
jibelcjwatson, I verified successfully the fix for Wubi, and smoke tested desktop images successfully as well. I notified IS, going to bed now.01:20
GrueMasterProbably too late, but I have the omap4 image of kubuntu-mobile running now.  Still needs some polish, but the image is now a complete SD image.  After oem-config runs, a system reboot is required for the plasma-mobile environment to start.01:36
ScottKGrueMaster: Thanks for testing.  Sounds acceptable to me for a tech preview image.02:57
GrueMasterI haven't tested the omap3 image, but it should have the same results.02:57
GrueMasterI'm closing up for the day.  Need dinner and my brain is drained from testing & wiki-wacking.02:58
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rbnswartzif anyone from the release team up? if so could they give me an estimate on release time?07:12
ckwrbnswartz, asking is futile07:13
ckwThey will release it when they release it07:13
rbnswartzckw I can hope can't I? :)07:15
rbnswartzI have a free block of bandwidth now and was looking to see how soon release is.07:17
ckwI'm also waiting for the torrents *I want to break 1.5 TB upload this year, got to 1.1 last year) and I'm waiting too07:19
jbichaI think it will still be a few hours, I don't think UK's even at work yet07:21
rbnswartzdebian did a twitter feed of all the happenings when they released squeeze. Ubuntu should do the same07:21
macoNatty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol07:31
rbnswartzall I want to know is if it will be in the the next couple hours.07:34
wgrantPerhaps we need a bot that says "It will be out when it's out." every five seconds.07:35
rbnswartzI got up at 2AM hoping that it will be soon. If it won't be within the next couple horse my bandwidth window will close.07:36
macodepends when ISO testing & confirmation is finished07:36
* maco does not have a crystal ball07:36
* wgrant kicks screen.07:38
rbnswartzwgrant this is random but how do add those comments?07:42
wgrantrbnswartz: Which comments?07:42
* wgrant wonders what you're talking about.07:42
* wgrant still isn't sure.07:43
rbnswartzthe little text notes such as "wgrant still isn't sure"07:43
nigelbmaco: I'm stealing that statement :)07:44
maconigelb: you dont even get the reference because you dont even watch the show!07:44
nigelbmaco: BBT?07:44
nigelbDr. Who?07:44
nigelbIt has to be one of 'em :)07:44
wgrantrbnswartz: You ruin all the fun: "/me still isn't sure."07:44
maconigelb: i need to watch some new shows to trip you up, huh?07:45
nigelbwe should probably not spam this channel07:45
nigelbmaco: haha ;)07:45
* rbnswartz enlightened07:45
* rbnswartz is enlightened07:45
pittiGood morning07:50
pittisuperm1: I don't mind shortening the maturing period for #771560; just say there that you tested it? (since nobody else really can)07:51
pittisuperm1: ah, you did07:52
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cjwatsonrbnswartz: it won't quite be in the next couple of hours from when you asked08:54
rbnswartzcjwatson thanks.08:55
ogra_cjwatson, headless will end up at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/releases/11.04/ , right (there is no download link in the release notes yet)09:00
cjwatsonogra_: lose the "ubuntu-headless" path element09:01
ogra_same for netbook ?09:02
cjwatsonyeah - as I indicated the other day09:02
ogra_right, just wanted to be sure before i edit :)09:02
cjwatson12:36 <cjwatson> I think if I do that they may also end up in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/ rather than http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-{headless,netbook}/releases/natty/release/09:03
cjwatson(though yeah, 11.04 rather than natty in official docs)09:03
cjwatsonRiddell,ScottK: will anyone be able to sign off on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseManifest for kubuntu-mobile?  I gather from scrollback that omap3 is still untested but that omap4 is believed OK with caveats09:04
ogra_right, changed (if the wiki ever saves)09:04
cjwatsonRiddell,ScottK: Kate wants manifest signoff before we publish images09:04
Riddellhmm, investigating -mobile09:24
Riddellskaet, cjwatson: good to go on kubuntu-mobile09:32
RiddellI've signed it off09:32
skaetarm as well as i386?09:32
skaetRiddell,  thanks for chasing it down.09:33
Riddellyes arm too09:34
cjwatsonok, thanks09:35
jibelRiddell, kubuntu on powerpc is not affected by 756719 ?09:36
jibelbug 75671909:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 756719 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "PowerPC Natty Beta LiveCD Hangs Bad Mirror (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75671909:36
Riddelljibel: hmm, I thought they had been tested but I don't see anything on iso tracker09:38
cjwatsonthat does seem like it should affect both similarly, unless I'm missing something in the ubiquity KDE frontend09:38
jibelit affects alternate as well but you can workaround by setting the mirror manually09:39
