
frugiis there a release party channel around ?00:00
franciel! ldap ssh00:00
wizards? party channel ? what is it? :D00:00
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ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/00:01
itaylor57frugi: #ubuntu-release=party00:01
* KM0201 glares..00:01
jpkescott: It's the new one.  The old one is still on the disk, but commented out in /etc/fstab, and isn't listed in swapon -s anymore.00:01
ZahradaI tried booking this band, but for some absolutely bonkers reason, they're not within my budget range: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA000:02
prakashow many days a ubuntu system booting from a usb pen drive last considering such a drive has a fixed number of write cycles.00:03
IdleOneZahrada: Please don't post irrelevant links in here00:03
timdotprakas.. quite some time still, i'd imagine00:04
ZahradaI mispasted IdleOne.00:04
IdleOneZahrada: odd you wqould mispaste a rickroll00:05
IdleOneZahrada: anyway please keep comments Ubuntu support related.00:05
kyle____lease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution - that is what it says when i try to run the installer for my audio driver00:06
kyle____E: Unable to locate package kernel-headers-2.6.35-28-generic-pae00:06
kyle____how do i fix this?00:06
prakastimdot: i am not writing to any directory. just using the machine as a nat gateway00:07
ZahradaIt's true though. I'm part of a ngo that's organising a music festival in my local town...00:07
Zahradafor unicef00:07
timdotprakas: i'd imagine a good few years - i may be wrong though and it's impossible to predict exactly00:08
harrihuSorry to be a bother but I'm having issues connecting to wifi on ubuntu 10 something with my netgear pci 802.11g wifi card. It shows a wifi symbol up near the clock in the corner with a red ! and has grayed out wired connection thing in the list and doesn't acknowledge wifi there. I can set wifi settings but at no point does it give me the option to connect.00:08
zvacetkyle____: install headers from synaptic00:08
kyle____it says they are installed00:08
prakasis there a way to clone this usb pen drive incase it fails?so that i can use the other pen drive to boot00:08
zvacetkyle____: this specific package kernel-headers-2.6.35-28-generic-pae00:09
pindropperharrihu: i was having similar problems. i updated using the update manager... and now it works fine.00:09
tactixquestion: shouldn't the command "lsmod" and "modprobe -l" give the same output for loaded modules?00:09
pooltable11.4 come out on 28 apr 2011 right at what time midnight edt ???00:09
timdotprakas: yeah, you can use the 'dd' command for that00:09
jpkprakas: `man dd` might help you.00:09
escottjpk, was thinking that maybe resume was trying to load a stale image from the old swap partition00:09
prakashmmm ty00:09
harrihupindropper it's not hooked up to the internet00:09
Picipooltable: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+100:09
zvacetkyle____: sory then I can help you00:10
zvacet*can not00:10
harrihubut thanks for the suggestion pin00:10
pooltablepici just wonder fit it had a set time thanks00:10
LinSteveHI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am trying to do an nfs mount from  a NAS that cannot do nfs4.  My mount fails, and when I put -vvvvv as a flag, I see that the out put says, "mount.nfs: mount(2): Connection refused00:10
pindropperharrihu: theres your problem then. if the internets not on but your wifi is... strange as it is, at least in my experience, ubuntu refuses to connect00:10
LinSteveHmount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr='" before it fails.   How do I get it NOT to use nfs4??00:10
gedasguys, I couldn't find the answer on ubuntu formus, and I am not trolling. Do you think ok-smelling sandwitches are still ok to eat after staying for a day in room temperature (version - smoked ham, ubuntu 10.10). (I just read the IRC guidelines, they didn't seem to forbid this)00:11
harrihuno no it's not connecting to the router not just the internet00:11
harrihuI'm on a windows machine now00:11
pooltablehow long will 10.10 wil have support ???/00:11
ohziegedas: We don't troubleshoot sandwiches. :(00:11
gedasahh, sorry about that, i'll have to find a more suitable room to ask:(00:11
cybrhumangedas: eat the before they eat you00:11
pindropperharrihu: thats what i said, if the routers not connected to the internet, ubuntu sometimes wont connect to your wifi either.00:12
RandomAndGoneDoes anyone know when 11.4 goes live? It's the 28th in London.00:12
harrihuThe router is connected to the internet thats how I'm on00:12
zvacetpooltable: 18 months00:12
zzecoolit 28th in Greece too :P00:12
IdleOne!party | RandomAndGone00:12
ubottuRandomAndGone: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/00:12
pindropperharrihu: you might also want to try and do "edit connections" and add one in manually and try.00:12
jpkescott: Ah, I see.  I figure it's something like that.  I just haven't yet been able to find where/how the thing that resumes finds the stuff in swap to verify that it's looking in the right place.00:13
pindropperharrihu: is your wireless network a hidden one by any chance? try create new wireless, or hidden wireless connection and see if that helps00:13
harrihuThere is nothing wrong with the wifi router it's all with the linux machine00:13
pindropperharrihu: read my previous two suggestions00:14
harrihuif there was something wrong with the router I wouldn't be able to connect on this other pc00:14
harrihuthanks for the suggestions pindropper00:14
harrihulooking into it00:14
yuanyei want to change the close botton of chrome to the right00:14
yuanyefor help00:14
pindropperi am trying to figure out a way to execute a command on a double key press. Is this at all possible through bash? The keyboard shortcut mappings don't provide a way to capture double key presses.00:15
LinSteveHI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am trying to do an nfs mount from a NAS that cannot do nfs4. My mount fails, and when I put -vvvvv as a flag, I see that the out put says, "mount.nfs: mount(2): Connection refusedmount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr='" before it fails. How do I get it NOT to use nfs4??00:15
harrihuwireless network is not hidden and I did try adding one manually00:15
pindropperharrihu: and...?00:15
harrihuit never even gives me the button "connect"00:15
harrihuit just gives me an add button and ok00:16
harrihuand a delete etc00:16
harrihuI never see the network listed and it's not hidden00:16
prakaswill dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb copy the entire file systems in sda to sdb with boot sectors preserved?00:16
harrihuI don't think the wifi card works with the OS00:16
pindropperharrihu: does it even attempt to connect? you know once you've added the network... does it try to connect?00:16
cybrhumanprakas: think so00:17
prakasconsidering sda and sdb are usb removable disks (pen drives)00:17
pindropperharrihu: did it ever work?00:17
KM0201harrihu: what device is it, do you know?00:17
LinSteveHharrihu: What does the output look like with "iwconfig wlan0"?00:17
pindropperharrihu: ah . in that case there is a very good chance you need proprietary drivers. which you wont know until you connect. you might want to try connecting through a lan cable and get it to work.00:18
escottjpk, but from what you said it appears that is not happening00:18
harrihuwhats iwconfig wlan0?00:18
robert05adiwconfig is like ifconfig but for wireless I believe00:18
LinSteveHharrihu: it is a comman line.00:18
robert05adiwconfig wlan0 will tell you the status of wlan000:19
harrihuwell it's almost impossible to get this machine hooked up wired00:19
harrihuI could try but if theres any other way00:19
robert05adwhat problem you have with wired?00:19
harrihuthe router is upstairs very far away from the box with no plugs and this box is built into a home theater system00:20
pooltablewhere is a place to buy ubuntu 11.4 ???00:20
robert05adah ok00:20
pindropperharrihu: i know.. its a bit of a fix if you have problems with wired. but really, ubuntu will notify you of possible problems or updates once you connect. maybe a phone/usb/3g/edge sharing , even for 10 mins might help.00:20
LinSteveHharrihu: If you getnoting useful from iwconfig, do a google with "{name of wifi card} +ubuntu +driver +download"00:20
robert05adpooltable, check ubuntu's website, they have resellers00:21
cybrhumanpooltable: there is no need to buy it, just download it when it is released00:21
harrihuhmm you know what I'll give it a try00:21
LinSteveHharrihu: getnoting==get nothing00:21
robert05adwhen you type iwconfig wlan0 what do you get?00:21
harrihuI have a usb wifi stick and if that fails I'll take the time to get the computer up there00:21
zvacetpooltable: https://shop.canonical.com/00:21
robert05adrunning in vmware? ?00:22
harrihuone moment robert05ad I'll try that.00:22
LinSteveHI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am trying to do an nfs mount from a NAS that cannot do nfs4. My mount fails, and when I put -vvvvv as a flag, I see that the out put says, "mount.nfs: mount(2): Connection refusedmount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr='" before it fails. How do I get it NOT to use nfs4??00:22
=== michael is now known as Guest53833
pooltablezvacet i just see 10.10 i want 11.400:23
LinSteveHI;ve heard that 10* is a little buggy in nfs.  Does anyone concur?00:23
robert05adoh oh Lin, I know that answer... but not off the top of my head lol it's a mount option but i forget00:23
=== chaosbringer is now known as phdaemon
cybrhumanpooltable: 11.04 isn't released yet as far as I know00:23
robert05adI just removed my ubuntu from my VM machine so I cant help to remember it lol00:23
robert05adwaiting on 11.0400:23
rwwcybrhuman: correct00:23
robert05adnone are released yet00:24
pooltablecybrhuman i see00:24
LinSteveHrobert05ad: I have "nfs" not "nfs4" as my mount type.00:24
dibsHey all. I'm out in New Zealand and it's the 28th, how do I get from Mav to Natty?00:24
top_ramencan someone help me real quick. I think i am doing something wrong with setting up my live USB00:24
robert05adright lin00:24
rwwdibs: It's not released yet.00:24
LinSteveHtop_ramen: Whatcha doing?00:24
robert05adshoot regretting removing it now..00:25
prakastop_ramen: just put a regular cd and install to the usb disk00:25
robert05adtry man mount00:25
zvacetpooltable: 11.04 will be out today so you will have chance to buy it00:25
dibsrww: But it's supposed to be out today yeah?00:25
robert05adyeah Dibs00:25
robert05adfew hours yet00:25
rwwdibs: It's due out some time in the period that it's April 28th somewhere in the world.00:25
top_ramenI but 10.10 on a usb and use the usb install exe thats on the ubuntu.com/download page to set the usb up00:25
zvacetdibs: depends on time zone  :)00:25
pooltablehere another location for al http://distrowatch.com/00:25
dibssweet, anyone know where a countdown is00:26
prakasi use 7.04 fiesty fawn lol00:26
robert05adwhen 10 came out we were all sitting in here until like 2 am lol, (central time)00:26
top_ramenbut my computer is not recongizing it as a bootable usb00:26
rwwdibs: There is no set time, hence no countdown.00:26
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dibsdammit, I was hoping to get an hour or two down time while I upgrade. Gah, will have to get back to work00:26
jpkescott: I guess what I mean is some resume code goes, "let's see if there's an image in the old swap partition... oh, wait, it's not there anymore.  Oh well, just do a normal boot."  Then later on when something looks at the new swap partition, it sees an image in there and goes, "What's this crap?  We're doing a normal boot."  Then clears it out.  Or something.  My biggest enemy, here, is I don't know how resume works yet. :-P00:26
robert05adlol dibs00:27
dibsIs upgrding using the update-manager -d risky? like it will use the same repo yeah?00:27
LinSteveHtop_ramen: I think that you need to explicitly copy the 0th sector from the cd (cdimage) to the usb.00:27
pooltablewhat time was 10.10 out ?00:27
top_ramenLin, ummm what?00:27
escottjpk, did you leave the old swap partition unchanged, you could write a new filesystem on top of it00:27
uncmar3 in the morning  Next stupid question.00:27
prakasi still prefer 7.04 lol00:27
top_ramenuncmar, whats your name?00:27
dibsAnyone got Mark's number, let's take this to the top00:27
prakasit is more lightweight00:28
prakas10.10 takes a lot of time to load00:28
robert05adhey Lin, did you try mount -t nfs option?00:28
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/00:28
uncmar10.10 = 10 of 2010 or October.00:28
robert05adinstead of -t nfs400:28
LinSteveHtop_ramen: I think that you need to do "dd if={cd|cdimage} of={usb location} count=100:29
uncmartop_ramen: my name is annoyed beyond belief, so.. Um.  wann come stay in my area.  we got lots of tornadoes to go, round and round fer ya.00:29
pooltableno what time of the day ?00:29
_chunjoin #python00:29
pooltablei know 11.4= 2011 apr00:29
zvacetuncmar: 10.10= october 201000:29
top_ramenuncmar, I am in kansas... im good lol00:29
AlternoBanshee media player won't play files00:30
LinSteveHrobert05ad: Yes, I did...it still tries to force vers=4 onto the commandline.00:30
AlternoBanshee media player won't play files, remains idle, why ?00:30
zvacetuncmar: sorry it is 2010 october00:30
AlternoBanshee media player won't play files, remains idle, why ?00:31
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
jpkescott: Yeah, besides unmounting/swapoff'ing it, I left it alone.00:31
uncmar6.06 should have come out on 6.6.6  It would have been a triplet but  more impressive, 6-6 1947? was Doomsday.00:31
uncmarOr rather, D-Day.00:31
LinSteveHAlterno: does any sound program work, or just banshee is busted?00:31
KidDeathGood evening everyone :)00:31
hiexpohey is there a command to flush the cache00:32
uncmaranyhow. pooltable I don't know what time of day any of the releases where. sorry.00:32
Alternojust banshee it seems, i have to re import files to ake it work00:32
zvacetuncmar: little bit of topic don´t you think00:32
uncmarhiexpo: which cashe?00:32
top_ramenLin, can you check your queries00:32
Alternojust banshee it seems, i have to re import files to make it work00:32
escottjpk, i don't buy the proposed source of the error you suggested, but if you want to be sure i would make that and ext4 partition00:32
ActionParsniphiexpo: cache of what?00:32
Alternoshows idle stats atm00:32
Devil999hi all00:32
LinSteveHtop_ramen: Queries??00:32
hiexpoActionParsnip, my ram00:32
uncmarzvacet: nope, My 6.06 is currently broken, so right on the topic of why I'm here.00:32
robert05adHello Devil99900:32
top_ramenLin, Yeah i sent you a query00:33
ActionParsniphiexpo: do you mean swap space? If you flush the ram then the system will cease to be00:33
Devil999how's it going? any news for 11.04?00:33
zvacetuncmar: why do you use unsupported version00:33
LinSteveH{blush} not knowing what it was, I closed the tab.00:33
top_ramenLin, sent again ^^00:33
zvacetuncmar: do you use server00:33
uncmarbecause it was a running server.  that I didn't want to take time to upgrade.00:33
KidDeathWhy is it when I listen the channels on XChat, I can't join anything? x.x00:34
hiexpoActionParsnip, well after like today i had 146.00 gig in ram being used and only have 2 gig ram00:34
uncmarspending a DAY to upgrade/revive a system from an upgrade attempt stinks.00:34
Alternoany idea?00:34
ActionParsniphiexpo: can you give the output of:   free -m00:34
zvacetuncmar: is there any reason not to upgrade now00:34
uncmarzvacet: so, I just answered both questions with one answer.00:34
zvacetuncmar: ok00:35
uncmarnope, Right out of ubuntu. though I must admint Ubuntu wasn't the reason for the failure.  *I AM*00:35
jpkescott: Ah, I see.  I'll try that, then.00:36
hiexpoActionParsnip, i rebooted so not anymore but here it is  http://pastebin.com/hStiPUnS00:36
ActionParsniphiexpo: when it's high, rerun it00:36
mjshi all...looking for a little hand holding using webmin to configure proftpd...all i want to do is allow a single user (not myself, or anonymous access to my /home/user/Pictures directory?00:36
uncmarI'd switch to fedora or.. well, I could eventually think of another, but I'm not ready to do a near Complete relearn of tools.00:36
ActionParsniphiexpo: you are only using 550Mb. You have 1884Mb available and have 1360Mb free00:37
hiexpoActionParsnip, yes right now but as i do stuff it will rise maybe takes a day or two00:38
IkerHola :)00:38
uncmarNow I remember why I'm here.00:39
ActionParsniphiexpo: if its only cache then its fine, unused ram is wasted ram00:39
Afteraffektwhen building from source, and doing autogen.sh is there a way to force, and make it finish, regardless of missing dependancies?00:39
ActionParsniphiexpo: just watch the right hand value on the "-/+ buffers/cache" line00:39
uncmarof course I could attempt to poke around the net.  Need to know system requirements of 8.04 Live CD.  I won't dare attempt 9.04 or 10.0400:39
ActionParsniphiexpo: that is the actual free ram00:40
uncmarI'm limited to 256Mb of ram.00:40
linuxman410need help with my display only has one resolution00:40
fieriswhat time is the launch of Ubuntu 11.04 ?00:40
Picifieris: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+100:40
fierisokey thank.!00:40
uncmarHmm, it is time for 11.04.  Time flies.  I hadn't give it any thought.00:41
linuxman410my video is intel 845ge built on board video00:41
KidDeathWait.. I haven't been in the loop for a while. 11.04 is launching soon? :o00:41
S-M-Glhello, can i update from 10.10 to 11.04 now, or do i have to wait until tomorrow?00:42
uncmarMy upgrade attempt from 8.04 to 10.04 exploded, so I moved over to debian.  Closer to the trunk of the tree for stability.  Low and behold I have another dead ubuntu.00:42
mknarrKidDeath, it is supposed to launch tomorrow sime thme00:42
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ActionParsniplinuxman410: run:  sudo lshw -C display     websearch for the product line to find guides. You may need an xorg.conf to make it work ok00:42
KidDeathFascinating, looks like I have something new to play around with. :)00:42
linuxman410can someome tell me how to fix my display00:42
uncmarthe alternates are installs only?00:43
uncmarlinuxman410: in the old days we would just smack the TV harder to fix the display. Or call the TV repair man.00:43
mknarrlol @ uncmar00:43
* uncmar shuts up. I've spotted enough ill manorred sarcasm for one day.00:44
w30uncmar, or go to the hardware store and use their tube tester, which were geared to finding slightly poor tubes so as  to sell more  tubes.00:46
crims0nhola amigos00:47
LinSteveHI'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am trying to do an nfs mount from a NAS that cannot do nfs4. My mount fails, and when I put -vvvvv as a flag, I see that the out put says, "mount.nfs: mount(2): Connection refusedmount.nfs: trying text-based options 'vers=4,addr=,clientaddr='" before it fails. How do I get it NOT to use nfs4??00:47
LinSteveH... and yes, I use -t nfs, NOT -t nfs4.00:47
amalgamaa question : "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" doesnt work anymore???00:48
Piciamalgama: It works fine here.00:49
botcityamalgama: say what?..00:49
Voreniiany idea how long itll take before 11.04 is released?00:50
Pici!dist-upgrade | make sure you understand what its supposed to do though amalgama00:50
ubottumake sure you understand what its supposed to do though amalgama: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.00:50
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.00:50
ActionParsnipVorenii: ^00:50
PiciVorenii: Natty is not yet released and there is no predetermined time on the 28th when it will be. Await the release in #ubuntu-release-party or for more questions join #ubuntu+100:50
dam85_someone use lighttpd ?00:51
amalgamahmmm... i was using dist-upgrade in order to go from one version to another00:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:52
dam85_include "/home/lighttpd/vhosts/*/conf/vhost.conf" it's wrong00:53
dam85_how can i correct it?00:53
dam85_i have to change *00:53
dam85_with * I mean all the directories inside there00:53
katsrchey, can someone recommend me a good PPA for GIMP 2.7.2?00:54
kaushalis there a way to know when Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS has been installed ?00:56
kaushalon a specific server00:57
Alastaurwhen or if?00:57
Alastaurnot sure what  you're asking00:57
kaushalAlastaur: for desktop we have installer.log00:58
ZiberIn ubuntu, is there any way to sync all files between two folders? As in, I want them to be exactly the same, and they mostly already are. Rather than recopying everything, is there a tool to just recopy whats changed?00:58
NxtGenCowboyCan someone recommend a good dock (docky,awn,cario-dock,etc)?00:58
AmpelbeinZiber: rsync can do that00:58
mknarrNxtGenCowboy, i loke cario-dock00:59
ZiberAmpelbein: hm, thanks00:59
NxtGenCowboymknarr, I havent tried that one yet.. the last 2 I tried.. really had a good chunk of bugs when compiz was running00:59
Devil999Ziber, i use Unison. I think it's simpler, and has GUI. Your choice!00:59
meisth0thwhen will 11.04 be available for download?01:00
mknarrtomorrow some time01:00
ZiberDevil999: rsync works, thanks tho01:00
mknarri mean the 28th*01:00
meisth0thmknarr, what's the date there?01:01
mknarrmeisth0th, 27 8pm01:01
meisth0thThu Apr 28 03:01:20 EEST 201101:01
sdegutishello. i am using some kind of irc client.01:01
Devil999sdegutis, is that a question?01:02
sdegutisnot really, no.01:02
sdegutisim writing it, too.01:02
sdegutisand im using it.01:02
sdegutisjust thought id let you know.01:03
Devil999ok, then...01:03
mknarrwhere is the main premissions file located on ubuntu 10.0401:03
usr13sdegutis: You sure are.01:03
sdegutisi try.01:03
sdegutisits not very good though.01:03
Ampelbeinmknarr: can you elaborate? what are you looking for?01:03
sdegutisbut thats ok because its mine.01:03
usr13sdegutis: Looks like it's working like a charm.01:03
EnderWAny1 know when 11.04 is coming live?01:04
mknarrIm looking for the file that holds all of the premissions  and or user group info01:04
sdegutiswell, you arent on this side of it.01:04
sdegutison this side its pretty crappy.01:04
Ph0n7r1chi can someone tell me how i can get synaptic manager to start01:04
usr13mknarr: Well, there is /etc/groups01:04
sdegutisits ui is largely html+css+jquery, even though its a desktop app.01:04
Devil999sdegutis, that's really something. gratz.01:04
sdegutiswell, not really.01:05
mknarrusr13,  says it dosnt exsist01:05
sdegutisit doesnt work on ubuntu though.01:05
usr13Ph0n7r1c: Alt-F2 synaptic01:05
sdegutisyou guys just talk a lot, which helps me look at my client :)01:05
sdegutisespecially the scrolling and stuff01:05
usr13mknarr: Well, there is /etc/group01:05
usr13mknarr: Sorry, typo01:05
itguruDoes Gwibber crap out for anyone after a few weeks?01:05
Devil999sdegutis, sure thing... just stick around. a lot of talk going to happen.01:06
sdegutisthanks :)01:06
sdegutisi like making useless stuff :(01:06
mknarrI need to find an informative doc on how to work the user accs / groups ...01:06
Ph0n7r1cph@Juliana:~$ sudo synaptic01:06
Ph0n7r1csh: kde-config: not found01:06
Ph0n7r1csh: kde-config: not found01:06
Ph0n7r1cSegmentation fault01:06
FloodBot1Ph0n7r1c: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
usr13mknarr: man group01:07
Ph0n7r1cits say kde-config not found how can that be i am using gnome01:08
sdegutisoh one thing i like about my client: when you send a msg to a channel which yo dont have permissions for (like ##linux whe you arent voiced), it gives your message a strikethrough01:08
ogreI seem to remember a website with deb packages for ubuntu. I tried installing ettercap-ng with the repos, but it errors out every time. I need that deb package or to install from source. Anyone know the name of the site?01:09
usr13mknarr: man useradd          man groupadd01:09
ogren/m I found it01:09
usr13sdegutis: That's useful01:10
usr13ogre: :) sometimes we jog our memory just by formulating questions.01:11
mknarrWhat is the difference between the file "group" and "group-"01:11
mknarrim guessing the one with the - is a backup?01:11
EnderWDoes 11.04 go live tonight?01:11
usr13mknarr: right01:12
mknarrit goes live the 20 sometime01:12
mknarrthe 28***01:12
EnderWI cant wait01:12
sdegutisalthough it doesnt have private messaging yet01:12
crims0ni forgot it's so soon01:12
EnderWWhat are the major changes for 11.04?01:12
usr13sdegutis: Well, get back to work!01:12
Roydihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-11.04 <-- "Expected:01:13
Roydi    12 minutes ago"01:13
usr13EnderW: They are widespread and often.01:13
usr13EnderW: (...sorry, couldn't resist...)01:13
RoydiWhat's the time? (I'm in europe... ;))01:13
AsSlowAsHellim looking for a good command line sound processing tool.  something CLI like sox but im looking for a specific feature, very slight audio length expansion/contraction.  basically, i have an audio source that gets 1 second off sync of another one after ~4 hours.  this means i need 3.33 samples out of 48000 removed from the slower source.  does anyone know of a proggy that can help me do that01:13
mmu_mananyone can tell me if apt: links work when using :// ? like apt://build-essential ?01:14
ActionParsnipRoydi: europe spans MANY timezones01:14
usr13Roydi: 2:1401:14
usr13Roydi: (... sorry, again, I couldn't resist...)01:14
mknarrWould it matter if i edit the group file  to display eachgroup on a diff line ?01:15
ssfdre38how long till 11.04 is out?01:15
oem/usr/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2exited with code 256 what is it and how do i fix it01:15
mmu_man... it kinda violates the spirit of the RFCs but dokuwiki thinks apt is a namespace if I don't use :// :(01:15
usr13mknarr: they are already on separate lines.01:15
mknarrhmm weird  i DLed the file from my server to look at it01:15
mknarrand everything is on 1 line01:16
ActionParsnipssfdre38: ask in #ubuntu+1 natty isofftopic here01:16
RoydiActionParsnip, my timezone isn't important for my question :) Okay, let's ask a different way - When will Natty release in MY timezone (GMT+1)? :)01:16
usr13mknarr: With what app. are you viewing it?01:16
RoydiSorry ;)01:16
mknarrusr13, notepad01:16
ActionParsnipRoydi: ask in #ubuntu+1 natty is offtopic here01:16
usr13mknarr:  That is why.01:16
crims0nnotepad+ needs a linux build01:16
usr13mknarr: i suppose you would have to toggle wordwrap on or of or something... I dono....01:17
Guest53833 hello room01:17
* itguru feels a bit excited ....01:18
* itguru runs date on cli01:18
mknarrIm guessing that when im viewing the group  doc that if there isnt a usr/acc type beside a group it isnt in use?01:18
usr13itguru: Just another day in the life of a Ubuntu community....  :-)01:18
itguruIt's THURSDAY!01:18
reecebAnybody know how to connect a logitech C210 webcam to ubuntu? I'm having nothing but headaches01:19
Guest53833what are you guy s up to and whats new on ubuntu01:19
ActionParsnipitguru: it's the day after WEDNESADY01:19
usr13mknarr: Just means that no one has joined the group yet.01:19
escottmknarr, could be in use on the fs though01:19
ActionParsnipitguru: welcome to the calendar01:19
itguruActionParsnip: True, but *this* thursday is special :)01:19
mknarrescott, aah true01:19
ActionParsnipitguru: true, but not yet01:20
escottie the root01:20
brisky83hi everybody01:20
oem/usr/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2exited with code 256 what is it and how do i fix it01:20
usr13escott:  yea that's right01:20
ActionParsnipreeceb: run:  lsusb   use the 8 character hex id to find guides. Logitech refuse to support linux so I suggest you avoid their products01:20
xiambaxHow much of a performance increase would i find if i installed a ssd in my desktop01:20
xiambaxi dont really use it for anything intense as it is01:21
brisky83somebody use 3 monitor with 2 gpu on ubuntu?01:21
itguruActionParsnip: Well, according to my calender, the position of the sun, and BBC News, I should be re installing all my test machines to 11.04 stable :)01:21
escottreeceb, have you checked the v4l website01:21
ActionParsnipxiambax: loading apps and the OS will improve01:21
mknarrshould i be making say a user called WEB for my web stuff and adding the group "www-data" to it ?01:21
xiambaxbrb i will check newegg for prices01:21
ActionParsnipitguru: all that is moot, depends when the servers get updated01:21
* itguru hits F5 in his browser ...01:21
itguruDammit! Still 10.10 !01:21
=== zzecool is now known as zzecool_away
escottitguru, why not just update-manager -d01:22
itguruActionParsnip: I'm just screwing around, I was kinda hoping that this time it woulda happened at midnight, but hey01:22
ActionParsnipitguru: 11.04 here ;)01:22
reeceblsusb sees the camera but I don't know how to get to it01:22
itguruno worries, been running beta for weeks01:22
escottreeceb, and you have v4l installed01:22
* itguru hits F5 rapidly01:22
ActionParsnipreeceb: thats just the ID, use it to find uides01:23
robert05adWhere you at Actionparrship so I can get it too lol01:23
wtracy1itguru: while true; do date; sleep 1; done01:23
hiexporeeceb, cheese01:23
reecebI just installed ubuntu this last week for an embedded systems project so I'm still learning the terminal stuff01:23
reecebI'm not sure if I have V4l installed01:23
escottreeceb install synaptic sudo apt-get synaptic, and then use it to install cheese and the v4l2 tools01:24
usr13oem is gone...?01:24
itguruwtracy1: hehe! nice! But sleep is for wimps - i'm gonna have all my desktop users asking me where is the awesome new interface that I've been rubbing in their faces on my dell tablet for weeks01:24
escottreeceb, also check the v4l website to see if your camera version is supported01:24
reecebSweet. Thanks guys. I'll start there.01:24
brisky83somebody know how configure 2 gpu and 3 monitor? i will install natty, but i dont know about that :(01:25
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ActionParsnipzzecool: please don't away like that01:26
xiambaxhttp://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820139428 this should be more then enough to save my OS on01:26
brisky83somebody know how configure 2 gpu and 3 monitor? i will install natty, but i dont know about that :(01:27
robert05adyou can get a 32 gig usb drive lol01:27
ActionParsniprobert05ad: I've had it since alpha 201:27
robert05adoh ok01:27
robert05adI just bought the vertex 2 160, looove it01:27
robert05adshould have waited on the vertex 3 lol01:27
bassooh noes, its the 28th!01:28
robert05adnot yet basso01:28
bassorobert05ad: for me it is! :D01:28
KaAttai need a little help setting up conky. I understand how to create a .conkyrc config file. but i downloaded a setup that is in LUA format and it tells me to put it in ~/.conky (but i dont see a .conky file in my home file)01:28
itgurubasso: your in good company, we're all waiting :)01:28
brisky83somebody know how configure 2 gpu and 3 monitor? i will install natty, but i dont know about that :(01:29
robert05adKaAtta, I have no idea what that even is lol01:29
escottbrisky83, thats a rather exotic configuration, are these ati or nvidia01:30
hiexpoKaAtta, you gotta make a .conkyrc file01:30
mknarrCaptainkrtek, whats up man01:30
ActionParsnipKaAtta: the file needs creating, you ca find sample files on the web01:30
KaAttahiexpo, hte conky setup i downloaded is in lua format, and it wants me to place it in the .conky directory. which is supposed to be in my user folder, but im not seeing it01:30
brisky83escott: i have 2 ati, in a mainbord asus rog formula IV01:30
* itguru believes the digital gates should be opened according to the nasa time servers date!01:31
Captainkrtekhey mknarr01:31
brisky83escott: 3870 and 4850 ati01:31
qinKaAtta: la | .con*01:31
Captainkrtekjust got home from work01:31
KaAttahiexpo, ActionParsnip here is the link with the file i downloaded and the instructions http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/02/6-awesome-conky-configs-that-just-works.html01:31
robert05adati is notoriously bad for linux support.01:31
ActionParsnipKaAtta: .conkyrc is a file, not a folder01:31
robert05adthose wont sli brisky01:31
xiambaxusb wouldnt be faster then SATA ssd01:31
todd_dsmIs there documentation that explains how to use OpenLDAP utilities with OpenSSL instead of GnuTLS?01:32
hiexpoKaAtta, when you create a file with . first it is hidden so open open folder click view and than show hidden files01:32
qinKaAtta: Ups, sorry: la | grep .con*01:32
KaAttaActionParsnip, i linked the URL i was going off of, could u take a look and see if u can understand what it wants form me?01:32
KaAttahiexpo, i have enabled hidden folders already01:32
hiexpoKaAtta, should be .conkyrc down towards the bottom01:33
ActionParsnipkatsrc: you need to extract the folder then run the commands on http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/conky_grey?content=13727201:33
ActionParsniphiexpo: there's a method listed on the page above01:33
brisky83robert05ad: i read about bad on ati supporting linux, i dont use crossfire, and i dont need it, i will not gaming on it, but i use 2 gpu for use 3 monitor01:33
hiexpoActionParsnip, i know conky very well   :)01:34
escottbrisky83, crossfire support is not listed as supported http://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature01:34
ActionParsniphiexpo: if you read the link, it gives instructions to run, so conkyrc isnt needed01:34
brisky83robert05ad: but when i try it on maverik i becoma mad with it and came back on win7, but i love natty on my netbook and i want use on big pc01:34
aciculaescott: hes not trying to crossfire01:34
KaAttahiexpo, ActionParsnip qin i figured it out guys, i had to create a folder and paste the lua into it01:34
KaAttathere was no previous folder, i had to create the directory. its working now :D01:35
escottacicula, brisky83  ok. my connection dropped01:35
aciculabrisky83: you may have to run xorg  on each card, so no unified desktop01:35
hiexpoActionParsnip, ya that is silly using lua01:35
brisky83escott: thanks but i dont care about crossfire, i only want 3 monitor in mutliscreen01:35
escottbrisky83, i think acicula is right. i don't know if xinerama would work, but you could run two different x servers on different cards01:36
ActionParsniphiexpo: it works so I don't argue with it01:36
hiexpoKaAtta, why you using lua ?01:36
armor-64hi guys i need a an information,the realese about ubuntu 11.04?01:36
Jordan_Uhiexpo: Conky is configured using lua.01:36
KaAttahiexpo, i was googling "conky configs" with a time filter of hte last year, and i saw that setup that was pretty01:37
KaAttahiexpo, so i wanted01:37
brisky83escott: acicula i read about it, cinerama on maverick wont work :( but i read to start 2 xconfig with single card everytime , and copy on 1 after all that01:37
ActionParsniparmor-64: ask in #ubuntu+101:37
renderowhen will be available 11.04 ?01:37
hiexpoJordan_U, yes but not hard to make your own rc file01:37
arandrendero: When it's ready.01:37
armor-64actionparnip:thnks man01:37
renderoarand, when will be ready xD ?01:37
aciculabrisky83: http://superuser.com/questions/257676/ubuntu-3-monitors-2-video-cards-not-working , seems you can get away with just running one xserver.01:38
brisky83acicula: thanks i save it, and i will try after i download the dayly natty, im a "newbie" but i really love use ubuntu also in desktop pc01:40
aciculabrisky83: i remember using xinerama before, it can be a bit fiddly and dont know if you can configure it using a desktop wizard either, so can be a bit fiddly01:40
arandrendero: Before 29th01:40
aciculaoh is natty released?01:40
tripelbADMINS: think about putting this somewhere in Ubottu or something. I've decided this is a good way to learn more linux. http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html01:41
brisky83acicula: im downloading the daily of 27/04 i guess is the same of official of today01:41
renderoarand, but i saw schedule and its written 28th :S01:42
tripelbquestion: do I have to upgrade to 10.10 before I can upgrade to natty? (now 10.04)01:42
arandtripelb: Yes01:42
hiexpoKaAtta, here is my conky   http://tinypic.com/r/34fzo6g/701:43
robert05adYou can install 11.04 fresh01:43
ssfdre38tripelb: 10.04 LTS?01:43
tripelbarand, thanks01:43
tripelbum, 10.04 - is there more than one kind?01:43
aciculano there isnt01:44
ssfdre38stay on 10.04 its the better one to be on01:44
tripelbthis one ssfdre38 - You are using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS01:44
tripelb                - the Lucid Lynx - released in April 2010 and supported until April 2013.01:44
ubottuIt's out soon! Join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D01:44
tripelboh ssfdre38 that's easy. at what point would I move onto 10.10 ?01:44
ssfdre38the next LTS is out01:45
sancashow can i export database of banshee ?01:45
Macerisnt 10.10 stable?01:45
ssfdre3810.04 its good for 3 years of support01:45
Maceractually released?01:45
ssfdre3810.10 and 11.04 gets 18 months of support01:46
aciculaLTS just means its supported for a longer period, and supposedly a little more stable then the usual intermediary versions01:46
bloopletechsancas: ~/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db01:46
Maceri mean.. it is a simple dist-upgrade01:46
aciculanext LTS is 12.0401:46
bloopletechsancas: that's an sqlite3 database that you can use if you're so inclined01:46
hiexpo10.04 moo betta Macer01:49
KaAttahiexpo, nice, but thats a bit too complicated for my girlfriend lol01:49
tripelbdoes unity have betterfonts, clearer, sharper?01:49
sancasbloopletech, and to restore? only paste in the same place?01:50
tripelbKaAtta, 10.04 is too complicated for your girlfriend?01:50
hiexpoKaAtta, only took me 30 minutes to make it01:50
bloopletechsancas: I believe so01:51
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/01:51
bloopletechsancas: assuming you're on the samish version of banshee01:51
hiexpotripelb, no he was talking bout my conky01:51
escotttripelb, there is a new font, but you shouldn't have blurry fonts have you tried adjusting your subpixel rendering options01:51
bloopletechtripelb: you can configure how fonts look on your current system (and I assume on unity)01:51
tripelbI'm still asking questions about how to partition my gynormous (1T) hard drive so that I can have 2 different ubuntus. I am also still asking about how to copy files from one ubuntu (one one hard drive) to another. I cant sign in on both and I am stuck.01:52
sancasbloopletech, yes :) but.. if the place of music change but this have the same name no problem??01:53
bloopletechtripelb: System -> Preferences -> Appearance, then the Fonts tab. If you're using an LCD then turn Subpixel rendering on and then tweak it by clicking Details...01:53
brisky83nite everybody01:53
bloopletechsancas: I'm not sure, it might store absolute paths in the database01:53
tripelbbloopletech, escott, unless it will get better on reboot I've configured all there is to configure and it's better on windows. I dont want windows, I want fonts I can see with more ease.01:53
tripelbbloopletech, I am using a CRT.01:54
bloopletechtripelb: you're going to have to be a lot more specific than it's 'better on windows'01:54
bloopletechoh, than turn subpixel off01:54
KaAttahiexpo, nice, ill link u what im going with once im done customizing it01:54
sancasbloopletech, im going to try in this moment :P01:54
bloopletechtry grayscale01:54
tripelbbloopletech, I can read it there. here I have to make it bigger. -- I turned it on 2 days ago and it made no differnce.01:54
tripelbI like color I dont want to go back to before the amiga.01:54
tripelbyou are dissing me by saying that.01:55
bloopletechtripelb: what01:55
bloopletechtripelb: I meant grayscale font smoothing01:55
[Messer]is this server's full of programmers?)01:55
tripelboh. ok01:55
bloopletechnot grayscale display01:55
uncmar[Messer]: nah, but I'm a programmer.01:55
bloopletechbecause subpixel rendering is designed for lcd's so it won't work very well on crt01:55
reecebescott and others, thanks a ton. I'm up and running with cheeze now I'm just wondering how to directly access the video feed for processing01:56
escottreeceb, its /dev/video0 but v4l does lots of nice stuff (like flipping my upside down camera the right way)01:56
[Messer]» uncmar » the most of channels are linux, ubuntu etc.. O_o ))01:56
uncmarsubpixel, things smaller than pixels?  what are those, pixels below pixels so that when you scale up it looks pretty?01:56
hiexpoKaAtta, kk01:56
tripelbbloopletech, thanks for the help. I'm too tired to remember how to get there now.01:56
bloopletechtripelb: WRT your other questions, the easiest way to partition your drives is probably to burn a livecd, boot into that and use gparted to divide your drive in half - though you may want swap partitions for each installation01:56
escottreeceb, i would recommend using gstreamer to get the stream, or look at the v4l docs there may be bindings for popular languages01:57
bloopletechuncmar: on an lcd, each pixel is mad eup of three lights: a red a green and a blue one01:57
uncmar[Messer]: isn't it great?  Linux is taking over.  Well, at least becoming a bit more popular.01:57
reeceband how do I get to dev/video001:57
[Messer]» uncmar » yup, man, you're right =)01:57
bloopletechsubpixel rendering means controlling the individual lights to achieve a better result01:57
escottreeceb, media framework included in gnome. what do you want to do with your camera video? and what language do you want to use?01:58
revButlgreetings; what are some ways to set up my hard disk partitions?01:58
sebsebsebJust now was the first time I joined this channel since last year,  or maybe I joined once earlier this year or something01:58
reecebhopefully C and do some minor vision detection with openCV01:58
escottrevButl, are you asking for suggested partition layouts or tools to partition01:58
revButlsuggested partition layouts please01:58
uncmareh, CRT's display with the same RGB combo.  Hence, 24 bit color.  8 bits per the trio.01:58
bloopletechuncmar: well no01:59
reecebI have openCV installed and am using Harpia to prototype my algorythms but my end target system is a beagleboard01:59
escottrevButl, how many disks do you have, how much space, what are your goals/uses for the system, how would you prioritize things like backups vs performance vs flexibility01:59
bloopletechuncmar: crts work by projecting beams through a phosphor coating at the screen01:59
escottreeceb, see if someone has codesamples for openCV and v4l2 im sure its been done many times01:59
au-contrarianWhy was Grub2 v1.97 and not just 2.0?02:00
bloopletechtripelb: regarding accessing your other hard drive: if you go Places -> Computer your other drive sohuld be there and you should be able to double click it to access the files on that drive02:00
escottau-contrarian, 2.0 hasn't been released yet, but they really liked the features and thought it was stable enough02:00
revButldecreasing emphasis on flexibility, data recovery, then performance; i have one hard disk with about 50 gigs over half a terabyte with about half a terabyte designated for windows02:00
sancashow can i close banshee if when i close it if i using integration with my sound menu?02:00
au-contrarianSo Grub2 isn't really Grub2, it's Grub1.9702:01
[Messer]» uncmar » by the way, I'd just want to find english-speaking channel/server.. When I came here, I've got very amazed of Linux's popularity )02:01
hiexpoau-contrarian, no it is grub2 version 1.9702:01
_ryx_viva 11.0402:01
=== rww is now known as rww_
escottrevButl, i would suggest making a smaller partition ~15-20gigs for your operating system and configuring it as raid1 mirrored across the two disks with mdadm02:02
KaAttahiexpo, didnt forget about u, i got terminal running a package update, taking a few minutes before i can load up my new conky config02:02
escottrevButl, for the rest of the disk i would have raid1 as well, and use that for your larger files, if you outgrow the storage you can either buy more or go into a raid1 degraded mode and free a half-terabyte02:03
sancasoh sorry i have integrated my banshee with my sound menu and i never can close it :( how can i close?02:03
escottrevButl, and don't forget a bit for swap space02:03
ZiberHuh. I'm on a live CD, installing ubuntu. Installer seems to be just sitting at 79%, not looking like its doing much02:03
mrdebwhy does banshee not work with ipod?02:03
mrdebwhat works with ipod02:03
revButlis the current heuristic for swapspace to be 2x the amount of memory you have still?02:03
escottrevButl, im sure you can get many other opinions02:03
computerwiz_222mrdeb: it does work with most ipods, what ipod do you have?02:03
uncmarmrdeb: a mac or windows.  but, linux?  I don't know.  I won't buy an ipod.02:03
escott!isitout | multipass02:03
ubottumultipass: It's out soon! Join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D02:03
au-contrarianescott, hiexpo - thanks.02:04
computerwiz_222mrdeb: what happens when you try to sync?02:04
bloopletechsancas: open a terminal and do killall -9 banshee - that will forcibly terminate banshee02:04
mrdebcomputerwiz_222: it does nto see it02:04
hiexpoau-contrarian, welcome np02:04
computerwiz_222mrdeb: does it mount it as a device in the file manager?02:04
escottau-contrarian, those gnu people tend to be a little picky about having all the details right with unimportant stuff like a bootloader ;)02:04
revButli don't want to configure my computer so that i lose education or entertainment potential; i just remember Ubuntu putting about 5 partitions on my hard disk;02:04
mrdebcomputerwiz_222: no02:04
computerwiz_222mrdeb: also.. what ipod shuffle? the latest one?02:04
ZiberWhat should I do if my installer just seems to sitting at a certain percentage (in this case, 79%)... Seemingly not doing anything.02:05
computerwiz_222mrdeb: it should work just fine.. i hate to ask.. is it plugged in?02:05
hiexporevButl, you only need 202:05
escottrevButl, thats not really necessary, its a throwback from the old days of unix sysadmins when each disk was 10megs02:05
bloopletechrevButl: you can just make a main partition and a swap partition - it's not really special how you configure it and it won't change your entertainment potential02:05
escottrevButl, 90% of people have 2 (/ and swap) some add a couple more for /home or /boot02:05
revButlok thanks guys02:06
sancasjajja bloopletech thanks never thought of it :D02:06
bloopletechalso, you can resize and add partitions later if you want02:06
bloopletechit's not 2000 anymore :D02:06
bloopletechsancas: np02:06
mrdebcomputerwiz_222: yes02:06
=== user__ is now known as mar7ar
viranchwhen is natty releasing?02:07
bloopletechviranch: sometime in the next 24hours probablky02:07
au-contrarianescott- then name is just maddening.  There is Grub, I get that, and that never really had a version 1, it just went up to 0.97 - and then they decide to release Grub2 but that is version 1.97 - seriously WTF?  They could have at least called Grub2 v1.002:07
ZiberHow long should "creating user" really take when installing ubuntu? Has been sitting at that in the installer for about 5 mins now.02:07
viranchmrdeb: not released yet!02:07
viranchbloopletech: not a fixed time?02:07
bloopletechviranch: no02:07
escottau-contrarian, its understandable it is a bootloader and all02:08
bloopletechviranch: I think they leave it flexible in case there are last minute issues02:08
viranchbloopletech: Ok..02:08
escottau-contrarian, it could have a version number like latex which is always fun02:08
induzsuddenly my comp is running slow02:08
induzwhat should i do??02:08
escottinduz, what has changed02:08
bloopletechviranch: you can join #ubuntu-release-party if you like and await 11.0402:08
induz nothing has changed02:08
KaAttahiexpo, ok bud, here is the setup i went with http://i55.tinypic.com/4oo5j.png02:08
escottinduz, see if anything is using cpu in gnome-system-monitor02:09
bloopletechinduz: Start -> System -> Administration -> Task Manager02:09
viranchbloopletech: sounds nice! thanks02:09
bloopletechthen click the cpu column to sort desecending02:09
escottKaAtta, what is that desktop widget02:09
cgahey türk olanvarmı02:09
bloopletechalso try clicking the memory column and sort decending to see if something's taking up all your ram02:09
bloopletechviranch: np02:09
ZiberWhy would my install seemingly stop... installing and just sit at 79%?02:09
cgahey türk olanvarmı02:09
cgahey türk olan varmı02:09
KaAttaescott which? the guages?02:10
escottZiber, can you click on details anywhere02:10
Ziberescott: nope...02:10
escottKaAtta, yes the "speedometer" for cpu02:10
hiexpoKaAtta, pretty kool you using kde huh02:10
=== Laggg is now known as Laggg|1x
KaAttahiexpo, no, using gnome, 10.1002:10
escottZiber, what was the last thing it said it was doing, or is it just a progress bar?02:11
induzis there anyway i can find what r the processes running02:11
Ziberescott: Progress bar, 79%, "creating user..."02:11
induz most of the processes r sleeping02:11
KaAttaescott, that is conky, i just installed it and configured it using a setup i found online02:11
induz but available swap is just 3%02:11
escottKaAtta, cool02:11
bloopletechinduz: something is chewing your ram02:11
KaAttainduz in terminal: ps aux02:11
bloopletechinduz: try sorting by memory usage descending02:11
escottZiber, have you already entered your username info? wondering if there is a popup somewhere behind a window02:12
Ziberescott: I already have, came before it.02:12
hiexpothat is gnome KaAtta oh with bar on bottom forgot what that is called looks like kde   but now that i look at i know02:12
Ziberescott: no other window associated with it.02:12
KaAttathe bar im using is cairo-dock02:12
tripelbbloopletech, yes all you say is true. I can access them. I cannot copy them because I dont have permission. when I log into the other drive I cannot even see my normal filesystem. I can only see the filesystem I am on and 2 windows partitions and one NTFS partions. (I have 3 drives mounted.)02:12
KaAttaim still trying to figure out how to get composite to work on my LDXE setup, been trying for days02:12
KaAttacant get any help in lubuntu channel02:12
escottZiber, can you run stuff from the live cd, namely the system monitor and see if anything is happening02:13
linuxman410any help with a intel 845ge video card on board i found nothing to help in google02:13
netmsihi all...if in proftpd, i want to create a user, and lock them into a directory, say like /home/user/Pictures, do I have to create that user in ubuntu (cli or otherwise?)02:13
Ziberescott: where would i find that? slightly new to ubuntu.02:13
induzps aux throws a list of % CPU and i dont know what to do with them02:13
hiexpoKaAtta, oh ok that lbuntu  not gnome02:13
bloopletechtripelb: ah I see. To deal with the permissions issue you may be able to run gksudo nautilus and copy the files in that window02:13
bloopletechtripelb: I'm not sure why you can't see the partition from the other installation02:13
KaAttahiexpo, the screentshot is gnome, i ALSO have another machine running lubuntu, but i cant get composite to work on it02:14
escottnetmsi, when you install proftpd it should create a user for the app, the restriction bit is part of the proftpd config, there is a gui for proftpd as well02:14
mar7arhi everybody i`m in such a big problem i have intented to remove a libusb package but instead i have pressed libusb* then all dependant package are removed how can i fix this?/?02:14
syddrafIs there a way to determine if I am running Ubuntu 32 or 64 bit?02:14
induzhow can i make it run fatser as earlier??02:14
bloopletechsyddraf: uname -a02:14
hiexpoKaAtta, lookslike lkde to me but ok02:15
escottZiber, did you boot the live cd to the desktop environment then start the install or did you just take the first install option02:15
netmsiescott, i tried gadmin, and it seems like webmin is just as viable as an option, but what if i want to create user other than the default?02:15
tripelbbloopletech, I copy what you say and do it another day. Peace. Thanks a lot for working with me.02:15
HerrRizI'm having trouble setting the PS1 variable as a non-root user. \u doesn't give the proper output. When I set my variable with PS1='\u\$', I get exactly that as my prompt.02:15
bloopletechinduz: Go to the task manager, sort by memory usage descending then click the top item and click kill process02:15
bloopletechtripelb: np02:15
hiexpoKaAtta, nevermind   i didnt scrol up   lol02:15
KaAttahiexpo, the screenshot is gnome, 10.10, all i have done is changed background, added the dock, added conky, and removed bottom panel02:15
KaAttathat is it lol02:15
bloopletechinduz: repeat until success02:15
syddrafbloopletech: It returns 2.6.32-31-generic-pae #61-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 8 20:00:13 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux02:16
bloopletechsyddraf: you're 32-bit02:16
escottnetmsi, you could do that but there are various things you have to be aware of like, making sure the user has /dev/null as their shell and some pam stuff, better to use the suggested user02:16
syddrafbloopletech: Thank you. I appreciate it.02:16
bloopletechsyddraf: np02:16
sancaswhere can i locate the covert art of the song is playing rigth now? im using banshee2.002:16
induzits getting better now02:16
induzdo i have to perform this KILL process everytime02:16
mupengi love yiou02:16
hypetechanybody know what time natty goes live?02:17
rww_hypetech: there is no set time02:17
FloodBot2mupeng: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
jstraphi i have installed ubuntu from a cd that my friend gave me, and am having trouble getting my graphics to look right. I have got pretty much everything the way i want it but the video is messed up looking. here is a list of some commands. http://pastebin.com/EupuENiB02:17
netmsiescott, so multiple users are not advisable? what if i need three separate users each with their own direct.?02:17
bloopletechinduz: only if a program is doing something wrong and using memory badly02:17
bloopletechinduz: not usually02:17
escottnetmsi, you can only have one service on a single port02:17
hiexpoKaAtta, should use 10.04 did you look what kernal i was using   :)02:18
escottnetmsi, so proftpd has to run as someone, and various restrictions should be put around that user, which they do by default, so that if someone does intrude into proftpd the damage they can do is minimal02:18
bloopletechjstrap: what's wrong with the video at the moment? is the resolution too low or...02:18
KaAttai didnt02:18
hiexposuper fast02:18
netmsiescott, but it supports multiple connections (forgive the ignorance)?02:18
KaAttahiexpo, i really wanna try 11.04 but i cant get the beta to boot for me if my life depended on it02:18
hiexpo^ KaAtta02:18
induzbloopletech, its getting a bit better by killing some of the processes02:19
jstrapbloopletech, yes, thats what it is.02:19
bloopletechjstrap: try going to System -> Preferences -> Monitors02:19
hiexpoKaAtta, leave 11.04 alone 10.04 has better support02:19
netmsiescott, maybe i'm using the wrong word when i say users..multiple logins?02:19
bloopletechjstrap: see if it will let you increase the resolution02:19
linuxman410upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 and only have one resolution02:19
georgeI need some help with a realtek driver02:19
induzbloopletech, but i really dont know what i am killing as names are not familiar except few like mozila and thunderbird02:19
escottnetmsi, give me a sec to confirm what i am saying is true ;)02:20
georgecan any budy hekp me??02:20
bloopletechinduz: true, it is a bit risky02:20
netmsiescott, thank you..02:20
bloopletechinduz: I mean if you're not sure, rebooting should sort it out02:20
hiexpoKaAtta, always better to stay with the lts versions    :)02:20
escottnetmsi, so there is a distinction between a remote shell ala ssh and an service like http02:21
georgeRealtek Driver any here body out there who can help??02:21
jstrapbloopletech, I tried that, but it seems i dont have any driver installed maybe? would there be a program by nvidia if i did?02:21
bloopletechjstrap: you have an nvidia chipset?02:21
hiexpogeorge, sure what chipset ?02:21
KaAttaive used 10.10 more then anything and to be honest, right now im loving it. im pretty new to linux and im having a fairly easy time figuring it out02:21
georgei have no idea?02:21
georgeis boult in02:22
KaAttahiexpo,  i really wish my othe rmachine was capable of running 10.1002:22
escottnetmsi, when you ssh into a server you have an account running as your user on that server, when you http into a server you are asking an httpd program like apache to do things on your behalf, proftpd can do a bit of both, but the safer thing is to set it up like an httpd server02:22
jstrapbloopletech, yes02:22
bloopletechjstrap: If so, then I believe you have two options: the driver that nvidia supplies, and a new open-source driver built by the community02:22
hiexpoKaAtta, 10.04 can do more   :)02:22
bloopletechjstrap: I'd suggest maybe trying both if you're not sure - I don't have nvidia so I can't recommend which one02:22
bloopletechlet me link you02:22
KaAttaquestion is, will it run smoothly on my other machine?02:22
hypetechhiexpo: what's the benefit of 10.04?02:23
hiexpogeorge, not a usb ?02:23
KaAttamy other machine has issues running 10.10 but runs lubuntu 10.10 just fine02:23
jstrapbloopletech, Im sure i have nvidia, but i dont know exactly what i have in this laptop, if that makes any sense lol02:23
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netmsiescott, ok...i think i understood that answer..you'll have to forgive, am just learning about ftp..still hasnt quite coalesced methinks02:23
escottnetmsi, so when proftpd gets a connection request it authenticates against a list of usernames which need not be real users of the server (without a account or /home, so the only thing they can do is ftp), and then forks and processes their requests02:23
bloopletechjstrap: yeah np. DO you know what version of ubuntu you have installed?02:23
hiexpohypetech, you can hack t better   :)02:23
digdeepinstall virtualbox 4.0.6 with ubuntu 11.04, but /etc/init.d/vboxdrv is missing. Anyone please?02:23
hiexpohypetech, and it lts02:24
escottnetmsi, if you want a service for people who have accounts on the server already consider ssh and sftp02:24
sebsebsebdigdeep: oh you want to virtualmachine Ubuntu 11.04?02:24
KaAttahiexpo, what does LTS stand for?02:24
netmsiescott, yes, that was my question...so how do i create those accounts (not on the server, just for ftp purposes?02:24
sebsebseb!lts | KaAtta02:24
ubottuKaAtta: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)02:24
=== Laggg|1x is now known as Laggg
hiexpoKaAtta, long term support02:24
digdeepwrong channel, sorry02:24
jstrapbloopletech, the cd that he gave me was blank, but i think its 9.04. I thought if i installed all the updates it might fix it, but it didnt02:24
sebsebsebdigdeep: I can link you to some proper instructions on how to virtual machine 11.0402:25
escottnetmsi, its part of the proftpd config haven't done it in some time though02:25
georgeno hiexpo is a built in to a toshiba02:25
KaAttahiexpo, sebsebseb ty both02:25
sebsebsebdigdeep: actsaully I think for a virtual machine of 11.04, even though 11.04 isn't out just yet, this channel would be sort of ok, because you could be virtual machining it with a previous version of Ubuntu,  as host,  and you could with another distro as host as well02:25
bloopletechjstrap: ok, you have a couple options. You can upgrade your ubuntu to a later version (which is different to installing the updates); this is probably a good idea anyway as 9.04 is a few years old now02:25
hiexpoKaAtta, i boot in 32 secs   :)02:26
escottnetmsi, ftp is discouraged for a lot of reasons, if you can use ssh and sftp thats better02:26
netmsiescott, i don't mind figuring it out myself, but what is that login called in proftpd? 'user', 'account', etc.?02:26
bloopletecheither way you can switch to the nvidia supplied drivers if you like - here is a howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:26
reeceb_escott, thanks again. I've found some stuff online and I'm callin' it for the evening. Take it easy02:26
escottreeceb_, np02:26
hiexpogeorge, ok you need to get the info of it and i can probally help you than02:26
escottnetmsi, virtual users i think02:26
netmsiescott, unfortunately not...the people i want to share file w/ are not technical...i can set them up w/ a ftp client, they can hang..02:27
auxinhi is there a way to get apt-get to tell me how many updates are available?02:27
Luke1hey I'm having a problem on ubuntu 11.04 gdm login: "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256"02:27
netmsiescott, cool...02:27
george let me see if i can toshiba drivers for win 7 dose not have info on the chipset only on the units compatible02:27
revesauxin... try sudo apt-get update02:27
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bloopletechjstrap: the current Long Term Support release of ubuntu is 10.04 lucid, and the latest version is 10.10 maverick02:27
jstrapbloopletech, ok. guess it was worth the try cause i learned a few thing but ill just have to do a fresh install of a later distro. thanks for the help though :)02:28
bloopletechjstrap: although 11.04 natty is coming out in the next day or so ;)02:28
escottZiber, you still waiting on that install02:28
bloopletechjstrap: ok -though you can upgrade ubuntu over the internet if you want02:28
auxinreves, hmm no that doesnt work, thanks though02:28
fcuk112hi, natty beta 2 install freezes after i click next on the screen where you specify whether you want to download updates / install restricted stuff.  anyone else seen this before?02:28
bloopletechjstrap: assuming you have a decent internet connection02:29
auxinIm looking for something like aptitudes $aptitude search ~U02:29
auxinbut only for apt-get02:29
hiexpogeorge, open terminal and type   >   lspci -v | less02:29
jstrapbloopletech, maybe ill just wait for 11.04, might be worth it02:29
fcuk112i tried both normal and alternate install iso02:29
MacGyverNLapt-cache search02:29
george<hiexpo> u think i can run the driver with WINE???02:29
hiexpogeorge,   f   <     wine02:30
auxinMacGyverNL, excellent, thanks!02:30
george00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02)02:31
george        Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Device fd0002:31
george        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 002:31
george        Capabilities: <access denied>02:31
george        Kernel driver in use: agpgart-intel02:31
FloodBot2george: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:31
george        Kernel modules: intel-agp02:31
hiexpogeorge,  give me output of that command02:31
Adis45Why wont my partition mount, i can't even force mount it02:31
Adis45is there any other way to mount it02:32
usr13Adis45: Which partition?02:32
usr13Adis45: Are you sure it's not alreday mounted?02:32
Adis45Its not02:32
Adis45its my other hard disk02:32
usr13Adis45: Is it listed in fstab?02:32
Adis45whats that02:33
RedLanceOk, I want to give my kids read only access to the Music samba share, but I want my wife and I to have read/write access...how do I set that up, please?02:33
usr13Adis45: fdisk -l | pastebinit   #And send us the resulting URL02:33
usr13RedLance: groups02:34
escottRedLance, if your wife and kids are the only users on the system then put your wife and you in a group say "parents" and chgrp the directory and all contents to "parents"02:34
usr13RedLance: man addgroup  man group02:34
sebsebseb!permissions | RedLance02:34
ubottuRedLance: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:34
Adis45usr13: http://pastebin.com/zZBGMALC02:34
escottRedLance, then revoke w permission from other02:34
Adis45its /dev/sda202:35
rww_george: FloodBot is not sentient.02:35
netmsiescott, in the proftpd.conf file, is has a commented out template for an anonymous login..just copy that and make the appropriate changes?02:35
RedLanceOk, thanks everybody!02:35
georgeso can any help me??02:35
escottnetmsi, that would be for anonymous (no password login) so if thats what you want sure02:35
sebsebsebgeorge: Drivers do not work in Wine02:36
usr13Adis45: You would have to mount it with admin priviledges, (unless you specify that users can in the /etc/fstab file)02:36
sebsebsebgeorge: or commmercial versions that are sold, for that matter02:36
Adis45I do mount it with admin privileges02:36
georgeo crap02:36
Adis45do you want me to pastebin the error I get?02:36
georgeso what can u do?02:36
Adis45that might help02:36
usr13Adis45: Yes02:36
hiexpogeorge, i told you what to do   run that command in the terminal so i know what chipset it has02:36
netmsiescott, def. not...but that configuration works for adding a user, and adding a password or psswd line to the file, or is a waste going that route?02:37
escottnetmsi, it may be different. http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/VirtualUsers.html02:37
hiexpogeorge, lspci -v | less02:37
sebsebsebgeorge: and with  hardware it depends on the dsitro, if it just works or doesn't,  in general Linux distro's tend to work quite well with pretty standard PC hardware though. and hiexpo can probably help you properly :)02:37
RedLanceDoes it change anything if I admit that the wife and kids access the samba server with Windows?  I use Ubuntu of course, and the samba server is Ubuntu too.  Are groups still the way to go?02:37
escottnetmsi, the key thing is you want them to have the least priviliged access to the system, preferably nobody or guest02:38
sebsebsebRedLance: sure if set up right for Samba, you can do what you want, not sure how to do that myself though02:38
georgefron the board is an intel02:38
netmsiescott, gotcha...it's just the mechanics that are screwing me up..02:38
Adis45usr13: http://pastebin.com/qbVYBK5i02:38
escottnetmsi, but you don't actually want to put a password on nobody or guest, and then have ftp passing that around in the clear, so I would put a password in the AuthUserFile for "nobody" and then tell them to login with that password and see if you can make that work.02:39
escottnetmsi, understandable ftp is screwed up02:39
ubusammyn150gconf-snaity-check-2 exited with code 256...it says i have no internet but i do, i can't update..things close randomly..how do i fix this02:39
usr13Adis45: That's great, but I do not see the command you used that generated the error.02:39
* hiexpo george I know wifi I am a aircrack-ng guy :) 02:40
Adis45usr13: ok let me redo it02:40
georgeCommunication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)02:40
multipassis there a direct upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 that you can do?02:40
sebsebsebubusammyn150: can't get anything from the repo's anymore?02:40
georgeCommunication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)02:40
sebsebsebmultipass: yes, but wait untill the final is out first, oh and if you do it on release day it may be rather slow to do02:40
netmsiescott, thanks so much...gonna go try some things out..most probably be back ...but appreciate immensely...02:40
escottnetmsi, if you want it to be pretty you can put a different name on the nobody UID in that AuthUserFile and then they can signin as mrrogers if that makes more sense02:40
ubusammyn150i dont know what to get..sudo apt-get reconfigure isnt working either02:41
sebsebsebmultipass: also since 11.04 get's a major interface change with Unity,  you may want to keep 10.10 a while longer02:41
escottnetmsi, you could probably have a bunch of different aliases all to nobody's UID with their own password02:41
sebsebsebmultipass: or dare I say it here :D look into some other distro02:41
usr13multipass: Tomorrow you will be ble to.02:41
tehmbgor get 11.04 but use a different desktop/window manager02:41
sebsebsebmultipass: also soon after 11.04 comes out, Canonical will have a web thing, so people can try in a web browser02:41
netmsiescott, and would those alias each map to a separate direct.?02:41
multipasso what? try it in a web browser, sebsebseb ?02:42
ubusammyn150it is version 10.0402:42
sebsebsebmultipass: yes,  it will be Unity 2D thought no Unity 3D, but nearly the same thing, other then that yep like as if you had installed 11.0402:42
gogearvibe4g10.04 LTS?02:42
Decisionanyone here can help me with a wifi driver02:42
usr13gogearvibe4g: Yes02:42
KM0201sebsebseb: really?.. i hadn't heard that, thats pretty awesome02:42
escottnetmsi so nobody is 65534, you could have alice:65534\nbob:65534\ncharlie:65534 in your AuthUserFile (if I am understanding what I am reading correctly)02:43
usr13Decision: Probably.  Tell us what wifi device you have.02:43
sebsebsebKM0201: I read it on at least one site, maybe two even02:43
KM0201sebsebseb: very cool.. that takes "trying linux" to a whole new level.. don't even have to burn a cd02:43
gogearvibe4gi don't know.....i have not used it....02:43
sebsebsebKM0201: should be good yeah,  get people to try Unity like that first,  instead of them doing the upgrade, and then regretting it :d02:43
gogearvibe4gi am using 10.1002:43
hypetechunity rocks02:43
usr13Decision: lspci |grep ireless02:43
sebsebsebKM0201: indeed exactly02:43
KM0201sebsebseb: i kind of agree there.. i like unity, but my old laptop just couldn't handle it02:44
sebsebsebKM0201: right, but since it's a virtual machine or whatever on a Canonical server, then I guess like that, should work with old computers even, since they aren't running it02:44
sebsebsebKM0201: also Unity 2D may work with your old computer, but that's only a ppa for 11.0402:44
ubusammyn150sudo apt-get dpkg-reconfigure reports invalid02:44
KM0201sebsebseb: didn't care for unity-2d... so i just went xubuntu.. really happy with it.. i hadn't really used xfce4.. i like it.02:45
gogearvibe4gbut how would you get 2d?02:45
Decisionusr13,  that didnt do anything i ran it in terminal02:45
multipassso will it be ok to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04? or would i be better off reformatting with 11.0402:45
sebsebsebKM0201: yeah XFCE is nice, but it's nice in loads of distro's not just Ubuntu :)02:45
sebsebsebXubuntu even, above02:45
usr13Decision: lspci  #And just look for it.02:45
usr13Decision: and send us that line.02:46
tjiggi_foDecision, wireless not ireless02:46
usr13tjiggi_fo: no ireless not wireless02:46
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: I think Unity 2D is 11.04 only, also technically since, 11.04 isn't out just yet, the channel to talk about this would be #ubuntu+102:46
tjiggi_fousr13, 0_o02:46
gogearvibe4gmultipass: i formatted and wiped my drive so i would wait for the upgrade just to be safe02:46
usr13tjiggi_fo: I left off the W on purpose.02:46
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: and 11.10 will probably use Unity 2D as the fall back intead of Gnome 2, since they will be using Gnome 3 underneath Unity for that one :D02:46
=== Staver1 is now known as Staver
ezlwhere do crontab files live?02:46
gogearvibe4gsebsebseb: Gotcha02:47
escottezl, root crontab is in /etc/cron*02:47
usr13ezl: but you can see it via    crontab -l02:47
escottezl, user cron files in /var/local/cron?02:47
gogearvibe4gi use a laptop with only 2gig of RAM but 250 gig of Drive space02:47
DennyNYHi everyone.02:48
gogearvibe4gand i am using Beta 2 for 11.0402:48
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: Unity 2D ppa search Google for that, that omgubuntu link,   how they said to install it,  that should do it :)  oh and Gnome Shell is the way to go really, but no proper Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell experience as an option untill 11.04 it seems.  There's a ppa for 11.04, but not the  ful experience.02:48
gogearvibe4gAnd sup, newguy02:48
miiikehi, I just installed ubuntu 10.10 64 bit on an asus ul50vt laptop and went to update the nvidia driver, now when i restart I'm getting it hanging at the "checking battery state" message02:48
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: above I meant to put 11.10 for Gnome 3 proper expereince02:48
miiikei'm pretty new to linux so i'm not really understanding what to do here02:48
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: as an option02:49
usr13ezl:   crontab -e     #To edit02:49
gogearvibe4gmiiike: Is your laptop plugged in?02:49
sebsebsebmiiike: how did you install the Nivida driver?02:49
miiikegogearvibe4g: it's not right now02:49
sebsebsebKM0201: see above what I said about Gnome 3 by the way :)02:49
gogearvibe4gsebsebseb: again, gotcha..02:50
miiikesebsebseb: i just clicked on "additional drivers" when i started ubuntu up for the first time and installed it through what popped up there02:50
gogearvibe4gsebsebseb: Was just curious.... :D02:50
sebsebsebgogearvibe4g: some other distro's already doing Gnome 3, and Fedora 15 will soon when it's released, and yeah.02:50
Decisioni did that figured  oit02:50
sebsebsebmiiike: ok that should have worked really02:50
KM0201sebsebseb: i actually tried gnome shell... didn't really care for it.. (it was a bit buggy for me).. but i did try the live CD for Open Suse, which had Gnome 3.. and it was very good.. i'm guessing when Gnome 3 PROPERLY hits ubuntu 11.10, it will be much better02:50
Decisionusr13,  its a realtek02:51
sebsebsebmiiike: ,but really you don't need the  propritary driver installed in 10.10, unless you want some compiz effects, or a few 3D games,  11.04 which will come out pretty soon from now,  well things are a bit differnet there,  because the 3D version of the new Unity interface needs a propritary driver or experimental 3D driver.  in fact if you only just put 10.10 on a lap top, I would suggest waiting untill a bit later and then putting 11.04 on.02:51
gogearvibe4gmiiike: hmmm......02:51
hiexposebsebseb, what video card he have ?02:52
miiikesebsebseb: oh okay.  how do I remove it now that i've installed it? lol02:52
gogearvibe4g11.04 come out TOMORROW!!! {crapping excited!!!} xD02:52
hiexpoadd the nvidia repos   :)02:52
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escottmiiike, since this froze up on battery state have you tried booting while plugged in02:53
rww_gogearvibe4g: so is #ubuntu-release-party!02:53
kontagioushow long guys?02:53
gogearvibe4grww: YEA!!!!02:53
ubottuIt's out soon! Join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D02:53
miiikeescott: yeah I just tried it and it does the same thing when plugged in02:54
gogearvibe4gDid you just barely install??02:54
hiexpomiiike, whatnvidia card is it ?02:54
miiikeGeForce G210M02:55
gogearvibe4gmiiike: was a new install? I had a simmilar problem and reinstalled and it worked out fine02:55
escottits an asus ul*c right. does that have switchable graphics? is it a core i-series02:55
hiexpomiiike, wow thats old   >   you scraped the dust off with a chain saw   :)02:55
miiikegogearvibe4g: yeah i just installed it clean a few minutes ago02:56
miiikehiexpo: i have no idea, a friend just gave me this laptop lol02:56
escotthiexpo, i think they spun the 210s into a mobile low power variant, its actually pretty new iirc02:56
gogearvibe4gmiiike it maybe a bad install. Try again and see what happens02:56
escottmiiike, you might also see if you have switchable graphics options in the bios and explicitly selecting one02:57
codex84why ktorrent02:57
codex84dl so slow02:57
Squall5668codex maybe you didn't forward your port?02:57
hiexpomiiike, did you go to /system/admin/hardwaredrivers   >   and no pripority drivers for it ?02:57
gogearvibe4gi agree with escott, see if that is that case BEFORE reinstall02:58
Zyclopshey guys, is it possible to setup a connection to openvpn without installing a 3rd party client?02:58
miiikeescott, okay i'll look02:58
codex84is forwared02:58
miiikehiexpo, no i didn't, i'm still just kind of trying to learn my way around linux, this is my first time playing with it so i don't really know too much of what i'm doing02:59
ubusammyn150even sudo apptitude is telling me there is no drive "e" when i try to re-install libs02:59
ubusammyn150what is the command to reconfigure ubuntu?02:59
escottubusammyn150, ubuntu doesn't use drive letters03:00
Decisionusr13,  so what  do i need to do i can get the realtek driver for linux03:00
ubusammyn150yea it does03:00
Squall5668ubusammyn please specify "reconfigure ubuntu"03:00
Decisionusr13, no idea how to instal it though03:00
=== Nisstyre is now known as _dayman_
Decisiona .tar.bz2 file03:00
Squall5668and it really doesn't use them :)03:00
ubusammyn150like sudo apt-get dpkg-reconfigure is not working what is wrong?03:00
hiexpomiiike, go there and open that dir   first and see if there is a pro driver there if so click it and it will say not in use click it and use it03:01
CooKieMonsteranyone know what is the best tv viewer for tv tuner card with philips chip on it ?03:01
escottubusammyn150, sudo apt-get install program-name-goes-here03:01
hypetechubusammyn150: just do sudo dpkg-reconfigure <package>03:01
miiikehiexpo, how do i get there? it hangs everytime i try and start my laptop03:01
hiexpo!best | CooKieMonster03:01
ubottuCooKieMonster: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:01
ubusammyn150what if i want to reconfigure everything03:01
hiexpomiiike, hmm03:01
Squall5668you reinstall ubusammyn03:01
ubusammyn150wth is libacme-brainfuk-perl?03:02
ubusammyn150orry squall your ignored03:02
usr13miiike: You have installed nvidia driver and you don't have gui any more?  Is that your situation?03:03
ubusammyn150soo what exactly would i type...the entire name of the os kernal version?03:03
escottubusammyn150, brainfuck is a programming language known for being very hard to understand. used more as a challenge for programmers03:03
miiikeusr13, i just installed ubuntu, and installed that nvidia driver, and now when my laptop starts up it gets to "checking battery state" and hangs there03:03
hiexpomiiike, push esc button on boot and see it you can boot in safe mode03:04
linuxdemonhow do i install torrents?03:04
escottubusammyn150, you will have to explain more what you mean "reconfigure"03:04
escott!torrent | linuxdemon03:04
usr13miiike: so you can not login?03:04
ubottulinuxdemon: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:04
hiexpolinuxdemon, you don't install torrents03:04
usr13miiike: Describe the screen.03:04
miiikeusr13, nope, i can't do anything, it just stops at the black screen03:04
miiikehiexpo, i'll try that03:05
linuxdemoni know that i download them but i have yet to figure out how to install the programs03:05
hiexpomiiike, good luck   :)03:05
ubusammyn150libgconf2-4 gconfsanity?? is reporting error 25603:05
ubusammyn150how do we connect remotely?03:05
escottlinuxdemon, we can't really help you install a program you downloaded off a torrent. we don't even know what it is03:05
usr13miiike: Ctrl-Alt-F603:05
linuxdemonim trying to install parallels03:05
hiexpolinuxdemon, when you download them click open with and should be default transmission03:06
Squall5668miiike try shift too, to get the grub menu03:06
jeremymcs'xterm-new': unknown terminal type.03:06
usr13miiike: (Hold Ctrl and Alt keys while hitting    F603:06
jeremymcsanyone getting this on 10.1003:06
usr13miiike: And then login...03:06
escott!piracy | linuxdemon03:07
ubottulinuxdemon: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o03:07
miiikeusr13, that worked to log me in, i don't really know what to do from there though03:07
ubusammyn150i want to repair version 10.04 via terminal...03:07
ubusammyn150the entire os03:07
=== _dayman_ is now known as Nisstyre
ubusammyn150not just one package or module03:07
escottjeremymcs, where are you getting this problem03:08
usr13miiike: Now what error were you getting?03:08
escottubusammyn150, have you tried virtualbox?03:08
Mitchell-92Hey... I have a question - how does unity compare to gnome 3?03:08
MrBeanHi all, is it safe to use the gui frontend to APT (synaptic?) and CLI APT mixed?03:08
escottubusammyn150, and how would parallels help you exactly !xy | ubusammyn15003:08
lucushi... wanted to ask if it is worth migrating to btrfs at this stage03:08
ubusammyn150some packages are installed virtually and should not be03:08
miiikeusr13, i wasn't getting a specific error, it would just hang when it got to "Checking Battery State" when it was booting03:09
escottlucus, no not really03:09
jeremymcsescott: whenever i type something, lol03:09
ubusammyn150wth does virtualbox have anything to do with what i'm trying to do?03:09
ubusammyn150it  doesnt03:09
escottjeremymcs, its probably something in your .bashrc did you mess with that03:09
usr13miiike: So this was right after install?03:09
escottubusammyn150, sorry confused you with linuxdemon03:09
jeremymcsescott: nope03:09
jeremymcsclean install, out of box ive gotten this on 2 machines03:10
tjiggi_foMrBean, yes03:10
miiikeusr13, i installed it and it started up with no problems, then i went to "additional drivers" and it suggested an nvidia driver, so i installed that and restarted and since i restarted it's been hanging at the battery message03:10
escottjeremymcs, its something about the terminal client you are using. it is reporting itself as xterm-new instead of xterm, and that is causing problems in the bashrc or somewhere03:10
jeremymcsescott: term is set for xterm-new .. and it gets that error03:10
usr13miiike: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:10
lucusescott: was thinking about all those goodies about subvolumes and compression. Seems a good scenario for dualbooting and installing other distros on the same partition. Is it very unstable at the moment?03:11
usr13miiike: What does that ^^^ say?03:11
BendyrHey I just installed ubuntu 11.04 on a dell mini 9, replacing a mac osx installation.  When I try to boot I get "boot0: error", but if I boot through a thumb drive I can get into ubuntu fine.  Is there a way to fix the bootloader without doing a full reinstall?03:11
escottlinuxdemon, try virtualbox legal, no torrents and in the apt archive03:11
linuxdemoni have two questions...how does unity compare to gnome and also is wine the best windows emulator03:11
miiikejust says "03:11
escottlucus, yeah... except for the random fsck errors when you get more than 15 subvolumes, and the slowness using firefox, and the unrecoverability from errors its great!03:12
MrBeantjiggi_fo: thanks03:12
usr13miiike: sudo  rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf ; sudo  /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:12
escottlucus, for a throwaway system by all means give it a go. but its not realistic for a system you will actually use03:12
lucusescott: LOL!!! You got me...03:12
miiikeusr13, ooh, it went past it and to the login screen now03:13
ubusammyn150cannot open aptitude state file?03:13
escottlucus, im only running it now because im taking a break before school and have lots of spare time if it goes kapute03:13
usr13miiike: Yea, do it.03:13
usr13miiike: let us know what happens.03:14
usr13miiike: Oh, you have login screen now?  Good!  :)03:14
miiikeusr13, yeah haha, i'm going to restart and make sure it'll go all the way now03:14
usr13miiike: Sorry... didn't understand you.03:14
lucusescott: to be completely honest I did an install. Have 3 subvolumes at the moment. @32 @64 @home. Works fine, only booting takes ages...03:14
usr13miiike: Ok.03:14
miiikeusr13, out of curiosity, what did that actually do?03:15
usr13miiike: just got rid of an improperly written config file.03:15
escottlucus thats the fsck scans the whole drive takes 2+ minutes03:15
usr13miiike: ... and restarted the Xserver03:16
rsouthard_can someone recommend an easy program to resize icons?03:16
miiikeusr13, ahh okay.  it started up perfectly, thanks so much!03:16
usr13miiike: You removed the file   /etc/X11/xorg.conf  file and restarted gdm which is the Desktop window manager.03:16
lucusescott: Is it necessary to do an fsck at every boot? can't this be tuned? I remember Hardy took over 2 minutes in similar situations, but every 30 boots or so03:17
usr13miiike: But you are now back to the OpenSource nvidia driver.  (And not using the proprietary one you installed earlier, it is not being used anymore.)03:18
miiikeusr13, oh okay.  from what's been explained to me i guess i don't really need the proprietary one anyway03:18
hiexpomiiike, yes you do03:19
ubusammyn150still, not even regognizeing sudo apt-get dpkg-reconfigure... says E: invalid operation03:19
jang_techmiiike, but you can't use compiz.03:20
cc11rockshello ubuntu03:20
usr13miiike: You can (now or later) try and repair it, or.. you can just keep using the OpenSource one, (which for all practical purposes, works just fine).03:20
cc11rockswhen does Ubuntu 11.04 come out?03:20
usr13cc11rocks: Later03:20
cc11rocksi know Ubuntu 11.04 comes out tomorrow03:20
cc11rockslike what exact time03:21
Squall5668there is no specified time03:21
cc11rocksokay ty03:21
miiikeusr13, i wouldn't really even know where to begin with repairing it03:21
codex84no there time03:21
codex84bimbo lol03:21
xiambaxim already running ubuntu+103:21
xiambaxthere will be no big differences between what im running now and what gets released tomorrow03:22
varunvyashi all03:22
cc11rocksare the Beta versions different then the official ones?03:22
cc11rocksxiambax, did you just answer my question?03:22
Squall5668yes, cc11rocks, they are not stable and they are not supported03:22
cc11rockscause i have the Beta version on my flash drive03:22
varunvyascould i upgread from 10.04 to 11.04 ?03:22
cc11rocksall the programs kept crashing03:22
Decisionusr13, did i miss your reply.....03:22
rww_varunvyas: you'd have to go through 10.10 first03:22
cc11rocksupgrade to 10.10 then to 11.04 when it comes out03:23
varunvyasthanks friends03:23
Decisionusr13,  i have no idea how to  install the driver03:23
usr13miiike: well there are tools that can do that, but I think you would need to turn off the Xserver to use them.  nvidia-xconfig  is probably the one you would most likely need to use.  BUT, it is probably the utility that failed and created the error ridden /etc/X11/xorg.conf file in the first place.03:24
harrihuI'm trying to get a pc with ubuntu 10 something to work with the s video port on the graphics card for a media pc03:24
cc11rocksdoes anyone know how to make Ubuntu run faster? it runs quite slow on my computer03:24
harrihubut it just rolls03:24
cc11rocksor maybe it's because it on a flash drive...is there a performance drop in using a flash drive over a hard drive? i would think it would be faster in some cases03:25
harrihuccllrocks do you know the specs on your computer?03:25
usr13miiike: But, that is not to say it wouldn't work  right the next time.  Who knows...03:25
cc11rocksyes i do03:25
cc11rocksone sec03:25
harrihuccllrocks it would run way faster using a hard drive over a usb03:25
harrihuer um instad of a usb that is03:25
usr13cc11rocks: pastebinit /proc/cpuinfo03:25
cc11rocksCPU: Intel Atom N270 @ 1.60 GHz (Diamondville 45nm Technology)03:26
usr13cc11rocks: pastebinit /proc/meminfo03:26
cc11rocksRAM: 1.0GB Single-Channel DDR2@ 266 MHz03:26
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cc11rocksMotherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC. 1005HA03:26
usr13cc11rocks: is that single core?03:27
cc11rocksGraphics: Digital flat panel 1024 X 76803:27
usr13cc11rocks: What did you install on it?  (What ISO?)03:27
cc11rocksMobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family03:27
ubusammyn150yea i can't find anything related... to my issue in google..most people gave up and re0installed from cd etc03:27
usr13cc11rocks: lsb_release -a03:27
cc11rocksi've used 10.04, 10.10, and 11.04 Beta03:27
cc11rocksthey all run kinda slow03:27
harrihuthere is a version of ubuntu for older slower machines called xubuntu if I'm not mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong here )03:28
ubusammyn15010.04 should work with older machines?03:28
ubusammyn150how old is this pc?03:28
cc11rocksabout half a year to a year03:28
usr13cc11rocks: When is the last time you cracked it open and gave it a good cleaning?03:28
Squall5668cc11rocks 11.04 will be slow for you since unity needs too much 3d stuff, you can revert to ubuntu classic at login03:28
cc11rocksit's a netbook03:28
cc11rocksnever usr1303:28
* hiexpo system never broke < usually operator broke 03:29
ubusammyn150i have ubuntu 11 on my samsung n150 equvilent to a asus eepc03:29
usr13cc11rocks: Ok.  Open it up.  Take the heat sink off, clean it really good.  Wipe the heat sink contact area and the CPU contact area with alcohol, dry it off. put on new cpu grease, put it back together.03:30
ubusammyn150i used wubi tho03:30
cc11rockswith a netbook03:30
mfilipehi! i want apply a patch in my kernel (linux-image-generic-pae-, so what is the better way to do this?03:30
ubusammyn150wubi isnt very popualr tho03:30
harrihuyou don't really need to clean out a netbook03:30
usr13cc11rocks: Oh, it's a notebook... well.. That's a bit more complicated.03:30
cc11rocksThat's scary man03:30
* Decision wonders if i can be heard03:30
harrihuit's fine03:30
cc11rocksi could do it w/ a regular desktop03:30
cc11rocksnot with a netbook03:30
rww_Decision: yes03:30
usr13cc11rocks: but it still could be clogged up with dust and overheating.03:31
ubusammyn150all pc's need to be cleaned, but not such a new one03:31
ubusammyn150then it wouldnt even get bios03:31
cc11rocksrunning Windows 7 starter is fine03:31
cc11rocksit's fast03:31
harrihujust be sure to keep the vents open so the fans can work and if needed use a laptop cooling pad03:31
usr13ubusammyn150: They darn sure do in my house!  :)03:31
cc11rocksi would dual boot if Ubuntu was faster...03:31
harrihuit should be fine03:31
Johny_GMhai everwyone..what time exactly will be ubuntu 11.04 be released?03:31
Squall5668Decision: what's wrong? i didn't see anything03:31
ubusammyn150ubuntu is faster03:31
usr13Johny_GM: Later03:31
cc11rocksthat's what i asked Johny_GM03:31
ubusammyn150windows is slower03:31
rww_Johny_GM: When it's ready. There is no set time.03:32
cc11rocksi know03:32
Squall5668no specified time jhony03:32
harrihuas far as the netbook running slow there isn't much you can do. I'd make sure you aren't doing too much multitasking03:32
cc11rocksbut Ubuntu is running slower on my computer03:32
cc11rocksnot using as much RAM, but just slower03:32
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/03:32
usr13harrihu: you could try a more lightweight Desktop Manager03:32
ubusammyn150the ubuntu netbook versions i dont think install the proper integrated gfx drivers03:32
usr13cc11rocks: you could try a more lightweight Desktop Manager03:32
usr13cc11rocks: xfce is fast03:33
ubusammyn150after i install the 965 chipset drivers it seemed to run faster03:33
harrihuWell actually I'm not worried about speed I have another problem03:33
loller##namespace is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In ##namespace you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the ##namespace motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.03:33
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels03:33
harrihuthe s - video port rolls and is un viewable in ubuntu03:33
harrihuI need it to work because it's a media pc03:34
ubusammyn150ty ubottu03:34
harrihuworked fine in xp03:34
rww_loller: Don't advertise in here.03:34
usr13xfce is a little more limited, but not all that much.03:34
cc11rocksjust went to the release party chat...they say it will be April 28th somewhere in the world03:34
usr13it's pretty nice03:34
ubusammyn150thats funny, dont advertise hehe03:34
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ubusammyn150just dont advertise anything ot xD03:35
ubusammyn150yea it the 28th is austrailia03:35
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cc11rocksit IS the 28th in Australia or it will be released on the 28th in Austrialia?03:36
* hiexpo patience is the best virtue 03:36
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/03:37
uofm49426why do i need a update for xorg savage ? my laptop is intel i91503:37
ubusammyn150how would landscape get installed without me telling it to?03:37
rww_uofm49426: because Ubuntu installs a range of Xorg drivers that fit most cards by default03:37
gruvfunkgreetings, I have a 10.04 server (headless, no sound card) running web, mail and pbx - I can't get mp3 audio playback to work via the pbx and left wondering:   Do I need a sound card?  Or am I missing something?03:37
pfifodoes upstart have the ability to run a job as a user other than root? keep in mind, su is not upstart and sudo is not upstart03:37
ubusammyn150you need a sound card03:38
ubusammyn150mp3 is encoded and decoded there03:38
lollerif you used Windows you wouldn't need to configure a sound card manually03:38
lollerit would just work out of the box03:38
ubusammyn150no cpu instruction sets are availble for mp3 codecs yet03:38
multipass_is it possible to have gnome and gnome3, and switch between them at login?03:38
ubusammyn150loller stfu03:38
lollermp3 codecs are included with Windows03:38
lollerwhy not with Ubuntu?03:39
rww_loller: stop trolling03:39
rww_ubusammyn150: stop feeding trolls03:39
uofm49426i wish ubuntu wouldnt i only have a 3.6 gb of extra space03:39
ubusammyn150he would still need a sound card03:39
gruvfunkubusamyn150 thx   and rofl looler03:39
atlgeorgeq from a ubuntu noob...03:39
ubusammyn150rww, how am i feeding i want to stop feeding?03:39
lollertry learning to read03:39
atlgeorgei've got a pkg installed that requires access to port 801003:39
atlgeorgebut even though the port seems to work by doing a wget locally03:39
rww_ubusammyn150: "stfu" is neither acceptable language in here nor a good way to stop trolls from talking.03:40
atlgeorgei can't access from something hitting my AWS instance... ideas?03:40
multipass_is it possible to have gnome and gnome3, and switch between them at login?03:40
uofm4942640 gb harddrive half windows haft ubuntu03:40
gruvfunkrww_ doesn't that just mean Stop Trolling Freenet Ubuntu ?03:41
gruvfunkFreenode rather03:41
wilfredodecompensation, I'm not clear on the term03:41
Mac102250Hey guys, new guy here. So deleted a user and now the damned machine keeps trying to log onto the deleted user, and I get stuck on a screen showing nothing but my desktop backgreound. So what am I doing wrong?03:42
linuxdemonquestion. how do i uninstall programs03:43
uofm49426anyone in here make package for ubuntu03:43
taglasslinuxdemon: synaptic or apt-get remove "programname"03:44
tensorpuddinglinuxdemon: search for them in the software center and remove03:44
mar7ar!!!!!!!!!!who could help me i have typed by error apt-get remove libusb* then every thing is broken even lan and cd driver so i couldn`t use internet nor use apt-cdrom as source who could help me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:44
Mac102250Anyone? C'mon, I need some help here.03:45
linuxdemonthank you very much03:45
linuxdemonwill there be an update alert for unity on the 28th?03:45
uofm49426i want a easy way bridge wifi and ethernet03:45
infolocohi, I am looking for a software to watch tv on ubuntu, with a tv tuner card.. Suggestions?03:45
Squall5668Mac102250 please specify, it's trying to login to the deleted user on it's own?03:45
BrumDartMac102250: how did you delete the user?03:46
Mac102250When I turn on the computer, it tries to log directly onto the deleted user03:46
Squall5668which user did you delete? one you made yourself, or one of the premade ones? :)03:46
taglassMac102250: Have a look at /etc/gdm/custom.conf03:46
Mac102250BrumDart: I clicked the admin tab and went down to the very bottom and clicked "User Groups" or something like that03:47
ubusammyn150ok where is the config files for synaptic/install update?03:47
Loshkimar7ar: that's a hard one to recover from. You might have to reinstall from scratch.03:48
Loshki!tv | infoloco03:48
ubottuinfoloco: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out03:48
ubusammyn150for some reason update and all commands in terminal refer to E: drive or an internet connection, someone remotely connected and messed up my system03:48
uofm49426how do i tell video ram used i ubuntu03:48
infolocook perfect03:48
taglassMac102250: The file I gave you controls automatic login.03:48
infolocothks alot03:48
uofm49426i have a intel i915gm03:48
ubusammyn150So how do i restore the config files?03:49
frankcox777 http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/faq/support_faq_linux.html03:49
frankcox777sorry-infoloco was looking for tuner software03:50
rapemanrapeman: Welcome to #ubuntu! #ubuntu is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In #ubuntu you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the #ubuntu motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.03:50
atlgeorgewith ubuntu on an AWS instance... ubuntu firewall disabled, aws security group set to wide open (0-65535 on, is there any reason i shouldn't be able to connect to a port by hitting my AWS IP?03:50
mfilipeI'm using a generic-pae kernel and I want apply a patch on him. I will install linux-source and kernel-package but how do I do to active PAE support?03:50
Spaz_DynamicI boot my computer, and get dumped to tty2. switching to tty7 shows that most things loaded (I think). I log in to tty2 and running startx gives me a segfault, and says that the server is aborting.03:50
frankcox777Infoloco -here is a link for Hauppauge cards03:51
oscar-linuxhas anyone has found something interesting on ubuntu 11.04?03:51
hiexpomfilipe, there is no support using pae03:51
syntauratlgeorge: You sure the program isn't binding to localhost or something?03:51
rww_mfilipe: just use the PAE kernel package...03:52
Mac102250taglass: How do I edit the file? It skips and goes straight the the deleted account, and I'm unable to do anything.03:52
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:52
atlgeorgeso sorry, whoever was kind enough to reply... i accidnetally termed my channel window, can you pls repost?03:52
frankcox777can anyone tell me how to take a version of a game from one Ubuntu install and put it in another with the same program-different version?03:52
taglassMac102250: I would change AutomaticLoginEnable=true to false03:52
syntauratlgeorge: No prob :P You sure the program isn't binding to localhost or something?03:52
rww_atlgeorge: 02:51:58 < syntaur> atlgeorge: You sure the program isn't binding to localhost or something?03:52
rww_ah, nvm :)03:53
mfiliperww_, but linux-source package hasn't pae enabled03:53
Squall5668Mac102250 you can press ctrl+alt+f1 to drop to tty103:53
rww_!pae > mfilipe03:53
ubottumfilipe, please see my private message03:53
mfilipehum... ok03:53
atlgeorgesyntaur: i'd be surprised, but it's worth a look. we've run this away from AWS without issues like that... but who knows.03:53
ubusammyn150ubuntu has no pae?03:55
cc11rockscan you upgrade from Ubuntu Beta 11.04 to official version?03:55
syntauratlgeorge: That's all I can think of. If firewall isn't interfering, and you can access it locally, but not remotely.03:55
cc11rocksdo you lose any data?03:55
rww_!final | cc11rocks03:55
ubottucc11rocks: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.03:55
gruvfunkubusammyn150 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE03:56
atlgeorgesyntaur: worth a shot, thx, it'll take some code archaeology, unfortunately (not my code, of course)03:56
hcookhey guys. i'm looking to install a 32 bit program (Guitar Pro 6) on 10.10 AMD64 with a wrapper. the only doc i found about this was really old: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 ...just wondering whether that information is still valid and/or whether anybody had a pointer to something more appropriate.03:56
cordoval_anyone knows how to default browser on ubuntu 11.04? I want to set it chrome as default as it was before the upgrade changed it to firefox? any command or setting?03:56
cc11rocksremove firefox03:56
cordoval_is that the only way?03:57
cordoval_i want to keep it just in case03:57
cordoval_not all works on chrome you know03:57
Mac102250Squall5668, taglass...You've both been tremendously helpful. Thank you.03:57
cc11rocksto make vlc media player default, i had to remove all the media apps that came w/ it03:57
ravibnUnable to capture audio and record in gnome-sound-recorder ver 2.31 Maverick 10.1003:57
Squall5668anytime Mac03:57
frankcox777can any one tell me how to take a game out of one ubuntu install and copy it to another? The other install has a version of the same game already03:57
ravihey guys ..03:57
ravihad a question ..03:57
cordoval_anyone how to set default browser on 11.0403:57
stravantI have a problem with mounting USB drives. Ubuntu always used to automatically mount USB sticks when I plugged them in, but it suddenly isn't anymore. I have already checked the /automount-stuff key in gconfig and it is set to true. How should I proceed now to figure out what's wrong?03:57
stravantThese other things also stopped working around the same time (maybe at the same time?): My deskop is stuck automatically setting "keep desktop organized by name" when I log in. Also, Nautilus is all of a sudden taking forever to open large folders, when it was virtually instant before.03:57
raviis 11.04 a LTS ?03:57
cordoval_what is the name for 11.04?03:57
rww_ravi: no03:58
Squall5668cordoval_ natty narwal03:58
cordoval_anyone knows how to set default browser on natty?03:58
ravirww_, any known bugs with 11.04?03:58
rww_ravi: yes03:58
raviif going from 10.04 - 11.0403:58
Squall5668cordoval_ try "update-alternatives –config x-www-browser"03:58
cordoval_i had a similar problem with usb yesterday03:58
rww_ravi: 10.04 to 11.04 requires going through 10.10 first.03:58
Squall5668cordoval_ if should ask for a default browser03:58
ravibnUnable to capture audio and record in gnome-sound-recorder ver 2.31 Maverick 10.1003:59
ravibnpl help03:59
cordoval_why ?03:59
cordoval_why '?'03:59
raviany1 tried 11.04 on a thinkpad?03:59
stravantcordoval_: Did you find any solutions?03:59
ravii had trouble with 10.1003:59
cc11rockswell yesterday when i was doing some stuff, my main HDD stopped showing up03:59
ravion a lenovo03:59
cordoval_yes mount it manually and perhaps it can work after a reset, check permissions too03:59
cc11rockswhen i tried to set VLC media player as default, i kept getting error messages04:00
cordoval_update-alternatives -config x-www-browser04:00
Squall5668you asked how to change default browser didn't you? that command will ask for a browser to use at gnome gui tools04:00
cc11rocksit was working and then just took a dump04:00
Spaz_DynamicI boot my computer, and get dumped to tty2. switching to tty7 shows that most things loaded (I think). I log in to tty2 and running startx gives me a segfault, and says that the server is aborting.04:00
ravibnravi : search for ramsrambo in ubuntu Forums under Dell04:00
raviwhy dell ravibn04:01
ravibnUnable to capture audio and record in gnome-sound-recorder ver 2.31 Maverick 10.10 Pl help04:01
cordoval_update-alternatives --config x-www-browser04:01
cordoval_sudo of course04:01
ravii have a lenovo ..04:01
Squall5668yes, sorry04:01
ravibnravi : bcos I had few problems while installing on latitude04:01
taglasscordoval_: you might have to do gnome-www-browser as well04:02
ravioh ..04:02
ravinot good04:02
cordoval_oh thanks04:02
cordoval_will check04:02
ravii guess ill have to stick with 10.04 :(04:02
ravii was so excited04:02
Squall5668tell us if that solves your problem04:02
cordoval_ravi don't04:02
as2000will I have to re-install after the release tomorrow?04:02
rww_as2000: no, you can upgrade04:02
ravibnAny one Here : Unable to capture audio and record in gnome-sound-recorder ver 2.31 Maverick 10.1004:02
cordoval_give me a url04:03
ravibnor suggest any other sound recorder04:03
hiexporww_, gonna get busy04:03
Spaz_DynamicI boot my computer, and get dumped to tty2. switching to tty7 shows that most things loaded (I think). I log in to tty2 and running startx gives me a segfault, and says that the server is aborting. How can I resolve the segfault and get a GUI running again?04:03
ravii can upgrade without issues?04:03
cordoval_ahh still firefox pops up04:03
celestialhi everyone i have a question is there a filesystem like ntfs for linux that dont have file permissions blocking from use on other computers for me the ntfs driver seems to be slow04:04
slimdoogihi i was trying to find a graphics driver but cannot determin my actual hardware. this is what i get in lshw. http://pastebin.com/0ck07caE   is there any other option to find my exact hardware?04:04
cordoval_perhaps I need to restart04:04
Squall5668cordoval_ what was the command msg? any errors?04:04
cordoval_command msg for what?04:04
cordoval_no errors04:04
brianoushow many hours to ubuntu? :D04:04
cordoval_0 auto chrome04:04
cordoval_1 manual ff04:05
rww_brianous: it'll be released when it's done, not at a set time04:05
cordoval_2 manual chrome04:05
Squall5668what did you change it to?04:05
hcookbased on what i've seen of the blendtech i'm pretty sure it'll blend04:05
cordoval_to 2 and then now to 004:05
taglasscordoval_: I'm not sure, but maybe you can pick chrome in the Preferred Applications gui?04:05
hcooksorry wrong tab04:05
Spaz_Dynamichcook: +104:05
brianousoh I thought there was a countdown04:05
cordoval_where is that?04:05
brianouscame to join the party04:05
taglasscordoval_: System Settings04:05
hcookhey guys. i'm looking to install a 32 bit program (Guitar Pro 6) on 10.10 AMD64 with a wrapper. the only doc i found about this was really old: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 ...just wondering whether that information is still valid and/or whether anybody had a pointer to something more appropriate.04:05
cordoval_how to get there, this is natty I don't know where things went04:06
virusuyanyone knows when (hour) is natty launched ?04:06
cc11rocksi code in java...how do you start jar files?04:06
Squall5668cordoval even though we don't support natty here, try searching :)04:06
taglassclick on your name in the top right of screen04:06
cc11rocksin windows all i have to do is double click it...04:06
brianousjava -d classpath name.jar04:06
cordoval_just got it04:06
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:06
taglasserr I'm sorry on the power button04:06
cordoval_had to search it the natty way04:06
taglassbottom entry04:06
cordoval_well thanks for that04:07
cordoval_give me http://www.pastie.org04:07
cordoval_ok now it is solved04:07
ryan_is there a specific channel to get support for errors? (specifically with ubuntu)04:07
cordoval_I like natty04:07
FloodBot2cordoval_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
Squall5668glad it's fixxed, and thanks taglass, i have to stop being a CLI warrior :)04:07
Herbshi all, have an ubuntu box that keeps respawning basically tty1 seems to be crashing and constantly respawning anyone got any ideas Im flumoxed04:08
cc11rockshow do i make an executable jar file? in windows it works but in Ubuntu it says it's not executable and that i need a script04:08
cc11rocksdo i have to use scripts?04:08
Spaz_Dynamiccc11rocks: have you set the permissions?04:08
Squall5668Herbs, did you try booting in recovery mode?04:08
cc11rockspermissions for?04:08
ryan_hey everyone, i just set up ubuntu on my new lenovo thinkpad and the mouse is going crazy, i jumps all over the screen and I have to restart the laptop to fix it... what the heck can I do to fix this, i'm very new to ubuntu04:08
Herbsoops forgot to mention thats when you try to login single user works fine04:08
slimdoogicc11rocks, sudo chmod +x /your/file04:09
Spaz_Dynamiccc11rocks: the jar file04:09
cordoval_I used to have indicators on 10.10 on the pannels how do I get them back? I had temperature sensors and my messages would popup or windows for me to select04:09
BrumDartcc11rocks: you need to change the permissions of the file to be executable04:09
cordoval_can i still have pannels?04:09
slimdoogicc11rocks, in termional of course04:09
Squall5668ryan_ try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad04:09
cc11rocksoh...so just right click it, properties *cuts off*04:09
cc11rockscan i do it through the GUI?04:10
MinimalHey any1 knows how long till the 11.04 realse??04:10
cc11rocksor terminol?04:10
cc11rocksno Minimal04:10
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/04:10
celthundercc11rocks: java -jar <file>04:10
cc11rocksdoesn't work04:10
MinimalI know its the 28th but acording to what time zone ? :(04:10
celthunderor javacc i think works04:10
cc11rockscelthunder...and that makes it an executable jar?04:10
cordoval_I can be distracted in a content and forget about things I was doing, that is why I think panels were useful04:10
Herbssorry Squall5668 forgot to mention thats when trying to login when it tries to authenticate the user tty1 dies and respawns its an 8.04 server (not mine)04:10
cordoval_now with natty I can't keep track of other things04:11
cordoval_how to solve it?04:11
BrumDartcc11rocks: that wont make it executable, that will just run the jar from a command line04:11
cc11rocksso i just have to jar it up in Ubuntu instead of Windows right?04:11
cordoval_dropbox icon running does not show either04:11
cordoval_skype does but hardly04:11
Squall5668Herbs: so, what about "recovery mode"04:11
cc11rocksso how do i make it an exe jar?04:11
Squall5668Herbs: did you try it?04:11
cc11rocksit's an exe in Windows04:11
cc11rocksi thought Java was multi-platform04:11
Spaz_Dynamiccc11rocks: are you talking about minecraft, by chance?04:11
celthunderit is04:12
cc11rocksi don't have any OS specific things in my code04:12
slimdoogicc11rocks, did u not get the command i typed to u?04:12
cc11rocksmincraft is?04:12
cc11rocksa game?04:12
BrumDartcc11rocks: slimdoogi posted a solution earlier04:12
BrumDartchmod +x jarfile04:12
Herbssorry Squall5668 single user logins in fine the permissions on dev/tty1 look fine and the script in /etc/events.d/tty1 looks fine also04:12
cc11rocksokay cool...so to be clear, BrumDart, that is the answer?04:13
Spaz_Dynamicand then04:13
Spaz_Dynamicjava -jar /path/to/your/file.jar04:13
cc11rocksi know the second part04:13
cordoval_also I can't zoom like i used to with the windows key04:13
cordoval_it used to zoom the whole desktop in and out04:13
cc11rocksi make JARs through CLI in Windows04:13
Squall5668Herbs: you still haven't answered my question, Did you try booting in recovery mode? if you don't know how to, please ask me04:13
cordoval_and now that feature is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!1104:13
Herbssorry Squall5668 single user is recovery mode04:14
BrumDartcc11rocks: i always run jar files from the command line anyway, i've never tried just double clicking one from inside the file manager04:14
cordoval_i want to like natty, but not sure how to do some things04:14
cordoval_is there a tutorial on how to handle it better?04:14
xsinick_laptopwhen is the ubuntu relase?04:14
cordoval_any natty tutorial?04:14
cc11rockswell, i distribute to users04:14
wilfredoI get a message saying decompensation, I have installed an AMD Phenom AMD a motherboard ECS ELITEGROUP MCP61M-M3 and when I install Ubuntu gives me eror what does that mean? I have also installed a 1GB DDR3 memory ADATA brand, has a hard disk of 160 gb samsumg brand04:14
xsinick_laptopis it at 12:am04:14
taglasscordoval_: There are some videos on youtube people have posted04:14
cc11rocksthey don't want to use CLI04:14
rww_xsinick_laptop: it's not at a set time04:14
cordoval_going to check now04:15
celthundercc11rocks: add a shebang to it? idk if that'd work or not04:15
celthunderjust an idea04:15
cordoval_will they be enough, I just wonder04:15
sdegutisim using an irc client.04:15
cordoval_how to search "natty"?04:15
cc11rockswhat is that?04:15
Spaz_DynamicI require assistance. I boot my computer, and get dumped to tty2. switching to tty7 shows that most things loaded (I think). I log in to tty2 and running startx gives me a segfault, and says that the server is aborting. How can I resolve the segfault and get a GUI running again?04:15
celthundercc11rocks: #!/usr/bin/java -jar  at the top of the file04:15
cordoval_alpha 3?04:15
BrumDartcc11rocks: will the other users be running the jar on a windows or linux system?04:15
Herbssorry Squall5668 and I told you I tried single user and that works fine04:15
=== Away is now known as Guest78603
cdoktor19where to download ubuntu 11.04 release ?????04:16
celthunderprobably wouldn't work as that's not even java but :/ i just run mine from the cli04:16
Herbssorry Squall5668 whats your experience no offence Im a 2nd line Linux engineer04:16
rww_cdoktor19: it's not out yet04:16
xsinick_laptoprww_: it's exactly april 29th  like after 12 tonight would I be available as said on the site?04:16
ChogyDanSpaz_Dynamic: have you checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:16
cdoktor19aw aw aw04:16
cc11rocksadd  "#!/usr/bin/java -jar" to the manifest file?04:16
Squall5668Herbs: mine is probably worse :)04:16
rww_xsinick_laptop: it'll be released sometime between now and when it stops being April 28th everywhere in the world.04:16
taglasscc11rocks: Try looking at http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html  You could make a clickable icon that way.04:16
rww_assuming it isn't delayed :304:16
cdoktor19are 28 April now04:17
bloopletechThink of the release date more as a guide than a statement of actual temporal certainty04:17
cc11rocksApril 28 for me in 4 hours04:17
BrumDartcc11rocks another solution would be to make a 2 line bash script that will launch the jar file04:17
wilfredoq slow write apology for speaking Spanish04:17
cordoval_que cosa?04:17
cordoval_como que apologies?04:17
cc11rocksnot familiar with bash script04:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:17
Spaz_DynamicChogyDan: yeah, I don't know what to look for though. it points out the segfault near the bottom as well04:17
=== nonz is now known as temporarytao
cc11rockssimilar to batch script? i know what it is04:17
xsinick_laptopfor me in an hour and it's 28th04:17
cc11rocksjust don't know for to code04:17
HerbsI get lost with the differences in Ubuntu sometimes becaue Im so used to Red hat based distros04:18
ChogyDanSpaz_Dynamic: is this a new install?04:18
xsinick_laptopUS eastern time is the time everyone runs on04:18
cdoktor19ohhhh, i think they copy to all server in the world now04:18
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/04:18
hiexpogonna be alotof problems in the beginning for 11.04   >   servers gonna be overwhelmed  and lots of bad md5sum's04:19
cc11rocksUbuntu 11.04 is NOT online yet...04:19
cc11rocksdoesn't work04:19
Spaz_DynamicChogyDan: somewhat. I did install it yesterday, but I also set my graphics driver to proprietary and attempted to update to 11.0404:19
taglassxsinick_laptop: I know redhat releases are EST based.  I would assume Canonical are using GMT though?04:19
|SonGoku|Buenas noches..04:19
Spaz_DynamicChogyDan: after the update though, i get this.04:19
celestialcan anyone help filesystem with no permissions like ntfs but native linux04:19
|SonGoku|Alguien habla español ?04:20
tripelbre how to play this video: video formats vob bup ifo - this is what I have. what do I do? There are lots of files instead of one AVI file. Normally I like to use VLC04:20
ChogyDanSpaz_Dynamic: I suggest reinstalling04:20
rww_cc11rocks: please use #ubuntu-release-party for Ubuntu release-related comments ;)04:20
rww_|SonGoku|: /join #ubuntu-es04:20
Spaz_Dynamic!es |SonGoku|04:20
ubottuSonGoku|: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:20
BrumDartcc11rocks: i'll throw an example into a pastebin for you04:20
hiexpo!es |SonGoku|04:20
taglasstripelb: That's a dvd.04:20
tripelbtaglass. I downloaded it from the internet. it's all in a directory. what do I do to play it? thanks04:21
Spaz_DynamicChogyDan: bah, really?04:21
temporarytaohi, can anyone point me where to find help adding postgresql support to my LAMP setup?04:21
cc11rockswhat's the address? or you'll give it to me in a minute04:21
wilfredothanks for your help tomorrow, I have to leave my home, I was late luck at all04:21
tripelbtaglass, do I have to make an iso file out of it. I'm so ignorant.04:21
rww_timccc: tell VLC to open disc and point it to the directory you have04:21
rww_tripelb: ^^04:21
rww_timccc: sorry, mistab04:21
tripelbrww_, thanks04:21
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
* tripelb just loves this channel.04:21
ChogyDanSpaz_Dynamic: yeah.. it is the fastest solution04:22
cdoktor19can some one tell me what version must i download i386 or amd64 my processor is Intel Core2Duo T6570 i read in cpu test its 64-bit processor04:22
BrumDartcc11rocks: http://pastebin.com/UXwtqWwi04:22
celthundercdoktor19: amd6404:22
cc11rocksthanks BrumDart...how to PM?04:23
celthunderthough you can run either...no reason not to run 64 if you can04:23
timcccrww_: when you beeped me, my VLC paused04:23
Spaz_DynamicChogyDan: Eh, alright. I have a separate /home partition, when installing, how do I make it so that it doesn't install a new one and uses the old one as my ~04:23
timccchow does that work?04:23
evilsushianyone here familiar or is using duplicity for backups? how far has it scaled for you? would you use this in a enterprise environment?04:23
cc11rocks!BrumDart Testing04:23
celthunderSpaz_Dynamic: setup the partitions and don't format /home?04:23
cdoktor19even my processor not AMD based ?04:23
tripelbrww_, wow I can do the same thing then with the iso file from the dvd I copied -- then destroyed the original so I cant read it. Oh my Ponyo will be saved.04:23
temporarytaocdoktor19, be warned though. i think flash isn't that great with 64 flavor yet04:23
Spaz_Dynamiccelthunder: alright, thanks. I've just never done it before so I wasn't 100% certain.04:23
* tripelb dances a bit.04:23
celthundercdoktor19: yeah it's fin04:24
celthundertemporarytao: flash works fine...just make a 32 bit chroot or use multilib04:24
temporarytaocelthunder, i stand corrected04:24
temporarytaotripelb, loved that movie. good thing you saved it04:25
cdoktor19how to make a 32 bit chroot ??? am newbie04:25
cdoktor19how to make a 32 bit chroot or multilib which is the easy way,04:26
Herbscdoktor I would advise you learn what chroot does first04:26
celthundercdoktor19:  multilib is probably easier then unless you want to seperate 32 bit apps from 64 and since you don't seem to care...04:26
temporarytaocdoktor19, that's a bit involved. probably best if you stick with 32 bit first, IMHO.04:28
devkorcvinceany issues on updating 10.10 64 -> 11.04 64?04:28
cordoval_can i install effects on natty?04:28
cordoval_sounds the youtube video had effects04:28
cordoval_was that compiz or some other?04:29
Herbs hi all, I have an 8.04 box (not mine) that is failing to login as tty1 is respawning whenever a user is being authenticated, /etc/events.d/tty1 looks ok script content and permissions /dev/tty1 also anyone got any ideas Im lost with this one04:29
ChogyDanSpaz_Dynamic: just use manual partitioning, and make sure /home isn't formatted04:29
cordoval_how about copying pasting from the terminal with few keystrokes without having to do the ctrl+c +v thing?04:29
cdoktor19ok i will fin some information about multilib and how to make a 32 bit chroot, are some one have a link to that page ?04:30
ChogyDancordoval_: I use middle click04:30
HerbsI did think the ownerships of /bin/login were iffy but changing them on test boxes has no affect04:30
cordoval_anyone knows how to copy paste from the terminal to elsewhere? I highlight but then what?04:31
cordoval_my mouse has not middle click04:31
cordoval_or it does the wheel04:31
cordoval_but is that the way?04:31
ChogyDancordoval_: maybe with the wheel, or maybe emulated by pressing both at the same time04:31
cordoval_oh yeah it works04:31
bloopletechcordoval_: click both buttons at once04:31
cordoval_the wheel is hard though04:31
cordoval_but simpler04:31
cdoktor19[ 3551.409037] pwrdown, 0x6(BIT6)=ff04:31
cdoktor19[ 3551.514123] rtl819xSE:No more TX desc@6, ring->idx = 0,idx = 0, skblen = 0x2a04:31
cdoktor19[ 3551.514131] rtl819xSE:No more TX desc@6, ring->idx = 0,idx = 0, skblen = 0x2a04:31
cdoktor19[ 3551.625982] rtl819xSE:No more TX desc@6, ring->idx = 0,idx = 0, skblen = 0x2a04:31
cdoktor19[ 3551.625989] rtl819xSE:No more TX desc@6, ring->idx = 0,idx = 0, skblen = 0x2a04:31
cdoktor19[ 3553.415696] pwrdown, 0x6(BIT6)=ff04:31
cdoktor19[ 3555.415823] pwrdown, 0x6(BIT6)=ff04:31
FloodBot2cdoktor19: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
cordoval_anyone knows how to pastebinit but graphically or to specific service? from a browser or from other editor for instance?04:32
cdoktor19i have that message, is that ok04:32
cordoval_pastebinit with the less clicks possible04:32
kellnolaany pitivi users in here?04:33
ChogyDancordoval_: what's wrong with the current behaviour?04:33
cordoval_too many clicks, for instance if I have to select some output from the terminal or a browser04:33
cordoval_I don't want to paste it into a document or open a browser page04:34
cordoval_but rather directly click and it saves the url on memory to paste04:34
ChogyDancordoval_: pastebinit doesn't involve clicks??04:34
cordoval_pastebinit is limited to terminal and sometimes i cannot pipe the output that i want04:34
cordoval_I have to save to document first then use the command04:34
Herbsok as you all cant help me with my questio which is fine btw, can anyone point me to a reference for a red hat admins guide to ubuntu servers04:34
cordoval_a lot of keystrokes04:34
kellnolaHerbs, huh? LOL!04:35
ChogyDancordoval_: example?04:35
kellnolaHerbs, missed your question04:35
hiexpoman pastebinit   >    paste terminal04:35
Herbskellnola ubuntu bit like windows keep changing stuff lol04:35
cordoval_dont you use pastebinit?04:35
beeglehello peeps04:35
kellnolaHerbs, oh my yes. It can be frustrating.04:35
cordoval_php some command | pastebing does not work!04:35
kellnolathe whole init / upstart thing would be painful to an RHEL type04:36
beeglei like peeps04:36
gogearvibe4gthe mashmallow ones? ^^ me too! xD04:36
Herbskellnola basically Im a red hat based server admin and Ive been asked to look at an ubuntu server thats borked but theres a few differences in locations service names stuff like that04:36
ChogyDancordoval_: sometimes doing it like this works for me: pastebinit<(command etc etc)04:36
bryarHello! ^_^04:36
kellnolaHerbs, LTS is for production. The regular distro is actually pretty bleeding edge04:37
cordoval_hmmm oh thanks ChogyDan, how to change provider, I want pastie.org rather04:37
sdegutis/me does not have CTCP actions implemented yet :(04:37
IHateNaggers9/11 was an inside job04:37
kellnolaHerbs, what's the prob. exactly?04:37
rww_!ot | IHateNaggers04:37
ubottuIHateNaggers: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:37
rww_that works too04:37
Herbskellnola you cant get more bleeding edge than Fedora :D04:37
bryarQuick question. Does anyone know how to get Gnome 3 for Ubuntu 11.04?04:38
kellnolaHerbs, yes but that is RPM ... ANATHEMA!04:38
* hiexpo without the peeps you guys would be still using windows > click - n go doorknobs 04:38
cordoval_rats! need to change to pastie.org04:38
cordoval_cordoval_: sometimes doing it like this works for me: pastebinit<(command etc etc)04:38
Kettererso i was wondering if it is worth doing a reinstall tomorrow with official if i have beta 2 running right now?04:39
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.04:39
Herbskellnola its just the thinks like no chkconfig I need an ubuntu guide for red hat users :D04:39
hiexpo!fresh | Ketterer04:39
kellnolaHerbs you can install chkconfig but it doesn't work with everything04:40
hiexpoKetterer, fresh install is always better04:40
HerbsI know but this aint my box04:40
Herbsand the problem is tty1 dies whenever you try to login04:41
Kettererya i should do fresh ehh thats what i figured ( i have never like upgrade) i used it back on like 6.10 > 7.04 and it screwed me over so iv never liked it but i wasnt sure if it was better now04:41
cordoval_rats! can someone knows how to change provide for pastebinit?04:41
cordoval_to pastie.org or is it hardcoded?04:41
Kettererthanks guys04:42
Kettererhave a goo night04:42
hiexporww_, everyone thinks new is betta     hehe      >     I   will stick to my 10.04       >   screaming fast with kernal04:42
kellnolaHerbs, you can use update-rc.d04:42
=== IdleOne is now known as Narwhal
rcmaehlhiexpo: my 10.10 LTS is much faster :P04:43
Herbskellnola even if its using upstart for tty1 ?04:43
rww_10.10 LTS isn't real.04:44
hiexporcmaehl, i get boot at 34 secs    :)    and 10.10 is not lts     :)04:44
kellnolaudo update-rc.d -f daemon remove <- like chkconfig daemon off04:44
Herbsarent all LTS .0404:45
kellnolaHerbs, yes but not all .04 are LTS04:45
Spaz_Dynamichowcome numlock is on, though my keyboard indicator is off?04:46
Herbskellnola cool I will give it a go as they have alot of custom start up scripts04:46
Herbsanother day though Ive spent long enough04:47
renancoelhoHi there, ubuntu was taking unusually longer to load and I did a reset, right before the computer turned of I saw that the ubuntu screen came up, therefore everything was fine. However, after restarting it, it goes straight into bash.04:47
renancoelhoAny suggestion?04:47
celthunderrenancoelho: any errors? is gdm running?04:47
renancoelhogdm? I am really new to ubuntu, although I love it. I am able to run commands and cd places..04:48
hiexponew slack out04:48
Herbs<renancoelho> when you get dumped to bash if you type init 3 what happens?04:49
renancoelhodidn't try, it said to put a command and when I did it, it would say it could not find it...04:49
Herbssorry Im a server admin with red hat based it might be init 504:49
Herbswhatever the run level for gui is04:50
renancoelhoI had to boot into windows...04:50
celthunderHerbs: init 5 is i thought X session init 3 is terminal04:50
renancoelhoeach one is gui?04:50
celthunderinit 1 single user and 2/6 reboot/shutdown (i think)04:50
cylobhey, how long until 11.04 is available for download?04:50
Herbsinit 1 is single user 3 is CLI 6 is reboot I think 5 is gui04:51
renancoelhoI am a single user, will init 1 load single user with gui?04:51
celthunderHerbs: yeah sounds right04:51
cordoval_what is the effect like mac minimizing and getting windows opened?04:51
renancoelhoor just command line?04:51
celthunderrenancoelho: no04:51
cordoval_is that water effect?04:52
gueriLLaPunKi want to make a SSH shell for a friend. what settings do I enter for his username?04:52
cordoval_how to set up the mac like effect? for windows?04:52
gueriLLaPunKlike User ID or shell access... just /bin/sh?04:52
