
danilosbac, btw, I see mention of outerHTML: I found out that it's not supported by firefox 3.* at least (just fyi)07:04
danilosgmb, hi, do you think you could take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-770241/+merge/59338 for me? it's mostly boiler-plate for tests/new module or actual tests :)10:40
danilos(and there's no OCR yet)10:41
gmbdanilos: Sure, I'll look now.11:08
danilosgmb, thanks11:09
gmbdanilos: r=me.11:20
bacdanilos i removed the outerhtml earlier11:37
danilosgmb, thanks11:38
danilosbac, yeah, I know, just mentioning another reason why it's bad (I wanted to use it as well, it's so natural sometimes :)11:38
bacgmb hear anything from deryck yet today?  hope he is ok11:38
gmbbac: No, I've heard nothing since he said they were basically battening down the hatches.11:40
gmbFingers crossed.11:41
bacthey are reporting up to 65 dead in alabama. the storms just went through here11:41
gmbbac: I know, I saw. I can't find any news on Deryck's town (Dadeville) and besides he's quite a way out from the town itself, so it's all pretty sketchy.11:42
gmbBut I doubt he's got power atm, one way or t'other.11:43
gmbbac: Apparently deryck has said on Facebook that there's no devastation near him. I guess he's just w/out power right now.11:54
bacthanks gmb12:13
danilosgmb, I wonder how can one get more than one user link on the subscribers portlet? the code seems to assume it can happen with dupe subscriptions, but I am unable to reproduce it12:21
danilos(more than one user link for the same user)12:21
danilosah, it can happen with teams, see it now :)12:22
* gmb deletes the sentence he was about to post :)12:22
bacgmb: just texted deryck.  says they are fine and power is back on but no internet.12:28
gmbbac: Cool. Thanks for the update.12:28
gary_posterhi folks.  Please make sure you do your qa asap; our qa lanes on the kanban board are almost full.13:10
gary_poster(my remaining one still is not on staging. :-/ )13:10
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, kanban now & call in 413:26
gary_posterdanilos, I'm going to ask you to identify, either via a white list or a black list, bugs in your claimed area that you think others can tackle without interfering/conflicting with you.  We're getting near the end of the list of the other bugs, I think13:28
gary_posterFWIW these are "medium" bugs that I think are worthing of consideration (these are on my own list to consider)13:29
danilosgary_poster, ok, I'm loading the list now13:29
_mup_Bug #771284: The empty +subscriptions page is a dead end <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771284 >13:29
_mup_Bug #771247: "added or changed in any way" should include when comments are added <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771247 >13:29
_mup_Bug #768997: Batch multiple comments from the same person/same bug <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/768997 >13:29
_mup_Bug #771282: Team subscription description addresses "you" when describing the nature of the subscription <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771282 >13:29
gary_posterSome of them are easy, some of them I think are important-ish, some of them are both13:29
gary_posterthanks danilos13:29
gary_posterbac, no Skype-y13:31
bacgary_poster:  try again?13:31
benjibac: https://pastebin.canonical.com/46847/13:47
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
gmbIT WORKS.14:03
gmbThat is all.14:03
gary_postergmb, you fixed it?14:07
gary_posterI forgot to mention that I have a bit of a crazy schedule today, and somewhat tomorrow14:07
gary_posterI will be out for another "how is the baby doing" starting today at 10:30 (about 1:20 from now) and then again tomorrow in the morning.  I also have some stuff at the boys' school this afternoon.14:08
gmbgary_poster: I think so. Writing tests to confirm it.14:11
gary_posterbenji, I was looking at bugs for QA to see if it indicated a problem in our machinery somewhere.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/771269 actually has not landed, from a review two days ago.  Looking at other ones...14:22
_mup_Bug #771269: Structural subscription description is hard to read <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771269 >14:22
gary_postersame for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/77126014:23
_mup_Bug #771260: In the "bugs must match this filter" accordion we should state that tags are space separated, without having to click a help pop-up <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/771260 >14:23
gary_posteroh, heh, same branch14:23
