
Mamarokapachelogger: I feel honored *bows*00:10
apacheloggerMamarok: we need a dancing night in randa :D00:12
Mamarokapachelogger: sounds like a plan :)00:20
Mamarokmarkey: ^00:20
markeyso that will be sandsmark00:21
apacheloggermarkey: sandsmark is the night? :O00:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
c2tarunin ktown there are some versions of application newer than 4.6.3, do we have to pack newer version or 4.6.3 only?05:08
ScottK4.6.3 only.05:13
=== real_ate_ is now known as real_ate
c2tarunbambee: hey :)09:16
c2tarunbambee: you packing kde-workspace?09:16
c2tarunbambee: you packing kde-workspace?09:17
bambeeNo time. I will package it this evening. You can package it if you want :)09:17
c2tarunbambee: sure I just uploaded kdebindings, if it build there before you returned I'll take it :)09:18
bambee(I've a lot of work to do today...)09:18
c2tarunbambee: no prob :)09:18
bambeec2tarun: don't forget to check symbols and to build with pbuilder before uploading it ;)09:20
c2tarunbambee: sure :)09:20
bambeehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykwqXuMPsoc  o_O09:35
c2tarunbambee: nice :)09:37
* bambee imagines this video at the previous UDS... lol09:37
c2tarundebfx: ping09:41
c2tarunbambee: I just read an update on ninja packaging page to bump the version of kde-sc-dev-latest (this update was not there before), I uploaded few pacakges but didn't bumped there versions. Is there any way to fix them without uploading a new ppa version?09:49
debfxc2tarun: pong09:52
bambeeI don't think so, launchpad will reject your packages because the same packages with the same version already exist...09:52
c2tarunbambee: they are accepted, I got the mail.09:52
bambeeI've no ideas09:53
c2tarundebfx:  I just read an update on ninja packaging page to bump the version of kde-sc-dev-latest (this update was not there before), I uploaded few pacakges but didn't bumped there versions. Is there any way to fix them without uploading a new ppa version?09:53
debfxc2tarun: no, you need to upload a new version09:53
c2tarundebfx: ohh... :( anyway I'll upload :) thanks09:54
debfxyofel: kde4libs symbols file need to be updated: http://paste.kde.org/40087/09:55
yofeldebfx: oops, thanks, I missed that somehow10:12
jussithere seems to be a distinct lack of kubuntu people going to be at UDS this time :/10:20
apacheloggerjussi: arch is the new kubuntu10:31
jussiapachelogger: are you going ?10:32
apacheloggerto arch?10:32
apacheloggerwindows 710:32
apacheloggerit is the cutez building10:33
jussioh lol10:34
jussiapachelogger: I meant to UDS10:35
apacheloggerah, yes10:35
apacheloggeralso, mingw is apparently so utter shit that their make does not do multiple jobs10:35
apacheloggerhow lame is that10:35
jussibtw, is there a current (natty) replacement for stasks? (ie. to get the icons only in the taskbar)10:36
apacheloggerstasks - the broken concept10:36
apacheloggerjussi: so, why does stasks not work anymore?10:37
jussi!find stasks10:38
ubottuFile stasks found in gplcver, libapache-mod-jk-doc10:38
jussiapachelogger: it doesnt seem to be in the repos anymore? 10:38
yofelplasma-widget-smooth-tasks ?10:38
jussi!info plasma-widget-smooth-tasks10:38
ubottuplasma-widget-smooth-tasks (source: plasma-widget-smooth-tasks): alternate task manager plasma widget. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0~wip20100227-1.1 (natty), package size 283 kB, installed size 684 kB10:38
jussioh bah10:38
apacheloggerjussi: to say it with the words of our mom Debian... RTFM :P10:39
jussiapachelogger: shssshhhshshshshh :P10:39
* apachelogger waves fist10:39
apacheloggeroh goody10:40
apacheloggerI think the youtube royal transmissions are on10:40
lucidfoxsmooth-tasks is buggy, though -_-10:40
lucidfoxI couldn't get it to retain launchers10:40
jussiapachelogger: http://www.celebritysmackblog.com/2011/04/29/royal-wedding-watch-online-ustream-streaming/ ;P10:40
apacheloggercause it is the shitz10:40
apacheloggerwhen I am getting married I want equally crazy stuff10:41
* apachelogger likes them cars10:43
jussiapachelogger: you are getting married? :P ;P10:45
apacheloggersure, why not?10:46
* DarkwingDuck mutters10:46
apacheloggerweddings are awesome10:46
DarkwingDuckdang wife woke me up for a blasted wedding or something :P:P10:47
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: I hope you are watching on the youtubez10:47
apacheloggerwith live commentary in textual form10:47
apacheloggerthis is actually much bettar than silly television, people are constantly talking shit there10:48
DarkwingDuckNope.... I'm more worried about my credit card getting sold from the hack on the playstation network10:48
DarkwingDuckOh my apachelogger.... American TV is gushing about it... rather pathedic IMO10:48
apacheloggereveryone is going the crazy10:49
DarkwingDuckYeah... wife wakes me up... So I figured this would be a good time to upgrade my perduction desktop to 11.0410:49
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you should like watch the flipping queen10:49
apacheloggeractually I wonder if she got a face lift at some point, she looks better than her son10:50
DarkwingDuckflipping queen? :D Never heard it put so.... elegantly10:50
apacheloggeroh oh oh the bride!10:51
DarkwingDuckIs she wearing her famous see-through dress from teh uni fasion show??10:51
apacheloggerit is not to be seen clearly10:52
apacheloggerit is a big sekrit it would appear10:52
tsimpsonit's white... and frilly10:52
apacheloggermaybe they should have used a car with tainted windows or something10:52
* apachelogger giggles10:52
DarkwingDuckBAH If it's not that dress then I'm not bothering watching.10:53
apacheloggerzomg she looks the gorgeous10:53
apacheloggeractually she really should be working on that royal waving of hers10:54
jussitsimpson: you realise by saying that you just admitted you are watching... :P10:54
apacheloggerI think DarkwingDuck is the only person on planet earthz not watching10:55
