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MootBotMeeting started at 09:59. The chair is NCommander.15:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:59
ogrado we have persia ?16:00
ograhmm, doesnt seem like16:00
NCommander[topic] Specs16:00
ogradid anyone get a linklist with blueprint links ?16:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Specs16:00
* davidm says hello, 11.04 is out16:00
NCommanderyay 11.0416:00
ogradavidm, oh, thats good news *g*16:00
davidmIndeed, too bad I was sleeping when it happened16:01
* ogra doesnt have any idea what blueprints persia set up16:01
ograwhich makes it a bit hard to discuss specs :)16:01
davidmthere are a lot of blueprints and many may have to be renamed, currently there is no ARM track!!16:02
ograand we wont get one ?16:02
davidmI'm asking for one, otherwise everything arm will shift to "other"16:02
* ogra makes a note to tickle jcastro until he cries once a day at UDS if we dont get one16:03
davidmgoto: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/~davidm16:03
davidmall the current specs are at the bottom labeled  -o- something16:03
jcastrodavidm: I've been in calls all morning, jono recommends putting them in existing tracks16:03
jcastroso like, foundations, etc.16:03
janimoI checked the list of BP yesterday, none of arm only linaro specs16:03
jcastro(sorry to barge in, we can sort it post meeting if you'd like)16:04
ograi didnt get email notification for any of the ones i'm assigned to16:04
davidmI did  not get any email either, I think it's borked16:04
ograjcastro, thats sad16:04
davidmjcastro, yes lets sort it post meeting, 5thanks16:04
ograwell, that was our meeting ... we wanted to discuss specs, if we need to rename them its possibly best to discuss it now16:05
davidmAlso we need to review any open natty spec's and either close them or move them forward16:05
NCommanderso maybe we should go around one by one and discuss the specs we have or?16:05
ograNCommander, well, we did that already in the call, i think the renaming would be important now16:06
ograwe know who does what (well, persia knows since he assembled a list)16:06
davidmogra, the name is not important really it's either arm or other that is it16:06
ogradavidm, well ... i guess we have to live with that16:07
davidmif other it will be hard for folks to find but that is the only real impact16:07
davidmogra, yea, I'm less then happy but I don't make the rules16:07
* ogra would love to rant now about being ignored as arm dev by other devs all the time and now not even having our own track ... but i'm used to be treated as second class citizen nowadays 16:08
ograbut i wont do that rant now :P16:08
davidmif we have to rename my plan is arm-o-boot-speed -> other-o-arm-boot-speed16:08
ograthat sounds good16:08
ograso people can at least match arm16:08
NCommanderguess that works16:08
davidmYep it's the only way that folks that care about arm will find them if we don't have a track16:09
NCommanderLack of ARM track though is extremely annoying16:09
ograNCommander, ++16:09
davidmOK moving on16:09
GrueMasterSorry I'm late.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OmapNetbook is up.  Please check it for correctness, it was mostly a cut/paste from Maverick.16:09
ogranothing to move to :)16:09
ograspecs was our topic today16:09
davidmwell lest talk about specs that we have16:09
ograGrueMaster, download link is wrong16:10
davidmfirst is arm-o-preinstall-pool ogra that is yours16:10
GrueMasterogra: That's where I found the images.16:10
ograyeah, its about putting the contents of the ship seed and langpacks into /var/cache/apt/archives om the images16:11
ograGrueMaster, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/16:11
ogradavidm, i think that one is pretty straightforward16:11
ograGrueMaster, dont say natty there16:12
davidmlikely, do you have any guestimate on how much time it will take16:12
ograa few days including testing16:12
ogranot more than one to techincally implement it16:12
ogratesting the langpacks actually get installed etc will be time consuming here16:13
davidmOK what I'd like is if all specs have a guestimate of time in them, could be wrong but it would be very helpful to know some rough idea16:13
ograchanging livecd-rootfs to fill the pool should be quick and easy16:13
ogradavidm, i know though (since we discussed it before) that NCommander had concerns doing it that way16:14
