
akgranerhggdh, pong00:30
jcastroduanedesign: pign02:34
jcastroer, ping02:34
paultagthanks there akgraner :)02:58
nigelbjcastro: I need a review from someone04:14
nhandlernigelb: For what?04:16
nigelbnhandler: summit colors04:19
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
mhall119nigelb: the one you linked to earlier today (yesterday for you)?04:44
nigelbmhall119: yeah04:44
mhall119I didn't see anything wrong with the code, as long as the colors work I'm okay with it04:44
mhall119did you create track names identical to what's in production to test it?04:45
nigelbjcastro put all the tracknames in the bug04:45
mhall119give me the link again and I'll approve it04:45
nigelbI created all of those04:45
mhall119there you go04:46
mhall119feel free to land it in trunk04:46
nigelbmhall119: erm, how do I land, just go to a fresh branch and pull from my branch?04:51
nigelbjcastro: colors have landed in trunk :)04:57
mhall119nigelb: generally you get a local branch of trunk, then "bzr merge" in your changes into it, then "bzr push" it back to lp:summit05:00
mhall119which is what it looks like you did05:02
nigelbmhall119: I have a whole setup for that05:02
nigelb(a) summit folder where I actually do changes05:02
nigelbthen a summit-dev folder into which trunk is imported05:02
nigelband then I branch from that to create new branches05:02
nigelbI import patches from my summit folder into the new branches to push them05:03
JFowell, looks like tornadoes are happening all around me, so if I am not online tomorrow I must have lost power. :-/06:05
JFogonna go and gather up some things in case the worst happens06:05
dholbachgood morning07:11
nigelbmorning dholbach :)07:12
dholbachhey nigelb07:12
duanedesign*yawn* morning friends07:14
dholbachhi duanedesign07:20
dpmgood morning all07:58
dholbachhi dpm08:06
dpmhey dholbach, good morning!08:07
dholbach /j #ubuntu-release-party08:09
nigelbpopey: unfair :p09:28
nigelbbrilliant social engineering hack though :)09:28
* nigelb hugs Daviey 09:36
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dholbachis there a hashtag that people use for ubuntu release already?11:18
nigelbnot yet, no.11:20
dholbachwhich one would make sense?11:22
Pendulum#lastubuntureleasepeoplecanspell ;-)11:27
dholbachand more seriously? :)11:27
dholbach#ubuntu1104? #ubuntu #natty? #ubunturelease? #ubuntureleaseday?11:28
dholbachnot very imaginative, I know :)11:28
dholbachI guess #ubuntu and #natty should be just fine :)11:40
nigelbPendulum: I like that one :p11:40
nigelbdholbach: you should watch over cjwatson's shoulder's and tweet :p11:44
nigelbdholbach: like debian did ;)11:44
dholbachnigelb, that's a bit hard for me - there's a couple hundred kilometers and one ocean separating us11:45
nigelbdholbach: pfft, silly excuses :p11:45
dholbachyeah, I know11:45
dholbachnothing's impossible in the world of Ubuntu11:45
nigelbdholbach: also, I think some might call it blasphemous calling English Channel an ocean :p11:45
dholbachisn't it part of some ocean or something?11:46
* nigelb looks at popey for English geography..11:47
popeyBusiest shipping lane in the world11:47
popeyEnglish Channel :)11:47
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dholbachdo you think #ubuntu can beat #RoyalWedding today? ;-)12:01
nigelblets work on that :P12:02
nigelbits all happening in the same city :p12:02
dholbacha couple of people RTed my @ubuntudev tweet12:03
nigelblol, trolling with /nick in -r-p12:11
dakerHappy Natty day :D12:13
jcastroDaviey: ping12:32
jcastronigelb: nice work!12:32
nigelbjcastro: :)12:32
Davieyjcastro, o.12:32
nigelbjcastro: if someone doesn't like the colors, redirect them to me :)12:33
jcastroDaviey: sessions appear to be in the sidebar but not scheduled, did you cron it?12:33
Davieyjcastro, yes12:36
Davieyjcastro, those are all giving out put of:12:37
DavieyGave up scheduling tr-server-dma-per-device-coherency12:37
DavieyGave up scheduling server-o-user-namespace12:37
DavieyGave up scheduling server-o-tomcat7-packaging12:37
jcastroany idea why?12:37
jcastroDaviey: oh, I need to rename serverandcloud to server in tracks in summit I take it12:38
nigelboh noooo12:39
nigelbthat means one more change I guess12:39
jcastroyeah sorry12:40
jcastroI just looked and he went "server" and not "serverandcloud"12:40
nigelbjcastro: are you changing for sure? I'll do it right away so daviey can update12:41
jcastrolet's just go with server on summit, the visible text says "and cloud" anyway and I don't want to make an entire team rename stuff12:41
nigelbjcastro: or we can change it after 2 hours when I get home.12:41
jcastronigelb: yeah let's just do it now12:41
* nigelb gets to it12:41
paultaganyone know where doko is?12:46
paultagI can't find him anywhere on IRC, but nickserv says he's online12:46
dholbachpaultag, try doko_12:46
paultagdholbach: PM him, do you mean?12:47
dholbacha "dok<tab>" in #ubuntu-devel told me12:47
paultagoh, hum. I'm not in #ubuntu-devel, just -motu12:47
paultagthanks dholbach12:47
paultagdholbach: all set, thanks :)12:49
jcastrodholbach: we did it!12:52
jcastro11.04 is out and we didn't kill ourselves!12:52
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbjcastro: 'yet'12:58
nigelbim installing bzr to get the color changes in12:59
nigelb(work laptop)12:59
jcastronigelb: having one color off isn't so bad13:12
nigelbjcastro: ok, I'll fix when I get home :)13:12
jcastroDaviey: but the ones stuck not scheduling should sort themselves now that I renamed the track right?13:12
mhall119jcastro: this has seemed to be a pretty calm release, especially for totally changing the desktop interface13:12
jcastromhall119: we're only like an hour in13:13
jcastromhall119: the next few weeks will tell the tale13:13
