
erichammondNatty increased my usable vertical space by moving the application menus to the top bar.01:26
erichammondThen I gained even more when I realized I have no need for window decorations.  It looks odd at first,but I'm loving it now.01:26
erichammondwindow decorations = that window manager border around every window that you use to drag, resize, close, maximize, minimize.01:27
erichammondI already use keystrokes for all of these functions, so the only good it was doing was giving me a title.  So far, I have been able to live without that.01:27
akkSo, I have no idea if this is true, but there's a rumor (posted to BALUG) that Intel is giving out EXOPC tablets to everyone who attends their meego developer camp tomorrow at Moscone.02:41
akk(if anybody finds confirmation of this I'd love to know)02:42
MarkDudeThat would be cool02:43
pleia2I heard that rumor too (not from balug)03:03
pleia2and Moscone is right next to Thirsty Bear where we are having our release party tomorrow evening :)03:04
akkFor me it means missing a half day of work and being an hour or two late to dinner, so I'd love to see confirmation somewhere before committing.03:14
akk(A meego dev session is of no use to me if I don't have any meego hardware, anyway)03:15
nhainesNow I just need CD artwork for natty.04:48
* nhaines glares at the Internet.04:48
nhainesAnd now that I have the CD and sleeve artwork for natty, of course it's unsuitable for LightScribe discs.  :P05:31
broderthey posted the artwork? where?05:33
nhainesOoh, the server CD image is pretty.  :)05:34
nhainesDidn't take too long to convert the server image to an inverted one.  :)05:53
nhainesOkay, the official artwork actually came out pretty beautiful.05:59
crashsystemsIs it out yet? I hear its the 28th in Asia right now!06:55
philipballewwouldnt it get relaised in british time?06:57
philipballewmaybe im wrong06:58
sn9there's an faq about that somewhere06:58
philipballewi doubt its ca time though07:02
MarkDudejo no, answered that in his Q&A today- one person decides when it goes live- I forget their name- I was not fully listening at that point07:34
MarkDudeIt always varies a bit07:34
MarkDudeA friend said about the release- Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol.07:58
jdeslipHappy release day16:33
pleia2happy release day :)17:04
akkHere, have some balloons! ~o ~O ~o17:05
projectdpthose don't look like balloons :(17:06
iheartubuntuthanks pleia2!17:07
jamaltaHappy release day! :)17:50
jdeslipSeem's like Natty is meeting near universal praise for tech people who don't actually use Linux, and near Universal condemnation from current Linux/Ubuntu users ;)17:51
akkNot surprising from reading the usability test thread, where they only tested things on windows and mac users.17:51
akkI'm increasingly thinking ubuntu wants to be the "starter linux distro" -- get people switched over, then when they learn more they can migrate off to other distros.17:52
akkThey don't seem too concerned about retention of existing users.17:52
jdeslipI gotta say, I see Natty as pretty significant downgrade in my computing experience.  But, I'm going to stick it out (on my laptop at least) in hopes things improve dramatically over the next cycle.17:52
pleia2to be fair, gnome3 is a major shift too, so if it wasn't unity this release it would be the major UI change of gnome3 next release17:53
jdeslippleia2: agreed17:53
pleia2they actually are pretty similar17:53
jdeslipMy desktop on all our work cmoputers are sticking with 10.10 for the forseable future17:53
MarkDudepleia2, jdeslip  - I am planning for the Local Team table for OSCON17:53
pleia2MarkDude: cool, working with the OR folks?17:54
MarkDudeOregon looks like it will have enough folks to have its own table17:54
jamaltaOh weird, since when does .ssh/known_hosts not keep the actual hostname?17:54
jdeslipMarkDude: sounds good17:54
MarkDudeThey are having a release party Sat17:54
* MarkDude talked to paultag yesterday17:54
* pleia2 nods17:54
* MarkDude think that CA and WA could do a table again17:54
pleia2well, we don't want to be overbearing for the team which is there :)17:55
pleia2we have plenty of our own events, let them have theirs17:55
MarkDudeand I can start it off by contacting May from Oreilly and CC you folks and Linda from WA17:55
MarkDudeThey offered 2 tables last year17:55
