
vychuneeveryone ok?01:30
pace_t_zuluvychune: ok here... you?01:41
pace_t_zuluwrst: i see you're back home01:42
vychunegood playing word gags in #midsouthmakers01:42
wrstpace_t_zulu: yes powersupply or MB out in server01:46
pace_t_zuluwrst: wait what?01:47
vychunesame ?01:48
pace_t_zuluwrst: so the server is down - hardware issue ...01:51
=== Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy
wrst_yeah pace_t_zulu01:58
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst
pace_t_zuluwrst: sorry to hear that... wrst did you just reroute your quassel port to your desktop?02:00
wrstjust moved the hard drive to my desktop now to figure out what is wrong02:01
wrstpace_t_zulu: I use my server much more than my desktop anyway02:02
wrstpace_t_zulu: I will never speak of uptime again :)02:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: i know, i feel bad... almost like i jinxed it02:04
=== Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy
wrstpace_t_zulu: ha ha02:08
wrstpace_t_zulu: the MB appears to be getting power but the powersupply fan is locked up and smells pretty bad I'm thinking power supply?02:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: sounds like a reasonable place to start02:09
wrstand I get no video of course that could be the MB but if the fan is locked its done anyway02:11
Juzzyany of you guys by chance remember an old website going around about 8-10 yrs ago, something like "high impact moves" some little chinaman jumping/climbing/scaling walls, balconies, all kinds of crazy acrobatics out on the street?02:30
vychunefree running ya mean?02:31
Juzzymaybe ;/02:33
vychuneserach for that02:51
Juzzyya thx02:56
cyberangerwrst: issues?03:20
wrstyes cyberanger :)03:20
wrstcyberanger: powersupply i think on my server03:31
=== vychune is now known as conan-kun
cyberangerwrst: well, power supply is easy03:33
cyberangerin comparison to the desktop03:33
cyberangerwhich I think is what I read there03:33
wrstyes pretty sure that is it, the MB does still have a LED on but the fan on the power supply is locked up03:34
wrstso i put my HDD from the server in my desktop and am running a little hybrid system now03:34
cyberangerwrst: by hybrid you mean irssi, elinks & mutt?03:39
wrsthaha no just moved my server HDD into my desktop :)03:40
cyberangerwith irssi, elinks & mutt ;-)03:41
cyberangeras long as the hdd is good03:41
cyberangerwhat's your psu03:41
cyberangersomething fairly cheap03:42
cyberangerI mean, cheap to replace, not a high end one03:44
wrstyeah a 250 watt micro atx one03:47
wrsti have an atom server03:47
cyberangerwell, that's not too costly, not as cheap as an atx though04:04
cyberangerit's the server ones that really hurt04:04
wrstoh yes04:17
wrstabout 20-30 bucks it seems04:17
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=== Juzzy- is now known as Juzzy
wrstcyberanger1: you ok?15:17
vychunehey everyone ok so far?17:26
Dan9186can anyone tell me what the number is that "echo ${$}" spits out?17:26
=== wrst_Quassel is now known as wrst
Xpistosokay so what is the verdict? Do I install 11.04 tomorrow or do I go with 10.10?18:16
wrstXpistos: that's my thought if you are ok with Unity18:17
wrstor just use the "classic" desktop18:18
wrstand Xpistos if you get a daily download you will practically have the release18:18
XpistosI will wait until tomorrow18:20
XpistosIf i don't like unity can I get back to gnome 218:20
Xpistosalthough I will probably go with xfce if I don't like unity18:21
Xpistoscause I don't use my normal desktop anyway18:21
XpistosI kill all the panels and use awn18:21
wrstI don't know what I will do since Gnome 3 doesn't work well on it, i'm not a fan of Unity and just not going to use it when there is a much better option out there18:22
wrstprobably on ubuntu installs I may go with kubuntu18:23
XpistosI had kde18:23
XpistosI hate kde rather18:23
wrstGnome 3 on ubuntu, doesn't work well18:23
wrst4.6 is pretty good Xpistos, and gnome shell i think is very good unity is a distant 3-5th place at best18:23
XpistosI would use fluxbox in a heartbeat but I can't get my wireless working on it18:23
XpistosI love fluxbox and IceWM18:24
wrstXpistos: probably just need network manager applet running to get wireless going, or that's how i do it18:32
pace_t_zulukubuntu is solid in a VM as well without 3d drivers18:33
