
BiosElementSo does anyone actually trust apple? http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110427/10582914057/apple-takes-credit-uncovering-its-patented-location-bug-that-isnt-really-tracking-you-which-itll-fix.shtml00:21
BiosElementIt's awesome, they found a 'bug', but it wasn't tracking your location. Just the location of all wifi and cell towers since forever. :P00:22
BiosElementAhh, I see. I feel better now....00:24
canthus13...in an unencrypted file that was likely available to any app dev that wanted it.00:24
BiosElementOh oh, and apple got a patent on that 'bug' last year.00:24
BiosElementcanthus13: It was.00:24
BiosElementSo for a bug, funny how it also has a patent. :P00:24
* canthus13 shrugs.00:24
canthus13I'm not affected by it. :)00:24
BiosElementAnother one up to the apple reality distortion field.00:25
dmcgloneany news on the release?00:58
dmcgloneis it still on schedule?00:58
canthus13dmcglone: TOmorrow.01:04
dmcgloneanything standing in it's way01:05
canthus13the fact that it sucks?01:05
canthus13Show-stopper installation issues...01:05
dmcgloneI wonder if it'll be released at 12am01:09
dmcgloneI'm thirsty, anyone want anything while i'm in the kitchen?01:11
dmcgloneAhhhh refreshing gatorade!01:15
canthus13dmcglone: 11:59pm on the 28th.01:16
* canthus13 prefers powerade zero.01:16
dmcgloneI got whatever was $.9901:20
dmcglonekroger 10 for 1001:20
canthus13Powerade zero was .50/each.01:21
canthus13at kroger.01:21
dmcglonedang I missed that sale01:25
dmcglonewas it the 32 oz?01:25
dmcglonecool, I think I'll hit kroger tomorrow.01:32
canthus13I don't htink it's on sale now... this was a couple of weeks ago.01:33
dmcgloneI gotta stock up anyhow, I just opened the last one. They probably aren't on sale, though.01:33
* Cheri703 is actually trying to get back to doing things interacting with other people. I was kind of a hermit for a few weeks01:34
dmcgloneI've been a hermit for years :-/01:35
dmcgloneUnit193: huh?01:39
dmcgloneI'm a space alien from jupiter01:39
dmcgloneI relocated to nebula01:39
dmcglonethe extradited to earth01:40
Unit193You guys were talking about not interacting with other "people". I don't know what those things are...01:40
dmcgloneNeither do I :-/01:40
Unit193canthus13: irssi proxy is VERY cool....03:16
Unit193If you know what Quassel is, it's a bit like that...03:16
BiosElementquassel should be the standard for IRC clients >.>03:19
Unit193BiosElement: I can use irssi or pidgin to talk (and the chat will show up in both)03:19
Unit193It just doesn't show backlogs03:20
BiosElementUmm, pidgin? For IRC? *coughs*03:20
Unit193Some people use it (I think dmcglone does)03:20
BiosElementI know, and I feel sorry for them.03:20
Unit193It's not all that bad03:21
Unit193What GUI choices do you have?03:21
BiosElementQuassel and Konversation are pretty awesome. I'd use weechat if I could get the colors down. >.<03:21
BiosElementBack in a few, phone.03:22
Unit193Those are KDE apps (they will work in others, but they are KDE)03:22
canthus13Unit193: Xchat.04:14
BiosElementUnit193: I know they are, you're talking to a Kubuntu user. :P XChat is an awesome gnome client though04:16
* Unit193 Will install Kubuntu when 11.04 comes out04:16
* Cheri703 just had a bacon egg and onion sandwich :)04:17
BiosElementAwesome discussion killer Cheri703 ;)04:42
Unit193BiosElement: Are you already rockin' 11.04? (I don't remember)04:42
BiosElementYep, I'm already breaking shit ;)04:43
* Cheri703 is good at that04:43
* Unit193 is better?04:43
* canthus13 has yet to successfully install natty. :/04:47
canthus13I'm on attempt #4.  this time with the alternate iso.04:47
BiosElementcanthus13: USB or CD?04:48
canthus13BiosElement: virtualbox.04:48
BiosElementAhh, VBox may not like some versions of the ISO04:48
BiosElementI know they f'd up USB installs and VBox3 installs for part of the time04:48
canthus13I've seen quite a few reports of it either being really slow installing, or not installing at all. something to do with btrfs.04:50
* canthus13 is using vbox4.04:50
canthus13It's amazingly slow to install.  I've had it going for over 2 hours now.04:50
BiosElementIt is04:50
canthus13CentOS installed in about 30 minutes.04:51
canthus13Debian netinst took about the same.04:51
canthus13meh. it's at 44%.04:51
BiosElementAnyone hear of this TipTheWeb thing?04:53
