
Riddellclaydoh: ah, you're updating the announcement?00:07
claydohRiddell:  yeah, did work onit yesterday, but needs some sprucing up, 00:08
claydohany additions retractions, etc needed?00:08
Riddellyou can use this link for the known bugs https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes#Kubuntu00:09
claydohdang why do I keep forgetting about the kubuntu section in the Ubuntu release notes00:11
claydohRiddell: which lonk to bugs? the one on the room's topic shows only one lucid bug, the link you posted is to the ubuntu relase notes :)00:15
claydohso does that mean we have no bugs? :D00:16
Riddellalas no, it means the wiki is being silly and doesn't let you link to the kubuntu bugs section because it has the same header as the kubuntu info section00:16
Riddell"https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes#Known Issues"00:16
Riddellclaydoh: I can't think of anything else to add, let me know when you're done and I'll copy if over to kubuntu.org00:21
kubotuRiddell meant: "claydoh: I can't think of anything else to add, let me know when you're done and I'll copy it over to kubuntu.org"00:21
claydohRiddell: looks done to me, now00:30
GrueMasterrbelem: Any luck on the n900?01:21
* Riddell snoozes01:28
Riddellrbelem: mind and sign off on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseManifest if you're happy to release01:28
DarkwingDuckAnything left for me to do?01:29
GrueMasterHey, the 20110427 image works.. sort of.  It is now a proper image (apparently there was a timing issue with the publisher & mirror process).  It requires a reboot after oem-config runs it's course though.01:32
GrueMasterI have the omap4 image running now.01:32
DarkwingDuckhey jjesse 01:34
jjessehiya DarkwingDuck01:39
DarkwingDuckjjesse: how are things? You ready to get started for +1? :P01:40
GrueMasterHow can I disable akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder from respawning?  I can't do anything with it segfaulting on armel.01:49
rbelemRiddell, oki :-)02:34
rbelemGrueMaster, is the images working nicely?02:35
GrueMasterDepends.  akonadi_nepomuk_contact_feeder is on a respawn to failure frenzy.02:36
rbelemGrueMaster, oh!02:36
GrueMasterAlso, for some reason nothing comes up after oem-config runs, but it works on reboot.02:36
rbelemGrueMaster, maybe the nodm script is not being called in the right time02:37
GrueMasterI'm sure the akonadi issue is related to nepomuk not working on armel.02:37
GrueMasterI wonder if it is getting run before oem-config and oem-config is just getting dominant.  02:38
GrueMasternodm that is.02:38
rbelemhum... it should be working02:39
rbelemGrueMaster, do we still have time to upload a fix for kubuntu-mobile-default-settings? just adding a desktop file disabling the nepokuk02:43
GrueMasterIt won't make release, and I don't have upload capabilities.02:43
GrueMasterYou can release note it though.02:44
GrueMasterI filed a bug on nepomuk back with Beta 1 (I think).  But I am not a kubuntu-devel so I can't do much beyond that.02:45
ScottKrbelem: We can do it as a stable release update.02:50
rbelemnice :-)02:55
* valorie is scheduled to do an Introduction to Kubuntu next thursday for OpenWeek02:59
DarkwingDuckvalorie: ping03:12
valoriehey DarkwingDuck03:15
DarkwingDuckvalorie: You have material for your talk?03:16
valoriewell, I've started collecting links and such03:16
valorieI figured i would go back and look at old logs, if possible, and see how much is enough03:16
DarkwingDuckvalorie: here is the one I did for a ubucon at SCALE http://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale9x/presentations/your-guide-kubuntu03:17
valoriethank you03:17
valoriehow long was your talk?03:17
valorieand of course you were talking03:17
valorieinstead of IRCing03:17
DarkwingDuckI got through half of it in an hour03:17
DarkwingDuckYes, but the princibles are the same. :P03:17
DarkwingDuckSo, have at it.03:18
valorieif I had U1 working, I could share my tomboy note03:18
* valorie glares at the U1 team03:18
DarkwingDuckit might need to be modified or, use the second half because of 11.04 releasing tomorrow03:18
valoriethis was a month or two ago that you gave it?03:19
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DarkwingDuckThis was end of Feb03:21
valoriethanks, you have lots of good stuff in there03:21
DarkwingDuckYou can also find it at people.ubuntu.com/~david.wonderly/scale03:22
valorieI'll link to it for people who want to watch a video03:23
DarkwingDuckit's filled with a bunch of questions as i was doing an open question session with it03:24
ScottKryanakca: I hope you find your password, I can't find mine.03:25
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DarkwingDuckHey ScottK 03:26
Tm_TRiddell: about funny colours, Kubuntu desktop gives me funny colours in ibook, because the desktop effects are enabled and hardware isn't quite up to task, disabling the effects makes all look normal05:55
tsimpsonnow who's idea was it to put "Out Now!" in the countdown image on kubuntu.org :(06:52
macotsimpson: stupid javascript's, i think06:52
macohmm its 7am Riddell-time....should i phone him?06:53
tsimpson"Out Soon" is better06:53
tsimpsonnot sure it's a huge deal, but it will cause confusion with many06:53
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Tm_Ttsimpson: we are early?07:16
tsimpsonthe countdown image says "Out Now!", when it's... not out now07:17
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c2taruncan we upgrade to natty now?08:06
tsimpsonit hasn't been released yet08:06
c2tarunat what time?08:07
tsimpsonthere is no set time08:07
tsimpsonsometime "today"08:08
c2tarunbambee: good afternoon ;)08:36
sheytanRiddell hey, i'm here in case you need me :)09:18
apacheloggersheytan: ...phonon...09:18
sheytanapachelogger I know, i know. As i said. No time. Maybe this weekend. We have holyday here in Poland, so i will have time :)09:20
Riddellmorning sheytan 09:21
sheytanRiddell morning ;)09:22
sheytangot the artwork?09:22
* Riddell checks e-mail09:23
Riddellsheytan: could you replace "Natty Narwhal" with "11.04"?  and replace "Push the button" with "Download Now"?09:28
sheytanlets try09:34
sheytanRiddell: I'm at work. No Ubuntu font ;(09:39
Riddellsheytan: ok I can do it I think09:39
RiddellTm_T: no results for powerpc on iso testing site09:40
