
Gneausr13: just wondering how long you've been using ubuntu and linux, in general00:00
QaDeSit's my data mount btw, where the home folders are in, too00:00
KeshlGnea: Sorry, the *third* line 15, not second. Jeez. x.x00:00
otakoactionparsnip: i don't have any cds00:00
GneaKeshl: looking..00:00
usr13QaDeS: And which partition is full?00:00
actionparsnipotako: use a usb storage00:00
otakowell, i have one but i'm using it for opensuse00:00
otakoand my usb is only 512mb00:00
usr13Gnea: Well, how long have you been using it?00:00
QaDeSusr13, the one i keep all the work data and home folders in. no system stuff at all00:00
Gneausr13: no, I asked you first.00:01
Gneausr13: but we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic00:01
usr13Gnea: sure...00:01
KeshlGnea: The first time we ran it, it got stuck with 20 seconds remaining, then when we restarted it it worked fine. I'm trying to find the second time we ran it, that should have what you want..00:01
en1gmahow do i dist-upgrade to 11.04 beta00:01
en1gmafrom 10.1000:01
actionparsnipotako: could use minimal, its only 22Mb00:01
GneaKeshl: which drive are you installing it to?00:01
usr13QaDeS: du -s00:01
otakodoes that work for opensuse as well?00:02
usr13QaDeS: You should show us.00:02
KeshlGnea: Seems to be around the first 700 line, and I'm installing to C, allocating 30 gigs.00:02
GneaKeshl: sounds fair00:02
en1gmahow do i dist-upgrade to 11.04 beta from 10.1000:02
usr13QaDeS: fdsik -l     du -s00:03
QaDeSah wait, i get permission denieds00:03
actionparsnipotako: only00:03
Squall5668en1gma press alt+f4 and type update-manager -d00:03
actionparsnipen1gma: sudo do-release-upgrade -d00:03
QaDeSwhich mean disk usage analyzer is just ignoring the stuff i don't have access to. touche00:03
KeshlGnea: Nope, not 700, I saw "MD5 okay" or something similar and stopped there to tell you, but that's not what I remember it saying..00:03
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otakofor a linux partition, what do i use? ext2?00:04
en1gmathanks actionparsnip00:05
TopRamentuffpoo you still around00:05
QaDeSumm ok, i get the wrong result even if i launch baobab (wtf?) as root00:06
en1gmai thought i needed to add natty repos or something to souces.lst00:06
QaDeScan df be wrong?00:06
QaDeSlet's see what du -s says00:07
MK``Ubuntu allows me to make encrypted partitions on my drive... are those considered primary partitions?00:07
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harken_what does grub2 wants to tell me when it says "error: out of partition"?00:08
Lantechrunning ubuntu on my laptop makes the HDD really really hot00:09
LantechTHinkpad T6100:09
ronsonolSweep audio editor fails, unable to open /dev/dsp.  Installed oss-compat to no effect.  Opening with pasdp gets playback with a load of static.00:10
escottLantech, have you set the spindown time00:11
ronsonolAny suggestions?  Cause Sweep fulfilled fantasy audio features I wanted, and now doesn't work.00:11
Lantechescott, what is that?00:13
Lantechand why should I have to?00:13
escottif the drive isn't in use it can spin down00:13
Lantechescott, under power options I did set that on00:13
escotthdparm i think00:14
LantechUnder windows 7, no heat issues.  boot to Ubuntu and it burns my palm00:14
ZykoticK9ronsonol, if your audio editor uses /dev/dsp perhaps it's time to find a more modern audio editor, or time warp back to 1995 ;)  Good luck.00:14
QaDeSmy machine is hanging like crazy since i started du -s00:14
Lantechescott, I'll look into it00:14
ronsonolZykoticK9.  I don't know of another editor that does some of the stuff Sweep does.  :(00:14
QaDeSeven the cursor is hanging o.O what can i do about that?00:14
KeshlLantech: Make sure you didn't set it too low or high. Spinning up and down constantly can generate more heat in some systems.00:14
MK``How is Ubuntu's support for GUID partition tables? :)00:16
ZykoticK9ronsonol, when the most recent version came out in 2008 i repeat, "time to find a more modern editor"  sorry man I don't have any real suggestions - hope you find a solution.00:16
escottMK``, its fine00:16
djr013lol I'm using GPT on one of my disks and my machine doesn't even natively support it.00:16
QaDeSok, du -s says 65129084. how many gig is that? ^^00:16
usr13QaDeS: try du -sh00:16
escottdu -sh00:17
djr013(I did it for novelty, I guess.)00:17
ronsonolZykoticK9.  Oh, okay, that's the second great audio ap that went to bitrot.00:17
PiciQaDeS: the -h switch for du and df turns it into human readable formats.00:17
QaDeSyeah right, to kill my box for anothe 10 minues :D00:17
usr13QaDeS: The h switch gives you megs instead of kilobytes00:17
djr013Today I hosed a couple partitions by using ecryptfs-setup-swap and later moving partitions. :(00:18
QaDeSi know00:18
QaDeSbut i can just divide by 1024, no? ;)00:18
sec_goathow can I create folders etc without using sudo so I am the owner and not root?00:18
djr013Anyone know if /etc/crypttab supports LABEL or UUID tags instead of /dev/ locations?00:19
escottsec_goat, mkdir00:19
Squall5668sec_goat, dont use sudo :) just mkdir00:19
actionparsnipsec_goat: assuming you have write access, sudo mkdir00:19
QaDeSok, that's ~62 gig. which is funny, because df telly me 55 gig used, and the disk usage analyzer goes for 33 gig o.O00:19
sec_goatSquall5668: I get a permission denied00:19
actionparsnipsec_goat: sorry, without sudo, you can always chown after running it00:19
QaDeSsooo...educated guess anyone? ;)00:20
escottsec_goat, you must not have modify permission on the parent directory00:20
sec_goatactionparsnip: thats what I had to do so i could copy my files over00:20
sec_goatescott: How do I give those tomyself?00:20
Squall5668sec_goat then you dont have permission to parent folder as escott said00:20
wereverHi guys, I looking for a little help to put my efforts in the correct way, anybody available to chat with me?00:20
escottsec_goat, depends on if you are in the group either chmod g+m or chmod o+m .00:20
djr013QaDeS: Do you have an encrypted dir?00:21
QaDeSsec: mkdir foo; chown me:users foo00:21
QaDeSboth with sudo00:21
Squall5668sec_goat, before that, make sure your user REALLY needs permissions in that folder ;)00:21
QaDeSdjr013, none that i'd know of00:21
escottsec_goat, its probably better to do it QaDes way00:21
djr013ah, nvm00:21
sec_goatSquall5668: I'm realy the only users. and I have been doing it Qades way once i figured that out00:22
sec_goatthanks guys!00:22
Squall5668i guess someone just chown'd /etc/00:22
sec_goatSquall5668: Hah no just /smb00:23
QaDeSdjr013, i was having hangs for a couple of days, but couldn't find a process causing them. so actually, i'm expecting a rootkit or virus of some kind :(00:23
usr13QaDeS: Here are some investigative techniques you can use:  du -sk * | sort -n   will give you a list of files sorted by size.  ls -lS |grep ^d   <will show directories sorted by size>00:23
wereverHi guys, I installed ubuntu 10 after windows 7, I choose work togheter (dualboot recommended option wizard)  and ubuntu doesnt boot, I mean Grub menu doesnt appear, anybody have ideas how fix it?00:24
wereverwindows 7 start normally00:25
escottwerever, you installed ubuntu after windows yes?00:25
actionparsnipwerever: if you hold shift does it show ok?00:25
Squall5668werever: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:25
djr013werever: Sounds like GRUB didn't install.00:25
wereveri didnt try shift :$00:25
djr013If GRUB detects multiple OS's, it'll show the menu by default.00:25
GneaKeshl: hrm, it's really difficult to pinpoint.... have you considered locating a previous version of wubi?00:25
werever<djr013> es its the normal behaivor I know00:26
djr013werever: You installed 10.04 or 10.10?00:26
QaDeSthanks, usr13!00:26
KeshlGnea: Wubi doesn't appear to be the entire problem. It's downloading from a "daily build" server, so it's going to get a bad version (Obviously). Is there any way to get an old version of Kubuntu? Even the regular download seems to be 10.10.2, now..00:27
djr013Yeah, my guess is you'll have to get grub to install somehow.00:27
sec_goat             njknmmk/mkbk.mmmmmmmmmm,nmk m, , m ,m  m m  n nm00:27
rwwHello sec_goat's cat!00:27
KeshlGnea: Either I need to find an older version of Kubuntu, or someone needs to fix Wubi xwx00:27
KeshlGnea: I think <w<00:27
sec_goatson actually00:27
FloodBot3sec_goat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:27
Squall5668keshl i see you've been trying for quite a while, if worse comes, just download 10.04 and upgrade it :)00:27
KeshlSquall5668: You can do that? o_o00:28
wereverI tried to fix it with supergrub200:28
Squall5668Keshl: i believe so... why wouldn't it work?:)00:29
rwwsec_goat: hehe00:29
usr13werever: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub00:29
wereverbut I,m unable  boot up supergrub2 in my kingston usb00:29
escottwerever, if you installed windows after ubuntu then windows overwrote your mbr with its own loader. a grub setup /dev/sda should restore it (i think)00:29
wereverI installed ubuntu after windows <escott>00:30
escottwerever, do you have multiple drives or something?00:30
usr13werever: But you still have lost grub, right?00:30
KeshlSquall5668: Firstly, because I have no idea how to do a distribution upgrade. Secondly, she's got *really* bad juju. I can't even explain how bad. I feel uneasy just talking to her in fear that it might spread to me, but I think the first reason's the bigger problem. <.<00:30
werevergrub never appeared00:31
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Squall5668keshl: i don't know who she is, haven't been following your chat, to dist upgrade, use either "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" or "update-manager -d"00:31
usr13werever: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub00:31
escottusr13, i dont think grub ever was installed correctly00:31
wereveryep I reading on this url usr1300:31
escottwerever, no indications of problems during the install00:32
wereveral lnormally escott00:32
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KeshlSquall5668: Thanks. Never woulda got that. <.< I'll be trying to install it now, using an old version.00:32
wereverI have 1 Hd splitted in 2 partitions one for windows and one for data00:32
usr13escott: That is quite possible.  The information from that URL should get him headed in the right direction...00:32
werevernext I used default and recoommended settings on ubuntu installation wizard00:32
escottwerever, do you have an efi system?00:32
wereverIam not sure what is EFI00:33
escottwerever, is your computer super new? does your mouse work in the bios?00:33
usr13werever: YOu used default recommended partition layout for using free space... that what you mean?00:33
werevermouse on bios, not work00:33
wereveryes usr1300:33
usr13werever: Are you able to use the CD to boot into it?00:34
wereveryes usr1300:34
werevernormally I prefer usb boot up for save time, but cd also works00:34
escottwerever, try reinstalling grub as usr13 suggested just to be sure00:35
wereverOk, any of us know this http://www.bootproblems.com/super-grub2-disk/ ?00:35
wereverI read this tool is good for reinstalling grub200:35
djr013Does super-grub2 install grub or simply allow you to boot into partitions?00:36
djr013werever: You might also try PartedMagic.00:36
wereverI have parted magic here00:36
escottwerever, super-grub2 may not install grub exactly the way ubuntu wants it (although its pretty flexible)00:36
wereverdoes parted magic allow me reinstall grub?00:36
hiexporeinstall grub2 with live cd00:36
aboooAny ideas for a new website00:36
usr13werever: Do you want to show us what you have?00:36
djr013werever: IIRC, there's an option to boot another os in the boot menu.00:36
kavurthi, my wireless doesn't work. and i need help. please00:36
usr13werever: fdisk -l | pastebinit00:36
djr013werever: If you're able to boot into the installed Ubuntu, then try reinstalling grub.00:37
hiexpokavurt, whats the problem ?00:37
werever<usr13> werever: Do you want to show us what you have? < << qhat do yo mean?, of course I can show00:37
wereverI cant boot on installed ubuntu00:37
usr13 fdisk -l | pastebinit00:38
escottwerever, boot the install disk, mount the ubuntu system, chroot into ubuntu, reinstall grub to the mbr00:38
hiexpowerever, was this on a fresh install you just did ?00:38
djr013werever: Not even with the disks?00:38
wereverok, where I shoould use fdisk -l | pastebinit00:38
kavurthiexpo: i can see the wireless card when i say lspci. it used to work. but i just upgraded. now there is only wired network available under system tray.00:38
usr13werever: I think escott just gave a pretty good summary of what you need to do.00:38
werever<hiexpo> werever, was this on a fresh install you just did ? yezs is a fresh install00:39
usr13werever: Open a terminal and type it in: fdisk -l | pastebinit00:39
wereverok, I go then to escott instructyions00:39
tomasm-im trying to install a package (libdrm-dev) and it says "the following packages have unmet dependencies (libdrm-dev depends: libdrm2, libdrm-intel1, libdrm-radeon1, libdrm-nouveau1...)... but i run apt-get with all those listed, and it says for all 4 of those dependencies that "is already the newest version".... though the unmet dependencies says "= 2.4.21-1ubuntu2.1 but 2.4.22-2ubuntu1 is to be installed"00:39
usr13werever: And hit enter.00:39
hiexpowerever, than you have nothing tp lose so do a new fresh install00:39
tomasm-any idea what's wrong?00:39
aromanhey guys, can anyone tell me how to get multitouch working in Maverick on my laptop?00:39
escottusr13, i think werever is talking to us from windows00:40
Squall5668tomasm try dpkg --reconfigure00:40
usr13hiexpo: But there's a good chance it will end the same way.00:40
wereverIam on windows00:40
wereverI will star in to linux live cd00:40
usr13escott: O00:40
wereverand install a client irc to follow this chat00:40
wereverin  the mean time I will save your recommendations until now00:40
usr13werever: very well00:40
tomasm-Squall5668, it says theres no --reconfigure option00:41
hiexpowerever, did you md5sum the iso before loading it to usb > or dvd ?00:41
usr13werever: Yea, well that is the first step.  Boot to it.00:41
usr13hiexpo: He is able to boot the OS so he's got a good install.00:41
wereveryes, hiexpo, I tried with more than one iso version, 10.10 and 11.04, therefore I dont think 2 isos downloaded today from official servers were cvorrupted00:41
bethanyjust out of curisouty and my stupidity, is ther ANY way to recover fiesl deleted with the rm command00:41
usr13hiexpo: Or boot to it I should say...00:41
bethanyi accidently deleted all the user dirs from /home00:42
escottwerever, you've installed ubuntu twice and this happened both times?00:42
aromananyone know how to get two-finger scrolling working?00:42
Bluebill-Wolfhi oh *waves*00:42
wereveryes escott00:42
* hiexpo thinks the install is bad00:42
wereverbut in the mean time of first try and second try00:42
djr013bethany: Sortof...00:42
wereverI deleted all partiontions with ex4 file system00:42
usr13hiexpo: Well, you may be right, but I don't think so.  I think it's just oe00:42
hiexpoif all else fails do a fresh00:42
wereverfor a fresh start00:42
djr013bethany: Are you using the partition where those dirs were deleted?00:43
Cube``is there a way to make tar remove the original archive after extracting?00:43
GneaKeshl: I'm just not sure at this point, I can't boot into windows at the moment to check it out00:43
bethanyits on a running system00:43
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bethanyproduction too00:43
Bluebill-Wolfi need help configureing Vsxu to use the sterio mix feed on my audio any reccmendations as to how to do so?00:43
escottwerever, thats really weird, well try the grub reinstall. i think the web instructions are clearer than i can be00:43
hiexpoCube``, what you mean ?00:43
kavurthiexpo: you look busy, but do you think there's a fix available for my wireless?00:43
KeshlGnea: That's fine, I'll try installing via an older version later today, when it's not 77 degrees. x.x00:43
djr013bethany: If any of that got overwritten, then probably not. But you can try PhotoRec (spelled right?) to search for deleted but still remaining data.00:43
KeshlGnea: Heat + Keshl = thoughtless actions.00:44
Cube``hiexpo: like extract the files from the .tar, then remove the .tar00:44
bethanyit jsut occured like 2 minuts ago00:44
hiexpokavurt, yes one sec sorry00:44
GneaKeshl: I dig, good luck00:44
Bluebill-Wolfi need help configureing Vsxu to use the sterio mix feed on my audio any recomendations as to how to do so?00:44
djr013bethany: In the interest of hindsight, always do backups. :P00:44
hiexpoCube``, yes easy00:44
KeshlGnea: Thanks. And now that we're done(ish) here, I just wanna say, holycrudomgwoooow o_o You reply fast comapred to the other channels I've been in. XD00:45
bethanyya i was just getting ready to do a backup  but had a damn typo wipe everythignout00:45
djr013bethany: Tip: Get off that partition, and mount it read only.00:45
Cube``hiexpo: like how?00:45
wereverescott yep i will try with this instructions, and If I have small question I will be back, I understand is difficult explain all steps without watching my monitor ......I will be back later guys, on ubuntu thanks00:45
GneaKeshl: we try :)00:45
Bluebill-Wolfok i'll wait my turn00:45
hiexpoCube``, it was a tar00:45
Cube``hiexpo: i mean like i to "tar xf <archive>" at the moment. is there something like "tar xfR <archive>"?00:45
escottCube``, check man tar00:46
djr013bethany: Honestly, you've probably got your work cut out for you. PhotoRec is the only such tool I'm aware of, and it doesn't restore filenames, only looks for stuff on disk that it thinks looks like data.00:46
hiexpoCube``, so ? you want to uninstall a tar you compiled and installed ?00:47
elijahI have a script on my desktop that a user helped make for me, right now I have to open terminal and type "sudo script-name.sh" and then it runs great. Is there a way I can just click the icon on the desktop and have it run like it would in terminal? I have tried "open with - bash" and it runs but with errors.00:47
djr013bethany: But you don't want to be using that partition in the meantime.00:47
bethanyah fun and hte best part is there is only one partition00:47
bethanyand thats the whole system00:47
otakoso when my wubi moves to its new partition, do i just update it to the new version of ubuntu?00:47
escottbethany get off that partition NOW pull the plug if you have to00:47
djr013bethany: Shut it down, burn a cd/memory stick with PartedMagic or similar.00:47
leechyHey, can anyone here point me to someone who may be able to help with running fsck on an encrypted home partition?00:47
pfifoelijah, try `gksudo script.sh`00:47
Cube``hiexpo: no. gosh. i have a .tar file. id like to extract it and remove it00:47
djr013bethany: On another computer, I mean.00:47
djr013leechy: Encrypted with ecryptfs?00:48
QaDeSany ideas what .gvfs is? can't even show the size of that...thing00:48
escottleechy, if it is encrypted with ecryptfs just run a normal fsck00:48
hiexpoCube``, ok i am misunderstanding you you want to untar it   < ok > and remove it ?00:48
pfifoQaDeS, its for the gnome virtual filesystem00:48
escottQaDeS, gnome virtual file system00:49
bethanyya problem is that pc is offsite00:49
leechydjr013, sorry I'm not entirely sure which one it is. It's the default encryption from the checkbox during installation.00:49
elijahpfifo: it works fine with "sudo script.sh" what I want to do is be able to click it and have it run00:49
escottbethany, time to call support00:49
djr013leechy: Yeah, normal fsck should be fine.00:49
Cube``hiexpo: yes, untar a .tar, then remove it to reduce clutter00:49
hiexpoCube``, oh ok 1 sec00:49
pfifoelijah, just run it with gksudo00:49
bethanyescott,  i am support00:49
leechydjr013: It hasn't worked. I have a file in my home directory that is corrupted and causes the system to hang whenever it is accessed.00:49
QaDeSis it normal i t cannot be queried as a file/dir?00:49
djr013bethany: The more you use the machine, the more data you lose. :P00:50
pfifoQaDeS, yes00:50
leechydjr013: I tried running fsck several times on boot and it still doesn't work.00:50
djr013bethany: I shudder to think of the logs of your IRC app overwriting valuable data.. :/00:50
djr013leechy: My best guess is the file didn't encrypt properly...00:51
escottleechy, breaks the gui or breaks the system? could you ctrl-alt-f1 and get to a console00:51
djr013leechy: What's the name of it?00:51
hiexpoCube``, sorry rr so you want to delete the tarball after install   :)00:51
Guest88960ok I have an issue im trying to work out.  I installed a smaug mud. It runs.  I can telnet into it my localhost, but I cannot telnet into it through the IP address, nor can other get into it, they get connection denied.  Any ideas how to solve this?00:51
Guest88960changing my nickname to chrissomething..00:51
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leechydjr013: It's named correctly. It's just a .part download from my browser.00:52
bethanydjr013,  i was remotey connected to the server00:52
leechyescott: it doesn't really break anything, it just causes the system to go unresponsive depending on which program is trying to access it.00:52
escottleechy, a .part from firefox why not delete it00:52
Squall5668chrissomething: port forwarding?00:52
leechyit's a 4.400:52
leechyGb download00:53
hiexpokavurt, you still here?00:53
kavurthiexpo: yes00:53
Bluebill-Wolfone down one to go00:53
leechyIt also causes a hang on deletion.00:53
leechyI even tried to dd over it.00:53
chrissomethingsquall I turned off the router firewall, would that bypass port forwarding issues?00:53
hiexpokavurt, ok open terminal and type ifconfig00:53
leechyI think there was something about the inode being wrong.00:53
djr013bethany: Well, any data written to disk (like Firefox profiles and whatnot) can potentially take the place of a formerly referenced file's location on the disk.00:53
escottleechy, you probably don't have many files that large00:54
escottleechy, try to delete it from .ecryptfs00:54
Squall5668chrissomething: not in some stupid routers, just set your pc as dmz to make sure (remember to unset it later)00:54
tomasm-if someone messed up the version on a package dependency (ie =2.4.21 rather than >2.4.21), how can i force a package to be installed even with the dependency error?00:54
kavurthiexpo: i did, there's eth and lo00:54
pfifoleechy, run a filesystem check00:54
leechypfifo: I did, it didn't fix anything.00:54
chrissomethingsquall cool, ill try that now00:54
hiexpokavurt, ok no wireless than00:54
kavurthiexpo: no00:54
escottleechy, logout of gnome (which will unmount the loopback), and find a 4.4+gb file in /home/leechy/.ecryptfs and delete that00:54
bethanyi just shut it down so when i get there tmoarow i will find out00:55
leechyescott: you would be surprised how many large files I have haha.00:55
pfifoleechy, it didnt fix anything as in it found errors and did not fix them?00:55
leechypfifo: it said there were no errors.00:55
almoxarifetomasm-: familiar with synaptic?00:55
usr13leechy: show us:  ls -l | pastebinit00:55
tomasm-almoxarife, kinda i guess00:55
pfifoleechy, whats the error when you try to delete?00:55
hiexpokavurt, ok do you know what card you have?00:55
leechypfifo: it just hangs and the whole system goes unresponsive until I have to hard reset it.00:56
djr013bethany: Good luck, I might be having to use PhotoRec or something similar today too. :C00:56
almoxarifetomasm-: you can use the 'force' version00:56
kavurthiexpo: intel centrino wireless-n 100000:56
pfifoleechy, it sounds like your harddrive is breaking00:56
bethanywell its worth a try thats for sure00:56
Maaheswhat's a command to get my actual bios system time?00:56
kavurthiexpo: i got it from lspci00:56
hiexpokavurt, what driver ?00:56
kavurthiexpo: i don't know00:57
leechypfifo: well it has worked fine for a while now and I haven't had any problems with it before.00:57
hiexpokavurt, ok 1 sec let me see   :000:57
usr13hiexpo: What card does he have?00:57
djr013bethany: From a quick google search http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/00:58
usr13kavurt: What card is it?00:58
djr013I hope for my own sake it works well. :/00:58
leechyusr13: I'm on irc on a separate computer. 'ls -l' gave me a total of 6918400 and all the files seem to be okay.00:58
bethanyi hope so too00:58
escottleechy i still think that deleting the encrypted file from the ext4 partition is your best bet00:58
usr13leechy: Oh, ok00:58
pfifoMaahes, hwclock00:58
tomasm-almoxarife, thanks, looks like that worked00:58
kavurtusr13: when i say lspci, it says: intel centrino wireless-n 100000:58
Maahespfifo: danke00:59
escottif you can figure out what the encrypted filename is/identify it based on the number and size of other files in its folder00:59
usr13kavurt: What does iwconfig say?00:59
leechyescott: I will try it. I really don't want to have to download 4.4GB again.... Blah00:59
escottleechy, thought you already tried to dd over it00:59
kavurtusr13: eth0 no wireless extensions01:00
Bluebill-Wolfsay if i wanted to stream what is visable on my screen what would be recomended to use?01:00
leechyescott: I did, but I still don't want to lose it.01:00
hiexpokavurt, hwinfo --netcard01:00
escottleechy, its hard to imagine you haven't already trashed it01:00
leechyescott: dd failed instantly, I don't know if it did or not.01:00
Bluebill-Wolfsay if i wanted to stream what is visable on my screen what would be recomended to use?01:00
usr13kavurt: You only have eth0  ?  No eth1 or no others?01:00
kavurtusr13: no01:00
escottleechy, you could copy the encrypted file off to another folder to try and rescue later01:01
Bluebill-Wolfsay if i wanted to stream what is visable on my screen what would be recomended to use?01:01
kavurthiexpo: i have no hwinfo installed01:01
djr013escott: Do you think there might be an ecryptfs- utility to trace an encrypted file back to its .ecryptfs location?01:01
usr13kavurt: So this is a laptop and does not have a regular ethernet device ?01:01
hiexpousr13, had wireless before upgrade01:01
escottdjr013, unaware of one, but obviously there has to be something01:01
Bluebill-Wolfsay if i wanted to stream what is visable on my screen what would be recomended to use?01:01
kavurtusr13: it does01:01
djr013I'm guessing ecryptfs-stat.01:02
leechyescott: Eh, I just rm'd it but thanks for the help.01:02
usr13kavurt: Then what else does iwconfig list?  eth1 or wlan0 or ...?  Any others...?01:02
kavurtusr13: eth0 and lo. nothing else01:03
escottBluebill-Wolf, less?01:03
chrissomethingsquall well that made some progress, I went from instant connection denied to it just hanging but still wont  connect.01:03
hiexpokavurt, wierd cause the driver is in the kernal    > what version ubuntu you on now?01:03
djr013Nevermind, it doesn't appear to do that.01:03
Bluebill-Wolfescott mind pming me?01:03
Squall5668chrissomething, now check for firewalls, like ufw? or something you installed01:04
escottBluebill-Wolf, cat longfile.txt | less01:04
kavurthiexpo:  11.0401:04
hiexpokavurt, you did a system upgrade ?01:04
usr13kavurt: hiexpo That is strange...   And this happened after distribution upgrade?  Is that it?  From what to what? ... 9.04 to 10.04 ?01:04
leechyAnyway, I'm going to leave now. usr13, djr013, escott: thank you for the help01:04
kavurthiexpo: yes, i did do-release-upgrade -d01:05
escottBluebill-Wolf, anything with a lot of output. cat war_and_peace.txt | less01:05
djr013No problem leechy.01:05
usr13leechy: Ok... good luck01:05
kavurtusr13: from 10.10 to 11.0401:05
leechyI deleted it from .encryptfs01:05
Bluebill-Wolfi don't follow01:05
* hiexpo @ kavurt troughs his hands up system upgrade is all bad fresh install only wayto go 01:06
Eiriksvincan somone help me, i need to be able to do this offline, but it requires an online download: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652910&highlight=wpn11101:06
escottBluebill-Wolf, wasn't sure what exactly your question was. if the text is streaming by too fast pipe it to less | less01:06
usr13kavurt: ok...  well, he doesn't have any network interfaces working now. So, not sure what to make of that.01:06
usr13kavurt: What does lspci say about the ethernet device?01:06
actionparsnip!natty | kavurt01:06
ubottukavurt: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.01:06
hiexpokavurt, that is why sys upgrade all bad01:06
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jessicaBRhey, I'd like to install firefox4 and unisntall firefox3. I think I can deal with the installation, but can't find the firefox3 package in synaptic... How to uninstall it?01:07
Bluebill-Wolfi ment as in a applacation to that i can use to that the out put feed and send it to the Ustream from my moniter rather then from my camra01:07
botcityBluebill-Wolf,  did you mean stream as in video stream of the desktop ?01:07
djr013hiexpo: Unfortunately, no easy way to transfer changes (preferably only the still relevant ones) to the new install01:07
kavurtusr13: hiexpo: ok, thanks. i will reinstall the system.01:07
Squall5668jessica did you try searching for firefox and not firefox3?01:07
chrissomethingsquall I dont think I have any firewalls installed, I installed firestarter awhile back, but I loaded it up and it was off, I re-turned if off anyways.01:08
hiexpokavurt, should do fresh install and i would personally recomend 10.0401:08
usr13kavurt: I hate to give up on it, but that might be easiest solution for you.... so, go for it.01:08
escottBluebill-Wolf, recordmydesktop01:08
Bluebill-Wolfmuch obliged01:08
usr13kavurt: I agree with hiexpo's recommendation01:08
escottBluebill-Wolf, although it doesn't stream so much as record01:08
Eiriksvincan somone help me, i need to be able to do this offline, but it requires an online download: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652910&highlight=wpn11101:08
kavurthiexpo: usr13: thanks for trying anyway.01:09
Squall5668chrissomething, this doesn't sound like an ubuntu problem, im not sure how much help you can get here01:09
Bluebill-Wolfis there a way to make it do so ?01:09
usr13kavurt: That is not to say that 11.04 won't install just fine, without a hitch, but just to be on the safe side, if you want a reliable system for sure...01:09
hiexpokavurt, and after you do thatcome see me and i will tell you how to get kernak it is very fast nattys kernal01:09
escottBluebill-Wolf, where would you stream to? do you want to stream to another computer, then maybe a vnc type thing01:10
Bluebill-Wolfmy chennel01:10
escottBluebill-Wolf, sorry don't know what Ustream is01:10
escottBluebill-Wolf, is this TV?01:10
leapy0yowhen i click to open a pull down menu of places home dirtort it uses vlc to open it. how can i change tht back to folder explorer?01:10
chrissomethingsquall aye, might be my router still. Ill unplug it and try that way. Thanks for trying01:10
kavurtok hiexpo and usr13. thanks01:11
hiexpokavurt, good luck01:11
jessicaBRSquall5668, I think I found the problem. I added the new repository for firefox 4, and somehow it removed the previous firefox version package references in synaptic... I just removed the repositories and the package references are back :)01:11
escottEiriksvin, you can download all the required debs and put them on a thumb drive01:12
Squall5668jessica: cool, just don't bother to much, 11.04 is almost here, and has firefox4 in it :)01:12
Simon__Hi :D i have a problem with the ubuntu live cd, i put the cd into my mac and restart booting from the cd, i get to a purple screen, i get stuck there for a while then the screen starts flickering and then the cd drive just stops and the screen goes blank. I then have to hold down the power button to power off. I've tried the mac and pc edition both in 10.10 and 11.04, help!? :L01:12
escottBluebill-Wolf, you want to record from ustream or push to ustream01:12
usr13Simon__: What is your hardware?01:12
Bluebill-Wolfpush to01:13
Eiriksvinimma noob... i dont know how to do that stuff01:13
Simon__mac mini (2010 remodel) Intel core 2 duo 2.4 GHz 2GB mem01:13
newclimbhi i ve install ubuntu in a notebook toshiba satelite u505 but when the coller start the ubuntu stop working anyone know how can i fix it01:13
escottEiriksvin, do you have access to another computer and an ethernet cord? that would be easiest01:13
botcityBluebill-Wolf,  you can record your desktop and then upload to ustream but not sure about both at the same time..01:14
escottBluebill-Wolf, a lot of people record from vnc and you could probably pipe that through a converter and push it up01:14
Eiriksvini only have one comp and my windows got hit by viruses real bad they even found a way to take my windows reg key so now its not "genuine"01:15
Bluebill-Wolflast time i tried that it failed01:15
Bluebill-Wolfbut i'll let you know what i find01:15
escottEiriksvin, borrow a friends computer?01:15
escottEiriksvin, i just know thats the easiest01:16
usr13Simon__: What ISO do you have?01:16
Eiriksvinit wont matter, i still only have wifi in my apt building01:16
escottEiriksvin, you can't plug in directly to the router ie its not yours01:17
KM0201Eiriksvin, whats the problem now?.. still no wifi?01:17
Simon__usr13 ubuntu-11.04-beta2-desktop-amd64+mac + ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 + ubuntu-11.04-beta1-desktop-amd6401:17
usr13Simon__: So which one were you trying to install with?01:18
Eiriksvinto be honest, i dont have many friends... im a country boy that even works for my family farm... i dont have much so friends didnt seem very important either... heck i got more friends on my ps3 tham real life... heh01:18
Eiriksvinyeah, i live with my gf in a small apt wifi is free01:19
chotazI've recently bought a creative webcam, with a micrphone incorporated, a cretive live cam model no. vf0420. on teamspeak my friends complain my voice sounds robotic and is praticaly not understandeable. what can I do to work this around? i'm on 10.10.01:19
Eiriksvini got the comp and the wifi adapter free01:19
escottEiriksvin, well its all about getting a list of the filenames you need to complete the task01:19
escottEiriksvin, you can run the commands and if they fail because you cant get some file (wget fails)01:20
escottwrite down the filename, and download it from windows01:20
Simon__usr13 im not installing yet im trying out ubuntu on my mac cause it has better specs than my pc, i already have it installed on my laptop (pc).01:20
actionparsnipSimon__: do they pass MD5 test?01:20
Eiriksvini just used a wet rag to clean off the outside of this old monster, and took a air compresser to the inside just to blow out a pound of dust:)01:20
djr013Eiriksvin: Well I'd suggest doing it with Linux on your PS3, but... (sorry couldn't help myself)01:21
Ignivomoushow do i share files from ubuntu to ubuntu pc's?01:21
Simon__actionparsnip the what test? :L ive never heard of it01:21
usr13Simon__: So you tried to boot the ubuntu-11.04-beta2-desktop-amd64+mac  ?01:21
escottSimon__, run md5sum ubuntu*.iso and compare with the stated values01:21
actionparsnip!md5 | Simon__01:21
ubottuSimon__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:21
otakoi can't boot into my new partition, does anyone have any hints as to what i did wrong?01:22
actionparsnipSimon__: currently you have no way of knowing the images are good as you have failed to test them01:22
Simon__usr13: all macs are amd64 so theres just on universal iso01:22
escottotako, what if any error messages you get01:22
djr013otako: What version?01:22
otakonone, i have wubi01:22
binoxcan anyone help me to get graphics acceleration working on an intel card. not sure if it is a driver issue01:22
rwwNot all Macs are amd64. Not all Intel Macs are amd64, even ;P01:22
binoxsound works fine  but dvd and game graphics are choppy01:23
escottSimon__, usr13 do you need to do anything special to boot macs in the bios compatible mode or does ubuntu deal with the efi01:23
Eiriksvinwe cant have linux on ps3 anymore, they took it away01:23
chotazI've recently bought a creative webcam, with a micrphone incorporated, a cretive live cam model no. vf0420. on teamspeak my friends complain my voice sounds robotic and is praticaly not understandeable. what can I do to work this around? i'm on 10.10.01:23
escottEiriksvin, and the hackers brought it back :)01:23
Ignivomoushow do i share files from ubuntu to ubuntu pc's?01:23
Bluebill-Wolffixed one but haveing issues with a new01:23
actionparsnipchotaz: run:   lsusb    websearch for the 8 character hex id01:23
escottIgnivomous, most secure method is ssh01:23
otakomy boot screen just doesn't have the new copy on it01:24
Simon__escott: thinking that myself actually01:24
chotazaction parsnip, ty01:24
escottIgnivomous, but there are lots of others ftp/NFS/smb01:24
Ignivomousescott , is that CLI or GUI?01:24
djr013Ignivomous: All depends on who you need to share them with, there are hundreds of ways.01:24
actionparsnipIgnivomous: you can install openssh and use sshfs or install samba and share folders using nautilus01:24
binoxim wondering if i can tell if nvivia or ati drivers are installed and interfering with the xorg driver01:24
escottIgnivomous, scp is command line, but there are certainly guis01:24
Simon__ubottu: thatnk you ill go check it out now01:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:24
Eiriksvinoh somone needs to let them know that 64 bit for amd64 always has the checksum different i tried to download it 3 times, had to go with the 3201:24
otakoit won't mount the partition i put the new copy on01:25
chrissomethingsquall hey another question... when setting port forwarding, how do I know which ending number (192.168.1.x) I should have it at?01:25
Ignivomousso i need to install samba to shares files right?01:25
actionparsnipIgnivomous: samba will be gui but can be cli, sshfs needs zero config as it uses the access already in your OS01:25
actionparsnipIgnivomous: samba is just one option01:25
escottchrissomething, where do you want to forward to01:25
FlynsarmyIf 11.04 is being released on the 28th, shouldn't an RC be out by now? or are they not having one this time around?01:26
Squall5668chrissomething ifconfig shows your IP01:26
Ignivomousactionparsnip , and i need to install it on both PCs?01:26
otakoit's in the topic Flynsarmy01:26
chrissomethingsquall ah excellent.01:26
escottIgnivomous, install and start your ssh server (its the most useful thing to have) if its not what you want then get something else01:26
Squall5668for example mine says somewhere : inet addr:
actionparsnipIgnivomous: you can already access samba shares from a default install, you only need to install samba on the system you want to share files from01:27
escottIgnivomous, you only need a server on one machine but I've always installed ssh servers on every linux machine i've had01:27
chrissomethingexcott trying to set up so people can telnet into a MUD server, only works from localhost not external telnetting at the moment.01:27
binoxhelp with graphics acceleration.  intel video card01:27
chrissomethingswuall alright got it, .104 for me.01:27
chrissomethingsquall got it, .104 for me01:27
elijahpfifo: I get it now, thakns01:27
botcityEiriksvin, which site are you getting it from alot of people say getting it via torrents is a better01:27
chotazactionparsnip i've installed ov51x-jped multiple times but i still have this problem01:28
actionparsnipchotaz: no idea what that is01:28
escottchrissomething, because you hae a NAT, so the ip of the server you want to forward to01:28
binoxdvd and game video is choppy,  is it possible nvidia or ati drivers are installed and interfering with the org driver01:28
binoxor how do i check to make sure the proper driver is installed.01:28
binoxthe only driver that shows in additional drivers is my b4301:29
Squall5668escott he already set it as DMZ so, thats not a prob, still its some network setting, nothing to do with ubuntu probably01:29
kermitwhy cant i get autologin to work?01:29
chrissomethingsquall does ubuntu come with some firewalls already installed that I might not be seeing?01:29
Squall5668chrissomething iptables, but inactive unless you configure it01:30
Ignivomousok so i installed samba and when i want to share a file i get this message "Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)"01:30
actionparsnipkermit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin01:31
Squall5668chrissomething: maybe some setting in mudserver? i never used it, but i suppose it has a setting asking which address to use, does it use the external one?01:31
actionparsnipIgnivomous: you share folders, not files01:31
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davlinbarada nikto01:31
Ignivomousi meant folder01:31
actionparsnipIgnivomous: try: sudo apt-get upgrade samba-common-bin01:32
binoxintel video card:  how to enable vga so dvd and games are not choppy or make sure proper drivers are installed01:33
kermitactionparsnip: yes i did all that01:33
escottbinox, there are no special drivers for intel. what does glxinfo say01:33
Ignivomousactionparsnip , thank you01:33
actionparsnipkermit: if you log off and on, does the setting stick?01:34
kermitactionparsnip: yes01:34
chrissomethingsquall no it just has a port I can specify which I am.  Something is still interferring with  connection, it just hangs then times out.  Any setting files in ubuntu that might block telnet requests from the internet somewhere?01:34
escottbinox, you could check in synaptic that the xorg-intel-video-intel is installed01:35
Squall5668can you ping yourself externally?01:35
tbruff13how do i get the wine menu back i deleted it when i cleaned i reinstalled wine and now have no menu01:35
neoygeosaludos tengo una consulta no se si puedan contestarme tengo ubuntu 10.10 y ATI control center instalado y antes aplicaba los cambios de resolucion o display sin reiniciar y ahora me pide reiniciar saben porque sera??01:35
binoxescott ,  how do i get the glxinfo  terminal  command?01:35
otakook, it's told me why i can't log in to my other ubuntu install01:35
escottbinox, just type it in a terminal01:35
chrissomethingsquall 8 packets transmitted, 8 received, 0% packet loss, time 6997ms01:35
otakoit says that there's no kernel on the partition01:36
Squall5668that's a ***load of ping chrissomething01:36
chrissomethingsquall just 8 pings :)01:36
binoxit saysglxinfo not installed01:36
Dominaterflash doesnt work properly on ubuntu x64?01:36
Squall5668sorry i meant lag\latency01:36
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:37
chrissomethingsquall ah thats weird, supposedly Im high speed net01:37
escottbinox, first install command-not-found to make your life easier01:37
actionparsnipDominater: does here01:37
binoxwhat is command not found01:37
Dominaterwith chrome?01:37
binoxcan i apt-get install it01:37
escottbinox, it will tell you how to get the command if you dont have it01:37
escottbinox, apt-get install command-not-found01:38
actionparsnipDominater: indeed, it's all I use01:38
escottbinox, rather sudo apt-get install command-not-found01:38
hiexpobinox, command not found means you errored01:38
binoxescott brb01:38
TopRamencan chrome work on Ubuntu?  well?01:38
chotazactionparsnip: when I try building a source with sudo make, I get an error saying autoconf.h was not found, is this normal?01:38
actionparsnipDominater: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf01:38
hiexpoTopRamen, yes01:38
TopRamenok ty01:38
escottchotaz, don't build as root, only do things you HAVE to do as root, building is not a have to do01:38
actionparsnipchotaz: why not ask the channel, instead of targetting me01:38
chotazactionparsnip: since you last said my name, you were auto-tabbed and I didnt noticed, sorry.01:39
hiexpoactionparsnip, > cause he likes you   :)01:39
actionparsnipchotaz: np man01:39
chotazescott, with or without sudo I get the same error, I tried updating linux-headers-generic, but no update is available.01:40
bideohi folks I"m looking for current performance tips guide01:40
binoxescott,  i have my glxinfo,  long string of info,  should i post it here01:40
escottchotaz, i think build-essentials may have autoconf, but you could also just install autoconf01:40
escottbinox, pastebin it01:40
escott!paste binox01:41
escott!pastebin | binox01:41
ubottubinox: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:41
actionparsnipTopRamen: works great here, I use the daily build for super freshness01:42
bideois there a tool I can get for shutting down services?01:42
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Squall5668apt-get install htop01:42
bideothanks Squall01:43
actionparsnipGuest26538: running IRC clients as root is really NOT a good idea01:43
chotazescott, i've already installed build-essential and no updates are available, might it be the source that's looking for it in the wrong place?01:43
escottbideo, service or /etc/init.d/servicename stop01:43
actionparsnipbideo: sudo service servicename start|stop|status01:43
Squall5668htop is quite awesome ppl, try it :)01:44
superman097i have installed ntop on my ubuntu with following this manual installing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ntop01:44
escottchotaz, install autotools01:44
bideohtop is handy but does it let you turn services off01:45
superman097but when i run in browser with localhost:3000 the result is not found?01:45
=== msponge_ is now known as msponge
Squall5668just highlight the service and press F1101:45
chotazescott, is that in the repos?01:45
Squall5668or f10? it says on the bottom :p01:45
actionparsnipsuperman097: do you have a service running on port 300001:46
escottchotaz, yes... autotools, autotools-dev01:46
chotazescoot, already installed it seems.01:46
binoxescott,  glxinfo here         http://paste.ubuntu.com/599535/01:46
superman097anyone can help me?01:47
tbruff13Hey im trying to put a video an an mp3 player that only supports amv video can someone help me with a conversion or does anyone know of converting software that handles this format01:47
escottchotaz, did you run ./configure first?01:47
binoxubottu,   to paste glx from command?   something like !pastebinit  glxinfo  ?01:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:47
Eiriksvinwee im going back to linux:) getting to work with some help from my buddy KM0201 :)01:47
chotazescott, there's no configure on this source01:47
escottbinox, what kind of intel video card do you have?01:48
Dwade09guys im having issues with hulu.com everytime on hulu videos i keep getting sorry, we are unable to load the player, please check your internet connection, clear your browser cache and try again.01:48
binoxescott,  intel  82852/855gm01:49
tbruff13can someone help me please can i make ffmpeg to avm can i do anything im just lost ive been lost all day01:49
tbruff13or can someone tell me how to make coby manager software work in ubuntu01:50
binoxescott, keep in mind video works,  as i get flash video which works fine,  but dvd and gaming is slow01:50
escottbinox, thats not a particularly good videocard01:50
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escottbinox, you could try and install libdrm-intel but if its not supported for that chip...01:51
binoxi know that,  i have 10.10 running perfect on my tablet,  but on this old laptop for the kids,  i have everything in order except this01:51
binoxit wont even play like wormux fast enough,  and i know it should01:52
Loshkitbruff13: Google turned up this page on creating amv: Does it help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64616401:52
escottbinox, install xserver-xorg-video-intel and libdrm-intel01:52
binoxdo you think i could fet it working properly,  i thought it was possible that i somehow installed the nvidia drivers or something and its breaking the acceleration for the intel card01:53
binoxk brb01:53
escottchotaz, well make is expecting one so...01:53
Dwade09can someone play videos off hulu.com running linux? it keeps giving me errors saying i need to clear my cache and try again, i do and same thing it was working fine this morning then this afternoon it acts up01:53
tbruff13Loshki, thanks but i tried ffmpeg does not know the format01:53
binoxescott,  installed,  i will now try dvd. brb01:54
escottbinox, you would have to restart X01:55
Samo502Dwade09: i have no problem with it when i do01:55
Samo502Dwade09: is your flash player up to date?01:56
binoxescott,  how do i restart X,  terminal?  or is my my computer?01:56
kermitok i cant get autologin to work, and i cant get the accessability option to not hide passwords to work.. i guess i'll have to disable ssh and make a weak password.01:56
escottbinox, logout of the session and log back in, you could also look into your /var/log/xorg.0.log and see if anything is failing.01:56
tbruff13It is also called MTV format and i dont know how to convert with it at all01:56
escottkermit, ssh authorized keys01:56
=== zaveden_mirisom_ is now known as Stameni
Dwade09Samo502,  not sure how do i check?01:57
StameniI have just installed gnome 3 in 11.0401:57
kermitescott:  i mean auto login in gdm01:57
Stameniand unity and regular gnome crashed01:57
Stameniis there any way to fix this or i have to reinstall again ?01:58
escottStameni, #ubuntu+101:58
Samo502Dwade09: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/01:58
abedhi all01:58
Stameniescott, whats that ?01:58
Samo502Dwade09: that'll tell you what the current version is and what you have01:58
Squall5668stameni: its the channel for Natty01:58
Samo502Dwade09: though it probably gets updated with the update-manager anyway01:58
Stamenithank you, sorry01:59
Dwade09Samo502, You have version 10,2,161,23 installed01:59
escottkermit, not sure all the details for autologin but it creates a file in /etc/gdm/custom.conf01:59
Samo50210.2.159.1 says it's the newest for firefox/mozilla browsers01:59
escottkermit, you could remove that file and reconfigure. also gdm will probably only read that file on startup so you may need to restart the gdm service (or reboot)02:00
binoxescott,  didnt quite work,  but seemed to help a bit,  im leaving for tonight,  but thanks for your assistance02:03
binoxone last question for anyone.  how to pastebinit from terminal?  i.e how to paste bin   glxinfo or lspci  or something like that  without cut/paste02:04
Dwade09Samo502,  im trying to install version 10 and i get Error: Breaks existing package 'mint-flashplugin' that conflict: 'flashplugin-nonfree'. But the '/home/doug/Desktop/install_flash_player_10_linux.deb' provides it via: 'flashplugin-nonfree'02:04
Squall5668!pastebinit | binox02:04
ubottubinox: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com02:04
escottbinox, lspci | pastebinit02:04
kermitescott: yeah its set in there, it just doesnt seem to work02:04
Samo502Dwade09: for what it's worth i use the flash player 10 package from the Software Center02:05
binoxfantastic,  thank you all for your help,  cu again soon02:05
escottkermit, im not clear on how it all works, when I disable the autologin it doesn't delete the file... but your could delete the file and autologin would be disabled02:05
tuffpoo_UBUNTUhey guys i need dome help02:06
Dwade09Samo502, you got a link?02:06
Samo502Dwade09: you could just search flash in the software center02:06
Dwade09ill try that thanks Samo502 .02:06
Samo502Dwade09: i'm not on linux at the moment, i'm downloading a game on my linux computer but i'm doing it on windows since i've read wine doesn't have good compatability with it02:07
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Dwade09Samo502,  sorry, i dont have a windows os.02:07
kermitescott: im trying to enable it02:07
Samo502Dwade09: though i am referring to linux mentioning hulu of course :P02:08
Squall5668kermit what's the problem?02:08
escottkermit, im saying get it completely disabled first (no files or anything) then reenable02:08
tuffpoo_UBUNTUhey guys i need some help... i instasll synergy but ehrn i go to open iot it does nopthing02:08
tuffpoo_UBUNTUsorry not used to this KB02:08
Dwade09thanks Samo502 , i an updating my system now, and when its done ill install flash 10 see how that works, if it doesnt work ill let you know.02:09
Squall5668tuffpoo what ubuntu version are you using?02:09
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Squall5668any error msg?02:09
tuffpoo_UBUNTUSquall5668, nope02:10
tylohi where do i find the links entered in the menu internet / developement / office .. etc? i installed edb but it has no entry in developement so i want to add it02:10
escotttylo, alacarte02:10
tuffpoo_UBUNTUSquall5668, sorry im on 10.10 ubuntu02:10
anonymitytrying to create a bootable CD for a friend, but my CD\DVD Creator is trying write the files more than once. I have made sure that i am clicking BURN and not BURN MULTI. COPIES02:10
anonymityany fixes?02:10
Samo502Dwade09: i'm going out to buy dinner at the moment so i'll be a while02:10
Squall5668tuffpoo try running it from the terminal to see if any errors show02:11
tuffpoo_UBUNTUSquall5668, how do u do that ??02:11
tuffpoo_UBUNTUsorry kinda new Squall566802:11
escotttuffpoo_UBUNTU, open a terminal and type synergy02:12
Squall5668you open the terminal from accessories, and type either synergyc or synergys02:12
Bluebill-Wolfhow do i update drivers in the termanal?02:12
raglehow do i change the port for the network i want to join?  using Xchat Gnome02:12
tuffpoo_UBUNTUSquall5668, No command 'synergy' found, did you mean:02:13
tuffpoo_UBUNTU Command 'synergyc' from package 'synergy' (universe)02:13
tuffpoo_UBUNTU Command 'synergys' from package 'synergy' (universe)02:13
Bluebill-Wolf the /server command02:13
Squall5668tuffpoo i never said synergy :P02:13
escottSquall5668, sorry that was me02:13
tuffpoo_UBUNTUoh haha my bad Squall566802:13
Squall5668its cool escott, i just typed it myself to check ;)02:13
tuffpoo_UBUNTUsynergyc: a server address or name is required02:14
tuffpoo_UBUNTUTry `synergyc --help' for more information.02:14
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escotttuffpoo_UBUNTU, synergyc is the client02:14
Squall5668tuffpoo well there is no error then02:14
Squall5668tuffpoo try installing quicksynergy, its a gui tool for synergy02:14
tuffpoo_UBUNTUescott, well i want to run it as a client and use my fedora laptop as a server02:15
Squall5668see if that helps you use it02:15
tuffpoo_UBUNTUnope dosent work02:15
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tuffpoo_UBUNTUi tried last night02:15
tuffpoo_UBUNTUive been trying for days02:15
Squall5668then type synergyc <fedora's networkname here>02:15
Squall5668or ip, could work02:15
anonymityBluebill-Wolf: I'm googling, or trying atleast02:16
tuffpoo_UBUNTUi do ifconig on both pcs to see the network ip right?02:16
raglei want to save a connection in my GUI of Xchat and use a custom port for the server...any ideas?02:17
tuffpoo_UBUNTUokay Squall5668  im confused02:19
Squall5668what's wrong?:)02:19
tuffpoo_UBUNTUSquall5668, let me explane what i wana do maybe that will help02:20
IanWizardonly two more days :D02:20
thelandymanhello all. Interested in moving my server from FreeBSD to Ubuntu... I understand the new builds support ZFS. Is it stable, and can I leave the zpool intact without having to backup the data?02:20
TuffPooSquall5668: i want to use this machine im currently on to be the server for the ubuntu box right next to me on the left side02:21
TuffPooSquall5668: this machine is fedora 14 and the ubuntu box is ubuntu 10.1002:21
TuffPooSquall5668: as u can see i have both machines on irc heh02:22
Squall5668tuffpoo on how to setup the server, please go to #fedora channel, the client is then run by using command "synergyc <fedora IP>02:23
TuffPooSquall5668: they tell me to come here lol im stuck in a loop!! haha02:23
Squall5668tuffpoo well, if you are sure that the server is setup correctly, just type synergyc xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx in ubuntu terminal02:24
TuffPooSquall5668: okay02:26
Milos1Hello. I am pretty new to Ubuntu and I am having an issue upgrading. I am running 9.10 and would like to upgrade to 10.04. However, when I run the update manager there is no button to select that upgrade. I upgraded everything else that it suggested so now it just says you are up to date. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?02:26
Squall5668Milos try pressing alt+f2 and typing "update-manager -d"02:27
Milos1Fantastic that worked. Thank you very much. Any chance you explain why that worked?02:28
Squall5668it just launched the update manager with a distribution upgrade parameter02:28
Milos1Ah ok. Well thank you very much02:29
Squall5668you're welcome02:29
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dlarmeirIs anyone familiar with how to fix flash distortion issues in Ubuntu 11.04?02:32
dlarmeirI have this issue http://pastebin.com/txZcEEvJ02:32
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Squall5668dlarmeir please goto #ubuntu+102:32
dlarmeirOops, wrong link.02:32
ralliasIs there any way to tell empathy/gwibber/evolution to start when I log in?02:38
tensorpuddingrallias: add them to startup applications02:38
Belinrahscould someone educate me on how to use the "patch" command? I have a wireless driver I need to compile myself (from the manufacturer) and I need to patch it so it works properly with my card02:39
ralliaswhere would the commands be for them?02:39
velcroshoozrallias, system -> preferences -> startup applications02:40
ralliasvelcroshooz i got that far, what folder are the executables in?02:40
velcroshoozrallias, the executable should be in your path, so folder shouldnt be necessary. just try 'empathy' for example02:41
arand_Belinrahs: e.g. "patch -p1 < ../patchfile.diff"02:41
Belinrahsahh ok I was missing the "<" thank you very much!02:41
Squall5668i can confirm "empathy" works without a path :)02:42
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jacob_So, who here knows how to fix a minor issue in WINE?02:44
Squall5668jacob_ it could be best to join #winehq02:45
kellnola_yeah wine is something all unto itself02:47
arielsanfloW: Error de GPG: http://extras.ubuntu.com natty Release: Las firmas siguientes no se pudieron verificar porque su llave pública no está disponible: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119202:51
Squall5668arielsanflo can't speak whatever that is, (spanish?) but join #ubunt+102:51
escott!es | arielsanflo02:52
ubottuarielsanflo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:52
Squall5668oh ubottu is multilingual?02:52
Dr_Willisubottu is almost alive.02:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:53
escottexcept when he isnt02:53
escottquiet night is anyone still waiting for answers02:54
Dr_Willisim waiting for the chaos that will hit here on release day. :)02:55
itiliousis there any other way to send a command to a host other than ssh?02:55
Dr_Willisthe quiet befor the storm02:55
Dr_Willisitilious:  telnet.02:55
itiliousmy ssh server will not connect after enabling ufw02:55
Squall5668i won't be here :P have fun02:55
escottitilious, telnet is not secured though02:55
Dr_Willisfix your firewall to allow the ssh port through. I bet it would block telnet also.02:56
escottwhat is it Chu02:56
itiliousdoes telnet server need configuring locally first before a remote connection to send command?02:56
escottitilious, yes02:56
ninjafishI would hope so02:56
ryan_Hello everyone, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a lenovo thinkpad, and I have this crazy error where my house jumps around all over the place. where can i go for help?02:56
itiliousis there any other way to send the command "sudo ufw disable" to host, so that i can ssh into it again?02:57
KeshlIs anyone still around from earlier, when they helped with my wubi issue?02:57
ryan_hahaha err.... yea mouse02:57
escottitilious, you need to sit down in front of it02:57
Eiriksvini got a silly noob question... is Ubuntu 10.10 maverick? or is there one for each code name?02:57
Squall5668itilious even though telnet is not secure, its not that bad02:57
