
ChinnoDogTornado watch this evening00:01
waltmanmmm, bacon01:25
andrewand beer01:26
andrewand pleia201:26
waltman(breakfast for dinner)++01:26
pleia2I don't have a passion for bacon01:31
* rmg51 had bacon with dinner tonight01:41
ChinnoDogmmm, pleia2?01:52
Irishmanlukeit has often been said that bacon is the most delicous of all salty breakfast meats01:57
Irishmanlukeso delicious in fact that it is banned by certain religions01:57
ChinnoDogI do not think it is banned because it is delicious01:58
IrishmanlukeChinnoDog: the fact is that it is both banned and delicious02:06
IrishmanlukeI'm not saying you have to extrapolate02:07
=== GERALD1355 is now known as jedijf
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
rmg51morning JonathanD, toggles o/11:15
JonathanDmorning rmg5111:17
JonathanDhowdy toggles11:18
togglesoh, it's out now..12:47
togglesgit sum!!12:47
togglessalva JonathanD12:47
teddy-dbearok world wake up already13:39
teddy-dbearwhy are there no seeders for 11.04?13:40
andrewhas it been released?13:43
andrewguess so13:43
jedijfso getting alpha yesterday was kind of dumb....stroy of my life13:53
teddy-dbeargoing to be slow download :P13:59
andrewteddy-dbear: torrent14:01
andrewreally, no seeders?14:01
teddy-dbearsome, just not that many14:02
teddy-dbeardesktop = 13 peers no download14:03
jedijfi got 58 on alternate14:04
andrewteddy-dbear: so join them and make it one more14:04
jedijf62 now14:04
andreware you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution?14:04
jedijfandrew robbins?14:05
andrewhrm, I've never bothered torrenting ubuntu while at work... but since last release, we've had fios installed...14:05
teddy-dbearI'm downloading all 4 iso's14:05
andrewoh wait, hdd is full14:05
jedijfhmmm, should got a hd instead of fios :D14:06
teddy-dbearsad excuse14:06
andrewjedijf: actually, have the space, just in an unused partition... if I could somehow merge unused partition with /home partition, without losing data, i would14:09
jedijfthis is killing my lowly work net.....14:14
* jedijf can't get fios here.....butt heads14:15
knightzeroHmm....this is the first time I've upgraded on release day.  Never seen a 7 hour timer for "Getting new packages"14:18
ssweenyanything interesting happening in the Free Software world today? things have been quiet14:18
andrewknightzero: torrent the alt disc, upgrade from that14:21
knightzeroI would, but I can't be bothered with mounting ISOs this early in the morning, and my laptop is sans optical drive.14:22
knightzeroIt can take its sweet time, I've got all day.14:22
jedijfssweeny: nothing since 4/24 actually.........14:23
jedijfi have my sources.....14:23
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
JonathanDI'll update next week :P14:27
* teddy-dbear uses alt disc to upgrade14:30
teddy-dbearat least that silly human of mine does :-D14:31
togglesi'm waiting for the unity crying to die down a bit before i try14:31
* ssweeny is considering updating his workstation to natty, even though he's only using it for another week14:34
andrewperfect, no risk if something bad happens14:49
ssweenygood point14:50
ssweenythis won't be my machine in a few days anyway14:50
* ssweeny pulls the trigger15:02
knightzeroI've broken down and decided to use the alt-cd upgrade method.  I don't have the patience to wait two days.15:43
ChinnoDogLooks like btrfsck doesn't work yet in natty either. haha. I think I better go back to striped ext4 and then upgrade.16:07
ChinnoDogIs there a way to account for disks of different speeds with LVM? I have two 80GB 10k drives and a 250gb 7.5k drive. Any point to adding the 7.5k to the same VG as the first two?16:09
=== Narwhal is now known as IdleOne
andrewI'm bored, is it safe to take the plunge?19:53
ChinnoDogWhat is the plunge?19:54
ChinnoDogOh, that plunge.19:54
knightzeroI haven't had much luck upgrading, but I think that's my fault.19:55
ssweenyit'll take about a day just to download19:58