tsimpsonjussi: it's on just about every channel, not much choice ;)10:55
apacheloggertsimpson has a point there10:55
tsimpsonplus, who doesn't love a good wedding :)10:55
apacheloggertoday when I got up at like 9 I was trying to watch news10:55
apacheloggerno dice10:55
apacheloggertsimpson: ack ack10:55
DarkwingDuckhehehe... I'd be pissed if I had to shell out 20 million pounds of my taxes for a silly wedding10:55
apacheloggeroh, but the advertisement and stuff10:56
jussiDarkwingDuck: bah, 20 mill between 60 million people is less than a pound a person. plus, count the tourism dollars that come back because of it...10:56
DarkwingDuckjussi: Not the point :P:P10:57
apacheloggerI think there is also immediate gain from television license fee stuff10:57
DarkwingDuckAnyway... I'm too much of a socialist to actually care about taxes10:57
apacheloggerso, what I am wondering, why are the streets of london so dirty?10:57
apacheloggerare they always like that?10:57
tsimpsonprobably filling in pot-holes or something10:58
DarkwingDuckI loved the horse crap in teh streets10:58
apacheloggertsimpson: that might just e the reason10:59
apacheloggerwho would have thought10:59
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: you attending UDS?10:59
apacheloggerno, I am watching a wedding11:00
* DarkwingDuck thwaps11:00
jussigot something fun for you all to read (especially europeans) http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FmSTLnC&h=ae74111:00
apacheloggerwe dont have time for this11:01
* apachelogger notes that diana's dress was superior11:02
apacheloggeroh oh oh11:02
tsimpsondiana had the longest dress trail in royal wedding history </factoid>11:02
apacheloggerhence the dress was supreme11:03
apacheloggerkate got the better hair though11:03
RiddellI can't belive you're actually talking about a wedding of people you've never met11:05
tsimpsonlook at twitter, apparently lots of people are...11:06
DarkwingDuckRiddell: I got woken up for it dammit...11:06
DarkwingDuckits 3a here11:06
DarkwingDuckI'll think tomorrow I'll watch footage of the royal wedding adn audio from Monty Pythons Flying Circus11:07
apacheloggerRiddell: one does not need to know the people to enjoy a wedding11:07
* apachelogger would argue it is not really about the people anyway11:07
RiddellDarkwingDuck: 3am!  this wedding could count as cause for divorce I'd say :)11:10
Riddellwell I'm going for a canoe, far more productive11:11
apacheloggerah, boring stuff starts11:11
* jussi would laugh if anonymous or someone hacked the wedding streams :P11:11
DarkwingDuckRiddell: She was squeeking at the telly in our room and woke me up.11:11
* apachelogger continues fiddling with qt on windows11:11
DarkwingDuckSo I'm updating my home server to 11.0411:11
apacheloggerRiddell: have fun :D11:11
DarkwingDuckohhhh jussi wanna have some fun? :D11:11
DarkwingDuckI have all seasons of Monty Python's Flying Circus....11:12
DarkwingDuckWould be a great video or audio cutin11:12
apacheloggerjussi: post it on twitt0r11:12
apacheloggerwith any luck someone feel compelled to do it11:12
jussiapachelogger: Im not that much of an anarchist...11:12
apacheloggerthen we can watch the python instead11:12
DarkwingDuckI think anonops will be lying low after getting blamed for the Playstation hack11:12
jussimind, I would laugh if someone put the audio of the  wedding bit from the princess bride there :P11:13
DarkwingDuckwuv, tru wuv11:13
* apachelogger aint is not no understanding11:14
jussiapachelogger: see the video11:14
DarkwingDuckjussi: you coming back to the states for UDS-P?11:14
jussiDarkwingDuck: depends on my involvement next cycle and canonicals sponsorship policy ;)11:15
DarkwingDuckjussi: Aye, I'm going to try and make it again... I'd be there for UDS-O but I had passport issues11:16
jussiDarkwingDuck: not an acceptable excuse :P11:16
* apachelogger throws the stinking windows out the stinking door and reboots to youbuntoo11:17
apacheloggeran operating system11:19
DarkwingDuckisn't that the yucky one?11:19
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error?11:19
jussi"Mawwige, is what bwings us togevar, today..."11:21
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: are you trying to build in a live environment?11:21
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: what is live environment? BTW I am on a ec2.11:22
* DarkwingDuck ponders11:22
DarkwingDuckis /home/ubuntu/kdeedu/kdeedu-4.6.3/kanagram/ a valid location on your sys?11:23
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: yes11:23
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: as far as I can tell from the limited sleep I have it has to do with CMake doesn't knwo what to do with LIBKEDUVOCDOCUMENT_INCLUDE_DIR11:25
* c2tarun thought cmake doesn't know the value of LIBKEDUVOCDOCUMENT_INCLUDE_DIR11:25
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: how can I fix it?11:26
DarkwingDuckGimme a sec, checking something before I talk out of my ass too mcuh :D11:26
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: sure :)11:26
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: try installing libkdeedu411:29
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: in a google run it seems to be related.11:29
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: trying11:30
DarkwingDuckand libkdeedu-dev11:30
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: ^^11:30
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
yofelkdeedu needs to build without that though in the buildds, considering it's been ripped into pieces in git and this is the first try to bundle things together again it might very well fail11:31
c2tarunyofel: can you please explain a bit, I am not getting.11:32
Quintasany u not do kdebase anyone?11:32
* Quintasan takes it11:32
DarkwingDuckyofel: ahhh, I was basing it off of every error I've seen that in had to do with libkdeedu11:32