itiliousescott, last msg,, i was still logged in an didnt close the window to confirm it was ufw that caused timeout issue with ssh02:57
Dr_Willisitilious:  so you sshd in and enebled the firewall and now are blocked and cant ssh back in?02:57
ubottuThe XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.02:58
itiliousDr_Willis, unfortunately yes02:58
Squall5668!maverick | Eirksvin02:58
ubottuEirksvin: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101002:58
Squall5668each release has a different name02:58
Dr_Willisitilious:  then i imagine you are locked out untill you can get to the box and fix the firewall rules.02:58
escottryan_, is your mouse jumping in a reasonable fashion or do you think it is random02:58
Eiriksvinok so there isnt a lucid thats 10.10, is that what ur saying?02:59
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100402:59
escottEiriksvin, names go by letters Maverick Meerkat then Natty Narwhal then Oneric Ocelot02:59
Squall5668correct :)02:59
Eiriksvinneat, so why do they go in alphabetical order two per year?03:00
escottEiriksvin, Lucid Lynx was 10.0403:00
Squall5668yes they do actually :)03:00
Dr_WillisEiriksvin:  because its 'cute'  (and getting old, and annoying) :)03:01
escottin YY.MM format 2010-Apr=10.0403:01
Dr_WillisEiriksvin:  2 per year. because its a 6 mo release schedule.03:01
Squall5668oh, come on Dr, its not that annoying03:01
Eiriksvinoh, so they release in april and october03:01
Dr_WillisSquall5668:  yes it is..03:01
ninjafishescott:  I never realized that, thanks03:01
Squall5668it's just a name03:02
ryan_can anyone help me out with an odd mouse problem. i just installed ubuntu on a laptop and my mouse just jumps all over the place03:02
Dr_Willisryan_:  not accidently touching the touchpad are you?03:02
Squall5668ryan, try pluging it in other port?03:02
Eiriksvinhave u tried reducing the pointer speed?03:02
Dr_Willisbye all03:02
ninjafishryan_:  When does the mouse move all over the place, when you are typing or just sitting there?03:03
ryan_nope, i'm just typing away and then the mouse goes nuts and the only way i can fix it is restart the laptop03:03
escottryan_, also type xinput list in your terminal and see if there is anything odd listed03:03
ryan_but I have not tied the error to when I start typing03:03
Eiriksvinsick the cat on it, itll rid u of that pesky mouse issue:)03:03
Squall5668not even unpluging it?03:03
ninjafishryan_: Does it stop moving when you take your hands off the keyboard? Do you have a usb mouse plugged in or is it only a touch pad?03:04
escottits a touchpad03:04
ryan_the laptop has a eraser mouse and also a laptop03:05
Jordan_UMilos: Can you pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a"?03:05
ryan_is there somewhere i can research the error, i didn't see anything on the ubuntu forums03:05
escottryan_, you can use input set-int-prop # "Device Enabled" 32 0 to disable input device # from xinput list03:07
escotttry that and see if you can isolate the source of the problem (touchpad or eraser mouse03:07
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deenawhen is ubuntu 11.04 final released ?03:09
Squall56681.5 day03:09
Etheraelanyone know what's up with gvim hiding the mouse cursor when it's over it under certain circumstances?(10.10)03:10
Eiriksvinthe 28th03:10
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Etheraelbasically seems whenever the window has focus and it's in insert mode, it will hide the cursor on mouseover03:11
Eiriksvinnoobs learning here gimme time:)03:11
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vachoanyone excited about ubuntu 11.04??03:12
Eiriksvinawe nobody noticed my lame attempt at computer mice humor03:12
JasonnI get Setting Locale Failed when I try to start inspircd, it sais its a perl error03:13
Eiriksvinit look sweet, i like it03:13
Squall5668join #ubuntu-release-party !! :)03:13
ronsonolAsked earlier for advice getting Sweep to work (unable to open /dev/dsp).   Only response was "get a modern sound editor."03:13
ronsonolBut it looks like it's available in 11.0403:13
Squall5668well then, is it working now ronsonol?03:13
ronsonolNo, I'm waiting until official release for 11.0403:14
JasonnI get Setting Locale Failed when I try to start inspircd, it sais its a perl error03:14
Squall5668that's probably the best :)03:14
ronsonolBut wondering if, as earlier user suggested, Sweep is too obsolete for current releases, why is it still around?03:16
KaktusJackI use UE instead of "Ubuntu" itself!!03:16
Squall5668just guessing here, but just because something is of no use to you, it might still be to someone else03:17
Squall5668is the package broken, or does it just not support your hardware?03:17
Squall5668if its broken, please fill a bug report03:17
MK``How do I get Ubuntu to stop auto-mounting drives I connect?03:18
Squall5668MK`` System>Admin>Users and Groups, advanced, you can choose the users allowed to automount03:18
fission6is there a bash command to get the TXT records of a site03:18
BaseBallBoyHey guys, having a bit of a problem, not sure what happened but my desktop went completely blank. All my icons and folders are not there. I can view them in nautilus. Ubuntu 10.04.1 As A side note my background is still showing03:19
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ronsonolSquall5668: Again, waiting to bug report when install 11.04 official.  Still wonder if there is a way to make it work.03:19
BaseBallBoyAlso, it will not show any popup menus (i.e. rightClick->past)03:19
Eiriksvinum, i cant find ndisgtk or the ndiswrapper utensils for Maverick can someone gimme a leg up?:)03:19
MK``thanks Squall566803:19
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Eiriksvinoops util03:20
ronsonolSquall5668:  Only audio editor I know that allows multiple selections through the track, then loop play across them.03:20
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williejones@Eiriksvin look in Synaptics Package Manager03:21
ActionParsnipBaseBallBoy: press ALT+F2  and run:  nautilus -q03:22
BaseBallBoyActionParsnip: snap, thanks a million03:22
ActionParsnipBaseBallBoy: np man03:22
ActionParsnipBaseBallBoy: quits nautilus, it will then restart03:23
ronsonolI tried oss-compat, to no effect.  Invoking it "padsp sweep" got playback with a load of static.03:23
BaseBallBoyActionParsnip: I figured that, just didn't think of trying it03:23
milindhow can i find how the number of monitors connected to my laptop by running a cmd in the terminal.03:23
ActionParsnipBaseBallBoy: no worries man03:23
ActionParsnipmilind: does:  xrandr   show it?03:24
BaseBallBoyActionParsnip: Any clue what causes it do act up like that?03:24
ActionParsnipBaseBallBoy: no idea, I only know fixes03:24
BaseBallBoyActionParsnip: Haha, anyway thanks03:24
ActionParsnipno worries :)03:24
stREaKerGuys why does banshee keep crashing on starting it?03:25
Hilikushey guys03:25
ActionParsnipstREaKer: try running it in a terminal03:25
Hilikuswhy is it that if i try to put a flash video in full screen when the browser is in my secondary window it doesn't work? it just restores its size in my primary monitor03:26
Hilikusanyone know how to fix this?03:26
stREaKerActionParsnip: It doesnt help :|03:26
Hilikusit plays fine in normal size in the second screen. it is in full screen mode that it doesn't work03:26
milindActionParsnip, i am thinking out writing a script such that when i plug my external monitor..it makes my external monitor the primary display, but when i am just using my laptop..i ll use laptop as my primary display ..i know how can i find how the number of monitors connected to my laptop by running a cmd in the terminal. i know xrandr --output DFP1 --primary...changes the primary monitor to DFP1...but how do i tackle the case when i am03:26
milind not connected to an external monitor..yeah i have an ati graphics cards..thats why all these issues.03:26
stREaKerthis is what I see when running in terminal : http://pastebin.com/y1mRXA9T03:27
Eiriksvinim having trouble finding ndiswrapper-utils-1,9_1.56-1_i386.deb03:27
ActionParsnipstREaKer: does the output give any clues?03:27
Strykerhow do i migrate linux to another hard drive on the same computer?03:28
stREaKerI have given you the terminal output ... Well I could not figure out aa clue :/03:28
ActionParsnipstREaKer: /usr/lib/banshee/Extensions/Banshee.Daap.dll could not be loaded     may be useful in websearches03:28
ActionParsnipstREaKer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/70080503:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 700805 in banshee (Ubuntu) "banshee crashes shortly after starting up" [Medium,Invalid]03:29
MK``Squall5668: that let me change the permissions but didn't change the behavior, how do I do that?03:29
Eiriksvincan someone help im having trouble finding ndiswrapper-utils-1,9_1.56-1_i386.deb03:29
Khisanthmilind: have you checked if hald emits some sort of even when a monitor is plugged in/removed?03:29
StrykerstREaKer, you have a similar name to me03:29
Strykerhow do i migrate linux to another hard drive on the same computer?03:30
rumpe1Stryker, copy your system to the other hd, adapt fstab on new drive, chroot to new system-partition, update-grub. Should be enough.03:30
ActionParsnipStryker: did you add a ppa to get the version of banshee you have?03:30
ActionParsnipstREaKer: ^03:30
Squall5668MK`` you can try editing the /etc/fstab file03:30
ActionParsnipStryker: could use dd or partimage in a livecd03:30
Squall5668MK`` just remove the "auto" from devices you don't want to be automounted03:30
Strykerhow do i chroot, and adapt fstab03:30
linuxxnuteiriksvin i found the package you want03:30
Squall5668Stryker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115624003:31
EpicCyndaquilI'm running Unity on my Cr48, and I'd like to be able to start the launcher with the "search" key. Is there a terminal command to start the launcher?03:32
Squall5668EpicCyndaquil goto #ubuntu+103:32
milindKhisanth, no..when i run xrandr --output DFP1 --primary...it switches my external monitor to primary.but when i restart my laptop...the laptop is primary again..i was thinking of creating a script and putting in /etc/init.d and making an init script...but only problem i am thinking is..i have to account for the case when the laptop is not connected to an external monitor.03:32
Eiriksvini wish they  would make it easier to deal with Netgear stuff with 11.0403:33
linuxxnutdid it help03:33
Eiriksvinyeah, all i had to do was go up the tree one step to get the amd6403:33
Strykerwhat does chroot do03:33
Eiriksvinthanx linuxxnut03:34
linuxxnutur welcome03:34
Khisanthmilind: if you know how to get the count that shouldn't be a problem03:34
milindKhisanth, thats what i am searching..:)03:34
Squall5668Stryker, it either creates a new enviroment to work in, without making changes to your nomral one, or lets you input commands to a box that won't boot by itself, with a livecd03:34
rumpe1Stryker, chroot changes your root-directory, e.g. if you have to execute a program on a system thats not currently running.03:35
Eiriksvinimma have a rough one trying to get my Netgear Rangemax WPN111 up and running but here goes... ill let u know if it works03:35
Khisanthmilind: err your previous messages sounds like you already know the answer for that ...03:35
Eiriksvini must say, the linux community is way nicer than i anticipated03:35
rumpe1Stryker, better read some tutorials/howtos about fstab and chroot first :)03:35
Eiriksvinthanx ppl03:35
Samo502Eiriksvin: why would you anticipate otherwise?03:36
Strykerugh, not happy about that03:36
linuxxnutwe are all evil03:36
Eiriksvinevery other software problem i have experienced has been decidedly vile03:36
stREaKerActionParsnip: Didnt work I tried doing searches yesterday03:36
karanhey there !!!!03:37
linuxxnutwhat do you guys think of unity / or gnome 303:37
Strykerhate unity03:37
rumpe1Stryker, perhaps you should start copying and fstab. After that execute "update-grub" in your old system and your new system should be bootable (but is still dependent on your old system)03:37
Squall5668unity takes some getting use to, but its not that bad, gnome 3 i still haven't tested03:37
rumpe1unity - better desktop, better life :>03:37
Eiriksvini have grown to hate my windows with a passion that would put religiuos zealots to shame... well my windows anyway03:38
Logan_!poll | linuxxnut03:38
ubottulinuxxnut: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:38
Eiriksvinray_ welcome back:) still having a rough go?03:38
ray_No, I am OK03:38
Strykercould i just copy it from terminal?03:39
Eiriksvingood 4 u:)03:39
Squall5668Stryker copy what?03:39
Strykermy whole operating system to another drive03:39
ray_Most of the sectors were marked, but I will need to buy a new hard drive to make sure I have a back up03:39
Squall5668sure, but it won't have linux-swap or grub03:40
MK``Squall5668: it's a usb hdd, not listed in fstab03:40
StrykerLogan_, there is such a thing as 'worst' programs03:40
Samo502i was thinking about something similar03:40
Logan_Stryker: I guess that WorstBot should be created, in that case.03:41
stREaKerDoes ubuntu 10.04 work with i5 2500K... Am facing a lot of issues on 10.10 :( ?03:41
Khisanthmilind: do you have the external monitor plugged in right now?03:41
Khisanthmilind: you could try `lshal -u /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer | fgrep system.hardware` and see it if includes the second monitor03:41
Eiriksvinim about to try to get my Netgear Rangemax WPN111 USB Wifi adapter to pick up the refracted light of pluto and somehow convert it to a wifi signal of such a magnitude that linux will be forced to recognise my USB adapter and connect me to the internet!03:42
Eiriksvinwish me luck:)03:42
MK``Squall5668: I figured it out, I needed to disable "media automount" in nautilus03:42
Squall5668noted :)03:43
Strykerhow do i create a copy of my linux onto another harddrive? (detailed)03:43
Dwade09Samo502,  you there?03:43
DiamondciteStryker: How similar is the other hard drive?03:44
* Diamondcite run away.03:44
Samo502Dwade09: yeah i got back from dairy queen a few minutes ago03:44
Dwade09Samo502,  it didnt work03:44
onelinerhello there i would like to revert my python installation to the system installed version, i did a convertion a while ago only to discover it apparently broke some functionality03:44
Squall5668Stryker use gparted and copy everything with it, if grub doesn't work chroot, and run a grub-update03:44
Strykerdiamond the other hard drive has the same type of partition, and same amount of gigabytes03:45
MK``That's better. This drive has 6 encrypted partitions, and anytime I plugged it in I'd throw up 6 password prompts03:45
Dwade09Samo502,  http://imagebin.org/15034003:45
Squall5668MK`` lol03:45
milindKhisanth, i think 'xrandr -d :0 -q | grep ' connected' | wc -l'  should work, it is outputting 2, right now because the output of xrandr shows 2 monitors connected...dont know it will be foolproof though03:45
DiamondciteStryker: If the drive is the same size, technically you can use the dd command to copy the whole drive as is onto another drive.03:45
Samo502Dwade09: i think i have an idea, i'm gonna try something really quick03:45
Dwade09hey Diamondcite  think you could help me too?03:45
Dwade09ok Samo50203:45
Strykerthat's pretty nifty03:45
rumpe1Stryker, you still have to correct the fstab-entries, which point to your old system...03:46
milindKhisanth, thanks for ur help thought. i appreciate it.03:46
Strykerhow do i do that?03:46
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DiamondciteDwade, trying to find out what you are trying for..03:46
DiamondciteDwade09: Also hulu is blocked from canada.03:46
Dwade09Diamondcite,  its in the chan, see the chan we are together.03:47
rumpe1Stryker, get uuids from your new drive with "sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid" and put them to the corresponding fstab-entries03:47
stREaKerHow to remove repositories from ubuntu software center?03:48
StrykerstREaKer, go to settings in software center03:48
Strykerthx rumpel03:48
stREaKerdoes not help :| I still see all the sources in the right hand tab03:49
Strykeryeah... okay, go to sources.lst, and delete the ones u don't want03:49
rumpe1Stryker, as long as you don't try to point your bootloader to your new system via "update-grub" in chroot, you will still be able to boot your old system... i hope, you have made backups. ;)03:49
Soupermanhow do i avoid that the screensaver pop ups automagically when im watching videos whit totem?03:49
Strykerlol, automagically03:50
Samo502Dwade09: let me guess, your computer is a 64 bit computer?03:50
=== Laggg is now known as Laggg9k
stREaKerStryker: dont that too but no use :( ... will the sources show if the packages are installed on the PC03:50
Dwade09Samo502,  32 bit03:50
Dwade09Samo502,  was working just fine yesterday now it does all this.03:50
Squall5668Souperman: System>Preferences>Screensaver03:50
StrykerstREaKer, probably not03:50
Samo502Dwade09: i'm reading that 64 bit linux flash has trouble with this issue03:50
Dwade09Samo502,  im running 32 bit03:50
stREaKerStryker: then its not working03:51
StrykerstREaKer, i highly doubt that you need to remove sources if you have installed packages from them03:51
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stREaKerStryker: I was messing around to get recent builds by adding sources but got unstable builds instead :( so am at a loss03:52
Jordan_UStryker: What do you plan to do with the old drive? Why are you migrating?03:52
StrykerJordan_U, so i can have a whole disk for linux instead of half a disk03:52
stREaKerDoes Lucid Lynx support Sandy bridge architecture ?03:53
SoupermanSquall5668, i have there an option that says "dont popup the screensaver while watching movies"? no, there is none, wow why havent i checked the obvious option before asking!!03:53
Jordan_UStryker: What do you plan to do with the old drive?03:53
Strykeruse it solely for windows, while still containing linux Jordan_U03:53
Dwade09Samo502,  so sorry took so long to get back to you, we had a tornado warning so i was watching the weather station and getting things ready if it hit.03:54
Squall5668Souperman, thanks for that, i should have guessed what exactly you have tried by talking to my good friend nostradamus03:54
arand_Souperman: What I tend to do is add the "power manager inhibit applet" to the panel, and enable that when watching stuff..03:54
rumpe1stREaKer, natty alpha 2 seems to have support for sandy bridge03:54
Samo502Dwade09: i doubt this would do much, but have you restarted your computer at all since this started?03:54
Dwade09yes i shut it down a while ago during the tornado warning.03:55
rumpe1stREaKer, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-11-04-Alpha-2-Has-Support-for-Sandy-Bridge-182478.shtml03:55
Jordan_UStryker: The reason I ask is that if you do a simple dd copy then it will copy the UUID of the filesystem as well. And when "Universally Unique Identifiers" are duplicated and thus no longer unique it can cause problems :)03:55
stREaKerrumpe1: yeah even 10.10 has it :P But if 10.04 had it I would have sticked to that .03:55
stREaKerI dont like the new UNITY :(03:55
bisonany chat client in ubuntu that supports video chat?03:55
rumpe1stREaKer, switching to another desktop environment isn't a big deal03:55
stREaKerbison: Skype03:55
Strykerbison, skype03:55
Jordan_Ubison: Empathy, which comes installed by default.03:55
Samo502Dwade09: i can't find a whole lot on it, it's obviously either a flash player issue of some type03:56
stREaKerrumpe1: I will try it after a proper stable release later this month .. oh wait that tomorrow!! :P03:56
bisonjordan: i think empathy doesnt support video calling03:56
Jordan_Ubison: It does.03:56
Strykerbison i concur with Jordan_U03:56
stREaKerWell i havent tried video calling on empathy :P03:56
bisonjordan: why is it disabled03:56
rumpe1stREaKer, i wouldn't call it "stable" if it's just released... ^^03:57
Dwade09thanks Samo502  for trying.03:57
Jordan_Ubison: It is not "disabled". What chat protocal are you trying to use?03:57
stREaKerrumpe1: Atleast this will be the LTS release right?03:57
rumpe1stREaKer, natty hasn't LTS03:57
Samo502Dwade09: most solutions say reinstall flash player, but from what i've seen that hasnt' fixed people's problems03:57
Strykerit is every other number that it is lts03:58
Strykerlike 8>2003:58
stREaKerrumpe1:  then we wont have LTS for 11 ?? :O03:58
bisonjordan: im using empathy to chat with my yahoo contacts but the video options is not working03:58
Squall566811.10 will most likely be lts03:58
Strykerneat, Squall566803:59
Jordan_Ubison: It looks like video may not be supported with the protocal Yahoo uses: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#For_which_protocols_does_Empathy_support_audio_and_video_chat.3F03:59
cat_hello everyone03:59
ActionParsnipDwade09: having flash issues?03:59
Dwade09ActionParsnip, hulu.com wont play videos04:00
Squall5668correction: 11.10 won't be lts, my bad ppl04:00
Dwade09ActionParsnip, http://imagebin.org/150340 is that i get everytime even though i done it 40 times already04:00
BitOperatorman, unity is the sexy04:00
cat_i want to know how to use .net in ubuntu04:00
BitOperatorcat_ google for mono04:00
StrykerBitOperator, unity does not work on my machine!04:01
Squall5668cat_ did you try this: http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/create-compile-and-run-net-on-ubuntu/04:01
ActionParsnipDwade09: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf04:01
bisonJordan_U: thanks, how can i connect my ubuntu box into our windows server 2008?04:02
BitOperatorsorry to hear that Stryker, gfx card problem ?04:02
BitOperatorman, its so nice; I am almost sold on ubuntu04:02
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/gDTbhmzm04:02
StrykerBitOperator, yup04:03
ActionParsnipDwade09: mint isn't supported here04:03
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  its same stuff, as ubuntu,04:03
ActionParsnipDwade09: it's still not supported04:03
ActionParsnip!mint | Dwade0904:03
ubottuDwade09: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:03
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  i wouldnt be here if they could help me.04:04
bisonhow can i connect my ubuntu in our windows server 2008?04:04
Strykerhow do i create a copy of my linux onto another harddrive? (detailed)04:04
ActionParsnipDwade09: your disro is offtopic here, this is for canonical releases only. ALL the other spinoff distros made on the basis of Ubuntu are also NOT supported here04:04
onelinerwhat is the sintax to make an update alternatives entry switch to automatic?04:04
zaerySo, i'm supposed to have a gts 250m, but ubuntu's "additional drivers" window doesn't show it at all.......04:05
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  can you just give me some help, and what ever you where going to try tell me so i can try it. please. im at a loss.04:05
StrykerActionParsnip, he is helping people, I think he should be welcomed, not shood04:05
ActionParsnipStryker: its the channel policy04:06
ActionParsnipDwade09: if you expect support from the ubuntu community then you should use ubuntu, not some cheap hack04:06
Strykeri know i know04:06
Squall5668Stryker you misunderstood him, even if we want to help him, maybe we just can't. If there is something wrong with Mint we won't know since we don't use it04:07
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Squall5668even if it wasn't channel policy, its still best to ask ppl who can help04:07
JohnTeddyWhat is a simple program to synchronize two directories over separate networks?04:07
mbecrofthi, i am using 10.04 lts which has libcairo2 1.8.10, but this has show-stopping bugs which are fixed in 1.10.0. what is the best way for me to get libcairo2 1.10.0 on lts?04:07
JohnTeddyautomatically, periodically04:07
ActionParsnipDwade09: by the same token if ubuntu or mint people ask for support in #debian they will point you to the correct place to ask04:08
bisonany idea in connecting ubuntu in windows server 2008?04:08
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  im already in linuxmint-help but they do not know what to do.04:08
Strykerdebian is mostly hosted on odbc servers, and they all hate me quite well because i use ubuntu04:08
Squall5668JohnTeddy: the easiest way should be cron jobs :)04:08
milindwhat is the best way to run a script at start up?04:08
mbecroftis there a repository that has optional updated packages for lts?04:09
Squall5668milind: did you try System>preferences>startup applications?04:09
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  i am not upset or mad at you or furious with you for that, i do understand 100% and I am sorry I am not using ubuntu but linuxmint, i am seriously thinking of switching back.04:10
Squall5668mbecroft: maybe backports?04:10
ActionParsnipmilind: does it require the x server to be running and does it need the x server running?04:10
Fudgehi whats the command to start loginscreen plz04:10
Stryker1 question in two! nice action04:11
Squall5668Fudge, do you mean gnome? sudo start gdm04:11
milindActionParsnip, yes it does04:11
FudgeSquall5668  yes but its to configure gdm to turn on accessibility and classic desktop04:11
Asmodeus87Dwade09: I will say this, the Minte interface is spiffy... any way to get something like that in Ubuntu?04:11
Asmodeus87Actually that question would probably be best directed at someone else... sorry;)04:12
ActionParsnipmilind: for which04:12
Squall5668sorry Fudge i didn't catch that04:12
Chilaquileshey guys is there any solution to this problem: For some reason the panel that appears on the top of all windows dissapear, and now I can't drag the windows or minimize because I don't see those buttons04:12
zhangchenghey,an error occured in avast :无效的参数04:12
Fudgeloginscreen is in system administration but i cant access the properties to see what the command is04:12
StrykerAsmodeus87, i believe you can get it of of ubuntu's own repositories, but i may be whrong04:12
ActionParsnipChilaquiles: press ALT+F2 and run:  metacity --replace04:12
slipkid08Chilaquiles: No idea man04:12
Strykerzhangcheng, wrong channel04:13
mbecroftSquall5668: that's what i am looking for; alas it does not include an updated libcairo2. any other ideas where i could get it?04:13
zaerySo, i'm supposed to have a gts 250m, but ubuntu's "additional drivers" window doesn't show it at all.......04:13
milindActionParsnip, its just a script, that detects how many montors are connected to the laptop..and if the number is 2..then it makes my external laptop the primary monitor..thats all...so i want to put this script in start up.04:13
Fudgemilligan  /etc/rc.local ?04:13
ubottuzhangcheng: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk04:13
orangesshow to change name04:14
MaRk-Imilind: System > Preferences > Startup Applications +add04:14
Strykerorangess on irc or ubuntu?04:14
ChilaquilesActionParsnip: I think it worked but it screwed up my screenlets :(04:14
Asmodeus87Stryker: I have no idea what to look under though... I'll take a look at some guides tomorrow04:14
bisonany idea in connecting ubuntu in windows server 2008?04:15
ActionParsnipmilind: then add it in the startup items and it will run04:15
orangesson irc ;)04:15
StrykerAsmodeus87, look up mint04:15
wick94hey guys04:15
Squall5668mbecroft: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libcairo204:15
ActionParsnipbison: connect in what way?? "connect" means nothing04:15
BitOperatorbison, what do you mean "connect"04:15
Strykerorangess it is /nick NEWNICKNAME04:15
wick94is there a channel for gnome 304:15
ActionParsnipwick94: #gnome possibly04:15
ActionParsnipbison: use tsclient and you will have a connection04:16
StrykerActionParsnip, i think he means network04:16
CornOnTheCobconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH04:16
CornOnTheCobwhat does this mean04:16
ActionParsnipStryker: i can't think of any other way to connect except over a network04:16
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: What are you trying to install?04:16
topramen_hey is Lacar or promille on?04:16
bisonhow to access Windows server 08 under ubuntu?04:16
BitOperatorlooks like you need to install a compiler CornOnTheCob04:16
onelinerhey i think i ve really screwed up my python install, anyone wants to give me a hand with update-alternatives ?04:16
StrykerActionParsnip, you have a point04:16
ouyeshttp://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201102-7305, I find this, then where to get the pre-installed version of ubuntu?04:17
fritzophrenichi! I've been struggling to figure out how to install some canon drivers. I finally found some package files with the driver, but they depend on libcupsys2 which is no longer available. I found a couple websites which say there is a "virtual package" which allows me to use libcups2, but I cannot figure out how to install this virtual package. Help?04:17
CornOnTheCob@jordan_u ettercap in osx04:17
ActionParsnipbison: stil vague, do you want to connect to the email server running on it, file shares, terminal services.....04:17
BitOperatorbison, try the "terminal Server Client"04:17
ActionParsnipbison: which04:17
Squall5668bison please give some more info, what is it you want to access? remote desktop? telnet? active directory?04:17
StrykerCornOnTheCob, have you tried ./configure instead?04:17
ActionParsnipbison: do you mean like RDP?04:17
zhangchengok, thanks to you04:17
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: This is #ubuntu. For OSX try ##mac.04:17
CornOnTheCobi know jordan04:18
CornOnTheCobi thought it would be best to start here04:18
Strykerhardly even the same CornOnTheCob04:18
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: This channe is for Ubuntu support questions only.04:18
CornOnTheCobsimilar file structure04:18
=== orangess is now known as theGreatDane
ActionParsnipbison: if you can clarify HOW you want to connect (for what service you want to connect to) we can advise04:18
StrykerCornOnTheCob, try a unix or bsd channel04:18
CornOnTheCobstryker, stop being so hostile04:19
manOwlsomething weird is happening04:19
StrykerCornOnTheCob, i have the freedom of speech04:19
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: Do *not* ask in a bas channel. They will also likely not appreciate OSX questions.04:19
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: *BSD channel.04:19
CornOnTheCobi understand you like to pass the buck04:19
CornOnTheCobbut don't be so hostile please04:19
manOwlwhen I press a folder in the places menu in gnome, it opens rhythmbox! I just checked update-alternatives --all for a setting, but I didn't find one04:19
manOwlanyone know what tells gnome what to use? gconf maybe?04:20
ActionParsnipmanOwl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163196104:20
StrykerCornOnTheCob, BSD and UNIX are what osx is based on. Please try chatrooms for those. Linux is similar to UNIX but it is not, and it is more appropriate that you try somewhere else04:20
manOwlActionParsnip: thanks04:20
milindyes putting the script in startup applications..worked !! thanks04:21
zaerySo, i'm supposed to have a gts 250m, but ubuntu's "additional drivers" window doesn't show it at all.......04:21
CornOnTheCobStryker, I know this. I understand it's Darwin environment04:21
iszakAnyone got a solution for IE6 on Ubuntu without the use of a Windows XP VM, I tried IEs4Linux but that didn't work with my newer version of wine or something.04:21
manOwlhaha, excelletn!04:21
CornOnTheCobno need to be rude just because someone is a little different than you04:21
manOwlActionParsnip: thanks man04:21
StrykerCornOnTheCob, try out ##unix and or ##mac04:21
ActionParsnipmanOwl: np04:21
manOwlI guess I thought it was so weird that I didn't even want to bother googling04:22
brewsterhey im running ubuntu on a laptop and my touchpad mouse stops working as soon as i log in. how can i fix it?04:22
Squall5668iszak: IE6 can't even work right on Wine, is it really nessecary to use it? its bad anyways04:22
manOwli figured i messed it up myself when I played with update-alternatives or gconf-editor04:22
tensorpuddingiszak: IE6 got a Silver rating on WineHQ, which means it may be usable04:22
CornOnTheCobStryker, are you ever going to answer a technical question for anyone, or are you just going to pass the buck04:22
iszakSquall5668, testing/development that's all04:22
tensorpuddingiszak: but some plugins might not work, and there's probably nothing you can do about it04:22
ActionParsnipmanOwl: linux can nearly always be fixed :)04:22
zaeryCornOnTheCob, he's not being hostile, he's giving you a suggestion on the best place to go to get a reliable answer for your question04:22
Strykeri concur with zaery, CornOnTheCob04:23
CornOnTheCobzaery, no need to gang up04:23
CornOnTheCobi understand what he's saying04:23
Squall5668iszak wine is your only choice then, if you cant make it work, go to #winehq04:23
tensorpuddingCornOnTheCob: does your question have anything to do with ubuntu04:23
CornOnTheCobi speak english04:23
zaerythen why are you still here?04:23
StrykerCornOnTheCob, most of us cannot help you with osx04:23
CornOnTheCobi'm still here because I'm interested in other people's questions04:24
CornOnTheCoband reading them04:24
Jordan_UCornOnTheCob: Stryker: zaery: Please just drop this conversation. It's not going anywhere productive.04:24
Strykeri concur, Jordan_U04:24
CornOnTheCobthank you jordan04:24
brewstercornonthecob is an awesome nick04:24
mbecroftthanks for your help guys, got it sorted by using libcairo2 package from natty which works fine on lucid 10.04 lts04:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:25
CornOnTheCobbrewster, why thank you, but if you could please keep the conversation to ubuntu related questions, we would appreciate it04:25
Squall5668anytime mbecroft04:25
brewsterwell can anyone fix that mouse problem?04:25
Squall5668what's the problem brewester?04:26
CornOnTheCob@stryker, that wasn't very productive, please keep the convo. ubuntu related only, thank you04:26
brewsterim running ubuntu on a laptop and my touchpad mouse stops working as soon as i log in. how can i fix it?04:26
Squall5668brewster have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad ?04:27
zaerySo, i'm supposed to have a gts 250m, but ubuntu's "additional drivers" window doesn't show it at all.......04:28
stREaKerGuys I have ubuntu 10.10 DVD how can I add the source ?04:29
iszakzaery, you went to system -> administration -> additional drivers ?04:29
zaeryaszak: that's the additional drivers window i'm talking about :/04:30
iszakand it's not coming up, odd.04:30
Squall5668stREaKer say again, add what source? where?04:30
iszakzaery, chances are you're not the first to have this problem, google should return results for it04:30
IdleOne!softsources | stREaKer04:31
ubottustREaKer: Looking for your Software Sources in Maverick/10.10? For a simple way to enable the menu item see http://tinyurl.com/24jxd6t - More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories04:31
stREaKerSquall5668: I have a Ubuntu 10.10 DVD which has a lot of software present on it , how do I make the software center use that before downloading it from the net?04:31
IdleOnestREaKer: you will have an easy way to add the dvd as a source after you follow the instructions on the above link04:32
stREaKerohk thanks :)04:32
brewsterthanks a lot Squall5668. it worked04:33
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ActionParsnip!away > SquishyNotHere04:34
ubottuSquishyNotHere, please see my private message04:34
Portocenthello people, some body know what processor support a board ms-7142?04:34
ActionParsnipPortocent: ask in ##hardware04:35
onelinerwhat is the default installation path of python in ubuntu?04:35
Portocentok tanks04:35
stREaKerubottu: It always returns this error "Insert a disc in the drive " :(04:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:36
Squall5668oneliner: i think its in /etc/?04:36
stREaKerSquall5668: It always returns this error "Insert a disc in the drive " :(04:36
=== Squall is now known as Squall5668
zaeryMy google-fu is lacking, i cannot find anyone whose gts250m is not detected by the additional drivers window :/04:37
zaeryMy google-fu is lacking, i cannot find anyone whose gts250m is not detected by the additional drivers window :/04:37
zaeryloloops, didn't mean to say that twice04:37
ActionParsnipzaery: just install nvidia-current should be fine04:38
stREaKerIt always returns this error "Insert a disc in the drive " :(04:38
diaoeris anyone has test the ubuntu 11.0404:38
ActionParsnipdiaoer: natty is offtopic here, please ask in ##ubuntu+104:38
Squall5668i have, but its offtopic here :)04:38
Portocenti cant join ##hardware!!04:38
ActionParsnipdiaoer: #ubuntu+104:39
Squall5668Portocent its #hardware04:39
ActionParsnipPortocent: you may need to be registered04:39
Portocenthow did do it?04:39
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:39
Portocentsorry my english i'm colombian04:39
Dominateri have windows xp hhd and want to check for viruses on ubuntu04:39
chris_changood day,every one~\(≧▽≦)/~04:39
Dwade09Samo502,  and ActionParsnip  i fixed it04:39
Squall5668Dominater: maybe the other way around?04:39
Samo502Dwade09: how did you fix it?04:40
Squall5668Dominater: windows can't "see" ubuntu partitions, only ntfs04:40
Dwade09Samo502,  and ActionParsnip  i fixed it by deleting the .mozila folder04:40
fritzophrenicI think he means "On Ubuntu, I want to check for viruses on my Windows partition"04:40
PortocentActionParship: i'm new i d'nt know how register me04:40
BitOperatorIn unity; is there a way to rearrange the launchers on the left side ?04:40
Samo502Dwade09: that's an odd solution but whatever works04:40
stREaKerBut when I load the DVD , a pop up with title Upgrade Volume Detected comes up I select start package manager there but it doesnt work :S04:40
ActionParsnipDwade09: if you use thunderbird then you also deleted your emails04:40
Samo502BitOperator: #ubuntu+104:41
Squall5668oh, well Dominater download clamav!04:41
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  i do but its backed up.04:41
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Samo502BitOperator: the Natty channel04:41
Dominateri meant i just remove my hdd which has xp on and i put on it my pc which is ubuntu and want to check for viruses and delete it04:41
devino21is this going to be the Natty channel in 2 days?04:41
Squall5668yes, and all hell will break loose04:41
ActionParsnipDwade09: cool, backups are awesome, you'd be suprised the number of people with "important data" but have no backup.04:41
BitOperatorexpecting a lot of traffic after the official release ?04:42
diaoeris anyone install gtk3 on 10.1004:42
ActionParsnipBitOperator: yes :(04:42
BitOperatorah awell, its all good fun :)04:42
ActionParsnipdiaoer: I know a ppa for gnome3 if you want it04:42
fritzophrenicI'm trying to install a canon printer driver in Lucid, I found the driver package from canon-europe, but it depends on libcupsys2. Supposedly libcups2 provides libcupsys2 as a "virtual package" but installing the printer driver cannot find this anyway. Is there anything I can do short of repackaging the printer driver?04:42
bisoni have a windows server 2008, and i want to access my server using ubuntu04:42
ActionParsnipdiaoer: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/install-vanilla-gnome-3-in-maverick/04:43
diaoeri just want install the gtk304:43
bisonwhat do i need?04:43
ActionParsnipbison: access in what way??04:43
Dwade09ActionParsnip,  maybe next time if someone running linux mint, has same issue you could mention that to them,04:43
diaoerthank you ,let me see04:43
Squall5668bison again? we need more info04:43
ActionParsnipbison: do you have file shares on the server you want to access?04:43
Dwade09Samo502,  thank you so much for all your help,04:43
bisonActionParnship: like a client of the WS0804:43
Samo502Dwade09: you're welcome04:43
kaushalI have local ubuntu mirror, Can i populate it with 11.04 repository, since it is not yet released ?04:44
Squall5668bison do you mean Active Directory services?04:44
ActionParsnipbison: what is WS08?04:44
MaRk-Ibison: http://www.watchingthenet.com/how-to-connect-to-a-windows-terminal-server-from-ubuntu.html04:44
Agentkiller4hey guys, i have a question about gtk+ and the gtk irc was empty04:44
bisonSquall5668: yes04:44
ActionParsnipkaushal: sure04:44
bisonAction: WIndows Server 0804:44
Squall5668bison: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto04:44
Portocenthow i registered me on ##hardware?04:44
Agentkiller4i would like to know if theres any possible way to remove scrollbars from gtk+ windows to save space?04:45
ActionParsnipbison: then why not say "Can I make my ubuntu system use active directory" or something intelligent, rather than using "access" which means noting#04:45
diaoerbut the ppa:ubuntu-desktop/gnome3-builds is can not used right now04:45
Squall5668!register | Portocent04:45
ubottuPortocent: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode04:45
ActionParsnipPortocent: you register on the whole freenode network, you can then authenticate as your nick with a password04:45
bisonAction: sorry, wrong way of asking04:45
MaRk-IPortocent: join #freenode and ask how to register04:45
Agentkiller4anyone have a suggestion on my problem?04:46
ActionParsnipbison: thats my point and was why we were asking how you meant with "access", you can telnet to a mailserver on port 25 and you will be "acessing" it04:46
ActionParsnipbison: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto04:46
Portocentok tanks, some body know an Spanish hardware channel?04:46
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:47
bisonok, my bad, thanks guys04:47
ActionParsnipPortocent: there may be #hardware-es04:47
Squall5668just searched, there isn't one Portocent, sorry04:47
Agentkiller4anyone here knowledgeable about gtk+ modification?04:48
Portocentok tanks, and sorry for my bad english04:48
ActionParsnipAgentkiller4: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/ubuntus-new-overlay-scrollbars-for-natty/   there is this in natty, not sure if its implementable in maverick, there may be a method04:49
diaoeri learn gtk from www.gtk.org04:50
ActionParsnip!info overlay-scrollbar04:50
ubottuPackage overlay-scrollbar does not exist in maverick04:50
diaoermy english is so poor too04:50
Agentkiller4Action: im currently on Debian, i just want to entirely remove scrollbars and only allow mouse wheel04:50
Squall5668ActionParsnip did you mean http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-dev ?04:51
Agentkiller4would overlay cut down on my scrollbars under debian?04:51
ActionParsnipAgentkiller4: not sure. I wouldnt mix ubuntu and debian packages04:51
Squall5668Agentkiller4 please join #debian04:51
ActionParsnipSquall5668: I guess you could compile it04:52
Agentkiller4mm, i went to #gnome/#gtk, its too late night, nobody is on, sorry for being out of place =[04:52
MaRk-IAgentkiller4: http://osdir.com/ml/gnome.gtkmm/2002-12/msg00127.html04:52
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diaoeris now 11:53 now04:53
Squall56686:53am , win04:53
gsp2009hey folks.04:53
ActionParsnipdiaoer: 4:53am04:53
ActionParsnip2.5 hours of work left :)04:54
Agentkiller4diaoer: 11:53 too xD04:54
ashmew2im on a 256 kbps connection..04:54
diaoerchinese time04:54
izinucs 04:55
Agentkiller4ashmew2: on my natty the updates have left me with my N wireless at 500b/s and 100kb/s on G xD04:55
diaoermy connection.. is less than 256 kbps ....04:55
ashmew2AgentKiller4: LOL !04:55
Agentkiller4ashmew2: yeah, they really gotta fix that, debian doesnt share the same bug xD04:56
Macerwhere do i set default permissions for files and directories? /etc/profile or /etc/.profile?04:56
Maceror is there something a little more universal?04:56
ashmew2Agentkiller4 : "D04:56
ActionParsnipMacer: you set them on the directories04:56
MacerActionParsnip: but when new directories are created they are 75504:57
Macerand i have to manually change them04:57
Macerdiaoer: is it the umask in profile?04:57
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diaoeryou cat ask google for help,my english is so poor ,hehe04:58
Macerwell.. umask has a setting for the files but not the directories04:58
Macerunless that 1 number controls both04:58
Macerlet me see if i can find something... but thanks04:58
Agentkiller4Macer: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/understanding-linux-unix-umask-value-usage.html04:59
Agentkiller4there you go04:59
diaoeryou are welcome04:59
MacerAgentkiller4: thanks so much heh04:59
Agentkiller4should be a simple append to .profile/bashrc04:59
Maceryeah.. i am reading it now04:59
Maceri just have to find out the correct number04:59
Maceri am looking for a default of rwx for owner and group for directories and rw for owner and r for group for files05:00
diaoer022 default files 75505:00
Macerbut what about directories? :)05:00
stREaKerUsing CD-ROM mount point /cdrom/05:00
stREaKerMounting CD-ROM05:00
stREaKerE: Failed to mount the cdrom.05:00
stREaKerwhy is this showing even when I have a DVD in it?05:00
Agentkiller4Macer, annother dirty solution would be to actually change the mount parameters05:01
Agentkiller4Macer: so the drive is mounted with RWX05:01
MacerAgentkiller4: haha.. that's ok. i would rather just change the umask settings for the linux boxes and smb.conf05:01
Maceri know samba has 2 options for file and dir permissions05:01
ActionParsnipstREaKer: the drive is still the same, as a guess05:02
Macerbut the nfs and local stuff is killing me05:02
ActionParsnipstREaKer: does it not automount?05:02
stREaKerActionParsnip: The GUI didnt work and on terminal with apt-add cdrom am getting this05:02
Macerdriving me nuts every time i make a dir or download a file it has rw_r__r__ for files05:02
Macerwhy would distros use that as a default??05:03
Agentkiller4Macer: yeah, i use a second partition for everything inside private folders so i can force global file permissions05:03
stREaKerActionParsnip: it is mounted and am browsing it still getting the error .05:03
Macerespecially ubuntu server :)05:03
Squall5668what's wrong with rw-r--r ?05:03
MacerAgentkiller4: can you change the umask per dir?05:03
Agentkiller4yeah, rw-r-r is generally safer05:03
ActionParsnipstREaKer: you sure of the path?05:03
stREaKerActionParsnip: How can I be sure of that ?05:04
MacerActionParsnip: meaning have different umasks per dir in profile?05:04
Macermaking say... /home and its subdirs default to 700 for files/dirs and something else default for group reads etc?05:04
stREaKerActionParsnip: "/media/Ubuntu 10.10 i386" this is my path05:04
Agentkiller4Macer: i do not think so, i actually mount everything as seperate partitions and have per directory permissions05:04
Maceror do you only get one global default for umask?05:04
Agentkiller4i think its a global default for root and non root05:05
zaeryi installed nvidia-current, now my additional drivers window says that i've got it installed, but it's not in use. how do i activate it?05:05
Macerdo per directory permissions affect subdirs created within the dir?05:05
diaoerumask in /etc/profile for all user and in HOME./profile for user05:05
Squall5668zaery did you reboot?05:05
Agentkiller4Macer: it should affect all inside05:06
stREaKerSquall5668: can you help me with this?05:06
Macerdiaoer: yeah but that will kind of mess things up just a tad heh.. if a user has  a umask of 077 they will write it with no perms for the grp05:06
Macerif they write something to the group directory05:06
Squall5668stREaKer sorry, what?05:06
MacerAgentkiller4: hm. ok. i will take a look... i have to figure this one out it is driving me nuts ;) thanks for the help05:06
Agentkiller4Macer: is it all on root partition or separated?05:07
diaoer..i search google .hehe05:07
Macerah ok. the umask has different settings on perms per number05:07
stREaKerSquall5668: the apt-add cdrom command works on /cdrom/ but my DVD is mounting on /media/ how can i change that05:07
MacerAgentkiller4: both ;)05:07
Agentkiller4Macer: hmm, because i use nls=iso8859-1,users,umask=000,posix=1,user,uid=user05:07
Macerbut thanks for the help. i will be able to figure it out.. but i was hoping to avoid having to constantly change permissions05:07
Agentkiller4Macer: to mount my executable folder05:08
Squall5668stREaKer eh, that's where they should be mounted, still i think you can use "mount -o bind /media/xxxx /somethingelse" to bind them elsewhere05:08
Macernot too worried about executables05:08
Macermore about protecting personal vs group files/dirs05:08
stREaKerSquall5668: ohk will try05:08
Macerin a default manner where nobody can get things in the wrong place or read by others05:08
Maceror accidently open up a group file to the entire system ;)05:09
Macerby default05:09
Agentkiller4Macer: but if you mount everything seperately and configure its mount options, so that its broken into nice sections05:09
Squall5668Macer you can set a parent folder to a certain mask and make sure anything in it is private, you don't need to change defaults and dont need to chmod all the time05:09
Agentkiller4Macer: look up pydsm, very nice application for managing mountpoints and you can use it to make sure all your folders are mounted with right permissions/umask05:10
MacerSquall5668: ah ok05:10
MacerSquall5668: that is what i was trying to figure out ;)05:11
bluethundr_hello #varnish, I am attempting to hook varnish into my magento config and getting this error05:11
Macerhow do do it per dir and not only globally in profile\05:11
Barbarroja Barbarroja05:11
bluethundr_I think there is just a syntax error on line 494 or thereabouts and I am not that good with xml yet05:11
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Squall5668just chmod the folder you want, permissions for files inside it will not matter, since someone else can't enter the dir anyways05:12
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Squall5668anyone else*05:12
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top_ramenHow easy will it be to update from 10.10 to 11.0405:15
Squall5668easy enough for you to go have some coffee, and just press a few "Y" s05:15
top_ramenso it will be like updating a game?05:16
ActionParsniptop_ramen: very05:16
Squall5668hm, yes if you don't have custom changes05:16
ActionParsniptop_ramen: the upgrade doc will show you how05:16
Squall5668just keep pressing Y when asked05:16
top_ramenim cleaning up my HDDs right now and will be installing 10.10 soon05:17
ActionParsniptop_ramen: why not just wait a few days then install natty05:17
MacerSquall5668: i will try that but i'm pretty sure that the files even in the new dir will take permissions from the umask05:17
Squall5668clean it good enough for it to take a day and install 11.04 right away :)05:17
Macerwhich was the problem i was having earlier. but let me get down to it and see what i can do and hopefully it works out .. thanks everybody for the help. going to get this all set up05:18
Squall5668Macer ok, tell me what happend too :)05:18
Macercan i just source profile to change the umask withoout logging out?05:20
zaeryit appears that nvidia-current is broken on my computer: http://imgur.com/vxMXg05:20
Macerguess so :)05:21
ActionParsnipzaery: you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot05:21
Macerok.. the global umask works fine.. all i need to do is figure out how to set umasks on directories and i'm good05:21
chaosbringerhey guys, something crazy is going on05:22
keinyounghi all05:22
chaosbringerok, so http://www.google.com05:22
chaosbringerredirects to feed burner05:22
chaosbringerand the site looks sheisty, is everyone experiencing this?05:22
EpicCyndaquiljust you chaosbringer05:23
chaosbringer wtf05:23
chaosbringerits feedburner.google.com/fb/a/account05:23
chaosbringerim on ubuntu 10.1005:23
chaosbringerthere is no way this is a virus or something05:23
kaattawondering if i could get some help setting up my composite manager? using xcompmgr05:24
Maceroh i guess you can't umask on a per directory basis :(05:24
Squall5668chaosbringer maybe you are logged in google and have changed a setting of some sort?05:24
chaosbringerit redirects me to that05:25
devino21google:  (lol) browser redirect05:25
chaosbringeronly on chrome05:25
chaosbringerand only on linux05:25
chaosbringeryeah, only on chrome05:25
Squall5668so you are not logged in correct?05:25
ActionParsnipchaosbringer: try as a different user05:25
chaosbringeri am05:25
ActionParsnipchaosbringer: please ease up on the enter key05:25
chaosbringersorry ActionParsnip05:26
chaosbringerwow, im way to high for this05:26
ActionParsnipchaosbringer: try as a different user05:26
* LAcan has FINALY vanquished a very persistent version of Alureon from his winblows system. Yay.05:26
MacerSquall5668: you i think setfacl might do it :)05:26
Maceruse umask for global and setfacl for directories05:26
chaosbringereven if i logout ActionParsnip it still redirects me to https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=feedburne05:27
chaosbringerhttps://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=feedburner ***05:27
FloodBot1chaosbringer: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:27
ActionParsnipchaosbringer: no, as a different user on your system05:27
chaosbringeroh, i only have one user in my system, damn05:27
chaosbringerwell, in a diff computer it works as normal05:27
jpkHi all.  I recently changed swap partitions, and I'm having trouble getting hibernation to work again.  (Hardware changes that included more RAM meant my old one was too small to hibernate to.)  After changing to the larger swap partition, I can hibernate, but resume fails and it goes on with a normal boot.  I get roughly this on the console while booting: "swapon: /dev/sdb4: software suspend data detected. Rewriting the swap signature. / Invalidating stale05:28
chaosbringerand on firefox it works as it is supposed to as well. So i dont know what the crazy stuff is05:28
LAcanjpk, likely hibernate is using the old swap partition or is incorrectly pointe05:28
Squall5668chaosbringer try clearing all personal stuff on chrome, and make sure your homepage is set correctly, then restart chrome and try again05:29
chaosbringerActionParsnip, i managed to get here: https://encrypted.google.com/ WTF i never even knew that existed05:29
LAcanchaosbringer, youve enable a firefox extention or confiured google to us HTTPS always05:29
ActionParsnipchaosbringer: make a new user then....05:29
LAcanchaosbringer, thi breaks some google functionality05:30
kkerwinHowdy. I'm looking for some help mounting a Samba share as read-write. Currently, I am only able to mount it as read-only.05:30
Macersetfacl -d -m mask:027 /mnt/Storage/05:30
Macerhm. that didn't work :(05:30
chaosbringerLAcan, its not firefox, its chrome. Also every other browser and computer redirects me correctly, logged in or out05:30
chaosbringerexcept for Chrome in ubuntu05:30
kkerwinWhile logged into the Samba server, I am able to mount the share read-write. But on a remote server, I am able to mount as read-only.05:30
Maceroh. i need to set acl permissions in fstab05:31
jpkLAcan: I figure it's something like that, but I haven't been able to find where to change that.05:31
LAcanchaosbringer, ok w/e. I have the aame settings enabled (somewhere) cuz im on open wifi05:31
chaosbringerexited, and re-entered, and done05:31
LAcanjpk, I don't know either...05:31
chaosbringernow its ok and redirects me correctly05:31
LAcanjpk, does the old partition stil show as exisiting?05:31
chaosbringeri dont know what the hell that feedburner stuff was, but it seems google acquired them a while ago05:32
ouyeshow to get thinkfan work for my thinkpad t400 running lucid05:32
LAcanchaosbringer, feedbruner is used to create RSS feeds for static pages like blogs05:32
jpkLAcan: Yeah, it's still on the disk, but I'm not mounting it any longer.  (Added the new partition in /etc/fstab and commented out the old one.)05:32
LAcanjpk, sorry man, that's above my paygrade. cant help you but escott can if/when hes here.05:33
chaosbringerLAcan, yes. i saw that. however, whenever i tried to go to www.google.com it took me to http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/account and whenever i typed http://google.com it took me to https://encrypted.google.com05:33
chaosbringerlike a browser hijacking but in chrome and for linux05:33
LAcanchaosbringer, ya i have the same thing. ff4 extension i believe.. maybe chrome has a similar feature?05:34
jpkLAcan: Ah, I gotcha.  I'll keep an eye out.  Thanks :)05:34
chaosbringerLAcan, not that i was aware off. And i didnt install any features like that recently05:34
j2coolwhy does Ubuntu Unity in 11.04 break my compiz/05:34
chaosbringerj2cool, because unity is not normal gnome05:34
LAcanchaosbringer, to be truthful, i dont know how or where my sht is configred to do that either05:34
LAcanbut i like that behaviour05:35
chaosbringerLAcan, u like feed burner?05:35
Afteraffektj2cool, ive told you that 20 times05:35
Squall5668j2cool that's because unity has compiz and settings for it, in it self, also goto #ubuntu+105:35
LAcannopf, encrypted.google.com05:35
flyIs  thers ppa for lucid to install gnome305:35
j2coolohia Afteraffekt05:35
chaosbringeroh, yeah, that was ok. but the feed burner stuff was nuts05:35
ActionParsnipfly: http://techienotes.info/2010/09/05/install-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-lucid/05:36
ActionParsnipfly: all I did was websearch.....05:36
LAcanjpk, have u tried googlin?05:36
flythank u05:36
LAcanjpk, this might halep you, at the bottom: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq05:37
kkerwinHowdy. I'm looking for some help mounting a Samba share as read-write. Currently, I am only able to mount it as read-only. While logged into the Samba server, I am able to mount the share read-write. But on a remote client, I am able to mount as read-only.05:38
Afteraffektkkerwin, you need to make a samba user that the client can login with05:38
EpicCyndaquilhow do I configure compiz to not have the focused window follow me from workspace to workspace?05:38
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Done that already. Also, the directory that the client logs into on the server is writable by the user.05:39
lorphhello how do I disable an integrated graphics card that is eating up my ram?05:39
Afteraffektthen that user doesnt have proper permissions05:39
MaRk-Ilorph: in BIOS05:39
Afteraffektlorph usually from bios05:39
Squall5668EpicCyndaquil not sure about compiz but if you right click the window bar it has a "Always on visible workspace" setting05:40
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Hmm. Well, when I ssh into the server, and log in with the user, that user is able to write to the directory.05:40
lorphMaRk-I: Afteraffekt: there's no way to do it in ubuntu? I'm asking because its a dedicated server05:40
EpicCyndaquilSquall5668: the issue is regardless of that setting, the FOCUSED window always follows me05:40
Afteraffektyou said you were using samba, samba has those settings05:40
Afteraffektssh is a different beast05:41
jpkLAcan: Aye, but nothing i've found so far worked.  I've seen that page, in fact. :-P05:41
kkerwinAfteraffekt, When I am logged into the server, I am able to mount the samba share via samba, and am able to write to the share.05:41
LAcanjpk, lol i figured05:41
Afteraffektoh my bad05:41
AfteraffektGfx can only be turned off in bios05:42
Afteraffektand the samba has to have a user for the client side05:42
Afteraffektunless you made one yourself, then you didnt do it all the way05:42
MaRk-Ilorph: no idea sorry05:42
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Both server and client have a unix user of the same name. I have also used smbpasswd to add them as samba users.05:43
Afteraffektlorph, dedicated servers dont usually have dedicated graphics cards that eat ram lol - unless its a home made dedi server, then you need to set the bios up to reflect that05:43
