
SpamapSstart xxxx always looks for the job tho.. at least, thats what I thought02:09
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=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
hvgotcodesive tried to do . /etc/environment and then export avar but my process cannot see the 'avar' variable20:08
ionset -a first.20:31
ionWhoops, i missed that you did export the variable.20:31
ionThat’s not the problem then. We need more information.20:31
Keybukhvgotcodes: could you pastebin your .conf file?21:49
hvgotcodesKeybuk: sure22:00
hvgotcodesKeybuk: https://gist.github.com/80bdf98f03a57fba253822:01
Keybukah, I see what you did22:02
Keybuk"." isn't an upstart keyword22:03
Keybukit's a shell command22:03
Keybuksurround everything from that "." to after the exec in a script/end script block22:03
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn

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