
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ping00:01
jMCgHow can a package have configs for cron or logrotate but not depend on those?00:17
SpamapSjMCg: its just dropping them.. it works just fine without them00:17
SpamapSjMCg: err.. dropping the configs there I mean00:17
SpamapSjMCg: usually it will recommend or suggest them though00:17
glen1when downloading from a server, does it take up much processing power or ram?00:20
SpamapSglen1: it shouldn't anyway00:23
glen1could I max out the bandwidth(say 100mbit) and not have it max out the cpu?00:24
* RoAkSoAx ends his day00:24
JanCglen1: that depends on things like the CPU type and the way storage is attached00:25
glen1ah, just curious bout that thanks SpamapS and JanC00:25
JanCif your server is a Commodore 64, it will max out the CPU long before you get to 100 Mbit/s  ;)00:26
JanCwith most modern hardware it shouldn't be an issue though00:26
kellnola_these day that depends on the ethernet driver mostly. shitty cards will use more CPU00:36
kellnola_look through the kernel sources and find out which drivers have the most curse words, and avoid them :)00:36
kaushalI have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS00:54
kaushalis there a way to know when it has been installed00:55
kaushalI mean which date00:55
kaushalon desktop i find installer.log00:55
kaushalunder /var/log00:55
kaushali dont find anything on server00:55
kaushalglen1: hi00:55
glen1Im a noob I have no clue sorry :P00:56
pmatuliskaushal: yes, the dates of the files under /var/log/installer00:59
kaushalpmatulis: i dont have installer directort01:00
* SpaceBass did the unthinkable01:30
SpaceBassI did an ssh remote upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04... via vpn...and forgot it was running when I closed my laptop for the day...   i01:31
SpaceBassit appears do-distro-upgrade is smart enough to use byoubu - is that the case? history in the byoubu shell shows it as finishing successfully01:31
JanCSpaceBass: you should always use screen or byobu when doing anything system-changing remotely anyway   :P01:37
twbor tmux01:40
JanCor run it detached or whatever01:41
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Herbshi all, I have an 8.04 box (not mine) that is failing to login as tty1 is respawning whenever a user is being authenticated, /etc/events.d/tty1 looks ok script content and permissions /dev/tty1 also anyone got any ideas Im lost with this one04:22
twbHerbs: is tty2 ok?04:35
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Herbstwb sorry have been in the ubuntu channel I tried editing the /etc/events.d/tty1 respawn to spawn tty2 and got the same04:56
twbPlease just answer the question05:00
Herbswell if I set the respawn to use tty2 then surely that answers it no?05:09
elb0w_How do I change the timezone?05:13
twbelb0w_: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata05:13
elb0w_ok will try05:14
elb0w_it says 00:14:51 EDT when05:15
elb0w_I set to America/New_York05:15
twbWhat does "date --rfc-3339=seconds" say?05:40
juzzy_hello! how might i update from 11.04 beta to 11.04 the official release?05:41
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:41
twbjuzzy_: for "beta" to "release" it is probably just applying package updates05:42
juzzy_twb, yes, i hoped so, but i still see gnome 2.3x05:42
elb0w_twb: it was correct, im just half asleep05:43
twb11.04 ships with gnome 2.30.05:43
elb0w_I thought its shipping with unity?05:43
twbI wouldn't know about that, GUIs are off-topic for -server05:44
twbI'm just quoting the version of the "gnome" package05:44
elb0w_yeah pretty sure they are going unity now, gnome3 wont be offered by default05:45
elb0w_need to add a ppa05:45
juzzy_where might i find said gnome 3.0 ppa?05:45
elb0w_you need 11.0405:46
elb0w_ask in #ubuntu+105:46
elb0w_or google05:46
juzzy_IS it safe to uninstall FGLRX?06:21
twbIMO it's not safe to install, so you're already screwed06:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #772158 in samba (main) "samba force group option fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77215806:41
grincheuxhi there08:13
grincheuxi installed a 10.04 lts server a few days ago and i'm blocked with ethernet realtek chipset card, reading lot of faqs doing a lot of googleling but still blocked08:15
smwgrincheux, define "blocked"08:18
grincheuxin fact lspci -nn or -vvv doesn't show nothing about the card08:19