ograso we should definitely discuss other ways to implement it at UDS16:14
ograwhich might take more time16:15
ograputting a time guestimate up for the specs before we discussed the final implementation feels a bit premature16:15
davidmthat is OK lets try to get some very rough guestimates this week and next and the refine at UDS16:15
ograhmm, k16:16
ograwell, lets get this meeting moving then16:19
ograNCommander, arm-o-seed-spices is yours16:19
davidmyep thanks16:19
ograany time guesstimate ?16:19
NCommanderWould estimate about a month if we stil want to implement it16:19
NCommanderNeeds some minor tweaks to LP and cdimage16:19
ograthat is: generic rootfs and overlay for /lib/modules and boot stuff, right ?16:20
davidmNCommander, if we still?16:20
davidmwhat are your thoughts?16:20
ogradavidcalle, it was discussed for natty already but never implemented16:21
NCommanderogra: It was more finer grain control for seeding things onto a per image basis16:22
ograerr, sorry DavidLevin16:22
ograGAH !!!!16:22
ograNCommander, well, i think the initial idea GrueMaster had was what he called hwpacks (not to mix up with linaro hwpacks though) to have overlays for images on the download server16:23
ograwhich wuld put all hw specific bits in as an overlay over a generic rootfs16:23
ograi think thats different from seeds16:23
GrueMasterYes, the idea was to have some kind of compressed file with modified MLO & u-boot + any other bits specific to a platform.16:23
ograanyway, 1 month is your ETA for it ?16:24
GrueMasterAnd a tool that would extract and update an image with these bits.16:24
GrueMasterYes, sounds good.16:24
ograk, lets move on16:24
ograjanimo, !16:24
ograyou will speed up our lives16:25
ograhow long will that take you ?16:25
janimothe SD alighn should be a week with testing16:25
ograyeah, agreed, but thats not all of it, is it ?16:25
janimothe generic boot speed improvements depending on what the scope is16:25
janimoI did not research ionto the jasper part of the spec16:26
ograoh, right, the arm-o-faster-preinstall-filesystem one was GrueMaster16:26
ograi didnt match the line16:26
GrueMasterI plan on taking a natty image and converting the rootfs to various different filesystems to run benchmarks.16:27
ograjanimo, i think we can leave out jasper here ... and focus on bootspeed of the installed system16:27
ograGrueMaster, just take into account resizeability16:27
ograwith your selection of filesystems16:27
ograGrueMaster, any rough ETA ?16:27
GrueMasterOf course.  My idea is to continue to use the existing format and have jasper convert after resize.16:28
janimoso there is one spec for SD speed and the generic iterative boot improvements (which are general ubunut-foundation work)16:28
GrueMaster1 month?16:28
ograGrueMaster, k16:28
ograGrueMaster, dont forget that convertion has its own danger ... it would be intresting to have user interaction though if you add a conversion anyway, so he can select what to conver to ;)16:29
ograjanimo, yeah, any time estimate for them ?16:29
GrueMasterMy thought was to convert to an optimal fs.16:29
GrueMasterIf you want user interaction, that is a whole nother ball game.16:30
ograGrueMaster, and why not use that optimal one from the beginning ?16:30
janimoso SD align 1 week, ongoing boot speed at most a month - depending on how much we want to squeeze16:30
GrueMasterBecause resize tools may not exist.16:30
ograuser interaction is trivial now that we have plymouth support in jasper16:30
janimodo a general bootchart/perf evaluation and pick low hanging fruits if there are16:30
GrueMasterFor example, btrfs doesn't support resize, but there is a conversion tool.16:30
rsalvetiwe can even squeeze the boot time from u-boot if needed16:30
ogracan we all simply add the time estimates to the whiteboards for now ?16:30
ograrsalveti, we should definitely cut down the autoboot timeout :)16:31
rsalvetiyeah, 10 sec for omap 316:31
janimoI'd think we should wait with all timing optimizations after the SD changes land, so we make sure we don't optimize something that won't be there with a better layout16:31
janimothis includes boot speed and firrefox startup speed16:31
ograso add the right dependencies to your specs then16:32
ograyou can make one spec depend on another16:32
davidmogra, good point16:32
ograhmpf, i got arm-o-firefox-startup ?16:33
* ogra cries16:33
janimoogra, I am happy to take that16:33
janimoI did not know it exists16:33
* NCommander raises hands16:33