yofel"kdeedu" doesn't exists anymore in trunk, since it was split into the seperate projects during the git move. That affects 4.6 too though so now they need to somehow put the stable branches together again11:33
Quintasanc2tarun: How's your packaging experience so far?11:33
DarkwingDuckyofel: well that sucks11:33
c2tarunQuintasan: not much, just few11:33
yofelDarkwingDuck: sure, sounds likely, it's just that libkdeedu is part of kdeedu, so this shouldn't fail11:33
yofelthen again...11:33
yofelc2tarun: try what DarkwingDuck said anyway11:34
Quintasanc2tarun: not much, as in shitty experience or you're doing good?11:34
DarkwingDuckyofel: I don't see what else it could be though...11:34
DarkwingDuckUnless the modules were not loading correctly11:34
DarkwingDuckOr, they are pointing to the wrong locaion in Cmake11:34
c2tarunQuintasan: not much means, in case of any problem I need to ask somebody, I cant solve them by myself11:35
* DarkwingDuck needs to finish learning packaging11:35
DarkwingDuckis this wedding over? I need sleep and while the wife has the telly on in the room I wont be able to sleep11:36
QuintasanDarkwingDuck: lol11:37
QuintasanDarkwingDuck: it will take at least two hours more11:37
DarkwingDuckdammit! LOL11:37
Quintasanc2tarun: well, that's bound to happen at the beginning11:37
c2tarunQuintasan: yup :)11:37
Riddelltwo hours to say "aye alright"?11:37
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: lemme know if it works11:38
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: sure11:38
QuintasanRiddell: British wedding magic11:38
RiddellQuintasan: English11:38
QuintasanRiddell: in Poland the whole ceremony takes two hours and then you eat and drink till you can't go off from the table :P11:39
apacheloggernot under the table?11:39
c2tarunDarkwingDuck yofel: it failed again but with different error http://paste.ubuntu.com/600663/11:40
DarkwingDuckQuintasan: sounds a lot like my wedding11:40
Quintasanapachelogger: You can end up under the table if you really want to11:40
yofelgah, that CMakeLists.txt seems to be a mess...11:40
apacheloggerseems more sensible to me11:40
* yofel tries to build kdeedu here11:41
Quintasanapachelogger: ending up under the table?11:41
* apachelogger overheats his machine a bit11:41
DarkwingDuckIf I was on something other then my xoom....11:41
c2tarunyofel: if it gets build with you, please do tell me what is the problem and how to fix it.11:42
apacheloggerwhat I find super odd .... my cores heat up to some >95 C, yet the fan is not at highest roation speed11:42
yofelhm, need to download it first, it wasn't up yet when I got the tars11:42
* apachelogger blames youbuntoo11:42
DarkwingDuckc2tarun: well, at least the first error didn't come back. :P11:42
QuintasanWe're building for natty and maverick, right?11:43
DarkwingDuckSo, we fixed that to introduce another. heh11:43
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: yup :)11:43
yofelQuintasan: natty only for now11:43
c2tarunQuintasan: there is nothing about mav on that page11:43
DarkwingDuckOkay, i'm goign to try and get back to sleep.11:43
* Quintasan testbuilds against both usually11:43
c2tarunQuintasan: ninja packaging page.11:43
DarkwingDuckgood luck c2tarun 11:43
QuintasanDarkwingDuck: good luck to you too :P11:44
c2tarunDarkwingDuck: good night :)11:44
QuintasanEnjoy your wedding on TV :P11:44
yofelgn DarkwingDuck11:44
Quintasanapachelogger: from when and where are your departing to Budapest?11:44
Quintasanfrom where and when*11:45
* apachelogger is flexible11:45
QuintasanYou "dunno"11:54
yofelwell, graz is near enough to budapest ^^, take a towel and hichhike11:55
yofelgeh, kdeedu totally falls apart when you try to build it11:56
* yofel gets the feeling they just put the svn CMakeLists.txt file in there...11:57
c2tarunyofel: svn CMakeLists.txt.file?11:59
yofelc2tarun: the old CMakeLists.txt file that was used for kdeedu before12:00
c2tarunyofel: how old?12:00
yofelthat isn't compatible with the new git projects though12:00
yofelc2tarun: a few weeks?12:00
yofelkdeedu moved to git very recently12:00
yofeli.e. after 4.6.2 and before 4.6.312:00
c2tarunyofel: hmm..... is there any tutorial available that can explain migration from git to svn. I mean the technical implementation?12:01
jussiapachelogger: lol, all the people at the wedding are starting to look annoyed and tired :P12:01
yofelc2tarun: erm, you mean svn to git I guess, and you should ask that in #kde-git. But that doesn't have anything to do with US12:02
c2tarunyofel: ohh... ya12:02
yofelthey broke kdeedu so they need to fix it12:02
yofelanyone else got an idea? if not I'll send a mail12:02
Quintasanupstream should fix it12:03
Quintasanbug them until they do it12:03
Quintasankdebase compiled, pushing to bzr and uploading12:03
yofelI'll send a mail to -packagers then12:04
c2tarunQuintasan: kdebase depends on which version of kdebase-workspace?12:05
QuintasanAnyone knows when archives open for oneiric ?12:06
Quintasankde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.6.0)12:08
Quintasanthis one was built against 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1~ppa212:08
QuintasanI should remember to set kde-sc-dev-latest to 4.6.312:09
c2tarunis there any way we can check the build dependency of a package without downloading its source code or any other thing?12:10
Quintasanc2tarun: apt-cache showsrc <package>12:11
yofelQuintasan: toolchain is being uploaded, so today or tomorrow I hope12:12
Quintasanc2tarun: there may be other ways but I do it like this12:12
* Quintasan got 5 updated packages for telepathy stack12:12
c2tarunQuintasan: in that Build-depends doesn't include kdebase-workspace but dependency graph show that kdebase require kdebase-workspace12:13
Quintasanc2tarun: kde-sc-dev-latest pulls it all AFAIK12:13
Quintasanyofel: ^ ?12:13
c2tarunQuintasan: so how did you build kdebase? kdebase-workspace-4.6.3 is still not uploded12:14
Quintasanwhat the hell...12:15
c2tarunQuintasan: sorry, what happened? did I asked something foolish?12:15