grincheuxand i tried to compile the r8168 module instead of the r8169 wich is present in the distro but doesn't work at all08:19
smwgrincheux, I know nothing about realtek drivers, but maybe the restricted drivers manager will have it.08:19
grincheuxsmw i'll see about it08:20
smwgrincheux, damn, it looks like the still have not made a cli frontend to jockey08:20
smwnm, jockey-text08:21
smwgrincheux, ^08:21
smwgrincheux, didn't work?08:21
grincheuxsorry what dio u mean by jockey-test ?08:21
smwgrincheux, run the command sudo jockey-text08:22
smwgrincheux, I am assuming you have no gui btw08:22
grincheuxno have not08:22
smwgrincheux, did it work?08:23
grincheuxbtw i tried also debian squeeze and sid and nothing to do to make this damned card working08:23
grincheuxcommand not found08:24
smwgrincheux, does it tell you the package to install?08:24
smwgrincheux, maybe jockey-common...08:24
grincheuxsame not found08:25
smwgrincheux, sudo apt-get install jockey-common08:27
smwthen run jockey-text08:27
smwgrincheux, ubuntu should have told you the package to look in08:27
grincheuxsmw, ok i'll08:27
smwgrincheux, run sudo jockey-text. Sudo is so hard to remember ;-)08:27
grincheuxhehe ure right about it08:28
smwgrincheux, did it work?08:32
smwgrincheux, damn... it just occurred to me that jockey uses internet...08:33
grincheuxyep and i have not internet on the box so it's a little bit tricky to do u know08:48
smwgrincheux, yep. I don't think it will be easy... buy a new nic08:55
smwgrincheux, they are 20 bucks and would save you alot of pain08:55
grincheuxsmw yep but i only have pci express slots do u know a net card wich is fine in this kind of slots ?09:07
smwgrincheux, no idea. newegg.com :-)09:08
grincheuxk thk for all smw :-)09:20
kyleh0000hi all has anyone here had any experience in creating an ubunut load balanced cluster?11:54
kyleh0000or if they know where i can look to get some howto's on the subject11:55
alamarprobably howtoforge... it depends on what kind of cluster you want11:55
twbSo, postfix...11:56
twbI see this log entry: Apr 27 16:04:31 soy postfix/local[28653]: 479B15AC014: to=<jane@soy.cyber.com.au>, relay=local, delay=0, status=sent (delivered to mailbox)11:56
alamar2 nginx instances in a pacemaker/corosync active/passive cluster as loadbalancers  for webrequest loadbalancing to a farm of webservers with a shared storage works fine11:56
twbBut I can't see a message in /var/mail/jane (mbox), nor can I see a ~jane/.forward11:56
kyleh0000yeah i tried howtoforge but i cant seem to get any of them working I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience in getting it up and running11:57
kyleh0000im getting stuck on the shared storage stuff11:57
kyleh0000the end server will be running 4 nodes with netatalk file services for a fleet of MAC's11:58
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Pumpkin-anyone have a recommendation on what package to use to provide DHCPv6 service from a pair of Ubuntu machines in a fault-tolerant configuration. I specifically want DHCPv6 over SLAAC.13:23
remix_tjPumpkin-: i did a test with dhcpd-test13:23
remix_tjand was working13:23
Pumpkin-okay, sounds good. I can see a bunch of potential packages, but if good old isc-dhcpd will do it, that will be good.13:24
twbNote that DHCPv6 is only needed for additional info -- discovering an IP and available routes is all automatic in IPv6 land13:29
Pumpkin-twb: yeah, I specifically don't want to use SLAAC for some crazy requirements about logging things.13:32
twbOh, I see13:33
twbI misread you as saying "DHCPv6 over SLAAC" as in "I have SLAAC and I want to run DHCPv6 on top of it"13:33
twbITYM "instead of" or "in preference to"13:33
twbIf you just have logging requirements, you could always have something like tcpdump log the SLAAC traffic13:34
hggdhgood morning Daviey13:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #772327 in xinetd (main) "Upstart script "restart" won't restart service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77232713:47
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RoAkSoAxmorning all14:08
RoAkSoAxTREllis: ping14:08
RoAkSoAxnegronjl: ping14:08
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DoonzCan anyone recomend a bandwidth monitoring package that allow you to line up your billing cycle15:21
