
aendrukseattle planning any kind of launch party on thursday?02:42
Saltnot that i've seen/heard03:00
valoriemaybe we should just get together Friday?03:07
Salti'm not heading up till sat morning this year03:07
valorieyou could ride up with Thomas and me03:09
valorienot sure what time we are heading up, however03:09
valoriejust texted him03:10
Saltno, i have a room for sat night, not fri :P03:20
Saltsame goes for the 2 in my car03:20
valorieI see03:22
valoriethen I assume we aren't doing anything up there03:22
valoriehowever, I will come up to Seattle if someone suggests a place and time03:23
valorieNOT Stella's03:24
valoriethat was sub-optimal03:24
Saltyeah, definitely03:28
Saltthere's a pizza place inw hite center that could work out03:28
Saltcan't recall the name right now03:29
Saltit's new and on 1603:29
valorieit isn't new, though: 03:32
valorieKiki M.03:32
valorieSeattle, WA03:32
valorie4.0 star rating03:32
valorieI have been going to White Center Pizza since I was an embryo. Okay, not quite that infantile but my familia and I have been patrons of this restaurant for years. 03:32
valorieoh, bad paste, sorry03:32
zenroxthats funnie03:33
Saltit's umm03:39
zenroxya but it is a funnie litariate03:40
valoriethis is the one i wanted to do last time03:52
valoriebut they are not open on Sunday03:52
valorieso Thursday at 6? 7?03:53
androidbruceseattlegaucho, you around bro?06:05
valorieok, sent to the list, will dent too10:51
seattlegauchoandroidbruce: usually not around so late during the week 20:46
seattlegauchoandroidbruce: you were looking for me last night?22:35
androidbruceseattlegaucho: yeah was doing some mysql work 22:56
androidbrucei think i got it going though 22:56
androidbrucesucessfully dumped and restored onto another vps 22:56

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