
LLStarksany i686 or pae oneiric kernels newer than 4/19? iwl3945 is broken.00:38
jjohansenLLStarks: there is a mainline kernel build from today http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/01:04
LLStarksnot i68601:04
KanoLLStarks: i really would like to get one i386 kernel too.. the config is not optimal or the kernel code needs a fix. one of those 2 options would give a package01:06
jjohansenLLStarks, Kano: kernel.ubuntu.com/~jj/linux-image-2.6.39-0-generic_2.6.39-0.2_i386.deb01:46
LLStarksoh. did you just roll that?01:46
LLStarksany headers?01:46
jjohansenyep, no promise on how long that one will stay there, I have been planning to test on oneiric kernel on my x120 and you just kicked me to do it01:47
Kanojjohansen: i need it for mainline because it is binary compatible with debian01:47
jjohansenKano: ah, sorry.  I am not going to be getting to kicking off a mainline build yet.  Maybe I can get that rolling later tonight01:48
Kanowould be fine, or rc501:48
Kanothe bt config should be better now01:49
LLStarksjjohansen, do i need generic?01:49
LLStarkscnd, any simple way of doing middle click  with synaptics?01:51
LLStarksa multitouch gesture or a saner way of clicking both buttons simultaneously01:51
* RAOF 's synaptics touchpad accepts two and three finger taps as button 2 & 3 respectively.01:52
LLStarksraof, vendor string?02:03
Kanodoes the touchpad depend on the kernel or userspace driver?02:05
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pgranercking, we miss you here10:53
ckingpgraner, that's kind - you miss my acerbic wit? ;-)10:56
ckingI don't miss the millbank sandwiches10:57
pgranercking, hehe we miss our iso testing banter10:57
ckingthere's always mumble ...10:58
jjohansencking: ping11:34
ckingjjohansen, pong11:36
jjohansencking: mumble?11:37
ckinghold on11:37
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Kanohi, why is todays daily kenrel still only amd64?14:42
Kanodidnt somebody say it is fixed14:43
tgardnerKano, to which version in particular do you refer?14:45
* tgardner sure likes some of the maintenance tools that bjf has written14:52
ckingbjf rocks15:04
tgardnercking, careful with the accolades lest he get a swelled head :)15:05
ckinghow about bjf's scripts are kinda good ;-)15:07
* ogasawara finds it awful hard to work this morning being in sunny san diego15:07
apwogasawara, sounds like fun!15:08
tgardnerogasawara, why didn't you take the whole day off?15:08
apwcking, no iso testing for release for you >15:08
ogasawaratgardner: I thought in case of any release fires, I might want to stick around to see  the carnage :)15:08
apwno fires, yet15:08
tgardnerogasawara, looks like its all done.15:09
ogasawaraapw: congrats on natty btw!15:09
ckingapw, I missed all the fun in millbank15:09
apwogasawara, i think you did the last push on natty really, so its yours as much as ine15:11
apwcking, heh we missed you too15:11
eagles0513875hey guys :) 15:12
ckingapw, I didn't miss the sandwiches though15:21
tgardnersandwiches, blech!15:22
apwwe had _other_ things one day, yep other things15:25
smbsolid or liquid? ;-P15:25
tgardnerapw, indescribable other things?15:26
apwmostly yep :)15:26
* apw notes that he is still able to use irc, how unusual for release day15:31
ppisatiwhy CVE 2010-4243 has been marked as Invalid for all releases except for Natty?15:32
ubot2ppisati: fs/exec.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.37 does not enable the OOM Killer to assess use of stack memory by arrays representing the (1) arguments and (2) environment, which allows local users to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a crafted exec system call, aka an "OOM dodging issue," a related issue to CVE-2010-3858. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4243)15:32
ppisatibug 76840815:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 768408 in linux "CVE-2010-4243" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76840815:32
smbapw, Either there is more bandwidth, or less pulling, ...15:32
tgardnerppisati, looks like I was working on that last week. I need to get back to it and finish up.15:34
ppisatitgardner: k15:35
ppisatitgardner: i was just wondering why it's Invalid in all that releases since the description says "...before 2.6.37"15:36
tgardnerppisati, well, its possible I haven't done my homework yet.15:36
ppisatino problem15:37
smbppisati, Though it also has happened that they just did not care that much and before 2.6.x meant only a limited timeframe15:38
smbThey usually don't look too hard how far things really go15:38
eagles0513875hey guys nice work on release :) 15:39
smb(they meaning whoever puts the text into the mitre reports)15:39
eagles0513875hey apw :) time to see with out the sru kernel on my desktop whats broken lol15:39
tgardnerppisati, I only vaguely remember working on it. It may be that the vulnerability did not exist in 2.6.35 or earlier. can't remember for sure.15:39
ppisatitgardner: ok, i'll check15:40
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bjfapw, still with us ?15:49