DoonzIm using vnstat2 and have the 17 set as my roll over day but when ever i look at the stats it just shows the standard 1-3* data15:21
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hggdhDaviey: we gotta talk, sir15:46
Davieyhggdh, hello!15:50
Davieyhggdh, fancy a call?15:50
hggdhDaviey: certainly15:57
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robbiewhggdh: while you're chatting it up...can you close out https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-uec-qa16:01
hggdhrobbiew: sir, yes sir! ;-)16:02
robbiewhggdh: ;) thnx16:02
pmatulisi did a "tasksel remove virt-host" and my desktop began to be removed.  normal?16:08
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nealmcb(having no luck in #ubuntu....) at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades#AlternateUpgrade it says to   gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"   but the natty cdrom doesn't have a cdromupgrade file.  What's up?16:29
JanCnealmcb: what natty CD dod you have?16:30
nealmcbJanC: ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso16:31
JanCnealmcb: those instructions are for the alternate CD ?16:31
nealmcbhmmm - that's il....16:31
alamaris there any particular reason why there are no natty torrents on the v6 tracker?16:32
robosso ubuntu doesn't install /usr/bin/mail by default?16:42
RoyKno, there are packages for that16:43
RoyKjust run 'mail' and ubuntu will tell you where to find it16:43
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jcastrosoren: hey how did etherpad end up working for you guys?18:23
sorenjcastro: I think it's holding up reasonably well. I'm not sure how badly we're beating on it, though.18:24
sorenjcastro: while there are hundreds of attendees here, I'm not sure how many are actually using etherpad.18:25
jcastrosoren: ok18:30
sorenjcastro: Sure!18:31
* SpamapS is sure if etherpad used mongodb it would be web scale.18:32
Pumpkin-I've just done a fresh 11.04 server install, and I'm having some trouble getting it to output a display my monitor will actually display. I'd be more than happy with just a 80x25 text display, but I can't even stop the grub2 boot process with shift to even think about setting some boot flags18:48
SpamapSPumpkin-: you should see grub without pressing shift for 3 seconds18:52
Pumpkin-yeah, this is bizzaro, but I think grub is setting some video mode the monitor isn't liking18:54
savidCan anyone point me to a guide on setting up additional interfaces on ubuntu server?   My server has another IP available, but I'm responsible for configuring the interface.18:54
Pumpkin-if I just leave it long enough, it boots and gives me a nice old 80x25 console18:54
SpamapSPumpkin-: there's a setting to make sure grub is text only..18:55
SpamapSPumpkin-: try /etc/default/grub   GRUB_TERMINAL=console18:56
Pumpkin-cheers, giving that a shot now18:56
SpamapSPumpkin-: and if you wouldn't mind filing a bug with your monitor's specs, that would help us avoid the issue later. :)18:56
savidAll the howto's I can find on google simply point to switching from DHCP to static IP,  but I want to add an additional static IP address.18:57
patdk-wkpumpkin, older motherboard? with onboard video?18:58
pmatulissavid: edit /etc/network/interfaces18:58
Pumpkin-patdk-wk: its whatever is in this HP Proliant DL360 G4 (which is a bit old, yes)18:58
pmatulissavid: and 'man interfaces'18:58
patdk-wkhmm, ati rage18:59
patdk-wknot sure about that one19:00
zulSpamapS: did you do the samba sru for the upsstart job?19:02
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SpamapSzul: yes19:03
zulSpamapS, ok cool19:03
zuljust asking19:03
Pumpkin-okay, but report coming in when I get back to a real machine. I've just tried it with a more modern monitor too, both monitors say "signal out of range".19:05
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Pumpkin-but forcing grub into console mode has the thing booting at least, thanks19:09
strigoi66how would one go about getting there server viewable on net19:11
SpamapSPumpkin-: DL380 G4's are amazing machines. ;)19:14
SpamapSPumpkin-: had one stay up for about 30 months straight19:14
SpamapSPumpkin-: thanks, btw.. let us know if you need help w/ the bug report19:15
SpamapSPumpkin-: the best way is to run 'ubuntu-bug grub-pc' on the box itself19:15
SpamapSPumpkin-: then once its collected/sent the info, copy the link to your real machine and finish the report19:16
