
charlie-tcaXubuntu 11.04 is officially released! Thanks to everybody for the hard work making this a great release!13:25
charlie-tcaWell, we didn't get the news release done though. Anyone?13:37
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beardygnomehi all, anyone successfully upgraded from maverick to natty today?18:12
beardygnomei get "can not mark 'xubuntu-desktop' for upgrade" every time i try18:13
pleia2charlie-tca: I think vinnl usually handles posting, but if you or someone wants to draft something up I can post it too18:16
micahgbeardygnome: do you have ubuntu-desktop installed?18:28
beardygnomemicahg: no, i don't have any other -desktop package installed18:29
micahgbeardygnome: can you look in /var/log/dist-upgrade to see what's failing?18:29
beardygnomecharlie thinks that my encrypted home directory might be the issue18:30
beardygnomemicahg: which file should i look in?18:30
micahgapt.log maybe?18:30
beardygnomelots of broken packages listed in there18:32
charlie-tcaWhat is the first broken package?18:32
beardygnomeBroken libwebkit-1.0-2:i386 Depends on libwebkit-1.0-common [ i386 ] < 1.2.7-1~mmwkt1 > ( libs ) (>= 1.2.7)18:33
beardygnome  Considering libwebkit-1.0-common:i386 1 as a solution to libwebkit-1.0-2:i386 518:33
beardygnome  Added libwebkit-1.0-common:i386 to the remove list18:33
beardygnome  Fixing libwebkit-1.0-2:i386 via keep of libwebkit-1.0-common:i38618:33
micahgbeardygnome: ah, it's one of your PPAs18:34
beardygnomei have the chromium-daily ppa enabled, i think that's where libwebkit comes from18:35
micahgorly?  that shouldn't be there18:35
beardygnomeshould i remove all ppas and roll back the packages?18:35
micahgbeardygnome: chromium has its own internal webkit18:36
beardygnomei also have the yorba shotwell ppa18:37
micahgapt-cache policy libwebkit-1.0-common should tell you which PPA it is18:37
beardygnomeit's from my MiserWare Granola ppa18:38
beardygnomeman I have so much stuff installed that i'd forgotten about!18:38
beardygnomeshould i disable the ppa and install the software?18:38
micahgbeardygnome: you could run ppa-purge on it if you don't care about it18:39
beardygnomei do care about keeping it after the upgrade18:39
micahgbeardygnome: I think it just downgrades the packages from the PPA and comments out the source line18:40
beardygnomethe package also comes from the webkit-team ppa18:40
beardygnomewhich i thought i needed to install chromium18:41
beardygnomei'll try to downgrade it and disable the ppa18:41
micahgnope, chromium is self contained18:41
charlie-tcabeardygnome: Mondays at 19:00 UTC for meetings?19:06
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, Hey. Do you need me to help update the Xubuntu website?19:20
cody-somervilleIt doesn't appear to be updated for the release.19:21
charlie-tcayes, please19:22
charlie-tcait hasn't been updated yet, as far as I know19:22
cody-somervillehas anyone prepared anything?19:22
charlie-tcaI got hit hard by an episode, and got behind19:23
cody-somervilleOkay. Just got a notice from IS. They're setting up caching in front of Xubuntu.org so authenticated pages aren't going to be available until they get an ssl pathway setup.19:24
cody-somervilleie. I can't update content until after they're done with that.19:24
cody-somervillecharlie-tca, While we're waiting, who can help create the content?19:24
charlie-tcaOhj, goody19:24
charlie-tcame, I guess19:25
cody-somervilleDo we have release notes?19:25
charlie-tcaI used the ubuntu release notes this time, I have two sections for Xubuntu, one general and one for bugs19:25
cody-somervilleSo the things we need to update on the website I guess are:19:26
cody-somerville * News entry for release19:26
cody-somerville * Download page19:26
charlie-tcaWe replaced exaile with gmusicbrowser, upgraded Xfce to 4.819:26
charlie-tcayes, please19:26
cody-somerville * Tour page19:26
cody-somervilleand last but not least,19:27
charlie-tcaDid a lot of bug fixes with 4.819:27
