
lcbpace_t_zulu, is better to wait for final, till. there are testing isos everyday _testing_00:00
dios_miomy gksudo gedit error: http://pastebin.com/eJvnTHxL00:00
pace_t_zululcb: unless it's for the purposes of testing before the final00:00
itaylor57KM0201: I installed chromium daily ppa, firefox was miserable and the default chromium was also, but the daily is very good00:01
KM0201itaylor57: lol, go figure, my experience has been exactly opposite, tons of probs out of chromium, firefox4 has been flawless00:02
lcbpace_t_zulu, sure.00:03
lcbdios_mio, but you get gedit working...00:03
dios_mioyes lcb00:03
lcbthose type of errors are not new, even previous releases and with more apps00:03
itaylor57KM0201: maybe its my upgrade instead of fresh install00:03
dios_miook then lcb00:04
KM0201itaylor57: possible.. who knows00:04
lcbpace_t_zulu, for gedit, gksudo or sudo--- gives the same00:04
pace_t_zuluso ... anyone here successfully booted ubuntu from a usb drive on a macbook before?00:05
lcbKM0201, how is your Xubunatty?00:05
KM0201lcb: slicker than snot.. :)00:05
Kanowhats the way now to create icons on the desktop? usually the icons had been in the Desktop dir00:06
bp0if I upgrade from 10.10, will it keep my gnome-panel setup?00:07
pace_t_zulubp0: probably will... but it is easy to backup your gnome panel setup00:08
pace_t_zulubp0: "gconftool-2 --dump /apps/panel > gnome-panel-backup"00:08
pace_t_zulubp0: and then you can load it back00:09
pace_t_zulubp0: "gconftool-2 --load gnome-panel-backup00:09
bp0will it have the three menus or just the ubuntu logo menu from the alpha?00:09
lcbpace_t_zulu, http://goo.gl/cYOgK00:09
KM0201you knjow one thing i've never understood.00:11
pace_t_zululcb: ty ... great link00:11
KM0201when i clean install ubuntu, and i enter my time/date settings.. i alway sput my home city.... (Indpls)00:11
KM0201then when i actually install, and i check my clock, it ALWAYS sets my time to "America/Adak"... i don't even know what Adak is..lol00:12
alokitoIf I have natty beta installed will it automatically upgrade to final version after release?00:12
alokitoor should I do a fresh install?00:12
KM0201alokito: it will automatically upgrade to final00:12
lcbbp0, when you login you have an option to run under classical desktop, where you have the same panels00:12
alokitohmm okay00:12
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases00:13
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.00:13
KM0201there we go.00:13
lcbalokito, just keep updating00:13
alokitoalrite :)00:13
bp0lcb, right buy classic desktop is not the same, the menus have changed, i prefer the existing style. will it be possible to keep it?00:13
alokitobp0: I guess you just have to make classic desktop the default DE?00:14
lcbbp0, backup all your /home including .files00:14
alokitoif you wanna make it look like before you can just install old themes :-?00:15
lcbalokito, you have a lot of ways of configuring it, still00:15
lcbalokito, i did an upgrade (besides fresh installs) and i don't recall changing a lot of my previous desktop00:17
lcbalokito, Unity, called now just _Ubuntu_ desktop yes, there are substantial changes. however you have the choice of keeping the previous desktop style00:18
alokitolcb: if ubuntu-desktop package is now unity then whats the classic desktop called?00:21
lcbFor you two, one step is important; backup your /home00:21
lcband /etc and /usr if you want...00:21
lcbalokito, Classic Desktop or Ubuntu Classic, one of those (i got amnesia after last login) :)00:22
alokitowhats the package name I mean00:24
alokitobtw... is lubuntu official now?00:25
* KM0201 kinda forgot all about lubuntu00:25
lcbalokito, Ubuntu Classic, that's the name.00:25
arandlubuntu Has nice screencasts, apart from that, I know naught00:25
alokitoI use lubuntu in my very old laptop00:26
lcbalokito, the package name for Ubuntu Classic'!... i have no clue, possible the gurus here know00:26
alokitoit runs faster than any other full featured OS!00:26
dios_mioi cant enable desktop cube in classic desktop, without messing everything up and losing window borders00:27
dios_miothe moment it turns off desktop wall window borders are gone00:28
lcbalokito, i tried that a couple weeks ago and indeed is fast. but between that and installing the base system and some xfce environment... i don't know..00:28
lcbalokito, DSL (Damn Small Linux) is really fast and damn small :) too bad is not developed anymore00:29
alokitoa custom xfce DE might work faster but xubuntu-desktop isn't00:30
alokitoit uses many packages from gnome00:30
lcbalokito, again, base system and a customized graphical environment.. is a good bet for a fast ubuntu (11.04)00:31
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD00:31
lcbI like to play with puppy, on my ancestral machines.00:32
Kanoalso what i absolutely don't get why u is the one and only major linux distro that does NOT provide hybrid iso images. to fix em only isohybrid needs to be called on em, but thats not done00:32
alokitopuppy is good00:32
alokitobut I can't figure out how to netboot install anything else than ubuntu :(00:32
Kanoalokito: maybe use memdisk and preload the iso00:33
alokitothe optical drive of the laptop is ruined and it doesn't even support usb boot!00:33
alokitoKano: good idea but it has only 256 mb memory :P00:33
Kanoalokito: also plop can be installed into your mbr to boot from usb00:34
alokitointernal hdd mbr?00:34
Kanowell you chainload it first from any other bootloader, then you put it onto the internal mbr00:34
alokitook I'll try that, thanks00:35
Kanoall other systems should be installed with the bootloader in partition00:35
timis there any way to change system sounds in a comfortable way in natty?00:35
Kanoit works well with via based systems00:35
Kanojust try it, can be deleted easyly too00:36
Kanowhat also works is usually a boot from hd00:36
Kanowhen you have got enough spare partitions00:37
lcbi'm trying to develop a spray to 'spray' hard disks on computers without any media to install distros. but i'm running out of cans :I00:37
lcbKano, installing ubuntu (full - all drivers) on a friends computer, then moving that HD to your, works too00:39
Kanolcb: the drivers are in the kernel, thats not the big deal, you just should remove the persit udev rules: rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-*00:41
pace_t_zululcb: i have a workaround00:41
pace_t_zululcb: boot from the live cd with a usb drive plugged in00:41
freaky[t] how do i set a partition to be mounted automatically like eg. D:\ drive in windows?00:42
Kanolcb: i trained the kanotix bot with lots of infos about that ;)00:42
alokitofreaky[t]: you have to edit /etc/fstab00:42
alokitogoogle it :)00:42
Kanofreaky[t]: create an fstab entry. i only see a boot speed reason why this is not done by default. on kanotix every partition is mounted because it is more usefull for me (and most other users)00:43
lcbpace_t_zulu, yes, then the system finds one or the other, keeping the installation going00:43
S-M-Glhello, can i update now, or do i have to wait until tomorrow?00:44
Kanofreaky[t]: dont forget to create the mountpoint (an empty dir)00:44
alokitofreaky[t]: if its an ntfs partition you can use ntfs-config package to automount it00:44
lcbS-M-Gl, you can but better wait00:44
S-M-Gllcb: why, is the alpha the one currently online?00:45
alokitoS-M-Gl: no its beta00:45
alokitoits not much different from final release actually00:45
S-M-Glalokito: right sorry, so the beta is the one online, until tomorrow?00:46
Kanothere are daily snapshots too available, why are they not linked00:46
alokitoS-M-Gl: yes till the official anounce00:46
pace_t_zuluhere's the ubuntu forum thread for anyone who needs it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145834100:46
Kanozsync is really usefull for those00:46
pace_t_zului will be afk for a bit00:46
alokitothe repo packages will probably get updated before the announcement...00:46
lcbS-M-Gl, wait a bit, is not too long for the release.00:47
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!00:48
S-M-Gllcb:right, just cant wait, its a big release, at-least thats what I think.00:48
lcbyes it is00:49
alokitoS-M-Gl: it'll be announced in #ubuntu-release-party as soon as it's released00:49
lcbi got a lot of beer already, for the party.00:50
S-M-Glalokito:thanks for the heads-up00:50
jbwiv_guys, anyone know why freenx was removed from natty?00:50
lcb!info freenx00:51
ubottuPackage freenx does not exist in natty00:51
zenroxprobly a dead package00:52
zenroxthat tends to be the usual responce00:52
jbwiv_can anyone recommend an alternative solution for remote desktops which performs better than vnc?00:52
Picijbwiv_: Are you sure that it was in the repos? The documentation I see here says it was in a PPA00:53
zenrox!info terminal server client00:53
ubottu'server' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable00:53
lcbjbwiv, i like TeamViewer00:53
jbwiv_Pici, hmm...perhaps you're right. can 't remember when i installed it00:54
zenroxjbwiv try terminal server client00:54
IdleOnefreenx used to be in the repos like 4-5 releases ago00:54
zenroxit does every thang00:54
alokitojbwiv_: there are different vnc servers which perform differently from each other00:54
jbwiv_lcb: that's new to me, I"ll take a look. zenrox, isn't that for rdp? you can't expose a linux desktop through rdp unless you use the hacked vnc->rdp approach iirc00:54
jbwiv_alokito, which do you consider the best?00:54