celthundergueriLLaPunK: whatever you want? just make sure he has a shell and preferably a home dir so he doesn't get thrown in /04:52
cordoval_how to set up the mac like effect? for windows?04:52
Herbs<renancoelho> no single user dont work like that if you want its the alternate of windows safe mode04:52
BC_anyone know how to get 32-bit compatibiliy working again in natty?  i tried reinstalling it and that did not fix it04:52
MandoJManybody knows what time is the 11.04 coming out?04:52
cordoval_it is working on me04:53
celthunderBC_: install the 32 bit libs?04:53
cordoval_how to set up the mac like effect? for windows04:53
cordoval_for windows on natty?04:53
snow_usI want to know how to remove the "sudo" authority from the first (default) user in ubuntu ?04:53
celthundercordoval_: stop repeating...if someone knows they'll answer04:53
renancoelhoHerbs: oh.. ok.. I will try init 5 then... if not I will log back to windows... Thanks!04:53
celthundersnow_us: visudo04:53
snow_usI couldn't find the name in /etc/sudoers !04:53
cordoval_sorry just wanted to repeat the effect that I saw on youtube natty demo04:53
hiexpo!natty | MandoJM04:53
ubottuMandoJM: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.04:53
cordoval_it had like mac windows dynamics04:53
cordoval_really nice04:53
cordoval_i wonder if that is compiz or not04:53
cordoval_or which values because mine seems too fast or it is not there04:54
MadDecentgoogle it04:54
apprentice3dThe 11.04 will be on friday04:54
cordoval_what is the name of that effect?04:54
cordoval_how to google it without the name?04:54
snow_uscelthunder:  I couldn't find the name in /etc/sudoers !04:54
BC_the 32 bit libs are already installed and were working up until a about a week ago more or less and then i started getting the wrong elf class errors after one of the updates04:54
Axlincordoval_: you mean the "genie" like effect when minimizing? that is a compiz effect, but i can't tell you the name of it at the moment (running kde)04:54
sebsebsebapprentice3d: nope  11.04 later on Thursday04:54
cordoval_genie effect04:54
cordoval_is called?04:54
celthundersnow_us: hmm...remove it from group wheel/sudo?04:54
rzx237cordoval_: magic lamp04:55
crackguycould someone please help me to resolve this issue: (iscsiadm: iscsid is not running. Could not start it up automatically using the startup command in /etc/iscsi/iscsid.start. Please check that the file exists or that your init scripts have started iscsid)04:55
cordoval_magic lamp thanks!04:55
snow_uscelthunder: what happens if there is no user that has sudo authority :))) ?04:55
celthundersnow_us: you use su04:56
cordoval_it does not show up though, sometime I had to do?04:56
apprentice3dsebsebseb: you're right - 28th is Thursday04:56
snow_usthere is no user called su04:56
celthundersnow_us: if you don't set a root pw or forget to just login to single user mode and set one04:56
celthundersnow_us: su is a command to switch user04:56
sebsebsebapprentice3d: 28th is today in my time zone04:57
MadDecentany eta for release?04:57
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rww_MadDecent: no set time, will be announced on the ubuntu-announce list and in #ubuntu-release-party04:57
apprentice3dSebsebseb: for me there are still less than 3 minutes :)04:58
AbuMaiaMadDecent: sometime on the 28th ^_^04:58
cc11rocksfor me less than 204:58
dxerhaha same here04:58
sebsebsebAbuMaia: well nearly had five hours here of the 28th,  kind of sad that I don't feel tired though in a way, because I been awake quite  a lot of hours now04:58
sebsebsebAbuMaia: wrong one04:59
sebsebsebapprentice3d: see above04:59
apprentice3dI think they should have put a countdown or something because my notebook is now clean and waiting for official 11.0404:59
sebsebsebapprentice3d: no no count down, because no one knows for suer when it will be out yet04:59
AbuMaiathere was a countdown, only in days though04:59
dxeris there a way to show the text during boot? (natty beta 2.. for now :))04:59
=== Y2k|rootz is now known as Laggg|rootz
sebsebsebapprentice3d: all we know is it's coming out on the 28th in most time zones, some time05:00
xkemixwhat time zone do they run on05:00
cordoval_rats! i followed instructions and got it messed up05:00
xkemixPST MST CST or EST05:00
AbuMaiaI want to say Pacific05:00
AbuMaiabut I'm not sure05:00
rww_xkemix: There is no set time or timezone.05:00
rww_xkemix: It'll be released sometime between now and when it stops being April 18th everywhere on the planet.05:00
apprentice3dsebsebseb: then I was right, it will be available on Friday (if the servers will survive)05:01
sebsebsebrww_: 18th ?05:01
rww_sebsebseb: I am falliable!05:01
rww_xkemix: I mean 28th, as AbuMaia said :)05:01
xkemixwell its 12:01am EST and no download05:02
xkemixwait for the next hour lol05:02
=== lobstr5 is now known as miiike
renancoelhoHi, I am the guy who the gui wouldn't load...05:03
renancoelhodidn't work...05:03
renancoelhosay's it cant find init/05:03
renancoelhothen I tried to do exit, and it says the init is taited...05:04
semitonesrww_, what's the differences in packages between the natty you can have now, and the natty that comes out later today?05:04
rww_semitones: The natty that comes out later today contains fixes for any last-minute bugs they find.05:04
rww_semitones: This actually happened in 10.10 and probably other releases, btw. I'm not being theoretical :)05:04
Herbs<renancoelho> if it couldnt find init it wouldnt boot05:04
Herbscheck the users path05:05
semitonesrww_, bugfixes since the last freeze? how much time elapsed since then? :P05:05
cordoval_anyone on how to get the magic lamp rightly?05:05
cordoval_old instructions don't work05:05
renancoelhoboots to bash...05:05
renancoelhocheck the users path how? sorry really new to this..05:05
rww_semitones: I haven't been paying attention to the release schedule this cycle, so I dunno how they're doing it. There's no RC this time, so I assume it's different somehow.05:05
Herbsecho $PATH05:06
=== Hunterm_ is now known as Hunterm
renancoelhoThen what do I do with that?05:06
semitonesrww_, huh, cool!05:06
ZiberIf I have an ISO of 10.10, but nothing to burn it to... Can I somehow get it to boot from it?05:06
ubusammyn150i'm attempting to re-install 10.04..previous install was exploited via remote connection..via landscape i'm assumeing05:07
wtracy1Ziber: do you have a flash memory stick?05:07
renancoelhoZiber: how about a usb?05:07
ubusammyn150create a start-up usb stick useing that iso05:07
ubusammyn150only works if your pc support booting from usb05:07
Ziberrenancoelho: no... i dont :( i know i could've.05:07
Ziberand mine does.05:07
cordoval_rats! nothing on genie effect05:07
Herbs<renancoelho> does /etc/init exist?05:08
wtracy1Ziber: currently running windows, ubuntu, or something else?05:08
RRU_SciguyAnd you need to make sure that the bios is set to boot from the usb before the HDD05:08
renancoelhoZiber: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download it shows step by step.05:08
RRU_SciguyA guy in my college class ran into that today05:09
renancoelhoHerbs: not sure. it would'nt let me cd to some of the folders...05:09
astropirateI installed tasksel to install a LAMP server. But when i start up tasksel and chose LAMP it just closes. Could someone help me with this?05:09
Ziberrenancoelho: I have the ISO, I need a way to boot from it without... having anything to install it on.05:09
renancoelhoHerbs: if it is, then what should I do?05:09
Herbstry sudo05:09
astropirateit doesn't work with out sudo05:10
renancoelhoI did... wouldn't let me...05:10
RRU_Sciguyyou may need to be root to access certain folders05:10
wtracy1Ziber: if you're currently running Windows, try Wubi05:10
ZiberI'm not :(05:10
wtracy1what are you running?05:10
renancoelhodoesn't let me sudo.05:10
Jordan_UZiber: What is currently on the computer?05:10
ZiberAlso, unrelated question, how can I set terminal to support UTF-8?05:10
ZiberJordan_U: Well, an older version of ubuntu because thats the only ubuntu CD I had.05:10
Jordan_UZiber: It should by default. What problem are you having?05:10
ZiberI want 10.1005:10
Jordan_UZiber: What version?05:10
Herbsdefine doesent let you sudo05:10
ZiberJordan_U: 8.04, iirc.05:11
RRU_SciguyI love sudo, even works in scripts :D05:11
wtracy1Ziber: try just upgrading in place05:11
Jordan_UZiber: You can upgrade directly to 10.04, and from 10.04 upgrade to 10.10.05:11
HerbsRRU but you have to give your password to those scripts05:11
alanonymousquestion for y'all: running 10.10 with wine 1.3, I installed the game Rift, everything works great except when game runs it's ~5 fps and all of the textures are black.  Any idea?  I've googled like a madman and can't figure it out.05:11
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
ZiberJordan_U: do-release-upgrade? just looks like it'll take forever.05:11
wtracy1Ziber: that or go buy a cd--take your pick05:12
RRU_SciguyHerbs I know05:12
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest73959
Herbskeys and root ftw :D05:12
Jordan_UZiber: It will, especially with the mirrors being hit heavily by users upgrading to 11.04 (which will be released some time in the next 24 hours).05:12
renancoelhoNothing happens when I sudo, usually asks for the password.. but here nothing.05:12
ZiberJordan_U: Coupled with the fact that I'm on a college network and the bw sucks here.05:12
cordoval_how to restablish a component if i have messed it up?05:13
cordoval_unistall and reinstall it?05:13
RRU_SciguyMy college has the major networking05:13
Jordan_UZiber: You can also boot from the 10.10 iso with it just stored on your hard drive. Though that's more difficult to do with 8.04's grub legacy it's still possible.05:13
usr13renancoelho: What are you tryint to do?05:13
renancoelhojust boot the gui...05:13
ZiberJordan_U: How would I go about doing that?05:13
usr13renancoelho: You have a broken system?05:14
Herbs<renancoelho> do you know the difference between absolute and relative paths?05:14
renancoelhoI turned of the comp while it was loading the gui and now it wont load...05:14
cordoval_how to boot the gui?05:14
renancoelhoHerbs: not really.05:14
Herbssorry to ask but I work with some dim shits05:14
usr13renancoelho: What was it doing whtn you turned it off?05:14
seniseniwhat name of party channel?05:14
usr13renancoelho: Installing something?05:15
renancoelhousr13: just loading the gui...05:15
renancoelhousr13: it was taking a bit longer than usual and I thought it got stuck..05:15
usr13renancoelho: What does it do now?  What screen are you left with when it's done bootingz?05:15
usr13renancoelho: Oh, it may have been doing fsck (file system check / repair).05:16
renancoelhobash.. i think.. it loads up a bunch of stuff and at the end it says no init could be found.05:16
RRU_Sciguythat aint good05:16
renancoelhoyeahh i think so...05:16
cordoval_rats! it was just animation but i messed it up05:16
cordoval_wonder if I should uninstall and resintall compiz to resolve05:17
Herbs<renancoelho> so you cant cd to /etc/init whats the message displayed?05:17
renancoelhousr13: i did see fsck somewhere.05:17
renancoelhoHerbs: it just says it can't.05:17
Jordan_UHerbs: This has nothing to do with $PATH, his root filesystem wasn't mounted properly and he's at an initramfs / busybox shell.05:17
usr13renancoelho: Ok, well fsck run periodically to check and repair filesystem errors.05:17
Herbs<renancoelho> bad news you need to rebuild that box05:17
renancoelhoHerbs: is that because I turned of while in fsck?05:18
cordoval_how to reestablished after compiz –replace &05:18
Herbs<renancoelho> boot in single user and run an fsck again05:18
RRU_Sciguyrenancoelho: if it was performing filesystem ops, definitely05:18
Herbsit might have been moved to lost+found05:19
Jordan_UHerbs: The initramfs doesn't contain fsck.05:19
renancoelhoso should I fsck? is that the command: fsck?05:19
Herbsjordan and?05:19
=== chris_ is now known as Guest72994
Herbsshe turned the box off during an fsck05:19
Jordan_UHerbs: And so he won't be able to "boot into single user mode and run fsck". fsck is on his root filesystem, which isn't mounting properly at boot.05:20
Herbsrootfs doesent mount in single user05:20
Herbsit mounts as ro05:21
Jordan_Urenancoelho: Boot a liveCD, run "sudo blkid", pastebin the output (using http://pastebin.ubuntu.com ) and then we can give you step by step directions from there.05:21
RRU_Sciguybooting from live CD should work if there is doubt05:21
renancoelhocan it be from my usb?05:22
renancoelhoThe same I used to instal?05:22
RRU_Sciguyif your BIOS will check the usb and boot from it before checking HDD, then probably05:22
sandinew to ubuntu, im looking for software to download photos from my HP Photosmart R72505:22
Herbs<renancoelho> tbh its probably that borked it would need someone with access to the box to look at and not advise in a chat room05:23
sandisorry for my rudeness, hello05:23
eloystebamjoin #ubuntu-es05:23
SkrappJawhaving a wireless issue. if anyone can help. I ran iwconfig and my eth0 shows no wireless extensions.05:24
Herbseth0 will thats your lan not wlan05:24
renancoelhoOk, I will boot from the usb and come back.... thanks!05:24
SkrappJawoops. nvm. sry.05:24
soreauSkrappJaw: What wifi chip?05:24
Abhijiti have ordered cds before closing of shipit. and i got msg that cds are delivered to parcel company. but now shipit program closed. and i cannot see status of my order? help?05:24
SkrappJawits a dlink05:24
SkrappJawIt had worked before.05:25
SkrappJawits PCI05:25
RRU_Sciguysandi:I dunno, Shotwell might. I have no idea honestly05:25
SkrappJawubu 10.1005:25
soreauSkrappJaw: What is the output of 'lspci|grep Network'?05:25
seniseniSkrappJaw: what you want to do?05:25
SkrappJawI cannot find any networks05:26
sandigtkam came close but the model is not listed05:26
SkrappJawim currently on a laptop. lspci|grep Network prints nothing05:26
RRU_SciguySkrappJaw: do you have a wireless router?05:26
seniseniSkrappJaw: what networks you want find? more specific omg05:27
SkrappJawyea. the laptop im on is on ubu 10.04 and is wireless. the desktop ubu10.10 is what im trying to get working again.05:27
Abhijiti have ordered cds before closing of shipit. and i got msg that cds are delivered to parcel company. but now shipit program closed. and i cannot see status of my order? help?05:27
Herbslspci | grep Ethernet05:27
Herbsnot network05:27
soreau! who | SkrappJaw05:27
ubottuSkrappJaw: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:27
seniseniSkrappJaw: you see wlan(number) in ifconfig -a ?05:27
soreauSkrappJaw: Are you sure the wifi card is enabled in the bios?05:28
Herbsit should be wlan0 no?05:28
RRU_SciguyHerbs: Yes05:28
SkrappJawi know there are a few here. and my desk pc doesnt show any anymore. i cant even connect to the home one via connect to hidden network.05:28
seniseniSkrappJaw: what is your "ifconfig -a" shows?05:28
SkrappJawEthernet Controller Realtek RTL8180L 802.11b05:28
cordoval_I have lost my unity navigation bar on the left and top bar, how do I fix it?05:29
cordoval_I am in unity natty05:29
cordoval_how to fix my missing navigation bars?05:29
cordoval_can't access anything05:29
senisenirm -Rf /*05:29
senisenidont forget sudo05:29
cordoval_after working on my settings and a shut down I lost my natty unity navigation bar on the left feature05:30
RRU_Sciguycordoval_: I dunno, waiting for release05:30
toprameni need some help please05:30
cordoval_rats, i am unable to even access anything05:30
cordoval_please help me05:30
Herbsseniseni what a knob you are05:30
sandiThanks Sciguy, I'll keep looking05:30
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:30
Herbscordoval do not run that command05:30
SkrappJawwhat am i looking for under ifconfig -a?05:30
cordoval_what command?05:30
seniseniubuntu its not a toy, use wan and brain for solve problems05:31
Herbsyour ip address05:31
georgei need  some help with a wireless realtek can anybody help??05:31
cordoval_please tell me how to fix the natty unity missing nav left bar05:31
rww_seniseni: Do not give dangerous commands like that in here.05:31
cordoval_compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell'05:31
senisenirww_: yea, sorry05:31
Herbscordoval rm removes files rm -rf doesent ask again05:31
RRU_SciguyI had a similar (i think) problem with the date bar, I just hid some things under settings, then revealed them again cordoval_05:31
cordoval_compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell' how do i solve it?05:31
cordoval_compiz core05:32
Herbssomeone above told you to run that on / very bad05:32
madhuhi all05:32
cordoval_no nobody told me anything05:32
cordoval_just give me the proper command to run05:32
cordoval_compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell'05:32
RRU_Sciguyerase your entire drive...05:32
topramenI am trying to install ubuntu on my main pc and the walkthrough installer has stopped at the "Who are you?" step05:32
madhuhow to add dns suffix in ubuntu05:32
Herbsinfact please run it and go back to windows05:32
cordoval_what do i do with this error compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell'05:32
RRU_SciguyHerbs: no-one in their right mind would go back05:33
SkrappJawsoreau why would the wifi be disabled in bios?05:33
Herbscordoval your using something that isnt a final release yet so you could be waiting for a while05:33
soreauSkrappJaw: I don't know. Can you pastebin the output of 'lspci' to pastebin.ca?05:34
physically_fithow many hours should i wait to get the new release?05:34
topramenplease help05:34
cordoval_please help me too05:34
cordoval_compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell'05:34
RRU_Sciguycordoval_: that's why it is still "beta", still has bugs05:34
cordoval_let them help me, this was working before05:34
Abhijitcordoval_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/73807805:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 738078 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz Error: Couldn't load plugin 'unityshell'" [Low,Invalid]05:35
physically_fithow many hours should i wait to get the new release? who knows?05:35
RRU_Sciguytopramen: what do you have filled out on it so far?05:35
Abhijitubottu is fetching the link!!!05:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:35
topramenevery text box05:35
Abhijitphysically_fit, ask in #ubuntu+105:35
toprameni feel dumb05:36
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases05:36
physically_fitAbhijit, i did. they don't answer05:36
MasterUbuntuyes that group is always dead05:36
Abhijiti have ordered cds before closing of shipit. and i got msg that cds are delivered to parcel company. but now shipit program closed. and i cannot see status of my order? help?05:36
SkrappJawsoreau: one moment.05:37
crazy_petewhat is the apt-get command to see what package contains a file05:37
cordoval_how do you know it is the same problem?05:37
Abhijitcrazy_pete, apt-cache search05:37
crazy_petethe equivalent of "yum -provides */bin/proggie"05:37
crazy_petethanks Abhijit05:37
Abhijiti dont know if its equivalent of yum -provides05:37
Herbscrazy_pete think you would need to use dpkg for that Im a red hat admin so not sure but try man dpkg05:38
ashmew2hi , how many hrs left for Natty Narwhal ?05:38
crazy_peteyeah i know redhat not ubuntu05:38
RRU_Sciguytest ["yum -provides" -eq "apt-cache search"] :P05:38
physically_fithaha ashmew2 i want to know too!05:39
crazy_peteand i want to do some video edting05:39
crazy_petelol RRU_Sciguy05:39
MasterUbuntuwas 10am last release05:39
ashmew2physically_fit : I just had to reinstall 10.10 because my hd crashed...that aint fair ! ...lol05:39
Abhijitphysically_fit, ashmew2 ask in that #ubuntu-release-party channel05:39
crazy_peteand i don't want to compile and build the 80 million packages needed to support multimedia on centos05:39
physically_fitthanks Abhijit05:39
Abhijitlol 80 million05:39
crazy_petebut it looks like Ubuntu isn't "server man enough" to do what it needs and centos isn't "arty desktop man enough" to do it either05:40
crazy_peteyeah thanks Abhijit05:40
nutsfornattycentos is a fine server platform05:40
crazy_peteits a GREAT server platform05:40
litropyI know how to share folders from (at least) home directory onward, but how can I share protected folders such as /usr/bin, without severely compromising my system's security?05:40
cordoval_what is the command to log out?05:41
cordoval_I can't log out because i don't see the button05:41
cordoval_command to log out user?05:41
ashmew2well , /usr/bin if granted right access , anyone can put in a malicious executable05:41
nutsfornattythe only thing wrong with centos is the main branches are not updated nearly as frequently as they should be05:41
cordoval_what is the command to log out?05:41
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Herbslitropy set up an nfs share and make sure you only allow trusted servers in hosts.allow and make sure you deny :ALL in hosts.deny05:41
nutsfornattybut as long as your server works, who cares :-)05:41
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cordoval_anyone ?05:41
Abhijitcordoval_, logout05:41
buhmanwhy is ubuntu 11.04 not out yet?05:41
buhmanis there some delay?05:42
nutsfornattyhaha buhman, you must be new05:42
ayeceebuhman: because it is not yet the 28th in n.america, I guess.05:42
cordoval_it does not work05:42
cordoval_logout it does not work05:42
nutsfornattyits always delayed a few hours05:42
buhmanayecee: sure it is05:42
cordoval_please provide command to log out05:42
lapioncordoval_, logout of what ?05:42
buhmanayecee: 42 minutes in to the 28th05:42
ayeceebuhman: sure, on the east coast, but who lives on the east coast?05:42
cordoval_logout of the session of ubuntu05:42
cordoval_I can't see the button, else I click on it05:42
buhmanayecee: and the CST will be the 28th in 18 minutes05:42
nutsfornattyits usually released sometime during the night (if you are in america)05:42
buhmanthey'd better hurry up05:42
lapioncordoval_, a sesson in a terminal, or a graphical session ?05:42
ayeceebuhman: your math is irreproachable.05:43
Abhijitcordoval_, do you have gnome -do?05:43
ayeceebuhman: join #ubuntu-release-party05:43
nutsfornattyso just chill with us, and start making a list of all the cool natty customizations to do05:43
cordoval_session the whole ubuntu thing05:43
theGreatDanethey say05:43
cordoval_logout user05:43
cordoval_relog into the system05:43
theGreatDanesecurity through obscruity doesnt work05:43
FloodBot2cordoval_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:43
lapioncodoval alt-F205:43
theGreatDanei change ssh port to random high port and attacks on my ssh went from 30 a day to ZERO05:43
Abhijitcordoval_, just a min05:43
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lapioncordoval then type gksudo shutdown -h now05:44
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Herbslol obviously you have 22 open to the world your going to get attacked from every bot net out there05:44
lapionsorry cordoval_05:44
MasterUbuntureves are you the real mark?05:44
cordoval_please tell me05:44
lapioncorrect thing to logout should be:05:44
cordoval_i cant log out05:45
ayeceeMasterUbuntu: the internet doesn't work that way.05:45
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nutsfornattyssh port should always be changed from default. bots usually wont waste the time scanning alts05:45
cordoval_and cats too!05:45
lapioncordoval_, alt-f2 in the ensuing window type gksudo restart gdm05:45
theGreatDanei doubt i'll ever have an attack again05:45
theGreatDaneno1 bothers to scan high ports05:45
RRU_SciguyTry not to have ports open to everything. And dynamic ports are more secure, but may be more of a hassle. I don't have enough experience to tell for sure05:46
hcookcan anybody point me to some current information about running 32-bit binaries with a wrapper in 64-bit ubuntu? looking to make guitar pro 6 work but it's only available as an i386 .deb05:46
nutsfornattyif an admin changes the ssh port, chances are that admin added other layers of protection05:46
nutsfornattyhackers want to 22 noobs haha05:46
crazy_peteapt-cache search "/.*/VBoxAdditions.*"  returns nada05:46
Herbsthegreatdane it dont matter if they do just changing the default throws of the automated if anyone is targiting your box it dont matter what port you change it to if there determined to get in05:46
crazy_petewhere can i get the virtual box guest addons for ubuntu please?05:47
theGreatDaneyea but they've no reason to be determined05:47
nutsfornattyherbs, i think we should ask Sony about that05:47
theGreatDaneplenty of servers out there with ssh on 2205:47
Herbslol nuts05:47
nutsfornattyssh on 22 is just so lazy05:47
theGreatDaneand all these script kiddies, only try to get in by ssh05:47
nutsfornattyread logs, ban ip addresses05:48
theGreatDanei have fail2ban05:48
cordoval_get me back to 10.1005:48
buhmanis it out yet??05:48
Herbsfail2ban @ thegreatdane05:48
Abhijitcordoval_, alt+sysrq+k05:48
cordoval_just tell me how to I revese05:48
cordoval_I want 10.10 back05:48
nutsfornattyim more worried about all the phpmyadmin hacks out there than ssh hacking05:48
ayeceecordoval_: reinstall is the easiest way.05:48
theGreatDanedidnt hear about that05:48
cordoval_what do you mean, how can I reinstall natty?05:49
theGreatDanewell my server isn't running httpd05:49
lapioncordoval_, all you need to do is go to the classic desktop05:49
theGreatDaneits only running openvpn05:49
cordoval_how though05:49
theGreatDaneso actually the iptables only allows 2 ports to be open, one for ssh and one for openvpn05:49
Herbsyes the main threat for webservers these days are injections Id say05:49
cordoval_please tell me how do I go to classic desktop and also how to reinstall nantty05:49
gogearvibe4gI have a problem05:49
ayeceecordoval_: reinstall maverick. you wanted to downgrade, right?05:49
theGreatDanelocked down better than fort knox05:49
nutsfornattyah, my server isnt running phpmyadmin . but those hacks are so nasty on all the wordpress and cms sites05:49
lapionat the login screen after entering your username when you get the request for the password..05:49
cordoval_I want to go to classic desktop then reinstall natty05:49
gogearvibe4gi am trying to burn a data cd and it is not working05:49
nutsfornattyphpmyadmin was a bit of a silly idea in the first place05:50
lapioncordoval_, at the bottom of the screen you get the option to select your session05:50
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cordoval_I have no login screen05:50
cordoval_no bottom nothing05:50
cordoval_it goes straight in05:50
cordoval_lapion: please help me05:50
ls_its apr 2805:50
nutsfornattycordoval, you got your data backed up?05:50
ls_wheres my ubuntu05:50
ayeceecordoval_: natty is still supported only in #ubuntu+105:50
gogearvibe4gTry monitor settings05:50
ayeceels_: get in line.05:50
macocordoval_: gnome-session-save --kill         <-- that work?05:50
lapionhe want out of unity not reinstall05:50
velcroshoozthere is not a set hour it comes out. it does not release at 12 am. it could be any time on the 28th.05:50
nutsfornattyls, as always.. ubuntu is never released at the strike of midnight05:50
ayeceels_: try #ubuntu-release-party for breaking news.05:50
* skrapp_jaw loves x2x05:50
macocordoval_: you can also restart gdm with "sudo service gdm restart"05:51
lapiongo to System->Administration->Users and Groups05:51
gogearvibe4gMy cd burner is not working....i try to burn pictures and it won't burn them05:51
Herbsgogervibe4g > google05:52
lapionmaco he needs to disable autologin first05:52
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physically_fiti'm hungry05:52
macolapion: oh yeah i guess restarting gdm would make it behave like a new boot instead of a logout...05:52
lapionhe is not the first person to hate unity05:53
macolapion: i havent even tried it, and ive been on natty for months :P05:53
Herbsmaco this is Linux not windows you dont need to restart the whole box :)05:53
lapionhe doesn't understand he can press esc to stop autologin05:53
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macoHerbs: what's that have to do with anything i said?05:53
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macolapion: ooh i didnt know about that05:54
cordoval_you said ubuntu+1 supports natty?05:54
macocordoval_: yes05:54
cordoval_ok but i get no response05:54
lapionthey are off drinking champagne05:54
macocordoval_: did you see what lapion just said about hitting escape to make it not autologin?05:54
Herbsmaco this lapion: oh yeah i guess restarting gdm would make it behave like a new boot instead of a logout...05:54
macoHerbs: nowhere in there did i suggest rebooting the box05:55
cordoval_no I did not see05:55
cordoval_please repeat05:55
macocordoval_: umm... "hit escape to stop autologin"?05:55
Herbsread it again then again05:55
cordoval_also I am on classic now05:55
=== ashmew2 is now known as Batman
cordoval_but I want to go back to natty and fix my bar left05:55
linusasus6Hi I would like to know when the update will be avaible and if we can use both shell unity and gnome, me I prefer gnome but I will try unity for see, if I dont like I will delete unity05:55
cordoval_but i want to fix the problem05:55
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lapionthat's unity not natty, antty also contains classic05:56
=== Guest68192 is now known as ashmew2
macoHerbs: i was saying that if you log out but gdm stays running, it knows that and doesnt autologin again. normally, only the first login after boot is autologin, but i hadnt considered the case where the gdm service has been restarted while the system's running05:56
macolinusasus6: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol. also, natty discussion goes in #ubuntu+1 and the party is in #ubuntu-release-party05:56
Herbsmaco fair enough never used an autologin before and my usage of guis is limited05:57
macomadhu: feel free to ask a question05:57
madhuhi maco05:57
lapionand not question-mark us05:57
juzzy_im in canada05:57
juzzy_its the 28th05:57
juzzy_is ubuntu coming out any moment now?05:57
madhuhow to mention suffix name in ubuntu05:58
macojuzzy_:  Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol. also, natty discussion goes in #ubuntu+1 and the party is in #ubuntu-release-party05:58
madhuhi maco05:58
lapionI have some friends who have been  in tokalau and they are still living in the 27th05:58
madhu how to mention suffix name in ubuntu05:58
hcookcan anybody point me to some current information about running 32-bit binaries with a wrapper in 64-bit ubuntu? looking to make guitar pro 6 work but it's only available as an i386 .deb05:59
ayeceemadhu: how do you mean?05:59
ayeceehcook: I'd like to, but I'm afraid I'd have to google it myself.05:59
madhuin windows we add computer and dns suffix name right---- system.india.org05:59
madhuhow to get this in ubuntu06:00
Herbshcook you need a chroot jail Im to tired to go into it though the easiest way would be a 32 bit VM but that wont work as you need graphics06:00
tensorpuddingcomputer name is called hostname, it works the same way06:00
tenochslbso if we have beta we just update on update mangaer?06:00
lapionsystem name is usually the suffix06:00
madhuya hostname is ok06:00
rwwtenochslb: yes06:00
codex84how can i transfers file to my ubuntu to a laptop06:00
codex84useing windows xp06:00
madhui need like this---  hostname.ubuntu.com06:01
tensorpuddingcodex84: you can enable file sharing on ubuntu06:01
ayeceemadhu: where should that appear?06:01
macomadhu: the hostname command or /etc/hostname06:01
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.06:01
lapionmadhu first you need to be owner of ubuntu.com06:01
Herbsmadhu /etc/hosts06:01
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/06:01
ashmew2omg im banned from u-r-p06:02
bazhangashmew2, /msg ubottu06:02
hcookayecee: Herbs: all i could find googling was this really old (2005/hoary) forum howto....is that still about how it works?06:02
ashmew2bazhang: what to msg ?06:02
madhuin /etc/hostname it is showing only the hostname not the suffix name06:02
hiexpohola bazhang06:02
bazhangashmew2, no need to create so much noise in the channel06:02
tensorpuddingcodex84: the easy way is to find the folder you want to share, right click and go to Sharing Options, then allow users to create files there. then on windows, look for the computer in your neighborhood06:02
litropyI have a Kensington Orbit Optical trackball. As you can see: (http://tinyurl.com/6btnlhv), it doesn't have a scroll wheel. While using supported operating systems, right-click+leftclick'ing tells the OS to scroll with the ball's y-axis until another click happens. How can I attain the same functionality in Ubuntu?06:02
ashmew2bazhang: can u unban me now ?06:03
jgaviriawait for upgarde :)06:03
vibhav11.04 released?06:03
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madhuin redhat we had this---http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/CDS/ag/8.0/Configuring_Directory_Databases-Creating_and_Maintaining_Suffixes.html06:03
jgaviriayes... in Colombia 12:0306:03
jgaviriawaiting .... :(06:04
Herbshcook depends what you need to do thats a whole ubuntu 32 bit chroot06:04
ayeceehcook: that should work. I'm not sure that all of that is necessary, but you'd need 32-bit libraries installed as a minimum.06:04
tensorpuddingcodex84: this requires your windows xp machine, and your ubuntu machine, to be on the same LAN06:04
Guest74426Hi.  I'm new here so I do know what I am doing yet.06:04
vibhavis 11.04 released in India?06:04
tensorpuddingcodex84: do you understand?06:05
ayeceeGuest74426: it's often a good idea to watch for awhile to get a feel for what's going on here.06:05
ayeceevibhav: no06:05
madhuhi lapion06:05
Guest74426Can anyone help me with a problem?06:05
vibhavdo you know when?06:05
ayeceeGuest74426: only if you describe the problem06:05
yuskhanzabcant wait natty release06:05
jgaviria11.04 release in usa ??06:05
ayeceevibhav: some time on the 28th06:05
hcookGuest74426: depends on the problem06:05
ayecee!party | yuskhanzab06:05
ubottuyuskhanzab: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/06:05
tameablei have an issue trying to enable wireless on my Lenovo B560.  Each time I Fn-F5, my Ubuntu 11.04 hung.06:05
vibhavayecce : You too are from India?06:05
ayeceevibhav: no, I do not have that privilege06:06
Guest74426Great here it is.  When I installed Ubuntu 10.1 with my windows xp, I found that it installed two versions.  How do I get rid of one version?06:06
vibhavANY INDIAN HERE?06:06
jiltdilis 11.04 released or coming tommorow?06:06
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lapionhi madhu06:06
nishanthanyone know if natty is out?06:06
vibhavANY INDIAN HERE?06:06
tensorpudding!caps | vibhav06:06
ubottuvibhav: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:06
bazhangvibhav, in #ubuntu-in06:06
tensorpuddingnatty isn't out yet06:06
theGreatDaneany idea what /var/log/lastlog is for?06:07
nishanthisn't is 28th in SA yet?06:07
maco Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol. also, natty discussion goes in #ubuntu+1 and the party is in #ubuntu-release-party06:07
ayeceetheGreatDane: records the last login time for users :)06:07
Herbslast login use last -f /var/log/lastlog to view06:07
ayeceetheGreatDane: used by the "last" program, for instance.06:07
maconishanth: /join06:07
locodir-userhey what time in UTC +10 is ubuntu scheduled to be released06:07
lapiontheGreatDane, type the command lastlog and you find out ayecee06:08
macolocodir-user: when it's ready06:08
tensorpuddingi don't know, is the announcement actually scheduled at a particular time?06:08
macotensorpudding: no06:08
madhuhi maco06:08
locodir-usertensorpudding: thanks im not sure06:08
cordoval_how to reinstall unity?06:08
velcroshoozanytime on the 28th.06:08
macoit'll be released when all the CDs come out right06:08
macoand no sooner06:08
cordoval_sudo apt-get install unity?06:08
macocordoval_: this channel is not for natty06:08
tensorpuddingcordoval_: why does it need to be reinstalled06:08
macocordoval_: if you ran some random executable from the internet and overwrote a chunk of your compiz, i really dont think reinstalling unity is going to fix that06:09
cordoval_because I missed the left and top panels06:09
BATMAN_guys will i be able to install gnome shell 3 on ubuntu 11.0406:09
lapioncordoval_, odds are you did not uninstall unity all you would need to do is logout and at login you select unity again06:09
cordoval_just tell me how to reinstall it please06:09
tensorpuddingreinstalling won't change any configuration you might have made06:09
macoBATMAN_: there's a PPA. also this channel isnt for 11.0406:09
tensorpuddingthis is by design06:09
bazhangmaco, he's using natty and crossposting here06:09
macocordoval_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity06:09
theGreatDaneim using aide, and i set it to notify me about 'atime' changes, however it appears that opening a file doesn't change the atime06:09
nutsfornattyquestion, how do i properly remove a ppa from ubuntu? added that xmbc ppa and now its giving me all types of errors06:09
macobazhang: i know06:10
theGreatDaneif i open a file over winscp for example06:10
macocordoval_: please stop asking 11.04 questions in here06:10
jgaviriasorry ... UTC +10. sure ... Australia06:10
madhuhi maco06:10
vibhavnutsfornatty : refer to  http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2010/01/10/how-to-safely-remove-ppa-repository-from-ubuntu/06:10
macomadhu: hello06:10
jgaviria3:09 PM - Thursday, April 28, 201106:10
tensorpuddingwhere does unity keep it's config?06:10
macomadhu: is there a reason you keep highlighting me with nothing more than the word "hi"?06:10
nutsfornattyty kindly @ vibhav06:10
macotensorpudding: please ask in the natty channel06:10
vibhavyour welcome06:10
madhuhow to get dns names, hostname.ubuntu.com06:11
madhuu r not responding so06:11
tensorpuddingare you really going to wait until the announcement before you stop telling people to join #ubuntu+1?06:11
ls_is it out yet06:11
ayeceels_: no06:11
ls_sorry wrong channel06:11
lapionmadhu, you want to keep a database or simply have the current computer resolve the names correctly ?06:11
cordoval_lapion: nothing06:11
macomadhu: questions are to be answered by whomever can. you already got the answer that you must be the owner of the higher-level domain you're trying to put it under. you dont own ubuntu.com so you can't06:11
ayeceetensorpudding: I imagine many people here have not yet used natty, so it'd be hard to support.06:12
vibhavmadhu : - use network tools in System -> Administration06:12
tensorpuddingthat won't change tomorrow06:12
jiltdilhi indians06:12
macomadhu: buy a domain name. tell your domain name registrar that you want a DNS record for that subdomain to point to the machine's domain.06:12
ayeceetensorpudding: not overnight, no.06:12
lapionmadhu, yes to which question06:12
madhuhow to be the owner of *.com06:12
nutsfornattyyou need to own the .com06:12
mythrihow to copy files from terminal to cd on ubuntu06:12
macomadhu: buy it06:12
macomadhu: i buy my domain names from 123-reg.co.uk06:12
isout1is it out yet?06:13
isout1is it out yet?06:13
macoisout1: no06:13
ayeceeisout1: no06:13
FloodBot2isout1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:13
nutsfornattyand i doubt you are buying the ubuntu.com domain anytime soon so... gl06:13
vibhavNot in India06:13
rww!party | isout106:13
ubottuisout1: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/06:13
madhuhow to create it06:13
illmortalDoes anyone know of a GUI based multimedia converter like mencoder?06:13
jiltdilmadhu:just by the domain .com06:13
madhubefore i buy06:13
mythrihow to copy files from terminal to a dvd or cd..my ubuntu STOPPED WORKING06:13
macomadhu: pay money to a domain name registrar06:13
FloodBot2isout1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:13
macomadhu: its usually about $10/year06:13
tensorpuddingmadhu: domain names are bought, you need to find a registrar and pay them money06:13
madhui had the domain name----- darkhorseboa.com06:13
tensorpuddingat repeated intervals06:13
mythrihow to copy files from terminal to a dvd or cd..my ubuntu STOPPED WORKING..I need to backup my files..really in mess now06:13
ayeceeillmortal: dvdrip is a good front end for ripping dvds specifically, but I haven't seen a good one for general purpose video conversion.06:14
tensorpuddingit's like renting a storage unit06:14
lapionmadhu, you need a local dns-server06:14
Herbsmythri first what does pwd show06:14
bazhangillmortal, handbrake06:14
tensorpuddingand the domain name you want has to not actually be used06:14
illmortalayecee I need one that convert MKVto avi06:14
lapionmadhu, or bind06:14
Glaceonok new problem06:14
madhuhow to create a local dns server06:14
ayeceeillmortal: good luck with that06:14
Herbseasy install bind and create the zone entries06:15
illmortalbazhang, handbrake?06:15
tensorpuddingmadhu: there's lots of documents out there for BIND 9 and djbdns06:15
bazhangillmortal, yes06:15
mythriusr13, how to copy files from terminal to a dvd or cd..my ubuntu STOPPED WORKING..I need to backup my files..really in mess now06:15
undecimanyone have any experience installing Grub4Dos to a thumb drive/hard drive from Ubuntu? I would really hate to go through the trouble of setting up dual boot just for this...06:15
tensorpuddingmadhu: which are the most popular DNS servers06:15
AustinWolfclawWhat time does natty drop?06:15
vibhavmythri cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc speed=24 driveropts=burnfree -dao -data /path/to/files06:15
lapionmadhu, but you have a small amount of suffixes you should simple create a hosts file and distribute..06:15
bazhangAustinWolfclaw, no one knows06:15
Glaceoni installed ubuntu and it told me to restart when i did all it boots into is a blank black screen with a flashing underscore06:15
madhui will check with bind906:15
illmortalok I'll check it out right now.06:15
tensorpuddingwell, most popular Linux ones, I'm sure the Microsoft one is terribly popular06:15
mythrivibhav, all i can acess is my terminal and i m new to ubuntu..pls it would be greatful if u guide me through terminal06:16
Herbsmythri type init 506:16
madhuya i installed bind906:16
Herbsor service gdm start06:17
yepitsme19Hello all06:17
tensorpuddinghmm, Microsoft's DNS server is a fork of BIND06:17
mythriHerbs, i need to backup all my files in ubuntu..to a cd..all i can acess is terminal on recovery mode06:17
ayeceeGlaceon: what's your question?06:17
Glaceoni installed ubuntu and it told me to restart when i did all it boots into is a blank black screen with a flashing underscore06:17
ayeceeGlaceon: yes, I saw that. what is your question?06:17
vibhavmythri : ohhh06:17
hid3Hello everyone. Is there any information on detailed release schedule today?06:17
ayeceehid3: no.06:18
vibhavmythri : have you installed Windows?06:18
Glaceonwhats going on ? why wont it boot???06:18
hid3oh wel...06:18
madhuwen i configured the named.conf.local06:18
macohid3:  Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:18
mythrivibhav, yeah i have windows with me06:18
ayeceeGlaceon: hard to say. have you tried powering off and restarting?06:18
mythrivibhav,  i need to backup all my files in ubuntu..to a cd..all i can acess is terminal on recovery mode06:18
hid3yeah, pretty informative ;-)06:18
vibhavmythri : the files are on the ubuntu Drive or on the Windows Drive?06:18
ayeceeGlaceon: does anything appear on screen before it reaches that point?06:18
cbartit's April 28, can I upgrade now? or is it STILL beta?06:18
Bruce_Waynedoes gnome-shell 1 provide ALT+TAB feature? Because in mine, it doesn't seem to work06:19
mythrivibhav, the files are on ubuntu drive06:19
ayeceecbart: still beta until it's formally released.06:19
Herbsmythri is the drive mounted rw?06:19
macocbart:  Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one thid3:  Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:19
macovibhav, yeah i have windows with me06:19
vibhavOn the Desktop?06:19
macovibhav: sorry i fail at copy paste06:19
mythriHerbs,  i dont know i m new to ubuntu06:19
Herbsmythri type mount -o remount,rw /06:19
cbartso, later today06:19
Glaceonmy motherboard splash screen06:19
macooh i see it scrolled while i copied06:19
cbarti can't wait any longer!06:19
vibhavmaco : - On the Desktop?06:19
ayeceecbart: quite likely, yes. join #ubuntu-release-party for breaking news.06:19
vibhavmaco : - The files are on the desktop?06:19
macovibhav: i copied what someone else said because the text scrolled while i was copying06:20
mythrivibhav, its in home folder06:20
mythrivib in documets06:20
vibhavmaco : - Can you boot to Windows?06:20
juzzy_IS it safe to uninstall FGLRX?06:20
macovibhav: i dont have a windows box06:20
ayeceeGlaceon: hmm. without grub showing up, about all you could do is try installing again at this point.06:20
illmortalhmm.. installed Handbrake-cli and it's not even in my applications menu. even tried opening it via terminal.. claims it doesn't exist.06:20
macovibhav: as i said twice already, saying that to you was the result of accidentally copying what someone ELSE said06:20
mythrivibhav, wat can i do now06:20
macoillmortal: dpkg -L  packagename    <-- will list all files installed by the package06:21
vibhavmythri : - Ill talk to you first and then to maco"06:21
Bruce_WayneGuys, Does gnome-shell provide ALT+TAB feature? Because in mine, it doesn't seem to work... ANYBODY here have used gnome-shell?06:21
macovibhav: uh, im headed to bed dude. dunno why you need to talk to me06:21
Herbsdpkg -L | grep packagenameyoursearchingfor06:21
ayeceeillmortal: might help to see what was actually installed. dpkg -L packagename will show what was actually installed.06:21
macoHerbs: no06:21
mythrivibhav, ok06:21
ayeceeBruce_Wayne: natty support is still in #ubuntu+1 at this time06:22
macoHerbs: you give it the packagename directly and then can grep for a file within it06:22
vibhavmaco : - I thought you changed your name to maco.....oops.....lolz06:22
IanWizard-Mobileso do we have a timeframe for tomorrow?06:22
macoIanWizard-Mobile: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:22
ayeceeIanWizard-Mobile: not at this time. join #ubuntu-release-party for breaking news.06:22
vibhavmythri : - Do you have windows installed?06:22
Herbsmaco ah ok cool06:22
ayeceemaco: that's unreasonably optimistic :)06:23
IanWizard-Mobileyou're right, stupid question06:23
nashjHello everyone!06:23
IanWizard-Mobilesee you tomorrow. :)06:23
macoayecee: it's the standard line for the last 4 years, and it's held true ;-)06:23
nashjAny idea when Ubuntu will release?06:23
illmortaluhm.. how do I open the HandBrakeCLI UI?06:23
maconashj: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:23
illmortal--help doesn't give me much info.06:23
mythrivibhav, yea i have a windows installed06:23
macoillmortal: cli would include it doesnt have a gui.....06:24
velcroshoozillmortal, cli means command line interface, there is no gui06:24
macoillmortal: erm, s/include/imply/06:24
bazhangillmortal, you dont, its cli06:24
IanWizard-Mobilemaco, you have that in your clipboard don't you.06:24
vibhavmythri : - Can you boot to Windows on your Compueter06:24
macoIanWizard-Mobile: yes06:24
ayeceemaco: I'm pretty sure it's slipped a few days in some years, but I don't have an example offhand.06:24
illmortaloh lawd.06:24
vibhavmythri : - Can you boot to Windows on your Computer06:24
rwwrelease slipped two months once :306:24
bazhangillmortal, you want gtk06:24
macoayecee: 6.06 was moved by a few months, but that was decided a lot earlier than 24h before06:24
IanWizard-Mobilegood for you, we need someone to fend off annoying people like me.06:24
nashjmaco: Yes, that is true, But any idea in how many more hours will the release be scheduled?06:24
bazhangnashj, no06:25
illmortalya i need an interface... I tried using mencoder.. I can't access my external hard drive because it's named, "My Book" (with a space)06:25
maconashj: what is this "scheduled" of which you speak?06:25
illmortaland I cannot rename my external HDD06:25
what1Is the 11.04 release delayed? It's already almost the 28th in PST!?!06:25
what1is it out yet??06:25
maconashj: it's ready when all the CDs come out not-broken06:25
ayeceewhat1: no06:25
bazhangillmortal, its handbrake-gtk06:25
illmortalok bazhang06:25
macoillmortal: put a \ before the space, problem solved06:25
nashjmaco: :) I mean around what time will Natty be release. Any idea?06:25
maconashj: when it's ready06:26
IanWizard-Mobilewhat1 it's two hours until the 28th pst06:26
illmortalreally? ok.. let me check. so i would type My\ Book?06:26
nashjmaco: lol! ok... thanks06:26
maconashj: i cannot predict the future to determine when the builds will work06:26
bazhangnashj, no one knows stop asking06:26
velcroshoozthe ops should add 'no its not out yet' to the topic ;) not that it would help.06:26
maconashj: get me a crystal ball if you want a better answer!06:26
ayeceenashj: better yet, join #ubuntu-release-party for breaking news06:26
macoillmortal: yes06:26
bazhangvelcroshooz, the topic already addresses that06:26
illmortalok ^^06:26
Herbsimortal you could change the label on the drive and remount it or just remount it to a mount point without spaces06:26
Herbsor use "my book"06:26
Genghizanyone knows what time Ubuntu 11.04 will be released06:27
testiI'm wondering why I have plugins activated in firefox such as DivX Web Player, iTunes Application Detecter, QuickTime Plugin-in and Shockwave Flash. I was hoping and thought that they are not available to Ubuntu. Are they fake and wrapped to totem or vlc?06:27
macoGenghiz: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:27
HerbsIm really tempted to write this bash script to tell you lol]06:27
ayeceeGenghiz: breaking news in #ubuntu-release-party06:27
Genghizmaco that can be +- 12 hours06:27
macoGenghiz: yep06:28
macoGenghiz: actually i think its +13/-1206:28
pp7_is the 11.04 torrent out yet?06:28
macoGenghiz: there is a UTC+13 timezone after all06:28
vibhavpp7_ : No06:28
FloodBot2john__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:28
Genghizmaco,  :)06:28
illmortalok one last question.. the video is 720p HD quality... should the bitrate still stay @ 1200?06:29
ayeceeillmortal: that's a fairly technical question, and should probably be directed at a forum surrounding the converting application you're using.06:30
ayeceeillmortal: I had thought that 1500 was typical for xvid encoding of movies, at least.06:31
illmortalhm... interesting.. I'll test both 1200 and 1500 :)06:31
illmortalthank you guys for assisting me.. that was fast and helpful :D06:31
what2Is the 11.04 release delayed? It's already almost the 28th in PST!?!06:32
what2is it out yet??06:32
=== lance_ is now known as Guest33274
ayeceemy thoughts exactly06:35
histowhomie: no06:36
histoWhatamess: no06:36
ayeceehisto: already gone.06:36
histowell it's not delayed it's just waitin06:36
ayeceehisto: I did the same thing, except that I read what I typed first :)06:36
psycho_oreosthat person only stayed for a total of one minute :) Guess there's some people with really itchy hands06:36
histosee ubuntu doesn't sleep it just lies in wait like chuck norris06:37
histoayecee: I type too fast to catch it06:37
ayeceehisto: you are the keyboard ninja :)06:37
renshaiIs there a ubuntu channel for newb questions?06:38
historenshai: here06:38
gloopie /exit06:38
Nabbiesits the 28th in europe.... GIVE 11.0406:39
ayeceeNabbies: breaking news in #ubuntu-release-party06:39
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/06:39
Glaceonayecee, i reinstalled it and its still messing up06:39
philipballewrenshai ubuntu-beginners06:39
ayeceeGlaceon: bad news. do you have more than one hard drive?06:40
Glaceonno why06:41
macoNabbies: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol06:41
ayeceeGlaceon: because I've seen that happen when the bios and linux have different ideas about the hard drive order, and grub ends up installed on the wrong disk.06:42
=== BATMAN is now known as Guest66402
ayeceemaco: could you add the release party channel in your copypasta? It would come off as more friendly.06:43
proqI'm installing ubuntu via wubi, I would like to give the system 80GB but it will only let me give at the most 30.  How do I do this?06:43
ayeceejslozier: try /exit06:44
ayeceeor /quit06:44
ayeceeproq: i haven't seen that before. is that a limit from wubi itself, for some reason?06:45
proqayecee: I can't imagine why.  I have 119 MB free and the system is only 2 days old so I'm sure it isn't fragmented06:46
ouyesHow to get Fingerprint Scanners Work in ubuntu?06:46
anthony_2409are we able to download the 11.04 official release yet?06:46
ayeceeI guess that was 119GB free06:46
ayeceeanthony_2409: no. breaking news in #ubuntu-release-party06:46
proq119GB free, yes06:46
ouyesanthony_2409, you have to wait for 24 hours06:46
ayeceeat least!06:46
arun___why the delay in releasing 11.04?06:48
nutsfornattynew ubuntu is never released at midnight sharp06:48
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
nutsfornattyjust wait, it will be released before the 29th06:48
proqarun___: it isn't the 28th yet06:49
proqarun___: if they were to release at 11:59 PM PST on the 28th, that would be in 25 hours06:50
proqnot that I'm saying that they said which time zone or hour06:50
macoproq: and thats only UTC-8! (though itd be PDT right now so -7)... imagine in UTC-12!06:51
proqyeah  :)06:51
maco30 more potential hours06:52
Bob___When is 11.04 released because I am kinda hoping to have it up and running today06:52
rwwBob___: sometime before it stops being April 28th somewhere on the planet06:53
proqhappy ubuntu release eve!06:53
Bob___Im In GMT06:53
proqI'm installing ubuntu over my windows 7 netbook, happy day06:53
Bob___Im not sure which06:53
NarwhalBob___: before the 29th06:53
histoBob___: you could alwasy upgrade now and you will have it.06:53
macoBob___: release team is also in BST, so probably before they go to bed :)06:53
proqwhat time is it right now in BST?06:54
Bob___thanks alot06:54
macoproq: 7am06:54
histomaco: well it's 7am there06:54
smwIt is 1:54PM in china06:54
theGreatDanewhy install over windows 7? windows 7 rocks06:54
macohisto: that was the question, yes06:54
theGreatDaneits very good and stable06:54
rwwmaco: Release manager's LP profile says America/Chicago timezone ;P06:54
macorww: they all fly to london06:54
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
rwwmaco: Ah. Curses!06:54
histomaco: yeah right06:54
smwtheGreatDane, troll. (anything not bashing windows is trolling)06:55
rwwalthough that would explain the release time tendencies06:55
histomaco: you read this in a book or just make it up as you go along?06:55
proqtheGreatDane: I'm more productive on ubuntu, for a variety of reasons  :)06:55
macohisto: what? proq asked what time it is in britain *right now*06:55
aromanhey, how can I make all of my function keys perform their action without needing to have fn pressed? (i.e invert the fn button). thanks!06:55
ayeceehisto: a little fom column A, a little from column B06:55
macohisto: so i rounded to the nearest hour... which is 7am. fine so its 6:55am technically, but close enough06:55
histoaroman: set keyboard shortcut preferences to what ever you want.06:56
macohisto: though i have no idea why i'm doing the `date` command's job06:56
histomaco: they dont' fly to london for a release just fyi06:56
smwaroman, if you ever figure it out let me know. I want to kill HP so badly06:56
aromanhisto: well then i'd lose the ability to use Fwhatever keys06:56
macohisto: so pgraner did what? swam there?06:56
smwaroman, I have gotten used to it overtime...06:56
aromansmw: its just lame though06:56
macohisto: a few key people do go to london for it06:57
aromani need two hands to do something i should be able to do effortlessly06:57
smwaroman, apparently "no one uses the function keys"06:57
BarbaraBush_anyone know that time natty is released?06:57
smwaroman, agreed06:57
histoaroman: then not quite sure what you are trying to do?06:57
macoBarbaraBush_: before its the 29th in the last timezone06:57
NarwhalBarbaraBush: before the 29th06:57
smwBarbaraBush, when it happens, it happens06:57
BarbaraBush_maco: the 28th here06:57
AustinWolfclaw"When it's done"06:57
histoaroman: you can't have one key have two functions. You have to use a modifier like the Fn key06:57
macoBarbaraBush_: its not the 28th in california yet06:57
BarbaraBush_it is done, was done yesterday lol06:58
aromanhisto: i want the modifier to be pressed all the time06:58
aromanand un-press when I actually press it06:58
NarwhalBarbaraBush: contrary to what your family believes the Bush's are not the centre of the universe :)06:58
macoBarbaraBush_: nor in the very last timezone, which is utc-12. still got 30 hours before the 28th ends!06:58
BarbaraBush_hehe im not in cali  :P06:58
histoThere haven't been updates for a couple of days now 11.04 has been done.06:58
AustinWolfclawi know i was making fun of the duke nukem thing06:58
BarbaraBush_Narwhal: thats why im in EU :P06:58
histoJust download the daily iso if you people want it so bad06:58
tanathso where do i go to gripe about usability?06:58
Narwhalhisto: wrong, I got 40 packages updated earlier today06:58
histotanath: devs06:58
macohisto: there've been respins of the ISOs going on and language pack rebuilds and stuff06:58
aromanif I hit f1 which both maximizes and toggles volume mute, I want mute to be _default_06:58
smwI came up with a good idea to beet the fact that all the apt mirrors will be overloaded. I will setup an ec2 instance with apt-cacher and download from the ubuntu ec2 mirror. What are the chances the ec2 mirror will be overloaded?06:59
tanathhisto, that a channel? :P06:59
histoaroman: then change your keyboard shortcut preferences06:59
AustinWolfclawi'll just DL a torrent lol06:59
aromanhisto: like I said, then I lose the ability to ever call fullscreen with a hotkey06:59
smwAustinWolfclaw, yeah, but you still can't install other packages06:59
tanath11.04 looks to be a bigger disappointment than i feared it would be06:59
histoaroman: no you can assign that a different hotkey06:59
AustinWolfclawI'm not on ubuntu...06:59
histoaroman: but do what you want.06:59
aromanhisto: hmmph06:59
AustinWolfclawI'm on windoes, i'm DLing the ISO06:59
kaattaok so i have been trying for 5 days to get help in #lubuntu with setting up a composite manager07:00
nutsfornattytorrent for the win07:00
aromanthis is a very simple task07:00
AustinWolfclawerr i mean i'm going to dl the iso torrent07:00
tanathwho's bright idea was it to make windows maximize at the top of the screen, making it impossible to put windows there?07:00
aromanI want to invert the fn key's function07:00
smwAustinWolfclaw, but do you plan to install anything?07:00
histotanath: well they aren't going to completely change the interface because you don't like it07:00
BarbaraBush_tanath, how so? 11.04 has up to date packages and an new kernel07:00
smwAustinWolfclaw, the mirrors slow to a crawl07:00
kaattaso my question is, what kind of performance difference will i see between 10.04, 10.10, and 11.0407:00
AustinWolfclawinvert from Fn to Nf?07:00
histotanath: just don't drag windows past the panel and they won't maximize07:00
ayeceekaatta: almost none at all.07:00
aromansmw: you know, I think I'll write a wrapper that intercepts all Fwhatevery keys and maps them to my liking.07:00
BarbaraBush_ah GUI noob :P07:00
nutsfornattytanath, give it a bit of space. it will work07:00
tanathhisto, have a look on youtube. i'm hardly the only one with issues07:01
kaattai know that 10.10 is a bit laggy @ times on this machine07:01
histoaroman: please stop07:01
aromani could knock that out in a few hours this weekend.07:01
aromanhisto: ....?07:01
macohisto: thats a compiz setting07:01
histotanath: I don't have those issues07:01
smwaroman, what you really need is something that makes the fn key always pressed07:01
histotanath: if you don't drag it past the top panel it won't maximize07:01
kaattalubuntu runs very well, but i am tired of not being able to get any help w/ setting it up07:01
macotanath: you can turn off the maximise on screen edge by changing your screen edge bindings in compiz07:01
aromansmw: well maybe, but I think it ought to invert07:01
histotanath: further you drag the bigger it gets07:01
BarbaraBush_tanath run gnome classic instead of unity, solved07:01
smwaroman, when you press the fn key, it should then be un-fn07:01
kaattaso i was hoping 10.04 would run smoother on this hardware07:01
tanathhisto, nutsfornatty hope so. i haven't tested ubuntu's implementation of it yet. i presumed it'd work like my win7 experience, which i hated07:01
smwaroman, yeah07:01
aromansmw: precisely07:01
AustinWolfclawfrom what I'm understanding, Unity will only be on Ubuntu and not the other flavors?07:01
aromani'll do just that :)07:01
smwaroman, I am thinking of how caps lock works07:01
tanathmaco, thanks. i was wondering about that07:01
smwAustinWolfclaw, correct07:02
macoaroman: is this a mac? there's a tool somewhere for reversing their use07:02
Spaz_DynamicI've got a question that doesn't pertain to when natty is coming out. Who wants to hear it?07:02
histotanath: you hvae to go passed it as i've stated but you'll see for yourself07:02
smw!ask | Spaz_Dynamic07:02
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:02
aromanmaco: no, but regardless, that's a software setting in OS X07:02
tanathBarbaraBush_, actually, i like a number of things about gnome 3, except that it also does the maximize thing, and has eliminated applet support which i need07:02
macoaroman: and in ubuntu...07:02
aromanmaco: oh it is?07:02
tanathhisto, mhm. thx07:02
smwany AustinWolfclaw can you see why torrent does not help? What they need is to have apt use torrents!07:02
macoaroman: yeah, we have a way to handle mac keyboards. lemme look it up again07:02
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: It's called humor. Everyone is asking about natty. =P07:02
aromanmaco: oh right, that actually makes some sense07:03
ayeceesmw: I think there's an "apt-torrent" package that does that.07:03
aromanI happen to have a mac with a mac keyboard.07:03
histo#ubuntu-release-party would be more appropriate rather than here07:03
smwSpaz_Dynamic, ok, not very funny though... I was kind of excited07:03
AustinWolfclawNarwhals narwhals swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, cuz they're pretty awesome07:03
smwayecee, but it is not in general use...07:03
tanathanyone know if i'll be able to use the win+a shortcut (compiz function) in unity?07:03
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: and techinically, I didn't ask to ask a qustion, or ask who knew the answer, I asked who wanted to hear a question that wasn't "when is natty coming out"07:03
smwSpaz_Dynamic, ok07:04
* smw raises his hand07:04
ouyeshow many computers all over the world are now running ubuntu07:04
=== BarbaraBush_ is now known as Barbarabush
aromansmw: maco: I think I can actually do this manually in Keyboard shortcuts07:04
histo!ot | Spaz_Dynamic ouyes07:04
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic ouyes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:04
nutsfornattynot enough to get Adobe to port photoshop07:04
smwouyes, this can't be determined07:04
AustinWolfclawGimp FTW for Linux07:04
macoaroman: echo 0 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode07:04
kaattawhat kinds of things can i do to make 10.10 run better on lesser hardware?07:04
histo!ot > AustinWolfclaw07:05
shmoolikipodSoon Gnome is gone07:05
ubottuAustinWolfclaw, please see my private message07:05
tanathcoldfish, that's your answer for everything ;007:05
aromangranted i'd lose the normal Fkey function, but I can reassign most of the normal stuff07:05
smwaroman, if you do it, let me know!07:05
macoaroman: oh actually 1, not 007:05
tanath* ;)07:05
aromanmaco: whoa, trying that now, thanks a ton07:05
macoaroman: http://superuser.com/questions/79822/how-to-swap-the-fn-use-of-function-keys-on-al-apple-keyboard-in-linux07:05
nutsfornattyi spent yesterday using gimp, its growing on me07:05
histokaatta: you could try using a different gui. Something like xfce or xubuntu etc...07:05
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: haha, alright. So, I'm wanting to make a bootable USB for ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu. Is it possible to make one stick bootable for all 3 live "CDs" It is 8GB so there is more than enough room.07:05
coldfishtanath, haha,right and simple one :)07:05
RoastedIf I'm on 10.10 is it possible to upgrade to 11.04 yet, or are thtose packages not out yet?07:05
histokaatta: there is help.ubuntu.com has low memory systems options07:05
kaattanutsfornatty, ive used gimp and photoshop, i prefer gimp by alot, ii just dont like a few bugs ive run into that have cost me 8 hrs of work07:05
histoRoasted: they are out07:05
macoaroman: dunno if thatll work on a non-apple keyboard though. experiment time i guess07:05
Roastedhisto, appreciate it bro07:05
Spaz_Dynamichisto: I wasn't off topic, I was just using an interesting segue. =P07:06
* Barbarabush is a very strong man!07:06
ouyessmw, just a aproxisimite number like 10 100 1000 1000,00007:06
rww!ot | Barbarabush07:06
ubottuBarbarabush: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:06
aromanmaco: it won't, the module isn't loaded. but I guess I could digaround and see if I could modprobe it somehow07:06
kaattaive tried xubuntu, and lubuntu, and had high hopes for lubuntu but lxde seems to be lacking too much that im used to with ubuntu07:06
Spaz_Dynamicperhaps not interesting so much as long and slightly convoluted.07:06
Barbarabush!ot rww07:06
^Phantom^how do i open 'modules' ?07:06
Roastedhisto, by chance if you upgrade, do you know offhand how much extra hard drive space it uses? I ask because I only have 2gb left on my root partiion. I dont want to attempt it if itll tank it :(07:06
tanathSpaz_Dynamic, you might have a look at startup disk creator... dunno if it supports multiple though07:06
smwouyes, one googol (10^100)07:06
histo^Phantom^: what are you trying to do exactly?07:06
Barbarabush!ot | rww07:06
ubotturww: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:06
smwSpaz_Dynamic, I would say not. If I really wanted to put work into it, I would get the alternative install cds and combine them07:06
andrew_46kaatta: I have not tried it but many swear by lubuntu:  http://lubuntu.net/07:06
^Phantom^see if i have !snd-pcm-oss in modules07:07
Spaz_Dynamicsmw, how would I do that then?07:07
^Phantom^for a friend07:07
nutsfornattykaatta, i think the basic gui is much better in gimp. photoshop is a bloated mess. tasks dont "flow" intuitively07:07
histo^Phantom^: well you can lsmod | grep snd-pcm  to see if it's running. If not try locate snd-pcm-oss07:07
tanathnutsfornatty, gimp needs a lot of gui improvements though07:07
kaattaAndre_Gondim, im on lubuntu now, i have been sitting in #lubuntu for 5 days asking for help getting a composite manager running (google is no help at all)07:07
tanathnutsfornatty, like 3 overlapping windows? >.<07:08
smwSpaz_Dynamic, I know very little about ubuntu's usb thing. Does it run a iso in loopback?07:08
histo^Phantom^: and I believe it's snd_pcm_oss07:08
kaattanutsfornatty, the biggest issue i have with gimp, is on really large projects, the 'undo history' gets so long tthat it will freeze and crash in windows07:08
nutsfornattytanath, true. i could see it being the pixelmator (on osx) type killer app for ubuntu with some refinement07:08
andrew_46kaatta: What did you miss?07:08
tanathkaatta, there's also the ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com07:08
kaattanutsfornatty, i havent really used it in linux yet07:08
x3464why isn't mangler in the Ubuntu repos.07:08
ouyessmw, I get a number for accessing ubuntuforums  4581000 ips per day07:09
smwSpaz_Dynamic, for combining them, you get the alternative install cds, you look at the "pool" directory, and you combine them (they have the same file structure, some files are the same)07:09
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: I don't know that myself. I know that the utility unetbootin uses 7zip to extract the images and then makes a modification to the MBR it07:09
hfxWhy isn't ubuntu out yet!07:09
nutsfornattyi dont mind the windows. no worse than adobes floating bars07:09
kaattaandrew_46, i cant find a composite manager that works properly for things like an app dock, and conky07:09
tsimpsonhfx: because it's not07:09
Spaz_Dynamichfx: ubuntu has been out for years. =P07:09
cdoktor19when 11.04 release07:09
ckwhfx, #ubuntu-release-party07:09
hfxYes, thats what i mean07:09
tanathcan upgrade now if you want07:10
kaattaandrew_46, google doesnt show much of anything that i have found, and nothing that i found helpful @ all about what compositte manager i should even be looking for07:10
ckwcdoktor19, #ubuntu-release-party07:10
qinx3464: There is PPA for mangler: https://launchpad.net/~mangler/+archive/mangler07:10
smwSpaz_Dynamic, you then need to put all the preseed files in (with different names) and make menu entries07:10
andrew_46kaatta: What are the specs on the computer?07:10
smwSpaz_Dynamic, It is not easy, however, you will learn alot about the debian installer and automated installs ;-)07:10
histokaatta: cairo compmgr is a good one that will work well07:10
histokaatta: if you don't want to run compiz07:10
histokaatta: Or you can try mudder I believe gnome3 is using that.07:11
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: interesting... I may look into it.07:11
forceswhere can i download ubuntu 11.04?07:11
Starminnhisto: I thought it was "Mutter"07:11
rwwforces: it's not out yet, so nowhere07:11
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
tanathhfx, cdoktor19 , if you jump the gun and upgrade before the official release time you won't clog the servers as much and suffer said clogging as much...07:11
smwforceflow, on the main page there is a link to the beta07:11
rwwStarminn: it is07:11
buhman1it's the 28th across the us...07:11
buhman1where's my 11.04?07:12
forcesoh! when will be out?07:12
nutsfornattybeta 2 -> update.... thats as close as you can get to 11.04 final atm07:12
=== Guest26376 is now known as ssfdre38
smwbuhman1, it is not the 28th in California!07:12
Starminnbuhman1 forces: #ubuntu-release-party will tell you07:12
kaattaandrew_46, specs: http://www.netbooktech.com/asus-eee-pc-701sd/07:12
Barbarabushisent ubuntu using UK release times? or still the french?07:12
rwwbuhman1: Ubuntu doesn't use any particular timezone07:12
rwwBarbarabush: ^^07:12
Barbarabushafaik it has been the 28th for ubuntu for atleast 7h now07:12
kaattahisto, i searched the synaptic package manager for cairo-compmgr and didnt find it @ all07:12
velcroshoozdoesnt matter what timezone, there is no time set07:12
rwwBarbarabush: it's 7am in the UK07:12
Barbarabushrww i know07:13
Barbarabush8 here07:13
smwforceflow, buhman1, "Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time"07:13
rwwoh, I read 17. Sorry.07:13
andrew_46kaatta: 7 inch display!!!07:13
macoBarbarabush: a day is 49 hours :)07:13
aromansmw: maco: think i figured it out, testing, brb.07:13
Barbarabushhehe maco07:13
rww#ubuntu-release-party is driving me crazy I guess07:13
=== quick_nick is now known as qn
Barbarabushi was awake at 24:00 here, checking if 11.04 was released :P07:13
proqparty party!07:13
Barbarabushpooking around ftp's to see if it had been uploaded by mistake etc07:14
tsimpsonseeing as there is no set time for the release, it really doesn't matter what time it is07:14
tanathcdoktor19, buhman1, forces: sudo do-release-upgrade -d07:14
Barbarabushsince 11.04 was done the 27th07:14
kaattaandrew_46, yea, its a 800x480 resolution, ubuntu installer window doesnt even support that. bottom of the screen is cut off07:14
=== qn is now known as quick_nick
cdoktor19am still 10.04 Lts it just upgrade to 10.1007:15
tanathcdoktor19, and from there you can upgrade to next one. or you could skip and download iso from ubuntu.com07:15
ttuttleis 11.04 out yet?07:15
rwwttuttle: no07:16
ttuttleis it coming out today?07:16
qin!party > ttuttle07:16
ubottuttuttle, please see my private message07:16
ttuttleqin: thanks07:16
cdoktor19i will wait to download iso07:16
histo!party > cdoktor1907:16
ubottucdoktor19, please see my private message07:16
dani_any idea when it will be out????07:17
histo!upgrade > cdoktor1907:17
histo!party > dani_07:17
ubottudani_, please see my private message07:17
smwdani_,  "Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time"07:17
Barbarabushwaste of time inviting people07:17
Spaz_Dynamicdani_: in the next 24 hours07:17
Barbarabushpeople join it and leave again07:17
Barbarabushjust take the channel down lol07:17
Spaz_Dynamicdani_: correction, what smw said07:17
smwSpaz_Dynamic, we are both correct07:18
smwSpaz_Dynamic, in 24hours and 40minutes it will not be April 28th anywhere07:18
konayakonaya@carbon:~$ date07:18
konayaThu Apr 28 08:18:39 CEST 201107:18
konayaIt's the 28th. Where is it? :P07:18
histo!party > konaya07:19
ubottukonaya, please see my private message07:19
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: not true. california it will still be the 28th, and hawaii and etc07:19
qinhisto: too fast ;)07:19
histo!ot > smw Spaz_Dynamic07:19
ubottusmw, please see my private message07:19
x3464Mangler needs to be included in the repos.07:19
histo!ot > Spaz_Dynamic07:19
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic, please see my private message07:19
histox3464: you can build a deb and submit it.07:20
smwSpaz_Dynamic, not in 24hours and 40 minutes07:20
konayahisto, there are three people in #ubuntu-release-party. No, three idling clients, my bad. Feels more productive asking a question in an active channel if you ask me07:20
Spaz_Dynamicsmw, then it will be still in hawaii still07:21
Coreykonaya: You're incorrect.07:21
histokonaya: there more than 3 and it is off topic here07:21
smwSpaz_Dynamic, maybe, I don't know hawaii, I thought they were PST07:21
CoreyI show 210 people there. :-)07:21
qinkonaya: 21007:21
Scarra3Sup everyone07:21
Scarra3Well im glad that 11.04 is released soon07:21
Barbarabushim not idle konaya :P07:21
konayaThe topic.07:22
rwwkonaya: what about it?07:22
Scarra3Theres a lot of peopl here in okinawa who wan't it lol07:22
konayaIt's an exclamation mark after the release party channel name.07:22
litropyI have a Kensington Orbit Optical trackball. As you can see: (http://tinyurl.com/6btnlhv), it doesn't have a scroll wheel. While using supported operating systems, right-click+leftclick'ing tells the OS to scroll with the ball's y-axis until another click happens. How can I attain the same functionality in Ubuntu?07:22
konayaXchat assumes it's part of the name. :P07:22
rwwkonaya: ah07:22
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 support in #ubuntu+1 | 11.04 release party in #ubuntu-release-party :D
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: i'm not sure about that, but i'm GMT -5, and hawaii can't be more than 6 hours behind me, so thats GMT-1107:22
histo!ot | Spaz_Dynamic07:23
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:23
Barbarabushso does the freenode web client07:23
quellhorstis 11.04 out yet?07:23
konayaThat's more like it :) sorry about the confusion and the off-topicness07:23
histo!party > quellhorst07:23
ubottuquellhorst, please see my private message07:23
smwSpaz_Dynamic, I am east coast too07:23
rwwquellhorst: no07:23
konaya!party > quellhorst07:23
x3464qin: can't find that ppa you mentioned.07:24
qinone sec...07:24
histox3464: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+mangler+ppa07:24
en1gmageohot gave his old hacker friends the L:P to the PSN master server after he got hired by sony? he only took the job from sony (as part of the master plan) to take down the PSN?07:24
=== theaber_ is now known as theaber
rww!ot | en1gma07:25
ubottuen1gma: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:25
en1gmait breaks up the "when is 11.04 gonna be released though"07:25
econnellqin: because i just deleted it07:26
x3464histo http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+mangler+ppa07:26
histox3464: yes07:26
Spaz_Dynamicen1gma: I know, thats part of why I kept going on about timezones with smw. xD07:26
qinx3464: Launchpad seems to be on lockdown07:27
Spaz_Dynamicwhy isn't lubuntu endorsed by canonical?07:27
histoSpaz_Dynamic: http://lubuntu.net/about07:27
qineconnell: Ah...07:28
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
smwSpaz_Dynamic, because lubuntu is lxde which is hard to use?07:28
Spaz_Dynamichisto: yeah, I didn't see why.07:28
econnellqin: the less support i provide to ubuntu myself, the more they'll take on their own responsibility... just like every other distro07:28
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: how is it hard?07:29
smwSpaz_Dynamic, Well, it is too simple07:29
histoSpaz_Dynamic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071467207:29
smwSpaz_Dynamic, not specifically hard07:29
velcroshoozSpaz_Dynamic, canonical has limited resources, they cant support every offshoot distro with a different DE07:29
Spaz_Dynamicsmw: I use puppy linux. its rather simple and I love it for that.07:30
smwSpaz_Dynamic, I am not saying that makes it bad. It makes it the opposite of ubuntu07:30
Spaz_DynamicBut I want a more fluffy OS for my desktop, so I use a 'buntu flavor07:30
Spaz_Dynamicaaahh, ok07:31
histo!ot > Spaz_Dynamic07:31
ubottuSpaz_Dynamic, please see my private message07:31
ktwohi do you know any alternative to pyLoad (it has to run on a non-gui system and provide a web-interface)07:31
topramenim going to cry now07:32
histoktwo: http://alternativeto.net/software/pyload/07:32
Spaz_Dynamicubottu: I dun wanna. You just keep saying the same thing to me over and over. It's akin to spamming, and I don't approve.07:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:32
histoSpaz_Dynamic: well then stop being offtopic07:33
x3464histo:  already done...  a long time ago.  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=725107:33
histox3464: it looks like they need a package for natty but they probably missed that deadline as well.07:34
=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz
econnellx3464: you see why this is so frustrating?07:36
histox3464: they need to release a package for the development version.07:36
x3464Yes....  a sea of confusion.07:36
histox3464: so it can be tested etc.. and made sure that it doesn't break anything etc...07:36
histox3464: otherwise it will be in ppa. Or you can build from source.07:37
econnellx3464: this is why i think not distributing a deb and not running a PPA will force their hand...  especially when they find out there's new features they can't use07:37
KatronixSerfHi all, running 11.1 Beta 2, and see that my nvidia driver is enabled but not in use, how can I enable it?07:37
histoKatronixSerf: /j #ubuntu+107:37
g105bis this the link to the release version of 11.04? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.iso07:37
g105bor do I have to wait until it is released to ubuntu.com ?07:38
forcesg105b, no07:38
x3464econnell:  I agree...  Mangler should go primetime now.  PPA is just ugly.07:38
forcesg105b, thats daily build07:38
econnell"oh... you use ubuntu?  yeah... me too... the software is developed on ubuntu and it works perfectly.... but no you can't use it because ubuntu bureaucracy means you have to compile it yourself.  or.... well... go complain in #ubuntu i guess"07:38
aseemy pidgin is not working07:38
histox3464: it would if someone would submit a deb to teh development version07:38
g105b... I'm just excited to get 11.04 upgraded07:38
histoeconnell: it's not that hard of a process to understand and there are reasons for it.07:39
aseehelp me!!! my pidgin is not working07:39
histoasee: can you describe not working07:39
macoeconnell: what are you on about?07:39
forcesi want the 11.04 iso image07:39
macoeconnell: we have a way to get packages into stable releases07:39
econnellhisto: i don't care what the reasons for your packaging bureaucracy are...  i write software... not packing stuff for operating system s07:39
histo!party > forces07:39
ubottuforces, please see my private message07:39
ruanjust because natty is released today doesn't mean it's already released and stable07:40
histoeconnell: it's not my policy. it's pretty much every distros07:40
aseeit just failed to login on pidgin ...HELP!!07:40
histo!volunteer | econnell07:40
econnellhisto: we've been in arch and gentoo for like 1.5 years07:40
g105bdoes anyone know what time 11.04 will be up for download?07:40
forcessame question here07:40
macoeconnell: submit your package to the application review board if you want to get it into a stable release07:40
velcroshooz2 minutes.07:41
macog105b: Natty will be released at some point while it is 28 April in at least one timezone on the planet Terra in the system Sol07:41
macog105b: party in #ubuntu-release-party07:41
histoeconnell: if a user of a distro wants a package. They will submit a deb/rpm/whatever distro plox to a development version so it can be added to official repositories07:41
econnellmaco: hah.... did that about a year and a half ago07:41
macoeconnell: it didnt exist a year and a half ago07:41
nsmnmjhow to solve dependency conflict when two packages need a different version of some other package?07:41
histoeconnell: arch/gentoo development is faster because they are rolling releases07:41
econnell1.0.0 was released on dec 2009, correct07:42
econnellwas in repos on arch and gentoo within weks07:42
macoeconnell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps/Process07:42
histoeconnell: i bet it was in aur in arch not official repos first07:42
histoeconnell: or testing07:42
econnellhisto: yes... i understand that it's not as fast... but seriously... a year?  seriously?07:42
econnellit is in aur07:43
macoeconnell: this process is 6 months old. i have no idea how you purport to have done it a year before it existed07:43
econnelland there is a maintainer07:43
histoeconnell: I don't know what you want. Distros that just accept any code without it being vetted or requested that would work out well.07:43
econnellwhen i released 1.2.2 two days ago, aur was updated within 3 hours07:43
histoeconnell: aur is a user repo like ppa's07:43
histoeconnell: your app is in ppa so I don't understand the issue07:43
andrew_46econnell: Slackware has a slightly older version: http://slackbuilds.org/repository/13.37/network/mangler/07:44
econnellsure... but it's available without my having to do anything... now i've stopped making debs... it'll be someone elses problem... gentoo on the other hand is official07:44
nsmnmjhow to solve dependency conflict when two packages need a different version of some other package?07:44
histoeconnell: I agree with your stance.07:44
econnellhisto: no... i've deleted my ppa because i don't want to maintain it and since i've provided debs, no one else has really cared07:45
econnellnow that i'm not providing those, you're going to get complaints07:45
qinnsmnmj: Are you installing via dpkg or apt ?07:45
histoeconnell: then maybe nobody wants the app?07:45
qinnsmnmj: What package?07:45
histoeconnell: it's a user based distro07:45
econnellhisto: yeah... that's what it is...07:45
histoeconnell: community based distro07:46
econnellubuntu users are the majority of our userbase07:46
histoeconnell: then one of them will make a ppa and produce a deb i'm sure.07:46
macoeconnell: if you dont want to maintain it, did you at least file a needs-packaging bug in ubuntu or (better) a work-needing bug in debian?07:46
econnellare you serious?  do you even know what this app is and why ubuntu would be the primary userbase?07:46
histoeconnell: ventrillo client or something right?07:46
econnellmaco: there's been a needs packaging bug for over a year07:46
qinnsmnmj: Did you downmoad gtk?07:46
macoeconnell: i for one have not the slightest idea what app you are talking about07:46
nsmnmjfrom gtk.org07:47
wieldy_BIOSwhen new Ubuntu version will released?07:47
nsmnmjall packages07:47
maco(i also probably dont care if im getting on fine without it)07:47
histo!part > wieldy_BIOS07:47
bhaveshwieldy_NIOS: today07:47
Callum__!part > Callum__07:47
histo!party > wieldy_BIOS07:47
ubottuwieldy_BIOS, please see my private message07:47
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/07:47
econnellhell... look at our forums... we get messages like this constantly: I am giving Ubuntu 10.10 a test run on my main gaming rig (loving it so far ^.^) and i recently found Mangler which solved my biggest issue of not having a native ventrilo client for linux. I was astonished when i found out that there is a built-in applet for my Logitech G15 keyboard!07:47
Callum__I was just about to ask his question, heh, oh well07:48
histoeconnell: I understand your complaint but that's how ever distro works07:48
macoeconnell: but really the bit about "they'll take on their own responsibility" ... the majority of ubuntu devs are volunteers taking care of the packages they care about and ignoring others. the ones being forced to take care of certain packages for their job are in the minority and since your software isnt part of the default install, they won't be forced to touch it at all07:48
econnelli dont' care how the distro works07:48
histoeconnell: okay07:49
econnellmaco: wtf... seriously?  do you want to take a second to amend that comment before i respond?07:49
histoeconnell: we're just trying to explain07:49
sobersabrehi. I am on 10.1007:49
histo!hi | sobersabre07:49
macoeconnell: not particularly. nobody except the canonical employees are REQUIRED to do anythng for ubuntu07:49
econnelldo you think i make any money from this?  do you think i have some personal gain to make?07:50
macoeconnell: fame?07:50
macoeconnell: dunno07:50
histoeconnell: you and every other linux dev07:50
sobersabreI want to change default resolution of the console. tried messing with grub2, but it has no effect. I think I need to do something related to fb, but I don't know how with grub2.07:50
sobersabreI added gfxpayload=1024x768x1607:50
DirtyDawgis the new 11.04 due out today? i just checked the website and its still 10.10?07:50
macoeconnell: im just saying, nobody in particular has any responsibility to anyone else when it comes to what they package, unless its their *job*. its volunteer work. people can CHOOSE to take it or live it07:50
histosobersabre: add a vga mode to07:50
macoDirtyDawg: some time later today07:50
econnelli've got projects way more important than this retarded project...  my fame for this crap will never be important07:50
DirtyDawgahh thx07:50
sobersabrehisto: ok. trying... will be back.07:51
macoeconnell: please don't use offensive language07:51
sobersabrevbeinfo is supposed to print out the vga modes list ?07:51
sobersabrehisto: the above line was for you :)07:51
histoeconnell: then perhaps the project needs to be picked up by someone else. That's how linux works I don't know what you want.07:51
histosobersabre: here let me get you link you need something like vga=77107:51
x3464crap is considered offensive language?07:51
macoeconnell: by the way, ive scrolled back pretty far in the backlog to as far back as i can see you first talking, and i dont actually see you ever saying what software it is you want someone to package, so i guess i wont be picking it up as my next upload07:51
econnelli just want someone to package it so i don't have to spend an entire weekend building packages for debian based systems... that's all07:52
qinnsmnmj: Gtk.org do not load, but it is not easy (or sane) to override version.07:52
histoeconnell: I would put a message on your forums asking for such07:52
sobersabrehisto: I ran vbeinfo in grub shell.07:52
sobersabrethere was no "771" in it07:52
macohisto, econnell: and for that matter, just ask that it be packaged for *debian* -- no reason to package for debian and ubuntu separately. if its in debian, it'll be sync'd to ubuntu automatically07:53
sobersabreI wrote down and it looks like 0x117 (which would translate into 279)07:53
macowhatever "it" is (i still don't know)07:53
qinsobersabre: That means you cannot use 77107:53
sobersabreqin: so can I use the hex. codes from vbeinfo output ?07:53
macox3464: it was comparison to the mentally disabled that was offensive07:53
histosobersabre: sorry just saw you are using grub2 read post#17 here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=802442707:53
sobersabrehisto: thanks, there.07:54
bhaveshwhile I boot my ubuntu 10.10 I get a *underscore* blinking for about 4 seconds, is there any way to replace it by ubuntu boot screen?07:54
x3464maco:  how about redonkulous then.07:55
histox3464: there were other words used07:56
histox3464: scrollback07:56
qinsobersabre: ok, either: setupcon, or use this (very good) how to: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/ (it is about old problem, but usable).07:58
econnellhisto: ya know... a good portion of my users are blind... and they use an ubuntu deriviative called vinux, which is a derivative of ubuntu for blind users.   We have worked with them extensively within our app to make sure they had accessibility.  All the while, we were able to maintain casual conversation and even *heaven forbid* make jokes about blindness...  do you really take yourself that serious?08:00
histoeconnell: nope just don't understand what you want? or what your question is? perhaps there is a miss comunication08:01
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macoeconnell: i still dont know what your software is, but i will say "thank you for actually bothering with accessibility, unlike just about everyone else"08:01
histoeconnell: I'm just trying to help and explain why it is the way it is.08:01
histomaco: a ventrillo client. It's a voice chatting app.08:02
macoeconnell: i learned a few weeks ago that 10.10 wasnt installable at all if you're blind and 11.04 is only slightly installable08:02
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tuckawayhi everyone... can anyone suggest a walkthrough or guide to help take necessary steps to secure my ubuntu install.  Just want to make sure I am making my install the most secure I can make it..08:04
kerneljoin #c08:04
econnellmaco: histo: incidentlally... vinux includes mangler by default.... because it's useful08:04
macoeconnell: is that the name of the software?08:04
histotuckaway: is it just a default install?08:04
histomaco: mangler08:04
econnellvinux is the name of the OS08:04
gr1ncheuxhi there08:05
macoeconnell: yeah i know about vinux. ubuntu-accessibility team works with them. im asking "is mangler the name of the software you've been ranting about for the last half hour without naming it?"08:05
smwtuckaway, is it just a simple desktop install? There is little to secure.08:05
tuckawayHisto -> yes just the default install.. i have been running ubuntu for about 18 months now and i need to learn how to secure my desktop08:05
histotuckaway: secure it from?08:05
mysteriousdarrenlock it down!08:06
econnellmaco: i've name it, linked it, linked revu posts, linked debian bugs...  fine... here: http://www.mangler.org/08:06
smwtuckaway, what do you mean "secure". What types of attacks are you afraid of?08:06
macoeconnell: thanks. like i said earlier, i scrolled back as far as i saw you talking, and the earliest i see is you telling qin that you deleted....something.. and then just usng "it" to refer to the software so...08:06
tuckawayjust want to make sure i am not leaving anything open on the machine by default.... file sharing, ssh, things of that nature...08:07
smwtuckaway, what would you do to "secure" windows? What types of attacks do you fear?08:07
gr1ncheuxi installed an ubuntu server 10.04 a few days ago and i'm stocked with an pci express ethernet card with realtek chipset r8168 somebody could help me ?08:07
histotuckaway: well if you don't enable them then no.08:07
econnellmaco: i'm frustrated by debian/ubuntu... i shouldn't take it out on you08:07
smwtuckaway, those are not run by default08:07
smwtuckaway, I don't even think those are installed by default08:07
llutz_tuckaway: just normal things to do: don't install stuff you don't need, don't run stuff you needn't, check running services if they are configured as restrictive as possible and "use /dev/brain"08:07
macoeconnell: well i am an ubuntu dev, but in general we prefer *not* to add new packages just to ubuntu, rather they go through debian so A) more users get it and B) more hands to help08:08
proqllutz_: most people set up /dev/brain > /dev/null08:08
Gloopie graph08:08
llutz_proq: common mistake :(08:08
smwtuckaway, if you were making a kiosk or something where you are afraid of people with physical access, there is alot to do.08:08
tuckawayalright maybe i am looking to much into this...08:09
tuckawayjust 2 years into linux and learning08:09
smwtuckaway, yes, probably. For public computers, it is way to easy to gain root if you have physical access.08:10
lwizardlso what time will the official release happen today ?08:10
smwtuckaway, so a school, internet kiosk, etc, would need some work.08:10
tsimpsonlwizardl: there is no set time08:10
tuckaway thanks smw08:10
Popopowell... I am sorry for this question... but I read a lot of FAQs and... I couldn't solve my instalation's problem08:10
theGreatDaneany1 know what xinetd is?08:10
theGreatDaneits a process running on my box\08:10
smwlwizardl, "Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time"08:11
Popopomay I ask for some help about how to install ubunto for netbook?08:11
smwrww, can I have that as a bot cmd?08:11
smwthat would be sweet :-)08:11
Morten_theGreatDane: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinetd08:11
lwizardlwhere is conicals "home country" ?08:11
macolapion: Isle of Man08:11
macolapion: bah not you08:11
tsimpsonsmw: and now you know why we restrict editing factoids :)08:11
macolwizardl: Isle of Man08:11
macolwizardl: though their office is in london08:12
smwtsimpson, yep. Still you have got to admit that would be a nice factoid :-P08:12
tsimpsonsmw: for one day, not really...08:12
x3464Tax Haven what?08:12
smwtsimpson, fine, I will keep it in my clipboard08:13
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tsimpsonsmw: most clients will let you set command aliases, set one to send that message08:13
Popopo??? nobody to help?08:14
macoPopopo: you havent asked a question08:14
WaltherFIPopopo: what's your problem?08:14
llutz_!details | Popopo08:14
ubottuPopopo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:14
macoPopopo: or at least not a question beyond "can i ask a question?" level08:14
Popopoyou are right maco... but I explained it08:14
Popopomy problem08:14
PopopoI am installing ubunto in my netbook08:14
Popopowhere already I have installed W708:14
Popopoand it has 4 partitions already...08:15
PopopoI have no options in ubunto to installing with win708:15
WaltherFIThat's something W7 does, recovery partitions etc08:15
Popopoonly erase all the disk08:15
Popopoor manually08:15
PopopoI know Walther08:15
Popopobut my question... Have I another option?08:15
PopopoI mean... I don't want to delete my partitions because my job08:16
bhaveshwould it be safe if  I remove quiet and splash from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1280x1024-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap"08:16
macoPopopo: i think you need to use manual since once there are 4 primary partitions, you cant fit any more at all. you need to get rid of a primary and put in an extended, then you can put lots in the extended one08:16
macoPopopo: possibly one of these is already extended, even08:16
bhaveshI want Ubuntu boot menu instead of the blinking *underscore*08:16
Popopogot it maco... it is not a bad idea08:16
macoPopopo: but the 4-primary-max is just plain a hard drive thing, not an ubuntu thing08:17
Popopo... I think more than one is extended... but isntalations system don't allow me to install it08:17
Popopomaco... in anycase... if I put one as extended... if do I format the primary upper this extended... the extended will be formated too?08:18
WaltherFIOfficial release out yet?08:19
silveryHi, does anyone here have information about where I can get release version of 11.04?08:19
msb___Will 11.04 beta2 be upgradable to the official release?08:20
DirtyDawgits due out later today08:20
tsimpsonmsb___: yes08:20
WaltherFIof course it is upgradeable, but i'd still recommend a clean install08:20
quick_nicksilvery: not out yet, release manager will announce at some time today08:20
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WaltherFIi've been through so much trouble after failed upgrades08:21
TerryBookanyone have an estimate of what time it'll be out?08:21
silverycan't wait)))08:21
silveryquick_nick : thank you08:21
DirtyDawgi,m waiting to download it, have to say tho, i am not sure about Unity yet, looks weird08:21
msb___yeah, considering a clean install...08:21
WaltherFIbut guys08:22
PopopoI can't consider a clear install... too much information very important... and moreover... I need to work with win7 because university and job08:23
WaltherFIPopopo: go with the manual partitioning, merge some partitions and make space for ubuntu08:23
pdg1i have a dumb question about mounting a file system. I've mounted this drive many times before but i just installed ubuntu server and i can't remember the file system type nor how to properly edit fstab. any help pointing me to a howto/tutorial?08:24
DirtyDawgi just made a 100GB partition in preperation for the new release, i think i may wubi it first tho just to check it out08:24
vibhavwhere to put auto commands in Xchat?08:25
smwvibhav, it is under the server configuration08:25
Popopook WaltherFi... got it... but it doesn't work. I tried already and doesn't work because I have already 4 primary partitions08:25
vibhavwhere smw?08:25
ScottONanski1When does 11.04 go live?08:26
llutz_pdg1: "sudo blkid" gives you the filesystem-type, man mount / man fstab should help to get a working fstab-line08:26
smwvibhav, server -> network list -> choose a server -> edit08:26
DirtyDawgon a side note, i wonder why wubi only allows a 30gb max size during setup08:26
smwvibhav, it is the "connect command"08:26
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ScottONanski1When does Ubuntu 11.04 go live?08:26
WaltherFIDirtyDawg: wubi is not recommended08:27
tsimpsonScottONanski1: there is no set time08:27
DirtyDawgScottONanski1: today08:27
Popopowell... maybe next question is easier... for community... I have ubunto in a usb-key. Now I am running it in my netbook. I have internet connection... and I am trying to install aircrack-ng suite there... but I can't not... it say "dependency is no satisfiable:iw" What is happening?08:27
vibhavHi everyone!08:27
WaltherFIPopopo: aircrack-ng is not officially supported08:27
WaltherFIPopopo: for that, ask some other channel08:28
pdg1oh geez... i know what i'm doing wrong :p i forgot the 1 in sdc108:28
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pdg1thanks llutz08:28
Popopommm got it08:28
Popopook ok...08:28
DirtyDawgWaltherFI: well i have 10.10 proper install on the desktop, putting the new release on my lappy08:28
PopopoI will try install ubunto by your advices...08:28
WaltherFIDirtyDawg: wubi often breaks after some use, it is not intended for long-term usage08:29
Popopothere is another release? yesterday I downloaded the last one... it was not 10.10?08:29
tsimpsonPopopo: 11.04 releases today08:29
WaltherFIi totally advice for installing alongside08:29
agareim a nice guy08:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:32
Popopouuuh today... for netbook version too? I will check it right now... maybe I have a solution there....08:32
sobersabrehisto: I've tried your link, and implemented.08:32
Popopothank you for all the answers .ç:) I will try to continue from this point.08:33
Popopohave a nice day!!! :)08:33
sobersabreAs of now during the boot - GRUB2 does set the graphic mode correctly. BUT after that somehow the setup changes to something I don't want.08:33
soreausobersabre: Try sys>prefs>monitors08:34
silveryPlease advice on how do I change Unity to Gnome and would Desktop version of 11.04 have Unity as default desktop environment too?08:35
Soothsayerlaunch party channel name ?08:35
soreauSoothsayer: #ubuntu-release-party08:35
Soothsayersilvery: yes it would, but I read the switch is easy.. you just pick gnome during the login screen.08:35
soreausilvery: Also, natty is still not supported here until after the official release08:36
silverySoothsayer : oh, thanks08:36
vibhavCan anybody help me in streaming on my network which has 2 ubuntu boxes?08:36
silverysoreau : until today, then08:36
DirtyDawgwhat do the guys in #ubuntu+1 do when the new release is live? just idle and stay silent for a couple of months?08:36
Soothsayersoreau: professor, isn't that a few hours away? :-P08:36
soreauSoothsayer: yes08:37
soreausilvery: Until -later- today08:38
vibhavCan anybody help me in streaming on my network which has 2 ubuntu boxes?08:38
smwDirtyDawg, then they can stop splitting their attention and just help in #ubuntu08:38
sobersabresoreau: sorry to be rude.   do you know what I am talking about ?08:38
smwvibhav, stream what?08:38
vibhavstream media like videos08:38
soreausobersabre: What graphics card do you have?08:38
sobersabresoreau: are you a bot ?08:39
vibhavsmw : stream media like videos08:39
silverysoreau : thanks for your explanation08:39
sobersabresoreau: I'm trying to reconfigure console resolution.08:40
josephoenixHello all08:40
soreausobersabre: What graphics card do you have?08:40
sobersabresoreau: intel08:40
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smwsobersabre, as in when it is not running in the gui?08:40
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vibhavhey smw i want to stream Videos08:40
sobersabresmw: aye.08:41
soreausobersabre: Have you tried the applet in system>preferences>Monitors?08:41
josephoenixI've been given a VPS with almost no information about it and told "migrate to this." As a first step, I did 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' and it tried to install grub. I told it not to. What are the chances that I screwed things up?08:41
smwsobersabre, that needs to be fixed in grub08:41
vibhavhey smw i want to stream Videos08:41
smwsobersabre, add the option vga=??? where ??? is a 3 digit number representing your display08:41
sobersabresmw: I have yet to change vga=xxx, which I will try now.08:41
smwvibhav, I know littel about that08:41
vibhavsmw thats fine08:41
vibhavsmw never mind08:41
smwsobersabre, that is the only way I know how and I have done it many times08:42
sobersabreI tried gfxmode, gfxpayload but it apparently changed only what was happening in grub menu.08:42
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sobersabreOK. trying now.08:42
horse_playhow many hours till i can download natty?08:42
vibhav<sobersabre> what are you trying to do?08:42
soreausmw: I don't think vga=xxx is supported with kms08:42
K_45horse_play - by tomorrow08:42
smwhorse_play, "Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time."08:42
sobersabrevibhav: to get to a resolution I want in the console.08:42
horse_playK_45, but its the 28th already?08:42
soreausmw: You use video=1280x1024@6008:43
vibhav<sobersabr> Ohh , thats easy08:43
smwsoreau, um, it has always worked for me...08:43
sobersabresmw: are you on grub2 ?08:43
soreausmw: worksforme doesn't hold much weight08:43
smwhorse_play, read my quote08:43
K_45horse_play - timezone differences and the serves need to be updated08:43
vibhav<sobersabr> Install Startup Manager from UBuntu Software Center08:43
vibhav<sobersabre> Install Startup Manager from UBuntu Software Center08:43
EbanSoulIs Unity still going to be the default for 11.04 or have they moved to KDE ?08:44
smwsobersabre, yes08:44
sobersabresoreau: preferences->monitors doesn't hold in console :)08:44
proqwhat is unity?08:44
vibhav<EbanSoul> no they are using Unity08:44
soreausobersabre: Right, I misunderstood you in the first place08:44
sobersabreproq: in what context.08:44
horse_playsmw, K_45 ok thanks08:44
smwsoreau, yours looked better anyways08:44
smwsoreau, much better than a random 3 digit number08:44
proqsobersabre: you don't see the context?08:44
soreausobersabre: Basically what you're seeing is when the intel module is loaded with kms08:44
proqsobersabre: <EbanSoul> Is Unity still going to be the default for 11.04 or have they moved to KDE?08:45
smwproq, lmao08:45
vibhavproq : Unity is a shell interface for the GNOME desktop environment developed by Canonical Ltd for its Ubuntu operating system08:45
DirtyDawgi heard that X is to be replaced by Wayland, is that right?08:45
soreausobersabre: For example you would use something like this as a kernel param: video=VGA-1:800x60008:45
K_45@ DirtyDawg, eventually08:45
proqvibhav: a shell interface - do you mean a terminal emulator?08:45
smwDirtyDawg, one day. X must die08:45
soreausobersabre: But the name VGA-1 may be different08:46
sobersabreproq: unity is a new (I'm not sure which:) desktop or windows manager.08:46
vibhav<sobersabre> You can use Startup Manger to Change your resolution?08:46
K_45@ smv - legacy needs to go08:46
vibhavproq : its not a terminal emulator08:46
sobersabresoreau: I don't know where does VGA-1 come from.08:46
vibhav<sobersabre> I know an easier method to do that08:46
sobersabrevibhav: to do what ?08:47
vibhav<sobersabre> To change the resolution08:47
sobersabreand what do you mean "easier" it is easy anyway: edit a text file, and run update-grub.08:47
vibhav<sobersabre> there is a progrma for that too08:47
sobersabrevibhav: to change reso of console ?08:47
soreausobersabre: I'm trying to find it now..08:47
sobersabresoreau: hint would be nice :)08:47
vibhav<sobersabre> there is a progrmam for that too (to change resolution of grub)08:48
sobersabreI like your eagerness to help. initially I thought you're not listening.08:48
sobersabremy bad.08:48
josephoenixShould a VPS install grup? I did apt-get upgrade and it tried to install grub08:48
sobersabrevibhav: not resolution of GRUB08:48
josephoenixI didn't think grub was installed before.08:48
sobersabreof console.08:48
sobersabrevibhav: ok ?08:48
vibhav<sobersabre>  Ok08:48
llutz_josephoenix: usually no need for a boot-manager on a vps08:48
sobersabrevibhav: what irc client are you using? (I know I can /whois you, I prefer asking)08:49
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vibhav<sobersabre> I use Xchat08:50
Zaviorhas anyone seen this before? "(initramfs) Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs"08:50
vibhav<sobersabre> refer to http://superuser.com/questions/66428/how-can-i-change-console-shells-resolution-in-ubuntu-9-1008:50
sobersabrevibhav: what irc client are you using? (I know I can /whois you, I prefer asking)08:51
sobersabrehell, I got lagged over ssh.08:51
vibhav<sobersabre> I use Xchat as my IRC Client08:51
crackguyhow can i reinstall iscsi-initiator-utils package on Citrix XenServer 5.6?08:51
K_45Zaviour - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158854708:51
vibhav<sobersabre> Why do you ask?08:51
icerootcrackguy: ask citrix08:51
phoque_uniso... once 11.04 is out... how do I change back to Gnome 2? ;-)08:51
sobersabrevibhav: b/c all the people append NICK:, and yours appends <NICK>08:52
K_45@ phoque_uni - Switch to Debian08:52
DirtyDawg i am thinking of using the new Gnome 308:52
sobersabremy client colors lines with  NICK:08:52
phoque_uniK_45, hah08:52
vibhav<phoque_uni> in the login session chose Ubuntu Classic Session08:52
sobersabreso I know when somebody is writing to me. on the chan08:52
K_45@ phoque_uni - nothing like a stable netinst08:52
GReeNtooTHCould anyone please tell me how to open a port in ubuntu?08:52
llutz_phoque_uni: learn to use the session-menu from gdm08:52
vibhav<sobersabre> ok08:52
phoque_univibhav, ah cool... so they thought of that. thanks08:52
vibhav<phoque_uni> You are welcome08:53
icerootGReeNtooTH: just start the program, it will open the port automaticly08:53
sobersabrevibhav: capisci ?08:53
vibhav<GReeNtooTH> sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport (port number) -j ACCEPT08:53
GReeNtooTHthanx iceroot08:54
GReeNtooTHand vibhav08:54
vibhav<sobersabre> what do you mean by "capisci"08:54
DirtyDawgit means "understand" i think08:54
vibhav<sobersabre> what do you mean by "capisci"08:54
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proqphoque_uni: you would apt-get install it I suppose08:55
proqphoque_uni: just a wild guess08:55
damnoi cant set eth1 as default for ntop08:55
damnodamiano: hi08:57
damianohi damno08:57
damianoi have a strange problem...08:57
damnodamiano: tell08:57
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damianoi'm tring to stop php-fpm with /etc/init.d/php5-fpm stop08:58
Barbarabush[09:57] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wank08:58
damianobut i always see the processes doing ps aux08:58
damianocould someone help me?08:58
soreausobersabre: I cant seem to find it right now but you have to cat something in /proc IIRC..08:59
kichawahow about new ubuntu release ?09:00
jiltdili by mistake removed my menu pannel , how to get it back09:01
starlatchAnyone know if we can upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04?09:01
kichawastarlatch: you can do that09:02
starlatchkichawa: Thanks. I am assuming it does not involve going through 10.10 first.09:03
getexanybody from argentina09:03
DirtyDawgjiltdil: have you tried to right click and add it back09:03
DirtyDawg"add to panel"09:04
DirtyDawgmenu / main menu09:04
jiltdilDirtyDawg:right clicking is not giving option for it09:04
RKyleis it possible to change the owner of a file in /var/www/ for non-admin users to access? I tried sudo chown username -R path but that didn't work09:04
phoque_uniRKyle, what file, what user and what did that command yield?09:07
jiltdilDirtyDawg:hi this worked firdtly i think it will not going to work but it worked gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel09:07
RKylephoque_uni, I had a directory in /var/www/ I was trying to give access to a non-admin user and the command displayed nothing like it worked09:08
herc_when is the ubuntu 11.04 becomeing available for download?09:09
llutz_herc_: when its done09:09
guest345345gimme gimme gimme09:10
* ugisozols gives09:10
herc_llutz_: wasn't it suposed do be done today?09:10
llutz_herc_: yes, "today" still lasts a few hours09:11
guest345345Yeah...there are still 15 hours left "today"09:11
Zaviorthis error is kicking my butt, cannot install ubuntu :(09:11
herc_do you know when will it be done?09:11
DarkErait will be released somewhere today, be patient09:11
celthunderZavior: what's the error09:11
amphibgiraffeDepends on your timezone.09:11
Zaviorcelthunder: (initramfs) Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs"09:11
guest345345Last release was quite early in the day09:11
guest345345if your close to UTC that is09:12
ManDaymy cristal ball told me what to expect in #ubuntu09:12
ManDayit seems it was right09:12
guest345345You don't need a crystal ball to expect abounding inpatience09:13
herc_when can I expect it?09:13
celthunderherc_: within the next 23 hours09:13
llutz_ManDay: same thing twice a year09:13
herc_celthunder: thank you very much09:13
vadviktor:) so true :)09:13
ManDayllutz_: wanan make a bet how long the server holds out?09:13
guest345345probably more like within the next 10 hours to be honest09:13
AlexanHi all09:13
herc_about 15 minutes09:13
guest345345probably less09:14
ManDay5 minutes09:14
ManDaythats the time it takes for the word to spread09:14
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vadviktorI'm a bit impatient too, because tonight I have to install a Ubuntu on a friend's netbook to replace 9.10 and I really hope it will be 11.04 :)09:14
DamienCassouvadviktor: I would install latest daily if I were you09:15
amphibgiraffevadviktor: I'm using the beta, seems to work fine09:15
DamienCassouvadviktor: because latest daily is probably very close (or even similar) to the next release09:16
ManDayDamienCassou: latest daily, thats new to me, too - what is that?09:16
DamienCassouManDay: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/?C=N;O=A09:16
guest345345just the daily build on CD09:16
vadviktorit'll be that one and upgraded as needed if the images won't come out untill then :)09:16
mick_laptopanyone know how to tell casper to start an app on start?09:16
ManDayfrom vcs ?09:16
JR0cket1There havent been many updates in the last 24 hours - only the timezone package - so I guess I am now running 11.0409:16
DamienCassouManDay: latest daily are iso files that are created every day09:16
ManDayDamienCassou: from vcs?09:16
mick_laptopi tried a few things like an entry in .xsessionrc in /etc/skel09:16
guest345345Yeah from VCS09:16
mick_laptopso far nothing :(09:17
DamienCassouManDay: what is VCS ?09:17
ManDaysomething like svn cvs or git09:17
guest345345Im assuming he means Version Control09:17
ManDayversioning control09:17
guest345345all packaged are managed by LP/BZR09:17
vadviktorVersion Control System09:17
guest345345so yes...its from VCS09:17
ManDayah well bzr09:17
ManDayi forgot :P09:17
MaRk-Imick_laptop: System > Preferences > Startup Applications09:17
DamienCassouguest345345: that was also my guess, but didn't find the link09:17
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guest345345How many people are using Emapthy for IRC here?09:19
celthunderguest345345: hopefully 009:19
mick_laptopMaRk-I: i'm working on a remixed cd09:19
guest345345well I am09:19
Manohardo someone know how to get 11.04 final release?09:19
guest345345It sucks but I loe the integration09:19
ZaviorGuess I'll give this minimal CD install a shot09:19
dreinull_wheres the place to look for the release?09:19
mick_laptopso i'm dealing w/ casper directly09:19
MaRk-Imick_laptop: ah no idea then09:19
guest345345Anyone know how to hack Empathy to support SASL auth?09:20
vibhavI hate Samoa!09:20
amphibgiraffeManohar: Wait.09:20
* kichawa are waiting09:21
* vibhav is waiting09:21
* vibhav is waiting LIKE MAD!!09:21
ManoharI found this: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:22
newbie28anyone know anything about getting wifi to work on 10.1009:22
GReeNtooTHWill these commands get me a facebook password?09:22
DamienCassouManohar: this is what I would use09:22
celthundernewbie28: what's your wifi chipset09:22
GReeNtooTHecho "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward09:22
Manoharis it the final release?09:22
vibhavIs the Oversized CD Bug fixed????09:22
soreausobersabre: Ok I found it09:23
cgqit's the first i use ubuntu09:23
vibhavManohar : No its the daily build09:23
GReeNtooTHiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i wlan0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-port 808009:23
pidhi ubuntu in a virtual box - VBoxGuestAdditions is installed but still the max resolution i can select is 800x60009:23
mick_laptopwhat does "source" do? (no manpage), I know it doesn't execute a file... but something like that?09:23
JR0cket1@vibhav - installing from a USB stick is much faster than CD..09:23
vibhav@JE0cket1 I know09:23
pidhany suggestiongs how to increase it?09:23
DamienCassoumick_laptop: help source09:23
amphibgiraffemick_laptop: In bash?09:23
GReeNtooTHarpspoof -i wlan0 -t (Vic IP) (DG)09:23
Manoharwhat's the difference? when will the final be released?09:23
GReeNtooTHettercap -TqM ARP:REMOTE // // -i wlan009:24
soreausobersabre: ls /sys/class/drm/ and use these to make a kernel line video=VGA-1:1024x768 for example09:24
GReeNtooTHsslstrip -a -l 808009:24
cgqi can't hear vioce.anybody help me please09:24
andeeeukManohar: the final release is out today09:24
GReeNtooTHurlsnarf -i wlan0 |cut -d\" -f409:24
Incarus6pidh, interesting, but i think it isnt related with vboxguestadditions. can you poste your Xorg.0.log client file09:24
andeeeukManohar: though on the website it is still seen as in development09:25
llutz_GReeNtooTH: take it to #1338-hackers please, its offtopic here09:25
pdg1GReeNtooTH : why don't you use something like pastebin09:25
pdg1that 209:25
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GReeNtooTHok llutz is it on here09:25
newbie28celthunder : chip set = AR928509:26
key213so the new ubu comes out ..?09:26
guest345345everyone needs to put their epeen back in the trouders now09:26
Manoharandeeeuk: do you know where to find the final relesae?09:26
alexander__Help! No Ubuntu 11.04 final09:26
alexander__waiting it for 2 months09:26
guest345345Solution: WAIT!09:26
vibhav<Manohar> IF you are Indian , it will be there by evening.....09:26
MACscranyone know how to upgrade chromium on ubuntu 10.10 to chromium 11? I would think there would be a ppa for this and im not sure why the current ppa hasnt been upgraded yet09:26
celthundernewbie28: ok09:26
guest345345Canonical HQ is GMT+1 now09:27
vadviktorAnyone can confirm that the basic 11.04 will be good for a Asus eeepc?09:27
guest345345they have barely woken up yet09:27
ManoharI'm indian but live in switzerland09:27
Incarus6alexander__, mention, that ubuntu will be released during the day09:27
andeeeukManohar: I am not sure as the website says it is still in development so i think we will need to wait until they have uploaded the new 11.0409:27
celthundernewbie28: ath9k module should work fine09:27
guest345345vadviktor, yes....it will be amazing09:27
Incarus6andeeeuk, correct, will be released today09:27
Manoharyep, the only solution is to wait then..09:27
newbie28celthunder: i keep getting "bad password"09:27
amphibgiraffevadviktor: They've merged netbook remix and desktop, so one assumes so09:28
vibhav<MACscr> If you are in hurry, the exact same packages are already available in the Stable Channel PPA as usual, for Hardy, Karmic, Lucid, Maverick and Natty. You can safely subscribe to this PPA and later receive the official builds with your regular system upgrades.09:28
mah454when ubuntu out new version ?09:28
Pr070calwhens natty released ?09:28
mah454when ubuntu out new version ?09:28
pidhIncarus6: http://pastie.org/1842573 - is it the right log09:28
celthundernewbie28: ? so type in the right one09:28
MACscrvibhav: stable channel ppa?09:28
newbie28celthunder: lol it is the right one09:28
guest345345ATTENTION INPATIENT PEOPLE: The time at Canonical HQ is now 9:28.......give them chance to wake up and get to the office before you complain or ask where 11.04 is!!09:28
andeeeukIncarus6, thanks just wanted to make sure as I was going to update this morning though we will have to wait some time for the release09:29
vadviktoramphibgiraffe, guest345345: thanks! :)09:29
alexander__Incarus6: When? I'm located in Italy (10:29 AM)09:29
Incarus6MACscr, chromium in the repos is a modified version of the original google sources. better wait for updates from ubuntu, they modified some privacy things09:29
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newbie28celthunder: im using Wicd network mang.09:29
celthundernewbie28: did you pick the right network security type09:29
guest345345Incarus6: where have you read that?09:29
guest345345Incarus6: is that just hearsay or does it have some basis?09:30
newbie28celthunder: yup and have triple checked on both ends09:30
Rehanhi guys, i had a question. I'm running 10.10 right now and am wondering if there's any difference in system stability whether I install 11.04 brand new or just do an upgrade09:30
newbie28celthunder: i tried changing to a new password as well still did the same thing09:30
guest345345Technically you can dist-upgrade but it's usually better and cleaner to fresh install09:30
AleksanderHello :) How much time is it till the 11.04?09:31
guest345345A few hours09:31
Incarus6alexander__, usually I (from Germany) can upgrade around afternoon09:31
celthundernewbie28: do you have wpa_supplicant installed (you should but...never hurts to double check)09:31
vadviktorIf I use the update manager as "update-manager -d" I can upgrade to 11.04. Is this correct? Should I continue as it is the stable one?09:31
MACscrIncarus6: but isnt 11 the current stable release?09:31
guest345345vadviktor: yes...that's right....but not yet09:31
alexander__Incarus6: I want clean install09:31
Incarus6guest345345, it is mentioned in the user guide09:31
Rehanguest345345: thanks...is there a way to backup the current system i have?09:31
guest345345vadviktor: or you can do: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:31
newbie28celthunder:  yup its there09:32
vadviktorguest345345: what do you been by not yet? :)09:32
guest345345Rehan: What do you need to back-up?09:32
llutz_guest345345: that won't change the version unless you changed your sources.list(s)09:32
Incarus6MACscr, it is, but usually you do not get the never version of a software, you get security updates (its like FF4, which wasnt released in 10.10)09:32
Nelvalit seems that today it is the 28th of April 201109:32
guest345345Rehan: personally, I have a script for configuting every new system in Install automatically09:32
Rehanguest345345: i don't know, i was wondering if there's a way i could just make a snapshot of my current system in case the new version doesn't work for me09:32
Incarus6alexander__, same, they are going to upload it around that time09:33
guest345345Rehan: You can just copy your /home directory but it's not very clean09:33
MACscrIncarus6: what is this, Centos? =P09:33
guest345345Rehan: I see no reason why it wouldn't work.....I've been testing since alpha and it's very stable now09:33
Incarus6MACsrc, we are both talking about ubuntu, right?09:33
MACscrIncarus6: yes, i was making a joke about updates09:33
JR0cket1Rehan: try it out using the Live image first and see if you like it and it all works...09:34
Rehanguest345345: well 10.10 is considered stable but it was a pain in the ass to get working properly on my sony laptop09:34
vadviktorguest345345: I see now, it is still the beta as stated in it's note09:34
guest345345Rehan: yeah, what JR0cket1 said09:34
Incarus6MACsrc, im not sure if chromium 11 will be released in 11.0409:34
RehanJR0cket1: the liveCD doesn't work well for me, the 10.10 liveCD made it seem as if ubuntu wouldn't run on my machine at all09:34
newbie28celthunder:  any ideas on how to fix it?09:34
elzoogAny idea how many hours we have until they release 11.04?09:35
guest345345Rehan: that is probably because of restricted drivers....you can still install them and try to in the Live environment09:35
smwelzoog, "Ubuntu 11.04 release is scheduled somewhere in the time period when it's April 28th somewhere in the world, not at a specific time."09:35
guest345345Rehan: and 11.04 has improved a fair bit on the drivers front09:35
RehanJR0cket1, guest345345: i had to change video, network and other drivers just to get it to work. I didn't know it was possible to install drivers with a LiveCD?09:35
elzoogWell, where I am located, it's 5:35 in the afternoon on the 28th09:35
Incarus6pidh, it could have something to do with your vbox settings09:36
vadviktorAnother Asus eepc question: which architecture image should I get, the x86 or the x64 one?09:36
guest345345elzoog: Unluck....because the work day has barely started at Canonical HQ09:36
popeyvadviktor: depends which eee pc09:36
Rehanelzoog: what time zone are you in09:36
msb___i am going to install the daily built (26 April). cannot see them adding too much more release09:36
matto1990anyone know what ATI video support is like in natty?09:36
elzoogI live in Korea09:36
Nelvalelzoog, aw09:36
andeeeukyay, its finally been released on the website :)09:36
guest345345vadviktor: if you're on an atom....x8609:36
JR0cket1Rehan: If you need to add a lot of packages, install Ubuntu onto a usb stick rather than your hard drive and then you can install what you want without issue09:36
Incarus6pidh, did you modify your xorg.conf file?09:36
Nelval10:36 AM in France, it's so long09:36
Rehanelzoog: GMT+ ?09:37
andeeeukgood stuff:)09:37
Rehananyone know what time GMT the new version is coming out?09:37
Incarus6andeeeuk, sure?09:37
vadviktorguest345345: thanks, that is the info I was not aware of09:37
DJonesRehan: No set time, just anytime in the next 15 hours09:37
asdfppfyeah, gmt time for ubuntu 11.04 would be nice09:37
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Rehanoh i see, thanks Djones09:37
elzoogI made the mistake of installing Ubuntu Studio on my desktop.  It's buggy.  But I am waiting for 11.04 instead of installing the normal 10.1009:38
Incarus6!ch | mavis09:38
ubottumavis: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.09:38
JR0cket1Rehan: a good 4 GB Usb memory still will run Ubuntu 11.04 well for testing your hardware and save you over-writing you current system09:38
pidhIncarus6: i enabled the 3d capabilities will disable them, and i did try to add a new video mode before installing the guest addon and because of that it may look different09:38
guest345345You can just dual boot to try it if you are worried a LiveUSB will skew the experience too much09:39
RehanJR0cket1: oh ok, thats a good idea. I tried creating a bootable usb for 10.10 but kept getting "boot error' on startup09:39
guest345345and then overwrite both when you're ready to upgrade for real09:39
andeeeukno, not yet. If it is not released yet we will wait and waiting is a good thing isnt it so we know it is all good09:39
elzoogJR0cket1:  I have 11.04 on one of my sticks.  If I install stuff on it, and then install it on my HD, will it also install the added software?09:39
newbie28anyone know how to get wifi working on 10.10 i keep getting "bad password" im using Wicd Manager09:39
Incarus6pidh, did you correctly set your corg.conf file?09:40
soreaunewbie28: What wifi chip is it?09:40
newbie28soreau : chip set = AR928509:40
soreaunewbie28: What encryption type?09:40
guest345345fire up "jockey-gtk" and see if it's offering any resitrcted drivers09:40
Incarus6MACsrc, https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable09:40
newbie28soreau : wpa09:40
soreaunewbie28: Is there any reason you arent using nm-applet?09:41
newbie28soreau : dno what that is im new to this09:41
soreaunewbie28: Which version of ubuntu?09:41
newbie28soreau : 10.1009:41
matto1990time of release is after noon GMT+1 according to a canonical employee: http://bettween.com/matto1990/yaili09:41
soreaunewbie28: nm-applet is the default network management applet that appears in gnome-panel09:42
guest345345matto1990: yeah that sounds about same as last time09:42
Rehancould someone explain to a complete newbie like me whether I should use ubuntu or kubuntu? I don't get the difference really...09:42
guest345345just after they eat lunch lol09:42
alexander__Incarus6: Thanks!09:42
guest345345Rehan: Use Ubuntu09:42
