
SpamapSAnyone around who knows about the SRU uploaded to natty-proposed ?01:59
* fagan cant sleep :/02:45
fagan(i think im regretting my after work power nap)02:49
duanedesignrye: hello hello08:11
ryeduanedesign, hello, it is such a shame to have caught a cold right before the release date :'-(08:12
duanedesignoh no, perfect timing :\08:12
mandelis the release 2day?08:12
mandelor tom?08:13
duanedesigni noticed last night someone popped in asking about the Natty-proposed SRU08:13
duanedesignmorning hrw08:25
thomasuhlis there anybody using evo and couchdb for adress sync?08:28
thomasuhlI patches the evo-couch lib08:28
thomasuhlbut no success to get the contacts into evo08:28
duanedesignthomasuhl: what version of Ubuntu are you using?08:35
thomasuhllatest 11.0408:35
thomasuhlrodrigo mentioned a patch08:35
faganmorning all08:40
duanedesignbug 72737008:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 727370 in evolution-couchdb (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Contacts not syncing with my computer (affects: 29) (dups: 16) (heat: 266)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72737008:41
duanedesignthomasuhl: comment #44 of that bug mentions the test branch. That is the issue, and fix, you are talking about?08:45
thomasuhlduanedesign: yes I applied the patch08:56
thomasuhlI have 2600 contacts08:56
thomasuhlthey are loaded but no displaed08:56
thomasuhlwhat I did not understand is the fact why evo loads all contact08:57
thomasuhlinto xml08:57
ryethomasuhl, are the first entries being displayed?09:13
mandelfagan: ping09:13
faganmandel: pong09:15
mandelfagan: can you  please take a look at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_ipc_client_code_1/+merge/5925709:16
faganmandel: so running the tests and doing a code review is all I have to do?09:17
* fagan presumes ralsina will pick up any problems with the approach :)09:17
mandelfagan: yes, that should be enough09:18
karniGood day everyone!09:26
faganmorning karni09:26
karnimorning fagan09:27
faganoh and happy ubureleaseinsanity day09:27
karnifagan: yeah, to you as well! hehe :)09:28
thomasuhlrye: no entry is displayed09:31
thomasuhlI sent debug output to rodrigo_09:31
thomasuhlwhy are all adressbook entries copied in a xml file?09:32
thomasuhlthis is highly ineficient09:32
ryethomasuhl, is "cache locally" enabled for the address book?09:39
hrwhej karni09:40
karnihi hrw !09:40
thomasuhlrye: no09:41
duanedesignhello karni09:41
karnihi duanedesign !09:41
thomasuhlmakes no sense to me  - all data is stored in the desktopcouch09:42
* fagan has no desktop on his desktop 09:52
fagan(its after I removed the gnome 3 ppa)09:52
thomasuhlso why are all contacts copied?09:56
rodrigo_thomasuhl, just saw your mail, it's indeed the timeout problem, so need to look for a better fix :(10:10
faganmandel: +1 took me longer because my desktop wouldnt load :D10:10
mandelfagan: ok, no10:15
mandelfagan: could also please review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_ipc_client_code_2/+merge/5933510:18
mandelis more or less the same but it is used for a diff set of methods10:18
faganmandel: +110:28
mandelsuperb :)10:28
thomasuhlrodrigo_: ok, but why are all contacts copied?10:31
rodrigo_thomasuhl, copied where?10:43
mandelfagan: ping11:12
faganmandel: sup11:12
mandelfagan: can you also take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_ipc_client_code_3/+merge/5933911:12
mandelI'm in a good coding zone 2day ;)11:12
faganmandel: you've been busy today :)11:12
faganill get right to it11:12
* fagan is doing some more of the UOW talk writing in the background 11:13
faganmandel: +1 again11:27
duanedesigntail -fn 50 ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log11:34
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
mandeldoes anyone know when we were going to have the bluprint meeting?12:34
mandelralsina: ping?12:42
mandelfagan: ping12:47
duanedesignWhat type of bugs would get assigned to ubuntuone-ops+ ?12:56
duanedesignfacundobatista: ping12:56
duanedesignfacundobatista: we got some additional information on bug 76866212:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 768662 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "One big file keeps starting to upload every time I log in (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76866212:57
