
Ahmuck-Jrevening everybody03:34
Ahmuck-Jrit's tuesday, right03:34
DoubleBsure is03:34
DoubleByou in your safe spot?03:34
DoubleBwait you are in conway right?03:37
Ahmuck-Jri'm in osborne, ks03:46
DoubleBwe are having bad weather in ar tonight. again03:50
Ahmuck-Jrwe've been in drought.  so we were glad to get rain yesterday04:08
Ahmuck-Jrhoping for some again this evening04:08
DoubleBwe have some really bad flooding. some some farm towns are empty tonight04:09
zillahhey i made it04:09
Ahmuck-Jr_back :)04:18
* Ahmuck-Jr_ has bad wireless connection04:18
=== Ahmuck-Jr_ is now known as Ahmuck-Jr
Mike_H_I have a question06:40
Mike_H_is the Little Rock LUG still operating?06:40
Ahmuck-Jranybody awake?07:47
Ahmuck-Jr[00:40]<Mike_H_>is the Little Rock LUG still operating? - what was the answer to that question?07:47
Ahmucklooks like your in for more weather today19:50

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