sheytanRiddell wait, couse you will need to cut the image after changes09:40
sheytanill dload that font09:40
RiddellTm_T: too many hardware issues to report?  did you come across bug 756719 ?09:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 756719 in choose-mirror (Ubuntu Natty) "PowerPC Natty Beta LiveCD Hangs Bad Mirror" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75671909:40
* apachelogger goes absolutely crazy and clones qt's staging repo :O09:40
Tm_TRiddell: hmm, not sure, I got notification about possible plugins to install when running rekonq09:41
Tm_Tand I have no possibility to test anything until ... 5 hours?09:41
RiddellTm_T: but did you manage an install?09:42
RiddellTm_T: because your CD drive broke or another issue?09:43
Tm_TI have lots of I/O issues with the cdrom drive09:43
Tm_Tye, hardware issues only09:43
RiddellI guess that's the trouble with powerpc, all the hardware is ancient and getting unreliable09:44
Tm_Tye, already got hard disk replaced09:44
Tm_TI've been asking if I can get some other test hardware, no luck yet09:44
Riddellcan you even buy anything these days?09:45
Tm_TRiddell: used, yes09:47
Tm_Tand chinese replacement parts are available09:47
Riddellgood old ebay09:47
sheytanRiddell http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/1863/basebe.png09:50
Riddellsheytan: lovely!09:51
sheytanRiddell nope 09:51
Riddelloh but freedom is cut off the end there09:51
sheytanlook at the 'freedom09:51
sheytanRiddell http://img573.imageshack.us/img573/5867/basejq.png09:53
* sheytan wants to see it alive :D09:54
* Tm_T summons the spirits to revitalize basejg.png09:55
sheytanThank you :)09:56
apacheloggerNightrose: mailz for you10:14
apacheloggerNightrose: my team of awesome still did not reply :(10:15
apacheloggeragateau: could you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/771642 when you get a minute, in particular comment 5 sounds odd enough10:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 771642 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "klipper doesn't display popup menu on unity" [Low,New]10:25
agateauapachelogger: comment 5 makes sense to me: unity does not support left/right click on indicators: expected behavior is left-click shows context menu, right-click is for possible applet configuration10:33
apacheloggeragateau: isn't that what klipper does anyway? left click -> context menu10:34
agateauapachelogger: it is10:34
apacheloggerwhy is it broken then ^^10:35
agateauapachelogger: maybe there is a bug somewhere? :)10:35
agateauapachelogger: I remember klipper people had a hard time porting it to ksni10:35
apacheloggeryeah, because KSNI is so magic :S10:36
agateauyeah, except when it's not :/10:36
apacheloggerprobably we best just send the report to the klipper people10:36
apacheloggerNightrose: don't you find the intro a bit lam0rz?10:36
apacheloggerNightrose: was thinking maybe I should open with something like "are you looking for a flipping hot sok project...."10:37
Riddellsheytan: that banner is going to be too long for the space, could you do one about 700 pixels wide?10:46
sheytanRiddell it is not. I checked. 10:47
Riddellsheytan: how did you check?10:47
sheytanI put it on the blue background on the page10:48
Riddellsheytan: yeah but the HTML means it has to be thinner10:48
Riddellotherwise it knocks everything else down the page and it all looks bad10:48
Nightroseapachelogger: heh then do it ;-)10:48
sheytanRiddell all i can do without remaking it from the beginning (which i can't do at work :( ) http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/6578/basec.png10:53
Riddellthanks sheytan 10:54
sheytanNo problem :)10:54
sheytanhope it will work good10:54
apacheloggerNightrose: nah10:55
apacheloggerI am too old :P10:55
* apachelogger publish0res10:55
apacheloggerthere goes my most precious project idea evar :(10:58
apacheloggersteveire: my akonadi get stuck every once in a while (stuck = doesn't update imap anymore, at all) :(11:05
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* Mamarok is sad about the WLAN scanner still not working in Natty11:20
steveireapachelogger: What do you mean doesn't update? Doesn't get new messages?11:32
RiddellMamarok: can't browse for any wifi networks?11:33
steveireCan you akonadictl restart and see what messages come out when it hangs? 11:33
steveireShould https://bugs.launchpad.net/~steveire show me closed bugs?11:34
steveireIf not where can I see closed bugs?11:35
MamarokRiddell: the only thing that is shown is a hidden network, but the other WLANs aroun don't show up, they show up on the Android phone though11:35
ulyssesdo we have a Kubuntu presentation template? I will introduce Kubuntu 11.04 on two release party, and I want a proper template11:35
RiddellMamarok: presumably you've clicked "Show More"?11:35
MamarokRiddell: of course :)11:35
MamarokI also tried to scan. nothing shows11:36
Riddellulysses: my conf.kde.in ones used an adapted KDE slide theme http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/439811:36
RiddellMamarok: I've not heard other problems so it's probably an issue with the driver for your hardware, file a bug on network-manager I guess11:37
ulyssesRiddell: thanks11:38
Mamarokit worked on Maverick, so there is nothing changed on my side11:38
MamarokRiddell: reporting the bug now11:39
apacheloggersteveire: there is quite the flood going on11:40
steveireDo you have a lot of resources?11:42
apacheloggersteveire: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/log.xz11:44
apacheloggerno, only 211:44
apacheloggerit seems as if it got stuck refreshing gmail11:44
apacheloggeror maybe kmail just has a short rescan time ^^11:44
apachelogger1 minute :D11:44
apacheloggerthat would explain that I suppose ^^11:45
apacheloggersteveire: maybe it stopped updating because it stumbled over itself due to the short rescan interval?11:45
apacheloggerinterestingly enough changing the setting to 10 minutes does not seem to stop the rescanning11:46
steveireapachelogger: Could be. I don't know much about the imap resource11:46
apacheloggerI started akonadi again, we'll see if the increased interval helps11:48
nigelbRiddell: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release, the banner seems to overflow :(11:50
Riddellnigelb: yeah, not ideal11:51