newbie28soreau : ohh ya i started with that and it wouldnt even connect to the network so ive googled it and did some whole thing that got me to the "Wicd" but now it says "bad password" each time09:43
jattuse kubuntu09:43
soreauRehan: ubuntu has gnome by default and kubuntu has kde by default09:43
guest345345Rehan: Kubuntu is horrifically ugly09:43
egolosthow do i add an custom installed (not using apitiude) application to unity sidebar?09:43
jattat least it doesn't run unity per default09:43
velcroshoozRehan, personal preference. ubuntu uses the gnome desktop enviroment by default, kubuntu uses KDE.09:43
Incarus6Rehan, Kubuntu is unbuntu with the more like windows looking KDE desktop. Ubuntu uses gnome09:43
pidhIncarus6: there is no corg.conf in /etc/X1109:43
soreauRehan: The official ubuntu distro uses gnome, if that tells you anything..09:43
j0shdrunk0nwarRehan: try both with live cd09:44
sobersabrevibwhen you write - I need to hunt your messages /window list09:44
Incarus6pidh, I know, you have to create one09:44
Zavioryay I think I'm getting Ubuntu to finally install :) !09:44
guest345345Yeah...KDE stack is built on better technology......but it's naming conventions are annoying and it's full of BLOAT09:44
JR0cket1elzoog: If you install Ubuntu on a Usb stick, then it wont have the installer packages - you could add them, but I personally would do a reinstall and perhaps grab the package list off the usb stick and take a copy of everything in /etc09:44
stefan__1egolost: Start Application --> right click and select, that the application always show up09:44
ZahradaAt least till the release of 11.04 later this day, it uses gnome :P09:44
ZaviorAnyone know the version of python that comes with Ubuntu, or actually...if python does come included?09:44
egoloststefan__1: but how do i get my application to show up in start applications?09:44
newbie28soreau : should i switch back?? if so how the heck do i do that lol09:45
guest345345Zavior: 2.709:45
soreaunewbie28: I guess you would have to undo whatever you did to switch in the first place09:45
stefan__1egolost: You mean at the unity applications menu?09:45
Rehanif I didn't create a swap partition when i installed 10.10 (i have two partitions on the laptop drive but one is for win7), does that mean I can't hibernate the system?09:45
guest345345Zavior: np09:45
egoloststefan__1: YES09:45
Bilzhello, im trying to follow this to set up vnc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#Guide%20to%20example%20scenarios and I'm currently on a windows machine using putty. I have sshed to my home computer but I don't know how to get the public key which I apparently need to add to a file09:45
stefan__1echolost: alternativly try to start the app over a terminal09:45
velcroshoozRehan, yes.09:45
Rehanvelcroshooz: oh i see. I should still be able to suspend though right?09:46
guest345345Zavior: actually I just checked....11.04 is running 2.7.109:46
pidhIncarus6: any pointer to a guide how to create it - i am new to linux and have no coding skills.09:46
stefan__1egolost: otherwise you can start the menu ?reorganization? with a command, which I actually don't know --> if you need the app in the unity menu09:46
tomtitmorning all09:47
velcroshoozRehan, as i understand it, i believe so. hibernate is going to require a swap partition equal to or possible a bit more than your ram size.09:47
Rehanvelcroshooz: ok cool09:48
guest345345velcroshooz: that's not necessarily true....it only needs to be as big as resident memory...not total memory09:48
mavisanybody here?09:48
guest345345or the average you generally use anyway09:48
Rehantrying to figure out why no matter what i try my laptop won't suspend/standby. Well actually it will suspend but when i try to turn it back on it boots up just like a cold boot09:48
guest345345Rehan: a default install allocates 1:1 memory:swap09:49
guest345345so unless you used custom partitions it should be enough09:49
guest345345or unless you added more memory since09:49
Rehanguest345345: i already had a 10gb partition made for ubuntu and i just installed ubuntu onto that.09:49
guest345345oh...well that is not default then09:50
Zaviorany down sides to encrypting the home directory?09:50
arnauddebordeauxhello all!09:50
velcroshoozguest345345, as your use can fluctuate though i think most tutorials suggest a size equal to your ram to be on the safe side.09:50
arnauddebordeauxneed emergecny help!09:50
guest345345velcroshooz: yeah....that is optimal if you plan to hibernate09:50
green_when is the new release scheduled to happen?09:50
guest345345velcroshooz: but not strictly required most of the time09:50
mythriI need help. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I have recovered my files through Windows and have only retrieved a single file Root.disk. Can anyone help?09:50
guest345345tutorials are generally aimed at people who prefer not to think much09:51
soreauarnauddebordeaux: Dial 911 or whatever the emergency hotline is in your country09:51
arnauddebordeauxsorry, soreau?09:51
guest345345and the easiest way to encapsulate anyone is to just play safe09:51
Incarus6pidh, sry, I was afk. try to change resolution with "xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768" or similar https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution09:51
Rehanis making a win7 partition smaller to create space for a new partition (for ubuntu swap) considered a workaround or is it as good as setting up a partition on a clean drive from scratch?09:51
arnauddebordeauxi've tried all i know09:51
guest345345Rehan: do you really need Win7 for something?09:52
arnauddebordeauxdoes anyone konw how to use the grub rescue?09:52
Rehanguest345345: yeah its way more reliable than ubuntu09:52
Macerarnauddebordeaux: might help if you said what the problem was09:52
Incarus6Rehan, Is it as good as from a clean drive09:52
mavisjiu meiyou huishuo zhongwen de ren zai ?09:52
soreau! grub2 | arnauddebordeaux09:52
ubottuarnauddebordeaux: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:52
guest345345Rehan: 10GB is more than enough for an average ubuntu install but it may not give it enough room to allocate the recommended swap partition09:52
guest345345Rehan: and that may be your problem09:52
Rehanguest345345: i see, thank you09:52
mythriI need help. Using Ubuntu 10.10. I have recovered my files through Windows and have only retrieved a single file Root.disk. Can anyone help?09:53
Rehanguest345345: when you say "allocate the recommended swap partition" do you mean a third partition? I have a 500 GB drive and made a 490 GB NTFS win7 partition and a 10 GB ext4 ubuntu partition. Can the swap file be put on that same 10gb ext4 partition?09:53
arnauddebordeauxbut there is no tuto for how to use this grub rescue, and I don't have any other solution...09:54
arnauddebordeauxmy problem09:54
walentwhat is name of ubuntu release party?09:54
nick-nack11.04 available for download yet?09:54
guest345345Rehan: yes...swap must be seperate......the installer allocates it automatically09:54
shomonis there a curses alternative to diffusion? it just had my load average up really high... no idea what it was doing09:54
Incarus6nick-nack, No09:54
mavishaishi jiang zhongwen ba09:54
Marco1how long till 11.04 realease?09:54
arnauddebordeauxi have a computer whose CD reader doesn't work09:54
guest345345Rehan: for a defualt full-disk install it will generally be 1:1 with your memory09:54
walentis there ubuntu release pary?09:54
mythriIs root.disk enough for recovering all my documents from ubuntu 10.10?09:54
Zaviorfloodbot lol?09:54
guest345345Rehan: but if you only give it 10GB disk to work with...maybe it will allocate less09:54
Incarus6Marco1, It will be released in the next hours. There is no exact release time09:54
mythriIs root.disk enough for recovering all my documents from ubuntu 10.10?09:55
guest345345Rehan: I'm not sure exactly because I usually do custom and allocate swap myself09:55
Rehanguest345345: will it create a new partition automatically? sorry i'm being unclear about it, trying to understand09:55
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/09:55
Rehanguest345345: oh ok09:55
guest345345Rehan: yes, any install will allocate swap by default09:55
mythriIs root.disk enough for recovering all my documents from ubuntu 10.10?09:55
guest345345Rehan: the simple/default install will hide it from you but it will do it nonetheless09:55
cfc_{Pawpad}hello =309:55
Rehanguest345345: oh ok09:56
guest345345Rehan: Windows and Mac to exactly the same too09:56
Rehanguest345345: oh ok. when i do fdisk -l i see an NTFS partition then an Extended and a third Linux one09:57
cfc_{Pawpad}anyone know if theres gonna be a release of Ubuntu server 11.04 anytime soon?09:57
mythriIs root.disk enough for recovering all my documents from ubuntu 10.10?09:57
guest345345Rehan: actually...perhaps Windows 7 only uses a "pagefile" by default....but it's recommended to have a seperate parition for Win7 just the same09:57
Incarus6cfc_{Pawpad}, it will be released today09:57
guest345345Rehan: but Windows sucks of course....so I can understand why they don't follow best practices by default09:58
Incarus6mythri, can you explain what you exactly did?09:58
cfc_{Pawpad}cant wait =309:58
Macerand i just finished installing 10.10 server :) go figure09:58
ZaviorMacer: I'm in the same boat :)09:59
MacerZavior: upgrading the dist is easy enough09:59
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Macerpersonally i would rather wait a month or so before i instealled 11.0409:59
ZaviorI'm not to savy on linux :)09:59
mythriIncarus6, I used disk internals and recovered my root.disk from ubuntu through Windows xp09:59
guest345345Taking bets on release time.......my money is on 13:15 GMT09:59
Macerlet them iron out theones they missed first :)10:00
mythriIncarus6, I used disk internals and recovered my root.disk from ubuntu through Windows xp10:00
elzoogIsn't ironing out the thorns what the beta versions are for?10:00
Macerbut at least all you have to do is change your apt-sources and do a dist update and you're done10:00
guest345345Macer: I've been testing it for a while now....to be honest...it feels more stable that 10.10 by now10:00
Maceri just updated my lenny box to squeeze ... was amazingly simple10:01
jatt11.04 will deliver beta software (unity) so better wait for a next release (if you use your machine for something productive)10:01
Macerguest345345: well. i am sure there is something messed up somewhere ;)10:01
Incarus6mythri, yes, I allready read that10:01
elzoogmythri:  Knoppix is a great live CD for fixing problems like that10:01
guest345345jatt: beta or not...it's still a huge improvement over gnome panel10:01
mythriWhat am I able to do with root.disk?10:01
jattit isn't -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/64818010:02
mythriCan I recover files?10:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 648180 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity sucks" [Undecided,Opinion]10:02
velcroshoozit is still possible to run without unity so there is no real reason not to upgrade.10:02
mythriIncarus6, What am I able to do with root.disk?10:02
Maceri use kubuntu for my desktops ;) if unity has something to do with xorg well.. i honestly only have my ubuntu fileserver10:02
Macerwhich is awesome ... sure feels good to no longer be using oi10:02
guest345345jatt: lol, that bug is just an subjective complaint10:02
guest345345jatt: can't please everyone10:02
mythrielzoog, I don't have such a Knoppix cd right now10:03
guest345345jatt: some people have an irrational aversion to change10:03
jattnope the bug comments have a lot of valid points10:03
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Incarus6mythri, I'm not sure about that, I think it recoverd the whole partition10:03
guest345345jatt: not really....it's all just heckling from the peanut gallery10:03
mythriIncarus6, how can I extract my essential documents from that?10:04
Macerthat's unity?10:04
Macerlooks like gnome with a giant menu on the left :)10:04
mythriIncarus6, is there anyway I can open root.disk and see the contents?10:04
guest345345Macer: no.....that's the old netbook edition10:04
Rehanis unity still kinda unpolished in its look?10:04
guest345345Macer: that no longer exists10:04
Incarus6Macer, looks like gnome310:04
ChrisWilkinsonDo I install natty on my main pc today? Or do I wait a while?10:04
elzoogSome people have an irrational aversion to change.  And some people have an irrational fascination with change.  I remember a job interview where I asked them why they wanted to use technology X.  Their answer was the only reason they wanted to use X was because it was new10:04
jattit's beta software10:04
Macerwell.. let me look for a different screen shot10:04
Incarus6MAcer, guest345345: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4641/gnome3vx2.png10:05
jattactually the idea was to include unity in gnome3 but gnome developers were against it, canonical was pissed off about it and decided to put it in his distribution anyway10:05
nmvictorelzoog: new is bundled with good,new and improved stuff.10:05
guest345345Macer: that looks just like a mockup from Gnome310:06
guest345345but It doesn't look anything like it now10:06
RehanIncarus6: wow gnome 3 looks nicer than unity10:06
mythriIncarus6, is there anyway I can open root.disk and see the contents?10:06
nmvictorWhats happening, isnt today10:06
ZaviorShould desktop or netbook version be used on laptops?10:06
guest345345Gnome3 is effing awful10:06
JR0cket1Unity looks and works much better than Gnome 3 shell...10:07
Rehanmythri: this might help you: http://ext2read.blogspot.com/10:07
jattgnome shell is a disgrace too10:07
MacerIncarus6: that can not be real haha10:07
jattit doesn't look good on the gtk side, hopefully kde and xfce get better10:07
Incarus6mythri, check out http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb545046 its not an ubuntu related question10:07
guest345345Unity may have a few flaws to iron out...but it's much faster and more usable thatn gnome3 shell10:07
Macerheh. sorry but i still believe kde has them all beat ;) but to each their own10:08
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Incarus6Macer, http://www.gnome3.org/10:08
JR0cket1Zavior: there is no longer a different image for desktop and netbook - hence the name Unity :-)10:08
nmvictorWhats happening, isnt today 28^th April, or which time zone do canonical guys live in, ubuntu.com still promises Natty downloads from 28^th April, my update manager hasnt noticed any new distro, or am I the one in the wrong timezone?10:08
guest345345Macer: KDE but with a Unity-like shell would be perfect10:08
guest345345but KDE can never get usability right10:08
jattgnome 3 disgrace -> http://lwn.net/Articles/433409/10:08
guest345345it's looks like Windows ....but worse10:08
Incarus6guest345345, I think unity needs open source graphic card drivers10:08
rverripsHi Guys - Anyone know the time when 11.04 finalrelease will be available for  download from the website10:09
ZaviorJR0cket1: as of what version10:09
Macerguest345345: i don't have a problem with kde ;) i think it's great10:09
jattwindows sucks but you cannot deny they have lots of experience in gui design/usability10:09
JR0cket1Zavior: as of 11.0410:09
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MacerIncarus6: looks the same except they used a darker theme?10:09
ZaviorWhich isn't out yet? I'm on 10.10 :)10:09
tuxx-who needs fancy gui's, just use awesomewm :D10:09
Rehanhttp://www.gnome3.org/img/search-big.png that looks kinda like the unity screenshot10:09
Maceri was honestly never a big fan of gnome10:09
shomonanyone know of an alternative to diffusion that doesn't take up so much in system resources?10:09
mythriIncarus6, the root.disk I have got is from ubuntu.10:09
Maceri would rather use kde or fluxbox over gnome.. something about it never felt right10:09
guest345345Incarus6: not sure...I haven't looked into that......I know the Plymouth boot screen needs open source drivers because of Kernel modesetting10:09
mythriIncarus6, what is that link you gave me last for?10:10
Incarus6Macer, and the big menu on the left side of the screen10:10
JR0cket1Zavior: if you are on 10.10 I'd go with the desktop version10:10
nmvictorHey guys, please help here. Has natty been released, or what is this talk on gnome3 vs Unity about, Am I behind something?10:10
guest345345Incarus6: but there is a non OpenGL version of Unity for people who can't use the 3d one10:10
Incarus6guest345345, plymouth is working for me. yeah I heard about unity 2D10:10
JR0cket1nmvictor: usual irc chatter, not missing much :-)10:10
guest345345Incarus6: it's packaged as unity-2d in the archives10:10
Macerno 3D? :)10:10
Maceris it 1990? heh10:11
guest345345Incarus6: written with Qt QML10:11
Incarus6Macer, E17 / DR17 is great too10:11
* Macer goes to bust out the voodoo2s10:11
nmvictorJR0cket1: so natty aint released yet, so whats the countdown?10:11
Al_nz1is there a windows app to format drives to ext4?10:11
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MacerIncarus6: i haven't used enlightenment in a LONG time.. but it was ok.. i didn't like its dock too much and it took too long to tweak.. plus isn't it gtk ? :)10:11
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Incarus6guest345345, I think Im going to test it when Natty is released. But I think its no fun: the 2D version and a Quad-Core computer10:11
Macersomething about most gtk things .. they make me feel like i am using motif10:12
nmvictorJR0cket1: coz far as I live, today is 28^th april 201110:12
jattwindowmaker was sweet too too bad it died10:12
JR0cket1nmvictor: The release team is in the UK, so I recon around lunchtime, early afternoon UTC+110:12
Macerlike no matter how much work they do on it gtk always seems to remind of me windows 3.110:12
jattor fvwm in redhat distributions10:12
JR0cket1nmvictor: thats just a guess... nothing official..10:12
nmvictorJR0cket1: thats encouraging.10:12
guest345345Incarus6: as far as I know.....you only need OpenGL support....but I could be wrong10:12
Incarus6Macer, correct. I dont like e16 that much, but E17 is much better ;)10:12
guest345345Incarus6: or more specifically open GLES10:13
Rehanwhats plymouth?10:13
Maceris e17 qt or something?10:13
guest345345Rehan: the boot screen10:13
Rehanoh ok10:13
Maceri'm sure glad kde decided to stick with the qt route. they have done a great job of it10:13
Rehanyeah i had problems with it because i had to use nvidia drivers instead of nouveau10:14
Incarus6guest345345, I think its working with the nouveau drivers, the proprietary drivers arent supported: http://askubuntu.com/questions/21427/does-unity-require-proprietary-graphics-card-drivers10:14
Marco1hey guys, let's make #natty a twitter trending topic!10:14
guest345345Incarus6: oh...yeah I had heard something to that affect....10:14
guest345345Incarus6: I only buy Intel graphics anyway10:14
Macerintel? really?10:15
guest345345Incarus6: So long as they can handle 1080 video I don't care10:15
nmvictorNatty will revolutionalize Linux, seemingly it will bring some investors into open source market. The worst news is canonical will go fully business and if we're not lucky, the promise of ubuntu always being free might be broken.10:15
guest345345Incarus6: I don't game10:15
guest345345Incarus6: anything more than an Intel HD integrated is overkill for me10:15
Macerhaha.. that is a very fair point10:15
guest345345Incarus6: Why burn watts if you don't need to ;) ?10:15
Macerguest345345: get a new artigo ;) it has hdmi out10:15
guest345345Intel HD cards have HDMI out too10:16
Incarus6guest345345, yeah, I dont buy special cards, Im using the integrated graphic card10:16
Maceri am a huge fan of the little boxes10:16
guest345345and they're ultra low power10:16
Macerguest345345: yeah but the artigo stuff is half the size of an internal optical drive10:16
Maceruses the via pico itx stuff10:16
guest345345Sounds cool....but I'm not picky about graphics really10:17
Maceri have an older 1GHz one that i use as my local shell box/dns etc10:17
guest345345just low power and plays video is enough10:17
Macerme too... but my fileserver is a beast.. it consumes power and spits it out10:17
Macerwith its 10 hard drives and its 2 opteron 285s10:17
guest345345The reason I dig Intel is because they have done quite a bit for Open Source....and their own drivers are completely open10:17
nmvictorShipit closed down!10:18
Maceri actually want to upgrade the cpus but it is hard finding faster cpus for socket 940 nowadays10:18
shmoolikipodto update all I need to type: sudo apt-get dist-update?10:18
Incarus6Does someone have graphic card / Xorg related issues, here?10:18
citra-indahguys can you help me10:18
Rehanwhy are proprietary drivers not preferred over open source ones?10:18
guest345345shmoolikipod: yeah...but you need to update the apt cache first10:19
Incarus6!ask | citra-indah10:19
ubottucitra-indah: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:19
citra-indahhow can i find the  x11 folder?10:19
mehdidoes sftp through terminal support resume?10:19
shmoolikipodguest345345, yeah sure :D, thanks :)10:19
DJonesRehan: Its because they're limited to updates by the manufacturer and can't be modified by the community10:19
nmvictorshmoolikipod: to upgrade, you meant, update showld translate to `sudo ate-get upgrade10:19
guest345345Rehan: because proprietary means the manufacturers are solely responsible for progress10:19
guest345345Rehan: and they couldn't give a sh*t about many platforms10:19
Rehanohh i see10:19
guest345345or improving support on them10:19
Incarus6Rehan, drivers tells us alot about the hardware, they won't show you how exactly their hardware works10:20
Rehani tried the nouveau ones for my laptops nvidia card and kept having problems with it and then after installing the nvidia ones it worked perfectly10:20
shmoolikipodnmvictor, thanks10:20
Incarus611.04 seems to be out: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso10:20
guest345345Intel Graphics are trailing the pack by miles......but their drivers are open....they're by far the best choice for Linux unless you need gaming power10:20
guest345345But to be fair....gaming on Linux ain't great anyway10:21
rverripsthanks Incarus610:21
Incarus6rverrips, nevermind, its the beta10:21
elzoogYeah, I don't recommend linux if your primary purpose for using your computer is gaming10:21
andeeeukIncarus6 is that actually the final release now?10:22
Incarus6andeeeuk, no, its from 26. April10:22
guest345345elzoog: I don't really game anyway...but if I did...I think it makes more sense to have a dedicated machine10:22
Macerhow much power does a fast i7 use maxed out?10:22
MacerWattage: 92.6W10:22
Rehanany way to quickly check from cli which driver i'm actually using (not sure if i uninstalled nouveau, i remember i needed it for plymouth i think)10:22
andeeeukIncarus6, lol ok10:22
Macerthat is a 2.8GHz single core athens cpu for my mboard10:22
guest345345elzoog: No need to beat the shit out of your office machine by playing games on it ;)10:22
Macer92W! wow10:23
Incarus6andeeeuk, just thought it was the final10:23
andeeeukIncarus6, yeah its hard waiting sometimes isnt it... lol10:23
rverripsThanks for the heads' up andeeeuk - I think it's still the beta Incarus6 - won't the final drop the name natty?10:24
alrrawhen is ubuntu 11.04 going to be available to download ? :)10:24
citra-indahi havei have sis vga on my laptop, and the resolution can't more than 800x600 pixel, so how can i improve my resolution on my ubuntu 10.04?10:24
Incarus6andeeeuk, come on, I wont to test it -.-10:24
guest345345All the inpatient fanatics should be running beta if they love it that much10:24
ugisozolsalrra: today10:24
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guest345345Why aren't you inpatient folks testing beta and helping to improve it? ;)10:24
Rehanguest345345: any way to quickly check from cli which driver I'm actually using (not sure if I uninstalled nouveau, remember needing it for plymouth i think) thanks10:24
Incarus6guest345345; I agree, but new releases are allways great for me. If it wouldn't be that great for me I would use debian ;)10:24
andeeeukIncarus6, lol. I just want to upgrade to get back to work.10:25
vibhavSo guys....10:25
guest345345Rehan: yeah, as nice as the ideology of open source is......at the moment...the proprietary drivers are a lot better10:25
elzoogI forgot if someone answered this, but if I put 11.04 on my flash stick, then later install other programs.  Will those other programs get installed if later on I decide to use that stick to install Ubuntu on my hard drive?10:25
alrraugisozols: i know that :) but maybe a more precise time ? tnx10:26
elzoogguest345345:  I am all for having the choice to use proprietary drivers.10:26
guest345345elzoog: It's possible to do...but I remember it being pretty unreliable last time I tried10:26
ugisozolsalrra: that is the most precise time :)10:26
vibhav    *10:26
vibhav      10:26
vibhav      Facebook10:26
vibhav      10:26
vibhav      10:26
FloodBot2vibhav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
vibhav      9910:26
daliborsome way to crack WEP i use virtual box  but cant see any wep near by but i have a wirlees connection..10:27
alrraugisozols: ok tnx :)10:27
guest345345Yeah proprietary is fine if that's the way they want it....just important that open source drivers are developed in paralel in case they ever pull support10:27
slipsanyone knows how I avoid that fsck fails during boot if the hwclock is set back in time?10:27
Incarus6elzoog, you can make an usb stick eprsistent and non-persistent10:28
vibhavFloodBot2 sets mode -q #ubuntu vibhav!*@* what does that mean?10:28
daliborsomone could help me with this_10:28
guest345345vibhav: it means you made floodbot angry10:28
Incarus6elzoog, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:28
Rehanguest345345: thanks for all the help. I had another question. If I made a liveCD to install 11.04 from, boot it up, format the current 10.10 partition and leave the win7 NTFS one alone, will my current GRUB2 dual boot menu be totally borked10:29
guest345345The persistence seems to work ok for documents etc.10:29
ScottONanski1Ugh, this wait is killing me10:29
guest345345but didn't seem to work that great for packages10:29
guest345345when I tried anyway10:29
dreinull_yay, its out10:29
Incarus6guest345345, it worked great for me the last time i tried it (10.10)10:29
ScottONanski1It's not out now.10:29
lovee__To_hAXKwhats up?10:29
Rehandreinull_: no its not10:29
ScottONanski1I just looked at the site.10:29
guest345345Incarus6: oh cool.....I might try again then10:30
lovee__To_hAXKHey why cant i connect WEP _10:30
Rehandreinull_: thats the beta10:30
dreinull_I'm loading the release right now10:30
elzoogRehan:  Depends on whether or not your boot partition is seperate from the main 10.10 partition.   If not, then your formatting will overwrite it and your grub2 will be screwed10:30
Incarus6guest345345, I dont like live usb sticks that much. They seems to be slowlier then live cds.10:30
andeeeukdoes anyone know if it is worth upgrading to 11.04, in terms of stability?10:30
jattit's not worth it10:30
dreinull_Rehan: I'm on ftp10:30
guest345345Incarus6: I have a script for installing and configuring any new machine I roll out - would be nice to throw the script on the USB and pull packages from the local cache10:30
Incarus6andeeeuk, it is10:31
SixtyFoldits actually worse for stability10:31
Name141How would you map out your windows shares?  I mean if you are going to play an MP3 from it with mpg321 ?  Do you use smb://192.../path/file.mp3 ?10:31
jattstick with a LTS release10:31
elzoogIncarus6:  Yeah, but a liveCd doesn't have the option of modifying what's on it usually10:31
Incarus6elzoog, correct. a persistent usb stick got that option10:31
ScottONanski1There's only betas in the ftp.10:31
dreinull_o, the torrent is not yet authorized10:31
lovee__To_hAXKWhy cant i find WEP? I use VB should i maybe change to live CD?10:31
m3t4lukashey, when is the release, guys?10:32
jatt11.04 will have a lot of bugs better wait until it is polished with patches for a while10:32
andeeeukIncarus6 is that actually the final release now?10:32
SixtyFoldits only 5:31am, wow10:32
dreinull_anyway, the torrent is here: ftp://ftp.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent10:32
lovee__To_hAXKSomone here use BT?10:32
dreinull_lovee__To_hAXK: me10:32
Incarus6dreinull_, its the beta release10:32
m3t4lukasat my place it is 11:32 am10:32
dreinull_no, it's not10:32
Name141or is there some other way to see the windows shares again ? I forgot about ?10:32
dreinull_look at the date10:32
Rehanhere its 2:32 AM10:32
guest345345Incarus6: so you are saying.....if I pull some packages to the apt cache on my USB stick......I can install from those packages when I install later?10:32
elzoogdreinull_:  Yes it is10:32
guest345345Incarus6: cuz it's been a while since I tried it.....but it never seemed to work before10:33
dreinull_elzoog: look at the timelog 28.04.11 08:35:0010:33
Incarus6dreinull_, nut sure about that, it was updated today, so it could be the final release10:33
lovee__To_hAXKwich one BT4?10:33
matto1990I have a 64 bit CPU and use 64 bit Windows 7. Is Ubuntu good enough for me to use 64 bit yet?10:33
dreinull_I checked earlier today and it said beta and April 1410:33
m_fulderdo I need to update ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 before I can update to 11.04 :S?10:33
ScottONanski1I feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Ubuntu repositories suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced."10:33
guest345345matto1990: yes!10:33
dreinull_m_fulder: guess so10:33
idefixmy num keys don't work anymore, what could be the problem? is my keyboard broken? how can you check that?10:34
vadviktordreinull_:  latest beta is april 26 :)10:34
guest345345matto1990: Assuming your hardware isn't too obscure10:34
archievalWhats the ETA on Natty Narwhal release?10:34
Marco1here it is!10:34
m3t4lukasmatto1990 of course it is10:34
lovee__To_hAXKShould i change to Ubuntu Is it better than BT4?10:34
jattyou won't tell the difference between 64bit and 32bit unless you have lots of ram and/or run programs with heavy CPU usage10:34
m_fulderright, and could something go wrong during an update like that ? (I got a bunch of scripts etc. on my comp which I don't want to loose)10:34
matto1990will you have a problem with drivers or anything though? I have a year or so old Acer laptop10:34
SixtyFoldare you having trouble with BT4?10:34
guest345345jatt: Except the fact that using 64-bit floating points means his average memory usage will go up quite a bit10:35
Incarus6guest345345, you can install packages with apt-get on the live usb stick10:35
m3t4lukasmatto1990 no, with Acer you will have less problems10:35
matto1990m3t4lukas: less? How so?10:35
guest345345Incarus6: yeah I know that.....but can you reference those packages for a hard installation later?10:36
m3t4lukasmott01990 sry *the least10:36
guest345345Incarus6: like the same as using the CD in sources.list?10:36
m3t4lukasmotto1990 I was looking for the word10:36
guest345345Incarus6: I know you could dpkg them....but it's kind of a pain10:36
dreinull_its getting crowded on bt. > 60.10:36
lovee__To_hAXKheey i have a PROBLEM with BT410:37
Incarus6guest345345, uff Im not sure about that. dont you have an easier solution for that?10:37
guest345345Incarus6: because if you bypass apt...it doesn't log dependencies10:37
matto1990m3t4lukas: ah ok, so it should work really well. What about ATI GPU? good support for that?10:37
llutz_!backtrack | lovee__To_hAXK10:37
ubottulovee__To_hAXK: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:37
Rehandreinull_: are you getting the final ?10:37
dreinull_Rehan: yes10:37
Rehandreinull_: where from, and how are you sure its not a beta?10:37
dpacWhat UTC time does natty gets released?10:38
m3t4lukasmotto1990 ATI, NVIDIA, INTEL, they are all well supported10:38
lovee__To_hAXKCant Crack WEP With BT4...10:38
dreinull_Rehan: why would they label the beta without the beta in its name?10:38
llutz_lovee__To_hAXK: read what ubottu told you and respect the rules please10:38
elzoogAccording to this site  http://releases.ubuntu.com/  the date stamp for 11.04 is 28-Apr-2011 09:1110:38
guest345345Incarus6: easier, maybe...but not as seemless10:38
matto1990m3t4lukas: perfect. Thanks for the help. May as well go for 64 bit then :)10:38
guest345345Incarus6: it should be possible....and it's the most intuitive way to do it10:39
vadviktorConfirmed: Edubuntu just got it's FINAL torrent dvd out! :)10:39
lovee__To_hAXK ..10:39
guest345345Incarus6: but I guess very few people need that ability10:39
dreinull_oh, connections are now refused10:39
Incarus6http://www.kubuntu.org/ changed10:39
guest345345http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ still takes me to the beta releases10:41
vadviktorConfirmed: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ has the FINAL images listed! :) Happy downloading!10:41
Incarus6vadviktor, negative.: it takes me to http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-beta2-desktop-i386.iso10:41
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guest345345yeah exactly10:41
KNUBBIGsudo update-manager should download something if I'm on beta2, right?10:41
guest345345and it even says beta 2 at the top of the page10:41
dpacvadviktor: Not for me10:42
m3t4lukashttp://ubuntuone.com/p/p5S/ there's a background that looks great with the new Ubuntu Unity look10:42
guest345345oh...scratch that....effing cache10:42
guest345345he's right....it's there10:42
vadviktorIncarus6: check back a few minutes later, I AM downloading the release images right now, with PROPER names10:42
guest345345just had a stubborn cache10:42
andeeeukno its not beta2 anymore10:42
Incarus6vadviktor, Im upgrading, not downloading images ;)10:42
andeeeukit is the final release10:42
dreinull_I told you guys10:42
Grimdini already installed 11.04 ;)10:43
Sagramorit's released?10:43
dpacI still see cached version of the page10:43
guest345345Yeah it's out....they should have set the page cache to expire today10:43
dreinull_bt is kinda slow :)10:43
andeeeukis it ok to upgrade from the mamanger now?10:43
guest345345andeeeuk: yeah10:43
Incarus6cleared cache, cant confirm that. Its Beta210:43
dreinull_more people please: ftp://ftp.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent10:43
andeeeukhappy 11.04 everyonr10:43
KNUBBIGhow do I upgrade from beta2 to release?10:43
Syriais it out yet?10:44
guest345345Incarus6: yeah I did a shift-F5 in Chrome10:44
dreinull_Incarus6: use the ftp link10:44
guest345345has to clear the whole cache10:44
icerootKNUBBIG: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrasde10:44
guest345345not sure why10:44
guest345345But the image link is the real deal10:44
Incarus6Still not released in the update manager10:44
KNUBBIGiceroot, that ownly downloads one package, is that correct?10:44
Incarus6guest345345, Ok, I can confirm that know ;)10:45
lokaubuntu feels so bloated, i installed efxc over gnome yesterday and dident like it so i did sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop, now i have 2 diffrent terminals! how can i remove the "xubuntu-desktop"s terminal?10:45
icerootKNUBBIG: no10:45
icerootKNUBBIG: its doing what you want10:45
icerootKNUBBIG: beta 2 -> final10:45
KNUBBIGiceroot, okay, thanks10:45
guest345345loka: that's not bloat...that just you messing up your system10:46
dpacwget gives me 404 for that link. FTP doesn't show the release files either10:46
matto1990tracker refusing to accept torrent yet, must wait :P10:46
m3t4lukasyeah, I updated :)10:46
guest345345it's generally not smart to be running 2 environments when it's still beta10:46
m3t4lukashum, don't looks much different...10:46
kenkamcan't wait for the new ubuntu :)10:46
m3t4lukasbut it don't knows my blender release 1.57...10:46
m3t4lukasI mean the updater10:47
lokaguest345345 it is pretty messed up yeah lol10:47
guest345345loka: if you want to try a different environment just for a while...I suggest using virtualbox10:48
guest345345or a live disk10:48
guest345345they generally don't play well together10:48
proqI started an ubuntu install with wubi over win7. it got past download and status said install about two hours ago, now the progress bar is about 60% and hasn't moved in an hour. what should I do?10:48
guest345345and Linux doesn't babysit core packages like Windows does....they all just packages10:48
guest345345you can fuck them up pretty easily10:48
Incarus6proq, wubi sint supported in windows 7, sorry10:49
almoxarifeloka: you didn't completely remove the desktop10:49
andeeeukit actually still says it is a beta release from the update manager10:49
andeeeukdamn thing :s10:49
Incarus6proq, it could be supported yet, I dont know. I had the same problem with wubi. check back if you use the latest wubi release10:50
proqIncarus6: hrm... that's a lovely thing to find out after a five hour install10:50
k4g6this is probs said a billion times now. but how long till were pexecting10:50
guest345345jesus...Windows is still taking 5 hours to install?!10:50
guest345345what a pile of bloat lol10:51
m3t4lukasdo a parallel installation10:51
proqguest345345: no, wubi hit an error and just stopped10:51
guest345345Ubuntu+kickstart script takes less than 30 minutes for a fullt installed and configured machine here10:51
Incarus6proq, you could cancel it earlier ;)10:51
almoxarifeproq: wubi install of 10.10?10:51
guest345345It's tragic that you have to download and install things one by one on a new Windows install10:52
guest345345even Mac users have homebrew and macports10:52
guest345345Windows is just awful10:52
Incarus6proq, the wubi installation should take around 5 minutes10:52
Incarus6proq, after the download10:52
proqalmoxarife: when I selected netbook from wubi, it started grabbing ubuntu 10.0410:52
NefertitiWhen ubuntu 11.04 will be available for download?10:53
jasonmchristosthe toram option for the live cd should be default because it not only frees up the cd drive for use, playing and burning, when people are testing it also it increases the speed and responsiveness of the OS10:53
andeeeukdoes the update manager still say that it is the beta release when doing an upgrade?10:53
proqwell, maybe tomorrow I can grab wubi netbook 11.04 and try again10:53
almoxarifeproq: that's ok, how are you connected to the internet?10:53
proqor just the full version10:53
Ruuumb0/join #php10:53
guest345345Nefertiti: now10:53
guest345345Ruuumb0: no thanks10:53
proqalmoxarife: wireless connection to a wireless router10:53
Ruuumb0Its jabber client10:53
guest345345hah busted joining the PHP channel...you must be pretty ashamed now10:54
almoxarifeproq: you are stuck in the updates from internet portion?10:54
Incarus6Oh Im so excited, WUBAWUBAWU :D nevermind. I heard 11.04 is going to bereleased in 10 minutes10:54
NefertitiAh :)10:54
jasonmchristosThe toram option for the live cd should be default because it not only frees up the cd drive for use, such as playing and burning, when people are testing, and it also it increases the speed and responsiveness of the OS.10:54
proqalmoxarife: it didn't say what stage it was in, just that it was installing10:54
NefertitiFinally :)10:54
msb___I am convinced that it is available here now: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/10:54
guest345345msb__:it is10:55
daskogAny webdevelopers here that only use Ubuntu? how is day to day usage & do you run Photoshop etc in Virtualbox etc?10:55
guest345345just not announced yet10:55
jasonmchristosThe toram option for the live cd should be default because it not only frees up the cd drive for use, such as: playing and burning, when people are testing, and it also it increases the speed and responsiveness of the OS.10:55
Incarus6daskog, here10:55
guest345345daskog: Yeah I use Ubuntu for development, testing and deployment10:55
CoolChEEzEdaskog, i run photoshop and dreamweaver in vbox on ubuntu ... works great10:56
guest345345daskog: it's fine....best platform I've ever used10:56
PhoopI do it the other way around, I run Ubuntu in VBox :)10:56
almoxarifeproq: from my experience with wubi, I found that it would always hang on a wifi connection if the connection was not an open connection10:56
andeeeuk#Does anyone know why it still says it is a beta release in the update manager?!?!10:56
Incarus6daskog, im running kubuntu. when i have to use PS im starting win 7 in virtualbox10:56
guest345345daskog: To be honest...I find Inkscape better for mock-ups and vectors that Photoshop/Illustrator10:56
jattyes I will try this 11.04 on vbox10:56
Incarus6andeeeuk, 11.04 isnt released yet10:56
daskogHow is performance for Virtualbox apps like Adobe suite?10:56
guest345345don't even need Wine10:56
proqalmoxarife: ok good to know, I'll try with a cable10:56
jattno? I am downloading it from http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/10:56
nashjI am most comfortable with Ubuntu... Have not used windows for quite some time now...10:57
guest345345daskog: Give Inkscape a try...it's really clean and fast compared to Adobe suite10:57
Incarus6jatt, yes but not in the repos10:57
CoolChEEzEdaskog, performance is great on my machine... cant really see alot of diff10:57
CoolChEEzEuse win 7 on it10:57
Marco1when will be the official annoucement?10:57
Incarus6Marco1, I heard in 7 minutes10:57
almoxarifeproq: if you connect the cable without doing anything else it may go on10:57
andeeeukIncarus6: ok thanks.10:57
guest345345daskog: you will probably want to hate it a whole due to the new learning curve.....but it's save as native SVG10:57
andeeeukI will check back soon :)10:57
NefertitiThank you msb link is working for me.10:57
daskogInskscape looks really good10:57
guest345345daskog: which has a lot of advatages for web dev10:57
seniseni10% downloaded ^_^10:57
guest345345daskog: even more so soon10:57
proqseniseni: 10% of ubuntu 11.04?10:58
daskogwhat you mean?10:58
seniseniproq: yep10:58
seniseniIts availaable10:58
jattany pointers how to install ubuntu in virtualbox? host ubuntu10:58
nashjBut, recently i made a big mistake of swithching to KDE!10:58
proqseniseni: awesome, I'm going to go to bed and install 11.04 tomorrow with wubi  :D10:58
seniseniproq: gl ^_^10:58
vadviktornashj: it is not a misstake, you just took a wrong turn XD10:58
almoxarifeproq: I don't think wubi works with 11.04, check first10:59
ribothow can i make the computer always connect automatically to a wlan10:59
nyogerribot, connect once and it should auto add to your default connections10:59
almoxariferibot: set the connection to auto10:59
nyogeryou can check your wlan0 right clicking the networking-manager-gnome icon11:00
Incarus6guest345345, http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/chromium (German) says, that chromium in the repo is modified11:00
anyseniseni: where is it available?11:00
=== Sagramor is now known as _Sagramor_
linuxfreakerIs Ubuntu 11.04 release11:00
therehey looks like it's out11:00
WaltherFIWhen will the Natty be released today?11:01
nyogerwhich is best to use google chrome or chromium ?11:01
almoxarifenyoger: chromium11:01
Incarus6nyoger, chromium is modified by the distributors11:01
commanaceHey everyone, does anyone know how I can tell apt that my package is being managed by another packaging system? Which boils down to: it should mark the package as installed but not actually install it and set a flag such that the package will not be updated if there's a new version in the tree...11:01
guest345345someone should start up a bit here that prints the direct links every time someone says "11.04"11:01
linuxfreakerIs announcement for Natty done?11:02
nyogerIncarus6, i'm sure source code is available11:02
o__chromium is totally open source11:02
seniseniim almost download it11:02
tsimpsonlinuxfreaker: it's not released yet11:02
guest345345Incarus6: do you read German?11:02
senisenibut torrents down11:02
ribotalmoxarife: where do i set this11:02
guest345345Incarus6: cuz I have no idea what that says lol11:02
vibhavFloodBot2 sets mode -q #ubuntu vibhav!*@* what does that mean?11:02
commanaceI see that there's a --no-upgrade option, but that does not prevent apt from actually installing the package...11:02
Incarus6guest345345, I am german, lol11:02
seniseniTorrents up11:02
guest345345Incarus6: oh :)11:02
linuxfreakerHow softpedia saying "officially released"11:02
vibhav<seniseni> really?11:02
guest345345Incarus6: does it say what they modify?11:02
senisenivibhav: yes11:02
tsimpsonlinuxfreaker: because they're wrong11:02
Incarus6linxfreaker, its released, but not in the repo yet11:03
seniseniFor blinds: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/11:03
tsimpsonIncarus6: no, it's not11:03
linuxfreakerIs it announced internally in any mailing list11:03
tsimpsonno, it's not11:03
linuxfreakerokie thnx11:03
Incarus6tsimpson, http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/11:03
linuxfreakerGuys, i am facing issue logging into ubuntu 11.04 machine11:03
linuxfreakerWhen i am providing login n passwd it throwing me back to the machine11:04
linuxfreakertsimpson, is ISO available?11:04
linuxfreakerIs that final ISo11:04
andeeeukhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ iso is here!!11:05
WaltherFIIs it beta or the final?11:05
andeeeukfinal iso, it is just not in the repo yet :s11:05
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niels1...waiting for it to be in the repo's.11:05
guest345345andeeeuk: why not just download and do fresh install?11:05
Marco1still waiting official announcement...11:06
niels1because then all my other packages will be gone, including settings etc.. etc..11:06
therepretty decent dl speed. i thought the server would be hammered11:06
andeeeukI prefer doing an update11:06
guest345345If people can't have a new install looking exactly like their old install within 15 minutes...they're doing something wrong11:06
andeeeuka lot easier11:06
vibhavwhy cant I send anything to th #ubuntu-release-channel???????11:06
guest345345Between Ubuntu One and a config script.....I can have an identical system within about 10 minutes11:06
guest345345from a single command11:06
jiltdilis upgrading my ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 also removes my virtual box OS?11:07
vibhavwhy cant I send anything to th #ubuntu-release-channel???????11:07
guest345345vibhav: because ChanServ has muted you11:07
Phoopvibhav: probably because you are banned11:07
guest345345beucase you were flooding11:07
vibhavhow do i get unbanned?11:07
guest345345by waiting until it expires11:08
guest345345and then behaving like a good boy11:08
Internatyou got banned for posting links or hashes or something11:08
vibhavExpires in how many minutes?11:08
ScottONanski1Installing 11.04 on my Alienware m15x. Great setup process!11:08
vibhavWhat i did was a countdown.....11:08
MaRk-Ivibhav: mutes and bans expire after a month...11:08
vibhav<guest345345> Expires in how many minutes?11:08
step21Scott-Mc, 11.04 is #ubuntu+111:08
vibhav<MaRk-I> Ohoo nooooo!11:09
vibhav<MaRk-I> Is there another way?11:09
step21ScottONanski1, 11.04 is in #ubuntu+111:09
guest345345vibhav: you should do /msg ChanServ I am very sorry sir....I win't do it again11:09
guest345345maybe he will go easy on you11:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:10
vibhav /msg ChanServ I am very sorry sir....I win't do it aga11:10
tsimpsonMaRk-I: that's not true that bans expire after a month11:11
guest345345omg he really did11:11
MaRk-Itsimpson: well tell him he's banned for talking about the release11:11
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:12
MaRk-Ivibhav: you were silenced for talking about the release the time is up to the OP in that channel11:12
guest345345!g test11:12
ManDayis it out yet? out yet? is it there already? mommy, how long does it still take?!ß11:12
vibhav<MaRk-I> Am i unbanned now?11:13
MaRk-Ivibhav: no Idea, try11:13
guest345345vibhav: the OP can set a ban timeout however long he wants11:14
guest345345He should have warned you first11:14
guest345345unless a bot autobanned you for flooding or something11:14
harviManDay: iso can be found on http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ . but Im still waiting for official announcement.11:14
MaRk-Iguest345345: if the topic is not warning enough....11:14
ManDayharvi: o_O11:15
ManDaydid you drop the bomb?11:15
guest345345well...I would have thought common sence should be enough11:15
Curly_QHas anyone worked with .htaccess and .htpasswd and which is best? I would like to password a directory.11:15
ManDayCurly_Q: best? anyway, #httpd is your friend11:15
Marco1the ftp is requesting passwords11:16
MaRk-Itopic says... Do not say it's released or post links to it until the Release Manager says so, or you may be banned without warning.11:16
Marco1I think we're a few minutes from official announcement11:16
guest345345Curly_Q: .htaccess and .htpasswd are entirely different things11:16
guest345345I suggest Nginx as a fix to that11:16
robert05ad2mbps isnt bad http download11:17
guest345345as a fix to Apache's hideous inefficiency I mean11:17
cfc_{Pawpad}the link i saw erleier11:17
NefertitiAnouncement or not iso I am downloading is a good one I hope :)11:17
Curly_QThanks Guest34534511:17
cfc_{Pawpad}is that the official release of server 11.04??11:17
Naibis it out yet11:17
Naibis it out yet11:17
guest345345Naib: YES!11:17
Naibis it out yet11:18
tsimpsonNaib: no11:18
Naibis it out yet11:18
robert05adI hate stupid people11:18
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/11:18
* guest345345 waves at Naib11:18
nyogeris there a edubuntu edition of natty ?11:18
andreashardSo I reinstalled LAMP on the office ubuntu server due to a php issue, but now after using tasksel php5 is not working at all. I don't have libapache2-mod-php5, libapache2-mod-php5filter, php5-cfgi, php5-fpm. any ideas?11:19
PeterMaffayhi i have a question11:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:19
PeterMaffayhow can i backuo my system11:19
PeterMaffayi want to do an clean re install11:19
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:19
mbn_18Hi, how do I know if selinux is enabled on Natty?11:21
SilverCodedoes anyone know if the 11.04 power regression will be fixed in a future update, or if it will be pushed out to 11.10?11:21
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor11:21
kaattahave a nub question, reading instructions on google telling me to edit "etc/apt/sources.list"11:21
=== ITXpande1 is now known as ITXpander
kaattawhere is that directory?11:21
smwkaatta, /etc/apt/sources.list11:22
robert05adI'm still a noob but i think it's "vm" to edit it11:22
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe11:22
fcuk112is natty out yet?11:22
guest345345kaatta: nubs shouldn't be editing that file11:22
kaattayea, thats what i just asked... but telling me /ext/apt/sources.list means absolutely nothing to me11:22
robert05adsomething like - vm /etc/apt/sources.list11:22
smwrobert05ad, you mean vim?11:22
guest345345kaatta: What are you trying to do?11:22
robert05adyeah vim sorry11:22
smwkaatta, that is the file location11:23
kaattaim trying to add debian source to my sources to get a LXDE compatible composite manager11:23
Ymer-kaatta, in the terminal type vi /etc/apt/sources.list11:23
botcitykaatta, whats the problem?11:23
kaattaty ymer for answering something i could understand11:23
smwkaatta, sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list11:23
guest345345Ymer-: didnt'y uo forget the "sudo"?11:23
Ymer-kaatta,  no problem11:23
meisth0thisn't 11.04 still out?11:23
guest345345and vim is installed by default...not everyone loves vim11:23
Ymer-ah yes, correct11:23
smwthen ctrl O to save and ctrl x to exit11:23
smwkaatta, ^11:24
smwkaatta, nano is easier to use than vi11:24
botcitykaatta, if your new i would suggest gedit11:24
kaattawhat do i need to do to edit that? i may be wrong but ymer, your instructions appear to just show me the contents of the file11:24
Ymer-kaatta, in the terminal type "sudo [vi/nano/vim/pico] /etc/apt/sources.list"11:24
guest345345gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:24
guest345345that's probably the easiest way for a "nub"11:24
Marco1people! we need to flood twitter! If we get around 1 tweet per-second for about half an hour we'll be among the trending topics11:25
harvikaatta, if you have gedit you can try "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:25
guest345345harvi: gksudo11:25
harviguest345345: oh..damn. sry youre right gksudo11:25
kaattaharvi i type that and get "command not found"11:26
guest345345Ctrl+Alt+T for terminal11:26
guest345345gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:26
guest345345be careful11:27
harvikaatta, "gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" should work, sry my bad. you must run it in terminal. press CTRL+ALT+T and type that command there. gedit will open, you edit that file and save changes. than you can close terminal and gedit11:27
kaattaharvi, i appear to not have gedit, i am apt-get installing it11:28
karloshouldn't ubuntu 11.04 be released today?11:28
Mitchell-92Hey... I have a question about ubuntu server... I have a dedicated server running ubuntu 10.10... I want to set up a cloud on it so all my computers can be kept in sync... how would I do so?11:28
harvikarlo: yes, but still nothing...11:28
HF_acidkarlo: it has, they haven't updated the site but the torrents work11:28
avdijakarlo, you are genius11:28
=== Ruuumb0 is now known as Guest1717171717
fcuk112karlo, http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/11:29
tsimpsonHF_acid, fcuk112, it is NOT out yet11:29
botcityi dont get that why does there have to be two "sudo, gksudo" surely there must be a way to have one that can comply with both?11:29
karloavdija, I am not pretending I am smart, I just asked.. tnx on info all11:29
PeterMaffayhow backup my system11:30
HF_acidtsimpson: ? how do you figure11:30
tsimpsonHF_acid: because the release manager has not released it yet11:30
raviepic3people i am having 64 bit ubuntu 10.x version, how can i make sure that this os can run 32 bit applications ? i want to install eclipse and android sdk in my system to work11:30
kaattaharvi, the last hint got it, tyvm, exactly what i needed11:30
PeterMaffayhow backup my system11:31
PeterMaffayi want the WEHOLE system backuppen11:31
harvikaatta: np11:31
fcuk112tsimpson, the torrent is dated 28-apr 09:35?11:31
PeterMaffayhow backup my system11:31
guest345345tsimpson: it IS available for download....even if it hasn't been announced11:31
guest345345and it IS the final image11:31
botcity!backup | PeterMaffay11:31
ubottuPeterMaffay: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:31
tsimpsonno, it's not released yet11:31
PeterMaffayi read all11:31
=== gaurav__ is now known as Guest5192
PeterMaffaybut i cant understand11:31
tsimpsonwhatever you have, it may not be not the final release11:31
=== Guest5192 is now known as GauravButola
tsimpsonwhatever the file name, date or whatever11:32
PeterMaffayhow backup my system11:32
jattwhy not11:32
Ymer-hi peto_11:32
karlowhen I'll be able to upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 with update manager?11:32
Man30hey tsimpson I just downloaded the final version of natty, thanks for your help dude :)11:32
peto_hello Ymer-11:32
guest345345tsimpson: wrong wrong wrong11:32
guest345345it's released....end of story11:32
m3t4lukasPeterMaffay #ubuntu-de11:33
tsimpsonthink what you want11:33
Man30tsimpson: why do you hate ubuntu fans. you are doing this great OS a disservice11:33
kaattatsimpson, dont feed trolls :D11:33
* dArKd3ViL jumps11:33
harviHey guys do you know if unity 2D will be avaible in 11.04 ?11:33
PeterMaffayno it ISNT !!!!11:33
PeterMaffayat least 11.10 !!!!11:34
PeterMaffayhow backup my system11:34
ordinareezso what if my PC can't run 3D Unity?11:34
velcroshoozwithout 3d support i have heard you just run ubuntu classic.11:34
jattno there is unity-2d11:34
karlovelcroshooz, yep11:34
Scarra3__What channel is the release party at11:36
Ymer-kaatta, did u get it to work?11:36
iceroothow to send "ctrl + alt + f1" in vinagre?11:36
herc_where will the 11.04 appear when it's finished?11:36
mick_laptophi, does anyone know why I can't autologin? I have it set to login w/o a password under my username, and under login preferences - there is a checkbox "automatically login as..." but my user isn't in the dropdown and it is grayed out. any ideas?11:36
mick_laptopherc_: ubuntu.com11:37
herc_mick_laptop: just wait11:37
mick_laptopherc_: what do you mean?11:37
herc_mick_laptop: it will sign you in after some time, probably 30 seconds11:37
hid3Any news about the release process?11:38
mick_laptopherc_: how do i make it not wait? -- btw i'll try that in a bit (to just wait)11:38
tsaknorrishttp://linuxlock.blogspot.com/2011/04/this-we-can-fix-now.html <--- for all you developers out there xD11:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:39
MaRk-Iiceroot: preferences > allow keyboard shortcuts?11:39
BananaLemonIs Ubuntu 11.04 out?11:39
PeterMaffayhid3: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/11:39
mick_laptopashmew2: playing w/ the bot or did you misunderstand something11:39
ashmew2join #ubuntu-release-party11:39
icerootMaRk-I: i dont see that point in vinagre 0.5.111:40
ashmew2mick_laptop: needed the !ask stuff to copy paste to another channel :)11:40
quibblerPeterMaffay-> a good way to cakup you whole system is with clonezilla here:  http://clonezilla.org/11:40
phoque_unino! don't joins #ubuntu-release-party11:40
phoque_uniit's a massive time-sink11:40
=== david is now known as Guest45212
MaRk-Iiceroot: 0.5.1?11:41
MaRk-I!info vinagre11:41
ubottuvinagre (source: vinagre): remote desktop client for the GNOME Desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 492 kB, installed size 1740 kB11:41
^Phantom2^I'm starting to get really pissed off here11:41
^Phantom2^I am trying to play minecraft, with the .jar provided by the website.  It keeps up and just closing out on me.11:42
icerootMaRk-I: hardy provides 0.5.111:42
^Phantom2^With NO warning.11:42
=== Guest1717171717 is now known as Ruuuumb0
MaRk-Iiceroot: ah nvm then11:42
icerootMaRk-I: as it seems i need a backport11:42
^Phantom2^just BAM and it's no longer running11:42
^Phantom2^what could be causing this?11:42
icerootMaRk-I: libc6 dependency :(11:43
Guest45212anyone know where I can get ubuntu support for eee pc 1101HA?11:43
MaRk-Iiceroot: i see11:43
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: tell me exactly the commandline parameters how you launch it?11:44
icerootMaRk-I: i will try other vncviewers, thank your for your help11:44
=== Holek_ is now known as Holek
MaRk-Iiceroot: have u tried..... teamviewer?11:44
^Phantom2^tsaknorris, that wwwwwww is from it just closing itself agaimn11:44
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: and does minecraft run on openJDK? or do you need "real" java :D11:44
frankUbuntu 11-04 is not officially released yet?11:45
^Phantom2^tsaknorris, the same way I've been doing it all week, right click and run with openjdk.11:45
BananaLemonHello, How do I login as root?11:45
^Phantom2^It ran fine for 5 hours tonight11:45
MaRk-I!info remmina11:45
ubotturemmina (source: remmina): remote desktop client for GNOME desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 216 kB, installed size 1044 kB11:45
WaltherFIBananaLemon: you don't want to11:45
jrib!root | BananaLemon11:45
ubottuBananaLemon: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:45
tsaknorris^Phantom2^:  show me the commandline parameters11:45
^Phantom2^This started happening after I had to restart with the thing still running, because all the titlebars disappeared11:45
^Phantom2^tsaknorris, i don't start it from command line11:46
kaattaymer im having a bit of an issue w/ the package im after apparently not exsisting11:46
kaattakinda annoying11:46
Ymer-kaatta, what package?11:46
Guest45212at what time doth starteth the great avalance of 1104?11:46
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: you should!!!! "java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp Minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame" <--- make launcher of that11:46
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: and USE SUN JAVA :D11:46
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: dont use openJDK11:47
^Phantom2^tsaknorris, it's been running fine on open all week11:47
^Phantom2^why is it starting this crap NOW?11:47
botcityGuest45212, started11:47
^Phantom2^did restarting without closing it out do something?11:47
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: well do what i say and it will run all year ^^.11:47
kaattai have been trying to get a composite manager for lubuntu for about a week11:47
Marco1ubuntu is already on the ftp site11:47
BananaLemonHello, What time will be the release of Ubuntu 11.04 on update managers?11:48
sl1ckwhat's the official release time?11:48
kaattaim getting an error: W: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org sid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CBF6E0B8483170E911:48
^Phantom2^okay, hand on here11:48
jamey-uksl1ck: exactly what I was about to ask11:48
tsaknorris^Phantom2^: first install SUN JAVA and then make launcher out of that commandline parameters11:48
jribnatty will be released when it's ready, same as every other release before it11:48
tsimpsontomasz: it's not released yet, don't post links11:48
tomaszit is11:48
tomaszit was add today on 9 a.m.11:48
Ymer-kaatta, seems like the package it available, you prolly have to find it and download it somewhere else... (not awesome at this, but doing my best to help :) )11:49
Marco1still waiting official release announcement11:49
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.11:49
kaattay does it have to be so bloody hard to get a composite manager on lxde?!?!?!?11:49
botcityBananaLemon, I assume it will be later today .11:49
jribtomasz: it's not released until it's announced as officially released.  End of discussion please11:49
tsimpsontomasz: it's not, the official release will use "11.04" not "natty"11:49
jason223where to get ubuntu natty for netbook?11:49
sl1ckjamey-uk:  I already downloaded the .iso file. Just need to know when the mirrors will be ready too.11:49
WaltherFIjason223: there is no netbook release anymore11:49
tomaszits not official ??11:49
WaltherFIjason223: netbook project has been depreceated11:49
jamey-uksl1ck: okay, the ISO is from yesterday, is that the final release version then?11:49
paranoxwhere to get ubuntu 11.04 for my mobile phone?11:50
kaattaomfg im about to scream... im so close to just giving up on this11:50
paranoxcanonical is clearly not very good at dates11:50
tomasznatty/                  28-Apr-2011 09:26    -   Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)11:50
velcroshoozkaatta, lxde uses openbox as a window manager. which doesnt have composite. most composite managers are their own window managers, and you only run one at a time.11:50
sl1ckJamck: its from today. I think it is final. /leaked mirror/11:50
curthey all! I'm needing to transfer files from a 9.04 installation (ext3) to 10.10 (ext4) but the systems is telling me that my 9.04 system does not support ext4 - what can I do to make this happen?11:50
WaltherFIparanox: the phone versions are not official. Search for some ports if you will11:50
sl1ckjamey-uk:  its from today. I think it is final. /leaked mirror/11:50
BlouBlouparanox: it will be released today at 18:00 GMT, as usually11:50
liucfi'm online?11:50
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »11:50
liucfsome answer....11:51
paranoxWaltherFI: really? there is a phone version? i was just being silly11:51
tsimpson11.04 is NOT released yet, join #ubuntu-release-party to wait11:51
liucfam i online11:51
kaattavelcroshooz i am not a linux buff, but after installing a dock and conky, which i desperately want to be running on this machine... im told i need something called a 'composite manager' so that there are not large black boxes around the apts11:51
tomaszlook here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11:51
WaltherFIparanox: there are some phone ports for ubuntu, e.g. for HTC HD211:51
jason223WaltherFI: you mean here http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download is the lastest netbook version?11:51
WaltherFIparanox: but they're not official11:51
kyleh0000hey all im trying to get support for ubuntu server can anyone point me to the right place?11:51
liucfsomeone please answer me11:51
paranoxit should be released right now GMT+10!11:51
WaltherFIjason223: there will never be a netbook version of 11.0411:51
sl1ckseveral czech mirrors beg to differ ;)11:51
BlouBlouliucf: what's up?11:51
WaltherFIliucf: you're online11:51
tomaszwhy is bad site ?? http://releases.ubuntu.com/ ??11:52
jribplease discuss natty release in #ubuntu-release-party and let people looking for help with ubuntu get help with ubuntu here11:52
BlouBlou!download | tomasz11:52
ubottutomasz: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!11:52
liucfi just test11:52
velcroshoozkaatta, you are going to need something like compiz then, there are no standalone composite managers that are still supported afaik. using compiz means you switch from openbox (lxde's standard window manager) to it.11:52
jribtomasz: it's not a bad site11:52
stREaKerwhen is 11.04 releasing ?11:52
BlouBloustREaKer: today at 18:00 GMT as usually11:52
tomaszthere is 11.04 so why is not good ??11:52
stREaKerohk :P11:52
jribstREaKer: when it's ready.  Join #ubuntu-releasy-party11:53
jason223WaltherFI: ubuntu will not support netbook anymore? what should I use in my eeepc?11:53
kaattavelcroshooz, i thought that there was something preventing compiz from working in lxde? or can you help me get it going?11:53
tomaszjrib,  there is a 11.04 relased so why is bad ?11:53
jribtomasz: because that's not the final version until it's announced as such.11:53
stREaKerjrib: I can upgrade with all my setting right ?11:53
jribstREaKer: yes11:53
WaltherFIjason223: the regular version11:53
tomaszjrib,  but it add today on 9 a.m. so its official ?11:53
stREaKerjrib: Do i need to add any source or something?11:53
jribtomasz: no.11:53
WaltherFIjason223: the unity desktop is now default11:53
velcroshoozkaatta, i dont run lxde myself i cannot say. but standard ubuntu comes with compiz included.11:54
jribstREaKer: once it's released, update-manager will ask you if you want to upgrade11:54
WaltherFIjason223: there is only desktop and server edition in the future11:54
stREaKerohk thanks :)11:54
tomaszjrib,  what will be changed ? if it was add today ?11:54
jribtomasz: maybe nothing, maybe something.11:54
lo0mhas anyone succesfully migrated from virtualbox to HDD? using dd? ubuntu 10.10 btw11:54
kaattavelcroshooz, unfortunately ubuntu wont run on this machine, but lubuntu runs very very smoothly11:54
tomaszjrib,  ok i undestand, i download on pendrive and test, after download official and install11:55
velcroshoozkaatta, a composite manager is going to be more cpu and graphics intensive, so that may not be the best option for you then11:55
babarabushi dont get why mirrors grabbed it11:55
jason223WaltherFI: I see. You mean netbook can use desktop version because the unity is suitable for netbook?11:55
Kage11.04 coming out today?11:55
dreinull_Kage: it is out already11:55
WaltherFIjason223: sure.11:55
=== ubuntu is now known as mar7ar
dreinull_Kage: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/11:55
BananaLemonHello why is my download speed so slow? 3.5MB/Sec11:56
babarabushtsimpson: wtf, try read my line again11:56
tomaszpeople realy 11.04 is like netbook editon, and desktop is over with 10.10 ??11:56
dreinull_BananaLemon: poor thing. try BT11:56
Kagewoah who!  Break out the hookers and blow!11:56
AkavashiBananaLemon: every is spamming the servers11:56
jribKage, dreinull_: it's not out until it's announced as out, please stop saying otherwise11:56
babarabushtsimpson: i didnt say it was out ffs11:56
kaattavelcroshooz, i think i can handle it. gnome runs decently on this machine till i try to do too much at once, i think running compiz from lubuntu will work out fine11:56
MaRk-Itopic says... Do not say it's released or post links to it until the Release Manager says so, or you may be banned without warning.11:56
grobda24hello. how can I mount an external hardrive CONSISTENTLY to the same folder ? ... after hibernation it mounts to a new folder with "_" postfix.11:56
dreinull_jrib: who cares. They will announce just this url11:56
babarabushtsimpson: just noticed that it had been pushed to the mirrors tsimpson11:56
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jribdreinull_: this is not up for discussion.  In any case, the contents of that url may change.11:57
tsimpsonbabarabush: join #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss the ban11:57
lo0mgrobda24: did you put a record to /etc/fstab ?11:57
curtWhat do I have to do to transfer files from an ext3 files system to an ext4 file system - my 9.04 installation tells me that it does not support ext411:57
HF_acidmain website has changed to reflect 11.0411:57
babarabushtsimpson: no need im not banned11:57
grobda24lo0m, yes ... "/dev/sdb1/media/fifth-element                  ext3  user_xattr  0"11:58
jribcurt: upgrade your ubuntu version, 9.04 isn't supported anymore11:58
jrib!9.04 | curt11:58
ubottucurt: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.11:58
narf_Hi... hmm, trying to fix my settings for my xorg.conf, tell me... if I use modeline ... do I remove all other monitor info? Or just paste it above? The problem is my refresh rate is low and its killing my eyes.. Ubuntu doesnt pick up my refresh rate but I know this monitor can do 80hz ?11:58
galumphWhere's my Natty?11:58
stefan__111.04 is offcial out :)11:58
curtYEah I've installed Meerket but need to move files to that install from 9.0411:58
velcroshoozkaatta, compiz is what gnome is running as a window manager by default when desktop effects are set to on, as i said i dont run lubuntu so i cant say how to add compiz to it.11:58
BananaLemonIs it possible to delete my "root" account and make myself the superuser?11:58
lo0mgrobda24: try using UUID instead11:58
phoque_uniit's out!11:58
galumphstefan__1: where? The website still 10.1011:58
galumphstill has*11:59
lo0mgrobda24: in fstab of course11:59
samadownload time11:59
stefan__1galumph: nope, just make a reload. Proxy?11:59
phoque_unigalumph, it says 11.0411:59
chazwozaanyone know what time 11.04 will be rdy?11:59
HF_acidgalumph: ? no it's updated, perhaps your cache is off, shift f511:59
dreinull_it is out. even officially11:59
Guest3131BananaLemon, no :)11:59
jribBananaLemon: no, you need to have a root account.  But by default, you won't be able to login to the root account.  Your first user will be able to sudo (and anyone else in the admin group).  What exactly do you want to do?11:59
grobda24lo0m, ah, in fstab ? this is the unique harddrive ID ? Maybe there is a page on help.ubuntu.com ...11:59
galumphWhoa, when did that happen11:59
dreinull_i dont see why you guys are complaining?11:59
galumphA second ago it was 10.1012:00
Guest3131BananaLemon, but you can add yourself to admin group... to gain rights12:00
stefan__1Downloading and Testing^^12:00
dreinull_ubuntu.com is still not really up to date12:00
narf_Noone know how to modify xorg then?  please really need help getting my refresh rate working, this is killing my eyes12:00
curtI'm trying to move a ton of mp3, ogg, flac, etc files to my new Meerkat install (ext4) but 9.03 (ext3) won't let me12:00
dreinull_and installed.12:00
sysekwhen windows 8 will be realese ?12:00
jribcurt: did you see what I told you?12:00
lo0mgrobda24: yes, try google it.. i have UUID=#hash insted of /dev/sda2 ..works like a charm12:00
herc_already installed?12:00
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
Dazzled1Does anyone know of a way to get information about the current system without being sudo?12:01
dreinull_restarting now12:01
Akavashiwoah... is it just me... or is the Website now spastic? lol12:01
galumphHurr, 9 kb/s12:01
grobda24lo0m, k, thanks, I'll try that12:01
dreinull_use bt12:01
jaredquinnDazzled1: what info are you after?12:01
freakynlHi, 11.04 is out on the website, any idea how long it will take before do-release-upgrade picks it up?12:01
herc_anyone making a torrent?12:01
Dazzled1HDD Serial, MOBO id12:01
jattshould work now12:01
botcity /join #ubuntu-release-party12:01
Dazzled1jaredquinn: something to identify a machine with12:01
chazwoza /join #ubuntu-release-party12:01
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jribDazzled1: lshw  work?12:01
phoque_unido I need the alternate image to upgrade my installation from CD?12:02
herc_join #ubuntu-release-party12:02
ashmew2bannde from there :P12:02
dreinull_herc_: there is a torrent out12:02
jribphoque_uni: yes, I believe so12:02
grobda24narf_, xorg.conf is still very archaic for this kind of thing :( ... search on http://help.ubuntu.com ... with my setup I ended up having to go into windows to run a util to define the modelines. Although there is a way to do that in Linux but it did'nt work for me.12:02
herc_dreinull_: where?12:02
curtjrib: yes but I'm planning on wiping that drive for Natty, right now I just want to back up the files on the Meerkat install - I have never upgraded since Warty, always a clean install -12:02
Barnabasnarf_, try to google your make of monitor + xorg12:03
phoque_uniherc_, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt12:03
dreinull_herc_: ftp://ftp.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent12:03
nabbieswhois _bugz_12:03
curtjrib: are you saying there is no way to back up to ext4 file system12:03
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/12:03
Dazzled1jrib: thanks, it complained I should be sudo, but it showed the info :)12:03
Barnabasnarf_, you will almost certainly find a config example12:03
Fudgehi guys, anyone know if macbook eyesight builtin cams when they dont work if it is coz of kernel, friend just updated to lucid 2.6.32-3112:03
jribDazzled1: yeah, sudo just gives you more info (though I'm not sure what exactly)12:03
velcroshoozFudge, you need isight firmware for it to work12:04
Fudgevelcroshooz  thanks12:04
DaSMarKHello people.12:04
DaSMarKI have a question.12:04
narf_Barnabas, I have a Sahara monitor, lol.. Can't find it.. However I have the modeline info... but just not sure how to define it in xorg.conf if I remove all other monitor arguments it wont work, if I put it on the first line it still doesn't work... if I specify 1024X760_80 it defeaults back to 50hz refresh rate12:04
jribcurt: use a live cd, that's probably the easiest way for you.  You could even do it with your desktop install cd12:04
DaSMarKi want backuo my very new installed system12:04
curtjrib: are you talking about an upgrade?12:04
narf_Barnabas, just not sure how to decode the modeline to horizotal and vertical12:04
jribcurt: no12:05
DaSMarKis it possible with remastersys ?12:05
Fudgevelcroshooz  eh says the firmware tools for eyesight are installed, is that right?12:05
jribcurt: you can access and copy your data when you boot from the desktop cd (it's a live cd so you run the OS right from the cd)12:05
_bugz_nabbies, interested?12:05
DaSMarKi want backuo my very new installed system12:05
Barnabasnarf_, try this http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl12:05
=== Guest70642 is now known as krisdouglas
velcroshoozFudge, the install does not come with them by default, so someone would have had to explicilty install them for the firmware to be there12:05
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jrib!backup | DaSMarK12:06
curtjrib: ok... I was thinking maybe something like tune2fs (or whatever it;s called might help out... no?12:06
ubottuDaSMarK: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:06
TatarinHi all.12:06
DaSMarKi already tried12:06
curtjrib: OK ... I was thinking maybe something like tune2fs might help... no?12:06
DaSMarKi want backuop my whole system12:06
Tatarinare there russians?12:06
Fudgevelcroshooz  yeah he did install them bu tinstalled new kernel few days ago and just noticed cheese isnt working with cam12:06
jribcurt: well if you're saying 9.04 can't access ext4 (which is weird because you should just be able to mount it as ext2), then the easiest thing for you to do is just use the desktop cd12:06
Fudgeits 10.0412:06
jribDaSMarK: read the link ubottu sent you12:06
jrib!ru | Tatarin12:07
ubottuTatarin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:07
narf_Barnabas, tx12:07
velcroshoozFudge, hm i cannot say then, i am running 10.10 and am not having issues.12:07
Fudgevelcroshooz  thanx for head sup anyway mate12:07
shadowlemonwhat's the release time of natty? is there anyone who knows12:07
nathanforbes11.04 just dropped12:07
jribshadowlemon: when it's ready, as usual12:07
herc_it's released12:07
nathanforbesat 7am here12:07
MaRk-Iit's about to get released ....12:07
=== denny- is now known as denny
curtjrib: thanks, I'll give it a shot... unless... if I boot to the new Meerkat, might I be able to move those files from the 9.04, rather than the other way ;round (which didn't work)12:07
jribJoin #ubuntu-releasy-party to announce the release of natty.  Let's try to keep this channel usable for people looking for support12:08
shadowlemonlol! lmao12:08
phoque_uniMaRk-I, it has been12:08
shadowlemoni just like refreshed my page 5 minutes ago12:08
shadowlemonand now it's there12:08
swebubuntu 11.04 do not have netbook v ?12:08
MaRk-Iphoque_uni: nope not officially12:08
jribcurt: yes, if you already have meerkat installed on a separate partition, that would work too.12:08
llutz_curt: meerkat reads/writes ext2/3/4 fine. just mount your jaunty-fs and copy12:08
nathanforbessweb, its all the same now12:08
txomonanyone knows if there is any plugin/mod for outlook support of OpenPGP?12:08
jamey-ukwho do I tell about problems with the ubuntu.com website? "How can it be free?" on the new home page 404s12:09
jaredquinnsweb: read the release notes.12:09
curtCool! that would definitely be the easiest then... thanks!!12:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:09
phoque_uniMaRk-I, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download yeah, it is.12:09
phoque_unithis is the official download-wizard, mind oyu12:09
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:09
hungryhubbyhow to report a bug about my screen in lucid going blank12:09
usalabsHi everyone, I updated from Lucid to Meerkat, and I keep having the main panel icons swap around every-time I power on the PC, all items on that panel are locked, which should stop them moving, but somehow they move around the panel and not in the positions I put them12:10
MaRk-Iphoque_uni: is not but ok, if you say so12:10
=== konaya is now known as yes_it_is
phoque_uniMaRk-I, take a closer look12:10
ashmew2How can i make sure that my android phone and ubuntu both are using the USB 2.0 ?12:10
=== nickmoeck is now known as no_it_isnt
crusWhen i follow the instructions for upgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 im told theres no new releases found :?12:10
shadowlemonrofl, ubuntu website looks kinda fucked right now..12:10
=== no_it_isnt is now known as nickmoeck
=== reves is now known as get_the_torrent
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phoque_unishadowlemon, Ctrl+F5 a few times, it'll realign12:11
=== guampa is now known as ohmandonstartcha
thegoodcushionWhat's the support like in Ubuntu for cheap inkjet printers?  There are some cheap printers available and I'm thinking of getting one for Ubuntu12:11
sweb jaredquinn, so ubuntu netbook and desktop are same12:11
shadowlemonphoque_uni: that's what i've been doing actually for the last 2 min ;)12:11
=== ohmandonstartcha is now known as ttinwyrnicks
scoundrel50ayes, they are the same12:11
curtOne more thing... I've read over the years that upgrades from one release to the next Ubuntu release has caused problems - is this an ongoing thing?12:11
=== konaya is now known as yes
phoque_unihmm, weird12:11
jaredquinnsweb: for 11.04 yes.12:11
=== yes is now known as konaya
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=== yes_we_will is now known as zekica_
usalabsahh ok thanks phoque_uni12:11
phoque_uniit was fine after maybe two tries12:11
velcroshoozthegoodcushion, most hp's are very well supported, i would not go with an offbrand.12:11
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ashmew2curt: might happen , depends..12:11
shadowlemonSTOP CHANGING YOUR NAME ffs12:12
jaredquinnsweb: It comes with both Gnome (Classic) and Unity.  You can select from login12:12
=== get_the_torrent is now known as reves
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shadowlemonit's fucking annoying, kick those noobs12:12
swebthank you guys . happy new UBUNTU <312:12
thegoodcushionvelcroshooz: well the deskjet 3050 is $48 at Officeworks12:12
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ashmew2!language | shadowlemon12:12
ubottushadowlemon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.12:12
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thegoodcushionvelcroshooz: you reckon the HP 3050 will be supported?12:12
jribcurt: should be fine.  Upgrades have always worked well for me.  But you should have backups just in case12:12
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thegoodcushionvelcroshooz: I want to print source code with colour coding from gedit12:12
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* jaredquinn has got a little crush on Unity at the moment.12:12
jamey-ukmmmm Unity12:12
jrib!printing | thegoodcushion12:12
ubottuthegoodcushion: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:12
jribthegoodcushion: mine works automatically when I plug it in (some cheap canon s300 (I think)).  Just check those lists and others' experiences before buying12:13
^Phantom2^do I have the right repositories for getting Sun Java?  http://pastebin.com/cwaDmyTX12:13
curtjrib: always makes me a bit too nervous to attempt - I'll have to get another 2TB drive and make an exact copy before trying it... just to be safe12:13
velcroshoozthegoodcushion, i am unsure of that specific model, your best bet is to google the model name and number, along with linux + ubuntu, see what kind of reviews or issues people are having.12:13
NetMWhy i cant do upgade? Says no new release found :P12:13
jribNetM: because it's not out yet, be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-part :)12:14
ashmew2NetM: #ubuntu-release-party12:14
jribNetM: because it's not out yet, be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:14
AceKingCan someone post a torrent link for 11.04 32 bit download? The link on the Ubuntu site is not working12:14
phoque_uniNetM, it takes time to distribute the new release among mirrors12:14
NetMoh! thank you jrib and ashmew212:14
jribAceKing: because it's not out yet, be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:14
ashmew2NetM: np :)12:14
sweb jaredquinn, lock at this torrent links http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt12:14
pippocould someone tell me when the new release will ready?12:14
AceKingJrib, ok, thank you for letting me know12:14
ashmew2jrib: you must be keeping that statement on ur clipboard lol :P12:14
zvacet^Phantom2^: remove # from deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner12:15
jribpippo: when it's ready, await the announcement in #ubuntu-release-party :)12:15
curtashmew2: any advice on what the upgrade might depend on... personal experience, or hearsay?12:15
jaredquinnsweb: yes12:15
tomaszok is on official page 11.04 !!12:15
usalabsis 11.04 available in the update manager yet?12:15
swebjaredquinn, desktop and netbook not smae12:15
revesi thought they were merging netbook and desktop releases together with 11.04! why is there still a distro for each?12:15
jaredquinnreves: they have.12:15
jribcurt: lots of unofficial repositories will decrease your likelihood of a smooth experience12:15
zvacet^Phantom2^: save and close and then sudo apt-get update12:15
revesjaredquinn: the download options say otherwise12:15
^Phantom2^zvacet, done, and doing command, thanies12:16
LunganWich time does upgrade appear in update manager?12:16
curtjrib: ahh.. obvious but I hadn't thought of that12:16
sweb jaredquinn, which one that for my netbook ?12:16
zvacet^Phantom2^: yw12:16
ashmew2curt: well tbh ive never upgraded myself..but im guna do that this time from 10.10 to 11.04.....sometimes breakage occurs if you have outdated hardware i think...and maybe because the things that you had like a library 2.1 , in the new repo, it may be a library 3.0...its worth the try imo..you can always do a fresh install after that12:16
ashmew2sorry long msg12:16
jribcurt: yeah, really it will only matter if you use repositories that affect core packages.   Otherwise, everything should be okay (check release notes of course)12:16
vibhavis it released?12:17
shmoolikipodvibhav,  not yet12:17
jribvibhav: because it's not out yet, be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:17
ubottuNot yet! But you can join #ubuntu-release-party and await release with the other excited folks :D12:17
curtAshmew2: jrib: good advice thanks to both of you.12:17
curthappy release day!12:17
DJKorbithow can i set unity as my default desktop?12:17
vibhavhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ shows a del laptop12:17
vibhavhttp://www.ubuntu.com/ shows a dell laptop12:17
FloodBot2vibhav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:17
cousin_marioDJKorbit: Are you a masochist perhaps?12:17
DJKorbitchoosing "Ubuntu" from gdm combobox doesn't work12:17
velcroshoozDJKorbit, unity is the default in 11.0412:17
jribDJKorbit: if you select it at the login screen, your choice should be remembered12:17
exalthello, i try to install natty by usb but i always get an "stdin: error 0" error, md5 hashes matches and i use unetbootin to create the disk12:18
^Phantom2^zvacet, which sun-java-* should I install?  sun-javadb-common, sun-javadb-javadoc, sun-javadb-client, sun-javadb-core, sun-java-demo, or sun-javadb-doc?12:18
DJKorbitvelcroshooz, only if you have 3d acceleration, which i didn't because nvidia drivers were not working12:18
velcroshoozDJKorbit, ah yes, that is true12:18
jrib!java | ^Phantom2^12:18
ubottu^Phantom2^: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.12:18
DJKorbiti have 3 options, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Classic and Ubuntu Classic (no effects)12:18
usalabsas 11.04 is available on the main site, when would it be available in the update manager?12:18
shmoolikipodit is out !12:19
theGreatDaneim setting up key based ssh login12:19
theGreatDanewhat permissions should i use on the dir 'authorised_keys'12:19
jribvibhav: it's not out yet (probably soon), be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:19
DJKorbiti was using the "no effects" option because nvidia drivers were not working, the package was broken in the repository12:19
cousin_mariousalabs: nice question12:19
tomaszusalabs update is more dificult than install fresh12:19
jribusalabs: it's not out yet (probably soon), be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:19
zvacet^Phantom2^: I don't know witch one you want in partner repo is sun-java6-jre12:19
DJKorbiti was able to install nvidia-173 package today and got 3d working but if i choose the default desktop, it goes to the classic, and not unity12:19
usalabsok, thanks, I'll wait12:19
DJKorbithow can i set unity as default by hand?12:19
ashmew2how do i make sure Ubuntu is using USB 2.0 ?12:20
^Phantom2^according to that tinyurl in the trigger, sun is not available for 10.1012:20
zvacet^Phantom2^:I think that you have openjdk by default12:20
jrib^Phantom2^: it is.  In the !partner repositories12:20
AceKingjrib, I bet you wish you had a dollor for everytime you have to say that today! LOL12:20
^Phantom2^Yes, I have openjdk12:20
jribAceKing: :)12:20
jaredquinnDJKorbit: Unity should be default on 11.04... and you select it from the sessions list at login if it isn't12:20
^Phantom2^I'm being told I need sun to continue running minecraft12:21
jrib^Phantom2^: then enable the !partner repositories and install sun java12:21
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »12:21
DJKorbitjaredquinn, doesn't work, there must be a way to defined it somewhere in a file12:21
stREaKerI dont get sound on my onboard sound driver12:21
zvacet^Phantom2^: then install sun-java6-jre from synaptic12:21
jaredquinnDJKorbit: that sounds like the drivers weren't working properly and therefore it fell back to default.12:21
DaSMarKhello i need help. i deleted /home/user/.bashrc* and /root/.bashrc*12:22
DaSMarKis it wrong ??12:22
jribDaSMarK: it's not wrong.  But if you want to restore it, you can find a copy in /etc/skel/12:22
DJKorbitjaredquinn, but they are working properly because i can run unity from the terminal and it works perfectly12:22
stREaKerAm using P67A-UD3R motherbaord and the on board sound driver is not working on ubuntu 10.1012:22
thegoodcushionjrib: thanks, I'm looking through the online stuff and it seems hit and miss12:22
ashmew2streaker : paste the Audio Multimedia line from the output of lspci12:22
stREaKerashmew2: How to do that12:22
ashmew2Applications (top left corner) > Accessories > Terminal12:23
jribthegoodcushion: if you want mine and are in the boston area, I was about to toss it in the dumpster (it works fine, just don't use it anymore)12:23
zvacet^Phantom2^: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java12:23
^Phantom2^I keep getting zero results for java612:23
ashmew2streaker: enter the command in the terminal12:23
DJKorbitjaredquinn, maybe there is a key in gconf that defines the default desktop, do you have any idea?12:23
thegoodcushionjrib: No I'm not near there12:23
Brian911Good evening. I feel stupid, but how do I update my version of Ubuntu?12:23
jribthegoodcushion: ok :)12:23
akashm1990ubuntu+1 is invite only?12:23
jaredquinnDJKorbit: definitely not a key in gconf.. how could it be?  gconf is a gnome concept12:23
jrib!upgrade | Brian91112:23
ubottuBrian911: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade12:23
jaredquinnDJKorbit: seriously, it's your Xsession12:24
Brian911Cool. Thanks! have a great night12:24
ashmew2akashm1990: says the same to me12:24
^Phantom2^how interesting12:24
jribBrian911: keep in mind that 11.04 is not released yet, so you'll have to wait a bit12:24
^Phantom2^terminal and synaptic both couldn't find it12:24
^Phantom2^but the link on that page you linked me is getting it installed12:24
^Phantom2^thankies :D12:24
jaredquinnDJKorbit: so you can launch Unity from the terminal and it works, but what about everything else that supports it in the session, like compiz failing \(which is the likely culprit if your vid drivers are not quite right)12:24
Brian911Oh.  I think I am off by a day or two.  Thanks for the link though. I'll go study12:24
zvacet^Phantom2^: is everything ok now12:25
DJKorbitjaredquinn, i've found the problem, i had "exec metacity --replace" in my .xinitrc because unity was not working12:25
DJKorbitjaredquinn, i'll just delete my .xinitrc12:25
jaredquinnDJKorbit: told you..  it was your session :)12:25
^Phantom2^zvacet, appears so12:25
stREaKerashmew2: http://pastebin.com/GHdNFGMT12:25
jribBrian911: once maverick is released update-manager just pops up and asks you if you want to upgrade :)12:25
^Phantom2^zvacet, i'll come back if minecraft keeps closing itself under sunjava12:25
zvacet^Phantom2^: good  8-)12:25
DJKorbitjaredquinn, thanks ;) (let me try it)12:25
burghhello. why is 32 bit 11.04 ubuntu recommended? does the 64 bit version have more bugs?12:25
rgris natty as buggy as was predicted?12:26
vibhavwhy am I banned again!!!!12:26
errymy friend has a prob with his soundcard12:26
raju.Hello friends ...upto now i survived with free live cd from ubuntu .now they had stopped free delivery . i am out of internet . can any one help me how can i get live cd's . i am very eager to try 11.04 .12:26
vibhavwhy am I banned again!!!!12:26
ashmew2streaker: Just needed this line : 01:00.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc Cypress HDMI Audio [Radeon HD 5800 Series] :P12:26
vibhavI did not spam now....Un ban me12:26
phoque_univibhav, because you were sending people DCCs12:26
jaredquinnraju: it should be all over the coverdisks of computer magazines in news agents within a few weeks12:26
paranoxdear #ubuntu12:26
thegoodcushionDoes anyone here wish to make a recommendation about a cheap inkjet printer that has at least 3 colours plus black that works well with Ubuntu?12:26
Internatvibhav: cause you keep being special.12:26
buzzkillvibhav:  because you are annoying12:26
paranoxthe adsl is very slow in my grandma's basement12:26
vibhavwhat is DCC12:26
rgrthegoodcushion: go HP12:26
niels1Why isn't ubuntu 11.04 in the repo's yet?12:27
paranoxwhat should i do?12:27
^Phantom2^it usually closes itself after about 5 minutes12:27
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: yeah any cheap HP or Brother will do the job..12:27
stREaKerashmew2: what does it mean to you? :P I have selected the default playback ... works on both the card and USB device12:27
vibhav<buzzkill> why was i annoying??12:27
paranoxBlack_Phantom: you are annoying12:27
^Phantom2^so time will tell, zvacet12:27
DJonesraju: You'll probably find that most linux magazines will have cover cd's with 11.04 on fairly soon12:27
rgrparanox: move to your Mom's basement.12:27
rajujaredquinn:  to india also ?12:27
MaRk-Ivibhav: I suggest you be quiet while you're here or go to #ubuntu-ops and ask12:27
paranoxrgr: she is still on dialup12:27
damicitai have canon mp210  printer and works great with my unbutu12:27
Black_Phantomparanox Elaborate and justify.12:27
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: Well Officeworks is selling a couple of cheap HPs but I can't find them on the hardware lists12:27
rajuDJones: ^^^12:27
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: which ones?12:27
paranoxBlack_Phantom: elaborate and justify what?12:27
thegoodcushionHP Deskjet 3050 jaredquinn12:27
jribniels1: it's not out yet, be patient in #ubuntu-releasy-party :)12:27
Black_Phantomparanox how am I annoying you ?12:27
theGreatDaneim confused about ssh with key... i generated a public and private key, google says put the publc key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys... BUT, where do i put the private key?12:27
Black_PhantomI literally just joined.12:28
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: and deskjet 200012:28
rgrBlack_Phantom: and then demended he justified his Q.12:28
zvacet^Phantom2^:you are right12:28
paranoxi forget12:28
jribtheGreatDane: on the client12:28
^Phantom2^zvacet, did it again12:28
paranoxBlack_Phantom: what did you say before i said whatever i said?12:28
paranoxi can't keep up with all these fat nerds12:28
paranoxlet me investigate12:28
pygreenmy brother printer always steals the first two centimeters of the page, there's nothing i can do :D12:28
jribparanox: please be respectful of others in this channel12:28
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DJKorbitjaredquinn, didn't work, i've also deleted .dmrc and didn't work12:28
rgrcrikey, what a noise. No wonder Ubuntu is considered the fanboi distro.12:28
vibhavIS it released GUYS?12:29
DJKorbitjaredquinn, what do you have in your .dmrc? i have "session=gnome"12:29
^Phantom2^zvacet, I'll try wiping and re-installing minecraft12:29
velcroshoozit is release day, of course there is traffic12:29
jribvibhav: #ubuntu-release-party12:29
DarkStar1Hello people, I'm trying to integrate ldap with samba and stumbling when trying to add the schema to ldap using: ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f /tmp/cn\=samba.ldif. I get the error: ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49)12:29
paranoxBlack_Phantom: oh yeah i get it now12:29
rajuDJones:  i have a old ubuntu dvd  , which have several pakg's i wanna install all those pkg's into my pc . how can i do that .12:29
paranoxBlack_Phantom: i meant buzzkill12:29
paranoxbuzzkill: you are annoying12:29
vibhavjrib : I am banned there12:29
vibhavjrib :IDK why12:29
paranoxBlack_Phantom: that's what i said to you? "you are annoying"?12:29
jribvibhav: #ubuntu-ops12:29
zvacet^Phantom2^:are you sure you are using sun-java6-jre in terminal  sudo update-alternatives --config java12:29
Black_Phantom<paranox> Black_Phantom: you are annoying12:30
stREaKeranyone can help?12:30
vibhavjrib : what do I do there?12:30
^Phantom2^Yeah, I told it to launch with sun12:30
jaredquinnDJKorbit: I don't have a few locale settings and no session value12:30
jribvibhav: you can sort out why you are banned12:30
vibhav<stREaKer> Yes?12:30
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Odaycan I trust Computer Janitor?12:30
paranoxBlack_Phantom: ok cool12:30
paranoxbuzzkill: you are annoying12:30
stREaKerAm using P67A-UD3R motherbaord and the on board sound driver is not working on ubuntu 10.1012:30
Odaywill remove all UNNECESSARY packages?12:30
^Phantom2^Yeah, I told it to launch with sun @ zvacet*12:30
jaredquinnDJKorbit: sorry that was.. I have a few locale type things and nothing session related.12:30
DJKorbitjaredquinn, i'll try deleting the session=gnome then12:30
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zvacet^Phantom2^: sorry then I can not think of any thing else12:31
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: are you looking something up?12:31
soulflyhow do i upgrade from beta 2 ?12:31
stREaKervibhav: any idea ?12:31
jattOday: better use debfoster and deborphan directly, Computer Janitor is junk12:31
jaredquinnDJKorbit: that would just be used by login to pick the default one. you should still be able to select it at login12:31
^Phantom2^zvacet, me either12:31
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: i was having a bit of a look12:31
vibhav<stREaKer> lemme see12:31
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: it looks like it supports wifi?12:31
^Phantom2^I'm trying a fresh install of it12:31
Odayhow can i do that, jatt? and what about the "apt-get autoremove" command?12:31
jiltdilhi ubuntu 11.04 is out12:31
zvacetsoulfly: with updates12:31
paranoxdim_: you are annoying12:31
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: yes12:31
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: so network printing using something like hpjetdirect i guess12:31
paranoxMitchell_: you are annoying12:31
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: which is pretty standard.12:31
paranoxtPl0ch: you are annoying12:31
garyvalenciaNeed some help with ICE and status 256 errors messages12:31
paranoxNaib: you are annoying12:32
Odaystop that, paranox12:32
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: there are reports of people getting it working on 10.10 if you just google "Ubuntu HP 3050"12:32
KNUBBIGIn my update-manager, the check fails because some of the PPAs I added don't have natty versions yet (I'm on beta2). Will this affect me being able to upgrade to release?12:32
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: well that's all very well for Windows but what about Ubuntu?12:32
soulflyI"m trying to update from beta 2 with update manager but says no updates12:32
jattOday: yeah that's good but deborphan will probably find more unused packages for you12:32
zvacet^Phantom2^: I believe you do12:32
tuhinhow to upgeade kernel from 2.6.35-22 to latest 2.6.38?12:32
Naibparanox: ?12:32
rajuOday:  apt-get autoremove will clear the useless pkg's in u r PC12:32
vibhav<tuhin> use update-manager12:32
paranoxNaib: yeah?12:32
jaredquinnthegoodcushion: as i said. it's pretty standard.. i've been printing with hpjetdirect from UNIX boxes for 15 years.12:32
=== ^Phantom2^ is now known as ^Phantom^
jiltdilit is out but there is no link to downloading it perhaps in 1 or 2hrs it should be start downloading12:32
Naibparanox: and you smell like week old pickles12:32
jribparanox: stop telling people they are annoying.  THAT is annoying12:33
velcroshoozservers need time to propagate the new iso's, an official release worldwide is going to take some time.12:33
paranoxNaib: why would you say that to me?12:33
zvacetKNUBBIG: in source list disable these ppa by putting # in front of their lines12:33
paranoxNaib: you are a gay cunt12:33
* jiltdil good news it is downloading now12:33
jamey-uksomeone is raping the ubuntu repo servers... oh wait12:33
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KNUBBIGzvacet, hm ok thx12:34
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jaredquinnzvacet: Doesn't the update-manager do that for you?12:34
burghhello. why is 32 bit 11.04 ubuntu recommended? does the 64 bit version have more bugs?12:34
txomonnotepad++ in linux?12:34
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jaredquinnburg: 32bit has always been more widely tested12:34
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txomonburg, is more stable the 32 bit one12:34
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rajutxomon:  get wine  man12:34
obengdakowhy is the 32bit version recomended i currently use a 32bit on a 64bit machine and was hoping to switch to 64bit but the recommended there makes me wonder if i'll then have trouble with lib32 and stuff in order to run 32bit apps any ideas?12:34
stREaKerno one here on sandy bridge?12:34
KM0201spread the word, it's finally out!...lol12:34
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ashmew2do you get op status all of a sudden or are you already an OP and stay undercover :P12:34
txomonraju, no wine, want native12:34
^Phantom^zvacet, so far so good (fresh install)12:34
zvacetjaredquinn: maybe I'm not sure but a way I told it iss for sure12:34
Naibooo release says it is out12:35
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jribburg: use 64bit if you want to, there's no real reason to use 32bit if your computer can use 64bit12:35
velcroshoozburg, most software is still written for 32 bit. some proprietary apps are not going to run on 64 bit without a chroot or multilib setup. It just means 32 bit is better supported at the moment.12:35
marcusbyou bloody idiots: who made the popup window with the new-version-announcement that steals the keyboard focus?12:35
rajutxoman gedit will do everything12:35
jiltdilburg:just use 64bit12:35
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eltigreHey, I am having trouble with defective packages12:35
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marcusbUbuntu is a clusterfuck.  I'm out of here.12:35
^Phantom^oh dangit!12:35
txomonraju, no, it hasn't got nftp ^^12:35
^Phantom^zvacet, force closed again12:35
jribobengdako: 64bit works fine12:35
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jatt64bit is good for servers12:36
jribeltigre: you have to be more specific12:36
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eltigrehow can I repair defective packages?12:36
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jattbut for the desktop is an overkill12:36
mythrihello everyone i m new to ubuntu..i need to backup..wat does ROOT folder mean..wil it have my documents in it12:36
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* jrib embraces for impact12:36
rajutxomon:  i cant find that ...please retype man12:36
jribmythri: can you provide full context?12:36
Sidewinder1It has now been officially announced: 11.04 IS OUT!12:36
jattold news12:36
ashmew2mythri: http://www.psychocats.org/12:36
Odaywhen i put "deborphan" in terminal, i get a list of packages, this tool just finds the orphaned packages for me?12:36
eltigrejrib: So far I am only getting messages that I have to repair them12:36
velcroshoozmythri, the user you login with is going to have your settings12:37
obengdakojrib, what about whay velcroshooz said?12:37
eltigrenot really which ones... and apt-get -f install doesn't work either12:37
jribeltigre: messages where?12:37
zvacet^Phantom^:I'M not a gamer so all I can help you with is to install java package sorry maybe someone else know better12:37
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Ymer-!backup | mythri12:37
jattOday: try12:37
ubottumythri: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:37
jattdeborphan | xargs -i apt-get --purge remove "{}"12:37
jattthis will remove them.12:37
jribmythri: ask him to name the software and see if it affects you :)  (there isn't much)12:37
eltigrejrib, synaptic and apt-get12:37
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jattOday: with sudo of course12:37
ashmew2mythri: http://www.psychocats.net/ sorry its .net not .org12:37
jribeltigre: and what's the exact message you receive from apt-get?12:37
velcroshoozobengdako, by proprietary i mean games and the like, most apps are going to run fine in 64 bit. very few are going to be 32 bit specific these days.12:38
jribOday: there's not much use for deborphan nowadays.  That functionality is built into apt-get now12:38
mythrijrib, i have to reinstall the ubuntu ......before that i was tryin to recover my ubuntu documents and files from windows xp partition..my ubuntu doesnt work now12:38
^Phantom^that's okay, zvacet, I think I might poke around their forums and see if they know anything12:38
txomonraju, it is a plugin in which you have a local cache copy of the server files you open, and while edditing them, changes are stored in cache12:38
rajutxomon:  had u poke the google about this12:38
txomonand when you save they are uploaded12:38
thiensomebody please send me download link of ubuntu 11.0412:38
jattstill deborphan finds unused packages which apt-get doesn't12:38
padi999_hi all. I can use ping from cmd-line fine but I cannot ping any server using the ubuntu built in Network Tools Ping. It always receives 0 packages. I changed the interface under "Devices" to wlan0 but still, no result12:38
jribobengdako: ask him to name the actual software and see if it affects you (there isn't much)12:39
ashmew2thien: join #ubuntu-release-party12:39
mythrijrib, when  i did that i only got a back of ROOT.DISK12:39
eltigrejrib: I only have the German version, but roughly: aborting due to problems in pkgProblemResolver::Resolve12:39
dd214My UPDATE MANGER reads: "New Ubuntu release '11.04' is available!12:39
Odaythey were all given the Abort choice, jrib12:39
jiltdilthien:just go to ubuntu home page12:39
obengdakovelcroshooz, so won't installing lib32 and stuff solve those issues because i don't want to have to switch back and forth and can you name some?12:39
txomonraju, yes, but didnt find nothing reliable12:39
rajutxomo : code.google.com/p/gedit-ftp-browser/ - Similar12:39
jribeltigre: you're trying to upgrade?12:39
raphaHi alll!12:39
^Phantom^zvacet, i'm gonna try playing offline12:39
eltigrejrib, not really12:39
obengdakojrib, thanks that is a good question do you use 64bit yourself12:39
jribobengdako: I've used 64bit for years, yes12:39
velcroshoozobengdako, lib32 stuff in a 64 bit system is multilib, which should work fine.12:39
raphathe ISOs uploaded a couple of hours ago, are they "it"?12:40
^Phantom^i haven't tried that way yet, to see if it happens there12:40
algertanyone using ubuntu on virtual machine?12:40
jribmythri: I don't follow what you are saying12:40
obengdakojrib, i may still have to download 32bit because i run installations for friends who come with varied machines12:40
jribeltigre: prefix your command with "LANG=C" and pastebin12:40
jattrapha: yes12:40
mtlifei cant speak12:40
jiltdilis it better to run 32 or 64 bit if my hardware supports 64?12:40
mtlifein ubuntu+112:41
jribobengdako: hmm, not sure what "run installations for friends" means12:41
obengdakojrib, is there a way to change to 64bit on a 32bit machine maybe a kernel change?12:41
Incarus632bit is allways better12:41
jribjiltdil: how much ram do you have?12:41
mythrijrib, my ubuntu works no more and tried doing back of ubuntu files from diskinternals software i got a file called ROOT.DISK will it have all my documents and files in it?12:41
jribobengdako: no, you'd have to reinstall12:41
eltigrejrib, hm it's about python packages... wait a moment12:41
jribjiltdil: use 64bit12:41
raphajatt: thanks! ... because the homepage of the website has been changed only now12:41
velcroshoozobengdako, that would require a reinstall12:41
chazwozause 64-bit12:41
KM0201Incarus6: i wouldn't say "always" better but there's circumstances where its better12:41
jribmythri: ah, I do not know12:41
obengdakoi mean people get their cds from me jrib12:41
jribobengdako: you mean CDs with packages?12:41
Incarus6jiltdil, 32bit got a better hardware support, things like flash won't work with 64bit properly12:42
zvacet^Phantom^: sorry I was not much of help all the best with game12:42
mythrimy ubuntu works no more and tried doing back of ubuntu files from diskinternals software i got a file called ROOT.DISK will it have all my documents and files in it? i want to do a reinstall of ubuntu..does anyone knows it? please help me i m new to ubuntu12:42
^Phantom^zvacet, so far no crash yet, playing locally12:42
eltigrejrib: http://pastebin.com/jqReU10t12:42
jribflash works fine on 64bit12:42
KM0201Incarus6: its been a long time since flash didnj't work properly w/ 64bit... it works fine now12:42
obengdakovelcroshooz, jrib then hmmmm i guess this year i'll be selfish and download for just my machine any 32bit guy can't use my cd now12:42
padi999_Ah, it looks as if I have this bug :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+bug/70994512:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 709945 in gnome-nettool (Ubuntu) "Ping does not work in network Tools" [Undecided,New]12:42
kellnola64bit hasn't had those problems in a long time12:42
eltigreis flash really supposed to work fine on ubuntu?12:42
rgrsomeone told me 64 bit was 100% as good as 32 bit. Is that not true?12:42
thereunity was slow12:43
jiltdilIncarus6:ok thanks any way to make it better "flash' to work fine in 64bit12:43
eltigreI'm always getting like 100% cpu usage from literally  nothing12:43
jribeltigre: « apt-cache policy python »  Where did this strange python version come from?12:43
thereanyone else find unity kinda slowish?12:43
jaredquinnthere: really?12:43
jribrgr: it's true12:43
kellnolaeltigre, yes flash player works fine12:43
Incarus6KM0201, I can see still today a lot of 64bit related issues, were is no reason to change to 64bit (except the unix-time-problem)12:43
eltigrejrib, I have no idea12:43
=== Micheal[Release] is now known as MichealH
thegoodcushionjaredquinn: I reckon I'll just ask periodically here to see what people are experiencing.  I can't seem to find up to date info online12:43
therejaredquinn: noticeably slower12:43
jaredquinnthere: something wrong there then.. it's designed to be fast and lightweight, which is my experience so far.12:43
jribeltigre: what does that command return?12:43
rgrjrib: not according to jus about every google I have done. Wishful thinking.12:43
[deXter]Hi all, how can I tell if this ubuntu ISO I downloaded is 32 or 64 bit?12:43
KM0201there: for me it was... but i'm running 11.04 on an ancient machine.. i just switched to xfce.. i knew that change would come about eventually12:43
jattvery slow12:43
therewell it's not like really lagging or anything12:43
buzzkillwhat is the iso name deXter12:43
jribrgr: flash works as fine for me as it does on 32bit or on windows.  I don't know...12:43
Incarus6eltrige, the latest flash version uses the experimental hardware acceleration, that could causes trouble12:43
zvacet^Phantom^: well it is something12:43
jaredquinnthere: so what was slow?12:44
buzzkilli386 = 32bit12:44
[deXter]buzzkill: lubuntu-10.10.iso12:44
KM0201Incarus6: there's no way you can make such a general statement ilke that, and it even be remotely accurate.12:44
kellnola[deXter], run "file" against any binary on it12:44
KM0201surely you realize that12:44
[Soma]hey... I just got up and had 47 updates, one of them being "libkmediaplayer4", and my updating process stopped with "preparing libkmediaplayer4". it's been like that for about 10 minutes. what do I do?12:44
rgrjrib: works for you. ok. Well the facts are that it doesnt for many others. And to say otherwise is misleading and dishonest.12:44
jrib!md5sums | [deXter]12:44
ubottu[deXter]: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.12:44
thereit was sort of..hmm.. i kinda have to log back into it and check again12:44
* KM0201 is just glad VLC is finally fixed12:44
[deXter]None of this is of any help ... the lubuntu CD doesn't have an md5 listed on that page12:44
eltigrejrib, http://dpaste.com/536729/12:44
jribrgr: I don't believe that's the fact.  Flash can be installed and works as fine as flash generally works (hogs cpu, etc)12:44
[deXter]and the file command won't tell if the ISO contains a 64 or 32bit binary..12:45
DarkStar1I installed openldap (or at least I think I did) using apt-get but there is no slapd.conf file in the /etc/ldap directory is this normal?12:45
kellnola[deXter], try what I said12:45
therei installed gnome 3. it's a bit faster12:45
jaredquinnthere: i've had other issues with it.. but speed hasn't been one of them.   It hasn't been terribly stable through the Natty testing phase.12:45
jribrgr: which part is nonsense?12:45
jiltdiljrib:is there a flash issue in 64bit?12:45
jaredquinnthere: wow..  that's kind of unexpected.. seeing gnome's been slow forever.12:45
[deXter]kellnola: I did, it just says that it's a bootable ISO.12:45
therejaredquinn: that's interesting. not sure what's going on here then :|12:45
rgrabout everything you have said. It does not work fine for everyone. And a prooerly configured flash should NOT hog the cpu.12:45
JR0cket1jiltdil: no more than in 32bit :-)12:45
jribeltigre: you have to figure out where that unofficial version of python came from and downgrade back to the official ubuntu version12:45
kellnola[deXter], mount the iso, and run "file" against any binary WITHIN it12:46
jiltdilJR)cket1:   :-)12:46
eltigrejrib, I have a few ppas...12:46
exalthow can i make a bootable usb the best way ?12:46
rgreven a cursory google shows there to be hundreds if not thousands of people with Flash issues in 64 bit and/or Ubuntu in general. Frequently down to video drivers and xorg configs.12:46
[deXter]kellnola: Well nvm, I just looked inside the iso and all the binaries had a _i386 appended to it12:46
jaredquinnthere: my guess would be it would be a video driver issue then..   maybe some software assisted rendering going on or something?12:46
kellnolaexalt, startup disk tool12:46
jribrgr: well maybe you misinterpret what I mean by fine.  By "fine" I mean it is usable.12:46
rgrFor you.12:46
rgrNot for many others.12:46
therejaredquinn: that's what i was suspecting too12:46
velcroshoozeven on windows flash is a resource hog, so i agree with what jrib says. the issue is whether it is -more- resource intensive than suual12:46
jribrgr: for everyone.12:46
jaredquinnthere: did you try unity-2d12:46
therenot yet.12:46
rgrWhy do you continue to talk nonsense. It does not work "fine" for everyone.12:46
kellnolavelcroshooz, yes, flash is kinda shitty, but it does work12:47
exaltjiltdil: unet bootin makes an stdin: error:0 error kellnola startup disk tool i dont know yet, lets have a look12:47
bazhangrgr, thats enough please12:47
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! | 11.04 release party in #ubuntu-release-party :D
jribrgr: point me to a bug12:47
rgrAnd flash works fine on some linu distros and not on others.12:47
rgrjrib: are you being serious? Even people in this irc channel have reported issues. 2 fps is NOT "running fine".12:47
jaredquinnI was an icewm user for years because gnome and kde were both too bloated..  kind of happy that people are now finally seeing that a desktop environment doesn't need to get in your way12:47
kellnolaexalt, "System Tools -> Startup Disk Creator"12:47
jattrgr: 64bit is a pain in the neck for the desktop. it is excellent for servers running huge applications but for the desktop the wise thing to do is to install 32bit12:48
exaltkellnola: im on windows12:48
Incarus6jatt, I agree here12:48
jaredquinnjatt & rgr..  I agree...12:48
eltigrejrib: downgrading would basically deinstall most of the software I use, like firefox and gimp12:48
edheldilHi all, after a (seeminglly harmless) upgrade of Lucid kvm-qemu package to 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.5, the VMs do not open VNC ports, not even from monitor console, regardless of port number. VMs otherwise run normally. Has anyone encountered this?12:48
txomonso anyone knows about12:48
rgrjatt: yes, thats more my opinion. But I dont see the need for msot people to use 32 bit. It can often hog more resources with no notable performance increase too.12:48
jribI disagree. There's no reason not to use 64bit on the desktop if your hardware handles it12:48
txomona plugin in which you have a local cache copy of the server files you open, and while edditing them, changes are stored in cache12:48
kellnolano probs with 64 bit on desktop here. Would not be able to use my 16GB of memory without it12:48
rgrif you really need 16 gigs then yes12:48
kellnolaI run a lot of VMs12:49
rgrthen it makes sense.12:49
scarra3My processor is an AMD Athlon x2 2.2 GHz dual core should I go for the x64 version of 11.04?12:49
jaredquinnkellnola: then it's NOT a desktop12:49
konayaCould someone fix the goof on the front page? They call Ubuntu "license-free", and it is not.12:49
kellnolajaredquinn, of course it is12:49
jribeltigre: you need to remove that unofficial version of python12:49
jattrgr: you are right, but for organizations is not rare to see servers running 64bit because their java "enterprise" applications require 64GB of ram :)12:49
rgrjaredquinn: huh? Of course it is.12:49
jribscarra3: how much ram12:49
kellnolajatt, LOL. yes12:49
guampascarra3: how much ram do you have?12:49
scarra3jrib: 4 GB12:49
jribscarra3: use 64bit12:50
jaredquinnkellnola: if you're running a heap of virtual machines on it.. then it's a server, and the service it's serving up is machines.\12:50
guampayeah, go with 6412:50
therejaredquinn: i suppose i'll install unity 2d and try it out.12:50
scarra3jrib: And how do I install drivers for my graphics card its an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 425012:50
kellnolajaredquinn, it's a computer.12:50
jrib!ati | scarra312:50
ubottuscarra3: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:50
Incarus6scarra3, Im using 32bit with PAE -> better compatibility12:50
rgrthis machine is 64 bit and is 4 years old with 3 gigs. Cant imageine ever needing more ram on it with a Debian install but then I dont run VMs that often.12:50
crashanddieSo, how do we get rid of Unity?12:50
phoque_uniI've really grown fond of removing the lower panel and installing Docky12:50
crashanddiemaybe I should just install debian.12:50
phoque_unigranted, very OSX-like12:50
phoque_unibut that was unity too anways12:51
Incarus6crashanddie or gnome or another desktop12:51
kellnolacrashanddie, the new debian is pretty awesome12:51
txomonso anyone knows about an editor in which you have a local cache copy of the server files you open, and while edditing them, changes are stored in cache?12:51
rgrWhats the general feeling about Unity? Is it easy to turn off?12:51
jaredquinncrashanddie: if you *really* want to.. at the login prompt... you just select "Classic"12:51
therei kind of like the look and feel of gnome 3 though. although that might just be the novelty of it.12:51
zvacetscarra3: trx from system>admin<additional drivers12:51
velcroshoozcrashanddie, there is an option when booting to choose ubuntu classic instead12:51
jattcrashanddie: I think you can chose a gnome session instead of a unity session on login, don't give up so fast (I know unity sucks tho)12:51
rgrunity is gnoe isnt it?12:51
jribrgr: you select "classic desktop" at the login screen to turn it off12:51
velcroshoozrgr, no12:51
Incarus6rgr, it isnt12:51
crashanddiewell, gnome 3 sucks, and unity is horrendous.12:51
crashanddieI can't see the future getting better at this point.12:51
rgrI thought it was a new WM for gnome. Oh well!12:51
Incarus6rgr, its an own developement of canonical12:51
scarra3zvacet: Ok awesome thanks now I hope that my touchpad will finally work since it didn't work in 10.1012:51
kellnolacrashanddie, oh well, back to windowmaker12:52
Sidewinder1Would anyone be kind enough to provide the md5sum hash for the released i386 desktop 11.04 or a link to same? TIA12:52
Incarus6crashaddie, Im using KDE ;)12:52
jattcanonical wanted unity and gnome but gnome guys were against it (you know why once you see unity)12:52
rgrcrikey. How ridiculous. A whole new DE? Are they releasing their own desktop apps as well?12:52
jaredquinnjatt: it's not just about the look of it either12:52
crashanddiekellnola, or I'll fork gnome2 and keep maintaining it :)12:52
kellnolaunity looks like it is meant for a touchscreen to me12:52
velcroshoozall new UI take time for them to mature, when kde 4 started everyone hated it, it has come around, grnome 2.x has had -years- of dev ..12:52
Incarus6rgr, correct12:52
damicitawhy you think that unity is bad ?12:53
jaredquinnjatt: it's designed with a slightly different appraoch to how a desktop environment should hang together, and ultimately you will have gnome, kde and other apps all running happily under it, rendering their bits the right way, sending notifications to teh right places and everything being magical.12:53
Incarus6jatt, Im going to test unity in a couple of minutes. but im not sure about unity. I got a proprietary graphic card driver12:53
th^^crashanddie: just select 'Ubuntu Classic' in the login screen...12:53
jaredquinndamicita: I don't.. I love it.12:53
jattyeah but canonical doesn't have the resources to maintain unity in the long term, gnome can be hated but they have lots of experience and developers on their side12:53
th^^but yes, it's easier to go emo about unity and install debian than click one dropdown...12:53
karlhuntYou can still start in gnome by choosing ubuntu classic at login12:53
jaredquinndamicita: but only because i've been digging around deep within it for a few weeks12:53
Incarus6damicita, no support for proprietary graphic cards12:53
zvacetscarra3:  np I hope it will work12:53
eltigrejrib: hm... another stupid question, I tried to do that with synaptic but I can't actually perform the action because it says I have to repair defective packages12:53
rgrjaredquinn: it will mother all the different DE apps to look and life the same? Ha. I will believe that when I see it.12:53
damicitaoh ...12:53
scarra3zvacet: Ya its an alps touchpad on my sony vaio12:54
g4is it easy to test unity and then turn it off?12:54
jaredquinng4 YES12:54
Sandeep_Kr_FOSSSo Ubuntu 11.04 has been released, a big THANK YOU to all the devs and contributors! :)12:54
g4jaredquinn: link?12:54
thienwhat is the fastest download accelerator for ubuntu?12:54
Incarus6g4, repos12:54
scarra3Btw do the torrents work yet12:54
jaredquinng4: read above12:54
jaredquinng4: you just select CLASSIC at the login prompt12:54
jaredquinng4: and you get gnome\12:54
Incarus6g4, http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/unity12:54
* rgr predicts unity will produce yet another incompatible suite of apoplication setting repositories and people will get very frustrated ...12:54
g4ahh great :)12:54
jaredquinnRead the doco people.12:54
zvaceteltigre:  in synaptic fix broken packages12:54
g4<3 Ubuntu!12:54
eltigrezvacet, won't work12:55
edheldilHi all, after a (seeminglly harmless) upgrade of Lucid kvm-qemu package to 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.5, the VMs do not open VNC ports, not even from monitor console, regardless of port number. VMs otherwise run normally. Has anyone encountered this?12:55
ikoniajaredquinn: easy on the language please12:55
jaredquinn... and please give unity a chance.. and not just for five mintues.12:55
eltigrebut I think I found a way now12:55
jbacheany UDS organizers here?12:55
zetheroosigh .... thought there would be at least 2000 ppl in here ...12:55
rgrikonia: what are you talking about? He didnt swear.12:55
jattultimately unity will die if they don't provide software that pleases the user12:55
ikoniargr: yes he did12:55
rgrNo he didn't.12:55
jattno matter how smart their idea/architecture is12:55
simion314i get a strange bug, during boot my keyboard led is turning off and nothing will happen,if i press the power button the keyboard led will turn on and the bott continue12:55
zvaceteltigre:  in terminal   sudo dpkg --configure -a    sudo apt-get -f install12:55
fixwoot woot in the boot12:55
bazhangrgr, lets move on12:56
eltigrezvacet, thanks12:56
EduardHell guys12:56
jaredquinngood idea..  I didn't literally swear, but the implication was definitely carried in what i said.  So you are both right.12:56
Incarus6did he say "hell"?12:56
rgrban him! ;)12:56
zetherooare there any known chipsets that are buggy with Unity?12:56
velcroshooznot important12:57
zvaceteltigre: np12:57
rgrwhy would chipsets be buggy with unity?12:57
DirtyDawgwow i am getting slow speed on the new release downloading12:57
CVirusWhat's Narwhal in Arabic :-D ?12:57
Dr_Willis|2they would be buggy with compiz :)12:57
Incarus6zetheroo, yes, all proprietary graphic cards arent supported in unity-3D12:57
EduardDoes anybody know, if the nasty broken dependencies on nvidia-96 drivers was fixed with 11.04?12:57
kellnolargr, 'cause unity requires 3D12:57
rgrDirtyDawg: thats a surprise on release day.12:57
jaredquinnzetheroo:  Unity can't casuse you issues with teh chipset...12:57
zetheroorgr: or Unity being buggy with chipsets ...12:57
jattthere is unity-2d12:57
karlhuntIm running sandy bridge which works ok but graphics is poor. 2d support only12:57
karlhuntlots of tearing etc12:57
jaredquinnzetheroo: but.. there has been a few issues with the Intel lappy chipsets .. but they have been a kernel issue.12:57
zetherooIncarus6: Intel?12:57
EduardDoes anybody know, if the nasty broken dependencies on nvidia-96 drivers was fixed with 11.04?12:57
rgrkarlhunt: which drivers?12:57
Incarus6karlhunt, did you try the latest manline kernel?12:57
zetheroojaredquinn: darn .. that is too bad12:58
vega!repeat | eduard12:58
Incarus6zetheroo, intel drivers arent proprietary, as I remember12:58
ubottueduard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:58
CVirusالناروال الأنيق ؟12:58
rgrEduard: nvidia issues? have you used sgfxi?12:58
karlhuntIncarus6, I just keep up to date with the ubuntu kernel12:58
Eduardrgr: sec12:58
karlhuntis there a more upstream one?12:58
g4so how is unity compared to docky? Is it a step forward or something different?12:58
jattg4: is crap compared to gnome do12:58
MaRk-I!arabic | CVirus12:59