Squall5668EpicCyndaquil try disabling enabled compiz mods one by one, see which one fixes your problem and look at its settings later05:43
Afteraffektkkerwin, have you changed the permissions in samba for that user05:43
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Ok. I guess not. How can I do that?05:43
lorphAfteraffekt: well mine does :P05:44
lorphAfteraffekt: it seems to have a radeon 300005:44
Afteraffektin administrator, go to samba settings and go to user05:44
ActionParsniplorph: you may cause a POST error if you disable the onboard video. Systems MUST have a video BIOS to pass POST. Just set the video RAM as low as it will go05:44
EpicCyndaquilSquall5668: it was like this when I installed Ubuntu. I think it's a Unity thing05:44
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Mmm ... how can I do it via the CLI, please?05:44
Afteraffektas far as compiz, its usually in rotate cube under rotate to cube wuth window05:44
kkerwinAfteraffekt, The server does not have an xserver.05:45
Afteraffektkkerwin, im not sure honestly05:45
Squall5668EpicCyndaquil 11.04 is not supported here, goto #ubuntu+105:45
Afteraffektcheck the site05:45
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mick_laptopcan someone help me w/ starting an application on casper login?05:45
EpicCyndaquilI asked there too, thought it was general though, my mistake05:45
mick_laptopi'm trying to figure out is there something like /etc/skel for casper?05:45
kkerwinAfteraffekt, Quick question though. Why would a samba user local to the server be able to write to a share mounted over samba, while a remote client wouldn't be able to? Is it a problem with the client setup then?05:46
ActionParsnipkkerwin: because you have authenticated as the user on the system which has write access05:46
ActionParsnipkkerwin: try running:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER05:46
ActionParsnipkkerwin: when you connect you can use the password to authenticate05:47
AfteraffektActionParsnip, said it right05:47
kkerwinActionParsnip, Am I running this on the server, or on the client?05:47
ActionParsnipkkerwin: on the server05:47
ActionParsnipkkerwin: you can tell windows and linux clients to remember the credentials05:47
Afteraffektthanks ActionParsnip you saved me a google search05:47
EpicCyndaquilAH, Squall5668, it was "Static Application Switcher"05:47
ActionParsnipAfteraffekt: i'm not bad with samba sharing. I do all mine in cli though05:47
Afteraffektits easier really05:48
Squall5668Glad you found it05:48
Afteraffektand much faster05:48
ActionParsnipAfteraffekt: very05:48
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Afteraffektim not even using ubuntu as my distro05:48
kkerwinActionParsnip, That didn't work.05:48
milamberkkerwin: what is the output of: service smbd status   ?05:49
bloopletechactually while we're on the samba topic, I've got a pretty bog-standard samba setup to share partitions over the local network - if you type \\<comp name>\ into the location bar in windows it works, but the comp doesn't come up in the list in explorer. Is there a setting I'm missing in samba to make my machine 'discoverable' or whatever?05:49
kkerwinmilamber, The server is not an ubuntu box. The service command was not found. The server is a pogoplug, which is an embedded linux.05:50
Macersetfacl -d -m mask:027 /mnt/Storage/05:50
Macerthat doesn't work :(05:51
Macer007 works though05:51
Squall5668Macer: still looking for it?05:51
MacerSquall5668: yeah05:51
Macerusing setfacl kind of works05:51
Maceri was able to change the acl mask to 00705:51
Macerbut i want that specific dir to be 02705:51
andyccMight be an obvious question, but if I set up a Xen hypervisor on my laptop and install Ubuntu as a domain, what kind of problems will I run into? (performance loss/failure to suspend?)05:51
Macerbut it won't let me use the 027 umask for some reason05:51
kkerwinActionParsnip, Got anything for me?05:53
kkerwinbloopletech, Wish I could help. :-)05:54
ActionParsnipkkerwin: thats all I know. i always edit smb.conf and you can change who has what access there, dead handy for setting up new shares via ssh05:55
bloopletechkkerwin: np, really I sohuld be worrying about getting a gigabit router so I can copy files a lot faster05:55
kkerwinActionParsnip, Mind if I pastebin my smb.conf for you? maybe it's a problem in there?05:56
kkerwinActionParsnip, If you don't mind: http://pastebin.com/RdUjJx6N05:57
Squall5668kkerwin could you state your problem again?05:59
kkerwinSquall5668, Sure.05:59
kkerwinHowdy. I'm looking for some help mounting a Samba share as read-write. Currently, I am only able to mount it as read-only. While logged into the Samba server, I am able to mount the share read-write. But on a remote client, I am able to mount as read-only.05:59
ActionParsnipkkerwin: does this link work: https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Linux/smb.conf?touch=O3S8CQ%3D%3D&w=f828757d06:01
ActionParsnipkkerwin: all you need are the bottom sections. Notice how I have allowed users and such, I also specified it as writable as well as not read only06:01
ActionParsnipkkerwin: failing that: http://pastebin.com/QvFxbEiL06:02
kkerwinActionParsnip, Ok. Let me try some of the things that you have here ...06:02
aromanhi, how can I downgrade compiz to maverick's vesion on Natty? thanks06:03
Squall5668aroman 1)natty is not supported here, goto #ubuntu+1 2) i recommend you don't do that since unity relies HEAVILY on compiz06:04
aromanSquall5668: yeah, but its also extremely buggy/freezy on my laptop (sandybridge, intel graphics)06:05
aromanand I guess I figured I'd try here since it's coming out in like a day :P06:05
ActionParsniparoman: natty isn#'t supported here06:05
Afteraffektaroman id recommend Ubuntu 10.10 then06:05
Squall5668on login screen use "ubuntu classic" aaaand im going offtopic06:05
aromanAfteraffekt: right, but I need natty's kernel06:05
jimcake_i got the livecd in virtualbox, xubuntu 11.04. it says other. i click there and it asks for username and then password. does anyone know what it is? thx!06:06
AfteraffektI dont see why, but as mentioned, off topic here06:06
aromanunless someone here could tell me how to get natty's kernel and version of xorg running on Maverick06:06
aromanAfteraffekt: because of graphics, wifi, and sound driver :)06:06
Afteraffektshould do fine in 10.1006:06
jimcake_i need the username password for ubuntu or xubuntu livecd06:07
Squall5668aronman: <Squall5668> on login screen use "ubuntu classic" aaaand im going offtopic06:07
aromani'm speaking from experience here06:07
Squall5668jimcake_ ubuntu livecd has no password06:07
aromanAfteraffekt: I know for a fact that my laptop's card isn't supported; it's like 2 months old06:07
jimcake_xubuntu livecd is asking for username password06:07
AfteraffektThere hasnt been a new graphics card in a while06:07
Afteraffektjimcake_, just hit enter06:08
Squall5668xubuntu is at #xubuntu though :006:08
Afteraffektaroman, if i can boot ubuntu 5.10 on my laptop, yours should work with 10.1006:09
aromanAfteraffekt: of course it boots, but I don't have wifi or 3D drivers06:10
Afteraffektthen install them?06:10
aromani'm not making this stuff up; I have both tried it personally and read the release notes for the .38 kernel.06:10
mick_laptopmy new laptop (got it a few hours ago) - has 3d drivers and wifi - np :D06:10
frustroSo I've seen a few vids of MIDI to FDD music, but I just saw a vid that used 4 FDD.  The only way that I know how to do that is with a win32 app.   My question is: Is there someway to make MIDI to FDD on ubuntu?06:11
kkerwinActionParsnip, Not working. Claims to have a bad network name. Here's my smb.conf: http://pastebin.com/D0tDjNx006:12
Acid190I have an issue when someone get a min. thanks06:12
kkerwinActionParsnip, More specifically, I can't even mount the share.06:12
kkerwinAcid190, Go ahead and ask your question.06:12
kkerwinAcid190, When someone is available, they will do their best to answer.06:13
Acid190I have a java chat applet that is not loading06:13
frustroAcid190, java -version from terminal please.06:14
Acid190java version "1.6.0_20"06:15
Acid190OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.7) (6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1)06:15
Acid190OpenJDK Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)06:15
=== arand_ is now known as arand
frustroIs the app public? can I replicate? I have the same environment as you.06:16
allorderAcid190: question in one line06:17
Acid190allorder: what?06:17
alex__hey is there any way to move the sidebar location in ubuntu 11.04?06:17
allorderAcid190: ask your question in one line06:18
alex__can you move the ubuntu 11.04 sidebar to the bottom06:18
alex__of the screen06:18
rwwalex__: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks!06:18
Squall5668alex__ no idea really but ask in #ubuntu+106:18
diaoerhi folks! is anyone can teach me english?06:26
rwwdiaoer: try ##english06:26
diaoerok,thank you rww06:26
Macerwell.. setfacl works06:35
Macer:) it's awesome06:35
Macerand i used to hate acls06:35
Maceri'm curious if i can set an acl flag on an nfs in fstab06:36
dsathewat time is the release ?06:37
dsatheUTC ?06:37
rwwdsathe: there is no set time06:37
tehitguyhey can someone help me? I'm having trouble with audio on my ubuntu 10.10 install. I have an asus p7p55d e pro motherboard that uses a VIA audio chipset. any suggestions?06:37
alex__is there any way to make my persistent file size larger than 4gb on liveusb?06:38
dsathetehitguy: u need to probably install alsa/linux firmware and/or add module opts to modprobe06:38
ja660khey all06:38
rwwalex__: no06:38
rwwalex__: it's maxed at 4GB due to restrictions of the filesystem used on the liveusb06:39
alex__rww: i'm trying to make a bootable external hard drive. what should i do?06:39
rwwalex__: run the Ubuntu installer from somewhere else and install to the hard drive, maybe. I haven't tried it, but it might work.06:39
ja660kwhere can i find a a list of current connections made, both in and out?06:39
alex__rww: i did that, but the hard drive doesnt boot06:39
rwwalex__: no idea, then06:40
dsatheif u want a easy iface06:40
Squall5668alex__ try remastersys, i made my whole system a live usb :)06:40
dsatheuse firestarter gui in software center06:40
alex__squall5668: how much persistent file space?06:40
Squall5668can't say i checked06:41
djr013<3 fsck.ext4...saved all my music today from the evil ecryptfs-setup-swap06:41
Squall5668alex_ but if you can make your current system with w06:41
Squall5668alex_ but if you can make your current system with w\e packages you have, why would you need more? :)06:41
dsathetry this should be your ans ttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:42
djr013Anyone know if /etc/crypttab supports UUID/LABEL instead of /dev/sda#06:42
alex__squall5668: i have an 80gb hard drive and want to make the most of it06:42
dsathesrry https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:42
alex__is there any way to increase persistent file size on liveusb?06:43
tehitguyso who all is excited for the release? :)06:43
dsatheits god06:43
alex__tehitguy: i got the beta06:43
dsathefinally stable06:43
rww#ubuntu-release-party is ;P06:43
Squall5668tehitguy join #ubuntu-release-party :)06:43
dsathei m on it since past 3 months06:44
=== DavidH is now known as David_HII
tehitguyi'm glad they finally got the bugs worked out. i tried it on my laptop a couple of months ago, and it gave me some rude gestures :P06:45
Blac_k_nightA friend of mine told me that unity is a shell that will be on top of gnome 3 instead of gnome shell is that right?06:46
diaoerbe on top of gnome206:46
diaoeri think06:46
Squall5668no gnome 3 sorry :)06:46
rwwBlac_k_night: GNOME 2 for this release, but yes.06:46
Blac_k_nightdiaoer: what's the problem with gnome 3?06:47
rwwBlac_k_night: There wasn't enough time between GNOME 3 release and 11.04's release to QA all of the changes.06:47
diaoeri looks not so Beautiful06:47
David_HIIi need some help in figuring out why sendmail is refusing connestions from
rwwBlac_k_night: it's slated to be in 11.10, apparently.06:48
diaoeri think there still have many bugs in unity06:48
rwwdiaoer: so do I. but we should move this to #ubuntu+1 :)06:49
Squall5668yeah :P06:49
Blac_k_nightcriticism goes around this gnome 3 thing06:49
Blac_k_nightrww: I've read alot of people don't like it06:50
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
Decisionanyone alive06:53
Squall5668i believe i am06:53
Blac_k_nightyDecision yea I'm with you06:53
Blac_k_nightDecision:  with you06:53
David_HIIApr 27 00:41:15 humphryes sm-msp-queue[21469]: p3R5e2ZE021469: to=root, delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=31733, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by []06:54
DecisionBlac_k_night:  so im looking to join the linux world06:54
Decisionwas gonna go ubuntu06:55
nastjuidDecision: sweet, good move06:57
nastjuidRavenHursT: HI!06:58
RavenHursTAnyone here willing to give me a hand w/ getting email working on my VPS...?06:58
nastjuidDecision: I've used many different distributions, and settled with Ubuntu for many reasons06:58
eloystebamspaek spanish06:58
nastjuidRavenHursT: you have a virtual server provider and are trying to set up an email server so you can retrieve email from the vps?06:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:58
bazhang!es | eloystebam06:58
ubottueloystebam: please see above06:58
Decisionnastjuid:  well i use linux technically ( ANdroid Addict)06:59
RavenHursTnastjuid:  so that I can send and recieve.. yes06:59
Decisionnastjuid:  so im just quite confused on how exactly to install it once i do the live cd06:59
nastjuidDecision: sorry, 1 sec, switching foreground/background black on white is killing my eyes06:59
Decisionand how to install the wireles driver06:59
nastjuidok better06:59
Decisionnastjuid:  i have a Toshiba Satellite L655D-S5151 Windows 7 laptop07:00
nastjuidDecision: the 10.x livecd I believe has an option to install, but you want to make sure the wifi card is supported right?07:00
Decisioni mean i have the realtek wifi driver made for linux for my device07:01
nastjuidRavenHursT: I'm not very good at setting up mail servers. I would recommend searching google for something like 'ubuntu postfix'07:01
RavenHursTnastjuid: I'm trying to get my cloudServer at rackspace up and running w/ email.. sending and receiving..07:01
Decisioni just have no idea what to do with it07:01
RavenHursTnastjuid: ok07:01
Decisioni thought i was suppose to just burn the iso to a cd with windows 7... i tried linux mint and it ran minus wifi because i didnt no how to install driver07:02
nastjuidby have the driver, do you mean you downloaded the archive from the manufacturer?07:02
Decisionbut i dont know how to safely install it and not mess up windows07:02
dijonyummyhow can i configure startup applications from the command line (ie set it up)? trying for automated installs07:02
nastjuidusually ubuntu does a pretty good job of probing for a driver trhat will work with your card, but if the manufacturer provides a driver, we can probably get it to work07:02
enviseandoes anyone know anything about bonding in the daily of 11.04?07:03
enviseani'm having some issues getting bonding setup w/ the old configs we had for 10.04+07:03
Decisionokay so i guess all i need to know is how to actually installl ubuntu to dualboot07:04
djr013envisean: For social bonding, #ubuntu-release-party, for other bonding, #ubuntu+1.07:04
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:04
allorderDecision: 90% of the time07:04
nastjuidmilamber: thanks :)07:04
nastjuidDecision: follow that link. the installer is also pretty explanatory :)07:04
nastjuidDecision: if you have any trouble wtht he wifi driver specifically, head on back :)07:05
milamberdijonyummy: are you trying to install the same thing on several computing machines?07:05
dijonyummymilamber: yeah, i have a script that installs stuff, and i want to add setting up the startup apps in gnome/unity to that script if possible07:05
Decisioni just already have windows on the pc so i need to find out exactly how to partition the drive07:06
Decision i tried and could not get it07:06
dr0idwhat are some good IDEs for ubuntu ?07:06
milamberdijonyummy: well, see !clone or google clonezilla. not sure what you are scripting in07:06
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator07:06
dr0idare there any that could validate my html, css code ?07:07
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
dr0idI am using gedit and vim curently07:07
nastjuidDecision: what version of windows do you have?07:07
Squall5668dr0id: Eclipse? :)07:07
dr0ideclipse and netbeans are good ?07:07
dr0idthey are slow IMO07:07
dr0idand heavy/bulky shall I say07:07
dr0idI have used netbeans before07:07
dijonyummyyeah, but i want to use it for different installs, not the same machine but just the same apps, config for different ubuntu instances07:08
Squall5668dr0id: well, eclipse kinda is, but i would say that for netbeans really07:08
milamberdr0id: http://validator.w3.org/07:08
Decisionnastjuid:  windows 707:08
dr0idok, I will get eclipse soon then, aftyer upgrading to 11.0407:08
dr0idmilamber: I know about that, but I would like the IDE to do that to save time :)07:08
dr0idI mean, mac has awesome IDEs/text editors :|07:08
dr0idthat really speed up dev ;)07:08
Squall5668dr0id: remember, stuff are faster on linux than windows :)07:09
dr0idyeah , hehe :D07:09
dr0idthanks, I will try Eclipse then07:09
dr0idbut before that I need 2gb extra ram and 11.04 I gues07:09
nastjuidDecision: awesome. So you can either shrink the drive in the disk management tool, or you can run the CD and I believe the partitioner in the installer can resize the ntfs partition as well. Last time I used it, I just shrank it in win7 and chose the auto-partition using free space in the installer07:09
dr0idso that I can run my virtualbox properly without getting slow :/07:10
Squall5668dr0id: i have VB ubuntu with 1gb ram atm, letme check startup time on eclipse07:10
dr0idVB ubuntu ? :)07:10
dr0idI have 9.10 wiuth 2gb ram and quad core07:11
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:11
dr0idand when I switch on virtual box things go pretty slow07:11
nastjuidif the partitioner doesn't make sense to you to do that, I would go ahead and resize it in windows and choose the free space option in the ubuntu installer07:11
dr0idI use virtual box for testing webpages in windows (IE) sometimes07:11
* dr0id will try Ecplise then :)07:11
Decisionwhere do i find the disk management tool and what is a good amount of space for my ubuntu??07:11
Decisionnastjuid: how much free space is adequate07:12
nastjuidstart, control panel, administration tools, disk management i believe07:12
nastjuidDecision: depends on what you plan to do with it. how big is your drive?07:12
djr013Decision: It depends on how much storage you want for personal storage, but the system itself rests very comfortably within 8GiB and probably much less.07:12
rumpe1Decision, 15GB for / and as much as you want for /home should be sufficient. and swap if you want to use hibernation.07:12
Decision285 gb07:13
rumpe1Decision, on my eee even 4GB for / + /home is possible :>07:13
tofufishIs it possible to encrypt data drive in ubuntu and still make it so windows users can decrypt the data and access it via networkshares?07:13
nastjuidDecision: as you can see, there are many ways to partition after you have the space reserved07:14
nastjuidhow much of your drive is free?07:14
Decisionbut only 208 gb left07:14
nastjuidwow so07:14
nastjuiddo you think you'd want to install and play large games on your ubuntu installation?07:14
djr013tofufish: On the same machine, or a windows user accessing the machine over a network?07:14
tofufishdjr013: the latter07:14
djr013tofufish: I don't see any reason why not, really.07:15
tofufishbasically looking at encrypting my file server07:15
stREaKerMy DVDROM is mounting in /media/ instead of /cdrom/07:15
stREaKerhow can I fix this?07:15
nastjuidstREaKer: i think you can fix it in /etc/fstab07:15
stREaKerhow ?07:15
djr013tofufish: The OS would decrypt it before serving it, in almost any configuration.07:15
stREaKerI tried to edit it but could not07:16
stREaKermy device is dev/sr007:16
nastjuidlooking at mine07:16
nastjuiddo you have a line in there with /dev/sr0 ?07:16
Decisionso i should shrink it about 50gb nastjuid ??07:16
tofufishdjr013: oh true, do you recommend a method of encryption?07:16
stREaKernastjuid: yes!07:17
nastjuidI actually don't have anything in there. I may be out of date and thinking fstab handles it. maybe dbus does these days07:17
nastjuidstREaKer: sweet!07:17
stREaKernastjuid: I meant I dont have it there .. but my device ID is the same07:17
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
djr013tofufish: Well I'm not too familiar with all the options, but ecryptfs works well, and it's even an option for users' /home directories in the livecd these days, fwiw.07:18
nastjuidDecision: 50 should be pretty confortable. did you say if you were going to install windows games with wine?07:18
nastjuidstREaKer: so you don't have a line with /dev/sr0 in your /etc/fstab?07:18
tofufishdjr013: awesome thanks!07:18
stREaKerno only the hard disks07:18
Decisionno i dont play pc games mostly all i want is dropbox skype and googlechrome... then ill monkey around a learn more07:19
stREaKerDecision: that will get you into a lt of trouble :P am facing the same07:19
DecisionstREaKer:  how so07:19
Squall5668skype and chrome work fine07:20
stREaKerDecision: I did add sources got updated to bad builds now have to revert back :P07:20
nastjuidDecision: 50G will be plenty. NTFS support is pretty good these days anyway, so you can even mount your windows partition for your music and such07:20
Decisionnastjuid:  so im kind of confused on what values to put in thie dropboxes07:20
stREaKernastjuid: I got only hard disk indexes on fstab ..07:21
djr013Decision: You can always increase it later, if you leave space unpartitioned. (Or, just as well, shrink the partitions.)07:21
Squall5668windows 7 support partition resize07:22
milamberstREaKer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoveMountpointHowto07:22
eckirchn_Squall5668: and linux does07:22
Squall5668i know, just saying so he won't be worried07:22
djr013GParted works very well for resizing NTFS.07:22
Squall5668XP used to be jumpy if you didn't chkdsk afterwards07:22
Decisionnastjuid: im gonna send a screen shot to see if you know exactly what i need to change it to07:22
nastjuidstREaKer: actually. now that I think about it. when you insert a cdrom, does it not show up in the places menu?07:22
eckirchn_djr013: only done it with command line...07:22
nastjuidDecision: ok07:23
billy_any idea can i have a slackware?07:23
djr013eckirchn_: I just love the UI I guess. :307:23
djr013eckirchn_: Moving partitions around never seemed so fun. ;)07:24
billy_any idea how can i have a slackware?07:24
Squall5668billy_: try #slackbuilds07:24
Decisionhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/20068157/partitionig.PNG nastjuid07:25
stREaKernastjuid: it shows up there07:25
billy_anyone from the philippines?07:26
Logiarmy laptop really doesn't want ubuntu, it stops at syslinux without throwing any errors07:27
nastjuidstREaKer: so why were you trying to get it to mount somewhere else?07:27
mbn_18Hi, how do I add widgets to the unity top toolbar?07:27
djr013Logiar: What version?07:27
stREaKernastjuid: cause synaptic is not recognizing it as a CDROM and am not able to source the installtion from the DVDs07:27
Logiar3.63 I think07:27
djr013Logiar: What version of Ubuntu, I mean. :P07:28
nastjuidstREaKer: oh, try removing /cdrom and making a symlink to /mnt/dir07:28
Logiar11.04 beta07:28
bazhang!ph | billy_07:28
ubottubilly_: Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog07:28
nastjuidstREaKer: i mean, i'm not sure how to change the mount point07:28
stREaKernastjuid: how to do that i really am not expert07:28
rwwLogiar: #ubuntu is for supported versions of Ubuntu only. Please use #ubuntu+1 for natty until it's released (probably on the 28th). Thanks!07:28
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.07:28
nastjuidstREaKer: first rmdir /mnt/cdrom, then ln -s /cdrom /mnt/cdrom07:29
nastjuidI think07:29
djr013Logiar: I think the ubuntu.com/testing/beta page mentions that, by the way.07:29
nastjuidmight be /mnt/cdrom /cdrom07:29
Logiarmentions what?07:29
mbn_18Any one know how to add widgets to the top toolbar in Natty? ( unity )07:29
Squall5668mbn_18 goto #ubuntu+107:30
nastjuidstREaKer: ls -l / should show CDROM -> /mnt/cdrom07:30
djr013Logiar: The Syslinux problem.07:30
ActionParsnipnastjuid: ln -s source dest07:30
nastjuidActionParsnip: thanks07:30
mbn_18Squall5668: thhx07:30
nastjuidstREaKer:  I think i'm thinking backwards too07:30
ja660khey all,  im trying to run fluxbox from ubuntu server, ive installed X and flux, but i cant seem to run it properly, i try a heap of commands i found off the forums and none of them work07:30
stREaKernastjuid: my current mount point is mount/ubuntu 10.1007:30
nastjuidstREaKer: ok. so it needs to mount at /cdrom right?07:30
stREaKernastjuid: yes07:31
ActionParsnipja660k: startx should do it07:31
nastjuidstREaKer: and it's mounting at /mnt/cdrom?07:31
stREaKernastjuid: no07:31
ja660kActionParsnip, it doesnt, i get a black screen07:31
stREaKernastjuid: this is the path /media/Ubuntu 10.1007:31
ActionParsnipja660k: what video chip do you have?07:32
nastjuidstREaKer: ok07:32
Logiartrying to see if unetbootin will make a difference before i ask for help07:32
nastjuidstREaKer: ok, so pop the disc in and let it mount at /media/Ubuntu 10.1007:33
ja660kActionParsnip, nvidia geforece fx 520007:33
Decisionnastjuid: so what do i put in theenter the ammout of space to shrink in mb?07:33
Macerhm. have to remember what the normal number masks are for samba :)07:33
stREaKernastjuid: but then Synaptic doesnt recognizes it as a source07:34
nastjuidDecision: 51000 should be fine. 50000 is good too07:34
ActionParsnipLogiar: also md5 test the image so you know its good07:34
nastjuidstREaKer: that's fine, we'll fix that07:34
nastjuidstREaKer: once it shows up there, check and see if /cdrom exists07:34
=== fairuz-away is now known as fairuz
stREaKernastjuid: yea /cdrom exists but has no files in it07:34
Decisionthen i just hit shrink? nastjuid07:34
nastjuidstREaKer: ok, rmdir /cdrom07:35
nastjuidstREaKer: then we'll make a link for it with ln -s /media/Ubuntu\ 10.10 /cdrom07:35
stREaKernastjuid: can you give me the copy of sources.list.save ?07:36
nastjuidstREaKer: yeah, then when you reopen the package manager it should think it's there07:36
nastjuidstREaKer: did you kill your sources.list? :P07:36
ActionParsnipja660k: add: blacklist nouveau    to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf   then run: startx07:36
stREaKernastjuid: changed the cdrom title in the course of hit and trial :P07:36
Decisionnastjuid:  it put it down to 235 capacity but doesnt show the other spaced07:37
ja660kActionparsnip, that didnt work :(07:38
stREaKernastjuid: "E: Unable to stat the mount point /cdrom/ - stat (2: No such file or directory)" same error07:38
nastjuidDecision: it should show it on the same bar as unpartitioned psace or free space07:38
nastjuidstREaKer: if you cd /cdrom it shows the contents of the drive ?07:38
ActionParsnipja660k: ok also add: blacklist nv07:38
Decisioni see it :)07:38
stREaKernastjuid: wait let me check07:38
Decisionso now i burn that beta onto a dvd pop it in and install it to the unallocated space??07:39
stREaKernastjuid: "cdrom" could not be found. Perhaps it has recently been deleted. This error faced07:39
HoiKeNShould I wait for 11.04 or just go with 10.10?07:39
ActionParsnipja660k: you may need a reboot but you should be able to rmmod both nv and nouveau before starting X07:40
ja660kActionParsnip, still the same thing, i had it before, but i dno what command i did, i feel like ive tried them all07:40
Decisionnastjuid:  i downloaded the beta iso it is bug free right considdering it releases in a couple days07:41
Decisioni mean tommorrow07:41
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.07:41
ActionParsnipHoiKeN: maverick will be more stable as it is more mature. Natty will be supported after maverick is eol07:41
ActionParsnipDecision: officially its still unstable07:42
PhoenixBotHello every time I try to download kvirc I get this error message "E: unable to find a source package for kvirc" does anyone know whats wrong with it?07:42
nastjuidDecision: Bug free isn't real :) But it should be mostly stable I'd assume07:43
danyhi i wanted to know how to create subdomains eg mail.domain.com(webmail) for ip and domain.com (website)for for different servers on my ubuntu 10.10 server07:43
rumpe1Decision, no07:43
ActionParsnip!info kvirc07:43
ubottukvirc (source: kvirc): KDE-based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.0.0-3 (maverick), package size 1906 kB, installed size 8972 kB07:43
Decisionokay so id be better off with 10.10 basically07:43
rumpe1Decision, 1. no OS is bug-free, 2. especially very new releases have usually more bugs than older ones07:43
ActionParsnipPhoenixBot: make sure you have universe repo enabled07:44
=== PhoenixBot is now known as Phoenix3
Decisionanyone have a torrent for 10p.10 link07:45
soreau! torrent07:45
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P07:45
soreau! torrents07:45
ubottuMaverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/07:45
ActionParsnipPhoenixbot: 8mb for a lowly irc client. Bit bloated07:45
html_inprogressDecision, like which one?07:45
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information07:46
ActionParsnipPhoenix3: 8mb for an irc client is a bloat don't you find07:46
Decision!info oovoo07:47
ubottuPackage oovoo does not exist in maverick07:47
Decision!info skype07:48
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in maverick07:48
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga07:48
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Phoenix3ActionParsnip, What would you use?07:50
nmvictorI have a complication in this seemingly bigger-better operating system, as blogs would have it, Well whenever I create an adhoc wireless/wired connection to another laptop, everything works fine. However, the connection goes on and off when [shared to other computers] is enabled in the IPV4 tab under Network connections. Please help me resolve this coz I need to share my broadband connection within the home network07:50
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:50
ActionParsnipPhoenix3: i use pidgin but its an 11 year habit07:51
ActionParsnipPhoenix3: if you like kvirc then use it. I was a little surprised at the size07:53
Phoenix3Ah I have never used kvirc I like to try out different scripts and clients07:53
ActionParsnipPhoenix3: thats always healthy :-)07:54
Phoenix3Yup Laugh Out Loud07:54
sympt0mHey, if I were to want to purposefully mess up my grub2 loader, so that I get the grub rescue on boot, how would I do that, and make it easily reversible? Basically I want to convince my "sub-par tech brained" peers that my computer is messed up.07:55
sympt0mI mean, I could mess it up, but if I were to want to have it easily fixed, what should I do?07:55
stREaKernastjuid: Finally got it working07:55
ActionParsnipsympt0m: you can boot to livecd and fix nearly everything07:56
DirtyDawgActionParsnip: i think i met your brother once - CombatCarrot :o07:56
sympt0mOkay, so If I go in and royally f*ck up everything, how do I get it back with a livecd?07:57
arand!grub | sympt0m07:57
ubottusympt0m: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)07:57
sympt0mthanks :D07:58
arandsympt0m: Instruction for reinstalling grub should be enough to fix mist things07:58
ActionParsnipDirtyDawg: haha you made my day (admittingly i've only been at work and now traveling home but its all good)07:58
sympt0mThat is exactly, what I was looking for, thanks arand :)07:58
voozeAnyone using gmail in evolutions?? Is it possible to sync with both gmail and google calender?08:02
ircrobcan ubuntu kernel be changed to compile usb modules instead of in kernel08:03
rigvedvooze: yes i am using it. both with gmail and google calender08:04
voozedo you use imap then?08:04
rigvedvooze: yes08:04
voozeokay, guess i'll try it :) do you know if its possible to send mail as somthing else? like my mail is xxvooze@gmail but i send mail as xx@vooze.dk08:05
fairuzvooze: if you own vooze.dk you can setup the mail for that domain and connect it with google mail08:07
rigvedvooze: do you already have an e-mail address of that name? if not, then it's not possible via evolution.08:07
botcityvooze, just use 10minutemail08:08
voozei do have the other mail, its just a forward though08:08
voozeits allready setup with google mail08:08
rigvedvooze: yes you can then08:08
damianohello everybody08:09
rigvedvooze: just configure gmail to send mail from vooze.dk and then you can send from gmail as @vooze.dk08:09
Guest10261vooze: yeah gmail allows you to configure e-mail for your own domain...08:09
fairuzvooze: This is what you looking for http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/group/index.html08:11
fairuzallows you to use your own domain but using gmail's server08:11
fairuzto store emails and sending08:11
damianohi, someone coul dinvite me on #php ?08:11
voozerigved, Guest10261 i allready have it setup in gmail, was just wondering if evolutions supported it08:12
Guest10261vooze: well if Evolution supports it it will be called alias ... or maybe different reply-to address ... I'm using Sparrow on Mac ;-)08:13
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rigvedvooze: never tried it that way. but i guess you need to setup the @vooze.dk e-mail in evolution as a separate account before you send mail as that user08:15
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equantjoin #ubuntu-release-party08:19
vngGood afternoon everyone!08:22
vngwhat's the default windows manager on 11.04?08:28
rumpe1vng, unity08:28
vngrumpe1: thanks08:28
roman_hi all08:30
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Macerran into a problem with setfacl08:35
Macerthe acls do  not travel across file systems :(08:35
Macerso if i move something from the home dir to the acl the acl doesn't seem to be changing it to its default08:35
ileai have instaled ubuntu at a friend and after i instaled the nvidia graphic card that ubuntu found by itself but i cant activate the extra visual setings to have a better desktop08:36
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XimmerHi I'm wanting to do s dist upgrade from Studio 10.04 and the update manager is telling me it's going to remove 17 packages including ardour, jackd etc. Anyone know what's going on there?08:36
delbyhi. i would like to install ubuntu on pc with nvidia fx 5500. i found many posts about how to make it work after i have ubuntu installed, but i cant find info about how to install ubuntu on a pc with it. the installer gets stuck. is there a way i can overcome this problem?08:38
rumpe1delby, laptop?08:39
rumpe1delby, well... there are many ways to accomplish this, but it would be a good idea to determine what is causing the problem.08:41
luckybunnyHi everyone. Moving my /home folder to another HD seems to have caused a strange problem for me08:41
rumpe1luckybunny, how did you move it exactly?08:42
delbyits the nvidia card, when i put in an old card instead it goes ok. i think its because the drivers are proprietary.08:42
rumpe1delby, well...for the installation itself it uses the open drivers (afaik)08:42
luckybunnyI can boot fine, but only by selecting recovery mode from the Grub menu and then selecting resume normal boot from the next menu (after it has booted)08:43
delbyi think that is the problem. i am trying to avoid installing with another card and then changing to the nvidia.08:43
luckybunnyif I just sit back and let it boot on its own, the display goes black and the monitor goes into standby (no input)08:43
rumpe1luckybunny, check your logs for clues ... and please answer my question :)08:44
delbyis there a way to make the non-free drivers available to the installer?08:44
luckybunnythese are the instructions I followed http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/08:44
rumpe1delby, well... i guess you could use other drivers via kernel parameters ..hm08:45
ileai instaled ubuntu at a friend and activated the nvidia graphic card and all an i still cant select the extra graphic conviguration in visual efects08:45
ileacan somebody tell me why?08:45
luckybunnyI and a couple of friends have been poring over logs for a couple of hours now, and nothing seems amiss. Indeed, the actual /home move seems to have gone down without a hitch08:45
luckybunnyall settings seem to be fine08:45
gabriel_have you restarted the computer ilea?08:46
Maceri don't get this08:46
luckybunnythe best guess is that it's not mounting the new hard drive quick enough and something doesn't like that08:46
botcitydelby, have you tried the alternative live cd08:46
Macerwhen moving files across an nfs i want to apply the destination acl to the files08:46
Macerand it doesn't seem to be picking it up08:46
luckybunnywhich would explain why it works in recovery.... recovery takes longer to need everything08:46
rumpe1luckybunny, /home is possibly the last thing that is mounted... no really necessary for booting08:47
Maceranybody know why?08:47
botcity!alternative | delby08:47
ubottudelby: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal08:47
delbyno. dont know what is. gonna check now...08:47
Macerbeen looking everywhere08:47
ileayes i restarted the computer and it still dosnt work08:47
delbybotcity: thanks. will give it a try after the release tomorrow.08:48
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:49
rumpe1luckybunny, if there is really nothing useful in the logs... i would check the uuid-entries in fstab.. hm..  and maybe a filesystem-check?08:49
delbyrumpe1: thanks.08:49
rumpe1luckybunny, without any error-messages it's really hard to solve problems08:49
somethingintereshi all, I am trying to connect to my iPad through the Network using the Wifi sharing aspect of Goodreader. See: http://www.goodreader.net/gr-man-tr-wifi.html I can see my iPad in Network but I can't access it,  I'm getting the following error http://paste.ubuntu.com/599649/08:50
MaRk-Iilea: did you enable the visual/extra effects already?08:50
XimmerHi I'm wanting to do a dist upgrade from Studio 10.04 to 10.10 but the update manager is telling me it's going to remove 17 packages including ardour, jackd etc. Anyone know what's going on there?08:51
iiDoes ubuntu.com work for anyone else ?08:51
Ximmerii, working for me08:51
MaRk-Iii: yes08:51
iiXimmer: Does it say site offline?08:51
izinucsXimmer: studio isn't supported here.08:52
Ximmerizinucs, cool, I'm in #ubuntustudio now08:52
tomtitmorning all08:52
gabriel_ilea, No, but if there is more than one try installing a different one and see if that works.08:52
rumpe1Ximmer, well... if you do a dist-upgrade the packages are probably not compatible anymore to the next dist-version08:52
iiI get a drupal error "The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding."08:53
Ximmerrumpe1, seems odd as ardour for example is a fairly core app for a Studio dist08:53
MaRk-Iii: hmm worked first time now i got the same error08:53
Ximmerii, saying ofline for me now too08:54
iiWiki seems to be working though.08:54
rumpe1Ximmer, doesn't matter... after the upgrade it should be available again. But Studio!=Ubuntu ;)08:54
jussihrm, does anyone know the character encoding needed for chinese?08:55
rumpe1jussi, utf  (e.g.)08:55
B_K_Nis unity better than gnome shell?09:02
rumpe1try it09:02
icerootB_K_N: find out yourself09:02
iDopeI see that kern facility messages appear in both syslog and kern.log? How can I make it so that they appear only in kern.log?09:03
B_K_Niceroot I think new apps are buggy09:04
icerootB_K_N: both are new09:04
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B_K_Niceroot what both I think they should stick with gnome 209:05
Ximmerrumpe1, thanks for your comments, I'll hang in #ubuntustudio for a while09:05
icerootB_K_N: unitiy and gnome-shell are new09:05
rumpe1iDope, at first sight i would guess via /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf09:05
Guest7824hello 09:06
bigMikehi all09:06
bigMike*Shameless plug* Tableft ~ my latest creation ~ can be found in the Chrome Webstore http://bit.ly/gXY3Qd Thoughts appreciated, and do remember it's still beta xD09:06
icerootB_K_N: but just try both, questions like "what is better" are almost useless because everyone has (luckily) different opinions09:06
B_K_Niceroot I've just read that gnome 3 is written totally different from gnome 209:08
B_K_Niceroot in code I mean09:09
DirtyDawgdoes the new ubuntu use gnome3?09:09
B_K_NDirtyDawg no unity shell over gnome 209:09
iDoperumpe1, beautiful.. thank you09:10
DirtyDawgahh k thx09:10
tomtitoh well09:11
rumpe1B_K_N, yes... and has still much more bugs than 209:11
tomtitta ta09:11
B_K_NI'd like to see a company like canonical give support to apps09:11
B_K_Nrumpe1: and min max buttons are gone too09:12
milliganAny rsync gurus here? I have a hard-drive that's dancing with the fat lady, and I want to copy the entire filesystem to a USB disk as a backup. What would the command be to most accurately get a copy of everything?09:12
icerootmilligan: dd instead of rsync09:13
milliganthat'll copy the entire filesystem though? I was looking more to backup files, not the FS.09:13
DaraelGot an irritating problem with my wifi.  For about the last 24 hours, I've been able to connect but after about five minutes it starts dropping all packets until I disconnect and reconnect.  Running a flood ping through the cycle gives (eventually) the repeating pattern "..E..............E...".  Have tried reloading kernel module for the card and restarting network-mananger - neither helped.  Ditto multiple reboots. Was thought to be RF interference, ...09:14
icerootmilligan: sudo dd if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/sdY   be VERY CAREFULL with dd  (if = input, of=output)09:14
Darael... but changing channels (6->13) made no difference.09:14
icerootmilligan: you said the entire filesystem09:14
icerootmilligan: just for all files you rsync09:14
B_K_Niceroot not work for all systems09:15
icerootB_K_N: what?09:15
B_K_Niceroot I tried this command and give me nothing09:16
B_K_Niceroot several times09:16
milliganiceroot, my bad. I want the files, not the filesystem.09:17
icerootB_K_N: what command?09:17
Daraelmilligan: If the drive is on the blink, it may be safer to image it (using dd) and then do anything you need to with the files on the mounted image.  Just a thought, ICBW.09:17
icerootmilligan: all files? normally you only want /home and the rest will be a new installation09:17
B_K_Niceroot dd command09:17
bigMikeAny one tried it?09:17
icerootB_K_N: what command exactly you use? i guess you did something wrong09:18
milliganDarael, going to be copying everything to a USB harddrive though. Only half the physical disk is in use. A 250 GB harddrive, 100gigs used. Mirroring 150 GB of empty space on a failing disk is something I'd like to avoid :)09:18
milliganiceroot, normally, yes. I want a copy of as much as possible though. I'm replacing the failing disk etc, but I want a backup just in case.09:19
B_K_Niceroot: No I tried it several times  and got nothing09:19
icerootmilligan: have a look at clonezilla09:19
icerootB_K_N: again, what command exactly09:19
icerootmilligan: with rsync you have the problem with changing uids on the new system if you copy the whole system09:20
B_K_Ndd if=input of=output09:20
icerootB_K_N: works fine09:20
icerootB_K_N: and bagain!!!!! what command EXACTLY09:20
DaraelB_K_N: Works fine for me.  Have you actually examined what you put for output?09:20
botcityDarael, its only just started to happen last 24hours you say?09:21
Daraelbotcity: Going on 36 now, actually, I wrote that line last night.09:21
Daraelalex_mic: You'll need to prefix the commands with a /.09:21
B_K_Niceroot : guys the command works fine09:21
icerootB_K_N: great09:21
Daraelalex_mic: To clarify:  With the / but not the .09:21
alex_mictHANH YOU09:21
B_K_Niceroot : but boots nothing09:22
alex_micTHANK YOU09:22
icerootB_K_N: dding the bootsector also is a good idea09:22
B_K_Niceroot I did that for iso images09:23
botcityDarael, what have you done in the last 36 hours ? update or ?09:23
icerootB_K_N: i think we stop it here, i asked 3 times for the exact command09:23
rumpe1B_K_N, you also should add a blocksize  (bs=5M e.g.)  ... otherwise it will be veeeery slow09:23
Daraelbotcity: I did think of that, but I don't /think/ so.09:24
ejvgood morning, i want to perform an apt-get upgrade, but exclude a package in the list, possible with a flag/option? :)09:24
B_K_Niceroot I don't want to bother you , thanks09:24
botcityDarael, did you check your logs ?09:24
CQejv http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-prevent-a-package-from-being-updated-in-debian.html09:26
ejvCQ: perfect, thx09:27
zepherinI need to play a new cyberpunk game09:28
DJones!pinning | CQ: ejv This might be useful09:28
ubottuCQ: ejv This might be useful: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:28
botcityDarael, maybe you could run tail -f /var/log/messages and wait for it to occur again or check your logs09:28
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Daraelbotcity: I did try that, nothing obvious.09:32
Daraelbotcity: To clarify, the wireless driver is spewing a lot of stuff to /var/log/messages, but it's no different when the packets are dropping to when they aren't.09:36
=== bigMike_ is now known as bigMike
botcityDarael, can you paste the messages09:38
econnellhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1737870 <-- a couple of my users speak up09:38
Daraelbotcity: Certainly, just waiting for it to kick in so I can post from connection to drop.09:38
econnellwtf ubuntu09:38
ben_qhello, I have a problem with skype on ubuntu 10.10. on any new message, the window is highlighted on every workspace disrupting the alt+tabbing. that's very annoying if you have to work with tabbing a lot09:39
ben_qcan I force skype to stay on its workspace somehow?09:39
Coreyeconnell: Is the issue one of needing a maintainer?  If so I'll throw my hat into that ring.09:41
econnellhell... someone even ported our stuff to freebsd and it's in their repos09:41
econnellCorey: i don't know what ubuntu requires...  it's insane09:41
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econnellit's sad that a program written *ON UBUNTU* with native pulseaudio support that thousands of people use can't get into ubuntu even though the ubuntu users want it...09:43
econnellthat is just mind-boggling09:43
botcityDarael, your wireless driver should not be outputting a lot of messages anyhow .09:44
CQeconnell: get it into debian first and then have it move to ubuntu maybe?09:44
econnellCQ: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=60929109:45
ubottuDebian bug 609291 in wnpp "ITP: mangler -- A Ventrilo compatible client for Linux" [Wishlist,Open]09:45
econnellbecause if ubuntu's bureaucracy isn't enough... you'll really love debian!09:46
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jhf<econnell> debian is the best09:47
Daraelbotcity: Warning: somewhat lengthy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/599679/09:47
YounderThe release of ubuntu sheduled tomorrow. How likely is it to mess with my current settings. I have a developement pack?09:48
econnelljhf: i don't care what's best...  i just want my users to be able to easily install my softare09:48
econnellas of right now... debian and derivatives fail at this task09:49
YounderI have A feeling I should probably decline. It mostly causes a complete reinstall09:49
sestobuntuhi everyone, i need help finding a program. we are a small agency we need a lan shared program where we can store the activities for each of us and the time we spent on it. is there anything like that?09:49
Youndersestobuntu, You already have it09:49
sestobuntuYounder, really?!09:50
jhf<econnell> /join #windoze09:50
Youndersestobuntu, click the date thingie09:50
jhf<econnell> caters to idiots09:50
Daraeljhf: Comments like that give us a bad name.  It's unnecessary.  Please.09:50
botcityDarael, wow thats messed up!09:50
Rehanif my ubuntu configuration works right now on my laptop, does it mean that it will work on 11.04 final when its released or will it be a case of lots of bugs fixed and lots of new bugs created?09:51
sestobuntuYounder but I also need the sum of how much time was spent on every activities, even if you start stop do something else and then go back on that activity09:51
Youndersestobuntu, It is the equivalent of outlook09:51
Daraelbotcity: Note that it's from 09:42:17 that it was actually dropping packets.09:51
econnelljhf: i'm not sure i understand...are you implying that since i reverse engineered windows software and built a native version for linux that I shouldn't be upset about the lack of engagement from ubuntu devs?09:52
Youndersestobuntu, You want a project management system?09:52
DaraelRehan: Any software release includes lots of bugs fixed and lots of new ones created.  That said, you are /likely/ to be absolutely fine.  Suggest trying the live CD.09:52
sestobuntuYouder, yes and a over lan shared one09:53
jhfeconnell: my friend if you can't fix or answer on problem -- ..... then ..... . .   .     .       .   .09:53
sestobuntuYounder i can't find anything like that on the software center... or maybe i don't know how to look for it09:53
Youndersestobuntu,  http://trac.edgewall.org/09:53
ikoniajhf: tone it down please09:53
RehanDarael: with 10.10 on the liveCD it makes it seem as if my display wont work at all because of some nvidia driver issues, but when when i installed 10.10 and downloaded the nvidia driver from nvidias website, it worked fine. I guess I'm asking how reliable is the test drive with a liveCD?09:54
jhf<ikonia> thanks mom09:54
sestobuntuYouder, I check the site, thank you anyway for the help!09:54
drcasperhi guys09:55
DaraelRehan: There's occasionally problems that are only present on the live CD, but mostly it's pretty reliable.09:56
RehanDarael: thank you09:56
NyromithHello. Will the support for 10.04 LTS be extended to allow buisnesses that don't want to deploy Unity continue to use ubuntu?09:56
drcasperhow can y put all the info on my desktop . is that a program? that shows hard drive activity and clock and a network and a bunch of neat things :) linuz n00b09:56
botcityDarael, your firewall is interfering09:56
Tm_TNyromith: there's still 2 years to go with 10.04, you need more than that?09:57
DaraelNyromith: I understand that there will be an option to use the GNOME desktop for that sort of reason.  It may be a little obscure (just a hunch, that) but...09:57
econnellso outside of revu and bugs.deb.... where should I be pointing people?09:57
rumpe1Nyromith, support for 10.04:  Desktop till 13.04, server till 15.0409:58
Rehanhow do LTS versions work? Are the bug fixes that come in newer versions not included in the older LTS version?09:58
botcityDarael, ufw   interferers   and then no packets.09:58
botcity!ufw | Darael09:58
ubottuDarael: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:58
Tm_TRehan: all bug fixes that can be applied to the LTS should be applied to it09:58
RehanTm_T: whats that mean09:59
econnelli'm sure my userbase will be happy to absolutely inundate whatever forum is needed to get mangler into ubuntu09:59
NyromithLTS is good because only bugs and security holes are fixed, but the software is not updated. Even not firefox.09:59
PDaniubuntu.com is down09:59
ikoniaeconnell: what is the issue you currently have, lets see if we can help09:59
ikoniaPDani: it's not10:00
PDaniit says for me: Site off-line10:00
ikoniaPDani: it's in maintainence by the looks of it10:00
econnellikonia: i have a software package that I've been trying to get into ubuntu repos since Dec 200910:00
Nyromiththanks for the answers. bye10:00
sebrockgot a problem: my MOTD never updates??10:00
RehanNyromith: ok so for example right now in 10.10 i have some hardware incompatibility with my laptop. Apparently this incompatibility is fixed in 11.04. If I was on an LTS version what would happen? Would I get the hardware fix or not?10:00
ikoniaeconnell: ok - what have you done to get it into the repos10:00
Coreysebrock: What should it update to?10:01
Freeekii have problems with putting my HDD to sleep10:01
Tm_TRehan: depends on how it is fixed10:01
Daraelbotcity: Really?  But all the ufw messages are around 09:40:40, and it doesn't start dropping until 09:42:1710:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 497854 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mangler" [Wishlist,In progress]10:01
FreeekiWD does not work at all10:01
Freeekiothers spin up every 5 minutes10:01
Tm_TRehan: if it requires newer version of, let's say, Linux kernel, then propably no10:01
ikoniaeconnell: ok - so you've logged a wishlist request, what else have you done ?10:01
Freeekisomeone has a clue how to fix this?10:01
RehanTm_T: oh ok10:02
Freeekihdd spins up every 5 minutes10:02
Tm_TRehan: but I would imagine there can be some PPA or other source for such fixes if really needed10:02
econnellfiled in revu... fixed issues requested by MOTU maintainers... .jumped through every hoop requested....10:02
CQFreeeki: I don't have an answer, ut looked around for a long time as well to try and find one...10:02
RehanTm_T: great, thanks10:02
Rehangotta restart, brb10:02
ikoniaeconnell: ok - so you've built the package and submitted it to the motu process ?10:02
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
econnell<econnell> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=725110:02
CQeconnell: try going to #debian-devel channel on irc.oftc.net and ask there? or the debial-devel mailing list?10:03
Freeekidamn... this is really annoying!10:03
drcasperis conky best system monitor?10:03
sebrockCorey: it ususally shows available packages, system load and stuff. But it never updates anymore.10:03
rumpe1drcasper, no, top :>10:03
YounderFreeeki, You need to set it. right click a empty display middle.10:03
Darael!best | drcasper10:03
ubottudrcasper: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:03
Coreysebrock: Didn't realize Ubuntu did that.  Is there a cron job that handles it?10:03
ikoniaeconnell: it's a license issue, that's the issue10:04
sebrockCorey: yes I thinks so10:04
YounderFreeeki, change background10:04
FreeekiYounder: that does not work!10:04
Coreysebrock: Okay.  Is that cron job still present on your system? :-)10:04
Freeekiwhat background?10:04
YounderFreeeki, That is the easiest way to gain access to those settings10:04
econnellikonia: the license issue was resolved months ago....10:04
econnelland it wasn't even an issue in the first place10:04
drcaspermaan .. everytime.. snarky10:04
ikoniaeconnell: just reading through10:05
econnelli know.. i've read through it too... it's retarded10:05
Freeekiputting HDD to sleep with hdparm -y works tho10:05
Freeekibut -s does not work10:05
Freeekionly for wesrtern digital diska10:05
Daraeldrcasper: conky isn't the best, because there is no "best".  It is, however, probably the potentially-best-looking.  That, however, depends on how you configure it, and if you're new that may net be something you want to go through.10:05
drcasperthank you10:06
YounderFreeeki, ok system > adjustments powersaving10:06
Freeekiand my hdds spin up every 5 mintues10:06
YounderI have a norwegian edition so I am translating10:06
FreeekiYounder: oh.. i am on shell only10:06
Maahesanyone know how to delete gnome-panel entries in the gconf-editor? I have 5 instances of the global menu applet and its causing my panel to break, even though there's no global menu applet on my panel atm10:07
econnellthe actual license distinction that is made in the last comment is also 100% ridiculous10:07
ikoniaeconnell: why ?10:08
ikoniaeconnell: it seems like reasonable requests, (I've just got to the bottom)10:08
econnellbecause GPL 2.0+ vs GPL 3 doesn't even matter10:08
econnellthe affected source files contain the license and the license information is 100% valid10:08
ikoniaeconnell: it does matter to call out the correct license, and it's a trivial change10:08
botcityDarael,  sudo ufw  reset    to test will reset to the default ubuntu install but if you have it set you may want to note them etc10:08
ikoniaeconnell: just make the changes and submit, it will get there10:09
ikoniaeconnell: and on a side issue thank you for submitting, it will be a good tool to have10:09
ChronicSyncopemy internet is down but i can still connect to freenode O_O10:09
ChronicSyncopenot sure what's going on10:09
WaltherFIChronicSyncope: essentials :310:09
econnellno... i will do no such thing... i will not work with ubuntu until i can get a confirmation that something will actually get done.10:09
ChronicSyncopealso googl10:09
ChronicSyncopeefreenode and google10:09
ChronicSyncopebut not reddit! ugh.10:09
FloodBot2ChronicSyncope: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:10
Daraelbotcity: Will try it.10:10
ikoniaeconnell: guess there is nothing more to be done then,10:10
econnellnot unless i can find someone that can actually do something, then no10:10
MeowPartitionHai, Can someone direct me to a partitioning chat or something?10:10
rumpe1MeowPartition, just ask10:11
ikoniaeconnell: no point discussing it further then as the revu process is the correct process10:11
econnellso 1 year later, no one has taken any action and this is the process...yeah... again.. i give up10:11
MeowPartitionWell, im using EASEUS Partitioning software, but im kind of lost on what to do at this point. Can i use Join.me to show you, perhaps?10:12
vincenzomlHi there. I successfully switched yet another user to ubuntu maverick but... his UMTS usb stick gets stuck into a "disk" mode instead of behaving as a modem. That happens randomly. Any advice? That's necessary to him.10:13
=== omen is now known as omen27
Daraelbotcity: Just happened again, post ufw-reset.10:16
sympt0mim in deep shit now =/10:16
ikoniasympt0m: control the language10:16
sympt0mi cant seem to restore my menu.lst10:17
TanLizxxxhow can i get the ip fragments? netfilter coding.10:17
ikoniasympt0m: what version of ubuntu are you using ?10:17
sympt0mmy laptop is dualbooted with bt4r2 and w7, and im using grub legacy10:17
ikoniasympt0m: ok - so this isn't an ubuntu issue10:18
bazhangsympt0m, backtrack is not supported here10:18
DJonesvincenzoml: There's an app called usb-modeswitch that might help with solving that http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/usb-modeswitch10:18
sympt0mits a grub issue10:18
celthunderTanLizxxx: tcpdump? wireshark?10:18
ikoniasympt0m: you may want to try #backtrack-linux10:18
bazhang#backtrack-linux sympt0m10:18
sympt0myeah, but its not about bt10:18
bazhangsympt0m, sure it is. #grub if you wish10:18
ikoniasympt0m: it is10:18
sympt0mi cant get my grub to work. is there a grub channel? ive read all the help docs10:18
ikoniasympt0m: it's not about ubuntu either - so try #backtrack-linux10:18
econnellikonia: so i just checked the svn logs... that copyright change was made on jul/23/2010 to comply with revu10:18
vincenzomlDJones: it's already installed, do you know how to troubleshoot the problem?10:19
botcityDarael, your card should not be giving that output to the messages any how .. err was that var/log/messages?10:19
ikoniaeconnell: send a mail to the motu guys or ask in #ubuntu-motu for a status update10:19
DJonesvincenzoml: Sorry I don't, I just knew about the app, its not something I've had to use10:19
kyleeI don't know if this has been asked a billion times, but will the Ubuntu site be up any time soon?10:20
TanLizxxxcelthunder: No,i am coding a module.about conntrack....can i use ip_conntrack_defrag(),ip_ct_gather_frag(),etc function?10:20
DJoneskylee: Its up for me10:20
kyleenevermind, back up10:20