Riddellonly report I have is..09:41
Riddell20:25 < Tm_T> Riddell: live boots, apps gets launched 20:26 < Tm_T> ...and because of apparently broken hardware (I/O errors from cdrom device) at some point I got plasma-desktop being rather unresponsive09:41
Riddellso I guess he didn't get as far as installing it09:41
cjwatsonI'll withdraw it from the publication I'm doing until we get signoff09:41
Fight2Winis it out yet?09:56
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dinganis it out yet ?10:28
Riddelldingan: #ubuntu-release-party10:29
Riddellwhat's the difference between https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes ?10:34
Riddelland which should I link to from kubuntu.org for a "here's what's in Ubuntu in general"?10:34
skaetRiddell,  ReleaseNotes please10:34
skaetits where the public links will go.10:34
skaetTechnicalOverview is for pre-release10:34
skaetReleaseNotes is for release10:35
skaetie. TO for natty,   RN for 11.0410:35
mdzSo, welcome :-)10:51
Riddellmdz: if you ask "is it out yet?" we'll just send you to #ubuntu-release-party :)10:53
Somdz, merci! ; )10:53
mdzRiddell, I can just watch over cjwatson's shoulder instead ;-)10:54
cjwatsonshould've done that half an hour ago ;-)10:56
stgrabergood morning11:42
mvohey stgraber11:47
paranoxso i heard you guys had a secret milestone build of 11.1011:52
cjwatsonparanox: we do not11:53
cjwatsonthe oneiric series hasn't been created yet; we'll start bootstrapping it later today11:53
paranoxthis IS #windows8-release, right?11:53
paranox"we'll" start bootstrapping it?11:54
ckwparanox, See #windows8-release-party11:54
paranoxdoes that mean you are somehow associated with canonical?11:54
ckwNope, not at all11:54
ckwI'll be good now, please don't kick11:55
cjwatsonyou weren't trolling11:55
cjwatson(possibly a ban was a bit excessive)11:55
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Riddellskaet: will you ping me when release happens?12:06
mvome too please12:06
ckwI think it's now. They just muted #ubuntu-release-party12:07
cjwatsonckw: don't do the "I think it's now" thing here, please.12:07
nickmoeckI think that was to stop the flood of people saying "I"12:07
cjwatsonthis is a business channel.12:07
ckwAh. I misinterpretted the purpose of the mute then. Apologies.12:08
ckwI was setup with "the channel will be mutted and people will say "It's released" when it's ready", so I made a logical jump12:09
stgraberhey mvo! has been a while ;)12:09
mvostgraber: yeah, easter++12:09
ogra_++ ??12:10
ogra_extra eggs ?12:10
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skaetRiddell will do12:12
ogra_take your time, #ubuntu-release-party doesnt even have 500 ppl yet :)12:14
nigelbogra_: heh, yeah, lets wait for 1000 :)12:15
ogra_i think we never had 1000 yet12:16
ogra_iirc lucid was close though12:16
nigelbIf @ubuntudev were to tweet "we will release when we have 1000 people in release party, we will replease", we'll get there in 5 secs12:17
nigelbAnyway, I should let you folks work :)12:17
ograskaet, TI asked for a minor change in the release notes/announcement12:25
skaetogra,  just made it.12:25
skaetto the announce12:25
skaetplease change the release notes directly12:25
ograwill do12:26
ograhmm, the "panda" and "beagle" reference isnt in the release notes wikipage12:29
ograDeveloper reference images are provided for select Texas Instruments (TI) ARM12:31
ograplatforms, specifically the "PandaBoard" and "BeagleBoard" developer systems.12:31
ograthats what i changed on the release announcement wiki12:31
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ograsame change done in the ReleaseNotes12:34
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Riddellskaet: release happened?12:36
nigelbRiddell: yes12:36
* nigelb hugs release team :)12:36
ckwThe release party is kinda crazy, but I really want to say thank you to you guys for all the work you put in12:37
skaetRiddell,  yes12:37
skaetjust waiting for #IS to let it out...12:37
* stgraber tries to publish announcement on edubuntu.org but humboldt is way too slow ...12:39
pittidarn, I missed the magic moment12:53
pittiskaet: congratulations!12:53
mvoskaet: yeah, well done!12:53
pittiskaet: you missed 11:04 UTC by 32 minutes :)12:56
ograskaet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes still says "draft - work in progress" at the top13:00
cjwatsonogra: fixed13:01
=== skaet changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: 11.04 is Released! | Oneiric Ocelot Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team with beer | we accept payment in cash, check or ocelot food | melior malum quod cognoscis
highvoltageskaet: congratulations :)13:22
charlie-tcaCongratulations to everybody. This was pleasant to wake up to!13:24
skaetthanks highvoltage ,  congratulations to the entire team !  It wouldn't have happened without everyone's efforts,  development, test, and release!!!13:25