* Quintasan hits f5 10 times12:15
Quintasanc2tarun: my fault, I saw runtime and thought it's workspace12:15
QuintasanI can just reupload or request a rebuilt12:16
c2tarunQuintasan: wait I am building kdebase-workspace.12:16
c2tarunQuintasan: but why did you have to reupload?12:16
Quintasankdelibs5-dev : Depends: kdoctools (= 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1) but it is not going to be installed12:17
yofelcould be that the depends was dropped  but nobody updated the dep graph12:17
yofelQuintasan: I uploaded ppa2 a while ago12:17
yofelblame LP12:17
Quintasanc2tarun: If I want to make a rebuild I have to either request a rebuild (if it fails) or upload it with bumped version12:18
c2tarunQuintasan: oh... so you uploaded with kde-sc-dev-latest 4.6.2?12:18
Quintasanyofel: ahh kde4libs - 4:4.6.3-0ubuntu1~ppa2 still building on amd6412:18
Quintasanc2tarun: nope, I uploaded kdebase with depend kde-sc-dev-latest (>= 4:4.6.0) so it took the newest available but not older than 4.6.012:19
Quintasanc2tarun: but for testing sake you should bump it to 4.6.3 when uploading to ninjas ppa12:19
c2tarunQuintasan:  ohh.. :) ya I did that :)12:19
* c2tarun taking kdeartwork12:20
yofelQuintasan: oneiric open :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/600683/12:21
yofelnow I wonder how many weeks they'll need to enable the PPAs...12:23
QuintasanRiddell: Did you upload workspace to PPA?12:23
* Quintasan can't quite see it there12:23
* yofel goes creating oneiric pbuilder :D12:23
* Quintasan is in middle of doing so12:24
QuintasanSO MUCH WIN12:24
QuintasanRiddell: nvm, it seems I'm doing things wrong12:25
jussiis toolchain built now? 12:25
* Quintasan should sometimes shut up12:25
yofeljussi: yep12:26
Quintasanc2tarun: Did you upload kdebase-workspace to PPA?12:26
jussiahh, so we can technically re-open #ubuntu+1 then :D12:26
c2tarunQuintasan: its still building12:26
c2tarunQuintasan: 87%12:26
jussi(if someone is crazy enough to run oneiric that is:P)12:26
yofeljussi: poke someone then, I did it for natty, and don't feel like running after people right now12:26
Quintasanjussi: sup12:26
jussiQuintasan: not much12:26
jussiyofel: I am that "someone" :P12:27
yofelah ^^12:27
c2tarunis oneiric is going to follow some different toolchain than natty?12:27
Quintasanjussi: OPEN IT UP1!!11!!1!!!!1SHIFTONE12:27
yofelc2tarun: for now it's an updated compiler, and a few system libs12:28
yofelthe rest is copied from natty12:28
Quintasanc2tarun: let me know when kdebase-workspace is built in PPA so I can do the rest12:28
Quintasanyofel: I retried the amd64 build of webdev12:29
c2tarunQuintasan: sure.12:29
c2tarunQuintasan: can I ask what do you mean by rest?12:29
Quintasanrest == things that are left12:29
Quintasanas in noone is assigned to them now12:29
Quintasanoneiric y u no debootstrap faster?12:30
c2tarunQuintasan: that is because required packages are still building :/ like kdebase-workspace.12:30
Quintasanc2tarun: I know, are you still building in on your PC or you have already uploaded it to PPA?12:30
c2tarunQuintasan: actually I am building it on a ec212:31
Quintasanoh, cool12:31
Quintasanoh snap12:32
Quintasanwhat the hell I'm doing12:32
Quintasanyofel: slap me in the face, quickly12:33
* yofel slaps Quintasan with a tux statue12:33
* apachelogger had to cry12:33
yofelwhat, you're still watching that?12:33
Quintasanapachelogger: do packaging12:34
Quintasanyofel: lol debootstrap failed here12:36
c2tarunare we going to build KDE SC 4.6.3 for maverick as well? or now for Oneiric?12:36
yofelQuintasan: not here12:36
Quintasanc2tarun: natty for now12:36
Quintasanthen maverick12:36
Quintasanand oneiric will have 4.6.3 as default12:36
Quintasanor 4.7 if they make it by then :P12:36
yofelnatty will go to ppa, the uploads to oneiric and as for maverick we still need to decide12:36
apacheloggerQuintasan: your powershell12:37
* Quintasan goes off to play Portal12:37
Quintasanc2tarun: let me know when workspace is ready in PPA12:37
c2tarunQuintasan: sure, I'll ping you12:37
Quintasanapachelogger: I blame repositories12:37
Quintasanor no12:38
QuintasanI'll blame apachelogger since he's doing nothing :P12:38
* apachelogger is leaving kubuntu12:38
* Quintasan hugs apachelogger12:38
Quintasanbut we still like you bro12:38
apacheloggerthat is not gonna stop me from leaving though12:39
* Quintasan gets more cookies at least12:39
* c2tarun wondering where will anyone go after leaving kubuntu? Wind****12:39
Quintasanoh god no pls12:40
Quintasanno Wind***12:41
QuintasanI ain't touching that unless I want to play games12:41
yofelwhy? we could help with kdewin development12:41
=== moonflux_ is now known as moonflux
apacheloggerQt actually made msvc usable12:42
apacheloggerthey wrapped their own make around nmake which actually is able to do multiple jobs at once12:42
apacheloggermulticore ftw12:42
yofelmaximum 100°C... you've got cooling issues :P12:43
c2tarunsince 2x2=4 apachelogger can't leave kubuntu ;)12:43
QuintasanWHAT THE HELL?12:43
QuintasanAND WHAT'S THIS?!!?!12:43
* Quintasan ragequit's12:43
apacheloggeryofel: yeah, I am trying to get it to shutdown from overheating12:44
apacheloggerdell support surely will want a way to reproduce the issue :P12:44
yofelhm, well, intel cpus actually do shutdown, amds blow up12:44
apacheloggerand since building Qt on linux always overheats I figured on windows would happen the same12:44
Quintasanapachelogger: You can't comprehend what did you do to my mind.12:44
QuintasanYou deserve Thor's wrath12:45
apacheloggerthough actually it does not seem to work12:45
apacheloggerI don't quite get it to scratch 100 C all that often12:45
apacheloggerthen again maybe make's multi-job impl is just more multi ^^12:45
apacheloggerQuintasan: why is that?12:45
yofelI somehow need to de-dust my notebook though. At the beginning I never got above 70°C, now I'm at 85 building things...12:46
apacheloggerI have done kubuntu packaging on windows before12:46
