
pace_t_zuluwrst: ping01:54
pace_t_zuluchris4585: everthing ok with your connection? you look like i did when opendns reared its head01:54
chris4585pace_t_zulu, everything is fine, I had to reboot a few times to trouble shoot an issue01:55
chris4585zombie processes are bad mmmkay01:55
pace_t_zuluxTEMPLARx: ping01:55
pace_t_zuluchris4585: you testing the isos?01:55
chris4585nope, I've had natty installed on my main computer for a few weeks now01:56
chris4585but I should probably torrent ubuntu tomorrow just to have a copy01:56
pace_t_zuluthe daily work on your hardware?01:56
chris4585I was rather happy since it fixed my encryption issue01:57
pace_t_zului discovered the live doesn't work on my new laptop01:57
chris4585ah I've had that happen, usually I wait until the final and it does work01:57
brandonnxdhey :).. can neone tell me the public IP Address setting for port 80 fowarding for web hosting?03:01
brandonnxdhey can ne one tell me how to put my website on the web?  i already have port fowarding for port 8004:16
vychuneanybody home05:02
chris4585vychune, sup05:03
chris4585eh same thing05:07
linuxman410wrst u here14:06
linuxman410cyberanger u here14:07
linuxman410anyone here14:07
XpistosWhat up Peeps!14:11
linuxman410Xpistos you know anything about intel 845 ge video on board14:12
XpistosOnly that is made by Intel and has onboard video14:12
XpistosSorry bro14:12
XpistosI am perhaps our least tech saavy member14:12
linuxman410Xpistos i tried asking in ubuntu bunch of smart allicks no wonder we cannot get no one to change to linux14:13
linuxman410chris4585 you here14:14
Xpistoslinuxman410: seriously14:15
XpistosThat is alright, for the masses IRC is a tech technology anyway14:15
linuxman410Xpistos i guess i am going to use lubuntu 10.04 they are going to support it for 5 years and my intel 845ge work fine in it14:17
XpistosI am hoping that 11.04 does not hose my broadcom wireless14:18
linuxman410Xpistos i was running ubuntu 10.04 and i upgraded to 10.10 and now only have one resolution choice14:19
linuxman41010.10 drop support for my video14:20
wrstXpistos: if it does hose your wireless the fix is pretty easy14:51
Xpistoswrst I hope14:57
wrstfor me just a simple "sudo dpkg -i bcml...."14:57
wrstjust have to find it and download it if its broke let me know and i will find the kernel module for you14:58
* wrst hits the buuntu downloads15:00
Xpistoscan we download 11.04 yet?17:45
XpistosI am going to through in my old hdd and install to that to see what is ub17:46
Xpistosor up with ubuntu17:46
Xpistosdownloading 11.04 and 11.04 amd 64-bit17:56
XpistosFinally getting my wife off of Mint17:56
Xpistosgod she has so many problems with that distro17:56
wrstXpistos: i'm downloading, all the ubuntus, and kubuntus as we speak18:01
chris4585I'm downloading ubuntu at 1-2mbps whoo18:10
chris4585I'm a little surprised that the download isn't closer to 700mbs18:10
Xpistosuhm why is my iso like 158 mb?18:31
Xpistosthat can't be right18:31
Xpistoswhat is the different between alt-i386 amd desktop-i386?18:33
pace_t_zuluXpistos: alt is the text base installer... desktop has live cd mode18:36
Xpistosany advantage with going text based over live?18:36
Xpistosstrictly for install not troubleshooting18:37
chris4585sometimes the desktop wont boot, so the alternative might have to be used18:39
wrstchris4585: how are you diong?18:43
wrstand hello pace_t_zulu :)18:43
chris4585I'm alright, just a bit bored18:44
wrstchris4585: i have my server... or what is left of it downloading ubuntus today18:44
wrstyes chris4585, gotta go home and get my new power supply installed in my server... and hope that is my issue :)18:46
chris4585oh now that does not sound fun, I remember installing my first power supply, took 2 hours probably!18:47
wrstoh well its on my little atom home server so about 2 minutes to isntall18:47
vychunehey people18:47
wrsti know the fan was bad and i can visibly see heat damage to the powersupply but not for sure if that is the only issue18:48
chris4585hrm, well hope that fixes it18:49
wrstyeah i should have gotten a meter out and checked things as the MB LED was on but I know the power supply could not have been healthy so we will see :)18:51
pace_t_zuluhey wrst19:05
pace_t_zuluperhaps i'll ssh in home and get it to contribute to the ubuntu torrents19:05
wrstthat's what i did pace_t_zulu19:10
wrsthowdy netritious, what's up stranger?19:10
netritiousjust hanging wrst, how are things with you?19:11
* vychune feels left out19:12
wrstand vychune how are you? :P19:12
wrstnetritious: going well at the moment... key word at the moment :)19:12
vychuneare we getting any disk?19:14
netritiousgood to hear wrst19:15
wrstnetritious: how are things out west?19:54
netritiouswet, but at least Sunny today19:55
wrstsame here netritious, and more or less everyone and everything not blown away19:55
vychunehey people21:27
XpistosHoly crap, Police just found a "suspicious-looking" cooler near my job and have blocked of the street aroud the area!22:03
XpistosSomeone is disgruntled!22:03
wrstha ha Xpistos22:06
wrsthow did the upgrade go Xpistos?22:06
XpistosOh I didn't do it yet. maybe saturday of sunday. When I get home tonight I have a show meeting. I will swap out the hdd after that and see how good 11.04 is going to treat me.22:08
wrstnetritious: i've been using something pretty neat, called virtual win, adds multiple desktops to windows and pretty well22:10
Xpistoswrst: That is pretty nice bro22:22
XpistosBeats the hell out of YOD'M22:23
wrstyeah makes my xp at work almost usable :)22:23
XpistosSpeaking of usable, I just got an email from Google Apps that they are moving their free version from 50 users to 10 users as off May 10th.22:24
XpistosI guess the realized how much they are giving away22:24
pace_t_zulucyberanger: wrst ping22:37
pace_t_zulucyberanger: wrst what was the name of the linux based live cd that detects viruses on windows machines?22:37
pace_t_zuluor netritious vychune chris4585 Xpistos .... if any of y'all know ^22:38
netritiouspace_t_zulu: avg has a live iso22:38
netritiousit will connect to the web, update itself and definitions all from cd, also has a few diag and file recovery programs22:41
netritiouswrst: that's pretty cool22:41
vychunei posted linux defender22:41
netritiousvychune: I was replying to wrst's earlier msg regarding virtuawin22:44
vychunewhich is discontinued nevermind22:44
vychunemember:netritious oh i wasnt talking you my bad i was responding to pace_t_zulu22:45
netritiousg2g...see you guys and gals later22:46

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