ubottuCVirus: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية12:59
zetherooI have a laptop with an Intel gfx chipset ... I would rather not upgrade only to find out the 3D Unity doesn't work ...12:59
Eduardrgr: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96/+bug/74193012:59
rgrThere is a terrible tendency for those that offer the least help in this group to be the ones popping in with the most net nannying. Its very sad.12:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 741930 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 (Ubuntu) "[natty] nvidia binary packages for older cards - dependencies not met" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:59
Eduardrgr: no updates on it for quite a while12:59
Incarus6zetheroo, otherwise try unity-2D12:59
karlhuntzetheroo, unity worked on my old gma intel chipset but sandy bridge has a new one.12:59
Incarus6karlhunt, are you using 11.04?12:59
zetheroo Incarus6: but I REALLY want the 3D :)12:59
karlhuntIncarus6, yup12:59
Incarus6karlhunt, Im not sure about the kernel version, what was it again in Natty?13:00
rgrEduard: I had issues with liquorix kernels with nvidia too. I dropped the liquorix usage as a result.13:00
karlhuntIncarus6, been running beta for a few weeks and did a dist-upgrade last night13:00
jaredquinnzetheroo: what chipset are you on?13:00
zetherookarlhunt: mine is Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL96013:00
karlhuntIncarus6, 2.6.38-8-generic13:00
rgrIntel graphics?13:00
tomaszit will be google-earth on ubuntu 11.04 ?13:01
rgrgood luck with that..13:01
zetheroojaredquinn: GM965/GL9613:01
Incarus6karlhunt, yeah, that looks actual. I read something about the sandy bridge drivers in the changelog. cant remember if it was 2.6.38 or 2.6.3913:01
karlhuntI think my chip is an intel hd3000 whatever that is13:01
zetheroohow do I know if mine is a "sandy bridge" chipset?13:02
Incarus6zetheroo, I wasn't talking to you?13:02
jaredquinnzetheroo: is that the same driver as the i915 / Arrandale?13:02
genupulashi friends ...we all know that ubuntu partitions are going to be mounted without any password . but i wanna make some security to my harddisk partitions while mounting them . so can any one help me to solve this problem13:02
jaredquinnzetheroo: I think it is.13:03
Incarus6dammit, I can't upgrade13:03
zetheroozetheroo: you asked me what my chipset was ...13:03
jaredquinnzetheroo: my problem is only when the screen is coming back after a hibernate13:03
LjLgenupulas: you'd have to encrypt them, i don't think it's entirely trivial13:03
vibhavoffically realesed now?13:03
LjLvibhav: yes13:03
bazhangvibhav, yes13:03
genupulasLjL:  how can i do that13:03
Eduardguys, where do i find 11.04 release notes?13:03
zetheroojaredquinn: ok ... well I don't hibernate my machine ...13:03
karlhuntzetheroo, did you buy it in the last 2 months and is it core i5/i7 if not then unlikely13:03
tomaszjaredquinn try 2 times press change screen on keyboard13:03
tomaszFn + F4 i have13:04
zetherookarlhunt: hehe ... ok ... nah this is an R61 Thinkpad ... C2D13:04
tomaszscreen back13:04
karlhuntzetheroo, your graphics will be fine13:04
zetheroothen I am really tempted to upgrade :)13:04
padi999_Can anyone give me a decent network traffic controller (ping and alerts if rtt reaches a certain #ms) with graphic UI preferably? The built in NM in ubuntu 10.10 does not work. Thank you for your appreciation.13:04
genupulasLjL:  now i am doing in my college system .do i have any links for this . i13:04
LjLgenupulas: i can't point you to a specific document because help.ubuntu.com has a few of them and i honestly don't know which ones are currently recommended. try skimming through the stuff at http://www.google.com/search?q=encrypt+partitions+site:help.ubuntu.com13:05
Incarus6whooot, I cant upgrade :D can someone have a look: http://pastebin.com/ac3tH5g513:05
jaredquinnzetheroo: just do it :)13:05
jaredquinnzetheroo: I've been running it for a couple of weeks.. and not had any major issues13:05
zetheroo jaredquinn: they always say that ... .13:05
genupulasLjL:  cool , i hope ubuntu forums can solve this . ....any way thanks man13:05
MaRk-I!encryption | genupulas13:06
ubottugenupulas: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:06
kellnolazetheroo, yeah, if all you use the computer for is web browsing and irc ... I am frankly horrified about video editing. 10.10 is bad enough13:06
genupulasMaRk-I:  thank you man13:06
jaredquinnIncarus6: you've a bunch of stuff installed from other repos?   I'm guessing maybe Ubuntu Studio?13:06
zetheroo jaredquinn: ok ... here goes everything ... ;)13:07
Incarus6jaredquinn, yeah.. but not ubuntu studio... any idea how I can upgrade? (or which package that causes? (maybe xorg))13:07
zetherookellnola: I do a bit more than browsing and irc ... but no production level stuff13:08
genupulasMaRk-I:  that is great . i hope this can solve my issue .13:08
jaredquinnicewaterman: how did you start your upgrade?13:08
MaRk-Igenupulas: yw, good luck13:08
avijhi, can someone please point me to an Ubuntu mirror that is a) accessible with rsync and b) carries the .iso images and c) is located somewhere in Europe. I'd like to conserve some bandwidth by rsyncing from the beta2 .iso images that I already have.13:08
Incarus6jaredquinn, line 588 could cause that problem13:08
falxxdo-release-upgrade tells me that I can't upgrade, I believe that's because I've installed kde from ppa on my current system.. what's the way forward from there?13:08
kellnolafalxx, I would remove any ppa's before upgrading. and remove the software first13:09
Incarus6falxx, isnt related with the KDE ppa13:09
jaredquinnicewaterman: did you answer how you kicked that upgrade off?13:10
falxxincarus6: oh, well, may be virtualbox then?13:10
Incarus6falxx, pls paste /var/log/dist-upgrade/ files13:10
zvacetIncarus6:  try apt-get -f install13:10
zvacetIncarus6: sudo apt-get -f install13:11
benovicHI Guys, I get strange outbound connections from unison-gtk, e.g. to (google). Its firestarter displaying me these connections. Can somebody explain what happens?13:11
Incarus6zvacet, isn't working (it is working but doesnt fix it), because all dependencies are correct. it seems to be a too new xorg version, so I have to fix it by hand13:11
velcroshoozcan anyone running 11.04 confirm the seperate wallpaper for dual monitor bug is gone? in 10.10 you need to ctrl alt f7 /ctrl alt f1 for it to work13:11
zvacetIncarus6:  ok then I didn' try natty yet13:12
Incarus6zvacet, im still in 10.1013:12
* AdmV0rl0n hates unity :/13:12
jaredquinnIncarus6: did you do a update-manager and then let it handle all the other bits?13:12
jaredquinnAdmV0rl0n: why?13:12
Incarus6jaredquinn, yes. did you look at line 588?13:13
karlhuntWhen my screen dims it lags coming back out. Im going to try an upstream kernel13:13
jaredquinnIncarus6: the one that says   Fixing mountall:i386 via keep of plymouth:i38613:14
Incarus6jaredquinn, http://pastebin.com/ac3tH5g5 no13:14
obscurant1stapt-get dist-upgrade is it enough for updating my beta natty to the final release?13:16
jaredquinnobscurant1st: should be13:16
ashmew2if you need to do it cli-based try do-release-upgrade (should be in the package update-manager-core)13:16
obscurant1stashmew2, do-release-upgrade ?13:17
* ugisozols starting upgrade13:17
Incarus6this **** log files doesnt tell me anything :D13:17
* ashmew2 starting upgrade. :)13:17
* Incarus6 starting fixing13:17
jaredquinnashmew2:  he is already running the 11.04 beta13:17
falxxicarus6: allright, pasting 1450 lines13:17
zvacetashmew2:  he is upgrading from beta so there is no need for that13:17
ashmew2jaredquinn: OH !. i must have overlooked13:18
ashmew2sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:18
=== thereheis is now known as Guest66828
obscurant1stso apt-get dist-upgrade is fine?13:18
Piciobscurant1st: yes13:18
ashmew2yes. (lol...)13:18
zvacetashmew2:  ;)13:18
obscurant1stand btw is there anyway I can check if its final?13:18
falxxIncarus6: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600238/ - quite broken I would think13:18
Incarus6falxx, link?13:18
obscurant1stfinal release*13:18
ashmew2zvacet :: hehe :P13:19
zvacetlsb_release -a13:19
AdmV0rl0njaredquinn: there isn't even one likeable aspect to unity. not for me anyway. don't worry, I feel the same about gmone3 also. I have no idea what the UI designers think they are doing, but they are not building anything of value.13:19
mithranhi all, is there a good application i can use to keep track of tasks, with that minimizes to the tray maybe?13:19
obscurant1stzvacet, thanks13:19
Incarus6falxx, look at line 43813:19
edheldilHi all, after a (seeminglly harmless) upgrade of Lucid kvm-qemu package to 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.5, the VMs do not open VNC ports, not even from monitor console, regardless of port number. VMs otherwise run normally. Has anyone encountered this?13:19
zvacetobscurant1st: yw13:19
genupulasfalxx how u guys are going to analyse this much ....where is the mistake ?13:19
Incarus6genupulas, he cant upgrade13:20
benccis it ok to create a user with name "user" ?13:20
Guest7243hello, is there any website about unity?13:20
kellnolabencc, yes but it isn't very useful13:20
falxxIncarus6: yeah, and then 200 more of those.. uninstall all packages marked as broken?13:20
bencckellnola: why not?13:20
SoothsayerGuest7243: what about it ?13:20
genupulasIncarus6:  how  can you say that  ? how you have analysed that13:21
zvacetbencc:  name it as you wish13:21
velcroshoozbencc, sure why not.13:21
Incarus6falxx, are you sure, tha package "amd64" is in the repo? that package seems to be the reason13:21
Soothsayerwhy is the ubuntu website broken ?13:21
jattGuest7243: -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/64818013:21
Guest7243Soothsayer: so I can check out some screenshots or videos? :)13:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 648180 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity sucks" [Undecided,Opinion]13:21
henuxquup: hi13:21
=== H|away is now known as Holek
Incarus6genupulas, he said it isn't working, wer are analysing the log files now13:21
quuphenux: hello13:21
falxxIncarus6: "ure"?13:21
SoothsayerGuest7243: omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/13:21
bencczvacet: velcroshooz:  I thought there is a reserved name or something13:21
quupSoothsayer: because no one could have predicted the extra traffic today :p13:21
Incarus6falxx, "ure"?13:21
kellnolabencc, well, if everyone did that ...13:21
Guest7243Soothsayer: thanks!13:22
falxxIncarus6: ure [ amd64 ] it says13:22
velcroshoozbencc, dont name another one root, thats about it13:22
zvacetSoothsayer:  overloaded probably  :)13:22
falxxIncarus6: its just the arch13:22
Soothsayerwell.. ye some dependencies css, js files, etc are not loading13:22
* kellnola is waiting until June to dist-upgrade13:22
genupulasIncarus6:  you mean the entire code he has given ....13:23
bencczvacet: velcroshooz: kellnola: ok, thanks.13:23
Soothsayerwhy is the 32-bit 'recommended' ?13:23
Incarus6falxx.. i never said "ure" *confused* or right.. the package ure... yeah, that could cause the problem13:23
falxxbut hey, I can just remove openoffice for now13:23
zvacetSoothsayer: everyone want new release at first day so we all can have problems with servers13:23
henuxubuntu.com works for me13:23
william2I've installed vnc4server and ubuntu desktop.  I started :1 and killed it to create the config file for VNC.  I get the error "GTK-Warning ** cannot open display" when I execute "sudo gedit ~/.vnc/xstartup".  How can I remedy this?13:23
Incarus6genupulas, its a log file (var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log13:23
benccSoothsayer: for most use cases it takes less memory13:23
jatt64-bit as a long history of trouble in the desktop13:23
jbwiv___is the website hosed for anyone else (from a stylesheet perspective?13:23
kellnolaTORRENTS people13:23
kellnolajatt, yeah like 4 years ago13:23
velcroshoozbatman people13:23
PsydollHello I need some help please!13:23
jbwiv___jatt, rly? I've run 64-bit on the desktop for years with no problem13:23
benccSoothsayer: if you have more than 4GB of ram, maybe you need the 64bit (on windows you do)13:23
zvacetkellnola:  +113:24
Incarus6jbwiv___, it was, reload cache13:24
PsydollDoes anyone here use any kind of programe for linux like photoshop???13:24
Incarus6!ask | psydoll13:24
ubottupsydoll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:24
kellnolaPsydoll, gimp is the best by far13:24
[TK]D-FenderPsydoll: GIMP13:24
velcroshoozPsydoll, gimp13:24
Psydollgimp i see!13:24
ubuntuHiglighted icons for Kaffeine and Amarok in launcher (or dash) look like disaster...13:24
velory1Hi, 11.04 released today right ?13:24
kellnolaPsydoll, but it does not have all the features of photoshop 4 or 513:24
PhoenixSTFvelory1, yes13:25
Psydollsudo apt-get install gimp?13:25
velory1asking this because I was using 11.04 beta and today I can't see any update13:25
zvacetvelory1:  it is out13:25
jattkellnola: o'rly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux/+bug/65914313:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 659143 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "64bit-only: regression: kernels >=2.6.34: rt2800pci: load firmware Error with ralink [1814:0781]" [Medium,Fix released]13:25
velory1zvacet, PhoenixS ^^13:25
jatt64-bit is a pain in the neck13:25
zvacetPsydoll:  I think you have gimp by default13:26
jattso the sane thing to do is to use 32bit you won't lose performance or anything13:26
Psydollzvacet i cant find it under applications?13:26
falxxworks fine for me13:26
jattunless you need lots of ram13:26
AdmV0rl0nI'll torrent the new release for a while. Should help as its a 100MB connection.13:26
velory1so can't we update from rc to release version or did I already updated?13:26
falxx8gb mem, I need 64bit13:26
velcroshoozgimp is not installed by default.13:26
velory1how can I know13:26
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC
arandjatt: It's the other way around.13:26
KM0201velcroshooz: i don't think it was in in 10.10 either13:26
zvacetPsydoll: under graphic I think (I'm not at ubuntu comp right now)13:26
kellnolais gimp stil under active development? it doesn't seem to have moved forward in a while13:26
Psydollubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install gimp13:27
PsydollReading package lists... Done13:27
PsydollBuilding dependency tree13:27
PsydollReading state information... Done13:27
PsydollE: Unable to locate package gimp13:27
FloodBot2Psydoll: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
LjL!info gimp13:27
Psydollsorry i got that errir13:27
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.10-1ubuntu3.2 (maverick), package size 4231 kB, installed size 12276 kB13:27
Incarus6kellnola, yes, gimp 3 is to be released soon13:27
kellnolaIncarus6, \o/13:27
Psydollzvacet its not there it doesnt come with it13:27
KM0201Psydoll: its int he repos, cuz i installed it, check your repository listing13:27
LjLPsydoll: uhm. please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources13:27
velcroshoozgimp is soon to hit a new milestone, still inder active development13:27
LjLPsydoll: uhm. please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list13:27
transhello guys, just upgraded to natty, how to get dash full screen by default13:27
william2I get the error "GTK-Warning ** cannot open display" when I execute "sudo gedit ~/.vnc/xstartup".  What can I do?13:27
velory1can't I update from RC version to Release version or how can I know which version I'm using right now ?13:27
Incarus6kellnola, they got a slow programming progress ;)13:27
kellnolatrans, ? ctrl-alt F113:27
LjLwilliam2: use gksudo gedit instead13:27
jrib!final | velory113:28
ubottuvelory1: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.13:28
tsaknorriswilliam2: your DM isnt running :/13:28
arandjatt: 64bit is almost always better as far as performance goes, and PAE allows using < 64G memoery on 32bit..13:28
zvacetPsydoll:  enable universe repo in ubuntu software center>edit>repositories13:28
tsaknorriswilliam2: if you use gnome its GDM13:28
VlRUSI hate natty whale13:28
VlRUSI don't have full window effect13:29
velcroshoozhe is a narwhal, big differnece13:29
Incarus6VlRUS, are u using Unity?13:29
william2I tried sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start13:29
VlRUSUbuntu classic13:29
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
velory1jrib:  so is it possible to learn which version I'm using ?13:29
Incarus6VlRUS, sure you arent?13:29
LjLwilliam2: do you currently have a graphical desktop, or not?13:29
jrib!version | velory113:29
ubottuvelory1: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »13:29
tsaknorriswilliam2: ok nothing happened??13:29
VlRUSI'm using Gnome13:29
kellnolareally, 32 bit is for 1GB or less, anything more gives a performance hit vs. 64 bit. I can't imagine anyone having 1GB on a desktop these days. I am broke and have the mem.13:29
Incarus6william2, better try "sudo start gdm" or "sudo stop gdm"13:29
LjLwilliam2: then gedit won't work. use "sudo nano" instead, it's quite easy to use as an editor13:29
velory1jrib:  thanks13:30
william2It saok13:30
velcroshoozkellnola, some of us dont want to deal with multilib issues, so stick with 3213:30
VlRUSAnd I installed amd radeon 6850 hd drivers (catalyst) and i haven't fully window effects13:30
velory1where can we look window effects ?13:30
william2Sudo start gdm > job is already running: gdm13:30
kellnolavelcroshooz, yeah. One of the things RHEL actually did right was make all 32 bit libs and apps available by just appending ".i386" to the package name13:31
tsaknorriswilliam2: alt + f713:31
zvacetvelory1:  system>preferences>appearance13:31
william2sorry im in SSH13:32
velcroshoozkellnola, i have to run wine still so 64 bit makes me jump through a few hooops i would rather not13:32
william2i can load vnc session :1 and see a terminal box13:32
william2but that's it13:32
velory1zvacet:  because of new (on the left) menu I can't find system > preferences :Ğ13:32
william2i have installed gnome13:32
FloodBot2william2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
* zfk pukes13:32
FloodBot2zfk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
tsaknorriswilliam2: but that other computer where you have connection13:32
tsaknorriswilliam2: is there GDM13:32
velory1zvacet:  there's no window effects tab13:32
zvacetvelory1:  using natty?13:32
william2no im on a mac13:32
Jarod51I have upgraded to 11.04 and that is reaaaaaaally nice ! I have a just alittle problem. I have a dual screen setup and my unity launcher is on th wrong one... how do i move it ?13:33
velory1zvacet:  yes13:33
LjLzfk: join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to be unmuted13:33
william2sorry, let me clarify. i'm trying to get vnc remote desktop sessions running on a vps13:33
VlRUSI have Ubuntu 11.04 natthy whale final version Buuuuuuuut i don't have window effects!! Extra effects i'm telling T.T13:33
zvacetvelory1:  sorry then I didn't try it yet13:33
william2i just installed ubuntu 10.04 lts13:33
kellnolaJarod51, switch the cables? :/13:33
Jarod51kellnola, hé hé hé13:33
kellnolaJarod51, you can do it in Xorg.conf13:33
sdhi think the "-d" in "do-release-upgrade -d" can be removed now from the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/TechnicalOverview13:34
Incarus6sdh, I think so too13:34
william2tsaknorris: you still there? :p13:35
tsaknorriswilliam2: yes i am13:35
VlRUSWhere can I find this window in 11.04? http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kzYRFxk8_bE/SK6-ymhKRzI/AAAAAAAAABE/kDRms8Ub4Hc/s320/Screenshot-Appearance+Preferences.png13:35
tsaknorriswilliam2: i know that you can startup graphics with ssh13:35
tsaknorriswilliam2: there is own parameter for that13:35
histoVlRUS: hit window key and type in appearance13:35
VlRUSwindow key?13:36
histoVlRUS: nvm they got rid of it. You'd have to install compizconfig-settings-manager if you want to add more effects13:36
v_vi just installed 11.04, and it seems awesome13:36
DETERMINsame here v13:36
kellnolawait, does unity use compiz or does it have it's own thing?13:37
velcroshoozkellnola, usews compiz13:37
tsaknorriswilliam2: -X parameter read from man ssh13:37
v_vcompiz is on13:37
rumpe1kellnola, now compiz, somewhere in the far future wayland...13:37
william2tsaknorris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600248/13:37
Psydollwhats GOING ON?13:37
DarkStar1can someone help me pls with openldap configuration pls? the slapd.conf file doesn't exist despite the fact that the daemon runs13:37
LjLPsydoll: i don't know, what is?13:37
LjL!caps | Psydoll13:38
ubottuPsydoll: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.13:38
kellnolaDarkStar1, IIRC, isn't it in /etc/slapd/ ?13:38
tsaknorriswilliam2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600249/13:38
DarkStar1Psydoll: wine/virtualbox => windows => ubuntu :013:38
[TK]D-FenderPsydoll: http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=eve+online+ubuntu&cp=13&pf=p&sclient=psy&biw=1920&bih=1115&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=eve+online+ub&pbx=1&fp=8b5a1f5ac460de0713:38
An_Ony_Moosethis laptop often shuts down randomly after a while. I can't find anything indicating a reason for this in syslog, where should I look? It seems to be a normal shutdown as started by running sudo halt - windows close one by one until only the desktop background is visible, then the normal splash screen shows up and the computer turns off after a while.13:39
[TK]D-FenderPsyI see more than half a dozen "how-to's" in the first page of results...13:39
DarkStar1kellnola: no such directory..13:39
v_vi tried 11.04 on my box. im considering  replace the debian on my laptop13:39
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
DarkStar1kellnola: and I have installed slapd twice now13:39
Incarus6An_Ony_Moose, did you google the issue. sry13:39
kellnolaDarkStar1, dpkg -L slapd13:40
nameless`english question : is the sentence « he's a man of the good » correct ? or grammatically right ?13:40
kellnolanameless`, no13:40
kellnolagrammatically, yes I suppose13:40
nameless`kellnola: even in a book ? something unusual ?n13:41
kellnolanameless`, well if it's creative writing ok13:41
velcroshooznameless`, it works, he's a good man is more appropriate these days, but whatev13:41
An_Ony_MooseIncarus6: what should I google? ubuntu shutdown? It isn't a very specific issue and I'd like to know where to look for a reason.13:42
nameless`velcroshooz: kellnola thanks to both of you13:42
thegoodcushionHi everyone.  My Ubuntu can't seem to access the repos.  Is that because of overuse?13:42
nameless`thegoodcushion: did you try to apt-get update before ?13:42
thegoodcushionnameless`: That won't complete13:42
nameless`thegoodcushion: change your mirrors then13:43
DJonesthegoodcushion: Most likely, with it being a new release, the servers will be under heavy use13:43
thegoodcushionnameless`: It's saying "Downloaded 0B of 1B"13:43
thegoodcushionit's ridiculous13:43
Incarus6An_Ony_Moose, it could be an issue related to your hardware. sounds like a problem with overheating or in general something like that (energy saving?). Or it could be that you press the wrong buttons13:44
thegoodcushionanyway I suppose I can live with a couple of days of no repo13:44
DarkStar1anyon else? since kellnola has disappeared?13:44
Incarus6thegoodcushion, you can try to change the update server to a local one instead of the generl servers13:44
Incarus6DarkStar1, explain the exact problem13:45
thegoodcushionSo what's the verdict on 11.04?13:45
jattdon't upgrade13:45
Incarus6can't upgrade13:45
thegoodcushionI'm a bit unsure about Unity13:46
^Phantom^i have more info on the minecraft crashing issue13:46
AdmV0rl0nI'm not.13:46
^Phantom^here's a pastebin of the java console output13:46
DarkStar1Incarus6: I've installed slapd twice now and trying to configure it, and check the conf file for errors because I can't add schemas to openldap but it doesn't have a slapd.conf file as listed by the tutorials13:46
AdmV0rl0nUnity isn't for me.13:46
AdmV0rl0nNot unless it goes through a sever amount of adding configurability to it.13:47
thegoodcushionis it as simple as just selecting not to use it?13:47
buff27AdmV0rl0n, not for me either.... I moved to Xubuntu13:47
FlynsarmyI installed pidgin and closed the contact list. i have a contact window open. How do i get the contact list back? Clicking on the pidgin icon in the unity bar on the left does nothing. there's no system tray icon.13:47
petisnnakehello, where can I find the httpd binary?13:47
buff27thegoodcushion, log into clasic desktop instead13:47
AdmV0rl0ngnome 3 isn't for me either.13:47
Incarus6DarkStar1, sometimes ubuntu tries to find the right configuration and you dont have a configuration file by default (like xorg.conf), so you have to create it. or did it change the "position" / directory?13:47
thegoodcushionbuff27: is it as simple as that?13:47
Macerhm. found some cpus for my ubuntu server for $5013:48
thegoodcushionAdmV0rl0n: are you a KDE man?13:48
Macer2.6 dual core opterons.. awesome13:48
buff27thegoodcushion, pretty much for 11.0413:48
Maceri have 2 dual core 1.8 265s now :)13:48
thegoodcushionbuff27: I worry that the GNOME environment won't be as well-supported as Ubuntu moves away from it13:48
buff27thegoodcushion, 11.10 may not be13:48
Macerthat should be a good bump13:48
AdmV0rl0nI have not liked much now for a long time. I think most of the desktop direction is wrong, is bad, and seems to be being built for tablets, not desktops.13:48
tsaknorris^Phantom^: so you didnt got that SUN JAVA even minecraft needs it13:48
macoDarkStar1: dpkg -L slapd    <-- maybe there's a sample config file somewhere?13:49
An_Ony_MooseIncarus6: but how would I find out? /var/log/syslog tells me nothing useful, where else can I look?13:49
LALALLAAhello when come 11.1013:49
nerdshellWhen I try to open the settings of a virtual machine in VM Box it says "failed to access the USB subsystem". What can I do please ?13:49
buff27thegoodcushion, have you taken a look at what gnome is doing anyway....... looks similar to unity to me13:49
^Phantom^tsaknorris, I did, but I can't figure out how to launch it with that one via terminal13:49
avijhi, can someone please point me to an Ubuntu mirror that is a) accessible with rsync and b) carries the .iso images and c) is located somewhere in Europe. I'd like to conserve some bandwidth by rsyncing from the beta2 .iso images that I already have.13:49
thegoodcushionbuff27: GNOME is not Unity13:49
DarkStar1Incarus6: no it didn't change directory but according to the document it comes with a config file but I don't see any in it's directory13:49
Maceruhm... is zfs built into the 11.04 install?13:49
LALALLAAhello when come 11.1013:49
thegoodcushionSo any other opinions about 11.04 out there?13:49
thegoodcushionLALALLAA: October 201113:49
Incarus6An_Ony_Moose, I can't help you with that, sry13:49
An_Ony_MooseIncarus6: ok, thanks anyway13:50
Flynsarmyanyone? seems like a pretty awful UI...can't even get the contact list back. no system tray icon13:50
KereltisI just installed 11.04 and I'm loving it :)13:50
buff27thegoodcushion, i realise that, but gnome 3 screenshots (shell) look similar to unity shell13:50
arandMacer: Not as far as I know, and likely might never be..13:50
Incarus6DarkStar1, /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist too, you have to create that file first13:50
lukusis natty good to go?13:50
DarkStar1maco: I grepped a .conf out of that just now and found just one file in the manual directory?13:50
thegoodcushionWhat's the gcc/clang on 11.04?13:50
histoavij: any of the mirrors should support rsync13:50
nerdshell!ubuntu+1 | lukus13:50
ubottulukus: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+113:50
brianlSo i was running the 11.04 beta release, and when i try and to an update, it says I can only do a partial upgrade?13:50
thegoodcushionwhich version I mean13:50
tsaknorris^Phantom^: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre13:50
Macerarand: hopefully some day13:50
histoavij: rsync doesnt care where you are pulling from13:50
nerdshellWhen I try to open the settings of a virtual machine in VM Box it says "failed to access the USB subsystem". What can I do please ?13:50
Picinerdshell: Natty is released.13:50
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^Phantom^got it13:51
macoDarkStar1: thatd probably be a sensible place to put example files13:51
lukusnerdshell, I thought it had been released13:51
Maceranyways... bbl.. when the 11.04 hype dies down13:51
^Phantom^I have the runtime installed13:51
thegoodcushionnerdshell: that needs to be updated13:51
AdmV0rl0ner... distrowatch say its released13:51
thegoodcushion11.04 is officially released, the bot needs to be updated13:51
fslima0xubuntu 11.04 also released?13:51
DarkStar1Incarus6: it's a very complicated file to create and as it's supposed to have stuff in there that, when I read about, looks very complicated... Can't believe it's meant to be created by your average joe13:51
nerdshellWhen I try to open the settings of a virtual machine in VM Box it says "failed to access the USB subsystem". What can I do please ?13:51
tsaknorris^Phantom^: replace jre also with jdk13:51
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110413:51
DarkStar1esp a beginner13:51
numbertoMy dash in ubuntu is not working - when I type to search for gedit, the circle just spins for couple of seconds and finds nothing13:51
avijhisto: I wasn't able to find such a server. care to give me an example of a mirror that fulfills all the three conditions I mentioned?13:52
brianlSo i was running the 11.04 beta release, and when i try and to an update, it says I can only do a partial upgrade? And that doesn't even seem to work...Am i not able to update via update-manager?13:52
Picithegoodcushion: factoid updated.13:52
histonumberto: is it installed?13:52
tsaknorris^Phantom^: and you cannot maybe use both javas..open and sun...you have to remove openjdk....13:52
Sidewinder1As above...13:52
thegoodcushionPici: good work13:52
numbertohisto: I installed ubuntu 11.04     3 days agon13:52
OngikaOla bruderz13:52
histonumberto: no are you sure gedit is installed13:52
^Phantom^tsaknorris, so maybe it's still going through openjdk even though I choose sun?13:52
OngikaPici bruder && ikonia bruder13:52
* ^Phantom^ goes and removes open13:52
numbertohisto:  it does not find anything13:53
thegoodcushionCan anyone with 11.04 type gcc -v and clang -v and tell me what versions of each are installed by default?13:53
tsaknorris^Phantom^: you can use synaptic package manager its easier....13:53
Incarus6DarkStar1, that could help: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/openldap-error-cant-find-slapd-conf-721784/13:53
tsaknorris^Phantom^: yes13:53
coz_^Phantom^,  open synaptic   hit search  and type  icedtea,,, remove all installed packages  and sun will be default at t hat point13:53
numbertohisto:  neither alt + 213:53
jribthegoodcushion: packages.ubuntu.com is likely enough for you13:53
^Phantom^doing so now13:53
FlynsarmyIs there a way to attach menus back onto their app windows? having it in the top bar is very annoying13:53
tsaknorrisim off now..bye all :)13:53
coz_oh boy ,, is everyone on natty now ?? :)13:54
numbertoshuould I reinstall unity?13:54
jattuninstall it13:54
coz_Flynsarmy,   you mean in Unity?13:54
Flynsarmycoz_: if i were allowed I would be using many creative words to describe how i feel about unity right about now lol13:54
Flynsarmycoz_: yep13:54
coz_Flynsarmy,  well no unless you log off and then change the session to classic gnome13:54
histonumberto: huh?13:55
velcroshoozFlynsarmy, on login you can choose ubuntu classic, gnome 2.x13:55
Flynsarmyvelcroshooz: that'll only save me until they remove classic :(13:55
[Soma]I'd like to move the top-bar in unity to the bottom, which is the way I had it before upgrading to 11.04. but I'm not even able to right-click the top bar or drag it or do anything. suggestions?13:55
coz_Flynsarmy,  I hear you  for sure,,   Unity is best used on small screens  so   use classic gnome13:55
cornel_hello ll13:55
Trashi1whats the easiest way to add a shortcut to the new unity sidebar?13:55
AceKingDamn! took me 3 minutes to download 11.04! I'm surprised it wasn't slower with all the downloads going on.13:55
velcroshoozFlynsarmy, thats six months to the day at the VERY leats ;)13:55
histoTrashi1: drag it there13:55
coz_Flynsarmy,  if classic is removed at some point,, I am guessing it will be an easy install13:55
jattlol not many people use ubuntu13:56
Trashi1histo: doesnt work13:56
lukushas anyone here upgraded to natty yet?13:56
cornel_i have one problem: "sudo: must be setuid root" in 10.0413:56
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numbertohisto:  I really don't know what to do.  I watched the video of new 11.04 and wanted to try it. I really love how it  look but most functions does not work. I wander if there something which didn't install correctly, just don't know how to find out13:56
^Phantom^okay, trying with openjdk uninstalled13:56
Flynsarmyi wonder if the point of unity was to make things easier to do or to hide things from the screen. seems everything takes at the bare minimum 1 extra click to do. hell - finding what apps you have installed is now a fight between man and machine13:56
coz_actually  there should be 2  releases   Unity   and ubuntu13:56
launchHi, what is the difiference between version terminating by .10 and those   terminating by .0413:56
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thegoodcushionFor the record, clang 2.8 and gcc 4.5.213:56
coz_at least that is my opinion13:56
lukuslaunch, its the month number13:56
coz_ok let me boot into natty13:56
histolaunch: .10 comes out in october .04 is in april13:57
launchlukus, histo: thanks13:57
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lukusso some people are having problems with natty?13:58
[Soma]wow having an app open in unity is annoying. and I can't even alt-tab into a new tab. I have to minimise my app so I can select another one. since of course there's no task bar either13:58
elb0wIf I upgrade to 11.04 what do I lose from 10.10?13:58
^Phantom^Seems to be running good so far13:58
z0mbyk1dok, has anyone dist-upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 server i386? have any 'gotchas' been discovered? :)13:58
* ^Phantom^ knocks on wood13:58
jattunity was intended to by an April 1.13:59
Flynsarmyhas anyone got anything good to say about unity lol13:59
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[Soma]Flynsarmy : not yet :o13:59
velcroshoozthis channel is going to be drowned with unity haters for the next few months :/13:59
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elb0whow do I install gnome3 on 11.04?13:59
z0mbyk1dyeah i am not bothering with ubuntu desktop13:59
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z0mbyk1dinterested in server though...13:59
[Soma]I'd love to love unity, but I can't figure out how anything works.13:59
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:00
OerHekselb0w, you can install the unstable ppa14:00
HF_acid[Soma]: I agree14:00
[Soma]it doesn't seem very handy :S14:00
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[TK]D-Fenderelb0w: http://www.google.ca/#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=install+gnome3+on+11.04&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&fp=8b5a1f5ac460de0714:00
end_userUnity in suffering14:00
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velcroshoozi am not a guinea pig, i wait for everyone else to figure out the problems14:00
elb0w[TK]D-Fender, was asking here incase of the "DONT DO IT"14:00
jattunity is beta14:01
Flynsarmyi dreaded icons on the left but they turned out to be a pleasant surprise so i went into this very open minded. but....the only real way to describe this is 'wtf'. what were they thinking?14:01
HF_acidhey guys, I just installed Natty and upon attempting to connect to the wireless it's asking for me to unlock the default keyring.  It's not the password I created on install and leaving it blank doesn't work either. I'm not using autologin which reportedly would create this prompt in order to create a password. Unfortunately I'm woefully lacking knowledge of the keyring system14:01
jattcan you move the unity bar to the bottom?14:01
jattthe left one14:01
[TK]D-Fenderelb0w: Then you should have asked "Is it a bad idea to install Gnome3 on 11.04?"14:01
MohammadAGis there a way to upgrade without update-manager? dist-upgrade doesn't show any new packages14:01
histojatt: let me check14:02
coz_elb0w,  if you install gnome3  it will break Unity14:02
z0mbyk1dMohammadAG: you need to update, safe-upgrade first14:02
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z0mbyk1dso that the new update-manager can be installed14:02
^Phantom^Thank you for your time, everyone that helped me.  It is playing fine once again.14:02
SoothsayerIf I'm going to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu..14:02
SoothsayerIf I'm going to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu, all the NTFS partitions will be available to both right ?14:02
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jatthisto: I guess is not possible?14:02
HF_acidSoothsayer: should be14:03
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Yes14:03
palmjeSoothsayer: linux can read/write ntfs partitions14:03
SoothsayerSo that means even the main Windows 7 partition will be available ?14:03
Soothsayerwhere the windows os is installed?14:03
MohammadAGz0mbyk1d, well, update-manager's crashing/hanging when I click upgrade, so I'm looking for another way to do that14:03
arandHF_acid: Go into passwords and encryption keys, I presume is should be there, you can delete it from there which will re-make it next time..14:03
blacknumberit is14:03
histojatt: I don't see a way but you can check. If you install compizconfig-settings-manager it will give you all theoptions to configure unity14:03
coz_Soothsayer,  yes although I would google      ubuntu dual boot  windows 7   to be sure there are no particular things that have to be done14:04
elb0wcoz_, do you promise? haha14:04
elb0wWill it break anything else?14:04
HF_acidarand: thanks I'll give it a try14:04
jatthisto: I am using unity-2d14:04
jatthisto: no compiz I guess14:04
kristoffer_whats the relase room?14:04
velcroshoozalways expect it to break everything.14:04
ImperialXTI'm sure this has been answered a hundred times already, but is there anyway to install gnome 3 on 11.04 ? I know it doesn't come with it by default14:04
elb0wguess ill wait a bit then before I put it on my dev box14:04
coz_elb0w,    that one I am not sure,,, you could remove unity,,, and then install gnome3  ,, however,,, gnome3 uses mutter as the compositor,, I dont think it can   compete with compiz14:04
histo!party > kristoffer_14:04
ubottukristoffer_, please see my private message14:04
DirtyDawgquick Question guys, if i am doing a regular install and not a wubi one, and i am using 2 partitions (3 inc swap) one for / and one for home, what size / should be a good size14:05
HF_acidImperialXT: I heard there's a PPA if you want to try that, I have no experience with it though14:05
ImperialXTHF_acid:  kk ty14:05
arandDirtyDawg: ~20G14:05
brianlHas anyone been able to upgrade to the 11.04 release from the 11.04 beta release through update-manager??14:05
SchoentoonHello, are there any easy ways to get a touch screen to work on ubuntu?14:05
DirtyDawgarand: k mate thx14:05
Pici!final | brianl14:05
ubottubrianl: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:05
zamba11.04 is LTS?14:05
OmegaGood day #ubuntu, it's going to be a long day today :)14:05
Picizamba: No.14:06
arandDirtyDawg: Or, well with a separate home, you'll probably be more thatn fine with ~10G14:06
zambaPici: when's the next LTS out?14:06
velcroshoozDirtyDawg, the OS requires around 4 gigs, so how much you need for apps and ata outside of that is your decision14:06
coz_brianl,   all you need to do is  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  to get up to speed14:06
brianlThat is what I have been doing14:06
pioruns_Hi guys. I wanted to report an issue: when I boot Ubuntu 11.04, it stops loading. And doing nothing, until I press ENTER. It happen on boot screen (this bronze background, and nothing else, even Ubuntu logo). Where I should report it, which package to report (Launchpad?). I'm using Nvidia proprietary driver.14:06
zambaPici: lucid is the current LTS, right?14:06
ImperialXTzamba: 12.0414:06
Picizamba: 12.04 (2012, April)14:06
z0mbyk1dhow do i upgrade the server edition from maverick to natty??14:06
thienwhich one should i choose to install ubuntu, ext3 or ext4?14:06
z0mbyk1daptitude dist-upgrade doesn't do anything14:06
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Piciz0mbyk1d: sudo do-release-upgrade14:06
z0mbyk1dahh right14:06
Pici!dist-upgrade | z0mbyk1d14:06
ubottuz0mbyk1d: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.14:06
z0mbyk1dany gotchas with server pici?14:06
z0mbyk1dlike, should I not do it?14:06
zambadoes 11.04 include a kernel for running as domU on xen?14:06
Piciz0mbyk1d: I didn't have any issues here.14:06
brianlcoz_, Its saying I can only do a partial upgrade?14:06
coz_z0mbyk1d,    try sudo apt-get  dist-upgrade14:06
NerdPatrolHello ALL! I just woke up - Is Natty out yet?14:07
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z0mbyk1di dont use apt-get14:07
coz_brianl,  ooo14:07
z0mbyk1di'll use do-release-upgrade14:07
z0mbyk1dthanks pici14:07
coz_brianl,  well right now I cant even get an update / upgrade,,, the servers are bogged down,, so hold on for a bit14:07
* ImperialXT slaps NerdPatrol and points at the topic14:07
z0mbyk1dgonna be pissed if it breaks this system14:07
SeRVeR01NerdPatrol, it's out14:07
pioruns_Hi guys. I wanted to report an issue: when I boot Ubuntu 11.04, it stops loading. And doing nothing, until I press ENTER. It happen on boot screen (this bronze background, and nothing else, even Ubuntu logo). Where I should report it, which package to report (Launchpad?). I'm using Nvidia proprietary driver.14:07
z0mbyk1dit's my monitoring machine14:07
z0mbyk1dmysql, cacti, nagios, etc14:07
brianlcoz_, Yeah, I guess that is the same problem I am having, it won't let me upgrade anything :D14:07
brianlcoz_, E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. <-- error I am getting when trying to update14:08
ImperialXTI had to remove my ppa's14:08
ubuntutryout777good day. im on a LIVE CD right now, but i have no settings for compiz or any graphic effecs. no unity either. what can i do?14:08
ImperialXTfrom my update list14:08
Soothsayersorry, back.14:09
brianlImperialXT, ppa's?14:09
coz_brianl,  ok open synaptic package manager and under the "Edit"  menu   click   "fix broken packages"14:09
ImperialXT!ppa brianl14:09
ImperialXT!ppa | brianl14:09
ubottubrianl: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.14:09
HF_acidubuntutryout777: that's typical of the live cd, I'm not sure if you can force enable them, but after install unity and the like worked just fine14:09
ubuntutryout777HF_acid, you mean after you installed the ubuntu on harddrive, or do you have to install unity manually? i thought its on the ISO already.14:11
brianlcoz_, Okay thanks, ill try again14:11
brianlImperialXT, okay thank you14:11
SoothsayerI have two hard drives and I plan to dual boot Win 7 and Ubuntu.. I've heard that it's better (in terms of performance) to put both the operating systems on one drive and all data files on another14:11
HF_acidubuntutryout777: after I installed on the harddrive, it's on the iso but I don't think it's enabled during livecd runs14:11
SoothsayerIs there really a considerable difference?14:11
kaushalwhats the default Filesystem in 11.04 ?14:12
Picikaushal: ext414:12
Soothsayerkaushal: ext414:12
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Well is something goes wrong with your boot drive you don't have to worry about the data on your other drive14:12
transhello guys, how to get dash in full screen mode by default14:12
dsathetrans edit dconf14:12
kaushalis btrfs recommended ?14:13
dsathegstreamer>unity>form factor14:13
pioruns_Hi guys. I wanted to report an issue: when I boot Ubuntu 11.04, it stops loading. And doing nothing, until I press ENTER. It happen on boot screen (this bronze background, and nothing else, even Ubuntu logo). Where I should report it, which package to report (Launchpad?). I'm using Nvidia proprietary driver. Can somebody answer me please?14:13
dsatheKaushal no14:13
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: true. Though I'm talking about performance?14:13
transoh, ok14:13
kaushaldsathe: Any specific reason ?14:13
ubuntutryout777Soothsayer, i think its always a good idea to have th operating system and data on different partitions/harddrives, reguardless of dual boot14:13
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transany updated themes for natty, old themes aren't working nice14:13
Soothsayerubuntutryout777: ok.14:13
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pfarrell_hi! is it possible to tell update-manager to download the packages for upgrading to natty now, and then use them to do the upgrade later?14:13
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Having less simultaneous access on your drives should give higher performance14:13
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Common logic14:13
histoavij: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ZsyncCdImage?action=show&redirect=RsyncCdImage14:13
konayapioruns_, try to disable the bootup screen and see on what it freezes.14:14
zniavregood afternoon14:14
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: so what locations would I mount on the other drive in Ubuntu ?14:14
Soothsayerthe /home/ , /var/   ?14:14
escottkaushal, no it is very very beta14:15
aLkyguys, i get this error: After your package information was updated the essential package 'ubuntu-minimal' can not be found anymore14:15
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: normally Ubuntu will point them to /mnt automatically and you just click to mount from Nautilus14:15
pioruns_konaya, how to disable it? splash off or something, in GRUB?14:15
zniavreat startup unity session  tells me unity can't run due harware , but if i launch manualy 'unity --replace' unity starts but gnome-panel stays present14:15
zniavrewhat can i do please?14:15
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Or /media .. I mix those up sometimes14:15
Incarus6zniavre, did you try unity-2d?14:15
ActionParsnipzniavre: what video chip do you use?14:16
botcitypioruns_, i am experiencing some similar problems i will be downloading the alternative cd tomorrow you may need to press f6 at the halt !14:16
konayapioruns_, I don't know the exact procedure. Worse, I'm on my way out. Google it and/or get help from someone else. I think I pushed you in the right direction, though14:16
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: I didn't understand this "normally Ubuntu will point them to /mnt automatically and you just click to mount from Nautilus"14:16
pioruns_zniavre, kill gnome-panel app14:16
ActionParsnipaLky: is this a clean install or an upgrade?14:16
ubuntutryout777hmm, does anyone know if theres a way to force effects and unity on LIVE run? i would like to try out before installing.14:16
ActionParsnipaLky: are you using natty?14:16
Soothsayerubuntutryout777, [TK]D-Fender : my home directory should be on the data drive right ?14:16
FlynsarmyaLky: there were alot of issues on the issues page when doing upgrades14:17
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: My other drives were always visible in Nautilus.  I click and it auto-mounts and I'm just going through my partitions on it14:17
ezlwhere can i set the email addresses that apticron emails when updates are necessary?14:17
ActionParsnipubuntutryout777: what video chip are you using?14:17
pioruns_thanks, konaya, botcity. Also in my foreign ubuntu forum I saw posts from people with same problem. I will investigate it later14:17
transdsathe: installed dconf, what next14:17
JohnFluxUbuntu 10.10 is telling me EVERY 5 MINUTES to update to Natsy!14:17
[TK]D-Fender[09:16]Soothsayerubuntutryout777, [TK]D-Fender : my home directory should be on the data drive right ? <- up to you14:17
JohnFluxHow do I tell it shut up? :)14:17
dsatheopen dconf-editor14:17
zniavreIncarus6,  i do not like unity-2d14:17
riktkingis natty released yet? ;-)14:17
zniavreActionParsnip,  nvidia fx5500 173.14.30 drivers14:17
aLkyActionParsnip, not sure, it just came up asking me to upgrade. Flynsarmy I think i will just do a clean install then, thanks14:17
ActionParsnipJohnFlux: it's natty14:17
Incarus6zniavre, which graphic card are you using?14:17
sacarlsonanyone having this problem php5-gmp:14:17
html_inprogressrrr there hers always been  a bit of problems with upgrading14:17
sacarlson  Depends: php5-common (=5.3.2-1ubuntu4) but 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 is to be installed14:17
Incarus6riktking, yes14:17
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: I use /home on my OS drive and I manually move what I want to my data drive.  I count my entire OS drive as being separate.14:17
zniavrepioruns_, it restarts14:18
html_inprogresshi yall14:18
transdsathe: dconf-editor is not valid command14:18
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: I also want to do some database intensive development work. And I believe MySQL stores the database in /var , so where should I mount the /var ?14:18
ubuntutryout777ActionParsnip, i git a GTX46014:18
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: You don't have to keep stuff in /home14:18
dsathego to desktop>unity14:18
damiano__hey guys14:18
dsathechange the form factor in drop down to14:18
damiano__is there a package that block an user inside a directory ?14:18
Necrocyberhello anyone!!14:18
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: I see. I'm just used to seeing everything in /home .. like the documents, pictures, etc14:18
damiano__example: user1 ---> /var/test14:18
dsathen restart compiz14:18
ActionParsnipubuntutryout777: then install nvidia-current then restart the X server, you will be able to run unity14:18
pfarrell_hi! is it possible to tell update-manager to download the packages for upgrading to natty now, and then use them to do the upgrade later?14:18
dsathecompiz --replace14:18
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[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer:That's a personal choice.  I have always preferred to file things where *I* want them to be14:18
brianlI am using Natty, and for some reason I can't seem to find/get working lib32ncurses5-dev,is32-libs,lib32readline5-dev, or lib32z-dev? On 10.10 or 10.04 I was able to just apt-get install them but not on natty?14:19
damiano__so if i'm using user1 i cant read below /var/test14:19
damiano__is it possible?14:19
dsathetrans u need to install it14:19
mah454Hello ...14:19
ActionParsnipaLky: your call dude, all you need are the nvidia drivers installing14:19
Incarus6ActionParsnip, i thought Unity-3D isnt supported with proprietary nvidie drivers?14:19
mah454Where is ubuntu-11.04 DVDs ?14:19
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: So you are saying just keep the entire Ubuntu on one drive... and then use a partition from the data drive for all my data?14:19
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: For your DB question... I'd say put it on the drive where it will have the most % of free resources to itself14:19
ActionParsnipIncarus6: sure it is, if you have 3D accelleration you can run Unity14:19
transdsathe : I installed just "dconf"14:19
transnow installing proper one14:19
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: won't that be the data drive?14:20
[TK]D-Fender[09:19]Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: So you are saying just keep the entire Ubuntu on one drive... and then use a partition from the data drive for all my data? <- That is what I like to do.  Its a personal thing.  For me the OS is a tool, but my datat is sacred14:20
coz_mah454,   this is one link   http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/   but its for the daily build14:20
ActionParsnipmah454: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/14:20
ubuntutryout777hmm i thought you can run unity without drivers. i mean i cant even run compiz. i was able to do so on my old system on older builds without drivers14:20
dsatheoops i used rsync to daily14:20
LunganIs it possible to customize unity?14:20
dsatheis tht same as fink14:20
[TK]D-Fender[09:20]Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: won't that be the data drive? <- for the case you've been describing, it sounds like "yes"14:20
ActionParsnipcoz_: its released today so won't it be the same thing?14:20
dsathea little14:20
Incarus6ActionParsnip, acording to http://askubuntu.com/questions/21427/does-unity-require-proprietary-graphics-card-drivers it isnt.14:20
coz_ActionParsnip,  I didnt think so   thanks14:20
Lungandsathe, How?14:21
coz_Lungan,   not sure  ,, depends on what you want to customize14:21
dsathei wud recoment omgubuntu.co.uk and webupd8.org14:21
dsathebrillinat for all goodies info14:21
Pici!who | dsathe14:21
ubottudsathe: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:21
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: hmm.. so how should I keep the databases itself onto the other drive ... through a symlink ?14:21
dsathein ccsm14:21
damiano__someone could hel me ?14:21
Lungancoz_, Would like to customize the bar at the top of the screen14:21
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coz_Lungan,   the gnome panel... yes?14:21
SoothsayerI'm not sure.. if I don't mount /var to the data drive, then how do I make sure MySQL databases are actually on the data drive.14:22
html_inprogressaLky, thats the best, unless you want work ahead,and dont mind,  theres has been problems in the pasts with it upgrading ubuntu14:22
Lungancoz_, Yeah14:22
coz_Lungan,  well do you want to change its appearance or add applets to it?14:22
damiano__no ?14:22
ActionParsnipIncarus6: nowhere on that page does it say Unity isn't supported on proprietary drivers14:22
Lungancoz_, both14:22
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: That is certainly one way to do it.  I'm pretty sure you could change your configs to explicitly point elsewhere through... that is a DB config issue you'd have to actually look at their own docs for14:22
ActionParsnipIncarus6: its users saying if you want 3d effects you will need proprietary14:22
zniavreLungan, you are allowaed to change the shadow of the top panel14:23
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: makes sense.14:23
dsatheUnity is definitely supported on nvid ia closed drivers14:23
coz_Lungan,   ok,, well to change its appearance you need to go to system/preferences/appearance  and hit the customize button,,, to add applets to it  just right click the panel    "Add to panel"  and choose from a list of available applets14:23
_coryhas anyone tried 11.04 yet?14:23
BluesKajHappy Release Day14:23
transguys is 11.04 slow, it hangs whenevr I try to access dash, do I need to install unity 2d, I'm using P4 machine with 1 gb ram14:23
Lungancoz_, since upgrading to 11.04 nothing happens when rightklicking?14:23
[TK]D-Fender20 mins until both 32/64 bit releases finish downloading here :)14:24
larsemilany way to disable meta button to open launcher?14:24
ActionParsnipLungan: if you boot to regular desktop then make the unity bar you can change the top bar14:24
html_inprogressdamiano__, yes14:24
mah454tnx :)14:24
coz_ Lungan  ooo,,, that's not good,, I assume you have already rebooted ,, probably several times... not sure then,, troubleshooting an upgrade as opposed to a clean install,, can sometimes be painful14:24
Incarus6ActionParsnip, ar, you are right. I found that and it says proprietary drivers are working: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DemystifyingUnityGraphicsHardwareRequirements14:24
ActionParsniptrans: have you installed 3D drivers. also make sure you are fully upgraded14:24
Lungancoz_, Hmm ok, but maybe they will fix it in the future? Its not that i cant use thecomputer14:25
ActionParsnipIncarus6: :)14:25
perlsyntaxdoes ubuntu 11.04 come with gnome 3.0?14:25
LjLperlsyntax: no14:25
DeathKnightis natty being released today?14:25
leagrisit is14:25
DJonesDeathKnight: It has been14:25
transActionParsnip: I have installed nvidia drivers, nvidia 8400gs14:25
coz_Lungan,  oh  wow thats bad,, did you try to  change the session to  classic gnome?   see if there is a performance difference14:25
Incarus6ActionParsnip, "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p" is interesting14:25
transActionParsnip: I have installed nvidia drivers, nvidia 8400gs, 512mb14:25
DeathKnightDJones, wow.. and i missed it.14:25
* Incarus6 still can't upgrade14:26
transdsathe : Which key should I alter in dconf-editor14:26
leagrisupgrading from OVH IPv6 mirror, hehe14:26
coz_trans,  you already rebooted after install the nvidia drivers ....yes?14:26
Lungancoz_, I will try. I like the new dock thought14:26
perlsyntaxi hope there got perl 5.12.314:26
[TK]D-FenderDeathKnight: No you haven't... it's still "released" ;)14:26
ChaosRcompiz ain't working on 11.04 here, I have AMD catalyst drivers (latest),  glxinfo gives "X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)"14:26
dsathetrans desktop>unity>formfactor14:26
transcoz_: yes, I upgraded today morning since then its slow14:26
Lungancoz_, But is there anywhere I can choose size and so on on the dock?14:26
dsathejust clik on it itll drop down14:26
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coz_Lungan,  ok  well,, if your system cant handle it,,, and from you mentioned it should work fine,, you can in stall  unity-2d  ,,, by the way   which video card is on that system?14:26
DeathKnight[TK]D-Fender, thanks for sympathy. :D14:26
* ugisozols just booted into 11.0414:27
ubuntutryout777ok installing nvidia drivers right now14:27
aLkywhats a fast mirror? (downloading with 60k atm and i dont think its my connection)14:27
Incarus6stupid ugisozols got a working 11.04 -.- :D14:27
rgrone in a hundred is pretty good for a Ubuntu release.14:27
Flynsarmyhow do i revert to proper gnome?14:27
ugisozolsdamn me :P14:27
coz_ubuntutryout777,  dont forget to reboot the system after installing that driver :)14:27
bercik_Will my ubuntu beta update to release version automaticly?14:27
bazhangbercik_, yes14:28
Incarus6Flynsarmy, choose gnome at startup / login screen14:28
transdsathe : there is no form factor option inside unity, only options available are "devices","launcher","panel"14:28
bercik_bazhang: thanks14:28
ubuntutryout777reboot the system? on a LIVE system?14:28
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FlynsarmyIncarus6: thanks14:28
_coryis it worth upgrading to 11.04?14:28
dsathenot gconf14:28
ikonia_cory: your call14:28
rgrFlynsarmy: you wouldnt think to check the login dialog options?14:28
coz_ubuntutryout777,  you are installing the nvidia driver on a live session?14:28
Incarus6bercik_, yes, with apt-get dist-upgrade14:28
dsatheits very much dere14:28
GawwadHello, I'm on Ubuntu 10.4 and wanting to upgrade to 11.4 as I just read it was released. However, it's not listed in the update manager after refreshing. (I have it set to normal releases) Only 10.10 is shown. Am I missing something?14:28
Flynsarmyrgr: i wouldn't. i would have figured it'd be in appearance settings14:28
coz_ubuntutryout777,   let me know if it works14:28
ubuntutryout777yes, since i want to tryout ubunto, not install it on HDD14:28
transdsathe : sorry for my dumb question, I got it14:29
rgrits far more than appearance its the entire DE.14:29
_coryite I'm going for it lol14:29
DJonesGawwad: You have to upgrade to 10.10 before you can upgrade to 11.0414:29
Flynsarmyrgr: in addition search for 'unity' and you get a little window called 'launcher & menus' with 2 options on it. why was that not also in appearance. seems very hidden away14:29
ecolitanhello, is it possible to do the upgrade from the commandline?14:29
GawwadOk, thanks! Was sure you were able to upgrade from long term version to another :)14:29
PiciGawwad: 11.04 is not LTS14:29
Piciecolitan: Yes, do-release-upgrade.14:29
ecolitanty Pici14:30
DJonesGawwad: You can from LTS to LTS, but 11.04 is a normal release and not an LTS14:30
DJKorbiti'm having trouble starting unity by default, even when choosing "Ubuntu" from gdm combobox14:30
GawwadOh, I thought all the x.04's were long term14:30
Incarus6Pici, that is also working with the desktop edition?14:30
DJKorbithow can i set unity as default?14:30
PiciIncarus6: Yes.14:30
DeathKnightso it doesn't come with gnome3... why?14:30
Incarus6Pici, thx14:30
transActionParsnip: whenever I click on dash it takes about 3 seconds for the dash to launch14:30
html_inprogressunity,whats that?14:30
coz_Gawwad,  no next lts is 12.04   april of 201214:30
rgrbecause Ubuntu is branching more and more from mainline Linux desktops.14:30
GawwadThank you coz_14:31
ubuntutryout777ok, whats the command to restart x server?14:31
DJonesGawwad: 6.06, 8.04, 10.04 were LTS, about every 2 years between LTS versions14:31
rgrhtml_inprogress: a buggy attempt by canonical to tie people to Ubuntu.14:31
Schoentoonubuntutryout777: usually sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart does the trick.14:31
Picirgr: Lets try to stay on-topic here. this is a support channel.14:31
ghufranhi. i cannot download the latest release. link i get appears to be broken14:31
DeathKnighti got problem with xorg in my laptop for ubuntu greater than 8.10 ... so am using backtrack right now.... even ubutnu 8.04 has problems. :(14:31
dsatheSchoentoon: kill x14:31
coz_Gawwad,  no problem ,, if you prefer LTS  then dont bother moving to this release,,14:31
dsathego to tty14:32
rgrPici: he asked a Q as to what unity is. I answered.14:32
ghufranis there any other mirror i can try?14:32
GawwadSo 10.4 is LTS but 11.4 is normal? But upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04 would work then?14:32
ubuntutryout777why does everything need to be so cryptic in the linux world :/14:32
PiciGawwad: Yes.14:32
Schoentoondsathe: Not really a safe solution, but it can do the trick :P14:32
Pici!ot | ubuntutryout77714:32
ubottuubuntutryout777: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:32
GawwadNo I prefer the newest :)14:32
robertfi'm seeding 11.04 by torrent :)14:32
Incarus6DeathKnight, I remember 8.04 as unusuable ;)14:32
dsathetty is safe olright14:32
whoodatIs there a page that shows known problems with hardware for 11.04?14:32
DeathKnightIncarus6, may i know why?14:32
GawwadThank for all the info, Pici, coz_ DJones! Bye14:32
coz_Gawwad,  yes and you can upgrade to 12.04  when it is release,, a direct upgrade from 10.4  ot 12.0414:32
greg_72hi there how can I query that a given file belongs to which package?14:32
DeathKnightIncarus6, or are you referring it is unusable now? :D14:32
jattgreg_72: dpkg -S14:33
z0mbyk1dhow do i put something in a bash script that will run in parallel? for instance i have a script where i use mail to send a notice, but i don't want the parent script to get hung up with any problems14:33
Incarus6DeathKnight, no, 8.04 was unusable. I was using Debian at that time. It got better with 8.1014:33
rgrz0mbyk1d: google. "&".14:33
z0mbyk1di want to be able to have the script exit but this mail task still be running if need be14:33
h3rooin term of CHMOD, SUID and SGID what does it meens? >>>>> 7000 >> in need the letters??????14:33
z0mbyk1doh it's that simple?14:33
aLkyfound a fast mirror (university of kent)14:34
ghufrancan anyone give me a working link to download 64bit 11.04 ? the only link i get from my location is broken..14:34
rgryes. #bash.14:34
DeathKnightIncarus6, ok. i dont know.. the bt i am currently using is based on 8.10. performance is ok but KDE is bit irritating.14:34
z0mbyk1dthanks rgr14:34
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!14:34
Incarus6someone know that error (I know it is german): 2011-04-28 13:45:38,575 ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'E:Fehler: Unterbrechungen durch pkgProblemResolver::Resolve hervorgerufen; dies könnte durch gehaltene Pakete verursacht worden sein.'14:34
z0mbyk1dINFO: using unknown version '/usr/bin/python2.7' (debian_defaults not up-to-date?)14:35
narf_erm, finding quite a few bugs with this new ubuntu... if I minamize things, where does it 'go'14:35
z0mbyk1dsaw this during my release-upgrade ^14:35
narf_Also most apps don't know how to install in the new 'launcher'14:35
rgrIncarus6: you're German?14:35
Incarus6rgr, correct. should I translate?14:35
html_inprogressrgr, what ever it is if you or some dont like it do something about it, this isnt "ms"14:35
dob1what a fail unity14:35
rgrLooks like dependency issues from here.14:36
dsathedob1: its bettr of then shell14:36
LunganIs it possible to change the size of the dock unity?14:36
dsatheat least for now14:36
rgrhtml_inprogress: what are you ranting about? Whats ms got to to with it? I am a FOSS programmer.14:36
Incarus6rgr, yeah but Im not sure which package is causing that issue. Im installing ubuntu-desktop right now and hope that fixed it14:36
Winkiehey guys, i'm installing ubuntu through FAI, and it's currently hanging on 'updating the system logo'14:36
Winkieit shows the logo, but doesn't proceed any further into boot14:36
dsatheicon size in ccsm14:36
Winkieany suggestions on how to debug it?14:36
coz_Lungan,   as I recal  I dont think so,, there were plans to have it able to move anywhere on the screen but I think that was not included either14:36
Lungancoz_, Hmmm okey, there really is room for making the dock awesome in unity14:37
dob1dsathe: it's better the classic desktop, i know you can choose but don't put it as default if you want to make linux popoular, it's a fail14:37
dsathehuge debate14:37
coz_Lungan,   I agree,, but I prefer cairo dock :)14:37
Flynsarmyi thought i recalled a video on omg ubuntu where the left bar would disappear and only start appearing if you dragged your window near it. however i can't get it to disappear without maximizing my current window (a bad idea on a 24" monitor). any ideas?14:37
Lungancoz_, Cairo? I will check that ou14:38
Incarus6rgr, Do you know a way to find out, which packages are "hold"14:38
rgris ubuntu with Unity as a default called UUbuntu? Ubuntu by definition is a gnome distro.14:38
dsatheFlynsarmy: yep autohide opts14:38
coz_Lungan,   cairo-dock    it should be in the repository14:38
Flynsarmydsathe: how do you get to them?14:38
dsatheit is14:38
Lungancoz_, okok brb14:38
jattnot anymore14:38
dob1i don't understand, ubunty has a community, why they choice to put unity as default?  i don't think the community agree to this14:38
jattubuntu is now a unity distro14:38
jattthey should create a new distribution gubuntu14:38
dsathein ccsm14:39
rgrNo. They should leave it as it is and give a special name to the Unity distro.14:39
dsatheunity plugin14:39
bazhang!ot | jatt rgr14:39
ubottujatt rgr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:39
dsathecompiz is beter den mutter14:39
coz_jatt,  a new version  named   GTR  will be available at some point.. not through canonical,, it is   ubuntu gnome remix,, with gnome3 as default14:39
dob1they ruin the good work of the last years inho14:39
dsatheso disable unity if u dun like it14:39
dsatheits ony a plugin14:39
bazhangdob1, thats enough14:39
rgrbazhang: we are discussing ubuntu issues. Unity is one such.14:39
pfarrell_hi! is it possible to tell update-manager to download the packages for upgrading to natty now, and then use them to do the upgrade later?14:39
bazhangrgr, wrong place for it.14:40
z0mbyk1dpfarrell_: not that ive seen14:40
jribrgr: this channel is meant for ubuntu *support*, #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place to discuss unity14:40
z0mbyk1dbut maybe14:40
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dob1dsathe: the normal user, the one that try linux for the first time doesn't understant what is that unity, it doesn't know how to disable, it saw this = this is linux14:40
rgrWhy is it that the people with the least to contribute are the ones that chuck around the ops threats and power the most. Everything was perfectly friendly.14:40
narf_ok guys honestly this new ubuntu layout is screwed... anyway i can go back to the old layout... I can't find jack shit this way, things just 'dissapere'14:40
Incarus6How can I found out which packages are "hold" (or locked?) ?14:40
dsathedob1: given14:40
Flynsarmydob1: lol i've been using ubuntu for many years and i didn't know how to disable unity until someone told me14:40
asmogatordoes someone know a dyndns client for ubuntu on command line ?14:40
Flynsarmydob1: i couldn't even figure out how to open the pidgin contact list - turns out its hidden away under the envelope icon14:41
dob1i don't get it, there was like a pool, a discussion about this,  how this come out?14:41
nickhi all14:41
DJones!info dyndns | asmogator14:41
ubottuasmogator: dyndns (source: dyndns): dynamic DNS (DDNS) update client implemented in Perl. In component universe, is optional. Version 2010.0301+gitdd160bd-2 (natty), package size 64 kB, installed size 288 kB14:41
Incarus6Flynsarmy, pidgin isn't the default IM software anymore14:41
=== nick is now known as Guest31762
JoshuaLasmogator, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS14:42
coz_asmogator,  maybe read here?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS14:42
FlynsarmyIncarus6: i know but the bundled one is useless in every possible way14:42
Guest31762I have a second hard drive from OSX as my second drive and everything works but work let me write anything. I have tried alot to get the filepermissions fixed. The last thing is it says ivalid partion table14:42
asmogatorTHANK YOU :)14:42
phoque_uniwow, the Natty GUI is choppy as hell14:42
Flynsarmyphoque_uni: wait until you try to alt+tab14:43
narf_phoque_uni, how can I go back to the old look14:43
coz_phoque_uni,   out of curiosity,, which video card do you have ?14:43
Incarus6Flynsarmy, its the same in KDE, KDE doesn't want you to use any other instand messenger then Kopete14:43
ciphergothI'm looking forward to trying Unity more than ever now :-)14:43
soyoSo I am in the middle of upgrading to 11.04 (so if I disappear for a few days.. ;) Debconf is asking me if I want to keep the old grub but wouldn't that leave no option for booting into 11.04?14:43
phoque_uniFlynsarmy, narf_, I'm on Ubuntu Classic/Gnome14:43
narf_phoque_uni, nothing works, stuff just dissaperes14:43
escottGuest31762, examine the partition table with gdisk14:43
coz_narf_,   log off  change session to  classic gnome14:43
z0mbyk1dsoyo: i would imagine so yes14:43
TheRedOctoberI guess it is time to try out Natty...wish me luck14:44
dob1well i don't want to critic the work of other people, thanks for the work of ubuntu anyway, but just put this unity as an option not as default, that's all14:44
phoque_unicoz_, ATI 487014:44
Incarus6TheRedOctober, I still try to install Natty :D14:44
soyoz0mbyk1d: I am guessing its asking me because it asks about any conf file..14:44
ciphergothI need to install Ubuntu over the network. Do these instructions look right? http://www.techienote.com/2010/06/pxe-booting-lucid-lynx-ubuntu-10-04.html14:44
coz_phoque_uni,   ok  ,, I know too little about ati to be any use,,,14:44
z0mbyk1dsoyo: yeah that question is always asked14:44
bp0so if you don't want to go to natty, is it better to go back to 10.04?14:44
TheRedOctoberIncarus6: that is the sentiment around the office as well...14:44
jattyes 10.04 is LTS and proven14:45
soyoz0mbyk1d: Should I try the merge.. lol j/k14:45
coz_bp0,  you can yes for sure since that is LTS14:45
vabigoonHello, can you explain me what's that Unity?14:45
jattif you want to play around then natty is ok14:45
jattunity is canonical's own desktop environment14:45
coz_vabigoon,    go to youtube.com    search for  ubuntu 11.0   or  ubuntu  Unity14:45
Flynsarmyvabigoon: it's a piece of software designed to get people outside more often14:45
samlhey, i clicked upgrade to 11.04.. and desktop is broken14:45
jattso you have now gnome, kde, xfce and unity14:45
Incarus6TheRedOctober, :D I got some strange dependency errors. tell me if you have some issues with the installation14:45
samllooks like compiz is gone..14:45
z0mbyk1d/etc/bash_completion.d <- is this new?14:46
z0mbyk1dinteresting, never noticed it before14:46
Steristanyone have contact with www.psubuntu.com 's moderators?14:46
coz_saml,   no compiz is the compositor for Unity14:46
Incarus6saml, wait, you pressed the button and the desktop was suddenly broken?14:46
escottz0mbyk1d, within the last 3 years or so14:46
z0mbyk1dgreat idea if it is what i think it is14:46
z0mbyk1dlol ok14:46
samlIncarus6, yah14:46
z0mbyk1dnew rsyslog.conf, i'll have to merge in my tweaks14:46
Omega!ot | Flynsarmy14:46
ubottuFlynsarmy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:46
Incarus6saml, you can try the comand line way14:46
vabigoonOk, thank you, is that some Gnome modification or the completely new environment14:46
z0mbyk1dlooks like the upgrade is nearly done14:46
escottz0mbyk1d, not sure when the /etc entry was introduced14:46
samland the left column thingy  is weird.. leaving marks  like when windows is frozen and you move window...14:47
Khr0n0sHi, I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 except when I tried to boot into it I got given an error message saying that my hardware isn't supported and that I'll be shown the classic environment. I have an ATI 5850 graphics card with the latest FGLRX drivers installed so I'm not sure why it's causing this. Anyone have any ideas?14:47
escottz0mbyk1d, you might consider installing etckeeper14:47
coz_vabigoon,  it is just a alternative   DE  environment ,, you can change it to classic gnome via sessions when you log in14:47
jattcompletely new environment14:47
ActionParsnipKhr0n0s: is it an upgrade or a clean install?14:47
Incarus6khr0n0s, paste "/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p"14:47
vibhavdownoloading torrent14:48
cordoval_I can't access ubuntu+114:48
Dr_Willis|2Khr0n0s:  just guessing.. but i would think the fglrx driver is not working, or did not instal lproperly14:48
phoque_unidrop shadows are not done by Compiz anymore?14:48
z0mbyk1dsmb.conf too14:48
z0mbyk1dshow differences is ugly as hell14:48
ActionParsnipKhr0n0s: remove the proprietary driver, reboot, install the proprietary driver and reboot, should be ok14:48
z0mbyk1dand i can never interpret it14:48
vibhavCannot join #ubuntu+1 (Channel is invite only).14:48
vabigoonthank you guys, So the next puzzle solved  ;D14:48
cordoval_anyone knows how to insert a second bar on top of the screen to have the regular applets that I had before?14:48
Incarus6Dr_Willis|2, I think it doesn't pass the unity test, he said he got that error14:48
cordoval_on natty14:48
Dr_Willis|2phoque_uni:  if the plugin is messing. it may be in the repso.14:48
jattthere are no applets in unity14:48
arandvibhav: It's just closed14:48
freaky[t]natty has been released yay :D14:48
coz_phoque_uni,  they should be ,, but if you want to be sure go to #compiz-dev and ask  smspillaz  the main developer14:48
samlhow can I change workspace?14:48
thegoodcushionHi gang.  Anyone just downloaded 11.04 and want to express an opinion about it?  What about Unity?14:48
DJonesvibhav: There isn't a +1 version yet, so the channel is closed14:48
cordoval_how come?14:48
cordoval_where to go14:49
jattno applets no panels14:49
cordoval_how to upgrade?14:49
ActionParsnipsaml: ctrl+alt+cursors14:49
FloodBot2cordoval_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
JuJuBeeDo any music players manage playlists on iPod's yet?14:49
Omegavibhav: It will be open when oneiric opens.14:49
Khr0n0sunity_support_test gave  No such file or directory14:49
samlActionParsnip, don't work with 11.0414:49
cordoval_please tell me what I do to get it14:49
echo2how do I use unity in vmware?14:49
coz_DJones,  that channel will be availabe in about a week or 214:49
cordoval_I already am on natty but not the latest14:49
dscastrotrying do upgrade to 11 i'm getting errors14:49
ActionParsnipsaml: then you will need to expand the number of desktops in ccsm14:49
samli want to have only one workspace14:49
Dr_Willis|2dscastro:  servers may be overloaded right now.14:49
Omegadscastro: The servers are overloaded.14:49
TheRedOctoberIncarus6: the update failed outright, unable to calculate space (no exception or anything, just loudly failed)14:49
Dr_Willis|2!ccsm | saml14:49
ubottusaml: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:49
echo2is there a support chan14:49
ActionParsnipsaml: yes, set the horizontal and vertical workplace value to 114:50
samlDr_Willis|2, 11.04 is not compiz14:50
dscastroDr_Willis|2, errors about packages14:50
echo2is there a support chan14:50
samlcompiz is gone14:50
Incarus6khr0n0s, uhm, and you got unity installed?14:50
cordoval_no it is not14:50
Omegaecho2: I don't know about VMware, but I saw a guide for virtualbox.14:50
Dr_Willis|2saml:  unity is running on top of compiz. and has compiz plugins..14:50
MohammadAGI'll ask again, is there a way to upgrade without update-manager?14:50
echo2link me, omega14:50
Incarus6TheRedOctober, nice. can you paste /var/log/dist-upgrade/ files?14:50
ActionParsnipsaml: then you need to reinstate 3D accelleration14:50
Dr_Willis|2saml:  at least it did last week when i was playing with it.14:50
LukasIgnathow to upgrade from beta to final release?14:50
escottsaml, think you are confusing with gnome3, unity does use compiz14:50
Omegaecho2: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/heads-up-unity-working-with-the-lastest-virtualbox/14:50
coz_LukasIgnat,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:50
ActionParsnipLukasIgnat: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade14:50
DaSingeWhat is wrong: http://paste.ubuntu.com/600274/14:50
Khr0n0sI just did a standard upgrade :S14:51
samlActionParsnip, how can I do that?14:51
samlreinstate 3d acceleration14:51
vibhav61 percent!14:51
Khr0n0sBut it looks like unity-common wasn't installed...14:51
Incarus6kr0n0s, gnome or kde or something else?14:51
ActionParsnipsaml: what video chip are you using?14:51
vibhavKhr0n0s whats the problem guys?14:51
samlActionParsnip, it is ATI14:51
ActionParsnipsaml: which model?14:51
samland I'm using Additional Drivers14:51
vibhavsaml whats the problem?14:51
z0mbyk1dweird it didnt ask me about the postfix config which is definitely locally modified14:52
escottDaSinge, please talk to #bash overloaded by 11.04 questions here14:52
z0mbyk1ddoes that package handle upgrades?14:52
samlhow can I find out my video chip?14:52
Incarus6khr0n0s, are you in gnome right now?14:52
escottsaml, lspci14:52
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Khr0n0sincarus6, yes14:52
samlvibhav, desktop is funky. left column taskbar thingy is funky14:52
Dr_Willis|2saml:  you could try rerunning the addationa-drivers tool14:52
ActionParsnipsaml: remove the driver, reboot, install the driver then reinstall the driver14:52
Khr0n0svibhav, unity is saying my hardware isn't installed14:52
ChrisGagnonsaml: you can use 'lshw -C display'14:52
Khr0n0svibhav, sorry tired. *compatible14:53
* ToeKutter is downloading now... <panting in antisipation>14:53
Incarus6khr0n0s, That error tells you, that you can't use Unity. are you planning to use Unity?14:53
saml0f:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 68a914:53
=== Evil_DuDe_ is now known as Evil_DuDe
vibhavKhr0n0s refer to this to find about your video card b14:53
vibhavKhr0n0s refer to this to find about your video card http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-tell-which-graphics-vga-card-installed/14:53
Khr0n0sincarus6, hopefully. Don't see how my hardware isn't compatible since I only bought the graphics card last year (ATI 5850)14:54
samlthat sucks.. this graphic gard is pretty good card14:54
evdveldehi all, i installed Natty and now my bluetooth mighty mouse does not respond to clicks, scrolling works... any ideas?14:54
samlthankfuly i still have display14:54
samlubuntu upgrade is always  a mess for graphics14:54
Khr0n0svibhav, 5850 ATI14:54
Incarus6khr0n0s, Unity is a new desktop which isn't completly stable yet14:54
jubei_hello i am trying to setup a home gateway/router, i am running ubuntu 10.04 server, i have 2 NICs eth1  dials PPPoE to mweb, and eth0 goes to a switch. I have setup DHCP on eth0 to dish out IPs to clients plugged into the switch.from the server i can ping out to internet locations, and i can also ping clients on the switch, from clients i can ping the server, however, from the clients i cant14:55
euclidafter I upgrade will unity take over?14:55
jubei_ping internet locations, ie i can't get past the gateway. what do i need to setup on the gateway/router server to allow clients to get outside?14:55
vibhavKhr0n0s what does the prblem say?14:55
samleuclid, don't upgrade14:55
Incarus6How can I fix "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.?14:55
vibhav<evdvelde> http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-700292%5D-%5Bnew%5D-bluetooth-keybord-after-natty-upgrade-not-working-92191/index2.html14:55
farciarz84hi, which technology canonical uses to build ubuntu.com?14:55
avatar_Hi guys, party on!14:56
Khr0n0svibhav, It seems that you do not have the hardware required to run Unity. Please choose Ubuntu Classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment.14:56
rcconfWhy Ubuntu torrent is so damn slow?14:56
vibhav<Khr0n0s> what is the graphic card memory?14:56
coz_rcconf,  because a gazillion people are using it ?14:56
z0mbyk1d=== Command terminated normally (Thu Apr 28 08:56:21 2011) ===14:56
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, and #edubuntu are support channels. To countdown to Natty release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/744/detail/14:56
escottjubei_, do you have dnsmasq configured (NAT)14:56
z0mbyk1dw00t! waiting on the reboot14:56
moshe_rcconf allow more peers to be connected14:56
* z0mbyk1d crosses fingers14:56
euclidafter I upgrade will unity take over?14:56
Dr_Willis|2rcconf:  the torrent is quite quick here.14:56
Khr0n0svibhav, 1GB. it's a mid/upper end graphics card14:56
jatteuclid: yes14:56
JuJuBeejubei_: may  I pm you?14:56
vibhav<euclid> yes14:57
coz_euclid,  as long as your drivers are installed ,, yes14:57
rcconfmaxium peers is 60 here14:57
vibhav<Khr0n0s> must be some bug.. lemme see14:57
Picieuclid: mind your language please.14:57
evdveldevibhav: sounds similar, thoug it is with keyboard14:57
andeeeukhas anyone updated to 11.04 from repo yet?14:57
rcconfit's not a client problem. i download other stuff at full speed14:57
Picieuclid: And no, you can pick which desktop envornment you want.14:57
z0mbyk1di like how it spawns a screen for the upgrade14:57
Dr_Willis|2rcconf:  got 70 seeds and 300 peers here.14:57
Elie-TucanHi everyone, could someone point me the mono icons guidelines please, I can't find them ?14:57
moshe_rcconf it might be torrent spesific properties too14:57
jubei_escott: i have read up on many tutorials about what i need to set in, and none seem to work. I want to now backtrack a little and do some reading on networking and how it all works: could you point me in the right direction? ie. read up about "dnsmasq" - read about "ip masquesrading" - read up about "routing table"14:57
arandeuclid: You can easily choose classic at the login screen to not use it14:57
euclidPici, really?14:57
Picieuclid: Yes, really.14:58
rcconf50 peers14:58
vibhav<evdvelde> try to post it in the ubuntu fourms14:58
rcconf2.905 seeders14:58
farciarz84which web framework canonical uses to build ubuntu.com?14:58
Dr_Willis|2getting 1.4mb/sec on the torrent.14:58
escottjubei_, assuming addresses on the eth0 subnet are not valid inet addresses (192.168.* or 10.10.*) you need to use NAT dnsmasq to allow the traffic to get back to them, you could have a route out, but nothing back in14:58
JuJuBeejubei_: you need to tell your server to do ip forwarding... change the 0 in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to a 114:59
Younderis dapper out yet?14:59
rcconf403kb/s damn slow14:59
escottjubei_, JuJuBee asked for a pm i think14:59
psaldenthere isn't some channel dedicated to the gnome3 ppa, is there?14:59
rcconfDr_Willis|2: it's peers thing14:59
OfficiallyPCHow to convert an .ogv video to .avi?14:59
Dr_Willis|2OfficiallyPC:  ffmpeg, mencoder,. or front ends to those apps14:59
jubei_JuJuBee, i did that but it didnt allow the clients to get past the gateway14:59
Sc0ttOfficiallyPC, use avidemux14:59
mbeierlOfficiallyPC: ffmpeg can, but I find Handbrake to be more flexible15:00
jubei_escott: i have a network map with ip's on and such in jpg, could you suggest a place to upload and then u can see?15:00
rcconfbut it's very unstable15:00
JuJuBeejubei_: also did you change the value in /etc/sysctl.conf ?15:00
kl_Anyone know how to remove the little resize icon on each windows?15:00
escott!pastebin | jubei_15:00
ubottujubei_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:00
vibhav<OfficiallyPC>  Install WinFF from Ubuntu Software Center15:00
jubei_JuJuBee, i changed it there and then did sysctl -p to restart it15:00
euclidjubei_, imgur15:00
JuJuBeejubei_: ok, what about iptables?15:00
moshe_oh wow why is my latency so high in this server15:01
JuJuBeejubei_: do you have firewall rules preventing?15:01
Elie-TucanHi everyone, could someone point me to the mono icons guidelines please, I can't find them ?15:01
victorhugo289Guys, to download the new Ubuntu torrent, is it "ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent" or "ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent"?15:01
ChogyDan!alternate | victorhugo28915:01
ubottuvictorhugo289: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:01
Dr_Willis|2victorhugo289:  alternate is a text based installer.. eitehr can work15:02
victorhugo289My computer is desktop, 32 bit, I use Alternate? ok15:02
chchatzopcan i change unity?15:02
vibhav<victorhugo289> to upgrade use alternate CD to make a fresh install use desktop one15:02
Steristhas anyone heard if any development on ubuntu for playstation 3 has resumed?15:02
samlhey, in unity, how can I reduce number of workspaces?15:02
samlI only need one workspace15:02
escottsaml, ccsm15:02
rcconf3 mb/s now15:02
victorhugo289I want to do a fresh Install15:02
tomasztu change unity !! logout and change on down screen15:02
victorhugo289I use Desktop then?15:02
kl_Anyone know how to remove the little resize icon on the lower right on each windows?15:03
o_hi , xubuntu 11.04 is not announced in distrowatch. Is it released?15:03
rcconfo_: #xubuntu15:03
escottvictorhugo289, yes and if the installer fails to boot try the alternate15:03
davzieApparantly the Queen said to Kate Middleton, two things to remember, always wear a seatbelt and don't piss me off.15:03
samlno.. ccsm doesn't work... Win+n  does not negative window.. it opens dash board15:03
jubei_JuJuBee/Escott: I am so lost with all of this - i dont know how all the different parts (packetforwarding/dnsmasq/iptables/route -n) work together to produce the result, i have no understanding and am blindly entering commands and hoping they work, I want to understand, any books/links/resources you have in this regard would be amazing!! map of network : http://imagebin.org/15060815:03
moshe_rcconf what did you do to fix it?15:03
vibhavsaml refer to http://www.streamreader.org/askubuntu/questions/34572/how-can-i-reduce-or-increase-the-number-of-workspaces-in-unity15:03
escottjubei_, the tldp may have some good docs15:04
waldirI just upgraded to natty and I want to re-enable the world map in the time/date. How can I do that?15:04
LALALLAAwhich ubuntu should i install ?15:04
rcconfmoshe_: stopped other torrents, limited upload speed to half, and changed number of peers15:04
jubei_yeah i been reading tldp but they mostly out of date, and they are howto style - just tell you what to do no explaining what it does ... :(15:04
alakooLALALLAA: how about 11.0415:04
Ruuuumb0LALALLAA: Hi15:04
Ruuuumb0LALALLAA: english%irc.freenode.com15:04
jubei_i think i need a basic-advanced networking type book15:04
samlvibhav, thanks15:05
JuJuBeejubei_: see my pm15:05
Ruuuumb0LALALLAA: "ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso15:05
vibhavsaml No problem!15:05
hinogiokay I have some kind of wireless issue. I cannot optain an ip from my router if I use wicd. if I use the network-manager no wireless networks show up. iwlist lists the wireless networks nonetheless.15:05
hinogiand wicd does too15:05
LALALLAAno i dont like  11.0415:05
zorionhi ererybody15:05
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rcconfLALALLAA: #ubuntu-offtopic15:05
kl_Anyone know how to remove the little resize icon on the lower right on each windows?15:06
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Dr_Willis|2klaas:  thats part of the theme i thought.15:06
vibhavkl_ you using ubuntu 11.0415:06
kl_vibhav: yes15:06
andeeeukhas anyone completed an update to 11.04 from the repo?15:06
Dr_Willis|2kl_ you mean the resize handel>15:06
Ruuuumb0vibhav:  ubuntu 11.04 released ?15:07
hinogiis there away to see the communication between my wlan card and the router?15:07
Dr_Willis|2andeeeuk:  servers may be overloaded at this time.15:07
vibhavRuuuumb0 yes15:07
escotthinogi, ntop15:07
rcconfRuuuumb0: yes.15:07
kl_Dr_Willis|2: Could be it it looks like a transparent triangle15:07
Ruuuumb0Cool !15:07
[Dmitry]1Hello. Question 1) There is a Russian? 2) Who collects the deb packages?15:07
andeeeukok thanks15:07
Dr_Willis|2kl_:  that the window decorations theme part then.15:07
Ruuuumb0Go to upgrade )15:07
escott!ru | [Dmitry]115:07
ubottu[Dmitry]1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:07
ToeKuttersuper easy installer.. sweet15:07
andeeeukhave been having problems with any updates15:07
hinogithen I'd need network connection first I guess15:07
banishedHow do I move windows to another Desktop with unity?15:07
kl_Dr_Willis|2: you know how to remove it then?15:08
Dr_Willis|2kl_ change your theme perhaps15:08
Steristthis is a very low-profile release on the ubuntu website.... you cannot find anything saying 11.04 Released15:08
vibhavkl_ can you further explain?15:08
[Dmitry]1escott: thx captain15:08
escottbanished, click on the workspace switcher and drag them15:08
kl_Dr_Willis|2: can't I modify the theme?15:08
Pr070calanyone know how to configure ufw ?15:08
vibhavwhy does ubuntu.com has a dell laptop that hides all the text?15:08
kl_vibhav: on the lower right you see a triangle15:08
chchatzopwhere do i find all the preferences and settings in unity?15:08
rcconfPr070cal: yes15:08
moshe_does 11.4 includes gnome 3?15:08
escottPr070cal, gufw15:08
Dr_Willis|2kl_ You could make your own theme i imagine.15:08
[Dmitry]1moshe_: no15:09
cyberkillamoshe_, I don't think so.15:09
banishedescott: is there no more convenient way?15:09
vibhavkl_ yes15:09
escottmoshe_, no, there is a ppa, but it breaks lots of stuff15:09
vibhavwhy does ubuntu.com has a dell laptop that hides all the text?15:09
Incarus6moshe_ no, 2.30 http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/gnome15:09
arandbanished: ctrl+alt+shift+arrowkeys15:09
escottbanished, right click on the title bar and say move to... its still compiz so all the old gnome2 methods should work15:09
[Dmitry]1Who here is engaged in building packages?15:09
vibhav19 minutes letf!15:10
vibhav19 minutes left!15:10
dajhornvibhav: It is probably a web site bug.  I can see it too.15:10
kl_Dr_Willis|2: you know where the theme files are located?15:10
Dr_Willis|2!changtheme | kl_15:10
kl_Dr_Willis|2: found it15:10
Dr_Willis|2kl_:   Not really. the gnome-look site has themnes you could look at and figure out how to modify.15:10
Incarus6dajhorn, http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new15:11
Pici[Dmitry]1: #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-packaging, also see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide15:11
Dr_Willis|2I tend to just pick a simple theme and thats it.15:11
banishedarand, escott ok, I was hoping I could somehow just drag it to the other workspace instead of half maximizing it15:11
kl_Dr_Willis|2: you know the exact name for the size tingie?15:11
[Dmitry]1Pici: Thx you.15:11
moshe_<Incarus6> is it possible to get it though?15:11
chchatzophow do i access the equivalent of "system" at unity?15:11
Dr_Willis|2kl_:  nope.15:11
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips?15:11
Dr_Willis|2kl_:  other then 'resize handel' perhaps15:11
=== sahni is now known as shredder12
arandchchatzop: Through the shutdown menu15:11
Incarus6moshe_, yes, over ppa's, escott said that15:11
chchatzoparand: thx15:12
Incarus6moshe_, http://blog.mypapit.net/2011/04/installing-gnome-3-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal.html15:12
dr0idhow to know which OS I am using exactly ?15:12
dr0iduname -a doesn't tell me really :P15:12
Pr070calescott: i tried ufw, but im having problems denying all out and in then allow 80 out15:12
ChogyDandr0id: lsb_release -a15:12
escottPr070cal, have you tried gufw gui15:12
dr0idit's not ubuntu, so says command not found15:13
avijhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download links to http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-netbook-i386.iso.torrent , but the latter link gives me a 404. problem?15:13
Picidr0id: And you're asking for support in #ubuntu?15:13
moshe_<Incarus6> thank you very much for your time sir.15:13
SylphidPr070cal,  why are you denying out?15:13
dr0idnot sure where to ask, well will move on to #linux then :)15:13
dr0idthanks anyway15:13
Incarus6moshe_, your welcome15:13
Dr_Willis|2dr0id:  if it follows the standards   lsb_release -115:14
Dr_Willis|2dr0id:  if it follows the standards   lsb_release -a I mean...15:14
dr0id-bash: lsb_release: command not found15:14
jay_hello everyone15:14
Incarus6avij, a netbook version doesnt exist: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/15:14
Piciavij: there is no separate netbook release. I'll see about getting that link fixed though.15:14
dr0idlsb_release and uname are the first things I try :)15:14
chchatzopcan i get back to gnome?15:14
Dr_Willis|2dr0id:  time to start digging in etc then  i guess.15:14
Pr070calSylphid: so its restictive setup like i had firestarter15:14
escottchchatzop, ubuntu classic/gnome classic from the gdm login screen15:15
Pr070calSylphid: i dont want data sent out unless i allow it15:15
jattno love for unity15:15
jdahmdoes the ubuntu installer support pre-configured mdadm raid arrays?15:15
SylphidPr070cal, make sure you are adding your related, established rules15:15
jnyecan anyone help? upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 now just boots to an ubuntu logo and 5 red dots and doesn't go any further? virtualbox 4.0.6 on windows host15:15
dr0idcat /etc/issue Dr_Willis|2 :)15:15
dr0idcentos 5.515:15
chchatzopdidnt like it15:15
apriliyanusis upgrading15:16
Squall5668jnye: boot in recovery mode to see where the problem is15:16
Pr070calSylphid: i deny out to all and allow 80 but it doesnt work15:16
jnyeSquall5668: any details on how to do that? is there a key combo or something?15:16
SylphidPr070cal, dont forget that connections use random source port15:16
bakanubSomehow natty doesnt like my notebook. Native resolution is 1280x800, but Natty only allows me to choose 1024x768 (the rest is simply cropped). VGA is an integrated intel mobile gm965/gl960. Liveusb and a clean install gives the same result... What to do?15:17
Squall5668jnye it asks you at boot, in the grub menu, if you cant see the grub menu press ESC15:17
kornicameister I need to establish logging the events from the network via rsyslog, I had already added appropriate lines into rsyslog.conf, by these lines I mean the line which loads the module listing on the tcp port and added my own ruleset to it15:17
kornicameisterbut it does not work15:17
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips?15:18
hinogiwell ntop only works with established network connection but I don't get there with my wlan thats why I need a monitor that showes me why I don't get a connection15:18
sam-_-how can i install gnome 3? (and gnome-shell)? just via ppa?15:19
avijPici: thanks. not that I'd be needing a netbook version, but I just happened to notice that there's a mistake.15:19
Squall5668hinogi google: packet sniffing15:19
Piciavij: Sure. Thanks for letting us know.15:19
Incarus6AAAAAAAAAAAGHAHA.. i cant upgrade15:19
SylphidPr070cal, you could also try logging the connection drops to debunk where they are getting dropped15:19
Incarus6Pici, if upgrade fails, do you recommend to fix it or a fresh installation?15:20
escotthinogi, sorry didn't realize you meant montior MODE15:20
bakanubsam-_-, yes15:20
vibhavPici I recommend a fresh install15:20
ChogyDanIncarus6: how did it fail?15:20
_emptyJust me having problems installing the new ubuntu? Booting from cd?15:20
hinogianyone else having problems with broadcom wireless and ubuntu 11.04?15:20
sam-_-bakanub: why didn't they include gnome 3? i thought it's stable15:20
Incarus6ChogyDan, "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages."15:20
DoonzHey guys is there a way when using the cp command to see what the transfer speed is going at or a status on the file being compied?15:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:21
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ChogyDanIncarus6: I think we can debug that15:21
riktkinghinogi: hve u tried updating it? i have always had issues with broadcom addaptors, but there is an installer15:21
ChogyDanIncarus6: I don't think the upgrade started yet15:21
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Incarus6ChogyDan, ok, thank you. It could be related with xorg15:21
thegoodcushionanyone want to say what they think of 11.04?  What about Unity?15:21
hinogiwell there aren't many updates on release day :P15:21
ChogyDanIncarus6: did you use the xorg ppa?15:21
JAMMAN2110Someone really needs to complain to Citylink about how terrible the NZ Repo has been for the last 5 years15:21
jdahmsam-_-: because gnome3 is not better than unity15:22
JAMMAN2110(Not an exaggeration)15:22
LjLjdahm: that's not the reason15:22
riktkinghinogi: try plugging using a wired network15:22
LjLsam-_-: i believe it wasn't stable in time for the freeze, or something15:22
hinogiI did but there aren't any updates15:22
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sam-_-jdahm: well that's apple and oranges. i didn't say so. i just want to know why they didn't include it.15:23
sam-_-LjL: ah. that makes sense15:23
ChogyDanIncarus6: well if not, you need to pastebin some of the files from /var/log/dist-upgrade I believe, so we can take a look15:23
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips on how to toggle between front and back panel only?15:23
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Incarus6ChogyDan, I used a wrong ppa some time ago, have a look: http://pastebin.com/6itQQtTz15:23
riktkinghinogi: System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers15:23
Incarus6ChogyDan, I can't figure out which package exactly is causing that problem, otherwise I could fix  it15:24
vibhav3 minutes remaining15:24
brianlI had a lot of problems and when I was updating to 11.04 something messed up and everything broke and I couldnt get anything to work. So i deleted it and reinstalled 10.04...now I can't get my computer to recognize my wireless internet card. Its a BCM4311 and I know how to set it up, but it won't even see it under lspci?15:24
hinogiI have the STA drivers enabled riktking15:24
ActionParsnipbrianl: do a clean install of natty instead :)15:24
zetheroook ... running 11.04 ... the menu is the immediate issue here ... how do you edit it???15:24
ActionParsnipzetheroo: which menu?15:25
brianlActionParsnip, Is there a reason my computer won't recognize my wireless card anymore?15:25
riktkinghinogi: sorry mate im out15:25
ActionParsnipbrianl: does it show in:  sudo lshw -C network15:25
zetherooActionParsnip: the main menu ... when you click on the Ubuntu icon15:25
vibhav<zetheroo> can you explain the problem a little bit more?15:25
niels1I have an issue, can anyone help? the laptop screen of my ubuntu 11.04 is blank, it's recognised, but it just won't do anything.15:25
niels1an external screen works.15:25
ActionParsnipzetheroo: I think it just uses the files in /usr/share/applications15:25
ChogyDanIncarus6: I would start at the top, see if you can remove xserver-xorg-video-815:25
vibhav<niels1> explain a liitle bit more15:26
brianlActionParsnip, Nope, just my direct connection15:26
zetheroovibhav: I just want to re-arrange the menu items ...15:26
bakanubniels1, intel graphics?15:26
zetherooand how do you clear the recent files?15:26
riktkinghinogi: ooh try sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter15:26
niels1When I look at the monitor settings, the screen is there, and when I change desktop it's there, but it doesn't display anything15:26
niels1bakanub definately intel graphics.15:26
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zetheroothis menu has added confusion and more clicks to what was before it :(15:26
ActionParsnipniels1: use the bootoption:   nomodeset     If you use an nvidia/ati video chip then install the proprietary driver and it should be enableable15:26
jdahmwhy is 11.04 LTS a different install option from 11.04?15:26
Incarus6ChogyDan, I got an error. translated: virtual packages coudln't be removed15:27
ChogyDanIncarus6: actually, Im not sure15:27
ActionParsnipjdahm: 11.04 isn't LTS15:27
jattthere is no 11.04 LTS15:27
vibhav<jdahm> there is no 11.04 LTS15:27
niels1how do I do that, ActionParsnip?15:27
jattwhat he said15:27
jdahmActionParsnip: oh, sorry, read it wrong15:27
jdahmthat is 10.04 still15:27
vibhav<jdahm> 11.10 will be LTS15:27
ScottONanskiAre the Ubuntu servers getting slammed?15:27
ActionParsnipniels1: what video chip are you using?15:27
yofelvibhav: no, 12.04 will15:27
Avaszvibhav, NO15:27
zetheroowithout being able to customise the main menu this is not going to work for me15:27
Incarus6ChogyDan, I read it could be related with the gnome-desktop package, im trying to install that (so I have to downgrade Firefox 4 because of dependencys)15:27
niels1an Intel video chip, ActionParnsip15:27
brianlActionParsnip, I had to partition everything myself when reinstalling because 11.04 was on there and i had to delete that and format the partition, I set the mount point at / for 10.04, would that mess anything up?15:27
Dr_Willis|2ScottONanski:  they always do on release day and for about a week after15:27
ToeKutterMax / Min on the left top? argh.. how to move that back to Right side?15:27
Dr_Willis|2!controls | ToeKutter15:28
ubottuToeKutter: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/56415:28
ActionParsnipbrianl: can't see that being an issue15:28
kl_Dr_Willis|2: is there a difference between gtk theme and metacity theme you know?15:28
hsh902how long that uasdthe new release of the ubuntu just came to us?15:28
vibhavwish me best of luck15:28
AvaszDr_Willis|2, it is called toecutter?15:28
Dr_Willis|2kl_:  metacity is window decoration15:28
ActionParsnipbrianl: is there a switch to turn the wifi off and on15:28
ToeKutterwhat does that mean? -- terminal and type !controls ?15:28
Avaszoh. :(15:28
vibhavwish me best of luck! PLease!!15:28
Dr_Willis|2ToeKutter:  ! is a BOT command.. read what ubottu told you15:28
brianlActionParsnip, there is a button on the laptop, but ive hit it several times and nothing ;/15:28
JediMasterIs there a list of ubuntu mirrors I can dump in apt/sources.list as gb.archive.ubuntu.com normally gives me 80MBytes/sec on my servers and I'm getting 20kbytes/sec now due to the load from natty15:28
cholohow does one upgrade from Ubuntu Desktop Natty Beta 2 --> Ubuntu Desktop Natty15:29
Tophwhat is the best bittorent client under ubuntu?15:29
ToeKutterread what.. hmm not so helpful15:29
ActionParsnipbrianl: reboot and run:  dmesg | less     and read through, is the wireless device detected?15:29
AvaszToph, deluge15:29
Dr_Willis|2Toph:  depends on your needs.15:29
JediMasterToph: or rtorrent for terminal15:29
ActionParsnipcholo: depends when you last updated the OS15:29
ChogyDanIncarus6: what about term.log?15:29
misse-Toph: deluge is my opinion as well :)15:29
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: you around ?15:30
niels1...still have no clue what to do with my blank screen...15:30
Dr_Willis|2ToeKutter:  theres fromt ends to change the controlls back,. or theres some command you cut/paste to move them back. I use Ubuntu-tweak to handle it.15:30
chololast updated Beta 215:30
misse-JediMaster: deluge has a cli interface as well15:30
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Yup15:30
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choloa week ago15:30
Travis-42is there any way to see all of the changes I have made to /etc files?15:30
jdahmI love how the community page recommends 64 bit but the main download page recommends 32 bit15:30
TophDr_Willis|2,,, a very basic,, i'm new to bittorents15:30
hsh902how long just the new version of ubuntu is released?15:30
AvaszToph, not sure if it is true.... but i have experienced more bandwidht in transmission than in deluge.15:30
Incarus6ChogyDan, empty15:30
ActionParsnipToph: there is no single best application for any one situation in any OS15:30
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ChogyDanIncarus6: what file was it that you posted?15:30
Dr_Willis|2Toph:  use the one included by default then. it does the job.15:30
AvaszToph, if new.. then transmission will be ok.15:30
Incarus6ChogyDan, apt.log15:30
zetherooso is there no way to edit the menu?15:31
byomkeshbakshihi I tried to install ubuntu using wubi, but got this error15:31
ActionParsnipToph: best is an opinion based on needs and tastes, why not try a few yourselfand use what YOU think is best15:31
byomkeshbakshiOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'E:\\ubuntu\\install\\ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso'15:31
ChogyDanIncarus6: are there any other files?15:31
home-alonedoes ubuntu 11.04 normal download has wubi installer in it...????15:31
cholois there a requirment to upgrade from beta 2'15:31
Incarus6ChogyDan, yes, main.log15:31
ActionParsnipbyomkeshbakshi: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded15:31
Tophsorry,, I hadn't noticed Transmission already installed15:31
vibhavwish me best of luck in install 11.04!15:31
ActionParsnipcholo: when you install upgrades you will be on the stable release15:31
byomkeshbakshiactionparsnip: no15:31
KM0201Toph: transmission has been a default app for... ? a while... a long while15:31
ChogyDanIncarus6: can I see that?15:31
ActionParsnipgl vibhav15:31
cholook i am on beta15:31
vibhav<ActionParsnip> thanks15:32
brianlActionParsnip, nope, no wireless card was detected15:32
ActionParsnipbyomkeshbakshi: then how do you know it was consistent or complete?15:32
Incarus6ChogyDan, it got just 7 lines, nothing important15:32
Dr_Willis|2cholo:  upgradeing today may be slow - due to server load.15:32
brianlActionParsnip, Maybe i will download natty onto a cd and perform a clean install and try again ugh15:32
ActionParsnipbrianl: and that's in a Lucid install15:32
cholomaverick said i can upgtrade, beta 2 said nothung;'15:32
brianlActionParsnip, yes lucid, it has always worked before also15:32
Incarus6ChogyDan, http://pastebin.com/BY8W6mgT15:32
cholodo i do dist-upgrade15:32
ActionParsnipbrianl: very strange15:32
choloin beta 215:32
KM0201cholo: you should be able to.15:32
hsh902hey guys, does anyone know how long that we just have the new version of UBUNTU?? (ubuntu 11.4)15:32
Dr_Willis|2cholo sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade ,. perhaps sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    done...15:32
byomkeshbakshiActionParsnip: it made a logfile where this error is mentioned. Also, I just ran the installer from website, did not download an ISO image.15:33
brianlActionParsnip, yep, maybe this button needs to be pressed on startup or something, ill mess around with it ;) Thanks anyways15:33
ActionParsnipcholo: upgrade or dist-uprade from beta2 and you will have the stable releasae15:33
Dr_Willis|2hsh902:  that made no sence.. rephrase the question.15:33
hsh902sudo apt-dist upgrade15:33
choloi have been using each alpha and beta.15:33
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MonotokoI take it the torrents will be faster if I want to completly reinstall..?15:33
ActionParsnipbyomkeshbakshi: without knowing if the image you have is good, you are wasting your time15:33
choloi spoke with gnome2 developers at MIT last week15:33
KM0201hsh902: it's 11.04   and it will be supported for 18mo15:33
Dr_Willis|2Monotoko:  for downloading the iso's right now. toirrents are real fast.15:33
choloer, gnome3 developers, last week15:33
niels1how come my intel laptop screen is just turned off? and how do I turn it on?15:33
byomkeshbakshiActionParsnip: hmm, ok. Can you suggest proper way of installation?15:34
eigbaHow do you guys like unity? I know I will have to try it myself, just wanting to get opinions15:34
choloand gnome3.2 will have on-screen keyboard (for you [and i] with tablet pc's)15:34
ActionParsnip!md5 | byomkeshbakshi15:34
ubottubyomkeshbakshi: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:34
hsh902Dr_Willis|2: today they just released the new version of 11.4? do u know when exactly?15:34
choloeigba: its a great shell.15:34
jatteigba: -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/64818015:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 648180 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity sucks" [Undecided,Opinion]15:34
ActionParsnipeigba: why do you need opinions? Do you want to  be told what to thhink?15:34
Avaszniels1, more details?15:34
Incarus6ChogyDan, any Idea how to compare the installed versions with the repo versions and how to downgrade the packages?15:34
Dr_Willis|2hsh902:  you mean the time? No idea.. donrt really care or pay attention to it.15:34
ToeKutterits called "Theme". I found it. thanks noone15:34
ActionParsnipeigba: it'sok. I suggest you install it and use it, you can always remove it15:34
IncognitoManhttp://pastebin.com/1GwpDYip can anyone help me with my dial in problem? it seems to disconnect just as i connect :|15:34
ChogyDanIncarus6: apt-cache policy <package>15:34
Incarus6ToeKutter, your welcome15:35
cholothen +ban list in #ubuntu is quite facist.15:35
eigbaOf course not I like to try out new things just wanted opinions15:35
* Dr_Willis|2 sends ToeKutter the bill.15:35
eigbawho the hell said I want to be told what to think15:35
niels1the scree is just turned of, like Ubuntu thinks it's closed or someting, it's just recognised, but switched of. Avasz15:35
faylconjust insalled 11.04 and it doesn't support my wireless card: BCM4318, 10.10 on another partition works just fine.15:35
thegoodcushionAnyone here using a Hewlett-Packard Deskjet 2000 with Ubuntu?  I'm thinking of buying one for my Ubuntu box and I want to know if it'll work well15:35
Incarus6ChogyDan, and for several / all packages?15:35
eigbaI honestly love gnome 3, but its always fun to try out new things15:35
ActionParsnipeigba: it smells the same15:35
jdahmwhy doesn't ubuntu push bittorrents more?15:35
cholothey do15:35
jdahmit is far easier to download15:35
misse-niels1: Hey, regarding your blank laptop screen + intel gpu.. there is some magic kernel option which I entered in grub on my moms laptop, at least for 10.04.15:35
ActionParsnipeigba: its a small download and easy to remove, try it and youo might like it15:35
ChogyDanIncarus6: maybe just try aptitude full-upgrade       and see what it reports15:35
LjLjdahm: we do...15:35
MonotokoIncognitoMan...how are you trying to connect...via command line?15:36
choloits great to download.15:36
jatteigba: or you might hate it15:36
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evfooldoes anyone know how to contact someone from the canonical shop?15:36
JediMasterbtw for those who want to do-release-upgrade a bit faster, check out the archive mirrors: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors15:36
evdveldehi all, bluetooth troubles after upgrading to natty: adapter not found after booting (needs extra service restart) and bluetooth mouse moving and scrolling but not clicking... your help is appreciated!15:36
Incarus6ChogyDan, I tried that before, nothing happens (Im currently install ubuntu-desktop)15:36
niels1and how do I do that, misse-?15:36
jdahmLjL: I don't see it on the main page.  I had to go to "alternative downloads".  Is that right?15:36
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MK``How's 11.04? :)15:36
jdahmLjL: I'm dlownloading it via torrent now15:36
Avaszniels1, laptop or desktop?15:36
LjLjdahm: well... we push it on IRC, at least.15:36
niels1Avasz laptop15:37
eigbaOf course I have many boxes to try it on, just wanted to see what people here thought. From most reviews ive read people hate it. again trying it out is not the problem for me.15:37
ActionParsnipMK``: been fine here for months15:37
Monotokotorrent download is fast :D15:37
MK``Cool. I'll be torrenting it soon15:37
Incarus6MK``, it could be great, if you are able to install it ;)15:37
bakanubSomehow natty doesnt like my notebook. Native resolution is 1280x800, but Natty only allows me to choose 1024x768 (the rest is simply cropped). VGA is an integrated intel mobile gm965/gl960. Liveusb and a clean install gives the same result. Tried nomodeset - helped with the resolution, but lost unity15:37
Avaszniels1, sleep?15:37
ChogyDanIncarus6: yeah, Im not sure.  I also like to run `sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^`  with the ^15:37
zzecoolhmmmm does anyone knows where is the Adobe AIR 2 package ????15:37
cholodist-upgrade is not required15:38
hsh902is it correct? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:38
Incarus6bakanub, does that issue only appear in unity?15:38
ActionParsnipMonotoko: lots of seeders ;)15:38
cholosorry, is not working15:38
Incarus6ChogyDan, with the ^?15:38
MK``I probably won't upgrade just yet but I'll seed the torrent15:38
ActionParsniphsh902: yes15:38
niels1what u mean, sleep? It's working now, I'm actually chatting to you on my laptop using an external screen Avasz.15:38
bashelinaif you choose unity can you switch to gnome 2  at gdm ?15:38
MonotokoActionParsnip...I usually seed for a few weeks when I've downloaded :)15:38
jdahmLjL: I'm probably switching to15:38
MK``I do want to upgrade however as the new kernel fixes a hardware bug for me15:38
jdahmLjL: eh sorry one sec15:38
bakanubIncarus6 the problem only is with 11.04. 10.10 worked out of the box15:38
Avaszniels1, oh.. you mean you have connected an external monitor?15:38
Soothsayer[TK]D-Fender: you around15:38
Dr_Willis|2bashelina: gnome 2 is the classic desktoip in the gdm menuis15:38
jdahmLjL: I'm probably switching to ubuntu because everyone at work runs it :P  (instead of arch)15:38
ChogyDanIncarus6: yes15:38
MonotokoI swear I've never seen this channel so busy15:38
eigbajdahm, Arch users here too15:39
ActionParsnipMonotoko: its one seed I always keep, Everything else I give 1 back. I also have a tiny text doc from a snes rom file to show idiots that ratio is worthless15:39
Incarus6bakanub, yes, 10.10 wasnt using unity by default. you used gnome before, right?15:39
Dr_Willis|2Monotoko:  typical release day. happens every 6 mo. :)15:39
IncognitoMan<Monotoko> IncognitoMan...how are you trying to connect...via command line? --> pretty much15:39
LjLjdahm: i recommend using !metalink myself15:39
yellow7how do i update from 11.04 beta to the official release?15:39
Incarus6ChogyDan, one minute ;)15:39
IncognitoManits my dc pc server setup15:39
[TK]D-FenderSoothsayer: Already answered yes the first time...15:39
zzecooldoes anyone knows where is the Adobe AIR 2 package ????15:39
niels1yeah, and that one works, Avasz, but the laptop screen itself is blank (but recognised, and configured in "monitors" settings) disconnecting my external doesn't help.15:39
Bisu[Shield]how do I run the output of a string as a command. eg run >> ( history | grep ssh )15:39
Radiosim running slack 13.3715:39
IncognitoMandreamcast -> pc -> eth15:39
Avaszniels1, then.. there are some shortcut keys in your laptop to have dual screen... mine is fn+f7. not sure what its in yours.15:39
Dr_Willis|2yellow7:  if you update normally.. it will do that.15:39
bakanubIncarus6, yes15:39
Incarus6yellow7, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:39
td123yellow7: just do a normal update15:39
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jdahmLjL: what do you mean?15:39
ToeKutterUnity doesnt run in VMWare... blah..15:39
Avaszniels1, but dont try that combination without being sure.15:40
MonotokoActionParsnip...any idea how I seed it from this computer when I install natty?15:40
brianlActionParsnip, I got it working now ;D I booted into windows, turned the wireless on, then booted back into linux and it worked.15:40
Dr_Willis|2ToeKutter:  try the unity-2d desktop then.15:40
niels1Avasz, it is in dual screen mode, my laptop actually tinks it's on, it just isn't.15:40
choloToeKutter: Gnome3 does not run in VMWare on Fedora Beta and Ubuntu Beta15:40
ToeKutterDr-Willis - what do I need to do for that?15:40
choloIts not Unity.15:40
cholodo i need to change any sources for upgrading beta2 to official release15:40
Dr_Willis|2ToeKutter:  install the proper package I guess.. ive just read about the unity-2d stuff using qt.15:40
ActionParsnipMonotoko: you could add the torrent and get the file created, then kill the app and replace the partial file with the completed file, you will then seed it15:41
ToeKutterk. ill snoop around15:41
Ubuntu_userWow 11.04 released15:41
Dr_Willis|2cholo:  no you do not.15:41
Avaszniels1, try some combination with fn.. and function keys with monitor type pic on it.15:41
MonotokoActionParsnip...that's what I was thinking, thanks :)15:41
Ubuntu_userany tried it? hows it?15:41
Dr_Willis|2cholo:  if you installed/used beta. the normal update/upgrade/dist-upgrade will update you to the filnal release.15:41
brianlCan someone tell me what the difference between update-manager and sudo apt-get update is? when i run the apt-get command it just says done, but when i use update-manager it has tons of stuff that i need to update15:41
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:41
remoteCTRL3hi guys! i need some sort of linux app that helps me shrink 3MB jpegs to 150KB jepegs, any ideas please?15:41
ActionParsnipbrianl: cool, I suggest you go into device manager and tell windows to not allow the device to wake up the OS, and disable power management on it15:41
choloi dont see any notifications for Final Release15:41
cholowhen i do dist-upgrade and re-check via Update Manager GUI15:41
ToeKutterDr Willis - its in Software center15:42
hiexporemoteCTRL1, gimp15:42
choloshould i select the source "proposed Natty"15:42
Dr_Willis|2cholo:  perhaps there is no update that 'final' is out.. since it just sees it as a set of normal uypdate dpackages.15:42
ToeKutter"Unity 2D Panel"15:42
arandcholo: I guess you have it then15:42
Incarus6cholo, dist-upgrade wont show release notifications, try "update-manager"15:42
remoteCTRL3hiexpo: erm... maybe smothing that does not require an academical title...?15:42
MonotokoI don't think it shows a release notification15:42
ChogyDancholo: try update-manager -c15:42
Monotokojust a lot of packages15:42
ChaosRlol, bug, enabling sync to vblank results in epic slowness15:42
cholo-c right?15:42
Incarus6cholo, did you use the beta version before?15:42
Monotokoit did when I was testing 10.1015:42
likewhoaho2Brb, I just farted out a butt turd15:43
Ubuntu_userhows 11.04,15:43
* IncognitoMan scratches head15:43
Incarus6cholo, so its updating like normal package updates, not like a release upgrade15:43
niels1Avasz that doesn't do anything besides freezing the one I have...15:43
choloI have used Alpha nd Beta etc..15:43
Dr_Willis|2cholo:  so you proberly are updated then15:43
LjL!metalink > jdahm    (jdahm, see the private message from ubottu)15:43
choloI am on Beta215:43
evdveldehi all, bluetooth troubles after upgrading to natty: adapter not found after booting (needs extra service restart) and bluetooth mouse moving and scrolling but not clicking... your help is appreciated!15:44
Incarus6ChogyDan, should I retry to upgrade after that command (which I didnt run yet)15:44
nijaboI tried an update, didn't get many updates at all.. like 700kb15:44
cholodo you think it has changed a bunch?15:44
cholohey evdvelde : do sudo killall bluetoothd ; bluetoothd15:44
Monotokocholo, go to "Help" then "About"15:44
choloi think this bug will get fixed soon.15:44
Ubuntu_userI always face grub problem when Win 7 and Ubuntu dual boot15:44
ChogyDanIncarus6: I think15:44
Monotokoand see if it says anything about Beta15:44
arand!final | cholo15:44
ubottucholo: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.15:45
jdahmLjL: see it.  Thanks15:45
evdveldecholo: on restarting the service (/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart) adapter is found, but the mouse acts strangely15:45
Ubuntu_userany solution15:45
nijabothanks arand15:45
escottUbuntu_user, need more information15:45
nijaboDidn't find any upgrades, suppose my system is up-to-date15:45
choloevdvelde: yeah there should be some changes via PPA15:45
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choloi had some issues with Broadcom 2.0's15:46
evdveldecholo: so i just have to pray and wait for updates? :)15:46
flowhat about the energy consumption of memory? say, running latexila uses only 5,7 MB, the same docs in gedit take 47,5 MB, however. is there a difference in the energy software "consumes"?15:46
cholo(which is unacceptable)15:46
ScreenIssuesQuestion: Upgraded 10.10 to 11.04. Screen was black on reboot. Downloaded the new 11.04 iso to clean install. Installer is too dim on monitor (new laptop) to install. Is there a solution?15:46
choloevdvelde: no, just look for a patch/fix15:46
evdveldecholo: been looking, the kernel with patch failed as well15:46
choloScreenIssues: Use the function key + Fx key15:46
choloevdvelde:  it is not a kernel issue.15:47
ScreenIssuesFx key?15:47
Ubuntu_userescott:  Yep when i install both together in different drives I face this problem. As soon as i start windows and restart the computer it shows me black screen written that grub found no operating system and so on15:47
choloi think it is a userspace patch15:47
escottflo not really it still gets clocked regularly15:47
Monotokoguys: "If you have been keeping up-to-date via the update manager, you automatically have the latest version, the Release Candidate. To do it via the command line, just enter"15:47
evdveldecholo: http://fossplanet.com/f10/%5Bbug-700292%5D-%5Bnew%5D-bluetooth-keybord-after-natty-upgrade-not-working-92191/index2.html15:47
bkerensaUbuntu Natty repos seem so slow.... 99kbps downloads ugh15:47
Monotokobkerensa, it will be15:47
cholobkerensa: change the source15:47
azi`i have installed an application (adobe AIR) that is only supported on 32 bit ubuntu. now i've noticed that there is no sound in *.air applications. is there any way I could check if there is some i386 sound library that is missing?15:47
brianlim getting 20mb/sec eh15:47
nijabobkerensa, many people are updating now perhaps15:47
jnyesilly question.. how do i move the new launcher to the right hand side of the screen?15:47
brianlkb/sec i mean lol15:47
choloi use use an Internet2 downloader15:47
DirtyDawggreat when trying the new ubuntu the screen goes so dim i cant see it :(15:48
philsfhi. since yesterday I don't have a pidgin indicator in the messaging menu. How can I re-enable it?15:48
Ubuntu_userbrianl:  thats too good15:48
Incarus6bkerensa, change repos to a local server instead of the general server15:48
Monotokodo they have torrent repos..?15:48
cholouse ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu15:48
jattjnye: you cannot15:48
escottUbuntu_user, so grub loads but can't chainload windows? or after a windows boot grub can't load anything15:48
brianlUbuntu_user, I meant kb/sec15:48
cholothey do not have torrent repos15:48
urbanptI'm not very familiar with the new upstart manager, but I needed to have a job running after each time mysql is restarted. I've added the script path to /etc/init/mysql.conf on the post-start script part but it didn't work. Any hints?15:48
Monotokodamn :(15:48
jattjnye: you cannot hide it either15:48
bkerensaHas anyone tried Classic Session on Natty? I dont wanna use the Unity Integrated menus.15:48
Ubuntu_userbrianl:  ohhh sudden15:48
tim__hi! first of all: congrats on the new ubuntu, seems like a great release!15:48
ChogyDanMonotoko:  http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/15:48
cholobkerensa: Classic will be phased out next 11.11 release15:48
invinciblemutanthas anyone here successfully upgraded from 10.10 using do-release-upgrade15:48
Ubuntu_userescott:  i think windows does something15:49
jnyejatt: that's anonying.. i'm on a dual screen setup with virtualbox on the right.. i can't get the launcher to pop up easily since my mouse moves to the other monitor15:49
bkerensacholo: Are you kidding me?15:49
brianlcholo, why is that?15:49
shermanboyd_could anyone tell me what the state of softraid is in 11.04, I think the docs I am reading are out of date15:49
bkerensacholo: So they are forcing people to use integrated menus15:49
invinciblemutantcholo: gnome to be phased out?15:49
tim__only have one problem though: i have an hp mini 210 and although all problems i had to conquer on 10.10 have been solved, one remains: the touchpad gives a lot of problems when for example wanting to select things15:49
ChogyDancholo is just trolling folks15:49
MK``I predict a GNOME 3 Gubuntu derivative around the time of the next release.15:49
TristantioI don't use menus (I use hotkeys like CTRL ALT F for firefox).  Is there any point for me to go 11.04?15:49
arandcholo: That decision is not finalised, but expected I think.15:49
zaid_howdy folks15:50
phoque_unican I use my keychain if I copy my ~ directory to a new/old Ubuntu install?15:50
Ubuntu_userIs any body using Ubuntu with Windows 715:50
berefeiraunity on netbook, what say you?15:50
philsfhi. since yesterday I don't have a pidgin indicator in the messaging menu. How can I re-enable it? I've been using natty since beta15:50