apacheloggeractually pretty sweet :D12:46
apacheloggeryofel: my warning range starts at 80, so with quad and HT I would deem 85 a sensible temperature under load12:46
apacheloggersomeone told me that macbooks can get to 110 ^^12:47
apacheloggersounds rather unhealthy12:47
yofelah, not sure what my warning point is, critical is marked as 10312:47
apacheloggerprobably also around 80 then12:47
apacheloggerthis does not quite make sense12:49
ScottKI would not bother with 4.6.3 for Maverick.12:49
apachelogger100% load yet temp does not go above 95 -.-12:50
ScottKBTW, not everyone was watching the wedding.12:50
* ScottK was sleeping.12:50
apacheloggerScottK: you missed the wedding of the year12:50
apacheloggerunless I get married12:50
ScottKUp until my phone went off with a frickin' CNN Breaking News alert that the blessed event had happened.12:51
ScottKI have "news" for the CNN dudes: If it's scheduled months in advance it's not breaking news.12:51
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu 11.04 is here! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release | Oneiric open for development
yofelo.O, first time that PPAs work for +1 the moment the toolchain is up...13:00
* yofel subscribed to oneiric-changes13:06
apacheloggeryoubuntoo always does it13:08
apacheloggerI think the kernel is b0rked or something13:08
yofelwell, I would agree that 2.6.37 seemed to use less power than 3813:09
apacheloggeralso I think kworker goes wild every once in a while13:12
apacheloggerlike right now13:14
apacheloggermy system feels as snappy as a snail13:14
apacheloggerfor no reason whatsoever13:14
apacheloggerTop causes for wakeups:13:18
apachelogger  25.6% (178.0)   kworker/0:113:18
c2tarunwhat does it mean by hunk succeded with a fuzz?13:44
Quintasanthe lines were misplaced by two or three lines I think13:46
c2tarunQuintasan: may be I refreshed and it is working now.13:49
yofelfuzz means that the context has changed. Usually you have 3 lines of context before and after the patch, so it can still apply the patch if the file was changed somewhere else13:54
yofelfuzz X means that X lines of that context have changed13:55
QuintasanI was near then13:57
yofelthat the patch wasn't applied to the same line as before is offset13:58
c2tarunQuintasan: I uploaded the kdebase-workspace now, it might have started building there.13:58
c2taruncan anyone help me with this error http://paste.kde.org/40567/ I installed kdebase-workspace-4.6.3 on my machine and kdegraphics is in ppa, still I am getting this error. why?14:07
yofelwell, do you have kde-sc-dev-latest installed?14:09
yofel4:4.6.3+5.63ubuntu17 that is14:10
c2tarunyofel: I tried to install it, it got bit complicated finally I am installing all the dependencies again, that may take some time.14:13
=== amichairo is now known as amichair
c2tarunyofel: most of the packages remained will depend on kdebase. what about kdel-10n?14:46
yofelI'll do kde-l10n later14:46
yofelor someone else if I don't get to it on the 5th14:47
c2tarunyofel: I can try, I did it once, may be I can do it again.14:47
yofelah, it's the 3rd14:48
yofelc2tarun: sure, ping me on tuesday14:48
c2tarunyofel: ok, I'll try, if succesfull then ok, otherwise I'll ping you on tuesday :)14:49
yofelbut really, I would rather do that myself then as it's less work for me to just upload it than to work with you and merge your branch14:50
yofelyou can do it once you're a kubuntu-member14:50
c2tarunyofel: ok :) sure.14:52
yofelhm, kdeartwork failed15:00
yofelah, kdebase-worspace not published yet15:00
c2tarunQuintasan: it done15:05
c2tarunyofel: its done now.15:05
c2tarunyofel: I am restarting build15:06
c2tarunQuintasan: can you please upload kdebase?15:07
c2taruncan anyone please look at this buildlog https://i70689277.restricted.launchpadlibrarian.net/70689277/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.kdetoys_4%3A4.6.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz?token=4d1c36efa46de4797cf684a8de3f0df115:11
yofelc2tarun: kdebase-workspace not published yet15:12
c2tarunyofel: ohh.... I thought it will be published as soon as it is build :/15:13
yofelno, in out ppa: upload -> wait for source to be published -> build binaries -> wait for binaries to be published15:13
yofelkdebase-workspace binaries aren't yet published on i38615:14
yofelc2tarun: see that green gear with i386 beside it? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ppa/+packages15:14
c2tarunyofel: ya I just noticed15:14
Quintasanc2tarun: uploading15:26
c2tarunQuintasan: Great :)15:26
c2tarunThe topic of channel says Oneiric open for development. What does it mean by development?15:55
c2tarunI mean what kind of development?15:56
debfxuhh, the kwallet backend of python-keyring is so broken :(15:57
macoc2tarun: start uploading packages...16:00
c2tarunmaco: uploading from where to where? sorry I am not following.16:01
macoc2tarun: from your computer to the ubuntu archives16:01
macothats what they mean by development16:01
macothere wasnt a way to upload to the Oneiric repositories before, because there weren't Oneiric repositories before16:01
maconow there are16:01
apacheloggerhttp://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot177.png <-- I can watch doctor who using qml :P16:02
c2tarunmaco: ok, I got that part now we have oneiric repo and we can upload there. but what packages? Created by us?16:03
macoc2tarun: well yesterday a call went out to package up the new kde release, for example16:03
ulyssesapachelogger: huh, that's one of the best episodes, the wheeping angels16:04
macoc2tarun: so, new upstream releases of that which is already packaged, and also if there's not-yet-packaged software htat you'd like to see packaged, then that too16:04
c2tarunmaco: ok16:05
yofelc2tarun: any packages, point is that the archive is open now, before yesterday nobody could upload anything to oneiric16:05
yofelas the oneiric archive didn't exists yet16:05
apacheloggerdebfx: python-keyring is very broken in general16:05