BiosElementI've been reading posts on flattr and they're spamming it everywhere >.<04:53
BiosElementBeginning to suspect it's a total scam or if not, ran by spammy desperate people >.>04:53
BiosElementAhh, yes. The entire basis is fishy. You can "tip" any website, and then a content owner has to randomly come along and 'claim' the page to get the tip.04:55
BiosElementI'm going to make a Ubu-OH Convore group in a few. In fact I wonder if there's an ubuntu group >.>05:02
BiosElementGoogle Wave done right. https://convore.com/05:03
Unit193This isn't something I would need to signup for?05:03
BiosElementUnit193: FB/Twit integration with OpenID Expected soon.05:03
* BiosElement bloody hates OpenID >.<05:03
Unit193I like OpenID better then FB...05:05
BiosElementHeh, I'm a FB Fan myself. For the most part I'm not paranoid, I don't mind being sold to adverts. :P05:06
Unit193I do have an account!05:06
* Unit193 finds BiosElement and canthus1305:07
BiosElementlol, facebook.com/bioselemnet05:07
BiosElementCannot type05:07
Unit193tleds is kinda funny...05:16
Unit193At least it's working! Maybe I should try tomorrow to see if it's just you...05:45
canthus13Unit193: I'm still on beta 2.05:57
Unit193I was just thinking it's too late tonight to start...05:58
canthus13Installing GRUB. :)06:01
canthus13Start it, and once you've finished all the account setup, go to sleep.06:02
canthus13If all goes well, all that's left is to tell it to install grub when you wake up.06:02
Unit193That won't tell me how long it takes06:02
Unit193I have Xubuntu 11.04 B2 installed06:03
canthus13It's slow to boot, that's for sure.06:04
canthus13Aww. I don't have the hardware to run unity. what a shame.06:05
Unit193Doesn't that give you Gnome then?06:06
Unit193Let me guess. If you don't have bad H/W, you don't get the option?06:07
canthus13Probably.  It's because I don't yet have the guest additions installed.06:07
canthus13Woo. 200MB worth of updates.06:13
Cheri703hola skrapp_jaw06:14
canthus13Wow. They made plain gnome uglier....06:15
skrapp_jawwhats up06:17
skrapp_jawi have learned a new trick06:17
skrapp_jawx2x x11 keyboard/mouse share06:17
skrapp_jawMy desktop pc has a terrible keyboard and mouse so i ssh'd from the laptop.06:18
Unit193Like synergy?06:18
skrapp_jawmaybe. ive not used that06:18
skrapp_jawthis was simple.06:18
skrapp_jawI dig it alot.06:19
Unit193Synergy can be very nice when you're fixing a computer for someone!06:20
skrapp_jawits easier to work like this with one keyboard and mouse than 2.06:20
SkrappJawlol. now im on the laptop06:20
SkrappJawIm using an HD tv monitor but im having problems with the resolution.06:21
SkrappJawthat and the wlan card wont pick up networks anymore... so im jacked in with a cat5 ethernet cable and some x2x. :P06:22
canthus13Holy crap. updates are CRAWLING...06:25
Unit193Sign you should not use normal Ubuntu?06:26
canthus13A sign that if it doesn't change I'm switching distros06:30
Unit193Go with Xubuntu...06:30
SkrappJawmy desktop is now on 1600x900 resolution06:30
BiosElementI gather he's bitching about overloaded servers, not the distro06:31
Unit193(I know it's not another distro)06:31
BiosElementcanthus13: 11.04?06:31
SkrappJawI updated earlier.06:31
canthus13BiosElement: Yup06:33
BiosElementcanthus13: Explains i then, dev stuff are on shittier servers last I looked.06:34
canthus13BiosElement: it's an issue with btrfs from what I've read.06:34
Cheri703SkrappJaw: are you planning to go to the thing in columbus on sunday?06:34
BiosElementDon't use btrfs for anything you give a flying f about06:34
canthus13It's serious enough that bhy all rights the release should be delayed.06:34
BiosElementIt still doesn't have fully working disc checks.06:35
canthus13BiosElement: I didn't really have a choice on this.06:35
BiosElementcanthus13: Is btrfs the default?06:35
canthus13Although, actually, it's ext4.06:35
BiosElementIf you're in vbox, take a nap. The slowness is from vbox being lame.06:35
canthus13BiosElement: I don't have this issue with any other distro.06:37
canthus13Heck, I don't have the issue with Lucid in vbox.06:37
BiosElementI do. Virtual disc drives are always somewhat slow for updates. Be it Fedora, Debian, Mint or Ubuntu. I used ext4 for all of them.06:37
canthus13I have moderate slowness with the full disk encryption I'm using on a crunchbang install.06:37
Unit193BiosElement: You have Mint in VBox? Why is this if you don't like it?06:40
