
=== medberry is now known as med_away
LaserJockis XS-Python-Version: current deprecated?00:04
ajmitchLaserJock: deprecated, and packags should start using dh_python200:07
ajmitchhttp://wiki.debian.org/Python probably has the most useful info about it00:07
LaserJockthe ever-changing python policy? ;-)00:08
ajmitchyeah, ScottK is the expert on it00:08
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LaserJockajmitch: do you know the status of that transition? Is it going to be done for Natty or is just started?00:13
ajmitchfor natty? no, it won't be done00:13
chilicuilhi there, I'm trying to build the ubuntu-packaging-guide, but I'm getting this error when running $ bzr bd -- -S -uc -us # http://pastebin.com/FciicMXr , any hint is welcome, if this question shouldn't been done here, please point me out to the correct channel =)00:32
tumbleweedchilicuil: it's sphinx, just "make html". Looks like bzr-builddeb hasn't been configured correctly (for native mode) in that branch01:29
chilicuiltumbleweed: perfect, I'll try it01:29
chilicuiltumbleweed: it worked!, ahaha, /me feels like a noob01:33
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kaushalI have local ubuntu mirror, Can i populate the 11.04 repository, since it is not yet released ?04:43
Rhondakaushal: Sure, you just need to tell your mirror tool to include natty.06:10
RhondaAnd potential do syncs over the next few days.06:10
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dholbachgood morning07:31
econnelli'm interested in an update on this: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=725110:21
econnellcan anyone provide any insight?10:21
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lfaraonemicahg: sugar-firefox-activity needs no changes for FF4, JFYI.15:20
davidgiluk_greetings Masters15:28
davidgiluk_I'm looking at a FTBFS for ARM - bug 745886 - but the error doesn't look very ARM specific, it's a 'invalid character in revision number' coming from dpkg15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745886 in kdevelop-php (Ubuntu) "kdevelop-php version 1.2.0-0ubuntu1 failed to build on armel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74588615:30
davidgiluk_any suggestions as to what would upset dpkg like that?15:30
micahglfaraone: ACK, thanks for checking16:42
lfaraoneI have a bug which requires SRUs for two different packages. (the same bug in both packages). Should I write both SRU testcases in the same bug?17:12
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alan__hi, all. I need to automate an ubuntu 10.10 installation. is preseed the best tool for the job? I don't see preseed documentation in ubuntu 10.10 docs19:22
alan__and the partition limitations still exits?19:22
micahgalan__: #ubuntu-installer might be better for this19:23
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