
=== lopi_ is now known as Lopi
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
ndecogra_: hi08:14
ogra_hey ndec09:47
ndecogra_: just wanted to confirm that I will be at UDS, from Mon to Wed.09:47
ndecWed all day09:48
ogra_awesome !!!!!09:48
ogra_dont forget to register on LP09:49
ndecogra_: that's done ..09:49
cooloneyndec: welcome, man10:47
hrwndec: cool10:49
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ppisatiguys, did you ever use jtag on the mvl-dove board? and if yes, which hw/sw did you use?14:37
ppisatihave you ever tried with openocd?14:37
ogra_i dont think anyone has touched dove in over a year14:39
ogra_(and i dont think anyone in the team is eager to do so)14:39
ppisatino no14:39
ppisatiit's just that i'm debugging an issue on ti-omap3/414:39
ppisatiand to me, it looks like a stack corruption14:39
ogra_we had a special dongle for jtag iirc14:39
ppisatiso i would like to see how it works on another arm platform14:40
ppisatii have a fly swatter and i'm using openocd14:40
ppisatii just need to know which profile i should use14:40
ogra_ppisati, asl pprplague14:41
ppisatias far as you know, is our dove equal to a sheevapolug?14:41
ogra_no, not at all14:41
ppisatiuh ok14:41
ogra_its similar but not equal to the armada chip14:41
ogra_its a completely experimental platform14:41
ppisatii see14:42
ogra_talk to NCommander for more details, he maintained the port14:42
ppisatibtwm who is pprplague?14:43
ogra_works at tincantools and is a contractor at TI afaik14:43
hrwprpplague is good person to ask about JTAG stuff14:43
ppisatioh cool14:44
ppisatimy jtag is from tincantools :)14:44
ogra_thats why i pointed you to him ;)14:44
ppisatiok, i'll chase him14:45
hrwmy jtag equipment is from openmoko14:45
ppisatianyway, i senti an email to saeed14:47
ppisatilet's see if he knows the correct profile/cpu for our dove board14:48
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
rsalvetindec: https://launchpad.net/~rsalveti/+archive/unity-3d-gles/15:41
rsalvetindec: activate the ppa, install compiz-core and compiz-gnome then once you have your unity-2d session up and running call "compiz --replace composite opengl move resize decor"15:43
hrwrsalveti: compiz gles will land in oneiric?15:51
rsalvetihrw: that's the idea15:52
rsalvetiI believe that will be the natural path once Amaranth merge his branch with upstream15:52
rsalvetibut still need more love to make it work properly15:52
hrwone step closer to desktops15:53
ndechrw: you meant to modern desktop... as it's already a desktop15:54
hrwndec: my desktop is not modern then - no compiz15:54
ndechrw: could it be that you are not modern ;-)15:55
ogra_pfft, unity-2d is so much better anyway15:55
ndecndec: have to admit that I don't use unity3d, but standard desktop, but i still use the effects...15:55
hrwndec: if modern==use-unity then I will never be modern15:55
hrw[ 1422.107879] Buffer I/O error on device mmcblk0p2, logical block 32603815:56
hrw[ 1426.970520] mmcblk0: error -110 transferring data, sector 6924832, nr 8, card status 0xc0015:56
hrwI hate SD cards15:56
ndechrw: not what i meant... i am not using it either.15:56
hrw[ 1411.778564] JBD: I/O error detected when updating journal superblock for mmcblk0p2.15:56
hrw[ 1411.786682] journal commit I/O error15:56
rsalvetihrw: panda or beagle?15:56
hrwrsalveti: I hope that at luds-o there will be some good non-TI boards available for linaro people15:57
hrwI am tired of omap[34] based boards15:57
ogra_well, make nvidia sign up :)15:58
ogra_get an ac10015:58
rsalvetihrw: don't know when we'll be getting snowballs, and also not sure about the current state of the sw for it15:58
rsalvetibut that will be an option soon15:59
hrwogra_: as linaro engineer I should use linaro hw so even ac100 will not free me from using other boards ;S15:59
rsalvetinvidia is harder, they don't want to play the opensource game correctly15:59
GrueMasterrsalveti: We get those every year in winter.  Oh, you were referring to something else.15:59
rsalvetiGrueMaster: hehe :-)15:59
hrwGrueMaster: snowball is ST-Ericsson A9 board16:00
GrueMasterAh, my bad.  :P16:00
ogra_GrueMaster, well, keep the software after you melted one ;)16:00
ogra_in a bucket :)16:00
Nekooh hey I have a comment on the Oneric goals thing for ARM.. I think supporting a raw partition for kernels etc. is kind of a weird idea. Any attempt to override some kind of filesystem management of kernels is going to just make everyone hyper-reliant on flash-kernel to update their systems where it could just be n ext2 partition. There's absolutely nothing wrong with U-Boot ext2 support (except one weird error code which we have a patch for :)16:01