kyleeSoon as I ask10:20
=== RxDx is now known as Guest42013
keinyoungplease give me a forum for learn linux thinks10:21
bazhangkeinyoung, ##linux10:21
vincenzomlthanks DJones10:22
=== Guest42013 is now known as RxDxx
Daraelbotcity: Yes, it was.10:23
YounderMy sound unit is not working. How do I fix it?10:23
=== RxDxx is now known as RxDx
[deXter]Get a hearing aid.10:24
Younder[deXter], seriosly, it worked yesterday and now it doesn't10:24
kyleeWhat's with all the trolls today?10:24
adsworthHi al, I just got a new usb keyboard that fails with generic-usb: probe of 0003:060B:0230.0002 failed with error -22 when connecting it.10:25
botcityDarael, whats the computer and ubuntu version 10.10?10:25
ikonia[deXter]: tone it down please it's uncakked for10:25
Younder[deXter], I allowed user access10:25
adsworthanyway I can force the kernel to use the keyboard module10:25
[deXter]ikonia: It's in good humor, Younder didn't provide any details for a sensible reply.10:25
ikonia[deXter]: then don't reply - or ask for more information10:25
Younder[deXter], I don't know if I can. I just get no response10:26
[deXter]ikonia: Relax, it was just a joke.10:26
Freeekihow can i find out what makes my HDDs waking up every 5 minutes?10:26
bazhang[deXter], wrong place for it.10:26
Younder[deXter], This is no joke10:26
Daraelbotcity: Running Maverick, but I don't actually know the laptop model - small (well, seemingly reasonably large, but not well-known) manufacturer.10:26
[deXter]Younder: What hardware you're using, what OS/version are you running, did you install any new updates since yesterday?10:26
CoreyFreeeki: Cron?10:26
FreeekiCorey: no10:26
FreeekiCorey: no tasks there10:27
[deXter]bazhang: There's always a place for a joke mate, you just need a sense of humor.10:27
Freeekimaybe some smart utils?10:27
Younder[deXter], standard onboard sound, latest ubuntu, no installs at all10:27
CoreyCould keep an eye on iotop during a spinup phase.10:27
CoreyFreeeki: My approach was to not care if the drives are sleeping or not.10:28
Thrawnwhen i install a .deb package where does that get installed?10:28
Younder[deXter], It makes no sense to me10:28
FreeekiCorey: hahaha10:28
[deXter]Younder: Have you tried connecting an external speaker? And did you check in alsamixer?10:28
FreeekiCorey: then you dnot care abouot your money?? :-)10:28
CoreyFreeeki: I don't see how it costs me more or less either way. :-)10:29
FreeekiCorey: 1 wat costs around 2 euro a year!10:29
Younder[deXter], nevermind, the fan on my powersupply has failed10:29
DaraelThrawn: It's not that simple.  Why are you trying to find out where it was installed?  Perhaps we can help you solve the actual problem :)10:29
FreeekiCorey: 1 watt that is10:29
CoreyFreeeki: Power is included in my colocation.10:30
Corey10A circuit in the rack.10:30
Freeekiokay then10:30
CoreyMy mistake, 40A10:30
CoreyFreeeki: The machine in question also has eight spindles in it, so... :-)10:31
Thrawndarael: i installed a .deb that gives multitouch support for synatics touchpads; but im not happy with it; id like to try change the source file by myself10:31
botcityDarael, did it work again for a wile as if it started networking and then stopped10:31
CoreyThe laptop on the other hand is SSD, which solves that problem neatly.10:31
haeli have a question may i ask10:31
Lunzhi all i need help10:31
denebhello! is ubuntu 11.04 daily build (27 april) stable enough as the final version tomorrow?10:31
ikoniadeneb: no10:32
BlouBlouhael, Lunz: ask your questions10:32
Daraelbotcity: Same behaviour as before:  Connects, works for ~5 minutes (max, sometimes less) and then starts dropping all packets.10:32
haelwhat is the best extension format for 'exotic' filenames for linux and the best application to compile with ? exotic here is arabic10:32
Thrawndarael: but about the problem; preferences->mouse->touchpad: i can set EITHER edge scrolling or two finger scrolling; i want both10:32
Lunzi just install ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop my i cant dual buat my xp, anyone canhelp10:32
haelin archive Darael10:32
Corey!dualboot | Lunz10:33
ubottuLunz: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:33
DaraelThrawn: You'll need to obtain the source - it won't be in the binary package you installed.10:33
DaghdhaHi, i have a raid. And i want to be notified when it goes bad, is there an option in ubuntu for that? Or any disk realy, not just the raid10:33
CoreyDaghdha: Software or hardware RAID?10:33
Lunzthe problem is i cant boot into windows xp10:34
haelhere my problem Daghdha http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1735968&page=310:34
CoreyLunz: Have to teach GRUB about the XP partition.10:34
Lunzit doesnt have menu to choose...10:34
denebikonia: if i installed this build today and tomorrow have an update? could it? or it can't fetch final updates?10:35
Daraelhael: Please stop dropping random names into your request for help.  If someone knows an answer for you, they'll respond.  If not, talking to them will only annoy them and still not get you an answer.10:35
dsatheyou can update the iso10:35
dsathe@ deneb10:35
DaghdhaI am checking Corey10:35
pindropperi am new to using lynx, and was wondering if there was a way to search google or some other search engine directly through a command like "lynx google search-terms". Right now I have to visit google.com then type in the search phrases.10:35
Lunzhow do i edit the grub menu?i cant boot my xp10:36
dsathepin you could use a lil script to acieve it10:36
DaghdhaSOftware raid10:36
pindropperdsathe: how so? I am generally new to all this. any pointers would be great help.10:37
fairuzis libc.so is platform specific (x86, ppc, arm, ...)?10:37
dsathewat u do is10:37
CoreyDaghdha: cat /proc/mdstat10:37
rgnrhi all10:37
dsathesee google has a typical url say10:37
Daraeldsathe: Highlights, which help people see your responses to them, won't usually activate on part-nicks.  Try tab-completing, it makes life much easier.10:37
dsatheu wanna search for  "ubuntu"10:37
rgnrhow do i manipulate a folder from previous installation?10:37
pindropperdsathe: sure... go on10:38
rgnrwhen i try to access it from livecd i get permission denied10:38
dsatheone sec10:38
dsatheon chrome10:38
jitaroohey guys im having trouble with my usb bluetooth dongle, bluetooth prefrences won't let me turn the device on10:38
Daghdhai hate ubuntu pop-up menu go straigh into selection made, drives me mad10:38
dsatheis the url for ubuntu10:38
dsathenow if u do the same10:38
jitarooit works fine on my other ubuntu instillation10:39
rgnrhello? help pls?10:39
Darael!patience | grn10:40
ubottugrn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:40
DaghdhaCorey : It says this http://pastebin.com/7UcHjGpq10:40
step21rgnr, you have to change ownership of the folder or access it with sudo/root priviliges10:40
DaghdhaBut is there any tools that monitor that and send e.g. an email when it's bad?10:40
pindropperdsathe: ...10:40
step21rgnr, to do this with nautilus, open a terminal and type "sudo nautilus" iirc10:41
pindropperdsathe: how would i write the script is what im wondering and how would i invoke it from a command line. i understand how the url params work.10:41
dsathe1parse it as url to lynx10:41
red2kicpindropper: "alias lynx-google='lynx http://www.google.com/#q=$1"10:41
dsathe1in a shell10:41
rgnrstep21: how do i do it10:41
red2kicpindropper: Copy and paste that in the terminal. Try it.10:41
dsathe1say lynx 110:41
Daraelstep21, rgnr: Make that "gksu nautilus" - one should use gksu instead of sudo for GUI apps.10:42
rumpe1rgnr, alt-f2, "gksudo nautilus" ...10:42
pindropperred2kic: thats awesome !!! thank you . thank you10:42
rgnrpindropper:  from livecd?10:42
dsathe1put in the phrase u are searching for10:42
dsathe1it will make the url10:42
dsathe1split the phrase by whitespace\10:42
Daraelred2kic, pindropper: IIRC that # needs to be a ?.10:42
red2kicpindropper: I haven't tested it -- but you should get the idea.10:42
dsathe1join with '+'10:42
step21Darael, yes, but I'm wasn't sure what it would do on the livecd ...10:42
Youndersound fixed10:42
_ryx_Youtube displays "An error occurred, please try again later."10:42
Daraelstep21: Ah.  Well, for future reference, gksu works just fine on the live-cd.10:43
pindropperred2kic, dsathe1: yeah. its needs to be a ? but i do get the idea.10:43
Lunzi just install ubuntu and i cant boot my windows xp, how do i fix this?10:43
pindropperrgnr: from livecd? i dont understand your question.10:43
CQeconnell: the problem with debian and ubuntu is that stuff is mass processed, and DFSG compliant, that's why they're picky about such stuff, and that's why stuff needs to keep getting resubmitted until all the problems are fixed... they're dealing with thousands of packages that all have to meet the same standards10:43
=== hurbu is now known as hurbu_
red2kicDarael: http://code.google.com/web/ajaxcrawling/docs/faq.html#whentousewhich10:44
rgnrpindropper:  i mean can i run nautilus from livecd?10:45
Lunzi just install ubuntu 10.10 and i cant boot my windows xp, how do i fix this?10:45
step21rgnr, yes, it is the name of the file manager10:45
dsathe1Lunz: try10:45
dsathe1sudo update-grub10:45
dsathe1did u see something like10:46
rgnrstep21:  but it is xubuntu livecd10:46
red2kicDarael: It's for making your AJAX applications crawlable. You can use either. # works for me here. :)10:46
dsathe1on sda110:46
Lunzdsathel : after that?10:46
dsathe1at the end of it10:46
rgnrstep21:  so it would be gksudo thunar?10:46
Daghdhamdadm can do it apparently10:46
dsathe1like the last line or so on the output on typing that command10:47
step21rgnr, yes10:47
rgnrstep21:  10x will try in a sex10:47
rgnrstep21:  sec* lol missed )10:48
BlouBlourgnr: gksudo (sudo for GTK apps)10:48
Lunzdsathel : then what?10:48
Daraelred2kic: Fair do's, I have learned something.  Fantastic.10:48
* rgnr blushes10:48
dsathe1when u typed in sudo grub-update10:48
dsathe1could u pm me the output10:48
Youndersudo apt-get install ...10:48
dsathe1that u got10:48
YounderDO NOT do a grub-update10:49
dsathe1nah its not done10:49
Lunzi already update?10:49
dsathe1Younder: why ?10:49
dsathe1no it did not help10:50
YounderWell I fucked up a few systems royally donug that10:50
WaltherFInatty release date when?10:50
bazhangYounder, language10:50
WaltherFIaka when to clean install10:50
Younder2011, 04, 3110:50
bazhangWaltherFI, 4/2810:50
dsathe1Younder: chill10:50
red2kicWaltherFI: One second before April 29.10:50
BOB__Hello I would like to try out ubuntu and have downloaded the ISO and made a USB Stick But when I boot into USB it shows the menu with options to try out, install, check memory and advanced options when I select test memory it shows corrupt kernel image but I have redownloaded the file and redone the USB stick but still shows the same thing10:50
Younderbazhang, the new release10:51
Daghdhais it not possible to configure context-menu popup behaviour in Ubuntu to make it work like it works in windows?10:51
Younder20110 04, 3110:51
bazhangYounder, wrong10:51
Younder2010 04, 3110:51
BOB__Hello I would like to try out ubuntu and have downloaded the ISO and made a USB Stick But when I boot into USB it shows the menu with options to try out, install, check memory and advanced options when I select test memory it shows corrupt kernel image but I have redownloaded the file and redone the USB stick but still shows the same thing10:51
dsathe1i i do it like everyday10:52
Dazzled1hi, is there a way to make cp keep the permissions when copying files10:52
Dazzled1the -p flag doesn't cut it10:52
red2kicBOB__: Run the md5sum.10:52
red2kic!md5sum | BOB__10:52
ubottuBOB__: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:52
Dazzled1the command is "cp -pf fileFrom FileTo"10:52
red2kicDarael: -a10:52
Dazzled1nm, I guess the download is not write enabled10:53
KNUBBIGHey, I got a problem with my microphone on my Creative X-Fi FAtal1ty: I installed the open source drivers from Creative but now the microphone either 'records and replays' what I'm hearing on my headset (tested in TEamspeak/Skype/etc) or it just records plain nothing. Any ideas?10:53
red2kicDazzled1: ^^10:53
pindropperred2kic: turns out the alias doesnt work. i thought it did. i typed alias google='lynx http://www.google.com/search?q=$1' - and then to search i typed: "google ubuntu" it looked for ubuntu.com found it and went there. dint search google at all. what am I missing?10:53
Daraelred2kic: ?  Perhaps you meant to direct that to Dazzled1?10:53
red2kicDazzled1: Try that. -a -- See if it cut the cake for you.10:53
hipodilskihi I have a strange mail settings window poping up everytime I login to my account how can I resolve that?10:53
hipodilskiI'm using ubuntu 10.1010:53
red2kicpindropper: Try different search term like "debian" and see what turns up.10:54
dsathe1pindropper: it is a +10:54
CQBOB_: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/10:54
Daghdhamdadm --help10:54
pindropperdsathe1: a + ? i am sorry, i dont follow10:55
dsathe1ditch it10:55
pindropperred2kic: i did. it simply takes the last word in my command and uses that to look up domain names10:55
rgnrstep21:  now it shows me only to files like accessing_your_private-data and readme10:56
rgnrstep21: 'twas a linux mint installation10:56
pindropperdsathe1: come on. do tell.10:56
dsathe1pindropper: i was saying google replace3 whitspace by "+"10:56
dsathe1like whe i google this in10:56
dsathe1one sec10:57
pindropperdsathe1: doesnt work. if its a one word argument .... there are no whitespaces then in the command10:57
dsathe1ill post you exact querries10:57
dsathe1see this11:01
FloodBot2dsathe1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:01
pindropperdsathe: what should i do with these urls?11:02
KNUBBIGI got a problem with my microphone on my Creative X-Fi FAtal1ty: I installed the open source drivers from Creative but now the microphone either 'records and replays' what I'm hearing on my headset (tested in TEamspeak/Skype/etc) or it just records plain nothing. Any ideas?11:02
dsathe1the point i was making is11:03
Daghdhaquestion; mdadm - I set up mdadm to check monthly, it asked an email but not a server. How does it know where to send it, does it use ubuntu.com?11:03
dsathe1that '+'  replaces ' '11:03
dsathe1in querries11:03
dsathe1thats all11:03
pindropperdsathe1: i am full well aware of that. but why wouldnt it work when i have no whitespaces in a query. say i was searching for "donkey" there is no white space. the alias should work fine then. no?11:04
murfieI have /etc/network/interfaces with 3 vlan bridges, but they don't come up automatically.. any help?11:04
pindropperdsathe1: if i do lynx http://google.com/search?q=donkey. it works. but if i do alias google='http://google.com/search?q=$1' , and type google donkey. it doesnt. it seems like it should. but doesnt11:05
murfieok, so this is just a join and leave channel11:06
CQpindropper: replace the whitespaces with %21 s?11:08
gaurav_helphow to connect teo ubuntu machine11:09
Darael!elaborate | gaurav_help11:09
ubottugaurav_help: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:09
pindroppercq: in the command itself? like google%21donkey11:09
CQpindropper: no, in the query string, the $111:10
dsathe1the $111:10
gaurav_helphow to transfer files and connect two ubuntu machine with wired connection ... which tool i need11:10
dsathe1might just b a spl car11:10
dsathe1gaurav_help: use ftp11:10
pindroppercq: i would when i get to making non-whitespace queries work in the first place.11:11
gaurav_helpto connect two ubuntu machine i have 2 use ftp11:11
llutz_pindropper: that won't work in an alias, the $* will be expanded when creating the alias, not when calling it. define/use a function11:11
pindropperor are you suggesting i actually replace $1 with %21 which makes no sense11:11
pindropperllutz_:ok. so there is no way to do this using an alias?11:12
llutz_pindropper: afaik no. use a function defined in .bashrc11:12
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou
Daraelgaurav_help: You have several options.  Samba server, SCP, rsync-over-ssh, ftp...11:12
pindropperllutz_:thanks a lot.11:13
gaurav_helpDarael, which one have GUI mode and easy 2 use can u recommend me any one from these11:14
Daraelgaurav_help: If it's just a small file transfer or two, but you'll want to do it on a regular basis, you might want to try installing giver on both machines.11:14
RxDxis there any C programmer?11:14
gaurav_helpi have 2 install these on both machine11:15
Daraelgaurav_help: giver allows you to drag-and-drop files, and the destination machine gets a prompt about it.  It's probably your easiest method.11:15
rgnryeeeha! got it!11:16
* rgnr got it11:16
rgnryeah, baby, I got it Xd11:16
stianhjI set up some custom keyboard shortcuts (using the keyboard shortcuts tool in 10.04). The shortcuts runs a little bash script, and they work. But I still get a "Error while trying to run <command>, etc ...". Anyone know how to fix this?11:17
dr0idhow do you know whether a file is executable or not ? from command line ?11:17
NefertitiI have error message with snapscan 1212u under ubuntu maverick, simple scan: cannot connect to a scanner11:18
llutz_dr0id: stat file11:18
Nefertitihelp :)11:18
step21RxDx, this is not a programming help channel11:18
dr0idllutz_: hmm, which one in there ?11:18
dr0idsays regular file11:18
RxDxstep21, sry11:18
dr0idbtw it shows File: `a.out' why not File: 'a.out' ? :P11:18
stianhjdr0id, a file is executable if it has the executable bit set.. ls -l file11:19
Daraeldr0id: "ls -l file" gives the mode (amongst other things), if x is present in the mode then the file is has the executable permission.11:19
dr0idhey domas_11:19
stianhjthe executable bit is the last one iirc11:19
dr0idbut an executable file might not have the x part set :)11:19
antivirtelhi! how to list network interface names? eg. wlan0, eth0 (I need it for conky!)11:19
Curly_QIs there a more stable version of VNC other than X11vnc?11:19
icerootantivirtel: ifconfig11:19
dr0idDarael: but that's not something mandatory is what I am trying to say11:20
dr0idan exe file might not have x permissions, (and yes I know it won't execute then., but still)11:20
stianhjdr0id, use the command file.. file filename11:20
dr0idor am I wrong ?11:20
dr0idawesome, heh ;)11:20
antivirteliceroot thx11:20
KNUBBIGI got a problem with my microphone on my Creative X-Fi FAtal1ty: I installed the open source drivers from Creative but now the microphone either 'records and replays' what I'm hearing on my headset (tested in TEamspeak/Skype/etc) or it just records plain nothing. Any ideas?11:20
llutz_dr0id: filenames -extenstion say nothing about bein executable or not11:20
Daraeldr0id: Right.  Misunderstood what you were asking for.11:21
NefertitiNo one will help me? Which channel i should join to have some help then?11:21
Darael!patience | Nefertiti11:21
ubottuNefertiti: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:21
NefertitiI have error message with snapscan 1212u under ubuntu maverick, simple scan: cannot connect to a scanner11:21
gaurav_helpwhen i am sending file or receving file through bluetooth its shows me error "Cannot Start Personal File Sharing Prefrences"11:21
pindropperdsathe1, llutz, red2kic, cq : its party true what llutz said. there is no way to do this using an alias. not elegantly anyway. i got it to work by doing *alias google='lynx "http://www.google.com/search?q='* and then to search *google what ever i wan to search"* . the caveat being the last " that i must type in11:22
dsathe1Ubuntu.com is down !!!!!!!!!!!11:23
Daraeldsathe1: No, it isn't.11:23
dr0idno it's not11:23
BlouBloudsathe1: it isn't11:23
dsathe1try using say python to run that querry11:23
dr0id11.0444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 :D :D:  :D11:24
dsathe1overkill but easy quick solution11:24
KNUBBIGdsathe1, http://www.downorjustforme.com11:24
red2kicpindropper: Like llutz_ said, use bash function.  ie -- googlefu() { lynx whatever }11:24
BlouBloudr0id: stop it11:24
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dr0idmy friends are perm switching to 11.04 from windows11:24
Daraeldsathe1: Just tried it in links.  It's not down.11:24
rgnrHello, nifty America. This is me, your president, John Henry..... aaaa gotcha!!!11:24
dr0idlol rhn11:24
Guest35519social network11:25
Daraeldr0id: Good for them.  However, this is a support channel.  Mind taking it to #ubuntu-offtopic?11:25
rgnrdr0id: f3 lol11:25
dr0idI am never offtopic here11:25
dr0idbut just because I opened ubutu.com just now reminded me of that11:25
BlouBloudr0id: as Darael said, this is a support channel, join #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to talk11:25
geo_so this is my 1st time here,  what's the point11:26
lameronlineHey, why ubuntu looks like mac? telepathy, unity panel, even close buttons11:26
KNUBBIGI got a problem with my microphone on my Creative X-Fi FAtal1ty: I installed the open source drivers from Creative but now the microphone either 'records and replays' what I'm hearing on my headset (tested in TEamspeak/Skype/etc) or it just records plain nothing. Any ideas?11:26
zvacetgeo_:  do you have any question11:26
rgnrprolly mac looks better than windows )11:26
icerootrgnr: mac is a hardware, windows is a software and both are offtopic here11:27
zvacetrgnr:  bad argument11:27
gaurav_helpy compiz effect is working properly but when i want to open my compiz setting to change some i don't getting opened how i open that prefrences11:27
BlouBlougaurav_help: type in a terminal 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager' and install it11:28
Daraellameronline: telepathy's a library, it doesn't look like anything.  The buttons were moved because of a plan to do things with the top-right corner.  The unity panel is different again.  This is a support channel, take it to -offtopic.11:28
SixtyFoldmaverick fully supports TRIM correct?11:28
geo_i need a usb mini driver for clavinoa?11:29
SixtyFoldwhat's the best solution for RDP into a windows 7 machine from ubuntu with full graphical support? i havent got anything to work yet11:30
red2kicSixtyFold: The INTERNET seems to say yes.11:30
red2kicSixtyFold: http://askubuntu.com/questions/18903/how-to-enable-trim/19480#1948011:30
gaurav_help i already installed my Compiz setting manger earlier it works fine but now it is not opening ....i want to know if i remove that setting manger and reinstall it my setting would remain same or changed11:30
SixtyFoldthanks red2kic on the trim question, i plan on putting a 40gb ssd into my EEEPC 1000h, so hope so11:30
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
Daraelgaurav_help: Your settings are stored in your home folder.  Reinstalling the config application won't touch them.11:31
dr0idsorry guys11:34
dr0idDarael: sorry11:34
ikoniadr0id: what did I JUST tell you11:34
ikoniaSupport discussion ONLY11:35
gaurav_helpDarael, where my setting r store in home folder if i use same setting in my other ubuntu machine it will work same as mine11:35
ResQueanyone in here used comodo firewall11:35
ResQuesorry wrong room11:35
* rgnr want to try being offtopic11:36
Daraelgaurav_help: ~/.config/compiz/11:36
gaurav_helpDarael, so i remove my setting manger and re install it11:37
rgnrsudo /usr/bin/comodo/firewall11:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:37
ikoniargnr: is there a reason you are making these random comments ?11:37
brontosaurusrexin nautilus ctrl +s does selection by pattern, can i do the same, but with hidding the ones that wont match the pattern?11:38
kwtmpindropper: Did you get your question answered yet about how to use an alias to get lynx to google for something?11:38
celthunderw 411:38
kwtmpindropper: Ahh, I see that llutz already answered you about half an hour ago: use a function.  Do you know how to do that?11:39
gaurav_helpDarael, i have reinstall that but now also it its is not getting open11:42
kwtmstianhj: DId you get your question answered about "error trying to run <command>"?11:42
stianhjkwtm, no.. any ideas?11:42
tomtitCould someone tell me how i might stop the screen from going black every so often please11:45
lameronlinetomtit: what you mean?11:47
pindropperkwtm: thanks for asking. i just figured it out. but i do have a related question. i simply created the function google(){ lynx url$1} and it works fine. But where does this function get stored? How do i find out what different functions I've defined. Can I store them in a text file rather than type them in the terminal?a11:48
BlouBlouHe may be askign about how to disable dark-windows compiz-effect11:48
tomtitWhen i am reading something on the screen it goes black after a few minutes11:48
stianhjtomtit, System -> Preferences -> Power Management11:48
KrisDouglasCan someone pls explain landscape to me. I have a server here which i want to cluster with 2 other machines elsewhere on the planet to enable high availability. What is the best solution for this?11:50
kwtmpindropper: I will answer you.  #bash would be a more relevant channel, although the atmosphere is not as friendly to newbies.  Your function is stored in the local environment memory of the shell (bash) that runs when you open a terminal window.  (Gnome Terminal or whatever program you're using.)  If you open a new terminal, that function is no longer there.  If you exit, that function is no longer there.11:50
kwtmpindropper: To make that function stay, you have to define it every time you open a new terminal window.  You can do that by putting that function into your ~/.bashrc file, which is run every time you open a new window.11:51
dr0idstianhj: thanks again :)11:51
kwtmpindropper: To find out what functions and aliases are already defined, use ... (wait, searching ...)11:51
DaraelGot an irritating problem with my wifi.  For about the last 24 hours, I've been able to connect but after about five minutes it starts dropping all packets until I disconnect and reconnect.  Running a flood ping through the cycle gives (eventually) the repeating pattern "..E..............E...".  Have tried reloading kernel module for the card and restarting network-mananger - neither helped.  Ditto multiple reboots. Was thought to be RF interference, ...11:52
kwtmpindropper: You know, I actually don't know how to list all the functions.  Will ask in #bash now11:52
Darael... but changing channels (6->13) made no difference.  Neither did a UFW reset.11:52
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pindropperkwtm: ah! that makes perfect sense. Thanks a lot for this. i will try #bash -- thanks for the warning about it.11:53
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kwtmpindropper: Also, you have an error in your function.  The $1 should be in double quotation marks.11:54
kwtmpindropper: Thus:    google() { lynx "url=$1" ; }11:54
kwtmdon't forget the semicolon before the closing brace11:54
kwtmpindropper: Okay, I found out in bash that to list the functions, you say    declare -f11:55
stianhjI set up some custom keyboard shortcuts (using the keyboard shortcuts tool in 10.04). The shortcuts runs a little bash script, and they work. But I still get a "Error while trying to run <command>, etc ...". Anyone know how to fix this?11:55
pindropperkwtm: whoa! thats a lot of good help. :) thanks a lot. this info should keep me experimenting for a few days.11:56
kwtmpindropper: Also, the lynx url= thing is just an example.  I guess it should really be   google() { lynx "http://www.google.com/search?q=$1" ; }11:57
pindropperkwtm: yeah. thats the real function. thats how i implemented it too. i just typed it out real quick in the irc as pseudo func.11:58
pindropperkwtm: i just ran declare -f and a bunch of functions turned up. so when you said that the funcs defined in terminal have terminal scope, the rest must be defined elsewhere. they arent defined in the bashrc you pointed me to earlier.12:00
DaraelGot an irritating problem with my wifi.  For about the last 24 hours, I've been able to connect but after about five minutes it starts dropping all packets until I disconnect and reconnect.  Running a flood ping through the cycle gives (eventually) the repeating pattern "..E..............E...".  Have tried reloading kernel module for the card and restarting network-mananger - neither helped.  Ditto multiple reboots. Was thought to be RF interference, ...12:00
Darael... but changing channels (6->13) made no difference.  Neither did a UFW reset.12:00
gaurav_helpwhen i am trying to open ccsm from my terminal its shows me this error12:01
gaurav_helpTraceback (most recent call last):12:01
gaurav_help  File "/usr/bin/ccsm", line 100, in <module>12:01
gaurav_help    import ccm12:01
gaurav_help  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ccm/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>12:01
gaurav_help    from ccm.Conflicts import *12:01
gaurav_help  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ccm/Conflicts.py", line 27, in <module>12:01
FloodBot3gaurav_help: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:01
kwtmpindropper: When bash is first run, it runs ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc; these files can in turn call other files to be run.  As if that weren't complicated enough, there's also /etc/bash_profile and /etc/bashrc (I think those are the names --anyway, the system admin can also predefine files to be run).  So it's there somewhere.  Let me get you a FAQ...12:02
gaurav_helphttp://paste.ubuntu.com/599731/ this error is coming when i am opening ccsm from terminal12:03
kwtmpindropper: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/DotFiles12:03
pindropperkwtm: thanks. looking.12:03
kwtmpindropper: Whoa, that's a huge amount of text.  CHeck 2nd, 3rd paragraph under "Console logins"12:04
peeqHi, I am in root, I want to create a user "adduser USERNAME", but at the same time I also want him to have sudo powers. What should I append to that command?12:04
LjLpeeq: do "sudo adduser USERNAME admin"12:04
kwtmpindropper: Sorry, meant paragraph 2 4 5 6 under Console logins12:04
schnufflegaurav_help: And what is your locale? check with  env | grep LOCALE12:05
gaurav_helpDarael,  my ccsm is not working http://paste.ubuntu.com this error is coming i reinstall that hwo i remove thsi12:05
usr13Darael: Could there be some sort of traffic problem on your LAN? ..just a thought...  And how often does it happen?  Does your connection work ok for a while and then at some interval does it start having problems... or...?12:05
peeqLjL, adduser: The user `peeq' does not exist.12:06
LjLpeeq: first you need to create it with "sudo adduser peeq", then give that command i said12:06
usr13Darael: What wifi device is it?  What driver are you using?  Is this a desktop or a laptop?12:06
gaurav_helpschnuffle, its shows me nothing just blank12:07
histoDarael: what chipset is your card and what version of ubuntu are you running?  you can find out the chipset with lspci12:07
usr13Darael: What router are you using?  How many are connected to it?  Is it 802.11b or g ?12:07
schnufflegaurav_help: check with  env | grep LANG12:07
usr13Darael: or mix...12:07
peeqLjL, Hi I have heard there are some problems, like when we use "adduser peeq admin" it removes that user from all other groups.12:08
gaurav_helpschnuffle, ya this time this comes LANG=en_IN12:08
FloodBot3gaurav_help: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:08
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
peeqLjL, should I be doing something like "adduser -a -G admin"? Will this give sudo power12:09
pindropperkwtm: :) that is a lot of text. and my head is spinning a lil bit. perhaps a coffee break is in order. But I did read the relevant bits and I do have some clarity. I guess now that i can fiddle around enough bash and ubuntu, its time to get a good book and read through it. Thanks really for your help, its been great.12:09
jvoisina wich hour will the new ubuntu (natty narval) be available today ?12:09
bazhangjvoisin, 4/28 , not known12:09
LjLpeeq: i don't even know what -a and G are. just do "sudo adduser peeq" to add it and then "sudo adduser peeq admin" to give it sudo powers12:09
jvoisinok, thank you12:09
kwtmpindropper: Glad to help.  Bash can be complex if you start diving deeply into it.  But you should have enough to define your function and work with things.12:09
LjLpeeq: you may also want to add it to other groups than admin, though. type "groups" to see all the groups your current user belongs to12:10
gaurav_helpschnuffle, this out put comes LANG=en_IN GDM_LANG=C LANGUAGE=C:en12:10
Daraelusr13, histo: Card chipset is realtek RTL8191SEvB.  Router is a getnet GR-724W - b/g/n, tried both with n enabled and disabled.  Problem is intermittent, but I never get more than ten minutes connected.  This laptop is running maverick and is currently the only device connected by wifi, although there's another machine on a wired connection.12:10
usr13Darael: pastebin the results of one of your ping tests so we can see.12:10
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
Curly_QHey guys, am I making a mistake by following this website for FreeNX?        http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=46721912:11
usr13Darael: Is that other machine MS Windows or Linux? (The one that is on the wired connection.)12:11
gaurav_helpschnuffle, ? any help12:12
schnufflegaurav_help: so test your program with: LANG=en_US.UTF-8; /usr/bin/ccsm12:12
=== gac_ is now known as gac
cyozif I wanted to try out a distro that uses gnome 3, fedora would be a good choice right? (for a beginner)12:12
histoDarael: the only thing I can think of is driver issue. You can try ubuntu the ubuntu beta to see if the problem persists. Or try LTS which is lucid12:12
Daraelusr13: Certainly.  Waiting for it to drop out again.12:12
adsworthHi al, I just got a new usb keyboard that fails with generic-usb: probe of 0003:060B:0230.0002 failed with error -22 when connecting it.12:12
adsworthanyway I can force the kernel to use the keyboard module?12:12
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
schnufflegaurav_help: to see which locales are installed use locale -a12:12
peeqLjL, Thanks for the info, I got it.12:13
gaurav_helpschnuffle, thanks its working the command u tell me that i have 2 use every time that command will change any thing12:13
Daraelusr13: It's a Linux box.  I'm in fact running irssi on it in screen (connecting over ssh), hence why I don't keep vanishing.12:13
gaurav_helpschnuffle, and what is locales?12:14
schnufflegaurav_help: locale - Get locale-specific information.12:14
usr13Darael: lsmod |grep rtl81912:15
schnufflegaurav_help: which means a locale sets time/date format and everything that is language specific12:15
schnufflegaurav_help: So if you want to run your prog with the locale you have set you need to install it12:15
Daraelusr13: No output.  The module in question, though, is r8192se_pci (obtained by grep'ing for 819 instead of rtl819)12:16
usr13Darael: I think maybe you have wrong driver loaded up.12:17
Curly_QHas anyone had any experience with this:   The seveas repository provides Nx Client for Linux. Windows NoMachine    ?12:18
bazhangCurly_Q, that seems to be quite an old repo12:18
schnuffleCurly_Q: You experience with NX or with seveas?12:18
Curly_QThat is what I was afraid of.12:19
Daraelusr13: I am informed that the 8192 driver is the correct one for 8191 chipsets.  Certainly I can't find an 8191 driver...12:19
=== denny- is now known as denny
JDuke128hi , i've 2 HDDs , 1 is installed windows and other is Linux , i want Linux HDD first starts on boot and run some code and then boot redirect to windows back , how can i do it ? is it possible ? someone can help for that ? :S12:20
usr13Darael: lsmod | grep ireless12:20
Curly_QI suppose I could Google it and spend hours with it but I humble myself and wonder who has the best answer.12:20
Daraelusr13: No output.12:20
usr13Darael: lspci | grep ireless12:20
usr13Darael: sorry, first one was typo12:20
sebrockanyone knows which cronjob or how to force MOTD to update?12:21
kwtmAfter I close Evolution (the email program), how can I access my stored email files without using Evolution?  Are there text files stored that I can read with a hex editor or something?12:21
Daraelusr13: 05:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)12:21
mcurranthey would be stored on the email server it fetches the mail from, you would have to download them locally or try to find a local saving solution/option within evolution12:22
Daraelusr13: ping results as requested earlier (to router, including flood-ping and normal run in parallel - timescale is shortly after connection through failure and manual reconnection): http://paste.ubuntu.com/599737/12:23
Curly_QI installed FreeNX but am very leary about X11vnc. It seems very unstable.12:23
Daraelkwtm: Somewhere in ~/.evolution/mail12:24
usr13Darael: lsmod | grep rtl12:25
juzzrtjoin #physics12:25
Daraelusr13: no output.12:25
usr13Darael: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&ProdID=226&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true12:25
cyozwhat would be my editor of choice for creating websites?12:27
usr13Darael: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139730912:27
cyozpeople say vim but that seems to involve a lot of learning...12:27
usr13cyoz: vimtutor12:27
=== orion_ is now known as Guest6457
mithranhi all, i installed chromium, and am having a really tough time configuring java on the browser(it fails the test on the java website), can someone please help me12:28
usr13cyoz: an awful lot of people are moving to cms (including myself - joomla).12:28
usr13mithran: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin12:29
=== dirtydawg is now known as DirtyDawg
Daraelusr13: So basically, I'm left with little option other than compiling the driver myself.  I was hoping to avoid that, but... thanks anyway.12:30
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histoDarael: or you can try a driver from backports12:31
histo!wifi | Darael12:31
ubottuDarael: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:31
=== bigMike_ is now known as bigMike
Ubby_HubbleHi there! I need to know how to make a total check-up to Ubuntu 10.04, check if everything is sane: check deps, damaged apps, libraries, ecc... Can you tell me how please?12:31
Daraelhisto: Cheers, I'll have a look.  And why didn't I think of chacking backport anyway?12:31
histoUbby_Hubble: anytime you install an app it will complain if there is a dependancy problem12:32
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histoDarael: there is some sort of wifi compat package or something can't remember the name of it.12:32
histoDarael: I believe it's listed on the link provided by ubottu12:32
Ubby_Hubblehisto: ok, anything else, any tool to check Ubuntu?12:32
th^^Ubby_Hubble: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get autoremove12:32
Ubby_Hubbleth^^: :D12:33
usr13Darael: It's not that hard.  Just install build-essential and linux-headers-generic  and then download the file, unpack it and do .configure make and make install  But I do not know if there is a .deb someplace, I just did a search and that seems to be the best info I can find.12:33
histoDarael: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#Getting_compat-wireless_on_Ubuntu12:33
sebrockanyone knows which cronjob or how to force MOTD to update?12:33
usr13!realtek Darael12:34
usr13!realtek | Darael12:34
ubottuDarael: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b12:34
inmahello everyone, anyone can help me to make open office spell check in spanish? thank you12:35
Daraelusr13: I know it's not hard, I just didn't want to get into recompiling every kernel update (or working out how to use DKMS).12:35
JuJuBeeHow do I add a static route to my box?12:35
histoDarael: no need to recompile with compat-wireless12:35
usr13Darael: I don't know if that ^^^ has anything to do with your device because it says RTL8187b  .... I don't know...12:35
histoJuJuBee: route add12:36
Daraelhisto, usr13: Thanks.  I'll have a look about.  Hopefully one of these various leads will help.12:36
usr13Darael: You might consider trading the card out for one that is less problematic12:36
histoDarael: my money is with compat modules12:36
usr13Darael: ... via ebay.12:36
histousr13: that realtek card should be supported and working.12:37
histousr13: he's most likely experiencing a bug12:37
usr13histo: That is what I thought....12:37
JuJuBeehisto will that persist?12:37
usr13Darael: Maybe the device is just defective in the first place.12:37
usr13Darael: It may be overheating or just going flakey on you.12:38
histoJuJuBee: huh? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+static+route12:38
usr13Darael: It may very well be a hardware issue and not a software issue at all.12:38
histousr13: Darael no way to find out unless you try different drivers12:39
usr13Darael: You could just find something else on ebay....12:39
mythrihello all12:40
mythrithis is a query to the problem to my other laptop12:41
histousr13: why do that without testing first?  wasting money12:41
mythrii need help badly becuz i have to travel in few days i wont be having internet to fix problem then12:41
mythriWat happens is when i start the laptop it refuses to login and prompts me with an error message THE CONFIGURATION SETTINGS FOR GNOME POWER MANAGER WAS NOT INSTALLED PROPERLY. CONTACT YOUR COMPUTER ADMINISTRATOR12:42
usr13I was just giving options. Computer problems and particularly peripheral gear can be very complicated at times. The first thing to do is discover and list available options.  (It is up to Darael to decide which option to try first.)12:43
celthundermythri: dpkg --reconfigure <gnome power manager package12:43
celthunderand turn off the caps lock12:43
bazhangmythri, no caps please12:43
usr13mythri: What seems to be the problem?12:43
mythrii cant go log in12:44
mythriall i can access is terminal12:44
usr13mythri: There is no prompt for login?12:44
mythriit gives me a msg saying 'the configuration settings for gnome power manager was not installed properly.12:44
usr13mythri: try  Ctrl-Alt-F612:44
=== debd is now known as damno
mythricelthunder,  should i type the command u told me in the terminal?12:45
mythriusr13, its quit not working..let me try12:45
celthundermythri: idk what package is the gnome power manager but yeah12:46
usr13celthunder: no.  Hold the Ctrl and Alt keys while  hitting the  F6 key.12:46
mythrilet me try..pls hold on12:46
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mythriusr13, i will try that as well12:46
usr13mythri: Now what do you have?12:46
celthunderusr13: he just said gdm isn't running :/12:46
mythrijust a sec i m starting laptop12:47
usr13mythri: What is installed on this PC?  Is it Ubuntu 10.10?  or...?  what?   And when did it start happening?  After a distribution upgrade?  or...?12:48
mythriusr13, now i see ubuntu login12:48
mythriyes it is ubuntu 10.1012:48
damnoI have  a bad font rendering in ubuntu12:49
usr13mythri: Is it working now?12:49
damnoits a bit hazy12:49
damnowhat should I do?12:49
mythriusr13, now after i did that and logged in i can see terminal is opened12:49
mythriwat should i do now12:49
damnoits a bit hazy. what should I do?12:50
fcuk112hi, just upgraded to natty - when i click home folder in launcher it kinda flashes but doesn't do anything.  anyone know why this may be?12:50
usr13mythri: login12:50
damnoI have  a bad font rendering in ubuntu what should I do?12:50
celthunderfcuk112: does nautilus work?12:50
bazhangdamno, patience please12:50
damnobazhang: sorry12:50
fcuk112celthunder, yes - if i super-F and click on another folder it brings up nautilus.12:51
=== hurbu_ is now known as hurbu
BIGMCK068can anyone help with a creative sound issue12:51
=== sahip is now known as Chepoll
Chepollhey I've got a small problem12:51
Chepollcan anyone help me?12:51
mythricelthunder, i did the command wat u said it says no such file or directory12:52
celthundermythri: ?12:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:52
Chepollokay, asking the question12:52
mythricelthunder, dpkg --reconfigure <gnome power manager package12:52
BIGMCK068no sound have creative sound card pci-x12:52
celthunderBIGMCK068: what're you using for a mixer? is it muted?  does it show up in lspci12:53
mythricelthunder, i did the above ^^ comand but it says no such file or directory12:53
celthundermythri: you weren't supposed to type that exactly12:53
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usr13mythri: Is gdm running?   ps aux |grep gdm12:54
mythricelthunder, what should i type then..please guide..im new to ubuntu12:54
usr13mythri: ps aux |grep gdm12:54
hetOrakelhi all, i have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and the laptop's fan is blowing like a vacuumcleaner.Back in 9.something this was not the case12:54
ChepollI have once installed CDM ( console display manager) and then removed it. now when I am booting up through the console, right after it says "Welcome to Ubuntu" it says "bash: cdm: command not found" . I want to get rid of it12:54
mythriusr13, whats gdm, ps aux?12:54
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BIGMCK068i got nvidia gtx460 video card (has hdmi) and creative sb x-fi sound card and i disabled the sound on the nvidia hdmi12:54
usr13mythri: ..... and tell us if you get one line of response of more.12:54
histohetOrakel: what kind of temps are you running12:55
usr13mythri: man ps12:55
hetOrakelhisto: temps?12:55
histomythri: ps aux will print running items | pipes the output to grep and grep searches xxx like gdm12:55
mythriusr13, i got it i m typing it12:55
histohetOrakel: temperatures12:55
usr13mythri: ps reports a snapshot of the current processes12:55
mythriusr13, now i got a list of things12:56
necrotikWhen I startup my ubuntu I get a warning its running in low-graphics mode. My xorg.0.log looks fine no errors, whats going on?12:56
=== Guest85481 is now known as axos88
usr13mythri: so there was more than one line of output, right?12:56
mythriusr13, yes there was..12:56
celthundernecrotik: install the right graphics drivers/modules?12:56
usr13mythri: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
necrotikI have the nvidia proprietary graphics driver installed, i think12:57
hetOrakelhisto: i get it, but what do you mean by "are you running" do you mean my bios settings?12:57
mythriusr13, should i type this command ^ u gave12:57
celthunderhetOrakel: laptop-mode-tools12:57
celthunderor acpi12:57
dd214shell syntax question.. what is the syntax for a random number?12:57
usr13mythri: Yes, type        ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and hit enter. Tell us what it says back to you.12:57
mythriusr13, it says no such file or directory cannot access12:58
celthunderdd214: rand()12:58
dd214for instance, I have a sleep thread for 1 second but would like the sleep thread to run 1, .2, .412:58
mythriusr13, just for ur knowledge i m using ubuntu 10.1012:58
mythrithis is scaring me because i m not able to open and i have so much of documents inside12:58
hetOrakelcelthunder: when i install them it removes acpi12:59
usr13mythri: WHen did this start?  Did you make any changes right before the problem occurred?12:59
celthunder? do you have an apm motherboard12:59
hetOrakelcelthunder: btw doesnt make any difference12:59
usr13mythri: Did you do a distribution upgrade or something like that?12:59
hetOrakelcelthunder: how can i tell?12:59
mythriit started after i downloaded ktouch from ubuntu software manager and the download stopped it in half way12:59
necrotikYea I'm still getting low-graphics mode. I'm using the nvidia proprietary driver.13:00
necrotikI tell it to start x in low-graphics mode, I get a console. startx then gets me into gnome fine.13:00
dd214celthunder that seems to be erroring13:00
SoyoThis update would require installation from non authenticated sources; alsa-utils app-install-data-partner apparmor apparmor-utils appmenu-gtk apport apport-gtk aptdaemon avahi-autoipd avahi-daemon avahi-utils bash-completion bind9-host brasero-common bsdutils computer-janitor computer-janitor-gtk cups cups-bsd cups-client cups-common cups-ppdc dbus dbus-x11 dhcp3-client dhcp3-common dnsutils dpkg empathy empathy-common evince 13:00
Soyomy bad13:01
FloodBot3Soyo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:01
mythriusr13, and when i restarted my laptop this problem started. i also downloaded google earth. i didnt do any distribrution upgrade13:01
SoyoI didn't realize that was so long13:01
dd214celthunder if I echo rand() I receive a syntax error13:01
usr13mythri: ktouch shouldn't have done anyting like this.  (But I recommend gtypist ... fyi).13:01
mythrii know ..i dont know wat to do now or how to solve this issue13:01
usr13mythri: Ok, well google earth could have done it.13:01
Daraelhisto: compat modules?  Bad idea.  Installed the package, now I no longer have a wlan0.  The card's still there in lspci, but post-reboot nothing's claiming it.  Attempting to modprobe rtl8192 (since there's still no 8191) gives a FATAL:no such module, and modprobing r8192se_pci (which is the module I used to use) now fails with an invalid argument.13:01
usr13mythri: You should install google earth via the package manager.13:01
LjLSoyo: no problem with the original line, as long as you put it on one line it's fine. just, please wait a while before speaking again after the FloodBot warns you, otherwise you get muted13:02
usr13mythri: The package name is   googleearth-package13:02
usr13mythri: Try    Ctrl-Alt-F813:03
SoyoLjL: Thanks and sorry about that I thought it was only one package. Why is every package non-authenticated?13:03
usr13mythri: and if that doesn't work:    Ctrl-Alt-F713:03
LjLSoyo: i don't know. type "apt-cache policy one-of-those-packages" to see where it might be coming from13:03
adsworthanyone know how I can tell the kernel to use a certain module for a specific device if the automatic recognition fails?13:03
mythriusr13, all i can see is terminal screen and nothin else13:03
usr13mythri: Anything there?13:03
usr13mythri: On both  F8 and F7  ?13:04
DaraelSoyo: Can happen if the package list update gets interrupted - try refreshing it again? (sudo apt-get update)13:04
celthunderadsworth: modprobe13:04
sveinseHow can I in a makefile test if make has been called with -j ?13:04
mythriusr13, f8 nothing and f7 it gives the login screen but no user name or password just a grey box13:05
adsworthcelthunder, I know that I can do a modprobe modname but how do I tell modprobe which device I want?13:05
usr13mythri: it gives a login screen?  That is strange... nothing above F6 should be offering login screen.13:05
Dr_Willismythri:  you mean it has a X based GDM LOGIN? or just a 'login:' prompt like the console does.13:06
usr13mythri: Ok try this:  /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:06
SoyoLjL: Version table:13:06
Soyo     1.0.23-2ubuntu3.4 013:06
LjLSoyo: what does the line below that say?13:07
SoyoVersion table:13:07
Soyo     1.0.23-2ubuntu3.4 013:07
Soyo 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main i386 Packages13:07
FloodBot3Soyo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
lilljockehello everyone i have a question, how do i unpack a tar.gz file? im trying to extract linux to a CF card and use it with a thinn client but the tar.gz file containing files from 1943?? so it wont unpack it, any fix or something??13:07
igor__ zxffxz13:07
LjLSoyo: and that's the only output there is?13:07
SoyoYeah I didn't mean to do that on more than one line using irssi]13:07
usr13mythri: It was just a console login on F7 and F8... right?13:07
FloodBot3igor__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
LjLigor__: stop13:07
FloodBot3ucenik06: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
SoyoLjL no let me pastebin it hang on13:08
=== sahip is now known as Chepoll
* LjL glares at the FloodBot313:08
mythriusr13, yes13:08
ChepollQUESTION: I have installed, and then remove GDM. My computer still tries to start with it. How can I completely remove it?13:09
botcitydd214, NUMBER=$[ ( $RANDOM % 100 )  + 1 ]     then    echo $NUMBER13:09
usr13mythri: Did you try    /etc/init.d/gdm restart  ?13:09
Dr_WillisChepoll:  see if /etc/init/gdm.conf exists. if so rename it to perhaps gdm.DONTRUN13:09
usr13mythri: You went back to   F6,   right?13:09
usr13mythri: Ctrl-Alt-F613:09
SoyoLjL: http://pastebin.com/UgkMZhsz13:09
Dr_WillisChepoll:  what login manager are you wanting to use?13:10
mythriusr13, i did ctrl alt f613:10
ChepollDr_Willis: I don't want to use any DM13:10
LjLSoyo: try doing "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 437D05B5", then apt-get update and then try again13:10
usr13mythri:  /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:10
Dr_WillisChepoll:  theres the 'text' kernel boot time option that disables plymooth and gdm/kdm/anydm from starting also.13:10
DaraelChepoll: If you started without GDM, try doing an "apt-get purge gdm" - that'll remove any residual config, which may be your culprit13:11
Chepollok, please let me catch up to what you've said so far13:11
karthick87What is the maximum size of thunderbird  mailbox?13:12
mythriusr13, i did that now13:12
SoyoLjL: What is 437D0585?13:12
usr13Darael: Dr_Willis I suppose he could also just do chmod -x  /etc/init.d/gdm13:12
usr13mythri: Anything happening?13:12
mythriusr13, it gives error message13:12
lilljockesomeone who can unpack a tar.gz file?13:13
LjLSoyo: the GPG keyword for the default repositories13:13
usr13mythri: What error?13:13
Dr_Willisusr13:  except i think its /etc/init/gdm.conf  :) actually it may have both.. ive not looked lately13:13
LjL!gpgerr | Soyo13:13
ubottuSoyo: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »13:13
SoyoLjL: 21 new signatures13:13
Dr_Willislilljocke:  tar xzf foo.tgz or cheat and use the 'unp' command.13:13
usr13Dr_Willis: On 10.04 it is    /etc/init.d/gdm13:13
Chepollpurged and whatnot, rebooting ATM13:14
Dr_Willisusr13:  check your /etc/init dir also.. it could be one is a link to the other.13:14
Thrawni installed a cursor theme but the cursor wont show up in appearances -> pointer13:14
Thrawnand when i try to reinstall the theme it says cant move directory over directory13:14
necrotikOk I did some more digging. I still get the low-graphics warning, but when I checked /var/log ( I deleted all the xorg logs and rebooted ) there is only an Xorg.failsafe.log13:14
mythriusr13, rather than invoking init script, use service (8) utility13:15
SoyoLjL: Working now, thank you.13:15
LjLbazhang: while you're there, there are quite a few mutes standing i've noticed...13:15
usr13Dr_Willis: /etc/init/gdm.con  is just the config file, not a symlink or anything.13:15
mythriusr13, That's what I'm getting.13:15
velcroshoozis there a way to have two different wallpapers on a multi display setup?13:15
SoyoJust in time to go to 11.04...13:15
usr13mythri: service gdm restart13:16
Chepoll@Dr_Willis : Thanks, the purging solved my problem13:16
Thrawni installed a cursor theme but the cursor wont show up in appearances -> pointer, and when i try to reinstall the theme it says cant move directory over directory13:16
lilljockeits gives me an error when i unpack that file> implausibly old time stamp 1943-02-05 17:20:4113:16
mythriusr13, error name="unset"13:16
lilljockeis there any parameter for force it?13:17
dd214botcity that works!13:17
Rameshh r u?13:17
usr13mythri:  /etc/init.d/gdm stop13:17
Thrawnany1 can help me with my cursor theme issue? :(13:18
Rameshhi ii13:18
ChepollQUESTION: I once installed CDM (console display manager) and then removed it. Now when my computer is booting up, right after "Welcome to Ubuntu!" it says "bash: cdm: command not found". I want to get rid of that. What files do I need to look at?13:18
mythriusr13, the same error message - rather use service(8) utility.13:18
usr13mythri: service gdm stop13:19
mythriusr13, I've tried that before13:19
usr13mythri: Ok you say that Ctrl-Alt-F7  and Ctrl-Alt-F8  both give loging screens?13:20
mythriusr13, error name ='unset'13:20
usr13mythri:      is that  ^^^^^ right?13:20
iiAfter a couple of hours online when I try to open the home folder the windows on the taskbar shows that it's opening it but then closes instantly and opens after 5-10 minutes. At the same time vuze is giving me an error if I try launching it from the tray (saying it's not responding). What should I check to know what's causing it?13:20
mythriusr13, no, only f813:20
usr13mythri: what about F913:20
mythrif gives me blank13:20
mythrif9 gives me blank13:21
usr13mythri: ok.  Ctrl-Alt-F713:21
usr13mythri: blank?13:21
mythriusr13, ok, i have the login screen now but i can't login13:21
mythriusr13, just a grey box13:21
dd214botcity how do I get a $RANDOM millisecond?  or fractions?  I want to produce random fractions of 1.. ie  .01,  .13,  .2213:21
usr13mythri: Grey box?13:22
mythriusr13, yes, without textbox for usrname and pass13:22
Chepollhe shoud reinstall the display manager perhaps?13:22
usr13mythri: click on the username13:22
mythriusr13, an incomplete login screen13:22
rcmaehl#ubuntu I have created a freenode wiki and I would like you all to create a wiki article for your channel. http://freenode.fcofix.org/index.php?title=Ubuntu (I am currently working on obtaining a domain for the wiki itself)13:22
usr13mythri: or just try hitting enter.13:22
mythriusr13, there is no username there.13:22
mythriI can see the login screen now13:23
mythribut can't log in13:23
mythriusr13,  i can't log in but13:23
mythriusr13, It says I'm currently logged in.13:23
botcitydd214, sleep command has milliseconds built in i think13:24
usr13mythri: Describe what you see on the screen in a little more detail.13:24
mythriusr13, the prompt is still there on login screen saying: the configuration defaults for gnome pwr manager was not installed properly.13:24
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
mythriusr13, heading is install problem13:25
usr13mythri: Go back to Ctrl-Alt-F613:26
mythriusr13, Install Problem; the configuration defaults for gnome power manager were not installed properly. Please contact your computer administrator.13:26
mythriusr13, okay13:26
usr13mythri: and do this:13:26
mythriusr13, yes13:27
usr13mythri: sudo apt-get remove powermgmt-base13:27
dd214botcity yes, sleep does support milliseconds, but I'm trying to generate a random sleep millisecond13:27
maccaargh dont ask me how but i was removing panels from my bar at the top and then the whole thing deleted... how do  get it back13:28
usr13mythri: Soon as it is finished do:   sudo apt-get install powermgmt-base13:28
mythriusr13, it asks me if i want to continue13:28
botcitydd214,  you could do something like sleep 0.$NUMBER  that would do it13:28
bazhang!resetpanels | macca13:28
ubottumacca: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:28
mythriusr13, after this operation, 987 kb disk space will be freed, do you want to continue< it asks me this13:29
Bluebill-Wolfhow do i update wine ?13:29
Bluebill-Wolfor rather add it to the update repository13:29
maccabazhang, how do i get into terminal with no bar13:29
mythriusr13, do i  continue?13:30
dd214botcity ahhh concatenation13:30
bazhangmacca, alt f2 gnome-terminal iirc13:30
mythriusr13, it asks me y/n... should I continue or not...?13:30
usr13You could alternately do   dpkg --reconfigure powermgmt-base   But... I suppose you could just run without it.  I don't think it is needed.  not sure really.13:30
mythriusr13, ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot<it says this13:31
usr13mythri: ureadahead ?13:31
=== genger is now known as tyranos
velcroshoozis there a way to have seperate wallpapers on a dual monitor setup? also, is it possible to have taskbars on both yet be able to move apps back and forth?13:32
maccabazhang, it says nosuchcommand gconftool13:32
mythriusr13, I did the second command for install13:32
maccabazhang, oh wait missplet13:32
maccabazhang, now done but the bar hasnt reappeared13:33