ogra_well, we were all led by an awesome release manager :)13:27
ScottKdoko_: I test built boost1.46 against gcc4.6 in your PPA and it built.  I'd like to get that split and into Main (we'll drop 1.42) with updated boost-defaults before the first autosync.13:34
ScottK(please let me know when I can upload it)13:34
ogra_cjwatson, seems not all images on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/ have a manifest file ?13:43
cjwatsonogra_: manifest files are only for live-cd-type things13:44
ogra_cjwatson, well, preinstalled should have them13:44
cjwatsonogra_: dunno, were they in the daily build?13:46
ogra_just checked13:47
ogra_i dont find them *that* important, but was just pinged about them in -arm13:47
cjwatsonogra_: file a bug on ubuntu-cdimage - I'll try to remember to promote them to the release directories before oneiric builds start13:47
ogra_will do13:48
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charlie-tcahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/natty/release/ is missing the Xubuntu Desktop images14:10
PiciThe release notes on the wiki mention to use the '-d' switch to do-release-upgrade and update-manager in a few places, leftovers from the beta release notes.  I know !itsawiki, but I feel a bit weird modifying it myself.14:10
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: they're there for me14:12
cjwatsonPici: feel free to delete -d14:12
Picicjwatson: will do.14:13
charlie-tcacjwatson: I only see alternate images there14:13
charlie-tcaThey are at daily-live, but not in release14:13
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doko_ScottK: you could already upload14:13
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: probably a mirroring issue14:14
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: it's there for me14:14
stgraberPici: I already did it14:15
Picistgraber: Yeah, I saw you had the lock, thanks :)14:15
davmor2charlie-tca: why is the xubuntu release page down more importantly ;)14:16
charlie-tcaBecause we did not get the website updated yet14:17
charlie-tcahttp://imagebin.org/150605 is what I get14:17
charlie-tcaDidn't know we would release as early as this14:18
charlie-tcaGot to go move a greenhouse this morning, too14:19
davmor2charlie-tca: haha14:19
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jdstrandskaet: congrats :)14:26
ScottKdoko_: OK.  Thanks.14:34
cjwatsonrestarted queuebot for oneiric14:52
ScottKdoko_: Are you going to drop 2.6 from supported python versions?14:57
doko_ScottK: no, not before UDS14:57
ScottKdoko_: How about dropping python3.1 from python3-defaults now?  We've already done that transition in Debian.15:34
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iulianskaet: Congrats.  Well done.15:38
skaetiulian,  thanks!15:41
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cjwatsonmaco: rejected two of your three gally uploads to natty-proposed :)15:51
cjwatsonthey were all identical, I assume due to the LP bug that makes it looks like dput failed15:51
ScottKcjwatson: Yes. She's aware of the bug now.  I wonder if that might be worth a mail to u-d-a to make people more generally aware of it?15:52
cjwatsonI guess15:53
cjwatson(though I don't know enough of the details myself)15:53
superm1thx pitti15:53
ScottKwgrant: ^^^ Could you draft something?15:53
wgrantWith a bit of luck it will be fixed tomorrow.15:55
wgrantBut if not, sure.15:56
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macocjwatson: yeah clearly i havent done enough uploads post-freeze to learn about that bug :P16:12
wgrantmaco: It only happens sometimes.16:23
wgrantOnce a week or so.16:23
wgrantUntil we fix it again.16:23
macowell the answers.lp.net page i saw only referred to it having started recently16:24
wgrantRight, about a month ago.16:24
wgrantA bit less.16:24
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ScottKdoko: boost1.46 (for Main) and boost-mpi-source1.46 (for Universe) are in New.  Once those are in the archive, boost-defaults can be synced.17:03
dokoScottK: the first one already accepted, can't find the latter17:05
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ScottKdoko: I just finished uploading it, so it probably didn't make it to the queue yet.17:05
ScottKdoko: Should be there now.17:07
cjwatsonOK, so I think we're just waiting for libffi, and then my understanding is that doko will ask Launchpad admins to open the archive17:11
cjwatsonI'll check in tomorrow at some point and see if that needs any help, and if it's open, I expect I'll start autosyncs tomorrow17:11
dokocjwatson: I'll leave a message here17:11
cjwatsonOK, thanks17:12
cjwatsonheading out to the party nowish :)17:12
dokohmm, g++-multilib uninstallable ...17:18
loolsmoser: Hey, I see http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/unpacked/ is not as full as the maverick one; is this still underway for natty?18:55
smoserlool, what were you wanting , specifically18:56
loolI used to mirror stuff like:18:56
