
=== kancerman_ is now known as kancerman
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Drone4fourI'm trying to purge maverick of the nightly releases of firefox installed and revert back to the latest stable release.  details here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174033203:55
Drone4fournightly *alpha/beta* releases03:56
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
ftamicahg, jdstrand: linux/stable (10.0.648.205 -> 11.0.696.57)   will work on it later today16:25
micahgfta: ACK16:41
chaatdoes anyone know if the ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa will be updated to have the current daily build of the firefox trunk version ?17:22
micahgchaat: it already should have it17:22
micahgoh, hmm, FTBFS17:23
chrisccoulsonthe build has been broken for a few days17:23
chaat2011-04-22 06:03:57 UTC firefox-trunk 6.0~a1~hg20110421r68406+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~maverick17:23
chaatchrisccoulson: do you know if the build will be fixed soon ?17:25
=== davida is now known as davidascher
chrisccoulsonwhenever i find some time to look at it, i'm busy with other stuff right nowe17:25
chaatthanks crisccoulson, i'm new to linux and thought that i was doing something wrong when i tried to update the build using the mozilla-daily/ppa17:28
chrisccoulsonchaat, if you are new to linux, then why are you running daily builds? ;)17:31
chrisccoulsondid someone recommend them to you?17:31
chaati've gotten used to running the daily builds on windows and wanted to continue using them on ubuntu17:31
chrisccoulsonah, ok17:33
chaati've been experimenting with linux in a vm to determine if i could move my computer to linux from windows. I'm trying to determine if i can run all the software that i currently run on windows.17:34
chaati've been impressed with the ability to run windows software using the dev version of wine17:34
chaati'm an ibm mainframe COBOL programmer and use some windows compilers and editors which emulate those on the mainframe.17:36
ftamicahg, once again, most of the security bugs are in webkit :(18:02
ftamicahg, how come i don't see similar updates of our system webkit?18:04
chrisccoulsonheh, the last webkit update was over 6 months ago ;)18:06
chrisccoulsoni'm glad i'm not using epiphany or midori18:06
ftaI already reviewed 20 out of the 27 security bugs, 15 are in webkit18:08
ftachrisccoulson, ch probably had 100 webkit sec bugs in the last 6 months18:09
micahgfta: I'm a little behind18:12
micahgI hope to be caught up in another month or so18:13
ftamicahg, i dropped two bugs from the release notes (the last 2), they are about the pdf plugin we don't have18:24
micahgfta: k, sounds good18:26
ftahow come i can no longer Nominate for series my own bugs?18:44
ftabug 77193518:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 771935 in chromium-browser "10.0.648.205 -> 11.0.696.57" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77193518:44
chrisccoulsonfta - weird, i can't approve them either18:51
chrisccoulsonthe security updates have been published to main18:51
chrisccoulsonthat's why18:51
micahgjdstrand: ^^ can you demote?18:52
ftachrisccoulson, ? to main?18:53
micahgfta: natty will have to go through -security at this point as well18:53
jdstrandwhy yes I can18:54
micahgjdstrand: thanks18:54
ftai don't understand18:54
micahgfta: which?18:55
chrisccoulsonfta - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser says that the lucid and maverick updates are in main18:55
ftawell, if i can no longer upload to natty, i've done my part. the -stable ppa is now up-to-date18:55
micahgfta: yep, oneiric will hopefully open next week, if you can provide natty w/lucid and maverick that would be great (one should be -sa and the others can be -sd)18:56
jdstrandmicahg: done18:57
micahgjdstrand: thanks18:57
ftamaybe it's time for me to give up the role of maintainer18:57
ftai hate that last part where i have no control18:57
micahgfta: well, it's usually blocked on regression testing which I try to do same or next day, then blocked on armel build18:58
micahgfta: are you going to UDS?19:07
micahgfta: well, assuming no build failures, we can push this out tomorrow evening if we get it up soon19:20
vishdo we have an aurora ppa? or is it only nightlies..21:02
ftajcastro, ch11 is now in the -stable ppa with the webapp final fix, could you please test?21:22
JanCtest "chapter 11" ?  :P21:33
ftaJanC, nope, chromium 11 ;) no bankrupt here21:56
ftamicahg, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/11.0.696.57~r82915/21:57
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
Omegavish: nope, don't think we're getting one soon either.22:36
Omegawe have a central ppa though22:36
micahgfta: ACK, thanks22:38
micahgvish: we'll be tracking trunk and beta for the moment22:38
micahgchrisccoulson: any opinion about killing the karmic mozilla dailies a few days early and hardy a couple weeks early?23:04

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