RiddellI can cut it down a bit but my artwork skills are not as good as sheytan's http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/11.04-release/banner-short2.png :(11:51
nigelbRiddell: you can probably resize it to fit into that width11:51
nigelbwant me to take a poke?11:51
Riddellnigelb: sure, if your krita/gimp skills are up to it11:52
Riddelleveryone: any other comments? http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release11:52
steveireWhere can I get https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-5.1/+bug/683743 akonadi 1.5.0-0ubuntu2  to see what the solution was there? It doesn't seem to be in natty. Is it in proposed or something?11:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 683743 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "Please investigate adjusting the mysql apparmor profile to support akonadi" [Wishlist,Fix released]11:52
sheytanRiddell give me a minute12:00
yofel_steveire: it is in natty, more like natty has 1.5.2-0ubuntu1, but the new apparmor profile is still the same12:01
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ScottKRiddell: If you're monkeying with the web site, I'd appreciate it if you'd put something in there about KDE SC 4.5.5 in maverick-updates.  I coulnd't get into the site last night.12:03
ulysses„The power management configuration area has been given a new, easier natty narwhal no release candidateto use interface”12:03
ulyssesRiddell: that's a bit stragónge for me^12:04
steveireyofel: Thanks.12:07
steveirepatches/02_hardcode_debian_mysqld_path.diff  makes no sense to me12:07
steveireAh, it's not in the series anymore.12:07
RiddellScottK: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.5-updates ?12:09
ScottKRiddell: Looks good.  Was that there already?12:09
ScottKIf it wasn't you, it must have been ryanakca.12:09
RiddellI just put it up12:10
ScottKPerfect.   Thanks.12:10
c2tarunwill the release of natty be announced on this channel?12:13
sheytanRiddell http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2804/sssskt.png12:15
Riddellthanks sheytan, you rock12:15
sheytanwelcome :)12:16
Riddellc2tarun: #ubuntu-release-party for the main party, can always do with some kubuntu love in there12:16
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 11.04 Nearly here!
c2tarunRiddell: I think the release is announced but BitTorrent link on kubuntu website is giving me 404 error.12:38
yofelthe links on http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/ are fine though12:41
Riddellc2tarun: well spotted, fixed12:43
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 11.04 is here! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release
* Riddell high fives yofel, c2tarun, sheytan, ScottK12:45
* c2tarun high five :)12:45
* Riddell hugs ulysses, steveire, apachelogger, nigelb, Mamarok12:45
nigelbwait, I didn't do anything yet :)12:46
* nigelb hugs Riddell back12:47
* Riddell dances with maco and agateau 12:47
ulyssestop of the page \o/ http://ubuntu.hu/12:47
ScottKRiddell: Are you still up for suggestions about stuff to add to the release announcement?  If so, kubuntu-full and the fact that the DVD now installs everything is perhaps worth a mention.12:53
RiddellScottK: got a sentence I can paste in?12:54
Riddellor I can remind you of the password to edit yourself :)12:54
ScottKI'd like the password, but how about this first: "When installing from the Kubuntu DVD, the full package set from the DVD is automatically installed.  To expand an existing system to this broader set of packages, install that 'kubuntu-full' package."12:57
ScottKRiddell: ^^^12:57
sheytanCongratulations! :D12:58
Riddells/that/the/ I think12:58
kubotuRiddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"12:58
arpanRiddell: one of the download links on release notes page redirects to https://www-admin.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download ,which prompts for password13:00
ScottKRiddell: That's fine (the edit)13:00
Riddellarpan: which one?13:00
arpanRiddell: the link is in "Download ISO image files"13:01
arpanRiddell: it says "our download page"13:01
Riddellarpan: fixed, thanks13:02
arpanRiddell: same for md5 checksums link -> "alongside the cd images"13:03
arpanRiddell: :)13:03
Riddellalso fixed13:03
macoive never been awake around release time before13:05
ScottKAre there any artwork type people going to UDS?13:05
* Riddell releases maco 13:05
RiddellScottK: not that I know of13:05
ScottKIt would be nice to get the Kubuntu wiki theme refreshed.  It seems very dated compared to kubuntu.org.13:06
Riddellwell sheytan did a design, it's the technical side that needs done13:06
RiddellI'm told it's quite fiddly, you have to edit moin stuff directly13:07
Riddellso it needs someone who knows HTML and Python and how to talk to the website people13:13
arpanno jigdo templates for 11.04 desktop images?13:16
Riddellarpan: desktop images aren't made from .deb files, they can't have jigdo13:17
arpanoh okay.. didn't knew that. thanks!!13:17
bambeesheytan: nice banner ;)13:24
* Mamarok hugs everyone as well13:24
MamarokRiddell: big ones for you {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}13:24
jussiRiddell: does this mean you are now not officially ours anymore? 13:25
MamarokRiddell: we will miss you so much, 6 Month is an awfully long time13:25
sheytanbambee thanks :)13:25
* Riddell hugs jussi and bambee 13:30
Riddelljussi: I'll always be yours!13:31
bambeeaaah :)13:32
bambeehowever, it's a good challenge for the community , imho.13:32
* jussi be's a bit trollish and mumbles about blue headed stepchildren and resources :P :P :P 13:33
macohang on, we dont want to prove him unnecessary or anything. then think about how many full time kubuntu people canonical will think they need!13:33
Riddelljussi: none of your trolling!13:34
* jussi behaves13:35
jussinah, its good Riddell learns new stuff, then we can make him do even more stuff :P13:35
bambeeRiddell: you join the rocking bazaar team for 6 months, right ? you will learn many things that's cool ;)13:43
macoweird. dput is telling me my signed changes file isnt signed13:43
bambee(bazaar rocks so much!)13:43
macooh it says no public key. but my keys are on the ubuntu keyserver and imported into lp. i am so confused.13:45
ScottKRiddell: Any suggestions on how to deal with spec approval in LP for this cycle?13:45
