
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:00
superflymorning Kilos07:37
inetprogood morning 07:47
sakhimorning #ubuntu-za how goes?07:48
BlondiGood morning  ;)08:01
inetprohmm... 08:03
inetprogood morning sakhi08:03
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm
Kiloslo inetpro sakhi 08:09
Kiloshi Squirm 08:09
inetproKilos: hi08:09
Squirmmorning Kilos 08:09
Squirmmorning nuvolari 08:24
nuvolariis there an ETA for 11.04?08:25
nuvolarilo Squirm 08:25
Kiloslo nuvolari 08:34
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 08:35
nuvolarigaan dit goed?08:35
Kilosja dankie en self08:35
nuvolaridit gaan goed dankie oom08:39
Kilosmiskien sal n koppie koffie bietjie van die koue weg jaag08:41
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:41
* Maaz washes some mugs08:41
KilosMaaz, koffie asseblief08:42
MaazEish Kilos  Die engelse het tot ons boeretroos oorgeneem. Vra asseblief in engels.08:42
inetpronuvolari: patience!08:44
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:45
KilosMaaz, baie dankie08:45
MaazPlesier Kilos08:45
drubinguess it is going to be released today ?09:56
Kiloshiya nlsthzn drubin 10:07
nlsthznHi Uncle Kilos :)10:08
=== Squirm2 is now known as Squirm
nlsthznguys, a few times I found a site with some sort of running commentarry for releases... step by step update of the process etc... anything like that for natty yet?10:12
nlsthznok, ok... not all at once :p10:16
nuvolarinlsthzn: I use twitterfall to filter ubuntu, ubuntu released10:36
nuvolariI don't have anything else yet :P10:36
nlsthznnuvolari: thanks... I am using google real-time search myself... a bit quiet at the moment :)10:38
tumbleweedlooks like it'll be out soon now. I hope you're all in #ubuntu-release-party :)10:45
professorxanyone out there?10:51
nuvolarilo professorx 10:52
queerysup professorx 10:52
Kiloslo professorx 10:52
professorxnow i know how this works!10:52
nuvolarifrom where are you?10:53
professorxwill 11.04 not Beta only be available after today,I am frm JHB?10:53
inetproUbuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal Released - See What`s New (Screenshots And Video) http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal-released-see.html10:54
queeryif you want to know when it will be released type /#ubuntu-release-party10:54
queeryit will be announced there10:54
professorx:-) Thanks...Will i be an LTS10:56
professorxmeant to say will this version be the Long term support version?10:57
nuvolarihmm, wonder when it wil be on ZA mirrors10:57
inetproprofessorx: no10:59
Kilosmethinks next lts is 12.0410:59
tumbleweedinetpro: not released yet10:59
tumbleweednuvolari: the mirrors should have it, but it's not released yet10:59
inetprotumbleweed: hmm... 11:00
nuvolariis this the real thing? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.iso 11:03
tumbleweedplease don't hit cdimage hard. Use the normal release mirrors for CDs.11:04
inetproprofessorx: I think no decision to make the 12.04 release an LTS has been made yet but based on the schedule at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS it should be the next LTS11:05
inetproprofessorx: in fact based on the schedule it 11.10 should be teh next LTS11:06
inetproprofessorx: in fact based on the schedule 11.10 should be the next LTS11:06
tumbleweedno, 12.04 will be11:07
inetprotumbleweed: oops, you're right11:07
* inetpro having a tough day at the office today :-(11:08
* inetpro should learn to read, think twice and read again before posting11:09
Kilosgets kinda hard to do that at times11:12
Kilosyou cant keep up then11:12
professorxgreat stuff,11.04 look great,will definitley explore it in depth.thanks guys!11:14
Kilosprofessorx, visit more often11:14
professorxwill do!11:23
Kiloswe serve coffee and give weather reports as well11:28
Kiloscourtesy of our friendly bot11:29
KilosMaaz, coffee on11:29
* Maaz washes some mugs11:29
KilosMaaz, coffee for all11:29
MaazSure thing Kilos... Hey guy's!!  Bring your mugs. I am tired of doing all the dishes on my own.11:29
nlsthznmore coffee11:31
Kilosnlsthzn, ask him now11:31
nlsthznMaaz: coffee please11:31
Maaznlsthzn: Done11:31
queerymaaz, coffee please11:32
Maazqueery: Done11:32
Kilosyay now i wont be accused of grabbing a cup on my own11:32