wrstpace_t_zulu: they have really done some good things in kde 4.618:34
pace_t_zuluwrst: i haven't been using the 4.x line of kde so much till now18:34
pace_t_zuluwrst: what significant advances happened between 4.5 and 4.6?18:34
wrstwell IMO it was pretty crappy in the early go of things but has matured nicely18:34
wrststability pace_t_zulu, lots of stability18:35
wrstthat has always been my complaint with the 4.x kde18:35
wrstits still not as stable as gnome 2.318:35
wrstbut its very useable18:35
wrstthats one reason I'm so excited about Gnome 3 is that its very stable right now18:35
Xpistoswell let me load it up in my vm18:38
XpistosAre you guys ok?18:39
wrstyep still hanging on here Xpistos, you guys getting the weather too i'm sure?18:41
Xpistosnot so much down here18:42
Xpistoswhat is the kde install kubuntu-desktop?18:42
pace_t_zuluwrst: you know if i can upgrade an ubuntu kernel without restarting?18:44
wrstpace_t_zulu: to be honest I didn't know you could upgrade the kernel on anything without restarting, I know after the upgrade it always tells you restart required18:46
pace_t_zului remember hearing about some splice technology18:52
pace_t_zuluwrst: on the subject of uptime...18:52
wrstwb pace_t_zulu hey atlest you don't need parts ;)18:57
pace_t_zuluwrst: you work out what parts you need?19:03
pace_t_zuluwrst: you know... a micro tier cloud deployment may be less expensive than any new part ;)19:03
wrstpace_t_zulu: I looked at that actually :)19:03
wrstpower supply was 20 bucks  but a whole new thing was not a lot more19:03
wrstbut, won't have to fool with all of it19:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: so you going to replace the machine?19:12
wrstnah just the power supply the machine is great19:13
wrst20 bucks from new egg19:13
pace_t_zuluwrst: good deal20:10
pace_t_zuluXpistos: 11.04 for sure20:10
wrstyeah the case was like 50 or 60 bucks with the power supply20:10
pace_t_zuluXpistos: only reason to go for an older release is LTS20:10
wrstpace_t_zulu, Xpistos only warning i would have is if you have broadcom wireless at last time I tried they are still broken20:11
Xpistosthat is what I have20:11
pace_t_zuluwrst: on natty?20:11
pace_t_zuluwrst: they should have broadcom fixed for final... wrst when did you last try20:11
wrstthe bcmw kernel modules are broken, but the old version works so every update you have to reinstall the old ones20:12
wrstpace_t_zulu: its been a week or so20:12
wrsti would think surely they would have that fixed20:12
pace_t_zuluwrst: that's pretty weak20:12
pace_t_zulupardon the pun20:12
wrst:) pace_t_zulu20:12
pace_t_zuluwrst: that should have been fixed before beta20:12
wrstyeah i agree pace_t_zulu20:12
wrstand pace_t_zulu a little looking may just be a 64bit issue now20:13
wrsthello neiliob197320:13
neiliob1973hi! I'm in Johnson City, TN....WOOT!20:14
neiliob1973anyone know much about webcams?20:14
pace_t_zuluwrst: i suppose 64bit is is a bit excusable...20:14
wrstpace_t_zulu: yeah i won't use it on the final release as my laptop just has 2GB of RAM i will however use it on my desktop20:15
wrstwoot my network is back running!20:15
pace_t_zuluwrst: which network?20:15
wrst_neiliob1973: what are you needing on webcams?20:16
wrst_pace_t_zulu: i mena my internet pace_t_zulu :)20:16
pace_t_zuluhi neiliob197320:16
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: i use webcams :)20:16
pace_t_zuluwrst: your home connection?20:16
wrstyes pace_t_zulu20:17
neiliob1973just got a Logitech 9000 pro....works fine in Win7.... in ubuntu 10.10 works fine in Cheese, WebCamStudio, and Skype, but when I try streaming on Livestream or UStream, the video quality TANKS! Any ideas?20:17
pace_t_zuluwrst: you should use SASL ... that way your cloak is on before you join the room20:18
pace_t_zuluwrst: SASL authentication to freenode that is20:19
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: you tried streaming on Livestream or UStream on win7 ? excuse my ignorance on windows and linux webcam software ...20:19
wrstpace_t_zulu: SASL? you say I shall google :)20:20
pace_t_zuluhey guys... anyone interested in doing last minute tests on Natty should feel encouraged to do so20:21
pace_t_zuluthe ISO testing images for the 11.04 release are available at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/20:21
