
=== luciano_ is now known as virusuy
smoserhey all... i'm trying to package somethign, i have the build working on my local system, but when i build in ppa or with sbuild, the package comes out empty.06:12
smoserpackage is here : http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~awstools-dev/ubuntu/natty/rdscli/natty/files06:13
smoseri think my issue is that in sbuild it doesn't rcognize that i'm not "using source format `3.0 (quilt)'"06:15
smoserand it doesn't apply the patches before calling dh_auto_build06:16
smoserlocally outside of sbuild i use 'bzr bd'06:17
smoserbut just checked now that debuild also works. i'm guessing i'm missing a build-depends, but dont know what to guess.06:19
jmarsdensmoser: Can you point us to the PPA build failure log?06:21
smosernote, its not a build failure in ppa (or sbuild) its a failure in that the resultant deb is empty06:22
jmarsdensmoser: Strange, it looks like the patches are being *removed*, along with the Makefile, before the build, so when the build happens it does nothing, because there is no Makefile?06:26
smoserthe patches add a make file06:27
smosernote, even in the local working build, i see dh_auto_clean , and quilt pop -a06:28
smoserbut then after that, i see them applied with dpkg-source06:29
smosersnippit at : http://paste.ubuntu.com/600146/06:29
RhondaAh, it's time to leave the ubuntu group on identica.06:29
* Rhonda . o O ( for two days or such )06:29
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/600147/ has more content.06:29
jmarsdensmoser: I'm confused about why you'd want to have a package creation process that removes a patch (why was it applied in the original, if it needs to be removed?), then adds it back in again, and then does the actual build... it seems unusual to remove something only to add it back in again.  Is that done intentionally?  What is the point of doing so?06:32
smoserjmarsden, i dont.06:32
smoseri dont do anything.06:32
smoserin my bzr tree, the patches are unaplied. quilt source 3.0 format.06:33
smoserthe bzr bd -S. and then sbuild or ppa build and you see the logs.06:33
smoseri didn't do anything to explicitly remove the patches. the debian/rules is just the06:34
smoser                    dh $@06:34
micahgsmoser: when the source is created, the patches should be applied, not at build time06:36
smoserhm... i thought dpkg-source new how to handle quilt 3.0 explicitly so it could do that06:37
micahgsmoser: it does, but I haven't tried it with bzr06:38
nigelbRhonda: heh :)06:38
smoseri know that bzr wants to have them applied in the storage, but i personally dont like that. i was hoping to not have that. but i think you might be right.06:39
micahgsmoser: just run bzr bd, then run debuild -S -sa or -sd in the source dir, that's one workaround06:47
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dholbachgood morning07:12
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ari-tczewLaney: I have just sent mail to DMB, could you moderate it?08:38
hrwLaney: DMB meeting at UDS-O will be irc only or irc+face-to-face?10:03
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Laneyhrw: the latter I imagine10:13
* Rhonda wonders …10:27
RhondaWhat's the o name again?10:27
Rhondakarmic will get dropped with this release, right?10:31
* Rhonda wants to prepare packages.ubuntu :)10:31
Rhondaoneiric - who is meant to be able to remember that, left alone pronounce it? :)10:32
* Rhonda . o O ( everyone in release stress? )10:42
LaneyI tried to find the release schedule yesterday but couldn't remember how to spell it :(10:47
Laneygood job Google could10:47
Laneybdrung_: cody-somerville: Do you want to vote on cyphermox/email? It's +4 ATM and I'm writing up the minutes so will just declare it done.10:49
RhondaLaney: I always click at the end of wiki.ubuntu.com10:49
RhondaThat's the most straight forward links for me. :)10:50
LaneyRhonda: Yeah, but that doesn't show O yet :( Usually it just lives in vimperator's tab completion, which is about as fast as it's going to get10:51
RhondaI found O mentioned as "next release" on the natty page. :)10:51
Rhondabut chaotic chameleon was missing as release between breezy and dapper!10:53
RhondaOr was that left out for fear of suing from suse?10:53
* Rhonda . o O ( metaphorical discussions that happen at every release )10:53
* Rhonda . o O ( androgynic ant also missing )10:54
directhexpfft, breezy10:54
directhexfor true believers it will always be bendy10:55
RhondaAnyone seeing anything that's false in http://git.debian.org/?p=webwml/packages.git;a=commitdiff;h=56ba11:02
* Rhonda . o O ( not that I expect many to be familiar with the code, but … removing karmic, adding oneiric :) )11:03
Laneygeser: how do we get PPU added? Mail to TB?11:18
Laneycjwatson: ^ maybe you can tell me? :-)11:28
cjwatsonmail to TB is fine for now11:29
cjwatsonI don't remember the exact permissions required11:29
LaneyI didn't know if DMB had it, but guessed not11:29
bdrung_Laney: yes11:35
Laneyyes to what?11:35
RhondaHmm, when is the next DMB meeting where I could apply for PPU for logcheck and irssi?11:39