alokitoI use realvnc in both linux and windows00:54
lcbjbwiv, for me is good because i can connect trough the Internet, wherever i would be.00:55
jbwiv_alokito, is performance decent?00:55
jbwiv_lcb: thats nie00:55
IdleOnejbwiv: try teamviewer it is free for individual use and it works pretty well. check their website for the deb package.00:55
alokitojbwiv_: don't know about best but it performs very good00:55
alokitoubuntu has a vnc server installed by default btw00:55
alokitodon't know if it'll be in natty00:56
zenroxjbwiv, it does rdp,vnc,and xsession00:56
jbwiv_alokito, yeah...well, at least in the last release, it would break if compiz was enabled00:56
jbwiv_zenrox, as a client...but I need a server00:56
KanoIdleOne: did you notice that teamviewer is a win app running with wine00:56
lcbjbwiv, and direct connections too00:56
lcbjbwiv, direct connections meaning on my network00:56
IdleOneKano: yes but it works well00:56
zenroxjbwiv, you can tell xserv to be a server00:56
jbwiv_IdleOne, lcb: wonder what firewall requirements teamviewer has. the nice thing about nx is that it runs over ssh00:57
alokitojbwiv_: then you can try realvnc, its not free though...00:57
KanoIdleOne: not always the best speed, but it is ok00:57
IdleOnejbwiv: none00:57
jbwiv_zenrox, you can tell xserv to be an rdp server?00:57
jbwiv_Kano, teamviewer is slow?00:57
IdleOnejbwiv: there is a little lag but it was not enough for me to say it was slow00:58
freaky[t]i used the ntfs-tool but it adds all the ntfs devices to automount ;(00:58
alokitoteamviewer linux version uses win emulation00:58
zenroxjbwiv, it wont be a rdp server but i will forward xserv packets over a network00:58
KanoIdleOne: what you can not control with it is when you run vbox inside linux. then you have to install teamviewer inside vbox too...00:58
Kanojbwiv_: compared to x11vnc it is00:58
zenroxand act like a full dm login00:58
alokitoso it shouldn't perform as fast as linux native vnc servers00:58
jbwiv_zenrox, yes...and sloooowly ;-)00:58
IdleOneKano: I don't use it so much that the lag bothers me all that much. in a pinch teamviewer does what i need.00:59
Kanoi used it serveral times already00:59
IdleOnedinner time.00:59
zenroxjbwiv, i never had a prob with speed00:59
zenroxbut then i did use a lighter wm01:00
Kanosometimes i switched back to x11vnc because of too much delay01:00
jbwiv_I think i'll stick with freenx for now. It's very fast01:00
jbwiv_thanks guys...found the ppa.Pici was correct01:00
Kanofreenx usually creates a new desktop01:00
jbwiv_Kano, yes, it does01:00
lcbjbwiv, you have deb for that, so. you could even compile it01:01
Kanowhat i usually need is that the current desktop is exposed01:01
jbwiv_do you guys trust TeamViewer? I don't know anything about them. I assume they serve as some sort of proxy?01:01
lcbjbwiv, it's pretty good and fast.01:01
Kanojbwiv_: the use case is different from freenx01:02
jbwiv_wow...it's also pricey, for commercial use ;-)01:02
Kanobut similar to skype you can transfer files thru firewall protected networks as 2nd use case ;)01:02
lcbjbwiv, the base package is more than enough jbwiv01:03
jbwiv_lcb, yes, but I'm trying to use it for work for my company ;-)01:03
jbwiv_course, I guess the'd never know, but I try to play honestly with these things01:04
lcbjbwiv, oh... if the inspection goes there you get a "ticket", i see01:04
jbwiv_lcb :-)01:05
lcbeven with free antivirus, in some countries and under software release rules, you can't use it 'in' comercial places01:06
lcbKano, with skype you get almost the full package; the files and the people sending it :)01:08
Kanowell with teamviewer you only accept file transfer once, then you can copy the whole hd if you want...01:09
timgovernment here plans to switch back from linux to windows. so sad01:10
Kanothe win os is not that important, but the office apps are overpriced...01:10
timand so is most software on win.01:10
lcblinux is getting expensive for governments for quite long time; no revenues from taxes.01:11
jbwiv_wow...have you guys tried x2go? it's extremely fast on this end01:12
jbwiv_faster than nx it appears01:12
timyeah, the reason they tell the people is that they want to "support the local companies", implying that windows is "local"01:12
Kanotim: you need to create linux alternatives first, thats definitely nothing you do in a few days. but you could at least begin converting ms office tools to open/libre office to get rid of that depend01:12
Kanotim: cload bases solutions will help too..., then you could even do everything in your webbrower...01:14
lcbnite all, 1:15 am here. time to dream... sleeping.01:15
Q-FUNKdidn't natty release today already?01:15
jbwiv_Q-FUNK, I believe it's tomorrow01:15
Q-FUNKschedule said 28th01:16
alokitoits 28th morning here in South Asia!01:16
ssfdre38hey do you know how long till 11.04 is out?01:16
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!01:16
alokitothere you go ssfdre38!01:17
ssfdre38i know its not out yet but how many hrs left01:17
alokitono idea :P01:17
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.01:17
alokitoyou can join #ubuntu-release-party if you want01:17
ssfdre38i read somewhere it was at 23:30 but i dont know what timezone01:18
alokitoUTC maybe01:18
ssfdre38then it would be release right now01:19
fieriswhat silent !!!!!01:40
marcavisEverybody's busy upgrading, I suppose ;)01:41
ssfdre38my server is up-to-date01:41
marcavisWell, folks, is natty looking solid so far for you? thinking of upgrading today01:42
boodroscotchHey guys, do any of you have problems with setting the Chromium Daily Build from the PPA as the default browser?01:42
boodroscotchIt's been going on for quite a while.01:42
ubottuNo! Its not out yet!01:42
renderowhen will be available 11.04 ?01:43
arandmarcavis: All depends on if you like unity...01:43
marcavisYeah I've heard a bit about it... I'll have to try it I think01:43
arandrendero: I've told you, sometime before 29th01:43
renderoarand but here its written 28th https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule01:44
arandYou are not listening are you? :p01:44
rwwrendero: 11.04 is scheduled to be released sometime during the time period when it's April 28th somewhere on the planet.01:45
alokitoit should've released in may day to honor worker's revolution :P01:47
rwwthen it would be 11.05!01:47
alokitolol yah01:47
itaylor57boodroscotch: I have chromium daily what is your problem?01:50
KM0201is it out?01:50
KM0201ask that in release-party, and you get kicked01:51
ubottuIt's out soon! Join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D01:51
KM0201ssfdre38: but if you ask "is it out" in release party, you get kicked..lol01:51
alokitoseems like it's close :D01:51
ssfdre38i saw01:51
alokitoubottu changed it's response01:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:51
computerwiz_222I have an issue on my system running 11.04 with the latest updates. There is a region in the lower portion of my screen that ignores input from the mouse. If I am in Firefox, I cannot scroll or click. In minecraft, all clicks are ignored. It seems to be a system-wide anomaly. Any ideas?01:53
=== JamesJRH_ is now known as JamesJRH
computerwiz_222(in fullscreen versions of applications, vlc or minecraft, this issue goes away)01:53
kavurtmy touchpad's scroll doesn't work. it was normal with 10.04.  ??01:54
arandkavurt: Have you made sure it's enabled as well? (I think it comes disabled per default...)01:55
kavurtarand: can you tell me how to enable it?01:55
arandkavurt: Mouse in system setting under shutdown button01:56
linuxman410need help with display intel 845ge on board have only one resolution01:57
boodroscotchitaylor57: well, I can't set it as the default browser01:58
linuxman410can someone help01:58
itaylor57boodroscotch: I had that problem in the past,but it came and went01:59
kavurtarand: it's already enabled. it looks like i have a bigger problem :(01:59
computerwiz_222i have looked more into my issue, it is definitely system wide with unity02:00
itaylor57boodroscotch: when I have seen that, it won't let me set it but it still acts like the default02:00
computerwiz_222when using a terminal there is a large region where I am unable to select text in the lower quadrant of my screen02:00
computerwiz_222this issue has affected me more than once, with restarts in between02:02
=== rww is now known as rww_
boodroscotchitaylor57: hm, it doesn't act like default at all for me.02:02
itaylor57boodroscotch: no idea then02:02
linuxman410can some help me with my display02:07
linuxman410any links or anything02:07
coz_linuxman410,  sorry i didnt see your original post02:08
linuxman410coz i have a tntel 845ge only one resoulution02:10
coz_linuxman410,  ah ,, darn ,, I know far too little about intel graphics to helps02:10
linuxman410coz_ i need to make a xorg.conf file02:11
mrdebdoes anyone know how to make ipod work with banshee02:14
pieroHi! How can I know if I'm running gnome or unity?02:16
coz_piero,   have you seen either screenshots of unity  or videos?02:17
pierocoz_, yes I did. But U02:17
coz_piero,  the 2 look pretty different from one another02:18
pieroBut unity is pretty like gnome, and I made an upgrade from 10.10. So my menus are the same as lastday. gnome-panel is running... I saw in process's list02:18
mrdebpiero: unity has icons on the left02:18
coz_piero,  Unity has the large     launcher panel on the left part of the screen ,, but classic gnome just has the top and bottom panels02:18
