
* Atamira is waiting for the rain to stop00:39
Atamirabet it will be fine the minute i go back to work00:39
ajmitchrain? what rain? :)00:40
Atamiraits rain here00:44
Atamirain akld00:44
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
snailmorning all20:41
lifelessanyone know anyone at citylink? they seem to have failed to mirror natty quite spectacularly21:26
lifelessI'm going to see if I can get them pulled from the nirror rotation in the interim21:26
ajmitchlifeless: which mirror does citylink have?21:27
lifelesshost nz.archive.ubuntu.com21:27
lifelessnz.archive.ubuntu.com is an alias for ubuntu.citylink.co.nz.21:27
lifelessubuntu.citylink.co.nz has address
ajmitchhttp://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-releases/natty/ looks ok for me21:27
lifeless08:22 < lifeless> $ wget --no-cache http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/nspr/libnspr4-0d_4.8.7-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb21:28
lifeless08:22 < lifeless> 2011-04-29 08:20:48 ERROR 404: Not Found.21:28
lifeless08:22 < lifeless>  wget --no-cache http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/nspr/libnspr4-0d_4.8.7-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb21:28
lifeless08:22 < lifeless> Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK21:28
lifeless404s on that and a few other files for a maverick->natty upgrade21:28
hadsI noticed that just now actually21:28
lifelessajmitch: also they do magic anycast stuff21:28
ajmitchyeah, split between SF & wellington depending on how badly your ISP peers21:29
ajmitchhttp://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/n/nspr/ is just empty21:29
ajmitcha.u.c has those files there, dated from january, so it's choked somehow21:30
lifelesshads: not really an answer for consumers :)21:32
lifeless#ubuntu-mirrors has chatter on this now21:32
lifelessok, disabled and pointing at a.u.c now21:44
ajmitchthat could be a little slow today21:45
lifelessajmitch: slow and working21:45
ajmitchit couldn't point at the same mirror as nz2?21:45
lifeless08:42 < lamont> lifeless: dns updated (dropped it, since we'd rather have the nz operator grumble about 'where'd the traffic go" than the nz2 operator scream about the wave that hit him)21:45
ajmitchheh, ok21:46
ibeardsleethey have done that before22:08
ibeardsleepoint nz.a.u.c to nz2.a.u.c22:08
ajmitchbut probably not on release day22:09
ibeardsleehmm yeah22:09
* ibeardslee checks ubuntu.catalyst.net.nz22:09
ibeardsleeRelease 27-Apr-2011 00:1722:11
ibeardsleesame as nz222:13
ajmitchis that mirror not listed in the official list?22:14
ibeardsleethe catalyst one? no22:14
lifelessso the citylink issue wasn't a missing release file22:15
lifelessit was (minimally, maybe more) a dozen files from jan just awol22:15
ibeardsleealthough catalyst being an official mirror for the kernel .. it is something I might bring up with the powers that be to consider what might happen to some of our traffic22:16
ibeardsleecitylink is still behind though22:16
ibeardsleeabout 12 hours22:17
ibeardsleefrom nz222:17
ibeardsleehmm n/m being redirected to a.u.c already22:21
lifelessibeardslee: citylink was 3+ months behind on some files22:21
lifelessibeardslee: so it got taken out of rotation22:21
* ibeardslee adjusts his sources.list .. probably on a more permanent basis22:22
lifelessibeardslee: I'm going to try and track down an ihug person and ask if they can handle release day22:22
lifelessif so, will get it pointed at them22:23
hadsNatty upgrade in 52 minutes on this laptop, not too shabby22:23
lifelessibeardslee: nz.a.u.c. should always work is the problem - but our mirror prober fails on citylink because of their hidden nz-only host + anycast22:24
ibeardsleeI'll have a talk to catalyst when I am back at work about it22:25
lifelessibeardslee: cool22:26
lifelessdon't suppose anyone here knows anyone (from either citylink or ihug)'s irc handle + channel ?22:26
ibeardsleesee if ubuntu.catalyst.net.nz could be nz.a.u.c .. although they may want to restrict international traffic22:26
hadsNo idea who you'd contact at vodafone22:27
ibeardsleelifeless: sorry no22:27
hadsThe ihug guy used to hang out here22:27
hadsNot for ages though22:27
lifelessits fine to throttle international traffic; the mirror prober has to be allowed unfettered access (or you'll be taken out of rotation :P)22:27
ibeardsleemy big gripe is that there are no TelstraClear peered nz archives22:28
snailthere used to be a vuw mirror didn't there? anyone recall url?22:28
lifelessibeardslee: I'm not surprised, telstra are...interesting in .au in ISP circles22:29
ibeardsleelifeless: the origins of TelstraClear in NZ used to be awesome .. Paradise, Saturn22:30
lifelesshard to tell how much remains and how much business dictates from telstra have impacted22:32
lifelessmy dads on telstraclear and has heinous trouble with dns lookups going awry, the $$$#$R%#$ intercepting cache etc22:33