MK``Yeah Ubuntu_user15:50
tim__it's very jumpy. have been looking for solutions again but honestly ive tried so many things from synaptics that im pretty confused :)15:50
AmandaHello. I'm writing an upgrade guide and do-release-upgrade failed with some errors/asked me to report it as a bug. I can do that, but I was wondering if there are any compelling reasons not to have people mangle sources.list manually and do it the old fashioned way to get around this15:50
MonotokoUbuntu_user...XP and Ubuntu, whats up?15:50
brianlUbuntu_user, I have my computer partitioned with windows 7 and ubuntu15:50
MK``same ^15:50
escottUbuntu_user, you need to better explain your problem i dont understand what you are saying is happening15:50
Incarus6ChogyDan, "libpolkit-gobject-1-0 : Stört: libpolkit-gtk-1-0 (< 0.99) aber 0.96-2ubuntu4 soll installiert werden" sry ik its german, should i translate?15:50
invinciblemutanti find it is not easy to upgrade to natty15:50
Ubuntu_userMK``: Monotoko  brianl  are you guys using full install or install inside windows15:50
invinciblemutantterminated by itself twice15:51
ChogyDanIncarus6: what command is that from?15:51
bkerensaWell if they remove the Classic Session option from Natty I will have to go back to Maverick15:51
Amandainvinciblemutant: Did you have the same problem? :S15:51
Ubuntu_userescott:  Okay I tell it15:51
MK``full install Ubuntu_user, separate partitions using the LiveCD15:51
MonotokoUbuntu_user..full install15:51
invinciblemutantsame problem?15:51
brianlI did a full install from boot off the cd, completely separate from windows15:51
Amandainvinciblemutant: See what I said above haha15:51
floescott, what's clocking?15:51
Incarus6ChogyDan, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^"15:51
jattjnye yeah it as also a lot of issues with dual monitors stuff too15:51
invinciblemutantamanda: you have the same problem too?15:51
nazocould anybody please tell me where I can find an md5sum for the 11.04 desktop image listed on the website?15:51
invinciblemutantamanda: have you got the solution?15:51
bkerensaI do not like this integrated menus stuff.... It reminds me when MS added the crayola crayon of a taskbar to XP15:51
Amandainvinciblemutant: Nope :(15:51
Ubuntu_userMK``:  So Win 7 don't create any problems with booting15:52
invinciblemutantamanda: have you got any idea from the room?15:52
berefeirahas anyone run apt-get dist-upgrade and had problems?15:52
arandAmanda: do-release-upgrade does that and disables PPAs etc. in addition, it also creates opens SSH for recovery purposes I think, but in essence yes, editing sources is fully possible, but you have to know what you're doing, obviously...15:52
ChogyDanIncarus6: is that the only error?  or just the last?15:52
Incarus6ChogyDan, the only error15:52
MK``Ubuntu_user: nope, works fine. Although, after I installed ubuntu, the final character of all the passwords of user accounts on windows 7 were cut off, *no idea* how that occured.15:52
invinciblemutanti use do-release-upgrade15:52
MonotokoUbuntu_user...I have done some Ubuntu/Win 7 installs...what's the issue? If you install Win7 first, then shrink the parition from the live CD and install from there it's usually okay (Windows 7 may need a disk check)15:52
[Soma]Anyone figure out how I can make the app launcher in Unity NOT auto-hide?! I'm so sick of having to open it every time I wanna switch applications.15:52
Incarus6ChogyDan, lets ignore that. Im restarting the upgrade thing15:53
shermanboyd_I'm looking for information on the current state of software raid in ubuntu, is it on par with rhel yet?15:53
[Soma]also, alt-tabbing between programs doesn't work anymore. :S15:53
ChogyDanIncarus6: ok, can you translate for me?  :)15:53
vibhavIs the CD bug fixed??15:53
invinciblemutanti think natty should be renamed to nasty15:53
bkerensaChogyDan: So if they remove Classic from Natty will there be a solid workaround to scrap Unity for Gnome 215:53
floshetlandpony, clocking15:53
Incarus6ChogyDan, "libpolkit-gobject-1-0 : Disrupt: libpolkit-gtk-1-0 (< 0.99) but 0.96-2ubuntu4 should be installed"15:53
ChogyDanbkerensa: classic is part of natty already15:53
Amandaarand: Okay so doing it that way isn't going to break 349805 things or anything unless of course someone messes it up? :P15:54
invinciblemutantthis is the first time i fail upgrade with ubuntu15:54
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flo! clock15:54
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flo! clocking15:54
exchgrdoes anyone know how i can use a mirror for upgrading to natty? this is slooooow15:54
bkerensaChogyDan: Yeah but apparently they plan to remove the Classic option in future releases and force Unity15:54
Incarus6flo, ?15:54
escottflo system clock is generating signals to dram at X megahertz. don't think dram knows it is empty so it always refreshes15:54
escottie no change in energy usage with memory usage15:54
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ActionParsnipexchgr: all mirrors will be "slooooow", it's release day. Think about it15:55
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nick87720zPlease, help me to upgrade distro from lucid15:55
ChogyDanIncarus6: you could try aptitude upgrade libpolkit-gobject-1-0        see what options it gives15:55
nick87720zI have ubuntu based distro15:55
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thegoodcushionOkay guys I'm thinking of buying a HP Deskjet 2000 for Ubuntu so I can print out color-coded source code using gedit.  Any last thoughts before I plonk the money down?15:55
exchgrActionParsnip, yes, but wouldn't at least one of them be less slow?15:55
nick87720zUpdate manager from gnome just don't show new releases15:55
ActionParsnipnick87720z: you will either need to upgrade to maverick, then to natty OR do a clean install of natty15:55
arandAmanda: Or if you have a really messy system with lots of additional repositories which messes things up, it should be fine otherwise yes, but the other methid is the recommended one, obviously.15:55
floescott, i think i understand. so energy saving is a little difficult with the pc turned on, isn't it? (except for the screen, perhaps)15:55
Incarus6ChogyDan, nothing. nothing to install, nothing to fix, ...15:55
m4kCan any one help me why this shell script running in loop http://pastebin.com/y9jHX20115:55
nick87720zI checked to show only lts releases15:55
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nick87720zIs it possible?15:56
Incarus6ChogyDan, let me try the upgrade15:56
invinciblemutantu can use do-release-upgrade15:56
zzecoolunity is the FAIL15:56
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ActionParsnipexchgr: i'd say they will ALL be slow as a LOT of users are upgrading. If you torrent the alternate natty ISO you can do an offline upgrade but you will then need to upgrade natty to the latest packages which will take more time15:56
escottflo various components can be turned off/spun down. the chip can run slower the harddrives spun down, you may be able to turn off your network card etc, but not ram usage. install powertop it can optimize for battery life15:56
bkerensa ChogyDan: Yeah but apparently they plan to remove the Classic option in future releases and force Unity15:56
IncognitoManMonotoko: did you get my last message? and if so did you answer it? ( its starting to become hard to catch up lol )15:56
Ubuntu_userMK``:  escott  check this http://pastebin.com/BGPe1yUw15:56
Monotokonick87720z: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114019815:56
shermanboyd_does anyone in here boot from a softraid 1 or 10 with ubuntu?15:56
exchgrActionParsnip, they should set up a torrent-based apt15:57
Monotokoyou need to change it so it will show "normal" releases15:57
escottUbuntu_user, win 7 doesn't like being messed with15:57
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ActionParsnipexchgr: true, I use apt-fast, it's sweeet15:57
ChogyDanIncarus6: ok, go for it.  but maybe libpolkit-gtk-1-0 is the problem package15:57
pigdadSo I started the Ubuntu install CD, pressed "try ubuntu" and nothing happened15:57
exchgrActionParsnip, wtf is that? *googles*15:57
pigdadIs that a bad sign?15:57
Amandaarand: Awesome, thanks!15:57
Ubuntu_userescott:  what i researched, i found that win 7 creates problem with grub15:57
escottUbuntu_user, did you shrink win7 and move the start of the partition, or just shrink it and keep the start of the partition where it was15:57
Sidewinder1I have searched and searched...Could any supply me with the hash (md5sum) for: Natty, 11.04 i386 desktop.iso I have been seeding it for 2:47 and the hashs don't agree.15:57
whilei have a question . i am currently running windows 7 and ubuntu 10.10 in a dual boot system and i would very much like to reinstall ubuntu 11.04 over the current ubuntu i`m running without messing up my MBR or the GRUB ... can someone tell me how can this be done ?15:58
Monotokopigdad...what do you mean by "nothing happened"?15:58
MK``Ubuntu_user: I never had it mess with my grub installation.15:58
Incarus6ChogyDan, yeah that could be, but apt-get install -f doesnt show up any dependency errors15:58
nick87720zyeah, thanks15:58
Astalasevenpigdad, did you do this in a other os?15:58
pigdadMonotoko: It stalled for a long while and just continued showing the window15:58
nick87720zStrange, that it needs special actions in command line15:58
pigdadMonotoko: I should specify. This is booted into the CD.15:58
usr13pigdad: Did you check your iso for integrity?15:58
pigdadusr13: Hm, I'll do that once I reboot15:58
escottwhile, just reinstall, it should just put the newer grub on top of the old one. if you need to backup your grub.conf do that prior to the install and then you can merge you special config back in15:58
Monotokopigdad...can you move around the menu beforehand?15:59
Monotokoif so go to "check CD"15:59
Ubuntu_userescott: I just shrinked my second drive D:/  to a new partition of 50 GB, then divided it into 3 partitions15:59
whileescott, thank you i just needed a confirmation15:59
Monotokoor whatever it says15:59
Lars_GHmmm Why can't I get into ubuntu+1?15:59
[Soma]how do I customise all the things that unity messed up without asking me? (navbar on top instead of bottom, app launcher set to auto-hide, etc)15:59
Lars_Gor is 11.04 final already15:59
[Soma]I'm going insane here15:59
LjLLars_G: because Natty is out, so the channel has been closed15:59
pigdadMonotoko: The menu didn't show up. I opened a terminal window by switching to a VT and running gnome-terminal15:59
ActionParsnipLars_G: yes15:59
Lars_GLjL: Then I'll ask here.15:59
* Incarus6 thinks 11.04 is much more important then a royal wedding16:00
escottUbuntu_user, i don't have any problems with the config now, but but i did have numerous assorted problems that required multiple restores of win7 and reinstalls of ubuntu16:00
Ubuntu_userMK``:  you lucky one, google it millions out there facing this problem16:00
Monotokopigdad...so you get as far as X opening?16:00
pigdadBut yeah, I'll check the disk for integrity. I torrented the iso so chances are it's OK, but maybe it burned wrong16:00
Lars_GHas Xorg dropped the use of /etc/X11/xorg.conf altogether? and I don't mean the change made long ago whereas it was optional, I mean wether it has stopped considering it compeltely16:00
Sidewinder1Incarus6, +316:00
pigdadMonotoko: Correct16:00
pigdadMonotoko: X opened, and stuff runs correctly, the shell just didn't load16:00
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ChogyDanbkerensa: who knows.  It might be their goal, but it is best to wait till after the UDS16:00
Monotokopigdad...you should be able to check the logs to see what went wrong16:00
agrabAre there 3 drivers available for ati/amd-cards? the default "radeon" driver, fglrx and the catalyst driver?16:00
mnoyceSpotted a bug in the 11.04 disk partition part of the installer. No longer lets you type a mount point. You can only select from the drop-down list of options.16:01
escottLars_G, pretty much, you can still create one but xorg is mostly autoconfiged these days16:01
MK``Ubuntu_user: yeah :( you can probably fix grub with a liveCD, these guys can help, I am not an expert16:01
biffbaxterNo mini iso yet for 11.04 but it looks like the rest is there16:01
usr13escott: WHen you restored win7, you also needed to reinstall ubuntu?16:01
Ubuntu_userescott:  i am not able to get a solution16:01
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ActionParsnipbiffbaxter: wanna bet16:01
vladianyone have issues running vmware player/workstation after the upgrade?16:01
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Monotokousr13...you will need to reinstall GRUB16:01
Monotokobecause Windows will use its bootloader16:01
escottusr13, all I had was a restore image, not an install disk, it would blow away the entire partition table16:01
Monotokobut not Ubuntu itself16:01
usr13Monotoko: Oh yea, I  know.16:01
Lars_Gescott: I created one long ago, to setup my synaptics touchpad, but since the last update in +1 to final (I guess it's final now), I can't use the mouse and synclient says the driver's not even installed16:01
ActionParsnipbiffbaxter: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso16:01
Holekis there a configuration backup for compiz after upgrade?16:01
Lars_Gescott: So I'm thinking xorg is ignoring the file.16:01
agrabwhich drivers are available for ati-cards?16:01
Ubuntu_userMK``:  but it will become a daily issue to fix grub each time u run window16:02
bkerensaChogyDan: How can I change repos when doing a natty upgrade so the download process if faster16:02
ActionParsnipLars_G: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:02
escottLars_G, it shouldn't ignore the file, check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:02
usr13escott: I didn't think win7 would re-quire you to re-partition the HD?  (But I don't know for sure...)16:02
Lars_Gescott: There's no mention to the driver on the log at all16:02
jattwhere are the iso's md5sums16:02
ActionParsnipHolek: how do you mean?16:02
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.16:02
escottLars_G, try reinstalling it16:02
urbanptI'm not very familiar with the new upstart manager, but I needed to have a job running after each time mysql is restarted. I've added the script path to /etc/init/mysql.conf on the post-start script part but it didn't work. Any hints?16:02
Sidewinder1Thanx AP16:03
ToeKutterwhat is "..a Qt-based implementation.." mean ?16:03
escottusr13, if you restore a backup image the entire disk gets restored16:03
agrabare there more than 2 drivers available for ati-cards?16:03
Lars_Gescott: Though, it does say it's reading xorg.conf in the log16:03
jattthe 11.04 hashes are not there16:03
escottLars_G, the synaptics driver that is16:03
arand!upstart | urbanpt16:03
ubottuurbanpt: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:03
Lars_Gescott: I will16:03
escottUbuntu_user, what are your win7 reinstall options16:03
HolekActionParsnip: I had my configured Compiz and with the upgrade Ubuntu basically trashed all the configuration I had16:03
Lars_Gescott: Since I see no error even in the log16:03
jattunity doesn't use compiz16:04
biffbaxter!ActionParsnip - that iso is not the current build. I dowloaded it a week ago and its the same one and the datestamp is 21April16:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:04
Ubuntu_userescott: please explain16:04
arandjatt: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/16:04
HolekI am not on Unity16:04
floescott, thank you! that's a point to start from. just browsed a bit through ubuntusers.de on those energy-saving hints.16:04
[Soma]someone please help me, I'm going insane with unity. how do I change that the app-launcher on the left is NOT auto-hide but constantly visible so it doesn't take me ages to switch between apps. also, how do I enable alt-tabbing between apps, and how -- for the love of god -- do I customise the top navbar (the part with the time etc in it)16:04
usr13escott: Oh, I see.16:04
ActionParsnipjatt: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/MD5SUMS16:04
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, I checked the link you graciously gave...It hasn't been updated. :-( No hash for Natty16:04
vladianyone have issues running vmware player/workstation after the upgrade?16:04
ActionParsnipjatt: I'll see if I can update it16:04
yeikI get the feeling today is going to be a busy day.16:05
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arandjatt: Unity uses compiz.16:05
lugkhast[Soma]: Auto-hiding can be disabled through CCSM16:05
ts145nerahello, is dangerous upgrade kubuntu maveric to natty?16:05
ScreenIssuesTrying to install 11.04 from DVD, installer is too dim to read. Laptop screen dim function keys do not do anything. Is there a way to boot the installer in to some sort of safe graphical mode?16:05
Ubuntu_userescott:  what windows 7 install options?16:05
lugkhast[Soma]: Also, moving your mouse to the top-left corner instantly shows the left dock16:05
KrisDouglasScreenIssues, you may be better off using the alternate install disk.16:05
ScreenIssuesI'll give that a go16:06
KrisDouglasThat's a text based installer, it could be that the live disk does not fully support the backlight control on your computer.16:06
wolfjbI'm getting a segfault when installing nspluginwrapper on natty amd64. is there a way around this? flashplugin_installer won't install until nspluginwrapper is completely installed16:06
usr13ScreenIssues: alternate CD is the non-gui one.16:06
Roasted_Is there an official download of 11.04 2d?16:06
escottUbuntu_user, well there are lots of ways Win7 can get broken. bootloader which might be fixable with the windows 7 rescue disk (you can download that). or Win7 can start thinking that there is some kind of hardware change and get stuck on PnP during boot. and a thousand other things, so I just kept reinstalling Win7 from my backup image on a USB drive until I managed to somehow not break it. took a couple attempts, but I found that wh16:06
escottile I could safely resize the ntfs partition I could not then move it16:06
KM0201Roasted: yes, its out16:06
yxz97please help16:06
arandRoasted_: 2d?16:06
Roasted_KM0201, but 2d in particular?16:07
Roasted_arand, unity 2d16:07
yxz97cannot start vuze in ubuntu16:07
[Soma]lugkhast: but what annoys me deeply is that first I have to navigate the pointer to the top-left, then the launcher pops out, and then I still have to select the app I wanna switch too. I wanna be able to click on it instantly. but thanks, I'm installing ccsm!16:07
Roasted_arand, I installed ubuntu on my cr-48 and its running kind of sluggish16:07
loseweightttttttis windows server any good?16:07
yxz97any idea?, please check the pastebin URL i posted..16:07
Roasted_I remember there being a 2d16:07
KM0201Roasted: oh, 2d.. id on't think so.16:07
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arandRoasted_: It can be installed, but is not default in any release no.16:07
arandRoasted_: apt-get install unity-2d16:07
arandRoasted_: And select it at login16:07
escottyxz97, looks like you are trying to run a 64bit program on a 32bit system16:07
Roasted_arand, so that'll allow me to have 3d and 2d available?16:08
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ActionParsnipHolek: then use your own backups, or just resetup the WM16:08
escottyxz97, or that you have a 32bit jvm on a 64bit system. what is Azureus16:08
arandRoasted_: Yes, choose at login.16:08
yxz97its a bittorrent client16:08
yxz97but I want all 32bits16:08
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yxz97no mess16:08
Ubuntu_userescott:  I am sure win 7 is intact only ubuntu grub is deleted or something16:09
ActionParsnip!info azureus16:09
ubottuazureus (source: azureus): BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 11552 kB, installed size 12940 kB16:09
HolekActionParsnip: the thing is, I didn't do any, and with any other configuration file it always asked me if I'm okay with changes being made...16:09
escottyxz97, something is 64bit did you download/install a 64bit version of Azureus or a 64bit JVM16:09
ts145nerahello, is dangerous upgrade kubuntu maveric to natty? How many time?16:09
ActionParsnipyxz97: azureus is in the repos16:09
avijipv6.torrent.ubuntu.com seems to complain that the "requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" when downloading the various ubuntu-11.04-*.iso files. could someone please authorize the ubuntu isos to that ipv6 tracker?16:09
jbwivoh my word people...who decided on such a white theme for the ubuntu.com page? Please, please, put a background in place which is easier on the eyes...that damned thing looks embarrassing. I thought the page was broken at first16:09
Incarus6ChogyDan, still isntalling16:09
Ubuntu_userescott:  I am sure win 7 is intact only ubuntu grub is deleted or something16:09
phoque_uniwhat's the difference between i386 and amd64, other than the 4GB limit?16:09
ActionParsnipHolek: then all I can sugest is you reset it up, I also suggest you review your backup regime to include the compiz settings16:10
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips on how to toggle between front and back panel only?16:10
escottUbuntu_user, grub would install over the mbr and then try to chainload the win7 loader on its partition, but that loader may have hard coded addresses for other components of the windows boot which may have moved during the resize16:10
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econdudeawesomehowdy all!16:10
arandphoque_uni: Performance, and the ~3.2G limit is only for individual applications if you use PAE.16:11
ActionParsnipphoque_uni: each process can use more than 4Gb RAM, extra features enabled in the CPU16:11
escottUbuntu_user, the combination of resize + replacing the windows mbr bootloader could break the win boot requiring either a win7 reinstall or the use of win7 rescue cd to fix the boot process16:11
yxz97ok, iḿ installing it from the repos now16:11
econdudeawesomeIs there anyway to remove all GUI's from my Ubuntu install and just use it similar to Ubuntu Server? I built it up from ubuntu minimal, but cannot upgrade to 11.04 so I just want to scrap the gui.16:11
arandphoque_uni: 64bit is faster in almost all cases.16:11
ActionParsnipphoque_uni: heavy computatinal thins like video encoding will be faster, regular desktop stuff will not see any noticable speed change16:11
walentcan someone help me16:11
phoque_uniwill go with 64 bit then16:11
Ubuntu_userescott:  yes thats true, what  people are saying over ubuntu forums, windows does something with MBR16:11
LAcandoes anyone know how I take my NIC out of monitor mode or restart it?16:11
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walenthow do i install slovak language on ubutnu, i already installed english16:12
ActionParsniparand: for standard desktop stuff the increase is negligible16:12
Holekand now I get segfault on emerald, toio16:12
ActionParsnipHolek: emerald is no longer maintained16:12
Ubuntu_userescott:  maybe 11.04 has some solution to it16:12
escottecondudeawesome, uninstall Xorg and all Xlibs should remove everything else. be aware many command line tools have guis and might get pulled in16:12
phoque_unisomehow I can't get this stupid USB Thumbdrive to be recognised by my BIOS16:12
CELEBRATEmirrors: http://www.computerhilfe-forum.com/board75-snowlinux-de-das-neue-projekt/1450-linux-snowlinux-1-cold-gnome-32-bit-released/16:13
LAcanwalent, system/adminstration/language support16:13
econdudeawesomethanks escott--I know my command line tools, so that should work alright. Should I reboot first?16:13
ActionParsnipphoque_uni: ask in ##hardware16:13
econdudeawesomeescott: rather: boot into a command line?16:13
Incarus6ChogyDan, !#%$& still not working16:13
HolekActionParsnip: so, where can I change current window decorator options?16:13
escottecondudeawesome, you can just Ctrl-Alt-F116:13
ActionParsnipHolek: ccsm or simple-ccsm16:13
LAcanHolek, right click the desktop, last option16:13
walentLAcan, i did but its sort of greyed out16:13
LAcanwalent, then u need to install the language pack from ubuntu software center16:14
necrotikHi all having a bit of a problem. I just got a nvidia gt 430 to hook up ubuntu to my tv. I set the sound settings to use HDA Nvidia Digital Stereo (HDMI) but I do not hear anything coming out of my tv.16:14
LAcandoes anyone know how I take my NIC out of monitor mode or restart it? escott?16:14
escottUbuntu_user, doubt it the problem seems to be with win7 get the rescue cd and see if it can fix16:14
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LAcanUbuntu_user, whats the problem you are having?16:14
Eduardguys, does anybody know, if broken dependency  problem with nvidia-96 was fixed in 11.04?16:14
escottLAcan, iwconfig won't do it for you16:14
LAcanescott, just "iwconfig"?16:15
escottiwconfig wlan0 mode Auto16:15
LAcanescott, ty ty16:16
Ubuntu_userescott:  tried it i completely restored window too with dell recovery cd but nothing same screen again, but when i repaired ubuntu with live CD everything was solved16:16
Ubuntu_userLAcan: check it http://pastebin.com/BGPe1yUw16:16
TerryBooknecrotik:  you've checked volume and mute settings on both TV and computer?16:16
emilkjedoes anyone know if a dist-upgrade will ruin LAMP + RVM + Passenger?16:16
necrotikTerryBook I get sound from the cable box, i used alsamixer to unmute everything16:17
HolekActionParsnip: LAcan: okay, but ccsm doesn't give me themes, and desktop preferences give me just preloaded themes with no configuration options16:17
Monotoko....I need some disks >.< this always happens on release day16:17
TerryBookok.  what sort of hdmi cable are you using?16:17
LAcanUbuntu_user, Holek u have a nvidia?16:18
necrotikTerryBook, the cabley kind?16:18
Ubuntu_userLAcan:  ATI16:18
LAcanHolek, that is normal behaviour. if you want more theme configuration you have to install tweak ubuntu or ccsm for compiz16:18
HolekLAcan: nope, integrated Intel16:18
ActionParsnipHolek: not sure about "themes" it usually uses the GTK theme you set16:18
TerryBookhdmi on both ends?  one cable all the way through, or is there a connector in the middle?16:18
necrotikOne cable.16:18
Roasted_So I just installed Unity 2D on my netbook, but I want to make the icons of the dock smaller. So I went into compiz to go to the plugin to make them smaller and this plugin is disabled. How can I make the icons smaller on unity 2d?>16:19
LAcanHolek, however u should be able to turn on effects thru that method i described16:19
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Ubuntu_userLAcan: does that matter16:19
ActionParsnipRoasted_: press ALT+F2   and run:  r      may help16:19
LAcanUbuntu_user, is ubuntu using the nvida drivers?16:19
TerryBookwhich hdmi port on the tv are you using?  some tvs don't have sound support on all hdmi connections.  don't ask me why, it gave me trouble when I used to install DirecTV for people16:19
Roasted_ActionParsnip, just... r?16:19
escottRoasted, omgubuntu had something on that recently try googling their site16:19
LAcanUbuntu_user, sorry u are having the booting issue correct? the pastebin from earlier?16:20
TerryBookalso, that said, are you using nvidia-current?16:20
HolekLAcan: I just want to customize my window decorator, everything else I am setting already in ccsm, I cannot change window decorator theme via ccsm16:20
necrotik•TerryBook• I unplugged the port the cable tv was using, so it should have sound, the cable did.16:20
ActionParsnipRoasted_: yeah, should reset things (works in debian), or just restart X server16:20
freaky[t]does anyone else have an ATI Raden HD 5850?16:20
Ubuntu_userLAcan:  no when i install ubuntu newly it just says download and install ati drivers16:20
Roasted_ActionParsnip, what am I resetting? I'm on unity 2d now... I just want to change the icon size smaller than default.16:20
LAcanHolek, in ubuntu natively thru the theme option in right clicking should allow you a) pick a theme and b) pick the level of desktop effects. this does in fact work correct?16:20
escottLAcan, Ubuntu_user was having problems booting windows not ubuntu if I understand him correctly16:20
LAcanUbuntu_user, ok, so we need to fix your boot settings?16:21
maximus_Hey. I'm about to install Natty, i have 2 hdd's, will I get any performance boost if i put everything on hda except /usr and swap (which i will put on hdb)?16:21
Ubuntu_userescott:  yep true,16:21
TerryBooknecrotik:  the only other thing I can suggest at this point is driver-related.  are you using nvidia-current, and have you checked the NVidia settings?16:21
ActionParsnipRoasted_: the X server, may help16:21
HolekLAcan: yes, it does, but my point is, I don't want to "choose", I want to do my own16:21
LAcanmaximus_, its  good idea to put the swap on a physically seperate volume16:22
escottmaximus_, your fastest setup is raid0 stripped16:22
necrotik•TerryBook• I don't know how to check the nvidia settings, but I'm using the restricted driver the driver tool wanted to activate.16:22
LAcanHolek, ok, thats above my paygrade, your gonna need a them builder or whatver.... have you tried tweak ubuntu? it has many visual tweaks available16:22
maximus_escott - hard drives are different sizes...)=16:22
HolekLAcan: is it in the repo?16:23
nealmcbat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades#AlternateUpgrade it says to   gksu "sh /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"   but the natty cdrom doesn't have a cdromupgrade file.  What's up?16:23
DexterLBhello. I have been given a laptop with radeon x1200, and I have to get 3D accel working in the next 3 hours, or I won't get paid :D16:23
zatanHi, why I cant update to Natty Narhwal throught update-manager-d ?16:23
LAcanHolek, tweak ubutu should be, or the PPA is easily findable thru google... but i think its in the native repos yes16:23
TerryBooknecrotik:  assuming you're still in 10.04 or 10.10 and gnome, it's in the System/Administration menu, as 'NVidia X Server Settings'16:23
DexterLBI've tried so many things, and I've almost given up hope16:23
escottmaximus_, you can still strip up to the common size and have the rest for swap or large files (not that I recommend stripping)16:23
necrotik•TerryBook• That contains no sound settings AFAIK16:24
akerr!log 1016:24
escottDexterLB, and you have installed all the fglrx drivers16:24
ts145neraIs dangerous upgrade kubuntu maveric to natty?16:24
somethinginteresDexterLB: rundown of what you've tried?16:24
DexterLBfglrx doesn't seem to work with that chip, nothing in ubuntu's hardware driver suggestions and envy isn't available on maverick16:24
neckooxHi ! I have a question : do DNS servers tell on which port to connect when we request a website ? Or is it ALWAYS port 80 and we have to set a redirection on an another port if the webserver is set elsewhere ?16:24
LAcanUbuntu_user, still here? can you mount your window drive in ubuntu?16:24
escottneckoox, dns only tells where the server is nothing about ports16:24
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  sorry for disconnection16:25
LAcanneckoox, dns does not include port information16:25
neckooxescott: thx16:25
maximus_~escott - where can I read up about that..dont want to bother anyone with asking how to do that..16:25
DexterLBneckoox, escott: I tried installing all the fglrx packages, it says no supported hardware16:25
TerryBooknecrotik:  someone else might be able to better help you, then16:25
LAcanUbuntu_user, u can mount your windows drive in ubuntu?16:25
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escottmaximus_, mdadm documentation16:25
neckooxLAcan: ok x16:25
PiciDexterLB: fglrx does not support that chipset. The open source drivers should work fine. (they do on my x1400)16:25
necrotik•TerryBook• k thanks!16:25
Roasted_Is there any hope in sight for dual screen systems with unity being able to choose which screen the dock is on?16:25
escottDexterLB, is the x1200 super old?16:25
DexterLBescott: yup16:25
econdudeawesomeWell, I removed my GUI, but now my color scheme is the purplish-grey of bootup for Ubuntu. How do I modify my color to something more acceptable?16:26
DexterLBPici: does it have 3D?16:26
escottmaximus_, feel free to pm if you have mdadm questions16:26
somethinginteresRoasted_: wouldn't it display on the display set as primary?16:26
PiciDexterLB: Yes.  I wouldn't expect to be able to play games on it, but compiz works fine.16:26
Roasted_somethinginteres, the beta did not.16:26
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  so how to fix boot records16:26
Roasted_somethinginteres, it just forced the dock to the far far left, no matter how you stacked your monitors.16:26
DexterLBPici: hmm, compiz here says No GL16:26
LAcanUbuntu_user, by answering the questions :) Can you mount your windows drive in ubuntu? can you see your windows files?16:26
somethinginteresRoasted_: perhaps you should lodge a bug report.. seems like that'd affect many people16:27
Roasted_somethinginteres, so for me it was a PITA, because my main monitor is on the right. So my unity dock defaulted to the left... but my left monitor is just for watching news, weather, IMs, email, etc. So I hate to have to swing way over to use that dock.16:27
Roasted_somethinginteres, well I heard it was a work in progress. But this was 2 weeks ago. I wasnt sure if anything had changed.16:27
necrotikw00t i got sound16:27
maximus_escott thanks, will give it a look at. btw, never used IRC, how do i reply just to you? what am i supposed to put infront of the name?16:27
econdudeawesomeDoes anyone know how to change the initial color scheme for the command line?16:27
Ubuntu_user_LAcan: yes16:27
somethinginteresRoasted_: there's a new version of unity out that hasn't landed, that changes a number of things e.g. "Home Folder" to "File Manager". Maybe it is fixed in there16:28
PiciDexterLB: Can you check your xorg log to see what driver you are using?16:28
Roasted_somethinginteres, will that be part of regular system updates, you think?16:28
PiciRoasted_: You really should log a bug.16:28
Roasted_Pici, one exists I believe.16:28
escottmaximus_, /msg16:28
somethinginteresRoasted_: I had hoped it would be out by now, I am sure it will come in regular updates at -some- time. Not sure when16:28
necrotikOk if I type aplay -D plughw:1,9 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav I hear sound in my tv. Anyone know what the next step is?16:28
LAcanUbuntu_user_, ok, thats good :) so when you boot, u get the grub boot menu yes? the one which allows you to choose ubuntu?16:28
juzzy_i have upgraded to 11.0416:29
Bluebill-Wolfbtw does anyone know if nortan antivirus is capatiable with Ubuntu?16:29
juzzy_how may i turn on "unity" now?16:29
Roasted_Bluebill-Wolf, no, it's not. Thank GOD.16:29
PhoenixSTFnatty looks like Macintosh16:29
LAcanBluebill-Wolf, hello no16:29
escottecondudeawesome, do you mean the colors of the prompt  ($PS1 in .bashrc) or the background colors (right click on terminal and manage the profiles)16:29
maximus_escott_, awesome, thanks (=16:29
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, no, it doesn't.16:29
PhoenixSTFRoasted, yes it does16:29
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Roasted_PhoenixSTF, I have been on Ubuntu since 2005. Ever since day one people have found a way to say it looks like Mac.16:29
Bluebill-Wolfmyh . . . wait a min what do you mean "thank god?"16:29
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  Yes i get it till the time i dont start windows, the moment i did,  on next restart i face this problem16:29
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, while the global menu is similar to mac, it's not the exact same. that is the *only* similarity. In other words - no, it does not.16:30
Roasted_Bluebill-Wolf, because norton sucks. horribly.16:30
econdudeawesomeescott: I know longer use terminal--the CLI for the OS16:30
nick87720zfailed to upgrade to 10.10 :( i found topic, where it is discussed. Imho, it would be nice to allow to resolve problems , e.g., via synaptic (it it allowes).16:30
PhoenixSTFRoasted, it looks more like mac than actualy look like maveric16:30
somethinginteresRoasted_: the latest version that's landed in user updates is 3.8.10 but 3.8.12 is up on Launchpad. Hopefully it'll be available soon16:30
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LAcanUbuntu_user_, wait im confused... on that menu there was an option for ubuntu and for windos7 yes?16:30
Bluebill-Wolfwhat would you reccemend in its place?16:30
PhoenixSTFRoasted, I cant even find the system options like before16:30
escottecondudeawesome, then you need to edit your .bashrc16:30
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, well, no kidding... because maverick is a different version of ubuntu.16:30
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, well, yeah. it's a totally different interface.16:31
theholderany reason i can't update to ubuntu 11.0416:31
John_GateI just installed natty narhwal on an "old" IBM laptop with 1,86GHz and ATI graphics. In the "Additional Drivers" application it it sais that no proprietary drivers are in use. Are there proprietary drivers that are better than the default ones, and if so, how do I get them?16:31
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  yes first three were related to ubuntu and fourth was for windows 716:31
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, with gnome moving towards gnome shell, we would have had to make the change at some point regardless. ubuntu just went with unity instead, which is very similar to gnome shell anyway.16:31
coz_theholder,  are you on 10.10 right now?16:31
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electronicboy_i think that ubuntu 10.10's installer is faster that 11.04's :D16:31
LAcanUbuntu_user_, ok. but once you selected windows, the NEXT TIME you booted, the ubuntu boot menu was gone, and instead you got "no OS found"?16:32
coz_electronicboy_,  unless you use the minimal install cd16:32
PhoenixSTFRoasted, totaly, is quite simple, very simple, i got to give credit to the dev team, but its way more complicated to get the system stuff that we need16:32
somethinginteresJohn_Gate: Usually natty should tell you about extra drivers. Try running "additional drivers" yourself16:32
Sidewinder1Hi tie16:32
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  EXACTLY, you got the point16:32
cdavishow do I add remmina to the panel on 11.04? Or how do you add anything to the panel16:32
H4VK1how can I su into a user and be able to launch graphical applications?16:32
escottLAcan, Ubuntu_user_'s problem seems to be internal to Win7. grub is chainloading and win7 boot process is busted (happens from time to time when you resize ntfs)16:32
LAcanUbuntu_user_, hrmm ok thats weird.16:32
PhoenixSTFRoasted, at least the menu stuff, otherwise terminal will be just fine16:32
electronicboy_minimal install cd?? isnt that the alternate cd?16:32
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somethinginteresJohn_Gate: use the dash to search for "additional drivers" and run that and see how it goes16:32
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  really it is16:32
econdudeawesomeescott: How would you change the background color then?16:32
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, the important thing is to be open minded. I HATED unity and gnome shell. I used gnome shell at the end of last summer and I hated it. But you know... I used it more. I got to know it. And now that unity is here I'm using it more too.16:32
coz_John_Gate,   run  jockeyt-gtk16:32
LAcanUbuntu_user_, ok so how did you boot into ubuntu THIS time?16:32
[diablo]afternoon all... does anyone please know how in 11.04 (Ubuntu Classic), I can get the widget scroll bars not to do that annoying hiding, it's been driving me crazy16:32
Bluebill-Wolfas far as an antivirus what would you guys reccomend?16:33
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  i am on windows16:33
escottUbuntu_user_, oooh thats different you mean you can boot Win7 but then you have no bootloader afterwards?16:33
John_Gatesomethinginteres: I start "Additional Drivers" but no drivers are displayed in the list..16:33
LAcanUbuntu_user_, Ok.. how did you manage to boot windows if "no OS found"?16:33
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, it'll take time. there will be headaches, frustrations, etc. But this is a unique opportunity for linux as a whole to provide a new interface that people can interact with differently than windows and mac could ever hope to. love unity or hate it, love gnome shell or hate it, both offer great features i fyou give it the time to adjust.16:33
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, that's my opinion, at least.16:33
coz_[diablo],  oh you mean that scroll bar overlay thingie|16:33
TerryBooknecrotik:  I just found this via google, it may help:  http://theironlion.net/blog/2010/09/20/ubuntu-lucid-nvidia-and-hdmi-sound/16:33
alekseyпривет народ16:33
[diablo]hi coz_ yep thats the one16:33
Ubuntu_user_escott:  yes16:33
escottecondudeawesome, google for bash color prompt16:33
tie-joeI need help.. my  sound wont work.16:33
arand!ru | aleksey16:34
ubottualeksey: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:34
somethinginteres[diablo]: try uninstalling the package "overlay-scrollbars"16:34
ruanquick question about natty, when will it ask me between classic gnome and unity?16:34
ruanwhile upgrading16:34
PhoenixSTFRoasted, I never used gnomeshell so its quite a shock for me, but yes i will adapt, anything is better then windows IMO, it was just a bit of a shock, gonna take me some time to adjust16:34
somethinginteres[diablo]: sorry "overlay-scrollbar"16:34
escottUbuntu_user_, you have two disks yes? windows on sda and ubuntu on sdb. did you know where grub was installed? sda or sdb?16:34
coz_[diablo],   are you on the unity desktop or classic,,,?? you said classic ...yes?16:34
Sidewinder1Bluebill-Wolf, You might take a look at ClamAV16:34
arandruan: No, you need to chose it at login16:34
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, like I said, I hated unity and gnome shell for weeks. many weeks.16:34
ruanarand: thanks16:34
ruanwas wondering16:34
Roasted_PhoenixSTF, but now that I'm getting used to it, I'm turning into a little bit of a fanboy :P16:34
[diablo]somethinginteres coz_ im in classic... not a fan of Unity at all16:34
meisth0thruan, but gnome won't be an option later16:34
coz_[diablo],  are you also running  compiz?16:35
ruanmeisth0th: i'll be using gnome3 if they force unity16:35
Sidewinder1Bluebill-Wolf, I believe that it's in the repositories.16:35
[diablo]coz_, yep16:35
nealmcbRe: my /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade question - this only works for the alternate install cdrom....16:35
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  After problem i put Live CD in and reinstalled ubuntu, that repaired bootloader, then booted to windows deleted the drives of ubuntu and used mbr repair utility to clear all ubuntu records16:35
ruanmeisth0th: if g3 doesnt work, then kde16:35
escottecondudeawesome, unless you want a non-black framebuffer background... and I have no idea how that is done16:35
PhoenixSTFRoasted, xD will I hatting it for now, in the future ok i might like, but i miss the menus! god how i miss the menus!!!!!!16:35
H4VK1how can I su into a user and enable graphical applications? (like shh'ing with the -x command)16:35
meisth0thruan, i don't think any of desktop environments isn't on the way to good :)16:35
coz_[diablo],  ok open ccsm,, I believe we have a plugin at the bottom of th e list for that    although I havent tested it ,, sam put one in there  ,, give a try by either disabling it or clicking on it to see available options,, I cant get into it right now16:35
LAcanUbuntu_user_, ok download a freeware app called "EasyBCD" for windows16:36
tie-joeI need help   i have no sound!16:36
Ubuntu_user_escott:  yes i have two drives on same HDD, but dont know where grub went16:36
bigbrovarI have been unable to install kubuntu natty on my hp probook 4420 laptop, livecd always hangs while loading :/16:36
[diablo]coz_, ok sweet... thanks yeah16:36
escottUbuntu_user_, you mean you have 1 drive and two partitions16:36
somethinginteresJohn_Gate: it would appear you're out of luck, try joining the channel #ati to ask for help16:36
Ubuntu_user_LAcan: used the same one16:36
cdavisHow do you add somethign to the panel in natty?16:36
ruanbigbrovar: and classic install(alternate)16:36
ruanbigbrovar: ?16:36
Ubuntu_user_escott:  yes16:36
HolekActionParsnip: okay, now that I disabled metacity, it looks better16:36
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:36
coz_[diablo],  let me know if you can adjust it from there16:36
John_Gatesomethinginteres: that for that channel, I will join it!16:36
LAcanUbuntu_user_, ok, then make sure your windows menu looks legit then add an entry for your ubunut partition...16:36
bigbrovarruan: I haven't tried but I doubt that would work, it seems to be a kernel issue16:37
[diablo]coz_, yeah just checking now16:37
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escottH4VK1, unclear what you mean. gksudo doesn't work?16:37
Sidewinder1!sound > tie-joe16:37
bigbrovarruan: during any *buntu install the system hangs even before the bootsplash is done loading16:37
ubottutie-joe, please see my private message16:37
HolekActionParsnip: but still doesn't give me any way to customize it16:37
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  so you want to say i should boot windows after installing ubuntu then go to widows boot.ini and add a ubuntu record there16:37
LAcanUbuntu_user_, no, win7 doesnt use boot.ini16:38
NOCneed help .. may i ask?16:38
birdybeeso, just upgraded to natty on my laptop, and i can't seem to activate nvidia drivers for acceleration anymore...16:38
escott!help | NOC16:38
ubottuNOC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:38
[Soma]Anyone got any idea how I can add a "view workspace" button to my app launcher in unity? And also, how do I customise the size of the top-bar (with my username, the time, etc in it)16:38
LAcanUbuntu_user_, i want you to boot windows and using EasyBCD add an entry for "linux" in its options16:38
nitroxidusHi.I have 11.04 beta 2 installed how do i upgrade to 11.04 rc16:38
[diablo]mmmm coz_ cant seem to find it16:38
Logan_!final | nitroxidus16:38
ubottunitroxidus: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.16:38
[diablo]coz_, in ccsm16:38
coz_[Soma],   the worspace switcher  should do that16:38
The-Kernel_I ran out of space in "/" is there a safe way to alocate some space from /home to "/"?16:38
echo2how do i get unity working in vmware16:38
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coz_[diablo],  ah darn,,  let me check ,, hold on16:39
NOCi need to enable email sending from my fresh ubuntu sending from apache php webpage .. what should i do?16:39
Logan_!vmware | echo216:39
ubottuecho2: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware16:39
ruanThe-Kernel_: gparted from a livecd16:39
Ubuntu_user_LAcan: okay i would do that, but tell me one thing will it also make that location primary to check first for OS's16:39
[Soma]okay, coz_ , then what about the top nav bar? I'd love to have that at the bottom, and a lot bigger than it is. I'm on 1920x1080 and it's *tiny*16:39
PhoenixSTFok guys i need some help, How do i put the System Resources um on the bar?16:39
NOCshould i install mailserver?16:39
ActionParsnipnitroxidus: just run your upgrades and you will get it16:39
escottThe-Kernel_, ehhhh not really. if they are adjacent you could boot the live cd and shrink/move/grow partitions as needed16:39
Bluebill-Wolfhmm is ClamAV freeware ?16:39
The-Kernel_ruan, that won't destroy my data?16:39
ruanBluebill-Wolf: yes16:39
coz_[diablo],  sorry ,, I am on 10.10 right now and my ccsm   /  libc  is bad in  11.04  so I cant access  ccsm from there16:40
ruan!info clamav16:40
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97+dfsg-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 123 kB, installed size 592 kB16:40
WickkI upgraded to 11.04 this morning and since when running under unity/gnome2 none of my windows get their window decorations drawn16:40
ActionParsnipThe-Kernel_: remove unnecessary kernels to save lots of space16:40
Bluebill-Wolfmuch obliged16:40
escottThe-Kernel_, but its really time-consuming16:40
coz_[diablo],   check in synaptic to see if the compiz-plugins extra are installed16:40
LAcanUbuntu_user_, windows really likes to be primary, so your best bet is yo use windows boot menu and ad an entry that points to your ubuntu partition... then when u boot u can pick either OS or switch between grub and winload.exe16:40
ActionParsnipWickk: what video chip?16:40
[diablo]coz_, np ... at least I know where to be looking... many thanks yeah16:40
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WickkActionParsnip, ATI HD Radeon 465016:40
echo2how do i get unity working in vmware16:41
coz_[diablo],  as i recal from 2 days ago... there was a plugin for it  but  again I will have to reinstall to find out :(16:41
LAcanUbuntu_user_, basically you want to make an entry for windows in grub (u already have it seems) and make an entry for ubuntu in windows...16:41
HolekActionParsnip: that's the level of configuration I'm looking for: http://imgur.com/O4HGK16:41
escottNOC, install smtp-server16:41
ActionParsnipWickk: did you try removing the proprietary driver then reinstalling it after a reboot?16:41
WickkActionParsnip, I have not I'll do that now16:41
Sidewinder1Bluebill-Wolf, Clamav is in the repositories.16:41
LAcanUbuntu_user_, make sure you are not deleting any entries to either, you are just adding them16:41
Bluebill-Wolfas in Klam av?16:41
GuataPeludahi, I use 10.10 x86 and recently noticed my laptop supports 64bits... is there any way to upgrade to 11.04 64bits from 10.10 x86 with no loss at all?16:41
* LAcan is going for coffee and cigarettes, back in 5.16:41
ActionParsnipHolek: then install emerald and run:   emerald --replace16:42
Ubuntu_user_LAcan: okay  i am gonna try it with 110.04 today, will you be on irc tommarow16:42
Bluebill-Wolfits what poped up when in the ubuntu soft center16:42
escottGuataPeluda, no, do a reinstall16:42
echo2how do i get unity working in vmware16:42
ActionParsnipHolek: I don't theme much, it really doesn't interest me so you are asking the wrong guy16:42
coz_echo2,  I dont think you will16:42
LAcanUbuntu_user_, its not a ubunut rpoblem man, its a winload.exe problem. reinstaling ubuntu wont do jack16:42
GuataPeludaescott thanks16:42
Sidewinder1Bluebill-Wolf, No, clamav16:42
HolekActionParsnip: and that brings me to my first sentence: emerald gives me segfault16:42
FoppHi guys, Im trying to update to 11.04, but when I click upgrade in update manager, I get told "Could not download release notes Please check your internet connection." An suggestions, guys? thanks!16:42
echo2coz, it's not optional16:42
echo2vmware supports 3d16:42
echo2aero, etc works16:42
Logan_echo2: It is not in the Ubuntu repository, and thus we cannot support it here.16:42
escottUbuntu_user_, give the windows rescue cd a try16:42
nitroxidushow do i check if im not on ubun tu 11.04 beta 2 i did sudo update and upgrade16:42
echo2its ubuntu itself16:42
Logan_echo2: Join #vmware for help.16:42
braadlihi all - having upgrade issues; I downloaded the alternative iso, hoping to avoid load on upgrade servers (the iso can be got over bittorrent), but when installing it, it still decides to obtain all packages from remote servers and not the mounted ISO or bootable USB made from the ISO. Why?16:42
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:43
Ubuntu_user_LAcan:  this time dont have any Ubuntu installed16:43
echo2its your guys fuckin issue16:43
echo2its not vmwares fault16:43
Logan_!language | echo216:43
ubottuecho2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:43
echo23d is supported, etc16:43
Bluebill-WolfSidewinder1 mind if i pm you i keep loseing track of what your saying16:43
echo2i can go do the opengl demos etc16:43
echo2how do i force unity to start16:43
Logan_!pm | Bluebill-Wolf16:43
ruannitroxidus: lsb_release  -a16:43
ubottuBluebill-Wolf: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:43
Ubuntu_user_escott:  yes had tried it and no boot menu had appeared.16:43
ToeKutterI cant get the Unity2D panel working in Vmware for anything... blah16:43
Roasted_Is there a way to adjust Ubuntu so it doesnt require a PW when resuming from suspend mode?16:43
escottecho2, please watch the language16:43
ActionParsnipHolek: try renaming the folder holding the emerald config16:43
Sidewinder1Bluebill-Wolf,  Go rught ahead. :-)16:43
escottecho2, make sure you have installed any available guest additions16:43
echo2i did16:44
mang0Guys, my ubuntu 10.10 livecd won't install...it won't mount my drives, and it won't connect the internet with my broadcom wifi card (i know the model)....it's very annoying as I  really wanna dump windows LOL. Someone suggested that I try 10.04, but I don't want to burn a new cd. I thought I could use daemon tools to run the .iso, would that work?16:44
* Bluebill-Wolf nods "i'm just trying to make certin i am understanding what is being told to me is clear then i can conferm as well"16:44
spvenskodid they do away with netbook edition for 11.04?16:44
Ubuntu_user_okay i will create a video of the same problem  and upload it to youtube on my channel. please have a look of it16:44
tashkasi have problem whit iptv on eth0 its working on eth1 it dont16:44
ActionParsnipmang0: you don't mount drives, you mount partitions16:44
H4VK1escott: I didn't know about gksu, it doesn't work though.. I am using it right aren't I? "gksu -u <user> nautilus" -- that just makes a password box pop up then nothing happens16:44
cdavisHow do you add something to the panel in natty?16:45
mang0okay, well It won't mount my partitions16:45
ActionParsnipmang0: did you test the CD for defects wen it started to boot?16:45
somethinginteresmang0: what do you mean by "won't install"?16:45
escottmang0, broadcom often takes some post install config best to work from ethernet, can you describe your mounting problem better16:45
mang0let me write this better in pasteall.org16:45
FoppHi guys, Im trying to update to 11.04, but when I click upgrade in update manager, I get told "Could not download release notes Please check your internet connection." An suggestions, guys? thanks!16:45
ScottONanskiHow do I make IRC rooms show up in the Empathy user list?16:45
tashkascan somebody help me whit iptables farwarding?16:45
escottH4VK1, what are you trying to accomplish?16:45
HolekActionParsnip: $ emerald --replace16:45
HolekSegmentation fault16:45
Omegacdavis: open the application and right click on the icon, select "Keep in Launcher"16:45
ActionParsnipcdavis: do you mean the unity panel on the left or the top panel?16:45
HolekActionParsnip: so, no effectr16:45
flippFopp maybe the ubuntu servers are overloaded or you could just check your internet connecntion16:46
cdavisActionParsnip: the top panel16:46
Logan_spvensko: Yes.16:46
ActionParsnipHolek: try the emerald irc channel (if they have one), or ask in #compiz16:46
ScottONanskiHow do I make Irc channels show up in the Empathy user list?16:46
Ubuntu_user_escott:  LAcan  intrestingly if i install ubuntu using option "Install inside windows" i am able to use both as fine as two windows16:46
Foppflipp: well, the internet is fine, hence im here. Its probably the former, since its release day and all. thanks.16:46
ruanFopp: as flipp said, connection or server. you can switch your upgrade server though16:46
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cdavisActionParsnip: I want to add Remminal to the top panel16:46
spvenskoah, okay, ty Logan_16:46
cdavisActionParsnip: s/Remminal/Remmina/16:46
Logan_spvensko: You're welcome.  11.04 should work just fine on netbooks.16:46
escottUbuntu_user_, huh? do you mean wubi. are you trying to install from within a virtual machine?16:47
ActionParsnipcdavis: not sure, as far asa I've seen its not very changable, if you boot to the normal desktop and start unity then you may be able to add stuff16:47
sturdtrying to install ia32-libs from a ppa (the ubuntu servers are SWAMPED!!), to get utorrent server running, so I can join the mass-share of the Ubuntu iso files.  Transmission just doesn't give a good upload rate in comparison.16:47
NOCi need to enable email sending from my fresh ubuntu sending from apache php webpage .. what should i do?16:47
ScottONanskiHow do I make Irc channels show up in Empathy's user list?16:47
birdybeeapparently, jockey(?) says the drivers are installed, but not activated. but my x log says direct rendering is yes. and nvidia settings says everything is a-ok. glxgears is running, but i can't get unity to load, i just get shunted back to classic 2d16:47
H4VK1escott: just open nautilus as another user -- I've created a different user as a sandbox so I can hopefully not muck up anything other than a single folder.16:47
FredjeHas anybody some experience with ltsp?16:47
escottH4VK1, gksudo will run as root, gksu -u username will ask for that users username16:47
xgt001hey every116:47
Ubuntu_user_escott:  in the end i had given it a try16:48
bilalcongratssss to all natty has been released16:48
Ubuntu_user_escott:  but all those errors arrived when i install as full using live cd16:48
escottH4VK1, if you have a shell for the other user you may need to fiddle with xauth to make stuff work, but gksu* will take care of that for you16:48
tashkasanybody can help me whit iptables??16:48
xgt001can anybody tell me how to restore aptoncd iso image without burning cd/dvd using a pendrive???16:48
stevie-bashI do add IP addresses via "ip a add" command from a script. Since this isn't reboot safe I wanted to add the "ip a add" command to rc.local. Is this a good way?16:48
flipphas anybody seen my usb key? hmpf i think i lost it ... hmm i wanted to install ubuntu via usb but i cant find my usb key .... -.-16:48
GuataPeludatonite I'll upgrade to natty =)16:48
Eduardguys, does anybody know, if broken dependency  problem with nvidia-96 was fixed in 11.04?16:48
xgt001can anybody tell me how to restore aptoncd iso image without burning cd/dvd using a pendrive???16:49
other_maxhey guys, can anyone tell me how to install ubuntu on a non-ubuntu linux netbook (no CD) with arch linux on it?16:49
cdavisActionParsnip: Thanks, I really liked having all of my rdesktop servers in one list. I will look for something else.16:49
Ubuntu_user_escott:  i think what LAcan  has suggested is gonna work. But will you guys be here tommarow16:49
other_maxor even how do i make an image for USB to boot a linux machine, can't find that on the site16:49
cdavisother_max: do a USB stick install16:49
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=== Mostly_Harmless is now known as Mostly-Harmless
other_maxcdavis: i tried, but i can't find a way to put the image on a USB if i don't already have ubuntu16:50
thiencan anyone help me to merge a partition to /home partition16:50
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xgt001other_max: use universal usb installer from pendrivelinux.com16:50
The-Kernel_I don't think I need 22 kernels16:50
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birdybeehm, correction, additional drivers says the nvidia drivers are activated, but not in use... what does that mean?16:50
birdybeeand how to "use" them?16:50
* LAcan is back.16:51
mick_laptopanyone know of a mirror for 11.04 server for i386?16:51
mick_laptopseems like it is down for all mirrors :(16:51
mick_laptopexample ^^^16:51
cdavisother_max: there is program that will help, but I can't think of it. Give me a second...16:51
xgt001can anybody tell me how to restore aptoncd iso image without burning cd/dvd using a pendrive???16:51
burghello. i have ubuntu 11.04 64bit, and network manager (the one from upper bar) sais: wired network: device not managed. how can i make it to manage wired network?16:52
ActionParsnipThe-Kernel_: no, I suggest you remove the oldest ones, you only really need 2, each kernel is about 120Mb16:52
cdavisother_max: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/16:52
marelhow do I gain root privilegies so I don't have to type sudo all the time ?16:53
DirtyDawgdoes anyone have any ideas as to why 11.04 install is so dim i cant see what it says lol?16:53
ScottR3marel: su16:53
escottmarel, sudo -16:53
other_maxcdavis: ah yea, tried tht with the last ubuntu version, didn't work (just wouldn't do anything when i started it) but thx i'll try again with 11.0416:53
braadlihi everyone - has anyone managed to upgrade relying solely on the alternative cd, rather than from the remote upgrade server?16:53
braadlii'm trying to do so in order to avoid adding load to that server, which is crawling already16:53
ActionParsnipburg: did you specify the network parameters for the wired link in /etc/network/interfaces by any chance?16:53
other_maxhow is 11.04 so far?16:53
usr13burg: Well, not sure about that one, but you could switch to wicd.16:53
escottmarel, sudo -i sorry16:53
somethinginteresburg: Right click on network manager click "edit connections"16:53
ActionParsnipmarel: sudo -i16:53
ActionParsnipother_max: been fine here since alpha 216:54
andeeeukis anyone having problems with their wireless connection at the moment?16:54
arandDirtyDawg: I would guess at acpi issues, try booting with acpi=off16:54
agrabAre there 3 drivers available for ati/amd-cards? the default "radeon" driver, fglrx and the catalyst driver?16:54
w30marel, try sudo -i16:54
somethinginteresburg: should be able to set it up from there16:54
ScottR3other_max: unless I can customize some of the options I can't find menus for, I'm going back to gnome2. Biggest complaint16:54
thauriswulfacan i install ubuntu 11.04 on sys. with 512 ram16:54
DirtyDawghmm ok16:54
philsfI don't have a pidgin indicator in the messaging menu anymore. How can I re-enable it? I've been using natty since beta16:54
cdavisother_max: I think there might have been a bug I remember. When prompted, don't just hit enter, go into the menu and choose the default. That seems like how I  got around it16:54
birdybee11.04 so far has been less than stellar ... :(16:54
escottScottR3, su won't work for most people as out of the box there is no root password16:54
andeeeukseems as though its on and on16:54
ActionParsnipagrab: radeon, radeonhd, ati and frglrx16:54
ScottR3escott: you're right, sorry. forget these things sometimes ;)16:54
other_maxi'm all for a new desktop. kde stinks, gnome not much better. windows and mac desktops barely better. time for change.16:54
vibhavhi everybody again!16:54
ActionParsnipother_max: try LXDE :)16:55
vibhavUNITY ROCKS!16:55
agrabActionParsnip, Ah, thanks. which is the better of the proprietary ones?16:55
marelhow do I remove a dir with all contents in it ?16:55
ActionParsnipagrab: depends on needs16:55
other_maxactionparnsip: i use awesome wm on my arch netbook right now16:55
ruanother_max: tried gnome3?16:55
other_maxruan: not yet16:55
escottScottR3, np16:55
usr13burg: You can use iwconfig to manually acquire a network connection and if you want to switch to wicd:  sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager16:55
ruanim going to try it really soon16:55
escottmarel, rm -rf foldernmae16:55
shane4ubuntumarel: command line?16:55
marelshane4ubuntu, yeah16:55
ActionParsnipagrab: for most things the open source driver is fine, if you need full 3D goodness (an your chip is supported by it) then the frglrx driver will be needed16:55
escottmarel, be very careful before doing something like that as root16:56
vibhav<other_max> If you think it sucks that try to make your own shell, you will realize how difficult it is , so better respect the work done by devels16:56
ScottR3so I've got a few questions on how to, er, fix some of the customizations unity has taken liberty with16:56
shane4ubuntumarel: like escott said, rm -rf foldername  be carefull with that though16:56
usr13andeeeuk: What is your problem?16:56
ScottR31) how do I move the launcher? it's on the left side of my right-hand monitor...16:56
TheXeroAnyone know of a good way to partition ubuntu for a 64GB SSD with a 640GB for storage?16:56
andeeeukusr13: well it seems a bit temporamental16:57
andeeeukon and off16:57
vibhavat last installed 11.04 it rocks!16:57
burg_i have ubuntu 11.04, 64 bit, with gnome, and i can`t see the top menu(under the title bar) for no application anymore - why?16:57
Sal9000isn't 11.04 supposed to have unity? i installed it but it just loads gnome...16:57
graingerton my eeepc 1005PE the touchpad is disabled on the live install16:57
Hedgehog456Is the Natty upgrade service down?16:57
escottTheXero, if you mean you have an ssd and a hdd I would put / on the ssd to improve boot and put /home on the hdd16:57
econdudeawesomeDoes anyone know how to change the background on the OS CLI? I have read through a few bash how-tos and can't seem tog et it to work--they recommend editing ~/.bashrc, but that is user-specific. It appears I need to edit something more?16:57
braadlihas anybody managed to update to natty without relying on the update server (i.e., on the alternative iso?)16:57
usr13andeeeuk: Does it just get dissabled or what?16:57
bigbrovaranyone able to install natty on an hp probook 4420s? all of the buntus I tired frooze while loading :/16:57
vibhav<Sal9000> your GPU is not is not enough for unity16:58
escottecondudeawesome, there is a bash profile in /etc which would be a global option16:58
TheXeroYeah that's what I meant escott :)16:58
somethinginteresHedgehog456: not sure, here in AU the package information doesn't seem to be updating16:58
graingertSal9000: try unity-3d16:58
andeeeukit does not disable at all16:58
graingertSal9000: try unity-2d16:58
TheXeroLogs etc are in /var/log correct?16:58
andeeeukjust seems very slow16:58
mang0Okay guys, my post is written: http://www.pasteall.org/21214/text16:58
Sal9000graingert: oh i might have forgotten to enable 3d in the virtualbox vm16:58
escottTheXero, yes16:58
fizk_is everyone getting a slow connection, or is it just me?16:58
Hedgehog456somethinginteres: Here in Britain my internet connection is fine but Natty won't upgrade16:58
fizk_upgrading to 11.0416:58
philsfI don't have a pidgin indicator in the messaging menu anymore (in natty). How can I re-enable it?16:58
usr13andeeeuk: what is the signal strength look like?  iwconfig | pastebinit16:59
mang0somethinginteres , escott , ActionParsnip: http://www.pasteall.org/21214/text16:59
=== Spyder99 is now known as Veloce06
shane4ubuntufizk_: servers are overloaded, best off downloading the torrent, getting a disk and upgrading that way, alt-disk16:59
ScottR3fizk_: took me 2.5 hours just to download the packages :-/16:59
cdavisIs Virtualbox-ose not available for natty? I don't see the repo listed on virtualbox's site16:59
TheXeroI was going to put /tmp on the hard drive, as I only have 6 GB of ram and I host a few vm's as well16:59
burg_how can i enable title bar menus in all aplications in ubuntu 11.04 ? because i can`t see it anymore. i have gnome16:59
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Sal9000oh, there it is :)16:59
Hedgehog456Never knew Ubuntu was this popular :D16:59
TheXeroWhat other partitions should I look at moving to the hard drive?16:59
fizk_ScottR3, dam16:59
econdudeawesomeescott: is this bash profile in /etc the one that is used at startup?16:59
usr13andeeeuk: ... and send resulting URL for us to see.17:00
marelI'm trying to install software that came in a tarball and I've read on forums that first I have to ./configure, however it says no such a file or directory.. What am I doing wrong ?17:00
escottecondudeawesome, is the color prompt actually what you want? or are you trying to change background colors17:00
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econdudeawesomeescott: just the background color17:00
usr13marel: What exactly are you installing?17:00
econdudeawesomeescott: it's purple, I want to change it to black17:00
graingerttouchpad worked after a reboot17:00
thauriswulfafolks, plz tell me will natty work properly on pentium 4,3ghz ,512 mb ram system17:01
=== Son is now known as Sonorus
marelusr13, python IDE called pyCharm17:01
escottecondudeawesome, thats going to be something with the framebuffer not bash17:01
fizk_shane4ubuntu, my download is about 50% done. If I quit now, do I start from 0% later on?17:01
econdudeawesomeescott: how do I change that?17:01
escottecondudeawesome, dunno google for linux framebuffer set color and see what you get17:01
Picimarel: Have you checked pycharm's support?17:01
ScottR3how do I remove the top menu bar from my second monitor?17:02
shane4ubuntufizk_:  yep, so you decide, ride it out, or start a torrent for the disk, once you have the disk image, and burn it, you shouldn't have to download more stuff right way17:02
usr13marel: You can't install via the package manager?17:02
escottmarel, a python program probably doesn't have a configure/make. just look for a .py to run17:02
Sonorussay me please, update 10.10 to 11.04 works correctly ????17:02
Piciusr13: Its a commercial application17:02
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usr13Pici: O17:02
=== Ward is now known as Wardje
braadlianyone managed an offline upgrade to natty yet?17:03
usr13marel: You need to install build-essentials and kernel-headers17:03
escottmang0, its very strange that it can't find the disks. when you boot the livecd and run gparted does it not see your disks?17:03
shane4ubuntuSonorus: really depends on the situation, how much extra applications you have installed, and where you installed them from.17:03
mang0escott no it doesn't17:03
Sonorusshane4ubuntu: all application from original repository17:04
escottmang0, can you tell us a bit more about your hardware or pastebin the output from lspci17:04
TheXeroSo how is 11.04 support with multi monitor then?17:04
shane4ubuntuSonorus: then you probably have a good chance, however I can't really comment on that since I haven't done that.17:04
mang0I'm writing that now17:04
TheXeroI'm a little hesitant to upgrade from 10.1017:04
ojiihappy natty everyone17:04
tashkasdoes abnybody can help me how to open port on ubuntu 10.10 when eth0=wan and eth1=anotherpc, on eth0 i can watch iptv but on eth1 it dont work!17:04
Sonorusshane4ubuntu: ok, thx17:04
ojiii forgot again how I can only download (but not yet install) natty on my 10.10, can anyone help out?17:05
shane4ubuntuSonorus: one thing to consider, is the servers are very overloaded so, downloading the upgrade packages will take longer than normal, one person said it took them about 2 hours17:05
swebafter install my GPU on ubuntu Unity will appear with ubuntu classic top bar. i change it into Ambaince but top menu and another menus will not affect http://up.iranblog.com/images/bltz8oqj0xcfxhbg9664.jpg17:05
Sal9000oh dear this unity surely is a change... ill try to use it a few days and see if i can survive :P17:05
dcweyhwhy is 32 bit recommended over 64 bit?17:05
shane4ubuntuSonorus: you could download the alt-desktop disk from torrents and then pop that in and upgrade off the disk, perhaps a faster solution17:05
=== Lorthirk is now known as Lorthirk`ZNC
MocWhat will happen to lost of bug in 11.04 ? will only be fixed with 11.10 ?17:06
MocWhat will happen to all the bug in 11.04 ? will only be fixed with 11.10 ?17:06
Fasahello all17:06
GuataPeludahappy Nasty Naughty17:06
escottdcweyh, works for everyone no "I tried to install a 64bit version on a 32bit machine"17:06
tashkasdoes abnybody can help me how to open port on ubuntu 10.10 when eth0=wan and eth1=anotherpc, on eth0 i can watch iptv but on eth1 it dont work!17:06
mnoyceNot liking 11.04 at all... Going to give it a chance for a week, but I'm just getting frustrated with it at the moment... :-/17:06
dcweyhok thanks17:06
ex0aif i get a package like zend studio which is a binary package, where should i put the directory so that it's in user's paths according to ubuntu "standards"?17:06
Fasacan anyone help with PtokaX server on Ubuntu17:06
Mocsee lot of open issue affecting me... wonder if I need just to stick to 10.10 until november17:06
KrisDouglasmnoyce, you aren't alone17:06
swebany body answer me ?17:07
escottojii, guessing you would have to switch your apt sources, update and then run a normal download packages, and then revert to the old apt sources and update again17:07
shane4ubuntumnoyce: you can switch to the classic desktop if you don't like the desktop17:07
greyhatsalafithose aren't bugs...those are lack of features17:07
Sonorusshane4ubuntu: ok, try this way17:07
escottex0a, no standard for that. ~/bin is sensible though17:07
Bluebill-Wolf"Sidewinder1Then there is no real need for anti-virus in ubuntu; I've done a lot of reading on the subject...You may wish to read this, it's old but still true: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=510812"17:07
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KrisDouglasgreyhatsalafi, Agreed, there is just a total lack of reconfigurability17:07
escottex0a, unless you want it for everyone in which case /opt17:07
jubei1hello, i am trying to setup a home server/gateway using linux server 10.04 and 2 NICS17:07
* LAcan nods at Bluebill-Wolf 17:07
KrisDouglasjubei1, go ahead.17:08
mnoyceshane4ubuntu: I could, but I want to give it a try if this the future of the Ubuntu desktop, just to be fair...17:08
usr13marel: sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers17:08
greyhatsalafiKrisDouglas I don't even use ubuntu anymore...i have it installed on my laptop but i triple boot and my main is now CrunchBang...i recommend it...total control and everything works17:08
ojiiescott, ah, i thought there's a apt-get command to do it :(17:08
shane4ubuntumnoyce: understood.17:08
Bluebill-Wolfwell i rather have the conversation privite and then post the ruslts :P17:08
gib0tit is possible to make that very large menu in 11.04 smaller17:08
LAcangib0t, menu editor in system/preferences ?17:09
usr13jubei1: I would suggest a using firewall generator, or just install firestarter17:09
gib0tLAcan: thx17:09
mang0escott: http://www.pasteall.org/21215/text17:09
usr13jubei1: you can do it by hand but...17:09
graingertdoes grub support btrfs?17:09
* LAcan nods at usr13 17:09
KrisDouglasgreyhatsalafi, I would use crunchbang, but i write software for an office FULL of ubuntu machines17:10
KrisDouglasin fact 2 offices.17:10
ex0aescott: /opt is more along the lines i was looking for, but seeing as i'm the only desktop user on this machine i think i was asking more to see if there was a standard.. i'll probably just leave it in my ~ somewhere for simplicities sake.. ty!17:10
KrisDouglasLTSP, the works.17:10
usr13jubei1: i.e.  http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/17:10
escottgraingert, some of the newer versions might, but i think it is safer to have an ext4 /boot17:10
greyhatsalafihehe...well...hopefully Unity gets the features it needs17:10
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RealOptyis 11.04 using gnome 3 ??17:10
KrisDouglasgreyhatsalafi, yeah, i love the way it is going- I just think they might have landed it a bit /too/ early.17:10
Ruuuumb0who knows is gnome 3 in ubuntu 11.04 ?17:10
escottgraingert, btrfs on / is not something i would recommend. its a painful experience17:10
KrisDouglasRuuuumb0, You can install it, but it breaks Unity17:11
jubei1hello, i am trying to setup a home server/gateway using linux server 10.04 and 2 NICS, from the server i use eth1 to dial PPPoE to router and can ping out to internet from server. I use eth0 to switch to give access to client PC's. from the clients i can be assigned dhcp from server and can ping the server. however i cannot ping the internet, the server is blocking requests(?). i have setup17:11
jubei1packet-forwarding=1 and have put some rules into iptables, but i messed up the iptables rules... could someone inspect the iptables rules, this is 1st time im doing it, and let me know what they think?17:11
RealOptyI hope not. its crap17:11
escottmang0, i need more details, like actual chipsets.17:11
StameniRealOpty, no, it use it`s own unity17:11
usr13jubei1: sure, pastebinit it17:11
mang0escott, mind if I tab?17:11
greyhatsalafiKrisDouglas i agree...not ready...but they wanted to push it out to have something to show...so they got the bugs out, but added nothing to make deadline...   I hate right-clicking and getting nothing.17:11
ChronicSyncopenatty is released?17:11
Ruuuumb0KrisDouglas: ok17:11
escottmang0, feel free to /msg me17:11
jubei1usr13: ok let me get on that17:11
Fasadoes any know how install PtokaX and Dixbot  on ubuntu17:11
mang0what about /query?17:11
mang0Cuz I can't see /msgs in a sepearte tab17:12
escottmang0, sure17:12
Fasadoes any know how install PtokaX and Dixbot  on ubuntu17:12
RealOptyStameni, is it similar to gnome3?17:12
StameniRealOpty, it has similarities17:12
coolaj86Why does the Ubuntu website look like someone accidentally uploaded a draft version?17:13
StameniRealOpty, I will myself try to stick with standard gnome interface17:13
ashmew2hey , im upgrading to natty , so will that remove gnome completely or can i choose from Unity/Gnome once upgrade finishes ?17:13
PiciFasa: Perhaps if you explained what those were we could help you.17:13
Piciashmew2: The latter.17:13
StameniRealOpty, you can choose what u want to use while logging17:13
coolaj86Lots of "Marker1, Marker2" stuff, css styles that have pictures blocking text, etc. It looks terrible.17:13
ashmew2Pici : Thanks ! :D17:13
geekliketoddwoo upgrade day!17:14
ashmew2yeah :D17:14
PhoenixSTFi did the upgrade17:14
bittinsame here but on Kubuntu17:14
Picicoolaj86: Looks fine here.  Feel free submit a bug at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/ though17:14
gib0tLAcan: there isn't menu editor17:14
Takdear god, somebody please help me configure unity17:15
PhoenixSTFdoes natty come with nautilus?17:15
StameniCan someone tell me is standard gnome interfece in 11.04 the same as in 10.10 ?17:15
coolaj86Pici: have you tried something webkit?17:15
escottPhoenixSTF, yes17:15
Picicoolaj86: I'm using Chrome right now.17:15
harpalhow to update grub entry in 10.10 it has grub217:15
LAcangib0t, im on 10.10 look for something called "Menu Manager"17:15
usr13!grub2 | harpal17:15
ubottuharpal: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:15
escottgib0t, alacarte17:16
LAcanharpal, u need to edit the windows partition. can u boot windows?17:16
someone235i tried to upgrade to 11.04 & got this error: http://pastebin.com/xDYgtdjF . what ca i do to solve it?17:16
PhoenixSTFescott, hmm drobox isnt working....17:16
usr13jubei1: Try this:  pastebinit firewall-script17:16
jiohdiPhoenixSTF: did you try  dropbox start -i17:16
harpalLAcan: I dont need to boot to windows, I need to change kernel and I have compiled new kernel with some patches17:17
usr13jubei1: (and send resulting URL)17:17
andeeeukeverytime i try to upgrade it says to check the internet connection17:17
sam16guys howz ubuntu 11.04?17:17
coolaj86Pici: I just hit refresh again and now it looks beautiful. I must have caught it just as it was being updated or had a bad cache of the stylesheet17:17
andeeeukthough im on it right now17:17
LAcanharpal, download "Grub Customizer" it has a PPA .. google it17:17
escottPhoenixSTF, i've heard about assorted dropbox/nautilus issues, but don't use it myself. if this is post upgrade I would remove dropbox, reinstall nautilius and then reinstall dropbox17:17
OverTheHillAndFaehm... i used the prerelease for a while with unity-2d in lack of a working graphical driver. now i got one working. so i started to use unity-3d. but the 2d menu bar overlayed the 3d. actually two bars loaded. so i uninstalled all unity-2d packages and reinstalled unity-3d. but i am not able to get i loaded from the login screen.... help?17:17
mnoyceIs there anyway to turn off the Apps for Download list?17:18
RealOptyhas anyone used apt-cache-ng to do distupgrade ??17:18
escottharpal, grub2 autofinds kernels should just be able to drop it in /boot17:18
lwizardlso in the official release of 11.04 has anyone checked to see if you can right click and select compress on ISO images ?17:19
sam16is ubuntu 11.04 is recommended for desktop?17:19
WitchsongDoes the Unity interface have a built-in way to enable desktop/visual effects like you could with the GNOME interface?17:19
PhoenixSTFescott, it is working the icon on the tray is not...17:19
lwizardlsam16, yes17:19
coolaj86pici: spoke too soon, I clicked "what's new" and now I'm seeing the same as before17:19
* LAcan recommends 10.10 for the next few months.17:19
rajusam16:  just for trying ....not for standard use17:19
PhoenixSTFjiohdi, thank m8 it is working :) icon on tray not so true17:19
KrisDouglasWitchsong, install compiz config settings manager17:19
coolaj86but looks fine on my android17:19
sam16raju : is it ?17:19
jiohdiPhoenixSTF: np17:19
mikebeechamI take it I can now upgrade safely with update-manager -d?17:20
harpalescott: I tried that and then run command update-grub but still entries not updated.17:20
escottPhoenixSTF, shrug sorry17:20
sam16so u recommend ubuntu 10.10 only?17:20
RealOptyhas anyone used apt-cache-ng to do distupgrade ??17:20
coolaj86and a few refreshes later it's fine again...17:20
LAcansam16, for the next little while yes. let the nerds work out all the bugs.. im gonna wait for 11.10 personally17:20
FeyisayoI try to upgrade from Meerkat to Natty and the license says Natty is still beta. Is this supposed to happen?17:20
PhoenixSTFescott, its ok m8 thanks anyway :)17:20
ThrikyAnyone know if it's a good idea to install the latest available Ubuntu server or should I stick to the LTS releases? How trivial (or not) is updating a non-LTS version as new releases come out? Stupidly non-viable?17:20
ninjaiokay okay, how are you _supposed_ to open multiple file managers in unity?17:21
rajusam16:  if u wanna try it you can . but still few more fixings need for the latest version .17:21
jiohdiFeyisayo: its ok, it will gradually update to full version17:21
sam16raju :so u recommend ubuntu 10.10 only?17:21
* LAcan nods at raju17:21
someone235upgrade problem -> http://pastebin.com/xDYgtdjF . help pls17:21
PhoenixSTFanyone knows if natty got more suport on asus eeepc power control?17:21
rajusam16:  tell me exactly do u wanna go for trying or standard using17:21
escottharpal, i think it is grub-mkconfig17:21
mnoyceninjai: Ctrl+N?17:22
sam16standard usage17:22
sam16i want stable os17:22
ninjaimnoyce, does nothing.17:22
usr13jubei1: See my private message17:22
skulltiphow is the new beast17:22
LAcansam16, 10.04 should be the most stable...17:22
ThrikyAnyone know if it's a good idea to install the latest available Ubuntu server or should I stick to the LTS releases? How trivial (or not) is updating a non-LTS version as new releases come out? Stupidly non-viable? <- sorry meant to add this is for a WEB server17:22
sam16which work qick and stable17:22
jiohdisam16 you might want to look at debian without ubuntu17:22
LAcanThriky, stick to it17:22
rajusam16 go for  10.1017:23
scialenhowdy! I got a no mount /dev/loop0 problem for 11.0417:23
LAcansam16, ya 10.10 is nice17:23
sam16currently em having that ...17:23
mnoyceninjai: If you have the file manager open, Ctrl+N should open another window.17:23
ninjaimnoyce, thanks17:23
NOCsomebody ?17:23
LAcanwhat NOC?17:23
usr13jubei1: Or you can email me if you like.17:23
rajusam16 update it daily17:23
sam16 thank you guys for ur suggestion17:23
NOCi cant send email from my page17:23
gaarai have blank screen after booting into a fresh natty installation17:23
FeyisayoAnyone here?17:23
NOCrunning apache17:23
gaarahelp please17:23
escottsomeone235, if none of the exceptions apply to you can you please pastebin the contents of /var/log/dist-upgrade/17:24
NOCwhat should i do bro LAcan17:24
LAcanNOC, thats pretty broad... email from your page?17:24
rajugaara:  i will try17:24
mnoyceninjai: I had the same issue this morning and when trying to open multiple terminal windows. :-/17:24
Takoh good, my compiz settings got deleted17:24
NOCi mean .. its a contact form17:24
LAcanNOC, #apache17:24
gaararaju, thanks..is there info i can give you to fix it?17:24
WickkOk so I just reinstalled the propietary driver my ATI card and i'm still not getting my window decorations drawn in Unity17:24
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:24
sam16i need all features of 11.04 in ma 10.04  can u guys tell which all software i should upgrade17:24
NOCalready done that17:24
someone235pre-release means beta\RC version?17:24
LAcanNOC, #apache17:24
escottNOC, you need to test if your smtp server is working, and then test if your php code is working17:24
NOCescott : my ubuntu is fresh17:25
gib0tthat menu in 11.04 is very unconfortable to manage I need 6 klicks for something I needed 2 before17:25
mnoyceDoes anyone know if there's any way to turn off the Apps for Download list thingy?17:25
cgtdkgib0t: http://xubuntu.org ;)17:25
NOChow to do smtp in a correct way?17:25
gib0tcgtdk: I think I have to change17:25
jiohdigib0t: you can switch to any other desktop like kde or xfce17:25
escottNOC, try #ubuntu-server17:25
LAcan!smtp | NOC17:25
ubottuNOC: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html17:25
usr13NOC: telnet ?17:25
rajugaara i am here only17:25
gaararaju , i'm a little desparate in trying to get this to work...17:26
gib0tjiohdi: I know that but I like it to see how the new ideas for desktop are17:26
someone235escott, /var/log/dist-upgrade/ gots a lot of files17:26
jiohdigib0t: unity is still a work in progress17:26
someone235should i paste any specific file?17:26
ray_This really puts long-term support into perspective: http://www.ubuntu.com/business/desktop/long-term-support17:26
scialenI got a problem for 11.04 - can not mount /dev/loop0 to //filesystem.squashfs due to  an I/O error.17:26
* LAcan is happy that he can use the internet off his BB thru bluetooth so painlessley in 10.10. Very impressed.17:27
usr13gaara: no login option?17:27
escottsomeone235, well the log of the problem is somewhere in there. if you can look through those files to identify any problems17:27
damiano__guys if i set the document root as /home/lighttpd/vhosts/website.com/httpdocs(lighttpd) what path do i have to use on the chroot= option(PHP-FPM) ? thanks17:27
usr13gaara: Try:   Ctrl-Alt-F617:27
FeyisayoThanks jiohdi17:28
skulltipany first takes on 11.04?17:28
AlternoGreeetings, I ran the update manager, but just found a few updates available and nothing about upgrading from beta 2 to stable. what's going on?17:28
mnoyceskulltip: It's different...17:28
jiohdiskulltip: a lot of things that did not work for me in 10.10 now work... like I can use docky with non-compositing desktops17:29
someone235E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.' - what 'held packages' means?17:29
OfficiallyPCAlterno: Did you try update-manager -d17:29
gib0tit is possible to show in the unity startmenu more und smaller icons17:29
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mnoyceskulltip: Feels very... clunky and awkward at the moment. But it's only been a few hours in the driving seat.17:29
skulltipif i upgrade from 10.10, besides backups, does it preserve my current home folder, custom directories and games I've copied?17:30
Alterno@Officialllypclet me try to run  that command17:30
gib0ti think than it is easier to handle on big screens with big resolution17:30
jiohdiskulltip: your home directory stays the same... you can also make a second user and directory and play around in it without disturbing your first17:31
OfficiallyPCAlterno: Any luck?17:31
skulltipmnoyce - still have to turn off compiz to play fps's well?17:31
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LAcandoes kismet have a proper GUI? like a gnome interface?17:31
skulltip..or drop the effects to basic17:31
damiano__guys if i set the document root as /home/lighttpd/vhosts/website.com/httpdocs(lighttpd) what path do i have to use on the chroot= option(PHP-FPM) ? thanks17:31
gaarai'm having screen backlight problem after installation of natty! someone help! screen is almost pitch dark! though i know it boots in!17:31
mnoyceskulltip: Don't play that many games, to be honest, so I cannot help you there.17:31
AlternoShows that there's not updates available, says system is updated17:32
damiano__someon could help me?17:32
Guest31762hey all here is the question, I have a OSX Leopard hard drive as my second drive and ubuntu 10.10 see's it great but I cant change the permissions and it says invalid partition table17:32
Alternohow do I check if my system still running beta?17:32
gtklockerhello, I need some help with ubuntu; I try to install it on a desktop via CD and every version of it I've tried installs some things and then says "Please insert the disk labeled Karmic Koala blabla"; whatever I press nothing happens - any idea?17:32
mnoyceskulltip: First time I've used Compiz for a few releases.17:32
LAcangtklocker, where are you getting your CD's from?17:32
jiohdiAlterno: if you were running beta it will just upgrade to full eventually no worries17:32
skulltipcool, thanks mnoyce17:32
gtklockerLAcan: burning the isos but I've even tried with some shipped 6.06 that still didn't work17:33
LAcangtklocker, FROM WHERE?17:33
gtklockerLAcan: TDK CD-Rs or DVD-RWs17:33
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gtklockerLAcan: the isos from ubuntu.com17:34
escottGuest31762, mac uses gpt not dos partition types. it shouldn't be giving you that error but gdisk can verify the gpt partition type17:34
Guest31762ty escott17:34
LAcangtklocker, karmic koala seems like old software. get a 10.10 ISO and use that17:35
Guest35532work lan17:35
Dominaterif i install will xfce will run faster than gnome on ubuntu?17:35
LAcanDominater, why wouldnt u just install xubuntu?17:35
rumpe1Dominater: not much17:35
mnoyceCtrl+W makes switching between Apps on Desktops a lot easier...17:36
gtklockerLAcan: I have tried with 11.04, 10.04, 10.10, same shit17:36
rad4ChristAnyone here familiar with Likewise Open?17:36
voozeif i used to have beta2, if i dist-upgrade now, will i get final?17:36
mnoyceOops! I meant Super+W makes switching between Apps on Desktops a lot easier...17:36
Eduardguys, does anybody know, if broken dependency  problem with nvidia-96 was fixed in 11.04?17:36
Guest35532how i instal smeserver17:36
OverTheHillAndFaunity will not load at login... how to fix? it starts fine from terminal17:36
LAcangtklocker, what are you picking as your GUI? have u tried just using the default (gnome)?17:36
gtklockerLAcan: I have tried with the desktop and alternative versions, all same shit17:37
Dominaterbecause my laptop runs very hot when i run gnome so i need to try something light on it17:37
LAcanEduard, they are up to nvidia 173 now... but i dont know if thats for your card or what...17:37
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josephnexusin natty, when I enable dual screen, my system becomes nearly unresponsive.  I have an nvidia 8800... should be fine17:37
gtklockerLAcan: and while I could make a custom installation with say Arch Linux I don't know if it's possible with ubuntu17:37
jubei1Guest1496740: download the iso from the website, burn, and put it in the cdrom drive to install.17:37
narwhallerIs anyone else having trouble with enabling unity?17:38
josephnexuslooks like it installed the wrong driver by default17:38
ManDayDoes 11.04 still have a netbook version?17:38
hypetechnarwhaller: should be enabled by default17:38
josephnexusmanday, no17:38
hypetechManDay: no17:38
mnoyceManDay: No. The netbook and desktop versions are now one and the same.17:38
jubei1hello, i am trying to setup a home server/gateway using linux server 10.04 and 2 NICS, from the server i use eth1 to dial PPPoE to router and can ping out to internet from server. I use eth0 to switch to give access to client PC's. from the clients i can be assigned dhcp from server and can ping the server. however i cannot ping the internet, the server is blocking requests(?). i have setup17:39
jubei1packet-forwarding=1 and have put some rules into iptables, but i think i messed up the iptables rules... could someone inspect the iptables rules, this is 1st time im doing it, and let me know what they think?17:39
Planet_ENmy gnome-network-manager keeps saying ethernet device is not managed? i removed eth0 from the wired interface how do i add it back?17:39
narwhallerhypetech: It should, but I had to install proprietary drivers, so it booted into default gnome, and now it won't switch to unity. when I run 'unity' in the terminal, the computer freezes17:39
OverTheHillAndFanarwhaller: probably a driverproblem if you have a clean install17:39
ManDaymnoyce: i thought so17:39
tashkasdoes ubuntu on shared connection transfare by default igmp protocol?17:39
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OverTheHillAndFanarwhaller: if there is more than one proprietary driver in the list try another one17:40
narwhallerOverTheHillAndFa: Alright, thanks for the advice!17:40
ScreenIssuesProblem: Ubuntu installer was not running (screen too dim to read). Used alternate installer as suggested by someone here. I'm finally up and running, but my screen is too dim to be useable. Fn+Fx keys pull up brightness indicator, but do nothing.17:40
escottPlanet_EN, iwconfig eth0 mode Auto17:41
econdudeawesomeSo I'm still trying to figure out how to change my TTY shell background color from purple to black. I've removed my GUI and used rcconf to turn off Xserver and GDM. Anyone know how to do this? escott has helped me a bit, but I think we've both run out of ideas.17:41
djhaskin987madj42: You were right. MMF Registration failure in the logs when installing SMP. I found this article http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH42343  which presumably talks about it.17:42
ChronicSyncopehow hard is it to revert back to the 10.10 gnome?17:42
WitchsongI did something, and now Windows + A and Windows + F key combinations don't open Find Applications/Find Files anymore.17:42
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mnoyceWebupd8 (http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html) has some nice tweeks. I've turned off the new scrollbars as: A) Not all Apps support them, and B) I just prefer proper scollbars.17:42
sagaciChronicSyncope, login to classic gnoem17:42
ChronicSyncopesagaci, okay, i haven't done the upgrade yet.17:42
ChronicSyncopesagaci, thanks though, i wanted to know before I did it.17:42
jester7I see on the website, the new "dash" for natty is not fullscreen.  It is on mine, how to I resize the dash?17:43
Planet_ENescott: it says: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device eth0 ; Operation not supported.17:43
John_GateWhen buying a new laptop to use with natty narwhal, is it best to chose intel or amd processor? And amd, nvidia or intel graphics? I mean, does ubuntu run better with some cpus/gpus?17:43
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nonix4ChronicSyncope: well trying it in VM complained about missing hw support and did that classic gnome by default; guess login screen will also have option for selecting that.17:43
escottPlanet_EN, is eth0 ethernet or wireless17:44
Planet_ENescott: wireless is connected17:44
compdocJohn_Gate, amd or intel are fine. I use AMD for servers running virtual machines. tends to cost a lot less17:44
ChronicSyncopenonix4, yeah this is just netbook unity17:44
ChronicSyncopenonix4, which you can turn off when logging in17:44
John_Gatecompdoc: I see!17:44
ChronicSyncopewow my harddrive is making a scary noise from this update17:45
ChronicSyncopei hope it's not the end17:45
compdocmah454, whats wrong with it?17:45
ChronicSyncopemah454, what is wrong with it17:45
josephnexusmah454: what's wrong with it?17:45
josephnexusit's working fine for me17:45
mikebotCould someone please explain to me how the ubuntu windows installer works? Does it install ubuntu on the same partition as windows? And does it run ubuntu like a program?17:45
narwhallerOkay, I reinstalled, a different graphics driver, checked 'ubuntu' at log in, and I'm still not getting unity. None of the compiz effects are working either. Is there any simple way to activate unity?17:45
rajume too17:45
escottPlanet_EN, is it wired or wireless17:45
econdudeawesomeSo I'm still trying to figure out how to change my TTY shell background color from purple to black. I've removed my GUI and used rcconf to turn off Xserver and GDM. Anyone know how to do this? escott has helped me a bit, but I think we've both run out of ideas.17:45
jester7I see on the website, the new "dash" for natty is not fullscreen.  It is on mine, how to I resize the dash?17:46
m_fulderhow come htop and free show different memory usage?? :O17:46
rajumikebot its very easy man17:46
jribecondudeawesome: what version of ubuntu is this?17:46
escottmikebot, do you mean wubi?17:46
mikebotescott: Yeah17:46
econdudeawesomejrib: 10.1017:46
rajuescott:  i think s17:46
rach0mikebot, yes it does, it creates a virtual disk, installation and uninstallation of wubi/ubuntu is like regular windows app17:46
flippmikebot it creates a image file on your btfs partition in windows. then you reboot and can boot ubuntu but all changes you make are stored in this .disk file. if you dont like ubuntu anymore you can just uninstall like a programm17:46
ChronicSyncopemikebot, it installs in windows LIKE a program, but runs separately like an OS. No partitioning involved.17:46
jribecondudeawesome: that's a bit confusing.  You can't disable X using rcconf17:46
raju!wubi | mikebot17:47
ubottumikebot: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe17:47
mikebotChronicSyncope: So if I boot into Ubuntu, Windows will not be loaded, correct?17:47
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jstoonehey guys I was wondering if you can recommend any desktop recorder that works well with 11.04?17:47
ChronicSyncopemikebot, correct17:47
econdudeawesomejrib: I uninstalled X. I want to work directly in the command line. But I'm trying to change the default background color--it persists to the tty shells17:47
escottmikebot, wubi is a bit hairy. it creates a file on the ntfs (windows filesystem) and then somehow boots ubuntu with a loopback into that file. most people prefer using a virtual machine, or a straight install to the hard disk17:47
Hedgehog456!natty > Hedgehog45617:47
ubottuHedgehog456, please see my private message17:47
voozeWhat is the easyest way to upgrade from beta2 to final??17:47
jribecondudeawesome: why did you say you used rcconf?17:47
mikebotChronicSyncope: Thank you17:47
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rumpel1vooze, apt-get upgrade17:47
ChronicSyncopemikebot, no problem17:47
josephnexusvooze: just run your updates17:47
mah454compdoc can i send screenshot  for you ?17:48
timgrub2 doesn't boot windows7. however, he recognizes the partition and adds it to the menu. when i try to boot it, nothing but a cursor appears. what's wrong?17:48
Bluebill-Wolfbtw how do i defrag my hard drive in ubuntu?17:48
mikebotescott: Lenovo ideapads come with like 4 partitions already, so I cannot create another to install ubuntu to dual boot17:48
econdudeawesomejrib: I used rcconf to turn off X-something, it's one of the options. But i'd already uninstalled portions of it17:48
mikebotescott: (And I need windows to run my university's exam software; no emulators allowed)17:48
josephnexusBluebill-Wolf: defragging is for stuff like ntfs and what not, not needed in ext4 and such17:48
mah454ChronicSyncope can i send screen shot for you ?17:48
compdocmah454, you can try - not sure if my dcc ports are open or not17:48
ChronicSyncopemah454, sure17:48
jribecondudeawesome: the proper way to stop gdm from starting is to just add "text" to your kernel line in grub17:48
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:49
escottmikebot, i would suggest using virtualbox and running ubuntu as guest, or repartitioning17:49
econdudeawesomejrib: fair enough. My question is how to change the background coloration though. Do you know how to do that?17:49
voozerumpel1, josephnexus says no updates..17:49
escottmikebot, but you can always try wubi see what happens17:49
WitchsongI want my Super + A / Super + F shortcuts back. Anyone know how?17:49
josephnexusvooze, apt-get update first17:49
narwhallerHey guys, Is there any way to test to see If my current graphics driver supports unity17:49
mikebotescott: What is virtual box?17:49
jribecondudeawesome: try setterm17:49
voozejosephnexus, i did :)17:50
escottmikebot, free virtualmachine app from oracle/sn17:50
ChronicSyncopemah454, just use an image hosting site like imgur.com17:50
josephnexusmikebot: it's a way of virtualizing other operating systems17:50
econdudeawesomejrib: so, I run that in a tty shell. Do I then need to restart? Or should it do that immediately?17:50
josephnexusit works quite well17:50
jribecondudeawesome: you shouldn't need to restart17:50
m_fulderthe free command seems borken ... when I check SystemMonitor or htop Im getting 500/4000 mb RAM used but when I check free it shows 3800/4000 RAM used :S:S17:50
mikebotBut would that force me to run two OSs?17:50
ChronicSyncopeoh dear god why did i choose to upgrade now. the repos are so backed up...17:50
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ChronicSyncopemikebot, are you trying to run one inside the other? or run the separately?17:50
escottmikebot, well it is a virtual machine so yes17:51
econdudeawesomeI see that it works fine on my little laptop, which has the gui installed. The coloration that persists seems to be whatever Plymouth is using, and setterm did not change that17:51
MarcusStthe hid_cando touchscreen driver does not seem to survive suspend. dmesg tells the usb device was disconnected. the other usb devices are just fine...17:51
jstoonequit just gone17:51
mikebotOK, this is what I want: to have a dual boot machine that has windows 7 starter and ubuntu netbook remix17:51
ChronicSyncopeescott, he might not know what a VM is, this is his first time installing an dualboot os17:51
escottecondudeawesome, is it fbset?17:51
ScottONanskiI feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of Ubuntu apt-get repositories suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.17:51
escottecondudeawesome, dragging out some old old memories here17:51
phoenixsamprasHOW DO I UPGRAde to 11.04?17:51
econdudeawesomeescott: fbset? That is the time I saw that17:51
mikebotHowever, the crappy ideapad s10-3 comes with so many partitions that I am unable to create another one (is 4 the max?).17:52
econdudeawesomeescott: I tried setterm, but it would not work17:52
ChronicSyncopephoenixsampras, just click the upgrade button in software upgrades17:52
Planet_ENescott: do I have to disable wireless for that?17:52
ChronicSyncopemikebot, make a virtual partition (is that what it's called? i forget)17:52
WitchsongThe area where the launcher would appear isn't functional for other applications using that area.17:52
ChronicSyncopeyou make it the same exact way17:52
sfdsafdsafdsaOMG I DONT like this new relase17:52
melloHi, I cannot boot natty from my USB; i get a mounting problem: http://pastebin.com/JvF0fTRa17:52
mah454ChronicSyncope OK please wait ....17:52
ChronicSyncopemikebot, you make it the same exact way in a partition manager17:52
sfdsafdsafdsais that gnome 3???17:52
PingaR0xhi, after installing ubuntu 11.04 in my notebook the wireless stop working17:52
econdudeawesomeescott: you dont think it would be something to do with Plymouth, do you?17:52
WitchsongFor example, I cannot use Firefox's back and forward buttons.17:52
mah454compdoc OK please wait ...17:52
PingaR0xwhat can i do?17:53
ChronicSyncopemah454, i gotta run, send it to compdoc or josephnexus17:53
Bluebill-Wolfbrb updateing os17:53
mikebotChronicSyncope: Am I allowed to have as many of those as I want?17:53
jribecondudeawesome: does echoing the ansi escape sequence for "reset" or maybe "black background" work?17:53
compdocmah454, its not receiving - paste the shot online17:53
escottPlanet_EN, im uncertain what eth0 is... is eth0 a port on the side of your computer where you plug a wire, or is it a wireless connection17:53
ChronicSyncopemikebot, as far as I know. you can create them with any real partition manager17:53
rokyronnieanyone with "Out of range" error after 11.04 install?17:53
ChronicSyncopemikebot, i gotta run, sorry17:53
mikebotChronicSyncope: OK, thnaks17:53
econdudeawesomejrib: I'll give that a try too17:53
conorhogancan you update ubuntu 10.10 to 10.11 or do you have to download the iso and install fully?17:53
Aikarok, I have 2 external monitors on my laptop running ubuntu, 1 port is display port and its "DP or laptop monitor" cant use both. so i dont use laptop screen. however power just went out and i lost my monitors, and switching to a TTY1 gave me a screen, i want to know if its possible to reenter a gui from TTy1 while X is running on TTY7?17:53
melloHi, I cannot boot natty from my USB; i get a mounting problem: http://pastebin.com/JvF0fTRa17:54
escottecondudeawesome, it certainly is plymouth, but plymouth just modifies the framebuffer, you need to switch it back i think you can do stuff like that with fbset. you might check if there are gentoo docs on this17:54
_Neytiri_does anyone know how to make bash log in realtime17:54
Witchsongconorhogan: You can upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04.17:54
escott_Neytiri_, shopt -s histappend and ...17:54
scialenmello: I have the same problem17:54
mah454ChronicSyncope http://mahsom.persiangig.com/image/Screenshot-1.png17:54
nascentmindHi. When I do a sudo do-release-upgrade I get connection timed out/unable to connect for archive.canonical.com. Should I go ahead with the upgrade?17:54
melloscialen: did you boot from USB too or is it a CD?17:54
mah454ChronicSyncope http://mahsom.persiangig.com/image/Screenshot.png17:54
escottexport PROMPT_COMMAND='history -a'17:54
Veloce06mello: how did you create the USB stilck17:54
mah454compdoc http://mahsom.persiangig.com/image/Screenshot.png17:54
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scialenCD, then DVD on the CD iso17:54
pindropperi followed the instructions for installing and configuring LAMP, available here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP , but when i browse to http://localhost i get a 403 forbidden error17:55
mah454compdoc http://mahsom.persiangig.com/image/Screenshot-1.png17:55
melloVeloce06: unetbootin17:55
scialenI'm now downloading the DVD iso17:55
escott_Neytiri_, if that was what you meant17:55
conorhoganwitchsong - how? and is that the newest ? thanks17:55
melloVeloce06: I'm going to format it again...17:55
scialenbut mine was an I/O error17:55
jubei1hello, i am trying to setup a home server/gateway using linux server 10.04 and 2 NICS, from the server i use eth1 to dial PPPoE to router and can ping out to internet from server. I use eth0 to switch to give access to client PC's. from the clients i can be assigned dhcp from server and can ping the server. however i cannot ping the internet, the server is blocking requests(?). i have setup17:55
jubei1packet-forwarding=1 and have put some rules into iptables, but i think i messed up the iptables rules... could someone inspect the iptables rules, this is 1st time im doing it, and let me know what they think? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/600339/17:55
_Neytiri_not sure if it is, i want to make it so as the commands are being run it loges them17:55
destinydrivenubuntu 11.04 :D17:55
Veloce06Make sure the usb stick is fat32, mine was having problems because it was fat16.17:55
mah454compdoc I use firefox-417:55
skabjai am upgrading to 11.04 but the downloads are really slow17:56
mah454ChronicSyncope I use firefox-417:56
Veloce06when I reformatted to fat32 and did unetbootin again it worked fine17:56
josephnexusskabja: similar thing here... I think the servers are a bit overwhelmed17:56
roasted_I have Firefox on Ubuntu 11.04, but I do not have an import/export option in the "show all bookmarks menu." Does anybody know how else I can import my bookmarks?17:56
melloVeloce06: I will try now.. gparted is rnning17:56
WickkWhy aren't my compiz settings saving throughout a reboot?17:56
escott_Neytiri_, as distinct from history?17:56
Witchsongconorhogan: Just boot from the DVD and the setup will give you the option to either wipe your existing 10.10 install before you install or just upgrade it to 11.04.17:57
Veloce06mello: I just got mine working as we speak17:57
jribecondudeawesome: what variation of setterm did you try exactly?17:57
bombuzalHello. I dual-boot Ubuntu and Windows 7 and have 2 data partitions which I intended on sharing between the two, however, the newest partition isn't in the GPT table - is there a safe way to add it without breaking anything? :P17:57
melloVeloce06: my unetbootin is running :) let's see..17:57
conorhoganwitchsong - thanks, i just booted in and i got a pop up to install. wasnt expecting that with linux17:57
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WitchsongDoes anyone else have the issue that the launcher area cannot be used by other applications? Like there is an overlay which won't let you click through?17:57
_Neytiri_escott,  what do you mean by that17:57
compdocskabja, if you search google for 'ubuntu mirrors' you can see the d/l speeds of each site. pick a site thats fast. It took me about 6 mins to d/l 11.04 a little while ago17:57
OvidiuZeicuHello. I have a hard disk problem, S.M.A.R.T. is going bad and I want to recover as much data as I can. I'm doing that via Live CD, but I need to take ownership of the drive. Could you please guide me into doing that?17:57
PhoenixSTFok guys compiz on natty is messed up, cant use the cube mode and stuff17:58
cdbsWitchsong: You mean in 11.04?17:58
Aikari have an external monitors i use for my display, and powers out with them off (laptop), is there a command i can run from a diff TTY thatll make my GUI TTY move back to laptop screen?17:58
conorhoganis 11.04 a stable release?17:58
escott_Neytiri_, i don't know what you mean. you want to log all commands entered in bash? those are already stored in the users history if it is for personal use. or is for an audit/security17:58
jribconorhogan: yes17:58
John_GateIs there an application that easily let's you chose and install themes? I use natty narwhal.17:58
conorhoganjrib - ill upgrade then thanks17:59
cdbsPhoenixSTF: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/compiz-cube-natty/17:59
mah454ChronicSyncope can you contact to ubuntu web master for fix this ?17:59
pindropperi followed the instructions for installing and configuring LAMP, available here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP , but when i browse to http://localhost i get a 403 forbidden error. Anyone have any ideas? (Before i did any configuration changes after install, as specified in the doc, it was working.)17:59
flipp64 bit mirror -> http://hoellenecke.de/flipp/tmp/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso17:59
cdbspindropper: Try sudo service apache2 restart17:59
gaaranatty causing unnecessary problems for me!17:59
compdocIm installnig 11.04 right now, but its stuck: Retrieving file 9 of 3017:59
cdbspindropper: Just after installation there can be problems like that17:59
escottOvidiuZeicu, take ownership? you shouldn't need to just mount the partitions and copy the data17:59
pindroppercdbs: ok.17:59
[Soma]anyone here know how to deal with performance issues when it comes to flash. with windows, I can easily watch 1080p youtube videos on fullscreen. with youtube, 480 is as high as I can go without it going choppy. and flash games are virtually unplayable.17:59
gaaraNO backlight at all after booting!17:59
cdbsgaara: What are the problems?17:59
mah454compdoc Can you contact to ubuntu web master for fix this ?17:59
stefgOvidiuZeicu: gksudo nautilus will give you a file-manager with superuser privileges. Where do you want to save your files to?17:59
gaarasomeone help17:59
_Neytiri_i want to log all commands that happin in bash as they get run, i have several users who are trying to cover there tracks by boming out the shell17:59
flippskabja if you search 64 bit heres a mirror http://hoellenecke.de/flipp/tmp/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso17:59
cdbsgaara: Which GPU?17:59
mtlifeis a geforce 2 mx200 hardware supported to run 11.04?17:59
gaaracdbs, the screen is dead dark18:00
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OvidiuZeicuIt doesn't work. It won`t let me copy many of them because I'm not the owner.18:00
gaaracdbs, well i dont have a dedicated graphics card...but its an integrated intel onboard gfx card18:00
pindroppercdbs: it gives me an error. it says "/etc/init.d/apache2: 1: ServerName: not found"18:00
OvidiuZeicuMany, but not all, and that is weird.18:00
compdocmah454, that picture you posted doesnt really show the problem, because another window is in the way. I have no problems. what country and site are you trying to open?18:00
gerrinscreen on laptop is busted, is there anyway to turn it off and set external port as primary monitor from terminal18:00
stefgmtlife: not by the nvidia driver, only by nv or noveau (the open source ones)18:00
escottOvidiuZeicu, then sudo your copy command18:00
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cdbspindropper: modify /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and write in it: ServerName
escottOvidiuZeicu, and make sure to use the switch to preserve permissions18:01
mah454compdoc I live in Iran ...18:01
roasted_What is Unity's relationship to Ubuntu? Can Unity be installed on other Linux Distributions or is it exclusive to Ubuntu Only?18:01
cdbspindropper: then run that command again18:01
pindroppercdbs: ok18:01
escottOvidiuZeicu, cp -aR18:01
gaaracdbs, so i dont know if its a gpu issue, but i know it boots successfully into natty, but screen is dead dark! backlighting does not work18:01
cdbsroasted_: There is some work ongoing to port it to Fedora, they've had quite much success18:01
WitchsongDoes anyone else have the issue that the launcher area cannot be used by other applications? Like there is an overlay which won't let you click through?18:01
escottroasted_, ubuntu only18:01
compdocmah454, maybe its your government blocking it18:01
stefgOvidiuZeicu: sudo rsync -av /media/damaged_drive/ /media/good_drive18:01
OvidiuZeicuOk, I'll try this one. Thank you. :)18:01
mtlifestefg: and do they work good enough for basic desktop activities? reliefing/unburden the cpu?18:01
ryankaskhi all. I've just tried booting 11.04 live cd and i get this: http://www2.ryankaskel.com/misc/images/screenshots/natty-startup.jpg How should I proceed?18:01
cdbsgaara: did you upgrade or fresh-install?18:01
compdocmah454, whats the url youre opening?18:01
gaaracdbs, im guessing this is a common issue, unsolved though, because going thru the various forums did not help either18:01
gaarafresh install18:01
roasted_escott, sounds like its Ubuntu only just for now18:02
gaaracdbs, fresh install18:02
scialenguys, I'm having trouble installing from CD and DVD - I can not mount /dev/loop0 to //filesystem.squashfs due to an I/O error, can you help?18:02
roasted_cdbs, good deal man. I didn't know Fedora was tinkering with it.18:02
PolahCould anyone tell me how long the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 will take?18:02
burghello. after i installed gnome-shell in ubuntu 11.04 (for gnome 3), even if i login and select ubuntu classic (with gnome 2), i can`t change the theme for taskbars and click2 menu, but only for window borders18:02
econdudeawesomeescott: So I am looking at -rgba option on fbset, and I see 8/16, 8/8, 8/0, 0,0 as the information18:02
cdbsroasted_: Debian folks were also interested, but they didn't start work (yet)18:02
gaaraPolah, 20 minutes18:02
gerrinis there any way to kill output to built in laptop monitor and make the secondary screen output primary in terminal18:02
cdbsgaara: Does it work well from the LiveCD?18:02
compdocPolah, took me about 45 mins when I upgraded to the beta a week ago18:02
Polahgaara: Alright, thanks.18:02
gaaracdbs, no, i had to install it using nomodeset18:03
mnoyceWhy are most Apps opening maximised when I launch them?!?18:03
Polahcompdoc: Thanks again, I just wanted a general timeframe. Obviously it won't be a specific time for everyone18:03
cdbsgaara: So does nomodeset work now?18:03
escottecondudeawesome, fbset may not be the right program but there is bound to be something similar. you could also check if plymouth is a script in which case it would call out to the background setting program. check the gentoo docs they had a period when everyone was configuring framebuffer backgrounds18:03
mah454compdoc in opera is true ... ! firefox have problem !18:03
philsfI don't have a pidgin indicator in the messaging menu anymore (in natty). How can I re-enable it?18:03
stefgmtlife: i don't know. to use unity you'll need the nouveau driver (which is somewhat 3d capable). nv is fine for the classic desktop. But given that a entry level nvidia card is about 20$/Euros you should consider replacing your card if you really want unity18:03
compdocmah454, try the refresh button18:03
pindroppercdbs: i changed servername to from localhost, and reran the command to restart, same error!18:04
roasted_cdbs, when you say debian folks were interested, you're talking about just making unity possible on that platform, not the default, right?18:04
gaaracdbs, nomodeset works, but as you can quite understand, it loads into a lame gnome ui, without any graphics driver, with sick resolutions18:04
yuskhanzabwhy my downloading upgrade so slow? im just now streaming a video from 1 site, and its more faster then the upgrading ubuntu 11.04. anyone have the same?18:04
rajuhow can i use zeitgeist18:04
cdbsroasted_: yes, just available, not default (yet)18:04
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mtlifestefg: thanks ill just try it out, otherwise i'll just keep running lxde :)18:04
mah454compdoc i use this ...18:04
mah454compdoc tnx :)18:04
yuskhanzabanyone have the same problem as me?18:04
sam-_-i can select only unity-2d not unity. what do i have to install to have unity in gdm?18:04
roasted_cdbs, do you think theyll default it? It sounds like most others were more interested in gnome shell as the default18:04
mah454compdoc I use Opera for this site ... :)18:04
MrsHillBillyCould anyone help me to get a driver for my wireless card please?18:04
mknarrpindropper,  have toy tried reinstalling apache?18:04
roasted_cdbs, from what I gathered, at least.18:04
mustafaHi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 10.10. I have tried install Ubuntu 11.04 but I cannot run to install it. When I select "Install",  I get black screen. Do you have any idea how can I install Ubuntu 11.04?18:05
cdbsgaara: Try running sudo update-initramfs, then sudo update-grub2, then set nomodeset again, then reboot18:05
rach0MrsHillBilly,  what's your wireless card?18:05
mnoyceyuskhanzab: I guess the servers are getting overloaded a bit at the moment. Apt-get install is also slower than normal at the moment.18:05
gaaramustafa, i have the same issue, cdbs suggested something to me just now18:05
pindroppermknarr: i just installed it. it was working post install. then i configured site to a new location and all hell broke lose18:05
conorhoganis there a shortcut to change worskpaces in 10.10/11.04?18:05
roasted_conorhogan, yes18:06
cdbsroasted_: They don't have an aim like us. Their main aim is to ship all the desktops out there (Debian) or provide something which is and was very much popular as GNOME (Fedora)18:06
roasted_conorhogan, its like CTRL ALT arrow or something18:06
MrsHillBillyIts a Belkin 7D47EB18:06
bashelinasmplayer should be default media player in ubuntu18:06
yuskhanzabowh, thx for the information mnoyce.18:06
rach0conorhogan, i think it was super+s18:06
step21awh ... wanted to dist-upgrade to release but apparently nothing to upgrade to yet ... mirrors take forevvvvvver18:06
conorhoganroasted_ perfect works thanks18:06
mknarrpindropper, hmmm did you modify the virtual site file to point to the new location ?18:06
cdbs!ot | roasted_18:06
ubotturoasted_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:06
conorhoganrach0 - what?18:06
yuskhanzabits seems like 3 days to upgrade to natty =.=18:06
mknarri think its the vitural site file18:06
cdbsroasted_: better move this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic18:06
roasted_cdbs, my apologies.18:06
rach0conorhogan, nvm18:07
mnoyceconorhogan: Super+S or Ctrl+Alt+Arrow18:07
conorhoganwhat is Super-S?18:07
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110418:07
gaaracdbs, its enough if i set nomodeset at the grub screen right? for now atleast18:07
mnoyceconorhogan: Windows Key + S18:07
rach0the 'windows' key on most pcs18:07
conorhoganah ok, im on a mac18:07
cdbsgaara: yep, should be enough for now18:07
pindroppermknarr: yes i did. to /home/myname/public_html18:07
phoenixsamprasok , im upgrading, if something fails i want a refund!18:07
mnoyceconorhogan: Assuming your keyboard has Windows key, of course...18:07
yuskhanzab"super key" mean windows key in your keyboard18:07
bios_hi is there any way to disable the appearence of mounted harddrives on the desktop?18:08
mnoyceconorhogan: That would be a know then... ;-)18:08
mknarrpindropper, did u assign the proper premissions18:08
mnoyceconorhogan: Maybe the "Command" key?18:08
gaaracdbs, awright, thanks am gonna try it and get back to you if it doesnt work :) if it does, pleaase tell me how i can thank you :)18:08
stefgstep21: get an alternate CD via torrent and use that as an upgrade source..... or even better: wait 6 weeks until the bugs are ironed out :-)18:08
cdbsgaara: Give it a try, I'm not sure about it18:08
step21stefg, I am on beta2 already, works well. just want to upgrade to release18:08
mustafagaara, did you try something and what?18:08
conorhoganthe right command key works for the windows key in windows - for ubuntu looks like ill have to use str-alt arrow - thanks18:08
cdbsgaara: but in either case, won't do any damage18:08
MrsHillBillyrach0 Its a Belkin 7D47EB18:09
pindroppermknarr: i dont think there was any permission change mentioned in the doc. so i dint have to do anything as such permission related. but i did check the permissions on the public_html file it has public access18:09
cdbsits safe to proceed18:09
bios_hi is there any way to disable the appearence of mounted harddrives on the desktop?18:09
cdbsmustafa: wait for a while, he'll test if a possible fix works18:09
sam-_-i can select only unity-2d not unity. what do i have to install to have unity in gdm?18:09
mknarrpinewhat was the error message again18:09
ssavHi, I have an issue with ssh access. Ie. am not able to ssh as root to one of my server bcoz its denied in ssh conf. But on this server we have our client application running which is communicating the server through webservices. I want to enble root access ssh. we have option to send a payload script,which will not ask for authentication.can some one tell me how enble root ssh remotely?18:10
pindroppermknarr: it gives me an error. it says "/etc/init.d/apache2: 1: ServerName: not found"18:10
stefgstep21. if you did your last update 2 days ago you should be on release level. Except unimportant timezone updates there wasn't much happening yesterday and today18:10
step21stefg, okay, then I am on release level. thanks for clearing that up18:10
burghello. after i installed gnome-shell in ubuntu 11.04 (for gnome 3), even if i login and select ubuntu classic (with gnome 2), i can`t change the theme for taskbars and click2 menu, but only for window borders18:10
pindroppermknarr: i now did sudo pkill apache2 to force shut. how do i restart it. sudo apache2 start doesnt work18:10
mknarrpindropper, ok give me a sec to look at some of my files18:10
pindroppermknarr: cool. thanks18:11
escottssav, ssh as root is not encouraged, you can always ssh as normal user then sudo and do whatever you want18:11
conorhoganis ubuntu one free?18:11
mknarrpindropper, to start the service again all you should have to do is   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start18:11
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone18:11
Joseph_step21: the 11.04 installation disc seems much better than the 10. versions though so its worth downloading.18:11
pindroppermknarr: ok thanks18:11
KillyouWHOAAAA the download speed of the release upgrade is going so fast that my pc cant keep up with the enormous lightning speed18:12
ssavroot access is denied and normal user login was allowed. but  password has been lost. any way to reset the password ?18:12
step21burg, this is likely due to gnome3/shell ... try removing it ^^18:12
gogetaprobl couse unity is fail and we all are running other distros18:12
conorhoganstfg - thanks18:12
lazloAfter my upgrade to 11.04 my panel is gone, how to fix?18:12
Killyouits like omg 24 kb/s wow!18:12
step21Joseph_, good to know, but at some other time18:12
pindroppermknarr: ack! wont start either now. same error.18:12
stefgKillyou: feel free to contribute and run your own mirror :-)18:12
burgstep21, apt-get remove gnome3-shell didn`t fix the problem18:12
=== Terminator_ is now known as Terminator
DaveTheAvelol fast eh? Waiting over an hour for all 208MB of eclipse to download so i can build my first android app!18:13
rach0Killyou, maybe you can try a torrent dl?18:13
mknarrpindropper, kk h/o a sec18:13
step21gogeta, then what are you doing here?18:13
phoenixsamprasI feel disappointed on 11.04, how to DOWNGRADE to 10.1018:13
OvidiuZeicuKillyou: that`s you, my speed was about 2.8MB/s18:13
Killyouit says 9 hours remaining hehe18:13
step21burg, any other pkgs that the ppa installed?18:13
pindroppermknarr: sorry. waiting.18:13
bios_how to enable unitz 2d??18:13
econdudeawesomejrib: you mentioned entering "text" as an option in Grub--when do I do that? At startup or in a config file somewhere?18:13
step21burg, I heard installing from source worked better with gnome2/unity side by side18:13
DaveTheAveYeah I gave up on downloading the CD and went torrent.18:13
step21burg, there is a guide on webupd8.org18:13
stefgphoenixsampras: restore the backup you made before upgrading18:14
jribecondudeawesome: how did you invoke "setterm" earlier?18:14
lazloAfter my upgrade to 11.04 my panel is gone, how to fix?18:14
econdudeawesomejrib: setterm -background black18:14
jribecondudeawesome: "text" is something you would add to your grub line in grub either manually one time to test or in grub's configuration file18:14