benjigary_poster: yep, none of mind in "landing" have landed14:23
gary_posterbenji, do you know why?  Anything I can help with?14:24
benjiall seem to have had odd test failures in PQM, I'm trying to replicate and/or reland name14:24
gary_posterok cool14:24
gary_posterdanilos, bac, benji, I apologize, but my crazy schedule today may make it difficult to have calls at our regularly scheduled times.  danilos, would you like to reschedule for 30 minutes earlier (in about 30 minutes), or for tomorrow?  I bet you'd prefer tomorrow. :-)14:28
gary_posterbac and benji...actually, if we keep the calls short, and maybe start a hair early, I actually think we can keep to our normal times.  Does that sound ok?14:28
danilosgary_poster, good guess, yeah tomorrow'd work much better for me :)14:28
bacgary_poster:  yep14:28
gary_posterbenji, bac, cool thanks.  danilos, heh, ok, I'll change it on the calendar. :-)14:29
gmbgary_poster: Ah. Ahahaha. I've just had a thought about my "fix". It could actually introduce problems, in that stuff that's only available to Bug Supervisors (and protected by transitionTo{Status, Importance, Assignee, etc.}()) will become available - and unprotected - at bug creation time.14:29
gmbWe can fix that by adding the security code in createBug(), maybe, but I'm not sure whether that won't just cause us other problems (where "other problems" is a bit of a hand wave at this point).14:30
gary_postergmb, I think I see.  Adding the security code doesn't sound too bad on the face of it.14:31
gary_posterParticularly if it is small14:31
gmbBut maybe rather than just passing the stuff to createTask() we should create the task and then call transitionTo*() appropriately.14:31
gmbactually, thinking about it, why is that stuff done in the view in the first place, I wonder?14:31
gmb... ah, well, because we didn't have an API when that was written, that's why.14:32
gary_postermaybe so14:32
gary_posterwell, you would probably know :-)14:32
gmbgary_poster: That view has been around since year 0 and does some weird stuff. I suspect that the security code living in it is a throwback to "thou shalt not do security checks in the model" which was our pre-API rule, IIRC.14:33
gary_posteryeah, that makes sense.  I like the rule in the abstract.  I might argue that it is an indication of a wart in the API stuff.  But anyway... :-)14:34
gmbYeah. Let's fix the small things ;)14:39
gary_posterbenji, what's the story for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/769151 ?  It is marked as in-progress by you, but is not on the kanban board AFAICT, and you are working on other things.  It also looks vaguely dupe-y--like maybe it is something danilos is working on?14:47
_mup_Bug #769151: Creating a subscription when unmuting a bug doesn't. <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by benji> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/769151 >14:47
danilosgary_poster, benji: I was just about to ask about that bug myself :)14:50
danilosgary_poster, benji: I'd say I've fixed that already, but I'd be happy to take it on my plate to double check14:50
gary_poster+1 to either closing it outright if it is a dupe, or doublechecking and closing it.14:51
benjiI'm pretty sure it is invalid.  I think it's only a bug on one of my dev branches.14:51
gary_posterok cool.  um...benji, you feel comfortable closing it outright, or should someone doublecheck?14:51
benjiI've marked it invalid14:52
gary_posterawesome.  thanks benji and danilos14:52
benjiI'm relatively certain it was bogus14:52
danilosbenji, on the contrary, I am pretty certain there was a bug like that until recently, because the underlying code was not very good at figuring out what do you really want when you select a radio button :)14:54
benjifeel free to reopen and reassign it if you think it's valid14:54
gary_posterwell, one person thinks it is invalid, the person thinks it was valid but is now fixed...I'm happy to say "Invalid now" and move on, myself :-)14:56
gary_posterand in other news, there are no high bugs for me to choose from, which is kinda cool. :-)14:56
gary_posterparticularly if Huw gives us fixes/ideas for the two that he's blocking on14:56
bacwhat's up with allenap and team-yellow?  was he a mole trying to infiltrate us?14:57
danilosgary_poster, benji: yeah, it's "invalid", just trying to point out that benji has not had lost his mind when he filed it :)14:57
gary_posterdanilos, heh cool :-)14:58
gary_posterbac, :-) I added him to ~yellow because he reported a potential problem in a bug report but I wanted to see if he just needed the feature flag.  He verified that once he was in ~yellow the problem was not there, so then I removed him again. :-)14:59