MarkDudeThere will be all sorts of local folks there17:56
pleia2maybe you should just volunteer to participate in their table?17:56
MarkDudelast year - the request for the CDs was too late17:56
* MarkDude is doing it earlier this time17:56
pleia2yeah, you need to do it at least 6 weeks prior to (I think their request was about 4 weeks last time?)17:56
MarkDudeWell technically I am still lead for Oregon17:57
pleia2should sort that out :)17:57
MarkDudeAnd hope to have my replacement around the time of OSCON17:57
MarkDudeYes- I know :) I have been organizing events up there- it was funny when I was asked if I would be there-17:58
MarkDudeHad to explain that I was a bit south of them- and wont be there til July ;)17:58
MarkDudeIf Ca does not want to share a table with WA- then it would be Oregon and WA17:59
MarkDudeand that opens up the PNW can of worms that should not be opened- this transition should be smooth- and not open up old stuff, imho17:59
pleia2WA and OR sharing one probably makes the most sense17:59
pleia2they are both small teams18:00
MarkDudeWell we can PM sometime about it- but there is a history with what happened with the PNW team18:01
MarkDudeThat has some REALLY, REALLY bad potential18:01
pleia2and I don't want to be seen as a state that invades other ones for events when we have plenty of our own18:01
MarkDudeWe had a table last year18:01
MarkDudeshared with CA and WA18:01
MarkDudeRyan Singer , valorie, and myself mostly18:02
MarkDudeSo the change would be CA NOT having a table shared as it did last year18:02
pleia2I've participated in other team events, but never brought along my own team stuff, just helped the teams there18:02
MarkDudeWell Oregon CANT request a regular conference pack18:03
MarkDudeWA and CA can18:03
pleia2they can request a regular one, just not the approved team pack18:03
MarkDudeSo if it is just OR- then it will be smaller than last year18:03
* MarkDude knows :)18:03
MarkDudeit would be a downgrade then18:04
MarkDudeas oppsed to growth18:04
pleia2so have WA and OR do it :)18:04
pleia2really, we don't want to be the over-aggressive southern sister loco18:04
MarkDudeCA is invited -18:04
pleia2by you?18:04
MarkDudeand has had a presence for the last two years18:04
MarkDudeby oreilly18:05
pleia2you can do what you like, I don't have a formal objection, just offering my opinion18:05
MarkDudewell please trust me on CA being HELPFUL here18:05
MarkDudeit is  matter of making sure WA does not have to do the heavy lifting18:06
MarkDudeother teams besides CA and WA are invited to help18:06
jdeslipIs anyone from CA going besides you MarkDude?18:07
MarkDudeYes at least 3 folks from GidgetKitchen18:07
MarkDudeas well as one of the GK founders now in Portland18:07
MarkDudeRyan will be there18:07
MarkDudeWe have a sponsored house this year :D18:07
MarkDudeRyan is a marketing GOD18:08
jdeslipMarkDude: Is there is more than one Ubuntu LoCo table there??  Why not just have one really big one put on by the WA team that anyone can join if they like?18:09
jdesliperr OR team I guess18:09
MarkDudeWell - Oregon is having ONE goal there- to recruit folsk to join their team18:10
MarkDudeLast year the Ubuntu table was to provide info about Ubuntu in general18:11
MarkDudeCanonical did NOT have a table there last year18:11
MarkDudeSo information about the #3 OS was provided by the Ubuntu table18:12
MarkDudeAnyway, we can talk later,18:20
* MarkDude sorta has his mind made up here- I can see about having a formal invite sent to the team leads18:20
=== rbarot__ is now known as rbarot_
MarkDudeALL of you headed to the Thirsty bear- take a camera18:27
MarkDudetake pictures18:27
iheartubuntui was curious... does the CA team have to pay fees for booths at events like scale?18:28
pleia2scale we didn't18:29
pleia2solano stroll we did I think18:30
pleia2depends on the event, their policies for non-5013c clubs, etc18:30
MarkDudeNo fees18:31
MarkDudeOreilly provides it fro free18:32
* MarkDude has to leave the coffee shop now- and go do some actual lifting and sweating work18:32
MarkDudejdeslip, I can put it in an email later- no hurry on the time- we have time til OSCON18:33
nhainesIf after 3 years the Oregon LoCo still can't put on an event I wonder if they need some big changes.18:37
jdeslipMarkDude: I actually don't know what you are proposing, but I don't see any problem with CA team members (or anyone else for that matter) spending some time at the Ubuntu Oregon LoCo booth at OSCON to help out.18:43
