
pr0xyhey, coz_01:50
pr0xyhey, zniavre01:53
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== 17SAAF003 is now known as ian_brasil
zniavregood afternoon14:10
zniavreim looking for the way to modify the gdm theme (before natty i was using gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties but it does not work anymore)14:11
zniavrei hav found in ubuntuforum a lovely way to change gdm theme14:53
coz_zniavre,  this way?   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/GDM/GDM-NEW.txt14:56
zniavrethat one yes15:03
=== daker is now known as daker_

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