
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
jbichamaco: I signed your new key for you22:23
macoyou hadnt signed my old one....22:23
macothats a bit odd22:23
jbichayou want me to sign the old one?22:23
macoyou kind of broke the trust model by signing my new one22:24
macosince you never verified my old one that i used to sign the blurb about the new one, for all you know it *could* be faked and someone hacked my blog or something22:24
jbichabut it was signed by your old one which is definitely you22:25
maconormally only signers-of-previous-keys will automatically sign newer keys22:25
maco*or* a very clever ruse!  you never did actually confirm my old key yourself, right?22:25
macodoes where i'm going make sense?22:26
jbichayes I believe I confirmed your old key first22:26
maco(ftr, no it is not someone pretending to be me and making up fake stuff to break the trust model; i really am key transitioning, but still the priniciple...)22:26
jbichaI'm not that paranoid, the old key was around for quite a while with quite a few signatures22:28
jbichaanyway, I made a new key too since Debian is picky22:30
jbichaI only had like 2 signatures on my old one so it wasn't a big deal for me22:31
macojbicha: can you test something?22:35
macowell wait...are you on natty?22:35
jbichayes and yes22:35
macolog out and see if you can find a way to get into the options menu and select classic ubuntu from *just* the keyboard22:35
jbichanext week I might be on O because I'm crazy that way22:35
macoand then tell me what key sequence did it22:35
jbichabut just one of my computers; the rest will stay on Natty for a while22:36
macothe toolchain won't even be ready in a weeek22:36
jbichauploads already started which surprised me: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric22:37
jbichamaco: I can't figure out how to access the bottom panel from the keyboard in the GDM login22:38
jbichaI have switched to konsole because gnome-terminal wouldn't work right with this 1 script23:07

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