coz_piero,  ok y ou upgraded and the desktop looks the same...yes?02:19
pierohmm! but, is there a process that is always and just running when you are using unity?02:20
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
pierocoz_, right!02:20
coz_piero, ok  which video card do you have on that machine?02:20
pierobut I selected "Ubuntu Desktop" in gdm02:20
coz_piero,  open a terminal    lspci | grep -i vga02:20
coz_piero,  ah02:20
pierocoz_, no 3d acceleration here. I'm a sad man who bought a sis chipset02:20
coz_piero,  ok  then you need to install  Unity-2d  from synaptic package manager02:21
pieroroger coz_ , but I'm not going to do that, since unity-2d are QT based.02:21
coz_piero,  open synaptic   hit Search  type in  Unity-2d02:21
coz_piero,  then you are stuck with  classic gnome02:22
pieroyeah.. but do you think I will be able to run gnome-3 in 11.10?02:22
piero(this is a question for ubuntu+2)02:22
coz_piero,  if you cannot run with 3d acceleration than I dont think mutter will work either but I havent played with it recently02:23
pieroand do you liked?02:23
coz_piero,  I do not like gnome3  no .. just my opinion,,,02:24
digdeepinstall virtualbox 4.0.6 on ubuntu 11.04, but /etc/init.d/vboxdrv is missing. Anyone please?02:24
coz_digdeep,  if I remember correctly... i believe someone said virtualbox is broken on natty,, but not positive02:25
pierofinally, can you send me your sources.list file?02:25
pieromy configuration is pretty dumped02:25
coz_piero,  hold on02:25
sebsebsebdigdeep: ok let's get you that link I was on about in #ubuntu02:26
micahgdigdeep: do you have dkms installed?02:26
sebsebsebdigdeep: something I will probabably do myself eventualley, with another distro as host :)02:26
sebsebsebkancerman: micahg http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/02:27
coz_piero,  I dont think my sources list is default... you will have to ask someone else   ...sorry02:28
sebsebsebkancerman: if you follow these instructions ^ then things should be ok02:28
pieroright, thanks coz_02:28
sebsebsebuh why am I messaging kancerman when I mean to message digdeep ?02:28
Luke1ubuntu 11.04 "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256"02:28
digdeepHi all, I installed virtualbox 4.0.6 (I think it is the latest) INSIDE natty. It is not working. I need to "sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup", but /etc/init.d/vboxdrv  is missing02:28
Luke1gdm is basically failing hard for me02:28
micahgdigdeep: you won't have that with 4.0.6 since natty has 4.0.402:29
sebsebsebLuke1: quite a few alternative log in screens :)02:29
Luke1sebsebseb: what do you mean?02:29
sebsebsebLuke1: well you said gdm was failing on you02:29
sebsebsebLuke1: so maybe an alternative log in screen would work instead02:30
Luke1I suspect that's just one symptom of a deeper issue02:30
Luke1i don't think it has to do with GDM in particular02:30
sebsebsebLuke1: however yeah your issue is probably something deeper as you say, as well02:30
Luke1gconf-sanity-check-2 implies something bad02:30
devkorcvinceanyone with successfull update 10.10 64bit to 11.04 64bit?02:30
digdeepmicahg: virtualbox 4.0.6 is saying I should run "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup" If it is not there, what should I do?02:30
sebsebsebdigdeep: not sure, but I think it may mean to install the kernel modules, looks similar to something I have had before02:31
sebsebsebdigdeep: which Virtualbox did you install, or I should say how did you do so?02:31
Luke1i'm getting the gconf-sanity-check-2 error after an update02:31
micahgdigdeep: it should be in /opt/VirtualBox or something similar if you're running the oracle version02:31
sebsebsebdigdeep: make sure to install the non OSE version, and things should be ok02:32
micahgsebsebseb: no such thing anymore02:33
sebsebsebmicahg: true02:33
sebsebsebmicahg: ah well you can help them :) or try to02:33
Luke1it looks like I upgraded and now /tmp/ isn't writable - anyone know why that would be02:34
digdeepI download virtualbox 4.0.6 from virtualbox offical website, then install it02:35
Luke1omg that fixed everything!02:36
Luke1tmp became unwritable for some reason02:36
Luke1why would that happen?02:36
Luke1//tmp that is02:36
torchiesrsly why do wobble windows bust nuts whenever the window is slightly off screen02:38
torchieviewport switcher too02:39
micahgdigdeep: it's been a long time since I downloaded virtualbox, I used the oracle deb repo for a long while02:39
digdeepbut during installation, software centre says it is in bad quality02:39
rww_oracle is not great at making deb packages.02:40
Luke1man my computer is fubared from - i upgraded something which caused /tmp to not be writable as well as tons of random gnome stuff being messed (themes are broken etc)02:41
bjsnideryofel_, so far gnome 3 from the ppa is far quicker and less buggy than unity02:42
digdeepsomehow, reinstalled after 3 times. It works!02:44
digdeepnot sure what I did02:45
kavurtmy gui update hung at 95%. i cancelled it. there's 200 updates available. now i do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade", it tells me no updates available. ??02:47
timtry dist-upgrade02:48
micahgkavurt: run update-manager again02:49
kavurtmicahg: where's update-manager?02:50
kavurttim: i tried it. it gives the same result. 0 updates...02:51
timkavurt: just type update-manager on the terminal02:51
micahgkavurt: how did you run the original update?02:51
kavurtmicahg: it came up itself into the system tray automatically.02:52
kavurttim: update-manager wasn't installed. now i'm installing it.02:53
micahgkavurt: you said GUI, how were you upgrading before?02:53
kavurtmicahg: it appears in the system tray whenever updates available. and i just click on it. and it updates the system. isn't it gui?02:55
ubottuIt's out soon! Join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D02:55
micahgkavurt: all the updates might be installed, it depends where it was hung02:56
arandWhat's the default numbers for launching files & folders and USC?02:58
kavurtmicahg: same thing happened before. i thought like just what you said. but apparently they weren't installed. and same amount of updates appeared at a later time. and exactly same thing happened again. btw update-manager couldn't find any updates eiter.02:59
arandi.e. Which number are they normally in the panel?02:59
micahgkavurt: you can try sudo dpkg --configure -a, if anything was left, it was probably the package configuration03:00
kavurtthanks micahg: i'll try it03:02
lucushi everyone. Wanted to ask if it is worth migrating to btrfs with natty03:05
habananyHey faamily... how do i run lmms in ubuntu 11.0403:06
DETERMINOLOGYthis room getting thick03:06
arandlucus: No. Use it to test, nothing else.03:11
arandlucus: (My opinion, based on general status and ubuntu's implementation)03:14
lucusarand: The only problem so far is slow boot... Would there be any issues with corruption?03:16
=== Guest39231 is now known as kholerabbi
arandlucus: btrfs is not considered stable yet (you can get around the slow boot by removing the btrfsck symlink, btw)03:17
arandlucus: So I would definitely make sure to keep everythin imortant on the btrfs well backupped03:17
arandlucus: Corruption is not as uncommon as it should be, plus there is no proper btrfscktool03:18
arandSO even slight errors can lead to an borked fs03:18
lucusarand: I already did backups. So removing the symlink won't cause the bootprocess to halt?03:19
arandlucus: No, it will just report an error and carry on.03:19
wipmonkeyanyone got a Palm Pre they use for wifi tethering in 11.04??03:19
kholerabbiis it out yet?03:19
lucusarand: ain't there any other way to tune btrfsck, to do a check every 30 boots or so? I remember hardy had the same caveat... When it wanted to check something it could take ages...03:20
arandlucus: The symlink was added just recently ;)03:21
wipmonkeykhkolerabbi is what out yet?03:21
micahgkholerabbi: #ubuntu-release-party for that03:21
arandlucus: Current btrfsck is a clunky piece of junk.. You don't tune it, you simply don't use it except for specific diagnostics.03:22
lucusarand: got the idea ;)03:22
arandlucus: Which the maintainer who enabled it seems to disagree with, or is simply unknowing of..03:23
lucusarand: last question... where is this symlink located?03:24
arandlucus: /sbin/fsck.btrfs -> /sbin/btrfsck   is the link used03:25
lucusarand: thanks! In your opinion, is btrfs far from becoming stable?03:27
lars_t_harand, i renember the firsr time ext4 was included with Ubuntu. Then i begin to use files bigger than 512 MB, the files became corrupted.03:27
arandlucus: There is a _lot_ of work going into btrfs so I hope that it will not be that far off. The reworked btrfsck *should* be out "soon™" ... =)03:29
lucusarand: Thanks for being so helpful!03:30
arandlucus: I really look forward to it, cheap snapshotting could be such a great thing if automated correctly.03:31
arandi.e. downgrading: now enabled!03:32
bjsniderarand, how soon?03:32
bjsnideri want an exxact date and time03:33
lucusarand: not only that! Imagine different roots for subvolumes, compression, snapshooting, all those goodies!03:33
arandbjsnider: Sorry, crystal globe just broke :(03:34
arandlucus: natty does already setup two subvolumes: @ and @home for / and /home ;)03:35
lucusarand: I did manually three. @32 @64 and @home and migrated there from ext4 with a sync utility. Works like a charm 'till now03:36