maco  oh here it is13:47
macolaunchpad is broken13:47
ScottKmaco: LP being broken is not news.13:48
ScottKThat particular bit of brokenness you can ignore.  It happens whenever LP and the keyserver aren't on speaking terms.13:48
macobut the upload actually does go through?13:49
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks, I was just about to get to it.13:51
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ryanakcaRiddell, ScottK: For the wiki theme, the python parts aren't that bad, unless you're doing something fancy, you can just grab lp:~kubuntu-website/kubuntu-website/kubuntu-wikitheme and edit the lists of HTML lines in the header / footer / etc functions of MoinMoin/theme/kubuntunew.py . The images / css / js are all under the wiki/htdocs/kubuntunew directory.14:00
ScottKryanakca: Right.  That problem being that I can't.14:00
ryanakca*nod*. I have my last exam today, but if someone has the design done and you're simply looking for someone to implement it and nag sysadmins for a few months, I can manage that.14:05
apacheloggersteveire: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600255/14:07
apacheloggersteveire: I was marking read all in one folder, then went to another one and trie to read a new mail14:07
apacheloggerno dice :(14:07
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Riddelllsheytan: ping, do you have that wiki design still around?14:13
steveireapachelogger: Best file a bug if so. Kevin Ottens knows the imap stuff bt I don't.14:13
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
apacheloggersteveire: apparently so if I try to open another mail while akonadi is still marking others as \Seen14:13
steveireOk, so the item fetch times out14:14
steveireBut if it's done marking things as seen then it works?14:14
steveireIf so, that's a known bug that I need to poke volker to fix in akonadi14:14
apacheloggermaybe those not-update-issues I had were from me marking too many unread mails as read ^^14:15
apacheloggerit would appear I read >5k mails in 2 days14:15
apacheloggersomewhat unlikely ^^14:15
sheytanRiddell sec14:17
Riddellsheytan, ryanakca: found it http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/wiki/14:17
ryanakcaRiddell, sheytan: Looks good, where might I find the relevant images?14:20
sheytanryanakca you can't, this mockup sucks, and i will do another one :D14:22
ryanakcasheytan: Alright14:27
ScottKryanakca: Can you make a spec for this work?  It should (at least in theory) help with the nagging IS part.14:34
ryanakcaScottK: Sure, I'll write it down in my agenda for tomorrow morning, I have my last exam later on today and need to study.14:36
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.  Tomorrow would be great.14:36
apacheloggershadeslayer, ScottK: is it just me or can one not go to kde-look.org with our default browser without hitting a bug?15:08
ScottKapachelogger: I wouldn't find anything surprising about that.15:09
apacheloggerand now it apparently froze15:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: eet iz a webkit bug15:57
shadeslayersafari has it too apparently15:57
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amichairCongrats on the release! Thanks everyone for such wonderful work!!16:16
Riddellthanks amichair!16:17
amichairnono, thank *you*! :-)16:17
amichairRiddell: and have fun on your job roundabout thingy :-)16:18
amichairbtw there seems to be a rogue paste on the website announcement in "a new, easier natty narwhal no release candidateto use interface"16:25
Riddellamichair: fixed, thanks16:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: and that changes the fact how?17:47
shadeslayerchanges what fact?17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: it's a server problem, i really can't do much 17:47
shadeslayer+ about it17:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://gist.github.com/946558 << sadly .. syncevolution crashes for me everytime i try to query it's dbus interface ;(17:48
apacheloggerbetter than having your machine die on you because of overheating17:49
shadeslayertrue that17:51
* apachelogger ponders throwing his laptop at dell and use the netzbook instead17:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: Dell sucks17:54
shadeslayerin terms of hardware i mean17:54
apacheloggeras jahava witness I must say that hardware in general sucks17:55
apacheloggerbut that is another story17:55
apacheloggerzareason is the future17:55
kubotuapachelogger, Arby, devfil, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, stdin and vorian ... to the Batcave!17:58
ScottKThat needs updating.17:58
ubottuNinja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger17:59
ScottKAnyway, 4.6.3 tarballs are starting to emerge.17:59
txwikingerScottK: Ninja time? I thought it is party time ;)17:59
ScottKCan someone work on this?17:59
apacheloggerkubotu: help script17:59
kubotuCreate mini plugins on IRC. 'script add <name> <code>' => Create script named <name> with the Ruby program <code>. 'script list' => Show a list of all known scripts. 'script show <name>' => Show the source code for <name>. 'script del <name>' => Delete the script <name>. 'script eval <expr>' => evaluate expression <expr>. 'script echo <expr>' => evaluate and display expression <expr>. See also: add, allow, deny.17:59
apacheloggerkubotu: script del ninjas17:59
apacheloggerkubotu: save17:59
ScottKWe need to package 4.6.3 for natty updates PPA.18:00
shadeslayeron it18:03
shadeslayerseeing how syncevo dbus is completely busted18:04
apacheloggerScottK: a dude just got kubuntu on an archos tablet running using my instructions ;)18:23
ScottKVery cool.18:23
ScottKDocumentation FTW.18:23
* apachelogger asked him to join the mobile team18:24
JontheEchidnameh, time to remove #ubuntu+1 from my autojoin list again18:27
JontheEchidnayay on release, tho!18:27
shadeslayerScottK: btw about your kubuntu-meta fix, i couldn't get it to work since i have the experimental PPA installed18:29
ScottKshadeslayer: Oh.  Good to know.  Thanks.18:30
shadeslayerQuintasan: around?18:31
bambeeScottK: btw, when new archives are opened ? (for oneiric)18:32
apacheloggerbambee: usually that takes one or two weeks18:33
ScottKapachelogger: Not anymore.  It may be open later today or tomorrow.18:33
apacheloggerspeed upz ftw18:33