KilosMaaz, with cremora11:33
MaazAh! At last someone with taste11:33
KilosMaaz, and milk11:33
MaazNow you're talking11:33
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos, nlsthzn and queery!11:33
KilosMaaz, ty11:33
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure11:33
nlsthznMaaz: ty11:33
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure11:33
queerymaaz, thank you11:36
Maazqueery: No problem11:36
inetproKilos: since you are our resident diy hero, what material should I use to insulate outside hot water pipes in order to drive down energy and costs?11:39
queerypipe it through grep and use only what you need11:40
Kiloswe used to wrap them with hessian bags]11:40
inetproKilos: yikes11:40
Kilosthere must be some modern foam kinda stuff you can use nowadays11:41
Kilosor a silicon based product11:41
inetproyeah I googled and found foam stuff but am worried about our african sun burning the stuff off quickly11:42
* inetpro should perhaps go and pay a visit to builders warehouse or such place11:43
Kilosshouldnt inetpro  it turns out like polystyrene11:43
Kilosyeah they should know11:43
superflyinetpro: yes *pay* a visit to builder's warehouse11:43
superflyyou'll pay, that's for sure11:43
superflyinetpro: try a mica or something11:44
inetprowell I'll find out first and then shop around11:44
superflythey're cheaper11:44
Kilosyou lika mica11:44
inetprono rush but seriously want to do something and see the results asap11:44
inetprothe monthly electricity bill is getting ridiculous 11:45
Kilosthey even advertise special blankets for the geysers too now on the idiot box11:45
Kilosthats because they pushing the price up11:46
inetproKilos: those are actually quite cheap IMHO11:46
superflyinetpro: do you switch the geyser off and on, or is it on the whole time?11:46
inetpronoticed a geyser blanket this weekend soemwhere at below R40011:47
inetprosuperfly: it's on permanently11:47
superflyalso, do you do simple things that switch off lights behind you?11:47
Kilosyou get timers that you can set when you want it to turn on as well11:47
inetprobut we have a fair bit of pipes running outside11:47
inetprothe water to the kitchen takes a while to get hot11:48
inetproso I'm guessing that it might help11:48
superflyinetpro: yeah, if you switch off and on at appropriate times, you'll see it also helps reduce the electricity usage11:48
Kilosthe pipes only steal heat when the tap is opened11:48
Kilosyou can also look into installing a small geyser for kitchen use11:49
inetproif it's relatively cheap I'll insulate the pipes and see the effect and later get a geyser blanket and see the effect11:50
inetpronot sure whether the geyser blanket will even help11:50
Kilosok good luck11:50
inetprowith our geyser inside the roof11:50
Kilosgo into the ceiling onna cold night and feel the temp11:51
inetproKilos: good point, I should do that11:51
Kilosit gets cold up there11:51
Kiloswe actually had a long role of black plastic pipe above the kitchen many years ago and the sun makes it hot enough to wash dishes11:54
Kilosbut up here where the temp gets below freezing at times the pipe might burst11:56
plustwo_hi everyone12:02
Kiloshi plustwo_ 12:04
plustwo_hi oom12:04
plustwo_#ubuntu-release-party is the craziest channel to be at right now12:08
plustwo_first time i see such happiness on irc... :-) 12:08
nlsthznso much merriment without alcohol...12:09
tumbleweedand now the channel is moderated: the silence before the stom...12:10
tumbleweedstorm even12:10
nlsthznnow everyone chatting via nick changes :p12:11
plustwo_eish! that dude is a bad player, just silenced the room?12:11
froztbytehave you ever ran a channel?12:13
Kiloscant keep up with the release channel12:25
tumbleweeddon't know how tsimpson does it12:25
Kilosbut learned something new here today12:25
Kiloswith xchat you right click on #ubuntu-release-party  and get the option to join the channel12:27
Kilosmad house that channel12:37
nlsthznkicked the power out on my lappy (no battery in at the moment) :/12:39
Kilosdont pop your charger as well12:40
nlsthznthat would be sad (but then I get to use the back-up I bought) :p12:40
Kilosshould never run lappy without battery12:41
Kiloseish so many bannings12:42