lucusarand: one other thing I noticed is that there is not much discussion going on after 2010. Looks like interest has dropped a bit03:38
arandOh, dual-booting different archs from the same btrfs and shared home? That sounds cool...03:38
arandlucus: Well in the public at least, #btrfs and the mailing list is quite active..03:39
lucusarand: that was my idea in the first place ;)03:39
lucusarand: was thinking about an @iso too! Just to put all the isos grub can boot ;)03:39
arandlucus: It's like LVM2^4 =)03:41
lucusarand: LVM2 is a good idea. I have to have winblows on my comp unfortunately...03:44
bitplaneis there a chat room for unity?03:45
arandWell btrfs kind of does the same things as LVM, but just much better.03:45
arand(Well no really, but there are a lot of overlaps, but btrfs implementation makes it possible to use in much more cases)03:47
lucusarand: see you again perhaps another time? Have to go now. Thanks!03:47
arandlucus: See ya.03:47
bitplaneinkscape's right click menu in unity's panel has this nice "new document" option03:48
bitplaneis that stored in the desktop file?03:48
bitplaneooh yes it is03:49
ajinis ubuntu11.04 usable or stable now?03:50
bitplanepretty much, there's some reasonably ugly bugs still but it's just about usable03:50
arandajin: Kinda, depending if you like Unity..03:50
mhall119ajin: it gets released tomorrow, so it'd better be03:50
arand(Or classic, I guess..)03:50
bitplanemain things that have annoyed me are 1) your leftmost monitor must be your first output. 2) subwoofer is disabled all the f*cking time 3) global menu bar crashes if you restart compiz03:51
ajinit's April 28 already here in China03:52
bitplanesame here in the uk, if 4am counts as the morning!03:52
ajintechnically, 4am counts as the morning, lol03:53
bitplaneI'm not in work 'til tuesday... so my sleeping cycle says 4am is lunchtime03:55
ajini'm waiting for the release time spot04:01
ajinwhich is annoying04:01
ssfdre38ajin: there is no set time04:03
ubottuNot yet! But you can join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D04:03
ajinssfdre38: TKS04:04
devkorcvinceany issues on upgrading 10.10 -> 11.04?04:17
debgHi. anyone facing any issue with full screen flash video playback ?04:18
debgeverytime I switch from full screen, kde crashed and I have to reboot the laptop.04:21
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semitoneshow can i find out what driver my touchpad is using?04:25
nastjuidJust installed natty and was wondering what the little marks on the left of the icon mean. are they indicators of how many windows are open in relation to that item?04:28
OmegaYes, what windows are open :)04:29
nastjuidcool. so for menu items that would have normally shown up in the menu, how would I find those? I just installed crossover games but I can't find it in any of the menus04:30
nastjuidis that something codeweavers would have to change so that it shows up on the bar?04:31
semitonesnastjuid, hmm, can you still find them by searching?04:31
nastjuidsemitones: not so far04:32
nastjuidit's also not in the big list of applications04:32
semitonesnastjuid, hmm, i don't know!04:32
debgsemitones: you can check that in system setting -> input device --> Touchpad  or dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg-input*04:33
semitonesdebg, cool thanks! (i have to report a bug)04:33
victory747I am having troubles with unity/compiz and the nvidia 173 driver. compiz04:33
victory747keeps crashing04:33
nastjuidI'll just play with it some more and see about adding them to the bar. the binaries aren't in path by default anyway. I'm sure it's easily remedied04:35
nastjuidsemitones: thansk though :)04:35
semitonesnp :) have fun04:35
FlynsarmyIs it still set for a 28th release?04:40
debgFlynsarmy: it says so in the website . :)04:41
Flynsarmydebg: ya, thought as much - OmgUbuntu! had it pegegd for a 'tuesday' release or something in one of their articles so i figured i'd confirm :)04:41
rww_OMG!Ubuntu is wrong frequently.04:42
unityproblemfinal release nt showing up in update manger?04:43
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micahg!isitoutyet > Flynsarmy04:43
ubottuFlynsarmy, please see my private message04:43
Flynsarmymicahg: ... i never asked if it was out yet04:45
micahgFlynsarmy: same idea :)04:45
debgif I try to switch from full screen flash video to windowed, kde crashes, any idea how to fix it ? I am using kubuntu natty04:46
micahgunityproblem: from maverick?04:47
xiambaxhow do i enable gnome3 user theme extension04:48
spiralsHi. Dolphin is not showing me updated views of folders when I browse to them. What am I doing wrong? Currently have to "Refresh" by hitting F5 to see new files in a folder that Dolphin previously displayed04:48
spiralsthis is under Natty/KDE 4.6 of course04:49
debgspirals: Is this your issue --> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267709 ?04:50
ubottuKDE bug 267709 in general "Dolphin shows no files when dolphin's startup directory is set to same as the link you open " [Normal,Resolved: fixed]04:50
debgspirals: fix is here -->  http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=94172&p=192521&hilit=dolphin+empty+home#p19234904:51
spiralsNo. I'll give a specific use case. Let's say I am browsing a folder on my Desktop in Dolphin. I then navigate to a subfolder of Desktop, then back to Desktop. In my web browser, I download an image file to that subfolder, then browse back into the subfolder from the Desktop in Dolphin.  The new file does not appear.04:51
spiralsAll the other files appear normally as they were - it feels like a caching problem of some kind. I did clear my dotfiles completely when setting up natty and haven't had any other weirdness with Dolphin04:52
spiralsHitting F5/selecting refresh from the menu makes the new file appear reliably04:52
spiralsThis behavior seems more appropriate (if annoying) for cases where the file was downloaded to the current directory without any change of directory in dolphin. However it's affecting folders that aren't the currently displayed folder.04:53
spiralsin addition to currently displayed folders04:54
spiralsI'm going to apply that 'fix' anyway and see if it changes what I'm seeing. Thank you for the link.04:54
spiralsI assume release will have that config baked in by default ;)04:54
debgI can't reproduce what you said, So, I am not sure what is going on04:55
debgdoes it happen all the time ? or did it start after you applied some updates ?04:55
MandoJMat what time is Natty releasing?04:55
spiralsI can state it more succinctly: Any folder I'd previously viewed in that instance of Dolphin doesn't immediately update until I hit F5.04:55
spiralsNah, it's been the case since beta release for me.04:55
rww_MandoJM: no set time, release will be announced in #ubuntu-release-party and other places04:56
MandoJMrrw_: thanks04:56
spiralsWeeeird. That *did* fix it. Totally counterintuitive and I hate the fix in principle, but I'm glad it fixed it.04:57
semitonesrww_, does bsadfl have a big red button that triggers the release?04:57
spiralsMy home folder is *not* /home :(04:57
rww_semitones: no, but the release manager might ;)04:57
spiralsThanks again Debg04:57
semitonesrww_, lol awesome!04:57
debgspirals: yw :)04:57
spiralsdebg, that's actually the very first stupid hack (or hack at all) I've had to apply to kubuntu 11.04 since beta release04:58
spiralsvery high level of functionality ootb :)04:58
victory747Is /var/log/messages being used on natty? It seems /etc/rsyslog.d config files were changed a couple months ago and now my /var/log/messages is empty. Is this normal for natty?05:03
spiralsDebg, the fix was supposed to be in 4.6.2 for the bug you linked. We're on 4.6.2 on natty now. So, I think it's a related bug and they fixed it the wrong way, because the dumb workaround is still necessary for my problem.05:04
spiralsIf it's still there at Natty release I'll follow up again and make sure a proper report is filed.05:04
debgspirals: after the workaround , you can see the new file without refresh ?05:04
spiralsvictory747, my /var/log/messages is empty too. Normal I'd say05:04
spiralsdebg: Correct!05:04
spiralslike magic :)05:05
spiralsand I was very reliably having to refresh before this, like, all day long05:05
spiralsquite distracting when no OS has made me do that05:05
Omegaless talky more party05:06
debgI had never seen that issue in dolphin . not sure why . may be becasue dolphin is one of my least used application .05:06
debgspirals: do you have any issue switching back from full screen flash playback ?05:07
debgfor me it always crashes kde and I can't find a way to fix it . I just hope it fixes itself after formatting my laptop and installing the final release.05:09
spiralsdebg, Yes I do have that problem. Fullscreen flash was actually working perfectly for me at the initial beta release, for the first time ever in any linux for me05:10
spiralsI would be very happy to apply any kind of hack to fix it... I'm on 'radeon' on a hd4870 card05:11
debgme too ,05:11
donpdonpcan i start asking about Oneiric Ocelot yet? :)05:11
spiralsGiven that it's *never* worked in the past reliably with good performance, I'll give the devs a large pass on it.05:12
spiralsBut, it worked earlier in the month, so there's hope :)05:12
debgI had this problem since beta2. earlier it was working fine05:12
spiralsdefinite regression, but the beta1 state was a miracle05:13
spiralsso regressing from a miracle is sort of understandable..05:13