mhall119but we are an hour in, no last-minute CD image rebuilds13:13
jcastrooh oh, that kind of thing13:13
jcastroyeah, Kate ftw.13:13
JanChm, why does "stackapplet" duplicate everything in an appindicator and the messaging menu now?13:14
jcastroJanC: I think he's in the process of moving to the messaging menu13:14
jcastroJanC: some help there would be appreciated, it shouldn't even be an applet imo, just messaging menu and notifications13:14
JanCwell, and a configuration dialog that can be summoned somehow, I suppose13:15
jcastroit's in there in the applet13:18
jcastroit just kind of sucks, I think you need to like remember your username, etc.13:18
jcastroer, your user number or something13:18
JanCyou need your user number13:19
mhall119yours isn't 1000?13:20
jcastromine is 23513:20
JanCfor askubuntu it's 9xx for me13:21
JanCjcastro: it has a check for associated accounts feature though, so you only need to remember one for all of stackexchange (if you link your accounts)13:22
jcastroJanC: yeah, it's just weird13:37
jcastrocompared to like some of the nicer apps on phones the app's account thing kind of sucks13:37
jcastrobut now that the lens is being made maybe we can combine both apps into one nice one13:37
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dholbachjcastro_, ha - I saw your comment just now :)14:06
* dholbach hugs jcastro_14:06
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
jcastroDaviey: so .... the schedule14:08
Davieyjcastro, so so14:09
jcastroDaviey: hey wait a minute14:10
jcastroare you  guys like partying in millbank right now?14:10
jcastro"what about UDS?" "Who care, pass me that bottle of champagne!"14:11
mhall119probably, but they do that every day14:11
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
james_w`does anyone know how often the autoscheduler is currently being run, and when the last time it ran was?14:30
james_w`or indeed the script to associate sessions with their tracks14:30
mhall119jcastro probably knows, or Daviey14:31
jcastrojames_w`: hourly.14:31
jcastrojames_w`: something is stuck14:31
jcastroI panged, but I think Daviey is getting hammered at Millbank.14:31
jcastrojames_w`: there's a script he runs that associates the sessions14:32
jcastrojames_w`: the BPs are in the system (I see them in the admin interface), so they're getting imported at least14:32
jcastrojames_w`: also I have you and salgado admin on summit14:32
james_w`jcastro, ah, thanks for admin access, I can see for myself now :-)14:32
jcastroyeah but his thing needs shell on the box iirc14:33
jcastroand afaict only Daviey has that14:33
jcastrothough I'm sure you can ask IS14:33
* Daviey reads scrollback14:33
jcastrojames_w`: I was going to go "so we can get someone reliable to run the thing", but I figured I was trolling.14:34
Daviey<jcastro> james_w`: there's a script he runs that associates the sessions14:34
DavieyYes, but it needs refreshing for the tracks every cycle14:34
Davieyjames_w`, It is running hourly.14:34
jcastroDaviey: can we hook up james and salgado with access to that?14:35
james_w`Daviey, so it needs a code change?14:36
Davieyjames_w`, Hmm... it's actually not quite as a i remember it14:37
Davieyessentially $TRACK-etctectetctetcetctetctetc14:37
jcastroDaviey: fyi I updated the slug in the admin page to be just "server"14:38
DavieyIt used to be more dirty... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/revision/1214:38
james_w`Daviey, I can fix that for us14:38
Daviey^^ That is how i remembered it14:38
james_w`Daviey, we can do it that way, but be dynamic by querying tracks I guess?14:39
Davieyjames_w`, Honestly, i do not mind.14:39
james_w`Daviey, leave it with me then14:39
Davieyjames_w`, groovy.14:40
paultaghappy release day, all14:41
jcastroI am glad we can enjoy the release, despite popey shutting down community mailing lists.14:43
* jcastro snickers14:43
* Pendulum giggles14:44
jcastropopey: j/k (hugs)14:44
Pendulumjcastro: no, it's not popey it's Canonical. Remember? Because the CC is all just Canonical employees masquarading as community members ;-)14:44
paultagfascism, erm14:45
paultagcanonical is only here to fuck up the ubuntu community with "money" or whatever14:45
paultaghow dare they infringe on my first ammendment rights14:45
dholbachI probably should have told you before - I have a small budget for buying "community opinion"14:45
jcastro"It was all fine and dandy until you guys wanted to eat and support your families!"14:45
paultagwhich don't apply because all the servers are not in america anywho :)14:45
paultagdholbach: o'rly? :)14:46
* popey ragequits14:46
paultagjcastro: :P14:46
dholbachjcastro, haha14:46
jcastropopey: that's it, I AM MOVING TO ARCH.14:46
paultagjcastro: you and your "unity" can go to arch, we don't want you on "Sounder Microsoft-sucks GNU/Linux+ 3.2r1-20010"14:48
paultag(Codename "Freedom Ferret")14:50
jcastrojoey: this linaro call still on?14:55
joeyjcastro: yah14:57
jcastrojames_w`: hey no pressure, kiko's asking where the sessions are...14:57
joeyjcastro: it's the only reason I got up at 6 :-)14:57
joeyer 714:57
james_w`jcastro, it's implemented, I'm just testing now15:01
james_w`and participating in two conf calls at the same time :-)15:01
joeyjcastro: question - can you paste me the mini-summit blueprints15:01
joeyjcastro: david wants to sign-up for those in the tool15:02
macopaultag: and also because ubuntu isnt a wing of the federal government15:02
jcastrojoey: there aren't any minisummit blueprints, I scheduled them manually remember?15:02
paultagmaco: :)15:02
joeyjcastro: yeah. So how do we do get people to sign up for them and mark attendance required? :-)15:03
joeyif it was easy we wouldn't be employed :-)15:03
jcastrojoey: we don't, we just make sure that no other sessions from that track are scheduled around it15:03