lifelessI would /so/ pay more to get real internet.22:33
ibeardsleeeverytime T/C mention that the UFB isn't needed, I tell them it is because they don't peer22:35
lifelessUFB ?22:35
hadsThat new scrollbar widget is annoying to position the pointer on.22:35
ajmitchnow if only open peering were a requirement of UFB22:35
ibeardsleeultra fast broadband project22:35
ibeardsleeajmitch: I agree on that one22:35
ibeardsleeit used to be bloody good for that22:36
lifelessso its not; we need the new international cable first - or is that the same thing? [no browser atm, can't google]22:36
hadsYou have to go all the way to the right of the screen to activate it and then left a few pixels to actually use it.22:36
ibeardsleelifeless .. I sort of disagree22:36
ajmitchlifeless: ufb is just the fibre to the home part22:36
hadsNothing to do with International bandwidth22:37
hads(which will still be crap)22:37
ibeardsleewith decent peering .. more services will able to be hosted in NZ22:37
ajmitchrather than having everyone on a nice shiny fast fibre network & having packets go to australia or the US for content in NZ?22:37
hadsAnd we can still pay the same for bandwidth to them :)22:37
lifelessibeardslee: what sort of services are you thinking of?22:37
lifelesswell, going international for local content is batshit itself22:38
lifelessbut - for instance, - WoW is never going to host a cluster here22:38
ibeardsleeeg au.archive.ubuntu.com is faster(ish) for me than nz.archive.ubuntu.com22:38
lifelessfacebook etc22:38
lifelesstheir primary content is so dynamic, they can and do use a cdn for handling hotspots22:38
lifelessskype / voip of any sort22:39
ibeardsleehmm yeah22:39
hadsWhat about VoIP?22:39
ibeardsleebut I think they are decent enough22:39
lifelessibeardslee: 7pm at night they are messed up22:40
ibeardsleelocal content available local (not via the US) is critical22:40
lifelesshads: international voip calls get messed up if you suffer more than a few % packet loss22:40
ajmitchhopefully the project won't get too bogged down with political wrangling22:40
lifelesshads: last two weeks I haven't been able to call internationally in the early evening reliably22:40
lifelessibeardslee: I agree that that is a good thing - but:22:41
ibeardsleethen (in an ideal world) we can get a local region dependant streaming etc22:41
hadslifeless: That would depend on the VoIP providers upstream22:41
lifelesshads: huh no, its udp all the way22:41
ibeardsleealthough in a more ideal worl region wouldn't matter22:41
lifelesshads: setup is centralised, traffic flow is point to point22:41
hadslifeless: Use a local provider with decent interconnects and then the traffic is their concern, all you need to worry about it your path to them.22:42
ibeardsleeajmitch: it will :(22:42
lifelesshads: they still need available international capacity22:42
hadsTraffic flow is not usually point to point with SIP/RTP, it can be but more than often it's not.22:42
lifelesshads: depends on the exchange IIRC22:43
lifelesshads: anyhow the point is that if traffic for me is poor, eithe rI'm shaped (and undeclared so - the 'what your adsl sync as is what you get is a lie')22:44
ibeardsleewell me has to take some rubbish to the tip and then work out if the budget can handle a nook colour22:44
ibeardsleeback later22:44
lifelesshads: or there is a shortage of intl capacity22:44
hads99.9% of the time your media is going to go through the service provider, if it didn't you would have all sorts of one way audio issues with RTP not getting through firewalls and NAT.22:44
ajmitchthere are so many points in the network where capacity can be an issue22:45
ajmitchinternational being the big one22:45
lifelesshads: of course, thats why your nat box needs a sip proxy22:45
lifeless<- not entirely clueless; ran a distributed asterisk setup in .au for a while22:45
hads<- does VoIP all day22:46
lifelesshads: nice22:46
lifelesshads: we kinda got stuck on one protocol22:47
lifelesshads: my point is that there are many, and when there *is* scarcity it drives prices and things like shaping, intercepting proxies etc22:47
lifelesswhich the 'net is not designed to have or to handle22:47
lifelesspeering is a commercial design driven by actual interconnects and costs22:47
lifelessif telstraclear aren't peering its because they make more money not peering22:48
hadsThis scrollbar thing isn't going to bug me22:48
lifelessthat may be fixable by changing the business environment - e.g. the rules under which peering happens22:48
lifelessor by changing the resources available22:48
lifelessI guess my larger point is that to fix this just saying it must be so won't work - if the govt tried, for instance, they would get impassioned pleas about how its unrelated, unfair etc22:50
lifelessbut if the drivers of not-peering can be determined, attack the root cause22:50

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