
rverripsHi Guys - Anyone know the time when 11.04 finalrelease will be available for  download from the website/10:08
nlsthznrverrips: most probably very late tonight early morning10:08
nlsthznrverrips: I will try and get you a link to it before it is official :p Give me a while (I sometimes get a link to a mirror that has it first... got the latest openSUSE 6 hours before it propgated to all the mirrors)10:09
rverripsThanks Neil, that'll be great!10:10
nlsthznI am still pondering if I should get a new image and re-install or just update my beta 2... choices choices :)10:12
rverripsnlsthzn - desktop/laptop or server?10:18
rverripsnlsthzn: real or virtual?10:18
rverripsguess that show be iron or vapour :-)10:18
nlsthznrverrips: I like to keep it real :p ... nah, just my lappy... ran the alpha, all updated, clean install of beta was much better... less buggy... so even though a fully updated beta should be equal to the release I suspect it isn't always the case10:19
rverripsagreed with your instinct nlsthzn ...10:20
rverripsOooh, it's out : http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso10:21
nlsthznrverrips: be carefull... could just be the beta...10:22
rverripsDrat ... it is still beta ... sorry for the fake excitement ...10:22
nlsthznthe url will be 11.04 and not natty and only when the release manager says it is out is anything official..10:22
nlsthznI just joined #ubuntu-release-party :p10:23
nlsthzntoo crowded10:26
nlsthznin the release party... sheese10:27
rverripsSeems like no-one there as a clue either ... Twitter is also buzzing but nothing confirmed yet ...10:28
nlsthznrverrips: I am following Google real-time ... no luck on a link....10:30
rverripsNot sure if this is reliable .... ftp://ftp.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.0410:31
nlsthzna few releases ago there was a sight with running commentary... think it was for opensuse though... they would update every few minutes letting you know which packages have been built, iso's verified, mirrors updated10:31
rverripsNow THAT sounds like a Party, nl!10:33
rverrips(Watching code compile :-) )10:33
nlsthznhehe... I enjoyed it... not sure why... :p10:34
rverripsI was being serious - I still get a buzz everytime I get to hit enter after typing "make install"10:38
nlsthznrverrips: :)10:39
rverripsI think it may be out?10:58
rverripshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso - However the iso is dated yesterday?10:59
nlsthznwell it's here11:14
hadenxnlsthzn , bassem , xnixan11:16
nlsthznhadenx: yes, I am a guy11:16
hadenxNatty is officially released :)11:16
TokiUbuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal released! http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/11:18
TokiMain site still not updated, final version can be found at the link provided.11:18
Tokinlsthzn, hadenx, xnixan take note!11:19
nlsthznToki: hey... please note that the iso's still have dates ranging from the 26th...11:20
TokiAlso beware their's a major power consumption regression in the kernel shipped with Natty, and the latest kernels.11:21
Tokinlsthzn: Only direct download .iso are from the 26th.11:21
nlsthznToki: saw that... but so far it is only phoronix that seems to have found that... and ppl on the forums have seen the opposite in there own tests11:22
Tokinlsthzn: Link?11:22
nlsthznToki: I will wait till the release manager says its official... seems some of the mirrors are still getting propogated etc11:22
Tokinlsthzn: Bittorrent. :D11:23
Tokibassem: You were there? Natty's been released.11:23
nlsthznToki: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173707711:23
Tokinlsthzn: Much obliged.11:23
nlsthznthe torrent might be new... but that doesn't mean the file it points to is :p11:23
bassemToki, ?!11:24
nlsthznToki: check out #ubuntu-beginners-party11:24
Tokibassem: Natty released today: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ Direct download link still not updated.11:24
Tokinlsthzn: Party?11:24
nlsthznI would hold of on any downloading until the release is "official" ... might easily land with beta 2 without knowing it :p11:25
bassemit's not officail yet on the website11:26
Tokinlsthzn: You da boss, but the ISOs don't say beta or alpha as they did before.11:26
Tokibassem: Correct, presumably because direct download isn't ready yet.11:26
nlsthznToki: the daily build don't say so in the file... I have several ISO's and the name doesn't say anything about alpha or beta...11:27