faganmandel: pong12:58
mandelfagan: we did have a meeting for 2day regarding blueprints, right?12:58
faganmandel: I cant remember12:59
mandelhmm by brain does remember reading something about 9 ART so I guess it iwll be after the standup….13:00
ralsinamandel: pong13:06
ralsinaright after standup13:06
facundobatistaduanedesign, let me check13:22
* fagan droools over the new graphics here http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/ubuntu-one13:32
fagan(the mobile one in the middle of the page)13:33
facundobatistaduanedesign, he mentioned again an issue with the file '/home/tomas/Ubuntu One/Compiz-Elpraga-netbook-pared.profile'; this was uploaded ok at 2011-04-21 18:36:14,460, and never attempted to upload again13:34
facundobatistaso, we're ok in that front13:34
facundobatistanow checking the other file13:34
ralsinafagan mandel alecu dobey thisfred nessita standup in 9'13:51
faganyes captain13:53
* mandel back13:58
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
faganmandel: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/features/ubuntu-one isnt that image in the middle of the page supposed to be going into the u1 windows installer13:59
dobeywhat's with the upside-down musical note?13:59
=== jbrett- is now known as jbrett
fagandobey: I think its the design14:00
faganbut I love it14:00
fagan(we didnt lose anyone in the netsplit did we?)14:01
dobeyit looks weird14:01
dobeyfagan: no14:01
faganralsina: said he had to do something for 5 mins14:01
faganso I think nessita can go14:02
mandelfagan: yes, a similar image14:02
nessitaDONE: attempted to work on bug #762004 but had several technical difficulties14:03
nessitaTODO: blueprints, get a maverick install somehow14:03
nessitaBLOCKED: a little14:03
nessitaNEXT: fagan14:03
ubot4`Launchpad bug 762004 in ubuntuone-servers "Ubuntu One consumer secret differs from Ubuntu SSO leading to authentication failures (affects: 8) (dups: 2) (heat: 52)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76200414:03
alecume too14:03
fagan* more merge requests14:03
fagan* more of the UOW talk think ive gotten some nice topics to keep people interested14:03
fagan* went looking at some of the new ubuntu website14:03
fagan* finish the UOW talk14:03
fagan* maybe do some more bug reports :)14:03
fagan* go to the ubuntu ireland release party and have some fun with some nerds14:03
faganLeaving a little early to get ready and go to the ubuntu release party14:03
faganthisfred: go14:03
thisfredDONE: reading up on vala TODO: blueprints NEXT: mandel14:03
ralsinafagan: I'd like to check the UOW talk with you, please14:03
faganralsina: sure14:04
mandelDONE: More client code for the sd ipc code to be later used by control panel. There are several reviews that need a +1 from windows.14:04
mandelTODO: A little more on the avobe mentioned, move to control panel.14:04
mandelBLOCKED: no14:04
mandeldobey, do as you feel14:04
dobeyi think i'll go back to bed then14:04
dobeyλ DONE: protocol/client releases for 0-day SRU14:04
dobeyλ TODO: blueprints stuffs, finish nightlies fixes, maverick/lucid SRUs14:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:04
ralsinamandel: I will do reviews for you now14:04
dobeyralsina: y tu14:04
mandelralsina: ok, let me point yo to them in order i a pm14:04
ralsinaDONE: fight the power, TODO: windows reviews, UI work14:04
ralsinaBLOCKED: trying not to14:05
faganralsina: yeah ill just finish what im doing on the talk and then share the doc with you14:05
alecuDONE: playing with unity lenses and the amazon product advertisement api14:05
alecuTODO: blueprints and stuff14:05
alecuBLOCKED: no14:05
ralsinafagan: cool14:06
ralsina1 comment) thanks to nessita we may have the blueprints "talk" in a few minutes14:06
thisfredright I saw14:07
ralsinalet's keep it on IRC since there are at least 2 mumble-impaired members of the team now14:07
ralsina2) I am sorry if I have not been helpful the last few days, but I have been having way too many problems. I will try to do better.14:08
mandelso how do we sort this out? I mean the talk over irc?14:08
mandel'cause saying me does not seem to be a goo approach, is it?14:08