c2tarunapachelogger: on what desktop env you are?16:06
debfxapachelogger: yeah, luckily all ubuntu dev tools use it :/16:06
ryanakcaScottK: Alright, for the wiki spec, I guess the gist of it is that the current wiki theme is terribly out of date and should be updated to match the current website's look so as to provide a more integrated look and feel?16:16
apacheloggerdebfx: they do?16:18
apacheloggerwhat for?16:18
apacheloggerc2tarun: a laptop env16:18
debfxapachelogger: for the launchpad api authorization16:18
apacheloggerwhat for do they need a keyring there?16:18
debfxto store the authorization token16:19
apacheloggerthat does not quite make sense16:21
apacheloggerisn't it doing oauth?16:21
apacheloggerit stores the token in the keyring?16:21
apacheloggerone day the secret service will come ^^16:21
apacheloggerNightrose: can you be annoyed alread?16:22
apacheloggercause me team of awesome is MIA :(16:23
* apachelogger is getting very sad16:23
Nightroseapachelogger: if you in return read my thesis abstract yes16:23
apacheloggerabstracts are short, right?16:23
Nightrosestill nothing? that's bad16:23
Nightrosepage 916:24
Nightroselet me see who your lazy team mates are16:24
debfxthe oauth config parser chokes on the string from kwallet which is converted from QString to unicode16:24
debfxif I do s/unicode/str/ it works fine16:25
apacheloggerNightrose: the second sentence is suffering from comma-overload IMHO16:26
Nightrosei no16:26
apacheloggerneeds splitt0ring into multiple sentences ^^16:28
apacheloggerlast sentence of first para could use a "the projects" before the and16:28
apacheloggerotherwise kinda horrible to read16:28
apacheloggerotherwise me likes :)16:29
Nightroseabout your team of awesome: it's not really so awesome, is it? :(  one of them is with calligra the other with kate16:29
Nightrosecboemann and cullman are the mentors16:29
apacheloggermaybe gmail ate my mail16:29
apacheloggeror akonadi16:29
* apachelogger doesn't trust the cloud anymore and certainly not the akonadi :P16:30
apacheloggeroh crappy comment on blogpost16:30
apachelogger"Well I think that there must be help about drivers. People face so many problems fixing drivers for their unsupported hardware."16:30
apacheloggerthinks like that make me litterally go *shrug*16:30
apacheloggerNightrose: mail definitely got sent16:31
apacheloggerso indeed there might be a lack of awesome :/16:31
ScottKryanakca: Sounds good.16:35
apacheloggeroh no, our master timed out!!!16:38
bambeeoneiric opened to development :)18:05
bambeemhhh kdeplasma-addons is not available for kde 4.6.3 ? I don't find it on ktown...18:05
yofelnot yet uploaded I guess, the first mail did say that kdeedu and kdeplasma-addons will be delayed18:06
bambeeyofel: ok18:07
* ryanakca can't help but congratulate wiki.k.o and its endless internal server errors.18:24
ryanakcaScottK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-oneiric-wiki18:24
=== allison_ is now known as wendar
ScottKryanakca: Would you please make kubuntu-council the approver.19:07
ryanakcaScottK: Done19:10
ScottKapachelogger: As the creator of our Kubuntu packaging branches, I think you should attend https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-packaging-branches19:43
DarkwingDuckWho all from the Kubuntu team is going to UDS-O?19:49
RiddellDarkwingDuck: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O19:49
DarkwingDuckThnak sRid19:49
DarkwingDuckThanks Riddell 19:49
DarkwingDucktab fail19:50
QuintasanRiddell: Shouldn't we have "Release party time!" in the topic?20:33
QuintasanRiddell: Also, we are getting tons of positive reviews :D20:34
Quintasankubotu: order cookies for everyone20:34
* kubotu is going to his secret storehouse to get cookies for everyone - might take some time.20:34
* kubotu is back and slides cookies down the bar to everyone20:34
apacheloggerreminds me that I still need to write mails20:36
* apachelogger schedules this after .prn in qml220:36
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Party! | Kubuntu 11.04 is here! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/11.04-release | Oneiric open for development
ScottKQuintasan: Links please.20:48
bambeefrench mirrors are very  slow... :\ (probably due to upgrades to natty)20:50
QuintasanScottK: http://www.jlacroix.me/?p=199920:51
QuintasanScottK: any idea if ubuntu message indicatator is taken care of by downstream patches?20:52
yofelnothing beats archive.ubuntu.com and ppa.launchpad.net in slowness today though, you get pretty much no data from them...20:52
ScottKQuintasan: Not for KDE stuff, no.  It's all upstream.20:52
bambeeppa.launchpad.net is also very slow... strange o_O20:53
yofelbambee: not really, afaik ppa.lp.net and a.u.c share the same servers20:53
yofeland somehow everyone likes to upgrade using the main server...20:54
QuintasanThey should have already implemented debdelta in main repos 20:54
yofelI'm getting incredible 10.9 kB/s out of them20:54
bambeeyofel: I did not know that they share the same servers20:55
Quintasanyofel: We're popular!20:55
ScottKyofel and bambee: Not the same servers, but in the same data center.20:55
ScottKIf the DC is starved for bandwidth, it will affect both.20:56
yofelah :/20:56
* bulldog98 is starting to hate the debian/watch files20:56
bambeethat makes sense then...20:56
bulldog98yofel: you are even slower then my max speed by factor 520:57
ScottKSo did we lose the reviews page in the latest web site redesign?21:03
* ScottK remembers we had one.21:03
apacheloggerScottK: what is a reviews page?21:20
ScottKapachelogger: A page that lists reviews of Kubuntu.21:20
ScottKWe used to have one.21:20
apacheloggeroh, I remember, sorta21:21
apacheloggerScottK: wasn't that on the wiki?21:21
apacheloggeror was that amarok's *shrug*21:21
* apachelogger is getting old21:22
ScottKNo, it was on kubuntu.org21:22
apacheloggerScottK: google suggests it got lost then21:25
ScottKWho's our web minion these days?21:26