spiralsOverall, I've been enthusiastically recommending KDE to ubuntu users, and if the fullscreen flash thing improves I will be recommending it to non-techies as well.05:17
spiralswhich I haven't felt like doing in a long time05:17
KM0201spirals: ugh..  i tried KDE a couple weeks ago.. i just could never use/recommend it.05:28
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physically_fithow many hours should i wait to get the new release?05:33
spiralsKM0201, of course preference comes into it and I would never argue someone who had a preference already. But for Windows Vista/7 users it is a very comfortable experience.05:35
physically_fithi spirals05:35
spiralsAnd that appears to be a deliberate success on the part of the KDE project. Kudos to them05:35
KM0201spirals: not really sure what you're talking about05:35
KM0201spirals: oh, KDE>. yeah.. i'd agree05:35
* KM0201 never, ever liked KDE05:36
spiralshi physically_fit05:36
histoanyone know when the release will drop?05:36
histohave to download an iso for someone at work. Thinking aobut just pulling the daily05:36
rww_histo: When it's done ;P05:36
rww_Sometime before it stops being the 28th everywhere on the planet.05:37
* KM0201 notices VLC is working great now.05:37
historww_: it's not a baby it's done just wonering when thy normally hit the servers05:37
KM0201must have been one of those upgrades today05:37
rww_histo: You'd be surprised.05:37
=== rww_ is now known as rww
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
cordoval_how can I fix the missing left bar on natty?05:53
cordoval_missing top bar also05:53
cordoval_tried to mess up with lamp effect then type in some commands and it was gone05:53
cordoval_now i am jus trying to get it back to work s it was before05:53
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cordoval_hello anyone?05:54
soreaucordoval_: Perhaps you need the unity panel service restarted?05:55
cordoval_yeshow do I do that?05:55
cordoval_that is it on a terminal?05:56
soreauYes try it and see what happens05:56
cordoval_should i logo ut or run it from the classic terminal05:56
cordoval_command not found05:56
cordoval_should i log back into ubuntu default mode?05:56
cordoval_or just classic?05:56
cordoval_soreau: ?05:57
freaky[t]im using classic because unity suddenlty stops hiding itself05:58
soreaucordoval_: /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service is provided by package 'unity' in natty05:58
cordoval_I uninstalled the compiz compontents after messing up and missing the animation effect then I ran cordoval@cordoval-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-RM421LA-ABM:~$ sudo apt-get install nux-tools/natty libnux-0.9-0/natty libnux-0.9-common/natty05:58
cordoval_ and got messed up05:58
linusasus6Hi I would like to know when the update will be avaible and if we can use both shell unity and gnome, me I prefer gnome but I will try unity for see, if I dont like I will delete unity05:58
cordoval_rats! so I log out05:58
cordoval_I will be back05:58
cordoval_I am on natty now06:00
cordoval_and unity-panel-service is not found06:00
cordoval_please help me06:00
cordoval_just want to reestablish the thing06:00
cordoval_panel on the left and top missing06:00
cordoval_tell me what I shall do and I will do it06:00
soreaucordoval_: I told you /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service is provided by package 'unity' in natty06:01
soreau<cordoval_> and unity-panel-service is not found06:01
cordoval_cordoval@cordoval-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-RM421LA-ABM:~$  /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service06:01
cordoval_bash: /usr/lib/unity/unity-panel-service: No such file or directory06:01
soreauSo you probably need to (re)install unity06:02
cordoval_how to do it06:02
cordoval_please tell me how and I will do it right away06:02
cordoval_sudo apt-get install unit?06:02
KM0201cordoval_: did you install gnome-shell, then remove it.. and thats how you got that error?06:02
linusasus6sypnatic manager search unity install unity-core06:02
cordoval_I think i ran an exe for magic effect animation on compiz06:03
KM0201cordoval_: i think you'd want to sudo apt-get install unity06:03
cordoval_then got messed up missing, but all was right06:03
cordoval_then did an uninstall of compiz opgl compiz, advanced and then reinstall then restart and ran compiz replace and got it messed up I think06:03
cordoval_sypnatic manager search unity install unity-core?06:04
cordoval_which one should I try?06:04
cordoval_i get several answers06:04
KM0201cordoval_: an .exe, for compiz? that doesn't even make sense06:04
cordoval_it ws an 2008 script someone had done to get the mac osx effect06:04
cordoval_the animation basically06:04
cordoval_for compiz06:04
cordoval_that got rid of the lamp animation06:04
cordoval_so I had it but I ran this and messed it up06:05
cordoval_then how to restore that I tried to uninstall install the compiz components completely06:05
cordoval_sypnatic manager search unity install unity-core06:05
cordoval_is that what I need to do?06:05
cordoval_just the code?06:05
ubottuNot yet! But you can join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D06:06
bhaveshIjust wanted to know is it out yet.. lol06:06
cordoval_how to resintall unity06:06
cordoval_did a sudo apt-get install unity06:07
cordoval_it is running06:07
cordoval_I hope this is it06:07
cordoval_ unity-panel-service06:07
cordoval_unity-panel-service: command not found06:07
rwwcordoval_: can you decrease you use of the Enter key, please :)06:07
cordoval_please how to reinstall unity? thank you rww06:08
nishanthwhen is natty out?06:08
cordoval_will do so at once06:08
rwwnishanth: no set time, should be sometime before it stops being the 28th everywhere on the planet06:08
rwwcordoval_: no idea, I use KDE06:08
bazhang!crosspost | cordoval_06:08
ubottucordoval_: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.06:08
bazhangcordoval_, #ubuntu does not support natty. please dont crosspost there.06:09
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cordoval_ok so I was told to log out , but when I log out I see ubuntu, ubuntu classic, etc06:10
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cordoval_I see that ubuntu is the unity06:10
cordoval_that is why I log in as that now but I don't see the bars06:10
cordoval_just please tell me how do I reinstall unity06:11
KM0201cordoval_: sudo apt-get install unity06:12
ryan_hello all06:12
ryan_I just wanted to state an issue06:12
ryan_Libre ofice didn'e print a bunch of jobs that 10.10 with open office did06:13
KM0201cordoval_: is that command not working? (showing already installed/)06:13
cordoval_KM0201: yes already installed06:13
cordoval_unity is already the newest version06:13
ryan_My printer error suggested that there was no close to the job06:13
cordoval_KM0201: how to reinstall it, just wondering06:13
KM0201cordoval_: sudo apt-get -- reinstall install unity06:14
ryan_km?reinstall what?06:14
ryan_I did an upgrade06:14
ryan_and A fresh insatll on same lap top06:14
KM0201ryan_: he borked unity on accident, so he's trying o reinstall it06:14
ryan_fresh install worked 100% better06:15
KM0201ryan_: well, i agree w/ that.. i never upgrade, always clean install.06:15
ryan_me too06:15
cordoval_unity-panel-service: command not found06:15
cordoval_should I log out?06:15
cordoval_and back in?06:15
cordoval_KM0201: ?06:15
KM0201hmm, yeah, you can try that06:15
cordoval_rats what was the command?06:15
cordoval_to log out06:15
cordoval_gnome ....06:16
unityproblemfinal release nt showing up in update manger?06:16
rwwunityproblem: final release isn't out yet.06:16
KM0201cordoval_: oh wait, are you stuck in CLI?06:16
cordoval_it goes into the session but no bars06:16
cordoval_so yes cli06:16
ryan_it hasn't ben released yet06:16
ryan_wait a day06:16
cordoval_need command to logout06:17
cordoval_I was given one that worked06:17
cordoval_but I forgot06:17
KM0201cordoval_: i belive... sudo logout -h now   will log you out06:17
ryan_but back up and fresh install is recomended on such a maor upgrade06:17
cordoval_cordoval@cordoval-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-RM421LA-ABM:~$ gnome-session-save --kill cordoval@cordoval-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-RM421LA-ABM:~$06:17
nutsfornattybeta 2 is the latest release atm06:17
KM0201cordoval_: did the logout -h now   command work?06:19
cordoval_no it was the one I gave you06:19
KM0201oh ok.06:19
KM0201had never used that one before.06:20
cordoval_now i got the menu bar06:20
cordoval_you  rock06:20
cordoval_rock and roll06:20
cordoval_now i got the lamp back too for animation06:20
KM0201i didn't do anything but tell you how to reinstall unity06:20
KM0201heck i couldn't even telll you how to log out from CLI...lol (although i knew for sure how to restart)06:21
cordoval_and checked on the box that says animation06:21
cordoval_now I am trying to figure it out how to make it like mac06:21
cordoval_is either too fast or is not on06:22
cordoval_i don't see it06:22
nutsfornattydream large, you can do better than mac effects with ubuntu :-)06:23
cordoval_rats i got it!06:24
cordoval_I got it!06:24
cordoval_I got it06:24
* KM0201 is gonna miss +1 tomorrow.06:24
soreauKM0201: What do you mean?06:26
soreauoh right..06:26
KM0201i like this channel06:26
bazhangit likely wont close the very second of release06:28
bazhangcould be a day or two06:28
cordoval_the compiz effect I cannot tune it rightly06:28
rwwsomeone needs to get a cat :<06:30