gary_postermm, two smileys in one line.  That's a bit much even for me.14:59
bacheh, er, ha15:00
bacgary_poster: i just noticed bug 745660 was forced from committed back to in progress by lifeless but i don't know why15:07
_mup_Bug #745660: Attempt to subscribe team that is not associated to distribution fails <qa-ok> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/745660 >15:07
gary_posterbac, huh, looking15:07
danilosgary_poster, re bug 770345, the brokenness mrevell mentions in there seems to be the fact that his previous subscription doesn't get restored, which I know you are unhappy with, but I ain't exactly sure what can we do without it without major changes15:07
_mup_Bug #770345: When muting a bug your name disappears from the subscribers list but doesn't re-appear when unmuting <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by danilo> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/770345 >15:08
danilosgary_poster, fwiw, the name does re-appear if one chooses "unmute and subscribe me"15:08
bacit should be fix release15:08
bacgary_poster: mrevell raises a similar issue in bug 77034215:09
_mup_Bug #770342: "Unmute" dialogue is headed "Subscribe to bug" <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/770342 >15:09
gary_posterbac, my guess is that he marked it in progress because of what wgrant said.  I'll stare at it more in a sec; lemme read what danilos wrote...15:09
gary_posterdanilos, gotcha, yeah.  You are relatively sure that "unmute and subscribe me" already works (and was working when mrevell was looking?)15:12
danilosgary_poster, not sure if it was working when he was looking, I'd have to check with older devel for that15:12
gary_posterdanilos, or production15:13
gary_posterlemme try there15:13
danilosgary_poster, doesn't seem to work on production15:14
gary_posterdanilos, wfm on prod.  at least on the path I tried.15:15
danilosgary_poster, ha, interesting :) ah, right, I've noticed troubles with epiphany, let me try another browser15:15
gmbgary_poster: So, looking good with my fix for bug 720147. I need to step out for a while now but I'm running it through EC2 to see if anything breaks and will come back later to make sure it gets merged (assuming no breakages).15:15
gary_postergmb, fantastic :-)15:16
danilosgary_poster, yeah, wfm as well15:16
gary_posterdanilos, ok.  I'll mark this invalid and ramble on a bit in a comment about the situation15:18
danilosgary_poster, cool, thanks, I've just reassigned it to yellow15:18
gary_posterthanks danilos15:18
bacgary_poster: regarding bug 770342 i can make some of the text changes mrevell requests, and they are improvements, but i think he's mainly annoyed at losing his subscription when muted.  shall we just note and WONTFIX that aspect?15:21
_mup_Bug #770342: "Unmute" dialogue is headed "Subscribe to bug" <exploratory-testing> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by bac> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/770342 >15:21
gary_posterbac, agreed about your evaluation, and with your suggested resolution.15:23
bacgary_poster: ok, updating the bug15:24
* gmb -> afk for a while15:24
gary_posterthanks bac.  Please also either mention that we can make the internal change, but that it will require significant restructuring that will cause at least a couple of weeks of extra time; or ping me when you have made changes to the bug, and I'll add that comment.15:25
gary_posterdr appt.   biab15:31
baci'll be gone for a bit too15:50
* danilos -> out, tty tomorrow17:13
* gary_poster back17:14
gary_posterbenji, I'm writing a bug report and am trying to remember a phrase that you like.  It's something like "a destructive convenience" but that's not it...the idea is that something looks nice to use, but when you actually use it, it makes the situation worse, not better.  The convenience leads you down a bad path.  Does this ring any bells enough for you to remind me of the phrase?19:02
benjigary_poster: attractive nuisance19:02
gary_posterbenji, that's it!  thanks. :-)19:02
bacgary_poster: are we chatting nowish?19:25
gary_posteryes, bac.  you available now?19:25
gary_posterk one more sec19:27
bacno rush19:27
gary_posterbac, could you read http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600387/ and then Skype me?19:28
gary_posterthat's a draft of a bug report19:28
gary_posterEasier to read: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600387/plain/19:28