ScottKryanakca: Can we get our reviews page back?21:26
ScottKIt'd be nice to have one now that they are good.21:26
apacheloggerScottK: I think that should be in the wiki21:26
ryanakcaScottK: If I have a copy on my HD, sure. If not, one will have to be put back together.21:26
apacheloggerthen again the wiki times out ever so often *shrug*21:26
ScottKNormal users don't look at the wiki.21:27
ScottKOnly the intersection of ones that are developers and really patient.21:27
Tm_Tor, only when it's cleverly linked in the main website21:27
apacheloggerScottK: you pointy pointy there21:29
apacheloggerjust thinking, wiki is more maintainable as everyone can add new stuff21:29
Tm_Texcept moinmoin21:29
ScottKapachelogger: Everyone or no one.  Depending on it's current state of slowness.21:30
ScottKapachelogger: Beats php.21:31
apacheloggerif we had a wiki made out of java that would rox21:31
ScottKThere's a startling lack of php free wiki options.21:31
* ryanakca wishes they'd upgrade the wiki to something a tad more recent. When I did the current theme and had questions, I was met with "1.6.3 is really out of date. Upgrade to something more recent and we'll help you". And that was in 2008.21:31
apacheloggerthe sad thing is that it would perform better than pyth0rn any day21:31
apacheloggerScottK: perly always is an option :D21:32
apacheloggertwiki is perly I believe21:32
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck would surely like that21:32
ScottKThere are a few, but not very many.21:33
Tm_Tin my experience, MediaWiki is more enjoyable to use than MoinMoin21:34
apacheloggerit is because wiki is a fail of concept by design:P21:34
apacheloggertakes all the good out of http21:34
ScottKNo.  Great concept, just not implemented well to work at scale.21:35
ScottKThat and too many lazy devs using php.21:35
apacheloggernono, you cannot scale well enough and keep data in order21:35
ryanakcaScottK: I can't seem to find it. I can go through the hassle of digging out the server that ran my Drupal testbed and checking to see if I have a copy on there, but it may be simpler just to remake the reviews page from scratch.21:36
apacheloggerdidn't tim himself claim that 404 is the awesumest thing about http?21:36
apacheloggerthat is at least what a discussion @ uni resulted in21:36
apacheloggerNightrose: should I write another mail to my not so awesome team of awesome?21:37
Nightroseapachelogger: yeah think so21:38
* apachelogger is scared though :/21:38
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger21:38
apacheloggerwhat to write "ye bstrds go answer!!!"?21:38
Nightrosehow about "why are you not being awesome????"?21:39
ScottKWhy is your awesomeness insufficient?21:39
apacheloggeras journey put it back in them good old days21:39
apacheloggerdon't stop believing21:39
ScottKGets the same point across with less negative waves.21:39
ScottKGah.  I hate that song.21:39
ScottKHave since the first time I heard it (when it was originally released)21:40
apacheloggerit is absolutely essential to not listen to the lyrics21:40
apacheloggerI tell you, it is dangerous 21:41
* apachelogger is building Qt for the what seems to be 15. time today21:41
apacheloggerand that with an overheating cpu21:41
apacheloggergsoc is no fun not at all21:41
apacheloggerScottK: when was that song released anyway?21:45
apacheloggeryoutube suggests before people had developed understanding for how to not look seriously weird21:45
ScottKIt was the 80's.  Of course.21:45
apacheloggeractually from the lead singer's look I'd have guessed 70's ^^21:46
apachelogger80's were all sorts of awesome, Nightrose was born that decade21:47
ScottK1981 was still the 70s in many ways21:47
ScottKDisco hadn't quite died yet.21:47
apacheloggerhehe :D21:47
* apachelogger actually thinks markey was a lot into disco21:48
ScottKapachelogger: Don't let jussi's message go to your head.  "amazing" is not always a good thing.21:51
apacheloggerlong ago I have learned not to listen to jussi :P21:52
ScottKThere is that.21:52
apacheloggerbesides, I am special21:52
apachelogger...I am like the only person in all of ubuntu that has qml2 :P21:53
ScottKSpecial also has mixed results.21:54
apacheloggerwell, I'll be less sepcial once I am out of rehab21:58
apacheloggerin the name of kent beck21:58
apacheloggerI am the awesomest21:58
* apachelogger can play .prn in qml221:59
* valorie takes off to linuxfest northwest21:59
apacheloggervalorie: hf21:59
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: funny thing is ive used twiki before22:02
jussiapachelogger: what is the qml2?22:03
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: makes sense, it being perly and all ^^22:03
jussidoes it work on android?22:03
apacheloggerjussi: the upcoming qml22:03
apacheloggerwhere rendering is all done in GL22:04
apacheloggerthus allowing for much better performance and stuff22:04
jussiand does it have phonon?22:04
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: its a bit bitchy but, works well22:04
apacheloggeron my machine it does :P22:04
DarkwingDuckokay, torn between a xoom and the ipad222:04
apacheloggeripad2 is smoothz22:05
apacheloggernot much good if you are floss fanboi though22:05
DarkwingDuckyeah i know22:05
DarkwingDuckplus i have verizon so i can get 3G with the xoom22:06
jussimeh@ both motorola and apple22:06
QuintasanI just hope that apachelogger won't become more mad than he is now :O22:06
Quintasanjussi: ++22:07
jussiLocked bootloader and locked everything. they both suck22:07
QuintasanXOOM doesnt have locked bootloader22:07
QuintasanGoogle made sure they didn't lock it22:07
QuintasanBut rest of the stuff...another story22:07
DarkwingDucksame with myb droid 122:07
DarkwingDuckhence why im running gingerbread22:08
QuintasanReally? I went back to Froyo on my Milestone22:08
QuintasanCan't play any games on 2.322:08
* apachelogger gigles over androidz22:09
DarkwingDuckim running bugless beast rom and no issues yet22:12