knightzeroEven using an install from ISO method, it seems to be ignoring requests not to download updates, and still pulls from the net.20:00
teddy-dbearI've been downloading iso's all day20:17
teddy-dbearvery slow20:17
knightzeroI managed to torrent every version in about 45 minutes - I figured the servers would be a bit hefty, but I've got bandwidth to contribute to the torrents.20:18
teddy-dbearnot helping me :P20:21
rhpot1991thats why you upgrade before release day :)21:21
pleia2or 3 weeks after :)21:21
* pleia2 never did get around to upgrading to maverick21:21
ssweenytoo late now21:23
pleia2I want to use xubuntu 11.04 though, so I'll just pick a weekend in June and do them both at once21:24
waltmanis there a lot os shiny new stuff in the new xfce?21:29
pleia2it's pretty shiny out of the box, transparent dock-like bottom panel21:30
pleia2but mostly I care that it now uses the gnome menu editor, 4.6 had no menu editor21:30
pleia2could hack at the config files manually, but I am lazy21:31
waltmanis this new gnome thing worth checking out?21:31
pleia2unity? they tell me it's actually pretty neat once you get used to it21:32
PennBotSomebody said Unity is shiny, waltman21:32
waltmanthanks, PennBot21:32
pleia2well, there is unity, which is the new default UI for Ubuntu, and there is Gnome3 which has a similar new UI for Gnome (won't hit Ubuntu until 11.10, and won't be default)21:33
waltmanAh. For some reason I thought unity was gnome.21:34
ChinnoDogBased on my experience upgrading Ubuntu over the years I am beginning to think it is better to write an configuration script for setting up Ubuntu and install a fresh Ubuntu every time there is a new one21:34
waltmanChinnoDog: that's part of the reason I'm still on debian testing :)21:34
ChinnoDogIs that the best? I mean, I /never/ run Windows upgrades for this reason. It gets ugly and you end up with legacy stuff.21:35
waltmanWell, there aren't ever any new versions of debian testing. You just keep updating packages, that's all.21:35
ChinnoDogAnd when I was dependent on my windows box, I did have all the software I needed in one place so I could reinstall everything quick21:35
waltmanbefore debian I was on redhat, and new versions were a pain21:36
ChinnoDogDoing that lets you upgrade to the latest packages, but there is other metadata that is in new releases. Different software, different config files that represent different ways of setting up existing software.21:36
waltmanI suppose there is some cruft this way, but nothing that I ever notice.21:37
waltmandebian's really good about updating the config files, too21:37
waltmanoccasionally you'll get something that's not backwards-compatible and you have to make changes. The last one I recall was apache2.21:38
ChinnoDogFor example, if I was using Rythmbox before and then I updated to Natty, it would just upgrade Rythmbox instead of moving me to Banshee, right?21:38
waltmanI don't have any idea what those packages are.21:38
ChinnoDogThe prepackaged music managers!21:39
waltmanBut do you want it to do that? What about all the music you've got stored in the old package?  Will it auto-convert it?21:40
waltmanwhere "auto-convert" means "do whatever is necessary so banshee knows about all your music in rhythmbox"?21:40
rhpot1991I'm not a fan of unity so far21:40
rhpot1991it really doesn't play nicely with dual monitor setups, especially if you use the right monitor as your primary21:41
ChinnoDogidk. Another open loop. If Microsoft upgrades Media Player it is expected to import your old stuff. Why wouldn't that hold true for Ubuntu?21:41
* waltman shrugs21:41
pleia2waltman: Unity is a project that was launched because Canonical didn't like the direction that Gnome3 was going in and wanted to make something better, so they tried to help patch Gnome3 to make it better *insert drama and chaos here*21:45
pleia2open source is so much fun21:45
pleia2(had a conference call with Mark about this earlier in the week)21:47