nhainesjdeslip: He wants the California and Washington teams to run the table.19:13
nhainesAlthough it sounds more like he actually wants California Team to run the table with Washington Team in a support role.19:13
nhainesWhich is silly, because all a table needs is bodies, and maybe CDs.19:13
kdubois"natty", weird adjective for a whale. natty was the cheapest beer back on campus.... :)20:25
iheartubuntu i just saw that at the store the other day. Id never heard of a Natty beer before!20:31
iheartubuntuNatty = Dreadlocked OS in the heart of America! Woo yo yoo! Woo yoo yoo yoo... Ubuntu Soldier, Dreadlocked OS20:32
seidosbeer:  the money pit of a new generation20:32
seidosi wish i could say how much $ i wasted on beer20:32
seidosheffeweizzen, negra modelo, all kinds of India Pale Ales20:33
iheartubuntui dont think its a waste :)20:33
iheartubuntualthough it literally turns into waste20:33
seidosat one point i was like "why don't i try to get the most alcohol for the $?"20:33
seidosyou know, that's value...20:33
iheartubuntudo you waste it or did it waste you? :)20:33
seidosdude, i'm totally wasted20:33
* seidos crashes his laptop20:34
iheartubuntuI have a place near me with something like 50 beers on tap. way better and fresher than say yard house20:35
iheartubuntua 36 oz large is $1020:35
iheartubuntuI once had 3 of those. yikes20:35
iheartubuntuI went down to 2 of them for a while. now i cant finish one20:36
* seidos wanders off to #iheartubuntu to talk about vodka and bourbon20:37
pleia2release party tonight at thirsty bear \o/20:37
iheartubuntuwould you like soem authentic granny made vodka20:37
kduboisiheartubuntu: natty is pretty low-par beer. doesn't even really taste like real beer20:37
jamaltaWow, I just noticed Natty's multitouch stuff works... using 3-fingers will move the current window.. so awesome!20:41
sn9well, that's more than my three fingers have ever been able to do before20:42
* seidos stays away from thirsty bears in san francisco20:42
* sn9 is not going to SF tonight20:43
iheartubuntuwho makes natty beer20:44
seidossn9: you're more like a bruin, no?20:46
* sn9 weighs 170 or so20:47
seidosbears wear like 400 or so20:49
=== seidos is now known as bigruiner
iheartubuntuwow did you see those terrible tornadoes back east?21:43
=== bigruiner is now known as seidos
seidosi haven't even looked at google news today21:53
seidosi have to set up postfix21:53
sn9if only it would show tornadoes hitting british royalty...21:55
* iheartubuntu german royalty21:55
iheartubuntuthe windsors changed their name to sounds more british21:56
iheartubuntubut i agree21:56
sn9a la "king ralph"21:56
iheartubuntuthis is a diff world now than bowing to some king or queen21:57
iheartubuntualthough i have to bow to the dirty dishes every night :(21:58
seidosi'm sure there are plenty of snobs to replace the current "royal family"21:58
* seidos bows to iheartubuntu 21:58
seidostag, you're it21:58
* iheartubuntu iheartubuntu bows to the CA team members21:58
iheartubuntuink a bink21:58
iheartubuntua bottle of natty21:59
seidoshaha, nice one21:59
* seidos gets drunk from humility, then swings from the chandelier in his skivvies21:59
kduboisoh, they dont come in bottles, iheartubuntu  :D21:59
iheartubuntua cardboard box?22:01
iheartubuntuwow, Beer Advocate gives Natty Beer an A+ rating22:01
kduboisit has its place, if you have to throw a party for 500 of your closest friends22:03
* kdubois has always suspected it was grain alcohol and beer flavoring mixed together22:03
iheartubuntuNatty is 5.9% alc22:03
iheartubuntuand cheaper than soda22:03
iheartubuntu"the smell of american aluminum" haha22:06
iheartubuntu"urine colored salty water"22:06
pleia2we put together a proposal to host a kde conference in philly once, I was the beer advisory committee (the thought was no european kde developer would come to the US, land of horrible bear, so I had to find good ones and select the places to go)22:07
iheartubuntuso no natty?22:09
pleia2not so much22:09
kduboismy german roommate said that ann arbor, mi was the best beer town he's seen22:09
pleia2pennsylvania has crazy packaged liquor laws, but we make up for it in amazing brewpubs and bars in philly22:09