apacheloggerkubotu: google lord youtbue zoiberg whoop22:13
kubotuResults for lord youtbue zoiberg whoop: 1. YouTube - zoidberg whoop!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjPu97M3aYc | 2. YouTube - Zoidberg Whoop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV-qS82lXtk | 3. Urban Dictionary: a zoidberg: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=a%20zoidberg22:13
apacheloggeroh my22:14
DarkwingDuckdammit... every time. i swear that every time hew linux heads are updated it never downloads and configures properly22:17
QuintasanI just hate how retarded mounting removable media gets under Linux22:17
DarkwingDuckand it leaves my nvidia card behind22:17
QuintasanThat's a DAMN GOOD name for a mount point22:17
apacheloggerQuintasan: bogus encoding?22:25
apacheloggeror maybe just a butterfly22:25
* apachelogger sends spam to his gsoc master22:25
Roeyhttp://www.jlacroix.me/?p=1999  <-- glowing positive review of Kubuntu 11.04.  God job, all!22:38
Riddellwell not quite God, not yet anyway :)22:40
JontheEchidna^that guy was quite critical about some of our more recent releases, so that's pretty good :)22:42
apacheloggerScottK: keep em session subscriptions coming :D22:45
apacheloggeroh, my gsoc master is pleased \o/22:45
apacheloggerI am a student of awesome22:45
* DarkwingDuck mumbles22:46
DarkwingDuckyou think I would be used to this by now.22:46
RoeyRiddell:  :) 22:48
apacheloggerFourth, I really don’t like reKonq, the preinstalled browser. I found that it freezes constantly on my machine, and is practically useless. 22:49
apacheloggerI can reproduce this 22:49
apacheloggerlike every time22:49
DarkwingDuckrekonq is driving me nuts too22:49
apacheloggeroneiric is getting firefox22:49
DarkwingDuckI don't like the RAM leaks in Firefox22:50
DarkwingDuckI use google chrome22:50
DarkwingDuckWell, right now I'm not using anything till I fix my vidcard module issues22:51
apacheloggerthe advantage of firefox is that we do not have to care about anything ^^22:52
apacheloggerupdates, security, all done for ubuntu anyway22:52
DarkwingDuckThat is very true22:52
Riddellfirefox isn't KDE22:52
Riddellany programme which has to have someone employed full time to look after it has issues22:53
ScottKYes, but having that already covered, it's not particularly our problem.22:53
ScottKGiven our integration patches, Firefox is more KDE than rekonq is a browser.22:53
DarkwingDuckteh thing that drives me nuts about Rekonq is when i use the 'back' button I have to refresh the page to use a link22:53
DarkwingDuckScottK: +122:54
DarkwingDuckI would vote for +1 we find a better browser unless we can get the main issues with rekonq fixed.22:54
apacheloggerwe have wanted the main issues fixed for what... 3 releases now22:54
apacheloggeryet it does not seem to get better22:55
apacheloggerif anything it gets worse on my system22:55
apacheloggeralso, a lot of rekonq's painful issues come from webkit really22:55
apacheloggerand the fact that even meego decided to use fennec rather than an own browser based on qtwebkit ought to say something about the production quality of qtwebkit right now22:56
DarkwingDucksudo apt-get -f install22:56
* apachelogger knows people who repatedly type make in IM windows ^^22:56
bambeegood night23:09
DarkwingDuckHmmmz, I think this is a local issue with my computer... everytime there is a kernal update the new linux-headers fail to download and instill correctly.23:10
DarkwingDuckUnless anyone else has an this issue?23:10
apacheloggersounds the strange23:11
DarkwingDuckIt's happened with every update since I got this lappy.23:12
DarkwingDuckSo, the solution is the install the headers and it works.23:12
DarkwingDuckbecause it breaks my nvidia module23:12
DarkwingDuckand it's annoying23:12
DarkwingDuckit fails both with kpackagekit updates and apt-get update23:13
DarkwingDuckrather upgrade23:13
* apachelogger blames le vidia23:14
DarkwingDuckNormally I would to apachelogger however, the new linux-headers are failing to download and/or configure. 23:18
DarkwingDuckSo, I can't quite make the leap that nvidia is blocking the download of the updated headers23:19
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: well23:20
apacheloggerdoes it download at all?23:20
apacheloggeror does it say the package is held back?23:20
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: doesn't download at all23:20
DarkwingDuckI just have to connect via CLI and manually download. Only takes like 5 minutes but, it's more of a PITA23:21
apacheloggercause apt-get upgrade will not install a package upgrade in every situation23:21
apacheloggerlike when the upgrade depends on a new package ^^23:21
apacheloggerfor that there is dist-upgrade23:21
DarkwingDuckBut, kpackagekit should23:21
DarkwingDuckesp when it failed on the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 last night.23:21
apacheloggerperhaps, perhaps not23:22
apacheloggerdist-upgrade ought to take care of it eitherway23:22
DarkwingDuckI'll run dist-upgrade next time there is a kernal update23:23
* DarkwingDuck grins23:23
DarkwingDuckAt least I know how to fix it.23:23
Riddellneversfelde: the khelpcentre season of kde project is looking for a mentor, would you be interested?23:24
Riddellhmm, not neversfelde 23:25
Riddellnixternal: ^^23:25
neversfeldeRiddell: no :)23:25
apacheloggerlol squared23:26
DarkwingDuckWouldn't that be lol^223:27
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: typoring is faster than making a crappy special char23:33
apacheloggerthe one and only reason phonon versions actually have code names that only the development team knows about23:34
apacheloggerwriting hyperspeed is much faster than 4.6.023:34
yofelisn't that the same for all numbered versions...23:35
apacheloggeryofel: having a name?23:37
apacheloggersuppose so, just that the truly silly people mix versions with names causing ultimate SEO problems :P23:38

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