BiosElementcanthus13: I suspect the problem isn't ubuntu, but upstream since I've seen a problems like that myself.06:40
BiosElementUnit193: I don't have it now, I tried it out to see if it was any better. It wasn't.06:40
BiosElementKinda unfair for me to bitch about something I last tried 2 years ago isn't it? ;)06:40
Unit193I have tried it sooner then that! I don't think I would install it on another computer...06:41
Unit193It has some nice features though...06:43
* canthus13 likes the opening 'where to find help' window in Mint.06:44
Unit193Default restricted drivers? Don't they have DVD support out of the box?06:45
Unit193Friend said he didn't like linux because it couldn't play dvds06:46
SkrappJawanyone know how to get the HDMI video out to work on a sony vaio laptop?06:46
canthus13Never tried.06:48
canthus13#ubuntu would be a better place to ask.06:48
Cheri703what video card?06:48
BiosElementUnit193: They do. It's illegal but they have mp3 support out of the box06:49
Unit193BiosElement: They have a USA/Japan version ;)06:50
BiosElementUnit193: Bullshit, the default is still illegal and we all know what the users will click. >.<06:51
Unit193That tick box in Ubuntu install doesn't give you DVD support (Does it give MP3?)06:51
BiosElementIt does, I think it gives DVD too.06:51
Cheri703no it doesn't BiosElement06:51
* Cheri703 had to install it separately06:51
BiosElementIt's an effective workaround to the distribution.06:51
Cheri703unless they changed it for 11.0406:52
BiosElementCheri703: Really? I may be wrong. I just thought it installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, which has DVD I thought06:52
Unit193I would only recommend Mint to someone that I don't want to tell how to install medibuntu06:52
Cheri703you have to install other stuff for it06:52
BiosElementCheri703: I don't pretend to know for sure, I never really use DVD's with my comp >.<06:53
Cheri703I use a netbook :)06:53
Cheri703but I've had to install it on a few computers06:53
BiosElementI'd never send anyone off to install linux mint, I just can't trust how they do anything there.06:54
BiosElementUbuntu may not always be the most transparent, but ugh, I gave up trying to figure out what mint does for planning anything.06:54
Unit193Explain to a non-computer user how to add a repo...06:55
Cheri703"press ctrl-alt-t then copy this: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:blahblahblah and paste it into terminal...press enter"06:56
Unit193Cheri703: Not with medibuntu...06:56
Cheri703eh, with others06:56
BiosElementUnit193: I wouldn't.06:57
Unit193Then how do you get DVD support if that's the deal breaker? (I would just install it for that friend)06:58
BiosElementlibdvdcss2 package06:58
Cheri703HDMI video out to work on a sony vaio laptop06:59
Cheri703one sec06:59
BiosElementIt's not a separate repo.06:59
Cheri703actually pretty easy06:59
BiosElementActually, it's now libdvdread406:59
Cheri703I ssh'd into my mom's computer and installed for her :)06:59
BiosElementCheri703: According to the help docs, dvd IS installed when you tick the box07:00
Cheri703hmm...it wasn't working with my mom's till I did that stuff07:00
BiosElementHowever a script needs to be ran as root for some FUBAR'd reason07:00
BiosElementYay for lawyers07:01
SkrappJawnvm. i figured it out07:03
Cheri703good :)07:03
BiosElementHoly hell this has gotta be the worst site I've seen for ages07:10
BiosElementThat also happens to be spamming the hell outta planet kde07:10
* BiosElement hunts for someone to complain too07:11
BiosElementIt gets better07:18
BiosElementHe moderates comments and so I 'know' he's read the other 4 comments over the past few days that he's spamming the planet07:18
Unit193I can't tell if DVD support is in extras or not...07:24
BiosElementUnit193: ...Did you read the link Cheri gave you?07:32
Unit193Sorry, I was thinking if it did during the install... (I did read that, I normally use medi)07:33
BiosElementIt does, but you need to run one command line due to legal bs07:33
Unit193OK, I didn't know for *sure* if it did with libdvdcss... (I take it the installer does happen to tell you that?)07:34
BiosElementlibdvdcss is installed by the command line07:35
Unit193Yes, that's what you said, thank you07:35
BiosElementAhh cool, your welcome07:35
canthus13Hmm... Installing with ext3 seems to be faster.13:02
