
fisch246you guys ready for the 30th :D06:11
fisch2462 parties :D06:11
sundjinnkariHelp me!18:31
tonyyarussoYou'll have to be a tad more specific ;)18:33
fisch246tonyyarusso: can yo give me an overview of your views, and plans for this LUG?21:13
fisch246LUG = LoCo21:13
fisch246i'm trying to find a LUG that's local and welcoming that i'll point new Linux users to...21:14
fisch246being as all the rest of our LUGs are pretty much full of assholes >.>21:15
fisch246so as long as you're willing to be lenient on the rles that apply to the other Ubuntu rooms, i think i'll point them here21:16
fisch246so far i've had good experiences with this LoCo21:16

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