jcastroit's impossible to schedule such large chunks because summit is designed to force people to move rooms15:03
jcastroso I had to manually schedule it and break shit15:03
joeyjcastro: I don't think that will work because david will want to join other tracks since he's a cross-track person.15:04
jcastrojoey: it's the best I can do15:04
jcastroI mean, we can try to assign it a bp if you want15:04
jcastrobut I'm not sure it will associate the entire block with one bp15:04
jcastrosince I had to break it up to make it fit on the schedule15:05
jcastroso like it would enforce attendance for the first hour15:05
james_w`jcastro, can we set david as the approver in the admin interface15:07
joeyjcastro: worth a try :-) Thanks though. I was afraid that was the right answer.15:09
joeyjcastro: we can go play god and fix it all15:09
jcastroit won't be so bad15:09
jcastrothey're color coded15:09
jcastroit will take like 5 minutes15:09
jcastrojames_w`: sure, what's the lp username?15:10
joeyjcastro: thanks mate, you did well15:10
james_w`in fact15:11
james_w`I'm pretty sure we can create a BP and have people sign up there15:12
james_w`and the system will then do the normal participation essential thing15:12
jcastrojoey: we can try it, but we should really test it15:12
jcastroit would suck if we think it works15:12
jcastroand it doesn't15:12
jcastroand he misses some critical session15:12
james_w`I'll test doing this locally15:12
james_w`it may cause it to get rescheduled15:13
Davieyjames_w`, If a session has been manually scheduled, it will never be re-scheduled if there is a conflict.15:16
DavieyThe assumption being, that if it was manually scheduled - the track leads know better than the algorithm15:16
doctormoHmm, isn't there usually more of a fanfare for ubuntu releases?15:20
Pendulumdoctormo: what do you mean? there's an entire bank holiday in the UK tomorrow to celebrate ;-)15:20
doctormoPendulum: I mean on planet ubuntu and other sites... I only heard the news from external sources this time.15:21
joeyjcastro: can you ping me that bp for the uds review  session?15:22
james_w`Daviey, fix for trackfix ^15:24
Davieyjames_w`, ta15:24
mhall119doctormo: well, ubuntu.com was updated15:26
jcastrojoey: I still need a description of the memory management summit for: http://uds.ubuntu.com/tracks/15:27
mhall119there's a memory management summit going on too?15:29
joeyjcastro: jesse sent that to you a few days ago via email.  I can go find it and forward it if you don't have it15:31
jcastroplease do15:31
jcastroI have graphics15:31
joeyjcastro: oh I see... you're not crazy it was missing on the email. I'll get that done15:32
Davieyjcastro / james_w`: Landed that branch in production... grepped output after second run, http://pb.daviey.com/CdKT/raw/15:35
james_w`Daviey, sweet, thanks, I'll chase that up15:35
james_w`joey, did we kill the multimedia track?15:36
joeyjames_w`: yes15:36
jcastroyeah it's gone15:36
james_w`joey, linaro-multimedia-o-multimedia-and-landing-teams <- what track do you want that on?15:37
james_w`jcastro, do you know what track arm sessions are going in?15:37
james_w`ditto cert15:37
jcastrojames_w`: I need to talk to davidm still15:37
jcastroas soon as I get a split second to15:37
james_w`kernel too15:37
james_w`just trying to take care of things if they are clear, not trying to hassle you15:37
jcastrojames_w`: jono thinks they should go mostly in foundations15:37
jcastroor desktop, or kernel15:37
jcastroindependant of the hw15:37
joeyjames_w`: Kurt and others from MM will not be there15:38
joeyjames_w`: so I don't think there will be anyone in attendance for that session from MM15:38
doctormomhall119: Yes, I saw that.15:40
jcastrooh dude15:42
jcastroI bet we could do different shades of green15:42
jcastroin the colors15:42
jcastrothat would be low hanging easy fruit15:42
doctormojcastro: Need help on picking shades of green?15:43
jussiwant want want: http://www.trimslice.com/images/Trim-Slice-brochure-low-res.jpg15:45
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600300/ are the Ubuntu sessions that won't be autoscheduled for Ubuntu currently15:45
jussidoctormo: I hear congratulations are in order?15:46
james_w`joey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600298/ are the problematic ones for Linaro15:46
doctormojussi: Yes, I did successfully draw a picture.15:46
doctormojussi: But yes, exciting times ahead.15:47
jussidoctormo: congratulations. :D15:47
jonohey folks15:48
doctormojussi: Thanks for saying the full word. Appreciated.15:48
doctormohey jono, any exciting news?15:48
jussiHeya jono!!15:48
jcastrodoctormo: james_w` will need help with the shades of green15:48
jonodoctormo, nothing much, something going on today I think ;-)15:48
jcastrodoctormo: but not right this sec, need to get the scheduler working.15:49
jonodoctormo, hey congrats on the news!15:49
jcastrodoctormo: hold that thought!15:49
jcastrodoctormo: it'll be ~7 shades of green15:49
doctormojono: I haven't seen much news of anything special going on today... unless the planet is broken ;-)15:50
doctormoActually I think it might be, I posted a blog a while ago and it's not yet up on the planet.15:52
jcastrojoey: I need to drop out to prep for a Qt call.15:53
jcastrojoey: I think I'm done here, cna you run interference for me if something comes up?15:53
jcastroI don't want to interrupt this guy15:53
joeyjcastro: yes sir, thanks for your help15:53
nigelbbah, stuck at work :\15:53
james_w`we can use BPs for the mini-summits15:54
james_w`we have to use 1 per-day, but it should work, and then we can have people sign up to avoid the clashes15:55
jcastrook, awesome15:55
Technovikingmorning all15:56
jcastrojoey: can you file those today? I've my hands full with my own team right now. :)15:56