apwbjf hi15:52
bjfapw, so just to let you know I have not forgotten your input, if you go to http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/1-day-new.html15:53
bjfapw, scroll to the bottom of the page, there are two links "DARK" and "LIGHT", click "LIGHT"15:53
bjfapw, it's still a work in progress but you get the idea15:53
bjfapw, and it sets a cookie so you only need to set it once15:53
apwyeah thats really nice15:54
apwbjf, thanks!15:54
bjfapw, hey! anything for you man! :-P15:55
tgardnerbjf, I much prefer the DARK theme15:57
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bjftgardner, me as well, but *some* people ...15:58
apwsome people like to MOAN15:59
ckingbjf, no ubuntu color theme then? ;-)16:03
bjfcking, can't give away all the secrets16:04
ckingoh, and I thought one just hacked the appropriate css/themes/*/style.css file..16:05
bjfcking, i take patches :-)16:05
cking..and feature requests? I want "Ubuntu colors" :-)16:06
ckingjust kiddin16:06
ckingnice choice of lime-green. If only we could colorise the kernel like this.. 16:07
bjfcking, you could always file a bug16:07
ckingwhat's the project name?16:08
ckingfwts has a nice logo, I think your webby page should have too.. 16:09
bjfcking, after my rotation on the design team i'll have more skillz16:10
ckingbjf becomes a DX god16:12
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ckingpurple and green text with grey bold text on a stripey black and yellow background and flashing orange links seems cool to me.16:13
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tgardnerapw, do you have a minute to consult about vesafb?16:19
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apwtgardner, yep, sup16:24
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tgardnerapw, ah, was looking at bug #772042. I assume its OK for vesafb to legitimately fail to load?16:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 772042 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/arch/x86/mm/ioremap.c:98 __ioremap_caller 0x3fe/0x440()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77204216:27
* apw looks16:27
apwtgardner, i would expect it to be possible that vesafb insertion could fail as you may not have such a thing indeed.  i am not expecting a WARNING though16:29
tgardnerapw, its got an SiS VGA adapter which has likely already mapped that I/O space.16:30
tgardnerI think the WARN_ONCE is in the wrong place in the ioremap() function, but thats a different issue.16:30
apwthen yes, that failure sounds sensible, i am not convinced the error should be that severe16:30
apwit should just be returning, EBUSY sort of thing16:31
tgardnerapw, right. I think the warning should be placed _after_ a successfull ioremap16:31
tgardnerits really just a benign sanity check16:31
apwyeah i am sure its a warn to make it easy to detect two drivers overlapping16:31
tgardnerapw, ok, since the ioremap is failing, I think the warning is bogus. I'll send a patch to Ingo et al to see what they think.16:33
apwsounds reasonable to me16:33
sforsheetgardner, apw: is it really reasonable for vesafb to ioremap that much memory ?16:36
sforsheevmap allocation for size 4272398336 failed16:36
tgardnersforshee, hmm, I didn't notice the amount. that seems bogus.16:37
sforsheetgardner, yeah, especially since it's a 32-bit kernel16:37
tgardnersforshee, underfalw ?16:37
tgardnerunderflow *16:37
sforsheecould be16:38
ckingit's FEA7A000 in hex16:38
JanCSiS VGA adapter, isn't that an oxymoron?16:42
tgardnersforshee, looks like we need some debug info that dumps the screen_info passed in by the BIOS.16:46
tgardnerit doesn't look like its in the boot log by default.16:47
sforsheetgardner, agreed, doesn't look like vesafb does anything to mess up the size that badly16:47
tgardnersforshee, you want to work on this with Timo? pgraner wants me to do some other stuff for next week.16:49
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sforsheetgardner, will do16:50
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apwbjf, the only colour wich isn't great on the light theme is the yellow, its too light16:55
apwbjf, oh and the white, which i couldn't see at all :)16:56
ckingyeah, it needs to be black16:56
bjfapw, i think there are others, they are so light you can't see them, :-)16:56
bjfapw, it's on my todo list16:56
apwbjf, an oppotunity for $white = 'black'16:56
bjfoh! just got email that I've won 1.86 million euros!, been nice knowing you16:58
tgardnerbjf, You probably have to go to Uganda to collect. good luck.16:58
* eagles0513875 waves to apw17:04
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KalanacDon't know if anyone is here at the moment but I thought I'd ask about/mention the bug which is stopping the backlight from working under the 2.6.38 kernels.  Reading through the bug logs seems to imply that the issue was solved and patched in rc6 (or 8 I forget).  Anyway, it's still present, I've tried upgrading to 2.3.39 but still not working so either the patch wasn't committed or it doesn't work for me (I'm u17:29
