
=== frederickjh is now known as frederickjh_away
zushello - all14:26
=== Spyder99 is now known as Veloce06
holsteinkeantoken: o/18:44
keantokenMy OS wants to upgrade to Narwhal, will this break anything in Ubuntustudio? Or cause other awful annoyances?18:46
holsteinyour OS?18:46
holsteinkeantoken: dont let it push you around18:46
holsteinwhat do you want to do?18:46
* holstein is still running 10.0418:46
holsteinyou should do what makes you comfortable18:47
holsteinis there any known issues?18:47
holsteinyou should be fine*18:47
holsteinwould i?18:47
holsteinbut, ugrading still takes longer that a fresh install18:47
holsteinso, i sometimes do it to test the procedure18:47
holsteinbut, i almost always do a fresh install18:48
keantokenOk thanks.18:48
keantokenWould it be slower and more bloated?18:49
holsteinmaybe faster?18:49
holsteinreally depends18:49
holsteinbut, barring some driver issue with a newer kernel18:49
holsteinit wont get slower18:49
keantokenI think Flash is causing strange problems with my graphics.18:53
keantokenFirefox keeps telling me it crashed.18:53
holsteini dont do flash on my production machine18:53
holsteinit should be stable18:53
holsteinkeantoken: you using FF4?18:53
holsteinand you have flash up to date?18:53
keantokenI have FF 3.618:54
keantokenTo my knowledge it updates automatically as I have seen it do, but I will check18:54
holsteinkeantoken: i added a PPA for ff18:54
holsteinsudo apt-add-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable18:55
holsteinsudo apt-get update18:55
holsteinsudo apt-get upgrade18:55
keantokenWhy should I get FF4?18:56
holsteinyou dont have to18:57
holsteinif you're having flash issues with ff18:57
holsteini would suggest upgrading or downgrading FF and/or flash18:57
holsteinto try and figure out the cause18:58
holstein+, FF4 is just better18:58
holsteinno reason not to have FF418:58
holsteinunless you just dont want to18:58
holsteinwhich is fine18:58
keantokenI assumed FF3 would upgrade itself to FF4 when it was ready.18:59
holsteinkeantoken: no19:00
holsteinthats not the way it works19:00
holsteinyou get ubuntu19:00
holsteinsay, verion 10.1019:00
holsteinand FF is at the 3.0 stage19:00
holsteinyou get that verion upgraded19:00
holsteinif there is a rev to 3.x19:01
holsteina security fix19:01
holsteinto jump to a newer version19:01
holsteinyou need to build yourself19:01
holsteinOR use a PPA19:01
holsteinff4 has been out for a month or so?19:01
holsteinsomething like that19:01
keantokenI just discovered Swiftfox, but it looks like it is based on Firefox 3 source code. If I built FF4 on my system would I effectively get a Swiftfox version of FF4?19:03
keantokenOptimized to me processor etc?19:03
holsteinff4 is fast again19:04
holsteini would just try it19:04
holsteinand see if its still an issue19:04
keantokenI guess I should try to fix flash before installing new things...19:05
holsteinwell, i would check that flash is up to date19:05
holsteintry flash in other browsers19:05
holsteinsudo apt-get install chromium-browser19:05
holsteinfor example19:05
holsteinor midori19:05
holsteinsee if you can isolate what the issue is19:05
holsteinim just postulating its FF319:06
holsteinsince, i dont have flash issues19:06
keantokenThanks, will do now.19:08

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