
valorieanyone interested in meeting up tomorrow night? 02:34
valorieat http://www.yelp.com/biz/proletariat-pizza-seattle-202:35
valorieI asked on the list last night, but no replies yet02:35
valorieSalt androidbruce aVH-[e] c0nv1ct MJEvans seattlegaucho ubuntulo1_ zenrox02:36
zenroxi cant drive 300 miles02:37
zenroxno gas02:37
valoriecall a party and I'll drive to you!02:47
valorieseriously, we should have some events in the east of the state02:47
valorieand south02:48
zenroxya i will be living in moses lake area in the next 2 weeks02:59
valorienice area03:00
zenroxnot really03:01
zenroxits called moses hole for a reasion03:01
valoriewhy are you moving there, then?03:22
zenroxdshs is screing me on the amount of cash i get and cant afford my rent03:23
zenroxso i am moving in with my wifes parents till i can go to school for truck driving03:24
zenroxand get off the states back03:24
valorienot a fun dept. to deal with03:29
zenroxi was getting 336 then 225 now 19703:31
zenroxits the cutbacks03:31
valorieat least we aren't cutting out the poor and unemployed here to give tax breaks to the rich, like some of the states03:36
valorieit still sucks horribly to cut social programs and education03:36
valoriewhen really we need to raise taxes03:37
valoriestupid people of Washington!03:37
zenroxits not even that we just need to use all the money more effencently03:38
zenroxand washington is one of the most heavly taxed state allready03:38
valoriewe've cut and cut and cut and cut03:38
valoriewell, we have a horrible regressive tax system03:39
valoriewe don't tax the rich at all03:39
valoriejust the poor and middle class03:39
zenroxthay should tax the rich more03:39
valorievery bad tax system here -- all sales tax and property tax03:39
zenroxwe dont have sales tax on food03:40
valoriebut people keep voting down the income tax03:40
valorieover and over again03:40
zenroxbut sails tax on everythang else03:40
valoriesilly washingtonions03:40
zenroxwe have an income tax03:40
zenroxand property03:40
valorieno state income tax03:42
valoriethere is B&O on business, which is not a good tax03:43
valorieproperty, which is..... sort of OK03:43
valorieand sales03:43
valorieno income tax03:43
valorieand we need one, and lower the sales tax03:43
valorieit is a crime that kids in this state can't afford to attend at least community colleges03:44
valorieif not university!03:44
valoriewhole damn country is going backwards03:44
valorieanyway, this is off-topic, and i'm sorry for ranting03:44
zenroxdont worrie about ranting i agree03:45
valoriewe're logged, and I was off-topic03:46
valoriereligion and politics aren't good in technical spaces03:46
zenroxno one is here to really get us in trubble03:46
valorienot very good for community03:46
zenroxi dont care about bing on or off topic03:47
valorieright, but we want people to be able to google us, and read the logs03:47
valorieI do03:47
zenroxbut i cant wate for the xubuntu natty 11.0403:51
valoriewe've pretty much got it03:59
valoriein the dailies03:59
seattlegauchovalorie: what date?17:49
Saltnbr has been dropped, just grabbed the main image and will have it on the eee for linuxfest18:24
androidbruceanyone upgrade from 10.10?21:06
zenroxi did but it was a fresh install of 10.1021:09
zenroxi report no issues but i dont like unity it was nice in the terms of usabily but not something i liked so i switched to xubuntu21:15
valorieI'm backup up home right now in preparation of upgrade21:34
valoriebut tht's kubuntu, of course21:35
valorie60% done.....21:35
seattlegauchonot upgrading until a few weeks / couple of months go by21:46
seattlegauchovalorie: kubuntu f'd up the release and had a quick patch posted21:46
valoriehaven't dipped into #kubuntu-devel yet21:47
valoriethat would make me hold off, for sure21:47
valoriethanks for the tip21:47
seattlegauchoI got it from their twitter feed21:47
