to do21:07
flacostebecause of spam21:07
lifelessstop using21:08
lifelessor use a different provider?21:08
sinzuilifeless: flacoste: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/77200021:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 772000 in Launchpad itself "allow non-lp users to post to mailing lists" [Low,Triaged]21:10
flacostei'm wont-fixing this actually21:13
lifelessflacoste: really?21:14
lifelessflacoste: I think we need to do something about the surprise minimally21:14
lifelessflacoste: currently we have an undocumented eat-your-contributors-mail feature :(21:14
lifelessflacoste: I'm not arguing /for/ non-users being able to post - look at google groups which requires a signup as well21:15
lifelessflacoste: I think the drop-on-the-floor behaviour is the crucial element of OMG surprise21:15
flacosteagain, changing that would cause more trouble21:15
sinzuiI think we could make this work if we have a satisfactory trust check.21:15
flacostesinzui: dkim?21:16
lifelessflacoste: you're talking about spam backscatter ?21:16
flacostethe ratio of legitimate use to spam is probalby in the order of 1-100021:16
lifelessflacoste: I can think of several ways to mitigate that21:16
flacostemaybe even more21:16
sinzuiwell, you must be aware that 80% of all Lp spam is from gmail21:16
flacostesinzui: through gmail or fake gmail address?21:17
sinzuigmail. Users discover the spam in the gmail sent folder21:17
sinzuior how what every gmail uses to model sent emails21:18
flacostesinzui: ah, so browser exploits21:18
sinzuiand phone appently21:18
flacosteeven better21:18
sinzuiregardless. We deal with 2-5 spammers every week. they are all Lp users. To move forward, we need to see that lists are dropping21:19
tyhickssinzui: I'm going to drop you from the ecryptfs groups now - is that alright?21:31
macohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/614948 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/155956 are duplicates of each other i think21:32
sinzuiyes thanks21:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 614948 in Launchpad itself "Option for list of sponsored uploads" [Low,Triaged]21:32
ubot5Ubuntu bug 155956 in Launchpad itself "+me/+packages should present different sections for sponsored uploads" [Low,Triaged]21:32
sinzui^ tyhicks yes, thanls21:32
sinzuimaco: thanks! I agree. I think I may be able to link this to another class of bugs too21:34
tyhickssinzui: Hm... is 'deactivate' the right thing to do?21:34
sinzuityhicks: yes21:34
macosinzui: in 570856 i was actually asking something slightly different though21:49
maco155956 is about on your +me, showing a list of everything you've sponsored for others.  570856 i was looking for having an icon  *other* people's +packages page to indicate which of theirs you were the sponsor for21:50
maco(if you sponsor a lot, you may lose track of whether you've sponsored for that person yet or not)21:50
sinzuiIt is slightly different, but I think both perspectives are the same bug21:50
macosinzui: can i modify 570856's description to say both views?21:52
sinzuimaco: please do21:53
sinzuiI should have done that or copied the extra info to a comment. My bad21:54
lifelesskirkland: hi21:57
kirklandlifeless: howdy21:57
lifelesswe're not going to change the list behaviour short term21:57
lifelessbug 77200021:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 772000 in Launchpad itself "allow non-lp users to post to mailing lists" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77200021:57
lifelesswe've filed another high bug about the fact its not documented21:57
lifelesschanging the behaviour is a high impact thing because our net reputation as a mail host can easily get trashed if we start sending thousands or millions of NDRs in backscatter21:58
lifelessand we currently don't really have spam integration at all with l.l.n21:58
lifelesskirkland: this is a darn tricky area and spam sucks.21:58
kirklandlifeless: understood21:59
kirklandlifeless: i think we can get a mailing list at kernel.org for ecryptfs21:59
lifelesskirkland: how does kernel.org handle spam ?21:59
kirklandlifeless: no idea22:00
lifelesskirkland: and as a user, if you had dozens of spam a day to moderate, bu would get mails like this, is that a better or worse tradeoff ?22:00
* lifeless is fishing for data22:00
kirklandlifeless: no better;  i moderated the 500 spams in the ecryptfs queue today22:00
flacostekirkland: make that hundred22:00
flacostethat's what we get on our lists which are not hosted by LP22:01
lifelessflacoste: ! not on the lists I moderate (bzr22:01
flacosteis the bzr mailing list less widespread than launchpad-feedback?22:02
flacostei mean its address22:02
lifelessflacoste: I don't see why it would be22:02
lifelessit was unobfuscated on the wiki for a long time22:02
lifelessflacoste: launchpad-feedback is a poor data point, because we want everything to reach it22:02
lifelessflacoste: it probably has its spam threshold tuned way down *so that* we can be reached.22:03
lifeless(just guessing, elmo would know)22:03
sinzuilaunchpad-feedback We have been driving users away from that address for the last 7 months too22:08
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
aberhello, is the number of hosts available for the launchpad build farm lower then normal, because of the upcoming release?23:46
* sinzui checks23:52

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