iheartubuntuthe fact that there was a beer advisory commitee for a kde conference = THUMBS WAY UP22:09
kduboisthey have some respect for us more since the microbrewery craze22:09
pleia2iheartubuntu: it's very important! :)22:10
seidosthere should be a cola advisory committee22:10
kduboisr/c ftw22:11
seidosI drink what Warren Buffet drinks22:11
iheartubuntumy city does not allow the purchase of single cans of beer. no the bums wait until they collect an extra couple dollars to buy a 4 pack. stupid.22:11
pleia2philly was one of the first (maybe the first?) to host a beer week22:11
iheartubuntuhe drinks gold and silver right now22:11
seidosCoke is the "poshest" cola22:11
seidosit's like the Grey Goose of Cola22:11
iheartubuntui dont like pepsi, but i recently had some throwback pepsi made with sugar. very good.22:11
iheartubuntugrey goose yuk22:11
seidosCaffeine is a serious drug in sufficient quantities22:12
iheartubuntuu need real stuff from poland22:12
seidosi think 800 cans of mountain dew can kill22:12
seidosvodka with a kick22:12
nhainesI've had some sort of Czech beer that's like 12%.22:13
iheartubuntuu need bison grass zubrowka vodka. dont buy it in the states tho, its all fake here22:13
nhainesThat's what I call a good investment.22:13
seidosthere's that really high proof beer i read about22:13
seidosreally expensive stuff22:13
nhainesI'll take a doppelbock any day though.22:13
iheartubuntui had a moinette on the weekend22:14
iheartubuntua friend dropped over 3 bottles. he ended up drinking 2 of them22:15
seidosi'd rather eat guacamole22:15
iheartubuntunhaines - i made a rauchbier last time i brewed. my sister begs me to make more22:15
iheartubuntusmokey and chocolatey22:15
nhainesiheartubuntu: the only one I've seen tastes like the bucket of water you put used fireworks in on the Fourth of July.22:16
iheartubuntulike i said. smokey and chocolatey22:16
iheartubuntufireworks on valentines :)22:17
iheartubuntui wasnt a fan of it, but my sister looks for similar beers now whenever we go beer hunting22:17
seidoschocolate covered smoked salmon, yum!22:17
iheartubuntumy marzen is the best and i think im hooked on it where i have no need to brew anything else22:17
seidosfireworks on valentines in the afternoon22:18
seidosapparently radiohead's paranoid android is "flagged for inappropriate content"22:20
iheartubuntunhaines - have u ever been to The Bruery someplace in OC22:21
iheartubuntulooks interesting, but ive yet to make it22:21
iheartubuntuwow, royals have banned beer from the reception. more reason to just say no to them22:22
* iheartubuntu just tossed his wedding invite22:23
iheartubuntuthe royal wedding22:23
pleia2oh, right22:23
pleia2my mother was one of the people who was all "oooh" over the princess diana wedding22:24
seidostall ones22:25
pleia2I don't understand the sucession rules or what the king/queen of england actually do so I think the significance is lost on me22:26
iheartubuntuwhat now will you both be watching22:26
pleia2#ubuntu-us-ca probably :)22:27
pleia2I don't even care for weddings of people I /know/22:28
seidosi really can't follow beer talk, someone else do it22:28
seidosfirst beer, then weddings...it's like real life!22:29
seidosoh yeah my girlfriend is into the Royal stuff, she's actually a fan of the queen.  "tough upper lip"22:29
iheartubuntui dont care for funerals myself22:30
iheartubuntui dont think i'll be at mine22:30
iheartubuntuhopefully on another planet or something22:30
pleia2I don't think you're supposed to like funerals22:30
iheartubuntui avoid them.22:30
pleia2sadly they tend to be the only time my family comes together from all over the world22:31
pleia2so I go22:31
nhainesiheartubuntu: nope, but I've been to the Rathskeller.22:31
seidosi think they should just have funerals when people are born22:31
seidoshas anyone else heard of the "Layer One Security Conference" in Anaheim?22:32
nhainesI might buy an Aventinus doppelbock to drink when I'm gaming tomorrow night.22:33
nhainesHave to keep my energy up.22:34
pleia2doppelbocks bring back fond memories of goat races22:34
iheartubuntutipping goats?22:35
pleia2nope, just racing22:35
nhainesiheartubuntu: tabletop gaming.22:35
iheartubuntuwhat is the rathskeller22:35
iheartubuntulike poker? or pacman22:35
* pleia2 has 2 beers!22:35
pleia2(also I was thin then)22:36
nhainesiheartubuntu: like Dungeons and Dragons.22:36