loolAnd didn't find the natty equivalents18:56
bjfpitti, will you be around tomorrow ?18:57
smoserlool, those are gone.18:58
loolsmoser: Okay18:58
smoseryou'll need to get it from ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz18:58
smoseri added the vmdk18:58
smoserand there were no users i knew of the .img.tar.gz18:58
smoserand they were only very moderately smaller than .tar.gz18:58
smosernote, i did just fix kernels being visable.18:59
loolsmoser: Do I remember correctly that it contains a fs image and that the tarball of it can't be rsynced properly?18:59
pittibjf: sparsely, because I need to prepare my moving on Saturday, but my IRC proxy is patient :)18:59
smoserthe .tar.gz file contains image, kernel, ramdisk.. basically image and some other small things.18:59
smoserit is definitely built with gzip --rsyncable18:59
smoserbut note, that those don't really get that good of use out of --rsyncable19:00
smoserbecause the filesystem is fairly random19:00
loolsmoser: Exactly19:00
smoserso rsync doesn't do all that well iirc19:00
bjfpitti, will have natty packages to pocket copy, will send email when ready, was just setting expectations :-)19:00
smoserlool, did you have a solution to that?19:00
pittibjf: I noticed them on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html19:00
pittibjf: see my latest reply to the list; you can now also ask SpammapS to copy them19:01
smoseror are you saying that the .img.tar.gz was better?19:01
bjfpitti, saw that, might be a good test19:01
pittibjf: but only when it's urgent, I didn't walk through the kernel process with him yet19:01
loolsmoser: Nope; I was mirroring the unpacked output to have more directly usable files, and be as close as possible to something that rsync could base on19:01
bjfpitti, not urgent, just will need doing19:01
loolsmoser: I'm not sure how good the .img.tar.gz was; I don't remember whether it was significantly better19:01
loolsmoser: But it at least removed one layer of tar + gz19:01
loolsmoser: Well, I'll mirror the tarball of the bits then, thanks19:03
smoserthe one inside the archive .tar.gz is still at the front.19:03
smoserand always will be19:03
smoserit wouldn't surprise me if the first 180M of that .img.tar.gz was identical (or very similar) to .tar.gz19:03
loolsmoser: Would it make sense to drop the unpacked/ dir entirely for natty though?19:04
loolI thought it was broken because it existed but seemed void of its usual contents19:04
smoserlool, i dont know.19:05
smoserit probably does, but i dont really want to do it post release.19:05
smoseras it has been in its current state for beta1+ at least19:05
smoserbut yeah, the only thing there is the kernel now19:05
loolsmoser: Slightly unrelated question; I booted a maverick released image today to test a -proposed kernel, and used the AMI on http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/release/ and on boot it had an "old" 2.6.35-24 kernel, but it's neither the maverick release nor the -updates / -security kernel ABI19:08
loolsmoser: Is it rolled a bit after release and then not updated?19:08
smoserlool, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/19:09
smoserthat gives you the date...19:09
smoserwe are/I am supposed to be doing a better job than we are at updateing images, ideally in line with -updates kernels.19:09
smoserso that the latest would alway boot a new kernel.19:10
loolsmoser: Sorry, I meant to ask what's triggering these updates; is it supposed to be one time a bit after each release, or every month, or every kernel upload etc.19:10
smoserhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEC/Images/RefreshPolicy somewhat covers that.19:10
smoserideally it should be done on kernel upload...19:10
smoserbut i dont know that i'd want it to be all the way automated.19:11
smoserso far, it has been a manual process to take a daily build, test it, and mark it as "release"19:11
smoserbut there are dailies, lool, and they're what you probably want.19:11
loolFor me dailies kind of imply that they saw less testing  :-)19:13
loolThat's why I usually go to the release image19:13
loolbut yeah, I could have used the dailies there19:14
loolAlright, thanks for all the details19:14
ScottKdoko: Second try on boost-mpi-source is in queue.19:31
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dokoScottK: can't find anything19:58
ScottKOdd.  I got the waiting for approval mail.19:59
ScottKdoko: I see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=20:00
dokook, my mistake, wrong queue20:02
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dokoScottK: failed again21:31
ScottKI'll look at it.21:31
ScottKIt needn't block anything though.21:31
ScottKOnce boost1.46 is in the archive for armel, you can sync boost-defaults.21:33
pitticjwatson, slangasek, doko: FYI, I uploaded cdbs (merged with Debian, and cleaned up)23:31
pittigood night!23:31

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