ralsina3) Congrats to all of you on this release, it seems to be going pretty smoothly (ok, not smoothly, but you have done a great job. High fives all around, etc)14:08
dobeymandel: what the me are you talking about?14:09
ralsinawe now have our own copy of the 'sheet so we can just claim them there in a column?14:09
ralsinaSince some are desktop + other groups, we also need to check not to create duplicate blueprints14:10
* ralsina is half thinking about creating a blueprint web app for next cycle because this is just cumbersome14:10
mandeldobey: I was mentioning, that saying 'me; as we do on the standup does not seem to be a good way to organize the conversation about the blue prints over irc14:10
dobeyeh web apps? what are those?14:10
nessitaralsina: we should ping CardinalFang, right?14:11
dobeynessita: and vds too probably?14:11
dobeyor not14:11
thisfredand who do we get from web mobile next cycle? ;)14:11
dobeynessita: CardinalFang isn't going to UDS14:11
nessitadobey: vds is not going to UDS... I thought that CardinalFang was14:12
nessitaseems like I'm mistaken :-)14:12
* vds not going to UDS14:12
CardinalFangI'm listening in remotely to UDS only.14:12
nessitaralsina, alecu, dobey, thisfred, mandel: new spreadsheet sent14:12
mandelnessita: the will be missed… even with the snore capabilities that vds has ;)14:13
thisfredI don't see it14:13
nessitaralsina: can we start in 8 minutes? I would like to make some mate first14:13
ralsinanessita: sure14:13
thisfredah got it14:13
nessitaI was planning on doing it before, but... :-P14:13
* dobey is already on mumble14:13
ralsinanessita: go and do it. it's my fault. I'll make you mate in Budapest.14:14
dobeysince the event request said it started 4 minutes ago14:14
mandelso, we use mumble?14:14
thisfredmandel: no14:14
ralsinano, let's try to do it here, nessita has no mumble14:14
ralsinaand dobey has to walk to use his ;-)14:14
ralsinaand I have no voice14:15
thisfredbut I must scream14:15
ralsinathisfred: awfully tempted. That short story creeped me out when I was a kid.14:15
* alecu gets some matecocido before it's too late.14:15
ralsinaThat one and "greener than you think"14:15
ralsinaoh, sorry about the mumble dobey14:16
ralsinaI know you like it so much14:16
dobey"Location: Mumble"14:21
dobeythis is what the invite says :)14:21
ralsinaI changed it :-)14:21
dobeyman i hate google docs14:22
ralsinadobey: you get a beer for actually trying to use mumble of your own free will ;-)14:22
mandeldobey: do you want me to join you in mumble, I know a couple of new jokes :)14:22
nessitamandel: in spanish or english?14:23
dobeyi already shut my laptop off, so no14:23
dobeynessita: doesn't matter14:23
mandeleng :P14:23
ralsinagoogle docs works better on android with the new app than on a PC14:23
ralsinaat least it lets you change accounts :-(14:23
thisfredalso I suspect that rather than "new" they'll be variations on an existing theme14:23
mandeloh, and now that I think about it, in spanish too :)14:23
* ralsina bets they involve sex or excrements14:23
dobeyor belgians14:24
nessitaI'm ready14:24
mandelin this case, s/belgians/vasc14:24
mandelnessita: for the jokes?14:24
thisfredI was just thinking sexcrement would be a good death metal band name14:24
thisfredapparently http://www.facebook.com/sexcrement agree14:25
mandeldobey: sorry, yes basque, I wrote in a diff lang14:25
nessitamandel: sure!14:25
nessitaalecu: you back with your mate cocido?14:25
alecuand reading this nonsense14:25
nessitaralsina: you ready?14:25
* ralsina rady14:25
nessitaok, so shall we?14:26
nessitaralsina: not sure if we should move to another channel though14:26
mandelI think we should, way too much noisein case someone has a bug14:26
* alecu loves the "Ubuntu One" orange box in the new http://www.ubuntu.com/14:26
mandelor problem14:26
dobeywell i'm all out of vodka, and orange juice, so give me a few minutes to run to the store14:26
ralsinadobey: early!14:26
ralsinaok, let's move to #u1-bp ?14:26
nessitaralsina: on canonical's IRC14:27
mandelbritish petroleum?14:27
mandelis it going to be THAT bad14:27
ralsinaok, #u1-bp on canonical14:27
dobeymandel: there's oil everywhere14:27
mandelthat is what she said14:27
mandel.me is happy that the joke went so well :)14:28
mandelI did plan for that answer :P14:28