waltmanSo Ubuntu's not all standing around singing Kumbaya? :)21:55
waltmanwindowmaker++ :)21:55
pleia2according to Mark they tried, but Gnome is notoriously difficult to work with when you disagree with them21:56
pleia2and yeah21:56
pleia2the divergence is troubling though, I guess we'll see where Unity lands in all of this21:57
pleia2will all the distros go with Gnome3? will some go with Unity?21:57
pleia2either way, both are major UI changes that will probably scare people :)21:58
waltmanchange is scary :)21:58
waltmanok, time to head to the train.  later.21:58
pleia2on the one hand I can speak personally that using linux is all about choice and flexibility, so I don't care who is doing what21:58
pleia2on the other hand I do have to deal with normal people using Ubuntu, and defaults matter there21:58
pleia2anyway, later :)21:59
jedijfmaybe this will force people to /comprehend/ their choices22:00
jedijfon de's and wm's22:01
pleia2that's comedy gold22:01
jedijfyou shot that down with the quickness22:01
pleia2yeah, it's like telling me I care what oil I put in my car22:01
jedijfstop with the sensible analogies22:01
jedijfthey will finally get it22:02
pleia2btw, never mix the green and the orange stuff when messing with coolant, it's expensive to get it flushed out and they are corrosive together22:02
pleia2poor blinker22:02
rmg51bandwidth is better at home22:08
rmg51torrents are moving along now22:09
rmg51much better, 2 are done 3rd is almost done23:03
JonathanDmy chair is all broken and stuff :(23:18
JonathanDwind blew it over  Iguess.23:20
JonathanDit's like plastic wicker or something.23:20
JonathanDmy favorite grilling chair :(23:20
rmg51all my downloads are done :-D23:20
JonathanDrmg51: you wouldn't download a chair!23:21
rmg51Teddy might23:21
waltmanSo if you want to stay up-to-date with Ubuntu, do you end up downloading a new iso every 6 months and reinstalling?23:35
knightzeroyou can just upgrade from within the OS.  If you stick with LTS releases, you can avoid the distribution upgrade process every 6 months as well.23:37
rmg51I upgrade every 6 months23:37
waltmandoes the "upgrade from within the OS" basically just download the new .debs?23:37
pleia2it's the same as debian23:38
pleia2when squeeze comes out you just point your sources from lenny to squeeze, dist-upgrade23:38
pleia2(ubuntu wants you to do-release-upgrade though)23:38
rmg51but I don't reinstall unless something goes wrong23:38
pleia2yeah, I never reinstall or burn new isos23:38
rmg51I now install from the alt disc23:39
rmg51I had 2 bad upgrades on this laptop23:39
knightzerormg51: is there a decent way to do that and keep ubuntu from looking to the web for the latest updates?  I tried earlier, but it still started downloading stuff.23:40
rmg51just started upgrading the external23:40
knightzeroI saw the option not to within the setup and selected it, but it went ahead and did what it wanted - I was too lazy to fight with it.23:41
rmg51knightzero: you should get a choice when you insert the alt disc23:41
rmg51I just let it get what it wants23:42
waltmanwhat's an alt disc?23:42
rmg51there are 2 types of discs23:42
rmg51the live desktop disc23:42
rmg51and the alt23:42
rmg51the alt is a text only install disc23:42
rmg51the alt disc lets you upgrade from within the os23:43
waltmanwhat's a live desktop?23:43
knightzeroalt also makes standard installs to a machine with less than 512mb of memory less of an exercise in patience.23:44
knightzerowaltman: with the live disk, you can boot to ubuntu straight from the CD - to test hardware compatibility and see if you like the OS before writing anything to your hard drive.23:45
knightzerotake out the live disk without installing and you boot back to whatever was there in the first place.23:45
rmg51or install with a GUI background23:46
waltmangui, schmui23:47
rmg51some people get more comfort with a gui install23:50
rmg51not as scary23:51

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