histocat foo | grep cat06:35
bullgard4'~$ lsb_release -a; Description: Ubuntu 11.04; Release: 11.04'. Does this mean that I have got Natty Final Release?06:40
rwwbullgard4: No, because "natty final release" doesn't exist yet.06:40
bullgard4rww: Ok. Thank you.06:40
anthony_2409hi, are we able to download 11.04 release now?06:44
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rwwanthony_2409: no, it's not out yet06:52
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ubottuNot yet! But you can join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D07:00
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ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/07:18
nijaboIs 11.04 released now?07:34
nijaboOr am I a few hours too early07:34
mysteriousdarrenfew hours early07:35
nijaboAh ok07:36
KatronixSerfHi all, currently running 11.01 Beta 2, my nvidia driver is installed but not enabled, how can I enable it?07:38
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nijaboAdditional drivers? perhaps07:39
KatronixSerfthat is what tells me its installed but not enabled, but it doesn't have an enable button07:40
KatronixSerfand is there a way to tell ubuntu to look like the 10.x version? not really digging the side bar icons07:41
soreauKatronixSerf: reboot?07:45
KatronixSerfsoreau, for which q?07:45
KatronixSerfwhat time today is 11.04 being officially released?07:49
histo!party > KatronixSerf07:57
ubottuKatronixSerf, please see my private message07:57
lwizardlso what time will the official release happen today ?07:59
rohani have an issue on ubuntu -- after i suspend, instead of resuming, my laptop powers on.08:03
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philsfhi, my pidgin indicator just disappeared from the messaging menu. was this an intentional change?08:09
bigbrovar-sgssince i got a freeze on my kubuntu 11.4 yesterday while trying to turn on Bluetooth.  the system always hangs when booting up. what is even more stange is when i try to reinstall.  the installation also freezes. something that didn't use to happen before.08:19
bigbrovar-sgsi tried the 10.10 from live cd and that one booted fine. however 11.04 would not boot from cd, usb or even my local install.  there all hang at booting stage08:21
bigbrovar-sgseven entering the recovery from grub hangs.08:21
bigbrovar-sgsbut 10.10 does boot fine. This is the second 11.04 install am experiencing this with same exact symptoms.08:23
litropy__Hmm - samba4 borked during the upgrade. I've tried removing it then installing it via aptitude ... please see my paste: http://pastebin.com/TEskK0Zs08:24
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bigbrovar-sgshardware is  intel core i5 arrandale graphic  chip08:24
bigbrovar-sgsi dont know if this is  kde issue, x issue, or kernel. and i have been at trying to solve this since yesterday.08:26
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phoenix_firebrdis there a release party for 11.04?08:44
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/08:48
phoenix_firebrdNarwhal: ty08:48
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phoenix_firebrdwhere can i see the last minute testing that they do before the release?08:55
tsimpsonunless you're standing behind someone doing the testing, you can't08:56
alkisgNo adblock package in Natty?09:00
jbichaalkisg: it's probably a better idea to install adblock yourself than to have it packaged first09:02
alkisgjbicha: I can't do that for 10.000 students separately09:02
jbichamake your own package?09:03
alkisgErm... I was expecting an answer along the lines of "we didn't use the adblock 1.3.6-1 package from debian because <reason-here>"09:06
alvinalkisg: Hey, you're right. Debian has adblock packages09:07
alkisgMaybe there were made past natty feature freeze, but still, an FFE would be justified09:08
alvinxul-ext-adblock-plus is in debian stable and natty is based on unstable (or is it experimental?). This might be intentional, but you can file a bug report for sure.09:10
jbichaalkisg: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-firefox-409:12
alkisg"[micahg] Drop adblock-plus: DONE" ==> but I didn't understand the reasoning09:13
jbichayou could ask micahg or chrisccoulson yourself but I'm guessing it's a headache to maintain all the extension packages09:15
jbichawhen Firefox autoupdates extensions, but the Ubuntu packaging process is anything but automated09:15
jbichabecause Ubuntu doesn't have any Firefox extensions in the repos any more except a very few Ubuntu specific ones09:18
alkisgThat's probably because of the xulrunner dependency, while those extensions on debian don't seem to have that dependency09:19
jbichaDebian also isn't shipping Firefox 409:20
alkisgAnyway, I guess some waiting is in order, until all those issues are resolved09:21
jbichayes but that's experimental and those extensions aren't FF4 extenions09:21
jbichaalkisg: I don't think they're coming back unless someone puts them in a PPA09:22
andeeeukhi everyone09:22
alkisgjbicha: you mean that you don't expect e.g. adblock to be available even on e.g. 11.10?09:23
andeeeukhas 11.04 been released now09:23
andeeeukstill seeing it as in development on the website09:23
jbichaalkisg: that's right09:23
vegais this some kind of unity feature: i click open gnome terminal from left sidebar, after that i can't open any more terminals, the button doesn't react09:24
delacvega: middle click09:24
delacvega: normal click will just show the latest window again09:24
vegahrm, suppose there's some logic there..09:24
incorrect/j #ubuntu-release-party09:25
veganext task.. find the Preferences stuff09:26
alkisgjbicha: hmm, afaik since there's need for those, they'll be packaged one way or another. Anyway, we'll see.09:28
vegaok so i have alt-f2 assigned to "switch to workspace 2", well it does that but it also always opens a "run program" dialog that i need to get rid of with ESC, why?09:28
nijaboso in a few hours this is the 11.10 discussion channel? :P09:29
veganijabo: well usually this channel is closed for a while (dunno why)09:32
tsimpsonvega: because nothing of 11.10 exists for a while09:32
tsimpsonif it doesn't exist, you can't get support for it09:32
vegaof course.. but future stuff could still be discussed here, i don't think anyone wandering here will actually expect support for an upcoming release..09:33
tsimpsonno, that happens at UDS and #ubuntu-devel09:34
tsimpsonthis is a support channel, not a devel channel09:34
vegai see, didn't know09:34
chrisccoulsonalkisg, jbicha - extension packages in the archive have historically been poorly maintained, and we don't have the resources to update a whole archvie full of extensions across 4 stable releases every 6 weeks when a new firefox version arrives09:36
chrisccoulsonand we're not going to block firefox updates on fixing in-archive extensions - so, if they are in the archive, i guarantee that they *will* break frequently09:37
alkisgchrisccoulson: I thought adblock was actively maintained... which part isn't maintained? The upstream code, the debian packaging, or there's a separate ubuntu packaging which is unmaintained? And if so, why can't the debian packaging be used instead?09:39
chrisccoulsonalkisg, it requires packaging maintenance in ubuntu whether it's maintained upstream or not09:40
chrisccoulsonand i'm talking about maintaining it across 4 supported releases (in addition to the development release)09:41
alkisgThere's a separate ubuntu package? Or the debian package is used?09:41
alkisgI.e. if someone wanted to help, would he do that in debian, or in ubuntu?09:41
chrisccoulsonhe would need to do that in ubuntu, using the debian packaging09:41
chrisccoulsonthat doesn't solve the problem though09:41
chrisccoulsonthe problem is that we would need to test and push an entire archive full of extensions out of the -security pocket every few weeks, and that requires a lot of manual time regardless of where the packaging comes from09:42
chrisccoulsonwe've already discussed this to death, and the decision was made long ago. we're not bringing extensions back ;)09:43
chrisccoulsonand if people do upload them, they *will* break within a few weeks of release09:43
alkisgCan't there be some restructuring so that extensions don't have to be updated when firefox gets security updates09:43
alkisgI'd expect that when an extension claims to work with firefox 3 though 6, then it's package would also be able to do that...09:44
alkisgSo firefox could be updated independently from the extensions09:44
zniavregood morning09:45
chrisccoulsonalkisg, no. extensions specify version compatibility (for good reason). with the new release process of firefox, updates will include feature and API changes which will either require bumping the version compatibility in extensions, updating extensions or porting them to new versions09:45
zniavrei got mixed session unity/gnome-panel how to kill the gnome-panel please ?09:45
chrisccoulsonif you're suggesting that we widen the version check to avoid needing to update them - then no way! that is a guaranteed recipe for breaking firefox09:45
chrisccoulsonin any case, this discussion is pointless. extensions aren't coming back09:45
jbichaalkisg: why can't you depend on firefox's builtin extension updater?09:48
gnomefreakit doesnt update our extensions, we have to update all our extensions09:49