james_w`jcastro, if you're happy with it then I'll take care of it15:57
jcastrojames_w`: sure, roll with it!15:57
jcastrojames_w`: do you know how to associate a BP with an existing session that was put into summit by hand?15:58
james_w`jcastro, they have to have the same name. If they don't then I don't think it is possible without a hack15:58
jcastrook, whatever works15:58
jcastrojames_w`: we'll need proper support in the future for long running sessions15:59
jcastroso that we can do that + sessions and get conflict resolution, etc. without having summit freak out because it's the same track back to back15:59
james_w`jcastro, I think you can just go to the "slots" parameter of any session to do that16:00
jcastrothe problem is16:00
jcastromodifying slots is painful16:00
jcastroand error prone16:01
jcastrobecause you have to do like 2 time conversions16:01
jussiHave peoples seen this? o.O WOW! http://pixlr.com/16:01
doctormoHey jono, are people scared of upsetting you?16:01
jonodoctormo, scared of upsetting me?16:02
nigelbjussi: o.O16:02
doctormojono: Did I spell that wrong, frightened, fearful... etc?16:03
jonodoctormo, what are you talking about?16:03
doctormojono: Just having a conversation with someone, the claim is that bloggers aren't dissing Unity much because they're scared of you.16:03
nigelbdoctormo: we're scared jono will force us to listen to his band :p16:03
jussinigelb: its flash based, but apart from that...16:04
jonodoctormo, lol, I doubt it16:04
nigelbjussi: pretty rocking16:04
jonomind you, the beatings will continue until morale improves16:04
doctormojono: My impression is the same. I'm not scared of jono bacon, or his band. ;-)16:04
nigelbjono: haha :)16:05
doctormo"Jonoites", funny word.16:06
mhall119doctormo: who are you talking to who's afraid of jono16:12
mhall119also, "baconbits" is better than "jonoites"16:12
doctormomhall119: Can't really say, but they aren't pleased with the narwhal.16:12
mhall119what? somebody is unhappy with a new release of Ubuntu?16:13
* mhall119 blames popey 16:13
nigelbmhall119: good call.16:14
james_w`jcastro, does it need time conversion? I just mean "Slots: 3" under scheduling details in the admin page for any session like you did for the mini-summits16:20
jcastroyeah yeah16:20
james_w`I don't see why that wouldn't work for BPs, though I don't know if the autoscheduler is smart enough to not screw that up16:20
james_w`but there aren't that many to schedule by hand if it does16:20
jcastrodpm: can you file this in the community track16:29
dpmjcastro, the qt session? yeah16:30
jcastrodpm: give him this link in your email: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-o16:48
dpmjcastro, ok16:50
jcastrojames_w`: Daviey: are you guys doing surgery or can I schedule some linaro plenaries?16:52
jcastro(sorry I was on a call, how's it coming along?)16:52
james_w`jcastro, I'm not doing anything currently16:52
Davieyjcastro, i'm not touching it atm16:52
jcastrojoey: what's Zach's last name?16:53
james_w`jcastro, Pfeffer IIRC16:56
dakerdholbach, terroriste attaque in marrakech16:56
dholbachdaker, yeah, I heard about it16:56
dholbachdaker, a friend of mine was there like 3-4 weeks ago16:56
joeyjcastro: what james_w` said16:56
jcastrojoey: and who is 'plars'16:57
jcastrojoey: I'm doing their plenaries now and I am just filling in their names16:57
joeyjcastro: paul larson16:57
* jcastro feels dumb16:57
jcastroI know paul16:57
jcastronot you16:58
jcastroother paul16:58
* paultag goes back to idle16:58
jcastrojono: do you keep a list of things you will mention during the plenary? I need to add an item for you. :)16:58
jcastrojames_w`: hmm, any idea why new plenaries wouldn't be showing up in the sidebar?17:00
james_w`jcastro, I saw one17:00
james_w`jcastro, the "Linaro intro"17:00
jcastroyeah but none of the new ones are showing up, hmmm17:00
james_w`oh, ok17:00
james_w`I don't know, I can't see any difference17:02
jcastrome either17:02
jcastrohey maybe it'll just sort itself when the other stuff gets scheduled17:02
jonojcastro, I don't have a formalized list, just email me and remind me17:02
jcastrojono: ok17:02
jcastrojames_w`: ok so sorry I was on another call, you mentioned you had it working and you were just testing it?17:03
jcastrowhat's left to do, just deploy?17:03
james_w`jcastro, Daviey did that17:03
james_w`jcastro, so most things are now correctly associated with tracks17:03
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600300/ are the Ubuntu ones that aren't and so won't be autoscheduled17:03
jcastrook so I'm confused17:04
jcastrowe did the colors already right?17:04
james_w`that I don't know17:04
james_w`I think so as I saw some changes17:04
jcastroalso the sessions are still not on the schedule17:04
jcastroit's still the same bunch from the initial import17:04
nigelbcan someone give me some RT love? https://twitter.com/#!/nigelbabu/status/6363459572322304017:05
james_w`jcastro, I don't know if the autoscheduler has run, I don't have any visibility of that17:05
jcastroDaviey: yo, put the champagne down.17:06
jcastrojames_w`: he's probably in the server room with elmo putting more hamsters in the summit machine17:07
jcastrojames_w`: mhall119: when he's not AFK can we make it so you guys have access to the machine?17:10
jcastrobus factor!17:10
james_w`I think mhall119 but not me17:10
james_w`I don't have the experience, and the fewest people you can get away with is better with something that is fragile17:11
macojames_w`: why do you have a ` ?17:12
nigelbmaco: didn't you hear? its the new thing ;)17:12
macoit broke my /msg!17:12
james_w`because I apparently reconnected overnight, and haven't been able to catch my breath yet today17:13