hrwRhonda: next DMB meeting is 9th May11:39
hrwRhonda: with long queue attached11:40
RhondaThen I rather pass I guess11:40
RhondaUnless … what time? :)11:40
RhondaI would hope that I wouldn't take long and could "squeeze" in.  (haha)11:40
* Rhonda would have hoped for at least a redirect from wiki.u.c/DMB :)11:41
RhondaYep, it's not that I am not able to find things :)11:42
Rhondahuhm, 13:00 UTC, that's my worktime.11:43
RhondaI guess I'll have to pass that one then anyway.11:43
bdrung_Laney: vote on cyphermox/email11:43
Laneybdrung_: OK well I already sent it out, but you can still add your vote11:50
Laneyplease please could I ask you to help the other application along?11:51
bdrung_yes, i will look at all of them11:54
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Rhonda500 Internal Server Error12:06
RhondaAfter I typed a lengthy application  %-(12:06
RhondaHah. Reload worked.  *pfhew*12:07
Laneyyeah, it 500s but works12:07
Laneyhas been doing that for some time :(12:07
RhondaIf someone feels like, looking for Endorsements: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GerfriedFuchs/DeveloperApplication12:08
borgdylanI wish to submit a package to natty12:35
borgdylanit is currently at REVU as dylandotnet12:35
borgdylanWill someone please advocate it after reviewing it12:35
Laneyborgdylan: I suggest you approach Debian with your package; try #debian-cli on OFTC12:38
borgdylanBut that requires registration on Alioth?12:39
Laneyit'll get you a better package in the end though12:40
directhexhave we ever seen a good quality cli package come out of revu?12:40
borgdylanBut still it has to go in for the first time.12:42
borgdylanThe debian team still has to review it.12:42
Laneywho better to review a mono-using package than the specialist team?12:42
borgdylanyou have a point12:43
borgdylanjust registered on alioth12:45
Laneyfirst of all I can see some general problems like line wrapping and stray boilerplate text12:46
Laneydelete the 'license' file12:46
Laneythe version should end in -1 not -0ubuntuX for Debian, and the target should be UNRELEASED instead of natty.12:46
Laneychangelog should be "Initial release (Closes: #xxxxxx)" where xxxxxx is the number of your ITP bug (which you'll need to file with 'reportbug -B debian wnpp')12:47
Laneydirecthex: what's a simple cli app package?12:48
borgdylanis banshee on debian?12:49
directhexLaney, which build system?12:51
directhexone of sebner's i guess?12:51
borgdylanI have submitted the project on alioth.12:54
Laneyplease make the changes I suggested, and check out a package like 'longomatch' then either come to #debian-cli on OFTC or mail debian-cli@lists.debian.org to ask for a review12:55
Laneyin particular you need to make sure to use cli.make from cli-common-dev12:56
gaspais there any rss feed for -changes mailing lists?13:32
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Natty Released! - Natty SRUs can be uploaded | Oneiric: Toolchain setup | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/ | Congrats to new core-dev: SpamapS
Rhondahmm, natty released?13:50
RhondaBut there is no http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/ yet!13:50
ScottKNo.  That takes a bit of work to set up.13:50
* Rhonda goes to log into sulfur :)13:51
ScottKIt should appear today.13:51
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lfaraoneSo for zero-day SRUs, the bug doesn't have to be fixed in oneric. We just nom the bug for natty and do the normal SRU procedure, right?14:43
Laneylfaraone: yeah, it'll get copied to O when accepted to proposed14:45
Laneyor at the opening of O, whichever is later14:45
lfaraoneLaney: I just uploaded pithos 0.3.9-1 to Debian unstable. This fixes two bugs of high and medium importance. Can I do something like a  sycn in an SRU?14:45
lfaraone(it only contiains those two bugfixes)14:46
lfaraonechangelog ref: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600271/14:46
Laneyyou can upload it versioned as 0ubuntu114:46
Laneyor 1~ubuntu1, or whatever14:46
Rhondaoneiric, not?14:57
Laneyi'll be relying on vim learning about that codename to keep it correct14:58
RhondaPerfect, thought I had fumbled with my packages commit. :)14:58
Rhondaarand: pageup?15:32
arandRhonda: ctrl+pgup/down, I have no idea where the bracket came from though =)15:35
RhondaThat's part of the keycode. Just the escape got eaten somewhere :)15:36
Rhonda^[[5~ is pageup15:36
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xglasyliaxhi all, is this where i'd report incorrect software in software center?17:22
xglasyliaxfor 11.0417:22
PiciWhat do you mean by 'incorrect'?17:22
xglasyliaxPici: well, under graphics->3d they have "Blender". Blender's current stable, public version from blender.org is 2.57b, whereas software center only gets you 2.49b, which is several years old.17:23
xglasyliaxi guess i shouldn't have said "incorrect", more incorrect version.17:24
micahgxglasyliax: you can file a bug against the package in Ubuntu and tag it upgrade-software-version17:24
xglasyliaxmicahg, umm... sure how do i do that?17:25
