
highvoltageI could do that again00:57
highvoltageit's always last wednesday of the month and we did add a reminder on every single edubuntu web page about it00:58
highvoltagebut I guess it won't hurt poking the list about it00:58
=== highvoltage changed the topic of #edubuntu to: Edubuntu 11.04 is out! - http://www.edubuntu.org | Try Edubuntu WebLive! http://edubuntu.org/weblive | wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu | 10.10 is released!, see http://www.edubuntu.org/news/10.10-release | Help out with bugs: http://tinyurl.com/EduBugs | LTSP questions? also try #ltsp
=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
KwpolskaI want to try ouf the WebLive of Ubuntu 11.04, but java support sucks on my system.  Can I just ssh -X to the machine?15:26
stgraberKwpolska: nope, it's not simply X over ssh. You can install nomachine's NX client though (http://www.nomachine.com/download.php)15:30
stgraberKwpolska: and then use "wget -O weblive.nxs http://www.edubuntu.org/weblive/nxs/weblive-appserv01.nx.stgraber.org/desktop/fullscreen" to grab the configuration file (replace weblive-appserv01 by the server you created an account on)15:32
Kwpolskaawesome, nxclient is in [extra]15:35
Kwpolskastgraber: I can't do that.15:41
Kwpolskastgraber: NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx15:41
Kwpolskaand then it says "authentication failed"15:42
stgraberKwpolska: what's the username you tried ?15:42
stgraberthe connection as user nx is usually fine, it then tries to su to your account, that may be the problem15:42
Kwpolskastgraber: kwpolska15:42
Kwpolskathe file was downloaded through a shell server15:43
stgraberok, your account is on weblive-appserv0315:44
stgraberso you need to: wget -O weblive.nxs http://www.edubuntu.org/weblive/nxs/weblive-appserv03.nx.stgraber.org/desktop/fullscreen15:44
KwpolskaI did so.15:46
KwpolskaI'll retry./15:46

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