jribecondudeawesome: what shell do you use?18:14
step21lazlo, in unity?18:14
ssavis there any shell script to reset the passwd . If so I can send a payload and execute the script18:14
jribssav: why?18:14
gogetaphoenixsampras: well your better running something like kde these days gtk itsself  has gone downhill after gnome 2 however there is a remix of ubuntu out thats uses gnome 2 on 11.0418:14
lazlostep21: yes18:15
escottssav, yank the drive, mount on another system, sudo/chroot/passwd18:15
=== Guest92040 is now known as ssfdre38
econdudeawesomejrib: tty118:15
Saltanyone else noticed a lack of nbr despite there being a link to it from the main site?18:15
step21lazlo, which panel? you know it looks different, right?18:15
jribecondudeawesome: what shell? bash, etc18:15
step21and has less panel18:15
hypetechSalt: what's nbr18:15
lazlostep21: yes, i know, but there is no panel at all18:15
Salthypetech, netbook remix18:15
econdudeawesomejrib: not sure. I believe bash. Whichever shell comes native to Ubuntu minimal/server. Not terminal/lxterminal/konsole or anything like that18:15
Salthttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download has a link to it18:15
Saltreleases does not have it18:15
FloodBot3Salt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:15
hypetechSalt: ah18:15
step21lazlo, bout you can log into classic?18:15
Saltthat was hardly a flood :p18:16
econdudeawesomejrib: probably bash since I edited PS1 in .bashrc and was able to see the changes made18:16
ssavHi, I have an issue with ssh access. Ie. am not able to ssh as root to one of my server bcoz its denied in ssh conf. But on this server we have our client application running which is communicating the server through webservices. I want to enble root access ssh. we have option to send a payload script,which will not ask for authentication.can some one tell me how enble root ssh remotely? or...18:16
hypetechSalt: they said there is no more netbook version with this release18:16
PiciSalt: There is no NBR anymore.18:16
ssav...any shell script to reset the passwd?18:16
sanaki_hi All :)18:16
jribecondudeawesome: k18:16
Salthypetech, ah thanks18:16
ubuntu8==D :)18:16
Saltthen it should be removed from the page ;)18:16
econdudeawesomejrib: I restarted and its black now. ALl I needed :-)18:16
PiciSalt: I've reported a bug with the link being on the alternate page already.18:16
lazlostep21: should be possible, but I'm automatically logged in, so can't get to the login screen18:16
SaltPici, sweet18:16
Saltjust woke up and figured i'd mention it18:16
rajuneed help with gnome-activity-terminal http://pastebin.com/P5c6v1EP18:16
jribssav: don't you have ssh access as some other user?18:16
stefgssav: login as your user, get root by 'sudo su -'18:16
Saltespecially since we planned on demoing it at lfnw this weekend alongside server and desktop18:17
ssavno lost the passwd18:17
jdahmI'm trying to modprobe mdadm, but it doesn't seem to be included on the liveCD (to install).  Is it included or do I have to get the actual installation cd?18:17
mknarrpindropper, under etc/apache2/sites-available/ default     did u edit that file to point to the new location (im still new to this as well )18:17
jdahmor use grml to preconfigure my drives?18:17
elsshaI think i screwed up big time18:17
mustafacdbs, any upfate?18:17
ssavserver is in remote loaction..i dont have physical access18:17
mustafacdbs, any update sorry?18:17
Stamenidoes someone know can evolution connect to my hotmail account and grab all my mail messages from the hotmail server ?18:17
step21lazlo, does alt+F2 do anything?18:17
MarcusStany ideas what i could do about _one_ usb device disappearing ("usb x-y: USB disconnect") after suspend? doesn't seem to matter whether the driver module is loaded while suspending or not..18:17
cdbsmustafa: he hasn't come back yet18:17
cdbsraju: same problem here18:18
lazlostep21: nope18:18
elsshai just updated to 11.04; turned on desktop cube and now have no panel and no way to access terminal18:18
sanaki_I am trying to configure my reliance net connect on ubuntu 10.04 , using wvdial ! I did dmesg but unable to found my usbmodem in the list , please help .18:18
elsshaalt+F2 will not work18:18
cdbsraju: Oh wait, its working now, wasn't working yesterday18:18
rach0pindropper, -> http://tinyurl.com/2htmms18:18
pindroppermknarr: i cp'd the file to /etc/..../sites-available/mysite. then disabled default and enabled mysite. in mysite i changed the dirs to the point to home/myname/public_html18:18
escottstefg, sudo -i is preferred18:18
hypetechssav: if you have access to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config then change the PermitRootLogin parameter to Yes18:18
rajucdbs:  who can help us with this18:18
Saltelssha, try ctrl+alt+t18:19
euthymoshi guys I really love the new Ubuntu 'dock' but I would like to have it 1) at the bottom of the screen 2) never disappearing. I want a proper dock. How can I achieve this?18:19
pindroppermknarr: i pretty much followed  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  to the letter18:19
elsshanothing salt >_<18:19
Stamenidoes someone know can evolution connect to my hotmail account and grab all my mail messages from the hotmail server ?18:19
stefgssav: so you lost all your login data, but want to remote-enable root access ? .... I think there would be much interest in a way to that ...18:19
cdbsraju: Try asking that in #zeitgeist18:19
nijaboeuthymos, you can't move the launcher from what I can gather.18:19
step21lazlo, try ctrl+alt+F118:19
qchnI can haz deface ur Wall. :318:19
escottStameni, see if hotmail support pop or imap18:19
nijaboeuthymos, you can change the behavious using CCSM18:19
TheNutsHey guys anyone else having problems connecting to gb.archive.ubuntu.com ?18:19
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz18:19
TheNutsI think its down18:19
Piciqchn: This is a support channel. Please stay on topic.18:19
Stameniescott it does18:19
ComradeH1z`Haz deface, qchn you urchin?!18:19
sanaki_Stameni: Google it .18:20
PiciTheNuts: Its a release day, if you can't connect, try another mirror.18:20
Pici!google | sanaki_18:20
ubottusanaki_: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:20
ComradeH1z`*nick ComradeHaz`18:20
ComradeH1z`\nick ComradeHaz`18:20
ComradeH1z`ffs xD18:20
escottStameni, then figure out what their pop or imap server is and then fill those details into evo18:20
qchnComradeH1z`: No, it's just a fake. We're streamin' this Channel on E-Wall. Just kidding. :P18:20
Stamenisnaki_ that seems to be universal answer to all my question, why than ask it here anyway ?18:20
sanaki_lol :D18:20
truepurpleupgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, is there any benefits other then what is listed here http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new ?18:20
euthymosnijabo: thanks18:20
Saltmmmm, 5Mbps download <318:20
ssavbut i know the root password,since ssh direct access is denied ,am not able to login18:20
elsshaany other way to start terminal but alt+F2 or ctrl+alt+t ?18:20
truepurpleIs it just this quick launch and workspace stuff only?18:21
escottssav, if you know the root password you should be able to su18:21
rajucdbs:  how u had run that tell me the process18:21
TerryBookif we torrent the cd, will the upgrade tool automatically install from the cd?18:21
hypetechssav: if you know the root password then why can't you login as your normal user and su root?18:21
rorwhat's the best way to report a bug? Got a repeat of bug #464064 but for 11.04 :(18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464064 in Ubuntu "essential package 'ubuntu-minimal' can not be found anymore." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46406418:21
cdbsraju: I just started it normally18:21
Stameniescott, i did that, but i want now that evolution grab all the emails that are on the server to my hard disk18:21
sanaki_Stameni: You can easily find it there with step by step instructions so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:21
elsshaatm i have no panels, no windo boarders apparently no way to access terminal >_<18:21
cdbsror: Just comment on that bug that its affecting you on Natty18:21
Stameniescott, like tunderbird do18:21
stefgescott: there's a difference : sudo su - gets you root, with all consequences, sudo -s just gives you a root shell .... try 'gzip </dev/some_device >image.gz' ... won't work with sudo -i , but works after getting root with sudo su -18:21
cdbsror: BTW, #ubuntu-bugs is a channel for bug questions18:21
rorthanks cdbs; A bit concerning it's still "new" after 2 years tho o.018:22
escottssav, if you cant su because your pam prevents it, and you cant get another login that will allow you to su you are hosed18:22
sanaki_Stameni: ya it saves your mail if you want to .18:22
ssavas i said server is in remote location, i have to access via ssh only.18:22
Stamenisnaki, escott, thank you18:22
rajucdbs:  i even dont know abcd if this18:22
HRThi, I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my HP G62 laptop which has a VGA of ATI HD 5400, I activated the driver, but seems it's not already activated, please HELP!18:22
rajucdbs:  please tell me steps18:22
Stamenisnaki_ , escott, thanks18:22
cdbsmustafa: I'm alsso waiting for gaara to come back, after that I'll know18:22
cdbsraju: I didn't get you. What do you want to do ?18:23
hypetechssav: 1)SSH in as any user 2) type "su root" 3) type root password   <- this should work unless your system prevents you from su to root18:23
cdbsraju: Ask your question in #zeitgeist18:23
SAM__Hi can someone help me with setting up IPTables please?18:23
llutzstefg: "gzip </dev/some_device >image.gz"  works fine with "sudo -i" here18:23
rajucdbs k cool18:23
cdbsThey'll help you with Activity Journal problems18:23
rach0HRT, could you be more specific?18:23
sanaki_I am trying to configure my reliance net connect on ubuntu 10.04 , using wvdial , i configured it using gnome-ppp did dmesg but unable to found my usbmodem in the list , please help . And when i give /dev/ttyUSB0 for modem detection its not able to detect too !18:24
Stamenisanaki_ , escott, thanks ( i allways spell it wrong )18:24
TerryBookwill the distribution upgrade tool automatically install from the cd if I have it in the drive?18:24
ssavother than root onely one user is created, that user passwd we lost..thats the problem18:24
SAM__Hi can someone help me with setting up IPTables please I have tried but I keep ending up locking myself out of my server lol18:24
stefgllutz: does it? on debian it won't18:24
step21elssha, you can't boot into classic or into rescue mode?18:24
poop_monsterHey guys, my video driver is activated but I can't start Unity. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks for the help!18:24
truepurpleUpgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, is there any benefits other then what is listed here http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new ? Is it just this quick launch and workspace stuff only?18:24
llutzstep21: debian sid + ubuntu 10.10, both18:25
ssavno physical access.... but i can send some payloads scripts..18:25
escottstefg, gzip </dev/sda4 > foo.gz works fine for me in sudo -i18:25
step21llutz, I have no idea what you mean ...18:25
cordoval_I was upgrading to natty and my computer shut down because i unplugged it18:25
HRTrach0: when I activated the FGLRX, it downloads the drivers, installs it, then it requires to reboot the system, I reboot, but the driver seems not activated, as no single effect runs properly, though, in "Hardware Drivers" says the drivers is activated and currently in use18:25
cordoval_now it is waiting for disk to be present or manual recovery18:25
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:25
llutzstefg:  debian sid + ubuntu 10.10, both18:25
cordoval_what do I do?18:26
ScreenIssueJust installed 11.04. I no longer have a backlight. Is there a solution?18:26
llutzstep21: sry wasnt for you18:26
cordoval_hit m for manual recovery18:26
escottstefg, there are differences in things like environment variables for sure18:26
jribssav: reset the user's password18:26
ssavso I need a script to reset the passwd ,,, over network i can execute .18:26
poop_monsterHRT: I'm running into the exact same issue, but with an Nvidia driver18:26
mtlifehey I see that nvidia-96 is in the repository for 11.04, does it allow compiz?18:26
step21ssav, there is no such thing, it is called security18:26
NfNitLoopWhat's the differenc3e between maverick and maverick-updates?   I already get updates from maverick... curious why there's a separate repo for maverick-updates.18:26
econdudeawesomeWHat package is it that has GDM go to a login screen?18:26
cordoval_any ideas on how to manual recover a failed install because of power failure18:26
cordoval_how to fix it please help18:27
elsshaatm i have no panels, no windo boarders apparently no way to access terminal >_< anyone?18:27
cordoval_my computer powered down and it was installin natty18:27
cordoval_what do I do?18:27
Spkesdamn that fucking unity, at this point i could just stick with server version without anything else but terminal18:27
escottcordoval_, have you run fsck on the drives?18:27
hypetechssav: what level of access does your payload script run at?18:27
rach0HRT, i suggest you remove the fgrlx stuff and go with the open source. i think the binaries are still quite buggy with natty. also there is no problems with the effects using the open source one. i'm with a HD 550018:27
step21elssha, did you answer my question from before?18:27
elsshawhat Q?18:27
cordoval_escott: what the command18:27
stefgcordoval_: why can't you just start over?18:27
cordoval_how to start over?18:27
cordoval_I was doing upgrade18:28
IdleOne!language | Spkes18:28
ubottuSpkes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:28
step21cordoval_, reinstall from cd18:28
TerryBookif I have a natty cd in the drive, will the distribution upgrade tool automatically use it to install the upgrade or is there a procedure I need to follow?18:28
ssavi have only one way to access ,through our application which currently running and have an option to send a payload and excute without login to the server. so i need your help here...pls ..18:28
SAM__Hi can someone help me with setting up IPTables please I have tried but I keep ending up locking myself out of my server lol18:28
cordoval_I was upgrading, have some data18:28
HRTrach0: please can you give me abbreviated steps? I'm noob :(18:28
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:28
cordoval_what is the command escott, you seem to help a lot18:28
escottcordoval_, in livecd fsck the drives, you could try and get into a chroot environment and resume the upgrade (assuming its non-bootable and there is no corruption18:28
elsshastep21; what Q?18:28
econdudeawesomeSpkes: I share the sentiment. Unity is a step backwards, as is Gnome318:28
Spkesubottu, IdleOne sorry, i'll watch it18:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:28
IdleOneSpkes: thank you.18:28
escottcordoval_, but it may be easier to just reinstall18:28
stefgcordoval_: Ahh.... bad timing for a power outage... dpkg --configure -a18:28
cordoval_dpkg configure -a?18:29
step21ssav, I don't know your application ... you could try scripting passwd, but that only works if you know the password, remotely there is no other way afaik18:29
Stavahow do i upgrade to ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10?18:29
step21elssha, if you can boot classic or in rescue mode18:29
SAM__Hi can someone help me with setting up IPTables please I have tried but I keep ending up locking myself out of my server lol18:29
Spkesecondudeawesome, i just don't get what guys from canonical were thinking. maybe later in like version 2-3 Unity would be good, but until then i'll probabaly stick with Gnome 218:29
ssavif u give me the script ,,,,i can execute over netowork18:29
IdleOneStava: System > Administration > Update Manager18:29
stefgcordoval_: i think you should save your files from the hosed upgrade and do a fresh install...18:29
davve123hiya, when i try to install subversion with apt-get i get stuck at Waiting for headers. HEPL18:29
HyperShockStava: your update_manager under system->administration can help you with that18:30
cordoval_dpkg configure -a  error need an action option18:30
jake_well its nice to see the spam bots have dissapeared18:30
TerryBookhow do I do a distribution upgrade using a cd?18:30
StavaHyperShock, why wont just apt-get dist-upgrade do it? :o18:30
Fodi69hi, when I have a window at "fullscreen" (in unity), why the close, minimize button not clickable, when I'm hitting the top of the screen?18:30
elsshastep21; you mean recovery?18:30
IdleOneTerryBook: you need to use the !alternate cd18:30
truepurpleupgrading from 10.10 to 11.04, is there any benefits other then what is listed here http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/whats-new ?18:30
jribssav: look into chpasswd18:30
IdleOne!alternate | TerryBook18:30
ubottuTerryBook: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:30
HRTrach0: ...18:30
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:30
cdbstruepurple: yes, almost all applications have been updated18:30
cdbstruepurple: its much faster as well18:30
escottcordoval_, before doing a bunch of dpkg stuff run fsck /dev/sda? on your partitions from the livecd18:30
HyperShockStava: no clue, just a user like you, different software. how come you don't want to use the gui?18:30
TerryBookok, so I grabbed the wrong torrent, then18:31
bill_anyone else getting a very slow download speed while upgrading?18:31
harpalescott: ok,18:31
step21elssha, yes18:31
harpalescott: thanks a lot, it worked18:31
truepurplecdbs Ok thanks, where do I find this out though? Where did you find this out?18:31
Fodi69bill_: yeah just wait :D18:31
IdleOneTerryBook: happens :) keep the Live CD torrent also, always good to have as a backup.18:31
cdbstruepurple: I'm using it :)18:31
TerryBooktrue :)18:31
elsshastep21; i can try, but then i won't be on here.... what do i do once i'm there?18:31
escottcordoval_, then decide... is it a better use of your time to backup data and reinstall from scratch, or try to continue an upgrade of a potentially hosed system18:31
cordoval_escott: I don't have a livecd18:31
MC8Howdy, is the Update Manager normally this borked on Ubuntu updates?18:31
jan_hi guys, I've just upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 and have a problem with multicast18:31
HyperShockbill_: that is a no brainer friend, it just went hot in the past 24 hours. Everyone is trying to download it. waiting till the 5th of May would be better dl speed wise.18:31
elsshai can boot recovery, not sure what classic is18:31
escottcordoval_, how far can you get in the boot? can you get to command line?18:31
cdbsmustafa: Gaara not back yet :( Well, you can give it a try. What's the exact problem you're facing?18:32
Fodi69I have a window at "fullscreen" (in unity), why the close, minimize button not clickable, when I'm hitting the top of the screen with the mouse?18:32
cordoval_I can backup data then but could I just plugin an external usb and fetch it?18:32
step21ssav, I don't think with your knowledge what you want will work18:32
SAM__Can someone help me with IPTables please and setting up for some protection against DDoS18:32
cordoval_It gives me the option to go to older kernels18:32
jake_do i have to call an indian help ctr?18:32
cordoval_perhaps I can go into one of them and try reinstalling?18:32
jan_could someone help? It seems that ufw is denying igmpt packets18:32
step21elssha, so you can't choose to login to classic in gdm?18:32
cordoval_this is an asus g7318:32
gaaracdbs, it dint work18:32
bill_bummer :P they should make the updater a torrent client and let everyone who's downloading also share the files! dunno how hard that would be to do but I think it would probably be good!18:33
cordoval_I will go to kernel 2718:33
gaaracdbs, :(18:33
cdbsgaara: Same problem? :(18:33
cordoval_i think 28 is natty18:33
IdleOne!patience > jake_18:33
ubottujake_, please see my private message18:33
cordoval_rats it can't mount /18:33
step21elssha, if you are on that pc now, what are you running if nothing works?18:33
cordoval_and cats! /18:33
FloodBot3cordoval_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:33
HyperShock!iptables | SAM__18:33
ubottuSAM__: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.18:33
cdbsgaara: So how did you set nomodeset on livecd?18:33
cordoval_press s to skip mounting18:33
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
cordoval_press M for manual recovery18:33
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:33
cordoval_when I press M18:33
escottcordoval_, better press M18:33
cordoval_I get the console18:33
escottcordoval_, or get a livecd18:33
cordoval_but now what18:33
n2diy Is there a way to display hard drive activity on my desktop or panel?18:33
cordoval_I am on the console18:33
gaaracdbs, i waited for sooo long to get natty, and now it acts up like this, i set it on livecd by pressing f6, and then selected the nomodeset option18:34
misha_getting my messages?18:34
escottcordoval_, thats a busybox terminal18:34
cordoval_what do I do now?18:34
elsshastep21; basically the programs that open at startup work; email, chat, i turned on FF via a link in an e-mail18:34
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:34
cordoval_busybox terminal ok18:34
escottcordoval_, you need to fsck /dev/sda?18:34
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:34
SAM__HyperShock I use CSF is there any documentation or guides using it?18:34
step21cordoval_, someone told you before what to put into the console to try a recovery, otherwise start the install again18:34
elsshai can do the shift+ctrl+F2 thing18:34
CraigenI need some quick help here :) I just updated to 11.04, but when i login i can move for a few secs then everything just freezes. Any ideas? :)18:34
cdbsgaara: hmm18:34
step21elssha, but no terminal or alt-F2 and I guess you have auto-login?18:35
jake_can some one helpme out my computer keeps on locking up and its always when ports 35000 to 55000 are active18:35
jan_Anyone has problems with allowing IGMP packets in Natty?18:35
cordoval_device or resource busy while tryng to open dev/sda18:35
gaaracdbs, its impossible that im the only one having this problem18:35
cordoval_filesystem mounter or opened exclusively by another program?18:35
cdbsgaara: too bad, well, did gnome-panel session come up or did unity come up after setting nomodeset?18:35
ThomasUKthis 11.04 is going down a treat it seems /sarcasm18:35
MichealHSilly Question.... How do I hide the Unity Launcher18:35
gaaracdbs, gnome18:35
cordoval_what other command I can try to restore it?18:35
MichealHcdbs: How do I hade the Unity Launcher?18:35
cdbsMichealH: It doesn't do that itself?18:35
escottcordoval_, yeah a corrupt / is going to be a problem... get an install cd18:35
stefgjake_ : might be related to ipv618:35
mustafacdbs, when I select Install, I get black screen.18:35
MichealHcdbs: Nope18:35
usr13jubei_: Still here?18:35
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:35
sebsebsebhi ThomasUK18:35
elsshano, i log in normally (log in screen; enter user then pass) step21... that part is fine. alt+F2 does nothing18:36
usr13jubei_: ... just got back from lunch18:36
step21MichealH, normally it autohides18:36
stefg!ipv6 | jake_18:36
cdbsMichealH: Install ccsm, type about:config in Alt+F2, set option there18:36
ubottujake_: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:36
ThomasUKhi sebsebseb18:36
gaaracdavis, does it make a difference that i already have a 10.10 installation on a different drive?18:36
cordoval_can it be any install disk eg ubuntu 10.10?18:36
mustafacdbs, I do not open liveCD even18:36
sebsebsebThomasUK: just got back to the computer, but I think quite a few people are going to other distro's,  because of 11.04, Unity being a main reason, to be honest18:36
escottcordoval_, and it would be /dev/sda# for whatever your root partition is18:36
gaaracdbs, does it make a difference that i already have a 10.10 installation on a different drive?18:36
step21elssha, then log into classic and try to fix things from there18:36
cdbsgaara: shouldn't make a difference18:36
ThomasUKyeah 11.04 sucks18:36
elsshastep21; what's classic?18:36
Fodi69maybe opensuse18:36
sebsebsebThomasUK: oh you tried it already then?18:36
Fodi69will work :D18:36
usr13ThomasUK: Whatsammatter?18:36
liquidguideDoes anyone know on natty in unity how to get applets on the top bar.  Specifically a stock applet or even a standalone program.18:36
ThomasUKsebsebseb: when I get asked to put it on our PXE system I'm going to say.. no :)18:36
cdbsgaara: And is the problem with nomodeset set is the same as it came while installing?18:37
ThomasUKwe tried it in the DC18:37
rach0ThomasUK, no it doesn't it just has bugs as expected, mainly with Unity18:37
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:37
stefg!pm | jake_18:37
ubottujake_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:37
sebsebsebThomasUK: PXE system ?18:37
ThomasUKsebsebseb: automatic deployment of OS's on servers18:37
sfdsafdsafdsai want my old gnome back how can i get it?18:37
IdleOneThomasB2k: sebsebseb Please take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic.18:37
cordoval_escott: oh so I should have trieddev/sda118:37
step21elssha, where you log in, at the  bottom there is a bar where you can choose to log into an environment that is more like the old version, it should work18:37
usr13ThomasUK: In the District of Columbia?18:37
stefgjake_: read ubottu's factoid18:37
IdleOneerr ThomasUK I meant18:37
cordoval_it is doing something18:37
cordoval_oh no18:37
gaaracdbs, it is behaving the same way as it behaved during installation also18:37
cordoval_I better get that cd18:37
FloodBot3cordoval_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
sebsebsebThomasUK: right yeah, better to stay with 10.04 for the servers, since that's Long Term Support18:37
tsuna2Hi I am using 10.04 and was wondering when would be the best time to update to 11.0418:37
rach0sfdsafdsafdsa, in the gdm menu select ubuntu classic18:37
sfdsafdsafdsahow can i install back to old gnome?18:37
ror"could not download the release notes" < is that ubuntu being overloaded or is my conn being funny?18:37
escottcordoval_, yep.18:37
cdbsgaara: then I don't think a lot can be dome18:38
jiltdilhow 11.04 is working guys i am thinking to install it or i should wait for few days more?18:38
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:38
jake_thanx ill take alook at that18:38
cdbssfdsafdsafdsa: Select 'ubuntu classic desktop' session at login18:38
liquidguidesfdsafdsafdsa, you can pick classic gnome on login at the bottom18:38
ElNinohey i have installed ubuntu 11.04 and decided i wanted to try out unity.. its fine and all, but im wondering if there is a was to keep compiz enabled, but yet not have it change the windows?18:38
cordoval_ok I will try 10.10 livecd and I guess I choose to try ubuntu there or what?18:38
elsshastep21; ty, i'll try18:38
elsshagotta restart18:38
sebsebsebThomasUK: 10.04 server edition to be exact,  since with the desktop you would only get the three years support, instead of the five18:38
sfdsafdsafdsalogin out18:38
stefgjiltdil: I#d wait 6 weeks and do a net-intsall18:38
escottcordoval_, yeah thats fine to fix the disk18:38
laumonieri've got a pretty old dual core which works on i386 in 32bits for now  is it advise to try the 64bits or not????what is the edge of 64 bits?18:38
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:38
ThomasUKsebsebseb: yeah i know18:38
cordoval_ok going for it18:38
sebsebsebThomasUK: or you could go Debian or CentOS or something :D18:38
gaaracdbs, do u work for canonical? or u just a fan like me?18:38
cdbsgaara: I am both18:38
stefglaumonier: how much ram?18:38
jiltdilstefg:is there any cause18:39
MichealHcdbs: No package called ccsm :/18:39
tsuna2does anyone know if skype works right away on 11.0418:39
rorAlso, does anyone know if it's possible to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit? I'd like to do it without nuking /home if possible18:39
gaaracdbs, canonical Uk?18:39
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:39
escottlaumonier, grep lm /proc/cpuinfo to see if you have 64bit18:39
escottror, no its not18:39
gaararor, no its not possible18:39
=== tlyu_ is now known as tlyu
step21MichealH, it is called something like compiz-config-settings-manager18:39
rorthanks :(18:39
cdbsgaara: pm18:39
mustafacdbs, ?18:39
laumonierstefg one giga18:39
gaararor, im stuck with the same problem18:39
ElNinostep21: yup18:39
cdbsMichealH: compizconfig-settings-manager18:39
stefgjiltdil: ubuntu has never been good at getting releases ready ..... they release at the given date, not when it's /really/ fit for a relaese18:40
cordoval_what is ror?18:40
step21Fodi69, not afaik18:40
ElNinocdbs do you know how i can have normal windows in unity?18:40
IdleOnesebsebseb: provide support or part the channel. telling people about your personal opinion on Unity is off topic for this channel. If you want to chat you already know about #ubuntu-offtopic. Suggesting people use other distros is also not acceptable for #ubuntu.18:40
mustafagaara, did it work?18:40
cdbsmustafa: I don't think a lot can be done18:40
cordoval_and also would it matter if it is a 64 machine and it is a 32 bit live cd?18:40
escottcordoval_, who is ror?18:40
cdbsmustafa: Which GPU?18:40
gaaramustafa, nope :(18:40
MichealHcdbs: You had to change package names -.-18:40
sebsebsebIdleOne: hmm ok18:40
stefglaumonier: stick with 32 bit. your rm is precious, and adobe flash is tricky in 64 bit18:40
cdbsElNino: Normal Windows? Select Ubuntu Classic session at login18:40
escottcordoval_, you can still boot and run the fsck.18:40
mustafacdbs, ATI Mobility 3650.18:40
IdleOnesebsebseb: thank you,18:40
Fodi69step21: but why, this ultimately sucks and no config for it?18:40
jiltdilstefg:ok thanks if you don't mind may you tell what kind or problem will i face if i installed it yet?18:40
cdbsmustafa: weird then. When you click 'Try Ubuntu' what comes?18:40
Fodi69can I configure somehow the close/minimize/maximize buttons BUT WHEN AT FULLSCREEN?18:40
ElNinocdbs ubuntu classic will be unity too?18:40
stefglaumonier: 64bit only makes sense on servers and with >4G ram18:41
mustafacdbs, black screen only18:41
Fodi69stefg: >3G ram18:41
laumonierstefg ty for your help18:41
cordoval_ok it is bootting18:41
Z1nn0cI have trouble installing the newest version of Ubuntu Linux. Help with PM.18:41
step21Fodi69, prob because that's how it makes sense ... in classic you can still configure them18:41
escottcordoval_, step 1 is going to be fsck. step 2 is to decide between (a) backing up data, downloading disk and reinstalling or (b) trying to boot and resuming the install from console. i would suggest (a)18:41
cordoval_I guess I should choose the option to try ubuntu18:41
gogeta64bit makes sense with anything more then 3gb18:41
jiltdilstefg: also i have 4gb of ram and 64bit supporting hardware shoul di go for 64bit18:41
gogetablame flash for being crashy18:41
step21Fodi69, also, don't spam18:41
CombatjuanOh.  Natty was officially released.  /That's/ why it's so busy in here.18:41
ElNinocdbs: well in unity the top of the window turns orange and transparant instead of dark grey like normal18:42
escottjiltdil, its not just about ram, there are also more registers and sse extensions in 64bit18:42
cordoval_how to go for b18:42
gaaramustafa, what about for you?18:42
cordoval_sounds easier18:42
Fodi69step21: yeah, but this way it is UNUSABLE......18:42
escottcordoval_, ask about (b) AFTER you do the fsck please18:42
cdbsElNino: screenshot please, I can't understand18:42
mustafaI have not tried something yet.18:42
ElNinocdbs: 2 sec18:42
gogetaFodi69: unity is fail but shhh18:42
cordoval_I will do fsck /dev/sda118:42
mustafagaara, I have not tried something yet.18:42
cordoval_I got the default18:42
jiltdilescott:please tell me18:42
escottcordoval_, and (b) is substantially harder and may not result in a working system18:42
ray_How's Ubuntu 10.04?18:43
Fodi69gogeta: then why forcing it? :(18:43
Witchsong_http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zfjsZBC3Ajk/TbfO95Lv25I/AAAAAAAAB-o/8qQlSBeoAVY/s1600/Screenshot.png <-- How can I sort the sidepane elements into groups like that?18:43
ray_I meant that18:43
step21Fodi69, I find it quite usable. like I said if you want the old one back choose classic at login18:43
Z1nn0cUbuntu 11.04 freeze for me. :(18:43
gogetaFodi69: couse cannel cant let go of gtk18:43
Hedgehog456What's wrong with Unity?18:43
gaaramustafa, do u have an intel gfx card?18:43
mustafagaara, no ATI.18:43
rach0ray_, ubuntu 10.04 is tip top, while ubuntu 11.04 ain't yet18:43
jiltdilis unity better than gnome?18:43
Dr_Willis|2Hedgehog456:  its differnt then what people are used to.18:43
escottjiltdil, the wikipedia page on AMD64 is pretty informative. most developers are going 64bit, but some software (adobe flash) works a little better in 32bit18:43
stefgjiltdil: that's my belly speaking, i have no particular reason to advise that. Regarding the 32 vs. 64 bit question: if you do lots of number crunching (video encoding) 64 bits might pay off, but for a standard desktop system 32-bit with pae will be more convinient18:43
Dr_Willis|2jiltdil:  try it out. decide for yourself.18:43
step21jiltdil, depends on personal preference18:44
gogetajiltdil: no but gnome 3 is fail to sooo18:44
zephyrI guess Unity is more user-friendly...18:44
Witchsong_I like Unity a lot, but I am not used to it yet.18:44
Fodi69step21: this layout is kind of nice, but fucking buggy and unusable :(18:44
sebsebsebjibel: Unity at the moment goes on top of Gnome 2, another interface for it, but for the next one, it will go on top of Gnome 3 instead of using their interface by default Gnome Shell18:44
cordoval_escott: now I open a terminal on the ubuntu 32 and type fsck /dev/sda# so the # is not going to be 118:44
Dr_Willis|264bits gives me a decent improvement in the video reencoding I do.18:44
jiltdilthanks to all18:44
cordoval_is going to be something else I hope it can at least mount it18:44
escottyes and do it for all your partitions18:44
IdleOneFodi69: Please mind your language.18:44
ray_I think I should wait first18:44
cordoval_oh ok18:44
cordoval_thanks escott!18:44
escottcordoval_, you may need to sudo18:44
ElNinocdbs: http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/jm9z71n5/Selection_001.png <-- this is what i want gone18:44
cordoval_yes will do18:45
HyperShockn2diy: did you get your answer yet?18:45
* cdbs looks18:45
step21Fodi69, taste varies I guess. anything specific that you don't like (not that I can do anything about it)18:45
gogetaFodi69: its been buggy and unstable sense the day they launched it in 10.1018:45
Guest20267ElNino: why? it is lovely!18:45
cdbsElNino: which theme are you using?18:45
Hedgehog456IdleOne: There's a ubottu command for that, just so you don't have to type as much ^_^: !wtf18:45
dpacCan anyone give me ftp address to download ubuntu iso?18:45
jiltdil<Dr_Willis|2>in your opinion which is better gnom3 or unity18:45
ElNinocdbs: default18:45
escottcordoval_, you may want it to automatically fix any errors it finds in which case fsck -p18:45
Chuck_hey, I just upgraded to 11.04, messed around with my nvidia graphics settings and now cannot get into my box!18:45
ElNinoGuest20267: no its awefull18:45
Chuck_can anyone assist?18:45
IdleOneHedgehog456: yup I know but sometimes ubottu is a little too impersonal. :)18:45
mtlifeupgrade is so slow... 50kb/s ;/18:45
cdbsElNino: Try running unity --reset from Alt+f2, if that doesn't fix it then re-check theme settings and make sure its ambiance18:45
g4is 11.04 a LTS release?18:45
gogetastep21: better they fork gnome 2 call it there own18:46
vish!best | jiltdil18:46
ubottujiltdil: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:46
IdleOneg4: no18:46
cordoval_escott: so the command I should run is fsck -p /dev/sda#?18:46
loseweighttttttti keep getting message 'tempory failiure in name resolution'18:46
gogetastep21: rather then trainwreck the distro with unity18:46
cordoval_for each partition18:46
tripelbYes, a year ago when I asked to understand about partitions. I only found FUD. I really really like this, just found it... http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_03_01.html  in general overview of the linux system: Partition layout and types18:46
Fodi69when I go to fullscreen, the minimize/maximize/close buttons can't be reached by a fast mouse move, must play with it....18:46
cordoval_escott: so the command I should run is fsck -p /dev/sda#? for each partition18:46
HyperShockmtlife: do the math, if 11.04 went hot today, and everyone is downloading it, say 100,000+ people, how sucky do you think the bandwidth will be?18:46
Witchsong_In what folders does the Dash search for files?18:46
stefgloseweighttttttt: servers overloaded18:46
escottcordoval_, good practice to see your errors first before you start correcting them, but yes18:46
step21gogeta, this is support and I'm not really hre to get into that argument18:46
EduardGuys, how do i install gnome3 in 10.10?18:46
sebsebseb!lts | g418:46
ubottug4: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:46
n2diyHyperShock, no18:46
step21Eduard, ppa or compile, google is your friend18:47
giraffroHeh, I've upgraded to 11.04 but I can't get the Super / Win key working on Compiz. It just shows up as Multi_key. I've tried changing the keyboard options for Win key behaviour but to no avail, but binding Caps Lock with Super does work. Any help? I'm using a Logitech MK520 keyboard.18:47
cordoval_rats livecd is slow in loading18:47
mtlifeHyperShock: I made the math ;)... i upgraded my other distro before it went live (beta2) and it was ALOT faster haha... should have upgraded my main also ;/18:47
escottcordoval_, that way you know that if it reports lots of errors on /usr/lib/libglib or some such that your libglib is hosed18:47
cordoval_wonder why this is an asus g7318:47
sebsebsebescott: there's a ppa :)18:47
sebsebsebescott: i'll get a link hold on18:47
escottsebsebseb, for what?18:47
Eduardstep21: tried googling it already, i only get results pointing to test ppa. Gnome3 was already released, i need to find a stable one18:47
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.18:47
ElNinocdbs: youre a hero :)18:47
sebsebsebescott: oh wrong person18:48
HyperShockn2diy: were you asking in regards to gnome?18:48
mustafagaara, cdbs, no solution?18:48
sebsebsebEduard: there's a Gnome 3 ppa, i'll get al ink18:48
Hedgehog456!eol > Hedgehog45618:48
ubottuHedgehog456, please see my private message18:48
cdbsElNino: gaara  mustafa Okay, I gotta go, bye18:48
=== Guest20267 is now known as gtklocker
vishElNino: cdbs is also the poster child for Ubuntu ;)18:48
gaaracdbs, thanks18:48
ElNinoah dang cdbs it worked then falled back18:48
Eduardsebsebseb: ok, thanks18:48
gaaramustafa, am gonna try downloading the dvd and seeing if it works18:48
rach0Eduard, there is a gnome 3 ppa for ubuntu but it's far from stable, use it at your own risk18:48
step21Edgan, I don't think there is a stable one. webupd8.org has links to ppa and to compile, apparently compiling works better with a running system18:48
cordoval_just got livecd working18:49
joepaanyone know how to enable visual effect in Natty? that option is missing from System->Appearance18:49
escottEduard, have heard from some that it breaks unity18:49
cordoval_I knew i had not bought an asus g73 for nothing18:49
mustafagaara, ok18:49
HyperShockn2diy: because to get the hard disk monitor on your panel, simply right click the panel you want the monitor on, choose add to panel, then select and add, system monitor. when it appears on the panel, right click it and choose configure, there you can add the hard disk and much more.18:49
D-coyalguien sabe como eliminar la leyenda que aparece arriba de la cuenta regresiva del grub asi como el marco? :þ18:49
mustafagaara, can you share the link?18:49
Eduardescott: i'm on 10.10 gnome 2.3218:49
sebsebsebEduard: with the Gnome 3 ppa, you don't quite get the 100% proper full expereince, that you would get in other distro's that use it by default, but well if it works, should be ok enough for now18:49
IdleOne!es | D-coy18:49
ubottuD-coy: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:49
gaarafor the dvd?18:49
escottEduard, ok sorry18:49
escottcordoval_, please keep your comments to information not "rats!" we have lots of traffic on here18:50
Chuck_can anyone help me get to a console and change my nvidia xserver settings, I changed something and cannot get into the graphical environ now18:50
n2diyHyperShock, ok, the sys monitor description didn't mention HD activity, thanks.18:50
cordoval_I wonder if I reinstall ubuntu if it will keep my data intact18:50
D-coyIdleOne, thanks but, she m4v ban me, I don't know :S18:50
HyperShockn2diy: yw18:50
Eduardsebsebseb: i understand that :). So, you checked the link to ppa?18:50
cordoval_rats! ok escott, sorry rats! is like to convey frustration18:50
varunvyashi all18:50
chadiif my current maverick version is 32-bit, and I'm installing 64-bit natty, will it read my /home? (I have a separate /home partition)18:50
econdudeawesomejrib: where would I put the "text" option in the Grub2? I'm looking over the documentation and it is not clear to me18:51
IdleOneD-coy: ok, in the channel please speak in English18:51
varunvyaswhen I want to ugread to 10.10 from 10.0418:51
gaarachadi, no it wont18:51
varunvyasit always aborts18:51
escottcordoval_, depends on how things are configured, i understand you are frustrated but the channel is not the appropriate place we have 1800 people on it, and multiple conversations18:51
jribecondudeawesome: at the end of the grub line (next to "splash")18:51
HyperShockchadi: you'll have to remap the home directory in afterwards18:51
sebsebsebEduard: yeah just got a  bit of a browser issue, hold on18:51
jribecondudeawesome: I meant to say *kernel* line18:51
petsoundsSo Unity doesn't support nvidia 7 series? weird cause it works in my laptop and netbook.18:51
zombie_hi =) Questions. What is the shortcut to go between workspaces ubuntu 11.0418:51
stREaKeranyone here using ATi with natty?18:51
gaaraanyone here experiencing backlight issues with natty?18:51
chadiHyperShock, gaara: sure I will, but is there a 32-bit / 64-bit move problem?18:51
econdudeawesomejrib: so the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT = "spash quiet text"?18:51
escott!help | varunvyas18:51
ubottuvarunvyas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:51
jribecondudeawesome: sure18:52
strigoi66sorry to go offtopic but can someone check a website for me and let me know if its viewable?
rach0stREaKer, me18:52
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IdleOnezombie_: ctrl - alt - arrow keys18:52
jribstrigoi66: no18:52
stREaKerrach0: which driver are you using?18:52
HyperShockchadi: i would say only if you have 32bit custom programs residing in it, you may need to recompile them18:52
gaarajrib, are u facing no backlight problem? i have the same thing18:52
Senixis there an install client for 7zip?18:52
rach0open source18:52
econdudeawesomejrib: here goes :-)18:52
=== Guest42887 is now known as TheNuts
zombie_ah, very nice thanks!18:52
sebsebsebpetsounds: what's that a reasasonbly new Nivida card or?18:52
strigoi66thank you18:52
kwtmstrigoi66: That's not a good idea.  Who knows whether a web site is malicious?18:52
jiltdiljrib:should i install 11.04 or wait some days?18:52
Tom__Senix - yes, just use the software center and search for 7zip18:52
g4I'm happy with python-docky, but I see that the installer say it's no longer needed? https://bit.ly/mvgmQF I can reinstall after upgrade?18:52
rajucdbs:  my problem also got solved man18:52
stREaKerrach0: 11.2 wont load up dont know why ? and what do you mean open source?18:52
gaaramustafa, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/natty-dvd-amd64.iso18:52
cordoval_escott: not sure if I find the partition that my disk is in18:53
jribstrigoi66: I meant "no" as in we can't check18:53
cordoval_how to figure it out the partition of my drive18:53
ubuntuHi, How I can enable Unity in 11.04_18:53
varunvyasWhen I am trying to upgread from 10.04 to 11.04 , it aborts while downloading new packages18:53
sebsebsebpetsounds: also have you got a propitary Nivida driver installed or not?18:53
sirgadHi. I have a UCK modified Ubuntu Live CD. A bug in UCK (or a bad interaction with my setup) mean I can't complete my customizations. Can I do them manually?18:53
sebsebsebvarunvyas: you got to go through 10.1018:53
HyperShockkwtm: in Opera and I think firefox, you can get an addon called WOT (web of trust), it will tell you very aptly if a website is malicious18:53
rach0stREaKer, i mean the default driver that comes with the installation, no fglrx stuff18:53
Tom__Can I upgrade from 11.04 BETA to the final version, or do I have to re-install?18:53
escottcordoval_, cat /proc/partitions will tell you all partitions, where / vs /boot vs /home might be is something you will have to remember18:53
sebsebseb!upgrade | Tom__18:53
ubottuTom__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:53
ls_do i want to upgrade to do a fresh install18:53
sebsebseb!fianal | Tom__18:53
mustafagaara, I am leaving now18:53
kwtmHyperShock: I will leave it to you to check strigoi66's web site.18:54
mustafagaara, thank you18:54
kbrosnanHyperShock: kwtm wot only works if people rank the site18:54
compdocsebsebseb, Im installing 11.04 from cd right now, and its taking forever to d/l files. liekly because of all the uers doing the same thing18:54
sebsebseb!final | Tom__18:54
ubottuTom__: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.18:54
varunvyasI am upgreading to 10.10 (my bad)18:54
zombie_how do I make my dock stick so it does not autohide.  There is no "settings" that i can find for it ubuntu 11.0418:54
sebsebsebTom__: however even so ^ it may be a great idea to re install, to make 100% sure you have the proper expereince18:54
escottvarunvyas, does it say why is aborts?18:54
gerrinlaptop screen busted can only see half of screen, is there anyway to shut off the screen and make external vga port primary monitor from terminal18:54
HyperShockkwtm: if you are using linux to surf, what is the max risk you are worried about?18:54
cordoval_it has only loop0, sda, sda1, sda2, and sd518:54
varunvyasit says not able to download packages18:54
varunvyasand gives set of pacakges18:55
Dr_Willisgerrin:  the xrandr tool perhaps. it may depend on your video chipset. My BIOS settings on my laptop also have such a setting.18:55
sebsebsebcompdoc: yeah the repo's tend to be slow on release day18:55
cordoval_it has little information18:55
OverTheHillAndFaanyone able to help out with unity not loading? drivers is ok. but standard session does not load unity after uninstalling unity-2d18:55
petsoundssebsebseb, mine is 7 series so it is old, and yes i have the proprietary driver installed (version 270) i have to use ubuntu classic with no effect bc unity and ubuntu classic freeze my desktop.18:55
Dr_Willisvarunvyas:  servers are taking a heavy load right now.18:55
sebsebseb!slow | compdoc18:55
ubottucompdoc: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors18:55
varunvyasI am doing it again , will capture exact error this time18:55
ubuntuWasn't it suppose to be that 11.04 had Unity as default desktop?18:55
rach0stREaKer, can you explain what's the problem with booting in Natty18:55
sirgadactually, does anyone know of a UCK-dedicated IRC room?18:55
Dr_WillisLive cd - just loaded the gnome classic desktop here. :() No Unity. heh.18:55
sebsebsebpetsounds: ok bingo, sounds like me with the Beta 2, but I found out about a little trick, to get Unity working, when the propritary driver freezes that may also work for you18:55
escottcordoval_, well fsck sda1, sda2, and sda5 (although 5 is probably a swap partition), do you remember how you configured your partitions18:55
ubuntuDr_Willis, Same problem here.18:55
stREaKerrach0: PC wont boot up in normal mode and in recovery mode with no GFX it boots18:56
ssfdre38hey i think the site needs a good fixing18:56
Dr_WillisProberly due to my vdieo card not having 3d support perhaps.18:56
ubuntuDr_Willis, like whole Unity does not exist at all.18:56
cordoval_I already did that18:56
dimkini was on 11.04 beta, and today no updates at all, is it ok? :)18:56
stREaKerrach0: "Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version" error am facing which installing the driver18:56
gerrinDr_Willis, how do i run that xrandr, and im running and ati radeon 1200x with amd turion tl60 processor if that helps18:56
ubuntuDr_Willis, my does have but I can not enable Unity anyway.18:56
cordoval_oh rats sorry required sudo18:56
Elsshaokay, so I managed to get terminal working... now how do I restore the panel the way it was in 11.04?18:56
sebsebsebpetsounds: remove the propritary driver from additional drivers, and then the experimental 3D support driver should show, install that, and it is more likely to work for you :)18:56
Dr_Willisdimkin:  sounds like you are uyo to date.18:56
timjki want to connect via remote desktop to a ubuntu 10.10 machine from my machine running ubuntu 10.1018:56
mikebotDoes anyone have a working link to 11.04 netbook version?18:56
HyperShockstREaKer: you will probably have to reconfigure your x server18:56
timjkwhich package should i install on my machine ?18:56
petsoundssebsebseb, ahhh cool will try dat, thanks bro18:56
Johan2Hi, I'm having some slight problems with my new 11.04 upgrade.18:56
stREaKerHyperShock: how do I go about doing that?18:56
dimkinso release day doesnt mean new updates will be ? :)18:56
timjkvncviewer does not work18:56
sebsebsebmikebot: there isn't one anymore, because Unity is now for both netbooks and Desktop18:57
tripelbTrying to understand "df -h" compared to what I see in "computer" in nautilus. I have 3 drives, 1T main drive booted up on-SATA also with 31G Windows partition., 2 IDE drives 10G 20G. GUI shows this. Can only see the subparts of 1T filesystem in df --- thanks18:57
Johan2Basically, I can't find a program to change the settings of Dash18:57
cordoval_sda1 is clean18:57
sebsebsebmikebot: however Unity should be able to detect when it's running on a netbook or desktop, and then be slightly differnet as well18:57
HyperShockstREaKer: you should be able to do it from the recovery mode option in grub18:57
IdleOnezombie_: here is a decent list of shortcuts for Unity. http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts/28087#2808718:57
rach0stREaKer, do you have the fglrx driver installed?18:57
escotttimjk, rdesktop for windows style, various vnc clients, and ssh -X for the traditional unix approach18:57
HyperShockif you cant get that let me dig out that sudo command18:57
Dr_Willisdimkin:  ive often insgtalled the beta. then updated the day befor release.. then dont update till a week after its released.. servers are to overloaded for that week18:57
sebsebsebpetsounds: and would be interested to know if that works for you :)18:57
jiltdilDr_willis:i have nvidia gefore 9400GT does it supports 3D for natty?18:57
Dr_Willisjiltdil:  no idea.18:57
CraigenHow do i access grub on bootup?18:57
ale`hi, I just updated to 11.04, but at the end of the update (I'd say it was around the 80% of the package installation step) my pc hanged with a blinking caps lock led. Now, whenever I boot it, I get a blinking caps and the pc hangs. My machine is a Lenovo T61, my network card is an intel 4965 (It seems to be related, at least that's what I found out googling)18:57
rimo0i just generated a key for my SSH shell account! the next time that i tried to log in it asked me for a 'passphrase' and it didn't ask me for my account password!! so now what is the diffrent between it and my password? as if I just changed a new password for my account? isn't it? "generating a Key" what is it use for?18:57
stREaKerrach0: I did an upgrade no fresh istallation and yes i had it and it has crashed yet again18:57
cordoval_sd2 is fsk.ext2 attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open dev sda218:57
ale`Any help?18:57
timjkescott: which vnc client to install ?18:57
mikebotsebsebseb: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download18:58
cordoval_could this be a zero-length partition?18:58
Dr_Willisjiltdil:  i noticed the addational drivers tool. does not list anything for theis Nvidia Gefoirce 6150 I got.18:58
Elsshaanyone know how to restore the panel in 11.04?18:58
HyperShockstREaKer: sudo Xorg --configure18:58
stREaKerHyperShock: where do i find the options...am already booted in ubuntu 11.0418:58
cordoval_-p would not fix that18:58
stREaKerHyperShock: thanks18:58
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »18:58
escott!best | timjk18:58
ubottutimjk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:58
Dr_WillisI wonder if that works in 11.04 - proberly does18:58
dimkinDr_Willis, thanx :)18:58
binoyhow do i ssh into a computer behind nat?18:58
escott!vnc | timjk18:58
ubottutimjk: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:58
rach0stREaKer, alright boot in recovery and sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* xorg-driver-fglrx18:58
petsoundssebsebseb, oki dokiee, brb18:58
cordoval_this is serious businsess18:59
escottcordoval_, could be an extended partition, check gparted and see what it says it is18:59
sebsebsebEduard: trying to get the link for you now, but18:59
escottbinoy, you need to forward the ssh port in your router18:59
rach0stREaKer, then restart X18:59
sebsebsebIdleOne: is there a factoid yet for the new help site by the way?18:59
BlouBlou-hi, I just installed ubuntu, I installed graphic card-drivers and when I rebooted, I lost gnome pannels, any idea of how to recover them?18:59
hypetechssav: you still need a script for that ssh issue?18:59
IdleOnesebsebseb: which help site? askubuntu?18:59
binoyescott: i have no access to router18:59
sebsebsebIdleOne: yep that one18:59
IdleOnesebsebseb: not sure.18:59
escottbinoy, then you cant do it18:59
=== BlouBlou- is now known as BlouBlou
cordoval_escott: it is sda1 huge amount19:00
jdahmam I gauranteed that /sbin/mdadm will start after installing or do I need to chroot and add it somehow?19:00
tomaszhi all19:00
rimo0i just generated a key for my SSH shell account! the next time that i tried to log in it asked me for a 'passphrase' and it didn't ask me for my account password!! so now what is the diffrent between it and my password? as if I just changed a new password for my account? isn't it? "generating a Key" what is it use for?19:00
thienhow to change permission of a partition?19:00
cordoval_but it says now it is clean19:00
tomaszin ubuntu one is bug with formating text19:00
sebsebsebEduard: if you go to the askubuntu help site, and find the instructions for installing GNome 3, that's what you want.  with the beta 2 I used wrong instructions on another site, and ended up with a cross between Gnome 2 and Gnome 3 instead19:00
BlouBlouhelp please, how to restar gnome pannels?19:00
zeeegishow to upgrade ubuntu from 11.04 beta to  new 11.04 ?19:00
escottbinoy, thats not entirely true, you would have to have someone on the target machine start a connection to the outside though, so for all intents and purposes its not possible19:00
Dr_Willisthien:  what filesystem is the partition?19:00
cordoval_I will check them with gparted since it is gui19:00
IdleOne!support > sebsebseb19:00
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message19:00
cordoval_and see what happens19:00
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | BlouBlou19:00
ubottuBlouBlou: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:00
GerardM-where can I find how to do a screenshot ?19:00
BlouBlouanyone knows?19:01
sebsebseb!support | Eduard19:01
cordoval_escott: thanks I will check them with gparted19:01
ubottuEduard: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:01
thienDr_Willis: ext419:01
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  try alt-f2 and  run gnome-panel19:01
escottcordoval_, and can you confirm with gparted that sda1 was a large ext4 and that sda2 was extended with sda5 the logical inside which was swap19:01
joepaanyone know how to enable desktop effects in natty / classic?19:01
=== ubuntu is now known as Tommys
Dr_Willisthien:  mount it. and chmod/chown the mountpoint (which will actually be chown/moding the root of the filesystem)19:01
joepait used to be under Preferences->Appearance19:01
=== Tommys is now known as Tommy_s
Witchsong_http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zfjsZBC3Ajk/TbfO95Lv25I/AAAAAAAAB-o/8qQlSBeoAVY/s1600/Screenshot.png <-- How to add groups like that to the sidepane?19:01
Witchsong_Anyone know?19:01
Johan2So, uh, changing DASH's settings?19:01
cordoval_escott: you are confirmed in all you said19:01
rimo0no answer?19:01
Johan2rimo0: What's your problem?19:02
rimo0i just generated a key for my SSH shell account! the next time that i tried to log in it asked me for a 'passphrase' and it didn't ask me for my account password!! so now what is the diffrent between it and my password? as if I just changed a new password for my account? isn't it? "generating a Key" what is it use for?19:02
cordoval_so checking now sdad119:02
nastjuiddangit, I forgot to check for previous versions in apt. Is it possible to specify the previous version of gnome for installation or is this new design in 11.04 the only version of gnome I can use?19:02
vish!support | sebsebseb mentions the ask link19:02
ubottusebsebseb mentions the ask link: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:02
Dr_WillisWitchsong_:  check some of the blog sites like OMGubuntu for  Unity tips and tricks perhaps.19:02
sebsebsebvish: uh?19:02
Chuck_I have changed some nvidia settings and now my graphical environment loads to the login page but after that it just sits with the busy mouse icon.  Please help19:02
IdleOneWitchsong: drag and drop the folder you want to the left pane.19:02
escottcordoval_, ok now you have to decide, your options are the easy route of backing up your important data and reinstalling from scratch, or the challenging/may not work/may seem to work but secretly be broken method or trying to resume the install19:03
IdleOneWitchsong: that should create a shortcut19:03
HyperShockWitchsong_: if by groups you mean folders, then drag and drop a folder of your choosing on the side panel19:03
cordoval_escott: you sold me on a19:03
vishhmm, i was replying to this, <sebsebseb> IdleOne: is there a factoid yet for the new help site by the way? … i need to scrolldown fully :D19:03
rimo0Johan2: i just generated a key for my SSH shell account! the next time that i tried to log in it asked me for a 'passphrase' and it didn't ask me for my account password!! so now what is the diffrent between it and my password? as if I just changed a new password for my account? isn't it? "generating a Key" what is it use for?19:03
IdleOnesebsebseb: !support has a link to askubuntu is what vish was saying19:03
cordoval_should I try to restart laptop just in case perhaps it works?19:03
Johan2rimo0: Uuuh, no idea19:03
phoenixsamprasWHAT is the difference between UBUNTU FOR Business and the normal version???19:03
Eduardsebsebseb: thanks for the link19:03
sebsebsebIdleOne: yeah,  as you can see above gave that factoid to Eduard  who wants the Gnome 3 install instructions19:04
hypetechphoenixsampras: probably official support19:04
IdleOnesebsebseb: ah, cool.19:04
BlouBlouDr_Willis: it doesn't work19:04
escottcordoval_, you could try. if you need to do a backup and don't have an external drive you can resize the sda1 partition and add a partition after it for your backup19:04
sebsebsebIdleOne: that's something else, if there isn't a factoid yet for installing Gnome 3 from the ppa, there should be really I think :)19:04
BlouBlouDr_Willis: I tried both and nothing19:04
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.19:04
sebsebsebEduard: ^19:04
cordoval_escott: how to see my files from here though19:04
Hedgehog456Servers okay now?19:05
cordoval_i can plug a usb drive19:05
escottJohan2, and you added the public key to .ssh/authorized_keys on the target machine19:05
thien(01:01:54 AM) Dr_Willis: how to do it?19:05
cordoval_but how to move the files if I cannot see them19:05
cordoval_oh nevermind went to places19:05
Johan2escott: It's not I that have the problem19:05
cordoval_it is mounting now19:05
sebsebsebIdleOne: last time I looked the ppa site itself,  wasn't really helpful on how to install it, but  someone suggested the askubuntu link for it, and that was good19:05
Dr_Willisthien:  do what? this channel is going by so fast my history buffer is gone.19:05
BlouBlouDr_Willis: any idea of how to recover my pannels?19:05
Johan2escott: My problem is my inability to find a goddamn way to change the settings of dash19:05
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Lucas_Laudeci
escottJohan2, sorry meant rimo019:05
wildc4rdevenin all19:05
vishsebsebseb: the ppa page has the instructions to install a ppa, what is missing there?19:05
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  run gnome-panel  via the apt-f2 feature perhaps.. or try that resetpanels factoid commands.19:06
hypetechJohan2: open ccsm and click on unity19:06
nastjuidJohan2: if you find a configuration tool with more than two radio buttons, let me know19:06
thienDr_Willis: how to change permission of a partition19:06
johnjaylwardHi, in Natty is there a way to disable the auto-maximize of the browser upon open when in Unity?19:06
BlouBlouDr_Willis: I tried both and nothing19:06
=== Lucas_Laudeci is now known as Andre_Gondim
LAcanescott, i tried running "sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Auto" but I get "SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument." ?19:06
Dr_Willisthien:  you dont.. You change permissions on the FILESYSTEM on the partition.19:06
Dr_Willisthien:  mount it. and chmod/chown the mountpoint (which will actually be chown/moding the root of the filesystem)19:06
nastjuidhypetech: the panel optiosn are in ccsm?19:06
sebsebsebvish: well with beta 2, there was  something about it,  when I was there19:06
escottLAcan, do you have a wlan019:06
Dr_Willis!permissions | thien19:06
ubottuthien: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:06
LAcanescott, yes19:07
nastjuidhypetech: or does that not include menu item customization? I can't seem to add launchers to it. Pretty sure I"m just doing it wrong.19:07
BlouBlouDr_Willis: I'll try a thing19:07
escottLAcan, not sure... could be a driver issue19:07
* sebsebseb thinks the channel number right now is a bit disapointing not 2000 or so, oh well :D19:07
hypetechnastjuid: yes19:07
DarkStar1where do I add entries for the name resolution of other computers on my network? In my hosts file?19:07
LAcanescott, is there a way I can just restart it and let ubuntu do the config as if it was a rebbot/logout ?19:07
DarkStar1or will samba auto add this for me?19:07
hypetechnastjuid: to add a launcher, just open the program, then when it shows up right click on it in the dock and click add launcher19:07
vishsebsebseb: thats a GOOD sign, less problems requiring support ;p19:07
nastjuidhypetech: ah ha! thanks19:08
mnoyceDoes anyone know if there's any way to turn off the "Apps for Download" list thingy?19:08
vegai hope i'm wrong but to me it seems that natty ships with a stone-age lirc (0.8.7) that is NOT compatible with nattys lirc kernel drivers?19:08
Dr_WillisDarkStar1:  i dont think samba will auto do that.19:08
LAcandoes anyone know the modes for an intel 345ABGN ?19:08
escottLAcan, you could see if there is a service that manages the network. you could even restart the network service, or unload/reload the modules19:08
sburjan`hello. How can I enable unity after installing display drivers ?19:08
damiano__i don't understand why lightt doesn start i do /etc/init.d/lighttpd start but nothing happen.... no process running, what can i do?19:08
Witchsong_HyperShock: With groups I meant the Personal, Devices etc.19:08
damiano__i don't understand why lighttpd doesn start i do /etc/init.d/lighttpd start but nothing happen.... no process running, what can i do?19:08
marcuskdamiano__: it's a script, look at it and see what it's doing19:09
Dr_Willisdamiano__:  try the service command perhaops? perhaps you need a sudo in there also..19:09
jribdamiano__: this is likely unrelated but it is a good idea to use "service", not /etc/init.d19:09
IdleOnedamiano__: sudo service lighttpd start ?19:09
damiano__i don't understand 5 minutes ago it was running19:09
damiano__one moment19:09
vishsburjan`: once the drivers are installed, Unity should be selected by itself, if not , select it from the login screen.19:09
proqI would like wubi to install ubuntu 11.04 and not 10.04. I have already tried to run and install wubi with 10.04 but it failed; are there any files I have to cleanup first?19:09
escottsburjan`, finally you can try unity --replace19:10
marcuskdamiano__: also check if something is written to the logs19:10
damiano__* Starting web server lighttpd                                                                                                                                             [ OK ]19:10
proqubuntu netbook 10.04 I mean19:10
damiano__but there aren't process19:10
step21proq, I think wubi is not quite ready for 11.0419:10
damiano__no lighttpd process running19:10
stefgdamiano__: check for zombie processes... killall lighthttps, then 'service start lighthttpd'19:10
Armageddonif I use apt-get -d install package, that will download the package but not install it right ?19:10
hypetechdamiano__: what happens when you try to browse to it?19:10
damiano__yes i done killall19:10
Dr_Willisdamiano__:  check its logs -  check its configs to be sure it is logging. :)19:10
damiano__"no process"19:10
hypetechno lirc for you19:10
McShaneis there a way to remove the "Workspace Switcher" button on the Unity launcher menu?19:10
escottdamiano__, check your /var/log as well perhaps it is closing immediately because of misconfiguration19:11
stREaKerrach0: Now it is stuck as measuring battery19:11
damiano__hypetech what you mean with "browser" ?19:11
hypetechMcShane: right click on it19:11
vishMcShane: nope19:11
hypetechMcShane: nvm19:11
llutzdamiano__: checked logs?19:11
stREaKerAnyone's Natty stuck at that battery command on start up?19:11
cordoval_basically I need to backup the dsktop and my sites19:11
Hedgehog456Servers okay now?19:11
damiano__no error inside19:11
escottcordoval_, all that stuff is in /home19:11
cordoval_hmmm, true19:12
dpacCan anyone give me ftp address to download ubuntu iso?19:12
rach0stREaKer, can you get to terminal?19:12
cordoval_but my configuration19:12
cordoval_but that I can redo19:12
axisysI am getting this when trying to upgrade19:12
axisysPicture: ubuntu-OdtsGDtF.png19:12
sdegutisthat was interesting19:12
panchoQUESTION: why does my upgrade manager say "Could not download release notes. Please check your internet connection." and not update, i had it updating earlier but it got halfway through and then stopped?, should i try the terminal? i am connect to the internet though, hmmmm19:13
damiano__i think there are some permission problem19:13
stREaKerrach0: I can start up only in recovery mode19:13
damiano__i check thank you guys19:13
proqstep21: ok, thanks19:13
escott!slow | pancho19:13
ubottupancho: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors19:13
jan_hi, I have problems after upgrading to natty.. ufw blocks igmp packets, so I am not able to receive data from multicast addresses using vlc. After disabling ufw everything works fine.. can someone help?19:13
johnjaylwarddoes anyone know how to add a new widget to the unity top toolbar?19:13
frankS2When i log in using desktop : ubuntu i only see my desktop, no menus at all19:13
vishjohnjaylward: you cant add applets to top panel19:14
step21johnjaylward, deeeeeeeeet19:14
jan_frank52: try to install compiz package19:14
step21johnjaylward, define widget19:14
rach0stREaKer, go into terminal and type in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8619:14
Hedgehog456frankS2: How much RAM do you have?19:14
jdahmI was almost at the installation process using the LiveCD but it crashed so I force quitted the installation app.  Now when I click on "Install Ubuntu 11.04" it doesn't bring up any dialog19:14
stREaKerits stuck on that battery command during start up19:14
jdahmis there any other way to start it?19:14
pancho@ubottu ok then sure thing, this is good and bad news isnt it, good that ubuntu is popular, and bad that the servers cant cope :)19:15
johnjaylwardin 10.10 I used to have a performance monitor widget in the top panel that showed memory/cpu usage as well as temperatures19:15
rimo0escott: do u have any idea about my question?19:15
johnjaylwardit disapeared on upgrade to natty with unity19:15
vishjohnjaylward: as a mentioned, you cant :)19:15
stREaKerrach0: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86"19:15
axisyshow do I get around this? http://picpaste.com/ubuntu-OdtsGDtF.png ..19:15
Dr_Willisjohnjaylward:  basicaslly those applets got removed..  :) theres alternative indicator-applets youmay want to check out.19:15
stREaKerrach0: "Package `xserver-xfree86' is not installed and no info is available.19:15
frankS2Hedgehog456: 4GB19:15
mikebotAre there md5 hashes posted somewhere for 11.04?19:15
rimo0HELP!! i just generated a key for my SSH shell account! the next time that i tried to log in it asked me for a 'passphrase' and it didn't ask me for my account password!! so now what is the diffrent between it and my password? as if I just changed a new password for my account? isn't it? "generating a Key" what is it use for?19:15
escottrimo0, you need to put your pub key in the auth_keys file on the target machine, and enable auth_keys login in sshd_config on target machine19:16
petsoundssebsebseb, ok bro unity works with the experimental driver but the screen contrast and colour are not as crisp if i use the regular nvidia driver. do you know how to fix it? thanks19:16
Dr_Willisjohnjaylward:  the OMGubuntu blog site has a list of them.19:16
frankS2jan_: I already have compiz installed19:16
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CraigenI just updated to 11.04, but when i login i can move for a few secs then everything just freezes. Any ideas? :)19:16
trismjohnjaylward: you can use python-appindicator to write one if it is something simple, https://launchpad.net/indicator-sysmonitor is a good reference, only about 100 lines of code19:16
Hedgehog456frankS2: Strange.19:16
BlouBlouhow to disable compiz by terminal?19:16
frankS2Hedgehog456: i even rm -rf .gnome* and .gconf* so it should be clean19:16
Dr_WillisBlouBlou:  try 'metacity --replace'19:16
sburjan`escott: I have nothing in the login screen. I can only shut down computer, restart, etc ...19:16
escottrimo0, it may also be that your local keyring is asking for the password to your keyring19:16
escottsburjan`, huh?19:17
rimo0escott: i did that but i just wanted to know that what is the different about the a pub key and password?19:17
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:17
BlouBlouDr_Willis: it doesn't work, it says 'unable to open x display'19:17
Armageddonhow do I fetch the packages from the repos without installing them ?19:17
escottrimo0, properly configured you can use ssh -i key.pub and not have to worry about passwords19:18
sburjan`escott: unity --replace doesn not work. I get a "Cannotregister panel shell: there is already one running." But my theme is like windows 9519:18
sirgadanyone know how to manually edit gconfs on a Live CD?  For booting purposes only, this CD, not install.19:18
McShanejohnjaylward: look here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/19:18
kwtmArmageddon: apt-get --download-only install  <pkgname>19:18
picassocan anyone tell me what version of rubygems comes with the new 11.04? or, tell me how to check that myself (before upgrading of course)19:18
BlouBlouanyone knows how to disable compiz from a terminal, or how to prevent openning it automatically in ubuntu-session-start? from a tty if possible please, because I can't open an x session19:18
kwtmArmageddon: man apt-get19:18
nandinuxhello someone can listen me about a problem installing natty on raid 0 ?19:18
Armageddonkwtm, same as apt-get -d install ?19:18
hedelehello guys, I've decided to install 11.04 over my opensuse install, keeping my home partition, but ubuntu installer doesn't recognize logical volumes and treats it as a one big partition19:18
escottrimo0, so the server has a private key which it can use to authenticate any client who has the matching public key19:18
kwtmArmageddon: Yes, -d is short for --download-only, but if I say "-d" then they'll say "what does -d stand for?"19:18
Armageddonkwtm, I did man it, but the output was unclear saying it needs19:19
hedeleI can't reach my linux partitions from live session too19:19
johnjaylwardthanks McShane , I found that just now19:19
josephnexusso how can I change the shortcuts found in the dash on unity?19:19
Wickedspawnhow do you add more workspaces in unity?19:19
hedelehow can I do it?19:19
BlouBlouanyone knows how to disable compiz from a terminal, or how to prevent openning it automatically in ubuntu-session-start? from a tty if possible please, because I can't open an x session19:19
Armageddonkwtm, the output still says it needs etc amount of space after installation, so I wanted to make sure19:19
escottsburjan`, you don't have a panel anywhere?19:19
da_pollerhello guys19:19
rimo0escott: so what should i use that when i have got a secure password? i can't underestand!!19:19
Elsshaback again19:19
Elsshaanyone know how to restore the panel on 11.04?19:20
lugkhastWickedspawn: CCSM, General Settings, look for vertical and horizontal desktop size (IIRC)19:20
BlouBlouElssha: I have the same problem19:20
kwtmArmageddon: It assumes that you will manually install, so it will still tell you how much space it takes when you manually install.19:20
escottrimo0, because ssh key is thousands of characters, passphrase is 819:20
Armageddonkwtm, see, now it's clearer :) thanks19:20
Adis45Hello, how do I make a bootable USB in Ubuntu19:20
sburjan`escott: Interface looks exactly like the previous ubuntu. It has a windows 95 feeling also19:20
ZiberI'm currently running ubuntu 10.04 lts. do-release-upgrade says nothings available?19:20
Elsshabloublou; i doubt it.. i killed it by activating desktop cube in compiz19:20
sirgad@Adis: look for Unetbootin19:20
Jordan_UAdis45: Follow the instructions @ http://ubuntu.com/download19:20
macoZiber: 1) LTS only show other LTS by default and 12.04 isnt out yet. you can change this in software sources 2) you cant go from 10.04 to 11.04 directly19:20
escottsburjan`, did you get a message about your graphics hardware not being powerful enough (this is 11.04 right?19:21
mikebotAre there md5 hashes posted somewhere for 11.04?19:21
kwtmhedele: You need to mount the volume on your live session.  From a terminal, you'd type a command *similar to* (don't quote me exactly) "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /path/to/mount/point" or something similar.  Or there may be a way to do it with GUI, but I am not familiar with that.19:21
Adis45No, I need to make a bootable Windows installation USB19:21
Zibermaco: I want 10.10, how can I upgrade to that?19:21
sburjan`escott: all I have in the login screen is Universal Access Preferences19:21
macoZiber: see #1 in what i said19:21
sirgadAdis: you want to boot Windows from a USB?19:21
Elsshaalso, my emerald won't work -_-; I'm stuck with no window boarders (close button, etc)19:21
hedelekwtm: oh thanks didn't know that I should mount it manually, thanks19:21
macoZiber: change the update settings in the software sources config thing19:22
escottsburjan`, confused... now you are at the login screen?19:22
kwtmhedele: Come to think of it, there may be a more user-friendly way to do it, but I'm just letting you know that it is possible.19:22
Adis45sirgad: Yes19:22
Elsshasuburjan; you type in your user name, click okay then at the bottom it will show up19:22
sburjan`escott: I logged off :)19:22
trismmikebot: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/MD5SUMS19:22
Elsshathrew me for a loop as well19:22
Jordan_UAdis45: Ask in ##windows19:22
Elsshaso, anyone know how to restore panel?19:22
sirgadAdis45: so far as I'm aware, Windows doesn't allow that - that's what I've been told myself.  I don't think it's possible in Win 7 either19:22
Elsshaand how to get emerald to come back >_>19:23
zeeegishello, can anyone tell me how to separate home partition becauze for now i had everythink in one partition19:23
sburjan`Elssha: yes. I have selected Ubuntu. What should I select in order to enable Unity ?19:23
escottsirgad, it is possible... not that i know how19:23
arand!home | zeeegis19:23
Jordan_Uzeeegis: Why do you want a separate /home/? You don't need one to re-install preserving /home/.19:23
ubottuzeeegis: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome19:23
nastjuidIn the alternate downloads -> bit torrent download section, there are two 10.04.2 Desktop i386 links, but no 10.04.2 x86_64 desktop link19:23
mikebottrism: THank you19:24
Elsshathat idk; was just telling you that the options don't pop up until you type in your usr name19:24
OchoZero9how do you upgrade from alpha ?  update-manager -d ?19:24
Jordan_U!final | OchoZero919:24
ubottuOchoZero9: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.19:24
Pici!floodbot | nandinux19:24
ubottunandinux: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.19:24
Elsshaanyone know if there's a way to *down*grade from 11 to 10?19:24
destinydrivenI noticed that bununtu 11.04 is not displaying top menu of a number of apps, anyone else having that problem?19:24
escottElssha, no19:25
Elsshatoo bad19:25
karloif I started upgrading to 11.04 but I have no time, can I cancel it and continue later ? (its on "Getting new packages" its not on "Installing the upgrades")19:25
OchoZero9thanks Jordan_U19:25
Jordan_Udestinydriven: Move your mouse to the top of the screen and you will see the menu bar.19:25
escottdestinydriven, they are supposed to appear in the panel on top, some are a little finicky19:25
sburjan`Elssha: I typed, now I have several options. Ubuntu is the selected one and I still got windows 85 :)19:25
jdahmI already have RAID set up from a previous installation, but it thinks /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 are entire devices, not just partitions19:25
Picikarlo: Yes.19:25
Picikarlo: But not if it starts installing them.19:25
Jordan_UOchoZero9: You're welcome.19:25
neckooxElssha: format + reinstall ?19:25
LAcanescott, modes is "Managed" on an intel19:25
destinydrivenescott: this works with some but not others19:25
neckooxsburjan`: 85 ?? huh19:25
Elsshawas hoping to keep all my other mods neckoox >_<19:25
destinydrivenAptana 3 (release) is one example19:26
karloPici, ok, tnx ..its still on downloading19:26
sburjan`85, 95, you get the picture19:26
Elsshaso no way to return the panel?19:26
escottdestinydriven, there is plugin for firefox check synaptic for unity firefox something19:26
neckoox:/ elssha19:26
neckooxsburjan yeah =)19:26
escottdestinydriven, its like unity integration or some such19:26
sburjan`I'm gonna reinstall19:26
CaneToadwhat's the story with 11.04?  I heard talk of crashing with betas... is that what people are seeing with the release version?19:26
escottjdahm, that seems normal19:26
destinydrivenescott: ok thanks, but why firefox, I have no problems with ff19:26
Elssha... and here i was happy i got to go to 11.04 without having to redo all the settings19:26
* LAcan nods at alienware19:27
Monotokotrying to work out if I like this unity thing...but we're running with full speed and stability at the moment CaneToad19:27
Elsshacane; mine worked fine until i wanted the stupid cube back -_-;19:27
escottdestinydriven, is it openoffice? its usually one of those two. sometimes it also gets confused if i alt-tab too much19:27
destinydrivenescott: Aptana Studio 319:27
jdahmescott: hmm it seems like if I manually format the device with mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0 it lets me use it as a "partition"19:27
neckooxelssha : you talking about compiz ?19:27
sundjinnkariSo, anyone try to run ccsm in unity?19:27
LAcanElssha, just install ccsm...19:27
Elsshawhat's that?19:28
vegais it really so that natty ships with a stone-age lirc (0.8.7) that is NOT compatible with nattys lirc kernel drivers?19:28
escottjdahm, yeah they are logical devices so that seems normal19:28
CraigenI just updated to 11.04, but when i login i can move for a few secs then everything just freezes. Any ideas? :) Also i can't access to grub by pressing esc :/19:28
escottjdahm, the installer may not be familiar with them19:28
sundjinnkariCompizConfig Settings Manager19:28
jdahmescott: what if I want it to just use the entire device without repartitioning it?19:28
escottdestinydriven, you download apatana from outside19:28
Wickedspawnlugkhast: so it is that complicated.... Unity is going to take some getting used to.. heh. Thanks.19:28
destinydrivenescott: I did19:28
llutz!info lirc natty19:29
ubottulirc (source: lirc): infra-red remote control support. In component main, is extra. Version 0.8.7-0ubuntu4 (natty), package size 532 kB, installed size 2652 kB19:29
jdahmescott: I guess I'll just do it my manual way.  Seems hacky however.  In any case I have to wait for mdadm to sync these drives in /dev/md119:29
denny_bHey guys... I'm upgrading from 10.04 all the way up to 11.04... Am I going to run into issues or should it be really easy? (besides all the medibuntu stuff lol)19:29
alienwaredoes anyone know how to install vistualbox on backtrack19:29
llutzvega: yep19:29
destinydrivenescott: should I reinstall it on 11.04. I had it from 10.1019:29
LAcanim trying to download a torrent but it sasy the filename is too long... anyone know the option in Transmission or another fix?19:29
CaneToadMonotoko: is unty just a new default option... like can you use gnome if you want to?19:29
Elsshaneckoox; yes... I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 ... in CCSM i tried to enable cube again, gave me an error but (stupidly, i know) I figured it was one of the ever-present 'the shortcut for X is same as shortcut for Y' things and okayed it19:29
escottjdahm, you could install in degraded mode and then fix it up after, but thats not the best approach19:29
arand!backtrack | alienware19:29
ubottualienware: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition19:29
escottdestinydriven, don't know if that would make a difference because it is outside apt19:29
Elsshanext thing i know, no panel up top, no window boarders19:29
jdahmescott: what is degraded mode?19:29
multipasswow, 11.04 has iphone support, badass19:29
Monotokohow come its now LibreOffice...?19:30
Rob235what can it do with the iphone19:30
MonotokoI assume thats openoffice?19:30
Elsshaso now no cube and no panel19:30
neckooxmultipass: really ?19:30
mikebottrism: The torrent from the website doesn't match that....?19:30
nandinuxi have a notebook with 10.10 installed and work ok19:30
destinydrivenescott: hmm ok, guess I will have to use another ide for now19:30
escottjdahm, ie disable mdadm, install to /dev/sda# and then rebuild afterwards19:30
neckooxmultipass: which OS ?19:30
LeoHello all. For my sins, I'm trying to set up an IPSec VPN on an Ubuntu 10.10 Server machine. I'm using OpenSWAN (+ NETKEY, just the default setup).19:30
lugkhastWickedspawn: simple-ccsm might work too, but I haven't tried19:30
zeeegiswhen it will be possible to upgrade ubuntu to 11.0419:30
OchoZero9Monotoko: because Free means two things, and libre means one19:30
nandinuxnow i try to install 11.04 and not work19:30
ElsshaLAcan; if that's compiz settings manager i have it; it's how I screwed up the install in the first places19:30
jdahmescott: oh, eww, nah I'll do it this way.  Thanks for the tip anyway19:30
multipassneckoox, yeah.. i had direct access to the root of it, access to the 3rd part apps, and access to the music.. amazing19:30
escottdestinydriven, the real question is how to get unity to NOT take over the menu19:30
cwshi, i cannot boot into ubuntu 10.10 after installing ubuntu 11.04. Does anyone know how to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/600388/19:30
[lan3y]so once i done all the updates im on 11.04 right?19:30
destinydrivenzeeegis: as of today19:30
xrdodrxMonotoko, LibreOffice is an updated OO.org19:30
multipassneckoox, so no longer need SSH to it19:30
nandinuxi think the problem is the raid19:31
neckooxmultipass: damn sweet !19:31
OchoZero9Monotoko: they are now Free from sun / oracle19:31
escottjdahm, see if you can mount md0 and md1, maybe once they are mounted the installer will play along19:31
destinydrivenescott: I'd love to know that19:31
OchoZero9they are libre19:31
nandinuxsameone can help me ?19:31
stREaKerrach0: Its fixed :)19:31
CaneToadMonotoko: Libreoffice is a fork of openoffice that isn't under Oracle's control...since they initially apparently weren't willing to play friendly with it19:31
stREaKerrach0: thanks for the help19:31
Wickedspawnlugkhast: I tried switching to classic and changing the number of workspaces and then logging back into unity, but the change didn't carry over. Was trying to keep from installing compiz, but I guess I have to =/19:31
sundjinnkaridid anyone run conky in 11.04?19:31
neckooxmultipass: but can you change the music on it ? like uploading music ?19:31
JenkWould somebody point me to the md5 hashes of Natty ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes hasn't been updated.19:31
MonotokoCaneToad, I see...I've been out of the game a while!!19:31
rach0stREaKer, glad i was of help19:31
LAcanElssha, whats the screwup? you are likely in conflict between your WM and compiz?19:31
multipassneckoox, i think so.. so far i just tried playing it though.19:31
jdahmescott: ok I will after I get lunch. /dev/md1 is going to take about another hour to sync ;)19:31
neckooxmultipass: try try ! :P19:32
OchoZero9OOo was always Free(gratis), but now they are Free(libre)19:32
_coryok i feel very out of place on 11.04...19:32
jdahmescott: maybe I'll submit a big report about it19:32
OchoZero9should i use desktop or netbook version?19:32
ElsshaLAcan; i turned on cube in CCSM and my panel (the shiny new one in 11.04) and window boarders ran away in mutiny19:32
gaaradid anyone solve the backlight issues??19:32
multipassneckoox, cant atm lol, im at work and i already wasted an hour, sry19:32
gaarascreen is black19:32
Monotokocan anyone tell me where the settings are...?19:33
gaararather screen is blank on booting in19:33
escottjdahm, you might also try getting the mdadm.conf setup in your install environment see if that helps19:33
Adis45How can I make my USB bootable19:33
neckooxmultipass: a okay . np , i will probably test myself next week19:33
Elsshawhat's the command line to open CCSM?19:33
escottElssha, ccsm19:33
stREaKerEverytime I boot up my ubuntu I see "Resume:Libcrypt 1.4.5" is it natural?19:33
multipassneckoox, it works on live usb/cd, so done even need to instlal19:33
_coryis there a way to move this sidebar thing to the bottom?19:33
LeoSo first I'm trying to set up a basic IPSec connection for test purposes, roughly following the instructions in the OpenSWAN book ( http://www.packtpub.com/openswan/book ).19:33
jdahmescott: I know.  I'm goign to need to chroot when I'm done installing and make sure everything is go inside the install19:33
LAcanElssha, than you can reset those properties THROUGH compiz ccsm19:33
jdahmescott: it's not goign to be nice19:33
OchoZero9Should I use Desktop or Netbook an a two point multitouch screen with Pressure sensitive pen input  i7?19:33
michaelschmidhi! just updated from 10.10 to 11.04... during install i had a crash. then i finished using shell. now my install is sometimes freezing and nautilus doesn't work anymore (just doesn't start). any suggestions?19:34
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Monotokomichaelschmid, sounds like a reinstall job19:34
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gaaramichaelschmid, i agree with Monotoko19:34
neckooxmultipass: yup , i won't install it yet , since fresh dist. are known to be buggy .19:34
LeoThe book suggests that an RSA key should be automatically generated during openswan installation, except on Gentoo where the install is half-broken.19:34
jdahm/away lunch19:35
escottmichaelschmid, unless you can identify the library that was installing when it crashed19:35
Monotokomichaelschmid, I mean reinstall your operating system clean19:35
Elsshaokay, what's this unity shell thing?19:35
Witchsong_OchoZero9, I'd guess the Netbook edition would be better for a tablet (assume that's what you mean).19:35
proqwubi on windows 7 is only allowing me 30GB to install ubuntu, but I have 119GB free.  how do I give it 80GB?19:35
damien_mulAnyone here having an issue with the Natty upgrade?19:35
ZiberSo, I get to the login screen and I click on my username. Sometimes it wont show the password entry form at all, and sometimes it does but wont let me type ...19:35
michaelschmidyeah, i understood... but any ideas how to get nautilus running again and then installing some days later?19:35
damien_mulI'm getting an error during upgrade ...19:35
damien_mulFailed to fetch http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/plymouth/plymouth-x11_0.8.2-2ubuntu23_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:35
damien_mulFailed to fetch http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/system-config-printer/hal-cups-utils_1.3.1+20110222-0ubuntu16.2_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:35
damien_mulFailed to fetch http://ie.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/q/qt4-x11/libqt4-webkit_4.7.2-0ubuntu6.1_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]19:35
FloodBot3damien_mul: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
gaaraanyone here have an issue with the backlight on laptop screen19:35
escottmichaelschmid, try force reinstall of naut, but its more likely a library issue19:36
Elsshaanyone know what's this unity shell thing?19:36
_corywhere is my administrator menu?  No more compiz?  wtf...19:36
michaelschmidhow can i find out, at what job the upgrade crashed?19:36
Monotokomichaelschmid, you could try uninstalling ubuntu-desktop and reinstalling it...that would likely purge a lot, but it is more likely to break things than fix19:36
PsychobudgieElssha, it's Ubuntu's new shell19:36
Pici!floodbot | nandinux19:36
ubottunandinux: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.19:36
Witchsong_Anyone here know if it's possible to sync folders from multiple mounted harddrives to Ubuntu One?19:36
Elsshayay, that fixed it19:36
Elsshaor so i thing19:37
FloodBot3Elssha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
ZiberSo, I get to the login screen and I click on my username. Sometimes it wont show the password entry form at all, and sometimes it does but wont let me type ... Any ideas?19:37
jbwivis anyone else getting this little blue triangle in the upper left hand corner of unity? http://i.imgur.com/LvEWN.png19:37
Witchsong_Or am I confined to keep what I want synced in the home folder?19:37
JenkWhat/Where are the md5 hashes of Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes hasn't been updated.19:37
Witchsong_No Ubuntu One users here who could answer the question?19:37
Psychobudgiejbwiv, it's a notification19:37
OchoZero9Witchsong_: yes I have atablet, but I need the ability to run powerful apps like Electronic Design Automation.19:38
jbwivPsychobudgie, ah...I see19:38
Omegajenkins: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/MD5SUMS19:38
_corywhy does 11.04 seem so dumbed down?19:38
Psychobudgiejbwiv, tells you that something has occurred somewhere. Doesn't actually tell you what occurred just that something has, somewhere, at some point19:38
OmegaJenk: http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/MD5SUMS19:38
OmegaOops, sorry jenkins.19:38
LeoThing is, it seems that no RSA key has been generated during openswan installation on Ubuntu 10.10 either. /etc/ipsec.secrets contains the lineinclude /var/lib/openswan/ipsec.secrets.inc19:38
Witchsong_OchoZero9: For Ubuntu 10, the only major difference between the Desktop and Netbook editions is the interface.19:38
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Psychobudgiejbwiv, you see what I did there19:38
theintrepid1hi. Im having problems with broadcom wifi after a clean install of 11.04. Any suggestions?19:38
DASSSADwhen comes do ubuntu 11.04 ??19:38
nandinuxsomeone can help me? problem with raid on 11.0419:38
Leo/var/lib/ipsec.secrets.inc doesn't exist.19:39
OchoZero9Witchsong_: thanks.19:39
jbwivPsychobudgie, yes, I see. ;-). Thanks!19:39
escottPsychobudgie, and i've been thinking that was a graphical artifact19:39
srsbizHey, is 11.04 released yet? update-notifier doesn't report 11.04 is available, only 10.10. :-/19:39
ZiberWhen I get to the login screen (and it takes a while to get there...), it sometimes wont let me type my password anywhere. Other times, it shows the password textbox, but wont let me type. Any ideas?19:39
Psychobudgieescott, someone posted it as a bug earlier19:39
escott!help | nandinux19:39
ubottunandinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:39
jbwivis there a good, consistent set of end-user docs for unity? I'd like to convert my bro-in-law19:39
michaelschmidziber, i think i had the same problem19:39
Witchsong__cory, I guess you have a different view of what seems "dumbed down" than what I have. The new interface is a lot better, though it will require time to get used to. :)19:39
Zibermichaelschmid: Do you have a solution?19:40
srsbizDo I have to update to 10.10 frist?19:40
Psychobudgieescott, We should have a bet on what actual feature of unity will be the next one to be incorrectly indentified as a bug19:40
crescendomy window manager is crashing amid the upgrade, and it's just resizing the windows over and over. halp?19:40
_corywitchsong_: Maybe u can help me figure a few things out.  I want to reconfigure my monitors but I don't have a preferences or administration menu anymore.  Also is tehre a way to reposition the sidebar?19:40
OchoZero9I have an 18.6 GB partition that is almost full, and it hosts the operating system. I have naother 63GB partitoin that is only 60% full. How do I free up space on the OS partition?19:40
michaelschmidfirst it was extremely slow, now it works, but sometimes it is freezing. try first to start the classic version (gnome)19:40
crescendo(I'm basically typing into an oscillating Xchat window right now.)19:40
rcmaehlubuntu 11.04 today an ring ceremony tomorrow which means I get to leave school after it and be excused19:40
LeoAnd then, when I attempt to create an RSA key using sudo ipsec newhostkey (the method recommended for Gentoo installs by the openswan book) nothing happens.19:40
Picisrsbiz: Yes. If you're running 10.04, you'll need to upgrade to 10.10 first, then to 11.0419:40
Zibermichaelschmid: ...How?19:40
Witchsong__cory: The preferences are in the "shut down" menu now.19:40
michaelschmidziber, but i don't really have a solutino19:41
escottOchoZero9, gparted will allow you to resize/move19:41
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DASSSADwhen will ubuntu11.04 released ??19:41
_corywitchsong_ ah ha!  thx19:41
michaelschmidziber, try to login using gnome (classic)19:41
MonotokoDASSSAD, it's out19:41
escottOchoZero9, as with any partition changes make backups19:41
srsbizPici: is 11.04 LTS btw? I was kind-of confused by teh lack of "LTS" on the download site19:41
LeoThe rsasigkey process just seems to stall, using 0 processor and memory (according to top).19:41
rcmaehlDASSSAD: it's out19:41
DASSSADis 11.04 LTS ?19:41
arandsrsbiz: It's not19:41
Zibermichaelschmid: How do I select that option?19:41
nandinuxwhy in a notebook with raid-0 perfectly run 10.10 i can't install 11.0419:41
theintrepid1hi. Im having some problems with wifi after a clean install of 11.04. STA driver takes out wireless networks on the network applet. any ideas?19:41
Psychobudgiesrsbiz, 11.10 is the next lts19:41
MonotokoDASSSAD, there isn't an 11.04 LTS19:41
michaelschmidziber, did upgrade to through without crash/error?19:41
Lunar_LampI've just upgraded to 11.04 and am now using unity.  How do I set the default screen in a 2-monitor setup? The vertical menu bar is appearing on the left side of the right screen (i.e. in the middle of the two monitors)19:41
arandPsychobudgie: No.19:41
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srsbizOh my gawd. Nevermind me. Not upgrading lol.19:42
Omegasrsbiz: o+1 aka 12.04 is LTS19:42
Zibermichaelschmid: Hm?19:42
rcmaehltheintrepid1: rmmod the device then modprobe it19:42
escottPsychobudgie, hard to say i feel like im over the hump and its starting to all seem normal. perhaps the workspace switcher not closing when you click on a workspace19:42
michaelschmidziber, click onto your user and then at the bottom you can choose19:42
Zibermichaelschmid: hm, alright19:42
alessio_alexI've hidden my bottom panels, but now I don't know how to set "always show"19:42
OchoZero9thanks escott, but I think 18gb is excessive how do I know what I have there that's un necessary?19:42
liquidguideIf anyone is having a slow download the torrents are lightning fast19:42
cwsHi, i have just installed ubuntu 11.04, but i can no longer boot into my ubuntu 10.10 installation. Anyone know how to add ubuntu 10.10 to grub again? http://paste.ubuntu.com/600388/19:42
escottLeo, will any rsa key work? could you generate with gpg or ssh19:43
lcbIt was a nice ride. Thanks to all at #ubuntu*19:43
arandcws: According to that, it does seem to be added...19:44
escottOchoZero9, you could uninstall stuff you don't need or remove stuff like old kernels 18gb is high but if you installed a lot of stuff19:44
BitOperatorman the mirrors are bogged down19:44
BitOperatorim getting 15.6K19:44
michaelschmidhow to force nautilus reinstall? (on shell)19:44
OchoZero9is there a way to see what's taking what space?19:44
arandcws: What does your grub.cfg look like?19:45
arandBitOperator: Use torrents if possible.19:45
eossshould i upgrade to the new ubuntu?19:45
escottmichaelschmid, apt-get --reinstall install nautilus19:45
arandeoss: Your decision.19:45
BitOperatorYeah, I'll just wait it out. I've already got it installed was just looking to download final release ISO for archive19:45
IdleOnercmaehl: please don't CTCP the channel like that.19:45
cwsarand, i'll paste it in 1 sec19:46
nandinuxbye bye19:46
Picircmaehl: or send notices.19:46
eossis 10.10 still gonna get upgrades and what not?19:46
crescendometacity --replace19:46
Picircmaehl: I've already filed a bug against the website for that. There is no netbook edition anymore.19:46
michaelschmidescott, thanks!19:46
rcmaehlPici: what?19:46
arandeoss: For 18months paste relese I think.19:46
michaelschmidis 11.04 LTS?19:47
arandmichaelschmid: No19:47
Jordan_Urcmaehl: The "desktop" edition now uses Unity, which was the netbook shell.19:47
IdleOnercmaehl: netbook and desktop have been merged, both use unity now.19:47
ublunthey iam using ubuntu server 10.10 and need some assistance on troubleshooting my mail server it has suddenly stopped sending and recieving mail19:47
cwsarand, here is my grub.cfg http://paste.ubuntu.com/600395/19:47
Piciublunt: #ubuntu-server might be a better place to ask, #ubuntu is rather busy today due to the release.19:48
XonixFetching the updates fail because the server http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl return forbidden 403. Where can i get a other mirror?19:48
michaelschmidhmmm.... nautilus won't start after reinstall.... any suggestions? :-)19:48
Jordan_Ucws: Do you have any kernels in Ubuntu 10.10's /boot/ ?19:48
giuliaI'm trying to find out the md5 sum for the dvd image of the Ubuntu 11.0419:49
giuliaany idea on where can I find it ?19:49
crescendoI've had to kill compiz during the upgrade, it was stuck in a loop -- now how do I start metacity to gain access to my windows again?19:49
ceninanupgraded to 11.04 and now I get a black screen at boot (under recovery mode I see a bit of scrolling text, then black); ATI Mobility HD347019:49
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vandamselmy installation of 11.04 has hung at "could not find module nvidia_current" after all them painfully slow updates :p19:49
tdnI have just downloaded ubuntu desktop iso. I created a bootable USB with it. However, when booting it, I get error: ubentry1: file not found19:49
cwsJordan_U, no19:49
Leoescott: Probably, though I'm not sure what key length etc. I need. Apparently I can also just try using a PSK password rather than an RSA key. But I was hoping I would be able to get a basic ipsec connection up  as a test before I had to start worrying about crypto settings. :(19:49
Picigiulia: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/release/MD5SUMS19:49
tdnHow do I fix this?19:49
traskersIs there a way to easily organise the items in the Unity launcher? (I'm using 2D, if that makes a difference)19:49
giuliathanks :)19:50
nutsfornattytraskers: click and hold on the icons, they will float. move at will :-)19:50
Jordan_Ucws: If there are no kernels then there will be no menu entries. Do you know why your Ubuntu 10.10 install has no kernels in its /boot/?19:50
escottLeo, yeah i don't know ipsec or why that would hang19:50
traskersnutsfornatty, ah, okay, thank you very much!19:50
ceninansystem doesn't appear to respond to any keyboard shortcuts (that I know of)19:50
cwsJordan_U, I had my /boot on another patition19:50
michaelschmidceninan, i had the same (or quite similar)... after trying a bit i found out, that it worked with classic view... but now my installation is boggous and natulis won't work19:50
sebsebsebvandamsel: right yeah ok19:51
sebsebsebvandamsel: if you look in additioanl drivers, does it say the driver is installed and activiated or what?19:51
sebsebsebthe propritary driver19:51
ceninanmichaelschmid, classic view?19:51
jumpaHello. I've just updated to ubuntu 11.04. But the menus of firefox and thunderbird aren't displayed in the indicator-appmenu. I think it's related to the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/firefox/+bug/637827, which has been marked as fixed. Neither removing thunderbird-globalmenu nor reinstalling it helped. Any hint?19:51
aravindaI'm using ubuntu 10.10 and i have a issue with sounds..19:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 637827 in firefox (Ubuntu Natty) "FFE: Firefox and Thunderbird (XUL) menus don't appear in the global menu bar" [High,Fix released]19:51
Jordan_Ucws: Does that partition still exist? Are you still using it as the /boot/ for Ubuntu 10.10?19:51
michaelschmidon login19:51
tdnWhat should the md5sum of the desktop iso be?19:51
ceninanI can't login19:51
michaelschmidyou use gnome instead of unity19:51
sebsebseb!md5sum | tdn19:51
ubottutdn: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:51
sebsebseb!hashes | tdn19:51
ubottutdn: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:51
IdleOne!hashes | tdn19:51
ceninanthe system locks before I can interact with it19:51
michaelschmidceninan, you don't even have login?19:51
cwsJordan_U, no i installed the new /boot onto that patition... Was that wrong?19:52
sebsebsebcws: Unity?19:52
IdleOnetdn: compare against the hash on the above link19:52
Jordan_Ucws: Yes.19:52
cwssebsebseb, Yes i use Unity.. Why?19:52
tdnsebsebseb, what page does not have the hashes for 11.0419:52
vandamselsebsebseb: ah speak of the devil. its started working after hanging there >1 hour19:52
Jordan_Ucws: Why do you have a separate /boot/ partition in the first place?19:52
michaelschmidmaybe you can do something over ssh? from another machine?19:52
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tdnIdleOne, unfortuneately not :(19:52
sebsebsebcws: ok I think I know why19:52
IdleOnetdn: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes this one19:53
sebsebsebvandamsel: right, but I think you got a issue with teh propritary driver?19:53
ceninanmichaelschmid, perhaps; may as well salvage the pieces and reinstall if there is no known/easy solution19:53
cwsJordan_U, because i thought that it was the way to do it :-(19:53
sebsebsebvandamsel: Unity was froozen?  like cws19:53
tdnIdleOne, I know, it only has old hashes.19:53
IdleOnetdn: hmm you are right.19:53
tdnIdleOne, not the new ones.19:53
aravindaerror message gives when i click "sounds " from preferences saying that "waiting for sound system to respond" and i can't open system sounds control center...how to resolve this problem..can some one help me19:53
IdleOnetdn: let me search a little19:53
nutsfornattythe new ati driver is working nicely for me (full unity, lower system temps)19:53
hobbscanyone have trouble with icons not showing up in the launcher?  neither gvim nor tasque have icons when i open them19:53
cwssebsebseb, my Unity works fine19:53
rcmaehlops, may I ask a somewhat offtopic question?19:54
Jordan_Ucws: Separate /boot partitions are only needed in specific circumstances.19:54
vandamselsebsebseb: its just booting for the first time now. ill install the additional drivers and see if i have any issues :)19:54
LAcan_rcmaehl, just ask19:54
Jordan_U!ot | rcmaehl19:54
ubotturcmaehl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:54
nutsfornattyi think some apps dont have launcher icons yet?19:54
coolmanfor some reason, the upgrade to 11.04 just stopped downloading and i had to redo it!19:54
sebsebsebvandamsel: uhmm was Unity froozen, for an hour or so on your desktop?19:54
PiciLAcan_: No, We have less busy channels for that,19:54
IdleOnetdn: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Ubuntu/11.04/MD5SUMS19:54
Leoescott: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1441977 suggests it might be due to to a lack of randomness. But I've logged in to the console of the server and hammered on tetris for a few minutes, and still the thing doesn't seem to make any progress. So either the 10.10 openswan package is bugged or I don'k know enoguh about keeping /dev/random full.19:54
LAcan_Pici, but like.. how do we even know its actually offtopic?19:55
cwsJordan_U: ok, do you know if i can recover my ubuntu 10.10 system?19:55
DoeNietWilanyone else has the problem that some windows turn white?19:55
Jordan_Ucws: You can.19:55
tdnIdleOne, it seems right.19:55
IdleOneLAcan: by his stating it was19:55
eiriksvinanyone know how to put the launcher bar at the bottom on Natty?19:55
fritschAnyone else has a problem with xhci_hcd timeout and mouse / keyboard stop working with the natty kernel?19:55
escottLeo, if its a really big key it might require a lot of randomness, and if the server is misconfigured in some way it may not be accepting enough sources of entropy19:55
tdnIdleOne, when I boot it from a USB it gives me the error: ubnentry1: file not found19:55
rcmaehlIt's a question about if people want to play a game while updating to 11.0419:55
vandamselsebsebseb: the actual installation hung on the same output for over an hour, nothing appeared to be downloading so i dunno why it took so long.19:55
tdnWhat to do?19:55
Jordan_Ucws: Chroot into your install, remove the /boot/ partition from /etc/fstab, and re-install your kernel packages.19:55
nutsfornattyeiriksvin, laucher cannot be moved atm, yes i know that sucks a bit19:55
PiciLAcan_: Because he said it was an offtopic question.19:56
wereverHi escott, hows going your day?19:56
escottLeo, cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail19:56
sebsebsebvandamsel: oh ok, not Unity being froozen then19:56
syntheticLifehey is it taking anyone else like 9 hours for updates to download?19:56
escottwerever, good you?19:56
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sebsebsebsyntheticLife: sounds like the repos are slow since it's release day19:56
sebsebseb!slow | syntheticLife19:56
ubottusyntheticLife: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors19:56
nutsfornattyservers getting hammered19:56
aravindai use ubuntu 10.10...error message gives when i click "sounds " from preferences saying that "waiting for sound system to respond" and i can't open system sounds control center...how to resolve this problem..can some one help me19:56
werevernice, now working only with linux and all is ok19:56
IdleOnetdn: make a new USB install.19:56
coolmansyntheticlife:yea but mine said "1 Day and 14 hrs. remaining"!19:56
Leoescott: seems likely.19:56
sebsebseb!slow | coolman19:56
ubottucoolman: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors19:56
tdnIdleOne, I just did. Same thing.19:56
tdnIdleOne, I have verified that the md5sum is correct.19:57
IdleOnetdn: not sure how to help you sorry.19:57
syntheticLifeif i torrent can i still do upgrade instead of a new install?19:57
nutsfornattyi waited 9minutes for a 1mb file. thats release day for you19:57
Leoescott: sudo cat  /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail gives me 13519:57
sebsebsebsyntheticLife: no you don't upgrade using a torrent, you can get the ISO from a torrent19:57
IdleOnetdn: someone else might know. state your issue again.19:57
coolmansebsebseb: what does that mean19:57
phoque_unisyntheticLife, you need to download the alternative ISO19:57
phoque_uniburn it or mount it19:57
cwsJordan_U: isn't there a simpler way? With a ubuntu 10.10 live cd for example?19:57
sebsebsebcoolman: what does what mean?19:57
phoque_uniand upgrade from that19:57
nutsfornattytorrent iso -> burn iso to DVD or usb key -> install as either upgrade or clean install19:57
eiriksvinnutsfornatty> yeah they give a bunch of options with that downloadable plugin, but why wouldnt they just give an option of where to put that monstrosity19:58
phoque_uniit'll ask you to download updates while upgrading19:58
coolmanthe !slow thing19:58
phoque_unidon't do that, they're 900 MBytes in size19:58
shane4ubuntufinally got my iso downloaded (via torrent on my slow dsl), going to re-install  have fun you people with slow upgrades. ;)19:58
sebsebsebsyntheticLife: and  with 11.04 you can upgrade  your 10.10 install to 11.04 it seems using the ISO19:58
wereverescott, nice, now working only with linux and all is ok,  I am trying to update my 10.10 to 11.04 but update manager ask me to insert 10.10 into a cdrom ¿is mandatory this step?, I have 10.10 only in a flash memory, I dont burn cds never19:58
syntheticLifeokay thanks sebsebseb19:58
sebsebsebsyntheticLife: well CD I should say once you got the contents of the ISO burnt to it19:58
=== clone`KillaloT is now known as KillaloT
Leoescott: The openswan book suggests that OpenSWAN does a 2192-bit RSA key by default.19:58
escottLeo, lol now you have to figure out what units that is19:58
escottwerever, shouldn't be. its not the best day to do it... the servers are being hammered19:59
tdnWhen I boot the 11.04 iso from a USB it gives me the error: ubnentry1: file not found. How do I fix this? I have verified that the md5sum is correct.19:59
nutsfornattyeiriksvin, do trust. we had a big conversation about the lack of unity customization atm. im sure someone will create a way to move the launcher within a month (hacked or official)19:59
sebsebsebcoolman: on releae day,  many Ubuntu fans download the new release, as a result,  the servers  tend to get slow, be that for the ISO's,  or the repos/resporitories for Ubuntu19:59
wereverescott, I understand19:59
syntheticLifedurn, was waiting till my exams were done to install, now i have to wait longer!19:59
jo-erlendtdn, #Ubuntu+1 is probably better for that question.19:59
sebsebsebtdn: jo-erlend #ubuntu+1 is closed for now, this is 11.04 now as well20:00
IdleOnejo-erlend: nope this is the correct channe;20:00
escottjo-erlend, +1 is closed now20:00
jo-erlendoh. Sorry.20:00
coolmansebsebseb: it just came out TODAY?!?!?20:00
sebsebsebcoolman: yes20:00
jo-erlendoh! It's release day :)20:00
sebsebsebcoolman: 11.04 got released earlier today20:00
jo-erlendI'm moving house so I had completely forgotten! That's a first...20:00
proqyeah, about 9 hours ago20:00
aravindaerror message gives when i click "sounds " from preferences saying that "waiting for sound system to respond" and i can't open system sounds control center...how to resolve this problem..can some one help me20:00
nutsfornattyif you want new ubuntu quickest, always preload the beta then do the system updates to final release. too late now for that strategy to work though haha20:00
coolmansebsebseb: wow. i thought it came out on the 4th!20:01
fritscharavinda: tried rebooting?20:01
tdnjo-erlend, 11.04 is released now.20:01
sebsebsebcoolman: no, but Gnome 3 came out on the 6th of April :)20:01
syntheticLifeyea I know but the alpha was available, didnt want to get distracted by it20:01
aravindadone verything20:01
shane4ubuntujo-erlend: that happened to me with the last release, I didn't even find out till a week after! :)20:01
fritscharavinda: could be a pulse audio issue hanging in another session20:01
aravindai mean general stuff20:01
fritscharavinda: pulseaudio running?20:01
coolmansebsebseb: thanks so much! *leaves*20:01
escott!final | escott20:01
eiriksvinwell, how do i go to classic desktop mode until then?20:01
ubottuescott, please see my private message20:01
sburjan`too bad Unity doesn't work on VmWare :(20:01
aravindai dnt know20:01
aravindahow to check that20:01
sebsebsebsburjan`: well not sure about VMware, but it can work with Virtualbox :)20:01
jo-erlendshane4ubuntu, yes, I've been using it for a while, so... The release isn't that important to me. But this is offtopic. Sorry.20:01
proqwhy? does unity use opengl?20:01
* Greek_o_nikos upgrading from 10.10 to 11.0420:02
eiriksvinid there a way to use natty, but looking like Maveric?20:02
nutsfornattyeiriksvin, on the login screen. look at the bottom bar. change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" and login. done20:02
sebsebsebproq: for some effects, that's why it uses Compiz20:02
jo-erlendproq, Unity uses Compiz.20:02
wereverescott, I downloaded full iso final 11.04, is possible update from this iso?20:02
fritscharavinda: press "alt F2"20:02
fritscharavinda: and type: pulseaudio &20:02
eiriksvinwill it do that for my profile only?20:02
regeyathe thing to remember about Gnome 3 being released on the 6th of April is that, because different distros work differently, and because now more eyeballs will be on it, there will be some lag before distros have it as part of their stable releases :-)20:02
fritscharavinda: after that, retry opening the sound stuff20:02
sebsebsebproq: however there's also already the Unity 2D version which you can get from a ppa, made with Qt what KDE uses, and that will probably be the default fall back for 11.10 instead of Gnome 2 with their Ubuntu specific changes20:02
escottwerever, if you add its package archive to your list of apt archives you should be able to use it20:02
syntheticLifewerever: apparently possible to update from iso20:02
jo-erlendwerever, the desktop  cd can't be used as a local archive like the alternate cd can. It uses other techniques to install the system very quickly, but that isn't compatible with apt.20:03
Leoescott: A Google search seems to suggest that the unit is bits. Yes, that's what man random says too, I think.20:03
nutsfornattyeiriksvin, yes. i have 2 profiles 1 unity and 1 classic. the change is instant and you can easily switch back and foward20:03
aravindafritsch: it doesnt work20:03
EmasarnI went to download Ubuntu, but i could not figure out which iso to donwload20:03
regeyaI'm actually surprised at how close unity 2d is to the functionality of unity 3d20:03
arandsebsebseb: unity-2d is in main..20:03
sebsebsebarand: is it?  hmm it was a ppa20:03
wereverjo-erlend: then If i want to update, I need to download alternative iso?20:03
fritscharavinda: try "alt F2" and afterwards: pulseaudio -d20:03
escottLeo, that seems pretty low check your entropy sources20:03
jo-erlendwerever, or directly from the servers?20:04
shane4ubuntunutsfornatty: how do you switch back and forth?20:04
arandsebsebseb: Must've been early in the cycle..20:04
KillaloTI'm trying to update to 11.04 on my Eee PC 901 but it says that the upgrade will take 8 hours.... (was 11 hours about 30 minutes ago) .. I feel like the system has been running slow lately, so i think i will need a full re-install.. But how do i cancel the upgrade?20:04
MrSteinapt-get package download with and without apt-p2p is slow. Is there anything that I can do ir just wait until the rush is over?20:04
sebsebsebarand: I thought it was still a ppa, but ok that's good if it's in the main repo20:04
escottLeo, I have 60020:04
jo-erlendEmasarn, if you have a PC with 2-3GB RAM, then 32bit is the best one. If you have more RAM, or expect to have more RAM in the future, you need the 64bit one.20:04
aravindafritsch :nop20:04
fritscharavinda: if this does not work, killing pulseaudio and restarting would be an idea.20:04
somethingelseso are people planning on actively working on unity while this release is in the wild?20:04
pdebruicany issues with broadcom 4311 wifi cards not being detected after updating from Maverick?  Mine is not detected.20:04
nutsfornattyshane4ubuntu, go to the login screen. look at the bottom bar of that screen. change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" and login. repeat to switch back. very easy but easily overlooked.20:04
fritscharavinda: run the command: pulseaudio -k20:04
escottLeo, and now i have like 100 :)20:04
r000tHello. I'm having serious input lag issues after upgrading, but I'm not sure which package is causing the problem, thus making it difficult to report the bug. What should I do now?20:05
fritscharavinda: afterwards pulseaudio -d20:05
shane4ubuntuMrStein: probably just wait till the rush is over. :(20:05
sebsebsebsomethingelse: sure Canonical's team will still continue work on it for 11.1020:05
fritschand retry20:05
pdebruicMrStein: check that you are access the Best Server for your area of the world20:05
Monotokoguys...if I upgrade my motherboard and CPU will ubuntu still play nicely...?20:05
Monotokoor will I need to reinstall?20:05
fritschMonotoko: it will20:05
aciculaMonotoko: it should work just fine20:05
somethingelsesebsebseb, are we going to see those improvements?  It's completely unusable right now20:05
MrSteinpdebruic: with p2p I access tons of servers at same time20:05
wereverjo-erlend: I tried but update manager ask me for cd rom of 10.10 version, i have this iso on my usb device, is mandarory insert 10.10 cdrom?20:05
fritschMonotoko: you do not have to reinstall, it is not windows :-)20:05
jo-erlendsomethingelse, sure. There are many improvements to be made. I expect that's why they wanted to introduce it in this release, so they have another normal release to polish before the next LTS cycle.20:05
sebsebsebsomethingelse: the development versiosn of 11.10, will get the improvements to Unity yes20:05
shane4ubuntunutsfornatty: ahh, ok, I thought there was an even quicker way the way you had mentioned it, thanks.20:05
MonotokoI do have Windows too...will that need a reinstall?20:05
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: developmetn versions20:05
fritscharavinda: does not work, or does it?20:05
mkquistKillaloT: if you going to reinstall anyway, I don't think it matters 'how' you stop it20:05
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: it's unuseable right now, how so?20:05
MrSteinpdebruic: on the other hand it is worth a try. Which tool is for the server speed check?20:05
aciculaMonotoko: windows probably will need a reinstall/reactivation yeah20:05
aravindafritsch:but problem remains20:06
Emasarnjo-erlend, I have an Intel 64, but the 64 bit version seems to only be available for amd?20:06
pdebruicyeah but that depends on those servers having a good connnection and the file.  Might also check that the default http server is best for you.20:06
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: ??  I think you got the wrong guy! :)  How's it going though!20:06
aciculaMonotoko: just try first and see what happens20:06
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: also if you find Unity unusable or whatever, give Gnoem Shell a try ;)  the new interface for Gnome 3 the default proper one :)20:06
jo-erlendwerever, no. Look in your archive settings and maybe remove it. You do have an installed system, yes?20:06
fritscharavinda: sorry, no idea from here - did it ever work bevore?20:06
Monotokothis is one of those times I wish I didn't need to rely on Windows20:06
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: oh yeah I did20:06
aravindafritsch: its ok thanks20:06
MrSteinEmasarn: 64 bit is for both Intel and AMD (and VIA)20:06
sebsebsebsomethingelse: see above was messging wrong guy again20:06
jo-erlendEmasarn, ah. No, forget that. It works well on both.20:06
r000tEmasarn, that's because AMD made the x64 standard. It will work fine with Intel chips20:06
aravindafritsch : it works20:06
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: I have already previewed unity and already plan on sticking with gnome though. :)20:06
nutsfornattyunity is great but you do have to change the way you think about opening/moving/organizing your desktop apps20:06
jo-erlendEmasarn, it's just that Intel had some strange ideas back in the days.20:06
EmasarnThank you all :)20:07
somethingelsesebsebseb, are they going to continue developing unity even after gnome 3 is done?  It seems the two have similar goals20:07
[dlp]Fuck me this place is busy.20:07
pdebruicMrStein: http://blog.hafees.com/linux/ubuntu-change-download-server-and-fix-slow-updates/20:07
Monotokois there anything like World Of Warcraft native to Linux?20:07
acicula[dlp]: filter all the channel events and its easier to read20:07
aravindafritsch: But when i installed skype20:07
aravindait went wrong20:07
jo-erlendnutsfornatty, yes, you do. I got used to it very quickly though, and I'll never look back. But there are still improvements to be made.20:07
nutsfornattygive unity a full week of use (and make sure you know the keyboard shortcuts) and i think most people will be ok with it20:07
escottMonotoko, thought WoW had a linux client20:07
shane4ubuntu!language | [dlp]20:07
ubottu[dlp]: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:07
wereverjo-erlend: I am not sure what do you mean with "archive settings", and yes I have ubuntu 10.10 as single OS on my lap, no partitions, no dual boot, no windows20:07
aciculaMonotoko: nope, but you can run it using the wine program20:07
r000tBackspace key especially is laggy, like whole seconds between when I use it and when it decides to work20:07
somethingelsesebsebseb, just seems like a strange interface choice...I actually had to uninstall unity on a netbook last release because it was taking up all the horizontal space and causing scrollbars on all webpages20:07
* [dlp] hangs his head in shame20:07
Monotokoescott..nope, they dropped it years ago20:07
fritscharavinda: is skype currently running? could block your sound device20:07
sebsebsebsomethingelse: they do,  really  Gnome Shell is the proper version since that's from upstream Gnome, but Canonical wanted to do their own interface that was originally going to be for netbooks only  so yeah 10.10, but can use that on a desktop even :)   and  then it was decided that starting with 11.04 they would make for desktops as well, instead of going with Gnome Shell by default20:07
acicula!wine | Monotoko look here,20:07
ubottuMonotoko look here,: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:07
jo-erlendwerever, ok. I'm not sure why it'20:07
aravindano i uninstalled it20:07
NucleusDentatusHow do I get back Visual Settings tab from Appearance Properties?20:08
Monotokoacicula, I know, it doesn't run well in Wine20:08
echo2has anyone figured out how to get unity working in vmware20:08
Monotokothat;s why I need Windows20:08
EmasarnI cant wait to get rid of this windows instrall20:08
kubanchow come i cannot move program window from one monitor to another ( dual display function ). i'm usting ubuntu 10.04 and i have compiz enabled20:08
fritscharavinda: nskype does not change any system settings concerning audio20:08
sebsebsebsomethingelse: upstream Gnome, and Canonical had similar, but also differnet idea's on what they wanted for an interface, so yep both20:08
jo-erlendwerever, why it'd ask for CD then. But you can configure which sources to use. It's in System > Administration > Software Sources.20:08
aciculaMonotoko: WoW doesnt run in wine? it has platinum support afaik20:08
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: is gnome shell the same as gnome desktop?20:08
aravindaskype also doesn't work20:08
aciculaMonotoko:  http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=20549 look here20:08
arandkubanc: They may be treated as different workspaces?20:08
nutsfornattyim almost sure WoW works in wine20:09
echo2has anyone figured out how to get unity working in vmware20:09
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: Gnome Shell is the new interface for Gnome 3 :)  http://gnome3.org20:09
Monotokoacicula, it should have...it runs just very very slowly for me20:09
kubancarand, by whom? compiz ?20:09
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: ahh, ok20:09
somethingelsesebsebseb, so are they going to try to reconcile those?  seems like a pretty strange thing to have two different versions of the same thing floating around... I'm still not sure why they didn't just pump more manhours through docky, which appears to be more stable and usable than this unity thing is20:09
aravindai can't remember i think i havw done something with pulseaudio20:09
aciculaMonotoko: did you install any hardware drivers using the hardware driver tool?20:09
Leoescott: Do you know how I can check what my sources of entropy are? man random says to use  sysctl kern.random but that gets me the message "error: "kern.random" is an unknown key"20:09
Monotokoacicula, yeah...graphics drivers20:09
aciculaMonotoko: what gpu do you have?20:09
aravindafritsch :that may be the reason20:09
nutsfornattyi miss docky, unity needs proper docky like widget imo. but no point in having TWO docks (unity + docky) at the same time20:09
Monotokoacicula, ASUS 5750 or something I think20:10
sebsebsebshane4ubuntu: Unity is currenlty on top of Gnome 2 in 11.04, but will be on top of Gnome 3 for 11.10  whilst being used instead of Gnome Shell by default.  and with 11.10 people should be able to install the uhmm 100% proper Gnome 3 expereince from the repo's no problem.  where as with 11.04 Gnome 3 is an optional ppa, which lacks a few things20:10