nlsthznKilos: better to run lappy without battery when always on mains12:42
Kilosoh you on mains full time12:43
nlsthznKilos: when home12:43
Kilosdunno how one follows who is saying what to who12:44
Kilosmuch to quick for me12:44
Kiloslol even a big dog there12:45
SquirmWelcome to Ubuntu 11.04 'Natty Narwhal'12:55
SquirmThe Ubuntu team is proud to announce Ubuntu 11.04 'Natty Narwhal'.12:55
SquirmTo see what's new in this release, visit:12:55
nlsthznI gave up12:55
Squirmthat popped up when I got home12:55
BlondiHELLO ;)13:22
nuvolariI just had the worst revelation: tomorrow is a normal workday13:24
Squirmtoday is too13:26
queerySymmetria, is tenet hosting ubuntu 11.04?  and where?13:28
nuvolaribut it's not the 11.04 release yet13:34
queeryok cool13:35
cocooncrashMaaz: dns for za.releases.ubuntu.com13:35
Maazcocooncrash: Records:
cocooncrashGuiz, just use the official name.13:35
queerytenet is free to dl from13:36
cocooncrashqueery: That is TENET most of the time (unless it's broken).13:36
drubincocooncrash: but if it is broken... then they pay out their bums for the downloads13:36
cocooncrashFair enough.13:36
drubinit is better to let it fail hard and fast. :)13:36
cocooncrashqueery: How is TENET free?13:37
queeryvarsity do not charge us for mirrors.ac.za13:37
cocooncrashAh, nice13:37
queerybut like drubin 13:37
queeryif it's broken we pay13:38
nuvolariwhoot! it's updated13:38
nuvolarithis sucks... You have to download a total of 1556M.14:14
Owkkuri2067M here ;P14:16
queeryill wait for the party14:18
queerywant gnome 3 not unity though14:18
Kiloshow can they fit that onto a cd?14:23
Kilosnuvolari, Owkkuri are those the image sizes14:25
queeryprob dvd iso or upgrades14:25
Kilosmust  be dvd at least14:25
Kilosbut then they coulf fit a couple g more 14:25
OwkkuriKilos: that's doing dist upgrade14:26
OwkkuriI'll never have time to do this machine from fresh14:26
Owkkuriaside from replacing it :P14:27
Kilosno wonder shipit closed14:27
Kiloswhat about getting it onto cd at the14:27
Kilosthose things at the varsities14:28
Kilosfreedom toasters14:28
Kilosonto dvd rather14:29
nuvolariKilos: it's for a dist-upgrade14:30
nuvolarino image :/14:30
nuvolariI am downloading the alternate disc though14:31
Kilosoh directly onto maverick14:31
Kiloswhat size nuvolari 14:31
nuvolariKilos: ~700 mb14:31
Kilosah thats closer to normal14:32
Kiloswhat is the link for the iso please. ian wants to get it tomorrow if he gets his pc back14:32
Kilosand nuvolari when you have installed let me know the size of the updates please so i can tell him14:33
nuvolariKilos: http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-release/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-amd64.iso14:35
Kiloswhats the amd14:35
Kiloswhat about 32bit14:36
Kiloswe got old pc's14:36
Kilosoh we would go for this ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso hey?14:38
Kilosat this link  http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-release/11.04/14:38
nuvolariye, I tried the zsync route, but that didn't work for me14:41
Kilosmaybe i just stay on maverick14:44
Kilosand ask if anyone that goes to a release party will post me 2 cds14:46
jubei_hello i am trying to setup a home gateway/router, i am running ubuntu 10.04 server, i have 2 NICs eth1  dials PPPoE to mweb, and eth0 goes to a switch. I have setup DHCP on eth0 to dish out IPs to clients plugged into the switch.14:51
jubei_from the server i can ping out to internet locations, and i can also ping clients on the switch14:51
jubei_from clients i can ping the server14:52
jubei_however, from the clients i can ping internet locations, ie i can't get past the gateway14:52
jubei_i have followed many tutorials and howto's - withouth much luck14:52
jubei_my question is: what do i need to setup in order to make it all work? portforwarding?ip masquerading? dns forwarding?14:53
jubei_sorry for spamming, should of been on one line!14:53
jubei_from clients i CANT ping internet locations14:53
cocooncrashjubei_: Have you configured NAT and enabled IP forwarding?15:07
cocooncrash`cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward` to check the latter (should be 1)15:08
Symmetrialo all16:06
Symmetriaeverything ok with mirror.ac.za with the release?16:06
