
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
rweberUBUNTU, and all linux not detecting usb.....  BEAGLEBOARD.. Works at first, but then after a little while stops working.02:07
GrueMasterrweber: Is this happening on both of your boards? (or am I thinking of someone else).02:09
GrueMasterAlso, what hardware (specific rev) and what image (specific release or daily build info).02:10
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=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz
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mdzogra, is it fair to call the ARM netbook build a "developer" version?10:35
mdzI'm trying to avoid confusion for netbook users as to which image to download10:36
mdz(in the release announcement)10:36
ogramdz, hmm, the developer image for arm is actually the headless one ... netbook is usually referred to by us as an enduser image in the community10:52
ogra(i.e. as answer to the often upcoming question why we use a splash, have no kernel messages on and no serial login enabled by default)10:52
ogramdz, i would just call it "Image of the ARM edition" or some such instead and just drop the flavour10:52
mdzogra, which computers does it run on?10:52
mdzall it says right now are Panda and Beagle, which are not end user computers but developer boards10:53
ogramdz, right, thats true ... but the image is supposed to be a reference for enduser installs10:55
ogravs the headles image which is a clear developer only image10:55
mdz"A special developer version is provided for select Texas Instruments10:56
mdz(TI) ARM platforms, specifically the "Panda" and "Beagle" boards.10:56
mdzis the language I've suggested10:56
mdz(removing the reference to netbooks)10:56
ograreferring to netbook ?10:56
mdzogra, referring to the 11.04 release10:57
mdznot to a specific image10:57
* ogra would somewhat like the word reference in there ... :) but its ok as is 10:57
mdzDeveloper reference images are provided for select Texas Instruments (TI) ARM10:58
mdzplatforms, specifically the "Panda" and "Beagle" boards.10:58
mdzogra, ok?10:58
ograperfect !10:58
* hrw waits for Eagleboard ;D11:12
* LetoThe2nd still wants koalaboard.11:13
hrwBeagle, Hawk, Leopard, Panda exists so far11:16
apwogra, you have release noted the omap4 sound issues, but if i read bug #651302 there are isses on omap3 as well ?  should that be noted too ??11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 651302 in alsa-lib "No sound in omap (beagle, beagleXM)." [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65130211:42
ogra_apw, we have it noted in the arm release notes, i think thats enough11:43
apwogra_,  ok11:43
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apwogra_, your arm release notes, the links at the bottom are missing12:17
ndecmdz: ogra: panda and beagle are not the proper names. i think you should say pandaboard and beagleboard. in fact I think the exact name is PandaBoard and BeagleBoard.12:18
ogra_mdz, can we still change that ?12:19
ndecmdz: ogra: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PandaBoard12:20
mdzogra_, yes, go ahead if nobody has the edit lock. don't forget to use `` to avoid it becoming a wiki link12:21
ndecI still think that someone else should confirm, but I am pretty sure that Panda and Beagle is not the right one...12:21
ndecprpplague: ^^ any idea?12:21
mdzogra_, oh, never mind, you're talking about the release announcement, rather than the release notes12:21
mdzogra_, ask skaet12:21
mdznote that text is already copied into the release notes too12:22
ogramdz, i think ndec just referred to our above conversation12:23
* ogra goes around and changes12:23
ndecogra_: mdz: whatever reference you are making to panda and beagle you should be using the 'official' names.12:24
mdzogra, please tell skaet what you are doing12:24
ogranp, will do12:24
Davieyogra, you are blocking the release :P12:24
ograDaviey, awesome ! i always wanted to be at fault for that :P (didnt manage to in 6 years canonical)12:25
ndecogra: I am glad I could help you for this challenge ;-)12:27
ograDeveloper reference images are provided for select Texas Instruments (TI) ARM12:30
ograplatforms, specifically the "PandaBoard" and "BeagleBoard" developer systems.12:30
ndeclooks beautiful...12:30
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | DYO rootfs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Get NAtty while it's hot ! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/| Ideas for Oneric | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OneiricObjectives
ograthere we go, happy release day :)12:40
ppisatii'm out for some grocery, but anyone with arm/mmu/openocd/gdb knowledge is welcome:12:40
ograoops typoed12:40