pace_t_zuluat the very least - you can get your flavor of choice and fire up the live environment to make sure your hardware works20:21
neiliob1973pace_t_zulu, Yes, LiveStream and UStream both. Looked fine in Win7...just straight-in, nothing extra or special. But in Ubuntu, streaming on either, the quality of the video is poor...BUT looks fine when I test in Skype, Chesse, or WebCamStudio  (all in ubuntu)20:23
wrstpace_t_zulu: on my way to download now20:24
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: have you installed the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package?20:24
neiliob1973pace_t_zulu, pretty sure...but lemme check20:25
neiliob1973pace_t_zulu, yep, installed. just re-installed, but no difference20:27
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: i understand that ustream and livestream are flash applications?20:28
neiliob1973pace_t_zulu,  yes. i have latest plugin. and i've tried both firefox and chromium. same results20:29
pace_t_zuluXpistos: you should get a live image from http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ and make sure natty works on your hardware before you do the install tomorrow20:29
wrstneiliob1973: are you 64 or 32bit?20:30
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: unfortunately flash is the weak link in this chain... hate to be a cop out20:31
pace_t_zuluwrst: unless you have other ideas20:31
wrstno pace_t_zulu with flash in the equation I feel confident that was it, I was hoping you were on 64 bit using the 32 bit wrapper neiliob1973 then I think I could have helped20:32
neiliob1973Son of a....of all the.....Mutha......ok. It is what it is. THNX, guys!20:32
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: hold on20:33
neiliob1973holding on...................20:33
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: there are a lot of folks who broadcast their desktops using those services20:33
pace_t_zuluneiliob1973: it's a little different from webcam... but may some of those people could be more helpful20:33
neiliob1973cool. worth a try.20:34
neiliob1973any other suggestions for webcasting training classes?20:34
wrstneiliob1973: nad sometimes a manual install of flash can help things to get the latest plugin20:35
neiliob1973THNX, again, guys!20:36
wrstneiliob1973: wish we could have actually helped :\20:37
wrsthello vychune20:37
wrstpace_t_zulu: downloading the test iso20:37
wrstif the power stays on20:37
vychunestill storming up there20:38
wrsthere too vychune20:41
vychunewe are ALL good in memphis20:41
wrstpace_t_zulu: thank you for that tip! worked perfect20:44
linuxman410cyberanger u here20:58
linuxman410wrst u here20:58
wrsthey linuxman41020:59
linuxman410wrst getting any bad weathere20:59
wrststorming right now20:59
vychunehey linux21:01
linuxman410vychune how is weather there21:01
vychunegood now21:01
linuxman410it is good here right now21:02
linuxman410just thundering21:02
wrstyeah sounds like another good one may come through21:04
linuxman410wrst they are saying this storm may carry high winds21:05
wrstgreat! :\21:06
cyberangereveryone ok?22:57
cyberangernasty weather22:58
vychuneim good23:03
cyberangervychune: good23:10
cyberangerlooks as if wrst is not here, we lost power at the shop23:11
cyberangerso closed early23:11
vychuneoh ok23:11
cyberangeranother round incoming23:11
cyberangerI wonder about wrst then, that isn't his norm23:11
cyberanger(I took my server down for a little restructuring of things, so I'll be coming and going for a little bit23:12
vychunehe had a ping timeout 2 min before you came in23:12
cyberangerpower loss then23:12
cyberangerthey're back now, just a flicker23:15
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea... now you don't have to broadcast your ip or hostname everytime you connect and join23:21
pace_t_zului'm testing the "Ubuntu Desktop amd64+mac (20110427)" iso ... doing the live session test case... and i get the message "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" ... anyone have any ideas?23:25
wrstpace_t_zulu: that's not good is it no clue, i'm going to try to look at that tonight here in a few23:50
pace_t_zuluwrst: i suspect it has something to do with the +mac iso / my new hardware23:52
wrsti would suspect that could be23:53

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