dobeyi know you did14:28
* thisfred converted his autoqueue plugin to a dbus service so it will be easier to use from other software yesterday14:29
thisfredwith the added bonus that it's now much more async and blocks the ui way less14:31
duanedesignanyone have any ideas about what may be causing this bug 769176 ?14:31
ubot4`Launchpad bug 769176 in ubuntuone-client "Ubuntu One Reporting Incorrect File Storage Statistics (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76917614:31
facundobatistaduanedesign, regarding the other file from the bug... everything seems ok, in client and server logs14:43
facundobatistaduanedesign, 1'14:44
rmcbrideduanedesign: just saw your question from a couple hours ago about bug assignments. ops+ would typically get bugs assigned regarding server deployment, infrastructure/infrastructure tools, that sort of thing.14:47
rmcbrideHmm. space utilization inconsistencies. Haven't seen that in a while14:49
facundobatistaduanedesign, ok, the only thing we can do to keep exploring the issue is for the user to put logs in TRACE mode, so we can get an indication of why the server says the upload is corrupt14:51
duanedesignfacundobatista: ok. Thank you for the help.14:52
rmcbridehmm. useage is in low MBs. Could it be something to do with block allocation? that's not a lot of data these days14:54
duanedesignkarni: ping15:28
karniduanedesign: pong15:28
duanedesignhello hello15:29
karniduanedesign: hi!15:29
duanedesignkarni: was just catching up on some forum posts. I had one asking about android and file sync15:30
karniduanedesign: yes please15:30
karniduanedesign: I mean, do you heave a link ;D15:30
duanedesign;)  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174140515:30
karniduanedesign: thanks, replying15:34
faganralsina: ill be heading off in 15 minutes if you are going to check out that doc I linked just comment in the places if there are things you want to highlight or change15:43
faganI think I have most things covered already though15:44
faganbut im not scripting it im going to cherry pick bits and pieces on the day15:44
ralsinaI will check it later so you can look at it early tomorrow15:45
* ralsina is tempted to yell SCRIPT IT but will not ;-)15:45
faganralsina: well id be tempted to script with some python or bash but the AI would be very complicated15:47
* fagan wonders if he can push back UOW to write the script but pushing it back a year or two would be overkill 15:48
ralsinanah, I meant script it as in "have a script of things you want to say". Like a screenplay. Not like a program.15:50
faganralsina: hah I know I was messing. Yeah last time I did one of these talks I scripted it and it went a bit pair shaped because I wasnt really prepared for the particular crowd that turned up on the day15:53
faganralsina: so not having a script but having great notes is always a good option15:53
faganand as well it tends to time the chat in human readable speed when you have to type it out15:53
faganalthough I have scripted a few questions that might come up15:54
faganjust in case15:54
fagandropbox was a big one :)15:54
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
dobeylunch time, bbiab16:48
karniduanedesign: lol I forgot I was replying to that post like 2 hours ago17:03
karniduanedesign: you know what.. being on the other side I never know how much I can tell.. I guess "The app is being developed." won't be a satisfactory answer, will it?17:05
mandelkarni: i'd go for that and explain how much is left17:05
mandelkarni: is opensource right?17:06
mptHow do I reset the Ubuntu One Control Panel back to its initial state? I tried deleting its access at <https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications>, and deleting ~/.config/ubuntuone, but neither worked.17:06
karnimandel: yes it is17:06
mandelkarni: then point to the project and hope the jump in to help :)17:06
mandelin a polite manner, of course17:06
mandelwhich I have not been able to do on the windows side hehe17:06
alecumpt, use the "passwords and encryption keys" application (seahorse from the cmdline) to delete the "Ubuntu One" password.17:09
mptalecu, thanks, but that doesn't seem to work either -- I launch the control panel and it still flicks me to a screen showing my "Personal details"17:11