cody-somerville * Front page19:27
pleia2we have plans to update all the screenshots and things in the coming weeks19:27
pleia2(there are also updates elsewhere that need to be done)19:27
* pleia2 needs to finish thorough review of site for lingering issues19:27
charlie-tcaMaybe just try to get the news release and download page?19:27
cody-somervilleNews, Download, and Frontpage are the only mandatory bits  yea19:28
cody-somerville(front page because it says 'Xubuntu 10.10 is now available!')19:28
charlie-tcabut we can't do anything yet?19:28
cody-somervilleCorrect. IS tells me it'll be an hour or two19:29
charlie-tcaOkay, that will have to work then19:29
charlie-tcaI couldn't believe it when I woke up at 6am and it was already out19:30
charlie-tcaThank you for doing that, cody-somerville 19:32
* cody-somerville_ is without power and my modem keeps resetting (I assume its going into power saving mode and only keeping the telephony stuff up).19:34
knomecody-somerville_, will the IS set up staging.xubuntu.org for us at the same time? their last "we promise" date was 6 days ago19:35
charlie-tcagoing to be a long day again...19:36
knomeisn't it always?19:37
cody-somerville_Do we have an equivalent of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/MaverickMeerkat/Final for the natty release?19:38
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
cody-somervilleknome, I have no idea about that. I can look into it sometime for you though.19:39
knomecody-somerville, unless you can do it yourself, don't worry. somebody is already on it, i'm just wondering which one of their ETA's will keep19:39
charlie-tcacody-somerville: no, I did not have time to do it19:40
charlie-tcaand my brain is about dead after testing images for so manyh d19:40
charlie-tcamany days this time 19:40
cody-somervilleOkay, so I've whipped up http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/600393/ for the news article - largely just took the content of Maverick's release announcement and filled in the blanks.19:43
knome"Get it while it's hot" is nice, but not one month from now19:43
knomemaybe we should reconsider the wording19:43
charlie-tcaLooks wonderful to me19:44
TheSheepit's always hot19:44
charlie-tcaIf they haven't gotten it, it is HOT for them to get it19:45
knomethen 6.04 is hot as well;)19:45
TheSheepit is19:45
charlie-tcaIf you are reading old news announcements, why would you expect them to apply today?19:48
cody-somervillenews articles are dated19:48
charlie-tcaThe announcement is not meant to cover months/years, but the day it is published19:48
micahgknome: you mean 6.06 and that's a different type of hot :)19:49
charlie-tcaThat's so hot it is EOL19:50
charlie-tcabut if you go back and read the original announcement, ... (:19:50
micahgwell, 6.06 server has 1 more month19:51
charlie-tcaThat doesn't apply to Xubuntu19:51
charlie-tcaWe are a desktop environment only19:51
charlie-tcaI would even be willing to bet the links in that announcement are no longer working19:52
charlie-tcabut that doesn't mean we won't publish links in our announcements in the future19:52
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
knomecharlie-tca, maybe better to let go20:55
charlie-tcaHe was very rude in #ubuntu+1, also20:56
knomeif you think he is violating the CoC, point him to it and give a warning. usually that just leads to more bad behaviour though... he's been okay at #xubuntu so far, tbh20:57
charlie-tcaknome: thank you. You are right this time. I will not respond to him again20:59
charlie-tcaI really need to get off line. I can't hardly see for being sick21:00
knomeokay, try to get better and get a good rest21:01
knomewe'll keep the channel civil :)21:01
charlie-tcaHaven't been able to sleep in 48 hours now21:01
knomedoesn't sound so good21:02
charlie-tcadoesn't feel so good either. but we do our best anyway 21:02

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