jcastrojames_w`: I forgot to eat lunch!17:14
nigelblaters all. leaving home.17:14
nigelbjcastro: pfft17:14
jcastrohey nigelb17:14
james_w`I'm still working up to breakfast!17:14
jcastrodid Daviey commit your color fixes?17:14
macoim nursing a headache17:14
nigelbleaving *for home17:14
nigelbjcastro: didn't get a chance to do it, amazon rds screwed us over. I'm still at work.17:14
jcastrono I mean from before17:15
nigelblast night, yes.17:15
jcastronot the serverandcloud->server thing17:15
jcastrooh ok17:15
jcastroso it's mostly right, good enough for now17:15
nigelbah, I commited it and Daviey pushed it today17:15
nigelbso, that's up17:15
jcastroI'm not convinced that was actually deployed yet, otherwise there would be colors in the boxes17:15
nigelbserverandcloud->server, gimme 30 mins to grab dinner, get home, and fix it.17:15
nigelbI did see colors in the boxes earlier today17:16
jcastroyeah, for the ones where they happened to have the same track name last UDS17:16
jcastroso like ... "other"17:16
jcastroand "hardware"17:16
* nigelb looks17:16
nigelbjcastro: linaro grphics has color17:17
macoi should make purple & orange xmas ornaments out of egg shells17:17
nigelbso does desktop17:17
nigelbfairly sure it wasn't there17:17
macowith narwhals on them17:17
JanChttp://noc.bit.nl/stackgraph.php?stackconf=ubuntu   ☺17:17
macofor lulz17:17
jcastroright but desktop- and community- don't have colors17:17
jcastroand they should17:17
nigelbjcastro: I see color for desktop17:18
nigelbcommunity is pink17:18
nigelbI was about to suggest17:18
jcastrohey so we were thinking17:18
jcastro5 shades of green for linaro tracks17:18
jcastronigelb: but maybe doctormo can help us with the color choosing17:19
nigelbI did color the android track with the 'right' green17:19
jcastrohaha, awesome17:19
paultagnigelb: agave17:19
macojcastro: oh and then they can argue over whether it's hunter green or forest green for a certain track?17:19
paultagnigelb: use monochrome, those work awesome17:19
nigelbsure, just get me the right shades. I choose really really differnt colors so that they can be identified.17:19
paultagnigelb: trust me17:19
jcastromaco: I believe you mean GNU/green17:19
jcastrojames_w`: ok so really, the tracks getting stuck is the only issue17:20
nigelbmaco: no its like, hrm, that green is kernel, oh wait, is too light, that's android!17:20
jcastrojames_w`: and maybe we just need to wait until the top of  the hour?17:20
nigelboh man17:20
nigelbbikeshed :p17:20
nigelbwhat's th color of linaro :p17:20
jcastroCan I have my icon in blue? </fightclub>17:20
james_w`jcastro, most should be fixed now, except those (cert, arm, kernel) where they aren't tracks17:21
nigelbok, I really need to go home or I'll not find a place open for dinner :\17:21
james_w`jcastro, I think it's just the autoscheduler to run now, but I guess it has by now and that points to another problem17:21
jcastrojames_w`: if you click edit on a day's page you'll see the ones in the sidebar, those are  the ones I mean17:21
jcastroand a bunch of those look named right to me17:22
jcastrojames_w`: oh, and the plenaries showed up17:22
jcastrothe hamsters must have helped17:22
jcastroyeah baby, there's the badger!17:24
james_w`jcastro, can you give me an example of one that you think should be right from the sidebar, and I'll investigate17:25
jcastrofor example17:26
jcastrojames_w`: also, is there a way to make it so that even if they don't have a track they just get on the schedule (and just stay white?)17:27
jcastrojono: where should DX tracks go?17:28
jonojcastro, DX tracks?17:29
jonoyou mean sessions?17:29
jcastrooh, right17:29
jcastrosorry, long day17:29
jonojcastro, desktop17:29
dholbachalright my friends - enjoy release day - see you all tomorrow17:33
jcastrobye daniel!17:35
jcastrojames_w`: ok I've renamed the DX ones so those should get sorted17:35
james_w`most of the ubuntu tracks seem to be doing ok now17:38
james_w`linaro ones certainly aren't17:38
james_w`I can't see why the linaro-platforms sessions aren't picking up their track17:38
jcastroyeah I don't know why17:40
jcastroI have the stubs correct17:40
jcastrojames_w`: oddly enough, linaro graphics seems to be scheduled17:42
james_w`jcastro, I did one by hand to get it at a specific time17:43
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
james_w`jcastro, do you know why the rooms all seem to be associated with a few tracks?17:49
james_w`community, design, desktop, foundations, android, other, security, server17:51
jcastrojames_w`: oh dude, that has to be it!17:56
jcastroprobably because they were all created on the same day17:56
jcastroI didn't even know this was possiblre17:56
james_w`except that hardware isn't in the list, and they have sessions scheduled?17:56
mhall119jcastro: if you can get me access to the summit machine, I'd be happy17:57
jcastrojames_w`: maybe select all the tracks for all the rooms17:57
jcastrowait until the next cron run17:57
jcastroand see what happens?17:57
jcastroon it17:57
james_w`I'd really like a crontab -l from that machine17:57
james_w`jcastro, I'll start from the bottom :-)17:57
jcastroI have them open17:58
jcastroI can do it17:58
* james_w` leaves things for a couple of hours in the hope that they shake out and work18:01
jcastronow is a good time for lunch18:01
jcastrojames_w`: high five o/18:01
mhall119Daviey: jcastro: davidm says the new guidebook app and website are live, so we can land those changes and get them out18:14
=== daker is now known as daker_
nigelbok, home.18:20
nigelbjcastro: doing the colors, do you have anything else that needs to be fixed NOW while I'm at it?18:20
nigelbmhall119: ^^18:20
jcastronigelb: nope18:24
jcastrojust the colors18:24
jcastrothat's serverandcloud -> server right?18:25