superflySymmetria: late :-P16:19
superflynot as late as IS though16:21
superfly200KB/s - a bit slow16:21
nuvolariETA 30min16:23
tumbleweedSymmetria: you could kick debian.mirror.ac.za for me :)16:32
Symmetriatumbleweed it giving you issues?16:32
tumbleweedit's been out of sync for > 10 days16:33
Symmetria*HRM* lemme check16:33
tumbleweedSymmetria: thanks16:36
Symmetriashould be in sync again16:36
Symmetriacan you check it for me?16:36
tumbleweedSymmetria: can't right now, but it looks better16:38
* drubin resubmits requests for loco-cd's16:43
drubinoriginal request was lost in forms.canonical.com16:43
Symmetriaheh I threw mirror.ac.za into the torrent swarm for all the natty iso's16:44
Symmetrianot a huge amount of traffic but *shrug*16:44
drubin"I can confirm that your order went through now :)17:07
SymmetriaI've got the dvds up for the new ubuntu release now on ubuntu.mirror.ac.za17:37
Symmetriaunder cdimages17:37
queeryso Symmetria are you attending any of the release parties?17:38
Symmetriaqueery doubtful, my time is kinda limited lately :(17:39
Symmetriaroot@mirror:/diskspace3/ubuntu# netstat -na |grep -c ESTABLISHED17:39
Symmetriadamn thats a lot of established connections17:39
queerydon't you want some ubuntu cake?17:41
queeryor are you not in Capetown area?17:41
Symmetriaheh Im in capetown, but as I said, time is very very limited :)17:42
queeryaw ok :-(17:42
jubei1hello, i am trying to setup a home server/gateway using linux server 10.04 and 2 NICS, from the server i use eth1 to dial PPPoE to router and can ping out to internet from server. I use eth0 to switch to give access to client PC's. from the clients i can be assigned dhcp from server and can ping the server. however i cannot ping the internet, the server is blocking requests(?). i have setup 17:44
jubei1packet-forwarding=1 and have put some rules into iptables, but i think i messed up the iptables rules... could someone inspect the iptables rules, this is 1st time im doing it, and let me know what they think? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/600339/17:44
superflyjubei1: the best solution is to use a sed solution17:46
superflyI usually use Arno's IP Tables Firewall, but there are others tooo17:47
jubei1waht is a sed solution?17:48
jubei1i have webmin installed?17:48
superflysorry, not a sed solution, a firewall solution17:49
superfly(keyboard issues)17:49
jubei1hmm seems like cheating...17:49
jubei1my problem is that i dont understanding enough networking and routing17:50
jubei1would really like to understand and use iptables17:50
jubei1do you know how to configure iptables?17:51
superflyno, that's why I use a firewall17:53
jubei1ok thanks for trying :)17:55
superflyrouting is pretty simple, if you know how IP addresses work17:55
inetprosuperfly: iptables is not (part of) a firewall?17:58
superflyinetpro: firewalls is/are iptables17:58
jubei1if my understanding is correct, its probably a program/scripts which configure iptables .. ?17:59
inetprojubei1: I would start by disabling iptables17:59
inetprothat way you can isolate your issue17:59
jubei1hmmm i saw the command to do that, i should probably try it and see what happens17:59
jubei1yeah thats a good idea17:59
rverripsReason 1104 why I love Ubuntu - You can upgrade the server you have no physical access to, to the latest release through ssh with minimal effort/strain :-)18:00
* inetpro wbb18:00
jubei1inetpro: i tried to find a command to disable iptables, do you know it?18:11
superflyjubei1: I did this *years* ago, but it hasn't actually changed much since then (other than you can now find Arno's IP Tables Firewall in the Ubuntu repositories): http://blog.saturnlaboratories.co.za/archive/2007/01/01/howto-ubuntu-home-lan-server18:21
inetprojubei_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo18:45
inetprosuperfly: did you eventually upgrade to Natty?18:48
superflyinetpro: I've been running Natty since the betas18:51
inetprosuperfly: and how's it cooking?18:51
queerymaaz, cheers18:51
MaazMay the force be with you queery18:51
superflyinetpro: it's great, stable, no problems18:51
inetproqueery: good night18:52
inetprosuperfly: I see some unhappiness amongst the ubuntu folk and unity18:53
superflyinetpro: indeed, as was to be expected18:53