[dlp]I've lost my hardware graphics support.20:10
Monotoko1GB cache memory20:10
Monotokocost me about £60 last year20:10
acicula Monotoko hmm that should be able to run it just fine20:10
arandkubanc: Oh, I misread the version.. Hmm, I don't know I'm afraid..20:10
skulltipbackintime is very cool, hope i wont have to learn how to restore from it with the upgrade 9920:10
jo-erlendsomethingelse, you're arguing about shells? They'll all be available in 11.10. It's not possible to provide gnome shell yet, for purely technical reasons, but we'll get there. And they'll have different strengths.20:10
Monotokoacicula, it's perfect in Windows...runs like a beast20:10
[dlp]And encfs doesn't work properly (but then it never did). My hacks have been undone.20:10
Monotokoits just it seems to have a problem with Wine20:10
macrossi must say20:10
galamarHello, I'm having an issue with open windows opening at the very top of the screen and I can't grab the top bar to move the window because its off screen. Also the alt to grab isn't working.20:10
sebsebsebsomethingelse: look t the message I just sent shane4ubuntu as well :)20:10
aciculaMonotoko: idk, it may require some fiddling to get it work properly, check the winehq thread/ubuntu forums, pretty sure there are a fair few wow users in the ubuntu community20:11
macrossgreat job on 11 ...if they meant to destroy anything good about the window manager20:11
macrossawesome job!20:11
sebsebsebmacross: heh20:11
shane4ubuntusebsebseb: right I was playing with gnome3 a little in my little spare time, but didn't get far, thanks for the info.20:11
jo-erlendgalamar, you don't need to. Press alt, click anywhere in the window and drag it around. :)20:11
[dlp]Graphics didn't involve any hacking, so that's worrying :-s20:11
Monotokoacicula, I'l try again...it has been a year since I tried20:11
macrosscompiz is gne wondow managing is gone20:11
somethingelsejo-erlend, I'm just wondering why this change has been forced on desktop users when it doesn't appear to have anything to do with us, are there a lot of people running ubuntu on a touchscreen device?  AFAIK there isn't even a ubuntu touchscreen device in existence...20:11
macrossin place of a beta ubuntu app20:11
echo2has anyone figured out how to get unity working in vmware20:11
syntheticLifemacross: they didn t change the window manager20:11
echo2answer the question20:11
StarminnMonotoko: I've heard WoW runs faster in Ubuntu from those of my friends who play it.20:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:11
aravindaDoes any body know about the error messege " waiting from sound system to respond" ???20:12
escottLeo, no but typing into an ssh shell may not do anything for entropy because it doesn't generate any kernel traffic (beyond the NIC) and the NIC might be invalidated because it is outside accessible and potentially hostile20:12
macrosswell i have no window manager now20:12
jo-erlendsomethingelse, there are. But what are you talking about? The classic ubuntu desktop experience is installed by default in 11.04. Just choose it from the login screen.20:12
macrossi can't move anything20:12
aciculaecho2: does the metacity window manager work within vmware?20:12
Starminnmacross: Are you using Metacity or Compiz?20:12
MonotokoStarminn, may just need an upgrade for my mobo and CPU...they are lacking behind a lil bit these days20:12
escottLeo, see if you can generate disk io20:12
macrossi was using compiz20:12
wereverjo-erlend: Done, I found where software sources option is, is within update manager under settings button,  thanks!20:12
sebsebsebsomethingelse: no upstream Gnome and Canonical are moving more away more from each other, since the new interfaces,  under the hood Ubuntu will still be using well the rest of Gnome.  Unity is going to be the interface by default for Ubuntu, for a very long time I expect, unless loads of users don't like it or something.20:12
echo2compiz does20:12
macrossnow it's gone20:12
galamarjo-erlend, I mentioned that alt grab is not working either.20:12
=== erkan^ is now known as zippo^
aciculaMonotoko: what do you have now?20:12
arandmacross: Unity uses compiz, by the way..20:12
macrossi can't click on anything i was totally surprised this works20:12
somethingelsejo-erlend, I'm running the standard session right now after an hour or two of being frustrated with even the most minor modifications to the unity bar (adding new applications to it), but I'm worried that in future versions users not using unity will be shoved out the door or disregarded, I want somewhere to voice my opinion20:12
shane4ubuntube back after a clean install.20:12
BinaryManI gotta ask a super important question. I'm using Lucid x86_64 on my primary machine (consider it a production machine). Hard drive is encrypted with LUKS. Should I upgrade to Natty or will things possibly break?20:13
aciculaecho2: what does not work with the unity manager in vmware?20:13
Monotokoacicula, dual core, 2.6Ghz intel 77520:13
macrossunity is just terrible nothing is working20:13
StarminnMonotoko: Well, if your processor is slow then running something like WoW is going to be *very* slow. Ask in ##hardware to see if it might be your computer or Ubuntu. That way we have it narrowed down a bit.20:13
jo-erlendsomethingelse, oh. Sorry. I should've seen that. Are you using Unity?20:13
aciculaBinaryMan: do we need to consult our crystal ball, or is this a random guess20:13
FreeTheBeeHi, does anyone know if texlive is part of the default install in natty?20:13
r000tI'm having major keyboard lag after upgrading, what do I do?20:13
Z1nn0cWhat's wrong with the lastest version? Why is it loading for hours?20:13
aciculaBinaryMan: if its production, test first20:13
arrrghhhhey all, is the 2.2tb limit on all 32-bit systems, or just ones that don't use GPT?  i have a 32-bit ubuntu server, and i want to add a 3tb drive...20:13
BinaryManacicula: I can't. I don't have the same machine to play with.20:13
arandmacross: Please, this channel is for support.20:13
escottLeo, http://bredsaal.dk/improving-randomness-and-entropy-in-ubuntu-9-1020:13
Tora1188Hey all, just got 11.04 and i saw those rotating wallpaper sets. How can i make my own?20:13
BinaryManI take that back.20:13
sebsebsebmacross: ok has your Unity froozen?20:13
FloodBot3BinaryMan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
aciculaBinaryMan: do you need to ugprade for any reason at all?20:13
roasted_Question - I can't set Chromium to be my default browser in 11.04. When I select it in the preferences menu, nothing happens. When I open Chromium, it asks me every time if I want to make it my default. Regardless of what I say, it keeps asking me each time I open it. Any ideas?20:13
Raikiais it smart to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 now?  or wait a couple weeks to get stuff ironed out? What are y'alls thoughts20:14
escottarrrghhh, gpt will avoid that limit20:14
plustaxI haven't gotten a notice to upgrade my ubuntu. Im still on lucid lynx.20:14
macrossi have no window manager i cannot move anything my main menu is gone i can open nothing20:14
plustaxHow do I upgrade now?20:14
arrrghhhescott, excellent, thanks.20:14
StarminnRaikia: Wait 2-4 weeks. That's what I'm doing.20:14
sebsebsebRaikia: not sure if it's up yet, but there was something about being able to try Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity 2D in a web browser, on the Ubuntu site20:14
BinaryManacicula: GPU hangs at random and I have to REISUB to fix.20:14
Starminnplustax: Run the update manager20:14
macrosscompiz is gone i can run nothing20:14
BinaryManacicula: integrated intel20:14
RaikiaStarminn: thought so.  sebsebseb: I just got an upgrade notice.  thats why i asked20:14
jo-erlendRaikia, 10.10 will be supported for quite a while, so if you're not in a hurry, don't feel pressured. :)20:14
galamarwhen does natty come out?20:14
macrossi need to wipe this machine and resintall 10.1020:14
usr13BinaryMan: !lts20:14
aciculaBinaryMan: sandy bridge processor?20:14
Monotokogalamar, its out20:14
macrossnever using 11 what a terrible change20:14
sebsebsebRaikia: in certain ways 10.10 is better, in certain waysi it's worse, and even in certain ways other dsitro's are better, but well this really does depend on the user20:15
usr13BinaryMan: | !lts20:15
plustaxim running it20:15
syntheticLifethanks all20:15
macrossahh well good for trying i suppose20:15
Raikiasebsebseb: Story of linux :-P20:15
macrossbut copying osx was a bad idea20:15
plustaxbut it doesnt say I have an update up top like usual20:15
usr13!lts | BinaryMan20:15
ubottuBinaryMan: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:15
Monotokomacross, I don't mind it tbh20:15
jo-erlendmacross, takes 5 seconds to switch back in the login screen.20:15
Tora1188Can you make rotating wallpapers in unity?20:15
Killerpit4ewhat happened to the netbook version20:15
galamarwhen will upgrade manager show it?20:15
arandZ1nn0c: Please don't PM, are you using btrfs?20:15
roasted_macross, copying what?20:15
Starminnplustax: In a terminal "sudo apt-get update"20:15
Starminnplustax: Then open Update Manager again.20:15
gsrim using ubuntu 10.10, wanting to upgrade.  I ran apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, but it says there is nothing to update (and update-manager says im all up to date).  Do I need to do anything else?20:15
roasted_macross, hardly.20:15
Z1nn0carand: Sure, the live CD is loading for hours.20:15
macrosssure looks it20:15
BinaryManacicula: don't think so. Atom N55020:15
BinaryManusr13: i know.20:16
StameniIs there any change to classic gnome desktop from 10.10 in 11.04 ?20:16
somethingelsejo-erlend, If there's some like voting booth or something I could go to to let everyone know that I don't think this is a good direction for the OS I would be very interested in doing so.  Unity has to be one of the least customizable things I've ever seen.  You can't even pick which screen edge to display it on (unless there's some manual hack for that I'm not aware of)20:16
IdleOnegsr: sudo do-release-upgrade20:16
roasted_macross, the global menu is similar, but works differently. That's the *only* similarity.20:16
jo-erlendmacross, take this somewhere else. This is very offtopic for this channel.20:16
arandZ1nn0c: I don't know.20:16
Z1nn0carand: What is btrfs?20:16
jo-erlendStameni, very small.20:16
gsrIdleOne: danke20:16
roasted_macross, I've used Ubuntu since 2005. Ever since I started, people somehow found in their twisted minds something to say about how Ubuntu was copying Mac. Ever. Since. Day. One.20:16
StarminnStameni: AFAIK it uses the "Main Menu" by default but other than that it's mostly the same.20:16
sebsebsebgsr: Raikia by the way not really a good idea to try upgrading to 11.04 right now,  the repo's are apparnatly slow20:16
roasted_It's old, and a dead horse.20:16
arandZ1nn0c: A filesystem, nevermind it doesn't affect your issue20:16
jo-erlendStameni, the appindicators have been improved and such. Default apps have obviously changed in classic ubuntu as well, but other than that, not much.20:16
roasted_The global menu, yes it's similar, but not identical. The similarities pretty much stop there.20:16
sebsebsebgsr:  Raikia since release day20:16
Raikiasebsebseb: thanks20:17
roasted_Question - I can't set Chromium to be my default browser in 11.04. When I select it in the preferences menu, nothing happens. When I open Chromium, it asks me every time if I want to make it my default. Regardless of what I say, it keeps asking me each time I open it. Any ideas?20:17
tdnIs there no netbook iso for 11.04?20:17
Z1nn0carand: Yes, the live CD loaded to the background and still loading for hours.20:17
TheNumbGuys, have you seen a bug like that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov7pGtys7H820:17
tdnWhere do I get the netbook iso?20:17
Starminntdn: They've been merged into one.20:17
hypetechtdn: there is no more netbook verion20:17
BinaryManacicula: my mistake. N45520:17
roasted_tdn, I think the netbook remix is gone, since its so similar to what the regular desktop is now.20:17
Leoescott: I actually used the local console (not SSH/telnet) to play tetris for just that reason. Maybe I just need to play longer. Not the worst thing to have to do. :) If that doesn't work I'll have a look at some of the alternative sources.20:17
usr13BinaryMan: In other words, for a "production" system, you are in a good place.  If it is doing what you need it to do, wait ...  That is my recommendation.  (But you could ask 3 different people and get 3 different answers, so.... for what it's worth...)20:17
jo-erlendtdn, there is no more netbook version. There is only ubuntu and ubuntu server.20:17
Stamenijo-erlend, Sta4minn, thank you. I will migrate to 11.04 classic desktop than. It can be set to default ?20:17
Stamenijo-erlend, Starminn, thank you. I will migrate to 11.04 classic desktop than. It can be set to default ?20:17
jo-erlendStameni, you just choose it whenever you login. It's at the bottom of the screen after you've selected your user.20:17
StarminnStameni: You choose it at login. Like any other Desktop Environment.20:17
tdnThen there is a dead link on the ubuntu.com page. When you go to alternative downloads and chose bittorrent there is one for netbook and it gives 404.20:18
BinaryManusr13: i have client machines running ubuntu in a computer lab with video issues and the issues was closed, suggest I upgrade to natty due to improved video card support.20:18
sebsebsebStarminn: you can get to Ubuntu Classic from the log in screen, and set as default, but of interest why do you want that?20:18
TerryBookwhy is it, that even though I told it *not* to get updates from online while using the alternate iso, it's still downloading files?20:18
Stamenibut if  i dont want login screen, can gnome be default ?20:18
TheRedOctoberWhat a painful upgrade!  Do --not-- try to enable desktop cube with ccsm20:18
somethingelseTerryBook, I noticed that too, was easily the longest part of the install20:18
plustaxStarminn it said unable to lock the administration directory20:18
galamarIf I downloaded a natty disc before its release date can I use that disc to install, or do I need to redownload?20:18
jnlsnl_can i run php as an user?20:18
jo-erlendtdn, URL please? Keep in mind that there are more releases alive. 10.04 and 10.10 will be available for quite a while. Those do have netbook editions.20:19
BinaryManusr13: so, I'm banking on the hope that natty would also fix my video issues.20:19
sebsebsebStameni: once you got Classic set as default, you can have auto log in set up, and should go into that by default :)20:19
escottjnlsnl_, php -i20:19
koistinenHello. Am I blind or that Unity bar is completly uncustomable? E.g. I want to add also folders there, edit width etc...20:19
TheNumbjnlsnl_: like... in commandline?20:19
MonotokoTheRedOctober, I was just about too...20:19
Starminngalamar: Just update.20:19
VhozardIs it possible to use Landscape as a normal (non-commercial) user ?20:19
ZiberAlright, my GUI on ubuntu is messed up. I have a flash drive and an ubuntu 10.10 desktop ISO. From the CLI, how can I make the flash drive bootable?20:19
Stamenisebsebseb tnx, thats good :)20:19
hypetechtdn: that link is a bug, it's been reported20:19
Wickedspawnanyone using XChat 2.8.8 on 11.04?20:19
sebsebsebkoistinen: you can add other app icons on it, and that's about it I think, unless you use the compiz settings,  but yes in general it's rather uncoustomiable at the moment20:19
StarminnZiber: Have you properly written the .iso too the drive?20:19
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
Luke_hey, does 11.04 support Nvida GeForce 310M ?20:19
usr13BinaryMan: It very will could, not sure.  Depends on what your particular video issues are.20:19
jnlsnl_I need to run a bash command from a php script, but the command is not executed.. i suspect because of permission issues20:19
MonotokoWickedspawn, is that the one in the repo?20:19
sebsebsebLuke_: is that a new card or?20:19
ZiberStarminn: Well, I'm asking how to do that.20:19
WickedspawnMonotoko: yea20:20
jo-erlendWickedspawn, I'm using xchat from the repos. If that's 2.8.8, I am. But that's not a useful question. I'm going away now and I have no idea what you really wanted to ask.20:20
Luke_hmm... not brand new20:20
BinaryManusr13 acicula: i'll make a dd image of /boot and the LUKS partiton. if something breaks, I can boot from a liveCD and push the images back to the hard drive like nothing ever happened.20:20
MonotokoWickedspawn, then yeah I am20:20
somethingelseI couldn't even add a custom script to the unity launcher20:20
leagrisplease where can I enable compiz Ezoom in natty. Im visually impaired and it is a pain looking at the tiny everything and I am lost in the mess left by the uprgrade20:20
StarminnZiber: What Ubuntu version are you using?20:20
aravindaHi can some one explain , is it a good idea to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 ...if my works are completely depends on ubuntu.. i mean the job...i'm asking this because it is just released..20:20
somethingelsethen I tried to add the terminal by dragging it onto the bar and it just put a gap between two icons20:20
somethingelsewithout anything in it20:20
ZiberStarminn: I'm on ubuntu 9.04 lts, but the GUI isnt working...20:20
galamarstarwinn, i want to reinstall because my current install is not a x86_64 version its an i586 so i want to better suit my processor.20:20
sebsebsebLuke_: well not sure if there are stil quite a few issues with the propritary Nivida drivers resulting in Unity crashing, in 11.04 or not, but if so,  you could install, and then remove the propritary driver, and try the experimental I guess.20:20
StarminnZiber: Oh.... I couldn't tell you.20:20
WickedspawnMonotoko: every nickname I put in the Nicknames not to highlight box gets eaten.20:21
Wickedspawnjo-erlend: ^^20:21
jo-erlendaravinda, it doesn't hurt to wait. If you depend on it, I think a golden rule is to upgrade when you need to. Think why instead of why not.20:21
usr13BinaryMan: If  you have another drive, you install it as slave and clone it.20:21
jdahmescott: ok back20:21
Wickedspawnlike I see no reply from them at all...20:21
sebsebsebZiber: I think you eman 10.04 LTS?20:21
r000taravinda, if you use your keyboard a lot, don't upgrade20:21
Wickedspawnbut it is in my raw log20:21
sebsebsebZiber: if your on 9.04 still that's not supported anymore20:21
leagrisplease can you help me re-enable compiz Ezoom in natty?20:21
hypetechr000t: why do you say that20:21
somethingelseI also tried to pin the active google chrome window on the bar by selecting the pin option, and the freaking thing would never open a new chrome window ever....20:21
OverTheHillAndFais there a unity guru here?20:21
Luke_ok then i try to install20:21
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: what's your question20:21
r000thypetech, major keyboard lag after upgrading20:21
aravindaya i use keyboard very much20:21
Luke_thx for your help20:21
usr13BinaryMan: There are several things you could do to make an easy path back to where you are.20:21
r000tI have a 5 second lag when I use the backspace key20:21
hypetechr000t: I haven't had that problem :\20:22
Witchsong_OverTheHillAndFa, we'll try help the best we can, even if we are not gurus. :)20:22
OchoZero9what' sthe default install directory of applications?20:22
ZiberWell, either that, or suggestions on how to fix my GUI... My login screen doesnt show me a password prompt, so I cant login.20:22
aravindaand i work with tools like maven20:22
SuperstarCan Unity be moved yet?20:22
MonotokoWickedspawn, ahhh I don't use that feature20:22
ohsixr000t: thats an odd problem20:22
jo-erlendSuperstar, moved?20:22
escottOchoZero9, /usr/bin for binaries /usr/share for resources /usr/lib for you get the ide20:22
hypetechjo-erlend: I think he means putting the dock somewhere else20:22
Somelauwawesome > kde > gnome > unity20:22
Superstarjo-erlend to the bottom of the screen20:22
ohsixr000t: what software do you use that might be doing passive grabs, or are you using an ime? or did you mess with xorg's priority20:22
OverTheHillAndFai uninstalled unity-2d and reinstalled standard unity. now it will not load from login. only from terminal20:22
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: have you tried "unity --reset" ?20:23
jo-erlendSuperstar, no, and I don't think that's going to happen, unless we get a portrait mode. But that'd  almost certainly include other stuff as well.20:23
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: give that a shot and see if it helps on reboot20:23
StarminnZiber: Reinstall gdm?20:23
ZiberCould try.20:23
Tora1188can i make rotating wallpapers using unity? the gnome methods dont work anymore obviously20:23
r000tohsix, I don't know what the first two mean, and no, I did not change xorg's priority20:23
aravinda<root> : why it is ? regarding keyboard20:24
sebsebsebTora1188: no don't think so20:24
ohsixr000t: find out what the first two mean and investigate the software you are running20:24
Witchsong_Anyone know if there exists a Banshee plugin to add Spotify support?20:24
sebsebsebTora1188: also the Gnome 2 wall papers, do work in Unity, because it's on top of Gnome 2 still for 11.0420:24
Tora1188crud. I saw those nice roating sets preloaded and thought they made it native.20:24
OverTheHillAndFafunny no one in the ayatana channel did not suggest that?20:24
sebsebseb!ask | leagris20:24
ubottuleagris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:24
leagriswhy can't I use alt tab to switch app, where is compiz config20:24
leagriswhere do I re-enable Ezoom?20:24
OchoZero9i have over 4GB in /usr/lib is that normal?20:24
hypetechleagris: do "ccsm"20:24
sebsebsebWitchsong_: no don't think so20:24
sebsebsebWitchsong_: you can run Spotify in Wine though20:25
ohsixr000t: also paste the output of xlsclients -al to a pastebin20:25
OverTheHillAndFahyptech: seems like it might work. will do a reboot soon20:25
euclidnatty nuked my wireless, can anyone point me to a fix?20:25
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: cool20:25
ohsixOchoZero9: did you install kde? it is normal20:25
sebsebseb!details | escott20:25
ubottuescott: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:25
aravindaIt seems new release doesn't stable enough to work in a professional environment????????20:25
Tetsuo55Witchsong_: are you heksesang?20:25
SuperstarI don't understand what possessed them to put it on the left. They must be confused. Decade of computing has launches, top or bottom as the norm - ie windows 3.1-7 and osx, and they thought this would be cool or different?20:25
Witchsong_sebsebseb, I know, but I'd love to have a plugin for it in Banshee so I wouldn't have to use Wine and it would better integrate with Unity. :)20:25
sebsebsebaravinda: well persoanlly I woudn't give Unity to a business at this time :)20:25
phonex01guys im trying to open package manager and i have error said that there is something wrong in the sources.list file ?20:25
phonex01how can i fix that ?20:25
Witchsong_Tetsuo55, yes. :)20:25
Tetsuo55Witchsong_: where you been man, join the mpc chan20:26
hypetechSuperstar: start menus have always been in top left or bottom left20:26
OverTheHillAndFahyptech: now it just says: Setting Update "run_key" in terminal. should i just wait?20:26
OchoZero9ohsix: Yes.20:26
sebsebsebTetsuo55: mpc chan?20:26
aravindasebsebseb : so it's better wait..:)20:26
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: yea just let it finish, I interrupted mine the other day and rebooted anyway and all was fine, but I'd try and let it finish anyway20:26
Superstarhypetech but a launcher has never. unity is a launcher not just a start menu20:26
Tetsuo55sebsebseb: #mpc-hc its a windows media player, doesnt work on wine right now20:26
Witchsong_Tetsuo55, been busy, getting ready to finish my bachelor degree. In two months I will finally be done. :D20:27
OverTheHillAndFahyptech: ok, thanks :)20:27
Tetsuo55Witchsong_: and then full-time coding on mpc-hc? :P20:27
sebsebsebasmogator:  if I was running a business I would  more likely give them Gnome Shell http://gnome3.org ,but I think for now Gnome 2 and KDE and such, would be more suitable, and for quite a while yet really20:27
Witchsong_sebsebseb, it was directed at me, I've been doing some coding on the player. ;)20:27
Witchsong_Tetsuo55, if you're willing to pay me. :P20:27
galamarok so how do i get my current install to recognize that natty is available?20:28
Tetsuo55Witchsong_: i can you in "gratitudes", that work for you?20:28
SuperstarActually I've changed my mind reading this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/33605/can-i-move-the-unity-launcher-to-the-bottom-of-the-screen-like-windows-720:28
r000tohsix, http://pastebin.com/dC4B8hpK20:28
FreeTheBeeWithong_ a bit more sober than banshee but mopidy works natively20:28
sebsebsebgalamar: Which version is your curren install?20:28
FreeTheBeeit's based on mpd (music player deamon)20:28
Witchsong_Tetsuo55, it doesn't taste as good as the food I'd get if I had money. :P20:28
sebsebseb!upgrade | galamar20:28
ubottugalamar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:28
sebsebsebgalamar: trying to upgrade now would probably be pretty slow by the way20:28
Tetsuo55Witchsong_: true20:28
Superstarit's true on a 1920x1080 display i have a lot of horizontal space that never gets used. i take it back20:29
iksiki've just updated my ubuntu into 11.04.... how can i remove this unity panel with apps icons? i really like 'docky' ;/20:29
Witchsong_Anyone here know how much work it would be to write a Spotify plugin for Banshee?20:29
galamarso I should wait to upgrade/20:29
iksikand the default apps menu under 'gnome icon'20:29
Tetsuo55anyoen here happen to have a dell e6400 and installed 10.04 problemfree?20:29
TheRedOctobergalamar: i wish I had20:29
KlingaNHello. I've made it far coming here. My journey has been long. I am new to Ubuntu, as you might understand. Now, I am wondering what I need to do in order to update my Alpha 11.04 to the full version - any clues?20:30
macoKlingaN: install updates. the end.20:30
TheRedOctoberKlingaN: go into Update Manager and you will find it20:30
ohsixr000t: what is "exe", and that unknown entry?20:30
KlingaNmaco: Update manager?20:30
macoKlingaN: yep20:30
KlingaNTheRedOctober: Thanks20:30
pdg1is there an ubuntu server chan or is this the place for that 2?20:30
macoKlingaN: "alpha" is just a name for a certain point in time during the dev cycle. if you kept up with installing updates the whole time, you've moved from alpha to beta to final automatically20:30
TheRedOctoberKlingaN: NP, hope you enjoy20:31
macopdg1: #ubuntu-server20:31
KlingaNmaco: the red october: Is there any way to confirm my version?20:31
plustaxIm in update manager running lucid lynx. and I dont see the new OS update anywhere20:31
sebsebsebiksik: you can change to Ubuntu Classic Desktop from the log in screen, and set as default even :)20:31
pdg1maco thnx20:31
macoKlingaN: if you have no updates available, you're at final20:31
plustaxhow do I update from 10 to 1120:31
TheRedOctoberklingaN: lsb_release -a20:31
macoplustax: lucid is an lts release so only shows other lts releases by default20:31
iksiksebsebseb, unity looks fine with this 'global menu' feature20:31
sebsebsebplustax: 10.04 or 10.10 ?20:31
ohsixr000t: use xprop -id with those window id's and pastebin the output20:31
plustaxsebrock im on 10.1020:31
galamarwhy is my flash slow? on webpages things blink alot slower than they should.20:31
iksikbut the only thing is that panel and menu ;/20:31
plustaxsebsebseb i mean20:31
macoplustax: in the software sources thing in the menu, change update settings to show non-lts releases. then you can upgrade to 10.1020:31
sebsebsebiksik: Ubuntu Classic Desktop can use the global menu as well,  I don't think it's default though, well it may be20:32
macoplustax: from there to 11.04. you cannot skip 10.1020:32
iksikok, thanks, i'll try20:32
kduboisgalamar: its proprietary :)20:32
nutsfornattyflash sucks on linux. always has. probably always will.20:32
macoplustax: 10.10 isnt lucid20:32
hypetechflash sucks in general20:32
sebsebseb!language | galamar20:32
ubottugalamar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:32
sebsebseb!upgrade | galamar20:32
ubottugalamar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:32
CaneToadI'm running 10.10 and I've got a updates that say "Partial Upgrade"... is that something to do with the move o 11.04 ????20:32
jnlsnl_can anyone help ,me with this? I need to give PHP permission to execute a bash script20:32
sebsebsebgalamar: and upgrading now will probably be slow20:32
iksiksebsebseb, where i can find 'logout' here? : D20:32
ohsixnutsfornatty, hypetech: w4m20:33
MonotokoWoW test 1! :P20:33
sebsebsebiksik: on the top right, in the menu there, in Unity20:33
koistinenremoving gnome applets such as weather, notification area... sux :(20:33
trijntjeare the update servers overloaded? I'm upgrading with only 40kB/s20:33
sebsebsebkoistinen: indeed20:33
KlingaNIt's really hard to keep up with the chatting here...20:33
=== meisth0th is now known as meisth0th_zzz
hypetechtrijntje: yea20:33
TheRedOctoberjnlsnl: wow, never heard that one before...why use php in such a situation?20:33
sebsebsebkoistinen: ,but sadly even Gnome Shell has done that, but that feature is probably coming for Gnome 3.2 :)  the next one in about six months, yay nice :)20:33
hypetechjnlsnl_: make sure the script is set to executable20:33
nutsfornattyweather app is there, you can install from terminal20:33
=== brian is now known as Guest58767
bucoafter Kubuntu 11.04 install, I automatically log into classic mode, how I can change this?20:33
plustaxI cant find in my update settings how to go from 10.10 to 1120:34
koistinensebsebseb: thanks... yeah, that sux :/20:34
galamarokay so as for my first issue with the windows being to far up to grab and alt to grab doesnt work either any solutions for that?20:34
ubottuYes, join #ubuntu-release-party to celebrate!20:34
hypetechplustax: "sudo do-release-upgrade"20:34
sebsebsebbuco: log out, and select what you want on log in screen20:34
trijntjehypetech, ok, thanks. Maybe I should just cancel the upgrade and try again tomorrow. Or would that break stuff when its still downloading?20:34
jnlsnl_I want to make a service hook from github that executes a git pull command so a test server is in synch with my repository20:34
Monotoko...where does FF download to??20:34
hypetechtrijntje: it won't break anything if it's still in the downloading phase20:34
sebsebsebtrijntje: yeah not really a good idea to cancel the upgrade once you started20:34
nutsfornattyuser / downloads folder @ monotoko20:34
plustaxoh I am on 10.04 so I need to upgrade to 10.10 first20:34
jnlsnl_hypetech i did 777 on it and nothing :/20:34
bucotanx sebsebseb, i gonna try20:34
sebsebsebtrijntje: installing stuff20:34
plustaxhow do I do that?20:34
usr13Monotoko: To Downloads/  by default  (if it exists)20:34
hypetechjnlsnl_: do "chmod a+x <script>"20:34
r000tohsix: http://pastebin.com/MXxmt6h520:34
sebsebsebplustax: yep got to go through 10.10 to get 11.0420:34
KlingaNmaco: / theredoctober: What does that LSB-abbreviation mean? I know LTS is Long Term Support... ?20:34
macoKlingaN: lsb = linux standards base20:35
hypetechjnlsnl_: you have to set the executable bit that way to run scripts20:35
alex13Hi.  I cannot boot into Ubuntu (all I see is a black screen forever).  How can I fix this?  I have natty 11.0420:35
plustaxsebsebseb okay how do I go to 10.10 now20:35
Monotokonutsfornatty, usr13 .... it wasn't there, it was in my tmp folder20:35
sebsebsebplustax: you can upgrade to it, but  right now probably not the best time, repo's are probably pretty slow20:35
KlingaNmaco: Confused, but thanks. :) You're really quick at answering!20:35
sebsebsebplustax: also by default 10.04 only shows Long Term Support releases20:35
sebsebsebplustax: by default LTS's only show other LTS's20:35
plustaxi dont mind the wait20:35
nutsfornattymonotoko, open the menu for firefox and change the default downloads directory for saving items20:35
sebsebseb!upgrade | plustax20:35
ubottuplustax: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:35
koistinenI miss the notification area the most! How can I easily see what am I playing in Rhythmbox, if my Dropbox is synced or everything else is happening? For this I must go back to Ubuntu Classic20:36
alex13I cannot boot into ubuntu!  I need help.  All I see is a black screen.20:36
iksiksebsebseb, where i can find this 'global menu' feature now?20:36
macoKlingaN: its a standards body that mostly just went with "red hat's way is standard!" *roll eyes* but decreeing a standard place to put release info (as opposed to /etc/redhat_release and whatever debian's was) was handy20:36
sebsebsebplustax: and in certain ways, you may find 10.04 better, so not sure if they got the try 11.04 online thing in a web browser up yet, but yeah that for example is a way to try 11.0420:36
nutsfornattymonotoko, menu -> edit -> preferences -> change the downloads folder20:36
KlingaNIs the slow flash-response and heavy chewing a global problem, or am I one of the few?20:36
plustaxsebsebseb okay ill go 10.10 for now20:36
Monotokonutsfornatty, thank you...have done20:36
plustaxI just dont know how to do it20:36
macoKlingaN: pretty global20:36
hypetechkoistinen: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html20:37
trijntjesebsebseb, thats what I thought, good. Then ill just abort now and try again in a few days, when the server is not so busy20:37
macoKlingaN: never noticed before that anything adobe just gives away must be really slow and memory-hoggish?  i mean...flash... acrobat reader...20:37
hypetechkoistinen: that has instructions for adding back notification20:37
sebsebsebiksik: developmetn versions of 11.04 with Ubuntu Classic Desktop had the global menu, but I  think since then they removed it, but you may be able to add from the repo or something, if it's not there by default20:37
Coty91Hey, I just finished installing Natty on my system; however, I've ran into an issue with my dual monitors and ati drivers. In order for me to be able to use my dual monitors I have to have xinerama enabled, but it doesn't support compiz when enabled. So when I try to login I'm sent back to the GDM. Any ideas on how I can fix this, please?20:37
usr13Monotoko: In FF, click Tools -> Downloads  and then right-click on any downloaded file and choose "Open Containing Folder" you will be taken to it.20:37
jsebeanUbuntu 11.04 will not install for me, my laptops backlight will now work when i run the installer20:37
alex13Ubuntu 11.04 installed but I can't boot, all I get is a black screen and that's it.20:38
nutsfornattyhaha, my system is a1-2% cpu usage with xchat, nat, and chrome open. shoots up to 44% on flash video haha20:38
jsebeansame here alex1320:38
jsebeanthe backlight wont work20:38
sebsebsebalex13: jsebean which graphics card?20:38
jsebeanvery unimpressive20:38
usr13Monotoko: You can also tell FF to ask where to download to.20:38
plustaxhow do I upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?20:38
jsebeanIntel, not sure exactly i got an emachine e72520:38
alex13@sebsebseb I don't know because I can't boot into ubuntu to find out.20:38
sebsebsebplustax: through 10.1020:38
Tetsuo55Does unity have weather next to the clock like gnome? i couldnt find an option for it when i tried a nighly livecd a few weeks ago20:38
cybrhumanany great changes after upgrade?20:38
MarkSSWhere can I access the main menu on Ubuntu 11.04? Intuitive my butt. Everything so hard to find. Where do I friggin find it? Still haven't found the systems or administrative menu either! :(20:38
sebsebseb!upgrade | plustax20:38
KlingaNmaco: True. But when run on Windows 7 it's flawless, which sucks. I'm looking for reasons not to migrate back :-P I want to get hooked in this !20:38
koistinenhypetech: thanks man!20:38
galaxyAbstractorAnyone know if it's possible to recover data from a harddrive with a broken NTFS partition from a ubuntu liveCD? My friend accidentally plugged out the power from his sisters computer as windows was doing a service pack update...20:38
sebsebsebcybrhuman: depends on the user, but for me from a previous version of Ubuntu, uhmm no not really20:39
MonkeyDusthi, in gnome, i used Alltray, to put apps in the systray -- is this possible in unity and how? hints & tips?20:39
kduboisRT MarkSS :)20:39
usr13Monotoko: Also, if you want to open one of the downloaded files, you can do so from the Downloads window.20:39
plustaxsebsebseb that just showed me how to get to 1120:39
jnlsnl_hypetech hmm still not working :(20:39
hypetechgalaxyAbstractor: you should be able to20:39
plustaxI need to go from 10.04 to 10.1020:39
plustaxcan anyone help me in PM?20:39
cybrhumansebsebseb: good :)20:39
hypetechjnlsnl_: :(20:39
kduboisMarkSS:<retweet> i echo your sentiment there...20:39
ryankaskare maverick apt repositories still going to work?20:39
PiciMarkSS: That is all gone with unity. If you don't like the new interface, you can log off, and pick Classic Gnome (or is it classic ubuntu) from your login menu.20:39
ryankaski.e. receive updates20:39
romeo0i have no apache package and now i'm gonna install it so I was looking for it > "apt-cache search apache" and there would be lots of packages.. and now i'm jsut wondering which one i have to install?20:39
hypetechjnlsnl_: I don't know much about PHP specifically sorry20:39
nutsfornattythe weather indicator install instructions are here:  http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html20:39
MarkSSUnity SUCKS20:39
sebsebsebplustax: system  > administration > update maanger20:39
alex13How do I send people private messages?20:39
PiciMarkSS: Thats not necessary here.20:39
galaxyAbstractorWell, he says that it tells him to format the harddrives to use them. Know any tools or it?20:39
plustaxsebsebseb im there20:39
sebsebsebMarkSS: try Gnome Shell I guess then or something :)20:39
r000tohsix: exe is probably WINE20:39
arrrghhhalex13, /msg20:40
biami@MarkSS: why20:40
hypetechalex13: do "/msg <name> text here"20:40
iiHow can I change the font size in unity's panel on ubuntu 11.05 ? It doesn't change when modifying Fonts (in Appearance).20:40
jnlsnl_hypetech i have a php file with this inside: <?php `git pull`;20:40
jsebeanive tried multiple times to get installer for 11.04 work but no go20:40
Witchsong_Where do I find Nautilus preferences?20:40
jsebeananybody got any ideas?20:40
MarkSSI cannot find anything. I knew I should've stayed with 10.1020:40
nutsfornattymarkSS, give unity a week and make sure you are using keyboard shortcuts. it will grow on you.20:40
biamiii: 10.0420:40
sebsebsebMarkSS: ah right I see20:40
usr13alex13:  /msg alex13   Hello alex1320:40
ohsixMarkSS: #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
jiohdiWitchsong: under edit20:40
nutsfornattyi hated unity too at first, now i love it20:40
MarkSSYes, but I can't even right-click most stuff to create launchers...20:40
PiciMarkSS: Did you listen to what I just told you? You can use the old desktop interface if you'd like.20:40
Nickftw_Which browser runs flash the best in ubuntu 10.04 64 bit??20:40
jsebeanmaybe we should stick to LTS only and hope 12.04 LTS fixes this issue20:40
MarkSSYes, I know20:40
sebsebsebMarkSS: well does this look better going by the videos?   http://gnome3.org20:40
iibiami: ?20:40
Nickftw_ive found that flash runs crappy in firefox20:40
macrossmunity is just terrible and compiz no longer works....is it better just to wipe and reinstall 10.10 ?20:40
PiciMarkSS: Then stop complaining.20:40
romeo0i have no apache package and now i'm gonna install it so I was looking for it > "apt-cache search apache" and there would be lots of packages.. and now i'm jsut wondering which one i have to install?20:40
romeo0no idea?20:40
hypetechjnlsnl_: /join #php    :)20:41
cybrhumansilly question: unity is the ui from nbr?20:41
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:41
jnlsnl_haha will do :)20:41
Pegasysis anyone else having trouble when upgrading using the alternate iso when it gets to fetching files. mine stops at the same point everytime20:41
Picicybrhuman: Yes.20:41
MarkSSAre libreoffice and openoffice the same thing? They look like it. Done complaining. Going to give it a try.20:41
nutsfornattyim amazed how resistant linux users (of all people) are to a gui change.20:41
ryankaskare maverick apt repositories still going to receive updates?20:41
robehend11romeo0: use apache2 ;)20:41
Pici!Lamp > romeo020:41
ubotturomeo0, please see my private message20:41
r000tPeople who initially hated unity but now love it: Please look up the stockholm effect20:41
plustaxsebsebseb pm20:41
ohsixr000t: what about the unknown window? and does this backspace thing happen the same in all apps20:41
macrossmresistant to a terible gui20:41
jiohdiMarkSS: yes same thing20:41
Coty91So does Unity work with dual monitors? I can't get it to work with my ATI 5770 with Xinerama enabled. Clearly, the issue is that xinerama doesn't support compiz, so how do I get dual monitor support with Unity?20:41
r000tohsix: yes20:41
macrossmi run linux to screw around with and have fun with the OS and gui20:41
robehend11MarkSS: Libre is a fork of OpenOffice. Its now the officially suppoedo ne20:41
r000tAlso after using backspace more than once, all keys lag20:41
robehend11Coty91: It does work on dual monitors, quite well.20:41
macrossmnot to be forced to conform to 2nd rate code20:41
macor000t: could also be that unity has improved a lot over the last 6 months, like from crashing every few minutes to um, actually working?20:41
Piciryankask: Yes. It doesnt reach end of life until april 2012.20:41
usr13romeo0: apache2 - Apache HTTP Server metapackage20:42
ryankaskPici: thanks!20:42
OverTheHillAndFahyptech: http://pastebin.com/nnLvZYSi20:42
sgaapCoty91, you could try the opensource ati drivers instead of fglrx20:42
sebsebsebplustax: you may have to enable the upgrade for 10.10.  keep it in the channel,  there are other people who should be able to help you better than I :)20:42
ohsixMarkSS: there was a coup after the oracle thing, they're not the same but libreoffice is the one most developers left to, since oracle wasn't going to form a foundation for the project20:42
OverTheHillAndFahypetech: http://pastebin.com/nnLvZYSi20:42
plustaxsebsebseb yeah how do I do that?20:42
plustaxI cant find the option for it.20:42
ryankaskI am trying to boot 11.04 live cd and i see this: http://www2.ryankaskel.com/misc/images/screenshots/natty-startup.jpg20:42
nutsfornattyr000t, do trust. i know where gnome3 and classic ubuntu are at. i am NOT a hostage to anything20:42
MarkSSIt seems faster20:42
sebsebsebplustax: it should show in upgrade manager, but if not, uhmm probably in there some where to get it showing or something20:42
galamarokay its not that my windows are appearing to high its the top bar is missing all together.... No   _  []  X   buttons at all????20:42
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: it's stuck there?20:42
ohsixr000t: my overall point is that it's not from the upgrade, but it can be found out where it is20:43
plustaxsebsebseb i cant find it20:43
plustaxI know its gotta be in there20:43
macrossmgalamar nope it's all gone20:43
robehend11MarkSS: it's a bit faster, and has new features, like native svg handling. Its a good program.20:43
macrossmswitch to classic or reinstall 10.1020:43
jiohdigalamar: they are part of the top panel now20:43
jsebeanso 11.04 is a fail?20:43
hypetechjsebean: no20:43
biamii am drunk... and everything is moving too fast for me... g'nyt...20:43
sebsebsebplustax: maybe you should just stay on 10.04,  10.10 and 11.04 don't really offer that much  proper advantage, well in my opinion :)20:43
jsebeanwell it doesnt work20:43
Coty91Yea, It did work great with the open source drivers, but as soon as I installed fglrx it no longer works. Problem is I don't know how to remove the ATI drivers since I didn't it manually.20:43
robehend11not at all20:43
OverTheHillAndFacomputer freezed. hardbooted and then ran reset in recovery mode resulting this outpu20:43
macrossmjsebean most definitely a fail20:43
ohsixjsebean: #ubuntu-offtopic20:43
sebsebsebplustax: plus 10.04 is Long Term Support :)20:43
jsebeani would like for it to work, for me it is a fail20:43
nutsfornattyusers are the fail for not trying the new unity interface for more than a week20:44
jsebeani cannot even install it20:44
usr13ryankask: visit your optometrist, you need new glasses.20:44
galamarjiohdi, so how am i to move my windows around?20:44
alex13I really want 11.04 to work for me.  Really bad!20:44
sgaapCoty91, used a deb or ati's own installer?.20:44
robehend11jsebean: Download a fresh iso. Best way to do it.20:44
jsebeaninstaller is black, ive tried redownloading, buring and usb20:44
jsebeannope not it20:44
OverTheHillAndFahypetech: computer freezed. hardbooted and then ran reset in recovery mode resulting this output20:44
ohsixjsebean: intel or nvidia?20:44
plustaxI found it im good.20:44
Coty91sgaap: I used the ATI installer20:44
nutsfornattyremember everyone is still grumbling about the osx buttons from 10.04 lol20:44
macrossmgo back to 10.1020:44
doodleHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 11.04, but in the add partition section's "Use as" menue, I don't see NTFS file system which I need. How I can use that file system?20:44
jsebeanIntel GMA 4500M graphics20:44
jiohdigalamar: move them where?20:44
ohsixjsebean: report a bug20:44
ryankaskusr13: realistically.. i mean 10.10 runs fine but i can't even boot 11.04... any tips?20:44
jsebeanwill do20:44
galamarjiohdi, around20:44
dave65reboot, brb20:44
sgaapCoty91: then you can use the uninstall probably, and just remove/rename your x conf20:44
macodoodle: you cant install onto an NTFS file system20:44
=== cristian is now known as Guest88098
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity20:45
macodoodle: if you want to mount an NTFS storage device automatically, you can set that up post-install20:45
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: not sure, can you still boot normally and choose Ubuntu in the session manager at the login screen?20:45
jiohdigalamar: unity is designed for touch screen primarily, its not the best set up for a desktop imho20:45
SomelauwSo does everybody love or hate unity?20:45
sebsebsebThomasUK: :D20:45
Coty91sgaap: Thanks, I'll give it a shot.20:45
r000tNow I have another issue: Chrome is default browser but xchat opens links in Firefox after upgrade20:45
ohsixSomelauw: #ubuntu-offtopic20:45
OverTheHillAndFayes but i only get classic look20:45
doodlemaco: but no way to do that now?20:45
nutsfornattylove (though it toke time + learning the keyboard shortcuts)20:45
ThomasUKbut you'll get trolled by ego feests that will tell you you need to go to offtopic20:45
usr13ryankask: Sorry, couldn't resist.... But really can't tell much about the screen you showed us20:45
macodoodle: ok i should clarify:  you cant install *directly* on an ntfs file system.  if you use Wubi from Windows, you can install into an ext4-formatted file on an NTFS drive20:45
ThomasUKoh look theres one :)20:45
robehend11jiohdi: While it does support touch screens nicely, it also works great for the layout, what with all the built-in keyboard shortcuts20:45
ohsixThomasUK: #ubuntu-offtopic20:45
sebsebsebSomelauw: I have mixed feelings over Unity :D20:45
OverTheHillAndFahypetech: yes but i only get classic look20:45
ThomasUK^ ;)20:45
sgaapits not as bad as people make it, but i prefer gnome 3 on 11.04 over unity20:45
hypetechOverTheHillAndFa: meh, I'm not sure beyond that :(20:45
macodoodle: no, just set it up in /etc/fstab after you install20:45
galamarjiohdi, how did that become an issue it worked before?20:45
doodlemaco: I know that.20:45
ohsixMarkSS: #ubuntu-offtopic20:46
romeo0robehend11: you know actually my problem is that when there would be alot of packages for apache2 when i type : apt-cache search apache2   so how could i find out that which one that i have install?20:46
jiohdirobehend11: so is icewn20:46
ryankaskusr13: it's just a bunch of colored lines. it looks like it's a driver issue but i don't know.20:46
jibadeehai think i am the only one on the planet who actually likes Unity :(20:46
sebsebsebsgaap: and yeah indeeed Gnome  Shell :)  when it works, and Unity okish when it works20:46
OverTheHillAndFahypetech: no problem. thank you anyway :)20:46
doodlemaco: I don't wanna install Ubuntu there, I just want to spare the 45 GB space to another drive which I need in NTFS.20:46
cm-thi, I am trying to report a bug to launchpad, this bug affect 2 packages20:46
cm-tin the field «In what package did you find this bug? »  can i add  these 2 packages here ?20:46
ohsixThomasUK: it's not ego, this channel exists for a reason, and that is not it20:46
robehend11jiohdi: agreed, which is why I run both ;)20:46
epyxis it just me or does Unity feel very unsmooth?20:46
doodlemaco: you said, I can do that right? If so, which file system should I select now?20:46
macrossmanyhthing is better then unity20:46
jibadeehajust you epyx20:46
sebsebsebepyx: probably not just you :)20:46
jiohdirobehend11: I just switched to fvwm-crystal20:46
ohsixepyx: #ubuntu-offtopic20:46
ssfdre38who made Unity20:46
robehend11romeo0: just apt-get install apache2 . It'll work. if you want the whole lamp-stack, do tasksel lamp-server^20:47
Coty91sgaap: Do you know if there are any upsides to using fglrx opposed to the open source drivers?20:47
galamarjiohdi, can i remove unity?20:47
MarkSSa moron20:47
macodoodle: wont it let you just leave empty space?20:47
sebsebsebssfdre38: mainly Canonica's design team people20:47
Adis45Hello, I can't get my computer to boot from USB, it always works the first time i put it in and it boots20:47
sgaapCoty91: games20:47
Adis45but i can never do it after that20:47
ohsixMarkSS: #ubuntu-offtopic20:47
robehend11jiohdi: I'm on Unity now, but I'll prolly roll back to lxde soon enough20:47
heloi'm going to be introducing a non-computer person to ubuntu... should i put them on unity?20:47
jiohdigalamar: you can install a bunch of alternatives and then just pick the one you like at login20:47
macodoodle: you could pick any available one for now if you wanted to setup an empty partition and then format it after the install20:47
Ahmuckinstalled 11:04 in a vm.  did not have 3d turned on.  turned graphics off and gave me gnome 2.x.  is there a way to reset the process to get unity?20:47
macrossmhelo: give them 10.1020:47
nutsfornattyati users, remember that the new offical ati driver is out for 11.04. try that first.20:47
Coty91sgaap: Ah, well I use windows for that. Thanks again!20:47
doodlemaco: okay, I will do that. Thanks!20:47
ohsixhelo: sure, if they don't know about anything it'll be their computing experience20:47
sebsebsebAhmuck: ok I can give you a proper lnk for getting Unity working in Virtualbox :)20:47
galamarjiohdi, how did unity get on my system?20:47
macrossmunity needs years of dev and perhaps so testing next time20:47
hypetechhelo: yes, it's great for new people imo20:47
macoAhmuck: you're going to need to get 3D drivers for your vm20:47
jiohdigalamar: its the new default20:48
Ahmucksebsebseb: there's a special setup?20:48
cm-thelo: on the natty he can choose between unity and classic20:48
macoAhmuck: vmware and vbox both have extensions for installing in the guest OS for that20:48
sebsebsebAhmuck: yes it needs to be done right, or it won't work20:48
ohsixmacrossm: it had it, you weren't paying attention20:48
cyoz1damn unity is huge20:48
Adis45what is unity20:48
sebsebsebAhmuck: also you need some sort of hardwae accelleration on the host it seems, ok going to get you the link20:48
jiohdigalamar: at login you have can still go back to other alternatives already installed20:48
ohsixunity is a plugin for compiz20:48
biamiI am sorry about this question in advance, but can anyone suggest any non-technical IRC channel?20:48
macoAdis45: the new shell in 11.0420:48
sebsebsebAdis45: the new default interface for 11.0420:48
heloAdis45: a new linux MMORPG20:48
jsebeanunity the replacement for gnome in 11.0420:48
macobiami: umm... #defocus?20:48
hypetechbiami: for ubuntu or...?20:48
g105bHi, I have a Acer Aspire 4810T laptop, I press FN+LEFT to reduce screen brightness and FN+RIGHT to increase screen brightness. Since the update to Natty, the OSD appears, but brightness doesn't change ... :(20:48
macojsebean: it's a shell on top of gnome20:48
sebsebsebAhmuck: so if for example you got Comipz working on the host, then you got the hardware acceleration :)20:48
galamarjiohdi, ok where do i get alternatives are they already there?20:48
macrossmunity is a useless window manager implemented in 11.04 to replace gnome the far superior window manager20:48
ohsixjsebean: no, it is not a replacement for gnome20:48
nutsfornattyunity is gnome20:48
macojsebean: gnome applications and libraries and services are all still there20:49
sebsebsebAhmuck: ok let's get you the link :)20:49
Adis45Im trying to boot my computer from a USB, but it always works the first time and then I can never boot from it20:49
hypetechbiami: there are a few hundred channels on this server, plus if you just join a random one that doesn't exist, it will create it20:49
ohsixjsebean: 99.99% of what "gnome" is, is not the window manager20:49
jsebeani stand corrected20:49
doodlemaco: the type of that partition will be logical or primary?20:49
Ahmucki can use comipz, but don't have it currently turned on20:49
Coty91macrossm: Unity is built on top of GNOME20:49
macodoodle: depends how many partitions you have already20:49
jiohdigalamar: when you login, before you hit enter, there is a choser on the login screen, it is a drop down box20:49
jsebeanbut u cant install 11.04 because it doesnt work with my laptops backlight dont work with it20:49
ohsixjsebean: report a bug20:49
macodoodle:  you can have up to 4 primary or 3 primary + 1 logical and the logical containing a LOT of extended20:49
macrossmgreat it should be removed then easily and not be so huge20:49
cyoz1does unity have no options?20:49
shane2peruok, how do Irese20:49
ohsixjsebean: i saw a lot of that long before the release even, nobody filed bugs20:49
biami@hypetech: hmm20:50
jiohdigalamar: if you are set to auto login in you should go to your settings and change it to request password20:50
ohsixcyoz1: no, it's a compiz plugin, try ccsm20:50
hypetechcyoz1: do "ccsm" and click on the unity button20:50
sebsebsebAhmuck: Do this and should work, not tired myself yet. http://www.theopensourcerer.com/2011/04/21/ubuntu-natty-in-virtualbox-with-unity/20:50
macrossmunity wiped out the desktop sphperes and all the setting i had on my machine since 8.0420:50
jsebeani made the assumption that it would be fixed by final release20:50
Ahmuckhi maco20:50
Ahmucklong time no chat20:50
jsebeannext time ill make a report before final is released, because i did try the beta and alpha and had same issue20:50
TorneIs there a way to format an entire disk with a filesystem during the install? i.e. not have a partition table?20:50
robdHey guys20:50
ohsixmacrossm: they're still there20:50
doodlemaco: I just want to use it as a regular drive, primary will be better for that, or logical? I have many other partitions already.20:50
Ahmuckso, u mentioned something about vbox drivers?20:50
kunguzI tried dd the iso image to an usb but that did not work, I am in a different distro and would like to install ubuntu on a seperate partition using USB stick, any suggestions?20:51
Coty91I like the idea of Unity but it feels like I'm using a mac; in the sense, that I have little power over changing and customizing the experience now.20:51
jiohdiTorne: from a live CD20:51
azihello. how could I change the desktop layout in 10.10 to a more "standard" one?20:51
ohsixmacrossm: they were just displayed by nautilus before20:51
macodoodle: primary & logical have no bearing on how you use it in most cases (exception is that windows refuses to boot from logical)20:51
Tornejiohdi: no, from the altinstaller20:51
sebsebsebCoty91: well that's actsaully the goal of Canonical now, to compete more properly against the Mac OS X interface20:51
rhizmoeis there a way to sync the file tree to the current file in gedit?20:51
macodoodle: if you have 3 primary already, then id make it logical20:51
shane2peruok how do I reset all desktop settings to get a fresh new install desktop20:51
rhizmoe"show me where this is"20:51
=== UndiFineD is now known as hajour1
macrossmcause right now i got for stupid desktop s side by each and my extra monitor won't open a thing20:51
jiohdiTorne: what I am telling you is that you have to be running the live cd and then chose gparted20:51
nutsfornattycoty91, this is true. i hope we get advanced customizations for unity asap20:51
ohsixsebsebseb: do you speak for them?20:51
mkanatHow do I make a panel launcher prompt me to sudo it?20:51
koshieIf I download an iso with torrent, it's not possible to be corrupted, right ?20:51
macrossmer four20:51
robdI just installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I'm wondering how to set my DNS servers. I've tried setting servers in /etc/resolv.conf but it doesn't appear to have any effect. Where are DNS server settings stored now?20:52
doodlemaco: I have more than 3 primary already.20:52
mkanat(Prompt me with a GUI, that is.)20:52
sebsebsebohsix: no I just read stuff about Linux distro's and so on here and there, so I know things :)20:52
ohsixnutsfornatty: you have it, open ccsm20:52
macodoodle: you have 4 primary?20:52
VCooliomkanat: put gksudo in front of the command20:52
macrossmunity not good with multiple monitor ?20:52
rhizmoekoshie: of course it can. that's what the md5 is for20:52
ayeceekoshie: it's possible, but unlikely. the torrent file itself contains hashes used to verify the contents.20:52
mkanatVCoolio, awesome, thank you. :-)20:52
Tornejiohdi: that's kinda annoying, i never have the livecd20:52
jnlsnl_hmm i  can make git pull as user "ubuntu" but when i try as root it says: Permission denied (publickey).20:52
ohsixsebsebseb: if you've "read" things, chances are you know nothing20:52
doodledoodle: most probably, I am not sure. I did it long time ago.20:52
nutsfornattyohsix, i have ccsm, tell me how to move unity to the bottom of the screen? yep, you cant20:52
sebsebsebohsix: depends where I  read something20:52
koshierhizmoe, I've heard it's not possible with torrent, but possible in http/ftp download.20:52
jiohdiTorne: you have to be running in such a way that nothing you are doing is touching the hard drive20:52
ThomasUKohsix: ubuntu-offtopic.20:52
sebsebsebohsix: if  it was for example the offical blogs from Mark Shuttleworth or  Canonical Design team, which for my Mac OS X comment, if I remember correctly it indeed was, then sure I know something :)20:53
ohsixsebsebseb: nope, unless canoncical said it, it's speculation20:53
macrossmunity is useless they need to redo that whole section and put back gnome20:53
Tornejiohdi: er, yes, I am, I've booted qemu from the altinstall cd20:53
koshieayecee, Yes I've heard that.20:53
macodoodle: youd need to delete one and replace it with a logical then put a few extended in there.  (this is not an ubuntu thing, just a hard disk thing)20:53
Coty91nutsfornatty: I'm really hoping the reason for it is that they had a limit amount of time to build Unity before release.20:53
nutsfornattypanels in 10.10 = massive customization potential... unity = not so much20:53
gaurav_sood91anyone know how to upgrade to 11.04 from maverick? i got strange errors...20:53
Picimacrossm: Feel free to pick classic gnome from GDM if you want to use that.20:53
nerdshellI just have installed Natty, and my computer doesn't recognize my wifi network !20:53
Tornejiohdi: my hard disk is an image file, i want to install onto it with no partition table because otherwise i'll have to ess about dd'ing the filesystem out of the image20:53
koshiegaurav_sood91, what is the error ?20:53
ohsixmacrossm: gnome is not gone, you can still use it as a desktop session, pick it from the login screen20:53
hypetechgaurav_sood91: "sudo do-release-upgrade"20:53
ThomasUKnatty is doing great things for this IRC channel.20:53
sebsebsebThomasUK: heh?20:53
ohsixCoty91: conversely, they did not have infinite time, and it was released20:54
doodlemaco: okay then.20:54
macodoodle: whoops, its logicals inside extendeds, not other way around, but either way:  4 big things allowed.20:54
sebsebsebThomasUK: it's a bit disapointing in a way no where near 2000 people this time round20:54
nerdshellI just have installed Natty, and my computer doesn't recognize my wifi network !  What can I do ?20:54
cyoz1I think I'll try out fedora...20:54
statarb3anybody using mindmapping software XMind20:54
ohsixThomasUK: unless you have a question or are assisting someone i suggest you take your comments elsewhere20:54
doodlemaco: okay, going to install now. Thanks! :)20:54
macodoodle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning#PC_partition_types20:54
koshierhizmoe, thanks.20:54
gaurav_sood91unity seems a bit strange to use though20:55
koshieGood afternoon / night everyone20:55
Coty91cyoz1: Fedora isn't all that great imo. Try Arch it's waay better.20:55
sebsebsebThomasUK: (unless we use you know uhmm rounded numbers.  since that way over 1500 so it is)20:55
Rehanif i use a usb liveCD and then install from it, will the settings that I had setup in the liveCD carry over?20:55
koistinenI have a folder ~/Desktop/TV Serials/Himym - when i try to search "TV Serials" it finds the folder. When I search "Himym" it finds nothing. Does this happen to you?20:55
jiohdiTorne: dont know of any program that can do exactly that but one of those systems that can copy hard drive to hard drive by hardware means20:55
ohsixCoty91: :[20:55
jo-erlendcyoz1, Fedora is really good, as long as you don't need anything proprietary. It's a very nice distro.20:55
nutsfornattygood guide to natty customization: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html20:55
arandRehan: I do not think so no.20:55
hypetechnutsfornatty: somebody should add that to the topic20:55
ohsixnutsfornatty: are you promoting that post?20:55
macrossmunity is a wannabe osx gui that's all i see20:55
nerdshellI just have installed Natty, and my computer doesn't recognize my wifi network ! what can I do?20:55
ohsixmacrossm: unity is a plugin for a window manager20:55
nutsfornattynaw, its not my blog. but it was very helpful to me (getting weather app back etc)20:56
macrossmi'd take beOS even over unity20:56
sebsebsebmacrossm: yep  that's the plan for Canonical now to compete more against Mac OS X's interface.  anyway you may prefer Gnome Shell http://gnome3.org :)20:56
maconerdshell: try plugging into a wired network and starting up the hardware driver manager. it'll search the internet for a wireless driver20:56
Rehanarand: i tried out the 11.04 liveCD and there was no Unity, it looked exactly the same as my 10.10 install20:56
ohsixnerdshell: is it a broadcom or ralink chip? (lspci / lsusb)20:56
gaurav_sood91plug it in ethernet and then install driver. broadcom drivers are pathetic in this respect20:56
Tornejiohdi: er, i think you aren't understanding me. I have booted the alternate install CD and it wants to partition the disk in the install process; is there a way to just make it create the filesystem on /dev/sda20:56
macrossmunity is a massive plugin that wipes out all your settings and forces you to conform to a new way of setting up your desktop20:56
nerdshellohsix: broadcom20:56
arandRehan: Likely due to lack of acceleration video drivers.20:56
dotblankmacrossm, what?20:56
ohsixsebsebseb: there is no plan, unless you speak for canonical and are making said plans, do not spread misinformation20:56
nerdshellmaco : the driver is installed, I already done that20:57
macrossmreally ? is that the canonical plan to complete against osx ? :(20:57
ohsixnerdshell: you probably need to install the firmware then, as it's not redistributable20:57
maconerdshell: is your rfkill switch enabled?20:57
sebsebsebohsix: you know what, if I  really wanted, to I could find the blog post,  that said they are competing agasint Mac OS X more,  but I am not sad enough to go and do that :)20:57
cyoz1banshee is buggy as fuck20:57
ohsixmacrossm: are you trollling with these guys?20:57
maconerdshell: and have you rebooted since installing the drivers20:57
maco!language | cyoz120:57
ubottucyoz1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:57
dotblankmacrossm, bug #1 is windows has the market share.. not osx20:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120:57
jiohdiTorne: if you have an unformatted disc it will have to format it first... if you do not want it to format the whole disk you can make partitions where it will only format the unformatted partition you chose20:57
macrossm10.10 was awesome i wish they hadn't of done this20:57
jibadeehacyoz1, yeah banshee is slow as well ... i am sticking with rhythmbox20:57
icerootits always a bad idea to copy something from apple20:57
* sebsebseb ok it's about to be V :) so bye for now people20:58
nerdshellmaco  : I rebooted, what is rfkill ?20:58
macrossmperhaps making unity the new option to try insteaqd of forcing it20:58
ohsixsebsebseb: then hold your tongue, it would only be appropriate to discuss on #ubuntu-offtopic anyways20:58
Tornejiohdi: I want it to format /dev/sda as ext4, instead of creating partitions and formatting that20:58
nutsfornattythe goal with unity and osx lion was more focus on full screen apps. if you think about the gui with that in mind it helps ease the transition to unity20:58
Scarra3I'm having some trouble with 11.04 my graphics driver for my laptop is an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 so I installed the drivers from the additional drivers program and now when I reboot the boot screen is pixled some and looks weird20:58
ohsixmacrossm: it is an option20:58
jo-erlendsebsebseb, what he said, was that we should aim for OS Xs smoothness and user friendlyness. I agree. I think we've far surpassed Windows' in that area. We need to keep raising our standards.20:58
nerdshellohsix: why? It worked properly on 10.1020:58
sebsebsebohsix: lol at people like you20:58
Coty91ohsix: they did it backwards indeed. lol20:58
maconerdshell: the "turn off wireless because im in an airplane / want to save battery" button or switch20:58
Tornejiohdi: there is nothing on the disk, not even a partition table, and I do not want to create a partition table20:58
ohsixmacrossm: it is just the default20:58
maconerdshell: can try    sudo rfkill --unblock all20:58
Rehanarand: thanks. So I have a question. On my 10.10 I have to use proprietary nvidia drivers which allow my screen to have the proper resolution and for compiz to work but make my plymouth look terrible.  When I used 11.04 liveCD everything looked fine, but there was no Unity. Does this mean I'll have to go to proprietary drivers again in 11.04 for Unity?20:58
macrossmseb no doubt: guess they are tired of hearing about the terrible rls20:58
macoRehan: right20:59
sebsebsebohsix: go try some other distro's lol20:59
macoRehan: unity is a compiz plugin20:59
sebsebsebanyway TV time bye20:59
arandRehan: Probably, yes20:59
nutsfornattyScarra3, ati has released offical drivers for 11.04 ati cards. i will link you20:59
ohsixnerdshell: firmware filenames change with kernel versions, look at the output of dmesg and see if the driver is finding it's firmware20:59
macrossmthe default should be the default i would be more then happy to test out and learn a new gui gradually20:59
KindariHey folks, is it worth upgrading to 11.04?20:59
ohsixsebsebseb: #ubuntu-offtopic20:59
nerdshellohsix:  can you explain more clearly please20:59
icerootKindari: never touch a running system20:59
sgaapbtw, is 11.4 (from ati) included in 11.04?20:59
ohsixmacrossm: you have had many months to try it out gradually20:59
macrossmso unity is a compiz plugin or a gnome plugin ?20:59
kvarleyHow can I enable desktop effects in Ubuntu 11.04? I have proprietary drivers installed.20:59
nutsfornattyScarra3: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx20:59
doodlemaco: it asks me to select a mount point for the partition, and I selected FAT32, and the mount point is /dos and /windows, which one should I select?21:00
jsebeaninternal server error on ubuntu bug tracker21:00
macrossmreally ? i have cause running beta is a great idea21:00
ohsixnerdshell: dmesg shows kernel messages if ran in a terminal; the driver says when it's loading its firmware; so you check that it has21:00
corecodehow can i disable this excessively large dropshadow on 11.04?21:00
macodoodle: whatever you want it to be named. you can always change this later21:00
corecodei tried compiz/window decoration, but that doesn't change anything21:00
macodoodle: should even be able to type it in21:00
doodlemaco: okay.21:00
macodoodle: if you want it to show like a flash drive would, then put it under /media21:01
SaammI got a software center problem...Chromium rating is 102 but it only shows 1....http://i.imgur.com/Nhgpn.png21:01
doodlemaco: there is no other option but /dos and /windows21:01
ohsixcorecode: you can adjust the ccsm settings, but i don't know if you can; smspillaz had a blog post about getting overlapping shadows to not over darken & i think thats the fixed output from that21:01
brokenupgraydesmy upgrade failed, dpkg is now corrupted, but I have a liveCD.  How to recover?21:01
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ohsixcorecode: fixed in the sense that there are few options iirc, but the ones there are will be in ccsm21:02
bloublouhi guys, I joined few hours ago asking about how to fix my gnome-panels, well, I fixed them; I just went to GDM menu and changed the session, I selected 'classic session' and done, problem fixed.21:02
icerootbrokenupgraydes: chroot into the system and rund "sudo dpkg --configure -a"21:02
macrossmwhy did unity wipe out my settings in compiz ? i had a sphere with 4 desktops and two running vbox windows in them21:02
corecodeohsix: hm, it has to be set somewhere21:02
macodoodle: it wont let you type in there?21:02
macrossmhow can i get all that back21:02
corecodeohsix: right now i can just disable all decoration, or have this huge shadow21:02
icerootbrokenupgraydes: if you can boot the normal system do that and run the command then you dont need a chroot21:02
ohsixcorecode: that somewhere might not be something you can change without a rebuild, is what i was saying21:02
RehanWhy do I keep getting this error when I try to run update manager on 10.10 : W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/meerkat/stable/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found21:03
doodlemaco: no. :S21:03
ShoogySo what happened to the netbook version of ubuntu21:03
ohsixmacrossm: unity did not do that21:03
hypetechShoogy: it is no more21:03
Shoogythey just change out there whole website21:03
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu = login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:03
corecodeohsix: because i use focus-follows-mouse, the abrupt change of the shadow is quite distracting21:03
Shoogywhy not21:03
ohsixmacrossm: compizchanging from version .8 to .9 did21:03
dotblankmacrossm, when you updated it should have prompted you if you had any conflicting configuration files21:03
macrossmnuts: did that still have nothing21:03
Bisaheya, anyone able to help me check this issue out. I see a white _ on boot and my hard drive swirls a bit then seems to halt and no os is booted at all, what could be wrong?21:03
macrossmand i opened ccsm all settings gone21:03
icerootShoogy: netbook was a normal ubuntu with unity21:03
corecodeohsix: ah.  there is a slider for shadow, but it doesn't seem to have any effect21:03
brokenupgraydesiceroot, chroot'd and running dpkg now, got a bunch of warnings about dpkg status file syntax21:03
SubCoolcould someone help with an ops. I somehow created a loop script of x11vnc, can someone help me find it and delete it?21:03
ShoogyI know it was the normal ubuntu with a UI21:03
icerootbrokenupgraydes: pastebin21:03
macrossmdotblank : should have*21:04
ohsixmacrossm: it tries to migrate some settings but far from all of them are migrated21:04
sgaapBisa: do you see a bootloader before that?21:04
ShoogyI wanted to get it for my roommates netbook21:04
brokenupgraydesbleh, scrollback.21:04
Bisasgaap, nope21:04
ohsixmacrossm: you can manually transfer the settings, they are still in gconf21:04
chervahow can I kill a connection to a peer without killing the service or filtering it with iptables and waiting to timeout ?21:04
macrossmhrm :(21:04
hypetechShoogy: the normal desktop version is the new "netbook" version, it's the same now.  unity is a good interface for the netbook so it should be fine21:04
sgaapBisa, you can use a live cd to reinstall grub, or do it via the bios with efi21:04
sgaapif you have edi that is21:05
ohsixcherva: hunt has a tool to do that, it discovers sequence numbers and sends rst's to both ends21:05
ShoogyOh they are the same now21:05
brokenupgraydesiceroot, just many of these: dpkg-query: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 20421 package 'encoding.com':  error in Version string 'version0.87': version number does not start with digit21:05
ShoogyOk that makes sense21:05
RehanWhy do I keep getting this error when I try to run update manager on 10.10 : W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/meerkat/stable/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found21:05
ohsixcherva: i think theres a tool to do just that, but i  forget the name21:05
ShoogyThanks for the help hypetech21:05
shane2peruok, first hurdle, dual screen setup with unity?21:05
macrossmguys i dunno if canonical see any of this ...but it's pretty sad i spent months perfecting my laptop and now it's shot after the 11.04 upgrade ...unity is terrible and shouldn't have been set as the default21:05
ShoogyYes good point21:05
chervaohsix, hunt ?21:05
ohsixRehan: one of your ppas is broken, you should purge them all before you attempt an upgrade21:05
Bisasgaap, Im currently on a live but dunno if I want to dable with grub due to my dual boot setup, is it smart enough to recognize my win install?21:05
ShoogyI need to be able to run dual screen too21:05
macrossmmy desktop still has 10.10 and i will never change that21:05
trismcorecode: the shadow is configured in the metacity theme such as  /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml in the shadow tags, set them to radius 0 and the shadow is gone, (or just shrink them)...best idea is probably to copy it to ~/.themes/ , change the name and make your edits21:05
icerootmacrossm: never touch a running system, so its your fault21:06
sgaapBisa: it should be21:06
macrossmyeah it's my fault21:06
Rehanohsix: is there a command in terminal i can enter to do that?21:06
helomacrossm: you can just use the other desktop interface...21:06
ohsixmacrossm: that is your opinion, and you had an opportunity to voice it before release21:06
macrossmi have a backup from 2 weeks ago will have to restore that21:06
corecodetrism: thanks!21:06
Bisasgaap, so, google reinstall grub or something?21:06
helomacrossm: you don't have to use unity with 11.0421:06
macrossmi'm not now i changed21:06
jiohdiRehan: you can remove them under synaptic packagemanager under repositories21:06
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:06
ohsixmacrossm: as i've said your compiz settings are still there, they are just not being read by compiz .921:06
laserbledhi....how to mount a rar file in ubuntu 10.10...anyother alternative than rar2fs ?21:06
macrossmbut all my settings are gone21:06
llutzcherva: look at "cutter"21:07
sgaapBisa, depends on which version of grub you have21:07
icerootbrokenupgraydes: make a backup of that file, then edit it and remove the string "version" from that line21:07
macrossmlaser you don't mount an rar21:07
icerootbrokenupgraydes: also its a good idea to open a bug with that21:07
macrossmextract it21:07
nutsfornattyopen with archive manager21:07
ohsixlaserbled: everything that exists to do it only does uncopmressed archives21:07
macrossmyou can view the files inside without extracting if that is what you mean21:07
brokenupgraydesiceroot, bah. hundreds of them.21:07
Rehanjiohdi: thanks21:07
ninjaiis there any software for linux that allows me to screenshot a section of my screen? I've used some before where you can scale around this box and clikc 'capture'.  Anything out there?21:07
Bisasgaap, dunno, where do I find out / guess in the file system somewhere, or can I somehow boot into it from the live session?21:07
laserbledbut I can mount tar files21:07
chervallutz, thanks21:07
melloHow do I install xfce 4.8 on natty? I already installed a shitload of apps before finding out that unity just doesn't run at all for me21:07
aciculaninjai: just press screenshot or shift-screenshot21:07
ohsixlaserbled: aufs can do it but it is no better than extracting it entirely, because that is what it does21:07
icerootbrokenupgraydes: sed s/^version// :)21:07
icerootbrokenupgraydes: and remeber the backup!!!21:08
brokenupgraydes"Processing was halted because there were too many errors."21:08
DominaterNo Compiz on 11.04?21:08
aciculaninjai: prtscr or whatever abbreviation of printscreen your keyboard uses21:08
ninjaiacicula, my problem is that i want a section of my browser, not the tabs and everything with it21:08
hypetechDominater: it has compiz21:08
jiohdimello in term:   sudo apt-get install xfce421:08
macrossmthey've removed it21:08
nutsfornattyninjai: its the "take screenshot" app (yes that is the name)21:08
sgaapBisa, with 1 its just: 1. root (hx.x), where x.x is your disk and partition, 2 setup (hd0) and then quit (this is from the grub shell, just type grub on the cli)21:08
UbuN2ninjai, ubuntu has screenshot21:08
macrossmit does not have compiz21:08
ohsixDominater: unity is compiz, with a unity plugin21:08
aciculaninjai: just edit the screenshot with gimp21:08
macrossmall setting are overridden by unity21:08
ohsixmacrossm: you are not listening to me21:08
macrossmnone of the features work21:08
mellojiohdi, if xfce works.. can i also remove all gnome shizzle?21:08
sgaapBisa: assuming your bootdisk is the first one21:08
ninjaiCLARIFICATION: I know ubuntu has screenshot capabilities, but I want to take a screen of a specific section21:08
eokeFresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 AMD64 on a disk with Windows 7 Pro.  Installation involving encryption and lvm went smoothly and grub installed.  After rebooting I found the first option in grub doesn't boot the machine just a flashing cursor.  The second option I think it's labeled safe or recovery boots ok.  I've tried update grub and also tried reinstalling grub.  Any ideas?21:08
Dominaterhypetech , what about the Cube?21:08
macrossmyou can keep saying it has compiz21:08
ohsixmacrossm: if you are going to persist you will be removed21:09
macrossmbut you know why people run compiz21:09
icerootmacrossm: of course it has compiz21:09
macrossmfor the fancy features and none work for uniuty21:09
nutsfornattynanjai the take screenshot app will allow you to do that21:09
hypetechDominater: it's in the settings, but my computer can't run it so I haven't turned it on21:09
UbuN2applications > accessories > take a screenshot21:09
ohsixmacrossm: i am running compiz, you are lying to people21:09
jiohdimello: you should keep most of it as your gnome programs may require some of them21:09
sgaapBisa: remember, disk 1, partition 1 is hd (0,0) in grub 121:09
icerootmacrossm: dpkg -l \*compiz\* | grep ^ii  says my natty has compiz21:09
ohsixmacrossm: and this is a help channel21:09
UbuN2then tick grab a section u want to grab21:09
Kevin147Is 11.04 the stable version or only beta??21:09
aciculaninjai: the screenshot makes a screenshot at the resolution of the desktop, you can just edit it from there?21:09
hypetechKevin147: stable as of today21:09
ayeceeKevin147: now stable21:09
macrossmi'm running it too no plugins work except the unity one which is lame21:09
ohsixmacrossm: i even explained why you are seeing what you are seeing21:09
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Bisasgaap, no its the hd3 I think, but Im not sure how to go from here really, Ive got a live ubuntu usb stick in where I can access irc ^^21:10
mellojiohdi: i guess it's safe to remove gnome-shell? I tried installing it, but not much luck either21:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!21:10
nerdshellmaco: the computer recognizes my iphone hostspot but not my wifi network21:10
macoohsix: whats the emergency?21:10
ninjaiacicula, it's too much work.  gimp takes a long time to load, then i need to create a new file of the specific size of the data i am snagging out, then save it... its way easier just to draw a box on my screen, click 'capture' or something.21:10
jiohdimello: yes after you get the xfce you can uninstall whatever you do not want21:10
Rehandoes canonical release a new version every 6 months whether or not the version is really stable? Are they very locked into the 6 month timeline?21:10
ohsixmaco: no fire, didn't realize you were an op, just needed eyes21:10
sgaapBisa, if you have booted into a livecd you can use the grub command to get into the grub command line21:11
macoRehan: 6.06 was delayed by two months21:11
IdleOneohsix: eyes for what?21:11
nutsfornattyninjai: go to the Take Screenshot app. open it. select "grab an area" and select your area. done21:11
LjLohsix: please only call !ops if there is a serious reason21:11
aciculaninjai: dunno if there is a program that lets you do that, you can hold shift or ctrl to modify what section printscreen captures though21:11
Bisasgaap, ah, I see, cheers21:11
ohsixLjL: noted21:11
sgaapBisa: there you can set your linux root and install it with setup (hd0) into your mbt21:11
ohsixIdleOne: for macrossm21:11
nutsfornattyguys the screenshot app allows you to capture a smaller area, no need for gimp21:11
macrossmhe was hoping to alret you to my complaints about releasing beta software in a major release21:11
macoRehan: but no release will be bug-free, when few people test more than a month before release :(21:11
SubCoolcould someone help with an ops. I somehow created a loop script of x11vnc, can someone help me find it and delete it?21:11
Ahmucksebsebseb: thanks.  that worked great21:11
macoRehan: well, no release will be bug-free, period ;-) but having bug reports with actual time to complete them is nice!21:12
ohsixmacrossm: #ubuntu-offtopic21:12
nerdshellohsix: the computer find my Iphone Hostpot but not my wifi network21:12
phoenixsamprasits taking 98 hours to UPDATE!!21:12
maco(also help with fixing them is also nice. if you want to help join #ubuntu-bugs)21:12
dotblankmacrossm, yea this not #ubuintu-complain21:12
Bisasgaap, right, got grub installed now21:12
aciculaphoenixsampras: slow download speed?21:12
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maconerdshell: is your wifi network running on a very high channel?21:12
nastjuidoh sweet. I can install with the alternate cd and not have to use the new gnome21:12
ohsixnerdshell: hm thats interesting21:12
Rehanmaco: oh i see. Is there a huge jump in # of adopters AFTER its considered out of beta?21:12
hypetechnastjuid: you can do that with the normal cd21:12
sgaapBisa: if everything went ok you should see grub after a boot now21:12
macoRehan: yes21:12
nutsfornattyupdating ubuntu right now is like shopping at best buy during Dec 23rd. you know what you are getting into21:12
nastjuidhypetech: oh, I must have missed the option. I'll check that out thanks :)21:13
ohsixnastjuid: there is no new gnome, there is a new default session that uses compiz and the unity plugin as a window manager21:13
sgaapBisa, if they value for root is wrong, you can change it by changing the entries21:13
eokenutsfornatty, yes but it's so tempting :D21:13
Dominateris there Cube on 11.04?21:13
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maconerdshell: like, i think channel 13 is europe-only (or only recently added to the US?) ... in which case your driver might not look that high by default21:13
rhizmoeis there an xterm replacement that uses tabs? screen is kind of a pain for local stuff.21:13
hypetechnastjuid: when you go to log in, you can select "Ubuntu Classic" for your session21:13
sgaapBisa: with "e" from grub21:13
ohsixnastjuid: iit's on the login screen :]21:13
nastjuidohsix: thanks for that clarification21:13
Bisasgaap, just to be sure, what exactly did I have to type if I wanted to install grub on hd3?21:13
nastjuid! thanks :)21:13
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:13
Rehanmaco: i'm switching to ubuntu from 20 years of windows and i love the ideology of ubuntu but it still seems kind of hodge podge at best so far (my experience with 10.10). It could just be my hardware though. I hope to report on bugs though.21:13
eokemaco, nerdshell: I've had similar issues with kindles refusing to connect to channel 1 and 14.21:13
jumbersIs there a way to point do-release-upgrade at an ISO file? I downloaded the ISO like 14 hours ago before it was on all the mirrors21:13
ohsixnerdshell: to check if that is the case (that maco said) you can run sudo iw reg getin a terminal21:14
bonnyi need a game for a really low video card21:14
nerdshellmaco: but my wifi was working fine on 10.1021:14
macrossmccsm doesn't open on my second nor does anything else after the upgrade ...any ideas ?21:14
macoRehan: lots of replies to requests for checking on reproducibility of a reported bug in the devel release (so we know whether to spend resources on it) are of the form "ok, well i'll let you know when its beta" or "i'll check after the stable release" .. which is way too late21:14
sgaapBisa, you need to set the root of you linux partition with root (hd2,partition) then and install it with setup (hd0), this is assuming you boot from your first disk21:14
hypetechjumbers: I'd recommend just burning the ISO and doing the upgrade from the boot21:14
dotblankRehan, hodge podge? oh yes but only best hodge podge.21:14
ohsixnerdshell: it will tell you the current regulatory restrictions21:14
SubCoolmaybe this will work better -21:14
nutsfornattybonny: try the indy humble games? revenge of the titans runs well on my system21:14
azi`hello. is there any way to switch to the previous layout of the desktop? this layout in ubuntu 10.10 is just useless21:14
jumbershypetech: Well this is on a remote server that I don't have physical access to21:14
sgaapBisa, if linux is on your first partition of your 3th disk that would be hd(2,0)21:15
ohsixmaco: thanks for telling people that, i don't have  the energy for it :]21:15
tasslehoffI'm running 11.04 on a MacBook Pro (with norwegian layout). Out of the box the modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift, cmd) work like they should for launcher, unity and workspaces, but I can't get to the symbols I get in osx with shift-cmd-<number-key>.21:15
hypetechjumbers: is it a virtual machine where you could mount the iso then reboot?21:15
nothingspecialazi`: select classic ubuntu at login21:15
rhizmoeok, gnome-terminal has tabs. silly me.21:15
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:15
ohsixazi`: pick "classic desktop" on the login screen21:15
azi`nothingspecial: i have autologin set on21:15
Maxikhello, update to 11.04 crashed on my laptop, os isn't working now, how can i fix that?21:15
Rehandotblank: it could just be my hardware but setting up ubuntu 10.10 wasnt easy at all21:15
azi`ohsix: what if my machine automatically logs in?21:15
jumbershypetech: Nope, dedicated box. I assume I could just mount the ISO right?21:15
Bisasgaap, hmmz, Im pretty confident that I changed the boot order in my bios to first boot from my hd3 disk is that the same thing_21:15
ohsixugh autologon21:15
macrossm11.04 not able to do multiple screens yet ?21:15
nerdshellohsix: can you rewrite the command please, I think you didn't write it corrctly21:15
Rehandotblank: thats why I was wondering whats considered a stable release21:16
ohsixazi`: you know your keyring has to be insecure to do that as well21:16
dotblankRehan, most likely your hardware.. ubuntu 10.10/.04 was incredibly stable21:16
Maxiki've already tried everything i found on the internet21:16
hypetechjumbers: you could mount the iso but I'm not sure if it can upgrade while it's booted.  I haven't tried that way21:16
sgaapBisa, you need to do the setup (hdX) to whatever disk your bios boots from21:16
azi`ohsix: sure21:16
ohsixnerdshell: "sudo iw reg get"21:16
nothingspecialazi`: then turn it off, in the system settings when you click your username - top right21:16
ohsixazi`: thats a big tradeoff :[21:16
VCooliotasslehoff: you mean unicode symbols? try ctrl+shift+u then the code, enter21:16
Bisasgaap, right, lemmi give that a go21:16
llutzsgaap: grub2 counts partitions from 1 (grub1 started at 0)21:16
Rehandotblank: i get the feeling that ubuntu works really well on stuff 5 years old and pretty poorly on stuff 1-2 years old.  Is that correct?21:16
[lan3y]you can mount isos in grub if that helps21:16
ohsixRehan: that is incorrect21:17
sgaapBisa, im not sure if those insctructions are valid for grub 2, havent got any hands-on experience with that21:17
dotblankRehan, wrong..21:17
nutsfornattyrehan: it depends on the hardware.21:17
ohsixit depends on people reporting bugs21:17
cyoz1damn ubuntu uses 100% cpu for no reason21:17
usr13Rehan: I think it looks like "hoge poge" to you because you are not used to it. Sometimes different appears as broken. Sometimes an application doesn't preform as we expect it to and we believe it is irratic or irrational.21:17
tasslehoffVCoolio: the ones I miss most are square and curly brackets. hard to program without them. is that unicode symbols?21:17
ohsixcyoz1: theres a  reason, interested in finding it?21:17
nutsfornattyubuntu using 3% here and i have quite a few apps open21:18
kaiuwehm in natty nvidia-settings always says "cannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for writing" thus making my changes (two monitor configuration) vanish on restart21:18
sgaapBisa, if its grub 2 best to check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:18
dotblankcyoz1, there is always a reason21:18
macoRehan: please do feel free to file bugs on what you think is wrong and also ones for the Hundred Papercuts project on usability bugs21:18
SubCoolOk- how can i deteremine why x11vnc is opening infintietly21:18
tashkashow i can share IGMP over shared connection between two lan cards???21:18
skulltipwhat's the terminal irc client in case i have issues?21:18
Rehanusr13: i'm def no linux master but I appreciate the difference in looks and user interface. I don't mind that at all. I just haven't experienced an ubuntu install yet where I didn't have to scour through forum posts to get hardware to work properly.21:18
hypetechskulltip: irssi21:18
LjLskulltip: irssi is a popular one21:18
aciculaskulltip: irssi21:18
sgaapkaiuwe: you run it with sudo?21:18
laumonierhi i have an upgrade problem when i try to get natty i get this after a little moment during the source configuration http://paste.ubuntu.com/600431/21:19
dotblankmaco, to be fair some hardware issues can't be solved that way.. most of them are issues with the manufacturer21:19
ShoogyWhat is the best way to remote into linux from a windows desktop21:19
TheRedOctoberIs there a way to keep audio working when you hot switch from an X session to a tty session?21:19
aciculaShoogy: ssh/putty or vnc21:19
Shoogywhat do you recommend21:19
tensorpuddingShoogy: configure remote desktop sharing21:19
ninjaiacicula, shutter does what I require.21:19
tashkashow i can share IGMP over shared connection between two lan cards????21:19
hypetechShoogy: putty for command line, vnc for graphical interface21:19
dotblankmaco, but at least you'll know about them21:19
bastidrazorTheRedOctober: once you log in to the tty the audio should continue21:19
mero48Hello, I've got message when starting grub: No video mode selected. how can i hide this message ?21:19
aciculaShoogy: do you want a terminal or graphics21:19
ShoogyI need the graphical as I am running stuff on it for servers21:19
ohsixRehan: problem #1 is searching forums for _solutions_21:20
macodotblank: we can do a lot of workarounds in the kernel21:20
Rehanmy sony vaio and hp pavilion laptops have both had hardware issues on a default install21:20
aciculaheu servers and graphical stuff?21:20
hypetechShoogy: running a server would be the reason why you WOULDN'T use graphical but okay :p  Use VNC for graphical21:20
macodotblank: i only personally know how to do a few audio ones, but i know other subsystems use quirks as well21:20
tensorpuddingShoogy: open Remote Desktop Preferences, and allow people to connect remotely21:20
Shoogyit is a minecraft server21:20
aciculaShoogy: enable remote desktop under system->preferences and then you can connecgt via vnc21:20
dotblankmaco, at risks of regressions?21:20
Bisasgaap, thnx for the help, appreciate it - but I think Im just going to revert my bios settings and format and do a clean install21:20
VCooliotasslehoff: I have those on my keyboard; see if you can assign keys to provide those using xmodmap21:20
[lan3y]Rehan, what pavilion do you have?21:20
the67pclisten to me21:20
blithi, I've played with beta 2 for the last 10 days, upgrading packages as needed. should I install the freshly released one?21:20
Shoogyit is going to be via lan too21:20
the67pcIs god when we have an private eye for ubuntu21:20
tashkasaccicula do u know how to run iptv on two lan cards?21:21
macodotblank:  the regression potential depends on the manufacturer. there are some *cough*apple*cough* who like to give multiple pieces of hardware the same hardware IDs and revision numbers21:21
tensorpuddingShoogy: then on the Windows computer, install a VNC client like UltraVNC or TightVNC, and specify to connect to the Ubuntu machine by hostname, on display :021:21
the67pcwe need a private eye for ubuntu21:21
Rehanohsix: i don't mind searching forums for solutions.21:21
LjLthe67pc: do you have a support question for us?21:21
ohsixRehan: at best workarounds, at worst nobody knows what is going on and can't elaborate; so practically speaking, a waste of time if you actually desire remedy21:21
Bisasgaap, got all my data backed up any way, grub and mbr is the next chapter of my linux learning experience me thinks21:21
Shoogythank you guys21:21
hypetechthe67pc: do you have a question?21:21
ohsixRehan: search bugs21:21
aciculablit: you can but its not needed, if you experience no issues i would not bother21:21
sgaapBisa, np, but i still advice checking the howto for grub 2 if its that, there is also a gui for ubuntu to configure grub221:21
LjLthe67pc: what do you mean a private eye? it sounds like something that might be better discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic, but i'm not sure21:21
usr13Rehan: Ahhhh, hardware.  Yes, there are printers that do not have drivers in linux. There are wireless network adapters that do not have fully funtioning drivers. etc.  Yes you are correct. (But that is different. And ... well I could go on, but we should join #ubuntu-offtopci for more.)21:21
woodnhas anyone run into an issue with crypt() on natty?21:21
ShoogyI am still pretty new to linux and are still learning21:21
ohsixRehan: lacking said bugs, report bugs21:21
proqwhat shell command do I run to take a CD installer and copy it to a usb stick?21:21
sgaapBisa, which you should be able to use from a live cd of 11.0421:21
the67pcPrivate eye is an security tool for passwords21:21
the67pcor ...21:21
Bisasgaap, oh, really, package name listed on that wiki link perhaps?21:21
dotblankmaco, yea its not ubuntu's fault it doesn't work.. its the hardware manufacturer. and as such you should not support any hw that isn't supported in linux21:21
Rehanohsix: i agree with the process, I'm just saying that I don't understand what is the definition of stable21:22
nutsfornattyshoogy: you will do fine. :-)21:22
ShoogyI have used linux before so that I can take files off of a corrupt windows install21:22
tensorpuddingShoogy: this is the easiest way, but for many reasons, running VNC services on a server that is open outside of the LAN is a bad idea due to security risks21:22
the67pcfor your computer21:22
dajhorn_proq: unetbootin at the prompt21:22
sgaapBisa, let me check21:22
LjLthe67pc: to do what, crack passwords?21:22
the67pcto protect your screenn21:22
ohsixRehan: then the maintainers/packagers will be participating & they can do more than guess or tell you to do something awful that nobody really knows is awful, but accept as valid workarounds21:22
Shoogywhat do you recommend then tensor21:22
the67pcThe software protect your screen21:22
tensorpuddingShoogy: you said this was for a LAN, right?21:22
nerdshellohsix: iw : command not foud21:22
aciculathe67pc: you want to lock your screen?21:22
corecodehow do you get a proper menu style, and not that apple menu style?21:22
dotblankmaco, at this point, not releaseing drivers for linux is a terrible terrible idea21:22
the67pcwhen anybody look at your screen21:22
citnHi, I am currently listening to some internet radio. How can I record it in Ubuntu?21:22
tashkashow i can share IGMP over shared connection between two lan cards????21:22
ohsixRehan: the definition of stable is fixed & supported, by backports of fixes or otherwise21:22
the67pcyes lock with a black screen21:22
ohsixnerdshell: ok sec21:23
the67pcwait a minute21:23
hypetechthe67pc: ctrl+alt+L21:23
LjLthe67pc: ubuntu has that by default, it locks after a while21:23
sgaapBisa: sudo apt-get install startupmanager21:23
tensorpuddingShoogy: is your machine public-routable?21:23
LjLthe67pc: please try to keep your sentences on one line, it's busy here21:23
nutsfornattythe offical ati drivers are out for 11.04... no clue about nvidia atm21:23
aciculathe67pc: tried clicking on lock screen instead of logout/halt?21:23
escottthe67pc, gnome-screensaver-control -lock21:23
Bisasgaap, thnx21:23
sgaapBisa; havent tested it myself so im not sure what it can do21:23
aciculathe67pc: top right corner21:23
the67pcnooo people21:23
ejvis it out? :)21:23
uofm49426anyone tell me how to edit videoram in 10.1021:23
Witchsong_http://cdn.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/2yxnj3c_thumb.jpg <-- Anyone know what icon set is used there?21:23
ohsixsgaap: it comes with one21:23
LjLejv: quite21:23
sgaapBisa, you should run it with sudo at least21:23
aciculauofm49426: eh, that does not compute21:23
ejvhas that dreadful power regression been fixed?21:23
Monotokoany flight sims for Linux you guys know of?21:24
ejvthe one phoronix wrote about?21:24
ryankaski can't boot the live 11.04  CD without having a flickering screen with all sorts of colored lines... should i try to upgrade from 10.10 and debug from there? were there any many changes to hardware support in 11.04?21:24
the67pcsee this: http://migre.me/4nL2Q21:24
LjL!info flightgear | Monotoko21:24
ubottuMonotoko: flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.0-3 (natty), package size 2549 kB, installed size 6448 kB21:24
aciculaejv: isnt that for a newer kernel?21:24
the67pcthe document is Brazilian21:24
Bisasgaap, yeap, brb and thnx again ^^21:24
ohsixuofm49426: do you mean ram or the BAR/pci stuff?21:24
sgaapejv: i dont think so, still in the lastest kernel release21:24
escottMonotoko, flightgear21:24
the67pcbut have a text down with the video21:24
sgaapBrisa: gl21:24
NickUK`What's the best way to write a BootCD of Ubuntu in Ubuntu?21:24
Rehanohsix: know of any laptop that would have the same out of the box functionality with Ubuntu as Win7? I must just have bad luck with the two I have21:24
skulltipMonotoko - X-plane is best commercial one21:24
aciculaNickUK`: just right click an iso and select burn?21:24
the67pcyou can't read it with google translate21:24
ohsixejv: the one phoronix speculates about you mean?21:24
uofm49426max ubuntu by default in ubuntu is 8 mb21:24
sam555hello all!21:24
sam555which log in /var/log would tell me when the computer restarted?21:25
dotblankRehan, its usually the wireless cards I have issues with21:25
ohsixRehan: yea probably bad luck21:25
NickUK`acicula,  Alright- I was just wondering if you needed another application to make it bootable like the Windows ImgBurn/MagicISO etc21:25
uofm49426for my i91521:25
NickUK`Thanks though21:25
the67pcYou don't have to learn Portuguese21:25
ejvohsix: haha it looked pretty convincing, especially with the unlabeled X-axes ;)21:25
escottsam555, syslog should say21:25
aciculasam555: uptime will tell you when it last restarted21:25
ohsixRehan: worst case for me out of lots of trials is nonworking feature keys21:25
ejvsgaap: :(21:25
LAcanis there a way to safely delete my swap partition and add it to my existing filesystem?21:25
uofm49426it can use 12821:25
ejvacicula: not sure21:25
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sam555thanks escott and acicula21:25
ohsixejv: thats what they do, unfortunately all that they do21:25
aciculasam555: but syslog or messages will probably log restart mssges21:25
dotblankLAcan, you can swapof21:25
escottLAcan, swapoff and then grow, but not advisable if you run out of memory21:25
dotblankand if you use lvm you can add it while the system is running21:25
Rehanohsix: yeah i don't even expect those to work ever when i'm installing ubuntu21:26
LjLuhm the67pc, i understand now, but i should warn you that this kind of "face recognition" software is really not  very secure. a good password is better.21:26
aciculauofm49426: oh you want to increase the amount of video memory available21:26
LAcanescott, dotblank i have 8GBS of physical memory... is running out a likely problem?21:26
ohsixejv: fwiw i have seen very slight temp increases, but if it affects battery life, on my laptop it's like 3 minutes out of 2 hours21:26
tasslehoffVCoolio: layout -> options -> key to choose 3d level -> any alt key = problem fixed :)21:26
the67pcI know LjL but, is for security for people don't have a security password21:26
dotblankLAcan, no  not likely but a kernel starved of memory does some pretty terrible things21:26
aciculauofm49426: eh, you can set that in the bios for integrated graphics i would think, maybe look at what its set at there? are you sure you can even set it higher then 8Mb?21:26
ryankaskis there any way to inspect graphics card issues from the natty live cd?21:26
dotblankLAcan, I hear you can create a swap file and loopback mount it21:27
Leoescott: That did it! I got up to about 2500 bits and blasted the 2192-bit key through before it could drop again. For some reason the buffer runs down quickly until it gets down to about the 100-200 bit range where it bounces around.21:27
ryankaski.e. abort x21:27
escottLAcan, it could21:27
tasslehoffVCoolio: no... then the desktop switching stopped working... argh.21:27
acicularyankask: yeah you can21:27
LAcandotblank, gotcha... now this swapoff... i can just run that through a terminal window?21:27
ohsixryankask: getting a black screen? intel or nvidia21:27
bashelinai want to install ubuntu from an usb drive... from an existing ubuntu system21:27
Gorilla_No_Bakahello everyone21:27
ryankaskohsix:  i'm not getting a black screen i'm getting a flicekring screen21:27
escottLeo, excellent mine seems to drop too i'm not sure what could be using entropy you could lsof /dev/random21:27
ohsixryankask: and the other question?21:27
VCooliotasslehoff: at least you now know you need 3rd level for those keys; set another key for that21:28
ryankaskohsix: very hard to see but http://www2.ryankaskel.com/misc/images/screenshots/natty-startup.jpg21:28
aciculahow do i enable ecryptfs for an existing user21:28
uofm49426bios no21:28
dotblankLAcan, yea.. but I don't know if you can grow ext3/4 while running the system on it21:28
ohsixryankask: ah, intel then?21:28
escottLAcan, also without swap you can't suspend/resume21:28
uofm49426in windows it uses drivers21:28
ryankaskohsix: basically i'm running 10.10 fine and i don't see why i can't boot into it. should i just try upgrading? or can i debug like i could if i upgraded from the live CD?21:28
LAcandotblank, i can run swapoff and then boot some other OS to grow the partition... sound right?21:28
escottLAcan, any grown of a mounted partition must happen offlien21:28
ryankaskohsix: it's on board intel and nvidia21:28
[dlp]acicula: It's complicated.21:28
mang0I can't even install 10.10 from the livecd!21:29
acicula[dlp]: thats ok21:29
dotblankLAcan, if you boot into another OS/source you don't even need to swapoff21:29
SubCoolHow come this command creates a loop of x11vnc: echo "/usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :0" > ~/.kde/Autostart/x11vnc.sh chmod +x ~/.kde/Autostart/x11vnc.sh21:29
ohsixryankask: reclocking lvds can do that, but it's a bug, reporting it with a picture should be enough, the intel developers know what it is21:29
LAcandotblank, i can just nuke it?21:29
[dlp]acicula: You can easily create an encfs filesystem.21:29
adwonwI just installed Ubuntu. Why doesn't it run Unity, but gnome?21:29
dotblankLAcan, you should.. and if doesn't let you nuke it then you swapoff21:29
jnlsnl_can i give root same ssh keys as an user21:29
[dlp]acicula: But do you want to use it for authentication and encrypt the whole home directory?21:29
ryankaskohsix: where should i report that?21:29
ohsix[dlp]: bad advice :[21:29
acicula[dlp]: i just want to enable ubuntus default ecryptfs where it mounts .Private on login in the users home directory21:29
Dominaterhow do i enable 3D cube on 11.04?21:29
SubCoolMore or less: this part. /usr/bin/x11vnc -forever -rfbport 5900 -rfbauth ~/.vnc/x11vnc.pass -o ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log -loopbg -display :021:29
ryankaskohsix: and should i cancel my upgrade of natty until it's fixed21:30
dotblankjnlsnl_, yes you can.. the ssh keys are stored in ~/.ssh21:30
uofm49426in the xorg i just need to add VideoRam    130560  but there is no xorg.conf anymore21:30
woodnim pretty stuck on an issue with crypt() - both my jabber server and any program i try to write complain about crypt() being undefined...and i just can't seem to find what might have happened in the upgrade to cause this21:30
LAcandotblank, maybe aill swapoff just to be safe then boot windows and extend the partition... sound safe?21:30
Leoescott: Good question: lsof /dev/random return an empty list here for me. Thank you for your help!21:30
adwonwIs gnome the default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 or wht?21:30
dotblankjnlsnl_, you can also symlink the entire ~/.ssh folder to your user so they always stay in sync21:30
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jnlsnl_dotblank so if i cp mu ssh keys from user/.ssh to root/.ssh it should work ?21:30
profundono, unity is21:30
dotblankLAcan, windows will be unable to extend the partition21:30
uofm49426its a thinkpad x4121:30
[dlp]acicula: I don't know how it works throught the GUI,21:30
ohsixryankask: well, you can use xorg-edgers after the install probably, chances are it already includes the fix, but with respect to ubuntu it needs the bug reported so they can backport the fix21:31
dotblankjnlsnl_, yes21:31
adwonwThen why doesn't Unity load, but gnome?!21:31
LAcandotblank, because its ext? i should use a linux grow util like parted then?21:31
Dominaterhow do i enable 3D cube on 11.04?21:31
dotblankLAcan, aye21:31
BajKwhat i dont understand is: is there no standardized API or something for graphics/resoluiton settings? In Windows no matter which driver you use (and I doubt they are open source) you can manage them from the exact same spot (at least the basic functions) without problem, in Linux with the proprietary drivers you always need to rely on those shitty tools they bring with21:31
LAcandotblank, escott thanks guys, wish me luck!21:31
[dlp]acicula: I've done it manually.21:31
escottjnlsnl_, you may have permission problems with that21:31
ohsixadwonw: pick the other session on the login screen21:31
|Seth|Hey! So I need some help with grub21:31
[dlp]acicula: You have to set up pam_encfs21:31
dotblankescott, but he'll be root :)21:32
ohsix[dlp]: bad advice21:32
ConfusionistHey, I'm upgrading from maverick to natty and running into a problem with the Python upgrade that turned into a blocker for finishing it. It's complaining that: "Setting up python2.7-minimal (2.7.1-5ubuntu2) ...21:32
ConfusionistLinking and byte-compiling packages for runtime python2.7...21:32
ConfusionistE: pycompile:240: Requested versions are not installed"21:32
acicula[dlp]: eh k, got a linky somewhere or something?21:32
adwonwohsix, I tried Ubuntu, Ubuntu classic etc. None is Unity.21:32
corecodehow do i get gnome-panel to start by default?21:32
ryankaskohsix: hmm i believe i use edgers on 1.10 now... where should i report this?21:32
tensorpuddingBajK: what exactly is it you want for a "standard api"21:32
guntbert|Seth|: what is the problem?21:32
[dlp]ohsix: So what would you suggest?21:32
ohsix[dlp]: doing what he asked to do21:32
guntbertgolona:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:32
|Seth|guntbert: error: symbol not found 'grub_env_export'21:32
xyos_is there a way to use xmonad and gnome 3, unity has failed me21:32
adwonwI'm running a new Ubuntu installation by the way.21:32
jdahmI'm getting an error: "ERROR: modinfo: could not find module nvidia_current"  And then the installer seems to have stopped, but nothing has crashed21:33
ryankaskohsix: if I use edgers now will it upgrading to natty downgrade it?21:33
ConfusionistThere's some bugs with this issue, but they are several months old and things have been changed afterwards21:33
jdahmis this something I should just wait for or try again?21:33
escottdotblank, unless ssh changes ownership of the file. he could add a host as root and find it broken for jnlsnl_21:33
BajKtensorpudding: as I said: in windos no matter which driver you use, you can change screen resolution and everything by using the Desktop settings while in Linux you always have to rely on the tools the driver makers provide21:33
ohsixryankask: you'd need to add it after the natty upgrade21:33
ConfusionistAnyone an idea what the best way to resolve this would be?21:33
|Seth|guntbert: Just installed 11.0421:33
dotblankjdahm, it is because you don't have the nvidia driver installed21:33
dotblankescott, only if he symlinks21:33
k_89hi ... i have a question... will upgrading my distro via the update manager remove my files in /usr and my installations of apache, django, etc21:33
guntbert|Seth|: never seen before ... did you upgrade from 10.10?21:33
|Seth|guntbert: yeah21:33
tensorpuddingBajK: i'm pretty sure that the Resolution thing works with any driver you want21:33
ryankaskohsix: ok I've backed everything up I'm just going to give it a go21:33
jdahmdotblank: ok, but I'm just installing 11.04.  Why would it expect that I have it21:33
jnlsnl_PHP is run as the "www-data" user right?21:33
escottBajK, we have xrandr, but nvidia doesn't support it fully21:34
ohsixacicula: run ecryptfs-setup-private from a terminal21:34
[dlp]acicula: Ignore me then. Apparently I don't know what I'm talking about.21:34
profundoHi, I am trying to update to ubuntu 11.04 from 10.10 and the update manager is freezing up and then saying to check my internet connection. it's only doing this for the distro update, other updates are fine. Anyone know why that might be? thanks21:34
jdahmdotblank: thats sort of what I expected but how can I make it continue and not worry about that?21:34
darkzHey everyone... i installed 11.04 and now i can no longer connect to my wifi.. doesnt even show up, other AP's show up.. tested it from my 10.10 box, works fine... any ideas?21:34
xyos_if you installed django and apache from apt it wont remove them it will upgrade them21:34
k_89jnlsnl_, thats apache running as www-data, but apache tuns php, so, yes21:34
dotblankjdahm, well.. it could have gotten messed up the install. try using the proprietary driver install tool21:34
k_89php runs as www-data21:34
guntbert|Seth|: as I said, never seen - but it looks like the upgrade didn't run through completely21:34
nerdshellHow can I downgrade to 10.10 please21:34
|Seth|guntbert: I looked around, and I can fix grub from a live CD, but I'd like to know if it has to be 11.04, or...?21:34
soreaudarkz: What wifi chip is it?21:34
adwonwSo, does anybody have any clue as to why only gnome loads in a new Ubuntu 11.04 installation?21:34
ohsix[dlp]: you very well may, but acicula would not know all the implications of encrypting everything without a lot of work; simply suggesting he enable it is a bad idea21:35
jdahmdotblank: I'm still on the livecd installing...21:35
jnlsnl_Ok... i need to somehow give "www-data" the same ssh keys as my "ubuntu" user21:35
aciculaohsix: will that setup an encrypted home dir or just an encrypted Private directory21:35
jdahmdotblank: it's not even done installing21:35
sgaapdarkz: if your connection is ok maybe flush the dns cache?21:35
jdahmdotblank: it's just sitting there21:35
dotblankjdahm, oh well is it continueing regardless?21:35
Stameniis there any diference in performance if i setup separate /home partiton and if I don't  ?21:35
nerdshellHow can I downgrade to 10.10 please?21:35
darkzbroadcom.. uses the STA driver soreau21:35
jiohdiadwonw: it isnt the only one... I am using fvwm-crystal21:35
k_89Will my data be affected by upgrading ubuntu21:35
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TheRedOctoberHas anyone yet figured out dual head monitors on LXDE or XFCE on 11.04?21:35
ohsixacicula: encrypted private, you do not want to encrypt everything :] just move the important things to encrypted storage21:35
acicula[dlp]: you need pam_enc to be installed probably to integrated mounting the ecryptfs on login21:35
soreau! broadcom | darkz21:35
helois there any way to switch the handedness of unity?21:35
ubottudarkz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:35
jdahmdotblank: no, it seems to have stopped.  At least no other output is generated after that21:35
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:35
guntbert|Seth|: no, it *should* work with any (recent) live CD  (but there *should* be no error either :-))21:35
heloi.e.- dash on the right instead of left21:35
darkzsgaap: dns cache has nothing to do with a ssid not showing hehe21:35
profundono ideas?21:36
aciculaohsix: the ubuntu default these days is to mount ecrypt fs on the users home which is what i want21:36
|Seth|guntbert: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167788821:36
uofm49426if no one tells me how to edit wicom i going to debian21:36
|Seth|guntbert: if I can do that with my 10.10 cd then all's golden21:36
sgaapdarkz, ok, i assumed you had a connection because the other updates went fine21:36
dotblankjdahm, what graphics card do you have?21:36
helouofm49426: debian is a great distro21:36
darkzsoreau: that is added to that site for 11.04?21:36
nerdshellHow can I downgrade to 10.10 please?21:36
jdahmdotblank: nvidia tesla21:36
adwonwnutsfornutty, yes, I already did that and it still loads gnome.21:36
ohsixacicula: it's for sure not default; people might think they want that but it's a horrible idea21:36
escottnerdshell, cant21:36
xyos_you cant downgrade21:36
dotblankjdahm, whaaa21:36
nutsfornattyyou are still using linux. :-)21:36
jiohdinerdshell: reinstall from an old cd21:36
aciculaohsix: its been that way for a few releases21:36
cordoval_escott: I get an error with havlet on another installation of natty21:37
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cordoval_anyone knows about a havlet error on install returning code 10021:37
cordoval_something is not right21:37
jdahmdotblank: it's a current nvidia card21:37
|Seth|guntbert: so, I'll just do that with my 10.10 cd. thanks!21:37
ohsixacicula: my fresh install has no encrypted storage and no clear means to enable any21:37
aciculaohsix: maybe you are confused? im not talking FDE, but the entire home is encrypted, not just /home/user/Private21:37
adwonwYeah, right, but isn't it supposed to load unity by default?21:37
mictlantecuhtleHi, hoping someone can help clarify something for me. Just upgraded to Natty, appear to be suffering from the following (quoted from Release Notes) - "Under certain conditions, on systems equipped with nvidia GPUs, focused or maximized windows may be blank". However, the bug it links to (763680) is as follows21:37
dotblankjdahm, isn't the tesla serierss those cuda cards?21:37
mictlantecuhtle"Dash appears under full screen apps"21:37
nerdshelljiohdi: yes, but I will lose all of my data =(21:37
ohsixacicula: i know what you're saying, i'm saying it is no default and a silly idea21:37
soreaudarkz: Most of the information should still be relevant I presume21:37
escottcordoval_, locate havlet returns nothing for me. no idea what that is21:38
jiohdinerdshell: burn a cd with your data first21:38
LjLk_89: not normally, but a backup is still a good idea. also, please don't SHOUT21:38
aciculak_89: yes21:38
guntbert|Seth|: was just reading it - I don't see any reason why it would not work with your 10.10 CD21:38
phonex01guys how can i configure recordmydesktop to record audio with video ?21:38
xyos_you wont lose your data21:38
LjLacicula: yes?21:38
jdahmdotblank: it's a modern nvidia card.  It's something like a GTX495 or something21:38
cordoval_anyone havlet problem returning 100 while installing natty ubuntu21:38
guntbert|Seth|: Good luck :-)21:38
|Seth|guntbert: okay, thanks!21:38
aciculaLjL: err, nvm21:38
cordoval_what do you mean havlet21:38
aciculak_89: no it stays there unless you reinstall and format21:38
darkzsoreau: ok cuz this is a ubuntu 11.04 issue alone.. 10.10 and less works fine21:38
mictlantecuhtleso my questions, I guess, are as follows - (1) is this fixable? (2) any ideas why the Release Notes appear to link to the wrong bug (or am I missing something)?21:38
ryankaskohsix: where should i report this to?21:38
adwonwRight, so I tried every session option(e.g., Ubuntu Classic, Ubuntu) but all load gnome.21:38
jdahmdotblank: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] (rev a1)21:39
[dlp]acicula: Using it for auth *does* cause problems.21:39
k_89LjL, thanx, but really needed to know that, and the traffic here is mind-boggling21:39
ohsixacicula: but all the ecryptfs utilities are there, you can do what you like21:39
escottcordoval_, i don't know what havlet is. never heard of that program, its not on my system anywhere21:39
jiohdiadwonw: I had that problem, try typing unity into a term window21:39
darkzbut brb lemme try this21:39
dotblankjdahm, well wow... I think you may have a fairly rare card if its a tesla series card.. your bug report would be valuable21:39
jdahmdotblank: oh, it seems to have continued now21:39
soreaudarkz: Does iwconfig show a wifi interface?21:39
cordoval_sorry it is halevt21:39
dotblankjdahm, oh so its not a tesla or at least it is one but has the chip for the gt 43021:39
acicula[dlp]: ecryptfs is not an authentication mechanism21:39
cordoval_escott: halevt21:39
bisasgaap, yay! :D Im in, thank you so amazingly much ;P21:39
ohsixryankask: launchpad.net, do you see that pattern _at_ boot or does it change after a while, like when the login screen might have started being displayed21:39
[dlp]acicula: It can be.21:39
escottcordoval_, hal i know what that is... not sure what evt is googling21:40
darkzsoreau: yea, and when i scan i get 10+ SSID's but not my own21:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! Release party in #ubuntu-release-party | Please try to keep questions/answers on one line, and address the perso
ohsix[dlp]: no, pam can mount it with your credentials; that is something else21:40
ryankaskohsix: it's _very_ blurry but yes i can see text in the screen21:40
escottcordoval_, hal events manager21:40
nastjuidWould the 570 be tesla as well?21:40
nutsfornattycalibre keeps locking up in natty (using software center version)21:40
bisasgaap, ch-something something mounting all partitions and installing grub that way worked like a charm =)21:40
jdahmdotblank: ok it's done installing now.  Now I have to deal with adding mdadm to the startup modules and then I should be OK.  I'll keep you posted on what happens after I restart21:40
cordoval_hmm, so it fails  loading usbs? let me try21:40
sgaapgood to hear21:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! Release party in #ubuntu-release-party | Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient
Deft0neshey i just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 stable, which seems to be working fine except the text in the top pane is barely visible21:40
happyfacecan I remove the 11.04 sidebar and have it look like the other releases?21:40
[dlp]ohsix: I see.21:41
cordoval_it does load usbs21:41
hypetechhappyface: when you go to log in, choose "Ubuntu Classic" as your session21:41
ohsixryankask: ok, then xserver-xorg-video-intel is what you probably want to file it against21:41
jiohdihappyface:  you can install one of the other desktops or just use classic21:41
cordoval_wonder what other effects halevt would mess up21:41
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:41
darkzsoreau: btw i cant really use that site, i cant get online, eth doesnt work either21:41
cordoval_or how do I configure it properly or reinstall21:41
cordoval_because that will fix halevt21:41
Guest35234Anyone else have issues with upgrade process of downloading files taking FOREVER??21:41
[dlp]There is a wiki somewhere.21:41
bisasgaap, make sur to go to sleep with a smile, u did someoone else really happy today =) now Im off, thnx again21:41
Q-collectiveHey all. I have  a peculiar issue with my update-grub. It creates menu.lst files. Now, I'm on Grub 2, so it *should* be making grub.cfg files instead. Can anyone help me out?21:41
dotblankjdahm, and you ahve raid.. damn what system do you have21:41
cordoval_should I do sudo apt-get halevt? and see?21:41
adwonwnuts, already tried that; it still loads gnome.21:41
bashelinayou cant combine default language english and have location in scandinavia .... wtf ?21:41
acicula[dlp]: ohsix ecryptfs-setup-private comes with a -a -all-home flag which setups an encrypted home, which is what i wanted21:41
macoGuest35234: how many thousands of people do you think are trying to download from the same servers as you?21:41
sgaapBrisa: yw21:41
happyfacehypetech, jiohdi, thanks! The desktop users don't like change :P21:42
slakarhypershock where is he21:42
adwonwI typed "unity" in the terminal and this was the last line rendered:"Window manager warning: 0x1800003 (Bottom Exp) appears to be one of the offending windows with a timestamp of 167746096."21:42
arandQ-collective: Dod you have "grub" isntead of grub-pc installed?21:42
adwonwI assume it doesn't work.21:42
ohsix[dlp]: a tutorial or article on how to do it will not tell you the implications of doing so21:42
macoGuest35234: itll be slow for the next week21:42
[dlp]acicula: Be careful.21:42
slakarlooking for a web designer21:42
jiohdihappyface: I went to fvwm-crystal21:42
LjL!ot | slakar21:42
escottcordoval_, sounds like a plan, and avoid hot plugging during the install21:42
ubottuslakar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:42
Q-collectivearand: I believe so21:42
FoolsRunHey, is there an upgrade path from 10.04 to 11.04? Update-Manager is only showing 10.10 available.21:42
Guest35234That's what I figured21:42
ohsixacicula: i hope you read about the implications before you lose everything in an overreach21:42
profundoI am trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 but the update manager is pausing and then saying I need to check that I am connected to the internet. Is it possible to upgrade manually?21:42
guntbert!language | bashelina21:42
ubottubashelina: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:42
[dlp]acicula: I had problems with this. encfs has a timeout21:42
arandQ-collective: Then that is your problem.21:42
ryankaskohsix: it's _very_ blurry but yes i can see text in the screen21:42
Coty91FoolsRun: You have to update to 10.10 first21:43
ohsixryankask: i saw that21:43
aciculaohsix: best review how ecryptfs is setup on current ubuntu, the entire home is the default as of 9.1021:43
nastjuidjdahm: the tesla series cards would start with a C for the model number. C2070, C2050 . Is your card a GeForce GTX/Fermi based card?21:43
FoolsRunCoty91: Really? blech. Okay, thanks.21:43
ohsixacicula: then that is dumb21:43
guntbertFoolsRun: 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.0421:43
bashelinaguntbert, help me instead of acting like a mom21:43
[dlp]acicula: if it times out while you're logged in, you start getting lots of "Transport endpoint not connected" errors.21:43
ryankaskohsix: sorry got disconnected. it's impossible to make out but when I ctl-alt-back i can see the colors reverting to a black screen and shutting donw21:43
aciculaohsix: i dont see why that is dumb21:43
cordoval_escott: it sayshlevt sub-processs post installation usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 121:43
DaveCave23anyone know a channel i can talk to people about powersupplys?21:43
LjLbashelina, mind the attitude. people here are volunteers.21:43
corecodehow can i disable the "maximize when bumping a window to the screen border"?21:43
guntbert!guidelines | bashelina21:43
ubottubashelina: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:43
cdavisHow do you change an icon on the unity panel?21:43
bashelinaLjL, so am I21:44
nutsfornattybashelina: be nice. please.21:44
[dlp]acicula: And it doesn't seem to remount on demand.21:44
soreaucorecode: Disable Grid plugin in ccsm21:44
acicula[dlp]: ohsix ive been using ecryptfs without problems for years, i was just curious about how to enable it for a user that did not use ecryptfs before21:44
[dlp]acicula: Possibly waiting for input (which is impoossible since it won't have a controlling term)21:44
ohsixacicula: where are you seeing that it's some default? you just said you need to pass --all-home to do it, what default is that?21:44
guntbertbashelina: are you talking about natty?21:44
escottcordoval_, seems to be common and hal is deprecated so i doubt this is getting lots of attention. if you have any usb devices plugged in i would remove them21:44
LjLbashelina: then you'll certainly see how there are 1800 users here today, everyone wants their question answered, and nobody wants to be subjected to stuff they don't want to see. as to your question, i haven't used Natty yet, but with previous versions i could certainly pick a different language than my locale.21:44
ohsixacicula: default has a very narrow meaning with ubuntu21:45