akashm1990I have Ubuntu 10.04 which I upgraded to 10.10 and then installed Unity on it using apt-get. Unity seems to be a bit messed up for me now (no icons on my desktop for example). Is there any way to restore Ubuntu to the original state, or to basically fix unity?13:33
usr13mythri: It says it is optional.  You might just try and run without it. sudo service gdm restart13:34
usr13mythri: sudo service gdm restart13:34
maccabazhang, back now... looks like patience was the answer13:34
Daraelvelcroshooz: The latter is easily achieved by adding a panel (right-click an existing one, new panel) then alt-click-and-dragging it to the second monitor and finally adding the appropriate applets.  The former is doable, but requires not having desktop icons IIRC.13:34
usr13mythri: Oh, you did.  Well try restartgin gdm anyway.13:35
velcroshoozDarael, okay so in twinview for example you can just add panels to it?13:35
usr13mythri: sudo service gdm restart    or    /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:35
mythriusr13, restartgin gdm?13:35
Daraelakashm1990: You should have the option at login time to use "Ubuntu Desktop" or similar - it's a selection box at the bottom, after choosing your user, and it'll be set to "Unity" ATM.13:35
usr13mythri: Yes restart gdm13:35
bazhangmacca, good news then13:35
Daraelakashm1990: That'll get you your other desktop back, at least.13:35
Daraelvelcroshooz: I think so.  Could be remembering wrong, but I'm pretty sure it works.13:36
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
akashm1990Darael, ok, I'll try that. Also do you know of how to fix unity?  I kind of like it13:36
usr13mythri: Is this system fully updated?13:36
mythriusr13, errorname'unset"<it says this13:36
mythriusr13, yes13:36
velcroshoozDarael, ill give that a try - i dont mind not having desktop icons, do you know where i might look for instructions on the different wallpaper bit?13:37
lenios_hi there13:37
bazhangvelcroshooz, using compiz?13:37
Daraelakashm1990: No icons on the desktop is, IIRC, a deliberate design choice.  As for other problems, I've not got enough Unity experience.13:37
velcroshoozbazhang, yes i am, full effects in appearance13:37
usr13mythri: uninstall powermgmt-base and try again.  Maybe it IS powermgmt that is causing the problem.13:37
akashm1990Darael, silly IMO..  Guess I'll uninstall it then13:38
usr13mythri: Or just reboot it....13:38
bazhangvelcroshooz, there is , if I recall correctly, you may want to ask in #compiz about using the multiple wallpapers13:38
Bluebill-Wolfhow do i update wine ?13:38
mythriusr13, but i have so many documents inside13:38
bazhangBluebill-Wolf, using their own repos? or the ones in ubuntu repos13:39
usr13mythri: You could do a backup now.  Put in a thumb drive and copy them over.13:39
bazhangBluebill-Wolf, #winehq for theirs13:39
Bluebill-Wolfi ment to add it to the repository when the comptuer searches for updates13:39
velcroshoozbazhang, okay thanks, i will look through ccsm first, i seem to remember something in there since you mentioned it13:39
Daraelvelcroshooz: Install compizconfig-settings-manager if you haven't already, and set it up in the wallpaper plugin.  But first, go alt+f2, type "gconf-editor", and navigate to apps->nautilus->preferences.  Uncheck "show desktop".13:39
Daraelvelcroshooz: That should allow the Compiz wallpaper plugin to actally do its job.13:39
usr13mythri: You don't backup your system?  ... you have a thumb drive. Yes?13:39
velcroshoozDarael, great, thanks for the info13:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:40
mythriusr13, i have downloaded gnome-power-manager-2.30.1.tar.bz2 in my documents, I guess if i install through terminal, it would solve. Please help me how to install with command.13:41
usr13mythri: Why do you have gnome-power-manager in Documents?13:42
usr13mythri: When and why did you download it?13:42
mythriI downloaded it and placed the file through partition. I downloaded it after this problem occured as i thought if i would install this it would correct the errors. As it says 'gnome power manager not installed correctly'13:43
lilljockehow can i unpack a tar.gz with files from 1970?  >implausibly old time stamp 1970-01-01 00:00:0013:43
usr13mythri: Ok, no..., just delete it.13:44
sipiorlilljocke: that just means that the time entry is zero. look up "unix epoch".13:44
Macerseriously loving acls.. all the things chmod  and umask cant do.. its great13:45
usr13mythri: If you want to, backup your documents now.  But I would just uninstall powermgmt-base and reboot and see if it works ok.  (I wouldn't count on it though, I really don't think powermanagement is the issue in the first place - I think it has something to do with the Google Earth install that you did.)13:45
velcroshoozDarael, i dont seem to have the wallpaper plugin by default - is this something i need to add?13:45
Macernever even knew they gave you this level of control13:45
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Daraelvelcroshooz: Hmm, just a sec13:46
usr13mythri: At any rate, the powermgmt-base is not essential.13:46
mythri usr13 oh ok13:46
sipiorlilljocke: if tar is choking on those archives, you might try using pax to unpack them.13:47
vincenzomlHi there. I've been struggling with UMTS for three days. I tried both maverick and natty. The problem is always the same: when I insert the usb stick (ALCATEL x225s) after a minute or so I am asked for a pin, but then it does not connect. Under windows it works. Under the beta of maverick from an old usb stick, it works too.13:47
Bluebill-Wolfnvm i found it13:47
lilljockesipior: yes some files are emptry in the time entry but the problem is that i cant extract those files at all  >Exiting with failure status due to previous errors13:48
Daraelvelcroshooz: Install the compiz-fusion-plugins-extra package, it's in there.13:48
Bluebill-Wolfwill post the line shortly13:48
sipiorlilljocke: it's likely that the archive itself is damaged.13:48
elb0wAnyone able to tell me how to apply this patch? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lfaraone/ubuntu/maverick/pianobar/v29/annotate/head%3A/debian/patches/v29.patch13:48
elb0wNever done it before13:49
usr13mythri: It may even work if you restart it now.  I really don't know.   But if you are concerned about your Documents/  go and get a thumb drive and back them up.  It will only take a few min.13:49
Bluebill-Wolfsudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa13:49
sipiorlilljocke: was the archive made recently?13:49
lilljockesipior: i dont think so i have downloaded it from many differnt places and all is the same13:49
ChepollQUESTION: I had once installed CDM and then removed it. Now when I am booting up, right after the text "Welcome to Ubuntu!" and right before I login, it outputs the error message "bash: cdm: command not found". How can I get rid of this please? _info regarding files to search for would be helpful too13:50
velcroshoozDarael, thank you13:50
Chepollcdm : console display manager13:50
sipiorlilljocke: if you downloaded a copy of a broken archive, it will still be broken...13:50
lilljockesipior: no its old13:50
oski250siema usunolem  kosz jak go odzyskac13:51
bazhang!pl | oski25013:51
ubottuoski250: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:51
Daraelelb0w: pull up a terminal, cd to the source folder in question, and run "patch < /path/to/patch/file"13:52
Sidewinder1 usr13: mythri has logged off; presumably to reboot, etc. I have followed this since the beginning; thank you for your tireless assistence. I believe that removing power mgt. and rebooting will solve.13:52
usr13Sidewinder1: Yea, I suppose so, don't really know for sure, but that is what I would do, just remove it and see.13:53
Sidewinder1usr13: Whether it does or not, it "should' not affect his existing documents.13:53
alessandro_ciao a tutti13:54
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usr13Sidewinder1: Yea. The powermgmt-base package is listed is not essential  so...13:54
usr13Sidewinder1: Priority: optional13:54
Sidewinder1usr13: When he gets back you may want to advise against, at least at this level, downloading and installing; Synap. solves a multitude of problems, as I'm sure that you're well aware.13:55
elb0wDarael, Hunk #1 FAILED at 39. a bunch of times13:56
usr13Sidewinder1: Oh yea.  I already told him my opinion on that.  One thing that concerned me is that he installed google earth and did it outside the package manager.13:56
Sidewinder1usr13: I didn't chime in for two reasons: YOU seemed to be on the right track and I suck at command line. :-)13:56
Daraelelb0w: Huh.  Not sure then.  Perhaps you've not got the version it's meant to patch from?13:57
elb0wwell this is lame13:57
Sidewinder1usr13: I avoid google-anything, like the plague.13:57
Daraelelb0w: Cheer up, someone in here will know what they're on about (which I don't, really.  Just enough to give that first hint).13:57
kesori have wrong colours in video playback, how can i fix this? here is a screenshot http://bildr.no/image/872181.jpeg13:57
usr13Sidewinder1: One major problem with not using the package manager to install something is that you don't have a very good path for uninstalling if it causes some sort of problem on your system.13:58
step21elb0w, there is a repo/ppa for google earth, why not use that?13:58
elb0wOh pandora changed their crypto keys13:58
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usr13Sidewinder1: Ok tnx for your input.  BTW, may have to leave in a little bit... so....13:59
fruitwerkshey all... I have a working setup with a horrible lvm2 config - what I have done is copy my system to a single disk, and modified the fstab to reflect the changes, although I can boot from this drive, I can't boot into it, when I try to edit the grub line it will reboot when I hit tab, and when I hit ctrl-x, it will take me back to a line like there is something wrong with it, any ideas?13:59
fruitwerksso I am booting from the new disk, but ending up in my old system14:00
Decisionnastjuid you around14:00
Chepolland I have solved my problem, sorry for the hassle14:00
Sidewinder1usr13: No prob, unfortunately I need to attend to some other matters as well; not only that but if his problems are not solved and all he can do is CLI, I would probably do more harm than good.14:01
Decisioni need help installing wireless driver... i have the linux version from my manufacturer14:01
vincenzomlhi there, how can I get debug information for network-manager and UMTS?14:02
usr13Sidewinder1: That's ok, I'm sure someone else can pick it up...14:02
kesori have wrong colours in video playback, how can i fix this? here is a screenshot http://bildr.no/image/872181.jpeg14:02
Sidewinder1usr13; Another suggestion would be to boot to Live CD and look around from there...14:02
usr13Sidewinder1: And besides that, I think I've  given him enough info.  He can probably work through it and may already have by now.14:03
usr13Sidewinder1: Yea, good idea.14:03
gaelfxhaha, nice, release party irc room14:03
Sidewinder1usr13: But I don't know where all of the config files are stored and how they should read. :-(14:03
vincenzomlok simpler question: is there anyone who connects to the internet trough an UMTS usb stick? Is it supposed to be stable in either maverick or natty?14:03
vincenzomlIt seems to me that the problem is some signal strenght problem, but... just in linux?14:04
Sidewinder1usr13: Only thing I could do is check mine but I;m running 10.04.14:04
usr13Sidewinder1: Well, since we no longer use xorg.conf it's a little different.  But, if the live CD generates xorg.conf you USED to be able to just cp it over.14:04
usr13Sidewinder1: I'm on 10.04 too.14:05
Decisionany idea14:06
Sidewinder1usr13: Well, I gotta make a call so I'll be away for a bit; but I'll be watching; best of luck!14:06
usr13Sidewinder1: ttyl14:06
Sidewinder1Back at 'ya14:07
vincenzomlno one knows how to get a log from network-manager?14:07
gaelfxdoes a USB3.0 add-on card need a power connector to function properly?14:08
usr13vincenzoml: What do  you need?14:08
vincenzomlusr13:  I need to see if there is an error when I try to connecto to UMTS, so that I can google the error14:08
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usr13vincenzoml: I'm sorry, what is UMTS?14:09
Decisionand another small issue if i double touch the trackpad  or it thinks i do the mouse  flies all over the place14:09
usr13vincenzoml: Universal Mobile Telecommunications System?14:09
vincenzomlusr13: it's something with a SIM card in it that I use to connect to the internet :) I believe it's also called HSDPA or something similar14:10
vincenzomlusr13: in network-manager it's called in italian something like "broad band mobile connection"14:10
usr13vincenzoml: And so it's not connecting?14:10
vincenzomlusr13: anyway it accepts all necessary settings but it does not connect14:11
vincenzomlusr13: it just times out14:11
usr13vincenzoml: Are you receiving IP address?14:11
vincenzomlusr13: it works on another laptop with natty, and it works in windows on the same laptop14:11
usr13vincenzoml: what does   ifconfig  say/14:11
usr13vincenzoml: What does   route -n   say?14:12
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vincenzomlah, I did now "tail -f /var/log/*" and I am seeing nm-info, it says "GSM connection failed (32) Sending command failed: 'resource temporarily unavailable"14:12
jnlsnl_ugh what number for chmod is: -rw-r--r-- ? :)14:13
vincenzomlusr13: it does not get to activate the card at all14:13
dios_miojnlsnl_,  64414:13
jnlsnl_Sweeet TY :))14:13
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sipiorjnlsnl_: do you know binary? just think: (110) (100) (100)14:14
nikolai_hi. how would i go about preventing the automatic login into wifi from requiring a keychain password? :)14:14
usr13vincenzoml: Oh.  Do you have  usb-modeswitch  installed?14:14
Soyosmbtree: http://pastebin.com/Eu0mmtef #samba is sleeping14:15
usr13vincenzoml: sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch14:15
vincenzomlusr13: yes, actually I tried maverick first and then natty, in maverick I had plenty of files in /etc/usb-modeswitch.d, now they are gone, but the problem persisted in both distros14:15
Decisionusr13,  sipior  how do i install a tar.gz driver its a realtek wireless driver buil for linux14:15
jnlsnl_sipior nope, but will need to check up on that !14:15
vincenzomlI apologise for having natty now, but I can't revert again, there's no time.14:15
vincenzomlusr13: usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data are installed by default14:15
vincenzomlusr13: anyway in my lsusb the card shows as a modem, does that confirm that usb-modeswitch is doing its job?14:16
Reiko2Hi 2gether14:16
L-----Ddo I need to compile ffmpeg to get x264 working?14:16
usr13vincenzoml: Not necessarily14:16
botcityDecision, it not in the repositories ?14:17
Thrawni installed a theme but it wont show up; and i cant reinstall it; i get this error: "cant move directory over directory"14:17
usr13vincenzoml: you are on 10.04?14:17
vincenzomlusr13: so I have that package installed :) I see that now in natty the data is packed in a tgz14:17
vincenzomlusr13: no I am on 11.04 now14:17
Decisionnot sure where to look botcity  im new to this14:17
usr13vincenzoml: Oh, and it's when upgrading to 11.04 that you lost it... right?14:18
vincenzomlusr13: absolutely not, it was the same in maverick, and I had seen it working in my first natty install14:18
vincenzomlusr13: I reinstalled many times :)14:18
vincenzomlusr13: it was the same in maverick, but it was NOT the same in a old maverick beta iso that I had booted from usb14:18
Thrawnbump :(14:19
vincenzomlusr13: in that beta, I've seen the card working sometimes14:19
Thrawni installed a theme but it wont show up; and i cant reinstall it; i get this error: "cant move directory over directory"14:20
Sidewinder1!repeat > Thrawn14:20
ubottuThrawn, please see my private message14:20
DecisionSidewinder1,  any idea?14:21
chrispercolhi all...I have installed openjdk 6 using apt and also tested the standalone version of sun java but get errors when doing 'java -version'...oddly the errors are intermittent, every several times or so I run the command, anyone have any thoughts?14:21
usr13vincenzoml: sudo apt-get upgrade14:21
Xilentgrub2 dont shows mdX14:21
vincenzomlusr13: I see in the logs that both an scsi disk and a usb gsm modem are detected when I connect the usb stick14:22
vincenzomlmaybe that's a bug?14:22
botcityDecision, lspci -v | grep -A 7 -i wireless gives you your wireless device14:22
Aikaris 11.04 released at midnight tonight or sometime tomorrow?14:22
usr13vincenzoml: Maybe it IS a bug.... and just too soon to tell.  I don't see a bug report right now tho... just looking...14:22
Sidewinder1Decision: The knowlege I don't have regarding wireless would fill a library; sorry :-(14:23
vincenzomlusr13: I found some, for maverick, but they're incomplete and have not been looked at14:23
Decisioni have the driver just dont know how to install it14:23
vincenzomlusr13: no upgrades :)14:24
Decisionsidewalk,  do you have knowledge on installing drivers i have a .tar.gx driver for it14:24
lenios_i'm facing a bug where remote users aren't shown on gdm list at boot (local users are), unless i log in tty and kill gdm-simple-greeter, or unless i log in gdm and then log out. Any idea where this comes from or how to solve it?14:25
Sidewinder1Decision: I guess you've already tried: Administration--> Hardware Drivers?14:25
airtonixany ideas why my ubuntu (desktop) acting as a "server" is taking a while to respond when it has to verify my password with sudo ()when the sudo 5min timeout is reached)?14:25
vincenzomlusr13: in the logs I first see "Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB3", then after some time "ppd timed out or didn't initialise our dbus module", terminating on signal 15, etc. etc.14:25
dajhornvincenzoml: sudo does a hostname lookup.   This can hang if /etc/hosts is incorrect or DNS is slow.14:26
vincenzomldajhorn: it's not me :)14:26
dajhornvincenzoml: Ooops. :P14:26
dajhornairtonix: sudo does a hostname lookup.   This can hang if /etc/hosts is incorrect or DNS is slow.14:26
airtonixdajhorn: bind9 dns isn't slow here14:26
airtonixdajhorn: ah you mean it does a arpa rev resolution ?14:27
DecisionSidewinder1,  yes no luck.... now i just downloaded the linux driver from the realotek site14:27
usr13vincenzoml: Well that must be because it has no login info.  There should be a place for configuration... to tell it what ppp0 info to use.14:27
dajhornairtonix: No, that is probably not a problem. Check the /var/log/auth.log file for sudo messages too.14:27
vincenzomlhmm, it's in network-manager configuration14:27
vincenzomlusr13: it's in network-manager conf.14:27
Sidewinder1Decision: You may wish to check their support area for instructions; if you haven't already.14:28
usr13vincenzoml: Oh yea.... well somehow it's not passing the info or it is incorrect... not sure.14:28
airtonixdajhorn: any idea how i force a sudo time out apart from opening a new tty ?14:28
llutzairtonix: sudo -k14:28
usr13vincenzoml: I wonder if wicd would work?14:28
dajhornairtonix: No, I don't.14:29
usr13vincenzoml: I suppose you could try it and see, but... well I doubt it.14:29
usr13vincenzoml: I guess it is worth a try.14:30
mav_hello world14:30
Sidewinder1Decision: tar.gz files should be handled by Archive Manager; however, from there, I don't know where ubuntu will look for them in order to install. Perhaps some one else cna advisr. That may do it.14:30
vincenzomlusr13: disconnecting to try the pen on *this* laptop14:30
shrysHi.. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 .. Will upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 affect any of my installed apps ? I have ruby,rails etc etc installed and i don't want all of that to get affected..14:30
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.14:31
airtonixdajhorn: no errors... just a 60sec delay from entering password to responding with command output (sudo ls)14:32
g0thhow do I open a pdf file without xref/trailer/eof?14:32
airtonixdajhorn: 60sec regarddless of command14:32
g0thThe body should still be there so it should be recoverable...14:32
dajhornairtonix: Do you have a custom PAM configuration?  eg: Is the computer a domain member?14:32
mav_have you try whith an hex editor ?14:32
g0thor more simple: how do I add a eof entry to a file?14:32
botcityRegarding tar.gz packages, nearly 99.99% packages come with an instructions file named Install or Readme. Search the extracted contents.14:32
dArKd3ViLhow many hours untill natty releases??14:33
g0thmav_: no, also I do not have a hex editor at my university14:33
dArKd3ViLcan't wait14:33
celu5alguien me ayuda14:33
airtonixdajhorn: it's not a domain member yet*, and I'm fairly certain it's just using default pam... although this is on my "server" so i could have forgotten14:33
pyQon Intel® Core™ i5-460M 64 bit processor machine, to install 32cbit ubuntu, is it ok?14:33
pyQneed your advice14:33
sipiorpyQ: sure, if you want.14:33
sipiorpyQ: why not simply install a 64-bit system?14:33
mav_and you haven't access to internet for download one ?14:33
pyQwhich version I should install?14:34
usr13g0th: How was the file generated?14:34
g0thmav_: the problem is the following, we have a scanner at the university that allows you to scan paper and send them as pdf. apperently it doesnt create xref/trailer/eof (or at least one of them is missing), so the linux programs fail to open the pdf14:34
dajhornairtonix: Your timeout could be happening in the PAM stack.   Look at the /etc/pam.d/sudo file.14:34
pyQwhich version I should install?14:34
g0thusr13: see my comment above14:34
pyQUbuntu 10.10 Latest version14:34
pyQUbuntu 10.10 Latest version14:34
pyQUbuntu 10.10 Latest version14:34
pyQUbuntu 10.04 LTS version  or latest 10.1014:34
FloodBot3pyQ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:35
g0thI do not have the permission to install additional packages but if there is a script that modifies my pdf file such that it can be opened that would be nice :)14:35
usr13g0th: That still doesn't tell me what application created the file.14:35
sipiorpyQ: it makes no real difference.14:35
g0thyes it doesnt14:35
g0thusr13: this will be practically impossible to find out14:35
airtonixdajhorn: http://dpaste.com/536324/14:35
g0thusr13: since it is the software in the scanner14:35
g0thmaybe the header helps14:35
mav_yes that's it14:35
pyQsorry didn't mean flooding14:35
usr13g0th: I doubt it is software in the scanner, it is on the PC14:36
van7huga_pro1988: e cu14:36
pyQjust happen send 3 msgs14:36
g0thit is software in the scanner14:36
mav_ihave you try with another pc ?14:36
usr13g0th: Are you sure?14:36
vincenzomlusr13: back, it works in another laptop with natty14:36
dajhornairtonix: Check whether the common-auth and common-account files have changed.14:36
pyQsipior> pyQ: it makes no real difference.14:36
g0thusr13: it is a big scanner/copier that also allows sending pdf14:36
sipiorpyQ: are you attempting to create a feedback loop?14:37
pyQwhy: can I upgrade to latest version from 10.04 or 10.1014:37
vincenzomlusr13: it works after I removed the following modules: usbserial, usb_wwan, option14:37
step21pyQ, yes14:37
mav_have you try with another pc ?14:37
usr13vincenzoml: hummmm.... well see what is in /etc/usb-modeswitch.d14:37
vincenzomlusr13: I then inserted the card, the modules got autoloaded, and everything worked. Now, what should I do?14:37
g0th /Creator (Xerox WorkCentre 7345)14:37
pyQI see14:37
g0thmav_: it works with an apple computer14:37
botcityDecision, compiling from tar should be your last resort.14:37
airtonixdajhorn: not sure how to tell if they have changed but : http://dpaste.com/536326/14:37
usr13vincenzoml: I dono....14:37
g0thmav_: at least for one file, for another it also seems to fail there14:37
g0thI also tried on another linux computer there it also fails14:38
vincenzomlusr13: and how fast it is now!14:38
g0thwhat I am looking for is a pdf recovery tool kind of14:38
usr13g0th: Can you send me one of the files?14:38
mav_it seems that the matter comes from the scanner...14:38
usr13g0th: see my pm14:39
g0thScanner is: /Creator (Xerox WorkCentre 7345)14:39
dajhornairtonix: These are different than mine.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/599781/  and http://paste.ubuntu.com/599782/14:39
Sidewinder1g0th: Could you scan into a different format and then convert to pdf.?14:39
vincenzomlusr13: now googling for "rmmod usbserial umts" and finding *interesting* stuff related to usb-modeswitch14:39
g0thoh sorry14:39
g0thI sent it to mav_14:39
dajhornairtonix:  The pam_ldap call in your configuration can send the system into timeout.14:39
usr13g0th: Send it to my email14:40
dajhornairtonix: You have pam_smbpass in there too.  This is certainly not a default configuration.14:41
aberCan someone help me to build a ppa? I have a broken ubuntu package and a working debian package, but i don't know where to put the files... Is there a, very easy to understand, tutorial?14:41
airtonixdajhorn: common-session ?14:41
airtonixdajhorn: i think you pasted common-session when you mean to paste common-account14:42
OerHeksaber, to fix a broken package > sudo apt-get install -f14:42
=== cryptk is now known as cryptk|offline
dajhornairtonix: Right.   Here is my common-account:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/599784/14:42
airtonixdajhorn: thanks14:43
dajhornairtonix: Welcome.14:43
blueintegralI just tried to update my server and dpkg is complaining about initramfs. Is it safe to set initramfs to not update to fix that?14:43
airtonixdajhorn: maybe i installed libpam-ldap or something at one point ?14:43
airtonixdajhorn: because i don't remember making complicated changes such as these14:43
dajhornblueintegral:  No.  Ignoring update-initramfs errors is unsafe.14:43
g0thusr13: it appears that the end "header" of the file is completely missing14:44
aberOerHeks: There is package for a different version and i would like to provide a newer package using a launchpad ppa...14:44
dajhornairtonix: Maybe. The extra stuff in the PAM configuration can cause the sudo timeouts.14:44
vincenzomlusr13: any idea? I'm seeing things that are beyond of my understanding14:44
airtonixdajhorn: especially when there is no valid ldap server or ldap-pam configuration14:44
karthick87How to set vncpasswd in ubuntu?14:45
g0thusr13: did you get it?14:45
jnlsnl_i used sudo -s to change to root... how do i change back :D14:45
g0thusr13: maybe something like echo %EOF >> file.pdf works?14:45
g0thecho "%EOF"14:45
g0thno idea14:45
sipiorjnlsnl_: "exit"14:45
compdoctype exit14:46
jnlsnl_that simple :-)14:46
pyQanother Q14:46
pyQwhy 64 bit unbuntu end with name AMD14:46
sipiorpyQ: an historical artefact, of sorts.14:47
icerootpyQ: because the architecture is called amd64, it has nothing to do with amd-only14:47
blueintegraldajhorn: so how screwed am I? http://paste.ubuntu.com/599790/14:47
pyQfor intel 64 bit cpu,  32bit 64 bit ubuntu, which is best choice?14:47
airtonixdajhorn: simplier : as per comments : sudo pam-auth-update14:47
icerootpyQ: depending on your ramsize14:47
pyQ4G ram14:47
icerootpyQ: then you have to use the amd64 version14:48
airtonixdajhorn: since commenting out stuff to relfect yours simply resulted in my valid password being rejected (since old auth modules were still in place)14:48
airtonixdajhorn: thanks for the pointers14:48
pyQCPU :  intel Core i5-460 M14:48
dajhornairtonix: Welcome.14:48
AnasuleHow do you use UPnP to open a port on ubuntu (no i dont want a static rule) ?14:48
pyQiceroor: have to use14:48
pyQiceroot: have to use ?14:49
usr13g0th: Maybe there is a firmware upgrade for that scanner that will fix it?14:49
dajhornblueintegral: It looks like the udev package is missing.  Don't reboot the server until you fix this problem.14:49
step21blueintegral, was that from livecd?14:49
g0thusr13: I cant install it and I already informed the informatic support group14:49
g0thusr13: but I dont think that there is one available14:49
g0thusr13: I made some progress btw14:50
airtonix!info linux-igd | Anasule14:50
ubottuAnasule: linux-igd (source: linux-igd): Linux UPnP Internet Gateway Device. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+cvs20070630-3 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 204 kB14:50
dajhornblueintegral: What versions of Ubuntu are you upgrading from and to?14:50
g0thI took the end of another pdf file and appended it to my file, now the error message is different14:50
g0thbut still an error message ^^14:50
airtonixAnasule: just a guess after searching "apt-cache search upnp"14:50
blueintegraldajorn: I'm going from 8.04 to 8.1014:51
Tacso, I'm about to call the father-in-law ... he said one of the kids was messing around and 'removed the bar at the top' .. any idea offhand what a kid could do, to do that?14:51
izinucsg0th: your scanning multipages with the result of a bad pdf?14:51
Anasuleairtonix: its a start thanks14:51
ZenGuyis there any way to stream my xbmc collection to my firend over the internet?14:51
step21Tac, it's not that hard, any kid can do it14:51
pyQthanks byr14:52
stianhjZenGuy, you could use things like Orb I guess?14:52
ZenGuystianhj: orb is for windows14:52
g0thizinucs: yes14:52
velcroshoozTac, right click, "remove this panel" is likely what happened14:52
Sidewinder1Tac: Simply right click on bar and click remove...14:52
ZenGuycan someone access upnp resources over a vpn?14:52
g0thizinucs: the scanner doesnt add the end headers14:52
g0thit ends with binary stuff14:52
izinucsg0th: are you using simple scan or xsane?  and what kind of printer/scanner combo?14:53
Sidewinder1Tac: Now, you're gonna wanna know how to get it back...14:53
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stianhjZenGuy, that's why I added 'things like'14:53
vincenzomlso, all: I narrowed my problem. I have this usb modem. What I need to make it work is to first "rmmod option" and then insert the usb stick. How can I do something like that when I insert the usb stick itself? Seems difficult but that will make the difference for the user, who just switched from windows.14:53
TacSidewinder1, yeah, and then I have to explain it over the phone :-p ... I was hoping you guys might have a good way for me to explain that to an elderly guy on the phone :-p14:54
usr13g0th: I just tried to open it on my MS Windows machine with Adobe 9.2 and it will says it is "damaged and can not be repaired".14:54
g0thizinucs: I use a hardware scanner, no way to modify that14:54
g0thusr13: well it can be repaired14:54
usr13g0th: How?14:54
g0thbut I get something similar14:54
Tacsidewalk, so anythoughts would be awesome14:54
g0ththe data is all there14:54
Sidewinder1Tac: I'd have to research; if no one knows, off the top of their head, I'll try :-)14:54
g0thjust the tables and eof are missing14:54
g0thbut they are not really needed14:55
vincenzomlgoogling for "option kernel module" is hard...14:55
PhYoshiSo, I've got this old laptop I'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook on, and I'm having trouble - nothing appears to work! Installer crashes after the language selection screen, and booting it live is just a cycle of loading and failure until I power it off14:55
izinucsg0th: are they openable at all?14:55
g0thwhat do you mean izi?14:55
jattvincenzoml: take a look at /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist*14:55
usr13g0th: I think the firmware on that maching needs an upgrade.14:55
g0thI agree ^^14:55
stianhjZenGuy, Jinzora maybe?14:55
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step21PhYoshi, how old exactly?14:55
g0thbut it is old14:55
g0thprobably not maintained anymore14:55
PhYoshistarting to think that perhaps it's just too old, but seeing as I'm about 300mb away from this month's bandwidth cap, I'm willing to try14:55
izinucsg0th: does the scanning process create a pdf and is the pdf open-able?14:55
stianhjZenGuy, http://alternativeto.net/software/orb/?platform=linux14:55
vincenzomljatt: if I blacklist the module then it would not be inserted even when I insert the usb stick, right?14:55
step21PhYoshi, and what version of ubuntu?14:55
g0thit creates a pdf and I cannot open it so far14:55
ZenGuystianhj: I haven't used jinzora in about 2-3 years but does it do video now?14:56
PhYoshistep21: Quite old, it has a celeron and 256mb of RAM, and trying with 10.10 netbook14:56
g0thI mean i can but not with a pdf program14:56
izinucsg0th: what are you opening it with?14:56
g0tha hex/text editor14:56
stianhjZenGuy, It says so in the description on alternativeto.net, probably just an webinterface for some VLC stuff maybe?14:56
g0thto admire the binary data14:56
step21Tac, how to get the panel ack should also be on google ...14:56
ZenGuystianhj: alright i'll give that a try then, thanks14:57
jatt load it manually then14:57
g0thI am looking for a program to repair the tables/eof14:57
g0thresp. recreate them14:57
step21PhYoshi, it can work, but I'm not sure it will be usable for you, as all netbooks have more power ...14:57
g0thwhich should be possible14:57
Tacyeah, found some stuff googling ...... all looks way to difficult to tell an old man over the phone :( .. I'm gonna have to go there I think14:57
g0thI already had partial success14:57
usr13g0th: Error: Cannot find a %%EOF marker anywhere in the file.14:57
izinucsg0th: there's lots of pdf tools that run in terminal.. I can't remember the name of the one I was reading about the other day but it will fix corrupt/malformed pdf files.. and it's in the repos.. something that might be part of the pdftk package perhaps.14:57
Sidewinder1Tac: Try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1472333&highlight=Restoring+top+panel   Not simple, Just keep the bloody kids away! :-)14:57
Jon--I want to have an alias in terminal but for any instance of something.. specifically I want "dpub" to be replaced with "/home/jon/Dropbox/Public" anytime I enter it in a terminal command. What is the easiest way to do this?14:58
g0thusr13: yes the whole end header is missing14:58
step21PhYoshi, do you know if old linux versions ran on it? otherwise it could just be weird hardware that never got suppoerted14:58
g0thusr13: the file ends with binary data14:58
Bluebill-Wolfbtw i've been wondering . . . is Wine open sourse?14:58
andaion a laptop. wanna use monitor. screen not in list14:58
PhYoshistep21: Not a clue, I'm afraid, I don't really know what's inside of it either14:58
jribJon--: create a variable called dpub and then use $dpub where you want14:58
gaelfxBluebill-Wolf: pretty sure it is, yeah14:58
Jon--jrib, the $ is awkward to type, there isn't a way to do this with Bash otherwise?14:59
step21PhYoshi, you could try running knoppix or a minimal cd for now just to see if it can be useful at all and to check hardware etc14:59
Jon--The idea is to be fast and efficient14:59
* Bluebill-Wolf nods hmm whats the best method to mount an os in the Virtualbox oem?14:59
jribJon--: not that I know of14:59
andaiBluebill-Wolf: You mean one that actually exists on your hard drvie?15:00
jribJon--: I guess you could create a symlink at /dpub to whatever you want...15:00
PhYoshistep21: that sounds like a good plan, but I've been somewhat overdownloading this month and pretty much don't have the bandwidth to spare, so was sort of hoping I could kick this into some sort of working order, even if it's purely terminal based for now15:00
Bluebill-Wolfyes i have the iso file of the os i want but am unable to have it run properly15:00
g0thizinucs: pdftk also seems to fail15:01
tjiggi_fo!resetpanels | Sidewinder1 Tac15:01
ubottuSidewinder1 Tac: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:01
Sidewinder1Thanx, tj15:01
Jon--jrib, the idea is it being path independent so I can just do cd dpub or mv x dpub15:01
Jon--I see what you mean though, use a slash and link ;)15:01
jribJon--: yes, so you can just do cd /dpub or mv x /dpub15:01
Jon--I might do it that way15:02
step21PhYoshi, I always forget there are ppl with bandwidth limits ... what disk/version did you boot from?15:02
PhYoshistep21: Ubuntu Netbook 10.1015:03
izinucsg0th: how did you structure the command?15:03
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.15:06
step21PhYoshi, can't you choose low-graphics or text mode on boot? or rescue mode or whatever it's called15:08
step21PhYoshi, otherwise, my best guess would be that you ram is just too low. especially for live.15:08
LAcananyone know of a way to disguise your torrent traffic as HTTP in ubuntu.. something simple perhaps?15:08
PhYoshistep21: I'm not sure, there's no 'Safe Graphics Mode' under modes, and I'm not familliar enough with ubuntu to mess with the boot line itself15:08
LAcanPhYoshi, there should be a safe mode in your grub2 loader?15:09
vincenzomlhmmf. I can't find a way to make this card work. This is definitely a bug I need to work around. I have no more time, I tried very hard. Anyone knows how to make the option module reload when I insert a certain usb modem? I've been fiddling with udev rules with no luck.15:09
LAcanPhYoshi, like the second option15:09
PhYoshiLAcan: I'm trying to get the installer to run at all, unfortunately - no grub2 here15:10
LAcanvincenzoml, i can give you newb advice: plug it in and choose system/additional drivers15:10
LAcanPhYoshi, is it a sony?15:10
vincenzomlLAcan: totally unrelated :)  I don't have and don't need proprietary drivers it seems from that window.15:11
PhYoshiLAcan: samsung15:11
LAcanPhYoshi, are you able to boot from the live CD?15:11
PhYoshiLAcan: nope, but whether that's due to insufficient RAM or a more serious issue I don't know15:11
PhYoshiLAcan: it lets me try, but everything spends more time crashing and restarting than doing anything of use15:12
step21PhYoshi, mmmh. do you know what the boot line (for the installer) was? I don't have it here ...15:12
PhYoshistep21: I have the laptop in front of me, so one moment15:12
LAcanPhYoshi, what is the hardare? like how much ram and drive space?15:12
elijahWhen I am in the command line, is it possible to have my "*:~$" line or name show as a certain color so I can easily locate the line I initiated a command?15:13
jribelijah: yes, google "bash color prompt"15:13
PhYoshistep21: I can see 'eed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash--', not sure if that's scrolled one way or the other15:13
PhYoshiLAcan: 256mb RAM, not a clue about drive space but shouldn't be an issue for a live system, and a 2GHz celeron15:13
AlternoGood morning Ubuntu channel15:14
LAcanPhYoshi, i suggest lubuntu15:14
AlternoI have a few questions15:14
AlternoCould you guys tell me how can I know what to install or not from the Update Manager15:14
coder2Hello. I need a suggestion about installing of ubuntu on AMD Zacate mobo. It claims that there is no suitable kernel found15:14
LAcanAlterno, install everything, unless you need old build libraries specifically15:15
PhYoshiLAcan: Is that likely to work given that the /installer/ crashes? Will it not use the same basic structure up until there?15:15
AlternoWill I be able to install the final 11.04 version from the update manager?15:15
LAcanPhYoshi, try it, its a 640MB download, shouldnt take very long15:15
escottAlterno, you can see why things are offered but you should generally install everything the only exception is if it is to fix a bug you aren't experiencing15:15
LAcanPhYoshi, lubuntu is amazing on old hardware15:15
escottAlterno, yes15:16
AlternoThanks for the information, God bless15:16
cyphasebah, this is the 3rd or 4th time that my session has just crashed, but this time i was near my computer. one moment the screensaver was activating, and when i passed it again, it was at the login screen15:16
PhYoshiLAcan: Well, I'm a hair off my bandwidth cap this month, so unfortunately doing it just to check is a bit much :P15:16
thienwhat time will Ubuntu 11.04 be released ? I'm burning to download it. :x15:16
Picithien: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+115:16
vincenzomlthien: 11.04 is frozen. Download it now, what does it change?15:17
Picivincenzoml: No.15:17
LAcanPhYoshi, look ubuntu is not gonna perform well on that setup. lubuntu is gonna fly, i promise15:17
elijahjrib: Thanks!! That is good to know other people do it too! So, I just checked my .bashrc file and this is already in it (http://pastey.net/149424 ) ... but it isn't working.. should I comment that out and just use  https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt15:17
vincenzomlok thien, I think I am wrong :)15:17
coder2So nobody has dealed with AMD APUs ?15:17
cyphaseoh yea, i forgot about natty being released this week. i haven't really been following this release cycle15:17
SuperMariohi, "There is a tradeoff between memory usage and speed" is this true in general ?15:17
LAcancoder2, whats the issue?15:17
SuperMariocyphase: hmmm15:17
escottelijah, i updated mine recently ubuntu changes some things around15:17
escottone sec15:17
SuperMariowe met somewhere, did we ?15:17
PhYoshiLAcan: I've accepted that, and am totally willing to run it entirely from a terminal if I have to :P15:17
vincenzomlPici: it's not frozen? I thought so15:17
coder2LAcan: I cannot install 10.04 on it. It clains that there is no suitable kernrl15:18
LAcanPhYoshi, ok then, for the recod lubuntu also has a terminal :)15:18
LAcancoder2, u have a 32 or 64 bit machine?15:18
jribelijah: that should work.  Are you using the default terminal in the default shell in ubuntu?15:18
PhYoshiLAcan: I'll absolutely consider it come 1st may, I promise ;)15:18
cyphaseSuperMario, yea, #css15:18
coder2LAcan: 32-bit15:18
escottelijah, first you need to force the color prompt with color_prompt=yes because gnome-terminal doesn't report itself as color supporting15:18
Picivincenzoml: Frozen just means that no updates should be pushed without prior approval of the release manager.  And issues that come up when testing isos and any other serious issues will require that changes be uploaded.15:18
LAcancoder2, i suspect you download the 64 bit package by mistake as it is labeled "AMD64"...?15:18
coder2LAcan: I'm sure, no15:19
elijahjrib & escott, I am actually using the default terminal that comes with Kubuntu15:19
LAcancoder2, which ISO did you download? what is the name of it?15:19
escottelijah, echo $TERM if it isnt xterm or rxvt you need to force the color prompt15:19
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elijahescott: Ok, I uncommented force color prompt line and it is working15:20
jribescott: it's not relevant since he's using kubuntu, but I'm pretty sure it works fine in gnome-terminal, no?15:20
coder2LAcan: alternate image. I'll check the "normal", thank you for the idea.15:20
elijahthanks jrib and escott, you have been very helpful!15:20
LAcancoder2, u need the live i386 package im thinking15:20
LAcanlol 38615:20
escottjrib, i know it doesn't work for guake (which is what i use) because it reports itself as xterm not xterm-color which is what ubuntu .bashrc demands15:21
escottguake uses the same widget as gnome-terminal so i think the same problem is there15:21
LAcancoder2, and get 10.1015:21
user82hi. where is the folder with the start meno entires in ubuntu?15:21
jribuser82: why do you ask?15:21
LAcanuser82, /home/.config/autorun15:21
user82i need to add one jrib15:21
escottuser82, the gui for this is alacarte15:22
jribuser82: right click on the ubuntu menu icon and click edit15:22
RichiHi heard that openstack will be part of ubuntu 11.04, but packages.u.c does not have any result for packages15:22
Abhijitis there any GUI way to have and manage one encrypted foler?15:22
coder2LAcan: I need LTS because some needed 3dparty packages are less problematic for 10.0415:22
user82jrib, not possible..does not work in elementaryOs15:22
LAcancoder2, ah right, LTS15:22
LAcanAbhijit, right click the folder, should give you an ecnruption option...?15:23
PiciRichiH: #ubuntu-server might be a better place to inquire about that. :)15:23
LAcancoder2, which packages out of interest?15:23
AbhijitLAcan, no15:23
Crowley2Abhijit: cryptkeeper!?15:24
coder2LAcan: vdr+plugins+custom XMBC build15:24
SoyoWhen I do smbtree with debugging level set to 10 I get this --> http://pastebin.com/D5X2VYti My LAN is not in  the 208.x.x.x range..15:24
user82LAcan, found it. thanks15:24
shmupso i'm doing this lab for class, and it's based in windows but i didnt think it'd matter too much doing this on linux15:24
SoyoI also see a permissions error..15:24
AbhijitCrowley2, yeahj. thats seems the solution. let me try it. thank you.15:24
shmupit just has me modifying a host file and whatnot but...15:24
mazalAbhijit, Truecrypt is also an option15:24
shmupit wants me to view the dns name cache15:24
shmupis this not available on ubuntu by default?15:24
LAcanuser82, ya just drag icons in there, nice and simple15:24
Abhijitmazal, Is it gui?15:24
mazalIt creates 1 encrypted file that you can mount anytime you need15:25
LAcanAbhijit, truecrypt is the best... mazal can u mount truvrypt folders or volumes thru TC for window?15:25
mazalEven on different OS's15:25
Abhijitok. thanks mazal15:25
mazalLAcan, yes , I have used my truecrypt file on both Ubuntu and Windows15:26
Abhijitmazal, LAcan i want this folder not accessible by any live linuc cd? is that possible?my home dir is not encrypted.15:26
LAcanamazing doftware that trucrypt15:26
LAcanAbhijit, it wont be accessible by anything but your password. write it down.15:26
RichiHalternatively, where is the package list for 11.04?15:27
mazalAbhijit, just make sure to make the encrypted file bin enough ;)15:27
AbhijitRichiH, packages.ubuntu.com15:27
mazalbig even15:27
RichiHah, natty?15:27
adachow to test access rights of a folder and all its subfolders15:27
AbhijitRichiH, all15:27
vincenzomlhey, I'm going for the simplest solution: create a launcher that removes option, the user will use it. But:15:27
LAcanRichiH, #ubuntu+115:27
jribadac: what does "test access" mean?15:27
Abhijitmazal, means? you are talking about the size?15:28
vincenzomlnothing, sorry15:28
adacjrib, well Ofr some reasons I have no write access in /usr/local/rvm/gems with my user. But access right and groups and so on should be ok15:28
karthick87Can anyone help me to set password in vnc?15:28
RichiHLAcan: nah, i am fine and found the packages i need15:28
mazalYes Abhijit , Truecrypt creates and empty encrypted file. You choose for example 4gig. Then that file is mounted as a device when you need it and you can store files and folders in it.15:28
jribadac: pastebin: ls -ld /usr/local/rvm/gems; groups15:29
adacSo I'm not sure how to debug this, I compared it to another machine where it works, and I cannot see a diffrence jrd015:29
adacjrib, ^^15:29
LAcan!natty | RichiH15:29
ubottuRichiH: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.15:29
Abhijitmazal, ok15:29
Abhijitmazal, actually i dont understand how the big size of file helps to keep it secure?15:29
mazalAbhijit, when it is dismounted then you can only see the 1 encrypted file again , and it can't be opened15:30
mbeierlwhy does the gnome panel insist on re-arranging all my applets whenever I reboot?15:30
mazalAbhijit, it's just so you have enough space for everything you want to put in it15:30
adacjrib, http://pastie.org/183944415:30
Abhijitmazal, oh i see. got it. thanx.15:30
escottAbhijit, it hides information about how bit the file is, truecrypt also has features to allow for hidden files inside hidden files15:30
mazalIt's an "image" file if I can call it that15:31
Abhijitmazal, escott yeh15:31
jribadac: your user is not in the "rvm" group15:31
LAcanTrueCrypt: The choice of kiddie diddlers the world over.15:31
escottyou get stopped at customs/kidnapped by the bad guys and they force you to give your password so you give the safe password to the fake copy not the real copy15:31
jribadac: keep in mind that if you recently added him to the group, you need to log in again15:32
adacjrib, ahhh15:32
adacok then i should logout15:32
adacsince I did add it before15:32
escottecryptfs does no such thing and it is possible to figure out what a file might be for (but not its contents)15:32
adacjrib, tnak you15:32
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adacthank you15:32
jribadac: no polbem :)15:33
Abhijitescott, ok15:33
z0mbyk1dim having trouble with logrotate. I added a file under /etc/logrotate.d, I see that logrotate is run under /etc/cron.hourly. I created this file/log yesterday at 11am. I set the directive to rotate 30; daily. can I expect that it will actually rotate the file at 11am? I was sort of expecting it to happen when the day changed (midnight) but I seem to maybe remember reading that it depends when the file is created15:34
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Macerwhy cant i set the sticky bit on a dir?15:36
Macerit wont g+s15:36
jribMacer: erm, g+s is not sticky bit :/15:37
escottMacer, there is no "group" sticky bit, there is one sticky bit15:37
fumanchu182Just upgraded to 11x, interesting desktop here.15:37
Maceri thougght it was g+s15:38
Macerto keep new files in the grp15:38
Roasted_Has anybody used italc before on Ubuntu? I'm having some issues understanding which keys I need and where they need to be located.15:38
vibhavheloo everybody!15:40
escottMacer, sticky bit (for temp files) is +t. setuid is +s neither are group/user specific. remember the whole thing fits into 8 bits srwxrwxrwxt15:40
escottMacer, sorry thats 11 cant count15:41
Macerso how do i make the files remain in the same grp?15:41
vibhavis there some second by second  countdown timer for ubuntu 11.04?15:41
Macerg+s doesnt seem to work15:42
sipiorescott: setuid is definitely user/group specific. both setuid and setgid are possible.15:42
vibhavwhat you peoplr are talking about?15:42
Maceraccording to the debian docs15:42
escottsipior, Macer nm i'm wrong15:42
vibhavwhat you peoplr are talking about????15:42
Macerand the man page heh15:42
Picivibhav: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+115:42
jribMacer, escott: there is setuid and setgid15:42
z0mbyk1dPici: it's releasing tomorrow, actually15:42
vibhavawwwww.I cant wait!15:42
Macerhm... ok15:42
Arekjoin blender3d.pl15:43
jribMacer: g+s will make it so that newly created files have the same group as the directory they are in15:43
Macerjrib: that is what i want15:43
jribMacer: then do it15:43
Roasted_Has anybody used italc before on Ubuntu? I'm having some issues understanding which keys I need and where they need to be located.15:43
Maceri tried15:43
Macerit wont work15:43
Maceri dont see the sticky bit when i do it15:43
jribMacer: show us you trying and it not working at paste.ubuntu.com15:43
Maceri am doing chmod -Rv g+s dir15:44
jribMacer: please don't write commands in here, just pastebin what I asked15:44
Maceractually... i think i know what is causing it15:45
jribMacer: ok.15:45
dragonliveanyone who has the changeable IP adress to enter the http://bbs.ziqiang.net/?fromuid=16805?15:45
BlouBloudragonlive: why?15:46
dragonliveI want to try the secure of the webset15:46
BlouBloudragonlive: then try a proxy or tor15:47
dragonliveyeah , I am using the tor15:47
dragonlivewho can help me?15:47
BlouBloudragonlive: if you want to check the security of your web, use a proxy, don't ask people to join there15:48
ski_when i do `su - other_user', it gets inexplicably "Killed" after a few seconds15:48
dragonliveyeah ,thank u for your advice15:48
ski_and idea what might be causing this ?15:48
ski_(i'm on Maverick Meerkat)15:48
jribski_: what exactly happens?15:49
ski_i enter `su - other_user', then password, and i'm in as `other_user' ..15:50
jribski_: i'm more interested in the ".." part15:50
ski_.. then i start issuing commands, and get interrupted by "Killed" after 2-10 seconds15:50
jribski_: what sort of install is this?15:50
ski_i.e., `su' (and every subprocess) is killed15:50
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ski_um, it's a resident box. no live-cd15:51
ski_(or what did you mean ?)15:51
qweqweqwewhat time will 11.04 be released?15:51
jribski_: did you install yourself?  From a desktop cd?15:51
Piciqweqweqwe: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+115:52
jrib!who | ski_15:52
ubottuski_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:52
qweqweqwePici: party!15:52
vibhavqweqweqweqwe : why?15:52
ski_jrib : my brother installed it (from an iso/cd downloaded from the ubuntu site, iirc)15:53
ski_(ubottu : yeah i know :) i just figured it didn't matter as long as there'sn't much talk :)15:53
jribski_: anything interesting in /etc/security/limits.conf maybe?15:54
debdhow can I make ntop monitor eth1 instaed of eth0  ?15:54
ski_jrib : hm, only comments there15:55
icerootdebd: is ntop --help showing an option? dont have it installed so i cant look myself15:55
debdiceroot: I'm taking a look15:56
fruitwerksanyone know a good grub2 how-to15:56
tuxx-man grub215:57
LAcanfruitwerks, what u trying to do?15:57
debdiceroot: actually the interface settings can be changed from the web interface. but it aint working15:57
Pnuxhey guys, how can i find a command i used a long time ago in a terminal? if i press the up key i can see commands i used before that, but its impossible to find. I know how it ends, so it will be easy with grep.15:57
llutzdebd: man ntop (-i iface)15:57
escottPnux, history15:57
tuxx-Pnux: history15:57
vibhavi want to setup my samba15:57
vibhavanybody to help?15:57
debdllutz: do I need the parenthesis?15:57
Pnuxtuxx-, escott: history what?15:58
tuxx-Pnux: just type in `history | less`15:58
jribski_: your brother do anything after default install?  It's definitely not default behavior15:58
llutzPnux: history or "ctrl r"15:58
Pnuxoh, thanks15:58
vibhavanybody to help in setting up my samba?15:58
Project_eXaAnybody have any experience interpretting wireshark?15:58
nameless`vibhav: "i want to setup my samba" followed by "anybody to help" is the best way to not get any help15:58
llutzdebd: you should read the man-page. -i is the option you're looking for15:58
vibhavthen how?15:58
LAcanProject_eXa, a little...15:58
escottPnux, or !command[TAB]15:58
vibhavi am a n00b to IRC15:58
nameless`vibhav: it both show that you obviously not made any research on the internet by your own15:59
tuxx-vibhav: start with handing out free beer! always the best option :-D15:59
vibhavbut not a n00b in ubuntu15:59
fruitwerksLAcan - well I had a crappy setup, so what I did was rsync everything to a single drive, single partition like I wanted it in the first place, the drive had legacy grub on it, and I attempted to install grub2 to it, but I can't boot off of it anymore15:59
nameless`vibhav: and that you don't want to make any efforty15:59
Project_eXaAnywhere i can find information as to what all information i'm looking at?15:59
LAcanhey nameless, who made you the newb police?15:59
escottPnux, [ENTER] not [TAB] sorry15:59
LAcanfruitwerks, theres an os on this drive?15:59
PiciProject_eXa: ##networking would be a good place to start15:59
nameless`LAcan: i'm not sure to understand your question15:59
vibhavi wanted to make an effort15:59
Project_eXathank you for the help!15:59
z0mbyk1dim having trouble with logrotate. I added a file under /etc/logrotate.d, I see that logrotate is run under /etc/cron.hourly. I created this file/log yesterday at 11am. I set the directive to rotate 30; daily. can I expect that it will actually rotate the file at 11am? I was sort of expecting it to happen when the day changed (midnight) but I seem to maybe remember reading that it depends when the file is created16:00
fruitwerksLAcan - there is now a clone of my working install on there16:00
Picivibhav: It would help if you could provide some more details to the channel of what you're trying to do exactly.16:00
vibhavi once set up samba via SWAT16:00
LAcanProject_eXa, so youve suxxessfully captured packets?16:00
Pnuxescott: that just ran the last time i used that command, but i had to recover the parameters. Thanks for the help16:00
LAcanfruitwerks, and ur in ubuntu now?16:00
Project_eXaI'm using wireshark for the first time, trying to understand more how it works16:00
fruitwerksyeah I can boot to my original setup16:00
jribski_: the system isn't running out of memory, right?16:01
LAcanProject_eXa, ok well most of the data is junk packets... ws uses a color scheme... google is your frind on this one16:01
Maceri just deleted everything in the dir16:01
Macerand made a new dir and now it works16:01
kaattaim having an issue with downloading drivers from live USB, it appears to be a known and fixed bug. but im wondering how i can apply the fix so that my live USB will work properly?16:01
ski_jrib : nope16:01
Project_eXaGoogling it now, but which packets are not junk?16:02
* ski_ is attempting to find the install-cd, amongst his brothers cds ..16:02
LAcanfruitwerks, the easiest way to do this is for you to dl an app called "grub customizer" ask google and add the PPA to your software centre. after its installed run "os-prober". that will create an entry in the customizer, and then u can simply add it to the grub2 menu, all GUI style16:02
icerootkaatta: we dont know what problem you are talkiong about, also we dont know what fix you are talking about16:02
Project_eXaI have white, green, black, light blue16:02
Project_eXaand grays16:02
escottPnux, man history you can put !?command to go a litter further back16:02
Pnuxescott: well, its not in history anyway, which is weird, cause i can see older stuff there16:03
ski_(jrib : but to the best of my knowledge, this is a "standard" install, with no strange custom tweaks ..)16:03
LAcanProject_eXa, ya, ur in the wrong place for that. Wireshark will give you explanations of the different types of packets in the help or info section. u need to google the rest. I suggest you start by learning how to filter packets so the junk ones dont show up, starting with those to and from your own IP. good luck.16:03
escottPnux, if you have multiple shells open they can overwrite each others history, some shopt options can fix that16:03
fruitwerksLAcan, this is a headless install - and the new drive no longer boots after I apparently improperly installed grub2, it boots off the old drive16:03
Project_eXaThank you for the starting place to look lacan16:03
kaattaiceroot, update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated) / cp: cannot stat `/vmlinuz': No such file or directory16:04
escottPnux, add shopt -s histappend to your .bashrc (cmdhist histverify) are also nice16:04
LAcanfruitwerks, ok this makes ur life more difficult. u got a live CD?16:04
* LAcan can stuff be installed when booting from a live Cd?16:04
fruitwerksnope :/ why do I need a livecd, I have a perfectly good booting system/16:04
Pnuxescott: meh, im not worried about that, i doubt i will need to use history again16:04
kaattaiceroot, i can see the code they used to fix, but i have no clue as to how im supposed to take that code and implement it16:05
LAcanfruitwerks, sorry, i thought u said it wasnt booting? what OS are u getting into?16:05
escottPnux, you say that now :)16:05
Pnuxescott: im not staying long in this os16:05
kaattaiceroot, the bug is 55702316:05
Pnuxescott: but ill keep it in mind16:05
ski_(jrib : hm "Ubuntu 9.10 i 386" .. that's probably not the cd, since this is 10.10)16:06
fruitwerksLAcan lol.. ok sorry - I can boot my current and working setup, I am unable to boot to a NEW disk (that had a working grub legacy install) with an rsync of my working system on it16:06
LAcanfruitwerks, if u just want to boot the partition I suggest PLoP, more so I suggest the "Ultimate Boot CD" which has PLoP on it and can boot any partition independetly of the HDD16:06
jribski_: if you just su - otheruser and do nothing is it still killed after some time?16:06
LAcanfruitwerks, ok, so u are in ubuntu 10.x?16:06
icerootkaatta: sudo apt-get install casper16:06
ski_jrib : indeed16:07
fruitwerksLAcan - yes I am in my working setup - I just need to properly install grub2 to another disk which will become the new root16:07
jribski_: don't know16:07
icerootkaatta: if i am correct only that package was fixed (and is in the repos)16:07
ski_it's very strange -- i haven't experienced anything like this before16:08