NCommanderI'M FREE, FREE FROM EVIL!16:33
ograwell my ETA would have been 6 years and counting for that one :)16:33
NCommanderjanimo: I warn, the FF codebase will twist and distort your mind16:33
janimoI know upstream ff does a lot of work on startupperformance16:34
ograanyone who would like it, i'm happy to give it away16:34
janimobut it is still slow (2-3 seconds on beefey desktop computers)16:34
janimomuch of it due to sick extensions16:34
janimoNCommander, I am pretty sure when I get to the bottom of the uglies C++ file in FF I'll see a "NCommander wuz here" comment16:34
ograon my ac100 its currently at 30sec or so16:34
ogravs 10 in maverick16:35
ograit got a lot worse in natty for me16:35
ograso who takes it? janimo or NCommander16:35
* NCommander still thinks we should ship Chromium but YMMV16:35
* NCommander runs away16:35
* ogra moves it over16:36
janimoI also think we should ship chromium FWIW16:36
ogranot sure about the security team implications here :)16:36
ograwe had that discussion at several UDSes already16:36
jdstrandno way, not without a lot of discussion16:37
jdstrandupstream introduces regressions and then doesn't fix them for weeks16:37
jdstrandplus there is no advance warning on security issues, even though we have tried16:37
jdstrandwe are completely at the mercy of upstream16:37
ograeveryone is lurking today :)16:37
* NCommander wonders if jdstrand has 'security' has a highlight16:38
jdstrandI think there may be a bp on it. micahg is the one to talk to if interested16:38
* jdstrand will never tell16:38
ograTBH on natty chromium on the ac100 isnt much faster than FF16:38
ograthey are both slow like wet sponges16:38
GrueMasterogra: We really can't use an unsupported system as a benchmark.16:39
ograi didnt test on panda but wouldnt expect much difference16:39
ograGrueMaster, come on16:39
NCommanderWe should ship lynx16:39
ograwe used to ship w3m16:39
ograwhy would lynx be better ? :P16:39
NCommanderIts not emacs16:39
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* janimo writes up Add GLES2 backend to Lynx BP and assigns to NCommander 16:39
ograi also want GLES animations in u-boot !16:40
* jdstrand hands w3m-el to NCommander 16:40
ograadd that to him too ... he said he has no evil yet :)16:40
NCommanderhow the heck are you supposed to accelerate a CLI application?!16:40
jdstrandplus, w3m-img is funky16:40
* jdstrand stops being distracting now16:40
GrueMasterOn my panda, ff comes up in 15 seconds first time, 5 seconds second time.16:41
GrueMasterBase image.16:41
ograk, my MMC in the ac100 is probably a tad slower16:41
janimoGrueMaster,the logical solution is to skip the first start everytime16:41
ograwell, lets move on ... there are more specs16:41
ograthats mine16:42
ograa week or less16:42
ograarm-o-partman-chs ... NCommander16:42
ogra(that should really not have partman in the name)16:42
NCommanderNeed to research what it will take to get partman to write a partition table OMAP will like16:42
NCommanderer, parted16:42
ograwell, the question is, do we want to use it at all16:42
NCommander(parted appartantly grew CHS paritioning when no one was looking, but damned if I can find documentation)16:42
NCommanderogra: to be discussed?16:43
ograyou could add such stuff to the new flash-kernel-installer architecture as a hook16:43
ograor some such16:43
ograyeah, that will need a lot of discussion16:43
NCommanderogra: uh, that won't work.16:43
ograand wont be easy to implement16:43
NCommanderLets discuss at UDS16:43
ograa typical NCommander spec then ;)16:44
* NCommander shouts family-unfriendly words16:44
ogramind wrapping and hard to do ... :)16:44
ograNCommander, make sure to invite cjwatson or ev to the session16:44
NCommanderogra: is TI going to be at UDS?16:45
ograNCommander, any eta ? 4 months ?16:45
ogranot clear yet16:45
ograprobably not16:45
NCommanderI'd like to know specifically what there bootrom needs16:45
ograthe TI guys from the linaro landing team will  probably be around though16:45
ograthey should be able to help16:45
cjwatsonNCommander: partman/alignment=cylinder, probably16:45
ograand i thinnk rsalveti knows some internals about the rom code too16:46
cjwatson(and if you aren't using partman, why not ...)16:46
NCommandercjwatson: you've been implementing useful features again :-P16:46
ogracjwatson, rom code fo omap expects a certain CHS setup16:46
rsalvetiyup, and the trm can help here, usually they put the restrictions there16:46