superflyI'm still happy as a clam on Kubuntu18:53
* inetpro should perhaps get a complete repository from someone and do the upgrade18:55
Kiloswhatever happened to walterl guys19:27
superflyKilos: he went to go work for the enemy19:28
Kiloshe coulda still kept ubuntu at home19:28
Kiloshe had a nice fast setup there19:28
Kilosthats so sad19:29
Kiloshate the idea of anyone leaving linux for the sucks team19:29
KilosMaaz, swear at walterl19:30
Maazdickbliksem damn shitlapping whoreshitting crapping hellfucking fucking fathercrapping cuntbuggering godshitting poesshitting fathervokken hoercrapping naiierwanking bliksemwanking walterl!19:30
Kilosdirty mouthed bot19:30
KilosMaaz, sis19:31
MaazKilos: Sorry...19:31
superflyja, we don't ask Maaz to swear19:35
superflyhis mouth can be dirtier than a sailor's19:35
Kiloswill the alternate cd upgrade from karmic or only maverick please guys20:05
Kilostrying to decide what ian must download20:06
superflyKilos: the only upgrades that skip releases are the LTS upgrades20:12
superflythe rest you have to upgrade release to release20:12
Kilosah ty superfly he must just get the iso then20:12
=== panfriedsid is now known as panfriedsidh
=== panfriedsidh is now known as panfriedsid
Kilosmaybe he ubuntu designers must think about adding usb-modeswitch into the basic package on the cd22:12
Kilosian is trying to install his usb modem in wine22:13
Kiloson karmic still22:13
Kilosbut his fone was stolen so no connection22:13
superflyKilos: karmic is almost as old as you, why are you still using it?22:13
Kilosian is his pc was with another guy22:14
Kiloscheeky hey22:14
Kilosbut really. it usb-modeswitch was added to nm it would save lotsa peeps probs i think22:15
Kilosbecause without your internet connection you are stumped22:16
cocooncrashKilos: ModemManager does use usb-modeswitch22:16
Kilosin karmic cocooncrash 22:16
cocooncrashIt all Just Works for me.22:16
cocooncrashUpgrade :P22:16
superflycocooncrash: in the newer releases a lot more modems work without modeswitch22:16
superflybut in karmic they don't22:16
cocooncrashsuperfly: Ah, nice22:16
Kiloshis pc was outa his hands for a long time22:17
Kilosoh thats good to know22:17
superflyKilos: see if you can get some CDs and upgrade (maybe inetpro can help)22:17
superflyKilos: if not, let me know and I'll post you all the CDs you need22:17
Kilosmaybe he can then install modem in wine and get naty and install that22:17
Kiloshe is in natty22:18
Kiloshe is in rustenburg22:19
superflyKilos: usb-modeswitch is 2 small packages, and I think it needs maybe 1 other package22:19
Kilosyeah but you need to be connected to download them22:19
Kiloswish he was here22:21
superflyKilos: is there no way he can go to a friend's computer and download them there?22:21
Kilosi will ask him. he is on mxit on fone22:21
Kilosbut he just got home from fetching the pc22:21
Kilosi would be very grateful if you can post me 2 natty cds after the party please superfly 22:23
superflyKilos: I don't have any pressed CDs, and I don't know if I'm going to the release party, but which CDs do you want? 1x Desktop and 1x Alternate?22:24
superflyI have uncapped, I can download anything you want22:24
KilosR100 notes?22:25
superflyno, just whatever ubuntu stuff you want22:25
Kilosyes 1 of each please22:26
Kilosor someone from the release party can send pressed ones too22:27
Kilosall i ever need is a working pc22:27
Kiloseish he cant install the modem through wine22:28
Kilosand he onna plaas22:28
KilosMaaz, coffee on22:41
* Maaz starts grinding coffee22:41
superflyKilos: you want 64 bit or 32 bit?22:42
Kilos32 please superfly 22:42
Kilosold pcs22:42
Kilosor doesnt it matter22:42
superflyKilos: I can send you the DVDs too if you want22:43
Kilosian has a dvd on his i have only cd22:43
Kilosbut if i get to aus inna next coupla months there is a better p4 waiting for me with dvd22:44
superflyKilos: OK, no worries, there don't seem to be DVDs for 11.04 just yet22:45
Kilosnp ty superfly 22:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!22:45
KilosMaaz, dankie22:46
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend22:46
Kilosnight all . sleep tight23:04

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