
bluebomberAnyone here?02:09
bluebomberWasn't there supposed to be a meeting tonight?02:26
maxolasersquad_hI think I saw where they pushed it back.  I couldn't say for sure though.02:27
bluebomberI was in the meeting yesterday.03:01
bluebomberLet me review the minutes... brb.03:01
bluebomberMan, now I can't find the minutes.03:11
bluebomberI read them yesterday :(03:11
=== jcastro_ is now known as jcastro
=== danstone1 is now known as danstoner
zushello everyone its been a long while14:19
mhall119hello zus14:19
zusmhall119:  howdy14:19
mhall119btw, everybody, 11.04 is officially released14:20
zusi looking for a cd to try the new ubuntu.14:20
zusive got it seeding  right now14:20
mhall119zus: if you have a USB stick, you can convert the ISO to USB using startup disk creator14:20
zusi can use an old  live disc and use the cd creator right?14:21
zusi got a 2.0 gig kingston stick 14:22
DammitJim11.04 party?14:27
mhall119DammitJim: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/811/detail/14:27
DammitJimLake Buena Vista party woohoo!14:29
zusso wot do you guys think about the unity desktop? or have youse not tried it?14:29
mhall119zus: I've tried it from a live session, I think I'll be able to adapt okay14:30
zusive grown to like and  use  KXstudios, but i think its ppa  now can be unsed in any *buntu distro so im looking forward to that14:32
zusi wonder wot goodies are abound in Kubuntu. ive gotten lazy and picked up a laptop but still has vista on it..14:34
DammitJimman, I had no idea that rsync used so much cpu!14:53
maxolasersquadzus: It is my understanding that they decided to not try to backport Unity as it would take too much work, and would distract from getting it working solid on current releases.15:01
maxolasersquadzus: Running Vista on a laptop seems like a lot of work to me.15:02
zuslol it isnt  very good15:02
maxolasersquadI have it in a VM.  It took me four whole days to simply update the thing.15:03
maxolasersquadWell, four days, not four whole days.15:03
zusits a lot of work15:04
zusi dont  do updates, i only use  windows to  play runes of magic15:04
zusso i dont need all the securit updates and stuff..15:04
zushey guys i have uploaded 11.04 to demonoid. may i post the link?15:08
mhall119you're mirroring?15:12
zusmhall119: no dont think so... i got the files this morning  though around  7.30ish 15:17
zusbut iits both kubuntu and ubuntu  32 and 64 bits  in one  pull.15:17
mhall119zus: no harm in linking then15:18
zuswell if ya  pull from hte link seed and enjoy :)15:21
zusnice my original download of kubuntu from this am is almost 1.0 seeded and my upload has begun seeding  3 peers :) yay for me.15:39
zusmhall119: im using  the universal  usb installer . and  on a 2 gig thumb drive how big should the persistent file size for storing changes be?15:56
mhall119zus: if you're just going to use it to install, you don't really need persistent file15:58
mhall119that's only for if you use it as a live session over and over again, and want to keep stuff saved between uses15:58
zusi'd  like that  this way i can carry the  drive  between different  pcs and places and not  my entire  machine any more  15:59
zusnvm i reread that ... 16:00
zoopstermunz_werk: can you shoot me your email in a PM, please20:15
zoopsteritnet7: the recovery for our balloon launch is closer to titusville this time around...if you are so inclined I'll put you on the email list20:15
* mhall119 is on Unity now20:43
=== danstone1 is now known as danstoner
shadowchaserHello all I have a question for someone concerning how to transfer files over ubuntu 22:30
shadowchaserhello zoopster I think we have talked before if Im not mistaken you have helped me on a few of my problems learning ubuntu22:32
zoopsterhey shadowchaser 22:33
shadowchaserhello zoopster I am having somewhat of a problem  is there anyway to trnasfer files from a main computer to another while in a vnc connection?22:34
zoopsteryou can use SCP to copy files or directories22:36
shadowchaserSCP? I tried a samba share but I am somewhat lost there22:37
zoopsterscp comes with openssh22:37
zoopsterssh is secure shell where scp is secure copy protocol22:37