patrickmw_Spamaps: hey, I'm validating bug 761971 . What is the expected result when "boot degraded disk" is false and a disk is disconnected?  Should the system hang on a blank screen or should there be some sort of message?19:17
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 761971 in mdadm "no notification that one of the disks has been disconnected in a raid 1 configurtion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76197119:17
SpamapSpatrickmw_: it should stop and ask you if you want to boot degraded or not19:17
SpamapSpatrickmw_: note the link to http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerRAID1 in the description19:19
patrickmw_SpamapS:  I had a long wait time before the system started to boot.   So ignore that.  But, now that the system booted, I still did not get prompted whether to boot or not.19:20
patrickmw_I'm double checking the mdadm version19:21
SpamapSpatrickmw_: make sure also that when you installed it triggerd update-initramfs19:22
SpamapSpatrickmw_: and make sure its actually degraded (cat /proc/mdstat)19:23
SpamapSI only test on kvm so it may be very different w/ hardware :-/19:24
patrickmw_SpamapS, I think that was the problem :)  I just restarted again and I got the key prompts19:24
patrickmw_Spamaps, sorry to bother, thanks19:25
SpamapSpatrickmw_: no apologies necessary, THANK YOU for testing!19:25
* SpamapS bear hugs patrickmw_ 19:25
patrickmw_Spamaps, hehe np.19:26
robertjman I hope this turns out to be a hardware issue :( my lvm partition keeps getting mysteriously corrupted19:26
SpamapSrobertj: pay it more and threaten it with legal action if it can't stay on the straight and narrow. ;)19:42
robertjDude, I already built temple in each of my server closets and great paramid19:42
SpamapSthere's your problem... gotta slay a goat19:44
ublunthey iam using ubuntu server 10.10 and need some assistance on troubleshooting my mail server it has suddenly stopped sending and recieving mail19:48
Piciublunt: Have you noticed anything weird in /var/log/mail.* ?19:51
ubluntso that would be the first thing i would do is check my log/mail?19:53
SpamapSublunt: yes logs generally are the first place to look for clues19:58
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arrrghhhhey all, anyone mind offering some advice on LVM?  i'd like to set it up, but i obviously want to backup my data - which i'll need to get a new hard disk to backup all my data.20:14
pmatulishow do i get a more verbose log/output of a package install?  is there a proper way (not using strace) to do that?20:15
pmatulisarrrghhh: what is your question?20:28
arrrghhhwell i assume i have to format to switch to lvm20:28
arrrghhhso i need to buy a new hard disk to back everything up20:28
arrrghhhthen do i add LVM to the other disks, move the data, and then add the new hard disk into LVM?20:29
arrrghhhi've never used it before, but i've done a lot of reading so i have basic concepts20:29
pmatulisarrrghhh: you need to start over if you want to use LVM on existing partitions20:29
arrrghhhmy 'main'/boot disk i don't think i will add lvm to20:29
arrrghhhonly the 'data' disks20:30
arrrghhhand i understand the existing partitions need to go.  so i need to buy another hdd, backup everything to the new hdd20:30
arrrghhhthen apply lvm to the old disks20:30
pmatulisarrrghhh: add hard drive, put on lvm, transfer data20:30
arrrghhhmove data again20:30
arrrghhhadd new disk using lvm ?20:30
pmatulisof course, that's what you want right?20:31
arrrghhhit also seems like a good idea to leave some raw/unpartitioned space so i can expand the sections later20:31
arrrghhhwell if i could add lvm without backing up data that would be ideal20:31
pmatulisthere you go20:31
arrrghhhbut it seems necessary step20:31
pmatulisarrrghhh: add hard drive, put on lvm, transfer data20:31
arrrghhhoh start new hdd with lvm20:31
arrrghhhbackup data20:31
arrrghhhto lvm disk20:32
arrrghhhthen format old disks and add them to lvm20:32
arrrghhhah ha, that will be much easier.20:32
arrrghhheither way, i'm buying a new hard disk tho yea?20:32
pdg1i'm having a heck of a time finding information on this. are ports closed on ubuntu server? I'm used to the desktop edition :p20:33
arrrghhhi don't have enough disk space to backup all my data.20:33
arrrghhhpdg1, yes20:33
arrrghhhno ports are open by default20:33
arrrghhhno services are listening by default20:33