mhall119nigelb: the US economy is broken, if you have time18:25
jcastrooh right18:25
jcastrodoctormo: ping18:25
nigelbmhall119: That's WILLNOTBEFIXED.18:25
mhall119sadly you're right18:25
jcastronigelb: ok so we need 6 more shades of green18:25
jcastronot counting the android green18:25
jcastrolet's see what doctormo says18:26
jcastroI am not convinced we can do 7 shades total and have those being distinguishable on the screen18:26
jcastronigelb: hey you have it running locally so you can like try something and show me a screenshot right?18:27
nigelbjcastro: yeah18:28
jcastrocan you try like a green border perhaps?18:28
jcastromaybe that might stand out better18:28
nigelbah, yes.18:28
nigelb2 mins18:28
nigelbmulti-tasking dinner :p18:28
jcastroso maybe we can just keep them with the colors they have and just add a green border or something18:28
nigelbyeah, i like it18:28
jcastronigelb: no rush, this is purely cosmetic compared to the other stuff, heh18:29
mhall119jcastro: let's introduce patterns! stripes, gradients, plaids18:29
jcastroThey've gone the plaid!18:29
jcastroJFo: hey18:33
JFojcastro, howdy18:33
jcastronow that we have an amazon store18:33
jcastrothis has carried me for the past day18:34
jcastroit's like 11 hours of music for 99 cents18:34
JFovery nice18:34
JFothere is some really great stuff in there18:35
jcastroI know18:35
jcastrofor a dollar18:35
JFocan't beat it with a stick18:36
james_w`it looks like there is a border for linaro sessions already, it's just 1px green18:37
jcastromaybe we should just fatten it up a bit?18:38
jcastrojames_w`: I wonder if that would be better than that current black icon looking thing18:38
james_w`perhaps we should have the logo on transparent rather than black, and make the border 2 or 3 px?18:38
jcastroyeah, for sure a transparent logo would be better18:39
james_w`I'll see what I can do18:42
jcastroJanC: I didn't know you were part of the 32 pixel launcher club19:02
jcastroI am too!19:02
JanCjcastro: I don't even tell them to do it, they all tell me they changed that19:04
jcastroit's the immaculate launcher width19:05
JanCmaybe they should also fold all "external disks" in 1 icon19:06
JanCit doesn't help that I have multiple partitions on my USB stick etc.19:06
JanCcurrently I have space for 1 extra 32 pixel icon, and this is a Full HD screen...19:08
JanCmaybe instead of the scroll stuff, it should make icons smaller...19:09
nigelbjcastro: do you remember how to automatically cerate slots?19:47
nigelbI want to do that for screenshots for you19:47
nigelbmhall119: ^^19:49
jcastronigelb: cerate?19:52
nigelb*create :)19:52
nigelboh wait19:54
nigelbfound it19:54
PiciCould someone with the ability to modify help.u.c add the Natty MD5SUMS to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes ?19:57
PiciOr tell me who to poke about it? ;)19:57
mhall119nigelb: ./manage.py initslots20:08
mhall119dang, I upgraded and I have no wireless anymore20:08
nigelbmhall119: I found that. I'm getting an error with autogenerated slots :\20:09
mhall119did you set dates on your summit record?20:09
nigelbyeah, I id20:09
nigelbthose dates are in the past, but it shouldn20:10
nigelb*shouldn't matter20:10
nigelbslots are generated correctly.20:10
nigelbmhall119: http://dpaste.com/536926/20:11
nigelbmhall119: ah, got it20:13
nigelbdidn't select a plenary room20:14
jcastrooh right20:14
jcastrothere's a bug about that20:14
jcastroif you don't select a plenary the entire thing blows up in your face20:14
nigelbyeah, it did for me20:15
nigelbok, green border sucks20:15
nigelbjcastro: suggestions welcome on keeping linaro separate20:23
jcastroI guess we can try the 7 shades of green?20:24
jcastromaybe doctormo can outclever us out of this20:24
nigelbwhere art doctorm20:24
macojcastro: polka dots20:26
macogreen polka dots, green vertical stripes, green diagonal stripes, green horizontal stripes, green checkerboard20:27
maconeed 3 more...20:27
macooh, solid20:27
macogreen gingham, and green pinstripe20:27
jcastrojames_w`: I wonder if setting all the linaro tracks one green would help or hinder20:27
nigelbmaco: no no, we just need one scheme for whole of linaro so people can go  "oh that's a linaro track.20:27
nigelbmaco: at the same time differentiating between different tracks20:28
maconigelb: well if none of the non-linaro tracks have green or funky patterns, we're fine!20:28
macofine replace solid green with green bunny rabbits :P20:28
macothen they totally can't mix it up with non-linaro20:28
nigelbmaco: haha20:28
nigelbmaco: doctormo can totally give us bunny rabbits20:28
maco(guess how recently ive been in a fabric store near the quilting section?)20:29
nigelbare you in one right now? :)20:29
nigelb(yeah, you're geeky enough ot be in one and be on IRC from there :P)20:29
macousually if im in a craft store, i'm knitting as i walk, not irc'ing as i walk20:29
nigelbim guessing last night or last weekend20:30
nigelboff by a day :)20:30
nigelbnot bad, considering I'm half way across the world :p20:31
nigelbjcastro: im off to bed, let me know when doctormo gives us green bunny pattern ;)20:32
jcastrohigh 5!20:33
* nigelb ^5 jcastro :)20:33
jcastrojames_w`: ugh, waiting did nothing20:33
james_w`want to RT a request to get mhall119/me shell access?20:34
jcastroDaviey: I thought you were doing this already20:35
jcastrojames_w`: I can rt, know the machine's name?20:35
james_w`summit.ubuntu.com? :-)20:35
james_w`looks like cranberry20:35
james_w`don't if there what chroots/groups/etc. are involved if any, so probably best to say that it is to work on that service, and they can figure it out20:36
james_w`looks like we're without a vanguard though currently20:36
mhall119I don't think there's a chroot20:37
jcastrohold for your RT#20:37