ralsinampt: remove your machine from the website17:12
mptAh, I need to do all three while the control panel is closed17:13
alecumpt, weird. I did just that (removing keys from the keyring) while the control panel was closed and when I re-opened it started on the initial screen.17:14
alecuyes, it looks like it had to be just closed. Nevermind.17:17
karnimandel: to tell the truth, I have purged more than half of the code and rewrote parts to use the new REST API so it'll take few more days at least to wrap this to a sensible state17:17
mandelkarni: makes sense :)17:17
duanedesignkarni: no worries17:18
karnimandel: plus, we were changing the API almost on a daily basis, so I'm hoping for the best that it stabilizes now :)17:18
duanedesignkarni: i can respond with something like 'an android app is on the roadmap' ?17:18
karniduanedesign: you can respond that "we're already on it ;)"17:19
mandelkarni: I'd sya just that, the app is on its way, but is being heavily developed and its current state is funky17:19
mandelis opensource, everyone understands that17:19
karniduanedesign: haha ↑ that's a good answer17:19
duanedesigncool, thanks17:21
nessitampt: hey there, I saw your message yesterday. About the control panel, you need to go to the Devices tab and remove your current device17:28
mptnessita, thanks, I just was having trouble reproducing bug 77250417:29
ubot4`Launchpad bug 772504 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "Control Panel scrolls after installing desktopcouch-ubuntuone (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77250417:29
nessitampt: do you have a design suggestion to solve that?17:32
nessitampt: no need to reproduce, is known, but we don't have a known design solution for it17:32
mptnessita, it looks like a bare-minimum fix would be to shorten or remove the "Install the Firefox extension for the sync service: bookmarks" text17:34
nessitampt: we can't remove the text :-). Shorten, maybe, but not suitable for a SRU (sadly)17:35
mptnessita, a larger fix would be to rearrange those three sync options (files, contacts, bookmarks) so that they're all in one row, or all in one column, instead of in the odd "L" shape.17:35
nessitampt: is kinda complicated for us (developers) to receive, sometimes, contradictory design guidelines from the design team. For this particular case, the design was given by ivanka and claire17:36
mptnessita, they probably didn't see this particular situation, since this is part-way between having none of the bits installed and having all of them installed17:37
nessitampt: we're happy to implement things that work for the end users. I also think that we could make a better use of our time (all of us) if there were more unified criteria between the design people/proposals. Do you think we can do something in this direction?17:38
mandelralsina: ping17:40
ralsinamandel: pong17:40
mandelralsina: did you have the time to take a look at the merge proposals?17:41
ralsinamandel: I am about to start on them. Sorry about the delay17:42
mandelralsina: no worries :)17:42
mandelralsina: is never late17:42
ralsinamandel: I have lots of worries if you need one!17:42
mptnessita, the only way I'm familiar with is to have one designer accountable for the results (I see you have a job opening for that at the moment, good), and to make that designer publish a design specification and keep it up to date with every new UI-related bug report.17:43
mandelralsina: nha, I've got enough with what I've got17:43
nessitampt: that sounds good, and I would love to see something like that happening this incoming cycle. We have several things to improve at UI level.17:44
mptnessita, I see there's a design specification for the control panel, but it doesn't seem to cover the component installation at all.17:45
nessitampt: right, that is another doc, let me point you at it17:49
* mandel walks dog17:54
dobeywe have a job opening for that?18:03
ralsinadobey, alecu, nessita, thisfred: we need MORE blueprints18:04
ralsinaand MORE sessions for UDS18:05
ralsinaso let's not be so picky about things being session-worthy18:05
ralsinaalso, browse the full list and see if there's something there you like that was not on the shorter list18:05