deejoecanthus13: installing what?13:22
canthus13deejoe: Natty in virtualbox.  ext4 took several hours to install.13:22
canthus13It's still slow to boot... :/13:23
deejoewhat physical hardware, and what vb hw?13:24
canthus13Dell inspiron 1545... and vb 4.0.613:25
* canthus13 is building the guest additions right now.. we'll see if they work this time. they didn't in beta 2. :/13:26
deejoecanthus13: yeah, I was wondering more about RAM and proc specifics13:26
deejoeI suppose disk subsystems would be relevant, too.13:27
canthus13Oh. 1.25GB ram, 2.1ghz dual core proc.13:27
deejoeand how much of that did you give over to the vb?13:27
canthus13Umm.. SATA drive... Encrypted home folder, which might be part of the speed issue.13:27
deejoeoh, heck yes13:27
deejoethe encryption is probably a big player13:28
canthus13It wasn't causing the speed issues I had last night... It took 4 hours to complete the install. CentOS installed in vbox on the same drive without any issues.13:28
deejoealso with encryption13:28
canthus13TO be clear, the encrypted home folder is the ost machine.13:28
deejoehaha, ouch13:29
canthus13Also have a crunchbang install in vbox that has full disk encryption and it's not nearly as slow.13:29
deejoenice to have those comparisons13:29
deejoeinstalling from net, or from CD?13:30
canthus13iso with the net update option checked.13:30
* deejoe wonders if release-time network contention . . .13:30
canthus13Woo. guest additions worked this time.13:31
deejoeso, shouldn't have held up the bulk of it, but maybe the net update contributed.13:31
canthus13I'm actually thinking it's some weird interaction with ext4 and the VM.13:31
* deejoe is trying to think of what a bug report on this might look like13:31
deejoeext4 on the guest13:32
canthus13THere are bug reports already out about it with all sorts of conjectures about what the issue might be...13:33
canthus13Updating to the latest version of vbox seems to have helped some.13:34
deejoethere are so many dimensions to these sorts of things these days13:36
* deejoe *almost* wishes for the simpler times before widespread virtualization13:36
canthus13Wow. they uglified the 'classic' version.13:39
canthus13They went back to the old icon set... left all sorts of little details undone.13:41
canthus13buttons, window decorations are a throwback to 2001...13:46
canthus13Ah well.  I'll see what 11.10 is like in a few months. :)13:47
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
thafreakWell happy release day to you all15:46
thafreakis everyone playing nice, and using zsync and/or torrents?15:49
thafreakwow, so using zsync, it seems that only about 30% of the iso changed since beta216:05
thafreakugh, you gotta be kidding me...stupid university packet shapers...16:19
thafreakit's sad when downloading the iso's via http, you get 2MB/s, and bittorrent, you only get MAYBE 100kB/s....lame16:20
thafreakoops, more like >5MiBs via http...16:24
thafreakAlright, I don't hate unity...in fact, I think my wife will love it16:47
thafreakme, I'll stick with crunchbang on my netbook though :)16:47
* canthus13 despises unity.17:31
canthus13It's like it was designed with a barely-literate idiot in mind.  It's insulting.17:32
canthus13thafreak: Oh? I maxed out my connection with the torrent. (3.6Mbyte/sec)17:33
canthus13Actually enabling compiz on the classic version breaks window decorations. :(17:34
canthus13I swear it's like they're making standard gnome intolerable on purpose.17:34
canthus13..And apparently, enabling compiz in classic breaks unity.17:37
deejoecanthus13: it wasn't until I saw the release announcement that I *got* what they're trying for with Unity.17:53
deejoeshows how much I've been paying attention, really.17:53
deejoeDerath-Srvr: ‽17:53
Derath-SrvrCan't say that I've really looked into unity yet...17:54
deejoeme neither17:54
Derath-SrvrSo what are they trying to do with it?17:54
deejoeunify the experience across form factors17:55
deejoeor, at least, the software, if not the experience17:55
canthus13deejoe: It's more like catering to the dumbest common denominator.17:55
deejoeI can see why they might *want* to do it, but it may end up being a quality experience like cutting down a tree with your Swiss Army Knife is a quality experience17:56
canthus13I can see where someone with zero computer experience would have an easy time of it, but it's sort of like how a barbie power wheel is easy to drive.17:56