bacbenji: could you review this wee branch?20:58
benjibac: it looks fine.  I would have expected to see some changes to the call site(s) as well.21:00
bacbenji: yeah, me too.21:00
* bac looks again21:01
bacbenji: i think my call site was eaten by my recent merge from devel21:02
* benji suspects gary is about to call him.21:03
* benji tries to remember where he put his headphones.21:04
* gary_poster realizes that it is later than he thought21:04
gary_posterbenji ping me when you have headphones21:04
gary_posteror just call me21:04
gmbgary_poster: When you've got a second I've got a slightly knotty problem that needs another pair of eyes.21:15
bacbenji: diff updated at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-770342/+merge/5941521:15
gary_postergmb, ack.  Is it re the comment you made recently to allenap?  I will be gone in 4 minutes, so sending me an email might be best.  I can look at it probably starting in 45 minutes21:17
gmbgary_poster: Okay, that works. I'll email you.21:18
gary_postercool, np21:18
* benji looks at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-770342/+merge/5941521:21
benjibac: sorry if I'm wrong, but I would have expected there to be more than one calls of create_new_subscription_overlay; there are two on devel at the moment21:29
bacbenji: yes, but the other isn't changed as it uses the default value21:30
bacor do you find that icky(TM)?21:30
benjiah, gotcha21:30
benjigiven that there are only two calls, I personally would have done it without the default, but I'm not bent out of shape about it21:31
bacoriginally i thought there were more call sites so i went the default value route to minimize disruption.  now that there are only two it is a coin toss21:31
bacbenji: cool, i'll make the change21:31
benjibac: you may also want to run lint, I think you have a long line21:32
bacgood catch21:32
bacok benji, updated22:04
benjibac: done22:06
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
gary_postergmb, if you are still around, I don't understand why transactions don't save us in the scenario you mentioned.  Isn't everything in a single transaction?22:26
gary_posterand also if you are still around, why are you still around? :-)22:26
gmbgary_poster: Hmm. Yes, it is... so maybe it's to do with the way I'm testing things. However...22:26
gmb(And I'll address your other point in a minute)22:27
gmb... I've gone back to thinking that maybe we *shouldn't* be doing security stuff in createBug().22:27
gmbWe don't, AFAIK, let people call createBug() directly from the API (which would be our biggest security hole)22:27
gmbAnd we have checks and balances in place in the UI to prevent people who aren't allowed to set milestone, etc. from doing it (save the edge case I came up with).22:28
gmbSo maybe what we should do here is JFDI, pass the parameters to IBugTaskSet.createTask() (without going through transitionTo*()) and fix anything *if* it breaks.22:29
gary_posterwell, the edge case can't happen within transactions, if that helps anything22:29
gmbBut maybe - coming back to your other point - I'm not able to see the wood for the trees right now.22:29
gmbI was trying to get this done before tomorrow, since I've got a four-day weekend, but maybe that's just not feasible.22:29
gary_posterwithin a transaction, Alice either will or will not have the permission22:29
gary_posterSo you are out tomorrow and Monday, right?22:30
gary_poster(and Danilo is out Monday and Tuesday)22:30
gmbgary_poster: Actually, you're right. Transactions should save us the worry.22:30
gmb... but in tests, we don't use them unelss we do it explicitly.22:30
gmbThat explains my problem.22:30
gary_postergmb, it sounds like this is at the "it's fixed except for the fact I'm really tired" :-)22:31
gmbFair point.22:31
gary_posterI'm happy to try and run with your branch tomorrow, if you think that would work22:32
gmbthat's exactly what I was hoping you'd say.22:32
gary_posterIs there anything I need to know more in order to do that, do you think22:32
gary_posterheh, ok :-)22:32
gmbI think it needs one more test, but nothing big. I'll email you with details when I've committed and pushed what I've got.22:32
gary_posterawesome, gmb.  Thanks.  Finish up and quit soon.  Thank you very much for working on this22:33
gmbgary_poster: Branch pushed (lp:~yellow/launchpad/filter-on-bug-creation-bug-720147), details emailed to you.22:50
* gmb -> Very, very AFK.22:50
gary_posterawesome, thanks gmb22:51
gmbHave a good weekend everyone.22:51
gary_poster:-) bye, have a great weekend!22:51

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