
=== chris_ is now known as Guest42423
=== Guest42423 is now known as twopoint718
=== wibored is now known as upthemiddle
=== nickmoeck is now known as no_it_isnt
=== no_it_isnt is now known as nickmoeck
=== nickmoeck is now known as Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh
=== Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh is now known as nickmoeck
=== nickmoeck is now known as CanWePleaseTalkN
=== CanWePleaseTalkN is now known as nickmoeck
=== spikeb is now known as nattyb
douglasawh-workdoes anyone know what software Ubuntu uses to collect user statistics?  I'd like to set up such a server internally if possible16:44
spikebhmm that's a very interesting question.16:53
spikebi know debian uses popcon16:53
douglasawh-worksweet, I will check it out18:14
douglasawh-workspikeb: do you know if it just does packages.  It'd be cool to get some sort of click information, like Applications or Places, etc.18:16
douglasawh-workWe are thinking of changing things to the mintmenu internally, but it'd be good to know if that's the best way to go18:17

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