jcastromhall119: james_w`: I'm going to end up all my good IS karma with etherpad so if you guys can be the ones to ask about this one it would help me out. :)20:37
james_w`jcastro, will do20:38
mhall119jcastro: Daviey might know20:39
Picimeh.  Lots of people complaining today.20:53
* pleia2 hugs Pici 20:54
pleia2I've gotten a few "I don't hate Unity as much as I thought I would, it's growing on me"20:54
macomy coworkers asked how unity is20:55
jcastro"as it turns up all the made up rumors were wrong!"20:55
james_w`jcastro, we're in20:55
macoi told them "i dont know, i'm a kde user"20:55
jcastrojames_w`: OMG, really?20:55
macoand one of them was kinda "woo! kde!"20:55
jcastrojames_w`: you're my favorite canadian now20:55
james_w`jcastro, hey, that reminds me, we're coming through hockeytown in September20:55
jcastrojames_w`: I will be gone, moving to florida for a year20:56
james_w`ah yeah20:56
james_w`we'll just have to drive via Florida then20:56
PiciWe're getting some positive remarks about it, but not as many as I'd hope.  Although it is a support channel, so the people coming through are always disproportionally the ones having issues.20:57
james_w`oh god20:58
jcastrojames_w`: I am purposely finding a place next to the beach with a guest house if I can. :D20:58
jcastrobut the area is expensive20:58
james_w`sync from LP seems to be broken due to someone having a too-long name on LP20:58
jcastrojames_w`: O_O I didn't even know that was possible20:59
PiciI guess we can't blame popey for that one :/20:59
jcastro"Alan Pope and Community Council shut down Launchpad Blueprints"20:59
macoPici: blame mary poppins for creating a supercalifragilisticexpyalidocious account?20:59
jcastrojames_w`: I can rename it if you want, which spec?21:00
macojames_w`: hahaha21:00
james_w`nope, that person21:00
macojames_w`: is that "too long" or "parse fail"?21:00
james_w`"too long"21:00
james_w`because no-one in world has more than 30 characters in their name21:00
* maco counts the letters in her boyfriend's brother-in-law's name21:01
james_w`    first_name = models.CharField(_('first name'), max_length=30, blank=True)21:03
james_w`    last_name = models.CharField(_('last name'), max_length=30, blank=True)21:03
macooh so its 60 max21:03
maco30 per name21:03
macoif you have 3 words in your realname field...how does break up first & last?21:04
james_w`virtually every system seems to make this mistake21:06
mhall119jcastro: was it you who was saying that your laptop ran hot under Unity?21:06
mhall119or akgraner ?21:06
jcastrohas to be ak21:07
macoakgraner's laptop runs hot under every new release21:07
jcastropete shipped the laptop to someone on the kernel team to look at it21:07
mhall119mine is hot now...21:07
james_w`mhall119, are you able to review https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/summit/fix-long-names/+merge/59416 real quick?21:07
mhall119james_w`: approved21:17
james_w`mhall119, would you land please?21:17
james_w`I can deploy the code, but not land it :-)21:17
james_w`and thanks!21:17
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600433/ <- people and sessions for this UDS21:22
james_w`so about 200 sessions being exposed by LP currently, which is up by ~100 from a couple of days ago21:23
mhall119james_w`: landed21:23
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600434/ <- trying to assign tracks to sessions21:24
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600435/ <- so those are the remaining problematic ones21:25
james_w`http://paste.ubuntu.com/600436/ <- output of trying to autoschedule, so it's refusing to schedule a bunch of linaro sessions for no good reason that I know of21:27
jcastrojames_w`: we don't really care what the name is, the ones we care about are colored, so if you can make it so the kernel/cert/etc, ones just get scheduled (and they remain white) that would be fine too21:29
james_w`jcastro, I looked at that briefly and it's got something to do with the room assignment thing I think21:29
james_w`I ran away, but I can look again21:30
jcastrooh ok21:30
james_w`the other alternative is to force e.g. kernel -> hardware track21:30
jcastroyou know what21:30
jcastrothat is a good idea21:30
jcastrolet me run it by pete21:30
jcastrojames_w`: hey, wait a sec21:31
jcastrojames_w`: does that break stuff or just not autoschedule?21:32
jcastroI mean, if they don't autoschedule that's fine, then the track lead needs to schedule by hand21:32
james_w`I don't know that it breaks anything21:32
james_w`I don't understand this bit of the code though21:32
james_w`so give me a few to dig through it and we can decide what to do21:32
james_w`trackfix seems to not actually have any effect21:35
james_w`it didn't make the changes that it said that it did21:35
james_w`do you need to save related sets explicitly separate to the model itself I wonder?21:35
james_w`yeah, I'm not sure this ever worked :-)21:37
jcastrojames_w`: I know right, this is the guy who rewrote init too. :p21:40
jcastrojames_w`: ok kernel is refiling under other-kernel-o-whatever21:43
james_w`that just leaves three cert- and one qa-21:44
james_w`I think we don't have to have them do that if they don't want though21:44
james_w`it's not scheduling sessions without a track, as we have assigned all tracks to all rooms21:44
james_w`given that we don't care about track/room affinity any more I'm pretty sure we can delete a bunch of this code and just try scheduling everything in all rooms21:45
james_w`with a change to not try and schedule plenaries21:45
james_w`jcastro, check out the unscheduled sessions offered when you edit now21:46
jcastroI see stuff filled in!21:48
jcastrojames_w`: whatever you did21:50
jcastroit's working21:50
james_w`I fixed it21:50
jcastrojoey: ok, check out the schedule now21:51