kaattaiceroot, i dont know what that means exactly but i understood the apt-get and did it, hoping it works16:08
LAcanfruitwerks, ok go to console and "sudo os-prober" tell me what it says16:08
ski_jrib : ok. thank you for the effort, anyway16:08
LAcanfruitwerks, after mounting your rsync'd partition16:08
icerootkaatta: sudo apt-get install casper  is installing the newest version of casper in which the bug has been fixed16:08
fruitwerks./dev/sda1:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux16:08
LAcanfruitwerks, anything else?16:09
icerootkaatta: and the launchpad entry says, that in the newest version its fixed16:09
fruitwerksthat is the new disk that has a broken grub216:09
fruitwerksLAcan, no that was all16:09
LAcanah ok good!16:09
LAcanso sda1 is the broken one fruitwerks ?16:09
kaattaah, k. figured that might be it. /sigh, why cant these simple instructions be somewhere easy to find?16:09
fruitwerksLAcan, yes, sda1 is what I need booting16:09
LAcanfruitwerks, no google "grub customizer" and install it. i suggest u use ubuntu sofwatre centre by adding the PPA listed on that page16:10
Bluebill-Wolfhow do I remove a repository ?16:10
Lagggwhy cant i cp into my filesystem?16:10
Bluebill-Wolfin the termanal?16:10
vibhavLaggg : try sudo16:10
Lagggcp: omitting directory `/home/laggg/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/'16:10
bean_Laggg, cp -r16:10
Lagggwhats the -r for?16:11
Bluebill-Wolfi'm in the root termanal16:11
fruitwerksLAcan - does that have a cli? this is a headless system16:11
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:11
cpatrick08@Bliebill-Wolf http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/16:11
jattuse sudo not root16:11
LAcanfruitwerks, what u mean "headless" system?16:11
vibhavjatts right16:11
fosser_joshwhat is the size of ubuntu 11.04 repository16:11
fruitwerksLAcan as in no monitor, ssh only16:11
SoyoIf I type ping XPS (the name of a Dell XPS running Windows over my samba network) for some reason the IP address is coming out to That's not my lan 192.168.x.x The peculiar thing is that the other computers on the network seem to have the same address!?16:11
zaytsevhi folks... is there a pre-compiled atlas library for core i5?16:12
vibhavfosser_josh : why do you want to know that?16:12
fruitwerksjatt - do I know you? from long ago?16:12
zaytsevI see libatlas3gf-corei7sse3 in here on maverick, but I am not sure if ti's gonna work on i516:12
Macerok this is weird. why cant i change the grp of my own home dir?16:12
fosser_joshvibhav: i want to setup ubuntu repo server16:12
SoyoExcept my linux machine is just fine16:12
Lagggwhat was the -r for? It worked16:12
Bluebill-Wolfi understand that its a repository issue16:12
zaytsevalso libatlas3gf-amd64sse3 isn't for me, right?16:12
LAcanfruitwerks, hrmmm. u would know about that better than me... check out the page for GC and see what it says, ive only used the GUI version but im certain theres a terminal version as well16:12
SoyoLaggg: recursive?16:12
Bluebill-Wolfand to add it its a .add-apt-repository  (sourse here)16:13
Bluebill-Wolfbut how do i remove it?16:13
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escottSoyo, sounds like is your internet global address, all the 192.* are local behind the NAT16:13
JoshDreamlandIs there a way to nab 11.04 a day early?16:13
cpatrick08@Bliebill-Wolf http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/16:13
Picifosser_josh: This page and #ubuntu-mirrors should help you either estimate or get the exact size of the 11.04 repos: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors16:13
jrib!natty | JoshDreamland16:13
JoshDreamlandI hear it doesn't run X, and I need a full test suite for a laptop I'm going to be able to run it on16:13
ubottuJoshDreamland: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.16:14
Soyoescott: Is that normal to go looking outside of the LAN?16:14
cyphaseJoshDreamland, natty does run X16:14
LAcanJoshDreamland, yes and #ubuntu+1 plz16:14
Maceri am getting operation not permitted for chgrp??16:14
Maceri have no idea why16:14
Soyoescott: I can't smbtree either16:14
LAcanMacer, its called "sudo" look into it!16:14
escottSoyo, not really, local addresses should resolve to the local variant unless you misconfigured your DNS16:14
LAcanescott, Soyo  his router may be doing the misconfiguring16:15
SoyoLAcan: checking..16:15
escottLAcan, Soyo agreed assuming the router is doing the dns16:15
fruitwerksargh.. thanks all16:15
MacerLAcan: that is not the cause16:16
Macerit is MY dir16:16
Macerbut i figured it out16:16
LAcanSoyo, ur router is a dlink or sumthing like that? its not a PC right?16:16
* Macer facepalms16:16
Macerforgot to add my username to the grp16:16
vibhavfosser_josh : refer to http://popey.com/blog/2006/10/24/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror/16:16
Macerall this time ugh16:16
debdllutz: /quit16:17
* LAcan nods at MK`` 16:17
fosser_joshPici: vibhav: thanks16:17
MK``Hi; My GNOME Panel is not responding when I rebooted, it froze and jitters. How do I edit the config files for it to remove applets that may be causing the error?16:17
vibhavfosser_josh : thats the wrong url , refer to http://www.opensecuritylab.org/making-a-local-ubuntu-910-repository-server16:18
vibhavfosser_josh : GL16:18
linuxman410when i install ubuntu 10.04 resolution works on my video when i upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 resolution quits working16:18
linuxman410when i install lubuntu 10.04 resolution works on my video when i upgrade to lubuntu 10.10 resolution quits working16:18
aromanhey, can anyone help me get multitouch working on my trackpad in ubuntu?16:19
IdleOnelinuxman410: #lubuntu16:19
linuxman410sorry i meant ubuntu16:19
aasmohi i am using ubuntu 10.01 i have installed tftpd-hpa and configured it , but while accessing from client getting error as time out16:19
stianhjaroman, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch16:20
linuxman410IdleOne i meant ubuntu16:20
aromanstianhj: well beyond that16:20
IdleOnelinuxman410: so why did you ask in #lubuntu first? patience, the best place to get help is the channel for your distro.16:21
aromansynaptics isn't recongnizing my trackpad as mulittouch16:21
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aromanin fact, its not recognizing it as a trackpad at all16:21
jkoudysEmpathy 2.32.1 has suddenly started giving me "network error" messages instantly after attempting to connect when I try and use gchat. Other chat services work. What are the first steps to debug?16:21
vibhavlinuxman410 : refer to http://techdigger.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/multitouch-on-synaptics-trackpad-on-linux/16:21
linuxman410IdleOne because i have tried bot oses same think16:22
stianhjaroman, i don't have anything multitouch, but doesn't it use a different driver than synaptics (and by extension different tools) with utouch and such?16:22
vibhavBy default, it's possible to pair the Magic Trackpad and use basic mouse-like functionality with the regular left-click being available via the physical click only; tapping and scrolling will not work.16:22
aromanhmm i thought utouch's backend was synaptics16:22
aromani thought utouch was userspace actually16:22
stianhjaroman, or follow the link vibhav gave16:23
aromani could be very wrong16:23
aromanyeah that doesn't affect me16:23
aromanbecause the issue is with synaptics itself16:23
vibhavaroman : By default, it's possible to pair the Magic Trackpad and use basic mouse-like functionality with the regular left-click being available via the physical click only; tapping and scrolling will not work.16:23
stianhjaroman, i'm just guessing wildy.. and I think I'm wrong16:23
linuxman410vibhav what does a trackpad have to do with a desktop16:23
aasmohow to test tftp server is configured properly16:23
aasmousing tftp16:23
aromanfirstly, I don't have a magic trackpad16:23
holmserI am trying to help my buddy get some photos off his old laptop, and when I yanked the hard drive I found a connector I had never seen.  I took some pictures of it and was hoping someone could help me identify it so I can find an adapter. http://img64.imageshack.us/i/20110427081235.jpg/ http://img687.imageshack.us/i/20110427081157.jpg/ http://img38.imageshack.us/i/20110427073819.jpg/16:23
aromanand second, synaptics doesn't recognize my trackpad, so editing xorg.conf manually wouldn't be helpful16:24
stianhjholmser, it's a PATA connector16:24
LAcanlinuxman410, what kinda vcard u have?16:25
escottholmser, you trying to make everyone feel old?16:25
MK``You've never seen PATA? XD wow16:25
stianhjor wait16:25
stianhjis it?16:25
holmserI never work on laptops16:25
linuxman410LAcan a intel 845ge on board16:25
MK``PATA is an old connector format that was used in all PCs before SATA replaced it16:25
IdleOneholmser: try ##hardware your question really isn't an ubuntu related issue.16:26
vibhavaroman : I love my usb mouse16:26
holmserno its not16:26
stianhjdoesn't the drive have the male connetors with PATA?16:26
Piciholmser: Its not really on-topic here, ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to ask. (but it looks like a laptop adapter for PATA attached, try pulling that off of the drive and you should see the pins).16:26
holmsersorry, I just find the people here to generally be very nice and helpful16:26
MK``it is PATA, though.16:26
aromanvibhav: ..?16:26
MK``So your question is answered16:26
LAcannow get out, lol16:26
LAcanand htf is that not a hardware question?16:27
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holmserIts not normal pata... its got this little stair step thing going for it and its female.  hadn't tried to pull it off though.16:27
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holmserI'll stay on topic now16:27
aasmowhere can i get tftp doc for ubuntu 1016:28
MK``Hi; My GNOME Panel is not responding when I rebooted, it froze and jitters. How do I edit the config files for it to remove applets that may be causing the error?16:28
LAcanman tftp ?16:29
IdleOneLAcan: I know you were joking but things like "Now get out" are not appreciated. Please refrain from making jokes in here so we can stick to support.16:29
LAcanIdleOne, ok, but that was ##hardware if i ever saw it.16:29
IdleOneLAcan: it was and we directed him to the correct channel without making them feel bad about it.16:29
LAcanfeelings... nothing more than...16:30
linuxman410what happen when i use 10.04 everything works fine when i upgrade to 10.10 all the icons on desktop disappear and it starts locking up16:31
escottMK``, (from memory) its all in .gnome2, but the applets are stored by uuid just to make things difficult. I always ended up nuking the panel and starting over when that happened16:31
IdleOnelinuxman410: hmm, check in System > Administration > additional drivers. maybe it needs to install some.16:31
Soupermanupgrading ubuntu never goes well16:32
MK``escott: how do I do that then?16:32
linuxman410IdleOne tried that a no go say no drivers avaiable16:32
escottMK``, if the panel starts you could remove the whole panel and then add a new one, but browse around the .gnome2 directory first16:33
escottmaybe you will see and easier way16:33
linuxman410when i install 10.10 it has one resolution and will not let me change it16:33
IdleOne!fixres | linuxman41016:34
ubottulinuxman410: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:34
IdleOnelinuxman410: see if that helps you any16:34
ActionParsniplinuxman410: run:  sudo lshw -C display    use the product line to helpfind guides16:34
ActionParsnipaasmo: do you mean tftp server?16:35
aasmoActionParsnip: yes16:35
ActionParsnipaasmo: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-advanced-tftp-server-in-ubuntu.html16:35
aasmoActionParsnip: thanks https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/Troubleshooting/TFTP looks like working16:37
MK``escott: I do not see anything that manages the applets, just application shortcuts16:37
ActionParsnipaasmo: cool :)16:37
escottMK``, sorry I'm running natty so I don't have those folders anymore. I know its somewhere in there though :)16:37
constlHi! Using 10.10 and would like to take advantage of some unallocated free space of a drive to create a second partition for my /home folder16:38
constlHow can i format it ?16:38
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escottconstl, install gparted16:38
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sulphur16Hello Everyone.16:38
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sulphur16Can someone tell me if there is a way to skip the locale generation step while booting off the live cd16:39
MK``I'll search but I don't see it anywhere escott :P I'll tell you when I find it16:39
escottMK``, it may have been a single text file with lots of uuids in it, unless they moved it to gconf which is possible16:40
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escottmy memory of this is rather vague and old16:40
Bluebill-Wolfwhat ports are used on FTP again?16:41
Puchatyanyone using htc desire?16:41
Bluebill-Wolfwhat ports are used on FTP network type  again?16:41
compdoc21 and 22?16:42
Octodigithi. recent update appears to be cooking my (new) machine at 20-25 degrees centigrade above what it normally runs at16:42
escottBluebill-Wolf, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers16:42
compdocdont use ftp much16:42
compdocmayeb 20 and 2116:43
gregLBluebill-Wolf, Usually 2216:43
damianohey guys16:43
cpatrick08@constrl https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving16:43
Octodigitis there something widespread that people know about that's causing this for others? it would be useful to get a pointer as I'm working16:43
damianohow con i remove definitely a package on ubuntu ?16:43
Octodigit(whilst also worried my new machine will not see the day out)16:43
damiano(using aptitude)16:43
* Bluebill-Wolf nods "much obliged16:43
Phoenixxx3i got a problem: i try to install v4l-dvb: error: 'I2C_CLASS_TV_DIGITAL' undeclared (first use in this function)16:43
damianoremove ALL  the files the config file, directories, ALL)16:44
compdocyeah, 20 and 2116:44
Phoenixxx3dont know where the config file is?!16:44
compdoc22 is ssh, I think16:44
stianhjBluebill-Wolf, 22 is ssh16:44
stianhjBluebill-Wolf, FTP is 2116:44
rumpe1damiano, apt-get purge ..  , removing user-profiles in /home, removing .deb in /var/cache/apt/archive  (e.g. via apt-get clean...)16:44
damianois not good aptitude ?16:45
Picirumpe1, damiano: apt-get purge will never remove anything from your user's home.16:45
andaido laptop graphics cards have a limited resolution? i.e. i connected laptop to external 1680x1050 monitor and i cant get a non-blurry image16:45
rumpe1ftp is 20 and 21 (because it's from stone age)16:45
compdocsome ppl like aptitude16:45
rumpe1Pici, ...as i said...16:45
Picirumpe1: Ah, I misread, sorry.16:45
OctodigitI've heard power issues mentioned, is that with the current kernel in maverick?16:45
damianoso how could i remove all the files installed by apitdde ?16:46
compdocdid you install aptitude? I dont think it comes with ubuntu16:47
compdocuse apt-get16:47
Picidamiano: the same way. aptitude purge packagename.16:47
damianoyes i found aptitude installed16:48
Octodigitnobody knows of anything which is nearly doubling temps for anyone else?16:48
MK``escott: it's in ~/.gconf/apps/panel16:50
jinxxOn Ubuntu 10.04, using multiple monitors on a notebook with an Intel I915 video card, playing video while on dual monitor mode doesn't work for some reason.  Is there a fix for this?  Bug #460616 on Launchpad describes this problem very well, but doesn't seem to offer a fix for my setup.16:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460616 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i915] [i945gm] Black video playback with dual screen enabled" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46061616:50
or4nHow can I make OpenGL programs to strech picture over multiple screens in fullscreen mode?16:53
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m4kDoes this http://pastebin.com/kykYaGbx  shell script will run properly16:55
cyphasei have dual screens, with a panel on each screen that has a window list applet. before my session crashed just now, each window list only showed what was on that screen. now each window list shows everything on both screens. thoughts?16:56
cyphasein metacity and compiz16:57
MIKEDDDhi, anyone have trouble installing CURL on 10.04.1 LTS?16:57
MIKEDDDcause i am.16:57
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PiciMIKEDDD: Nope, what seems to be the problem?16:58
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johughesWith NetworkManager, I'm trying to use a statically configured wired eth connection as well as my standard wireless internet connection. How can I prevent NM from disabling the wireless connection when I plug in the ethernet?16:58
MIKEDDDi am using sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt16:59
MIKEDDDtheni  get an error that files cannot be downloaded... i try to download from my browser and they are indeed non-existant.16:59
blueintegralwhat command can I use to see what raid configuration exists on a machine?16:59
MIKEDDDany other method to installl?16:59
PiciMIKEDDD: Can you pastebin the exact messages that you are getting?16:59
ooxihi my ubuntu 10.10 tells me at login that 26 packages can be updated but if i do apt-get update + apt-get upgrade it tells me everything is up-to-date. what am i doing wrong?17:01
MIKEDDD root@PWOOD:~# sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt Reading package lists... Error! E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room. Please increase the size of APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 25165824. (man 5 apt.conf) E: Error occurred while processing libxt6 (NewFileVer1) E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status W: Unable to munmap E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. root@PWOO17:01
Sidewinder1MikeDDD: Why not just use Synaptic? It's in the repos...17:01
MIKEDDDwoops, i decreades my apt limit.17:01
MIKEDDDlet me fixt hat first17:01
PiciMIKEDDD: Please use a pastebin, like http://paste.ubuntu.com next time.17:01
Octodigitin fact, the flipping focus/mouse/keyboard issues are back17:02
Teekowould anyone have any idea why my mouse just suddenly gets messed up? the leftclick goes to doing nothing, and the rightclick is like constantly trying to minimize windows and such17:02
PiciSidewinder1: Not everyone is running Ubuntu desktop here.17:02
OctodigitTeeko: on maverick, recently updated?17:02
Sidewinder1OIC, sorry...17:02
Teekoyes octo17:02
Octodigitbecause that issue seems to have resurfaced for me17:02
Teekoon 10.1017:02
MIKEDDDwoops, ok.. will do.17:02
Teekojust updated the other day17:02
OctodigitI have to do /etc/init.d/gdm restart17:02
Sidewinder1Pici: He said 10.04.1, guess that's what threw me.17:03
Teekook lemme try that17:03
Octodigit(for now, obviously I will spend ages looking into it when I'm not at work)17:03
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
OctodigitTeeko: WAIT17:03
Octodigitit will nuke your X session17:03
rephormatGood morning everyone.17:03
Octodigiteffectively logging you out, just so you know17:03
Teekodamn didnt know that, oh well17:04
rephormatIs this the channel I might be able to ask a few questions about a UEC setup?17:04
MIKEDDDcan only ssh in... UI would make life too easy :)17:04
Picirephormat: #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-cloud would probably be better places.17:04
rephormatThanks Pici!17:04
Teekoalso another question17:05
heloevery time this machine boots, it stays on the purple ubuntu logo loading screen indefinitely17:05
Teekoany way to make a script to execute 6 files with a 20 sec delay between them?17:05
ayeceeTeeko: sure, put "sleep 20" between the commands.17:05
Teekohad a .bat file to do it, but obviously that isnt going to work :p17:05
Teekook so the files are in /home/jordan/desktop/budabot17:06
Teekoso i do '/home/jordan/desktop/budabot/filename.sh'17:06
Teekothen sleep 2017:06
Pici!enter | Teeko17:06
ubottuTeeko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:06
Teekomy bad, lemme write you a book17:07
PiciMIKEDDD: It looks like you have debian repositories enabled there.17:07
MIKEDDDis there another method i should be using?'17:07
PiciMIKEDDD: Is there a reason that you have debian repositories enabled on an Ubuntu install?17:07
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heloanyone know how i can diagnose my boot process never proceeding beyond the purple loading screen?17:08
constlI'm trying to create a new partition but i get the error that I already have 4 logical ones and that i should first try create an extended one. Gparted though doesn't give me that option in the allocated free space. Any tips?17:08
MIKEDDDi am running a youtube clone through apache, perhaps part of the required tools?17:08
MIKEDDDffmpeg, flv4tool17:08
heloi can alt+f2 and log in manually, using startx to launch X17:08
heloeverything seems to be loaded17:09
Combatjuanconstl: The extended partition space has to be one of the 4 logical partitions.17:09
OctodigitMIKEDDD: fix those dotdeb repos17:09
ZundriumCan anyone help me with my startx fatal error: no devices found?17:09
ikoniaZundrium: x should start by default, you don't need to run startx17:10
MIKEDDDOctodigit: sorry, a bit of a novice to this, how can i if they are part of the get install that is not hosting by me?17:10
Teekoanyone know how you make a program run in terminal if you use an .sh file to launch it?17:10
ayeceeconstl: has to be one of the four primary partitions, rather. You'll have to remove a primary partition to create an extended partition.17:10
ayeceeTeeko: sh file.sh17:10
OctodigitMIKEDDD: it's not a shared box, right?17:11
Zundriumikonia: i know, i installed a nvidia driver with the additional drivers feature and now my lap boots to the terminal.. if i use startx i get the no devices found error17:11
sec_goatI am having trouble getting MPD to play my musics, it tells me "Problems opening the audio device" I have tried the fix here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPD and here http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Sound_Device_Permission_Problems   Still having the same problem, any ideas. also is this a MPD or a windows issue?17:11
Teekoayecee, that doesnt make it run in the terminal, it just makes it run hidden17:11
ikoniaZundrium: look at (pastebin) your /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:11
constlayecee: Can't seem to be able to remove something without breaking it. One is for Dell diagnostics, one for linux, one for windows and one for Dell MediaDirect17:11
MIKEDDDOctodigit: no, it is not shared.17:11
ikoniaTeeko: then it's nothing to do with the .sh file - it's the program17:11
ikoniaTeeko: what are you trying to run17:11
Teekothe file runs fine17:11
MK``Man I cannot seem to fix this stupid panel issue :/17:12
ikoniaTeeko: what are you trying to run ?17:12
Teekoi can run it, but i need to run 6 different ones, and its much easier than running them manually17:12
Zundriumikonia: I'm a newbie... i guess the additional drivers feature edited the xorg.conf i know that and i changed it back (not manually) to the NV driver17:12
Octodigitif someone has enabled those repos for a deliberate reason then you need to perhaps do sudo apt-get update17:12
ikoniaTeeko: what are you trying to run ?17:12
Teekoim running a chatbot for a game17:12
cyphasei have dual screens, with a panel on each screen that has a window list applet. before my session crashed just now, each window list only showed what was on that screen. now each window list shows everything on both screens. thoughts?17:12
Octodigitbecause those packages are there, in newer versions than your client is trying to grab17:12
ikoniaTeeko: can you pastebin me the .sh file your trying to use ?17:12
ikoniaZundrium: that's the problem then17:12
Teekolol yeah but its like 2 lines17:13
ikoniaTeeko: ok, please pastebin it17:13
Teekoit calls on modules and this and that and so on and so forth17:13
Zundriumikonia: I don't know a proper way to edit my xorg.conf, could you explain please?17:13
Octodigit*more to the point* however, I'd be asking why you need those repos there - that's a Debian repo17:13
xanguacyphase: edit window list preferences17:13
Octodigitand you're not running Debian17:13
Teekoikonia: #!/bin/sh php -f mainloop.php config.php17:13
Teekono need to pastebin, its only those 2 lines17:13
Octodigitif you think they have been added by mistake find them in /etc/apt/sources.list and comment them out17:13
MIKEDDDOctodigit: it is part of the  sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt17:13
MIKEDDDah, ok.17:14
MIKEDDDlet me see17:14
ikoniaTeeko how do you launch it outside the script ?17:14
Octodigitthen do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install http://packages.dotdeb.org/dists/squeeze/php5/binary-amd64/php5-curl_5.3.5-0.dotdeb.1_amd64.deb17:14
Teekodrag it into a terminal window17:14
Octodigitno, pasted the wrong thing17:14
Teekoand then just hit enter17:14
pindropperWhen i launch an application using the terminal, by typing say gedit ~/.bashrc, my terminal doesnt let me type anything further until the application (gedit in this case) is closed. if i force exit the hung prompt by ctrl+z, the launched application greys out and becomes unresponsive. is this normal? and if so, do i have to keep opening new terminals to do other things while having launched...17:14
cyphasexangua, dual screens, not virtual desktops17:14
ActionParsnip!debian | Octodigit17:14
ubottuOctodigit: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:14
pindropper...an app from another?17:14
Octodigitthen do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt17:14
ikoniaTeeko: would you run a test for me ?17:14
Teekoim very new to ubuntu, its the way i found that works, so i just use it :P17:14
Teekoyeah i can17:15
OctodigitActionParsnip: is there any particular reason why you just got the bot to tell me what I just said?17:15
ikoniaTeeko: open a terminal , and type the following "php -f mainloop.php config.php"17:15
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:15
xanguacyphase: you could try to restore default values17:15
OctodigitMIKEDDD: the second one not the first17:15
ActionParsnipOctodigit: so that you have the official bot telling you why its not advised or supported17:15
Teekowant me to do the cd /home/jordan/desktop/budabot first?17:16
ActionParsnipOctodigit: I suggest you find a ppa for Ubuntu, there is significantly less chance you will break your packages17:16
ActionParsnip!ppa | Octodigit17:16
ubottuOctodigit: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.17:16
MIKEDDDOctodigit:  hm... trying now...  doesnt look like it is working properly.17:16
ikoniaTeeko: if that's the working directory, yes please17:16
OctodigitMIKEDDD: then once you're installed you need to be looking into why you were trying to get them from elsewhere - were you after more recent packages? if so you need to find a ppa17:16
ActionParsnipOctodigit: is that particular enough for you?17:16
elijahWhat is the command for clearing out my apt-get stuff again?17:16
Octodigitwas it just a mistake? if so you should just remove the lines you commented out and forget about it17:16
MIKEDDDOctodigitt: I just want CURL so a plugin works, doesn't have to be the latest version.17:17
ActionParsnipelijah: sudo apt-get clean17:17
OctodigitActionParsnip: it's particularly clear you're under a misapprehension on what's going on in that particular dialogue ;)17:17
elijahActionParsnip: that's it! Thanks!17:17
JemtHi guys. I installed Ubuntu to a USB stick. Will I be able to clone it using 'dd' ? The target stick may be several MB smaller than the source stick, but the source stick defines partitions which easily fits on the target stick.17:17
OctodigitActionParsnip: again. I have *no* *idea* why you're telling me I shouldn't be using Debian repositories. I don't, I'm not, and I've just advised someone else not to.17:18
benediktwhat is the name of the binary for the volume manager in unity?17:18
ikoniajnovek_: don't use dd17:18
MIKEDDDOctodigit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/599868/17:18
ActionParsnipOctodigit: what release of ubuntu are you using?17:18
ikoniaJemt: don't use dd there is no need for block level copies17:18
elijahDoes find search inside trash if you select / as the path?17:18
ActionParsnipOctodigit: ahh i see, what release is being used17:18
Picielijah: It should look everywhere your user has access to17:18
MIKEDDDcan someone recommend a repo that doesnt have debian installs?17:18
benediktelijah: yes, but that is overkill17:18
ActionParsnipelijah: yes, / will search everyting17:18
Teekoikonia: if i do it that way the program runs in terminal fine.17:18
elijahActionParsnip: k, thanks,17:19
OctodigitMIKEDDD: wot's the medibuntu for?17:19
dd214Is 11.0 releasing by 0 GMT?17:19
xangua!ppa | MIKEDDD17:19
ubottuMIKEDDD: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.17:19
dd214rather.. 11.0417:19
Picidd214: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+117:19
Jemtikonia: Then how do I copy the MBR ?17:19
ikoniaTeeko: ok, now do "cd /" - then do the same command again, but use absolute paths to the files17:19
xanguadd214: between 00 and 24 hours ;)17:19
ikonia!grub2 > Jemt17:19
ikoniaJemt: just re-apply it17:19
ubottuJemt, please see my private message17:19
Teekoikonia: think i may have it.17:19
MIKEDDDoctodigit: ludic lynx17:19
PiciMIKEDDD: The regular Ubuntu ones, you don't neven need to use a PPA.17:19
dd214Pici thanks, going there now.17:19
JemtThanks, ikonia17:20
OctodigitMIKEDDD: sorry, you missed the part where I said "no not that, pasted the wrong thing" and gave the correct part17:20
OctodigitMIKEDDD: terribly sorry about that :)17:20
benediktwhat is the name of the binary for the volume manager in unity?17:20
XyzzinHey. How can i upgrade from ubuntu 7.04 feisty to the newest version?17:20
OctodigitMIKEDDD: <Octodigit>: then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl php5-mcrypt17:21
benediktXyzzin: upgrade to 7.10 then 8.04 then 10.04 (lts upgrade) and then 10.1017:21
MIKEDDDOctodigit: was eager to try... let me try that one now.17:21
xanguaXyzzin: download ubuntu from ubuntu.com & fresh install17:21
benediktXyzzin: but yeah, fresh instal.17:21
xanguabenedikt: that's not posibble17:21
OctodigitMIKEDDD: it won't have done any harm to do the other command :)17:21
benediktxangua: yes it is.17:21
pindropperWhen i launch an application using the terminal, by typing say gedit ~/.bashrc, my terminal doesnt let me type anything further until the application (gedit in this case) is closed. if i force exit the hung prompt by ctrl+z, the launched application greys out and becomes unresponsive. is this normal? and if so, do i have to keep opening new terminals to do other things while having launched...17:22
benediktmight be a little tricky to find a mirror for 7.1017:22
pindropper...an app from another?17:22
Octodigitit looks like you might have to revisit your sources list before it works from that output, by the way17:22
Octodigitbut we'll see17:22
Xyzzinfresh install? no other way?17:22
ActionParsnippindropper: add an ampersand to the command17:22
ActionParsnippindropper: e.g.    gedit ~/.bashrc &           and it will background the process17:22
MIKEDDDlooks like it installed succefully17:22
biffbaxterI would not try 7.04 to current...to many changes....save your data you want and do a fresh install...it will take less time and you will be happier17:22
MIKEDDDrebooting to test now.17:23
pindropperActionParsnip: thanks!17:23
Xyzzinthansk :)17:23
Xyzzini will try that17:23
Xyzzinjust tho upgrade would be faster17:23
Teekook, i got it to launch in the terminal. but after that i have sleep 20 then ./dreadlochai.sh17:23
benediktpindropper: C-z stops the applicatino (you can resume with `fg`). If you append a `&` after the command the process gets backgrounded. But the terminal process will be a parent process and if you kill/close it, gedit will also close.17:23
Teekoand it doesnt do anything. it just executes first command, and then nothing.17:23
ikoniaTeeko: that wasn't in the script you sent me17:23
Teekoits the second file that i wanna run17:23
xangua(11:23:17) Xyzzin: just tho upgrade would be faster - no, it would not17:24
ikoniaTeeko: probably because the bot never exits to move to the next command, you should launch the bot using & after the command so it backgrounds it and moves on to the next command17:24
Teekoim running 6 programs from this script, first named chatbot.sh, second is dreadlochai.sh17:24
acequick question. ubuntu 11 is out soon. should i upgrade from 10 to 11 now in update manager or wait until its offical?17:24
pindropperbenedikt: ok. but if i use the & i could launch multiple apps. but if i close the terminal all the apps opened will be shut down too?17:24
Teekooh ok that makes sense ikonia, does it still keep them open in the terminal then?17:24
dd214Anyone use a CAC?  Having trouble getting the device to be recognized.17:25
ikoniaTeeko:  it won't close it as your running it from the termnial17:25
Octodigitawesome, average temperature change since my last update is +25 degrees c17:25
compdocace, if you upgrade now, it'll just be beta, and you'll have to do it again. beta has some bugs, Im sure17:25
cyphasefigures.. a restart did fix the problem :P.17:25
MIKEDDDOCtodigit & Pici:  thanks both for your help.... worked perfectly!17:25
benediktpindropper: correct :)17:25
sipiorOctodigit: what's the long-term cpu load?17:26
OctodigitMIKEDDD: you're most welcome17:26
Teekoputting a & after it doesnt do anything17:26
aceyeah but the upgrade wont take so long if I do it now, then later in a few days right?17:26
pindropperbenedikt: thanks.17:26
* Octodigit reboots to different kernel17:26
benediktso, anyone have any idea what the binary for the unity volume manager is?17:26
Cody3290Hello, everyone17:29
Cody3290I think I seriously messed up my HDD. =/17:29
compdocI hate whn that happens17:29
Cody3290Whenever I start up, it loads up grub repair or something like that, and it's like terminal, but nothing I type seems to work.17:30
Cody3290When I try to boot from LiveCD, it tells me No Filesystem Found or something of that sort and gives me BusyBox17:30
Cody3290Is there any way I can recover data from this HDD?17:30
Cody3290And then install something over it again so I can use it?17:30
Cody3290Any help is very appreciated17:31
rumpe1Cody3290, so you can't book your liveCD?17:31
rumpe1erm... boot not book17:31
Cody3290Nope. It loads up BusyBox or something like that17:31
rumpe1Cody3290, the liveCD has its own filesystem...  perhaps it's broken17:32
rumpe1Cody3290, try with another live-medium (preferable usb-stick)17:32
Cody3290I used the same disc to install on the HDD I'm on now so i could get online with you guys17:32
Cody3290How big does the usb stick have to be?17:33
rumpe1Cody3290, when was this? and what exactly is the problem?17:33
otomanDo you compare MD5 sums?17:33
ratSaladhow i run a .c file?17:33
rumpe1Cody3290, >3GB (iirc)17:33
rumpe1ratSalad, you have compile it first (with gcc)17:33
hypetechratSalad: you compile it with gcc first, then you run the output17:33
sec_goatis there a "best practice" for where to put new folders for install, services etc? do I just create a new dir on /?17:33
IdleOneCody3290: 2gb for the USB is recommended17:34
hypetechsec_goat: what are you installing?17:34
daniel_is there a way to convert mp4 to .avi?17:34
Cody3290I think i have a spare USB. Is there a way to make this USB from a CD I already have?17:34
otomandaniel, WinFF17:35
ratSaladrumpe: gcc -o file.c?17:35
hypetechratSalad: yes17:35
elijahWhat is the command to list all my drives mounted with drive letters?17:35
rumpe1Cody3290, if the CD has this error, you perhaps get the same error on the usb17:35
sec_goathypetech: I want to run a minecraft server, so it's less of an install and more of a folder filled with files17:35
bc81daniel_: in the Ubuntu Software Manager, look for Arista Transcoder.  it's very simple to use.  Avidemux is also good17:36
ratSaladit told me gcc: no input files17:36
rumpe1ratSalad, gcc -o file.o file.c17:36
hypetechsec_goat: you can just put it in your home folder17:36
daniel_bc81, wicth would u prefer and will it distort the picture?17:36
luceferushkopeople hi17:37
KartiHi all, quick question - If I have the 11.04 daily build from 7 days ago. If I just update can I just assume that it will the latest version once its released tomorrow?17:37
hypetechKarti: yep17:37
otomanKarti: Quick answer-yes;)17:37
Cody3290rumpe1: So is there nothing i cna do to fix my HDD?17:38
arpanelijah: i guess you can try "df -h" without the quotes17:38
bc81daniel_: arista for it's simplicity, but if you need more control over the output, i recommend Avidemux.17:38
rumpe1Cody3290, you only mentioned filesystem-error on your liveCD17:38
Cody3290rumpe1: The same basic thing happens when I boot from HDD17:38
luceferushkoi'm from russia17:38
rumpe1Cody3290, and if you can't boot your system because of this you have to use some other medium ... like a liveCD17:38
ratSaladrumpe1: and how i test it?17:38
elijaharpan: that is closer, but it doesn't show drive letters like e, c etc. Wine needs a drive letter and I don't know what it is17:39
daniel_bc81, ok and the main reason i am doing this is becasue i notice mp4 files are usually bigger then avi am i righ to think that if i convert it to avi it will take up less space?17:39
Cody3290rumpe1: And neither HDD nor LiveCD works. Is there anything else I can do?17:39
rumpe1ratSalad, mark the compiled file as executable, execute it17:39
elijahdo all mounted drives get drive letters?17:39
rumpe1Cody3290, try other boot-media17:39
Kartihypetech, otoman, Thnak you17:39
daniel_bc81, and thanks in advance :D17:39
arpanelijah: nope, in linux drives are mounted in a folder under /media17:39
HoiKeNAnyone had any luck running TrackMania with Wine?17:40
arpanelijah: so they don't get drive letters like c:, d: etc.17:40
Cody3290rumpe1: Ok, that brings me to a question I asked before. Can I make  USB of ubuntu from ubuntu itself? I know you can make one with usb_creator.exe but I dont have wine or XP and my internet is very slow at the moment17:40
luceferushkoand how people can communicate here?17:40
cqixk_workHi! I have the problem, that Ubuntu 10.04 Server installation freezes while installing the software. It's on a Intel D510MO with latest Bios. I've tested it like 10 times. Freezes at any random software.17:40
hypetechcqixk_work: did you run the disc verification before trying to install?  sounds like you have a bad CD17:41
luceferushkoбред бля17:41
cqixk_workI've tested it once, but that's months ago. Will try again hypetech17:41
xangua!ru | luceferushko17:41
ubottuluceferushko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:41
bc81daniel_: if you transcode them into avi, they may take up less space depending on the settings you use but you will sacrifice the quality of the video17:41
rumpe1Cody3290, for filesystem checks you don't need a big installer like for ubuntu... just filesystem-check/repair tools17:42
luceferushkoтупая херня17:42
jnlsnl_Im messing around with an ubuntu server for the first time :-) How can i find out what port is open when connecting to mysql ?17:43
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Cody3290rumpe1: How would I get that?17:44
elijaharpan: Okay, thanks, kind of odd how Wine needs that to work then, turns our Wine thinks my system volume is H: so I guess they do get them in a quasi kind of way17:44
rumpe1Cody3290, http://www.ultrabootcd.com/howto.htm   e.g. is just 47MB big17:44
arpanelijah: i hardly used wine so don't know much about it.17:45
elijaharpan: k17:45
bc81i have a question.  every time i wake up this laptop, there is about 15-20 lines of text (i'm assuming errors) that quickly in the upper left corner of the screen.  i searched all the log files for a keyword but found nothing.  are these errors or nothing to worry about?17:46
hypetechjnlsnl_: mysql server runs on port 3306 by default17:46
=== Guest-ru is now known as HariecR
Cody3290rumpe1: THank you17:48
jnlsnl_hypetech if i do "netstat -an | grep -i mysql" i get the following: "STREAM     LISTENING     6338" how can i change that to default?17:48
ekim1I have 10.04 running.  Is it necessary or enough improvement to upgrade to 11.04 when released?17:50
damianohey guys someone know how to set de DEBUG On lighttpd ?17:50
sec_goathypetech: any reason to keep the Media, Public or Templates folder in my home directory? or any of them for that matter?17:51
boldgoldany voip tools out there?17:51
shane4ubuntuwhere does google chrome hide my flash video from youtube?17:51
sec_goatshane4ubuntu: /temp ?17:52
cqixk_workhypetech: Integrity test was positive. That can't be the problem with my D510MO17:52
shane4ubuntusec_goat: nope, not in /tmp17:52
sec_goatshane4ubuntu: from what I recall and it has been a while it wa sin that folder as long as you had the browser and the page with the video open, when you left or closed it would trash the file17:53
karolishello. I need some quick help: My ssh session just crashed. I was working with one application and I can still see that application in "top". Is there a way to recover it?17:53
hypetechcqixk_work: what's the motherboard have to do with it?17:53
shane4ubuntusec_goat: that is where FF keeps them, however Chrome works different17:53
maniakwhois hypetech17:53
sec_goatshane4ubuntu: my bad, sorry I will be of no help then17:53
cqixk_workhypetech: There seem to be some troubles with newer atoms.17:53
shane4ubuntusec_goat: no prob, thanks anyway17:53
Daraelshane4ubuntu: .cache/chrome?  In multiple pieces, IIRC.  Certainly I have quite a large number if bits in ~/.cache/chromium/{Media\ ,}Cache17:54
sec_goatshane4ubuntu:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145183917:54
shane4ubuntuDarael: right, that is what I thought it was before, but, seems mine is empty, I'm using chrome, not chromium though, just a minor difference17:54
Cody3290boldgold: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/17:54
shane4ubuntuthanks sec_goat, don't know why that didn't come up with my googling. :)17:55
sec_goatshane4ubuntu:  problem is thats chromium again not chrome, sorry17:55
wereverhi guys, I am lost installing ubuntu17:56
wereverI download latest 10.10 iso17:56
shane4ubuntusec_goat: no, that is ok, they have chrome info on that page too.17:56
Daraelshane4ubuntu: Yeah, I was guessing based on chromium.  But as the link says, I guessed a touch wrong - ~/.cache/google-chrome/17:56
wereverinstalled as main OS, using ENTIRE DISK17:56
wereverand ubuntu doesnt start17:56
werevergrub doesnt show17:56
wereverI have a blank screen only17:56
LogiarI'm trying to use this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot to make an install but the machine I'm trying to install on complains that there is no boot media in the boot device when i attempt to use the network as the boot device.17:56
wereverany ideas17:56
shane4ubuntuDarael: ahh, I kept looking in .cach/google-chrome/Cache  it is in .cache/google-chrome/Defualt/Cache!17:57
shane4ubuntuDarael: thanks17:57
Daraelwerever: If you want the latest version, I would suggest trying again tomorrow with Natty, which is released then.  Note that this is incidental to your problem.17:57
Daraelshane4ubuntu: Glad you found it!17:57
wereverI tried with 10.10, and 11.04 beta2, with same results, ubuntu doesnt start, now I took this problem personal and I dont wanna stop until get ubuntu working well =P17:58
Daraelwerever: Is there anything on the screen at all?  A blinking cursor, even?17:58
Melioratorhi all, can anyone point me to a guide/doc/tut to do a remote install of ubuntu?17:58
wereverblinkin cursos only17:58
wereverblingking cursor17:58
Babalauheya ppl17:59
cqixk_workHow can I get my Atom D510 to allow the installation of Ubuntu 10.04 Server - It hangs when setting up the software (not the base system)17:59
BabalauDoes something differ from the Ubuntu 11 Beta 2 to Ubuntu 11 live ?17:59
Daraelwerever: Right.  That implies you're getting past GRUB, which is a start.  Can you try to boot and hold shift immediately after your BIOS splash disappears for me?  That should bring up the grub menu.  At this point, I would edit out the "quiet splash" bit of the default option and see what you get.  It might give us a hint as to what's going on.17:59
ekim1I have 10.04 running.  Is it necessary or enough improvement to upgrade to 11.04 when released?18:00
boldgoldcqixk_work, i heard that using a usb drive to install it works18:00
top_ramenthank patrick norton18:00
Cody3290Is it possible for to use an SD card instead of a USB stick?18:00
xanguaekim1: upgrade to 10.10 first18:00
cqixk_workboldgold: It's on a USB CD-Rom18:00
Cody3290When making a liveCD18:00
boldgoldekim1, nope, i'm still running 10.0418:00
Babalauchanging to ubuntu 11 was the biggest mistake i made since i started using linux years ago18:00
boldgoldcqixk_work, i'm not sure... i just read it reading a review on newegg18:00
DaraelBabalau: Apart from the fact that 11.04 is a release date, not a version number :) there will indeed be differences between the beta and the release.  However, they'll appear in the update manager anyway, so you could install the beta and it'll update transparently come release.18:00
ekim1xangua:  I get that but is it worth while to do the upgrading as in significant improvements?18:01
Cody3290Babalau: Are you saying using linux in the first place was a mistake in and of itself?18:01
cqixk_workboldgold: Ok, thank you. Maybe I give it a try with a USB stick18:01
Babalauupgrading to The latest ubuntu18:01
Cody3290Babalau: Good. Then we would have to kill you xD18:01
xanguaekim1: new kernel, new programs, new all, you decide18:01
boldgold~voteban cody329018:02
Cody3290Why ban me...18:02
ekim1what is better kde, gnome, etc?18:02
caravelhello there18:02
boldgoldyou said you were going to kill someone18:02
dd214what does Ubuntu One let me do?  I have an account and connected.. am I suppose to see an additional storage device?18:02
Cody3290Juxtaposed to a "xD" implying it was a joke18:02
Babalauekim1: they are different, choose the one u like, just dont get unity18:02
boldgoldwe don't like you lawless young men around here in #ubuntu18:02
DaraelCody3290: Can we keep this to support?  For chat, take it to -offtopic.  For arguments, take it to PM.18:03
caravelekim1: each user has his preference, you probably won't get an answer for this question :)18:03
hypetechI like unity now that I'm used to the keyboard shortcuts :p18:03
boldgoldi haven't even tried it yet18:03
BabalauUnity it's not verry customizable18:03
boldgoldis it any good?18:03
xanguadd214: sync the music you buy, sync evolution contacts, sync files18:03
escottdd214, its a service akin to dropbox18:03
Darael!best | ekim (this applies to better, too)18:03
ubottuekim (this applies to better, too): Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:03
wereverDarael: I restarting now to try shift key on boot, will come back in a moment, thanks!18:03
ekim1okay, just wondered program usage wise if one was better.18:04
Babalaumy opinion is that ubuntu will fail with the unity release tomorow... alot of users will move to debian/fedora/etc...18:04
boldgold11.04 is co ming out tomorrow18:04
boldgoldthat's cool18:04
Daraelekim1: You can run programs from any one DE from any of the others anyway, so in that respect they're as good as each other.18:04
hypetechBabalau: don't know why you would pick a different distro when you can just run a different environment on ubuntu18:04
Babalauhypetech: cause they gaved up on Gnome18:05
barbae_inpexaeHas anyone gotten s3fs (FUSE over AWS S3) working to their satisfaction? Are there any other decent solutions to mounting S3 drives?18:05
DaraelBabalau: You realise that the GNOME2 desktop will be available from GDM by default, right?  The entry's called "Ubuntu Classic".18:05
caravelI have an issue with a 10.10 host: the person in charge has messed up a little bit with user properties. One of the users currently has bash pointing to a non-existent folder (was a chroot). I tried to change this in System Settings but it has no effect. Is it because this is one of the "root users" ? I could correct the path for other users18:05
Babalauhypetech: Darael the normal user who doesen't know that will leave ubuntu/linux cause it will have a bade taste using Unity (just my 2 cents)18:05
AiyaIm so excited for the 11.04.Can wait.Im from Singapore.The time here is 1.00am.I cant sleep yet....18:06
boldgoldwhat the hell is libreoffice?18:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:06
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.18:06
Daraelboldgold: openoffice fork, since sun got sold to oracle.18:06
hypetechBabalau: it's no harder to use than gnome3 shell, so the only other option would be to use all KDE18:06
josephseraosHi there. Good afternoon. I have a friend who have a problem with his Ubuntu. He can hear sound only with headset, but nothing out from speakers18:06
boldgoldoic cool18:06
boldgoldlibre office lol funny name18:07
boldgoldactually lol18:07
needtoprintcan anyone point me towards a live cd that might work with a dell printer? im having trouble getting it to work in window$.18:07
Cody3290Can I use an SD card instead of a USB stick to make a bootable LiveCD?18:07
sec_goatescott: Just wanted to say thanks again for all your help yesterday, looks like the x tunnel is working great for what I need!18:07
AbhijitCody3290, yes18:07
escottsec_goat, someone pointed me to a program xfvp i think it was which would allow session support for X18:08
damianosomeone use lighttpd + php-fpm ?18:08
needtoprintam i asking in the wrong channel?18:09
sec_goatescott: I have this thing called x2go and it works great on every computer except this one18:09
escottsec_goat, sorry xpra18:09
dd214escott got it.. working, and have an UbuntuOne directory that is showing up under Places18:09
sec_goatescott: I will check out xpra as well, thanks again!18:09
escottdd214, so if you are familiar with dropbox thats akin to a dropbox folder18:09
Abhijit!patience | needtoprint18:09
ubottuneedtoprint: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:09
needtoprintright, sorry18:10
hypetechneedtoprint: do you mean just so you can print from a live cd?18:10
FlynnI'm trying to file share between Ubuntu netbook 10.10 and windows xp on another machine18:10
needtoprinthypetech yes18:11
hypetechneedtoprint: I imagine ubuntu would be able to print fine, it has pretty excellent printer support, so the ubuntu livecd would probably work18:11
escottneedtoprint, there aren't any "printer specific" livecds that I am aware of, check if cups supports your printer model18:11
dd214escott know if this supports streaming music, this will be a great place to host O&A shows18:11
Logiartiny progress18:11
Logiarit now says no boot filename recieved18:11
needtoprinthypetech: cups, right thank you18:11
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jnlsnl_If i do: "netstat -antp" i get  "tcp        0      0*               LISTEN" ... so is port 3306 already in use? I need it for mysql !18:12
escottdd214, there is music syncing but it is oriented at single users not sure if you could host off of it. don't use it myself maybe xangua knows18:12
FlynnThere's no file sharing option when I right click a folder in file manager.18:12
llutzjnlsnl_: sudo lsof -i :3306           to find whats listening there18:12
hypetechjnlsnl_: that is mysql already listening lol18:12
Abhijit!samba | Flynn18:12
ubottuFlynn: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:12
wereverIm back, Shift key is not working, screen remains with a blinking cursor only, ubuntu cant start, I made a fresh install of 10.10 32 bits using entire disk, no windows, no partitions, Im on live cd now18:13
jnlsnl_then i get: mysqld  621 mysql   10u  IPv4   6337      0t0  TCP localhost:mysql (LISTEN)18:13
dd214escott just for me.. the idea would be to upload it from my home machine and then listen to it from work, both machines are Ubuntu and work is c-blocking my traffic to XM18:13
jnlsnl_6337 ??!18:13
wereverany ideas guys?18:13
llutzjnlsnl_: mysql already uses that port18:13
escottdd214, that should work (unless work blocks ubuntuone)18:13
jnlsnl_okay =)18:14
jnlsnl_thanks !18:14
jnlsnl_must be another problem im looking for then18:14
dd214escott nope.. at work and on there now, else, it's time to setup a VPN tunnel to home.18:14
alan__hi, all. I need to automate the installation of an ubuntu 10.10, is preseed the best toool to do this?18:14
FlynnSamba error:  mount.cifs: permission denied: no match for /home/user/smb4k/DELLXP/SharedDocs found in /etc/fstab18:15
escottdd214, if ubuntu one doesn't work for you set up an ssh server on your home computer that would be easier18:15
alan__strangely, the latest preseed documentation I've found is from ubuntu 8.0418:15
Babalauanyone know if zypper is faster than apt ?18:15
BabalauFlynn: use admin permissions18:15
escottFlynn, only root can mount items not listed in fstab so you have to use admin options to mount your cifs folder18:16
FlynnI only have one user so I assume I am.18:16
yssahello, Could anyone tell me what time is Ubuntu approx. released?18:16
bethanyhow do i mount a drive as read only?18:16
BabalauFlynn: for security reason although u are admin u need to be Root18:16
llutzbethany: -o ro18:16
escottFlynn, you can sudo but you are NOT root, you momentarily take admin priviliges with sudo/gksudo as needed18:17
Al_nz1is there a command to convert a partition from FAT to EXT4 - keeping data intact?18:17
llutzAl_nz1: no18:17
wereverhello, any ideas how get ubuntu working? on a fresh install grub is not starting, and ubuntu doesnt start, I have only a blinking cursor on my screen and shift key is not working18:17
escottAl_nz1, no18:17
bl4ckcomb`werever, is it the only os on your system?18:17
Al_nz1ok - thanks18:18
Laggghow can i DL the java jdk?18:18
escottwerever, i remember you were online yesterday can we get a quick recap18:18
bl4ckcomb`werever, did you use the default settings or did you set custom partitions?18:18
Lagggis there like a new repo or something?18:18
escottLaggg, a number of jdks are available browse through synaptic18:19
wereverye sescott, yesterday I used two OS, windows and ubuntu, I tried now, delete all and use my entire disk toubuntu, and the problem persists18:19
jasonmchristoshow do i get the liveCD to load to ram instad of using CD?18:19
BabalauFlynn: press ALT+F2 and type: gksudo nautilus18:19
hypetechLaggg: apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk18:19
jasonmchristosplease help ActionParsnip18:19
escottwerever, the grub reinstall never worked?18:19
wereverbl4ckcomb default settings18:19
Flynnhow do I take admin priviliges18:19
BabalauFlynn: press ALT+F2 and type: gksudo nautilus18:19
Babalautype in the password18:19
bl4ckcomb`werever, did you check your cd against a checksum for possible download/writing errors?18:19
Babalauand you are root in ur explorer18:20
wereverbl4ckcomb I didnt check the iso, how can I check it on ubuntu, is there any app on  ubuntu software center?18:20
mbeierljasonmchristos: it will naturally cache itself to ram as it is used.  why do you want it in ram?18:20
bl4ckcomb`werever, I think there was an option when you boot the cd18:20
jasonmchristosmbeierl, optical drive is slow18:21
escottBabalau, Flynn I'd not recommend doing that. its too easy to confuse the root nautilus window with the non-root nautilus window leaving you with a root nautilus window which would allow you to do lots of damage to the system by accident18:21
wereverescott I will try grub reinstall again, yesterday didnt work18:21
bl4ckcomb`werever, it can check itself iirc18:21
jasonmchristosisnt there a toram=yes option?18:21
arandjasonmchristos: Indeed18:21
escottwerever, did you get any error messages with the grub-install?18:21
Logiarcould anyone help me? I'm trying to do a netinstall using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/WindowsServerNetboot the machine im doing the install on complains that it's not recieving a boot filename and the tftpd log is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/599888/18:21
Babalaurebuild ur grub18:21
wereverescott no problems on install, grub notices on installation process were all ok18:22
escottBabalau, he's done that multiple times, something is weird with his hardware18:22
bl4ckcomb`werever, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/CDIntegrityCheck18:22
arandjasonmchristos: I'm not sure if capitalisation is needed as in TORAM=yes18:22
escottwerever, can you tell use the exact model of your system18:22
wereverthanks bl4ckcomb18:22
mbeierljasonmchristos: usb instead, perhaps?18:22
jasonmchristosarand, where do i issue the option?18:22
werevervostro 1520 dell18:22
Babalauescott: sry i didn't pay attention18:22
Babalauwhat hardware ?18:22
jasonmchristosmbeierl, usb isnt much faster18:22
escottBabalau, its ok i remember him from yesterday18:22
arandjasonmchristos: Press F6 and choose advanced, and add it manually18:23
dd214what is the command I can use in the terminal that does "text-to-speech"?18:23
escottdd214, install festival18:23
jasonmchristosarand, to the end of the commands already there?18:23
arandjasonmchristos: Yes18:23
=== iSkin is now known as iskin
jasonmchristosok going to try18:23
mbeierljasonmchristos: you tried this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158320618:23
dd214escott  ... I remember, it's espeak18:24
escottwerever, this is a retail machine and not a corporate machine? TPM could be inhibiting grub18:24
wereverbl4ckcomb, in meantime I am reading link about integrity check, thanks18:24
Flynnnautilus cannot handle "network" locations18:25
wereverescott retail machine, I think I have not special restrictions, what is TPM?18:25
Cody3290My DVD drive can go 24x but it never goes above 10x, why?18:25
Flynnnautilus cannot handle "network" locations18:25
Babalauanyone using IRSSI ? -> how do i hide /join /leave /quit messages from the screen ?18:25
escottwerever, hardware restrictions on what can be installed, usually enabled by corporate users, shouldn't be enabled in a retail system18:25
wereverescott ok18:25
pindropperi am trying to enable running a terminal using a shortcut combo. what command brings up a terminal?18:26
jasonmchristosmbeierl, ty18:26
red2kic!quietirssi | Babalau18:26
ubottuBabalau: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS18:26
escottwerever, are you in the live cd now?18:26
wereverescott yes18:26
Babalauubottu: ty18:27
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)18:27
Babalauty red2kic18:27
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.18:27
rookswhen i do in bash script → series | of | commands > $OUT_FILE   it tells me the file in $OUT_FILE does not exist, while i do the same line in commandline it works ok, any idea wtf?18:28
red2kicBabalau: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a human ;-)18:28
sipiorheh, new factoid? haven't seen that one before.18:28
jankoprowskiI'm currently use encrypted home directories but I can't export such directory as NFS18:28
jankoprowskiHow turn off decrypting from command line?18:28
Babalaujankoprowski: decrypting ?18:28
Cody3290Ok the UltraBootCD is done downloadin and burning, i will try to fix my HDD18:28
cdoktor19hi all18:28
Cody3290Will be on later whether it works or not :)18:29
FlynnNow its saying my sharing service is not installed18:29
FlynnIts things like this that make me long for good ol' infected Windows18:30
Logiartime to give up for now :(18:31
BabalauFlynn: what's the problem ?18:31
escottFlynn, did you logout after installing samba18:32
BabalauFlynn: to reboot it's sufice just to logout/login18:32
wereverI m on a live cd, I mounted my main HD (with bad ubuntu installation ), and tried this:18:32
wereversudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda118:32
FlynnI used root to make a new folder and clicked share in the sharing options and it has a sharing service not installed error.18:32
werever/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).18:32
escottwerever, you probably need to do that from withing the chroot environment18:33
wereverescott any ideas what I am doing wrong?18:33
Picituhin: Please don't. Its not you yet.18:33
escottmind if we go pm18:33
Dr_Williswerever:  you may need to use some more options to the  install grub command also.18:33
josephseraosdid you have any problem like this: Sound outs from Headphone, but doesn't from speakers?18:33
wereveroh sorry18:34
Dr_Williswerever:  if you dont want to chroot. you can use exctra options. or you need to do a proper chrooting to the mounted system18:34
Picituhin: rather, its not out yet.18:34
tuhinPici: what do u mean whats that file  then18:34
amarcso if I want to upgrade now from 10.10 to 11.04 what's the right procedure here.. ?18:34
wereveryes, I am found this on forums:18:34
Picituhin: Its not out until the release manager makes the announcement. Please do not spread links until that announcement has been made.18:34
pindropperok, so i figured out that gnome-terminal is the command to bring up a terminal ( dhh!) . but if i use that command for a shortcut combo, a new terminal pops up everytime i enter the combo. how do i maximize the last opened terminal window and minimize on the same shortcut combo?18:34
wereversection: "From the Live CD"18:34
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:35
escottwerever, just to be safe lets do everything from the chroot environment18:35
wereverescott ok18:35
escottwerever, open a terminal and mount your ubuntu root to /mnt/ubuntu18:35
wereverok, one sec18:36
escottwerever, commands would be sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu; sudo mount /dev/sda? /mnt/ubuntu18:36
wereverescott yes, done18:36
escottsudo mount /dev/sda? /mnt/ubuntu/boot (if you had a boot partition)18:36
Piciamarc: See the topic in #ubuntu+118:36
Andy_CHi everyone. Does anyone have time to help me with a printing problem? I am new to Linux and just installed Ubuntu 10.1018:36
escottsudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/ubuntu/dev18:37
ActionParsnipAndy_C: what model printer and what is the issue?18:37
escottcd /mnt/ubuntu/18:37
escottchroot /mnt/ubuntu18:37
Andy_Cwhenever i try to print something to file everything seems to run fine18:37
Andy_Cthe save window comes up, i choose a location18:37
Andy_Cbut there is never any ooutput in the directory I have selected18:37
escottls / in that terminal should show the root of your ubuntu system and not the root of the livecd, compare with another terminal to verify18:37
diego76alguien que hable español?18:38
Darael!es | diego7618:38
ubottudiego76: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:38
AiyaI think the team now should be in the process of Release minus 3 hours....18:38
christoph__spricht jemand von euch deutsch?18:38
Andy_Ci have tried the print to file output options of 'pdf' and 'ps'18:38
Pici!de | christoph__18:38
ubottuchristoph__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:38
PiciAiya: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+118:38
Andy_Ci have also installed cups-pdf as a printer and it does not work either18:39
escottwerever, when you have a good chroot environment (with /dev bind mounted) you can run /usr/sbin/grub-install --recheck /dev/sda18:39
diego76gracias ubottu18:39
Andy_Calthough it does appear as a printer when I go to system>administration>printing18:39
wereverdiego76, yo pero soy novato jejej18:39
wereverescott, I m following your instructions lime by line, slow but working =)18:40
blackmonkhello guys im running toshiba satellite m500 notebook and after i install ubuntu 10.10 i had brightness and over heat of cpu issue can please anyone help.. and it has nvidia geforce 210m card .. and i cant find my answer so get here ..18:40
escottwerever, take your time, pm me if you want18:40
wereverescott thanks18:41
=== kms is now known as zen_lunatic3
karolinable ble ble18:44
ratSaladhow i compile a .c file witch use openGL includes18:44
Babalauanyone has Gigabyte motherboard ? i need some help with the boot from USB18:44
ayeceeratSalad: what happens when you try?18:45
ratSalad In function `DrawGLScene':18:45
ratSaladglview.c:(.text+0x10c): undefined reference to `glClear'18:45
ayeceeBabalau: there are a lot of different gigabyte motherboards. It would be better to describe the problem you're having.18:45
ratSaladlots of that18:45
ratSaladundefined all the methods of the gl18:46
escottratSalad, set your include path to include your opengl headers18:46
ActionParsnipBabalau: try F11 at boot, may help. I suggest you read your motherboards manual18:46
ratSaladi had this18:47
ratSalad#include <GL/glut.h>18:47
ratSalad#include <GL/gl.h>18:47
ratSalad#include <GL/glu.h>18:47
FloodBot1ratSalad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
Babalauanyone has Gigabyte motherboard (GA-880GM-UD2H) ? i need some help with the boot from USB -> At boot it does not see my usb stick, tried to boot from USB-FDD, USB-HDD, USB-CDROM, noting works ==> it works on other computer18:47
ActionParsnipBabalau: not all motherboards can boot usb18:48
christoph__how can i upgrade from xubuntu 10.10 to xubuntu 11.04?18:48
BabalauActionParsnip: mmm i know, i dont think it's the case here cause i have to option to boot from USB, but i can't see my stick there18:49
Babalauchristoph__: u can18:49
ActionParsnipBabalau: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128439  says: Pros: I always like Gigabyte board but this bug annoys me. The board is working fine but won't boot from USb flash drive18:49
Babalauit should be something like: sudo apt-get install xubuntu 11.0418:49
Cody3290No cigar. I don't see anything on the UltraBootCD about repairing filesystem. When I load up the HDD, i get Error: Unknown Filesystem and then it gives me grub rescue>_ and I have to type something in18:50
christoph__thanks i try it out!18:50
ActionParsnipchristoph__: currently it will be:  sudo do-release-upgrade -d18:50
ActionParsnipoh well18:50
ActionParsnipBabalau: your command won't work, expect him/her bacl18:50
pygreensudo update-manager -d also works to upgrade the distro18:51
BabalauActionParsnip: thx for ur link, at least i woun't stress myself over this (i looked extensevly over the net after this issue)18:51
Picipygreen: Only for when yiu plan to upgrade to the development release.18:51
ActionParsnipBabalau: research saves time18:51
BabalauActionParsnip: i know, i sais it should be something like18:51
Andy_CHi again everyone. I have isolated my print to file problem to firefox18:52
ActionParsnipBabalau: you can get a floppy image to boot usb for systems who cannot boot usb18:52
pygreenPici: yes, and that is 11.0418:52
BabalauActionParsnip: researched ... ended up here http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/161770018:52
BabalauActionParsnip: i don't have a floppy but u'r fix it's interesting, i didn't know that. Can u explain more ?18:53
ActionParsnipBabalau: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/use-a-floppy-to-boot-usb-pendrive-linux/18:53
BabalauActionParsnip: t18:54
BabalauActionParsnip: ty18:54
Andy_Ci can print to file and set the output to 'pdf' or 'ps' from chrome, eye of gnome, gedit, and so on18:54
ActionParsnipAndy_C: what version of firefox do you use?18:54
Andy_Cversion 3.6.1618:55
ActionParsnipAndy_C: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -d18:55
BabalauActionParsnip: in grub when i have the option to select the linux version i have to start, there is an option to use command line before boot or something. Is there any way to boot from usb from there?18:55
FlynnI'm getting this error "sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 044018:55
Flynnsudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting" when trying to mount a windows folder18:55
Andy_Cdefault version that came with ubuntu 10.1018:55
BabalauFlynn: change the permissions18:55
ActionParsnipFlynn: boot to root recovery mode and run:  chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers18:55
Andy_Coutput of lsb_release -d is Description:Ubuntu 10.1018:56
EnigmaticCoderUpdate Manager asks for a partial upgrade. I don't want to, so I cancel. However, there are a bunch of KDE upgrades needed to be done. Why are there so many of them?18:56
Cody3290When I boot up my HDD, I get Error: Unknown Filesystem. When I boot from LiveCD, i get something similar, except instead of grub rescue>_, i get a terminal like thing from BusyBox.18:56
ActionParsnipAndy_C: try:  mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old      then rerun the browser, is it ok?18:56
BabalauActionParsnip: in grub when i have the option to select the linux version i have to start, there is an option to use command line before boot or something. Is there any way to boot from usb from there?18:56
ActionParsnipBabalau: you CAN add ISO files to grub218:56
BabalauActionParsnip: mmm..18:57
FlynnYou might as well be speaking a foreign language18:57
FlynnI'm  not as computer savvy as my nickname might suggest.18:57
ActionParsnipFlynn: hold shift at boot, select recovery mode, select root then run the command I gavce18:57
BabalauFlynn: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42597918:57
ActionParsnipFlynn: if you mess with the sudoers file you are going to be using root recovery a lot18:58
Cody3290When I boot up my HDD, I get Error: Unknown Filesystem. When I boot from LiveCD, i get something similar, except instead of grub rescue>_, i get a terminal like thing from BusyBox.18:59
BabalauFlynn: what do u want to do ?? i don't think u need such things18:59
FlynnI want to share files with windows xp19:00
Cody3290How can I repair the filesystem?19:00
JenkI couldn't find it anywhere.... What time does Natty release ?19:00
BabalauFlynn: on the same system (computer) or network ?19:00
swattoAnyone know how I can configure my network card in ubuntu please? I need to check Optimize throughput on my network adapter19:00
ActionParsnipFlynn: that won't be done by modifying the sudoers file19:01
Flynndifferent computer my network at home19:01
ayeceeswatto: why, are you encountering low throughput?19:01
oCeanJenk: there is not a set time19:01
BabalauFlynn: have u read https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html  ??19:01
dios_miocan you install KDE side by side with GNOME?19:02
JenkoCean, Yes, but does it go according to GMT ? Or something else ?19:02
BabalauFlynn: read also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30117819:02
luca230103buona sera19:02
soreaudios_mio: yes19:02
luca230103ci sono operatori?19:02
oCeanJenk: how does that matter if there is no set time?19:02
Cody3290How can I repair the filesystem on my HDD?19:02
soreau! it | luca23010319:02
ubottuluca230103: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:02
Cody3290Does nobody know how?19:02
oCeanJenk: it will be out when they are ready and done19:03
BabalauFly see google:19:03
soreau! fsck | Cody329019:03
ubottuCody3290: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:03
BabalauFly see google: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_RORO311&q=how+to+see+windows+computer+from+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=g-j1&aql=&oq=#sclient=psy&hl=en&rlz=1G1GGLQ_RORO311&source=hp&q=how+to+access+windows+computer+from+ubuntu&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a7861c791a64b663&biw=1680&bih=96419:03
FloodBot1Babalau: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:03
mfilipeis there any way I organize 3 windows in a workspace with simple command?19:03
ActionParsnipdios_mio: install kubuntu-desktop    for the full thing19:03
JenkoCean, Umm, I'm just waiting to download it... It'll help alot if I knew the time !19:03
dios_mioActionParsnip: thanks man19:03
swattoayecee, well i play WoW and having frequent disconnects so this was something they told me to try (obviously thinking im using windows) where i can go to the adapter in device manager and change the properties19:03
oCeanJenk: once more: there is NO set time19:03
JenkoCean, Alright, alright, i got the point.... Thank you !19:04
mfilipeis there any way I organize 3 windows in a workspace with simple command? I'm using unity and I have always resize the windows with mouse.19:04
ayeceeswatto: what properties do you want to change?19:04
Cody3290soreau: So i type in man fsck when the grub rescue propt comes up?19:04
swattowell optimize throughput is one, and a few others i think19:04
soreauCody3290: If you are at grub rescue prompt, you need to fix your boot loader19:04
soreauCody3290: You can use fsck from a live session however19:05
ActionParsnipmfilipe: enable the scale plugin and you can use the shortcut / screen area to make all the apps show themselves19:05
Cody3290soreau: How do I do that if I can't boot into a live session?19:05
swattor Windows users, when on the Advanced tab, check for the following additional Properties:19:05
swatto    Set Checksum Offload to Disable (as above)19:05
swatto    Set Segmentation Offload to Disable19:05
swatto    Set Optimise For to Throughput19:05
swatto    Set First Packet to Disable19:05
FloodBot1swatto: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:05
soreauCody3290: Why cant you boot a live session?19:05
ayeceeswatto: I'm not sure how any ofthose would help with WoW disconnects. Did the tech explain why to use those?19:05
Cody3290I don't know. It boots into BusyBox and I get something like unknown filesystem or something like that19:05
Macerwell.. finally got this acl/umask stuff all  done19:06
Macerit's great19:06
swattoayecee, not really but is there anyway i can view and change them? maybe a network card config tool or something?19:06
Cody3290soreau: If you want i can write down exactly what i get when trying ot boot from livecd19:06
Cody3290soreau: if that wuld help with fixing it19:06
ayeceeswatto: you could use ifconfig, I suppose.. but I would not think that any of those parameters would be changeable with ifconfig.19:07
soreauCody3290: Did you run the disk defect checker utility?19:07
swattoayecee, just checking out software center now, seeing what i can find19:07
Mat799how do I change my ip I have been ban19:08
Cody3290soreau: How do I do that?19:08
soreauMat799: banned from what?19:08
ayeceeswatto: good luck with that. To my knowledge, the GUI network config tools don't go into that much detail.19:08
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soreauCody3290: When the livecd first boots, press Esc and go to the menu where you can select it19:08
Mat799soreau:different things19:08
ayeceecd ..19:09
Cody3290soreau: The liveCD does not boot at all.19:09
mfilipeActionParsnip, hum... but I want something like snap window (Unity) but it works with 3+ windows19:09
soreauMat799: You might want to check with the fine folks in #freenode19:09
Mat799is freenode a channel19:09
soreauCody3290: Then you should check the md5sum of the image you downloaded19:09
Mat799.wiki freenode19:09
ActionParsnipMat799: freenode is a network19:09
PiciMat799: Yes.  #freenode19:09
soreau! md5 | Cody329019:09
ubottuCody3290: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:09
DaraelMat799: Freenode is the network you're on.  #freenode, as the # indicates, is a channel.19:10
Cody3290soreau: The md5sum is fine, i used that cd to install this ubuntu on my other HDD so i can talk with you guys19:10
soreau! freenode | Mat79919:10
ubottuMat799: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policy.shtml - The Ubuntu channels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines19:10
PiciDarael: That was better phrased, thanks :)19:10
Mat799no I have not been banned from freenode19:10
PiciMat799: From where then?19:10
soreauHm, I figured the freenode factoid would have at least given the channel name19:10
Picisoreau: I would think so too, I'll update it.19:11
soreauPici: cool thanks19:11
Mat799just website19:11
soreauMat799: What does this have to do with ubuntu?19:11
Mat799not much19:11
soreauMat799: Well this is #ubuntu, the official support channel for ubuntu. We certainly do not support circumventing bans here19:12
Cody3290soreau: The md5sum is fine, i used that cd to install this ubuntu on my other HDD so i can talk with you guys19:12
Cody3290When i boot on that HDD it goes straight to busybox19:12
soreauCody3290: Well Im not sure what is wrong then19:12
Cody3290after the loading screen, that is19:12
Mat799this is just a larage group and i though i would ask here19:13
swattowhats the shortcut key to bring the run dialog up?19:13
soreauMat799: It is the wrong place to ask. Instead, try contacting whoever banned you from wherever you are banned from19:13
qinswatto: Alt-F219:13
donttrustemhi can anyone help with this problem please http://pastebin.com/JAufwSqg19:14
kwtmadelie42: There you are.19:14
* donttrustem is going mad19:14
kwtmadelie42: Okay, gksu should let you run programs as root.19:14
adelie42kwtm yes19:14
swattoqin, cheers19:14
Mat799soreau:butt ip cahhnot be changed or altered19:14
soreauMat799: no it cant19:14
PiciMat799: This is not the right place to discuss this. You have been given options.  Please stop now.19:14
livcdIs kde compiled using a SSP ?19:15
adelie42kwtm: I wrote the script in bash and it uses gtkdialog. gksu should be as simple as 'gksu -u admin script.sh', correct?19:15
kwtmadelie42: it should be.  (Note that I am more familiar with kdesu than gksudo.)   So you are running as "admin" and not "root"?19:16
harpettei can't find the bug reporting tool Apport in the pull-down menus; i notice the NoDisplay=true in its desktop file in /usr/share/applications. What's the deal?19:16
Captain_HaddockCould somebody tell me what their dependencies are for "screen" on ubuntu?19:16
donttrustemguy's how do I fix this .... http://pastebin.com/JAufwSqg19:17
adelie42kwtm the trick is that this is a public terminal and this script is written as a simple front end for a non geek to manage a host file. logging in as a different user first makes it a little too complicated.19:17
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: libc6 (>= 2.4), libncursesw5 (>= 5.7+20100313), libpam0g (>=,19:17
pindropperIs there a way to assign a shortcut by double-tapping a key19:17
Captain_HaddockDarael: thanks. /me 's install is asking to install cpu-checker and update-notifier-common as a dependency.19:17
Captain_Haddockand more :o19:17
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: (whoops, sorry) ...dpkg (>= 1.15.4) | install-info, upstart-job19:17
swattowhats the line called that goes at the top of scripts to tell what kind of script it is19:17
kwtmadelie42: Also, do I understand correctly that the error (the difference between what you expect and what actually happens) is that "a window never opens" and you expect it to?  Is this the gtkdialog window?19:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:18
adelie42kwtm: from an unprivileged account want to run a script requiring root19:18
soreaudonttrustem: Maybe try apt-get clean19:18
caravelI have an issue with a 10.10 host: the person in charge has messed up a little bit with user properties. One of the users currently has bash pointing to a non-existent folder (was a chroot). I tried to change this in System Settings but it has no effect. Is it because this is one of the "root users" ? I could correct the path for other users19:18
Captain_HaddockDarael: byobu{a} cpu-checker{a} gettext-base{a} iso-codes{a} libfribidi0{a} libnewt0.52{a} lsb-release{a} python-apt{a} python-central{a} python-newt{a} screen update-notifier-common{a}19:18
pygreen_i have a very weird problem: when i start the computer, in the bios and grub i have to confirm every keystroke with a right click of the mouse. also, the mouse does not work when the computer was turned off for some time. re-plugging solves this. both mouse and keybord work fine when an os is booted.19:18
donttrustemsoreau: OK  ...think I tired that19:18
Piciswatto: hashbang or shebang, i.e: #!/bin/bash19:18
adelie42ktwm: Is this the gtkdialog window? yes19:18
kwtmadelie42: I'm not sure what that has to do with being a public terminal.  My question was: you are saying "gksu -u admin" instead of "gksu" or "gksu -u root".  Is there a user called "admin" on your system?19:18
soreaudonttrustem: Do you have enough available hard disk on / space according to df -h ?19:18
swattoPici, ahh yes thanks19:19
Captain_HaddockDarael: does that look right to you?19:19
donttrustemsoreau: 7gb19:19
harpetteCaptain_Haddock, "apt-cache showpkg screen"19:19
Captain_Haddockharpette: thanks19:19
donttrustemsoreau: tried clean .... and autoclean19:19
donttrustemsoreau: get the same problem19:19
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: Byobu dependencies.  Have a look and see if they're recommends or depends - if the former, you can enter ":cpu-checker :update-notifier-common" at the prompt (since you seem to be using aptitude) and it won't install them.19:20
donttrustemsoreau: driving me crazy19:20
donttrustemsoreau: is it possible apt os broken19:20
soreaudonttrustem: Do you have anything in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?19:20
donttrustemis ^19:20
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: Look pretty much fine to me.  You could exclude byobu, too, if you like, but I quite like it myself - though I do set it to use screen shortcuts rather than its own ones.19:20
donttrustemsoreau: let me chec19:21
adelie42ktwm: technically, me neither. If I log into the administrative account and try to run the script using gksudo, it works fine. It is only when I try to switch which user the program will be run as then escalate privileges in the same command that it goes wrong19:21
Captain_HaddockDarael: look like dependencies. Thanks! I'll go ahead with it. I was just wondering how in the world cpu-checker was related to screen :|19:21
donttrustemsoreau: only lock and partial19:22
Captain_HaddockDarael , harpette: much obliged19:22
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: One of byobu's little things it can show at the bottom is CPU-usage, y'see.  Have a good one.19:22
adelie42kwtm: It usually says '3 wrong password attempts', unless I do it as gksudo -u admin 'gksudo script.sh', then it just exists19:23
soreaudonttrustem: From what I can tell reading the man page, it seems you might not have enough memory to store the entire apt cache it wants to load. Do you have any additional repos eabled besides the official ubuntu ones?19:23
benderHello, can anybody help me with a MIDI configuration problem? I did search by google but found nothing helpfull. Midi plays in mediaplayer but when I start a software "linthesia" which needs midioutput to play, no sound cames out. I select different type of driver but nothing. Any help?19:23
soreaudonttrustem: enabled*19:24
treadstoneHI, I need some program to conversion from mp4 or flv to mp3 with gui, is something ?19:24
donttrustemsoreau: just the standard ones ...19:24
donttrustemOK let me create some space19:24
soreaudonttrustem: memory as in ram, not hard disk space19:24
Captain_Haddocktreadstone: I'm not sure if it supports FLVs. But check out handbrake19:24
Daraeltreadstone: try arista or transmageddon.  They're as good places as any to start.19:25
donttrustemAH ...OK19:25
donttrustemlet me check19:25
donttrustemsoreau: Mem:    504724k total,   458984k used,    45740k free,    47140k buffers19:25
donttrustemSwap:   884728k total,    15348k used,   869380k free,   211848k cached19:25
Daraeltreadstone: Handbrake does just about everything, but isn't in the repos (IIRC).19:25
donttrustemthink you are correct19:25
donttrustemsoreau: 500mb19:25
adelie42kwtm: I think I may just need to teach the non-tech person how to login.19:26
donttrustem soreau : does that look like the problem ... if so I will contact the hosting company19:26
soreaudonttrustem: Hosting company?19:27
donttrustemsoreau: vhost19:27
donttrustemsoreau: where my virtual server is19:27
DerDASwhen do ubuntu 11.04 comes19:27
treadstoneWhat do you use to convert from flv, mp4 to mp3... plz help I don't have time, i need only program name19:27
DaraelDerDAS: Natty is released tomorrow.  The time is unspecified.19:27
Captain_Haddocktreadstone: read above, dude19:28
kwtmtreadstone: I use mencoder19:28
Mat799tredstoe: allvideoconverter19:28
soreaudonttrustem: hang on I might have you try something here19:28
pygreenwhen i boot, in the bios and grub i have to confirm every keystroke with a mouse action (move, click). in a booted os everything works fine. is that a hardware problem of the mouse?19:28
donttrustemsoreau: OK  ...19:28
Captain_HaddockHow do I find out which repository a package is in/from?19:29
Mat799treadstone: im sorry, its "any video converter"19:29
donttrustemsoreau: my other server is working fine btw19:29
soreaudonttrustem: What command is giving you this output?19:29
LAcanpygreen, are ur mouse and kb USB?19:29
donttrustemsoreau: apt-get install19:29
Captain_HaddockMat799: I think it's a bot.19:29
donttrustemsoreau: or apt-get autoclean19:29
benderSo any help with MIDI driver?19:29
pygreenLAcan: keyboard is wireless with a usb remote, mouse is usb with cable.19:30
Mat799Captain_Haddock:well ban the the thing19:30
LAcanCaptain_Haddock, just add all the sources and then search from ubuntu software centre19:30
Captain_HaddockBesides, the treadstone project was a waste of time. Blackbriar was more promising :|19:30
treadstoneI must convert mp4, flv (video+sound) do mp319:30
LAcanpygreen, are they plugged into a USB hub?19:30
treadstoneCapitan_Haaddock: ;)19:30
ActionParsnippygreen: is it a laptop or branded pc?19:30
pindropperkwtm: success http://paste.ubuntu.com/599914/ . thanks in part to you19:30
Captain_HaddockLAcan: no, I can see a package available and want to know where it's from.19:31
pygreenLAcan: no, directly into the computer usb slots19:31
pygreenActionParsnip: PC19:31
Captain_Haddocktreadstone: If you're sentient, please respond to all the people trying to assist you.19:31
soreaudonttrustem: Ok create a file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99custom and inside this file put this: APT::Cache-Limit "45000000";19:31
LAcancapitanbombilla, if u clikc more info it should tell you19:31
soreaudonttrustem: Then save the file and try again19:31
LAcanpygreen, hrmm that is odd. try unplugging the mouse and navigating the menu options...19:31
MonkeyDustno answer in ubuntu+119:31
MonkeyDustis it possible to add a custom terminal command as launcher, like in gnome?19:31
MonkeyDustis it possible to change the unity keyboard shortcuts? now i need two hands to switch windows, i want to use only one hand, like in gnome19:31
Captain_HaddockLAcan: ah! any idea about the command-line?19:32
LAcanCaptain_Haddock, none, sorry!19:32
ActionParsnippygreen: does it have a make and model?19:32
adityahi I am a noob and just installed istanbul screen recording software. But I am getting error "you do not have ximagesrc gstreamer plugin installed" please help19:32
pygreenLAcan: I already tried all my usb slots with the mouse, same thing every time.19:32
LAcanaditya, install that plugin through the sofwate centre19:32
Captain_HaddockLAcan: thanks... showpkg that somebody suggested earlier was scant on details.19:32
LAcanCaptain_Haddock, escott would know19:33
donttrustemsoreau: OK done ... going to try19:33
pygreenActionParsnip: mouse is from "vivanco", made in china ;D19:33
soreaudonttrustem: pastebin the output to pastebin.ca if it doesn't work19:33
LAcanpygreen, but wait, if your mouse is unplugged, can u navigate with just keyboard?19:33
adityaLAcan: but software center is showing all gstreamer plugins installed.19:33
ActionParsnippygreen: I'm familiar with vivanco, is the system a branded PC?19:33
donttrustemsoreau: looks like it is fixed19:33
LAcanpygreen, i dont mean aidfdfrent port, i mean unplugged altogehter19:33
soreaudonttrustem: Cool :-)19:33
LAcanaditya, hrmm, did you try running thje screen cap as root?19:34
donttrustemsoreau: but I am getting W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-updates/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/de.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages)19:34
donttrustemW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems19:34
pygreenLAcan: i'll try that.19:34
pmp6nlHello, is there a way to tell if a webserver runs ubuntu or not?19:34
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LAcanpygreen, ActionParsnip can prolly help you better than I can19:34
soreaudonttrustem: You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the duplicate entries19:34
pygreenActionParsnip: no, i bought the hardware and built it myself.19:34
LAcanpmp6nl, yes, use wget and look at the HTTP header19:34
treadstonesomebody can help me ?19:34
Darael!ask | treadstone19:35
ubottutreadstone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:35
soreau! ask | treadstone19:35
LAcantreadstone, whats up?19:35
ActionParsnippygreen: ok try setting the USB to legacy mode, may help19:35
adityaLAcan: tried but still getting the same error.19:35
pmp6nlLAcan, ok thanks19:35
ActionParsnippygreen: also make sure you have the latest BIOS19:35
treadstoneI'm looking for a program to convert19:35
treadstonefrom mp4 or flv to mp319:35
pygreenActionParsnip: okay, i'll try. thank you.19:36
donttrustemsoreau: OK ..... I don't see any duplicates19:36
LAcantreadstone, someone already answered u19:36
donttrustemsoreau: let me pastebin19:36
Daraeltreadstone: You've had five or six responses, but you just keep going "help me, I need x" - read the responses and you'll be fine.19:36
treadstoneI'm blind19:36
pygreenActionParsnip: oh, and the other problem with the mouse is that it does not work anymore if the computer was shut down for some time. re-plugging solves this.19:36
LAcantreadstone, Mat799> treadstone: im sorry, its "any video converter"19:37
DaSingeok i need some help with installing openSSH19:37
LAcantreadstone, there were other suggestions. i suggest u search the ubuntu software manager and make a choice yourself.19:37
donttrustemsoreau: http://pastebin.com/esvryVtX19:37
LAcanDaSinge, its already installed19:38
DaSingeahh. it gives me an error hold on...19:38
DaSingeit is?19:38
DaraelDaSinge: The client is installed, and the server is a simple "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" away.19:38
donttrustemsoreau: I also have a sources.list ~19:38
escottCaptain_Haddock, LAcan overestimates my knowledge, but what was the question19:38
soreaudonttrustem: That's likely from an editor like gedit19:39
donttrustemsoreau: yeah19:39
donttrustemsoreau: but is the sources list OK19:39
kwtmpindropper: Line 5.  Quotes.19:39
soreaudonttrustem: Does this file exist? /var/lib/apt/lists/de.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages19:39
DaSingeok i got thanks19:39
kwtmpindropper: You forgot the quotes around $1.   It should be     if ! builtin type -p "$1" &>/dev/null; then19:40
Captain_Haddockescott: Thanks :) I wanted to know which repository an available package was from/in, using apt/aptitude19:40
* LAcan sent his first "New Virus" message to Kaspersky today. I'm so proud.19:40
kwtmpindropper: Otherwise, if "$1" happens to have a space in it, you're screwed. :)19:40
donttrustemsoreau: yeah19:40
escottCaptain_Haddock, don't know apt that well19:40
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: There's "aptitude versions" for a start.19:40
donttrustemsoreau: do I need to remove19:40
soreaudonttrustem: And you need to remove the last line in sources.list because it's a tilde (~)19:40
DaSingehow do i config openSSH???19:40
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: Hang on, I'll try and remember the other tool I was thinking of as well.19:41
DaraelDaSinge: If you mean the server, you need to edit /etc/ssl/sshd_config19:41
Captain_Haddockescott: no worries, thanks :)19:41
Captain_HaddockDarael: cheers, trying19:41
escottDaSinge, what do you want to ssh to do19:42
DaSingethere is no sshd_config19:42
escottDaSinge, all the config is in /etc/ssh/ssh_config19:43
DaSingewait canel that19:43
MaimsterSup all.19:43
pindropperkwtm: :) ack! will fix. thanks. but i was under the impression that commands cannot have spaces in them. and command exists only checks commands. so the error would be appropriate? i dont know, i am just thinking out loud19:43
Captain_HaddockDaSinge: /etc/ssh/sshd_config (not ssl)19:43
DaSingeOK thanks19:43
donttrustemsoreau: there is no tilda in the sources list19:43
soreaudonttrustem: ok19:44
soreaudoni: Can you pastebin that other file though? from /var19:44
donihi i am new to ubuntu, and have done a fresh install from a cd that my friend gave me. I have been doing reading for hour's trying to get everything to work. it is all good but everything is big on my screen, like theres no graphics driver. heres the output of some commands. http://pastebin.com/EupuENiB     thanks19:44
DaSingesso how do i start it.....19:44
donttrustemsoreau: var/lib/apt/lists19:44
sysadmin_freakhi everybody19:44
sysadmin_freakbest tool to automate password change on multiple servers? I'been reading a Expect looks promising19:45
sysadmin_freakany idea?19:45
soreaudonttrustem: Try moving this file to a safe location, then see if you still get errors /var/lib/apt/lists/de.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages19:45
donttrustemsoreau: http://pastebin.com/qHaAGrTu19:46
pindropperkwtm: i tried using spaces, it works fine, it simply ignores all words after the first arg. which i think makes sense. I am going to leave it without the quotes.19:46
donttrustemsoreau: check first19:46
Sidewinder1doni: adjust your screen resolution. If that's not enough, you may need to use a restricted driver, possibly found under System--> Admin-->Hardware Drivers19:47
kwtmpindropper: It is up to you.  SPaces in filenames are somewhat special cases but occur more often than you think.  Be careful using this on filenames under a hacker's control.19:47
donttrustemsoreau: shall I remove all of the de19:47
DerDASwhen comes 11.04 ??19:47
kwtmpindropper: For example, I might go in there and say that a command is called "command1 ; rm -rf /*"19:47
macoDerDAS: tomorrow. discussion in #ubuntu+1 or #ubuntu-release-party19:47
Nerd-PatrolWhen is Natty Narwhal 11.04 coming out?19:47
=== mk is now known as Guest79768
Guest79768How do I install dual boot backtrack linux from the iso in ubuntu 10.10?19:47
macoNerd-Patrol: see what i said to DerDAS19:48
DerDASwhen comes 11.04 ??19:48
soreaudonttrustem: You really should use a more controlled utility such as 'gksu software-sources-gtk'19:48
macoDerDAS: you've been answered19:48
KM0201DerDAS: tomorrow sometime19:48
doniSidewinder1, I tried the restricted drivers, but nothing comes up. I did all updates too19:48
DerDASok but how latee19:48
Sidewinder1doni: sorry, it's a notebook; can't really help you with that. :-(19:48
macoDerDAS: when it's ready19:48
khemirGuest79766> First, install, ubuntu, then backtrack, they make trick19:48
macoDerDAS: a specific time has never been announced in advance19:49
vngGood evening!19:49
doniSidewinder1, Its ok, thanks for trying :)19:49
Sidewinder1No prob19:49
Guest79768khemir i have ubuntu installed, and i have downloaded the backtrack iso. how to I install backtrack from the iso?19:49
Nerd-PatrolIs this the channel that I should watch tomorrow to know when 11.04 is released or is there a better one?19:49
macoNerd-Patrol: #ubuntu-release-party, as i said aboe19:49
Nerd-PatrolThanks MACO!19:49
Guest7976811.04 has a immovable gnome popup menu bar at the bottom of the screen.19:50
DerDASwhen comes 11.04 ??19:50
donttrustemsoreau: what is actually the problem19:50
MedianI'm wondering how to install 64-bit Sun JAVA?19:50
Mediancan't seem to figure it out.19:50
Guest79768similar to linux19:50
Nerd-PatrolHow did you do that beap noise?19:50
PiciDerDAS: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+119:50
vngDerDAS: April 28th19:50
=== Guest79768 is now known as MK4
MK4How do I mount and install the backtrack iso to dual boot with ubuntu?19:51
Sidewinder1Pici: looks like you're rather busy the day before a release... It's all good. :-)19:51
DaraelCaptain_Haddock: It looks like there isn't a totally satisfactory solution, but you could do 'grep -l "Package: <package-name-here>" /var/lib/apt/lists/'19:51
OerHeksbacktrack is not supported here, MK419:52
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition19:52
tjiggi_foderDas/Larstorben whatever sees pici and disappears in a puff of smoke19:52
soreaudonttrustem: Basically I think you have a bunch of sources enabled you don't need somehow19:52
Picitjiggi_fo: ugh19:53
dd214what happened to the #ubuntu-launch-party channel?  no longer listed...19:54
Sidewinder1They went for a drink?19:54
Sidewinder1Sorry, couldn't resist.19:54
Picidd214: its #ubuntu-release-party19:54
soreau* njin (~njin@ has joined #ubuntu19:54
soreau<soreau> donttrustem: Try moving this file to a safe location, then see if you still get errors /var/lib/apt/lists/de.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages19:54
soreaudonttrustem: Did you try that yet?19:54
ejvthe power regression fixed in the new version?19:55
donttrustemsoreau: trying now19:56
enterneohat does ip route add <foo> dev eth0 mean?19:56
soreaudonttrustem: After you move it, do 'sudo apt-get update' first19:57
MedianHow do i install x64 java on Ubuntu?19:57
donttrustemsoreau: working now  :)19:57
=== ssfdre38_ is now known as ssfdre38
donttrustemsoreau: wow thanks man19:57
soreaudonttrustem: Cool, now I think you probably can remove the file we created earlier /etc/apt/apt/conf/d/99custom19:58
xangua!java | Median19:58
ubottuMedian: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.19:58
soreaudonttrustem: Because it probably was just trying to use too many sources for whatever reason19:58
donttrustemsoreau: OK ... do you think this was wrong from the orignal build19:58
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment19:58
soreaudonttrustem: I don't know19:58
Medianxangua: Can't find a x64 repository..19:58
Mat799ubottu: do ubuntu developers get paid big bucks19:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:58
donttrustemsoreau: strange problem19:59
pindropperkwtm: ah! i see your point now. malicious injection. will change it.19:59
soreaudonttrustem: Must be something to do with the germans! ;)19:59
pr0ton_Mat799, he's a bot not a dude :D19:59
macoMat799: to answer that:  depends what their day job is ;-)19:59
Starminnpr0ton_: Ubottu is a she.19:59
dd214when I create and Alias in my bashrc file, does that mean I can simply type the alias and it will run the command?19:59
macodd214: yes19:59
pr0ton_Starminn, lol, ok20:00
dd214maco will give it a shot20:00
macodd214: assuming you have opened that shell *after* making the edit.... or you sourced your bashrc since the edit20:00
Starminn!gender > pr0ton_ :)20:00
ubottupr0ton_, please see my private message20:00
DaSingeok im haveing a problem20:00
dd214maco and how to I push changes made in bashrc?20:00
DaSingewhen i do this:20:00
DaSingesudo apt-get install cupsys cupsys-client20:00
macodd214:  . ~/.bashrc20:00
=== guido is now known as Guest56135
DaSingeit says this: E: Unable to locate package cupsys20:01
StarminnDaSinge: Try to keep your questions on one line please so it is easier for others to help you.20:01
donttrustemthanks again20:01
macodd214: the . is the source command in all shells. bash also allows you to type the word "source" instead, but other shells dont20:01
macoDaSinge: because there's no package of that name20:01
DaSingeso how do i get cups20:02
macoDaSinge: should be installed by default20:02
dd214maco can I sudo in my alias, or must I run sudo then type the alias?20:02
DaSingeprinter sharing20:02
macodd214: yes you can20:02
openbeesis ubuntu 11.04 is available to download now?20:03
Piciopenbees: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+120:03
LAcanopenbees, yes, the beta version20:03
Sidewinder1DaSinge: If not installed by default, probably in the repositories.20:03
* LAcan this channel is gonna be hella busy tommorow20:03
phoenixsamprasso where is is my copy of ubuntu 11.04?20:03
macoMat799: what?20:03
macophoenixsampras: not released yet20:03
phoenixsamprasthen i demand a refund20:04
macophoenixsampras: release day is *tomorrow*20:04
Sidewinder1Pici's eyelids are drooping. :-020:04
Mat799maco:why is this channel is gonna be hella busy tommorow20:04
dd214maco  that works great!20:04
tripelbNews for ubuntu 1120:04
tripelbUbuntu 11.04 ready for release tomorrow20:04
tripelb12 hours ago20:04
tripelbCanonical today announced the release of Ubuntu a fast-growing open-source operating system on April 28, 2011 for public download. Ubuntu 11.04 stands out ...20:04
FloodBot1tripelb: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:04
macoMat799: because release day is tomorrow :P20:04
soreaudonttrustem: I have to run but let me know if it's still ok after (re)moving /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99custom20:04
tripelbsorry should have edited it20:04
ikoniatripelb: don't need news reports please20:04
macoMat799: will be lots of unity questions20:04
ikoniatripelb: don't need ANY comment on it please20:04
tripelbmat799 asked.20:05
ikoniatripelb: still don't need any comment on it20:05
* tripelb slinks off to be good20:05
dd214maco in an alias, I'd like to run 2 commands.  ie.. 'cd Downloads' then 'sudo xyz'  can I add 2 commands in one?20:05
BitOperatorcommand one && command two20:06
openbeesactualy i m so exiceted about this ubuntu 11.04 release that why i started searching for download and upgrade option just after change of date in my system...20:06
voozefirst && second?20:06
voozetoo slow :(20:06
dd214BitOperator roger that!20:06
budgeeok, how long now?20:07
Picibudgee: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+120:07
LAcanmat789, 11.04 comes out tommorow... gonna be a lot of questions20:07
junixbrhow can I change the currently mouse in ubuntu 10.10?20:07
SharpclawWhat's new in Ubuntu 11.04?20:07
LAcanyour mom20:07
macoSharpclaw: read what pici said20:07
macoLAcan: oh come on20:07
LAcanlol i couldnt resist20:07
budgeePici: how did you make that red?20:08
theunshi, can anyone please tell me where i can get KDevelop binaries?20:08
Picibudgee: I put your name at the front of it20:08
budgeePici: doh20:08
LAcantheuns, did u try the software centre?20:08
* budgee hangs his head in shame20:08
macotheuns: sudo apt-get install kdevelop20:08
budgeePici: can I do a dist-upgrade yet?20:08
voozeLooking forward to final, running beta2 now.. with a few bugs here and there.. hope they will fix it :)20:09
macobudgee: sure, you could've done one 5 months ago20:09
DaSingehow do i start openssh??????????????????//20:09
macobudgee: then we wouldve had one more tester!20:09
ikoniaDaSinge: service ssh start20:09
macoDaSinge: the server or the client?20:09
budgeemaco: but I use my machine every single day for normal office work and cannot afford to have it breaking on me... was it pretty reliable from 5 months ago?20:10
macobudgee: dunno, i only upgraded 3 months ago ;) but i usually upgrade by alpha 220:10
voozewell ofc not :D20:10
macovooze: um, if you've installed updates since beta 2 happened, you're pretty close to at final. only a few more bugfixes will go in between now and tomorrow20:10
macobudgee: i just didnt have an internet connection when alpha 2 came out20:11
tilcre *20:11
voozewell i havent distupgraded since beta2 maco20:11
macovooze: have you installed updates at all since then?20:11
icerootvooze: maco #ubuntu+120:11
budgeemaco: and is it stable enough to rely on for some pretty pressured office work?  i am a politician - so when shit's going down, my system needs to be there for me.20:11
tilcis it worth to upgrade from 8.04.4 to 10.4 on old hw?20:12
macobudgee: think about the definition of "alpha"20:12
iceroottilc: sure20:12
macobudgee: it would of course have broken multiple times over the last 5 months. how badly depends on your hardware's usual level of support and your skills at cleaning up messes20:12
kwtmtilc: Security concerns.  8.04 not going to be supported for much longer.20:12
budgeemaco: yes, well i'm responding to the mini-guilt trip i suffered when you suggested I should be beta testing :P20:12
macobudgee: i used "can i function without a gui?" as my bar for when i started being an alpha tester20:13
tilckwtm: security isnt a problem, i'm behind a fw20:13
antiphysicistcan someone tell me how to register? the guide is telling me to use /msg but it's coming up as not a command20:13
iceroottilc: a fw cant protect you from exploits in applications20:13
budgeemaco: i've been a sysadmin, develop and linux user since 1997 so i can fix stuff for sure but not always able to afford it20:14
kwtmtilc: That's just net security.20:14
macobudgee: because other than not-booting-at-all (which did happen around hardy beta), in which case reinstalling is easy enough, a broken X is about the worst that can happen, but with newer X even thats unlikely20:14
budgeemaco: anyway so it is safe to dist-upgrade now right?20:14
macobudgee: now, yes20:14
icerootbudgee: never touch a running system20:14
budgeesure thing :) let's get cracking with that.20:14
macobudgee: id be surprised if more than 10 bugs were fixed by official release time20:14
LAcanantihc3, #freenode20:14
icerootbudgee: maco andlets take 11.04 discussion into #ubuntu+120:14
sec_goatI am trying to get MPD to work but it has toruble opening the audio device so the MPD wikia says try chmod 770 /dev/snd -R && chgrp audio /dev/snd -R  but i don;t have a /dev/snd . .  does this mean MPD will not work for me?20:15
budgeeb/j #ubuntu+120:15
theunsmaco: Package Kdevelop is not available?20:15
macotheuns: packages never have capital letters20:15
kwtmtilc: Other answers include support for newer versions of applications, etc., but you could also counter with "I don't need a newer version of <application>".  I guess it's up to you; a better question might be "What are worthwhile improvements between Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04 for a user who usually does <list of applications/computer uses>?"20:15
jribsec_goat: leaving but mpd should work out of the box on ubuntu (it's setup to work with pulseaudio by default)20:15
kwtmtilc: For example, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to view Youtube videos any more if I had stuck with 8.04 (I'm using 10.04), because of changes in the site.20:16
jribsec_goat: you installed mpd from official ubuntu repositories using APT right?20:16
sec_goatjrib maybe my problemis that I am not using pulse audio to connect to it?20:16
sec_goatjrib sudo apt-get install mpd20:16
jribsec_goat: you're not using pulse audio?20:16
tilckwtm: as far as i use software, newer versions need more resorces20:16
sec_goatjrib: does it work on windows? or do I have to install pulse audio on the server too?20:16
MedianRight.. How the hell do i know if i have 64bit or 32bit through this? "Linux server 2.6.35-28-generic-pae #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 20:43:15 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux", i used uname -a20:17
sec_goatjrib i am using GMPC right now from my windows 7machine to try and connect to MPD on my server, shows all my mmusic just wont play20:17
jribsec_goat: well first you should make sure mpd is working locally on your ubuntu machine20:17
sec_goatjrib any way to test tat remotely via CLI?20:17
kwtmtilc: If you say so.  Depends on the software.  From time to time I see software become more streamlined.  It sounds like you are saying that there are no particular features that are of benefit for you, so that you can categorically say that "needing more resources" is an uncompensated disadvantage.20:18
jribsec_goat: I've never used it remotely on windows.  You could do "mpc play" on the server but without speakers I guess that isn't too useful.  Sorry, I must go (I'll be back in a few hours if you still need to troubleshoot)20:18
sec_goatjrib thanks man20:18
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
tjiggi_foMedian, cat /proc/cpuinfo | flags and if there's a lm (long mode) flag anywhere in there you have 64bit20:19
MedianCommand not found.20:20
WarrenChildGood afternoon all! I was wondering a awesome backup/restore system for ubuntu 10.1020:21
tjiggi_foMedian, one sec, lemme check again20:22
WarrenChildany one know of any?20:22
DaSingeif i type: service ssh start20:22
dijonyummydo you guys prefer synaptic or apt-get?  whats diff? i like apt-get because i can script my installs that way20:22
vngMedian: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags20:22
DaSingei get a error (first line reads): start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call"20:22
MedianThere's lm in there.20:23
tjiggi_fovng,  thanks!20:23
Medianvng: But now i'm wondering, if the uname -a says i686, does that mean that i don't support 64-bit? Reaaally confused here, as system monitor shows me having 7gb and all. As i'm sure i have a 64-bit OS20:24
wereverwich is the command for PM?20:24
phoenixsamprasI swear if Ubuntu 11.04 DOESNT FIX the frinking hibernation and suspend, Im leaving it!!!20:24
werever./query ?20:24
DaSinge./query ?20:25
ayeceewerever: /msg20:25
wereverok thanks20:25
wereverwere too many years without use IRC =)20:25
DaSingethat was stupid:P20:25
itiliousif i'm using a lot of wine emulation with ubuntu as my host, am i becoming more vulnerable to viruses and other malware due to the growing pressence of wine applications?20:25
sec_goatshhot mpc play from the local ubunut install also has problems opening the audio device20:26
vngMedian: if your cpu support 64-bit, you can use 64-bit OS20:26
ayeceeitilious: no, the growing presence of wine applications has no impact on your increasing vulnerability.20:26
Medianvng: Would the installer prevent me from installing 64 bit if i couldn't use it?20:26
itiliousor do the exploits of windows security (zero day etc) not apply if its a linux hosting the emulation?20:26
ayeceeitilious: it depends on the nature of the vulnerability.20:27
pindropperis there a way to attach a shortcut to  double keypress. i want to bring up the terminal when i press the ctrl key twice.20:27
vngMedian: haven't tried it yet20:27
levuhow do i push only the last commit to a new branch in bzr?20:27
itiliousayecee, mainly browser/email hijacking20:27
Medianvng: Now that i'm sure that i have 64 bit, why does java tell me this "Running a 64-bit JVM is not supported on this platform."?20:27
itiliousbut i dont use my browsers thru wine to browse, or any internet activity at that20:28
escottlevu, in git it is called cherry-pick20:28
mat789itilious:what do you use browsers for then?20:28
escottlevu, see if hg has such a thing, but i doubt it does20:28
levuescott: thanks, i'll google with this keyword :)20:28
ayeceeitilious: I'm not sure what you're asking. I don't think you are either :)20:28
zenergiis there a way to increase the size of the hotcorner of resizable windows? coming from win/mac it seems awfully small (1px)20:28
LAcanzenergi, I could not agree more20:29
tilckwtm: i used kubuntu before, but kde4 is a vista like. so im not sure about gnome20:29
LAcanzenergi, resizing windows is hella annoying20:29
LAcanzenergi, but i believe u can do it anywhere with the alt key20:29
zenergiLAcan: :)  It doesn't seem like it should be too hard to hack/modify?20:29
itiliousmat789, i use firefox native to linux (not ie for example with wine)20:29
LAcanzenergi, try holding alt.. im not in ubuntu right now20:30
itiliousayecee, i was wondering if security flaws in windows applications that need to be run via wine on linux still apply even tho the main platform is linux20:30
mat789itilious what is linux why20:30
dijonyummythey broke hibernate/sleep again?  it was broken for 10.10 for my thinkpad for awhile, but recently stable, but now with 11.04 broken again?20:30
ayeceeitilious: okay. the answer is yes, they can, sometimes.20:30
itiliousi've heard of these "holes" in applications that can be used to access information in other parts of the machine, just curiosu if linux doesnt apply being the "host"20:31
kwtmtilc: I took the jump over to KDE4 when I switched from 8.04 to 10.04.  It does take some getting used to, and in a number of ways still is slightly worse than KDE3.  It is better in other ways, but then everyone has a different weighting of how much that "being better" part is worth.20:31
dijonyummythe unity ui is too crippling, i dont like it, will try kubuntu20:31
dijonyummygood for grandmas, and tablets but not for a PC20:31
itiliousjust trying to give myself an excuse to not even use wine unless absolutely necessary lol20:32
bilalwhat is the side pannel which contain  brower, home and other option ????20:32
kwtmtilc: I made the jump because it was the best time to make the jump.  I didn't want to wait till the next LTS version when 8.04 would be completely obsolete.  Now is the time while 8.04 still has support and you can fall back.  Of course, I dual boot into 10.04 and 8.04.20:32
dijonyummyonly thing good about unity is it gives a bit more vertical space by merging the app top menu bar with the system bar at the top20:32
kwtmtilc: I hear you can still install KDE3 on 10.04; not sure how official that is.  Biggest change for me was using dbus instead of dcop.20:32
WarrenChildGood afternoon all! I was wondering what a awesome backup/restore tool for ubuntu 10.1020:32
ayeceeitilious: native applications can also have bugs.20:33
kwtmBtw, I'm assuming that you use KDE and you know what I'm talking about.    I got used to dbus because that's what my phone uses.20:33
Medianvng: Just nvm everything.. Seems like i got 32-bit for some damn reason, even though i'm sure that i installed 64-bit. Though my processor seems to support everything at least.20:33
tilckwtm: my favourite wm was windowmaker :) and kde1 was an alternate20:33
ayeceeWarrenChild: sometimes it helps to rephrase your question if you don't get a response the first time.20:33
WarrenChildI did rephrase it20:33
AxlinWarrenChild: i use backintime20:33
bilalwhat is the side pannel having browser,home page and other options in ubuntu???in ubuntu whats its specefic name????20:33
LAcanbilal, panel20:34
WarrenChildI was looking at back in time but how do you restore? I am looking for something more like system restore for MS20:34
junixbrI need to disable the trackpad to my usb wireless mouse works?20:34
WarrenChildI want to restore my samba server, users and permissions, web server and everything20:34
LAcanjunixbr, nope20:34
m4xxi'm trying to print a test page to my printer. the page comes out blank and i see the following in /var/log/messages http://paste2.org/p/138777220:34
m4xxdo i need to set permissions some where?20:34
tilcokay thx * && bye20:34
junixbrLAcan: why it doesn't work?20:35
ayeceem4xx: no, but you may have to disable the cups apparmor profile20:35
ayeceeor update it20:35
junixbrLAcan: I didn't got any error in logs20:35
LAcanjunixbr, what kinda mouse is it?20:35
m4xxhow might i go about doing that?20:35
m4xxi've never had to do anything aside from what i've already done20:35
junixbrmicrosoft wireless mouse 300020:35
bilalLacan, only pannel just???there mihght be another..bec above pannel is also called unity pannel tell me i havr to report a bug for that purpose what its name is used ????????20:35
ayeceem4xx: I'm not sure, I've never had to do it20:36
tjiggi_foMedian, if you want to make double sure you can see your cpu specs with sudo lshw20:36
hans1Hello. I upgraded to 11.04.There is a problem how to reach menu in top bar when window takes focus when mouse is over them.20:36
m4xxi just added the printer, enabled sharing and it just worked20:36
LAcanjunixbr, u probably dont have a driver for it20:36
junixbrLAcan: driver?20:36
LAcanjunixbr, it sounds really new20:36
Chris_HI get this error when I try to update google chrome --> *short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./opt/google/chrome/libpdf.so'*20:36
Chris_HWhats up?20:36
theunsis there a ppa somewhere for ubuntu 10.04 with kdevelop?20:36
LAcanjunixbr, the softwarre that makes the mouse go20:36
junixbrLAcan: the driver is: evdev20:36
Mediantjiggi_fo: Says Athlon64 on some parts so i guess.20:37
LAcanjunixbr, sorry man, i have no idea.20:37
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.20:37
LAcanjunixbr, but my pad and mouse work at the same time20:37
junixbrLAcan: thank you20:37
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MedianThanks tjiggi_fo :)20:37
bilalLAcan,if there any other specific name there than tel me i havr to report a bug????????20:38
AureiAnimusokay, so i'm looking at buying a laptop with an Nvidia GeForce GT 525M, which is optimus, but http://www.raiden.net/node/512 says it's supported now. Can i count on it working in 11.04?20:38
henrichIs there any irc-channel for the 11.04 launch?20:38
tjiggi_foMedian, yw20:38
DaSingeWhen i type :service ssh start20:38
ayeceeAureiAnimus: 11.04 is still only supported in channel #ubuntu+120:38
DaSingeI get: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.52" (uid=1000 pid=3207 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))20:38
FloodBot1DaSinge: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
MedianBut damn annoying having to reformat the server comp D:20:38
AureiAnimusoh, yes, sorry20:38
LAcanbilal, u have to create a new panel and put it on the side i think. right clikc an existing panel and chose add new20:38
LAcanDaSinge, u did that as root?20:39
usr13DaSinge: Isn't  it alredy running?20:39
LAcanusr13, hes trying to up the server i think20:39
Draecosanyone running the 11.04 beta2 ?20:39
usr13DaSinge: ps aux |grep ssh20:41
usr13DaSinge: You20:41
usr13DaSinge: You are wanting to get sshd running? Right?20:41
usr13DaSinge: It is probably already running.  You can see by doing ssh localhost20:42
usr13DaSinge: Or ps aux |grep sshd20:42
jozefkwhere I can see the list of all servers for ubuntu?20:42
usr13serice --status-all20:43
nullp0interanyone know how to use sort on a datetime column of a csv? so far ive got sort -n -r -t, -k20 2672186618_download.csv > out.txt but it is not working corectly20:44
Chris_HI get this error when I try to update google chrome --> *short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./opt/google/chrome/libpdf.so'*20:45
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Chris_HPls help20:45
DaSingeusr13: shh server right?20:45
usr13DaSinge: Yes.  Is it installed?20:45
BabalauGuyz wich can be more modified - gnome (3) or Kde ?20:46
Babalaugnome3 ?20:46
usr13DaSinge: sudo apt-get install openssh-server20:47
DaSingeusr13: omg i got it to work thanks!!!!20:47
DaSingeusr13: Thank you ssss much :P20:47
DaSingeusr13: Thank you ssssooo much :P20:47
usr13DaSinge: Yea, come back when you have a REAL challenge for us....    :)20:48
DaSingeusr13: btw do u kw any channels for c++???20:49
PiciDaSinge: ##c++20:49
usr13Yes ##c++20:49
Sexygurl2furlwhen i try to su it says authentication failure20:50
Sexygurl2furlwhat does this mean?20:50
usr13Sexygurl2furl: try sudo20:50
Sexygurl2furlwhen i type sudo i get a whole bunch of weird commands20:51
Sexygurl2furland it doesnt ask for my password20:51
usr13!su Sexygurl2furl20:51
m4xxanyone else have some input?20:51
usr13!su | Sexygurl2furl20:51
ubottuSexygurl2furl: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:51
usr13Sexygurl2furl: What all does it say?20:51
=== Sexygurl2furl is now known as rik
almoxarifewe all know he faked the long form, he had too, he's not american20:52
usr13Sexygurl2furl: Well, you don't just issue command sudo by itself.20:52
rikthen how do i become root?20:52
jhiesudo su20:53
almoxarifewhoops, wrong channel20:53
usr13rik: You do  sudo <command-that-needs-root>20:53
jhieyou issue command: sudo su20:53
jhietha's how you become root20:53
usr13rik: yea as jhie says20:53
rikso now im root20:53
rikthanks guys20:53
usr13rik:   sudo su -20:53