arandxglasyliax: Well, presumably none has packaged the new version for ubuntu.17:25
micahgxglasyliax: ubuntu-bug blender17:25
arandSo the bug would be a "request for upgrade" rather, I guess..17:26
micahgxglasyliax: the new version is in Debian unstable, so it'll be brought into oneiric as soon as someone gets to the merge17:26
xglasyliaxmicahg, ok17:27
xglasyliaxmicahg, do i need to have our linux platform maintainer make a .deb then and send it somewhere?17:28
micahgxglasyliax: nope17:28
xglasyliaxmicahg, sry, by "our" I mean blender xD17:28
xglasyliaxmicahg, ok, im unfamiliar with the ubuntu software process. thanks for the help.17:30
xglasyliaxmicahg, if its in Debian unstable does that mean I should do nothing and it'll magically show up once something is merged?17:30
arandxglasyliax: It will in the next relese of ubuntu, yes17:32
xglasyliaxarand: 11.10?17:32
arandxglasyliax: Yes.17:32
xglasyliaxarand, thank you.17:35
Sc0tthmm, actually I was hopin Ubuntu 11.04 would include Blender 2.517:35
xglasyliaxme too :)17:35
arandHmm 2.56.1 was in unstable at 2011-02-21, if requested that might've made it into natty, though that's past now I guess..17:37
xglasyliaxarand, is it possible to get 2.57.1 into the software channels then or must it wait till 11.10?17:38
xglasyliaxarand, again, im not too knowledgeable about such things17:38
Sc0tthmm - I don't think there will be much use of 2.49 for newbies now17:39
arandxglasyliax: It won't go in the main archives. PPAs are always a possibility.17:39
Sc0ttmost docs and production switching to 2.5x17:39
arandAnd I would assume that something like blender is already available in a couple of PPAs?17:40
xglasyliaxarand, so if perhaps something like 2.58 is out by october, can we get that in there, or how do they decide what version to include?17:40
arandxglasyliax: That would probably not make it in since the release is in october.17:41
xglasyliaxarand: ok, so 2.57.1 is out now, that will likely be the version they'd use?17:42
arandxglasyliax: ubuntu takes the packaging work debian has done, and debian tries to packagage as soon as possible, hence there will be delaying.17:42
xglasyliaxthe reason i ask is that your post about 2.56.1 being in debian unstable17:43
xglasyliax2.56.1 was a beta17:43
xglasyliax2.57.1 is release17:43
arandOk, I'm not sure if it was held off because of that then..17:44
arandxglasyliax: Feature freeze for ubuntu is normally ~2months before relese, and then Debian needs to have it packaged before as well, so possibly if a version was relesed 3months before the relese of ubuntu, it would have a reasonable chance to go into that version of ubuntu. There will always be exceptions in either direction though..17:48
xglasyliaxarand, ok. thanks! I hoping then that 2.57.1, being out now, would surely make it into 11.10.17:48
arandxglasyliax: Very likely, I would guess17:50
xglasyliaxarand, thank you again.17:51
lucidfoxSo... I can natively call pbuilder-dist for i386 platforms on an amd64 system?19:11
lucidfoxI just did, apparently19:11
Laneylucidfox: are you still involved with pinta?19:21
lucidfoxHaven't contributed to it since 0.519:22
lucidfoxwhy do you ask?19:22
Laneya binary lib crept in19:26
Laneyand we're wondering about combining ms-pl and mit code19:26
Laneythought you might know19:26
lucidfoxyou could send a message to pinta@googlegroups.com, or directly to jpobst at monkey@jpobst.com19:30
Laneyhe wasn't too receptive, we already asked on github19:30
lucidfoxWhich code is MS-PL, Laney?19:34
Rhonda\o lucidfox19:34
lucidfoxCan it be easily patched out?19:34
Laneylucidfox: A bundled libary, System.ComponentModel.Composition. I doubt it can be patched out.19:35
Rhonda\o/ packages.ubuntu also managed the release :)19:35
Laneyms-pl doesn't look too friendly to combined works under a different license19:35
Laney(\o/ to Rhonda, not to license hell)19:35
siretarthi lucidfox. long time no see, how's it going?19:35
lucidfoxGoing okay :)19:36
lucidfoxOh, that library. It's surprising if it's even in the distribution - I thought support for plugins was disabled for now.19:36
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siretartgreat! just noticed your smplayer upload :-)19:36
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lucidfoxYes, the author of the patch pinged me on a forum, so I actually got to reviewing it :)19:37
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RhondaI guess I need the help of some "designer" to adjust the packages site with the latest layout changes on the various ubuntu pages.19:51
RhondaAnd the Releases page in the wiki still needs to get updated :)19:54
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ScottKRhonda: #ayatana is the channel most likely to find design team people20:03
Laneydo they deal with the website?20:04
james_w`there is a #ubuntu-website too20:05
RhondaLaney: Which one?20:06
RhondaOh, "they"20:07
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ScottKLaney: They did the ubuntu.com redesign, yes.20:19
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