
Kokitohello folks06:33
holsteinhey Kokito 06:33
holsteinanything new with you?06:33
Kokitonot much holstein 06:37
Kokitobeen busy with work this week, so no time or energy for ubuntu :)06:37
Kokitoright now I am hanging out with some friends06:37
holsteini just got home myself06:38
holsteinwatching some tube06:38
Kokitohow about you06:38
holsteinhad the last of a 3 week residency at a local theatre06:38
holsteinjust a weekly thing really06:39
holstein3 wednesdays in a row06:39
DavieyHello... Anyone around11:13
Daviey(somewhat urgent)11:13
aboganiAbout what?11:14
Davieyabogani, Where are the natty release notes?11:14
aboganiDaviey: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta11:15
Davieyabogani, erm, for ubuntu studio?11:15
DavieyWe were expecting it to be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/11.04release_notes 11:16
aboganiDaviey: Only official release notes are avaiable *before* effective release.11:19
Davieyabogani, wait what?11:20
aboganiDaviey: Anyone of you testing it?11:20
Davieyabogani, I'm looking for the Ubuntu Studio release notes for Natty final, so a link can be included in the official ubuntu release announcement.11:21
aboganiDaviey: So you have to talk with ScottL11:21
Davieyabogani, Do you have any way of getting hold of him quickly?11:23
aboganiDaviey: no sorry :-(11:23
DavieyScottL, Can you please make sure https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/11.04release_notes is updated please.  I'm going to copy content from the tech overview for now11:33
ScottLDaviey, that is what effectively what i was going to do13:11
MocchiPing ScottL.14:46
scott-workhmmm, ping and run?15:17

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