bashelinaguntbert, yes21:45
cordoval_no usbs21:45
ohsixacicula: for example, banshee is now a "default"21:45
cordoval_ok I will leave it there21:45
cordoval_now to work on the dead asus g7321:45
guntbertbashelina: then I cannot help, sorry (only 10.10 here)21:45
bashelinaguntbert, in previous version there was no problem having english and set locales to sweden21:45
aciculaohsix: if you install ubuntu it will ask you if you want an ecrypted home, it uses ecryptfs to set that up and encrypts your entire home. ecrypfs-setup without the home flag defaults to the Private directory21:45
cordoval_it has no response, just manual restore console21:45
corecodesoreau: thanks!21:45
cordoval_what do I do¡? I already backed up my data21:45
cocowhat channel should i go to to ask about setting up my own irc server21:45
vanguardIs Natty's Gnome in any way inferior to Maverick's Gnome?21:45
Lazer-Bokay guys should i update to 11.04 natty narwhal?21:46
corecodenow if i only found how i can switch viewports while dragging windows...21:46
BlouBloucoco: #freenode21:46
corecodeLazer-B: sure21:46
nastjuidjdahm: oh, I see in the log. if you still have trouble with the card, let us know21:46
ohsixacicula: ok, it did not ask me that for 10.10 or 11.04, and that is something the installer would do, not a "default"21:46
BlouBlouLazer-B: should? If you're not using LTS versions, yes21:46
ohsixacicula: you can pick btrfs in the installer as well, but that's not a "default"21:46
Lazer-Bi heard there was some thing where it messes everything up. is this only for elementary?21:46
darkzi feel like smacking a fist trugh my monitor... :(21:46
guntbertbashelina: but in my latest natty VM I had german locale and english language without any problem21:46
ConfusionistDoes anyone know what to do about Python 2.7 failing to install with: E: pycompile:240: Requested versions are not installed?21:46
LjLbashelina: an idea, why don't you try simply removing the packages for the scandinavian language ubuntu wants to use?21:46
aciculaohsix: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Screenshot8.png21:47
LjLbashelina: there is probably a better way, mind.21:47
arangaranhello guys, anyone could give me a hand with a problem with 11.04 live cd?21:47
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
aciculasee toggle for encrypt my home directory21:47
BlouBlouarangaran: sure, ask it21:47
ohsixacicula: i hope you have your machine under lock and key21:47
aciculabeen there since 9.1021:47
bashelinaLjL, how can I remove something ? im installing from a cd21:47
cordoval_where do I download natty img21:47
cordoval_url please21:47
LjLbashelina: oh well install first, then worry about that later21:47
guntbertprofundo: I guess the servers are under heavy load right now, how about you wait a few days?21:47
ohsixacicula: i'll take your word for it21:48
vanguardbashelina: open ubuntu software center -> installed apps -> remove21:48
profundooh right, thank you21:48
LjLbashelina: if you haven't installed yet, then i think you'll find that after installation is done, you will have no big trouble setting a language different from your locale21:48
vanguarddoes Natty work with the proprietary ATI driver?21:48
escottacicula, talk to arand or myself before going btrfs on /21:48
arangaranok, well i downloaded 11.04 and tested it in my dell inspiron studio 1558 and all good and great but when i use the keyring thing, to secure a password for the system the whole laptop crashes giving me a kernel panic and a stack dump with registers and stuff and given that it's a live cd there's no way to get a log21:48
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ConfusionistRight, this has a solution for python 2.7, but it does involve editing some 'random' file: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1649948.html21:48
cordoval_natty on asus g73 please help21:48
bashelinaLjL, ok ill try21:48
aciculaescott: i wasnt planning on switching21:48
nutsfornattyvanguard: yes, though the offical ati drivers have been released by amd21:48
Q-collectivearand: thanks, that worked21:49
ohsixacicula: it's important to segregate information that actually needs to be secure/encrypted, you are no better off encrypting everything without segregating things21:49
Joseph_cordoval: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download21:49
k_89hi..... i have a toshiba sattelite and i had to change the grub to make ubuntu work, will i have to do that again after upgrade... in need to do this acpi=copy_dsdt to install ubuntu21:49
bashelinaLjL, but then i cant choose the swedish keyboard mapping ... ???21:49
vanguardnutsfornatty: okay, so it will work as good as it worked with Maverick. Good to know21:49
nutsfornattyvandguard: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx21:49
adwonwDoesn't anybody know why Unity won't load on my new ubuntu 11.04 installation?!21:49
ryankaskohsix: sorry to both you ... where can i find a bug report for the i910 driver?21:49
ohsixacicula: of course it's a cool thing to do; and people hear encryption and think its awesomr21:49
ohsixryankask: i915?21:49
LjLbashelina: well again i don't know, haven't used Natty... certainly the old installer inquired about the keyboard layout separately21:49
Kyle__Wow.  I'm going to stick with unity for a few days to see if it grows on me, but first impressions are god-awful.21:49
jiohdiadwonw: typing unity in terminal gave no results?21:50
=== cristian is now known as Guest95072
cordoval_escott: so I burn the livecd and just wipe things out? should I burn then natty or mint?21:50
Q-collectivemy temperature applet on the gnome bar now show two "XX" instead of a temperature. What could be wrong?21:50
[dlp]I've got i915 problems.21:50
vanguardis there anything one might consider before running Maverick->Natty?21:50
arangaranBlouBlou any ideas?21:50
icerootvanguard: never touch a running system21:50
nutsfornattykyle_: learn the keyboard shortcuts .. it helps alot. i hated it too. love unity now.21:50
LjLvanguard: that the mirrors are probably slow right now, for one thing21:50
arandvanguard: backup?21:50
ryankaskohsix: i91021:50
Kyle__vanguard: That it defaults to unity.21:50
ohsixryanakca: upstream is on freedesktop, but you want to report it on launchpad so someone can port a fix to a release21:50
W43372I'm trying to install Fedora on a flash drive in Ubuntu but the startup disk creator won't let me. how do?21:50
vanguardiceroot: yeah, that is what I am thinking about …21:50
ryankaskohsix: maybe i91521:50
vanguardLjL: okay, I should have figured21:50
Kyle__nutsfornatty: maybe that'll help.  I hate that it steals the menu bar and puts it up top ala OSX21:50
escottcordoval_, sure? whatever version you want to install the halevt was on 10.10?21:50
adwonwjiohdi: it produced some sort of error.21:50
ohsixvanguard: my big trouble was migrating my compiz settings21:50
kirehm, it seems the behaviour of the compiz window picker (scale module) changed, I can't close windows with middle mouse button anymore?21:51
nutsfornattyswitch to classic ubuntu instructions: go to login screen -> look at bottom panel -> change "ubuntu" to "ubuntu classic" -> login -> done21:51
stefgvanguard: backups are never a bad idea21:51
BlouBlouarangaran: well, without logs and exactly error I can't see what's the problem21:51
RichardJwhy has installing gnome3 (on 11.04) given me a horrible theme?21:51
adwonwestamp (4045470).  This most likely represents a buggy client sending inaccurate timestamps in messages such as _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.  Trying to work around...21:51
d3vlinis it possible to change the apt mirror that is being used by the natty installer?21:51
adwonwWindow manager warning: 0x1800003 (Bottom Exp) appears to be one of the offending windows with a timestamp of 167746096.  Working around...21:51
cordoval_halevt was in natty21:51
hypetech!gnome3 | RichardJ21:51
* Kyle__ nods21:51
ubottuRichardJ: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.21:51
vanguardKyle__: but isn't the "Gnome Classic" just the reguar Gnome I had in Maverick?21:51
jiohdiadwonw: you may need to uninstall and then reinstall unity then21:51
nutsfornattyi use deja dup for all my backups. its in the software center21:51
BlouBlouarangaran: try using another kernel, do you have any older one?21:51
vanguardstefg: I do them often, regulary and manifold :)21:51
ohsixkire: the action binds were pared down, just rebind the button in ccsm21:51
[dlp]ohsix: A lost laptop could easily be an identity fraud bonanza without encrypted filesystems.21:51
aciculaohsix: all i wanted to know was how to enable ecryptfs so ubuntu can mount it on login really21:51
arangaranBlouBlou: it's the LiveCD i havent even installed it yet21:51
cordoval_rats! halevt or whatever it was, itgave problems when upgrading from 10.10 to naty escott21:51
ryankask[dlp]: what i915 problems do you have>21:51
RichardJhypetech: I know, but it's just weird that the theme for gnome-wm has been replaced21:51
Kyle__vanguard: Yes, I'm just avoiding it for a few days to see if unity will grow on me ;)21:51
W43372I'm trying to install Fedora on a flash drive in Ubuntu but the startup disk creator won't let me. how do?21:51
Kyle__vanguard: But it seems solid so far (mind you I've been using it for all of 20 minutes now).21:51
vanguardKyle__: Unity is too much OSX-Clone for me :)21:52
BlouBlouarangaran: what about 'alternate CD'?21:52
jiohdiKyle__: like a fungus it will21:52
nutsfornattykeepassX is good for encypted password storage21:52
ohsix[dlp]: encryption doesn't solve you losing physical security of your encrypted information21:52
skulltiperr.. mac is too much linux clone21:52
vanguardohsix: that is what backups are for21:52
Q-collectivemy temperature applet on the gnome bar now show two "XX" instead of a temperature. What could be wrong?21:52
jdahmescott: so I used raid to install and I'm all done.  I installed mdadm in the chroot.  Do I need to copy over the mdadm.conf file?21:52
ohsixnutsfornatty: gnome comes with a keyring too21:52
W43372I'm trying to install Fedora on a flash drive in Ubuntu but the startup disk creator won't let me. how do?21:52
BlouBlouarangaran: Did you try it?21:53
ohsixvanguard: nay, if it was just that, it wouldn't need to be said21:53
cordoval_rats! get me the natty url, is the latest or the LTS?21:53
Adwait_NeoMSG FloodBot3 hello21:53
adwonwFuck this shit. I've grown tired of this mess in Ubuntu. Sometimes random shit just breaks and I need to spend hours trying to figure out how to fix it. On more jolly occasions, such as this one, a new installation will have something broken de facto. FUCK YOU UBUNTU, I'm switching back to Windows, where I can actually get some work done.21:53
vanguardskulltip: hmm, I think Ubuntu had the maximize button on the right when OS X already had them on the left. I ever hated Ubuntu/Gnome for butting them on the left21:53
BlouBlouAdwait_Neo: maybe #ubuntu-bots ?21:53
maco!language | adwonw21:53
ubottuadwonw: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:53
arangaranBlouBlou: i havent tried that, i wanted to test this new version before deciding to install it, the alternate cd kind of defeats the idea of testing before installing i just wonder if the huge crash got something to do with my machine in specific or ubuntu? or if in the worse case scenario something is damaged in my laptop although all works fine under w7 sp1 6421:53
nutsfornattyohsix: so very true. but i need to use my passwords on osx and win machines too. so im forced to keepassX :-(21:53
cordoval_escott: LTS or latest?21:53
guntbertW43372: this will only work if the CD image has a special structure21:53
Macerin order to upgrade to 11.04 server do i just change the name from maverick to natty ?21:53
ohsixvanguard: in fact i'm quite insulted, but compiz changed versions and .9 doesn't read the old settings, and the thing that migrates some of the settings miss a _lot_ of them21:53
vanguardadwonw: sure, Windows works if you know how to work with it. Linux is only free, if your time has no value :)21:53
Macerfor apt?21:53
escottjdahm, you will need to have a valid mdadm.conf on the system, you could copy it or rebuild it post install, copying may be easier21:53
guntbertMacer: no21:53
nutsfornattylol @ switching back to windows to avoid problems. have fun installing two dozen drivers and redoing it at the first virus21:54
ohsixnutsfornatty: yar i use keepass on my phone21:54
W43372guntbert ?21:54
Macerguntbert: do you have a link that explains the instructions?21:54
LjLplease keep it ontopic, the person has left anyway21:54
guntbert!upgrade | Macer21:54
jiltdili have write "unity" under termianl and hit enter it suddenly vanishes my max,miz button also the left pannel completely?why it is happening?21:54
ubottuMacer: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:54
mictlantecuhtleIs anyone else having problems with maximized windows being blank?21:54
[dlp]ohsix: No, but it does make that information much more difficult to read.21:54
vanguardohsix: I was so happy to get whiggly windows after 5 years … maybe I should not touch it then? :-/21:54
[dlp]ohsix: Even if you don't encrypt swap.21:54
ohsixmictlantecuhtle: is it all windows or just firefox, and are you using an nvidia card?21:54
escottcordoval_, its up to you what version you want to run21:54
BlouBlouarangaran: well, I don't know then, I just can tell you than Unity doesn't work for me, and I'm using classic-desktop, so there is not big difference between 10.10 and 11.04 on my PC. Anyways, you may want to try Kubuntu, I think it uses the same kernel, but I'm not 100% sure21:55
cordoval_of course the latest!21:55
cocohow is 11.0421:55
jibadeehamictlantecuhtle, i use to get that with banshee21:55
guntbertW43372: it usually only works with ubuntu (maybe debian) CD images, there must be a certain directory structure21:55
cordoval_what kind of question is that, leaving it up to me? I just want the latest21:55
escottcordoval_, the halevt happened when you tried a fresh install of 10.10 during install, or post install during upgrade to natty?21:55
BlouBloucoco: #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about it :-)21:55
mictlantecuhtleohsix: all windows, they don't even have to be maximized, just stretched beyond a certain size, and yes I'm using an nvidia card21:55
nutsfornattycoco: feelings are very mixed. but i think with time most people will enjoy the changes (aka unity)21:55
ohsixvanguard: it's not a blocker, but if you care that something was adjusted by .02 to suit your prefences, look forward to manually migrating your settings21:55
W43372guntbert it's the .iso i got from the fedora website. I want it on my flash drive so I can install it on this machine that dont have no cd drive21:55
cordoval_escott: post install during upgrade to natty21:55
Kyle__Does the time&date applet use the ntpserver listed in /etc/default/ntpdate?21:55
d3vlinis it possible to change the apt mirror that is being used by the natty installer?21:56
jdahmescott: looks like it already created one for me21:56
ohsixmictlantecuhtle: is it a geforce mx or some similar older card?21:56
mictlantecuhtleohsix: I linked to the release notes earlier, but it appears to point to the wrong bug (unless I've missed something)21:56
cordoval_escott: so I will burn the livecd and don't have those problems i hope21:56
escottcordoval_, i would wait a few days until things settle down and try again21:56
vanguardohsix: the exact values are not that difficult, I'd just retweak them.21:56
cordoval_escott: what to burn the livecd?21:56
OchoZero9is there anyway to speed up the download to upgrade from alpha to final?21:56
escottcordoval_, unless you enjoy installing21:56
cordoval_I will burn the 64 bit right now, can't wait then I assume it will upgrade21:56
Macerguntbert: thank you so much.21:57
guntbertW43372: yes, and fedora CDs might have a different structure of directories, so creating a usb-drive with startup-creator won#t work21:57
vanguardcordoval_: k3b or brasero should do the trick21:57
jdahmescott: ok rebooting.  Wish me luck!21:57
cordoval_rats! I need to get work going21:57
cordoval_rats! and cats!21:57
guntbertMacer: you're welcome :-)21:57
W43372guntbert then how do21:57
ohsix[dlp]: assume a well equipped adversary, you say "more difficult", how much more" part of even bothering is quantifying the risk; use of such language probably betrays that you don't care or don't take it very seriously21:57
nastjuidOchoZero9: find a closer/faster mirror21:57
W43372guntbert then how do i do it21:57
OchoZero9I don't know how to do that21:57
jiohdiOchoZero9: if you have been regularly updating and upgrading till now you have just about the whole new set up21:57
guntbertW43372: well, try with unetbootin21:57
arangaransigh i guess i'll need to wait another 6 months till they release 11.11 sad past ubuntu's were way better21:57
arangarananyways thanks to all for the help21:58
OchoZero9I haven't used it in over a month21:58
ohsixvanguard: ok, your old settings are preserved in gconf; so if you do need to, you can, you may not have to; i just had quite a bit of daily tweaks in mine21:58
Kyle__OK, if one is to use unity, how do you go about adding and removing programs from that silly bar?21:58
mictlantecuhtleohsix: yes, it's an older nvidia card, GeForce 6200 LE21:58
jiohdiOchoZero9: then wait a couple of days and do an update/upgrade and you will have it21:58
jiltdilhow to use nity?21:58
RAMPKORVHello people. I just ran the upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10. First thing I'm noticing is that X just froze. I'm not sure how to resolve it. Is this a common issue?21:58
GoshaHow do I move the bar?21:58
escottKyle__, start the program then right click on it and pin it21:58
jiltdilhow to use unity?21:58
Macerlooks like those ubuntu servers are getting a little beat up right now21:58
d3vlinI tried changing sources.list in tty1 after booting the ISO, then firing the install, but no luck. still the default repository mirror21:59
RAMPKORVI'm chatting from console now with irssi21:59
vanguardohsix: I'll upgrade my sidekick computer to give it a test21:59
vanguardGosha: the unity sidebar? you can't21:59
OchoZero9how do i chose a faster closer mirror?21:59
Kyle__escott: OK. Not very elegant, but I'll do it for now :)21:59
Kyle__escott: Thanks.21:59
vanguardMacer: I pray that my ISP has a mirror :)21:59
jiltdilRAMPKORv:how to chat via termianl?21:59
ohsixmictlantecuhtle: OK; there are texture size limits on some older cards, it might not work well & the only solution that might be offered is blacklisting it due to the limitation, do you know if you are using the proprietary driver?21:59
Macervanguard: i'm getting 40K/s ;)21:59
BlouBloujiltdil: go to GDM (login-menu) and select ubuntu-session, normal-session or unity-session21:59
GoshaHow am I suppsed to use it with synergy and such then?21:59
guntbertOchoZero9: how about you wait a day or two?21:59
vanguardMacer: I'll race ya :D21:59
RAMPKORVjiltdil: I mean, I run irssi as my IRC client, as X doesn't seem to work21:59
cordoval_if you would excuse me I need my BW22:00
ohsixMacer: pick a mirror in software properties; it will measure the speed of all of them :]22:00
cordoval_bye bye22:00
OchoZero9Is ther a way to parallel download? some files from one mirror, some from another?22:00
LjL!metalink | OchoZero922:00
ubottuOchoZero9: A Metalink is a file which lists places (web mirrors, torrents) where a given file can be obtained, making downloads faster and more reliable. Metalink software and Ubuntu releases as metalinks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Metalink22:00
m4rtinOchoZero9: go to synaptic -> settings -> repositories. Select "Other" from the dropdown, then press "select best source"22:00
RAMPKORVI have only ran the upgrade to 11.04 and now X doesn't work22:00
macoOchoZero9: torrent?22:00
ohsixOchoZero9: not really, at least not with http22:00
jiltdilRAMPKORv:ok thanks22:00
ohsixm4rtin: thanks22:00
Macerawesome... feel like i'm on v.9022:00
LjLOchoZero9: oh wait you want to upgrade... then forget metalink22:01
ohsixMacer: do something about it22:01
RAMPKORVIf nobody has any idea - how do I kill X so I can reinstall my NVIDIA driver - because it's still running, just not working22:01
Macerohsix: heh. it's ok. i'm in no big rush. ;) i have to wait for a lot of stuff to finish anyways22:01
d3vlinIt's kind of weird, the nl.archive.ubuntu.com allows about 100 kB/s, while nl3.arhive.ubuntu.com allows 6 MB/s, but stupid installer doesn't allow to change the mirror22:01
Sexygurl2furlhow do i update ubuntu via update manager?22:01
GalvatronRAMPKORV: sudo servide gdm (or kdm) stop22:01
Sexygurl2furli want the new 11.04 software22:01
stefgRAMPKORV: sudo service stop gdm322:02
sburjan`is there any way I can use Unity in 2D if I don't have proper hardware acceleration ?22:02
aciculait seems that setup-encryptfs-private with the home flag or ecrypfs-home-migrate will setup the encrypted home directory22:02
GalvatronRAMPKORV: *"service" of course22:02
Macerohsix: software properties? in apt?22:02
ohsixd3vlin: don't anthropomorphise software ;] it has no intelligence22:02
bashelinaRAMPKORV,  > sudo pkill X22:02
d3vlinohsix: :)22:02
jiltdilhow to configure effects related to unity?22:02
ohsixMacer: scroll up and see what m4rtin said22:02
macojiltdil: ccsm22:02
tashkasdoes anybody here has good how to impgproxy to set up?22:02
Macerohsix: i'm using ubuntu server22:03
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:03
macojiltdil: the compiz config settings manager. unity is a compiz plugin and so is in there22:03
mictlantecuhtleohsix: I believe I'm using the proprietary driver. When I installed Maverick it gave me the option to install those drivers, I think. Everything was working fine until I upgraded to Natty.22:03
jdahmescott: ok I get a grub error 1622:03
macojiltdil: should be able to alt+f2 "ccsm"22:03
Sexygurl2furlcan somebody help me?22:03
W43372guntbert I downloaded netbootin from their site it's not running22:03
Sexygurl2furl iwant the new version of ubuntu22:03
geekyogiI want to move back to 10.1022:03
ohsixMacer: ah theres a text based thing that does the same but i think it's been removed; you can manually change your sources.list to a closer mirror though22:04
macoSexygurl2furl: download links are on ubuntu.com22:04
d3vlinI remember the debian installer had that feature ages ago, to select mirror during the install process22:04
macogeekyogi: download links for old releases are on cdimage.ubuntu.com22:04
aciculageekyogi: you can not downgrade unfortunately, only reinstall22:04
Sexygurl2furli want to do it via update manager22:04
macoSexygurl2furl: or use update manager as normal22:04
Macerohsix: i honestly think on release day i would be hard pressed to find one that wasn't slow22:04
escottjdahm, grub should be configured to point at sda1 not md1, and should boot degraded then once the kernel is up and md modules loaded it should bring up sdb122:04
macogeekyogi: watch the language22:04
Sexygurl2furlbut it wont appear in update manager?22:04
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macogeekyogi: if all it is is that you dont like unity, you can use classic ubuntu22:04
macogeekyogi: there's an option on the login screen22:04
geekyogiooh k22:04
W43372guntbert I downloaded netbootin from their site it's not running22:04
Sexygurl2furlalso why do you want to move back geert__ KYOGI?22:04
Macerbut thank you for the help. i will just wait it out.. i don't want to use the one broken mirror.22:04
macoSexygurl2furl: if you're on 10.10 it should. if its not showing, click hte check for new updates button22:04
escottjdahm, you were doing raid1 right?22:04
ohsixmictlantecuhtle: you might need to reinstall the proprietary driver; it's likely using nouveau, if it is you should probably report a bug about it, b ut the proprietary driver might suffice for  now22:04
jdahmescott: it points to /dev/sda on which /dev/sda1 (/boot) is, which is not part of the raid array22:05
Sexygurl2furlI DID MACO22:05
jdahmescott: I have boot on a separate partition22:05
leagristhanks for your help launching ccsm. Reverted to Ubuntu classic22:05
htekso what does ubuntu mean in nigger again I forgot ?22:05
ohsixMacer: i just updated and the mirror i use wasn't any slower than normal22:05
escottjdahm, thats the way i've always done it. should be fine22:05
Sexygurl2furlI did, and all I have our three updates.22:05
geekyogialso I find too much of processes in idle state22:05
Sexygurl2furlBut none are the new version.22:05
macoSexygurl2furl: it doesnt show "hey there's a new release" at the top, above where it lists the normal updates?22:05
geekyogilots of CPU utilization22:05
pumeustwhy does Processes in System Monitor always show everything as 'sleeping'?22:05
jdahmescott: ok so I'm mounting stuff here again and I'm going to look around22:05
jdahmescott: hopefully with your help I can find whats wrong22:06
ayeceepumeust: because processes don't often have a lot to do.22:06
Galvatrongeekyogi: Or you can alway reinstall 10.10. There's no need to hurry to 11.04, unless it has a solution for some citical issues you have.22:06
Sexygurl2furlnope maco22:06
ohsixpumeust: because software often has nothing to do! or is waiting for something it needs22:06
jiohdipumeust: its like those things that sit in a windows taskbar... stay resident but are not active at the moment22:06
talntidSexygurl2furl, do the 3 new updates. After that, it should show the new distro.22:06
=== Douche is now known as derp
|Seth|how does one change settings in unity22:06
mictlantecuhtleohsix: ok, I will try that. I'll stop bothering you for the moment, but I just want to say I appreciate your taking the time to help me out22:06
|Seth|the title bar text is black, and the panel is also black22:06
vanguardmaco: 347 kB/s ;-)22:06
andeeeukhas anyone had problems updating to 11.04 with the repo?22:06
maco|Seth|: compiz config settings manager, aka "ccsm"22:06
stefgpumeust: because you won't notice the nano-second the process is doing its work, and then put again to sleep by the scheduler :-)22:06
vanguardMacer: 347 kB/s22:07
|Seth|marco oh okay22:07
doncamshello there22:07
ohsixmictlantecuhtle: please report a bug if you've found one with the nouveau driver :]22:07
andeeeukkees saying i have no internet connection22:07
macoandeeeuk: like slowness? thatd be due to everyone trying at once22:07
doncamswtf I can't find anything with the unity ui22:07
Guest72146doncams:  how r u/22:07
doncamsbut nice job22:07
macoandeeeuk: could try another mirror if youre having trouble reaching your usual one22:07
pumeustayecee,  but on my windows taskbar it always show a whole bunch of stuff active22:07
doncamsfine I guess22:07
ohsixdoncams: it's a plugin for compiz22:07
Sexygurl2furlthanks talntid22:07
andeeeukmaco yeah, i just wanted to update from the repo22:07
POOPHAMMERis there a way to force ubuntu to load its GUI?22:07
jdahmescott: I'm using raid5 for both / and /home (different arrays)22:08
POOPHAMMERit always just traps me in a terminal22:08
andeeeukmaco: how can you change the repo?22:08
Guest72146So I was wondering can any1 help me with gwibber?22:08
ayeceepumeust: like what?22:08
macoandeeeuk: there are a lot of repo mirrors. in the software sources thing, you can ask it to search for the fastest one, then use that22:08
andeeeukim downloading the iso now22:08
coz_POOPHAMMER,  you have no desktop environment?22:08
doncamsso it installed firefox 4. I don't see the firefox menu button. how do I make it appear?22:08
POOPHAMMERi used to22:08
POOPHAMMERuntil it stopped loading22:08
escottjdahm, that should be fine as long as the md stuff is in the initrd22:08
ohsixPOOPHAMMER: if it's not starting on its own what are you going to force it to do?22:08
andeeeukmaco: thanks22:08
POOPHAMMERi have no idea22:08
coz_POOPHAMMER,   ok,,, do you have a cursor and wallpaper?22:08
andeeeukmaco i will take a look22:08
W43372guntbert I downloaded netbootin from their site it's not running22:08
POOPHAMMERno im in a terminal using IRSSI22:08
jdahmescott: yeah I'm confused to.. It's all mounted now.  Where is the first place to look?22:08
POOPHAMMERit just says welcome to ubuntu 10.10 tty sp,ething like that22:09
coz_POOPHAMMER, ok in  the text console there  ,, you have already logged in ..yes?22:09
pumeustayecee a whole bunch of .exe things and other things i cant recall. usually it shows at least 30 - 40 things active22:09
POOPHAMMERi used to have the ubuntu desktop enviroment22:09
[dlp]ohsix: Do you actually want me to calculate the statistics?22:09
POOPHAMMERthen one day it just stopped working22:09
bashelinawhats a resonable size for / partition, if you have /home set to the reminder of the disk ???22:09
coz_POOPHAMMER,   ok  in that text console    type   sudo restart gdm22:09
escottjdahm, ever taken apart an initrd before?22:09
[dlp]ryanakca: It doesn't look like I'm getting any acceleration.22:09
ayeceepumeust: huh. well, most processes spend most of their time sleeping. I think you may have just misinterpreted what windows presented.22:10
ohsix[dlp]: you're the one thats quantified your risk ... it's part of the job, yes22:10
[dlp]ryanakca: I think X is using the wrong driver.22:10
jdahmescott: no, maybe I need to rebuild one...22:10
Fixoon ubuntu 11.04 running on live CD we don't have Unity desktop ??? only GNOME ?22:10
kyo22guys, I'm upgrading my ubuntu to 11.04 and it's asking the keyboard model22:10
kyo22how do I discover that?22:10
aciculakyo22: it means the keyboard layout22:10
jdahmescott: I come from archlinux, but I haven't ever dealt with initrds,  tried to always build my own kernels without them22:10
macokyo22: it just wants to know if youre using a US-style keyboard, german, british, etc.22:10
ohsix[dlp]: what is your plan for rubber hose token disclosure?22:10
escottjdahm, if you want you could do that. copy the initrd off and gunzip it. then mount it loopback as ext222:10
aciculakyo22: try the default22:10
kyo22it wants to know if it is dell, mac, vaio, etc22:11
aciculaohsix: rubber hose key discovery is a purely ubuntu-offtopic thing22:11
kyo22crazy stuff22:11
stefgFixo: unity requires working 3d acceleration22:11
ohsixyou can "lose" a laptop and lose a laptop as well22:11
pumeustayecee, but i'm using xchat right now so why does processes say xchat is sleeping too?22:11
aciculakyo22: when in doubt use the default one22:11
GoshaWhy is unity so poorly configurable?22:11
POOPHAMMERneither of those commands did anythin22:11
escottjdahm, you will see a base prelim filesystem in it. it needs your mdadm.conf and the mdadm kernel modules22:11
ohsixacicula: the whole discussion is, i just said it was bad advice22:11
W43372How does anybody get any help in this IRC? I haven't gotten an actual answer to any of my problems since Karmic was released22:11
jdahmescott: it should have at least shown the grub screen and the boot options if it sensed /dev/sda1 the boot partiiton22:11
ayeceepumeust: because it spends most of its time waiting for your input, or waiting for traffic from the network.22:11
nerdshellcan I downgrade to 10.10 without loosing my data?22:11
POOPHAMMERill bbl im just going to load windows22:11
jdahmescott: I think ti's something more fundamental than that22:11
LjLW43372: well, it certainly doesn't help that it's release day.22:11
macoGosha: because options confuse users, according to the koolaid gnome & canonical both drank22:12
hypetechnerdshell: I don't think you can downgrade22:12
escottjdahm, you think grub-install didn't work?22:12
th0rW43372: whining helps alot22:12
ohsixGosha: because it hardly does anything? as a compiz plugin you can adjust its settings inccsm22:12
LjLnerdshell: downgrading is not supported, no22:12
bashelinaW43372,  whats the question ?22:12
jdahmescott: well it HAS grub, and /dev/sda1 is definitely bootable...22:12
jdahmescott: I'm still thinkin what it could be22:12
ohsixneryour data is in /home, possibly /etc; if you don't do anything to delete or modify those places you won't lose it22:12
escottjdahm, try rerunning grub-install from a chroot environment22:12
pumeustayecee, well when i'm on windows and i'm using mirc it always shows mirc.exe as active22:13
GoshaWell, one basic option should be switching where the sidebar is.22:13
escottjdahm, you will need to bind mount /dev to your chroot22:13
ayeceepumeust: I think you may be misinterpreting what windows is showing you.22:13
jdahmescott: yeah, and sys and proc and so forth22:13
Sexygurl2furlhey guys22:13
W43372bashelina, I'm trying to put fedora on a flash drive, but couldn't on the startup disk creator, someone told me to use netbootin. I downloaded it from the website but it won't run22:13
jdahmescott: I'm used to doing this ;)22:13
[dlp]ohsix: Rubber what?22:13
Sexygurl2furlshould i iupgrade to 10.1022:13
lucashi! Installed natty beta2 a week ago. Now that the official release is out, do I have to reinstall again?22:13
ohsixpumeust: linux is not comparable to windows; and yea what ayecee said22:13
LjL!info unetbootin | W43372 why download it from the website when it's in the repos?22:13
ubottuW43372 why download it from the website when it's in the repos?: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 471-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 276 kB, installed size 820 kB22:13
kduboislucas: do an apt-get upgrade, should be all up to par22:13
escottjdahm, had the feeling you had done this before22:13
Sexygurl2furlguys should i upgrade to 10.1022:13
stefgpumeust: which is plain wrong.... most o fthe time the appplication is idling (sleeping) waiting for input22:14
bashelinaW43372,  whats the filesystem on the flash drive ?22:14
RAMPKORVMEh. The NVIDIA driver doesn't even install on Ubuntu 11. Nothing seems to work except console22:14
tripelbTrying to understand "df -h" compared to what I see in "computer" in nautilus. I have 3 drives, 1T main drive booted up on-SATA also with 31G Windows partition., 2 IDE drives 10G 20G. GUI shows this. Can only see the subparts of 1T filesystem in df --- thanks22:14
RAMPKORVI will probably end up rreformatting and install 10.1022:14
|Slacker|lucas i believe you can do it through update-manager -d22:14
aciculaohsix: bad advice to do what?22:14
lucaskdubois: no dist-upgrade necessary?22:14
tripelbRAMPKORV, they told me not to install 10.10 last night, to stick with 10.0422:14
W43372bashelina not sure22:14
pumeustayecee, ok i guess i am, but if i remember correct, on the windows side, its also called 'processes' so thats confusing22:14
ohsixRAMPKORV: how did you install it? it should be using nouveau on 11.0422:14
__mikemis anyone else having trouble running 11.04 in virtual box?22:14
kduboislucas: you already did the dist-upgrade, if you do a regular apt-get upgrade, you'll just sync up the packages that were finalized between when you installed the alpha, and now, the official release22:15
[dlp]ohsix: Well if they've got my laptop they probably don't know who I am.22:15
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ohsixRAMPKORV: delete your xorg.conf and restart22:15
hypetechtripelb: unless you specifically need something in 10.10, it can't hurt to stick with the LTS version22:15
RAMPKORVtripelb: yea, I had big trouble with the upgrade to 10.10 too. No X and no audio22:15
ayeceepumeust: take another look at it when you get a chance, it may make more sense now.22:15
RAMPKORVohsix: where is it located22:15
[dlp]ohsix: Until they've broken the cryptography.22:15
W43372bashelina its the same flashdrive  i used to put ubuntu on thisnetbok22:15
pumeustayecee ok i will22:15
ohsix[dlp]: but what if they do; you after all have very important data that a known adversary desires access to22:15
bashelinaW43372,   make sure that: stored in reserved extra space is set to something. like 128 or something22:15
Sexygurl2furlhey guys is Ubuntu 11 good or not?22:15
donpdonpive been happy with 10.04 for 18 months and i cant wait to move to 11.0422:15
matto1990just a quick on. In the screenshot on the ubuntu homepage the dash is resized to quarter of the screen. On my new install it takes up the whole thing and no option to resize. Am I running a strange version of unity?22:15
LjLSexygurl2furl: that's subjective.22:15
hypetechSexygurl2furl: I like it22:15
ohsixRAMPKORV: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:15
RAMPKORVohsix: thanks22:15
macomatto1990: dont have any windows open over it?22:16
bashelinaW43372,   i tried to create without changing it from 0.0 Mb22:16
[dlp]ohsix: I never said anything about a known adversary.22:16
pumeustayecee, but at least now i know nothings wrong with my system so thanks for the info22:16
matto1990maco: no windows open22:16
W43372bashelina what?22:16
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Sexygurl2furlwhats new in Ubuntu 11?22:16
JediMasterhi guys, I've got kubuntu (natty) installed, was wondering what the package is called for unity, is it just ubuntu-desktop?22:16
ohsixacicula: to suggest encrypting everything22:16
macomatto1990: when you open a window does it look more like the screenshot?22:16
LjLSexygurl2furl: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty22:16
matto1990maco: nope, full screen still22:16
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bashelinaW43372, at the bottom of make startup disk:   u have a bar22:16
macomatto1990: ooh oh i see what you mean22:16
RAMPKORVAlright. Renamed it to xorg.conf.old. Now it's reboot time22:16
ohsix[dlp]: then what information do you have to protect? a casual thief is a known adversary, maybe not who that person is, but an adversary22:17
bashelinaW43372, try increasing that bar22:17
hypetechJediMaster: it's a compiz plugin22:17
macomatto1990: i thought you meant the little bar versus the whole thing.... i guess they resized it? alt+right-click  and drag?22:17
W43372yeah but the SDC won't even recognize the fedora iso22:17
jdahmescott: you know what I think it might be. I didn't have /dev/sda1 mounted to /mydrive/boot when I chrooted and installed mdadm22:17
jdahmescott: I'll redo grub anyway as well22:17
W43372bashelina yeah but the SDC won't even recognize the fedora iso22:17
bashelinaW43372, maybe fedora needs more space for extra files22:17
geekyogiI moved back to ubuntu classic22:17
escottjdahm, ok don't know if you saw this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/advanced-installation.html22:17
pumeustgeekyogi,  me too22:17
geekyogiI'm using i7 processor22:17
bashelinaW43372, ok wait ill try to put fedora in22:17
W43372bashelina the fedora site says that i need at least a 1gb stick this one is 822:18
pumeustgeekyogi, me too lol22:18
matto1990maco: nothing seems to happen. It's the actual dash window (think it's called the dash). The bit which opens when you press super22:18
geekyogiI kinda feel huge CPU utilization22:18
lucas"battery has a very low capacity". It keeps always popping up. How can I disable it?22:18
geekyogi@pumeust \m/22:18
ohsix[dlp]: with infinite time and effort your adversary will get what you want to protect; and has lots of ways to lessen that time, you need to account for the risk with the information22:18
[dlp]ohsix: Shall we take this into #ubuntu-offtopic?22:18
ayeceelucas: replace the battery :)22:18
tripelbRAMPKORV, Arg! Eek!... I need to figure out how to repartition my drive. I really just need to borrow another drive. Switch, repartion, switch back. Then I can intall Natty on a separate partition.  -- I'm also failing at copying files from one filesystem to another. I dont have permissions on the other - no matter which filesystem I log into.22:18
bashelinaW43372,  wow youre right it wont accept it22:18
donpdonpayecee: zing! i was thinking it, but you typed it.22:18
Sexygurl2furlso is 11 giving people problems LjL??22:18
LjLSexygurl2furl: yes22:18
Habeous1lucas: Me too. Battery's dying.22:18
geekyogi@pumeust, don't you find 11.04 bit slow, and CPU hog..22:19
LjLSexygurl2furl: because that's normal for every new release, really22:19
lucasayecee: LOL.... ;) Just looked for a cheaper solution...22:19
Habeous1lucas: It really blows, but that's the trth22:19
bashelinaW43372,  lets find another usb creator for linux22:19
JediMasterhypetech, er, really? thought it was a gnome replacement?22:19
Sexygurl2furlis it in beta?22:19
doodlemaco: you there?22:19
LjLSexygurl2furl: just look at the amount of traffic in this channel. it's not always like this.22:19
jdahmescott: ok I rebuilt the initrd, reinstalled mdadm, and reinstalled grub with the line: set root='(/dev/sda,msdos1)'22:19
ayeceelucas: you can also remove the battery. I'm not sure offhand how to disable just that message, though.22:19
LjLSexygurl2furl: no, it's released, but that doesn't stop it from still being rough around the edge for a few people.22:19
hypetechJediMaster: no it runs on top of gnome22:19
ohsix[dlp]: the bad advice was given here; the reasons why its bad should probably be elaborated a little in here; but that's been done22:19
pumeustgeekyogi, i just installed it not long ago, havent noticed that its slower22:19
[dlp]ohsix: But the adversary does not have infinite time, because in a few years the information will be worthless.22:19
jdahmescott: anything else you can think of?22:19
RAMPKORVAmazing. It worked. Just have to fix multiple monitors, then get on to whatever other problems there may be22:19
W43372bashelina i found the source for the one fedora says to use but I idont know what to do with it22:19
geekyogion i7 processor I find lots of CPU hog for 11.0422:20
escottjdahm, shouldn't that be sda3 or 5 or something22:20
alecbenzertried to install 11.04, but the installer crapped out towards the end of the install, though if left me with an almost complete 11.04 installation. one problem I'm can't seem to do anything with apt. running apt-get install <whatever> gives me: http://pastie.org/1844991 ideas?22:20
Wolver1n3i am bout to install 11.04, I have 4 Partitions on my previous 10.10 install ine ext 10gb for system ans the rest for home folders, if i chose the erase 10.10 and install 11.04 will it erase my home partition to?22:20
tripelbNot a sexy problem: When I am on filesystem A I cant copy files from filesystem B (no permissions). When I boot into filesystem B I cant even SEE filesystem A. 10.0422:20
Kyle__Err, is the ubuntu software center very laggy for anyone else since the 11.04 update?22:20
[dlp]I know first hand why it's bad. For various reasons.22:20
geekyogiI think I should get back to 10.1022:20
JediMasterhypetech, heh, makes more sense, it's been somewhat misreported in the media22:20
demonsporkis there a way to use an Ubuntu live disk to find the Windows license#? I have a nonfunctional copy of windows that I need to get the key from so I can reinstall it (the only key I can find is the vista key on the bottom of hte laptop, this is a win7 I upgraded and lsot the key)22:20
Wolver1n3sorry i meant to say 2 partitions22:20
LjL!slow | Kyle__22:20
doodleHello, I have installed Ubuntu, but a drive with 48 GB space is empty, how to create a partition with that space?22:20
ubottuKyle__: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.  Also, try changing !mirrors22:20
pumeustgeekyogi, surprised to hear that because i read 11.04 was going to be lighter22:20
escottjdahm, i lied thats right22:20
jdahmescott: no, as long as /dev/sda1 is bootable, you should ALWAYS install grub to the root of the drive, (at least thats what I've always beentold)22:20
tripelbKyle__, is the bear in the woods? Is the Pope in the church?22:20
lucasayecee: well, popping out the battery is not a good idea I think. After all I have just enough charge left to do a normal shutdown in an event of a power failure22:20
jdahmescott: just doubled checked and /dev/sda1 is bootable22:20
ohsix[dlp]: "a few years" is a contraint on the information you want to protect, and as i've said that's just the principle axiom; they can and do have means to take less than infinite time22:20
JediMasterhypetech, yeah I see it depends on compiz22:21
nutsfornattyKyle_: a lot of users are upgrading apps. expect software center to be a bit slow.22:21
geekyogipumeust, yes.. but I guess not well tested on my hw.. it's just few hrs old.. would take some time to evolve :D22:21
LjLohsix, [dlp]: i do suggest that you move this to #ubuntu-offtopic at this time22:21
jdahmescott: I'm going to triple check the UUIDs in /etc/fstab as well22:21
ayeceelucas: google search turns this up: "I was able to fix this by opening gconf-editor, and setting the key /apps/gnome-power-manager/notify/low_capacity to false."22:21
ohsix[dlp]: another case i've personally accounted for is for family to have access to most of my information in the even that i disappear22:21
W43372bashelina I'm downloading Unetbootin from the USC22:21
Kyle__LjL: nutsfornatty: I don't care about the time to download and install, it's that _after_ the page is loaded, it's periodically freezing for a second or two, when scrolling around, then behaves fine.22:21
bashelinaW43372,  what OS are you on ?22:22
LjLKyle__: i don't know then22:22
ohsixLjL: if [dlp] wants to continue we can do it in msg :]22:22
andeeeukhow can you set you package manager to download from the fastest servers?22:22
* Kyle__ nods22:22
Kyle__Today of all days, I expect slow downloads.22:22
mmiller235Does anyone know why the ubuntu theme engine crashes whenever gnome OR unity runs in virtualbox?22:22
Kyle__mmiller235: Do you have 3d enabled, or the ubuntu virtualbox drivers installed?22:22
ohsixmmiller235: it'd be a virtualbox problem with the gpu emulation most likely, no?22:22
[dlp]ohsix: Unless "they" have developed an efficient interger factorisation algorithm, "they" will not be able to decrypt the information within its valuable lifespan.22:22
Wolver1n3if i have a home partition and a system partition what would be the best intsall option not to delete my stuff on 11.0422:23
mmiller235Kyle__, it happens regardless of whether I have 3d enabled, and it even happens when I go into gnome classic22:23
[dlp]ohsix: Or unless "they" are prepared to come and beat me with a rubber hose for it.22:23
Kyle__mmiller235: gnome-classic in 11?  I think that's still compiz22:23
hypetechWolver1n3: nothing in your /home should be deleted during an upgrade22:23
mmiller235Kyle__ not if you select (no effects)22:23
stefgmmiller235: you need virtualbox 4.0.6 and the 4.0.6 guest-tools installed. Nattys xserver is pickky...22:23
ohsix[dlp]: you are making a facile argument against "encryption", not against how people will acquire your information regardless of whether encryption is employed or not22:23
LjLplease, #ubuntu-offtopic22:24
mmiller235stefg I have 4.0.6 and 4.0.6 guest additions22:24
Kyle__mmiller235: OK.  Well, try and install the virtualbox guest extensions for ubuntu.  See if it helps.22:24
ohsix[dlp]: message me if you wish to continue22:24
mmiller235Kyle__ i did install them22:24
stefgmmiller235: hmmm ... works for me22:24
jdahmescott: ok those look correct as well22:24
lucasayecee: Tried the solution. Logged out and in again, and it still there... I guess I have to buy a new one ;)22:24
Guest72146guys can any1 help me with gwibber?22:25
bashelinaW43372,  are you on Windows, fedora or Ubuntu ??????????????22:25
neckooxGuest72146 : you are behind a proxy ?22:25
Kyle__mmiller235: That's odd then.  I've used ubuntu 9, 10, and 11 (the beta at least) in virtualbox and not had that issue.22:25
ohsixif guys knew what you wanted help with22:25
W43372Bashelina Ubuntu Maverick22:25
W43372Bashelina I'm in the ubuntu IRC aren't i?22:25
mmiller235Kyle__ quite frankly, I have never personally gotten ubuntu to run reliably in virtualbox22:25
stefgmmiller235:Vbox's 3d acceleration might have trouble with your hosts graphics driver. what videocard/driver do you use?22:25
Guest72146neckoox: sure the whole country is behind a proxy:D22:25
Kevin147W43372: Yes you are22:25
mmiller235stefg it happens even when I am not using 3d acceleration and even when the effects are turned off22:26
ohsixmmiller235: i haven't had much luck with anything in vbox D:22:26
neckooxGuest72146 : oho . where do you live ? in china ? x)22:26
giuliaI have the natty desktop22:26
W43372Kevin147: I am? Really!?!22:26
Kyle__mmiller235: Virtualbox all on the same system that's giving you trouble now?22:26
giuliabut when I click on the clock, then setting time and date22:26
bashelinaW43372,  here you the fedora usb creator in source22:26
giuliano window appears22:26
Soothsayerwould the best way to upgrade to Natty from 10.10 is by booting into installer ?22:26
Guest72146neckoox:  that would have been lovely:D i liv in lebanon we have few IPs here:D22:26
bashelinaW43372, https://fedorahosted.org/releases/l/i/liveusb-creator/liveusb-creator-3.11.0.tar.bz222:26
stefgmmiller235: so running classic/ 2d still gives you crashes?22:26
kshawkeyeWow, the new upgrade is taking forever to download...22:26
proqvirtualbox is great if you don't mind broken 3D most of the time22:26
aciculaSoothsayer: upgrading can be done using the update-manager22:26
giuliaand I have no idea on how can I solve my problem22:26
jdahmescott: ok rebooting22:26
mmiller235stefg yeah, the ubuntu theme engine crashes and it falls back on this gray ugly theme22:27
neckooxGuest72146 : bad luck . Gwibber doesn't work behind a proxy22:27
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
ohsixkshawkeye: pick a faster mirror in software properties22:27
proq(and tons of issues with usb)22:27
aciculaSoothsayer: booting the installer from usb/cd will make it (re)install rather then update i should think22:27
Soothsayeracicula: ye, but i've already downloaded the iso to install on another comp.. so can I reuse that? cause my nets not too fast.22:27
sdegutismy irc client is getting slightly better22:27
neckooxGuest72146 : and that's very annonyng for me too22:27
giuliaany idea on how can I solve my problem ?22:27
neckooxGuest72146 : annoyin'*22:27
giuliaseems very trivial22:27
aciculaSoothsayer: eh yeah you can add the cdrom as a source in software sources, dunno if thats enough to let you upgrade though22:27
giuliabut I need the seconds on my clock !!!!22:28
stefgmmiller235: let me try what happens i i disable 3d for the natty guest...22:28
jkr801anyone know why natty would be giving me a Mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error on a headless box22:28
ayeceegiulia: what is the problem you're having? I think it's scrolled past already.22:28
mmiller235stefg as I said, it appears to be independent of anything related to 3d22:28
FreeTheBeeis it possible to get rid of the 'apps available for download' items in the unity apps menu?22:29
giuliamy problem is22:29
ohsixjkr801: disabled kms? or no video22:29
giuliaI click on the clock22:29
jkr801totally headless22:29
Soothsayeracicula: not what i meant, see this - http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/04/how-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-1104-natty.html?m=122:29
giuliathen I click on Set time and date22:29
ayeceegiulia: could you put the problem on one line, so the first half doesn't scroll off before you're done?22:29
ohsixjkr801: right, but is it totally devoid of video hardware22:29
giuliaI do my best22:29
jkr801its installed thru vbox22:30
ohsixjkr801: you can ignore it then, unless it's preventing mountall from working, then report a bug22:30
damianohey guys, i'm using lighttpd and i have many IP address on my server. How could i set an ip address for a website? (virtual hosting)22:30
thanosafter install ubuntu 11.04 i have problem with 2 partitions..   have any idea how to solve it? i have important files22:30
Sexygurl2furlafter i upgrade to 10.1022:30
jkr801ya thats fine but it doesnt take me to a login22:30
Sexygurl2furlare my third party repos killed?22:30
Kyle__thanos: Define the problem.22:30
ayeceedamiano: there's a lighttpd channel here on freenode that might be better suited for your question.22:30
Sexygurl2furlor disabled?22:30
giuliaok, I click on the clock, then I click on Set time and date. The problem is that no window appears after that, nothing asking to unlock, nada. And I have no idea on how can I solve the problem22:30
ohsixdamiano: theres a manual for lighttpd, and the ubuntu admin guide online22:30
ojiijust upgraded to natty and love it!22:31
ayeceegiulia: using natty, or a different version?22:31
boodroscotchWhy was the option to use custom applications as the default web browser removed in Preferred Apps?22:31
giulia(just have upgraded)22:31
boodroscotchI can't use Chromium as the default browser any more unless I remove Firefox.22:31
ayeceegiulia: okay, I don't know then. They seem to be using a different clock applet now.22:31
thanosKyle_: i have 2 partiotions and i cant mount them22:31
boodroscotchI'm on Natty22:31
Kyle__thanos: What does it say when you try?  What are the filesystems on them?22:32
laumonierhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/600454/ ive got that problem when i try to upgrade to natty what should i do???22:32
giuliavery strange ayecee22:32
Sexygurl2furlafter i upgrade are my third party repos disabled??22:32
giuliacos I exactly followed what they say in the help22:32
usr13Sexygurl2furl: no22:32
ohsixayecee: the bar isn't anything like the old panel; you're right, but they aren't applets22:33
thanosKyle_:  one is btrfs and the other is ext422:33
FLeiXiuSBoy those servers are getting hammered today.22:33
usr13Sexygurl2furl: Are you about to pull the triger on 11.04 ?22:34
FreeTheBeecheck some close by mirrors22:34
Kyle__thanos: Did you first check /proc/filesystems to make sure btrfs is listed (or modprobe btrfs to include the module)?22:34
Sexygurl2furlusr13, I am about to upgrade to 10.1022:34
MK``I'm going to use an old harddrive of mine specifically as an Ubuntu repository and seed them when I can22:34
MK``10.10 is boss, good luck!22:34
usr13Sexygurl2furl: oh, ok.  So you are on 10.04 now?22:34
giuliaayecee, when I go to the right top corner, I click on System settings, I choose "time and date" nothing appears. The cursor says it opens but after, no window, nothing22:34
FreeTheBeeI grabbed an iso this afternoon and just upgraded my system tonight, both downloads were really fast22:34
giuliaso the problem comes from my system22:34
Sexygurl2furlusr13, I think so22:35
thanosKyle_:  sorry i don't understand22:35
jibadeeha10.10 is history22:35
tiagoHi everyone!22:35
Sexygurl2furlI don't know.22:35
usr13Sexygurl2furl: (Mine is 10.04)22:35
ayeceegiulia: I have nothing to add, I have not used natty.22:35
usr13Sexygurl2furl: and sticking with it.22:35
=== tiago is now known as Guest78840
typhoondoes any one know anything about knockd and ufw for multiple services?22:35
RonyBirrawho is the ubuntu spanish channel? ubuntu-es ?22:35
MK``go to System > About ubuntu for information on the version22:35
Sexygurl2furlhow do i know which version i am on?22:35
alecbenzeranyone know how to fix this issue with apt? http://paste.ubuntu.com/600462/22:35
Sexygurl2furlwhy usr13? :o22:35
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:35
Monotokodoes anyone know how I would get my music from my iPhone onto the natty installation?22:35
thanosif you want to pastebin something22:35
giuliaok, I was just giving some feedback after trying another solution22:35
Kyle__thanos: OK.  What does it say when you try and mout your ext4 partition then?22:35
Guest78840Sorry, could somebody help me?22:35
BUGabundoyou guys took me #ubuntu+1 :(22:35
ayeceealecbenzer: do apt-get update again22:36
usr13Sexygurl2furl: LTS22:36
thanosnothing but doen't open22:36
stefgmmiller235: just tested natty  in 2d... switched through some themes and resized the desktop... no crashes.22:36
usr13Sexygurl2furl: LTS is happiness22:36
MonotokoBUGabundo, it'll be back in a week or two22:36
ayeceeGuest78840: could you describe the problem? It's long since scrolled off.22:36
thanosKyle_: nothing but doen't open22:36
mknarrGuest78840,  what so u need help with ?22:36
mmiller235stefg okay, well, clearly something is different about your system22:36
=== samitheb1rber is now known as samitheberber
Sexygurl2furlLTS usr123?22:36
happyfaceI clicked "forward" in the "preparing to install ubuntu" screen and it's been just "thinking" for 5 minutes. Should I reboot?22:36
Kyle__thanos: what about when you try it from the command line?22:36
jdahmescott: ok still the same error22:36
mmiller235stefg you are on virtualbox right?22:36
Guest78840My system freezes ever since I open deluge or other bit torrent..22:36
BUGabundoMonotoko: one week without my friends :/22:36
alien__Hi all, any real drawbacks to upgrade to 11.04 instead of fresh install?22:37
jdahmescott: now I'm sure that it's with grub22:37
mknarrGuest78840,  what are your sys specks22:37
ratcheerI just updated to Natty. My main user still runs Firefox 3.6. But, I created a new user and that user runs FF 4. How do I get my primary user to run FF 4 instead of 3.6?22:37
stefgmmiller235: greetings from captain obvious :-) the art is finding out what it is :-\22:37
typhooncan anyone help me with ufw rules please?22:37
jiohdialien__: its a gamble, many have no problems at all22:37
escottjdahm, unfortunately there are like NO DOCS for grub2 so i dont know what error 16 is22:37
gooorsdanyone had any trouble with wired networking since updating to natty ?22:37
Monotokodoes anyone know how I would get my music from my iPhone in Linux? :S22:37
Guest78840Sys specks? I don't understand sorry.22:37
jdahmescott: it almost looks like grub1 is loading22:37
msh210What an ugly UI!! Natty, my foot. /me uses the "classic" option at login.22:38
jdahmescott: not grub222:38
thanosKyle_:  i didn't try from command line from nautilus22:38
mknarrtyphoon,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncomplicated_Firewall22:38
mmiller235stefg well how do we find out what it is?22:38
escottjdahm, really how can you tell?22:38
jdahmescott: thats what makes me kinda confused22:38
alien__jiohdi: Thanks ... might aswell try and see how it goes :)22:38
alecbenzerayecee: that runs for a bit, then hangs, then gives me the same error22:38
Kyle__thanos: Try from the command line, it will probably tell you what's wrong22:38
Monotokohmmm -goes and googles it a lil more-22:38
jdahmescott: it has a larger font and no background behind grub22:38
Kyle__thanos: sorry I gotta go22:38
mknarrGuest78840,  what are System Specifications"22:38
jiohdialien__: on the plus side you do not have to hunt down all the programs you already have22:38
thanosKyle_:  iDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.22:38
jdahmescott: at least when I upgraded to grub2 on my arch box I saw that change22:38
Guest7884064 Bit22:38
Guest78840Is that it?22:38
typhoon@mknarr thanks, but I have a rather more complicated setup, multiple daemons  multiple ports with different publishing rules required22:38
Sexygurl2furlLTS usr13?22:39
escottjdahm, does it show menu and do the stage 1.0 1.5 nonsense, cause they got right of that with grub222:39
typhoon@mknarr just need a nudge22:39
stefgmmiller235: i run 10.04/nvidia as host and an updated natty beta one isntall as guest.22:39
tucemiuxis it out?22:39
aciculatyphoon: what are you trying to do?22:39
pooltablehow long dose the upgrade take ?22:39
macotucemiux: yes22:39
mknarrtyphoon, srry im only a basic user of that firewall22:39
tucemiuxmaco, theres no more bots?22:39
mmiller235stefg I have OSX as host22:39
ratcheerpooltable: About 2 hours or more.22:39
alien__jiohdi: yes! and have to reinstall all the dev tool :) ... Well upgrading now .. fingers crossed ;)22:39
escottjdahm, the font size can vary in grub2 depending upon config, but you are actually getting to a menu?22:39
jdahmescott: it doesn't show anything, just says grub and then error 16"22:39
mknarrGuest78840, since u r running 64 bit i take it u have 4gb+ ram  and a duel core processor +22:39
jiohdialien__: today is not necessarily the best day for that though22:40
thanosafter install ubuntu 11.04 i have problem with 2 partitions..   have any idea how to solve it? i have important files22:40
escottjdahm, do you think you might have a grub1 install on sdb's mbr?22:40
Guest788404GB DDR322:40
Sexygurl2furlhey guys what is LTS?22:40
Guest78840And it is a I322:40
UbuN2hello is upgrade functional22:40
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: long term support22:40
jdahmescott: can I clear out the MBR of other drives?22:40
thanossomebody can help?22:40
escottthanos, what happened22:40
jdahmjust to be sure?22:40
mknarrGuest78840, dose your computer freeze  if you open anything else?22:40
ratcheerSexygurl2furl: Long Term Support22:40
pooltableratcheer can i do other thing wile it is upgrade ing ?22:40
jdahmescott: do you know the command for that?22:40
claw<claw> after updating to natty i cant install broadcom wlan driver : jockey.log http://tinyurl.com/6bvscku22:40
escottjdahm, sure do grub-install on all the mbrs22:40
UbuN2i keep getting error when i click upgrade22:40
Guest5917Sexygurl2furl, long term support22:40
Galvatronthanos: We're not Nostradamus.  Define "problem".22:40
Guest78840Only with bit torrent programs for now.22:40
ratcheerpooltable: You are not supposed to.22:40
thanosescott, i cant mount 2 partitions22:40
typhoon@acicula I need ssh, ssl email ports and smtp, and web 80 available to internet + internal lan. I also need mysql ports only available on internal22:40
Guest78840I've tried out Deluge, Transmission, Ktorrent..22:40
GalvatronSexygurl2furl: Long-Term Support22:41
mknarrdosnt LTS mean long term support?22:41
thanosof curse22:41
escottthanos, can't mount from livecd22:41
stefgmmiller235: i'd go to the VBox Forums. i could imagine that an OSX host has a completl different set of problems than a linux or windows host22:41
pooltableratcheer thanks i will be back then22:41
tucemiuxUbuN2, disable your wireless then try it with your lan cable hooked up to your machine22:41
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: it means that that distro will be supported for like 3-5 years for updates and upgrades22:41
thanosno doesnt open22:41
usr13alecbenzer: What version of Ubuntu do you have?22:41
Galvatronthanos: Whate filesystem are they?22:41
UbuN2ok tucemiux22:41
thanosbtrfs and ext422:41
eokeIf you use crypto and lvm you may not be able to see the password dialog for the encrypted volume upon boot (just see a flashing cursor nothing else after grub).  If you boot into safe mode and install the graphics drivers it seems to fix the issue.  In case anyone else is having the same issue.22:41
mknarrGuest78840, hmmm22:41
ratcheerI just updated to Natty. My main user still runs Firefox 3.6. But, I created a new user and that user runs FF 4. How do I get my primary user to run FF 4 instead of 3.6?22:41
UbuN2how u know i had wireless22:41
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: more for the business users so that they can be sure that what they have can stay the same for that long22:41
escottthanos, the live cd might not like your btrfs if it is a few versions behind in kernel from your last booted kernel, but ext4 shouldn't be a problem22:41
FreeTheBeeI wonder what the thought was about putting a tablet/netbook gui in a desktop os22:41
stefgmmiller235: have you tried to locate and download a prebuilt guest?22:42
Sexygurl2furlso which distro22:42
Sexygurl2furlis the best?22:42
typhoon@acicula I'm being a noob. I just open the lot don't I and NAT the rest through my router...22:42
alecbenzerusr13: it's an 11.04 install, though like I mentioned earlier the installer crashed towards the end, but it left me with an almost complete install - I'm trying to see if I can fill in the holes22:42
mmiller235stefg what is that?22:42
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: which ever one is labeled as LTS22:42
thanosi dont know what happent22:42
escottthanos, what does it say when you: sudo mkdir /mnt/ext4; sudo mount /dev/sda? /mnt/ext4;22:42
usr13alecbenzer: See:  http://oclug.on.ca/archives/linux/2007-February/001056.html22:42
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: depends on your machine and your needs22:42
usr13!lts | Sexygurl2furl22:43
ubottuSexygurl2furl: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)22:43
Sexygurl2furljiohdi, i have a home computer22:43
mknarrGuest78840, srry man i cant think y it would cause your comp to freeze22:43
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: what do you use it for?22:43
AmuletOfNightHey, if you had ubuntu 11.04 beta, do you have to do any upgrades for the official release of ubuntu 11.04?22:43
Sexygurl2furlrunning runescape bots playing minecraft torrenting and using jd downloader22:43
Sexygurl2furli also irc a lot22:43
Guest78840Hum. Thanks anyway! I'll keep searching.22:43
Guest78840It is weird because in 10.10 it caused me no trouble,22:43
thanosDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.22:43
claw<claw> after updating to natty i cant install broadcom wlan driver : jockey.log http://tinyurl.com/6bvscku22:43
mknarrGuest78840, GL22:44
jdahmescott: so heres something.  When I do "apt-get install grub2" it wants to remove some grub packages and install "grub2"22:44
ratcheerAmuletOfNight: No, just update aptitude and safe-upgrade22:44
Sexygurl2furljiohdi, ^22:44
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: as long as whatever you are looking at can run those things you are golden22:44
jdahmescott: are you sure it by default has grub2??22:44
GalvatronAmuletOfNight: If you have all the latest updates you already have the final release22:44
Sexygurl2furlso i shouldnt upgrade?22:44
escottjdahm, the old grub is now called grub-pc or grub-legacy22:44
jiohdiSexygurl2furl: if you are not sure and what you have now works... give it a couple of months to let them get the bugs out22:44
jdahmescott: ok I have grub-install (GRUB) 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu322:44
hoodoosguys, anybody heard anything bad/good about hopone.net DC?22:45
AmuletOfNightOkay, thanks. Is there a way to check for a "beta" label in the OS somewhere to see if I'm still marked as beta?22:45
escottjdahm, ie grub222:45
thanosescott, DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.22:45
jdahmescott: yep.  Ok back to debugging this.  everything is mounted and I'm chroot'd22:45
usr13Sexygurl2furl: It's kind of like the difference between bleeding edge and cutting edge.22:45
zvacetSexygurl2furl: witch version do you run22:45
Sexygurl2furli dont know22:46
Sexygurl2furlhow do i check22:46
usr13Sexygurl2furl: lsb_release -a22:46
zvacetin terminal   lsb_release -a22:46
alecbenzerusr13: apt-get update is still giving me the error22:46
escottthanos, huh? how did you get that from a terminal command, open a terminal and type: sudo mkdir /mnt/ext4; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ext4;22:46
zatanhi, how can I change my username on natty?22:46
GalvatronAmuletOfNight: As I said, get all the latest updates and you are no longer beta. I'm personally using a beta install CD for my 10.10 and just update the stuff to the actual version. That's all.22:47
escottthanos, adjust sda1 if the name is something else22:47
mknarrGuest78840, here man check out this link22:47
ohsixzatan: the login or the long name?22:47
usr13alecbenzer: Did you try what was described in the above article?22:47
escottzatan, ehhh usually just create a new user with the desired name and move files22:47
mellois there a way to reset all gnome settings? I accidently did something wrong (disabled too many compiz effects) and now unity wont start22:47
claw after updating to natty i cant install broadcom wlan driver : jockey.log http://tinyurl.com/6bvscku22:47
escottzatan, you could try just renaming your $HOME after creating a user but it could get messy22:47
thanosescott, sudo mkdir /mnt/ext4 i do only this and appears this in a window22:47
zatanohsix,  antanas@ubu I need to change "antanas"22:48
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ohsixzatan: the user editor lets you change the long name; changing your usernameis harder but not impossible, you move your home dir to the new name, change passwd, shadow, group; then use find to find files owned by the old uid and set them to the new one22:48
abysHello all :)22:48
coz_mello,   well if it was compiz that made this happen  open ccsm  go to Preferences and  hit the "Reset to defaults"  button22:48
alecbenzerusr13: yes, after moving around the status files apt-get update is still giving me the error22:48
mellocoz_ unity won't start.22:48
ohsixzatan: you can also add the new name with useradd & leave the home d ir as is, then change permissions22:49
ohsixzatan: there are lots of ways to do it22:49
typhoonmello: try changing your session to gnome and setting the defaults in ccsm from there22:49
abysLooking for some support on 10.10 11.04 upgrade -> 2011-04-28 22:17:13,336 ERROR NvidiaDetection returned a error: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'datadir'22:49
escottthanos, why are you sending me fdisk output?22:49
coz_mello,   oh!!22:49
DevaronianHey nvidia error, got myself a load of those too22:49
coz_mello,   are you in classic gnome desktop?22:49
mellotyphoon: thanks22:49
usr13alecbenzer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/34638622:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 346386 in apt (Ubuntu) "Updater won't run - "Encountered a section with no Package: header"" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:49
mellocoz_ no xfce. I installed both xfce and gnome shell22:50
abysdid you find a work arround mate?22:50
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quellhorsthow can in install 11.04 onto a linux software raid?22:50
coz_mello,  maybe you disabled the  ubuntu unity plugin in ccsm ??22:50
zatanohsix,  ok I will try to add new user , and change home dir permissions22:50
quellhorstits a brand new install22:50
mellocoz_ yes probably. compositing didn't work with my graphics driver (ATI), so i accidently disabled it22:50
coz_mello,  oh!!!!  gnome shell??22:50
ohsixzatan: it might be a great idea to back things up until you are sureyou got it right22:50
coz_mello,   gnome shell will break Unity22:50
thanosjust to show you my disks22:51
mellocoz_ hmm.. fair point. It rather seems that unity breaks gnome shell22:51
mellocoz_ give me 5 minutes22:51
thanosescott, ok what can i do?22:51
fatbrain_tnice work with 11.04, When I first started 11.04 I got an error saying Unity didn't work, and fallback to gnome. I've since then installed graphics drivers etc, and now when I reboot I get gnome all the time. Is there something I have to do to force it to use Unity again?22:51
thanosescott, i dont know alot22:52
gooorsdany of you guys have trouble with networking in natty22:52
zatantahnks ohsix22:52
zvacetfatbrain_t: on login screen under session select ubuntu22:52
escottthanos, evidently what happens when you do sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ext422:52
gooorsdi cant get wiredlan unless i disconnect my wire from the router and reconnect it22:52
gooorsdworked perfect in 10.1022:53
fatbrain_tzvacet: I am using "Ubuntu" as my session, but it gives me gnome anyway... Maybe I have somethign wrong wtih my graphics driver (sorry bad spelling)22:53
zvacetfatbrain_t; is it ubuntu or ubuntu classic22:53
thanosescott, nothing write22:53
fatbrain_tzvacet: ubuntu.22:54
ismaella friend of mine upgraded to natty, and the system is (quietly) crashing at startup... (I suspect about the wifi driver, because it's brcm80211), anyone knows?22:54
rcmaehlWTF is this22:54
rcmaehl11.04 is wth22:54
laumonier http://paste.ubuntu.com/600454/ ive got that problem when i try to upgrade to natty what should i do???22:54
fatbrain_tzvacet: iirc, there was some command I could type to see if glx or something was enabled... I'll google and see if I can figure it out :) thanks for input.22:54
zvacetfatbrain_t:  that should give you unity sorry can not help it is first day I use it22:54
xinelcan't boot into ubuntu after alternative 11.04 install, hangs after grub, any ideas?22:54
escottthanos, please mount | pastebinit22:54
fatbrain_tzvacet: no problem. Thanks.22:54
zombie__xinel what kind of computer you got man?22:55
Samsagaxhi, i have some problems isntallin an i386 program ona 64bit ubuntu22:55
thanosescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600472/22:55
rcmaehlWTH I can't use the windows key for shortcuts22:55
gooorsdits so weird that stuff that worked perfect in a previous version suddenly stops working22:55
sfdsafdsafdsahi will the next relase of arch linux be like arch vista ?22:55
zvacetfatbrain_t:  give me a sec22:55
gooorsdsfdsafdsafdsa: realease of arch?22:56
abysAnyone with nvidia error while calculating the changes?22:56
typhoonrcmaehl: you can, just configure compiz22:56
xineljust bits and pieces i put together, is there a problem with certain hardware atm?22:56
rcmaehltyphoon: I have22:56
jdahmescott: wait the CURRENT grub seems to be grub-pc, right?22:56
escottthanos its mounted fine, /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) /dev/sda3 on /media/22c795f0-2bb4-4730-9f46-bd422497a4be type btrfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)22:56
alecbenzerusr13: seems hopeful. rm-ing the list files from /var/lib/apt/lists and then apt-get update seems to fix it for that list, but lots of lists seem to have issues. running through all of them...22:56
Samsagaxanyone knows how to get i386 libs to work in a 64bit?22:56
escottjdahm, no grub 1 is grub-pc22:56
IsmAvatarlaumonier: I had that problem. Follow what it says. Turns out I had an unofficial software source that I had to remove before upgrading.22:56
typhoonrcmaehl: can you be a bit more specific then? what are you trying to achieve?22:56
jdahmescott: what is grub2 then?  I want to reinstall it22:56
zvacetfatbrain_t:  in terminal  fglrxinfo22:56
xinelmight download and try desktop install, wandering if its a problem with encryption :/22:56
thanosescott, i want the files from sda3 and sda622:57
Galvatronsfdsafdsafdsa: How are we supposed to know? Ask in the Arch channel, If you don't think this question is kinda weird.22:57
fatbrain_tzvacet: I think that's for ATI users only.22:57
undeadhi everybody22:57
rcmaehlTaskbar at the bottom, window buttons or the right, use of windows key for shortcuts22:57
escottjdahm, sorry im wrong22:57
rcmaehlemerald for window decorator22:57
escottjdahm, grub-pc is grub2 and the old grub1 is grub22:57
zvacetfatbrain_t:  yes and you are using nvidia?22:57
escottthanos, well sda3 is mounted on /media/22c...22:57
fatbrain_tzvacet: think I have intel mobile gpu22:58
escottthanos, for sda6 you just need to define your mountpoint and mountit22:58
zvacetfatbrain_t:    glxinfo22:58
Soothsayeri booted into Ubuntu 11.04 and I don't get an upgrade option22:58
Soothsayerit only allows me to install it alongside 10.1022:59
nadienhi, where is the menu bar in new firefox?22:59
escottthanos, with sudo mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/mountpoint-of-your-choosing22:59
thanosescott, i mount it before and doesnt open22:59
phoenixsampraswell, im impressed22:59
phoenixsamprasUbuntu 11.0422:59
cassiohi. how can i change the workspace grid from a 2x2 to the old 1x4 grid?22:59
escottthanos, are you expecting a window to just pop-up22:59
escottcassio, should be accessible in ccsm23:00
cassioescott, i can't seem to find it23:00
typhoonrcmaehl, you are going to have to read the manual I'm afraid. You can start by maybe using KDE if you want a "start menu" and a taskbar at the bottom. Or you could move the panels around23:00
cassioescott, Ive looked in expo and desktop wall23:00
cellytudo bem23:00
jdahmescott: ok trying again...23:00
rcmaehltyphoon: you can't use kde on a netbook man, you just can'y23:00
ivo__i have 2 hard drives, but icant paste files to emty one23:00
sfdsafdsafdsaToday I was trying Natty so ..Do you think Natty 11.04 (Unity) will be the Vista phase of Ubuntu ? I mean Vista as in Windows Vista23:00
Samsagaxcassio: just right click on the switcher > preferences23:00
Galvatronabys: For nVidia best download the .run file from their website to your homedirectory, then Alt + Ctrl + F1 --> sudo service gdm stop --> sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux_x86-270.41.06.run When the installer is sone, just restart X.23:00
leagriscould not get <super>+<button4-5> to zoom-in-out in compiz ezoom while using Unity23:00
rcmaehlsfdsafdsafdsa: yes23:01
thanosescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/600475/23:01
fatbrain_tzvacet: thanks, I'll try that.23:01
cassioSamsagax, right click on the switcher doesnt bring up any options in the launcher23:01
undeadhow do i can paste date and time in logfile,  example "time >> logfile.log"23:01
Galvatronabys: To remove it just use "./NVIDIA-Linux_x86-270.41.06.run --uninstall" instead.23:01
zvacetfatbrain_t:  np23:01
leagrisUnity loaded a huge band of icons to the left but that many and no labels is quite useless23:01
escottthanos, you need to mkdir that mountpoint first23:01
Samsagaxcassio: U mean in unity? you just can't23:01
zombie__libreoffice vs open office?23:01
abysGalvatron this is durring the upgrade i'm still in 10.1023:02
Monotoko...does anyone know how to get multiple terminals..?!23:02
Monotokoin natty23:02
cassioSamsagax, yes, Im using 11.04. there's no way to change the 2x2 grid to a 1x4?23:02
FreeTheBeeis there any configuration possible besides the stuff in the ccsm unity plugin?23:02
coz_Monotoko,   keep opening multiple instances ?23:02
FreeTheBeelike the size of the dash23:02
slackin<3 ;>23:02
joepaI'm trying to pin an application to the system tray in unity, but when I logout and log back in, the application disappears from the system tray23:02
leagrismissing autoloading of sound modules snd-hda-intel, snd-ac97-codec, snd-pcm. Has to load them manually and restart pulseaudio after login-in23:02
joepaany ideas what's going wrong?23:02
nadienfirefox menu button is missing on ubuntu natty D:23:02
typhoonrcmaehl: assuming you have gnome classic?23:03
zombie__R click check "keep in launcher"23:03
coz_Monotoko,  I am on natty now with 4 terminals opened... just open a new one and another instance will show up23:03
leagrisgnome-volume-control crash whenever I engage a speaker test23:03
rcmaehltyphoon: idk unity just crashed and I can't reload it23:03
Samsagaxcassio: I'm using natty too, got another problem with i386 programs, but in Gnome (Classic ubuntu) you can change the 2x2 to 1x4 grid23:03
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escottzombie__, libreoffice open office is dead23:03
mfilipeanyone knows how I find out if my ssd supports TRIM?23:03
zookaliciousnadien: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html23:04
rcmaehltyphoon: the upgrade screwed up my shortcuts23:04
Leprikonasto open multiple terminals click the terminal icon with the middle mouse button23:04
Samsagaxcassio: my advice: don't use unity23:04
zookaliciousnadien: scroll to the section about the firefox menu button23:04
cassioSamsagax, yup, I know in the old version it worked. strange you can't change it in unity23:04
Galvatronabys: It will be fastest to just download the 11.04 .iso23:04
coz_Leprikonas, ah I completely forgot about middle click :)23:04
cassioSamsagax, I like the screen space gain in unity. but it seems to be a little crippled as of yet23:04
leagriscompiz ezoom mouse tracking default to an insane 40ms giving sloppy zoom mouvments23:04
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phoenixsamprascan i UPGRADE using the ISO? im on 10.1023:04
Samsagaxcassio: in unity you can't change almost nothing23:04
typhoonrcmaehl: Your day is getting better and better lol. I would roll back to 10.04. I'm not upgrading for a while yet because unity is *cough* unstable :-)23:04
leagriscompiz ezoom default to no zoom shortcuts23:04
jibadeehacassio, http://lxer.com/module/newswire/ext_link.php?rid=15076823:05
Samsagaxcassio: but is just my oppinion23:05
ChronicSyncopeoh man the upgrade is going so slow.  Is it just because everyone is connected?23:05
Galvatronabys:Installing it from a scratch will be 2-3x faster.23:05
abysGalvatron: snif, I was wishing to not reinstall from scratch!! :'(23:05
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:05
abysGalvatron: All my programs and configs for couple of years :p23:05
zvacetphoenixsampras: use alternate cd iso and you will can23:06
abysGalvatron backing up my banshee musicdatabase and all applications will be a pain23:06
nadienzookalicious, how to enter addons mannager without the menu button?23:06
aguitelhow remove all gnome stuff in natty?23:07
Galvatronabys: Do you have just one partition for system and /home + data?23:07
zookaliciousnadien: it will be in the panel if you are using Unity23:07
zvacetabys: if you use above command you will have to install all packages again23:07
abysGalvatron yep23:07
ivo__hel please23:07
leagrisI'll give Debian testing a try tomorrow, too much problems with Natty23:08
zvacetabys: make separate home23:08
SamsagaxNeed some help: can't install a i386 application on my 64bit ubuntu natty23:08
CaptainkrtekI use unity23:08
stefg!info ia32-libs23:08
ubottuPackage ia32-libs does not exist in natty23:08
nadienzookalicious, i can see only the tabs, and the page content only23:08
GalvatronI truly admire yourcourage, trying to install a freash and potentially problematic system on such setup.23:08
jibadeehacassio, "Launch CCSM yet again, and select General Options from the category 'General'. Select the tab 'Desktop Size' and choose the values you want. Simple as that."23:08
Samsagaxstefg: got it, but just won't install23:08
sfdsafdsafdsaToday I was trying Natty so ..Do you think Natty 11.04 (Unity) will be the Vista phase of Ubuntu ? I mean Vista as in Windows Vista23:08
Logan_!ot | sfdsafdsafdsa23:08
ubottusfdsafdsafdsa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:08
Galvatronabys: Do NOT touch Natty unless you make a separate partition for the main system.23:09
stefgSamsagax: get 'wrong architecture'? use "the force"!23:09
jibadeehasfdsafdsafdsa, ubuntu 11.04 is the Win7 stage - Vista indeed23:09
abysis it hard to migrate the home drive?23:09
cassiojibadeeha, thanks. that did the trick23:09
jibadeehacassio, no worries23:09
ninjaitricky question: I'm using "ssh user@server.com "ls $MYVARIABLE", where $MYVARIABLE is set in the user profile.  This never works unless I log in instead of issuing only the command at the end.  Why? Is there  a workaround?23:10
claw after updating to natty i cant install broadcom wlan driver : jockey.log http://tinyurl.com/6bvscku23:10
zookaliciousnadien: If you are using Unity, then the menu option should be in the panel (the very top of the screen), otherwise I don't know what to tell you.23:10
Samsagaxstefg: done that, it says i need some dependencies, i installed them and got the same message again23:10
Galvatronabys: No. Download Gparted LiveCD and create an 8192MB ext4 partition. That's all.23:10
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nadienzookalicious, what is unity, im on live cd ubuntu23:10
mlegerhey, is anyone here using Ubuntu 11.04 on Parallels? Can't get Parallels tools to install. Any help will be appreciated!23:10
escottninjai, because you aren't getting a login shell23:10
Samsagaxstefg: won't install even with force-all23:10
abys8GB for / and rest for /home?23:11
zookaliciousnadien: Unity is the desktop environment that is default in Ubuntu version 11.0423:11
GalvatronThen, during the installation just choose the manual partation setup and use the 8GB one as "/" mount point", and the second one as "/home" mount point (obviously do NOT mark /home for formatting).23:11
jon_athonhow do I change the startup sound?23:11
phoenixsampraszvacet: what alternative ISO? i have the 11.04 ISO, but i just want to upgrade23:11
aguitelhow remove all gnome stuff in natty?23:12
nadienzookalicious, f**k, now ubuntu is like mac os x23:12
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abyswould be great and easy if I had space available on my HD :/23:12
Samsagaxaguitel: you shouldn't if you use unity23:12
abyshave to make space no choice23:12
skulltipno, mac is like linux23:12
escottninjafish, man ssh | grep login  If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell.23:12
coz_aguitel,   what is it you dont want specifically?23:13
aguitelSamsagax, i will install gnome-core23:13
zookaliciousnadien: Unity is the default desktop environment, however if you do not like it, select Ubuntu Classic Desktop at the login screen23:13
typhoonno unity is like mac23:13
typhoonlinux is just the kernel23:13
aguitelcoz_, install gnome-core only23:13
escottninjafish, meant for ninjai23:13
nadienskulltip, but ubuntu ubuntu (graphic interface) copies mac23:13
skulltipwhat's wrong with that tyhpoon, there's a reason macs are expensive besides greedy executives23:13
skulltipand windows 9 copies chrome, then years later buys the patents and tries to stiffle competition23:14
escottninjai, instead of ssh "ls $MYVARIABLE" do ssh "/bin/bash --login \"ls $MYVARIABLE\""23:14
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rcmaehl_fallbackAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! SO many error messages! I thought 11.04 was stable23:14
typhoonskulltip: I was correcting you, not comparing the 223:14
Samsagaxno one can help me?23:14
* macs installs ubuntu 11.04 :D23:14
zookaliciousskulltip-  I think he was just picking at the Linux != full OS point23:14
rcmaehl_fallbackmacs: no23:14
zvacetphoenixsampras:  I don´ think you can upgrade with desktop cd maybe something is changes but that is how is use to be23:14
rcmaehl_fallbackmacs: run23:14
skulltip:) i dont mind great ideas being shared, just dont go patent trolling23:14
coz_aguitel,  not sure how much left  you will have with just core,,, I dont have a good answer for you,, its likely Unity will break if you do this..however,, you could go to gimpnet server and the #gnome  main channel and ask23:14
phoenixsamprasWhy 11.04 is so bugged? How to DOWNGRADE?23:14
escottphoenixsampras, you cant23:15
zvacetabys:  read http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome23:15
zookaliciouszvacet-  you can upgrade from CD now23:15
DGMubuntu 11 64 bit hangs on installing ubiquity (could not find module nvidia and more of those), clean install.. couldn't find any bugs that completely describe the problem. Any ideas?23:15
zvacetabys:  or http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-create-a-separate-home-partition-in-ubuntu.html23:15
SamsagaxDGM: your machine?23:15
happyfaceDGM, hangs where?23:15
Galvatronskulltip: Mac is Mac, and it is Linux that copies its features.23:15
abyscheers man, have a look at it23:15
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zookaliciousGalvatron-  All OS' copy other OS'23:16
DGMhappyface: while installing ubiquity it just spams with could not found module and then just hangs23:16
zvacetphoenixsampras:  reinstall 10.1023:16
skulltipthat being said, i'm still on 10.1023:16
zookaliciousGalvatron-  In different ways. It's healthy competition.23:16
rcmaehl_fallbackubuntu 11.04, every time you change a compiz setting unity crashes23:16
aguitelcoz_, thispage is usefull but no natty answer till now about my question ,http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde23:16
pasI have install ubuntu 11.04 - new istanlation with cable internet... now don't run the wi-fi23:16
DGMSamsagax: amd phenom 2 x6 1090T, 4 gb ram, nvidia gtx 29523:16
zvacetzookalicious: I didn´t see that option during install can you point me to the link23:16
GalvatronMy Ubu 10.10 (GNOME) is modified to be a Win/Mac hybrid.23:16
SamsagaxDGM: then is not an hybrid graphics problem23:16
rcmaehl_fallbackrcmaehl: gtfo23:17
compdocI notice in a fresh install of natty, that services like acpid and irqbalance are not set to run. Are these not needed anymore? I intend to use the box as a qemu-KVM server23:17
phoenixsampras11.04 looks like a ripped version of MACOSx23:17
zookaliciouszvacet-  one second23:17
DGMSamsagax: it complains about more modules then just nvidia.. it's almost like it can't find any at all23:17
nb72Am I the only one who noticed quicken listed on the ubuntu website? Is that now available in the software center?23:17
skulltipubuntu is smart for wanting to spread to devices they can profit from, good for them23:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:17
SamsagaxDGM: blacklist nouveau23:17
coz_phoenixsampras,  i couldnt agree more ,, however  "there it is "  :)23:17
skulltiptry gnome-classic on a pad23:18
aciculacompdoc: you mean the kernel services?23:18
DGMSamsagax: after waiting for ages on the setup i desided to look at why it was stopping.. and it was stuck on that missing module line while installing "ubiquity"23:18
SamsagaxDGM: and check the xorg.conf23:18
kk9822i just upgraded my ubuntu from 10.1 to 11.0423:18
phoenixsamprasit is like... MACOSX for the poor man23:18
wereverhi!, I just upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, and now my pc cant start...I only see a command line with "grub rescue >"....any ideas how to fix grub? :( :( :(23:18
zvacetGalvatron : mac is bsd based very originall don´t you think23:18
DGMSamsagax: i'm still in the setup though... it hasnt even fully installed yet23:18
aciculaphoenixsampras: can you frame that as a support question23:18
skulltipi'll have to close my mouth until i can upgrade23:18
pasI have install ubuntu 11.04 - new istanlation with cable internet... now don't run the wi-fi .. how i doing?23:18
kk9822the screen is blank23:18
entityjust upgraded to 11.04 via update-manager -d. after restart, i get "Ubuntu 10.10 The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present..." how to fix? :\23:18
TerryBookNatty upgrade complete.  so....how do I configure this sidebar thing?23:18
compdocacicula, well, I'm using Boot-up manager, and its the services that start at boot23:18
Galvatronphoenixsampras: Unity looks this way because it was designed for tablets and netbooks and it's much different from OSX interface.23:19
fatbrain_tzvacet: had installed the graphics drivers incorrectly, reinstalled and now Unity works. Cheers!23:19
claw after updating to natty i cant install broadcom wlan driver : jockey.log http://tinyurl.com/6bvscku23:19
SamsagaxDGM: ohh.. i think you should install with no drivers and then install the drivers, is safer that way23:19
coz_phoenixsampras,  there has been a slight leaning towards mac like  look ,, buttons on the left and now global menu.. I am not sure what the long term vision for ubuntu is,, I just know did not get it right  but  there are people who think they did so ,, as I said   "there it is "23:19
zvacetfatbrain_t: enjoy your ubuntu  :)23:19
stefgTerryBook: you don't :-) options are considered to be too confusing23:19
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:19
typhoonsamsagax: This is linux not windows :-)23:19
SamsagaxDGM: im wondering why the Xorg Propietary drivers testing stopped ad week 323:19
aciculacompdoc: err im not familiar with boot-up manager. the services you mentioned sound familiar but are you experiencing an actual problem or just wondering why they are not appearing anymore?23:20
Samsagaxtyphoon: I know but natty is still not as stable as it should be23:20
Osmodivstyphoon, Linux uses drivers as well23:20
DGMSamsagax: but all i did was insert the usb stick, picked what partition it should all go to, and hit install.. and then poof. it even wrecked my grub but i managed to get that back up through a live cd23:20
zookaliciouszvacet-  http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8KRrr0qlSxU/Tbf-5a1QoiI/AAAAAAAAB_A/YUG-iHhCXa8/s1600/Screenshot-1.png23:20
abyszvacet crazy idea, what do you think about remapping /home on a USB HD, rezise disk and remap to the new partition? possible or stupid?23:21
typhoonosmodivs: I know, I still have to hack in some 2d sis drivers for my old laptop. Seems I have had a sense of humour failure or something23:21
reecebHey guys, I'm trying to connect a small board to the internet via a wlan1 connection, but can't get any DHCP offers. ideas?23:21
reecebsorry, the small board runs ubuntu.23:21
pasBroadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver don't run23:21
SamsagaxDGM: strange23:21
=== wagle_ is now known as wagle
typhoonnight guys. Good luck with Natty23:23
SamsagaxDGM: did you check the "format" option in the / mount?23:23
DGMSamsagax: yep ofc23:23
MishaSckserv identify no!way23:23
zookaliciouszvacet: I assume if the disk can't read your current installation for whatever reason then you will not see the option on the screen I sent you.23:23
DGMSamsagax: i have a /, a 4 gb swap and some ntfs'es for windows23:23
aguitelcoz_, thispage is usefull but no natty answer till now about my question ,http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde23:23
tomekhhi. i have just installed xubuntu 11.04. is there a way to apt-get only libreoffice writer and calc? (yeah, i'd like to have an minimal libreoffice installation in my xubuntu environment)23:24
nb72Can anybody confirm that quicken is now available in the software center?23:24
SamsagaxDGM: just as me, i don't know what is happening to you. Try to install again witout networ23:24
zvacetzookalicious: maybe because it is multiboot23:24
ismaellBEWARE, broken brcm80211 *confirmed*23:24
mickster04tomekh: try tab complete and see if it shows you?23:24
mickster04!tab | tomekh23:24
ubottutomekh: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:24
DGMSamsagax: funny thing is, when i look through bug reports, they say its either fixed last month, or say they're a duplicate of a bug that looks nothing like what is described xD23:25
zookaliciouszvacet: that would be likely.23:25
Samsagaxanyone can help me about i386 apps in amd64 architecture23:25
zookaliciouszvacet-  I haven't touched a 11.04 CD yet so I wouldn't know23:25
zvacetabys: Idon´t know I never did it23:25
tomekhmickster04: ?23:25
DGMSamsagax: you could set up a 32 chroot, that worked fine for me :)23:25
SamsagaxDGM: as i've said, natty is not as stable as it should be23:25
abyssound like challenge :)23:25
zvacetzookalicious: so it works if you have only ubuntu?23:25
SamsagaxDGM: tried that... didn't work23:26
TerryBookstefg:  options are a requirement for me to use something.  lack of options = stress, annoyance, irritation, and frustration :P23:26
zookaliciouszvacet-  I'm not sure, I haven't tried it, but I could see that being a problem.23:26
DGMSamsagax: ye, disappointing :) oh well. I guess i'll use windows for a while hehe23:26
SamsagaxDGM: use maverick, it is good as it should be23:26
DGMSamsagax: missing lib or something? What's the error it gives?23:26
zvacetzookalicious : possibly because I saw about that option on net but I didn´t so it during install23:27
wazzupis it possible to install ubuntu on a usb stick ???23:27
d3vlinthe natty installer had a very nice fullscreen plymouth ubuntu boot/quit logo.. but after install at boot only a purple rectangle and at shutdown the ubuntu logo in low res. How can I fix this?23:27
mickster04tomekh: when you tyoe in sudo apt-get install op<tab> and it will show you a list of options23:27
SamsagaxDGM: gives an error about missing dependencies, i have the dependencies installed, but it just keeps telling me that i dont23:27
DGMwazzup: from or on?23:27
habrielhow are you all someone have any course from nagios can than help me please23:27
tomekhmickster04: nope, it will not :)23:27
mickster04tomekh: why not?23:27
nb72wazzup, it is, I'm pretty sure instructions are on ubuntu.com23:27
DGMSamsagax: hm did you install those deps in your chroot though?23:27
Galvatronaguitel: sudo apt-get synaptic && gksu synaptic will be the easiest way.23:27
wazzupnb72 : i will try to find it :)23:28
SamsagaxDGM: how can i know for sure?23:28
stefgTerryBook: there is ccsm which is a somwhat hackish way to do some configuartion... but the general idea is: take ir or leave it (and facing the possibilty that more users don't take, but leave)23:28
Galvatrontomekh: sudo apt-get synaptic && gksu synaptic will be the easiest way.23:28
zvacetwazzup:  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download23:28
bittyx-laptopi'm downloading 11.04 right now, and i've taken notice that unity is used by default. is it easy to switch back to the regular gnome desktop instead?23:28
zookaliciousbittyx-laptop-  yup23:28
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity23:28
arandbittyx-laptop: Yes, select classic at login.23:28
SamsagaxDGM: funny thing is i had this app installed on averick w/o anything else than ia32-libs23:28
Galvatronbittyx-laptop: Log out and choose "Ubuntu Classic"23:28
habrielhow are you all someone have any course from nagios23:28
TerryBookbittyx-laptop:  yeah, on the login screen23:29
wazzupzvacet : that is too isntall from a usb drive :p not on a usb drive23:29
bittyx-laptopwoot, so many answers. thanks guys, but as i've already said, i'm downloading at the moment, so i haven't had a chance to try it out myself yet. just asking so i would know what to expect. thanks again!23:29
=== rcmaehl is now known as rcmaehl_rant
DGMSamsagax: ah ok, ye i didnt have any problems running 32 bit stuff either, but i had to compile 32 bit libs at some point so i made a 32 bit chroot for that following this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 . You can just use apt in there. It's a bit of a hassle to switch to that chroot to run whatever you need to though.. and it takes up a lotta space too23:30
zookaliciousbittyx-laptop-  no problem. Give Unity a try though before returning to Gnome-Classic. It's not for everyone yet, but you might like it.23:30
nb72wazzup, I was thinking from, not on.  You can run it like a live CD from the stick, but I'm not sure if you can fully run it from a stick.23:30
SpaceBasshave a server box that has a failed upgrade to 11.04 - trying to recover using a recovery CD. I did a series of apt-get -f and dpkg --configure -a .... that made some progress, however it appears to have reached the end. dpgk --configure -a keeps failing23:30
SpaceBasscan I force a re-application of the upgrade?23:30
Soothsayerif I cancel the ubuntu upgrade to 11 from within 10.10, can I resume it later?23:30
jribSpaceBass: you need to be more specific as to how it is failing (pastebin)23:30
SamsagaxDGM: is like having a second OS23:30
Soothsayerits too slow at the moment.23:30
DGMSamsagax: hehe ye23:31
MotherMGASo I just upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 and it doesn't do 3d accelleration?23:31
zookaliciousSoothsayer-  I don't beleive so23:31
jribSoothsayer: if it's only at the download stage, it's ok23:31
bittyx-laptopalso, my download is going at a snail-like ~25KBps (even though i have a 1.5Mbit connection, so i should have more like ~150KBps) - i assume this is because the servers are overloaded at the moment?23:31
SpaceBassjrib, can't paste bin - no ssh, using recovery CD23:31
Drumm96I was doing a system upgrade, and at about 99% it crashed. Now on normal boot I'm having issues, but I can boot in failsafe mode.23:31
commodore64thI seem to have a problem; I just installed compiz-config, used it, and after changing some options, the taskbar and launcher are gone. I can't even open the start menu with the meta key.23:31
jribSpaceBass: you don't have internet on the machine?23:31
DGMSamsagax: i guess it says 32 bit recommended for a reason :P23:31
MotherMGAit says I have the ati drivers running, but everything renders slower and jerkier than 10.10.23:31
Soothsayerjrib: but I will lose everything I've downloaded so far right? :-(23:31
jribSoothsayer: no23:31
Vilemaximjoin /virtualbox23:31
SpaceBassjrib, in a console, nothing use. no X23:31
wazzupnb72 > im trying to install it on a usb drive : i know that live CD is possible but that way i cnat save anything :p23:32
habrielhow are you all someone have any course from nagios23:32
SpaceBassjrib, I can bring up networking via the recovery CD, but still no browser23:32
Soothsayerjrib: oh, that's nice then.. its in the "Getting new packages" page.. its already fetched some 150 packages.23:32
DGMi'm just gonna go to bed.. when i wake up tomorrow all the problems will be solved.. probably.. maybe.. hopefully23:32
zorlemhabriel, what's up?23:33
zvacetwazzup: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USB%20Installation%20Media23:33
jdahmescott: it works!23:33
gogetahey does btrfs still need a ext4 boot23:33
GalvatronDrumm96: In terminal type: sudo dpkg --configure -a - it will finish yhe uncomplete job.23:33
jdahmescott: thanks for all your help!23:33
escottjdahm, excellent23:33
escottjdahm, so it was a stray mbr?23:33
jdahmescott: also: I very much like the new interface.  I don't know why people are complaining23:33
jdahmescott: I think so23:33
Drumm96Galvatron, Thankyou. Got many similar issues tonight?23:33
KMFrogunity not working in virtualbox?23:33
Preferably_unity seems to insist that i should use the classic theme23:33
jdahmescott: you were on the ball with your suggestion23:33
escottjdahm, well now you have plenty of backup mbrs if sda goes out23:33
diegoviolaDoes Ubuntu 11.04 now use Wayland instead of X?23:34
gogetajdahm: nooo please dont say lies like that23:34
Preferably_the default theme flashes quickly and changes to the classic variant23:34
Drumm96Galvatron, I'll try a reboot. Hope it works!23:34
wazzup<zvacet> i will check that site out23:34
bellcoltcan someone help me restore 11.04?  just upgraded the driver to nvidia-current and gdm does not start during boot23:34
gogetadiegoviola: no23:34
zetherooany way to get the buttons in the launcher to have a hover effect?23:34
Soothsayerjdahm: baa.. feels kinda kiddy (the interface)23:34
diegoviolagogeta: when it will use Wayland please?23:34
zookaliciousKMFrog-  Unity works in the newest version of Virtualbox, but not the version from the Ubuntu repository23:34
commodore64thdoes anyone know how to start the terminal without using the launcher or the start menu?23:34
gogetadiegoviola: 11.1023:34
Soothsayerstuff is too big in the left bar.. can that be reduced though ?23:34
diegoviolagogeta: nice! :D23:34
gogetadiegoviola: maybe23:34
jdahmgogeta: I like the interface.  Linux needs better interfaces.  This is one organizations take on it23:34
wazzupzvacet : it seems valid i will try it :)23:34
dugger5688KMFrog: Update to Vbox 4.x (from the oracle .deb) and install virtualbox-ose-X11 (inside the guest OS)23:34
gogetadiegoviola: not set in stone yet23:34
diegoviolagogeta: fingers crossed23:34
jribSpaceBass: try the following: COMMAND | nc ssh.jrib.net 1234523:35
mnoyceHow do I report a bug in the Natty installer? I have Launchpad account, but when I click on Report a Bug, I just get taken to another web page about reporting bugs...23:35
zvacetwazzup:  ;)23:35
jdahmgogeta: beats the hell out of gnome323:35
rcmaehl_ranthttp://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/things-to-tweak-fix-after-installing.html <- the hidden files tutorial was very helpful23:35
rafiiMotherMGA: Turn off 'sync to vblank' option from OpenGL section in Compiz config settings manager - no more laggy interface on ATI fglrx drivers23:35
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:35
habrielzorlem: i am setting  nagios and haven't much experience i'd like find any course from nagio23:35
jribSpaceBass: you probably want to redirect stderr too.  Or just create a file you want to pastebin and send that to ssh.jrib.net on port 1234523:35
gogetajdahm: i run kde now soo you can see my thoughts on both of them23:35
entityjust upgraded to 11.04 via update-manager -d. after restart, i get "Ubuntu 10.10 The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present..." how to fix? :\23:36
Cube``how to do the dist-upgrade from commandline?23:36
zorlemhabriel, course? there are a few decent books and a lot of info on the net23:36
jrib!upgrade | Cube``23:36
ubottuCube``: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:36
KMFrogdugger5688 i'm running vbox 4.0.6, i'll try updating guest addons23:36
SpaceBassthanks jrib - what did you do, proxy to pastebin? brb... server is in rack in other room23:36
Pilif12pIs b2 the same as "stable" ?23:36
jribCube``: follow the server instructions23:36
zorlemhabriel, I'd guess you'll be able to find a course as well23:36
jdahmgogeta: at first I switched to KDE when gnome3 came out and gnome2 sucked, but KDE is worse than all these new interfaces (combined?) ha23:36
zroggHowdi. I just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04, and I'm left with a desktop with icons but no menus (guessing Unity didnt fire up properly) :/ Any suggestions ?23:36
commodore64thcrap... alt-tab doesn't work23:36
rcmaehl_rantI get warning telling me that I'm not on 11.04 and that my current version is 11.0423:36
tomaszubuntu one have bug in tekst23:36
Cube``jrib: ?23:36
Cube``jrib: ah thanks!23:36
jribSpaceBass: yeah I have an old script I wrote that will listen and pastebin23:36
gogetajdeslaur_: not 4.6 yea i hated kde 3 man it was junk23:36
jribSpaceBass: it's mostly useless nowadays because of things like pastebinit but you can't install pastebinit easily because your packaging system is broken23:37
zetherooI dunno about the rest of you but I REALLY have to be able to customise the main menu and launcher bar ... REALLY!!!23:37
SpaceBassjrib, talk about valuable now thought... brb23:37
zookaliciouszrogg-  do you mean the menus normally in the top left?23:37
Soothsayerwhen I dual boot between windows and ubuntu, the mac address is the same on both right? My ISP's login client uses my mac-address.23:37
zorlemSoothsayer, yes23:38
george_Good evening. I've tried to upgrade my distro, but there were some troubles. I'm currently stucked, due to the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade results in the following http://pastie.org/1845252. Could someone help me to solve that? Thanks.23:38
skulltiplooking at screenshots, how in any way does it copy a mac??!?23:38
jribSpaceBass: in the meantime I need to grab some food.  I'll be back in 10.  I may have 12345 blocked on the router.  If so, I'll take care of that when I return :)23:38
zorlemSoothsayer, if you haven't changed it in one of the OSes of course23:38
zroggzookalicious: I have never tried or seen Unity before, so I have no idea what it is suppose to look like. But atm I'm only seeing a desktop wallpaper and my usual icons :)23:38
zvacetzrogg: it is first  day but I think unity comes that way just icons on the left23:38
zookaliciouszrogg - The new desktop for Ubuntu 11.04 looks fairly different from 10.1023:38
Samsagaxis there a way to get ANY applet working in unity?23:38
ohsixzetheroo: if you want the panels (and their customization) back, log in with the classic session23:38
TerryBookooh, I *can* configure the sidebar!23:38
entityanyone know how to fix root filesystem not mounting?23:39
zookaliciouszrogg-  Try clicking the Ubuntu logo in the top left, should bring up the Dash23:39
KMFrogdugger5688 updating guest additions did the trick, thanks :]23:39
zetherooohsix:  no, that is not a solution ... people keep on saying that :(23:39
step21Samsagax, weather at top or so works ... webupd8.org ...23:39
mnoyceNevermind... I've figured it out...23:39
dugger5688KMFrog: Glad to hear it, have fun!23:39
ohsixzetheroo: then you get what you get23:39
pumeusthello which software do you recommend for adobe flash?23:39
ohsixSamsagax: same for you :]23:39
zroggzookalicious: hm, I don't have an icon there I'm afraid :/23:39
step21entity, check for errors?23:39
zetherooalso just noticed that the top panel is no longer editable ... why can't I add my menu applet back!?23:39
jdahmescott: for fun: http://pastie.org/184528123:40
zvacetzrogg: you can see how it look here http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features23:40
entitystep21: how the filesystem won't mount.23:40
zookaliciouszrogg - there is a guide here http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/natty/ if your desktop doesn't have the things mentioned in this guide then there might be a problem23:40
zetherooohsix: yep, and it seems Ubuntu us heading towards lockdown  .... like MS and Mac :P23:40
usr13pumeust: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin23:40
TerryBookhmm.  xchat no longer shows in the system tray despite having the option set23:40
yofelpumeust: the 'flashplugin-installer' provides the flash player23:40
step21zetheroo, because it's a whole new program ... if you need your menu you have to use gnome afaik23:40
entitystep21: i get "Ubuntu 10.10 The disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present..." upon boot. after that it says the same thing about /tmp23:41
MarkSSWhere do I find the old application gnome list in Unity or something similar?23:41
pumeustthanks usr13  and yofel23:41
zorlemzetheroo, that's only for the basic users23:41
jdahmzetheroo: how so?23:41
step21zetheroo, i don't think so... then you couldn't switch what you always can on linux23:41
zorlemzetheroo, only the default experience23:41
zetheroozorlem: what?23:41
usr13zorlem: As you can see, there are choices.23:41
zorlemzetheroo, nobody prevents you from running Gnome, or XFce23:41
riclasso... i upgraded to natty, and now i can't install fglrx23:41
zorlemzetheroo, or KDE23:42
zetheroozorlem: great ....23:42
riclasor better, i can, but it doesn't boot :\23:42
usr13pumeust: As you can see, there are choices.23:42
ohsixzetheroo: you've been told your options, you disagree; apparently with how it used to be as well, not just hoe it is now23:42
step21entity, I would boot from livecd and check the disk from there (without mounting) did you do an upgrade or so right before?23:42
riclasanyone had a similar experience?23:42
zroggzookalicious: yeah, my desktop doesn't look like that at all. It seems like I'm running my old gnome just without any menus, sidebars or anything :/ Would a screenie of my desktop help ?23:42
zetheroozorlem: none of those are "Ubuntu"  - and that was my point!23:42
zookaliciouszrogg - tried logging in and out? or restarting?23:42
zetherooohsix: excuse me? What are you on about?23:43
yofelzetheroo: point is that complaining *here* will change absolutely nothing, either raise your point to the ayatana team or remote participate on the ubuntu developer summit23:43
zatanhi again, is there anyway to stop automaticaly maximize windows on unity? as at the moment they maximize when i moving them by the nome-panel23:43
zroggzookalicious: yup, doesn't seem to help23:43
Drumm96My dpkg --configure -a produced no output. On reboot, I am still presented with a flashing underline.23:43
dugger5688more people need to go the cd-upgrade route. :-( running package updates is painful right now.23:43
Jwayafter natty upgrade from lucid my network card says "link is not ready" in dmesg... I cannot enable it in any way, suggestions?23:43
pumeustusr13, i was installing flashplugin-installer with synaptics and it was gonna take like over 15 minutes and i thought something was wrong with that and maybe i should try something else23:43
Jwayintel agn496523:43
step21zetheroo, he's right, this is for support primarily23:43
entitystep21: yes, I was running 10.10 and I upgraded with update-manager -d23:43
zetherooohsix: you don't find it at all frustrating that an completely un-configurable menu/panel/launcher are given in place of what was completely customisable!?23:44
Lunar_Lampdugger5688: I've noticed that GB mirrors are very slow, but switching to a different geographic location improved things vastly. (for me, I just dropped the geograpy)23:44
zetheroostep21: so support ... ;)23:44
step21zetheroo, take it somewhere else plz ...23:44
zorlemzetheroo, $aptitude search ^xfce4$23:44
zorlemp   xfce4                                                                                            - Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment23:44
usr13pumeust: Well, with so many doing a distribution upgrade now installing from repos will be slow.23:44
zorlemthis is plain Ubuntu23:44
zookaliciouszrogg - thats odd23:44
usr13pumeust: They are all overloaded today.23:45
zetheroozorlem: I do not WANT to run XFCE!!23:45
zorlemzetheroo, then don't23:45
zookaliciouszrogg - Sorry I'm not too sure what to advise, I haven't started using 11.04 yet, I just know what it's supposed to look like23:45
zorlemzetheroo, it's just an example23:45
Jwaytried modprobing iwlagn, rfkill, nothing makes the wireless work. Works fine in windows on same computer23:45
zorlemzetheroo, that what you're saying is not true - there is no lockdown23:45
epkugelmassThe upgrade to natty seems to have broken nautilus. is this a known issue?23:45
pumeustusr13,  oh so thats all it was23:46
zroggzookalicious: that's allright. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep chipping away at the problem.23:46
escottjdahm, thats a lot of ram23:46
step21entity, it's hard to tell what went wrong, did it mention any errors before reboot? otherwise try to boot from livecd or rescue mode and check the disk (it doesn't have to be mounted)23:46
zvacetriclas: no I installed it by click on applications and find it under system>additional hardware drivers23:46
usr13Jway: What wireless card do you have?23:46
zookaliciouszrogg-  Best of luck23:46
jribSpaceBass: back23:46
Jwayusr13, intel agn496523:46
zetheroozorlem: to the extent that I want to configure - yes23:46
step21zetheroo, then what's wrong w normal gnome?23:46
ohsixzetheroo: you said you didn't want to use the classic session, which has panels and is the same as before23:46
OsmodivsThe NickServ does NOT recognize my password!!23:47
Drumm96My dpkg --configure -a produced no output. On reboot, I am still presented with a flashing underline.23:47
zetheroostep21: 90% of the reason I upgraded in the first place was to get to use the new look .... why bother mmoving from 10.10!?23:47
rcmaehl_rantWhy doesn't flash work in 11.04?23:47
step21Osmodivs, - #freenode23:47
riclaszvacet, i tried that... but it errors out :(23:47
usr13Jway: Well that one should work ok.  Is it turned off? Or has the network manager have it dissabled somehow?23:47
zetherooohsix: absolutely correct ... as that is NOT a solution to the real issue ... that there is a lack of customisability HERE!23:48
ohsixzetheroo: why bother indeed, shouldn't you have asked yourself that before you did it?23:48
skulltiplocked in? if developers would write BF4 for it like they do with the current pc platforms, it would be worth it23:48
ohsixzetheroo: that is desired, use what you like23:48
entitystep21: I selected the top ubuntu entry from the bootmenu, and the ubuntu loading screen came on like normal with the four dots animation, but instead of loading like normal, it displays this: "Ubuntu 10.10 The diskdrive for / is not ready yet or is not present [...]"23:48
step21zetheroo, oh so you upgraded and it doesn't work? I though you just didn't like/want it...23:48
pumeustrcmaehl_rant, i wondered if something was wrong with flash too but looks like i just needed to install it i'm doing that now23:48
|Seth|george_ what was your question23:48
|Seth|george_ I can't answer it but repeat it anyway23:48
zetherooohsix: Oh, I am sorry ... I did not get the memo from Canonical about that ...23:48
rcmaehl_rantpumeust: it will error out23:48
Jwayusr13, actually it has been a problem since the last dist upgrade, I always had to right click the icon to enable the wireless and then it would connect. Now I have to rfkill to un-gray the "enable wireless" item in the right click menu but clicking it makes no networks show and dmesg still says link is not ready. Tried removing battery, holding power button for 30 seconds and booting up again,23:49
Jwaysame problem. Windows is fine.23:49
entitywhich automatically means it did not finish upgrading to 11.0423:49
step21entity, yes, but I meant before when you ran the upgrade23:49
pumeustrcmaehl_rant, oh i see i hope i dont run into that problem23:49
george_Seth: Good evening. I've tried to upgrade my distro, but there were some troubles. I'm currently stucked, due to the command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade results in the following http://pastie.org/1845252. Could someone help me to solve that? Thanks.23:49
cdavisIs Google Chrome working on Natty? I get an error when trying to install the .deb23:49
zetheroostep21: yes I upgraded ... and it all works ... afaik ... but it "working" is not the issue I suppose ...23:49
Samsagaxcdavis: still there is a problem with 32bit libs23:49
|Seth|george_ yeah, no idea. when in doubt, google it23:49
jiohdicdavis: did you try via the app store23:50
epkugelmassAfter upgrading from maverik to natty, nautilus is unusably slow. Using classic gnome. Any takers?23:50
ohsixzetheroo: you presume you would have? you're setting up a strawman you know; you could have provided useful input for months, but you're here now, when you can just use what you're familiar with23:50
EathuzI got a question: I loaded Ubuntu 11 on a USB. It works fine when booting from it on my MacBook Pro, but I for some reason get "Boot Error" everytime I boot it on my ASUS P5N-D. Any ideas or suggestions? I've googled it and I can't seem to find a solution.23:50
entitystep21: I wasn't here to see what would have went wrong with it. I'll try a disk check from live env and get back23:50
|Seth|george_ or repeat it a few times until someone smarter takes notice23:50
cdavisjiohdi: I didn't know it was in local repos, I will try23:50
pumeustwow i got 3 hours 57 minutes remaining to finish installing flash23:50
george_Seth: Sure... Thanks, anyway...23:50
usr13Jway:  You might try switching to wicd23:50
cdavisSamsagax: I need 64 bit version23:50
goshawkhi, do i have shortcuts in bashee from the desktop ? like i want to skip a song while browsing23:50
jiohdicdavis: 32 bit will work just fine23:50
jmweirickHi, i need help with grub on 11.04, any takers?23:50
Jwayusr13, thanks I will try23:50
usr13Jway: sudo apt-get install wicd ; sudo apt-get remove network-manager23:50
zetheroostep21: the buttons in the launcher are too big, they need a hover feature and need to animate when clicked on ... stuff liek that ... plus the menu is making we work twice as hard to get to what I need ... more clicks etc ... not cool23:50
jiohdicdavis: 32 will run on 64 but 64 will not run on 3223:51
epkugelmassHi. Any word on why compiz-config won't fully import old configuration files, and why it wipes my config when upgrading?23:51
EathuzI don't want to repeat my question, since it seems rude, but I'm kinda stuck and would really like some help :)23:51
Jwaybrb, reboot23:51
uofm49426can i do this in 10.10 http://www.ubuntugeek.com/intel-graphics-performance-guide-for-ubuntu-904-jaunty-users.html23:51
usr13!grub2 | jmweirick23:51
ubottujmweirick: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)23:51
bcurreni have a partition that i'm consistently getting an EIO error. i there a tool that will help my diagnose the problem?23:52
jrib!helpme | Eathuz23:52
ubottuEathuz: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:52
jdahmescott: I like it :)  It's for computational physics simulations23:52
zetherooohsix: I am sorry again ... I work 9-5 mon - fri .... don't have a whole lot of time to test software and all ... I just thought that with the past of Ubuntu (and Linux) being so pro-customisability that I would never find myself here23:52
sfdsafdsafdsaToday I was trying Natty so ..Do you think Natty 11.04 (Unity) will be the Vista phase of Ubuntu ? I mean Vista as in Windows Vista23:52
syntaurIs there any way to resume the upgrade process? My keyboard was on my ubuntu laptop here, and I forgot. I hit escape and the upgrade status window went away. I go back into the update manager and it says there's no updates or upgrade.23:52
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:52
ohsixzetheroo: unfortunately you can't go back in time and communicate this23:52
SpaceBassjrib, thanks for the help so far! apparently one of the last runs of dpkg or apt-get broke something worse. Can't get a shell anymore. Going to reinstall base system. data is on raid anyway23:52
GalerienHi ! I'm on ubuntu 11.04 Beta (1 or 2) and I want to install the new release, how can I do that ?23:52
ohsixzetheroo: well it's not "anti" either, idon't know why you are here23:53
yofelsfdsafdsafdsa: that's something for #ubuntu-offtopic23:53
Drumm96Tried update to 1104. System crash at about 99%. I have run apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get autoremove, dpkg --configure -a. I am unable to boot into normal mode, when I do. I am greeted by a flashing underscore. I am currently in failsafe mode23:53
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:53
SamsagaxGalerien: go to releases.ubuntu.com23:53
jiohdiGalerien: it will do it for you just do update and upgrade23:53
zetherooohsix: what is unfortunate is the lack of customisability ...23:53
EathuzI got a question: I loaded Ubuntu 11 on a USB. It works fine when booting from it on my MacBook Pro, but I for some reason get "Boot Error" everytime I boot it on my ASUS P5N-D. Any ideas or suggestions? I've googled it and I can't seem to find a solution.23:53
yofel!final | Galerien23:53
ubottuGalerien: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Natty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 11.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.23:53
ohsixzetheroo: you know even gnomes panel isn'e enough to sate a lot of people? i hope you understand it's all relative & the line you've drawn is just as arbitrary23:53
jdahmDrumm96: clean installs always work better than upgrades23:53
SamsagaxGalerien: and use the bit torrent, others are just jammed23:53
jdahmDrumm96: if you upgrade, be used to having headaches23:53
Drumm96jdahm, headaches teach you new things. :)23:54
zroggseems I fixed my no-menu-problem by running "compiz --replace"23:54
yofeljdahm: that's not the case usually, at least for me upgrades have always worked fine23:54
ohsixzetheroo: some would call that a good thing, myself included, but i run the machines for my family23:54
zetherooohsix: I came hoping that I just did not know enough and that someone knew how to edit this stuff ... I could not believe that it was completely locked-down ....23:54
lexvegasis there any difference in reliability between installing from the liveCD or using unetbootin and a USB drive?23:54
Drumm96jdahm, besides, this is my first issue in years.23:54
Sylphidhey all....having a problem with front panel audio, if i start audio it everything defaults to rear panel however if i run aplay /some/audio.wav and start another track durring the aplay it goes to the front panel, any tips on how to toggle between front and back panel only?23:54
jdahmDrumm96: yofel just from experience, I have had to fix way too many friends' upgraded installations23:54
ohsixzetheroo: it's not, it's just different, the options for the unity plugin & the rest of compiza are available in ccsm23:54
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nastjuidsupposedly apt provides libapt-pkg-libc6, but if I get the package and look inside, it's not there?23:55
yofeljdahm: *if* update-manager messed up the upgrade, please file bugs about that, it shouldn't happen23:55
zookaliciousI can also attest to having problems with direct upgrades.23:55
ohsixzetheroo: the "panel" is nearly vestigial now, it serves no purpose like it did in gnome proper23:55
Galerienok, thanks all, so it seems I'm up to date, but I get the same crash has before (beta) when I boot (I don't know what it is, just that something is crashing and that's it), does someone know how to get rid of that (I can provide you with informations if you tell me how ;) )23:55
zetherooohsix: ok ... why are they in a 3rd-party app? ...23:55
rafiimy today upgrade maverick->natty was fine :D no problem :)23:55
zetherooohsix: where do I place my weather applet?23:55
jdahmyofel: most of the time it's because GPG keys were somehow deleted for PPA's23:55
ohsixzetheroo: isn't that that choice you were just talking about? i'm not sure what you're asking23:56
zookaliciousrafii-  That's good to hear. I was just remarking that typically I find clean installations to be more reliable.23:56
cdavisI think natty is going to make me want to do more stuff in the console23:56
ohsixzetheroo: same place you did before, on the panel; whats in unity is not a panel23:56
kduboiscdavis: gui's are overrated anyways :)23:56
jiohdiGalerien: you can check whether you are at full upgrade in console type lsb_release -a23:56
yofeljdahm: missing GPG keys will only get you warnings, not errors, so that shouldn't mess up anything. Well, it will give you an occasional warning, true23:56
zetherooohsix: so your saying there IS a way to customise the menu system and launcher?23:56
[dlp]entity: What does /etc/fstab say?23:56
cdaviskdubois: so true23:56
pp7_kdubois: +1 :)23:56
ohsixzetheroo: you'll really be boned w/gnome-shell, enjoy what you have now23:57
joepain natty/unity (unatty?), apps aren't staying pinned to the Launch (i.e., I r_click, Keep in Launcher, logout, login, and it's gone)23:57
joepaany ideas?23:57
Galerienjiohdi: ok, I can't see any mentions of beta or rc, is that it ?23:57
Drumm96Okay. So this may be a video drivers issue. lsb_release -a says I'm 11.0423:57
EathuzI got a question: I loaded Ubuntu 11 on a USB. It works fine when booting from it on my MacBook Pro, but I for some reason get "Boot Error" everytime I boot it on my ASUS P5N-D. Any ideas or suggestions? I've googled it and I can't seem to find a solution.23:57
zetherooohsix: I did not think there was anythign too wrong with Gnome-shell ...23:57
jiohdiGalerien: thats it23:57
ohsixzetheroo: i'm not saying that; i'm saying you want a panel; use the session with a  panel23:57
zetherooohsix: you said there was something in ccsm23:57
pp7_mmm 12hrs till my upgrade completes :P23:57
SylphidEathuz, using the mac optimized image maybe23:58
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ohsixzetheroo: not what you are asking, it is not a panel, i said what settings there _are_, some are available there23:58
entity[dlp]: I'm on a different machine... I'll type it into a pastebin and get back23:58
Galerienjiohdi: so, why do I get a crash warning when I boot ? It did that on the beta 1, but I wouldn't expect it to append on the final one.... Or can that be gnome 3 (which works perfectly)23:58
EathuzSylphid, tried downloading it and building the USB both from Mac and Windows.23:58
zetherooohsix: yeah ok ... the panel is not my main concern ... the main things are the launcher and menu23:59
ohsixzetheroo: so the panel, noted23:59
jiohdiGalerien: 6months to get everything right might seem like a long time, but trust me you will get a flurry of updates and upgrades in the next couple of months23:59
zetherooohsix: panel is not a biggy ...23:59
jdahmok well I should head out23:59

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