pleia2http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/GO1.jpg <-- goat race22:36
nhainesiheartubuntu: Rathskeller is a cellar bar at the Old World European Market in Huntington Beach.22:36
pleia2they'd name their newly tapped maibock after the winning goat22:37
iheartubuntubeer! TWO BEERS!22:37
iheartubuntumaibock mmmmmmmm22:37
nhainesiheartubuntu: http://www.rathskeller.us/22:37
pleia2one year a deer ran through the festival, we were all so drunk "was that a goat?" "it was a deer!" "no way!" "WAY" "Nooo!" we later confirmed with staff that it was a deer22:38
pleia2ah pennsylvania :)22:38
seidosi'll take that as a no22:39
nhainesI found (and bought) a quart-sized can of beer a couple weeks ago.  And gladly accepted that challenge.22:39
pleia2those are the glasses from the deer day22:40
pleia2they were quite large22:40
iheartubuntuno way22:40
iheartubuntuyou stretched the photo!22:40
iheartubuntuthats got to be 30 oz22:41
iheartubuntuwill be going for large quantities of beer tonite now22:42
iheartubuntudads bday22:42
pleia2I drank too much at the lucid release party, I shall try not to repeat that22:43
pleia2fortunately I only live half a block away :)22:43
iheartubuntuohhh :)22:43
iheartubuntuthats nice22:43
pleia2(for the record, I didn't pick the venue!)22:44
nhainesLast time I was at Old World restaurant I ordered a Warsteiner Dunkel, and I guess because I said "dunkel" instead of "dark" the waitress switched to German mode.22:44
pleia2german mode?22:45
nhainesWell, the next question was "Gross oder klein?"  (large or small)22:45
nhainesMy brainstem kicked in and said "gross!" and the rest of the evening I spoke to her in German.  :)22:46
pleia2hehe, nice22:46
iheartubuntues ist gross!22:48
nhainesOne time I was there with coworkers and one of their kids joined me in the market as I was looking for beer/candy.  There were some German tourists in there, so I said "hi" in German and just started talking to them in German.22:48
iheartubuntuand then you gave them an ubuntu disc22:49
nhainesYou should've seen the look on my friend's face.  I put my arm around the boy (he was 8) and said "Isn't he cute?  He looks so confused because he has absolutely no idea what we're saying."22:49
nhainesI think they said (in German) "Oh, how cute!  Can't you speak German?"  He's not usually shy but he did hide behind me, haha.22:50
iheartubuntuand then the boy broke out in a rap and all of you had no clue what HE was saying22:52
iheartubuntui wonder what a german would think if you gave them a natty22:53
iheartubuntui heard to big words used in switzerland last year... "javol" and "ja ja"22:54
iheartubuntui was getting tired of the "yah yah" heard everywhere. almost like a relfex action from the whole nation when saying yes to something22:55
iheartubuntuit became a rallying cry for me whenever i ordered a beer22:56
iheartubuntudo you want the big beer sir? YAH YAH22:56
iheartubuntunhaines do u like the spaten optimater22:59
iheartubuntuwarsteiner is the main beer now at the big bear oktoberfest23:00
iheartubuntudo i get a spaten oktoberfest tonite or a pabst blue ribbon23:02
nhainesiheartubuntu: yes, I love Spaten.  :)23:03
iheartubuntuim torn between a erdinger weissbier or a spaten23:03
nhainesFranziskaner doppelbock is also good.23:03
nhainesI like dark ambers most.23:03
iheartubuntumy beer place blocks away i think has franz on tap23:04
iheartubuntui like newcastle when i cant get me a beer i like23:05
iheartubuntuim going to pick up natty this weekend and do a bait and switch on my neighbor. see if he figures it out :)23:05
* iheartubuntu is waiting for ubuntu store to do a groupon :)23:06
iheartubuntuthat will be a cold day23:07
iheartubuntuUbuntu Store 50% OFF23:07
iheartubuntuthat would go so fast23:07
iheartubuntujust curious if anyone here has had any ghostly experiences23:38
kduboismore as a kid than now :)23:44
kdubois#ubuntu sure has a lot of unity transition complaints today23:44
pleia2not at all surprising, change is scary :)23:45
kduboisyeah, but some changes (eg, picking up compiz as default) were met with open arms23:46
kduboisalthough, this is a bigger change, not an apples-to-apples exactly23:47
crashsystemsIMHO Unity will be just like buttons on the left.23:49
nhainesI agree.  Once you get used to Unity it's very efficient.23:57

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