bambeeafter UDS in this case, thats make sense18:33
apacheloggerno vacation ftl though18:33
macoScottK: im going to add a kubuntu accessibility spec. Since QAccessible & KAccessible now exist, it's integration time18:34
macoI talked to Riddell about it yesterday, and he wants me to get the accessibility thing on the livecd going. TheMuso said he'd be available to answer questions as i do that18:35
macois there an onscreen keyboard option in kdm yet?18:41
shadeslayermaco: not that i can see18:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: Firefox is going to be shipped in 11.10 ?18:44
shadeslayerKubuntu 11.10 i mean18:44
shadeslayeruhmm .. do we update KDE 4.6.3 for Maverick as well?18:45
yofelI would, but only if we can get that into natty-updates reasonably soon. Considering how much work that is I'm not sure...18:48
JontheEchidnadammit, unity exposes a bug in my .desktop parser... http://i.imgur.com/wSTRr.png18:49
shadeslayerhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging >> all sorts of clean18:51
shadeslayeri've skipped maverick for now18:51
shadeslayersteveire: you're working on PIM right?18:52
yofelshadeslayer: you started on anything?18:53
shadeslayernot yet18:53
shadeslayeryofel: feel free to take up libs :18:53
shadeslayeri'm cleaning up the wiki page some more18:53
yofelwill do so then18:53
c2tarunyofel: there are some new packaging tasks on ninja packaging page I guess.18:54
yofelyep KDE SC 4.6.318:54
c2tarunyofel: so we have to start packaging?18:55
yofelyep, shadeslayer was cleaning the wiki page just now18:55
c2tarunyofel: ok meanwhile I am going to request for an ec2 :)18:56
c2tarunRiddell: ping18:56
bambeewe bump these packages into ninjas , then we move them into kubuntu-backport ? (since natty is released now)18:57
yofelkubuntu-ppa, since it's an update18:57
ScottKshadeslayer: Normally once there's a release we don't go back, so I'd say don't bother with maverick.18:59
c2tarunWell I heard few days ago that Riddell is going to be busy with some other stuffs, is there anyone else who can provide us an ec2 on request?19:00
bambeewhat does "WIP" mean , btw ?19:02
macobambee: work in progress19:03
apacheloggerWhy so serIous Pal19:03
macoi totally thought i was on the knitting channel when i said that19:04
macoprobably still applies though19:04
bambeemaco: ok thanks19:04
EagleScreenI am looking at this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kcm-gtk/+bug/473197, and it also affects Debian testing19:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 473197 in kcm-gtk (Ubuntu) "kcm-gtk writes settings into wrong file" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:05
EagleScreenand also affects gentoo19:05
EagleScreenwhy do not change the file name?19:05
apacheloggermaco: launchpad could use an ubuntu-knitters team19:06
macoapachelogger: there's an ubuntu group on ravelry19:06
macoand a debian group19:06
apacheloggerEagleScreen: that is a design decision19:06
apacheloggeryou might want to have different gtk themes for gnome and kde19:07
macothat makes sense19:07
apacheloggerhence the kcm does not write into the default file but expects the user (or the caring distribution) to setup stuff19:07
apacheloggersetup stuff = set the env var on logi19:07
macoso your gtk apps use a oxygen-lookalike in kde but look "normal" in gnome19:07
EagleScreenyes, the the fact is that some distributions are affected by the bug, which should be the real solution?19:08
apachelogger*it is not bug*19:08
apacheloggerthe bug this report is about is that apparently sometimes on kubuntu the env var is not set appropriately19:08
EagleScreenapachelogger: setting the gtk theme in kcm-gtk and seeing how it is not applied is a bug19:09
apacheloggerthe kcm is supposed to write into a different rc file and I doubt that would ever chane19:09
apacheloggersee what maco wrote for a rationale19:09
* rdieter feels bad for not upstreaming, but the env var doesn't get set when the file is set for the first time, has patch19:09
apacheloggerEagleScreen: yeah, not for us19:09
EagleScreenyeah because on kubuntu you set that variable in some way19:09
apacheloggerrdieter: looks handy19:10
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ^19:10
ScottKc2tarun: It's probably time you worked on learning how to build packages on your local machine.19:11
JontheEchidnardieter, apachelogger: thanks19:11
* apachelogger hates compiling webkit19:11
shadeslayerScottK: okay19:12
apacheloggerrdieter, JontheEchidna: that should use qgetenv btw19:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: pulling it is a PITA itself19:12
c2tarunScottK: the biggest problem is I have a slow internet connection, I am downloading kubuntu 11.04 iso since last 5:30 hrs and it will still take 30 more hours :/19:12
rdieterapachelogger: sure, I think I stole that from some other old/bad code. 19:12
shadeslayerc2tarun: why don't you torrent it?19:12
apacheloggerstealing code ftw :D19:12
c2tarunshadeslayer: its in torrent. 30kbps :(19:13
c2tarunshadeslayer: that is my avg speed. max is 5019:13
ScottKbambee: We're almost on soft feature freeze for KDE 4.7, so if you want to propose to change to userconfig, you best do it fast.19:13
apacheloggerScottK: userconfig is in kde?19:13
apacheloggerI thought that never got included19:13
JontheEchidna^it is not19:13
JontheEchidnayuriy and I have been maintaining it in launchpad19:14
ScottKDunno.  Just reading bambee's addition to the spec wiki page.19:14
bambeeScottK: userconfig is in kde ?19:14
* apachelogger giggles19:14
shadeslayerc2tarun: shouldn't take more than 7-8 hours on a torrent then19:14
ScottKI thought it was in extragear or something, but I guess now.19:14
bambeewell, propose it to upstream as an alternative of kuser is just an idea for now, we need to discuss about that19:14
c2tarunshadeslayer: oh... sorry I wrote 30 hrs, its 30 mins :)19:15
JontheEchidnayes, yuriy and I have discussed upstreaming, but neither of us ever got around to it19:15
JontheEchidnaandbody who wants to pick up the ball and run with it is welcome19:15
JontheEchidnaiirc the bzr repo is writable to anyone in kubuntu-memebers19:16
c2tarunshadeslayer: BTW where is Riddell?19:16
shadeslayeri don't know :D19:16
bambeeScottK: well, who I need to contact ?19:16
EagleScreenthen the GTK2_RC_FILES variable is a KDE specific variable?19:16