alkisgchrisccoulson: Thank you for your feedback, I didn't know that extensions weren't to come back. Still, I'm sure that if the devs put their minds to it, they could come up with an upgrade method that would allow firefox to be upgraded independently from the extensions without causing problems. E.g. dkms for the linux kernel, javascript feature detection etc were some similar problems.09:49
alkisgjbicha: it's not only about updating. Just the act of installing adblock to thousands of students is a nightmare.09:50
jbicharight, but don't you have a standard image?09:51
alkisgStandard image? You mean /etc/skel?09:51
alkisgNew students get created each year. Firefox won't cooperate well with /etc/skel.09:51
jbichasome kind of script, maybe even packaged in a deb should work for what you need09:52
alkisgYes, it appears that we'll need to maintain those packages locally, if we're to keep using firefox as the default browser09:53
jbichawhat would have happened anyway if you decided your students needed a different extension? you would have had to package it yourself anyway09:53
alkisgWe may check for alternatives like epiphany, if that has a better interface for extensions09:53
jbichayes, and there are other customizations you can do like setting the homepage, setting the wallpaper, etc09:54
gnomefreakgood morning chrisccoulson_09:54
chrisccoulson_hi gnomefreak09:54
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
scoundrel50aI just wondered, with the release of Ubuntu 11.04, today, if it had fixed the problem of the backlight yet?10:21
scoundrel50aAnybody any ideas? I did ask yesterday, and had to go out, and by the time I got back in I was just too tired.10:24
nijaboscoundrel50a, it hasn't been released yet10:25
nijabowhat problem with the backlight?10:26
gnomefreakim going to step away for a few minutes but a bug # would be very helpful10:27
andeeeukwould people recomend updating to 11.04? Is it stable to use for work purposes?10:28
El_Cheandeeeuk: I run it on my workstation10:33
El_Cheso far so good10:33
andeeeukEl_Che, have you come accross any bugs at all?10:34
El_Cheandeeeuk: no bugs so far10:34
* alkisg had problems with firefox extensions and with vnc in 2 hours of use10:34
andeeeukso you would say that it is very stable10:34
El_Cheandeeeuk: it hasn't crash, but my use may be different than yours10:34
alkisgAnd also some usability problems with unity10:35
El_Cheyes, it's gets some getting used to10:35
alkisgI needed 1 click to go to the "preferences" menu, now I can't even find it10:36
El_Cheright click on the 'on' button10:36
El_Cheupper right corner10:36
andeeeukthanks for your feedback10:36
andeeeukI will upgrade then10:36
El_Cheandeeeuk: backup your $HOME10:37
alkisgEl_Che: I'm talking about the "system > preferences" menu, where is that in unity?10:37
andeeeuki know previously unity was very unstable10:37
alkisgAlso evolution doesn't support downgrading your settings, once you've been to natty10:37
El_Chealkisg: it's a new control center10:37
psypher246alkisg: click power button, it's right at the bottom10:37
psypher246system settings10:38
El_Chealkisg: I prefer it to what we had before. The Preferences/system split I could never really grasp10:38
gnomefreakits not very stable. there are problems with ati and nvidia drivers (i cant tell you what bugs to look at or if they relate to you. im just going on what i had in my email boxes10:38
* gnomefreak out, strong storm comming through10:38
alkisgpsypher246: that's gnome-control-center, it's not the preferences menu10:39
alkisgWell, I suppose we'll get used to it10:39
psypher246hi all. I have been using unity extensively in the last couple of weeks and i have found quite a few usability issues and bugs which I feel are quite important to get fixed as it badly tarnishes the ideal of what unity is trying to portay. I am just not sure where to begin. from the bugs I have already logged there has been no response and I am concerned that they will just fall thorugh the crack. lol as I am typing this I have just found a ne10:41
psypher246w bug with fullscreen pidgin and text wrapping while i am typing in the window10:41
psypher246the fact that I cannot add a chrome launcher, custom or system default, to the launcher is a pretty serious issue IMO10:42
psypher246just one issue for example10:42
syn-ackI have a custom chrome launcher and it works just fine10:42
syn-ackyou're probably doing something wrong10:42
psypher246do you guys suggest diligently logging each issue seperately10:42
psypher246syn-ack: pleased tell me how you created it and added it to the menu10:43
psypher246i have followed my instincts and many instructions online10:43
alkisgjbicha, chrisccoulson: this ppa did the trick for now, I hope that the most popular extensions will be maintained there: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/xul-ext10:43
syn-ackpsypher246, I dragged it to the bar?10:43
psypher246wish that would have worked10:43
syn-ackThen I edited the .desktop file10:43
syn-ackWorks here just fine.10:44
psypher246ok one you dragged ity to the bar, which .dekstop file did you edit where?10:44
chrisccoulsonalkisg, well, that's maintained by purely community effort atm using the packages from debian10:44
syn-ackLemme see if I can find a howto, psypher24610:44
psypher246syn-ack: thx10:44
psypher246but the fact that you have to edit a .desktop file in the firstplace is a problem10:45
chrisccoulsonand with debian always being a few firefox releases behind ubuntu - this will probably break frequently in the future10:45
alkisgchrisccoulson: honestly I'd prefer to have unresolved security issues than to have *** enlargement ads over my students screens :)10:45
syn-ackpsypher246, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=1340810:45
chrisccoulsonalkisg, i'm not talking about security issues, unless you're seriously suggesting that you would delay updating your browser to wait for extensions to be updated10:46
psypher246syn-ack: yeah thats the one i followed10:46
psypher246i drag ity and it just dissapears10:46
syn-ackWorked just fine here.10:46
chrisccoulsoni'm saying that when we do a browser update, those extensions will just stop working10:46
chrisccoulsonuntil someone fixes them10:46
blithi all, 11.04b2 on a fujitsu laptop. I have a problem with bluetooth: hcitool scan shows my phone correctly, while bluetooth-wizard not; also bluetooth-applet is always dimmed, showing not many options with preferences saying that bluetooth is disabled with a big "turn on" button that doesn't work. any suggesion, thanks.10:46
syn-ackpsypher246, Then launch Chrome and pin it to the bar.10:46
alkisgchrisccoulson: indeed, I am suggesting that. That i'd postpone any browser updates until the extensions work again.10:46
psypher246syn-ack: ok how about this, if you click on the laucnher icon does it create a new window or take you to the one already open10:46
alkisgchrisccoulson: I know how that sounds, but it's really the best we can do here in our schools.10:47
syn-ackopens a new one10:47
psypher246syn-ack: if i lauch chrome that way than there is nothing to pin, it's not in my launcher10:47
psypher246syn-ack: ok it;'s not supposed to open a new one10:47
syn-ackyeah it is10:47
chrisccoulsonalkisg, wow. that's quite incredible10:47
syn-ack"Open New Window" does just that10:47
syn-ackopens a new window10:47
psypher246it's supposed to either scale all the already open windows or take you to the one already open10:47
psypher246syn-ack: other apps don;'t do what chrome does10:47
psypher246do the sma ething for firefox10:48
alkisgchrisccoulson: we have labs working with windows 98 without security violations. I really would care more about block xxx ads than for the latest firefox security update.10:48
syn-ackI don't have it installed10:48
syn-ackI don't use Firefox. At all.10:48
psypher246syn-ack: once an app is opened MIDDLE mouse click should be the only way you opne a new window10:48
syn-ackah, well I don't have a middle mouse button. Maybe that's why mine does that10:49
jbichaalkisg: you're not the average Ubuntu user10:49
psypher246this is a inconsistent  behavior to other apps10:49
chrisccoulsonalkisg, this is why using the addon manager infrastructure works so much better10:49
syn-ackI don't see it as being an issue, tbh10:49
chrisccoulsonyou get updated extensions much faster than the distro will ever update them10:49
psypher246syn-ack: ok try terminal10:49
psypher246open a terminal10:49
alkisgjbicha: I'm talking on behalf of 200 schools, I suppose schools are "regular users"10:49
psypher246clicking it again will opne a new terminal, it will take you to the open one10:49
chrisccoulsonbut, that's your choice, i'm not going to argue. i'm just glad i don't use any of your computers10:49
scoundrel50anijabo: sorry had a call. I installed beta 1 and beta 2 and as soon as it started to boot after the grub, it turned the backlight off. SApent a good couple of hours on here, last week with a couple of people installing and going through loads of different things. Will try find the bug report.10:50
psypher246syn-ack: so how do you get to an already open chrome window which is in the background?10:50
alkisgchrisccoulson: agreed. We can't install an extension for thousands of students though, so we do what we can.10:50
psypher246alt-tab is the only way10:50
psypher246AAARG kill me now10:50
psypher246the way all the other apps but chrome work is that they scale10:50
syn-ackYou know what. I'm tired. I'm going back to bed.10:51
chrisccoulsonsurely if there are that many students, then you would be better off blocking ads somewhere else on your network :/10:51