Saltvalorie, due to the obvious popularity of the party tonight, i'm not gonna be able to make it myself21:53
Salti can stop by21:54
Saltbut i can't stay long21:54
valoriewell, it sounds like no one wants a party21:56
valorieunless I have replies this morning.....21:57
valorieI'm not driving an hour to sit by myself21:57
Saltfigured i'd let ya know :)21:57
valoriewell, I'll see you Sat.21:58
* seattlegaucho .oO( stupid KDE restarted on its own for no reason )23:30
androidbruce10.10 is my best friend right now 23:31
seattlegauchokubuntu had some disturbing tweets this morning23:32
seattlegauchonot upgrading for a while23:32
zenroxxubuntu is nice23:33
seattlegauchozenrox: by the time I installed my preferred packages, I already would have enough KDE and/or Gnome in place that I'd rather go w/ the full desktop23:33
valoriewell, I'm seeding all the kub's while I wait for my backup to finish23:33
seattlegauchoamarok & quassel are good examples23:34
zenroxxfce plays nice with all of gnome and kde23:34
zenroxalso e17 is also fun to play with23:34
seattlegauchoyes, but kde packages start installing all the libraries ... which beats the purpose of using xfce -> thin23:35
zenroxonly when you use a kde app23:35
zenroxand you can go thru and kill them after your done with it23:35
seattlegauchowhich I do quite a bit since I like them :)23:36
zenroxa bit of a pain but a miner pain in the but23:36
zenroxi only use a few apps23:36
zenroxfrom kde23:36
seattlegauchoOTH I'm running on a i7 Quad w/ 8G of RAM and almost 1T of disk @ work ... so thin makes no sense :)23:37
seattlegauchoand I didn't like xfce UI on my netbook23:37
zenroxbut for a lappy like mine is does23:37
zenroxos[Linux 2.6.38-8-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "natty" 11.04] cpu[2 x AMD Athlon Dual-Core QL-62 (AuthenticAMD) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 2.7GB, 75.3% free] disk[Total: 229.2GB, 76.6% free] video[nVidia Corporation C77 [GeForce 8200M G]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia]23:37
seattlegauchoI'm hoping KDE cleaned up their Netbook edition23:38
androidbrucethe new xfce is cool 23:38
androidbrucenice to see it's not abandoned 23:38
zenroxandroidbruce, agreed23:38
androidbruceim still a gnome fan 23:38
seattlegauchoI might try it as well ... I always run it first on a VM to get a feel ... then go for it23:39
androidbruceseattlegaucho: vm's ftw23:39
zenroxi dint like unity 23:39
zenroxi like my std menus23:39
androidbruceehh unity is :/23:39
seattlegauchoandroidbruce: I'm forced to use gnome on my netbook ... kde is too fat for it23:39
androidbruceit has potential 23:39
androidbrucekde is super fat 23:39
androidbruceand just..............bleh 23:39
zenroxunity was nice to use but it wasnt for me23:39
seattlegauchokde has superior eye candy 23:39
zenroxkde allways was superfat23:40
seattlegauchokde loads all the resources up front ... as opposed to gnome that loads them on demand23:40
zenroxnot any more tho23:40
zenroxgnome is loading more at start up23:40
seattlegauchowith big apps I like kde's approach, although it has been buggy for years given its complexity23:40
zenroxnow than it has bine23:40
zenroxi have bine wating for kde to clean up there source so it was a little more faster so to speek23:41
seattlegauchothey re-architect everything every now and then ... so it's pointless :/23:42
zenroxya i know 23:42
zenroxbut thare are allway more than one way to skin a cat23:43
zenroxbut thats what linux is all about 23:44
zenroxpick what you like and use it23:44
seattlegauchopretty much23:45
zenroxso eatch to there own23:45
zenroxthoes i am happy with what i am useing and it works the way i expect 23:46
zenroxonly issue i am worried about with xfce is a gui menu editior like alacarte for gnome23:46
valorieKDE <323:48

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