deejoecanthus13: given that I'm writing you via a combination of gnome-terminal+screen+ssh+screen+irssi, I'm not sure the extent to which that wasn't already true with GNOME or KDE to begin with already.17:57
* Derath-Srvr smirks17:57
Derath-SrvrAnd I'm using Windows, putty, ssh, screen, irssi here lol17:57
canthus13Derath-Srvr: Ew.  I use FreeNX to get to my machine at home and pretend windows isn't there. :)17:58
canthus13...at which point I use gnome terminal to ssh into my server and recover irssi running in a screen session.17:58
Derath-Srvrcanthus13: Problem is restrictive software policies at work...17:59
canthus13FreeNX has a portable version. :)17:59
Derath-SrvrPutty is a necessary tool, therefore allowed, FreeNX is not allowed on the network or pcs17:59
Derath-Srvrdoes someone have the details of the meeting handy on their screen at the moment?18:01
Derath-SrvrLocation, time, etc?18:02
Unit193Columbus main library 3rd floor board room on Sunday May 1st from 1 pm to 5 pm.18:05
Unit193Derath-Srvr: Try KiTTY if you have to use windows (Some features over PuTTY)18:06
Derath-SrvrUnit193: Again, software restrictions at work...18:07
Derath-SrvrApproved software only18:07
Derath-SrvrOkay, started my server-side torrent pull...18:13
Derath-SrvrWill have to move it to the webserver so I can download it here at work...18:14
thafreakWell, I don't think I'll be using unity at work, or on my main laptop, or my netbook...or on any of my virtual desktops (not that you could anyway)18:17
thafreakbut the computer that I share with my wife, that I mainly just pull up a terminal or 12 on...and maybe an nx/vnc viewer....yeah I could see using it there18:17
thafreakhell, it would even be sorta nice on my netbook, if my netbook didn't suck...18:18
thafreakbut I'm happy with crunchbang there :)18:18
thafreakAnyone ever use aria2? It's pretty slick...drop dead simple cli download tool...18:20
thafreakyou can replace wget, bittorrent, etc with one tool...18:20
thafreakand you can give it multiple like http for ftp locations, and it will download from all the sources simultaneously...18:21
Derath-SrvrOkay, what's going on here... I thought someone said the install cd had Unity on it...19:11
Unit193It does... Ubuntu 11.04 has Unity19:13
Derath-SrvrOkay, I grabbed the 64b desktop, and I'm staring at gnome...19:13
Derath-Srvris it only the 32b that is using it then?19:14
Derath-SrvrOr is it just the "installed" versions that are forcing unity?19:14
Unit193Is this in a VM?19:14
Derath-Srvra very limited vm19:15
Unit193I'm not sure if a VM will run Unity?19:17
* Unit193 doesn't know and has only seen screenshots of Un Unity19:19
Derath-Srvronly error I got: <tde>19:20
Derath-Srvr<copypastecell supported="true"/>19:20
Derath-Srvrwrong one...19:21
Derath-SrvrSMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade bios or use force_addr=0xaddr19:21
canthus13Derath-Srvr: Unity requires 3d acceleration. it defaults to gnome without it.19:22
canthus13Derath-Srvr: I got that with the older version of vbox. 4.0.6 doesn't seem to do it.19:23
Derath-SrvrSo, I would need to install ubuntu, and load in the guest additions?19:23
canthus13Yep. and the guest additions don't work right until you install 4.0.6.  Looks like it was an emergency update that was put out early this mornign.19:25
canthus13(Which seems odd for oracle...)19:26
Derath-SrvrAlright, let's see if this worked to show the Unity desktop20:09
Derath-SrvrInteresting, there's a VirtualMachine kernel in the repos...20:14
Derath-Srvrfor virtual appliances..20:14
Unit193Would it help in VirtualBox?20:14
Derath-Srvrtaking too long to pull down and try...20:15
Derath-SrvrBut it also appears that gdm or unity is crashing at the moment..20:15
Derath-SrvrOkay, I like some aspects of Unity, and there's some that I really dislike so far... granted only a quick look at the moment20:36
Unit193Derath-Srvr: What are you thinking of Unity now?22:35
canthus13Murderous thoughts...22:44
Unit193Should I try Unity...22:46
canthus13Sure. It'll give you a baseline for how to treat a user like a complete moron.22:57
BiosElementI find it funny that people are still shocked about apple's general location tracking23:26
BiosElementWHen Windows phones transmit your GPS coords directly to microsoft >.>23:26

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