NekoI forget who's little braindump that was listed under, maybe rsalveti?16:01
ogra_no, it was mine16:01
rsalvetindec: at this ppa you can also grab the unity-2d package, I enabled the qt gles backend by default on it16:01
Nekois it specifically to support weirdo systems like AC100 that don't actually run U-Boot?16:02
ogra_with the redesigned flash-kernel it shouldnt be a prob to rely on it ;)16:02
rsalvetindec: but for that you'll need the latest driver at omap-trunk ppa, I exposed EGL_NV_post_convert_rounding so Qt can work fine with the PVR driver16:02
ogra_no, it is mainly for the crappy vfat stuff we have to use to boot from16:02
rsalvetindec: would be good to fully implement this extension later, will follow that on an email16:02
Nekoa real redesign or the "loic jiggling"?16:02
hrwogra_: try uboot-as-linux-kernel way?16:03
ogra_the debian redesign thats going on since a year or so16:03
ogra_yes, loic works on that too16:03
hrwogra_: nokia n900 devs got that way16:03
ogra_and i will too16:03
ogra_hrw, for what ?16:03
hrw"echo b >/proc/sysrq-trigger" - best command on panda16:03
Nekomaking bootloaders data driven is an expensive configuration nightmare.. every time it needs new data for each board, there's a new little bit of code that ends up being board specific just to make it boot. I don't think you can encapsulate bootloaders in a generic way and still capture all their useful features.16:03
hrwogra_: for ac100?16:04
ogra_hrw, why ?16:04
ogra_i have a pertty good bootloader atm16:04
ogra_no need to change it16:04
hrwok then16:04
Nekomy primary concern though was the fact that flash-kernel was not designed to run off kernel hooks, I am glad you brought that up16:04
Nekoit needs kicking 10 other packages in other arches though16:04
ogra_well, initramfs-tools upstream did16:05
Nekoinitramfs-tools calling flash-kernel if it exists causes a bunch of weeeeeeeird hacks to be required16:05
ogra_i wouldnt have changed the way flash-kernel is used atm if upstream would have agreed on my bug suggestion16:05
* ogra_ hasnt seen any weird hacks that would require16:05
Nekothey're in ubiquity.. some sort of "move flash kernel out of the way, then install the right kernel, then put flash kernel back, then install uboot-tools and so on which triggers update-initramfs" hacks to make flash-kernel run only once on install16:07
ogra_adding a huge amount of complexity that isnt needed imho is not really what i was after when filing my bug16:07
ogra_that bit will not change at all16:07
ogra_the flash-kernel-installer wont be touched ... it is for doing the initial setup, nothing else16:07
ogra_the kernel postinst integration wont change that16:08
ogra_nor will the redesign of flash-kernel change the need to have an initial setup of the bootloader from the installer16:09
Nekoif flash-kernel just worked exactly like update-initramfs (taking an updated ramfs and flashing it or prepping it, taking an updated kernel and flashing it or prepping it, update boot script, and a final "commit it all if not done already") so it can be run in stages and only flash individual parts.. and more importantly happen before update-notifier is called so the little red "you need to reboot" icon isn't shown16:09
ogra_what might change is that it will get as horridly complex as grubs setup is already16:09
Nekowhich relies on that, and the idea that kernel hooks are numbered like udev rules, sysctl rules, and everything else16:09
Nekoalphabetical, filesystem sorted order is a terrible idea16:09
ogra_since we will mostlxy focus on moving flash-kernel to be treated similar16:09
Nekoas long as that doesn't mean it's called zz-flash-kernel... :016:10
ogra_and grub is a complex and ugly beast16:10
ogra_it will be called whatever is required16:11
Nekoflogging a dead horse here aren't I16:11
ogra_we wont change initramfs-tools or the kernel postinst mechanism16:11
ogra_we will adjust flash-kernel to work with the existing implementations instead16:11
Nekono need to change the mechanism just the script names so you can standardize on what order things run without it being reliant on locale sort order and filesystem case sensitivity and all kinds of other possible freakish flags that apply to a directory listing of files16:12
Nekothe same decision that was made for udev, sysctl, every other rules/hooks/triggers system on Debian and Ubuntu (and every other distro too..)16:12