Kalanacsing an intel GMA 4500m).17:29
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ubot2Kalanac: Error: Could not parse XML returned by bugzilla.kernel.org: Connection reset by peer. (https://bugzilla.kernel.org/xml.cgi?id=27702)17:38
* tgardner --> lunch18:28
* bjf is heading out for a walk, biab19:49
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* bjf is back20:47
jcastrohi, who's in charge of the kernel track scheduling?21:31
tgardnerjcastro, no one has been appointed. bjf - would like to organize that?21:33
tgardnerwould you*21:33
jcastrook so my question is, is it ok if I file the kernel stuff under the hardware track or other, since we don't really have "kernel" per se21:33
tgardnerjcastro, seems reasonable21:34
tgardnerjcastro, isn't there a foundations track? we've only got a few blueprints that actually need sessions, and they are kind of foundation related.21:34
jcastrothat would be fine too21:35
tgardnerjcastro, lets do that21:35
jcastroit's just right now they're in the summit system and they don't have a home so they get put in the sidebar and I want to make sure they hit the schedule21:35
jcastrotgardner: ok I'll bug bjf when he's around for the rename, don't want to break links I'm not aware of, etc.21:36
bjfjcastro, i thought pganer already suggested "other"21:36
bjfjcastro, but I could be mistaken21:36
jcastrobjf: ok, but the BPs themselves aren't named other-kernel-o-whatever21:36
jcastrojust kernel-o-whatever21:36
jcastrobjf: so maybe just file them where they would  make the best sense, be it foundations, hardware, or other21:37
bjfjcastro, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Specs21:38
bjfjcastro, we only have 621:38
bjfjcastro, we were hardware last time21:39
bjfjcastro, so I need to go rename them again, why does it seem like we have to rename thise a dozen times for every UDS21:39
jcastrohowever you want to do it is fine with me, I'm just saying that you'll have to manually schedule if you just keep plain "kernel-o"21:39
jcastrobjf: I dunno, I don't make those decisions, if it makes you feel better I am stuck renaming things every day no matter what we do. :-/21:40
bjfjcastro, it would seem that by the time we put out the call, there should be a wiki page which explicitly states where each team should put their blueprints21:41
bjfjcastro, anyway, you are suggesting I pick somewhere (hardware or other) so they can be auto scheduled21:41
bjfjcastro, i can make that happen21:41
bjfjcastro, consider it done, if for some reason you see any after a couple minutes from now that are not in "other", let me know and i'll fixe them as well21:42
* jcastro nods21:43
jcastrobjf: I know it sucks, but we'll have the schedule done by tomorrow, normally we don't even get this far until like the weekend before, so at least you'll know your schedule before you get on that plane!21:43
bjfjcastro, we still need to schedule our morning roundtable21:44
jcastrodo you want one per day?21:44
jcastroI can do that for you21:44
bjfjcastro, yes, first session, every day21:44
bjfjcastro, that would be a big help21:44
jcastrobjf: about how many people on your team these days?21:44
jcastroI can put you in the same room each day21:44
bjftgardner, should we count hwe folks for our morning roundtable? 21:45
tgardnerbjf, I suppose some would like to join us21:46
bjfjcastro, make it ~2521:46
bjfjcastro, all blueprints changed to "other-kernel-o-*"21:48
jcastrook, your roundtables are now set21:49
jcastroI've stuck you guys in "Krudy" every day, 9am as your home room21:49
bjfjcastro, awesome!21:49
bjfjcastro, dude! an icon on the session that launches a pad, that's nice!21:56
jcastrobjf: not ready yet, but yeah, once we have it, you can just paste the notes right in there 21:57
jcastroso when you get to your session, blam, you have all your stuff and agenda already set out21:58
jcastroit's brilliant.21:58
bjfjcastro, have we stress tested the server at all ?21:58
jcastrobjf: IS has been slammed with release, hopefully I can poke them tomorrow and see what's up22:01
bjfjcastro, i just don't want to get there and have it roll over and die under load22:01
jcastroit's running great for the openstack guys at their conference, but I don't have numbers on how many people are hitting it22:02
keesjcastro: I see this year there is a "security" top-level? last year we did other-n-security etc... what should we do for roundtables and things this year?22:28
keesjcastro: hm, ignore me. we used both other-n and security-n last time. :)22:45
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jcastrokees: for roundtables you can make them by hand in summit, it's easier than bp's, or just ping me tomorrow and I'll make them for you23:21
keesjcastro: no worries; I've already made and placed them. :)23:23
keesI was just trying to figure out the name for them.23:23
jcastroI do:23:24
jcastroand the kernel ones are similar23:24

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