ograright, but lets discuss that at UDS :)16:47
rsalvetisure :-)16:47
ograjanimo, !!!16:47
ograflash for everyone !!16:47
* NCommander suspects ligthspark has some sorta JIT in it16:48
janimowell, would be nice to have a foss flahs p[layer on arm16:48
micahgdoes gnash not work on arm?16:48
janimolightspark is promising if still not too mature(ponly suport youtube)16:48
* micahg knows it FTBFS last time around16:48
ogramicahg, works fine ... exactly one time for me16:48
janimomicah yes it fdoes16:48
ograand then never again until next boot16:48
janimobut most flash content is moving AIUI towards actionscript3 /Adobe Virtual MAchine 2 which gnash does not implement16:48
ograwe could indeed just add an auto-reboot to its code ;)16:49
ograand just release note it *g*16:49
NCommanderogra: so we'd turn it into Microsoft WIndows?16:49
janimolightspark needs some more testing and optimizations for arm16:49
janimomaybe 3 weeks16:49
ograNCommander, win has such a cool feature ?16:49
* NCommander thinks emulating Microsoft's design decisions w.r.t. to error handling (auto-rebooting) is a bad idea16:50
* ogra was surely not serious :)16:50
ograanyway, moving16:50
janimocrash-only software is not that bad if it boots up fast enough :)16:50
ograwhich gets us to the next spec :)16:50
ograi think we covered that above16:50
ograanother famous janimo spec16:51
janimoNCommander, the JIT is LLVM based (and quite experimental) so should not be an issue, as that is the point of using LLVM16:51
janimoonly the SD one, uboot is not my cup of coffee :)16:51
janimothat's rsalveti right?16:51
ograwell, its assigned to you atm16:51
janimohmm, weird16:51
ograno, you are right16:51
ograi cant read today or the CSS on LP tricks me16:52
ograi always catch the wrong line16:52
GrueMasterMaybe your laptop.16:52
ograrsalveti, so tftp in uboot :)16:52
janimouboot == testing booting == testing hw == cables all over the desk == chaos16:52
ograGrueMaster, i'm working on a 24" screen atm16:52
rsalvetishould be easy to work with, if the patches are really in a good shape and working :-)16:53
ograand if not ?16:53
ogratake the worst case for the time estimate16:53
rsalvetithen we clearly need some work, probably around 1 month16:54
ograk, put that in the whiteboard16:54
ograNCommander, !16:54
ogralong title :)16:54
ograLP chopped it16:54
ograNCommander, i think thats just "take notes while helping ScottK to implement mx5 images"16:54
ograso we have a wikipage for later community images16:55
ScottKI thought it was me watching.16:55
NCommanderI was actually looking at documenting the stack16:55
ograScottK, well, you being the customer, we help and document :)16:55
NCommanderA large problem of ANYONE trying to do anything with our infrastructure is there is a big "?" when you go look for documentation16:55
ograNCommander, seems a bit over the top, but your spec, as you like :)16:56
ograNCommander, ETA ?16:56
NCommanderTwo weeks, plus however long it takes my test vict^W^W ScottK to run through it16:56
ogramake it 4 weeks then, to be on the safe side16:57
ograwe will have finalized times after UDS anyway16:57
ograi doubt they will stick16:57
ograkernel-o-flash-kernel-postinst ... thats me16:57
ograand largely implementing the postinst logic of grub into our kernel images for flash-kernel ... i will pester cjwatson and apw for that at UDS16:58
ogratwo weeks i'd say16:58
ograi think thats all specs ...16:58
ograNCommander, take over the meeting again (and sorry for hoggin it )16:58
ogra(you have 1min for AOB and closing ;) )16:59
NCommander[topic] AOB16:59
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:59
ogranothing here17:00
janimoare these all the specs?17:00
NCommanderjanimo: feel free to donate more17:00
ograjanimo, yeah17:00
janimodo we get more (possibly from others?)17:00
ograwe will17:00
NCommanderif nothing else17:00
NCommanderclosing in 317:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:00.17:00
ograthanks all ... enjoy the post release relaxation !17:01
* ScottK wonders what that is (just did two toolchain uploads ...)17:03
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gaarai cant blv i waited soo long for 11.04 and finally ended up with having a ridiculous unsolved backlight issue! cant see anything in it! safer being with 10.1018:48
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Ahmucksorry, wrong channel20:47
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