ScottKbambee: Dunno.  I'm not involved in upstream development.  I suspect apachelogger might be able to guide you.19:17
* bambee hugs apachelogger19:18
apacheloggerbambee: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/SVN_Guidelines19:19
bambeeapachelogger: thanks19:19
apacheloggerbambee: with git it is basically the same except that you'd file a bug with the kde sysadmins to create a playground project19:20
bambeepersonally I prefer git :)19:20
apacheloggerwell, I don't think you can get a playground project in svn anymore anyway :P19:20
apacheloggerbu thte guidelines only talk about svn still19:21
yofelcan you guys open the packaging page? I'm getting 500s just trying to open it o.O19:25
yofelworks now o.O19:26
macoyofel: wiki full of slowiness is all19:27
yofelyeah, I'm used to 500s when saving pages, just not when opening them..19:27
shadeslayerthey should upgrade moin moin19:36
shadeslayeror rather : moinmoin19:36
shadeslayerbetter idea : replace moinmoin with mediawiki19:37
macofrom one of the Alans' research, i think it turns out to be a configuration error19:40
macothat nobody's gotten around to fixing19:40
* yofel wonders how many RT tickets were filed about that so far...19:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: around.19:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: does resizing konsole fsck up X for you now?19:46
Quintasanshadeslayer: nope19:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: desktop effects turned off19:47
shadeslayerwell.. the freeze is gone here, but my screen is full of artefacts on resizing konsole19:47
Quintasanoh, that happended to me with desktop effects too19:47
Quintasanturn them off :P19:47
shadeslayerbut ... but ... but .. i <3 transparencies :D19:48
yofelthen don't resize konsole19:48
QuintasanEnjoy your artifacts then.19:48
EagleScreenin Debian testing and unstable Desktop effects works pretty well with my intel card, but in Kubuntu natty they are very slow and KDE disable them, anyone would know why?19:56
c2tarunwell is there any difference b/w beta2 and natty released? I mean do I need to upgrade?19:56
ScottKc2tarun: If you have been applying updates along the way, no. 19:57
c2tarunScottK: ok :) thanks19:57
yofelEagleScreen: happens on my eeePC with an 945GME too, XRender disables some effects but works20:01
yofelopengl only runs at like 0.5 FPS20:01
yofelunless I disable the effects that don't work in xrender, without those opengl works ok too20:01
EagleScreenon Debian works well with opengl20:01
EagleScreenwhere is the difference?20:02
ScottKDisable blur and it should be fine.20:02
shadeslayeryofel: Quintasan yeah, i guess i'll have to live with it20:02
yofelScottK: it's not only blur, I need to disable like 6 effects so it doesn't lag20:02
shadeslayerScottK: nope ... still have the issue20:03
QuintasanI think new NVidia driver broke something20:03
shadeslayerand now my screen is all pixelated20:03
yofelEagleScreen: not sure either, except that debian unstable has a newer intel driver20:03
ScottKOh.  nvidia.  No wonder.  I was commenting about the Intel 945 based netbook.20:03
EagleScreenthe same happens on debian testing with 2.14.020:03
QuintasanThe pixelation happens here too (NVidia GeForce GTS250)20:04
yofelshadeslayer: the konsole bug is now against nvidia, someone said that nvidia-173 works20:04
shadeslayer173 :O20:04
shadeslayerthats like as old as apachelogger20:04
Quintasanshadeslayer: yeah, looks same here with effects on20:06
Quintasanshadeslayer: What's the theme and colour scheme?20:06
shadeslayerQuintasan: Plasma theme is Produkt and color theme is osbidian coast 20:13
shadeslayerQuintasan: and jussi's qss theme file for Quassel20:14
Quintasanapachelogger: From where and when are you flying to Budapest?20:21
Quintasanshadeslayer: cool20:21
QuintasanI gotta go20:22
QuintasanDamn school20:22
Blizzzwho did the header graphic for the website (http://www.kubuntu.org/files/11.04-release/banner.png)? is a file with layers available, that can be edited (e.g. for l10n)?20:24
yofelBlizzz: talk to sheytan when you see him20:27
Blizzzyofel: thx for the hint!20:27
c2tarunshadeslayer: where am I going to get the 4.6.3 version of any pacakge on ninja packaging page?20:29
c2tarunyofel: ^^20:30
yofelktown only, what do you need20:31
c2tarunyofel: kdegames20:32
Quintasanleave some work for me for tomorrow20:33
Quintasanschool's off earlier20:33
c2tarunyofel: can you please give me the link for accessing from ktown?20:34
yofelc2tarun: no, I'll give you a local link over PM, you need your ssh key on ktown for sftp20:34
Quintasanc2tarun: It's a SSH server, if your keys are not in ktown's base then you can't access them directly20:35
QuintasanI think Riddell can add people there20:35
c2tarunQuintasan: well I accessed ktown earlier.20:35
QuintasanYou did?20:35
yofelfrom ec2 I would guess20:35
QuintasanI see20:36
yofelc2tarun: is your key there? or was that riddells?20:36
c2tarunQuintasan: but I logged into ktown from my system.20:36
yofelc2tarun: sftp ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org then20:36
c2tarunyofel: ^20:36
Quintasanc2tarun: ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org20:36
Quintasanmore like this20:36
Quintasanc2tarun: if it asks for Passphrase to your key then you are set20:37
c2tarunQuintasan: ok I am in :) thanks20:37
* Quintasan goes to bed20:37
Quintasanyofel: save some work for me or else my skills will get rusty :P20:37
yofelQuintasan: add yourself on the wiki then20:38
yofelsome non-depency package20:38
Quintasangah, k20:38
yofel*dependency 20:38
Quintasangood night anyways :P20:38
yofelsure, sleep well20:38
bambeeQuintasan: 'night20:39
c2tarunhell it will take 30 mins to copy kdegames tarball from ktown to my system :( got I am so much missing ec2 Riddell where are you?20:41
bambeeapachelogger: once I did read this page, I can create an account to identity and ask an account ? o_O , I mean, that all ? 20:41
bambee"Normally, any developer who has done some work on KDE can apply for a KDE SVN account." => it's not my case20:42
yofelc2tarun: that seems to be faster than it'll take me to pull oxygen-icons off launchpad, somehow I'm only getting ~400kbps from it :(20:44
c2tarunwell you can divide your speed by 10 and you'll get my speed then ;*(20:45