nessitaralsina: more bp from desktop? or from all the os team?18:07
ralsinaalso mandel: ^18:07
ralsinamore from desktop+18:07
ralsinaapparently our proposal list is the smallest ever ;-)18:08
ralsinanessita: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/reviews/software/366910/ubuntu-linux-11-04/2 "the most interesting update here is the Ubuntu One Control Panel"18:10
alecuralsina, I'm on 9 blueprints... do you need moar?18:10
ralsinaalecu: 9?18:11
alecuralsina, I can always drop some18:11
ralsinaalecu: no, but maybe a few of those are worth sessions?18:11
ralsinaalso, nessita, can you add parrino to the document?18:11
alecuralsina, nessita: cool article!18:12
dobeyralsina: uhm, MORE what?18:12
ralsinadobey: more sessions,18:12
ralsinaalso: everything with a name is a blueprint?18:12
* dobey makes a glados-o-the-cake-is-a-lie blueprint18:13
ralsinaof course it is. No wonder the list was short ;-)18:13
dobeyi am totally confused then18:14
fader_Hey folks, is there anywhere to directly download the u1 music streaming app apk without going through the android market?18:17
fader_(For Android)18:17
ralsinadobey: it seems to me the number of blueprints is actually ok, but the number of sessions proposed is low.18:20
dobeyralsina: i don't understand that. sessions are blueprints18:21
dobeykarni, CardinalFang, beuno: ^^ can you help fader_?18:22
ralsinadobey: blueprints are tasks for the cycle. Sessions are groups of people sitting in a rm talking about a blueprint.18:22
karnifader_: dobey: I'm sure CardinalFang has the latest build published to the market, he's not around ATM though18:23
dobeyralsina: UDS Sessions are scheduled by having blueprints18:23
dobeyralsina: a blueprint named appropriately on the Ubuntu distribution, is scheduled as a session18:23
karnifader_: if we won't ping you soon, please drop by tomorrow :)18:23
ralsinadobey: so *I* am confused18:23
fader_dobey, karni: Thanks! :)  I'll hang out here in case someone comes up with a URL for me, and ping you guys tomorrow if not.18:24
karnifader_: good :)18:24
beunofader_, I can get you teh apk, one sec18:24
fader_beuno: <318:25
ralsinanessita: add chipaca to the doc please?18:30
nessitaralsina: yessir!18:31
Chipacahold on, i already have this doc18:32
Chipacadear google docs, you sometimes are puzzlingly puzzling18:32
dobeyyeah, also, do not try to zoom on google docs. spreadsheets really do not like it when you do that18:33
ralsinaChipaca: no, it's not that doc. It looks like that doc, but is not the doc you think.18:33
Chipacai just noticed18:33
Chipacayou tricking tricksters18:33
Chipacaralsina: are there links to blueprints anywhere?18:35
ralsinaChipaca: good idea, we should add the links as they are created.18:35
ralsinanessita, alecu, dobey, thisfred, mandel: ^18:35
Chipacaralsina: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+spec/foundations-o-agile-networked-clients might be the same thing as #4318:35
alecuralsina, ack18:36
nessitaChipaca: are our bp called desktop-o or other-o or other-ubunutone-o?18:37
dobeyChipaca: yes. that is an extension of the non-discussion on ubuntu-devel-discuss yes?18:37
dobeynessita: <mostappropriatetrack>-o-<name>18:38
dobeyand i am pretty sure there is no other track this time round18:38
Chipacadobey: that is the last chance for anybody to raise any issues before we go forth and do it18:38
ralsinaChipaca: yes, 43 fits there18:38
dobeyChipaca: ok18:38
nessitadobey: right, but I would like us to be consistent, and the more appropiate for you may not be the same than for others18:38
ralsinaif noone argues none cares and we have free hand to spread a reign of terror ^W^W^W appropiate update policy.18:39
Chipacanessita: did you read jcastro's email?18:39
nessitaChipaca: I did, and after reading it this doubt came to me18:40
dobeynessita: most all our stuff should be desktop-o18:40
Chipacaor foundations-o-18:40
Chipacaand man, am i upset about the plural there18:40
dobey*most* :)18:40
Chipacafoundation-o-<something> is *so* much awesomer18:40
dobeycore-o- is much more awesomer18:41
dobeyso the schedule has QR codes now18:42
dobeyin like the most horrible place on the page for taking a picture of a qr code can be18:42
* ralsina tries to figure out how to justify blueprint lion-o-rama18:48