ogra_well, then we will follow exactly that sheme16:12
dcordeslilstevie: pong16:13
dcordesHi !16:13
Nekoall it takes is like 50-update-initramfs, 90-flash-kernel-commit, 99-update-notifier (90-update-grub for x86...) instead of it having no explicit numerical ordering16:14
lilsteviedcordes: fixed usb :p16:14
dcordeslilstevie: what was the problem ?16:16
Nekoand if you need to do it in steps and handle anything between certain standardized kernel hook numbering scheme, you can do it without trying to predict what letter other packages start the names of their hooks with16:16
dcordeslilstevie: I have been thinking about it a lot, your strange binary init etc16:16
ogra_Neko, initrd hooks have a builtin dependency system, no need for file ordering16:16
Nekosysctl.d has a quite well defined numbering for system things, user things, board specific weirdnesses...16:16
lilsteviedcordes: a param16:16
dcordeslilstevie: and how it would disabale usb16:16
dcordeslilstevie: CMDLINE ?16:16
Nekoogra, talking about kernel postinst hooks16:16
lilsteviedcordes: bootloader pram sets it16:16
dcordesand how does it pass it to the kernel? is it kernel commandline ?16:16
NekoI thought one of the things that got thought but dropped for Natty was "we want to get rid of initramfs because it's annoying, slows down boot, and AC100 doesn't have enough space for it anyway"16:16
lilsteviedcordes: we have this weird partition that has the params, when the kernel module gets loaded, it loads in usb state16:16
ogra_ac100 isnt officially supported16:16
ogra_and we wont get rid of initramfs16:17
Nekox86 and ARM already rely on the concept that the bootloader can understand a Linux filesystem and it would be rather weird to have a Linux kernel that could not read its root filesystem16:17
dcordesogra_: what does it take to make it officially supported ?16:17
Nekowouldn't Toshiba have to ship an official Unlock Android tool so you can root it? :)16:18
ogra_dcordes, a contract with nvidia with either canonical or linaro i would guess16:18
Nekoand then install any OS you like?16:18
ogra_dcordes, i plan to produce an unsupported community image in 11.10 though16:18
lilsteviedcordes: I also found out that the bootloader can boot the baseband, havent figured out how to make it do it though16:18
dcordeslilstevie: hm I don't know oyur SoC. in qsd8250 we have some cpu parameters we set in the bootloader. that is on a very low level, now kernel involved. I don't understand what role your usb bootloader parameters have16:18
dcordeslilstevie: what is your SoC anyway ?16:19
ogra_now that we have a proper kernel and many ac100 bits are mainlined16:19
lilstevieogra_: heh that sounds nice16:19
lilsteviedcordes: the driver takes the param16:19
lilsteviedcordes: but i had to load the module that reads the params16:20
dcordeslilstevie: ok that's interesting. do you have a place to document all this ?16:20
dcordeslilstevie: I bet many could benefit from that16:21
lilsteviedcordes: kinda, I am trying to get a new place sorted out16:21
lilstevieI just started a twitter for the project :p16:21
Nekoyerg, 200kb/s for a torrent download of natty? my life is over :(16:23
Nekoexcuse me while I go and kick the internet in the pants16:23
dcordeslilstevie: did you try unity-2d on galaxytab yet ?16:23
lilsteviedcordes: yes16:23
dcordeslilstevie: does it work well? any flickering ?16:24
lilstevieonly problem I have with it is when I use gestures too many times my touch driver stops working correctly16:26
dcordeslilstevie: sounds good16:36
dcordesunity-2d flickering on htcleo (hd2) seems to be a device specific thing16:37
dcordesour framebuffer driver has room for improvement16:37
lilsteviemy touch driver has room for improvement :p16:37
dcordeswell congrats you have it working at all !16:38
dcordesI would be happy to further improvement hd2 multitouch support - with ginn I had some first success in maverick. but now I can't really go on due to the flicker problem16:39
dcordesI was looking to make use of the working mt in unity..16:39
lilstevieheh it is why I pushed the update button for natty16:42
dcordesthe problem is there is nothing much I can do about it. personally I lack the capability to improve the driver16:45
dcordessomebody was working on proper driver (xf86-video-msm) for our device16:46
dcordesI even have a kernel binary with it16:49
=== prpplague_afk is now known as prpplague

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