apacheloggerbambee: its a jersey thing20:46
apacheloggerbambee: basically you just need someone to vouch for you20:46
bambeeI thought it was more complicated...20:48
bambeeapparently I was wrong :)20:48
bambeewell, who does vouch for me ?20:50
macoanyone who's seen your code for kde20:50
bambeeuserconfig was originally by some kubuntu developers, I just added some features. anyone can see the code on my lp20:59
bambee originally developed *20:59
c2tarunis there any way to just get the debian folder of the previous version?21:14
yofelc2tarun: for the kde package sure, get it from bzr21:19
c2tarunthanks :)21:20
yofelmake sure the version in bzr is the same as in the archive though21:20
c2tarunyofel: you guys are building on natty or oniric?21:26
yofelnatty, oneiric isn't open yet21:27
* apachelogger sings song21:34
apacheloggerbambee: urly for codez plz21:34
bambeeapachelogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~bambi/guidance/userconfig-kde421:35
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yofelScottK: did we plan a date to switch the branches over to ~kubuntu-packagers ?21:35
ScottKyofel: "now"21:36
* apachelogger rolly on them floors21:36
bambeeapachelogger: it's not completly finished yet, but I've just some minor changes to do21:36
apacheloggerwhy did no one ever tell me about jersey shore21:36
apacheloggerthis is hilarious21:36
bambeeapachelogger: btw, it's written in python /P21:36
yofelScottK: who wanted to do that?21:36
ScottKThat's on the list of stuff I think Riddell would normally take care of.  I think any kubuntu-member can do it though.21:37
apacheloggerbambee: I know21:37
ScottKJFDI if you feel motivated.21:37
apacheloggerbambee: not much code produced yet, so I couldn't vouch21:38
apacheloggerbambee: I suggest you just continue work on launchpad for now21:38
bambeeapachelogger: I just modified the CMakeLists, I added a dbus helper and now all changes take place when the user clicks "apply"21:38
apacheloggerdoesn't make much a difference whether it is in playground or not anyway ^^21:38
bambeethat's all21:38
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, not much code to draw an opinion from, just what I said :P21:39
* apachelogger wonders if userconfig has ugly code because of python or because the authors did not speak python long enough when they were working on it21:40
apacheloggerbambee: you could like port it to cpp :P21:41
apacheloggerit would like increase the chances of getting to replace kuser :P21:41
* apachelogger notes that to replace kuser one would also need more scalable design on the actual management side of things21:41
bambeeapachelogger: I could yes, but it would be totally silly. why completely rewrite a code ? python is not an argument :)21:41
apacheloggernamely you'd have to support multiple backends21:41
apacheloggerbackend being strategies in this case21:42
bambeeit supports multiple backends21:42
apacheloggeras every distro has their own set of tools to manage users and whatnot21:42
bambeesee utils/unixauthdb.py21:42
apachelogger+ cross platformness is a concern these days21:42
apacheloggerbambee: python is absolutely an argument, if you look at the printer applet in kdeutils21:43
yofelScottK: I'll move the packaging branches later then, I'll poke you if I'm unsure if a branch should be moved21:43
apacheloggerit is basically maintained by us (us = mostly jr)21:43
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apacheloggerand I do not think that is out of a general disconcern, but rather that python applications have a tendency to end up very unhackable21:43
apacheloggerwith their monster sized blob files for gui and stuff21:44
apacheloggerjust saying21:44
macoblog files?21:44
macoblob files?21:44
apacheloggermaco: large accumulations of seamingly unrelated things21:44
apacheloggeroften it has happend that what would have been in multiple files in cpp ends up in one python file21:45
apacheloggerin particular the printer stuff is IMHO such a case, at least I did not find the code very hackable the 3 or so times I had to look at it ^^21:46
bambeeapachelogger: we should probably ask to other people here, and if they agree. I could rewrite it in cpp... 21:46
rbelemapachelogger, it depends on the way the developer is writing the code21:46
bambeeotherwise I can continue to maintain it in python :)21:46
apacheloggerbambee: dude that is totally a maintainer decision :P21:47
apacheloggerif you feel more comfortable not rewriting it, then just don't :P21:47
rbelembambee, probably upstream would prefer c++21:47
apacheloggerthey always do21:47
apacheloggerbut there is no reason to disqualify pyth0rn21:48
apacheloggeroh come to think of it21:48
apacheloggerplenty of things get more complicated (localization, dbus...)21:48
apacheloggerit is actually a shame that writing a dbus service in cpp is actually much faster than pyth0rn :S21:49
apacheloggerI mean, a good thing, but a shame for python21:49
bambeeseriously ? did you ever write a dbus service in python ? there is nothing to do ? o_O21:49
valoriemisspelling on the main release page: To upgrade your existing instsllation -- should be installation21:49
bambeeapachelogger: in python dbus stubs are automatically and semantically handled via python method annotations :)21:50
apacheloggerbambee: which is the problem right there21:50
valorieRiddell: ^^^21:51
apacheloggerin cpp you just throw an xml file at it :P21:51
JontheEchidnathe python way seems magic21:51
apacheloggerwell actually, that is more important for the adapter use case really21:51
* yofel goes re-owning the branches21:51
JontheEchidnathe Qt/C++ way Just Makes Sense (tm)21:51
apacheloggeryou have the lib that exposes the service deploy the xml, then you grab it a build time autogenerate an adapter and apply the logic21:52
apacheloggerway smoother21:52
apacheloggertalking about branches21:52
apacheloggerdid we move them from kubuntu members yet?21:52
yofelapachelogger: I'm just doing that21:53
apacheloggerif not, I would argue that now is the time :P21:53
apacheloggeryofel: I hope you have made a script for that ^^21:53
* apachelogger remembers well the days he created the flipping branches21:53
apacheloggerthere was no launchpadlib or it did not do what needed to be done if memory serves well21:53
apacheloggerthat was one pain in the neck21:54