zoopsterscp <filename or directory> user@target:. (for the default local directory)22:38
zoopsternot sure how you are connected22:38
zoopsternow vnc has a file copy mech too as I recall22:38
shadowchaserIm really new to all this  I am trying to figure all this out and somewhat teach myself 22:39
zoopsterok so you you are vnc'd into a linux box, correct?22:40
shadowchaseryes I set my laptop up to vnc into a small ad display box that I am using and I can control it but I have yet to figure out how to transfer files22:41
zoopstercan you access the ad display box via ssh?22:43
shadowchasernot sure how to do that! I just figured out how to vnc with many hours of trial and error ! 22:44
zoopsterah ok22:44
zoopsteris the ad box accessible via the public net?22:45
zoopsteror a private net22:45
shadowchaserNot yet I am using a crossover cable at this moment but eventually I plan on hooking them up to the net to update from home rather than manually updating at the place there deployed22:46
zoopsterand it's running ubuntu desktop22:49
shadowchasercorrect Ad Box Is a mini-itx motherboard with one gigi of ram and ubuntu is installed on a 8 gig flash drive simple but it works great for what I want it to do22:50
zoopsterso use this page to copy the files https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/TransferFiles22:52
zoopsterthe best thing to do is open the software center and search for openssh and install openssh server on the target machine22:54
zoopster(the ad box)22:54
zoopsterthe default setup will allow for password auth of existing users and use the page above to transfer files22:55
shadowchaserwow that is simple 22:55
zoopsterI'd suggest removing openssh server from the target when you are done or learn how to lock it down by changing the default port, removing password auth and using publickey authentication only22:57
shadowchaserdo I need openssh on the ad box to transfer the files ? or will it be easier with it22:58
zoopsterthe ad box is where you are tranferring to right?23:00
zoopsterif so that's where you want openssh-server23:00
zoopsterthe client is already installed by default in ubuntu desktop23:00
zoopsterso you have the ssh and scp commands available from your machine you are copying from23:01
shadowchaserI see   so everytime I want to update my file on my ad serer I would have to reinstall the server right if I remove it off of the ad box23:02
shadowchasermy main goal is to get all my ad boxes on the net that way I can log on to them from my office to update them when I want to post a new ad to them . 23:05
shadowchaserzoopster you  must work with computers daily?23:08
zoopsteryea...but not in a sysadmin capacity23:16
zoopsterso you probably want to look into rsync23:16
zoopsteror even easier would be ubuntu one23:16
zoopsterthat way you can drop a file into a directory on one box and have the rest pick it up23:16
zoopsteror you can keep openssh-server on the ad boxes and scp it when you want...but that will get cumbersome for large numbers of boxes23:17
shadowchaseryea I have thought about ubuntu one! I have also thought of a Cloud network with the boxes pointed at a specific file on my cloud but setting it up is way over my head 23:18
shadowchaserwell each ad box is running different ads at different locations 23:18
shadowchaserwell zoopster the kiddos are crying for mcdonalds sooo guess I need to feed the masses! thanks for the help and Ill let you know how it goes! thanks again very much as always your a big help23:25
zusif anyone missed it this morning,: http://www.demonoid.me/files/details/2619104/003393660056/23:28
zusi uploaded  to demonoid23:28
brybothey guys. I am running 11.04 live cd on top of a 10.04 installation. The new launch bar on the side is not showing up. Is it because of the underlying installation?23:28
zoopsterbrybot: nope23:36
zoopsterif you are running the livecd then you booted into it so it's running off of the cd and nothing related to any other install is affecting it23:36
brybotsomeone told me its because I need the nvidia driver, which is not enabled during livecd23:37
brybotis that right?23:37

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