arrrghhhsame on desktop edition20:33
pdg1thanks :)20:33
arrrghhhif you're going to run a service like apache pdg120:34
arrrghhhor any service really, might want to use a firewall.  ufw makes iptables easy.20:34
pdg1ultimate fire wall?20:34
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.20:34
arrrghhhbut you can think ultimate, that works.20:34
RoAkSoAxkirkland: howdy! Is it possible to specify the mirror to the archive to use when using the NQA preseed?20:34
arrrghhhah, i forget about the bang commands :P20:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, not really;  it's totally static20:35
kirklandRoAkSoAx: we need to generate the NQA preseed20:35
pdg1mama pajama... that's awesome :)20:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland: right, but in the preseed we would be able to specify what mirror to use if we generate it, right?20:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: oh, yeah, absolutely20:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: so kinda like: import mini.iso, enable reposync by debmirroring, and then generate the preseed to point to the reposync created by cobbler...20:36
RoAkSoAxs/to the reposync/mirror/20:37
arrrghhhpmatulis, thx for the help.  i'm a little nervous about the process, but i have a lot more reading to do before i attempt it ;)20:43
kirklandRoAkSoAx: right20:44
andriijaswhy is there both python2.6 and python2.7 in natty?21:30
lifelessandriijas: because its nice for users to be able to upgrade their local scripts separately from the os upgrade21:36
andriijasas far as i know 2.7 is totally backwards compatible with 2.6, except that it adds deprecation warnings to 3.x stuff21:40
cocois this the right channel for asking about setting up an irc server21:41
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bluethundrhello.. I am trying to cat /etc/lsb-release to find the version of this old ubuntu server, but that file doesn't exist. any guesses as to what other file I can look in for clue as to release version?22:07
bluethundrI suspect it's because this machine is too old22:07
bluethundralamar, thanks I'll have a look22:12
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zulbluethundr: cat /etc/issue23:00
bluethundrzul tx!23:01
quentusrexI'm running into an issue on an Ubuntu KVM server install where the the qcow2 image is created, but the guest is not defined  in libvirt.23:10
quentusrexI'm running vmbuilder, and I don't see any errors with the script running with the --debug flag.23:10
quentusrexI have this issue reproduced with two servers,23:10
quentusrexbut I have other servers working with the same provision script.23:11
hallynquentusrex: you're using --libvirt flag or whatever it is?23:12
hypetechwhat's a good tool for taking a full image of an ubuntu server install and restoring it to a fresh hard drive?23:12
_SHuN_hypetech: dd23:13
quentusrexhallyn, yes, I believe so.23:13
quentusrex  --libvirt qemu:///system23:14
quentusrexand virsh --list all works fine.23:14
hypetech_SHuN_: how can you restore a DD image on a blank drive?23:15
Patrickdkthe same way you made a dd image :)23:15
hallynquentusrex:  best to file a bug against vmbuilder.  show full cmdline and virsh list --all results before/after.23:15
_SHuN_hypetech: dd if=image of=destination23:15
hypetech_SHuN_: hmm, could I DD to/from a network location from a live CD?23:17
compdocI notice in a fresh install of natty, that services like acpid and irqbalance are not set to run. Are these not needed anymore? I intend to use the box as a qemu-KVM server23:19
_SHuN_hypetech: i believe that's possible through a ssh pipe23:19
hypetech_SHuN_: alright, thanks23:20
_SHuN_hypetech: something like that... ssh user@hostname dd if=image | dd of=destination23:22
SpaceBasshey folks23:28
SpaceBasshave a server box that has a failed upgrade to 11.04 - trying to recover using a recovery CD. I did a series of apt-get -f and dpkg --configure -a .... that made some progress, however it appears to have reached the end. dpgk --configure -a keeps failing23:29
SpaceBasscan I force a re-application of the upgrade?23:29
nimrod10SpaceBass,  just out of curiosity which version was it previously on your server ?23:57
hypetechAny solutions to keystroke lag over SSH to a server with minimal load and a low latency traceroute?23:58

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