jcastrojoey: for example: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-09/?21:51
jcastrosee that gray session at 1500, clashes with the grey summit session, so you edit and just move it to the morning or something21:51
jcastrojoey: basically, the first three days shouldn't have grey boxes on the schedule other than the summit21:52
james_w`jcastro, joey: I'd still like to get that fixed properly21:52
james_w`jesse registered the BPs for the mini-summit that people could mark themselves as essential on, but used the wrong names21:53
jcastrooh ok so do you think rematching them would fix that?21:53
jcastrojames_w`: hmm, I just realized, other than the color/branding, that's really the only bug left21:54
james_w`jcastro, how about I delete the ones you originally created, extend the length of his BP ones, and schedule them in the same time/place as the old ones?21:55
jcastroworth a shot21:55
james_w`I'll delete yours as the last step, so we can always roll back21:56
james_w`did I just somehow create a slot at 210022:00
mhall119unity --replace22:05
james_w`ok, moved the MM summit over to the BP-based meetings, it seems to have gone ok22:08
james_w`we have a rogue slot on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-11/ though22:08
james_w`I have to go make dinner now though22:08
mhall119okay, that's 3 times Unity has totally died on me22:12
joeyjcastro, james_w` - I see the 15:00 graphics item. Shall I manually move it?22:23
jcastrojoey: no!22:23
jcastrojoey: james is going to try to make it automagic22:23
james_w`joey, fixed22:28
james_w`I had to do it by hand this time, but it won't happen if there are any more graphics sessions added22:28
mhall119filed my first Unity bug22:46
mhall119bug 77273722:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 772737 in unity "compiz idle CPU increases when Thunderbird is running" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77273722:47
mhall119akgraner: did you use thunderbird?22:47
Technovikingis there ways to use thunderbird in the messaging menu22:47
Technovikingmaybe I should avoid TB22:48
mhall119Technoviking: yeah, thunderbird has an extension that'll put it in the messaging menu22:48
Technovikingmhall119: has lightning calendar been upgraded for the current version of TB22:50
mhall119Technoviking: I'm using it, so I guess so22:51
Technovikingmhall199: this one https://launchpad.net/messagingmenu-extension22:52
Technovikingfor the messaging menu22:53
mhall119I honestly don't remember where I got it from now22:59
mhall119OMG!Ubuntu! had an article on it, and I followed their links22:59
Technovikingdang it, lightning not 64 bit23:00
james_w`jcastro, would you like me to put the autoscheduler in cron for the next week?23:00
jcastrojames_w`: I say just keep it on from now on23:13
jcastrojames_w`: also, what dates are you here? ends up we're going to be back here 22-25 september23:13
joeyjames_w`, jcastro - fyi, the linaro-kernel  linus tracks are in reverse order23:33
joeyon Monday23:33
joeyalthough at the moment the agenda is fluid so....23:34
james_w`jcastro, the night of the 23rd23:35
jcastrojames_w`: oh dude perfect!23:35
james_w`joey, yeah, the autoscheduler doesn't know that they are supposed to be in an order :-)23:35
james_w`jcastro, we're flying out of DFW on the Saturday morning23:36
jcastroit looks like this is doable!23:36
joeyjames_w`: btw I added a #9 to https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Infrastructure/Specs/SummitEnhancements#preview23:37
james_w`joey, yay, an easy one!23:37
joeyI like the  linaro sprinkles on the tracks!23:39
joeyok jcastro next problem :-)  http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/2011-05-12/   10:00 we have two presentations going on at the same time that the same people will likely be interested in: Life in Linaro and Upstreaming for newbies23:40
jcastrojoey: the people need to mark themselves as "participation required" in the respective BPs23:41
jcastrothat's how the scheduler works23:41
jcastrojoey: however we just kicked it in23:41
joeyYeah, right, sorry. A bit tired and not on my came23:42
jcastromiddle of next weekish I say fix it by hand, but for now let the system sort itself23:42
jcastroit's ok, I am smoked too dude.23:42
james_w`does the scheduler re-schedule things when people change that?23:42
jcastrojoey: welcome to UDS planning.23:42
jcastrojames_w`: that's what i was told a while back23:42
jcastroand I've never seen it not do that23:42
jcastrobut like with everything in summit, I doublecheck everything by hand anyway23:43
jcastrojoey: we have a ton of time, normally what you see here is how we are on the thursday before UDS. So we're doing well23:43
james_w`yeah, I was just looking at the code, and couldn't see it23:43
james_w`hopefully it does, given that no-one has had a chance to subscribe to anything yet23:43
joeyjcastro: yeah I need to get Matt to email out to the Linaro folk about signing up for those two to avoid the overlap23:43
joeyI've pinged him23:43
jcastrojoey: what's nice is when you move stuff by hand, it won't let you make more conflicts23:44
jcastroso like, it will force you to put a session in a spot where everyone can attend23:44
james_w`and I've just realised that approver doesn't mean required at the session, so I've got to go and subscribe to all the team sessions explicitly23:44
jcastroakgraner: do you have carl @ s76's contact info?23:46
joeyjcastro: I still do I think23:47
joeyjcastro: whatcha need? phone, email, ?23:47
jcastrojoey: I would like that pls. no rush.23:47
joey"Carl Richell" <carl@system76.com>,23:48
jcastrothat was my guess, glad my instinct was on23:49
joeyok, here goes nutting - natty upgrade commencing23:53

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