yofelnope, a) I don't think all -members branches should be switched b) my lplib foo isn't up for that21:54
apacheloggerah, fair enough21:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I hope you are jealous, cause I have qml2 :P21:55
JontheEchidnaqml... 2?21:55
bambeeapachelogger: the problem is, I am not really a maintainer. I just wrote a patch for it actually21:55
* JontheEchidna never really used QML in the first place21:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: scenegraph awesomeness21:56
apacheloggerit is all in gl21:56
JontheEchidnais that their graphicsview replacement?21:57
apacheloggerso that mesa can break our apps21:57
JontheEchidnabut on the plus side, only mesa and the drivers can break it now21:57
apacheloggeractually it makes sense, painting shit with raster is one flipping PITA21:57
apacheloggeralso dreadfully slow21:57
BlackmoonRiddell: hi, at this addres: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block  the link of DVD mirror is wrong must replace 11.04  instead of 10.10 in the url21:57
apacheloggerI made a phonon video graphicsitem prototype yesterday21:57
apacheloggereven if you do minimal upscaling (be it only 5px each direction) raster will lag like nothing you had ever seen before21:58
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://aplg.kollide.net/tmp/output.mkv22:00
apacheloggersoon we can have phonon .prn on symbian fons ^^22:00
ScottKvalorie: Fixed.22:01
macogoodness, he's already defected?22:01
apacheloggermaco: defected?22:03
macoapachelogger: left22:03
apacheloggermaco: jr?22:04
* apachelogger is confused22:04
apacheloggerapparently, well, cycle is over, so...22:06
apacheloggerthat said, I might go to rehab this cycle, I need to get off the .prn and the drinking22:06
apacheloggerI am not 17 anymore :S22:06
ScottKBlackmoon: I believe I've fixed it.  thanks.22:08
apacheloggerScottK: I have decided we will make firefox default for 11.10 :P22:09
ScottKHow much space does it take?22:09
valoriethanks, Riddell22:09
apacheloggerScottK: that is to be researched22:09
ScottKvalorie: I look like Riddell?22:09
apacheloggerwe could just toss libre in favor of calligra :P22:10
macoScottK: i once called rgreening "Riddell" so she could be farther off22:10
valorielol, thanks ScottK22:10
* valorie needs another cup of coffee!22:10
ScottKmaco: That's at least explainable as tab completion fail of some kind.22:10
apacheloggeryou are all wicked, that's what you are!22:10
valoriemaco, you are evil!22:11
* apachelogger needs to write a mail actually22:11
macoScottK: it was in person22:11
* apachelogger actually better schedules this for tomorrow22:11
valoriethe kilt sort of gives him away, though22:11
ScottKOh.  Less understandable then.22:11
macoit wasnt a friday, so no kilt22:11
macoit was probably the day i met them though..22:11
valoriewhat, kilts are only for Fridays?22:11
valorienow I'm really confused22:11
BlackmoonScottK: fixeed :-)22:12
apacheloggertutu > kilt22:12
apacheloggeryou can wear a tutu every day22:12
macovalorie: he wears it for party-night at UDS, and thats always on a friday22:12
valorieapachelogger: YOU can wear a tutu every day22:12
valorieyou will never catch ME in one22:12
apacheloggerwell, just saying, it is an option22:13
valoriemaco, I had actually met Riddell before you arrived at UDS22:13
* apachelogger might just bring a tutu to UDS to proof his point22:13
macowell yes, i was a day late22:13
JontheEchidnahey, that reminds me22:13
valorieso your efforts at my confusion were only partially successful22:14
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I think we'll finally be both at the same UDS22:14
macohe apparently jumped out of the pool and followed me when he saw me carrying my bags up to the hotel room22:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: uh, right, groovy \o/22:14
valoriedamn it, I forgot to empty trash before making my backup22:14
apacheloggerwe should manage to get a plan for world domination going ^^22:14
macovalorie: efforts at your confusion? i met riddell a year and a half before either of us met you... thats when i mixed up the names22:14
macoRiddell: oh you havent deserted us yet!22:15
apachelogger'lo Riddell22:15
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: we seem to be out of UDS sync. We should keep journals like prof. river song/ the doctor for when we do meet up :P22:15
apacheloggeroh lulz22:15
* apachelogger hugs JontheEchidna22:15
JontheEchidnawe should plan a doctor who watching for whatever episode gets aired whilst everybody is tied up flying22:19
ulyssesDoctor Who on Saturday?22:21
JontheEchidnayeah. maybe sunday night once everybody's settled in we can all watch it or something22:21
yofelbranches moved22:22
yofelScottK: check if there's something left that should be moved https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members22:22
JontheEchidnaMy flight'll be coming it at around noonish on sunday22:23
JontheEchidnaI have a 2 hour layover in germany, so I'll be able to say I've technically been there :P22:23
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: sunday night is bar night22:24
apacheloggerare there actually any pre/post uds plans?22:24
apacheloggersightseeing or something22:24
* apachelogger did not yet get his train tickets, so... :P22:24
Riddellshould I have a notice of this 4.6.3 in my e-mail?  has my e-mail broken?22:27
yofelRiddell: you should have  a "KDE 4.6.3 tarballs (try#1 part1) uploaded" mail yes22:27
c2tarunyofel: how can I get those mails that tarballs are uploaded?22:27
yofelc2tarun: that's from the kde-packagers ML22:28
Riddellc2tarun: ubuntu@ec2-50-17-170-181.compute-1.amazonaws.com22:28
c2tarunRiddell: thanks :)22:31
bambeegood night22:35
yofelgn Blizzz22:35
RiddellBlizzz: did you get your image?22:41
BlizzzRiddell: nope, did not see sheytan, yet22:43
Blizzzyofel: gn822:44
RiddellBlizzz: I think I have it22:49
Blizzzwould be cool if you could forward it22:49
RiddellBlizzz: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/base.xcf22:50
BlizzzRiddell: i get an 40322:51
RiddellBlizzz: try now22:51
BlizzzRiddell: works! thanks!22:52
* apachelogger dances with Mamarok23:55
apacheloggerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3rkLRJ0m0k \o/23:55
apacheloggerliza ftw23:55
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