ppisatibug 76824912:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 768249 in linux-ti-omap4 "kexec panic: external abort on non-linefetch (0x1008) at 0x03510000" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76824912:40
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | DYO rootfs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Get Natty while it's hot ! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/| Ideas for Oneric | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OneiricObjectives
fairuzogra: your link is broken12:43
fairuzthere's | in it :D12:43
=== ogra changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | DYO rootfs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Get Natty while it's hot ! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/ | Ideas for Oneric | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OneiricObjectives
ograthanks ! :)12:44
fairuzthe ubuntu.com in such a mess on my machine. Something like broken css12:44
hrwfairuz: with dell laptop on top of text?12:48
hrwhad to reload12:48
fairuzhrw: yes, and some broken list below it12:48
fairuzhrw: you are right, a hard refresh do the job12:49
ndecogra: why is there 'DRAFT' here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes12:51
ndecogra: also it seems that you in fact did put a wikilink for PandaBoard and BeagleBoard ;-)12:52
ogra_ndec, because its a draft :) the actual release notes go to ubuntu.com12:54
ndecogra: well, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes points to this place, and I received the release announcement already... so why is it still a draft?12:56
ograhmm, right13:00
ograi pinged #ubuntu-release13:01
ograndec, thanks for pointing out !13:02
ndecogra: one more. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/NattyReleaseNotes has a link (at the end) to the netbook instructions. link is dead13:33
ogra_yeah, i need GrueMaster to tell me where he actually put that page13:33
ogra_or if he planned to just recycle the maverick notes13:33
ogra_its on my todo13:34
ogra_will likely be another 2h until he gets up13:34
ndecogra: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPHeadlessInstall has a link to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/releases/ which is dead too...13:36
ogra_oh, yeah, that should point to the new location13:37
ogra_(if the wiki ever saves)13:39
ndecogra: the manifest files are missing from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/13:42
ogra_might be on purpose, seems they are missing for all images there13:42
ogra_hmm, except i'm blind13:43
ogra_pinged #ubuntu-release again ... lets see13:44
prpplaguendec: PandaBoard and BeagleBoard are the correct naming for the boards14:03
ndecprpplague: thanks! ogra ^^14:03
ogra_well, thats what we use now :)14:03
prpplaguesorry for the late response, brain needed sleep14:04
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
GrueMasterMorning.  Ogra, I didn't get a chance to do the installation notes for netbook.15:47
GrueMasterIn the middle of editing the release notes page, my system decided it absolutely needed to reboot.  I took that opportunity to upgrad ram from 3G to 8G.  Didn't know my MB bios needed a massive upgrade to support it and was effectively down for over an hour.15:49
davidmGrueMaster, it's critical you get it done NOW, the release is out15:52
davidmand people have noticed your name vs notes15:52
GrueMasterI'll try.  Wiki is being extremely slow.15:54
ograeverything will be slow today :)15:59
ograits release day :)15:59
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
ograGrueMaster, apart from the blaze stuff i think the page looks ok, do we know blaze will boot that way still ?16:18
GrueMasterNot sure.  Haven't had a chance to try since beta 1.16:19
rsalvetiI think blaze support is broken16:19
rsalvetisebjan can give more details16:19
rsalvetidon't know if our kernel supports it16:19
ndecyes, it's broken16:19
ograso remove that bit from the wiki then16:20
sebjanlast time I tried, display was broken, but I can't remember if it was booting.16:20
GrueMasterAnything else to change?  I have 5 minutes before I need to leave for a while.16:21
ograGrueMaster, then just go, i'll look over it after meeting and fix up what i find16:21
=== prpplague is now known as prpplague_afk
steevare the ubuntu arm repos stable now?23:39
steevfor natty i mean23:43
rsalvetisteev: yes23:44
steevrsalveti: awesome23:52
steevrsalveti: in the OnericObjectives link, you mention a gl/gles proxy library, where is that, or is it something internal?23:53
rsalvetisteev: was something developed by linaro23:53
rsalvetisteev: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-graphics-wg/+spec/multimedia-linaro-runtime-gl-proxy23:54
steevthanks again :)23:57

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