CardinalFangfader_, beuno, did you get it worked out, downloading of the Android package?19:15
fader_CardinalFang: Nope, not yet... do you have a URL I can try?19:19
beunoCardinalFang, oooop, I forgot, do you ahve it handy?19:19
CardinalFangOh! If only I had a way to share files!  Oh!  I do.  One sec.19:21
CardinalFangfader_, beuno,   http://ubuntuone.com/p/pAo/19:23
fader_CardinalFang: Thanks!  :D19:24
CardinalFangA pleasure.19:24
fader_CardinalFang: Hmm, not to be a pain, but do you have an MD5 for that?  adb is complaining about it when I try to install19:25
CardinalFangfader_,  365bce650c2d712ba44e1a8e903d6c2819:26
fader_Yeah, that's what I got.  Hmm.19:27
fader_It's probably something on my end though... I'll beat on it :)19:27
mandelralsina: ping19:27
CardinalFangfader_, what's the complaint?  logcat say anything useful?19:28
fader_CardinalFang: nothing that I can immediately tell in logcat, though my android 'skills' consist of carefully following directions :)19:29
fader_adb tells me: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR]19:29
fader_when I try to do adb install19:29
CardinalFangHuh. fader_, what version of Android?19:30
CardinalFangfader_, "adb logcat" and look for that error.19:31
fader_CardinalFang: froyo-ish.  It's a B&N nook color on its 1.2 firmware.  So I fully expect breakage and don't expect much support :)19:31
CardinalFangfader_, Hrm.19:31
ralsinamandel; pong19:32
ralsinamandel: doing reviews, doing reviews!19:32
fader_CardinalFang: It's entirely possible that something is still read-only on the device; I've seen evidence of that when poking around19:33
fader_(Though other apks have installed so I know it's at least possible to get that far)19:33
mandelralsina: cool, 'cause you have another one in the q: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/add_ipc_client_code_4/+merge/5940819:33
ralsinaadding it!19:33
fader_CardinalFang: Here's what logcat says when I attempt: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600391/19:35
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mandelralsina: you will see that most of it is boring stuff, mostly adding test coverage and some remote methods and signals… very boring19:36
=== kklimonda is now known as Guest52186
=== Guest52186 is now known as kklimonda`
CardinalFangfader_, "Error opening devmapper (No such file or directory)".  I'm guessing that's something about it trying to install the package to external storage, but it can't find or use it somehow.19:41
CardinalFang"E/PackageHelper( 1698): Failed to create secure container smdl2tmp1" "E/DefContainer( 1698): Failed to create container smdl2tmp1"19:41
fader_CardinalFang: Huh, weird... good call though!  I removed the SD card and it installed without a hitch.19:42
fader_Now to see if it runs ;)19:42
ralsinamandel: boring is good19:46
mandelralsina: well, might be good for the manager, for the guy doing it is a diff story ;)19:47
ralsinayeah, my life has been too exciting this week ;-)19:48
fader_CardinalFang: It is indeed working... thanks again for the help!19:48
CardinalFangfader_, nice.  You're welcome.19:48
CardinalFangfader_, I've never seen it on a large screen before.  Take a photo, if you can, please.19:49
fader_CardinalFang: I have to admit that I got the idea from mattgriffin :)  But sure, give me a couple of minutes and I'll get some quick pics.19:49
fader_CardinalFang: http://ubuntuone.com/p/pBH http://ubuntuone.com/p/pBI http://ubuntuone.com/p/pBJ19:54
fader_If there are specific other views you'd like shots of I am happy to oblige19:54
CardinalFangfader_, perfect.  If you see any album art, I want to know if it looks good on that size.  I don't think I anticipated the screen being larger than the image.19:56
fader_CardinalFang: Should the album art show up anywhere other than the list of albums for a given artist?20:00
fader_That's the only place I see it (pic coming shortly)20:00
karniA train has derailed near Lebork. 10 hours is way to short to clean up 5 wagons in Poland. Not good for my travel (or no travel at all).20:44
ralsinaI am taking 3 hours off, see you guys in.... 3 hours.21:11
dobeyuh, you won't be seeing me in no 3 hours :)21:12
dobeylater all22:06

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