alkisgThere is a central squid-based blocking service, but it's not as efficient.10:52
scoundrel50abug 75910410:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759104 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[gm45] Upgrade to Natty wont load" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75910410:53
scoundrel50aI added tyo Xorg files as well, in there somewhere.10:53
WaltherFIAny news on the planned release hour?10:54
nonix4What kind of performance is to be expected of running natty within kvm (maverick's testdrive default settings)? (aka after how long wait can I assume it to be hung on some bug?)10:55
scoundrel50aNatty is still very buggy.10:57
ScottONanski1Very impressed with the setup process.11:10
ScottONanski1They did a great job.11:10
Mitchell-92What time today will the new version of Ubuntu be released at?11:11
ScottONanski1Now, just have to see if the install takes.11:11
ScottONanski1I already have it.11:11
ScottONanski1You need the link?11:11
Mitchell-92It's not on the website yet.11:11
Mitchell-92Is that the final version?11:11
Mitchell-92Why isn't it on the homepage yet?11:12
ScottONanski1Not sure.11:12
Mitchell-92Do you know anything about Ubuntu server? I have 5 computers I want to put Ubuntu on, and a dedicated server running the latest version of Ubuntu 10... I want to set up all of my computers to be in sync, and to backup their home directories / document directories on the server... do you know how I would approach that?11:13
ScottONanski1I'm a designer - not an admin. :)11:13
Mitchell-92Oh. What do you design?11:13
ScottONanski1Digital media.11:13
Mitchell-92Oh, cool. What software do you use in Linux for web design? I have a macbook just for graphics design (I do freelance design)11:14
Mitchell-92I do things like business cards and shirts.11:14
ScottONanski1I actually use Windows for Photoshop.11:14
Mitchell-92Ah... okay11:14
ScottONanski1GIMP handles like a shopping cart with a wonky front wheel.11:14
Mitchell-92lol yeah11:15
Mitchell-92what other design software do you use under linux?11:15
ScottONanski1That's about it.11:15
Mitchell-92What does bluefish do?11:15
ScottONanski1It's just a text editor I use for markup and scripting11:15
Mitchell-92oh, ok11:15
ScottONanski1But I really like it.11:15
vibhavis it realeased?11:15
ScottONanski128 seconds until reboot.11:16
ScottONanski1I'll let you know how it went.11:16
vibhav<ScottONanski1> is the official announcement made?11:16
Mitchell-92ScottONanski1: Does Unity have a workspace feature similar to Gnome?11:16
ScottONanski1I'll let you know in one moment11:16
Mitchell-92How many computers are you putting it on?11:16
ScottONanski1Just my laptop for now.11:17
ScottONanski1It's finishing up the system install.11:17
vibhav<ScottONanski1> is the official announcement made????11:17
ScottONanski1Not that I know of.11:17
ScottONanski1I'm officially making the announcement11:17
ScottONanski1Uh oh...11:18
ScottONanski1My laptop caught on fire.11:18
ScottONanski1Man, I wish they would come up with a better IM than Empanthy.11:18
ScottONanski1You can't even get mail notifications with it.11:19
ScottONanski1Actually, I should hold my tongue. I've never developed an application before.11:19
Mitchell-92ScottONanski1: I tried Fedora 15 last night on my netbook to see how Gnome 3 worked... as really cool... not going to use it because there is a bug with bluetooth in F15 right now.11:20
jattwhat is this "Ready when you are..." stuff in the installer?11:20
ScottONanski1I tried Unity in the Beta.11:20
ScottONanski1It's cool.11:20
jattit was in "Copying files"11:21
Mitchell-92Does it have the workspace thing?11:21
jattand now shows "Ready when you are..." and looks stuck11:21
blitsorry to resend: hi all, 11.04b2 on a fujitsu laptop. I have a problem with bluetooth: hcitool scan shows my phone correctly, while bluetooth-wizard not; also bluetooth-applet is always dimmed, showing not many options with preferences saying that bluetooth is disabled with a big "turn on" button that doesn't work. any suggestion? thanks.11:21
ScottONanski1restarting. :)11:21
ScottONanski1Vib, yes.11:21
Mitchell-92blit: I had the same problem with F15 beta... thats why I'm switching back to Ubuntu.11:22
tsimpsonScottONanski1: don't post links, it's not out yet11:23
ScottONanski1It's not out yet?11:23
blitaccording to my experience it should be the same here11:23
ScottONanski1Then what did I just install on my Alienware m15x?11:23
ScottONanski1It's up and running too.11:24
ScottONanski1Flawless installation.11:24
Mitchell-92In #ubuntu-release-party, it says: Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time | Do not say it's released or post links to it until the Release Manager says so, or you may be banned without warning.11:26
tsimpsonScottONanski1: it's not released until it's released11:26
scoundrel50aUbuntu Netbook Remix, I installed it on my Acer Aspire One, its an older version of Natty yes? If it works on my AA, will the upgrade to natty work? Or should I leave it.11:27
ScottONanski1Well, it's released.11:27
ScottONanski1because I have it installed.11:27
Internatno its still replicating.11:27
tsimpsonScottONanski1: you don't have it installed, because it's not rleased11:28
ScottONanski1Really? Would you like to see a screen shot of it?11:28
tsimpsonI care not for your screenshot11:29
ScottONanski1I care not for your not caring. :P11:29
tsimpsonmine rhymed :)11:29
ScottONanski1My was Zen.11:30
tsimpsonmine *BOOM*11:30
eeeeek1Hey guys, d'you know when the new release is ready to be downloaded?11:31
eeeeek1especially in german11:31
ScottONanski1I've been told not to tell you. tsimpson said I'm not allowed to say anything.11:32
ScottONanski1If you can get his permission, I'll send you the link.11:32
tsimpsondon't give people pre-release images and tell them it's final11:32
ScottONanski1It's not a prerelease.11:32
tsimpsonit is11:33
tsimpsonby definition11:33
tsimpsonit's not released yet11:33
tsimpsonso it's pre-release11:33
=== JamesJRH_ is now known as JamesUbuntuParty
eeeeek1just wanted to know, WHEN it'll be released…11:34
eeeeek1"coming soon…"11:35
jattI installed the iso but it stuck in "Ready when you are"11:35
Mitchell-92ScottONanski1: Can you send me a screenshot?11:36
ScottONanski1Pre-released in the sense of it not being released yet? lol.11:36
ScottONanski1Mitchell, sure. one sec.11:36
tsimpsonScottONanski1: that is the definition of pre-release, something which is before the release11:37
ScottONanski1No. That's a redefinition of a currently employed terminology.11:37
ScottONanski1To suit your own agenda I might add.11:37
tsimpsonScottONanski1: the release team are explicit about it not being released until it's not released, it's not my agenda, it's the stance of the release team11:39
ScottONanski1Well, if it's live - it's released.11:39
ScottONanski1I don't what else to tell you.11:39
ScottONanski1It didn't come from a third party site.11:39
jattI doubt their release process is that sloppy, the available iso should be the official one11:39
tsimpsonno, it'll be seeded across servers first11:40
tsimpsonthat during the final testing11:40
tsimpsonif some tests fail, changes can still be made11:40
eeeeek1I love the definition of "time" a developer has11:40
jattthen the iso should be labeled release candidate or something11:41
tsimpsonit's not a release candidate11:41
tsimpsonit's simply incrementally updated as needed before the release11:42
tsimpsonwhich is why the release is announced11:42
jattlooks sloppy to me but anyway if they work that way...11:42
blithi all, is everything ok with bluetooth on 11.04b2? mine doesn't work.11:44
ScottONanski1I hardly think ANY developer would posts an incomplete build the same day of it's release, continually and incrementally updating the release every few minutes.11:44
JayFoxRox|TPeeeeek1: ...11:46
alkisgScottONanski1: For various reasons they say it's not released yet. Respect that, even if you don't understand why. They might want the image to propagate to other mirrors, or they might want to do some last checks. Don't ...blow the candles of their ...birthday cake, let the release manager do that.11:49
alkisgAh too late11:49
jattthey need time to prepare the press release11:51
gordonjcpjeez, guys11:51
gordonjcpit's a bloody operating system11:51
gordonjcpgo outside11:52
gordonjcpit's a nice sunny day11:52
jattlol no11:52
gordonjcpbunch of bloody cave troglodytes mashing F5 over and over "HERP DERP MUST HAVE RELEASE MUST HAVE RELEASE"11:52
jatteither the iso is the final one or someone will be fired lol11:52
jattlet's patch the iso and update the md5sums -> impossible11:53
jattthat would be way too sloppy11:53
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=== torrentLink-plea is now known as buff27
=== JamesUbuntuIsHer is now known as JamesUbuntuNatty
=== Pici changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty has been released! | Support in #ubuntu | So Long, And Thanks for All the Testing | Channel will re-open once Oneiric gets moving
=== buff27 is now known as lol
=== lol is now known as Buff27
=== Buff27 is now known as buff27
=== 50UAAMNW4 is now known as misse-
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== eagles0513875 is now known as zz_eagles0513875
=== zz_eagles0513875 is now known as eagles0513875
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Lucas_Laudeci
=== Lucas_Laudeci is now known as Andre_Gondim

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!