FloodBot1rik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:53
usr13rik: NP20:54
nullp0interanyone know how to use sort on a datetime column of a csv? so far ive got sort -n -r -t, -k20 2672186618_download.csv > out.txt but it is not working corectly20:54
hamzawhat different20:54
DaSingeputty is ssh client right?20:54
Picinullp0inter: How is the date formatted? MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD ?20:54
PiciDaSinge: Yes.20:54
rikhow do i install the latest version of java20:55
MK``is it possible to mount a physical drive in more than one location at once? (ie, more than one computer)20:55
rikbrb dinner20:55
usr13rik: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin20:55
nullp0interPici YYYY/MM/DD H:i:s20:55
Tigger__rik: enjoy ur dinner :D20:55
Picihamza: VirtualBox-OSE is open source, but doesn't include support for connecting to USB host devices.20:55
TaryHello, you are French or English ?20:56
genii-aroundMK``: I've done it before with an external SCSI, plugged it into two machines at once. Wouldn't recommend it though.20:56
usr13!fr | Tary20:56
ubottuTary: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:56
nullp0interpici: example data is 2011-04-20 21:15:5620:58
spid3rnethow  now how to get q vpn client on ubuntu 10.10 for q ip located on USA20:58
spid3rnethow  now how to get q vpn client on ubuntu 10.10 for a ip located on USA plzzzzz20:59
Picinullp0inter: Hmm.. Let me take a look here.21:00
Sakuragnohallo! i'm having problems with wireless connection with a broadcom.. should someone help me?21:01
ayeceeSakuragno: you would have to describe your problem first.21:01
sinclair86should someone help you?21:01
Sakuragnook! i've an old machine.. Hp Pavillion ze 440021:01
Sakuragnoand it has broadcom propretary driver b4321:02
ayeceeSakuragno: if you could sum up on one line, that would make it easier for us to follow.21:02
ayeceewe can wait :)21:02
Sakuragnowireless can see the connection but stay there tryin to connect.. (with network manager) if i try with wicd it tells "wrong password"21:02
Sakuragnoi know it's somekind of common bug.. but nowhere how to solve it (sorry for my english!!)21:03
nameless`Sakuragno: did you try with the right password ?21:03
Sakuragnosure :D21:03
ayeceeis it a common bug? it does not sound like a common bug..21:03
Sakuragnoyep^^ in italian ubuntu forum some people having problem with realtek wireless pen21:04
DaSingewhy is it when i go into hibanate/suspend ubuntu sunndely stops connecting to my wired internet21:04
nameless`Sakuragno: what do you mean "trying to connect" ? is it a layer-2 or layer-3 problem ?21:04
DaSingelike when i turn it on again21:04
Sakuragnoit find the wireless, it trys to connect.. but stops on getting autorizzation21:05
ayeceenameless`: how might he determine which it was, when using networkmanager or wicd?21:05
sinclair86tail /var/log/syslog?21:05
J_Rey_testdoes the LiveCD run slower than when installed to hard drive or something?21:05
ayeceeSakuragno: are you in ubuntu right now? could you try connecting, wait for it to fail, and then paste the output of dmesg at http://paste.ubuntu.com ?21:06
Sakuragnowhen i use network manager it trys to connect but stops while getting autorizzation.. if i use wicd it tells wrong pass21:06
nameless`ayecee: i don't know maybe there is some hints ? i do connect with command line so i don't know how these program look like21:06
LAcanSakuragno, u using WEP?21:06
BitOperatorSakuragno, I had troubles with NM as well, The fix was to connect to wifi manually21:06
nameless`ayecee: but i guess something like "getting ip address" shoulddisplay no ?21:06
Picinullp0inter: Hrm.  Using -d instead of -n seems to work here.21:06
LAcanSakuragno, u have to use the hex key and not the plaintext password u configed on ur router21:06
J_Rey_testI'm running 10.10 & the system monitor is running at 50% steady cpu usage21:06
Sakuragnoi'm using wpapsk21:06
Sakuragnowait i do dsmeg and i past it21:07
J_Rey_testis it the window manager or that I have 256MB RAM + 900MB swap file?21:07
Sakuragno(i also tryd to config it manually.. still same problems)21:07
nullp0interpici YES! thanks so much21:07
J_Rey_testi.e. how to get it faster?21:07
Picinullp0inter: 'welcome.  I would have thought -n would have done it too, but guess not.21:08
swebhow much longer to release v 11.04  ?21:08
nullp0interpici, so i can do this to multiple files using find im guessing?21:08
swebwhat time ?21:08
Picinullp0inter: Sure.21:08
rikusr13 the terminal says that the plugin is on its latest version but vava.com says it isnt21:08
Sakuragnohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/599965 (im on another pc.. and i can connect the old machine with cable)21:10
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
romio0hi.what can i do with ssh port forwarding? a simple description actually i have read wikis and .. mybe with an example!21:11
nocturnal_hey does Halo work on Linux?21:12
AaeRohnhello hello, I have returned for another type of driver install~... can anyone help me install my scanner/printer driver? >.>21:12
BlouBlounocturnal_: Maybe with WINE21:13
Sakuragnonameless`:  .. can figure something with dmseg?21:13
BlouBlou!wine | nocturnal_21:13
ubottunocturnal_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:13
thebigsurromio0: Among other things, you can jump across cliffs and scale the Empire State Building21:13
romio0thebigsur: thanks for your clear description! i just forgot it!21:14
Piciromio0: Besides that, you can potentially tunnel traffic through your ssh server from other clients.21:14
Piciromio0: Like using a proxy on a browser.21:14
thebigsurromio0: If you have say five machines between a router, all you have to do is forward a single port to a machine running sshd, and then you can do port forwarding to access any ports on any other machine behind that router21:15
AaeRohncan anybody help me install my scanner/printer driver? the driver wasn't in any ubuntu databases, so I went to their site and got a couple .rpm files that are apparently the driver install files... but I have no idea how to install them...21:16
phonex01hi guys how are you ?21:16
mat789hi hello21:16
SimonP86hi all, I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx.  I've got this very strange problem at the moment where I can't use the numerical keypad of my keyboard; it seems asif there's something akin to 'sticky keys' or something like that because my mouse pointer will start highlighting things.  Please could someone tell me what might be causing this problem?21:17
mat789did you skeet on the keyboard21:17
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SimonP86mat789, not to the best of my knowledge :)21:18
mzuverinkwhen switching to Classic Gnome from Ubuntu(Unity) when classic Gnome boots up all my panels and panel settings are gone. Anyone heard of this and it there is a fix? I had been using Classic Gnome and thought I would try out Unity, and now am stuck in Unity because in classic Gnome I have no panels or anything, just a blank screen21:19
Picimat789: Please refrain from that in the future,.21:19
=== Guest95785 is now known as m3t4lukas
AaeRohncan anybody help me install my scanner/printer driver? the driver wasn't in any ubuntu databases, so I went to their site and got a couple .rpm files that are apparently the driver install files... but I have no idea how to install them...21:19
m3t4lukashey guys21:20
_coryaaerohn: man alien21:20
PiciSimonP86: It sounds like you enabled the mode that I forget the name of where your numpad moves the mouse cursor.  I believe the key combination to remove it is alt-numlock.21:20
m3t4lukasany german in here?21:20
Sakuragnonameless`:  .. can figure something with dmseg?21:20
DJones!de | m3t4lukas21:20
ubottum3t4lukas: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:20
_coryaaerohn: alien will convert the rpm to a .deb file which you can install21:20
_coryaaerohn: you will probably have to do sudo apt-get install alien21:20
Pici!alien | AaeRohn21:20
ubottuAaeRohn: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:20
AaeRohn_cory Pici: thank you both21:23
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SimonP86Pici, alt-numlock doesn't seem to have removed it I'm afraid21:24
Tigger__I think someone has been trying to guess my password & login to my Ubuntu ... Is there a log file which would show failed attempts to login?21:24
wipmonkeyTigger:install fail to ban21:25
PiciSimonP86: er, try shift-numlock21:25
kassiusdoes anybody know how to set HH:mm:ss at irssi?21:25
wick94hey guys21:25
kassiusi mean seconds21:25
BernardV Tigger__ : /var/log/auth.log21:25
kassius0 fillep21:26
Picikassius: It depends where you want to set it.21:26
wick94can some1 tell me how do i install the user theme extension in gnome 321:26
SimonP86Pici, worked! thanks :)21:26
kassiushere in channel21:26
kassiusall channels21:26
Tigger__thank you BernardV21:26
kassius17:26 < kassius>21:26
Picikassius: /set timestamp_format  , see #irssi for further help21:26
Soothsayerwhat time exactly does Ubuntu 11.04 stable launch? :)21:26
kassius17:26:59 < kassius>21:26
kassiusthank you21:27
PiciSoothsayer: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+121:27
BernardVTigger__: But do what wipmonkey said.. instal fail2ban21:27
phonex01hi guys if anyone able to talk to Syria, Da'ara city please tell me what is the news there because still now about 800 killed by the army .. and no communications there ...21:27
tasslehoffI'm using Ubuntu on my MacBook Pro (with Norwegian keyboard layout) and have some trouble getting modifiers to work like they should. Currently the right Cmd-key is the only one acting "Super", and the left Cmd-key works as Alt. Mighty confusing :)21:28
guntbert_cory: please don't suggest possibly dangerous things like "use alien" without a proper warning21:28
SoothsayerPici: I see.. but surely in the next 24 hours?21:28
Tigger__thanks again BernardV & wipmonkey :D21:28
PiciSoothsayer: Sometime on the 28th, so yes.21:29
retEHhi all! I there a way to install Ubuntu from my laptop to an lod desktop via eth?21:31
SoothsayerCan the launcher in Unity be moved to the bottom?21:31
retEHHi all! Is there a way to install Ubuntu *from* my laptop to an old desktop via eth?21:32
SoothsayerretEH: try a usb drive instead?21:32
izinucs!install | retEH21:32
ubotturetEH: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:32
retEHSoothsayer: old desktop can't boot from USB pen21:32
izinucsretEH: the link should have the method to do a net install21:33
retEHizinucs: let me check21:33
Hello71anyone noticed that http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu links to http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/how-can-it-be-free when it should be http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/why-is-it-free?21:36
ayeceeHello71: nope, you're the first21:36
aboooGuys any1 know if hypershock was online today21:36
rhizmoei'm getting a "too many open files" error in gedit, do i just have to restart it like windows from time to time (as implied by mailing list msgs)?21:36
Mac_Weberhello, I just installed Drush using following this tutorial http://openspring.net/tip/how-to-install-drush-serverwide-in-less-than-one-minute however I cannot execute the command drush. I get: -bash: /usr/bin/drush: No such file or directory21:37
macoabooo: if it's a registered nick, nickserv would know if they logged in21:37
Mac_Weberwhat I'm missing?21:37
macoabooo: /msg nickserv info username21:37
izinucsHello71: depends on your perspectitve.. the "how" has different implications21:37
romio0btw. what "Hardening SSH Server' is? tell me an example plz?!21:38
macoromio0: an example would be making it so that SSH keys are needed instead of plain guessable passwords21:38
Hello71izinucs: Well, the link is broken anyways...21:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:38
rhizmoeMac_Weber: maybe it's not in /usr/bin21:38
macoromio0: since then the person has to have something (the key) and know something (the password for hte key) instead of just know something (The password)21:38
ikoniaromio0: you need to ask a question21:38
macoikonia: romio0 did. they asked what hardening an ssh server means21:39
ikoniaI must have missed that21:39
SoothsayerIs the battery indicator improved in 11.04?21:39
aboooAny1 have ideas for a new site21:39
aboooI'll host it depending on what it is21:40
poi77Hi: I need to know which inodes my process is holding. Is there any way from /proc/...21:40
Mac_Weberrhizmoe: as you can see on tutorial, it is not there. I think /usr/bin is only for official packages. However as I created a symlink /usr/local/bin/drush it should be ok to run from any folder, not?21:40
guntbertSoothsayer: why do you insist on asking natty questions in here?21:40
DaSingeok soo how do i get on to my ssh server from a mac21:40
romio0romio0:  it means i create a key and then for next SSHs i use that key for the remote client to let me to log in? isn't it?21:40
mat789abooo:can i make a cite about how to make a cite21:40
Soothsayerguntbert: there's a separate channel for it?21:41
macoromio0: that's one part of hardening an ssh server21:41
LAcanits a "site"21:41
macoromio0: hardening just means securing21:41
Soothsayeroh #ubuntu+121:41
Soothsayerdidn't realize21:41
macoromio0: there are other things you can do, like disallowing root login over ssh or adding fail2ban (bans the IP address of any hosts that fail to get the right password a few times in a row)21:41
macoDaSinge: should be able to type ssh user@host from the mac terminal just like you would from linux21:42
aboooHuh I'll host any site that's not stupid and is within certain laws21:42
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CombatjuanHello.  I'm looking for some help making packages (.deb).  I thought there was a special ubuntu channel for that but I don't see it.21:42
izinucs!compile | Combatjuan21:42
ubottuCombatjuan: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:42
DaSingeok.. let me try21:42
ikoniaCombatjuan: #ubuntu-packaging21:43
ikoniaCombatjuan: #ubuntu-motu21:43
buzzkillCan I upgrade from 32bit 10.10 desktop to 64bit 11.04?21:43
mat789abooo: what about server size21:43
Combatjuanikonia: Thanks.  It wasn't showing up in my /list...?21:43
aboooDamn I forgot 1 moment21:43
DaSingemaco: it says connection refused21:44
macoDaSinge: can you reach the host?21:44
DaSingeu mean ping...yes21:44
macoDaSinge: telnet host 22    ?21:45
mia158Hi - I use crossover w/ outlook for MS exchange mailbox. I am using ubuntu 10.10 and I'm looking for a good tool to search through my mail. Does anyone else use this combination and what tools are used for searching the Exchange inbox?21:45
mat789This is relevant to my interests.21:45
LAcanmia158, google desktop21:45
ianm_is it possible to use a Ruby/SDL/OpenGL app as a screensaver?21:45
LAcanmia158, i believe it can index exchange server emails21:45
constlWhere does an iso file mounted resides in filesystem? I can see it from nautilus but not through a host application21:45
ASrockHello, when I try to install ubuntu after the "who are you" page where I enter my username and password info the "forward" button doesn't become clickable... any ideas how to fix or bypass this?21:46
abooomat789: 170g bandwith 15 gigs 1 gig ram21:46
LAcanconstl, /media21:46
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aboooI am going to get a much larger 1 soon21:46
DaSingemaco: got it to work. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!21:46
ianm_ASrock: complete all the fields?21:47
constlLAcan: I've checked already there and it's not there21:47
dude`are thr any known problems in installing VLC on 10.10?21:47
aboooI hosting a iPhone app site illegal21:47
ASrockianm_: yes i did, i have also tried deleting all the fields and re entering them21:47
ianm_ASrock: make sure both password fields are the same?21:47
ASrockianm_: they are21:47
sec_goatis there an easy way to enable lamp after server install?21:47
abooosec_goat: What for21:48
jrib!lamp | sec_goat21:48
=== nick is now known as Guest79208
ubottusec_goat: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:48
ASrockianm_ : its saying my password is only 'fair' could that make a difference?21:48
LAcanconstl, which email client are u using?21:48
ianm_ASrock: are you using spaces or odd characters in your username or computer name?21:48
jribASrock: run "check the cd for defects" from the boot menu21:48
mat789abooo:for free a website?21:48
sec_goatjrib thanks again21:48
constlLAcan: I'm not using any. What's the correlation?21:48
ASrockjrib: i am installing from a usb drive21:49
aboooUnmmm pm21:49
jribASrock: fine, checksum what you downloaded then21:49
LAcanconstl, how do you read your email in ubuntu then...?21:49
ASrockjrib: how would i do that?21:49
jrib!verify | ASrock21:49
ubottuASrock: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:49
sec_goatjrib: and apparently I have no audio devices on the server therefore MPD is not workign21:49
constlLAcan: Online21:50
jribsec_goat: I see21:50
WarrenChilddoes anyone know hwo to install ubuntu server 10.10 on a ext3 by default it tries to use ext4 and I cannot figure out how to use ext321:50
ikoniaWarrenChild: what is the problem with ext4 ?21:50
jribWarrenChild: should let you choose during install21:50
swebubuntu netbook have iso version ?21:50
LAcanconstl, uhm.. thru a rbowser?21:50
WarrenChildit does not let me choose during install. ext4 is not supported by mondo21:50
_vladtsyI have a fresh 10.10 install (no updates). I'm trying to connect it to my wireless network; however, it detects that my network is WEP and not WPA. I tried to make my settings for the connection say it's WPA, but it doesn't want to do it21:50
_vladtsyIs there anything that might be causing this?21:51
LAcan_vladtsy, incorrect driver for the NIC21:51
WarrenChildikonia, jrib:it does not let me choose during install. ext4 is not supported by mondo21:51
ikoniaWarrenChild: you need to use the advanced partition options21:51
constlLAcan: What does this has to do with my original question>21:51
_vladtsyLAcan: Even if it can pick up the wireless networks in my are? Should I try to updates and then see if it works?21:51
LAcanconstl, if u read your email thru a broswer, what exactly do u want ubuntu to do..?21:51
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_vladtsyOr play with the drivers I've already got from the default install21:51
LAcan_vladtsy, make sure its loading the right dirver for your NIC21:52
WarrenChildikonia: I am in advanced options I cannot figure it out, do I need to configure the logical volume manager?21:52
LAcan_vladtsy, and make sure ur router is in fact using WPA1 or 221:52
LAcan_vladtsy, does it work in windows basically is my question...?21:52
constlLAcan: What's your point ?21:52
ikoniaWarrenChild: are you using lvm ?21:52
ikoniaWarrenChild: bascially on the mount point there should be a drop down option for file system21:52
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WarrenChildikonia: Thank you I did not see the drop down. I got it figured out :)21:53
dude`im having very low sound quality on ubuntu 10.10... any suggestions?21:53
_coryturn up the volume?21:53
dude`tried, using vlc.. 400 volume.21:54
dude`but its like 50, i used to have on windows.21:54
_coryis it a sound card or onboard?21:54
dude`yes it is.21:54
_corywhich one lol21:54
_corydid u buy a sound card or is it part of the motherboard?21:54
dude`motherboard :o21:54
dude`tried making it 100 in alsamixer to :/21:55
_vladtsyLAcan: My other ubuntu box is on the network fine if you're asking if it's WPA/WPA221:55
_vladtsyLAcan: Are you asking if the actual PCI card works in windows?21:56
mia158LAcan: What about GNOME DO, is there a way to get GNOME DO to index my mail? This way I can simply search my mail by invoking GNOME DO with super + space then begin typing keywords.21:56
_vladtsyBecause I haven't tested that, I just plugged it in the box today and am trying to make it work21:56
_coryah that was my next question21:56
_coryare you intel or amd based?21:56
_corytry editing /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base  and add options snd-hda-intel model=3stack21:57
mat789how do I prevent DDoS attack21:57
buzzkilldon't get on the Internet21:57
_vladtsyLAcan: looking up the card looks like it might be broadcom or prism, lspci shows that linux thinks it's a Prism 2.5 wavelan chipset21:57
_corywrite a script to not allow connections after x amount of connections in y time21:58
_vladtsyLAcan: No idea how to confirm if that's what it should be using21:58
_coryfrom the same ip :-P21:58
mia158I am using outlook with crossover on ubuntu 10.10. Is it possible to configure GNOME DO to search my inbox?21:58
buzzkillthat will not prevent a DDoS. the attack is still saturating your connection.21:58
buzzkillyou need to block at an upstream router or have your ISP mitigate.21:58
Spkesguys, i'm tryigng to cleanup some folders with this command: find /dir/ -type f -name "*.swp" -exec rm{} \; It does find files but when trying to remove them there's error "No such file or directory". What am i doing wrong?21:58
EnigmaticCoderWhat time of day will I be able to upgrade to natty?21:59
EnigmaticCoderIs it usually midnight?21:59
mat789natty light?21:59
buzzkillbetween 7:45 and a quarter of 821:59
EnigmaticCoderbuzzkill: What time zone?21:59
_corymiller time starts in 1 minute21:59
xanguaEnigmaticCoder: at 25:0021:59
dude`how to do that ?22:00
_vladtsyerr, woops22:00
Spkesok, fixed22:00
dude`Card: HDA Intel                                      F1:  Help               │22:01
dude`│ Chip: Realtek ALC88822:01
* LAcan y'all are missing an epic windows vs. linux in ##windows right now, lol22:01
LjLLAcan: please don't...22:03
izus\join #drupal-fr22:04
mat789LAcan: thankyou for telling me22:04
compubombright now, every time i run sudo dpkg --configure -a my virtual system on aws becomes unresponsive when it claims to have to run 'Setting up openjdk-6-jre-headless (6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1~10.04.1) ...22:04
LAcanits still going22:04
compubombi want to get rid of openjdk, but it says i have to configure it22:05
compubombbut configuring it makes my system hang and i have to reboot my image.22:05
LjLLAcan: it's not a good idea to invite spectators who might turn into trolls. also, it's offtopic for here.22:05
lashahey guys I have problem detecting win7 for dual booting, it is on different hard drive on my laptop so how would I mak eit appear it in GRUB 2 ?22:05
compubombhow can i force remove this without breaking apt-get?22:05
LAcanlasha, u know how to use sofwatre centre?22:05
macocompubomb: dpkg -P --force-all openjdk-6-jre-headless       maybe?22:05
macocompubomb: that is a very big hammer22:05
lashaLAcan: yep :P?22:05
compubombmaco: so are you saying that this might luck up the system again?22:06
LAcanlasha, ok google "grub customizer" and add that PPA to ubuntu software centre, then install it. when thats done get back to me and ill walk u thru the rest22:06
macocompubomb: that would force the removal of openjdk22:06
macocompubomb: if anything is depending on it, that would have broken dependencies and so you'd then want to remove those packages as well, but thats the worst i can think of22:07
compubombmaco: can i just ask apt-get to stop setting up this package and just remove it and its dependencies?22:07
macocompubomb: apt-get just handles the fetching and dependency resolution. dpkg is what's doing the setup. -P is purge. it deletes all the files of that package, as though that package had never been installed22:08
lucusHi... I have a esata/usb drive from Supertalent and it is mounted read-only. I can't even dd to it. Any suggestions?22:08
compubombis it possible to run a command to tell me what packages installed require this dependency?22:08
macocompubomb: if you have aptitude install, then aptitude why openjdk-6-jre-headless   would tell you22:08
lashaLAcan: I added it to PPA what is next ?22:08
compubombmaco: what is the command to run?22:09
LAcanlasha, did u search for it and install it? it should appear under applications/system tools22:09
macocompubomb: "aptitude why openjdk-6-jre-headless"22:09
macocompubomb: but i dont know if you have aptitude installed22:09
xanguacompubomb: debtree22:09
compubombi   openjdk-6-jre-lib Depends openjdk-6-jre-headless (>= 6b17)22:09
compubombthat is what it said.22:09
macocompubomb: if not, then after removing openjdk, if you use apt itll tell you "i have these packages that depend on openjdk, can i install openjdk now?" and you tell it no then remove those packages22:10
alien2601HI Guys, Anyone know of any good linux program that can compare files and folders something like "Beyond Compare" for win systems?22:10
LjLmat789: join #ubuntu-ops for a minute please22:10
macocompubomb: ok so then do the aptitude why on openjdk-6-jre-lib22:10
lashaLAcan: how do I install it ? I cant find it in software center22:10
macocompubomb: keep going til you hit something that's not jdk itself22:10
compubombubuntu@shared-dev:~$ aptitude why openjdk-6-jre-lib22:10
compubombu   openjdk-6-jre-headless Depends openjdk-6-jre-lib (>= 6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1~10.04.1)22:10
LAcanlasha, ok... u added the PPA and check it off?22:10
dpis there a way for apt to tell me what % of completeness it is in actually upgrading my packages?22:10
lashayes I added it sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer22:11
LAcanlasha, no, do it in sofwatre centre22:11
LAcanlasha, GUI style22:11
lashaLAcan: hmm ok one sek: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/danielrichter2007/grub-customizer/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main22:11
lashadeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/danielrichter2007/grub-customizer/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main22:11
LjLmat789: trolling a channel that you were directed to from #ubuntu is not a good idea, and is not encouraged or, i dare say, condoned here. please cease.22:12
LAcanljl u are missing a rager bro, lol22:12
LjLLAcan: i didn't understand a word you said22:12
macocompubomb: any chance you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?22:12
LAcanlasha, application/ubuntu software centre22:13
LAcanlasha, then add the same PPA to "other sources" in the options for USC22:13
lashaLAcan: ok ok i just wasnt sure which one to add22:13
LAcanlasha, there should only be one... let me check22:13
xanguasudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name" > LAcan lasha22:14
dpis there a way for apt to tell me what % of completeness it is in actually upgrading my packages?22:14
LAcanxangua, myob please22:14
LAcanlasha, ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer22:15
lashaLAcan ok sek22:15
sachini need help in evoltuin22:15
xangua!ask | sachin22:16
ubottusachin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:16
lashaLAcan hmm failed to download repository22:16
LAcanlasha, ur on 10.10?22:16
lashaLAcan yep22:16
LAcanlasha, sometimes it takes a second try to update the repo22:17
LAcanlasha, im not ubuntu right now, theres should eb arefesh or reload option?22:17
sachinissue:sending emails not working properly,though work when i connect using blue-tooth but not when WIfi but no issue in Windows(outlook)22:17
lashaLAcan i ll search one sek22:17
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boodroscotchHey guys, I have a little problem with dpkg listing a package I manually removed the installed contents of.22:18
lashaLAcan nope I couldnt find anything, but will the thing not work if I try to update grub or something ?22:18
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lashaLAcan I already got grub it just cant see win722:18
LAcanlasha, ya i know22:19
LAcanlasha, u need to edit grub to chain load windows22:19
sachin@boodroscotch-try sudo dpkg -i *.deb22:19
lashaLAcan it can see xp which is on the same hard drive as my ubuntu22:19
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LAcanlasha, ya, u need grub customizer or.. u can do it manually.22:19
cpatrick08LAcan run sudo update-grub in the terminal to get it to see windows 722:19
lashaLAcan I ll take some time i ll get back after I install customizer22:20
boodroscotchsachin: I run 64-bit Maverick, and I installed 32-bit Adobe Air. I decided to get rid of it after a while, but couldn't find it in synaptic, so I went through and manually deleted the installed contents using "rm"22:20
LAcanlasha, try what cpatrick08 said22:20
sachinissue:sending emails not working properly,though work when i connect using blue-tooth but not when WIfi but no issue in Windows(outlook)22:20
LAcancpatrick08, that works fro grub2?22:20
boodroscotchI tried removing the package through APT but it was listed as a "virtual package"22:20
boodroscotchDPKG couldn't find it22:20
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bonny_how can i make it automatic login22:21
NylanHi there22:21
lashacpatrick08 LAcan: I was waiting for that kind of command for a  while :D it worked :) I just didnt remember that command I am new to terminal language22:21
ralliasI just had a kernel panic while having the on boot fsck check. How do I recover the data that the kernel panic return tool gave me?22:22
jdm84hey everyone what is the best format to rip dvds to?22:22
NylanDo you know when Natty is released ? 28th at midnight gmt , cest ?22:23
ayeceeNylan: no22:23
niooonwhen will ubuntu 11.04 be avaiable ?22:23
ayeceeniooon: some time on the 28th.22:23
niooonwhat timezone ?22:23
xanguaNylan: at 25 AM22:23
LAcancpatrick08, what was that cmd again?22:23
Nylanhaha :)22:23
lashacpatrick08 LAcan: so thank u guys very much22:24
LAcanya np22:24
LAcan(i feel stupid)22:24
mika__hi, why the ubuntu repos (natty included) still has otrs2 and not otrs3 which has been released months ago?22:24
macomika__: probably nobody requested it22:24
lashaLAcan: come on, its fine man, there are many ways to do the same thing :)22:24
harrihuhows it going all?22:25
boodroscotchsachin: To make a long story short, can I edit APT's installed package list?22:25
kwtmboodroscotch: I'd reinstall, then remove.22:26
kwtmboodroscotch: Not sure there's a way to edit the list consistently.  Might break dependencies, etc.22:26
mickster04!best | jdm8422:27
ubottujdm84: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:27
harrihuthanks for the suggestion ubottu22:28
zmaster4|androidwhen does the new ubuntu come out? I know its today, but to anyone know a specific time?22:28
ayeceezmaster4|android: try #ubuntu-release-party22:28
harrihuI'm building a ubuntu based home theater pc for the family22:28
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buzzkillharrihu:  did you look at XBMC22:31
FlavioTrashPunkalguem ai saca de joomla.. minha imagens nos artigos nao tao mais aparecendo.. mesmo nos artigos que ja tinha .. tao desaparecendo depois que edito algo.. alguem sabe oq pode ser..??22:32
FlavioTrashPunkalguem ai saca de joomla.. minha imagens nos artigos nao tao mais aparecendo.. mesmo nos artigos que ja tinha .. tao desaparecendo depois que edito algo.. alguem sabe oq pode ser..??x22:32
linxehxbmc is cool, plex has more useful plugins for me though22:32
xangua!pt | FlavioTrashPunk22:32
ubottuFlavioTrashPunk: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:32
jdm84thanks for the help22:32
harrihuI did look at xmbc it's going quite well actually22:32
harrihuI just need to figure out how to get the wifi working22:33
harrihushouldn't be too hard22:33
buzzkillif you are streaming from another machine to XBMC ... I would recommend hardwire.22:33
buzzkillespecially if you are doing anything HD22:33
boodroscotchkwtm: reinstalling adobe air using the --force-architecture command requires me to remove a large portion of my system in order to satisfy 32-bit dependencies22:36
kwtmboodroscotch: and apt-get remove or apt-get purge doesn't remove the files?22:37
boodroscotchkwtm: it's listed as a "virtual package"22:37
kwtmboodroscotch: I take it that's a "no".22:37
boodroscotchkwtm: yep22:37
kwtmboodroscotch: I haven't encountered "virtual package" before, but presumably you mean it refuses to remove the package.22:38
donttrustemwow   look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=426GPgetJmw  blows your mind22:38
boodroscotchkwtm: yes22:38
harrihuk now I think I can read chat. Had to hide joins and quits22:38
harrihuthats really cool donttrustem22:39
donttrustemit's mad22:39
hikenboothello I am trying to install ubuntu using uboo or whatever its called (linux inside windows) it asks for a credential, I want to specify domain admin credential how do i do this it wont take ad\administator because its only expecting a username22:40
Picidonttrustem: Please don't post unrelated links here.  This is a support channel.  If you want to chat you can join #ubuntu-offtopic22:40
boodroscotchkwtm: is there a quick and dirty way to just directly edit APT's catalogue of installed packages? nothing on my system depends on adobe air.22:40
donttrustemoops!  sorry22:40
kwtmboodroscotch: I don't know.  I'm sorry.22:40
seniseniwhere is 11.04?22:40
wedubuntuHi, how many hours left to download Ubuntu 11.04 ? Thanks22:40
kwtmseniseni: at #ubuntu-release-party22:40
Piciwedubuntu: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+122:40
senisenikwtm: ty22:41
x404xHowto find out why a process is stuck ? I have the pid number, I tryed to fg it but got "no such job"22:41
romio0how can i turn my pc to a ftp server? some friends of mine want to download some datas from my pC?22:42
buzzmandtno updates today?22:42
buzzmandtfor natty22:42
harrihuOK I've hit a wall I can't get the pc to connect to the internet using my netgear wireless g wifi card.22:42
histobuzzmandt: nope22:43
Hex_101romio0: port forwarding, install webmin and ProFTPd, and it works out of the box for new users22:43
Hex_101romio0: or even set up a ssh account dedicated for sFTP22:43
mw007Hello all. After upgrading to 11.04 beta, my X session keeps freezing. The mouse cursor can still move periodically, but all of the windows will not work. This happens after I login and begin using the session. Video card = nVidia Corporation G96 [GeForce 9500 GT]22:44
kwtmromio0, Hex_101: I've used "woof" before with good success.  It lets you download one file (or one directory) once and then disappears.  Good for one-time file transfers.  Wonder if it's in Ubuntu?22:44
buzzmandthisto: thanks22:44
adelcampois there a way to output the audio on my macbook to my linux box over the network? basicly I want to make my ubuntu box server for my audio system22:44
mw007I've read that using the nouveau driver fixes this, but how do I enable it?22:44
romio0Hex_101: what if i want to install a ftp server on my computer? something like ftp.myIPaddress:2122:45
Hex_101kwtm: never heard of it lol, I use mac I am just talking from experience :)22:45
Hex_101romio0: do you know about domains etc22:45
histo!ftp | romio022:45
ubotturomio0: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:45
kwtmHex_101: Woof is a python program.  Runnable if you have python on your system.22:45
Hex_101kwtm: /me googles away22:45
kwtmHex_101: Look up "web offer one file" (which is what "woof" stands for)22:46
harrihuIs there some sort of universal wifi adapter driver set I can grab if I'm having trouble with the wifi?22:46
histomw007: you'd have to remove the nvidia binary driver if you want to try the nouveau driver22:46
histoharrihu: compat wireless22:46
histoharrihu: it's a backport22:46
histoharrihu: http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#Getting_compat-wireless_on_Ubuntu22:47
harrihuThanks a bunch histo22:47
dd214what is the command to find the OS codename?  It's not uname22:47
Hex_101thanks kwtm :D22:47
mw007histo: Makes sense. Just joined ubuntu recently. Is that as simple as uninstalling the nvidia driver and installing the nouveau driver?22:48
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romio0what if i like to have a web server to host a website on my computer? what should i have to install to host my website on it?22:48
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boodroscotchkwtm: nevermind, I fixed it. Thanks anyways!22:48
kwtmboodroscotch: Well, would love to have you share the solution in case others look for it.22:48
Hex_101romio0: Apache22:49
kwtmromio0: There are any number of web server packages from Ubuntu.  GOogle or look in Ubuntu packages.  Examples include Apache (the big one), LightHTTPd, etc.22:49
boodroscotchkwtm: I simply ran "sudo dpkg --purge adobeair:i386" and it was removed.22:49
LjL!httpd | romio022:49
LjLno that's not it22:49
Hex_101!http | romio022:49
ubotturomio0: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)22:49
Hex_101oh :(22:49
* Hex_101 shutsup22:50
LjLromio0:  apache2, lighttpd, nginx, cherokee, thttpd, dhttpd, nanoweb, caudium, yaws, bozohttpd, boa, webfs, mathopd, fnord22:50
damianoi have to create an user with a HOME but i have to block ssh access nologin22:52
damianohow could i do?22:52
dd214nevermind.. got it, lsb_release -a22:53
tschuddelately i have had a really laggy mouse but nothing else on my system is running slow. i'm running 10.10 any idea what could be causing this22:53
jribdamiano: see DenyUsers in « man sshd_config »22:53
sumioif i want to upgrade ubuntu 9.04 to 10. sumn then I will lose my package repository right? How do I preserve it22:53
jribsumio: what do you mean when you say "my package repository"?22:54
nenillosmio: your installed packages will be updated, you don't loose it22:54
sumioall my packages i installed, mozilla, scite ?22:54
hiexposumio, all the packages you have compiledyourself and notinstalled via synaptic will be lost22:56
tripelbwhat about packages through apt-get. I dont use synaptic. OK did once. hiexpo (now 10.04)22:57
jribsumio: packages you installed from ubuntu's repositories will just be upgraded, you won't lose them22:57
jrib!upgrade | sumio22:57
ubottusumio: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:57
hiexpotripelb, apt get is synaptic22:57
zaeryhow do i make a deb package from source(I just applied a patch to the wine 1.3.17 source)22:58
tripelbwhat does "losing the package repository" mean?  I started back in 6.X tho I did freshinstall this hard drive with something or other 9 or 10. I never lost anything in an upgrade before.22:58
jrib!packaging | zaery22:58
ubottuzaery: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:58
zaerythanks jrib, ubottu never ceases to surprise me :)22:59
hiexpozaery, there are a couple ways i do it when i compile the package with checkinstall   > it makes a deb and puts it in the untared folder23:00
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chipmenkhow do i display the print que ubuntu 10.1023:02
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ShadesEdgeHey, is there a solution to make Wine use OpenSSL instead of GnuTLS?23:02
plouffeIs there any kind of barcode software? Would have to print barcodes and be able to trigger a response when the barcode scanner reads the code.23:02
sumiohi sorry for the dely. I think i perform a clean installation of ubuntu, and hence loose my repository. Can I back it up some way, to use as a repository for another installation?23:03
hiexpoplouffe, yes  can't remember the name though look in synaptic or software center23:03
jribsumio: yes, but you can also just upgrade and then not lose anything...23:03
jrib!upgrade | sumio23:03
ubottusumio: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:03
LjL!info zbar-tools | plouffe23:04
ubottuplouffe: zbar-tools (source: zbar): bar code scanner and decoder (utilities). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10+doc-3build1 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 108 kB23:04
plouffeThanks LjL23:04
testri am new to linux and i have one problem - the resolution is too low. i can choose between 800x600 and 640x480. I have a core i5 CPU xserver-xorg-video-intel is installed. am i missing something?23:04
sumiook thx, il check it out. I would like to create something simalar to a image file of my repository, and store it on a usb for future use23:04
ZahradaThis will probably sound rather eager, but it's the 28th now. Is NN released yet? :P23:05
LjLplouffe: for printing, i think there are several packages available, apt-cache search barcode23:05
romio0does anyone here have a SHELLIUM.org account? right now it's not possible to create one in their website!!!!!!23:05
romio0in need one?23:05
Logan_!isitout | Zahrada23:05
ubottuZahrada: It's way too early for it to be out; check back on the 28th.23:05
KM0201Logan_, way to early, like, 8hrs..lol23:06
ZahradaI was merely joking ubottu.23:06
LjLplouffe: actually maybe there aren't so many as i thought. still, the package "barcode" should do it.23:06
KM0201Zahrada, ubottu has no sense of humor23:06
ZahradaBut I'm dieing to get it installed.23:06
plouffeThanks a lot LjL23:06
mickster04it is the 28th!23:06
KM0201Zahrada, so why not just install it?23:07
KM0201the servers tomorrow are gonna get hammered23:07
Zahradawhy yes :P23:07
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:07
BajKthx :D23:07
Zahradabut isn't it still "beta"?23:07
dd214What's a good NZB Binary client in Gnome?23:08
KM0201Zahrada, only for about the next 12hrs most likely... if it wasn't stable now, there's no way it could be released23:08
ZahradaI don't know how the operation goes. Perhaps the final release is being put on the servers tomorrow :P23:08
KM0201Zahrada, if you keep a "Beta" up to date/upgraded.. when the release hits, you will be current23:08
LegendarioIs michael lustfield here?23:08
ZahradaI'm rather new to Ubuntu really.23:09
KM0201Zahrada, have you installed ubuntu before?23:09
KM0201or upgraded it for that matter?23:09
ZahradaI have 10.10 atm.23:09
Zahradaalong with the old Windows XP23:09
ZahradaI'm coming from OS/2's eComStation. And although they put some work into it, it just isn't a viable platform anymore.23:10
KM0201Zahrada, well, only you can decide what to do.. i personally hate upgrading, so i always clean install... ive been running 11.04 for about 4 weeks, very very few issues (but i'm running xubuntu, there's been complaints about unity)23:10
ZahradaI hate to see it go, but Ubuntu seems - as far as I had a go on it - seems rather awesome.23:11
hiexpowhat command to free up ram23:11
ZahradaI always do a clean install :)23:11
tamara__hi all23:11
tamara__i want to instal my webcam in ubuntu23:12
romio0does anyone here have a SHELLIUM.org account? right now it's not possible to create one in their website!!!23:12
KM0201Zahrada, then fi it were me, i'd go for it.. what is really gonna change in the next 12-24hrs?23:12
chipmenkhow do i find a printer que in ubuntu23:12
jribromio0: that's not on-topic here.  Try the shellium channel23:12
tamara__is a kolke the model is KCW-10123:12
Zahradatoo true KM0201!23:12
KM0201!webcam | tamara__ good luck23:12
ubottutamara__ good luck: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:12
ZahradaI'll get going then!23:12
tamara__ok thanks23:13
KM0201Zahrada, if you really anna be a cautious charlie, make sure you've got a 10.10 CD/USB oon standby, in case something fubars w/ the install, you can reinstall 10.1023:13
Serephis there a way to get update manager to stop nagging me?23:13
wizards hiexpo: you can use  "$ htop"  but i think you must install from repo23:13
jribSereph: install the updates?23:14
Serephjrib: I update manually23:14
hiexpocool ok thanks wizards23:14
ZahradaIt'll be fine KM0201! It's not this computer anyway :)23:14
KM0201Zahrada, ah ok... then heck with it, throw caution to the wind!23:14
ZahradaA final question though: is Banshee so much better than Rhythmbox? I liked the latter a lot..23:15
ZahradaOf course, I can still install it later on, but well..23:15
drohmso what time can we d/l 11.04?  midnight? :)23:16
Zahradait's midnight here drohm, no 11.04 over here :P23:16
icerootdrohm: #ubuntu+123:16
mickster04drohm: 3ubuntu-release-party23:16
mickster04drohm: s/3/#23:17
wizardsparty :))) party on IRC :D23:17
drohmhahah, sah-weet!23:17
seviwow... thanks for the Webcam hint! My old webcam (wich never reallly runned before ) works fine with ubuntu 10.10.... great!23:18
plzhelphow should i format my external hard drive to make it bootable?23:18
kyle____can someone help me with installing an audio driver please?23:18
VlRUSI want to download the final ver of natty T.T23:19
SomelauwCan I lock my session from commandline?23:19
jribSomelauw: gnome-screensaver-command --lock23:19
wizardsVlRUS : I think is still not on repo ... everybody waiting :)23:20
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
VlRUSwizards maybe http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ is the final ver?23:20
kyle____i have some output from my console when trying to install the driver, can anyone tell me what going wrong with it?23:20
VlRUSUpdated 27th April23:20
VlRUSYesterday, uhm I live in Spain, today is 28th23:21
lcbVlRUS, tomorrow23:21
tensorpuddingit's already "tomorrow" in europe23:21
VlRUShaha It must bi tomorrow in EEUU right?23:21
aroman1Hey guys, how can I disable the OSD-Notify bubble I get when my laptop reconnects to WiFi after resuming from suspend?23:22
tensorpuddingit's probably already on the website23:22
VlRUSI'm watching ftp servers of caonical23:23
sudeepanyone.. how to reinstall gnome panels in 9.10. I have install mac theme and everthing has gone.23:23
VlRUSand i can only see beta23:23
tensorpuddingit's not going to change between now and when it's official23:23
sudeepanyone.. how to reinstall gnome panels in 9.10. I have install mac theme and everthing has gone.23:24
VlRUSSo I can install http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ this?23:24
lcbVlRUS, today (your timezone) (the day ends at 23:59)23:24
aroman1!patience sudeep23:24
has90is there somebody who knows about a FREE SSH SHELL ACCOUNT website? (and good speed for SuCKS proxy!!!)23:24
aroman1!patience | sudeep23:24
ubottusudeep: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:24
VlRUSLOL its true ICB23:24
Guest2309format /u C:23:24
sudeepthanks aroman123:25
tensorpuddinghas90: that's not on topic here, ask elsewhere23:25
VlRUSUntil 23:59... of today23:25
VlRUSOk sry23:25
FloodBot1VlRUS: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
dam85_i'm installing some package23:25
dam85_i see gamin{a} libevent-1.4-2{a} libgamin0{a}23:25
aroman1!enter dam85_23:25
dam85_what does mean {a} ?23:25
aroman1!enter | dam85_23:25
ubottudam85_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:25
dam85_excuse me23:25
LegendarioIs michael lustfield here?23:25
kyle____can anyone help me?23:25
aroman1!ask | kyle___23:26
ubottukyle___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:26
Legendarioi don't know his nick23:26
dam85_the packages will be replaced?23:26
kyle____can someone please help me with installing my MB manufactured supplied alsa driver?23:26
tripelb I havent upgraded past 10.04 because everything works fine. I think the last upgrade I did (but not on this HD, this was fresh) took all night long. This hard drive is 25 times bigger, 1T. How long should the upgrade take?23:26
has90tensorpudding: the topix is about UBUNTU?isn't it?23:26
th0rtripelb: the time for the upgrade should be the same regardless of the size of the hard drive, assuming there is enough free space on the drive23:27
jpkHi all.  I recently changed swap partitions, and I'm having trouble getting hibernation to work again.  (Hardware changes that included more RAM meant my old one was too small to hibernate to.)  After changing to the larger swap partition, I can hibernate, but resume fails and it goes on with a normal boot.  I get roughly this on the console while booting: "swapon: /dev/sdb4: software suspend data detected. Rewriting the swap signature. / Invalidating stale23:27
has90no one?23:28
kwtmdam85_: I don't know about others, but I have no idea what you are asking.  You said "i see gamin{a} libevent-1.4-2{a} libgamin0{a}"  What does that mean?  It appears on your screen?  When you type "apt-cache policy gamin"?  Or what?  Is it in synaptic?  I don't know what program you are using, so I don't know how to answer your question, so I'm staying silent.  Sounds like most of the other people are, too.23:28
Somelauwjrib: Thanks.23:28
tripelbth0r, thanks. there was almost no freespace on that old drive. I appreciate the understanding.23:28
Al_nz1a bit off topic, but is there a easy way to stop kids surfing porn?23:28
kyle____checking for kernel linux/autoconf.h... no  that is what i get when trying to use the installer,  how do i solve this???23:29
kyle____disconnect the ethernet cable Al23:29
trokerAl_nz1: how large is your enviorment?23:29
phayteAl_nz1, Take away the computer?23:29
kwtmhas90: You are looking for an Internet service giving you a ssh account, and you want it to be free?  And you would like it to be a proxy.  Is that correct?23:29
erkan^is ubuntu 11.04 offical now ?23:29
Al_nz1kyle___: umm, still let them use the net would be good :-)23:29
macoerkan^: nope23:29
qinAl_nz1: iptables, and parental control in browser, your isp can have one too.23:29
kwtmerkan^: It will be in 24 hours.23:29
Al_nz1kyle___: otherwise I could just chop there fingers off23:29
dam85_kwtm... i'm doing an installation aptitude install lighttpd23:29
macoerkan^: #ubuntu-release-party is the place to wait23:29
Cube``guys, im having a problem setting up the mysql database for wordpress, its most likely that im setting the wrong host. how can i know which host to enter?23:29
dam85_i see on the list those packages with {a}23:30
trokerAl_nz1: Squid has content filtering, and OpenDNS has some free DNS based filtering serveces23:30
Al_nz1qin: parental control in browser? hmm, is that a addin?23:30
Logan_Cube``: probably localhost if it is through Ubuntu23:30
necrodeariazaery, see pm23:30
kwtmdam85_: Ahh.. okay, please specify.  If I were you I would ask again: "when I use aptitude to install lighttpd, I see packages listed with {a}.  I have already googled for this and have found nothing.  What does '{a}' mean?"23:30
francielhow to install ldap server?23:30
Cube``Logan_: ye but it isnt :(23:30
Cube``doesnt work23:30
kwtmdam85_: Personally, I have no idea since I don't even use aptitude.23:30
Logan_!ldap | franciel23:30
ubottufranciel: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer23:30
JurgentjeHi... trying to create a symbolic link: ln -s ~/phprojekt-data/htdocs/ ~/html/preventie/   <-- this creates a subfolder "htdocs" inside ~/html/preventie/ ... how do I have this folder itself point to the content of the originating folder?23:31
kwtmJurgentje: You have the arguments reversed.   ln -s <real file> <symlink>23:32
qinAl_nz1: There is blocked content in Opera, so I assume there is one in firefox.23:32
fishhati got a question for anyone?23:32
Jurgentjekwtm, real files are in the htdocs folder... symbolic location must be html/preventie23:32
fishhati got question for you?23:33
th0rJurgentje: it is probably working, the htdocs folder you see in preventie is the shortcut to the other folder23:33
=== Guest2309 is now known as Kaco
kwtmJurgentje: Does ~/html/preventie exist?  If yes, you must remove it.  If not, it will either give an error, or if you put a slash after it, it will create it inside the existent directory.23:33
kyle____checking for kernel linux/autoconf.h... no that is what i get when i try to use the installer for my driver, how do i solve this??23:33
VlRUSGood bye people! See you23:33
kwtmJurgentje: Or, as th0r says, you already created one, so mv that to the place you want.23:33
Jordan_Ukwtm: Automatically installed, or installed as a dependency of another package rather than an explicit request from the user.23:33
qinAl_nz1: There is also: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84351023:33
Jurgentjeyes it is, but I don't want ~html/preventie/htdocs ... but the files inside htdocs to be there... so not preventie/htdocs/index.php but preventie/index.php23:34
kwtmJordan_U: Sorry?  Were we having a previous conversation that this is continuing?23:34
Logan_!ask | FishFace23:34
ubottuFishFace: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:34
franciel! mercurial23:34
th0rJurgentje: then ln -s /source/htdocs/*.* /dest23:34
wizardsis anybody know some good tutorial about iptables + samba  or only iptables?23:35
Jordan_Ukwtm: Responding to " What does '{a}' mean?"23:35
Jurgentjethanks th0r - that solved it :)23:35
escottfranciel he doesn't know anything about hg23:35
kwtmJurgentje: ?? Not sure what you mean.  You mean  you have real files ~/phprojekt-data/htdocs/File1  and you want there to be a symlink  ~/html/preventie/File1  pointing to that real file?  And same for File2 File3 etc.?  Is that what you mean?23:35
Logan_wizards: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo23:35
kwtmJordan_U: I wasn't asking the question23:35
Jurgentjekwtm, indeed. But th0r gave the answer. Kinda obvious, if I see it now :) (stupid I didn't think of it)23:36
kyle____does anyone have any idea how to fix my problem?23:37
wizards Logan_: thx :)23:37
Logan_wizards: You're welcome.23:37
kwtmJurgentje: Okay, well, if that is what you mean, you can use    ln -s /source/htdocs/*     I wouldn't use *.* since that may miss some files23:37
kwtmJurgentje: I mean, ln -s /source/htdocs/*   /dest   (in case I wasn't clear)23:38
Jurgentjeyep, sound and clear ... thanks :) I actually did just * myself23:38
kwtmdam85_: Did you get your question answered yet?23:38
kyle____checking for kernel linux/autoconf.h... no that is what i get when i try to use the installer for my driver, how do i solve this??23:39
Jordan_Udam85_: '{a}' In aptitue means Automatically installed, or installed as a dependency of another package rather than an explicit request from the user.23:39
b0n1hey there, for some cams you get :"invalid argument" if you do cat /dev/video0 . How can i read raw data from those cams ?23:39
todd_dsmhey guys, it looks like OpenLDAP utilities are compiled with GnuTLS by default. Is there documentation that explains how to use OpenSSL instead?23:39
botcitykyle___: driver for what?23:39
b0n1I wonder how mplayer can read /dev/video0 . I always thought it does some kind of a cat.23:39
kyle____my audio card23:39
sec_goatDoes MPD rely on the ubuntu hardware having a sound device? if so is there another alternative to stream music that is not subsonic?23:40
botcitykyle___: witch one?23:40
nsh22ok im installing ubuntu on my netbook (non netbook version :( ...)and im stuck on the cdrom hardware fining page... how do i avoid it?23:40
kyle____in integrated into my mother board,  i have the driver from the manufaturer on a cd right here i run sh install   its spits out a bunch of stuff and i read it all and that is where its failing23:41
Ash-catchemdoes anyone know what to install to get penetration testing routers to work? i was told that I did not need to run back track if I am just penetration testing routers23:41
blixI've got a bash script that sets some environment variables, I'm just typing ./foo.sh why am I just getting a blank line afterwards23:41
rhizmoeyeesh, firefox plugin-container seems to have some issues, perhaps while running chrome simultaneously23:41
blixbut when I type out the script on the command line the environment variables are created and set23:41
blixI'm running in root23:41
rhizmoeblix: what are you expectign?23:41
escottblix, pastebin the script23:42
rhizmoealso: #bash23:42
topramenhow do i bring up the on screen keyboard?23:42
qinnsh22: First, did you used Live Session to test it? Second, Are you connected to Internet while installing?23:42
blixit's on another machine23:42
rhizmoewell that's not helpful23:42
nsh22no to both....23:42
b0n1is there a chan for webcam support in linux on irc other than v4l ?23:42
nsh22the wireles adapter isnt working and i dont know how to run live session with this (its on a usb stick)23:42
qinnsh22: Boot into LiveCD, and press Try Ubuntu.23:42
botcitynsh22: fining page ?23:42
rhizmoemy typical fix for linux webcams: don't buy a cheap one23:43
blixrhizoe - I'm expecting when I type echo $<SOME_VARIABLE> the path for it shows23:43
rhizmoeblix: without the script i can't help23:43
LogiarI solved my problems!23:43
nsh22botcity, finding*23:43
blixcan understand23:43
rhizmoeLogiar: you are a better person than me23:43
blixI'll see what I can do to bring it over23:43
nsh22qin, fpor some reason i dont have that option, im usig unetootin23:43
escottblix, if your intention is to export #!/bin/bash; export foo="bar" that won't work anyways23:43
blixis there a web service for sharing code?23:43
escottbecause it gets its own shell23:43
qinblix: /j #bash (that will help)23:44
nsh22blix, launch[pad, sourceforge23:44
blixnsh22 - thanks23:44
Logiarrather than doing the netboot with a windows machine as the server i set up a virtual ubuntu machine and used that23:44
jdm84can someone help me do the following: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/03/02/how-to-install-mac-theme-on-ubuntu-10-10/23:44
botcitykyle___:  i would always use the repos for drivers etc23:44
zaerykyle___: pastebin the output: http://pastebin.com/23:44
jdm84i already downloaded the file23:44
blixqin - thanks too23:44
qinjdm84: There is install script in gzip.23:45
zaerykyle___: also, what drivers for what hardware are you trying to install?23:46
jdm84ok thanks!23:47
kyle____its a driver for my audio card23:47
kyle____i run the installer23:47
kyle____checking for kernel linux/autoconf.h... no that is what i get when i try to use the installer for my driver, how do i solve this??23:47
zaerydoes the installer end in .exe?23:47
kyle____im not that new23:47
zaeryi've seen people try that before, just had to check23:48
zaerypastebin all the output, that might help23:48
itaylor57kyle____: you probably need to install linux headers23:48
kyle____lease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution - that is what it says23:48
kyle____so how would i do that?23:48
blixhere's the bash script:23:49
=== vinilios is now known as testuua
escottblix, you have to source that you cant ./ it23:50
=== Jeff_ is now known as Guest72798
Jordan_Ublix: A child process cannot change the environment of its parent.23:50
blixso what can I do?23:51
Jordan_Ublix: When you run "./foo.sh" you are spawning a child process, another bash shell, which is then setting its own environment variables and exiting.23:51
escottblix you have to source it23:51
blixJordan_U - I see.23:51
flowbeewhats a better idea for vps os?  10.04 32 bit || 64 bit23:52
Jordan_Ublix: If you want those variables to affect the shell that you're currently running in then use "source foo.sh" which will run the commands in the current bash process.23:52
blixah great thanks - that worked. Thanks for the little theory there.23:53
botcitynsh22: your trying to install ubuntu on a netbook but its not the nbr version and its getting stuck . question why not the nbr version ?23:53
nsh22botcity, because its the version i d/l'd. im downloading kubuntu netbook now... but imy connection sucks (it took 8  hours to torrent ubuntu...)23:54
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Dazzled1anyone has any experience with Valgrind?23:57
protisudo -s23:58
CoffeeChairHi, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to disable low battery warnings in ubuntu?23:58
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jpkHi all.  I recently changed swap partitions, and I'm having trouble getting hibernation to work again. I can hibernate, but resume fails and it goes on with a normal boot.  I get roughly this on the console while booting: "swapon: /dev/sdb4: software suspend data detected. Rewriting the swap signature. / Invalidating stale software suspend images... done."  What can I do about that?23:58
cybrhumanCoffeeChair: the one that tells you that you are out of energy soon or the one teling you to change the old battery23:59
escottjpk, is /dev/sdb4 the old swap partition23:59
franciel! ldap23:59
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer23:59

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