bassemanyway, you can wait a few hours!!!11:27
TokiI'm not downloading myself. I don't have my own laptop to use... ;(11:27
rverripsHey Toki - Haven't seen you in a while - You keeping well?11:29
rverripsnlsthzn - You downloaded the 11.04 iso yet?11:29
Tokirverrips: I am, just did not find the motivation to get on the channel while doing other stuff.11:30
Tokirverrips: Just announced the release, but everyone's waiting for website update and official announcement.11:30
nlsthznrverrips: not 100% sure it is official yet... I have my suspicions so I am waiting for the release manager to so it is out11:30
rverripsGood to hear you're well, Toki ... yeah, website and official release notif' is dragging ...11:31
Tokinlsthzn: What's in the channel you wanted me to visit?11:32
nlsthznI lost net when the etislat guys came to install this e-vision pvr thingy ... more TV I am not going to watch :p11:32
Tokinlsthzn: It's as dead as the moon's core.11:32
nlsthzn #ubuntu-release-party?11:33
Tokinlsthzn: Why bother with TV, we've YouTube!11:33
Tokinlsthzn: Right.11:33
nlsthznToki: it is busier than #ubuntu at the moment11:33
rverrips1687 members on #ubuntu-releae-party ...11:33
nlsthznit's nuts in there :p11:34
Tokinlsthzn: Wait, you said #ubuntu-beginners-party.11:34
nlsthznlol... my bad :p11:34
nlsthznlol, I have so many links like the one above in my twitter feed to go through... just need more time...11:35
nlsthznguys excuse me for a bit... wife has taken ill and I am left with a bit of housework to do... will be on and off as I can... once the release is official I will once again be re-installing :p11:36
Tokinlsthzn: See ya.11:37
TokiWe need similar billboard with latest logo in UAE, ASAP!11:37
rverripsI can arrange a billboard Toki ... Where to get funding?11:38
TokiLinux support providers, rverrips?11:38
rverripsI'd assume they'd rather put their companies name on the billboard ...11:39
TheLive1congrats on the new release11:45
TheLive1whose on it already?11:45
nlsthznToki: rverrips ^11:48
nlsthznnever mind... it is a silly link... my net is uber slow so it took a while to check it out myself...11:49
rverripsNot as excting as the #ubuntu-release-party channel ... 1708 members and still growing - I'm guessing the eastern seaboard has woken up :-)11:56
TokiBack, and looks like the website has been updated.11:58
Tokirverrips, bassem, nlsthzn, xnixan, website updated, looking great.11:59
nlsthznToki: Awesome... I do feel good about Unity and where Ubuntu is going :D12:02
nlsthznwow... servers seem to be taking a hit... everything slowing down :)12:05
bassemthere's a typo in the last post in our facebook page12:16
nlsthznbassem: it happens12:18
bassemnlsthzn, who can correct it12:18
nlsthznbassem: rverrips I belive12:19
rverripsSorry, that was me - Fixing it ...12:20
rverripsSorry, what is the typo?12:21
rverripsOooh, gotta dash - Mail me the typo, I'll fix it ...12:23
bassemrverrips, 2001 instead of 201112:23
nlsthznkicked the power out on my lappy (no battery in at the moment) :/12:39
rverrips_Hi, I'm back ... So is it official yet?13:43
nlsthzndownloaded and seeding already...13:55
hadenxnlsthzn , I'm not yet ready to move to 11.04 :)13:56
=== rverrips_ is now known as rverrips
TokiIs it just me or is the new Ubuntu site is broken?14:53
Tokirverrips: May I bother you?14:56
Tokirverrips: http://i.imgur.com/I3ZWC.png14:58
TokiIs your Ubuntu homepage broken as well?14:59
rverripsNope, mine seems a lot better than yours :-)15:00
Tokirverrips: Dammit, is it Windows or something else?15:00
rverripsMac - Still re-installing my Ubuntu machine ...15:01
Tokirverrips: No. I meant the reason behind the broken website - IE, Chrome shows same results.15:02
TokiSo does a VPN connection to the US.15:02
Tokirverrips: Even on the Natty I have since Alpha 3, the webpage is broken. :'(15:15
rverripshttp://i.imgur.com/JJflz.png - Seems fine in Rockmelt (which is really just Chrome)15:19
rverripsAlso seems ok in Firefox 3.6, I'd say it's your connection or proxy or something, but then using your VPN should fix that?   http://i.imgur.com/x0zHa.png15:24
Tokirverrips: Congrats!17:41
hadenxToki , congrats for ?17:43
rverripsReason 1104 why I love Ubuntu - You can upgrade the server you have no physical access to, to the latest release through ssh with minimal effort/strain :-)17:59

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